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Unit 1

How are you?

a name [э neim]
Hello [hs'bu]
what [w D t]
What is ...? [wDt iz] ЪГГтгч? *
my name is ... [mai neim iz] (^*r<rUjL~
your name is ... |jd: neim iz] fp p e lc^ j l
a surname [з ’s3:neim]
My name is John. Your name is Cindy. My surname is Smith

Hello, my name is John. Hello, my name is Cindy.

What is your name? My name is Thomas.
What is my name? Your name is Alex.
What is your surname? My surname is Jones.
What is my surname? Your surname is Smith.

о What is your name? E M » .

• My name is Mark.

How are you? [hau a: ju:] K& 4C-* f t

Г т fin e taim faml 7 7 <n£ /
thanks [0aerjks] —

How are you? I'm fine, thanks.

How are you? I ’m fine, thanks.

• How are you?

о I'm fine, thanks.

Booh 1 Module 1
my [mai] ^ ~
your (jd:]
his [hiz]
her [Ъз:]

My name is Jack. Your surname is Jones. His surname is Smith. Her name is Cindy.

What is your name? My name is Jack.

What is my surname? Your surname is Jones.
What is his surname? His surname is Smith.
What is her name? Her name is Cindy.

ja phone number [э faun плшЬэ]

0 / oh [эи]
double [d,\bl]

My phone number is 501 123 677 (five oh one one two three six double seven).
Her phone number is 322 462 608 (three double two four six two six oh eight).

What is your phone number? My phone number is 622 529 172

(six double two five two nine one seven two).

What is her phone number? Her phone number is 234 908 461
(two three four nine oh eight four six one).

• What is your phone number?

с My phone number is 322 462 608.

Direct Method for English


nice to meet you [nais ta m i:t ju ]

-•, ~ —rmjrr
: too [tu:]

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Hello, my name is John. Hello, my name is Cindy.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

о Hello, my name is John.

• Hello, my name is Cindy.
о Nice to meet you.
• Nice to meet you, too.

M r ['mist3]


you are [ju: a:]

are you ...? [a: ju :]
yes Ijes]

% JpU <
J am M r Smith. You are Miss Jones
£/L- * —

Am I M r Smith ? Yes, you are M r Smith.

Are you Miss Jones ? Yes, I am Miss Jones.

Are you Mrs Black ? Yes, I am Mrs Black.

Book 1 Module 1
nice to meet you [nais ta mi:t ju] M ^
too [tu:]

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

Hello, my name is John. Hello, my name is Cindy.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

о Hello, my name is John.

• Hello, my name is Cindy.
с Nice to meet you.
• Nice to meet you, too.

Mr [mista]

д-Miss [mis]
i am [ai aem]
am I ...? [$m ai]
you are [ju: a:]
are you ...? [a: ju:]
yes Ucs]

I am M r Smith. You are Miss Jones

Am I M r Smith ? Yes, you are M r Smith.

Are you Miss Jones ? Yes, I am Miss Jones.
Are you Mrs Black ? Yes, I am Mrs Black.

Book 1 Module 1 3
Are you a student?
a man [э man]
a woman [a 'woman]
tall [t>:l]
this [6is] $njnrvO*r\

Is this a man? Yes, this is a man.

Is this a woman? Yes, this is a woman,

Is the man tall? Yes, the man is tall

Is the woman tall? Yes, the woman is tall
Are you a man? Yes, I am a man.
Am I a woman? Yes, you are a woman.

a boy [a boi]
a girl [a gs:l]
short [Ja:t]

Is this a girl? Yes, this is a girl

Is this a boy? Yes, this is a boy.
Is the boy short? Yes, the boy is short.
Is the girl short? Yes, the girl is short

a student [a ’stjurdant]
a teacher [a ’tirtja]
msu ш
I am a teacher. You are a student

Am I a teacher? Yes, you are a teacher.

Are you a student? Yes, I am a student.
Am I tall? Yes, you are tall
Are you short? Yes, I am short

Direct Method for English

_TiL .-л . 114.

• Are you a woman?

о Yes, I am a woman.

he is [hi: iz]
is he ...? [iz hi:]
she is [Ji: iz]
is she ...? [iz Ji:]
a doctor [a ’ctokta]
a manager [э 'mamid3 a]
( a waiter [a vveita]
a programmer [а ргаидгагта]
* I
She 15 a doctor. She is a manager. He is a waiter. He is a programmer.

Is he a waiter? Yes, he is a waiter.

Is he a programmer? Yes, he is a programmer.

Is he a man? Yes, he is a man.

Is she a manager? Yes, she is a manager.

Is she a doctor? Yes, she is a doctor.

Is she a student? Yes, she is a student

• Is she a doctor?
о Yes, she is a doctor.

a short form [э Ja:t form]

he is = Ье’ЩЯ ::
she is = she's
is = ’s

I ’m a teacher. You're a student He's a programmer. She's a manager

Am I a teacher? Yes, you're a teacher.

Am I a man ? Yes, you’re a man.
Are you a student? Yes, I'm a student

Book 1 Module 1
Are you a woman? Yes, I'm a woman.
Is he a waiter? Yes, he's a waiter.
Is she a doctor? Yes, she's a doctor.
Is he a programmer? Yes, he's a programmer.
Is she a manager? Yes, she's a manage?’.

I am not a student You are not a teacher. He is not a teacher:

Am I a man? No, you are not a man, but you're a woman.

Am I a student? No, you are not a student,
but you're a teacher.

Are you a man? No, I am not a таги but I'm a woman.

Are you a woman? No, I am not a woman, but I'm a man.
Is he a manager? No, he is not a manager, but he's a waiter.

Is she a programmer? No, she is not a programmer, but she's a doctor.

• Are you a manager?

с No, I am not a manager, but I'm a student

a nurse
a secretary [
a driver [э
a sales representative [э seilz repri’zentativ]

Am I a nurse? No, you are not a nurse, but you're a teacher.

Are you a secretary? No, I am not a secretary, but I'm a driver.
Is she a sales representative? No, she is not a sales representative,
but she's a doctor.

Is he a waiter? No, he is not a waiter, but he's a nurse.

Direct Methsl f§ r Ewrltsfc

aren't [a:nt]
isn't [ iznt]

I'm not a driver. You aren’t a teacher. He isn’t a doctor. She isn't a secretary.

Am I a man ? No, you aren't a man.

Am I a student? No, you aren't a student,
but you're a teacher.

Are you a driver? No, I'm not a driver, but I'm a waiter.
Are you a sales representative? No, I'm not a sales representative,
but I'm a programmer.

Is he a doctor? No, he isn't a doctor, but he's a nurse.

Is she a secretary? No, she isn't a secretary, but she's a manager.

• Is he a driver?
о No, he isn't a driver, but he's a teacher. m

absent [ ’aebssnt]
present [p re z n t]

Are you present? Yes, I'm present

Is John absent? Yes, John is absent

Is Jenny present? No, Jenny isn't present,but she's absent

Is the teacher absent? No, the teacher isn't absent,but he's present

Book 1 Module 1 7
Where are you from?
a country [a ’ki\ntri]
a city [a 'siti] у
England [ ’iqglan d]
Ireland [ ’aialand]
China [ ’tjaina]
Щшш гл^с

in [in ] г
it [it]

England is a country. Manchester is a city.

It is a city in England. It's a city in England

Is Ireland a country? Yes, Ireland is a country.

Is Manchester a city? Yes, Manchester is a city. [’mcentjistg]
Is China a city? No, China isn’t a city, but it's a country.
Is Liverpool a city in England ? Yes, Liverpool is a city in England.
Is Manchester a city in Ireland ? No, Manchester isn't a city in Ireland,
but it's a city in England.

large [la :d 3] S O jL&C.£^cSi-iX

small [sm all]
a town [a taun] '■О
Monaco [ ’rrmnakau]
Berlin [Ьз:’1ш]

Hornsea is a town. Berlin is a large city. Monaco is a small country.

Is M onaco small? Yes, Monaco is small

Is China small? No, China isn't small, but it's large.
Is Hornsea a town? Yes, Hornsea is a town. [!ho:nsi:]
Is Liverpool a town? No, Liverpool isn't a town, but it's a city.
Is Berlin a large city? Yes, Berlin is a large city.
Is Berlin a small town? No, Berlin isn't a small town, but it's a large city.
Is China a small country? No, China isn't a small country, but it's a large country.

Direct Method fer Enfttsfe

where [w e a ] '
France [fra:ns] ф ' -•-С.
AParis [ ’paens]
Dublin [d A b lin ]
London [ ’U ndan]

Where is Dublin? Dublin is in Ireland.

