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Introduce yourself:

Thank you for giving me the wonderful opportunity. Im timpil Dekash raj.R from Pondicherry

I did my schooling in Pondicherry and I did my bachelor degree in computer science in

st.joseph arts and science college ,cuddalore now currently im pursuving msc computer science

in Pondicherry university. Im interested in web development and my hobbies are playing batmiton
and cooking

Project discribtion:

I created placement management system using html,css front end and for backend mysql ,php.

There are three main modules the first one is student module or student registration in student
module register the yourself and login with same and second one is placement login he can manage

The entries of the students and requireters details and company login they view the student profile
with students are elible they can take requirement test . after taking the exam students are view the

Status . if there eligible they will updated they will required the students.

Wht is role of ur project?

I did it all myself

Propose system of this project

They improve the exam

//The technical round of the TCS interview which is face to face consists of questions
designed to assess the candidate's knowledge of data structures and algorithms, database
management systems, operating systems, networking, object-oriented programming ideas,
and a programming language of your choice. There's a considerable chance you'll be asked
to write some code on pen and paper
Interview question preparation
1. Explain memory leak in c++ how can you avoid it?
Occurs when you dynamically allocate memory.
2.How can you reuse code written in c++ programming language?
You can use inheritance concepts to reuse code.
3.Name various deadlock prevention techniques.
-mutual exclusion
-hold and wait
-no preemption
-circular wait
4.Explain compailer and interpretor?
-a compiler is a program that process code in c and convert into
machine language.
-an interpreter is a program that directly executes c code without
compiling into machine language.
5.What is class in c++?
User defined datatype in c++
6.What is the difference between null and void pointer?
Null=0, void is generic
7.Difference type of network?
8.What are network topology?
Distribution of network in some structure

9.What is SDLC?
Software development life cycle or application development life
cycle is a term used in software engineering to descrble the process
Of developing software.
The process contains 4 phases:
Planning ,creating, testing ,deploying
10.Difference between c and C++?
12.Types of memory management?
13.Difference pass by value and pass by reference?
14.Data structure?
15.Overloading and overriding?
16.Difference between primary key and foreign key?
17.Explain variable in c?
18.Explain oops concepts?
19.What is sql and its types(ddl,dml,dql,dcl)
20.Programing for swapping without variable?
21.What is an object oriented programming?
both data and code to modify data together
22.what is data structure?
Way of organizing data in computer like array graph linkedlist etc
23.Name some datatypes in C?
Char,int ,float,double
24.what is ACID properties
25.Difference between SQL and MySQL
SQL: standard language core of the relational database used for
accessing and managing database
MYSQL: database management system it is RDMS

1. C is called middle-level language because it is actually bind the

gap between a machine level language and high-level languages.
C is a middle level language. because by using C we can improve the
program as well as system efficiency

2. #include<stdio.h> Because of this, we use a function like printf(),

and scanf()

3. Data type
Formate Specifier
int %d
char %c
double %lf
float %f

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