Ethno Medicinal Value of Various Plants Used in The Preparation of Traditional Rice Beer by Different Tribes of Assam, India

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Review Article

Ethno medicinal value of various plants used in the

preparation of traditional rice beer by different
tribes of Assam, India

Biman Bhuyan*, Krishna Baishya

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004, Assam, India

article info abstract

Article history: Rice beer has always been an integral part of daily life in Assam. Rice beer in Assam is used
Received 13 August 2013 in religious ceremonies as well as festivals. NortheEast India is inhabited by many indig-
Accepted 6 September 2013 enous tribes and as a part of their socio-cultural life, most of these tribes prepare their own
Available online 29 September 2013 household liquors, mostly using rice grains as the substrate. In addition, each of the tribes
also prepares their own unique starter cultures to carry out fermentation, and each type is
Keywords: a mixture of different parts of various plant species. The paper reflects the rich ethno
Rice beer medicinal values of the herbs used in the preparation of rice beer. The various plants used
Starter cake by Bodo, Karbi, Ahom, Deori, Rabha, Mising and Sonowal Kachari tribes of Assam in the
Medicinal plants preparation of traditional rice beer or liquor have been reported in this article along with
Tribes of Assam their ethno medicinal use. This review gives an overview of some important medicinal
plants with their medicinal activities which are traditionally used in Assam for preparation
of rice beer.
Copyright ª 2013, JPR Solutions; Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction reducing summer temperatures and affecting foggy nights

and mornings in winters, frequent during the afternoons.
Assam is a north-eastern state of India. It is located south of Spring (MareApr) and autumn (SepteOct) are usually pleasant
the eastern Himalayas, Assam comprises the Brahmaputra with moderate rainfall and temperature.
and the Barak river valleys along with the Karbi Anglong and Assam is land of many cultures, tribes and religions.
the North Cachar Hills with an area of 30,285 square miles Assam is inhabited by number of ethnic tribes characterized
(78,438 km2). Assam is surrounded by six of the other Seven by their native languages, rituals, costumes and housing
Sister States: Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Miz- patterns. Rice beer is a traditional alcoholic beverage
oram, Tripura and Meghalaya. With the “Tropical Monsoon consumed on a daily basis by various ethnic tribes of Assam.
Rainforest Climate”, Assam is temperate (summer max. at This alcoholic beverage is believed to possess many medicinal
95e100  F or 35e38  C and winter min. at 43e46  F or 6e8  C) and therapeutic properties possibly contributed by various
and experiences heavy rainfall and high humidity. The indigenous herbs used in starter culture cake preparation. All
climate is characterized by heavy monsoon downpours of the tribes prepare their indigenous alcoholic beverages at

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Bhuyan).
0975-7619/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, JPR Solutions; Published by Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
336 d r u g i n v e n t i o n t o d a y 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 3 5 e3 4 1

Table 1 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Jou bishi.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Clerodendrum Dhapat tita Verbenaceae Leaves, roots Leaf juice is used for fever, cough, dysentery, stomach
viscosum pain. Leaf extract is used externally in ulcer due to
scabies. Bark, flower and roots are used for skin diseases.
2 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
3 Scoparia dulcis Senikuthi Scrophularaiaceae Leaves Leaf juice is used in indigestion. Roots are used in
dental pain.
4 Xanthium Agara Asteraceae Whole plant Plant is diaphoretic, sedative and useful in long standing
strumarium cases of malaria. Root is having anticancer activity and
used in arthritis. Fruit is given in small pox.