Where is London? London is in England.
Where is Paris? Paris is in France.

Russia Ггф]
Moscow ['mDskau]
Belgium [Ъ е И з э ш ]
Brussels [brA slz]
. the USA [5э ju :es’ei]
New York [nju: jo:k]

Whe^e is Brussels? Brussels is in Belgium.
Is Moscow in Ireland ? No, Moscow isn’t in Ireland,
but it's in Russia.

Is New York in England? No, New York isn't in England,

but it's in the USA.

Is Brussels in China? No, Brussels isn't in China,

but it's in Belgium.

a capital [э ’kaepitl]
Great Britain [greit ’bntn] |
G erm any№з:тэш] 77; « C\ I ы-j . с
Poland [paubndj

Berlin is the capital o f Germany.

W hatj^ the capital o f Great Britain? London i^the capital of Great Britain.
What is the capital o f Germany? Berlin is the capital o f Germany.
What is the capital o f France? Paris is the capital o f France.
What is the capital o f Poland? Warsaw is the capital o f Poland.

о What is the capital of Germany?

• Berlin is the capital of Germany.
from [from] ^
Where ... from?
which [witj] .

I am from France. She is from London.

Where are you from? I'm from Belgium.

Where is^she from? She's from Germany.
Which city are you from? I'm from Manchester.
Which city is he from? He's from Paris.

о Where are you from ?

• I'm from Belgium.

Italy [’itali]
Scotland [’skDtland] I
Japan [ёзз'ргеп]
Canada [’kaensda]
s-ST:i:^g Spain [spein]

Is New York a city? Yes, New York is a city.

Is Japan a country? Yes, Japan is a country.

Is Scotland a city? No, Scotland isn't a city,
but it's a country.

Which country are you from? I'm from Spain.

Is Canada a small country? No, Canada isn't a small country,

but it's a large country.

Direct Mettled fer Easfisfc

English [irjgliJ]
шт. German ['сЗзз:тэп]
н ш н ш г т French [frentj]
Russian ['rAjn]
Polish [paulij]
American [э’тепкэп]

Are you French ? Yes, I'm French.

Are you Russian? No, I'm not Russian, but I'm Polish.
Is this book French ? No, this book isn't French,
but it's English.

Is the teacher A m erican ? No, the teacher isn’t American, but she's English.
Are the students German ? No, the students aren't German,
but they're French.

nationality [naeja’naebti]

What nationality are you? I am American

What nationality are you? I'm German.

What nationality is the teacher? The teacher is English.

What nationality are the students? The students are French.

о What nationality are you?

• I'm German.

Book 1 Module 1 11
What is thisP
a book [a buk]
a CD [9 si: 'di:]
a page [э peid3 ]
a picture [a ’piktja] A ; f £-

What is this? It is a book. Is this a CD? Yes, it is a CD.

What is this? It is a book.

What is this? It is a CD.

Is this a page ? Yes, it is a page.
Is this a picture ? Yes, it is a picture.

a living room [a I1V113 ru:m]

a door [a da:]
ЩЯЩ a window [a ’windau]
a ceiling [a 'si:lnj]
a floor [a fla:]
a light [a lait]

What is this? It is a floor.

Is this a ceiling ? Yes, it is a ceiling.

Is this a light ? Yes, it is a light

Is the Zig/zt in the living room? Yes, the light is in the living room
Where is the door ? The door is in the living room.
Where is the window ? The window is in the living room.

Direct Method for English

a box [э boks]
a table [э ’teibl]
a chair [э tjea ] a ; cv •
a sofa [э ’saufa]
a wall [a w d :1]

What is this? It is a wall.

Is this a chair ? Yes, it is a chair.
Where is the sofa ? The sofa is in the living room.
Where is the table ? The table is in the living room.

Is the box in the living room? Yes, the box is in the living room.

it is not = it isn't [ iznt]

it is = it's [its]

Is this a CD? No, it isn't a CD, but it's a key.

Is this a window ? No, it isn't a window, but it's a door.

Is this a flo o r ? No, it isn't a floor, but it's a ceiling.

Is this a light ? No, it isn't a light, but it's a wall.
Is this a sofa ? No, it isn't a sofa, but it’s a chair.

a desk [э desk]
О П [D n ]

a mobile phone [э 'шэиЬай Тэип]

a key [э ki:]
a lamp [э laemp] *" </■• ■-"
a pencil [э pensil] ft* ‘ fr
a ballpoint pen / a ballpoint [э boilpDint pen]

What is this? It's a key.

Is this a mobile phone ? Yes, it's a mobile phone.
Is this a. pencil? No, it isn't a pencil, but it's a ballpoint pen.
Is the ballpoint on the desk? Yes, the ballpoint is on the desk.
Where is the lamp? The lamp is on the desk.

о Is this a mobile phone?

• No, it isn't a mobile phone, but it's a CD.

Book 1 1VlQEfuIe 1 13
open [эирэп] • п v °* к ,
closed [klauzd] f t G # /г • '' -r

Is the window closed? Yes, the window's closed.

Is the door open? No, the door isn't open, but it's closed.
Is my book closed? No, your book isn't closed but it's open.

high [hai]
low [bu]
the Eiffel tower [aifl ’taua]
a supermarket [o 'surpamaikit]

A supermarket is low. The Eiffel tower is high.

Is the ceiling high Yes, the ceiling's high in the living room.
in the living room?
Is a supermarket low? Yes, a supermarket is low.

Is the Jliffel tower high? Yes, the Eiffel tower is high.

Is a supermarket high? No, a supermarket isn't high, but it's low.

Is the Eiffel tower low? No, the Eiffel tower isn't low,
but it's high.

Am I a man or a woman? You are a woman.

Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student
Is the man tall or short? The man is tall.
Is the key large or small? The key is small.
Is this a door or a window? It's a window.
Is this a table or a chair? It's a chair.

Direct Method for Engfefc

this [6is] В
that [daet] /v'v^/rt / QjP {
a poster [э pausta] y v C iK z fi

This is a floor and that is a light

What is this? This is a window.

What is that? That is a door.
Is this a mobile phone ? Yes, this is a mobile phone.

Is that my book ? No, that isn't your book, but it's his book.
Is that a poster? Yes, that is a poster.
Is that poster small? No, that poster isn't small, but it's large.

о What is this? о What is that?

• This is a CD. * That is a poster.

—► t OC-

that '
a ,?**■
____ У

listen to the CD at home!

Book 1 Module 1 15
Are we from SpainP

What is the plural o f 'a poster1? The plural of ’a poster' is 'posters'.

What is the plural o f 'a key'? The plural of 'a key' is keys'.

What is the singular o f 'tables'? The singular o f 'tables' is 'a table'.

What is the singular o f 'sofas'? The singular of 'sofas' is 'a sofa'.

We are books.

Are we from Madrid? Yes, we are from Madrid

Are you students? Yes, we are students.
Are they students? Yes, they are students.

Are they books? Yes, they are books.

We're from Belgium. You're students. They're books.

Direct M e t M ftr English

Are w e from Belgium ? Yes, we're from Belgium.
Are you students? Yes, we're students.
Are they students? Yes, they're students.
Are they books? Yes, they're books.

nunatiifp chnrt fnrmc

we are not = we aren’t
you are not = you aren’t
they are not = they aren't

We aren't from Spain. You aren't teachers. They aren't books.

Are we from Spain ? No, we aren't from Spain,

but we're from the USA.

Are they teachers? No, they aren't teachers,

but they're students.

Are you teachers? No, we aren't teachers, but we're students.

Are they tables? No, they aren't tables, but they're chairs.
Are they boxes? No, they aren't boxes,
but they're pictures.

Are they absent? No, they aren't absent, but they're present

This is our classroom. I am your teacher. It's their book.

Is this our classroom? Yes, this is our classroom.

Are your books English? Yes, our books are English.
Are they their books? Yes, they are their books.
Is this their classroom? No, it isn't their classroom,
but it's our classroom.

Book 1 Module 1 17
What is the plural o f 'a man? The plural o f 'a man' is 'men'.
What is the plural o f 'a wom an? The plural o f 'a woman' is 'women'.

these [5i:z]
those [бэиг]

The plural of ’this’ is 'these'. These students are German.

The plural o f 'that' is 'those'. Those books are English.

What is the plural o f 'this? The plural o f 'this' is 'these'.

Are these books English ? Yes, these books are English.

What is the plural o f 'that? The plural o f 'that' is 'those'.
Are those students from the USA ? No, those students aren't from the USA,
but they’re from Spain.

Are these boxes large? No, these boxes aren't large,

but they're small.

Are those books German? No, those books aren't German,

but they're English.

