JOEL DAVID DAZA DE SOLAS - Study Guide 9 10cd

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Second Semester

By: Mercedes Castillo Barrios.

Theme: Communication (unit 10)

Student´s Name: Joel Daza Desolas

Second Semester Study Guide N0. 10

Period: Week 11 January 25th -29th (Deadline to upload this evidence

document: January 29th).

Session One: Monday, January 25th

- Checking instructions
- Learning to write a post expressing an opinion

- How do you feel about asking for help? Is it difficult for you?
Asking for help is complicated for me, I don't like to bother other people with my
problems, that's why I try to solve them myself.
- Who is the first person you normally ask for help?
I only ask my parents for help, they are the only people I trust, their advice has
helped me move forward.

1. Reading. Keeping in mind the above conversation, let us read an excerpt of an


A Social psychologist explains why we should ask for help more often
We wildly underestimate how likely people are to help
By Angela Chen@chengela  Jun 22, 2018, 11:00am EDT

A. Now please complete the following statements.

a. People hesitate to ask for help because…they think people will reject their request.

b. Some reasons why we believe people will say “no” to our request are … a failure in
perspectives-taking we think that the person will be busy or how difficult the request

c. Why will most people say “yes”? Because most people don't like to say no to a
request for help, they would feel guilty for not doing so, studies say.

B. What is better for you, to help or to receive help? For me the best thing would be to
help, I think we would be giving life bac
C. k to a person who is drowning in a problem.

D. What would you say to those who do not want to bother helping others?
To those I would say thank you very much on behalf of all, never lose those good energies
of being able to help others, that sooner or later life will reward them for their good deeds.

2. Listening: We are going to work on expressing our opinion.

2.1 Listen to Audio 3,51. Now complete the table below.
Sends texts to Prefers to Why?
Speaker 1 Parents Chat on line. It’s easier and is
Speaker 2 Family Talk to the people It’s easier and we
on phone. can say more.
Speaker 3 Friends To talk on the Friendly.
2.2. Which speaker´s opinion is most similar to yours? In what way?
I always send text messages to talk to other people, even when it is an
emergency situation, I use online chat, it seems cheaper and faster for me,
my opinion is similar to that of the speaker 1.
3. Writing. I hate it when people throw garbage in the streets. They do the same at
beaches too. It is obvious that you should not contaminate the world you live in.,
and it is so easy just to look for a garbage can. Watch the following video about
how to fit two years of trash in a mason jar? and write your opinion about trash

Session Two: Wednesday, January 27h


Write down a 5-7 sentence paragraph expressing your opinion about the way
people in your city or hometown dispose of their trash.
In my hometown there are different ways to dispose of the garbage, some people
try to take care of the ecosystem by throwing the garbage in the appropriate
places, however, they do not classify it according to their disposal material,
others have no idea where that garbage goes, many They take the opportunity of
the rain to dump their garbage, there is no conscience in them, this type of act
bothers me a lot, these people automatically become my enemies.

5. Play the following comparative and superlative game: Show your results (upload screenshots).
Intro to Unit 11
1. Which of these situations do you think are a lot of fun? Why so?

When you talk about a funny situation for me, it is being at a party without a
doubt, you can dance, drink, be with your friends, being at a party with the right
people is something that cannot be described, it is incredible.
2. What do you do during your free time?
In my free time I like to watch series, sometimes I watch them in English,
sometimes in Spanish, but currently it is my favorite hobby.

3. Which leisure activities do you enjoy most?

I really like being on my cell phone, for example, if I am dating a girl, I establish
conversations with her all day, I know that chatting all day on my cell phone is
harmful, but I only do it when I have a romantic date with someone.

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