home using round to flattened solid ball-like mixed dough For the preparation of angkur, rice grains are needed to be
inocula or starter11,4 and these contain amylolytic and alcohol soaked in water approximately for 5e6 h. The different plant
producing yeasts, starch degrading moulds and lactic acid parts needed for starter cake are washed properly and grinded
bacteria.10 together with the soaked rice grain. Grinding is generally done
The consumption of rice beer prepared from rice is a in wooden mortar and pestle. By adding little amount of water
common practice among many tribal communities residing in to the mixture, dough is prepared and round cakes of about
the North-Eastern states of India and many of them have been 5 cm in diameter and 1 cm of thickness are made. These are
preparing it since time immemorial.2,4 Rice beer plays an overlaid with powdered angkur. The round cakes are covered
important role in the socio-cultural life of the tribal people as with paddy straw and allowed to dry for 4e5 days. It should be
it is found to be associated with many occasions like merry stored in moisture free condition.
making, ritual ceremonies, festivals, marriages and even For the beer, the rice is first boiled and then cooled and
death ceremonies.1 The preparation and consumption of this allow to dry. To this, angkur is added and properly mixed and
type of liquor emerged mainly due to the climatic conditions kept for whole night. Then little amount of water is added to it
and discovering the use of surrounding natural resources.5 and kept in an earthen pot atleast for 3 days covered with
There are also reports of rice beer being used as a drug.6 The banana leaves. The fermented mass is mixed with water and
various plants used by Bodo, Karbi, Ahom, Deori, Rabha, strained to obtain the liquor Jou bishi.
Mising, Sonowal Kachari tribes of Assam in the preparation of
traditional rice beer or liquor have been reported in this article 1.2. Horlang: rice beer prepared by Karbi tribe
along with their ethno medicinal use.
Racially the Karbis belong to the Mongoloid group and
1.1. Jou bishi: rice beer prepared by Bodo tribe linguistically to the TibetoeBurman group. The Karbis are the
principal tribal community in the Karbi Anglong district of
The Bodos are an ethnic and linguistic community, early settlers Assam. Besides Karbi Anglong, Karbi-inhabited areas include
of Assam in the northeast part of India. Bodos belong to a larger Dima Hasao, Kamrup, Marigaon, Nagaon, Golaghat, Kar-
ethnic group called the Bodo-Kachari. The Bodos are recognized imganj and Sonitpur districts of Assam. They prepare a
as a plains tribe in the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. traditional alcoholic beverage called horlang and the starter
Udalguri and Kokrajhar are considered the centre of the Bodo cakes are known as thap. This beverage is used as a refreshing
area. The local rice beer prepared by the Bodos is known as Jou drink and also bears significance in many social ceremonies
bishi and the starter cakes are known as angkur. This study was and events. This study was carried out in Kathkatia village of
carried out in Kokrajhar district (Table 1). Silonijan, Karbi Anglong district (Table 2).

Table 2 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Horlang.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Acacia pennata Themra Fabaceae Barks Leaves are used for cholera treatment, indigestion,
headache, body pain and even to cure snake
poisoning. Stem bark is anti-inflammatory and
spasmolytic. Roots are used in dysentery and urinary
2 Artocarpus heterophyllus Kathal Moraceae Leaves Leaf juice is used to cure eye problem. Seeds are used
in indigestion and stem bark is used to cure boils.
3 Croton joufra Mahudi Euphorbiaceae Leaves Stem bark is used in post natal diarrhoea.
4 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
5 Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Titaphool Acanthaceae Leaves Leaf decoction is used in cough, bronchitis, and fever.
6 Solanum torvum Bhekuri tita Solanaceae Leaves Roots are used in puerperal diseases; fruits are used
in bronchial asthma and intestinal colic.
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For the preparation of thap, rice grains are needed to be together with the soaked rice grain and made into a paste.
soaked in water approximately for 1 day. The different plant Grinding is generally done in wooden mortar and pestle. From
parts needed for starter cake are washed properly and grinded the paste, ovule shaped balls of about 3 cm  4 cm are made
together with the soaked rice grain. Grinding is generally done and placed on banana leaves and allowed to dry for 3e5 days.
in wooden mortar and pestle. This paste is making into small For the beer, the rice is half cooked and then allowed to
flat cakes of 6 cm in diameter and 0.5 cm in thickness. These cool. To this, vekur pitha is added and properly mixed and
are overlaid with powdered thap and kept it in bamboo sieve kept in an earthen pot and properly sealed. Then it is kept for
and allowed to dry for 3e4 days. 3e5 days for fermentation. The fermented mass is mixed with
For the beer, the rice is boiled and then allowed to cool. To a little amount of water and strained in order to get Haj.
this, thap is added and properly mixed and kept for 2 days.
Then little amount of water is added to it and kept for 2e4 1.4. Sujen: rice beer prepared by Deori tribe
days for fermentation.
The Deori tribe belongs to the great TibetoeMongolian race
1.3. Haj: rice beer prepared by Ahom tribe belonging to the TibetoeBurman linguistic family. Deori tribe
is one of the ethnic tribes of Assam inhabiting the districts of
Ahom, a tribe of Shan descent inhabits in the Brahmaputra Lakhimpur, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Dhemaji, Sibsagar, Darrang
valley of Assam. The Ahoms or Tai-Ahoms are an ethnic group district. Sujen, a popular local rice beer has a very important
settled in Assam and are of Tai origin. They are a part of the role in the socio-cultural life of Deori tribe of Assam.9 Sujen is
Assamese society and are found all over Assam. The Ahoms drunk in all their festive occasions and celebrations. The
prepare rice beer in their own traditional way and name it as starter cake is known as mod pitha and consists of various
Haj pani or Koloh pani. The starter cake is known as vekur parts of several plant species. This study was carried out in
pitha and consists of various parts of several plant species. Tinsukia district (Table 4).
This study was carried out in Baragharia village of Golaghat For the preparation of Mod pitha, rice grains are needed to
district (Table 3). be soaked in water whole night. The different plant parts
For the preparation of vekur pitha, rice grains are needed to needed for starter cake are washed properly and grinded
be soaked in water whole night. The different plant parts together with the soaked rice grain and made into dough.
needed for starter cake are washed properly and grinded Grinding is generally done in wooden mortar and pestle. From