Г ;
this that
— ► -------------------- ►

these those
— ► mттв я__тя____
ш r
— ► ---------------------►
— ► ------------------------


Direct Metitedfer English

Grammar Lesson 1 ШЭ
Exercise 1 ________________
Write the plural (► 16).

1. a book - ... books ... 6. a city - ... .... :~~k=

2. a doctor - 7. a floor - t. тмшШ
3. a student - .tC. 8. a girl - ...r^/..C irri...

4. a pencil - ..{?^..К\£Л.к.. 9. a table -

5. a supermarket - 10. a box - wm

ito be.
^ H we are
am I? are we?
I am not we are not ш
you are >- ^ Д 5 IJyou are
are you? are you?
you are not you are not
he/she/it is thev are
is he/she/it? Я
he/she/it is not

Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps with 'am, is, are' (► 4,5,16).

1 .1... am ... a student. 6. The boxes ... large.

2. The b o y ..... IS...... from Berlin. 7. M a ry .... L t . ....a student.

3. We students. 8. My book .(.■?...... small.

4. They .... from this town. 9. His pencils .. German.

5. John.... 1..1..... a teacher. io . it .....( J ! ........ .. a CD.

Exercise 3
Write the questions.

1. (you - present?) ... A re you present? ...

2. (they - from Spain?) i?u/nr....................

3. (your ballpoint pen - German?).... .4-....

4. (John - a student?).... fS..................... 1;/.........................................

5. (we - from London?) ....A .M r . tf/JL..... .... ...........................................

6. (you - the teacher?).... сЛ.С'Л..^гл2м^......мУ^..... C./I....L

Book 1 Module 1 GL1

7. (I - a student?).... .............................................................

8. (the boy - sh ort).... !S>....T.{?£r......S.£..\S....../!.{...

9. (Mary - absent).... /X.....

10. (this book - la r g e ).... ..........................

Put in question words [what, where] with 'are' or 'is'.

1. ... Where ... are ... my CDs? ~ Here.

2. A .... (S.... your name? — Frank.

3. .... LS... . this? ~ It’s my book.

4. W h y t f r . Ж Ь . you from? ~ I'm from Spain.

5. ...... !.S,.....the capital of Ireland? — Dublin.

6. these? ~ My pictures.

Write negative ends for the sentences [ ► 6,7,17).

1. They are from France, b u t... they a re n 't... from Paris.

2. I'm Polish, but ...... from Warsaw.

3. You are from Germany, but from Berlin.


4. He's a student, a teacher.

5. We are teachers, but ............. German teachers.

6. The students are present, absent.

7. She's from New York, but ...... .... American.

8. Those men are English, but .."kk?#.. . l.t...... teachers.

Direct Method for English

Exercise 6 _________________
Write the short forms.

she is - she's we are not - \Xj£-

I am - / ал you are -
it is not - l i g ilf\ i you are not - CXf^trj t

that is - i pencil is -

they are - I am not - J - h i M ^

Sara is - we are -

table is not - i& r fb there is - ■ i h z ^ e }s

Exercise 7 _________________
Write the numbers (► 2). >



fiv e . 2 Ъ х/О

ь S/ x

Exercise 8
Fill in the gaps with possessive adjectives [► 171.

1. Richard - » a large table. ... His ... table is large.

2. They -* English books. 7 Л с У / '/ . books are English

3. I - » a small picture. .с'M & ........ picture is small.

4. We - » large boxes. О й*/ . boxes are large.

5. You a German phone. . phone is German.

6. She -* a low chair. И м * . chair is low.

7. Peter -* a tall teacher. / to f . teacher is tall.

BooK 1 Module 1
Fast finishers
Exercise 9 ___________________
Complete each sentence With one word.

1. What is ... this ... ?

2. I a m ..... a manager.

3. is . . b h i l , .... a window?

4. Is Berlin ............large city?

5. Is this a door .. at?.......... a window?

6. This i s .........$«?. book.

7. . J . f ' f e ...... we students?

8. Where are you ...rj..t?J?.KO..?

9 .1 ..... a teacher.

10. She i s ....... {)$%.... a sales representative.

Exercise 10.
Put the words in the right order.

1. this is what ? 6. are how you ?

... What is this? ... .........

2. book is where the ? 7. not is Hornsea city a .

..i t .м А ..ж ..м ту

3. phone a is it . 8. woman you are a ?

... i d i .Л . Ш . ...Or....

4. name is what your ? 9. box not is large the .

5. supermarket is low a ? 10. the is Germany o f what capital ?

../.%... .)X:. Л . Г t:& . .....V.‘<:j №

Direct Method for English

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 11
Write the missing numbers.

one .. . tw o ... three five

seven .A?]£.£.{.i.. nine ...i&fl...

Exercise 12
Write the missing letters.

s t u d e n t w / e t* e

Am e t* i (L а Л sl p 4 r m £ _ r i t e "b

c lu s _€rd m b j_ 1

t J_ a _i_ h r с 0 tcnt/^v

с P i_ t 1 s j_ n 2l_L L 1Д г

Exercise 13
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it -- m tr — she

2. low -- large -- high - woman -

3. town -- country -- plural' - city

4. student - teacher -- man -- pester

5. light -- floor -- ceiling — shorHbrnr

6. women -- students — teachers - doctors

7. Belgium - New-^ork -- Germany - Japan

8. plural - irregular - singular - -capital -

9. English - France - Russian -- German

10. surname- -- programmer -- manager - nurse

11. my - her - -he—- their

12. secretary -- present - driver - waiter

Book 1 Module 1
Exercise 14 _____________________________________
Find 20 more words and write them in the correct categories.


people .. student . 1 .... Ш? 3: <

adjectives .. open ... 9 r d ^ i ^ L . ......Ai^./v.... ........ ^ 0 \X /

numbers .. three ... J : i V & ........... ivSf.6 ........ ........ tk .. ......

grammar .. p lu r a l... ...........

things .. table ... .............d d g M . ..........................................

pronouns .. we ... ............................. .1У1...... ......... &f a : .


Щ -?
{ n ^ 7

Direct Method for English

U n itO
Where is the poster?
a corridor [э ’kDndo:] /. -c
a classroom [э ’kla:sm:m]

Are you in the classroom? Yes, I'm in the classroom.

Are we in the corridor? No, we aren't in the corridor.
Is the table in the classroom? Yes, the table is in the classroom.
Is M r Jones in the corridor? No, M r Jones isn't in the corridor■,
but he's in the classroom.

Is the sofa in the classroom ? No, the sofa isn't in the classroom,
but it's in the living room.

beside [bi'said]
under [’Anda]
The sofa is beside the table. The book is under the picture.

Where is the key? The key is on the desk.

Where is the book? The book is under the picture.

Where is the sofa? The sofa is beside the table.
Is the mobile phone on the desk? Yes, the mobile phone is on the desk.
Is the poster on the floor? No, the poster isn't on the floor,
but it’s on the wall.

Is this CD under the book? No, this CD isn't under the book,
but it's in the book.

Is the lamp under the desk? No, the lamp isn't under the desk,
but it's on the desk.

Is the pencil beside the ballpoint pen? Yes, the pencil is beside the ballpoint pen.

о Where is the poster?

• The poster's on the wall.

Book 1 Module 2 19
it в in front o f [in 'frAnt 9v]
behind [bi'haind]
h ’^ T ~
The wall is behind the students. The door is in front o f the teacher.

Is the table in front o f the chair ? Yes, the table's in front of the chair.

Is the sofa in front o f the table ? No, the sofa isn't in front of the table.
but it's beside the table.

Where is the picture ? The picture's behind the teacher.

Are the students behind No, the students aren't behind the teacher,
the teacher? but they're in front o f the teacher.

Is the door in front o f the teacher? No, the door isn't in front of the teacher,
but it's behind the teacher.

above [ эЪ л у ]
below [bi'lou]

The ceiling is above the students. The floor is below the teacher.

Where is the ceiling ? The ceiling's above the teacher.

Where is the flo o r ? The floor's below the students.
Is the ceiling below the students? No, the ceiling isn't below the students,
but it's above the students.

Is the poster above the light? No, the poster isn't above the light,
but it's below the light.

between [bi’twim] |
and [send] : и

I am between the chair and the table.

Am I between the chair and the table ? Yes, you are between the chair
and the table.

Is John between M aria and Cristina ? Yes, John is between Maria and Cristina.
Is Page 7 between Page 6 and Page 8? Yes, Page 7 is between Page 6 and Page 8.
Is Page 3 between Page 4 and Page 6? No, Page 3 isn't between Page 4 and Page 6,
but it's between Page 2 and Page 4.

