Jean Watsons Theory GROUP4

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How is the four 3
metaparadigm concepts
defined in Transpersonal
2 Assuming that you are a
nurse currently managing
caring? Answer by filling care of a woman that is
Make a distinction between described as “difficult”.
out the table
a “Caring Nurse” and a “Curing How will you approach this
Nurse” using Watson’s patient? Use Watson's
concepts. Cite a real-life caritative factors and
situation distinguishing the Watson's Caritas
Processes to justify your

1. Metaparadigm Concept


1. Personhood
( Human Being )
Watson uses interchangeably the terms human being, person, life, personhood, and self. She views the
person as "a unity of mind/body/spirit/nature" (Watson, 1988) and she describes that "personhood is tied
to notions that one's soul possess a body that is not confined by objective time and space. Watson's state, "
I make the point to use mind, body, soul or unity within an evolving emergent world view-connectedness of
all, sometimes referred to as Unitary Transformative Paradigm-Holographic thinking. It is often considered
dualistic because I use the tree words 'mind, body, soual'. I do it intentionally to connote and make explicit
spirit/metaphysical- which is silent in other models" (Watson, personal communication, April 12, 1994)
Metaparadigm Concept


2. Health
( Health, Illness, Disease )
Watson's defined health as "unity and harmony within the mind, body, and soul" ; it is associated with
the "degree of congruence between the self as perceived and the self as experience". Watson (1988)
stated further, "illness is not necessarily disease; instead it is a subjective turmoil or disharmony within a
person's inner self or soul at some level of disharmony within the spheres of the person, for example, in
the mind , body, and soul , either consciously or unconsciously. "While illness can lead to disease, illness
and health are a phenomenon that is not necessarily viewed on a continuum. Disease process can also
result from genetic, constitutional vulnerabilities and manifest themselves when disharmony is present.
Disease in turn creates more disharmony " (Watson, 1985, 1988)

Metaparadigm Concept


3. Environment
( Healing space, and Environment)
In Watson’s definition of environment is that the nurse’s
role in the environment as a “ attending to supportive,
protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal, and
spiritual. Healing space can be used to help others
transcend illness, pain, and suffering.
Metaparadigm Concept


3. Nursing
( Transpersonal Nursing Caring Healing )
Nursing consist of of “ knowledge, thought, values, philosophy,
commitment and action. Nursing are interested in
understanding health, illness and human experiences.
Watson’s theory calls nurses to go beyond procedures, tasks,
and techniques in practice, in contrast to the core resulting in
therapeutic outcome included in the transpersonal caring
Caring is central to nursing practice and promotes health better
than a simple medical cure. This means that a nurse practitioner
engages his/her own emotions in the caring relationship, not being
closed to new spiritual and emotional experiences while looking
after the physical and health needs of the patient.

In today’s world, nursing seems to be responding to the various
demands of the machinery with less consideration of the needs of
the person attached to the machine. In Watson’s view, the disease
might be cured, but illness would remain because, without caring,
health is not attained. Caring is the essence of nursing and
connotes responsiveness between the nurse and the person; the
nurse co-participates with the person. Watson contends that caring
can help the person gain control, become knowledgeable, and
promote healthy changes. Curing' implies a technical action that in
some way prolongs the life of the patient, or improves some
physical problem.

Caring nurse - An old women patient want to go to the

bathroom, but her guardian went outside to buy their
food. The assigned nurse notice that the patient try to
get up, so she went to the patient and asked if she need
something or help, the old patient told the nurse that
she need to go to the bathroom, so the assigned nurse
help and guide the old patient to go to the bathroom.

Curing Nurse - Around 2:30 in the morning when the

assigned nurse notice that the patient is crying silently
in her bed, so she asked the patient “whats wrong?”,
and the patient replied and said that her stomach
hurts, so the nurse check her and give her pain reliever.
A pregnant 25-year-old woman arrives at the emergency room of a small but
busy hospital not far from her home. She is in a lot of pain because she is in
labor, then requests a female nurse to assist or to take care for her because
she is uncomfortable with a male nurse. She also wants her husband to be by
her side in the delivery room. I ask for help in the other nurse for a assistance,
because of that situation she need someone’s attention that she became a
comfortable, I also call her husband for cooperation Utilizing Watson’s
Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring, I know that I must not pre-
judge any patient and I must develop a Helping-Trust Relationship with each
patient. Using empathy, congruence, non-possessive warmth, and effective
communication is important in building a relationship with a patient in a short
amount of time, especially in an Emergency setting.

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