Table 3 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Haj.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Centella asiatica Bar manimuni Apiaceae Whole plant Whole plant is used in chronic dysentery,
spermatorrhoea, liver disorder, carbuncle, cuts
and wounds, nervous deability, and hermicrania;
roots are used in stomach ache; leaves are used in
dyspepsia and gastric trouble.
2 Cinnamomum Patihanda Lauraceae Leaves Leaves are used as anti-diabetic agent.
3 Cissampelos pareira Tubuki lota Menispermaceae Leaves Roots are used in diarrhoea, piles, dysuria, bone
fracture and to control labour pain and easy child
birth; fruits are used in liver disorder.
4 Clerodendrum viscosum Dhapat tita Verbenaceae Leaves, roots Leaf juice is used in fever, cough, dysentery, and
stomach pain. Leaf extract is used externally in
ulcer due to scabies. Bark, flower and roots are
used in skin diseases.
5 Croton caudatus Lota mahudi Euphorbiaceae Leaves Leaves are used in urinary trouble.
6 Hydrocotyle Saru manimuni Apiaceae Whole plant Whole plant is used in amoebic dysentery,
sibthorpioides malaena and for improving memory; leaves are
used in dysentery and hypertension.
7 Lygodium flexuosum Kapou dhekia Lycopodiaceae Leaves Rhizome is used for skin disease and in
rheumatism; leaves are used for treating female
infertility and to fix fractured bones.
8 Naravelia zeylanica Gorob-choi Ranunculaceae Leaves Stem is used in tooth ache.
9 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and
10 Pteridium aquilinum Bihlongoni Pteridaceae Fronds and roots Leaves are antibacterial and germicidal.
11 Piper nigrum Jaluk Piperaceae Seeds Seeds are used in indigestion, body ache, bone
fracture and post labour ailment.
12 Sida rhombifolia Sonbarial Malvaceae Leaves Decoction of tender leaf is given to cure
13 Smilax perfoliata Tikoni barual Smilaceae Leaves Roots are used in post natal care and in odorous
urine; stem is used in swelling of gum.
338 d r u g i n v e n t i o n t o d a y 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 3 5 e3 4 1