Direct Method for English

What letter is thisP
the alphabet [6i ’aelfobat]
a letter [э lets]

ith M lP h a b e t

К [kei]

What letter is this? It's the letter A.

What letter is this? It's the letter B.
What's your name? My name is Thomas.
Spell your name, please. T - H - O - M - A - S
What's my name? Your name is Barbara.
Spell my name, please. B - A - R - B - A - R - A
What's his name? His name is John.
Spell his name, please. J - O - H - N
What's her name? Her name is Cindy.
Spell her name, please. C - I - N - D - Y

с Spell your name, please. Tjr

m m
•R -O -B -E -R -T
jm -

Book 1 Module 2
a vow el [э ’vaual]
a consonant [э ’kDnssnant] И

Vowels are: a, e, i, o, u. Consonants are: b, c, d, f, g, ...

Is A a vowel? Yes, A is a vowel.

Is В a consonant? Yes, В is a consonant
Is С a vowel? No, С isn’t a vowel, but it's a consonant

Is I a consonant? No, I isn't a consonant, but it's a vowel

a word [a W3:d]

What is this? It's a word.

Is this a letter? No, it isn't a letter, but it's a word.

Is this a French word? No, it isn't a French word,
but it's an English word.

Spell the word 'picture', please. P - I - C - T - U - R - E

Spell the word 'where', please. W - H - E - R - E

о Spell the word 'English', please.

• E-N-G-L-l-S-H

a sentence [э ’sentans] /3

Is this a word? No, it isn’t a word, but it's a sentence.

Is this a Russian sentence? No, it isn’t a Russian sentence,
but it's an English sentence.

a question [a ’kw estjn ]

an answer [on 'a:nsa]

What is you r name?

Is this a question? Yes, it's a question.
M y name is Mark,
Is this an answer? Yes, it’s an answer.
Where is this question? This question is in your book.
Where is this answer? This answer is in your book.

Direct Method for E a g M i

Is there a CD in this book?
here [h is] 4
there [б е з ] V

I am here. You are there.

Am I here? Yes, you are here.

Is he there? Yes, he is there.
Is she there? No, she isn't there, but she’s here.
Is the key here? No, the key isn’t here, but it’s there.

there is [б зг iz] ос^-огяясМ ^'

a park [э pa:k]
a pocket [э ’pDkit]

There is a poster on the wall.

Is there a poster on the wall? Yes, there is a poster on the wall

Is there a CD in this book? Yes, there is a CD in this book.
Is there a park in this town? Yes, there is a park in this town.
Is there a mobile phone in your pocket? Yes, there is a mobile phone in my pocket
Is there a ballpoint Yes, there is a ballpoint
in my pocket? in your pocket

о Is there a poster on the wall?

• Yes, there is a poster on the wall.

Direct Methed Ter ЕщНвк

there are [бэга:] и ■ '■ : ^ '
a film [з film] r r ^ o y ie , - C ;
the^einema [бэ ’sinsms] у :,
(a)Jbelevision [э ’teliv^n]
( с SL 4 ‘
There are three posters in the classroom

Are there three posters Yes, there are three posters

in the classroom? in the classroom.
Are there questions and answers Yes, there are questions and answers
in this book? in this book.
Are there films on televisi<ion? Yes, there are films on television.
Are there films at the cinema? Yes, there are films at the cinema.
Are there letters in the book? Yes, there are letters in the book.

о Are there films on television?

• Yes, there are films on television.

there is not „ _
music [m ju :zik ] |

There isn't a television in the classroom.

Is there a television No, there isn't a television

in the classroom? in the classroom.
Is there a tall man No, there isn't a tall man
in the picture? in the picture.
Is there music at the cinema? No, there isn't music at the cinema.
Is there a cinema in Amberley ? No, there isn't a cinema in Amberley.

Is there a CD in my pocket? No, there isn't a CD in your pocket

о Is there a CD in my pocket?
• No, there isn't a CD in my pocket.

Book 1 Module 2
Unit ii
there are not
a radio О ’reidiao]
There aren’t 10 students in the classroom.

Are there 10 students No, there aren't 10 students in the classroom,

in the classroom? but there are 6.
Are there three radios No, there aren't three radios
in the classroom? in the classroom.
Are there films on the radio? No, there aren't films on the radio.
Are there 9 cinemas No, there aren't 9 cinemas in this city,
in this city? but there are 3.
Are there seven letters No, there aren't seven letters
in the word 'radio'? in the word 'radio', but there are five letters.

о Are there three radios in the classroom?

• No, there aren't three radios in the classroom.
Is today Monday?
a day [э dei
a week [э w i:k
Monday [ ’mAndei
Tuesday ['tjuizdei
Wednesday [ ’w en zd ei
Thursday ['03:zdei
Friday ['fraidei
Saturday [ ’saetsdei
Sunday [ ’sAndei

What are the days o f the week? The days o f the week are Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and

Which day is between Monday Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday.

and Wednesday?
Which day is between Friday Saturday is between Friday and Sunday.
and Sunday?

today [ta’dei]
Ь A f t !
What day is it today? Today is Tuesday.
Is today Monday ? Yes, today is Monday.
Is today Sunday ? No, today isn't Sunday, but it's Friday.
Which day is after Tuesday? Wednesday is after Tuesday.
Which day is before Sunday? Saturday is before Sunday.

• Is today Friday?
с No, today isn't Friday, but it's Wednesday.

Book 1 Module 2
Unit в a month [э m.\n0]
a year [a jia ]
January ['d 3 £enjuari]
February ['februari]
March [m artj]
April [e ip ra l]
May [m ei]
June [d3 u:n]
July [d3 u’lai]
August ['Digast]
September [sep’temba]
October [Dk’tauba]
November [nau'vem ba]
December [di'sem ba]

Tell me the months The months o f the year are January, February,
o f the year, please. March, April, May, June, July, August, September.
October, November and December.

Which month is before November ? October is before November.

Which month is after M ay ? June is after May.
Which month is between July is between June and August.
June and August?

о Which month is between June and August?

• July is between June and August.

season [ ’si:zn]
spring [sprig]
lummer [sA m a]
lutumn [a :ta m ]
winter [ ’w inta] i

What are the four seasons? The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and

Which are the summer months? The summer months are June, July and August
Which are the winter months? The winter months are December, January
and February.

Is September a spring month? No, September isn't a spring month,

but it's an autumn month.

Is July a winter month? No, July isn't a winter month,

but it's a summer month.

Direct Method for English

What number is this?
11 eleven [i!levn]
12 twelve [twelv]
13 thirteen [03:'ti:n]
14 fourteen [fb:’ti:n]
JHSfteen [fifti:n]

from [from] . ?: • -.

Count to 10, please. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Count from 9 to 15, please. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Count from 12 to 20, please. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

20 twenty l/twenti]
30 thirty [ 03:ti] 90 ninety [ namti]
40 forty C'fbrti]
50 fifty C’fifti] 100 one hundred [w.
Tsiksti] 1,000 one thousand

a number [ плш Ьэ]

What number is this? 50 fifty

What number is this? 48 forty-eight

What number is this? 83 eighty-three
What number is this? 120 one hundred and twenty
► ►►

Book 1 Module 2 2!
Unit и What number is this? 278 two hundred and seventy-eight
What number is this? 3,459 three thousand four hundred
and fifty-nine

What number is this? 6,544,324 six million five hundred and forty-four
thousand three hundred and twenty-four

What's the number o f this classroom? The number o f this classroom is six.
What's the number o f this page? The number o f this page is 30.

How old are you? :^ r

How old are you? I'm twenty-three years old. You're nineteen.

How old are you? I ’m forty-five years old.

How old am I? You're twenty-one years old.
How old are the people He is forty' and she's thirty-two.
in this picture?

• How old are you?

о I'm twenty-seven (years old).

how many ... are there?

How many students are there in the classroom? There are 9 students in the classroom.

How many students are there There are nine students

in the classroom? in the classroom.
How many posters are there There are three posters on that wall
on that wall?

How many cinemas are there There are four cinemas in this city.
in this city?

How many letters are there There are 7 letters in the word 'ceiling'.
in the word 'ceilin g ?
How many words are there in There are four words in the sentence
the sentence 'Your hair is brown'? ’Your hair is brown'.

Direct Metliod for English

What is the firs t day o f the week? Monday is the first day of the week.
What is the second day o f the week? Tuesday is the second day o f the week.
What is the fifth month o f the year? May is the fifth month of the year.
What is the tenth month o f the year? October is the tenth month of the year.
Which is the fourteenth letter N is the fourteenth letter
o f the alphabet? o f the alphabet
Which is the twenty-second letter V is the twenty-second letter
o f the alphabet? of the alphabet

Which is the twenty-fourth letter X is the twenty-fourth letter

o f the alphabet? o f the alphabet
Which page is this? It's the thirty-first page.
Which page is this? It's the fifty-seventh page.

