(2°medio) Reading Comprehension and Practice 'Past Continuous & Past Simple'

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PROFESOR (A) Rocío Altamirano-Viviana Monje-Mayerly Gómez

FECHA Octubre 2021

Guía de Aprendizaje Nº2 Segundo Semestre

CURSO 2° ____
NOMBRE DE LA UNIDAD Unidad de repaso
OBJETIVO 0A9 – Comprender información relevante para un propósito específico en textos orales y escritos

Past continuous: Uses

We use the past continuous to talk about:
 something in progress when another action happened in the past
 Something in progress at a specific time in the past
 Something that happened again and again in the past

Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

I was I was Was I
You were walking You were walking Were you walking?
He was reading He was reading Was he reading?
sleeping not sleeping sleeping?
She was She was Was she
It was eating It was eating Was it eating?
We were talking We were talking Were we talking?
They were They were Were they

Past Simple: Uses

We use “past simple” to talk about completed actions, habits and facts in the past.

Past Simple: Regular and Irregular verbs

In English when we talk in past simple, we use regular (r) and irregular (i) verbs in their past simple form in
affirmative sentences. Regular verbs are modified at the end of the word while irregular verbs change their form

Verb + ‘-d’ / ‘-ed’ / ‘-ied’ Verb List

manage → managed sing → sang
dance → danced eat → ate
worry → worried give → gave

Affirmative (+) Negative (-) Interrogative (?)

You You You
He danced (r) He dance He dance
She sang (i) yesterday She sing yesterday Did She sing yesterday?
did not
It It It
We We We
They They They

Departamento de Inglés Liceo Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez

PROFESOR (A) Rocío Altamirano-Viviana Monje-Mayerly Gómez
FECHA Octubre 2021

I. PAST CONTINUOUS. Choose the correct alternative to complete these sentences in past
continuous (1 point each, 8 points total)

1. Yesterday, at six my uncle ___________ dinner. 5. My baby brother ______________ loudly so I couldn't
a) was preparing do my homework.
b) was prepared a) was cried
b) was crying
2. We ___________ our school when he came in.
6. The teacher tried to explain but they __________.
a) were talking a) wasn’t listening
b) talking b) weren't listening
3. Most of the time the dogs __________ in the park. 7. _______ you doing your homework at six o'clock last
a) was sitting night?
b) were sitting a) were
4. While I ____________ in my room, my sister left b) was
8. The kids _____________ in the garden when it
suddenly started to rain.
a) was studying a) were playing
b) was study b) was playing

II. PAST SIMPLE. Let’s focus on regular verbs first. Complete the following sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in past simple. (1 point each, 8 points total)

1. She (not / walk) ____________ to school yesterday. (-)

2. ____________ you ____________ (order) order the pizza? (?)

3. My friends ____________ (play) tennis last Tuesday. (+)

4. You ____________ (text) your friend yesterday (+)

5. Clara ____________ (not / dance) at the wedding last Sunday. (-)

6. __________ Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ____________ (land) on the moon in July, 1969. (?)

III. PAST SIMPLE. Let’s focus on irregular verbs now. Complete the following sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in past simple. (1 point each, 8 points total)

1. She (not / eat) ___________ dinner yesterday. (-)

2. ___________ you ___________ (get up) to eat last night? (?)

3. I think I ___________ (hear) a strange sound outside. (+)

4. ___________ you ___________ (read) a book last week? (?)

5. The police (catch) ___________ the bank robbers last week. (+)

6. The Wright brothers ___________ (not / fly) the first airplane until 1903. (-)

Departamento de Inglés Liceo Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez

PROFESOR (A) Rocío Altamirano-Viviana Monje-Mayerly Gómez
FECHA Octubre 2021

IV. Choose the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST CONTINUOUS form to complete the following
sentences correctly (1 point each, 6 points total).

1. I didn't hear you come in because I ________.

a) was sleeping b) slept

2. I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home.

a) was coming b) came

3. What ________? I was watching TV.

a) did you do b) were you doing

4. We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room.

a) had b) were having

5. A: Hey, did you talk to her? B: Yes, I ________ to her.

a) was talking b) talked

V. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the story and answer the TRUE or FALSE (1 point each, 6
points total).

When Alex Jones arrived at JFK International Airport, she

looked around, but she didn’t see anybody there to meet her. A lot
of people were holding cards with names on them, but they were
not waiting for her. She didn’t know what to do, but it was a
beautiful, sunny day, so she decided to go to the hotel on her own.
She went outside and looked for a taxi. A lot of people were
waiting, so she caught the airport bus into New York. The bus
stopped in Manhattan, quite near the hotel, and she
got off. She walked into the hotel and gave her name, Alexandra
Jones. She was talking to the receptionist when suddenly a man
ran up to her. He was carrying a card which read 'Mr Jones'.

'Ms Jones? l'm terribly sorry! I was waiting for you at the airport, but I thought you were a man!'

That's OK,' said Alex. It happens to me all the time!'

Departamento de Inglés Liceo Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez

PROFESOR (A) Rocío Altamirano-Viviana Monje-Mayerly Gómez
FECHA Octubre 2021

Answer TRUE or FALSE:

1. When Alex Jones arrived at the airport, she immediately went to the hotel. TRUE FALSE
2. A lot of people were waiting for her. TRUE FALSE
3. It was a beautiful, sunny day TRUE FALSE
4. She caught a taxi to New York. TRUE FALSE
5. The bust stopped near the hotel. TRUE FALSE
6. A man ran up to her when she was entering the elevator. TRUE FALSE

VI. READ AGAIN. Answer the following questions in your own words, according to the information in
the text. (1 point each, 4 points total).

1. Where did Alex Jones arrive?


2. Who was waiting for her at the airport?


3. Where did the bus stop?


4. Why did the man not recognize her?


(Estimado/a estudiante: Debes responder esta sección de forma OBLIGATORIA ya que esto nos ayuda a definir ideas para las
siguientes actividades.)

Marca con una X la casilla que corresponda.

CRITERIOS Logrado Medianamente No logrado

1 Busqué el significado de las palabras que no conocía
*Si no necesitó buscar significados, marque “Logrado”.
2 Pedí ayuda cuando la necesité
*Si no necesitó ayuda, marque “Logrado”.
3 Logré desarrollar todas las actividades.
4 Envié las actividades desarrolladas dentro del plazo establecido.
*Marque sólo “Logrado” o “No logrado”.


1. ¿Qué ítem me resultó más fácil de desarrollar? ¿Por qué?

2. ¿Qué ítem me resultó más difícil de desarrollar? ¿Por qué?

Departamento de Inglés Liceo Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez

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