Table 4 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Sujen.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Allium sativum Nohoru Liliaceae Bulb Used in gastric ulcer, hypertension, liver disorder, loss
of appetite, and whooping cough.
2 Artocarpus heterophyllus Kathal Moraceae Leaves Leaf juice is used to cure eye problem. Seeds are used in
indigestion and stem bark is used to cure boils.
3 Ananas comosus Anaras Bromeliaceae Bark Leaves are used in jaundice, dyspepsia, aphagia, and
fever; roots are used in gout and rheumatism.
4 Alstonia scholaris Sotiana Apocynaceae Leaves Stem bark is used in asthma, liver disorder, and spleen
enlargement; latex is used in septic ulcer, scabies, and
chronic dysentery.
5 Alternanthera sessilis Mati kaduri Amaranthaceae Leaves Leaves are used in dysentery and liver disorder; roots
are used in spermatorrhoea.
6 Capsicum annuum Jolokia Solanaceae Fruit Roots are used in asthma; fruits are used in griping pain
in stomach.
7 Cinnamomum bejolghota Patihanda Lauraceae Leaves Leaves are used as anti-diabetic agent.
8 Centella asiatica Bar manimuni Apiaceae Leaves Whole plant is used in chronic dysentery,
spermatorrhoea, liver disorder, carbuncle, cuts and
wounds, nervous deability, and hermicrania; roots are
used in stomach ache; leaves are used in dyspepsia and
gastric trouble.
9 Costus speciosus Jamlakhuti Costaceae Leaves Rhizome is used in whooping cough and jaundice.
10 Lygodium flexuosum Kapou dhekia Lycopodiaceae Leaves Rhizome is used for skin disease and in rheumatism;
leaves are used for treating female infertility and to fix
fractured bones.
11 Melastoma malabathricum Phutuki Melastomataceae Leaves Leaves are used in ulceration in mouth.
12 Mussaenda roxburghii Hukloti Rubiaceae Leaves Leaves are used in post natal care and jaundice.
13 Naravelia zeylanica Gorob-choi Ranunculaceae Leaves Stem is used in tooth ache.
14 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
15 Pteridium aquilinum Bihlongoni Pteridaceae Fronds and Leaves are antibacterial and germicidal.
16 Saccharum officinarum Kuhiyar Poaceae Leaves Roots are used in dysuria and haematuria; fresh stem
juice is used in jaundice
17 Scoparia dulcis Senikuthi Scrophulariaceae Leaves Roots are used in menstrual problems and respiratory
troubles; leaves are used in diabetes, jaundice, stomach
problem, skin disease and piles.
18 Solanum torvum Bhekuri tita Solanaceae Leaves Roots are used in puerperal diseases; fruits are used in
bronchial asthma and intestinal colic.
19 Thunbergia grandiflora Phirphiria pat Acanthaceae Leaves Leaves are used in dyspepsia, cuts, wounds and
20 Zanthoxylum nitidum Tezmuri Rutaceae Leaves Roots are used in asthma and rheumatism; stem is
used in pyorrhoea and to control labour pain.
21 Zingiber officinalis Ada Zingiberaceae Bulb Rhizome is used in abdominal gripe, arthritis, cough
and influenza.

the dough, round shaped balls of about 4 cm in diameter are The starter cake is known as surachi or phap and consists of
made and placed on bamboo sieve and allowed to dry. various parts of several plant species. This study was carried
For the beer, the rice is boiled and then allowed to cool. out in Dhupdhora of Goalpara district (Table 5).
This is followed by addition of mod pitha and kept in an For the preparation of surachi, rice grains are needed to be
earthen pot and properly sealed with banana leaves. Then it is soaked in water for 2e4 h. The different plant parts needed for
kept for 4e5 days for fermentation. The fermented mass is starter cake are washed properly and grinded together with
mixed with a little amount of water and strained in order to the soaked rice grain and made into a paste. Grinding is
get Sujen. Sujen can be stored in earthen pots for 1e2 months generally done in wooden mortar and pestle. From the paste,
at room temperature. round and flat cakes are made and placed on paddy straw and
allowed to dry under sun.8
1.5. Jonga mod: rice beer prepared by Rabha tribe For the beer, the rice is properly cooked and then allowed
to cool. This is followed by addition of powdered surachi and
Rabha is a little known Scheduled Tribe community of Assam. kept in an earthen pot. A special type of cylinder made of
The Rabhas belong to the IndoeMongoloid group of people bamboo net is placed just above the mixture in the earthen
and have similarities with other members of Bodo group such pot and the earthen pot is properly sealed with banana
as Garos, Kachari, Mech, Koch, Hajong and others. The Rabhas leaves. Then it is kept for 4e5 days during summer and 7e8
are widely scattered but mostly concentrated on Goalpara, days during winter for fermentation. The fermented mass is
Kamrup, and Darrang. The Rabhas prepare rice beer in their mixed with a little amount of water. The resulting drink is
own traditional way and name it as Jonga mod or Kecha mod. Jonga mod.
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Table 5 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Jonga mod.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Ananas comosus Anaras Bromeliaceae Bark Tender leaves are anthelmentic and abortificient.
2 Artocarpus Kathal Moraceae Leaves Leaf juice is used to cure eye problem. Seeds are used
heterophyllus in indigestion and stem bark is used to cure boils.
3 Calotropis gigantea Aakon Asclepiadaceae Leaves Leaves are analgesic, antiseptic, anthelmentic; used in
burn and ear and eye complaints.
4 Capsicum annuum Jolokia Solanaceae Fruit Roots are used in asthma; fruits are used in griping
pain in stomach.
5 Clerodendrum Dhapat tita Verbenaceae Leaves, roots Leaf juice is used in fever, cough, dysentery, and
viscosum stomach pain. Leaf extract is used externally in ulcer
due to scabies. Bark, flower and roots are used in skin
6 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
7 Piper nigrum Jaluk Piperaceae Seeds Seeds are used in indigestion, body ache, bone fracture
and post labour ailment.
8 Saccharum Kuhiyar Poaceae Leaves Roots are used in dysuria and haematuria; fresh stem
officinarum juice is used in jaundice.
9 Scoparia dulcis Senikuthi Scrophulariaceae Leaves Roots are used in menstrual problems and respiratory
troubles; leaves are used in diabetes, jaundice,
stomach problem, skin disease and piles.
10 Sida rhombifolia Sonbarial Malvaceae Leaves Decoction of tender leaf is given to cure hypertension.