о What is the sixth day of the week?

• Saturday is the sixth day of the week.

Book 1 Module 2 31
last [la:st]

Which is the last letter Z is the last letter o f the alphabet

o f the alphabet?

Is Z the first letter o f the alphabet? No, Z isn't the first letter of the alphabet,
but it's the last letter.

Which is the last day o f the week? Sunday is the last day o f the week.
Is Monday the last day o f the week? No, Monday isn't the last day o f the week, ba­
it's the first day.

Which is the last month o f the year? December is the last month of the year.
Is this the last page o f the book? Yes, it's the last page o f the book.

Classroom English:
Repeat, please! -
Translate this sentence>please! - ...................... к__

I don't understand - i <.л.l ..л . *6

Can you repeat? - .......... £ SrV/ '-
Can you say it slowly? - . . . ...Л .7...

Open your book! -.

Close your book! - L~....
What does it mean ? - ........ )/u-*

Direct Method for English

Communication 1

A new student

о Hello. What's your name?

• Hello. My name is Andy. What's your name?
о My name's Cristina.
• Spell it, please,
• Thankyou. Are you the teacher?
о No, I'm a student. Are you a new student here?
• Yes. Is this your English book?
о That's right. There i\a CD in the book.
Are you sitting herg^Can I sit with you?
о4es, please. Where are you from?
• I'm from Germany. And where are you from ?
from Spain.
• Which city are yoi
6 l'h\ from Вагсе1<ШЁ:Щ a large
)h}really? I'm ftotiWoGeh. It's ai
w =.

^N.ibfrto m eetyoii^i
л«л>ЛЧ. гШ
New words /phrases:

that's right-

nameP new student? country? city/town?

С-ы'\ v f l V v f i . + Spain i - ■

Book 1 Module 2 GL7

Exercise 2 _______________________
Complete the questions with these words.

1. ... Where ...are you from?

2. What ....i-2... your name? ' ^ {$ Sv&b fa-ftCL,
3.. COrfl... Isitwith you?tfei, %ou ел/i
4. city are you from? .J. To
5. ...A cQ... you sitting here? ^^ ^
6.. /«2... this your English book?
7. Are .the teacher? j
- r
8. Where are you

Exercise 3 __________________
Practise the dialogues taking turns.

• Hello. What's your name?

о Hello. My name is.... What's your name?
о Where are you from?
• My name's....
• I'm from.... у4лс/ where are you from?
о Spell it, please.
о I'm from....
•3 v&.bi o - I 'i f e f f i • Which city are you from?
o Thank you.
о I'm from.... /f's a /arge city.
• Oh, rea//y? I'm from.... /f's a small town,
о Nice to meet you.
• A//ce fo meet you, too.

Exercise 4

Direct Method for English

Grammar Lesson 2
Exercise 1
Write the numbers О 29).

1. three + ... SIX ... = nine

/¥ / w rg 6
2. seventeen - nine = £ :h k .
3. eleven ............... ........................ = twenty-three

4. thirty-seven + eight = 4 * - 1' ...........................

5. one hundred - twelve = ..£#?.ft: k £ .7..v .- .C T.....................

6. fifty-six - eight = . ...........................

,7. forty-mne
, 43. 4 Хf k
+ ........ ) ы/ .1. .Ш
.£ .\
. . ...................................... = sixty-t\
41 4 9 LP • ‘ ^
8. seventeen + nineteen = .... 7...Srf.X.................................................

9. ....Lit.... eighty-three = ninety-two

^ 1 0 . five hundred and fifteen - fifty-five = . J . £ . . J . . . ;.q L ...£ л .К...//.



Exercise 2 __________________________________________________________________
Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those' (► 15,18].

1.... These ... pencils are here on the table. ^(

2. ..iriL^rr^'... poster is there on the wall.

3. teachers are there behind the table. : ^

4 . 5 .... book is here in front o f the lamp. t/ л (£><1{С*^ ^

. ^ . V 0 rJL/Uf#'''4* <Q*
5. ...........,.IAS... student is here in the classroom. no-.-fyp* <fc--*
n fro W d , t* | Щ |
6. r.. sentences here in the book are long. '

7. My picture is there on ....f.^V^TT. wall. <tC £* €

3. boxes are there in that room. СуСсЪ/с < c- - *<■■&-

1 ” 2 1 ИйШ |
.there is, there are.

Exercise 3
Complete the gaps in the sentences with there, is, are, isn't, aren't' (► 24-261.

1. ... T h e re .......are ... six students in the classroom.

2.(S........ ................... a poster on the wall?

3.!$ £ / .Y € ........1 1 English book on the table.

4. No, ./tffr... i3£ff. 15 chairs in the classroom.

5..... yJj.Mt......students here?

6. No, ..... iS...... .... a book on the floor.

7. J.S...........a chair in that room?

8.S . .......(S...... a teacher in front o f the students.

9. parks in that town?

10..... films on the radio.

Exercise 4
Put the words in the right order.

1. classroom chairs in there seven are the .

... There are seven chairs in the classroom . ...

2. there teacher here is a ?

/£ .........................

3. behind are table there chairs the ?

...... <

4. on small a there wall the is poster

%J t l ... ' A . . &*. A k . . . . . Or.! . . . . . . .

5. are room not there that chairs in .

ir u & i......

6. open is" an under table -there not the book .

, . y l . r . f Y l . ,,|Д с ш . . . о . ь & к . ..

Direct Method for English

students are classroom not there this in .

w&r.. ..../.tn..i:.Lc Z .
8. twelve are a in there months year ?

, V t ............................... / V л .л ь е л * '

Exercise 5 __________________________________________________________________
Make ten sentences with words from the three boxes, using 'there is, there are'.

a large box
German ballpoint pens
women in the classroom
there is
a small picture on the table
there are a large table on the floor
there isn’t students in the corridor
a teacher under the chair
there aren't
large posters here
a radio
English books

1. ... There isn't a large box on the flo o r.

2. ........ . . . h ^....

з. 3h^e

5. ....!.t \ . . . J y l 7

6 i: / ^ .

7 x . . . J . C-.. . . . . . .if.

•//U - ........

9. Q t f & r f ' t ................................. ' b e c # - d r , U * v € l& 4 *


10. ! ? .^. . . . !.Q ..J ^ b 4 r. .

Book 1 Module 2 GL11

Fast finishers
Exercise 6
Complete each sentence with one word.

1. Is ...this ... your mobile phone?

2. they in the corridor?

3. Brussels...... /.j>.......... in Ireland.

is your name?

5. The o f ’a box' is 'boxes'.

6. I .... not a student.

7. How many posters are . that wall?

8. ...U.x£..C/.CAs a light in the classroom.

Exercise 7
Put the words in the right order.

1. chairs low these are 6. of is front you it in .

... These chairs are low. ...

< r n
2. В consonant is a ? 7. book closed that is .

.....A . ...Л-...ЛЛЙЯ. УР.гуС-кА- / . ... JJk..

3. the sofa are the behind chairs ? 8. are those boxes small not

? .. & }.i
4 .............................................
4. book not your is closed . 9. there poster is a table under the

. . . . b

5. you teacher are a ? 10. are weeks there in month a four

...J t tfg ....... г ,-
Ь ^ З г ....Ш / . L .....
Exercise 8
Write the numbers (► 31).
279 two hundred and seventy-nine rsetZr
156 С+лР' M b


23 i i b s 'b L ,

134 •QrJ-' j

Direct Method for English

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 9
Find 12 more words and write them in the correct categories.

months ... January...

ordinals . . . second...

days ... Thursday...

seasons ...w in ter...

Exercise 1 0 _____________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it -- -our — she

2. these — that -- -they-- those

3. forty -- t-hirteerr - seventy - sixty

4. low -- high - long - above-

5. us - them - my- - him

5. fourteen - eleven - twenty' - twelve

7. behind - -season - above -- below

S. your - -theffh - her - my

9. April - Saturday -- September -- July - cinema -- television - peeket

Exercise 11 __________________________
Write the missing letters.

b_e_ f_o_ r_e_ - Q p с o~p t 1

u Л. d £L r —с j2 n vL о Уъз. n t
A LLz LLS _ D_6 c £ m A e Ы
n _ Um£ _ e / ^ W £ fi n s flf a
/ e
s £n ~b с m U s j _•c <

Book 1 Module 2 GL13

Exercise 1 2 ___________________________________________
Find 10 words in the diagram and write them in the correct categories.

z X M 0 N T H
... month ..., ....... ,
H Q R T j w D
..... ,
J 0 W
^1 E W
111 E
z 0 N С С P
... that..., } H
s z P 0 n 7 G Q
E M J и R D с
... in ..., ib 'k d jL fi/ .... S с Y и w E z
& Ф - . С Г & . . , ...O n ..............
0 D F G s W X
N P 5" N D E R W 0

Direct Method for English

Is this a fingerP
an arm [anarm] f Ф А
a hand [э haend] - •// - ,.? •••—'-f-
a head [a hed] \r.< r £ t ^
a thumb [а 9лш]
a finger [a 'fnjga] ; . . . . . . .

What is this? It's a hand.

Is this a thumb or an arm? It's an arm.

Is this a finger or a thumb ? It's a finger.

Is this a finger? No, it isn't a finger,but it's a thumb.

Is this a head? No, it isn’t a head,but it'sa hand

a face [a feis] j л ■ < • ‘ y

an ear [an is] j •/v
an eye [an ai]
a nose [a nauz]
a mouth [a mauG]

What is this? It's a nose.

Is this an ear or an eye? It’s an ear.
Is this an eye or a mouth? It’s an eye.
Is this a mouth? No, it isn't a mouth,butit'sa face.

Is this an ear? No, it isn't anear,but it's an eye.

■- a leg [a leg] '■

"Ж М И - --——
Г- . ------- a foot [a fut]
hair [hea]
a wrist [a nst]
a back [э baek] |ь Ш Ш Щ Ш

Book 1 Module 3 33
What is this? it's my back.
Is this a fo o t or hair ? It’s hair.
Is this his fo o t or his back ? It's his fo o t
Is this y ou r leg? No, it isn't my leg, but it's my wrist

Is this his wrist? No, it isn't his wrist, but it's his hair.

a part [з pa:t] -zC - •-* §§§Г

a body [э ’b o d i]
a neck [з nek] <C
a knee [э n i:] и с •-
an elbow [эп *е1Ьэи]

What part o f the body is this? It's an elbow.

What part o f the body is this? It's a knee.
What part o f the body is this? It's a neck.

• What part of the body is this?

о It's a knee.

right [rait] Ш ш ш Ш
left [le ft]

This is my left knee. This is my right knee.

Is this my left knee or my right knee? It's your right knee.

Is this my left elbow or my right elbow? It's your left elbow.
Which fo o t is this? It's your right fo o t
Which fo o t is this? It's your left fo o t

long [log] ^ e V-
: short [Jo:t]
blonde [blond] * .£ , .: .

My hair is short Your hair is long.

Is my hair short or long? Your hair is short

Is your hair long or short? My hair is long.

rii.nnt far Ениlistl

Is his hair long? No, his hair isn't long, but it's short
Is her hair short? No, her hair isn't short but it's long.
Is my hair blonde? Yes, your hair is blonde.
Is his hair blonde? No, his hair isn't blonde.

a thing [э Big]

What is this thing? This thing is a ballpoint pen.

What is that thing? That thing is a door.
How many things are there There are two things in my pocket
in your pocket?

• What is this thing?

о This thing is a book.

a person [э 'p3:sn] кГ р*-С{л С

people [’piipl] / rO -\.c (a*, rf

What is the plural o f 'a person1? The plural of 'a person' is 'people'.
Are you a person or a thing? I'm a person.
Is this a person or a thing? This is a thing.
How many people are there in London ? There are 20 million people in London.

How many people are there in Paris ? There are 12 million people in Paris.
How many people There are 6 people in this picture.
are there in this picture?

с How many people are there in London?

• There are 20 million people in London.

Book 1 Module 3
the opposite [6i Dpszit]

The opposite o f left' is 'right'.

What's the opposite o f 'left'? The opposite of left' is 'right'.

What's the opposite o f 'tali'? The opposite of 'tali' is 'short'.
What's the opposite o f 'long'? The opposite of 'long' is 'short'.
What's the opposite o f 'high'? The opposite of 'high' is low'.
What's the opposite o f 'first'? The opposite o f 'first' is last'.

• What's the opposite of'high'?

о The opposite of'high'is 'low'.

Direct Method for English

Do you have a radioP
have [haev], has [heez]
do [du:]
with [wi6]
a room [3 ru:m]

I have a small key. We have a large classroom.

She has an English book. He has a key in his pocket

We use do in questions (with I, you, we, they):
Do you have a ballpoint? ~ Yes, I have a ballpoint.

Do you have a radio or a television I have a radio in my room.

in your room?

Do you have long or short hair? I have short hair.

Do I have a key? Yes, you have a key.
Do we have mobile phones Yes, we have mobile phones in our pockets.
in our pockets?
Do they have long hair? Yes, they have long hair.
Do w e have a classroom? Yes, we have a classroom.
Do they have French films on television Yes, they have French films on television
in France? in France.
Do w e have a park in this town? Yes, we have a park in this town.

• Do you have a key in your pocket?

о Yes, I have a key in my pocket.

Book 1 Module 3 37
j— »
Does;he have a mobile phone Yes, he has a mobile phone in his pocket
in his pocket?

Dogsishe have an English book? Yes, she has an English book.

Does a hippie have long or short hair? A hippie has long hair.
Does a hippie have music CDs? Yes, a hippie has music CDs.
Does the chair have legs? Yes, the chair has legs.

Does the classroom have four walls? Yes, the classroom has four walls.
Does the student's book have a CD? Yes, the student's book has a CD.

Who is present? Jane is present

Who is absent? Tom is absent
Who has long hair? Mark has long hair.
Who has music CDs? A hippie has music CDs.
Who's in the classroom? The students are in the classroom.
Who has a mobile phone The teacher has a mobile phone in his pocket
in his pocket?

Do you have a large key?

Do you have short hair?

Direct Method tr ^glisfi

Do I have a French CD? No, you do not have a French CD,
but you have an English CD.

Do we have German books? No, we do not have German books,

but we have English books.

Do they have long hair? No, they do not have long hair,
but they have short hair.

Do we have a television No, we do not have a television

in the classroom? in the classroom.

• Do you have a German CD?

с No, I do not have a German CD.


Does he have a German book? No, he does not have a German book,
but he has an English book.

Does she have short hair? No, she does not have short hair,
but she has long hair.

Does he have long hair? No, he does not have long hair,
but he has short hair.

Does a hippie have short hair? No, a hippie does not have short hair,
but she has long hair.

Does the chair have 5 legs? No, the chair does not have 5 legs,
but it has 4 legs.

Does the classroom have two walls? No, the classroom does not have two
walls, but it has four walls.

• Does she have a French book?

с No, she does not have a French book.

BooK 1 Module 3 3!
Do you have long hair? No, I don't have long hair,
but I have short hair.

Do I have a mobile phone No, you don't have a mobile phone

in my pocket? in your pocket
Do w e have French books? No, we don't have French books,
but we have English books.

Do they have German films No, they don't have German films
on television in Canada? on television in Canada.

Does he have a German book? No, he doesn't have a German book,

С but he has an English book.

Does a hippie have short hair? No, a hippie doesn't have short hair,
but he has long hair.

Does she have a Russian book? No, she doesn't have a Russian book,
but she has an English book.

Does the chair have 5 legs? No, the chair doesn't have 5 legs,
but it has 4 legs.

• Does she have a large key?

о No, she doesn't have a large key.

Direct Method for Enslish

Which animal is yeliowP
black [blaek]
white [w a it]
red [red]
blue [blu:]
orange [ Drind3 ]
what colour [4vDt к л Ь ]

What colour is the box? The box is orange.

What colour is the page? The page is white.
What colour is her hair? Her hair is black.
Who has blue eyes? Jenny has blue eyes.
Is there a white table No, there isn’t a white table
in the classroom? in the classroom.

yellow [ ’j e b u ]
grey [g rei] '
green [gri:n ] ' ; ■
brown [braun]
pink [p iq k ] /v- • Г Г Л

The mobile phone is grey. The door is black.

What colour is the box? The box is pink.

What colour is the chair? The chair is green.
What colour is y ou r mobile phone? My mobile phone is grey.
Who has brown hair? Thomas has brown hair.
Are there pink chairs No, there aren't pink chairs
in the classroom? in the classroom.

о What colour is the wall?

• The wall is yellow.


c.,> e
гм 2 *
^ fM?} b i t e / ' t Book 1 Module 3
lit в an animal [an ’ceniml] ~M X£,

Is this an animal? Yes, it's an animal

Which animal is yellow ? This animal is yellow.
Which animal is green ? That animal is green.
Which animal is brown ? This animal is brown.

a canary [a ka'neari]
a frog [a fro g ]
a puma [a ’pju:ma]

What colour is a canary? A canary is yellow.