Table 6 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Apong

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Ananas comosus Anaras Bromeliaceae Bark Tender leaves are anthelmentic and abortificient.
2 Artocarpus heterophyllus Kathal Moraceae Leaves
Leaf juice is used to cure eye problem. Seeds are
used in indigestion and stem bark is used to cure
3 Cinnamomum tamala Tejpat Lauraceae Leaves Leaves are useful in gonorrhoea, rheumatism,
diarrhoea, enlargement of spleen and diabetes.
4 Centella asiatica Bar manimuni Apiaceae Leaves Whole plant is used in chronic dysentery,
spermatorrhoea, liver disorder, carbuncle, cuts
and wounds, nervous deability, and hermicrania;
roots are used in stomach ache; leaves used in
dyspepsia and gastric trouble.
5 Costus speciosus Jamlakhuti Costaceae Leaves Rhizome is used in whooping cough and jaundice.
6 Drymeria cordata Lai jabori Caryophyllaceae Young leaves Whole plant is applied on tongue in fungal
infection and juice is given in sinusitis.
7 Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Saru manimuni Apiaceae Whole plant Whole plant is used in amoebic dysentery,
malaena and for improving memory; leaves are
used in dysentery and hypertension.
8 Lygodium flexuosum Kapou dhekia Lycopodiaceae Leaves Rhizome used for skin disease and in rheumatism;
leaves are used for treating female infertility and
to fix fractured bones.
9 Oldenlandia corymbosa Banjaluk Rubiaceae Leaves Whole plant is diuretic, stomachic, carminative,
and hepatoprotective.
10 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and
11 Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Titaphool Acanthaceae Leaves Leaf decoction is used in cough, bronchitis, and
12 Piper nigrum Jaluk Piperaceae Seeds Seeds are used in indigestion, body ache, bone
fracture and post labour ailment.
13 Pteridium aquilinum Bihlongoni Pteridaceae Fronds and Roots Leaves are antibacterial and germicidal.
14 Saccharum officinarum Kuhiyar Poaceae Leaves Roots are used in dysuria and haematuria; fresh
stem juice is used in jaundice.
15 Vitex negundo Posotia Verbenaceae Leaves, root, twigs Leaves & roots are used as febrifuse and tonic.
340 d r u g i n v e n t i o n t o d a y 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 3 5 e3 4 1

Table 7 e The different herbs used in the preparation of Rohi.

Sl no. Scientific name Local name Family Part used Ethno-medicinal use

1 Centella asiatica Bar manimuni Apiaceae Whole plant Whole plant is used in chronic dysentery, spermatorrhoea,
liver disorder, carbuncle, cuts and wounds, nervous
deability, and hermicrania; roots are used in stomach
ache; leaves are used in dyspepsia and gastric trouble.
2 Clerodendrum Dhapat tita Verbenaceae Leaves, roots Leaf juice is used in fever, cough, dysentery, and stomach
viscosum pain. Leaf extract is used externally in ulcer due to scabies.
Bark, flower and roots are used in skin diseases.
3 Corchorus olitorius Mithamora Malvaceae Leaves Leaf decoction is used as demulcent and diuretic and
4 Naravelia zeylanica Gorob-choi Ranunculaceae Leaves Stem is used in tooth ache.
5 Oryza sativa Dhan Poaceae Rice grain Rice-wash water is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.
6 Pteridium aquilinum Bihlongoni Pteridaceae Fronds and roots Leaves are antibacterial and germicidal.
7 Sida rhombifolia Sonbarial Malvaceae Leaves Decoction of tender leaf is given to cure hypertension.