What colour is a puma? A puma is brown.

What colour is a frog? A frog is green.
Is a frog pink? No, a frog isn’t pink, but it’s green.
Is a puma yellow? No, a puma isn’t yellow, but it’s brown.
Is a canary large? No, a canary isn’t large, but it’s small.

a dog [a d D g ]
a cat [a kaet]
an elephant [an ’elifant]
a mouse [a maus]

An elephant is a large animal. A mouse is a small animal.

Is a dog an animal? Yes, a dog is an animal.

Is a cat an animal? Yes, a cat is an animal.

Is an elephant a large animal? Yes, an elephant is a large animal.
Is a mouse a large animal? No, a mouse isn’t a large animal
but it’s a small animal.

Do you have a dog? Yes, I have a dog.

Does she have a cat? No, she doesn't have a cat

Direct M e tb ti ftr M i s t i
a rabbit [э ’rabbit] ; #A v O u * 4 L -
a gorilla [э дэ*п1э]
a pony [d ’pauni]
a tail [э teil]

Does a rabbit have short ears? No, a rabbit doesn't have short ears,
but it has long ears.

Are gorillas small animals? No, gorillas aren't small animals,

but they're large animals.

Does a pony have a long tail? Yes, a pony has a long tail

Which animal has a short tail? A rabbit has a short tail.

Which animal has a long tail? A cat has a long tail

• Do you have a dog?

о Yes, I have a dog. or: No, I don't have a dog, but I have a rabbit.

a horse [э ho:s] ,
a bird [э b3:d]

Is a horse a small animal? No, a horse isn't a small animal

but it's a large animal.

What is a pony? A pony is a small horse.

Is a canary a bird? Yes, a canary is a bird.
Are there birds in the park in winter? Yes, there are birds in the park in winter.

both [Ьэи9]
a pet [a pet]

Are there shoes on both my feet? Yes, there are shoes on both
your feet

Are elephants and gorillas both animals? Yes, elephants and gorillas are both animals.
Do you have a pet at home? No, I don't have a pet at home.
Are cats and dogs both pets? Yes, cats and dogs are both pets.

Book 1 Module 3 43
Unit в right [rait]
u c C 'fa b

wrong [год]

A canary is yellow. This is right Your key in is my pocket This is wrong.

A frog is green. Is this right? Yes, it's right.

A puma is pink. Is this wrong? Yes, it's wrong.

Your mobile phone is in my pocket No, it isn't right but it's wrong.
Is this right?

A pony has a long ta il Is this wrong? No, it isn't wrong, but it's right
Brussels is the capital o f Belgium. Yes, you're right.
Am I right? Brussels is the capital o f Belgium.
A gorilla is a bird. Am I wrong? Yes, you're wrong. A gorilla isn't a bird.

I am a student Is this right? No, it isn't right, but it's wrong.

You are a teacher.

only Ounli]

Is there only one sentence No, there isn't only one sentence on this page,
on this page? but there are twelve.
Does a rabbit have three ears? No, a rabbit doesn't have three ears,
but it only has two.

Does a cat have two tails? No, a cat doesn't have two tails,
but it only has one.

Are there two CDs in your book? No, there aren't two CDs in my book,
but there's only one.

a board [э bo:d]
a blackboard [0 'bl£ekbo:d]
a whiteboard [э ’w aitboid]

What is this? It's a whiteboard

Is this a blackboard? No, it isn't a blackboard,

but it's a whiteboard.

Do we have a whiteboard or We have a whiteboard in the classroom.

a blackboard in the classroom?

Direct Method for English

Grammar lesson 3

I have a ballpoint She has a book.

Do you have a ballpoint? Does she have a book?
I don’t have a ballpoint She doesn't have a book.

Exercise 1 ______________________________
Write 'have'or'has'[► 371.

1. I ... have ... a book. 6. He an English book.

2. She ... АгЛгЛ.... brown eyes. 7. You a small room.

3. We a large room. 8. I radio here.

4. They short hair. 9. The table ..A i? .d ... . four legs.

5. The teacher . a large book. 10. John & Mary ....(.....1

{<.■<%. three cats.

Exercise 2 ____________________________________________________________
Write sentences from Exercise 1 in the negative. Use 'don't have' or 'doesn't have' (► 38-40].

1 . ... I don't have a book. ...

2. ..... 4...... А :й / )/ А . ....................................

3. ..... ( ifOfs-d. JL&: ¥ £ . . . Ж .... ..................... ({.в # .? ? ........

4. ......A ta ii k & s A .....A s m , г..

5. У.[$?£s.. . . . . . o l & i r r S . ....Й-..

6. ,U j l .............................. ............................... .......................... 'd & G + C '

7 .. . ...... ( ? . .... ....................< £ h : v . ....

s. , j £ ............................ ................................................ . Ш , .....

9. . . . M f c . ....... 4 z . . ■ & :& £ ? :... . g L i Z & k I l & .....?.........

10. ..J . qA a ............................... (L e .t .\ i ....

BooK t Module 3 GL15

Exercise 3 ___________________________________________________________

Complete the questions. Use 'Do' / 'Does' and 'have'.

1.... Do ... you ... have ... a book?

2. she £L'.[/L...... long hair?

3. the teacher . . a black cat?

. w e ....................... a small classroom?

5. ...D a ... . th e y ....&..... German books?

6. h e .......a dog?
j ^
7. thestudents..... /.ГУЙ?ж . . . . . CDs in their books?

8.O .Q . . y o u <['V.QA/. a picture on the wall?

9. ..D a .... Jack & J ill.... :L\^'V .^rr..... a rabbit?

10. ..Q a& i. an elephant... A a & & ....... small ears?

Exercise 4 __________________________________________________________

Write the missing ordinal numbers (► 31).

first ...second... third fifth .(.J&.kfa*. seventh

ninth .Vt-M.-A..'.. eleventh _____ ^

t h ir t e e n th .- fift e e n t h seventeenth

nineteenth Tfy....{ ) . } [ . . twenty-first ^Й^л/..Jp...

\l v

Exercise 5
Write the ordinal numbers.

| 1. Monday is ... the f i r s t ... day o f the week.

2. May month of the year.


Direct Method for English


day o f the week,

month of the year.

у./ .... day o f the week.

3. Wednesday is ?Ur...... day of the week.

4. July is month o f the year.

5. Tuesday is , ж т ы ? С . . . . day of the week. \fJL

6. Saturday is .................. day o f the week.

7. 0 is the</..L .. t . . / . L letter o f the alphabet.

/ /
8. W is the . / . . й . л : letter o f the alphabet.
с. с
9. December is the . mont h of the year.
-fL jts - Ш г M
10. M is the letter of the alphabet.

BooK 1 Module 3 GL17

Fast finishers
Exercise 6
Read the sentences and write 'have, has, don't have, doesn't have'.

1. An elephant ... doesn't have ... small ears.

2. Cats and d o g s ................... four legs.

3. A m ouse..... ........................a small head.

I аёпЦ т p
4. Elephknts Л...О-ОМ.'ы. large eyes.

5. A cat three ears.

~bt\££ [ 1 I- }
6. Dogs five legs.

7. A mouse . . £ . rr.v*/.1..'... large eyes.

8. Elephants two ears and two eyes.


9. A rabbit. a K.. . a long tail.

10. Which animal ....L .f.3 .................. a short tail?

Exercise 7 ______________________________________________________
Put the words in the right order.

1. classroom chairs in there seven are the ?

... Are there seven chairs in the classroom? ...

2. she does book an English have ?

'C- £ jfx w C ftls. ,

3. day today it is what ?


4. school blackboard at a do have we ?

..... £ L ....... cl A s t k e o C '•

5. from those Belgium are women ?

.f.. . . %

6. eyes your are blue ?

$ М 2 *.. .. ?...............................

7. they have pet a do ?“

.... ...... :.............................


Direct Methei forEasRsb

vocabulary practice U Ш

Exercise 8 _________________
Choose the opposites from the box.

large open left right last short absent high taU Ш.

right - ... le ft... л Сй ,

low - small

long first £еы .

0 ..... e
short - wrong -

present - ..... closed - Г /L*

Exercise 9 ____________________________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1 . he -- it -- ou r - she

2. eye -- mouth -- ear -- foot

3. hand - face -- thumb -- finger

4. first ---three- - second -- fourth

5. black - red -- pink - arm-

6. town - country — capital - canary

7. pony — elephant - vowel- — rabbit

8. long - short - right - from

9. body. — sentence - word - letter

10.^wrist — horse — frog — mouse


Book 1 M u le 3 |
Exercise 10
Write the ordinal numbers.