1.6. Apong: rice beer prepared by Mising tribe For the beer, the rice is half cooked and then allowed to
cool. To this, saoul pitha is added and properly mixed and kept
Mishings are the second largest Schedule Tribe of Assam. in an earthen pot and properly sealed with banana leaves.
Mising (Mi-sing) is a tribal community belonged to Mongoloid Then it is kept for 3e5 days for fermentation. The fermented
group e a multitude of people that followed AustroeAsiatic mass is strained in order to get strong liquor Rohi.
races in India. They are one of the plain tribe of Assam and are
found in far-flung areas of Brahmaputra valley especially in
Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Sonitpur, and Sibsagar district of Assam. 2. Conclusion
The rice beer prepared by the Misings is known as Apong and the
starter cake is called as apop pitha. Apong forms an integral part It was observed that the methodology for the preparation of
of the culture, traditions and rituals of this tribe. This study was rice beer followed by different ethnic tribes residing in
carried out in Barmukuli village of Dhemaji district (Table 6). different localities of Assam is more or less similar. The only
For the preparation of apop, rice grains are soaked in water difference is the ingredient in the form of different parts of
for 3e4 h. The different plant parts needed for starter cake are various plants species in the preparation of starter cake. The
washed properly and grinded together with the soaked rice local brews such as rice beer bears very significant resem-
grain and made into dough. Grinding is generally done in blance of the culture and traditions of the tribal people
wooden mortar and pestle. From the dough, ovule shaped balls residing in this part of the country. It has been found that the
of about 3 cm  6 cm are made and allowed to dry under sun. preparation of rice beer is considered as sacred by all the tribes
For the beer, the rice is properly cooked and then allowed to and it occupies special recognitions in many of the occasions
cool. This is followed by addition of apop pitha and kept in an like rituals, festivals, marriages and communal gathering.
earthen pot. Before starting the fermentation process, earthen Apart from imparting colour, flavour and sweetness to the
pot is fumigated by placing it on a bamboo frame constructed beer, the various plants used in the starter culture are also said
over the fire place until the pot turns blackish. Then the earthen to have many medicinal properties. The consumption of mild
pot is properly sealed with banana leaves. Then it is kept for amount of alcohol in the form of rice beer gives some relaxation
4e5 days for fermentation. The fermented mass is mixed with to the hard working population of these states and practically
a little amount of water and filtered in order to get Apong. has no side effect on their health. The preference of the variety
of rice used for fermentation also differs from communities to
1.7. Rohi: rice beer prepared by Sonowal Kachari tribe communities. However, it is seen that glutinous rice is
preferred more than non-glutinous rice, owing to the taste and
The Sonowal Kachari is an endogamous group of Kachari tribe. alcohol content of the product. Further studies on the plants
The Sonowal Kacharis are from the Mongol and Mughal dy- used and the final product may reveal some other important
nasties people. They mainly live in Dibrugarh, Lakhimpur, properties and beneficial effects of this traditional beverage.
Dhemaji, Tinsukia, Jorhat, and Golaghat districts. The Sonowal
Kacharis prepare rice beer in their own traditional way and
name it as Rohi. The starter cake is known as saoul pitha and
Conflicts of interest
consists of various parts of several plant species. This study
was carried out in Jokai area of Dibrugarh district (Table 7).
All authors have none to declare.
For the preparation of saoul pitha, rice grains are needed to
be soaked in water whole night. The different plant parts
needed for starter cake are washed properly and grinded
together with the soaked rice grain and made into a paste. Acknowledgement
Grinding is generally done in wooden mortar and pestle. From
the paste, ovule shaped balls are made and placed on banana The authors are very thankful to the village women of Kok-
leaves and allowed to dry for 3e5 days. rajhar district, Tinsukia district, Kathkatia village of Silonijan
d r u g i n v e n t i o n t o d a y 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 3 5 e3 4 1 341

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