3rd ... th ird ... 40th

15th ............ 19th . ^ . k U r l £ £ . . k . i : : < . L ........

V v T

2nd £ . o & t ' j d r .................. 36th ..... J & & z h x r

Z f , y
25th ..... 247th :к ,./ .й ..Ь ^ ^ й з .‘r d .....

st Q n ,b .A k ia ^ № ® L ...t:d .K & £ $ 78th

^ „th J r .J -u C У п ^ И -L
16th ,.& ri.................................... 44th

Exercise 1 1 ____________________________________
Find 15 more words and write them in the correct categories.

ordinal numbers ...s ix th ...

.Y^X y x jb d x t......... f it ...... (. ......... .

animals ... ca t... o i^ j> Jn & 's & C ’ e J !ju fy fa e * A -

f r^O -P

parts of the body ...b a ck ... 'A , Q'C iVl*’

.SXitKX............. X IXCC r -h t

days of the week ...Tuesday... o L c *p f </CCOhsO

Direct Method for rn 'is ft

fW v & l № W 'n f e fb & s ip
What am I doingP
stand [stcend]
jump №злтр] . / >, ;r
do [du:] 1.
now [паи]

What are you doing? I am standing now. I am not jumping now.

Am I standing now? Yes, you are standing now.

Am I jumping now? Yes, you are jumping now.

What am I doing? You are standing.
What is the boy doing? The boy is jumping.

Is M r Jones standing? No, M r Jones is not standing.

Is Miss Smith jumping? No, Miss Smith is not jumping.

Am I standing there now? No, you are not standing there now,
but you are standing here.

sit [sit]
lie [lai]

I am sitting now. You are not lying now.

Are you sitting now? Yes, I am sitting now.

Am I lying on the floor? No, you are not lying on the floor,
but you are standing.

What is the programmer The programmer is lying on the sofa.

Is the driver standing? No, the driver is not standing, but he is sitting.
Is Miss Smith lying? No, Miss Smith is not lying, but she is sitting.
Am I sitting on a sofa No, you are not sitting on a sofa in your living
in my living room? room, but you are standing in the classroom.

Book 1 Module 4
F " * ®
- ъЯЪ -*70 $€»*г &Э\Х/ " *
^О ^хЛ о Ы м - t c t t -T Z - [ j _________

write [rait]
read [ri:d]

The manager is reading now. The secretary is writing now.

Am I writing now? Yes, you are writing now.

What am I reading? You are reading your book.

kit What is the manager doing? The manager is reading.

What is the secretary doing? The secretaryr is writing.
Is the manager writing? No, the manager is not writing,
but he is reading.

Is the secretary reading? No, the secretary is not reading,

but she is writing.

Write your name, please.

What are you doing? I am writing my name.

present [ ’prezant]
continuous [ksn'tmjuas]
something ['sAmeiij]

Write the missing letters.

1. The secretary i s writ i n s . 5. What you dot _ ?

2. I sit / 6 . The drivers not sitA ]_ -

3. You not ly /JyO_ on the sofa. 7. The manager j_£_ r e a d .
Iс •
4. ‘ S _ the boy jump/_M^?_ ? 8 . L%_ the doctor stand /

When do we use We use the present continuous when we are

the present continuous? doing something now.
For example? Are you jumping?
or: The manager is reading now.
or: The driver is not writing now.

Direct Method for English

close [k b u z ] \,& е% 5р?
go [gau]
come [клш] £ (ф т -
Щ ......... .......... ■ ...................
The waiter is closing the window. I am going to the door. I am coming from the door.

Am I going to the door? Yes, you're going to the door.

Am I coming from the door? Yes, you're coming from the door.
Where am I going? You're going to the window.
Am I closing the book? Yes, you are closing the book.
What is the waiter doing? The waiter is going to the window
and closing it

Are you going to the cinema now? No, I'm not going to the cinema now.

touch [t,\tj]

What part o f my body am I touching? You're touching your leg.

What part o f my face am I touching? You're touching your nose.
Touch your ear, please.
What are you doing? I'm touching my ear.
Touch your back, please.
What are you doing? I'm touching my back.

take [teik]
open [ ’эирэп]

The sales representative is taking the box and opening it

Am I opening the book? Yes, you are opening the book.

What am I doing? You are opening the door.
Am I closing the window? No, you are not closing the window,
but you are opening the window.

Am I taking your mobile phone? Yes, you're taking my mobile phone.

What is the sales representative The sales representative is taking the box
doing? and opening it.

о What am I doing?
• You are jumping.

bJsnr.r- . r ~ -

Book 1 Module 4 47
He t?t? 4n ?

ask [a:sk]
answer [ ’arnsa]

I am asking questions. You are answering questions.

What's your name? My name is John.

Am I asking a question? Yes, you're asking a question.
Is she short? No, she isn't short
Are you answering my question? Yes, I'm answering your question.
Is Belgium a country? Yes, Belgium is a country.
What are you doing? I'm answering your question.
Are you a person? Yes, I'm a person.
What am I doing? You're asking a question.

Ш point [point]
look [luk]
at [set]

What am I pointing at? You're pointing at the light

Point at the window , please.

What are you pointing at? I'm pointing at the window.
Is he pointing at the door ? No, he isn't pointing at the door,
but he's pointing at the window.

Look at the poster , please.

What are you looking at? I'm looking at the poster.
Is she looking at the book? No, she isn't looking at the book,
but she's looking at the poster.

Am I looking at Jenny? No, you aren't looking at Jenny,

but you're looking at John.

say [sei]

'Dorothy'. What am I doing? You're saying my name.

'Cat'. Am I saying a French word? No, you aren't saying a French word,
but you're saying an English word.

Say this letter, please. A.

What are you doing? I'm saying the letter 'A'.
What is the nurse doing? The nurse is saying something to the girl

Direct Method for English

w h o** ~

tell [tel] Щ Щ § W *‘
me [mi:] *g
you [ju:] /p£V^<-
him [him]
her [Ьз:]

We say something, but we tell a person something.

For example, I am telling you the opposite o f the word ’present’.

Tell me the opposite o f 'present, please. The opposite o f ’present’ is ’absent’.

What is he doing? He’s telling you the opposite o f ’present’.
Tell him the second month o f the year, February is the second month of the year.
What is she doing? She’s telling him the second month
o f the year.

Tell her the third day o f the week, Wednesday is the third day of the week.
What is he doing? He’s telling her the third day of the week.
Who am I looking at? You’re looking at me.
Am I pointing at her ? No, you aren't pointing at her,
but you're pointing at him.

us [ « I
you [ju:] ООлЛХ ^
them [бет]

Am I looking at you? Yes, you're looking at us.

Are you looking at them? No, I'm not looking at them,
but I'm looking at you.

Where are the posters? The posters are on the wall

Am I pointing at them? Yes, you're pointing at them.
Who is asking questions? The teacher is asking questions.
Who is answering them? The students are answering them.

7/ —
me us
you you
him them

£ 7

0 (/ $ w J O S '*
t-1- fA a t r e 16 .
Book 1 Module 4
Who has a blue shirt?
clothes [klaudz]
a coat [a kaut]
a jacket [a 'dsaekit]
a jumper [a'd3 Ampa]
a button [a b,\tn]

Does a hippie have Yes, a hippie has green, red and yellow
green, red and yellow clothes? clothes.
What is this? This is a jacket
What is this? This is a button.
Is this your jacket? Yes, it's my jacket

How many buttons does this ja ck et have? This jacket has 3 buttons.
What colour is your jumper? My jumper is grey.
Do you have a long black coat? No, I don't have a long black coat

a shirt [a J3:t]
a T-shirt [a ’ti:j3:t]
a hat [a hast]
trousers [ ’trauzaz]
a belt [a belt]

What is this? This is a T-shirt

What is that? That is a hat
Do you have a black shirt? Yes, I have a black shirt

How many pockets do your trousers My trousers have 4 pockets.

What is this? This is a belt

Direct Method for E i f H i

a dress [э dres]
a skirt [э sk3:t]
a blouse [э b la u z]
a bra [з bra:]
pants [peents]

What is this? This is a bra.

What is that? That is a blouse.
Is your skirt blue ? Yes, my skirt is blue.
Who has a blue dress? Cristina has a blue dress.
What colour are the pants? The pants are white.

о Who has a white blouse?

• Jane has a white blouse.


clean [kli:n]
dirty [ d3:ti] ^ b %-
-л л /ч Г Г 1
a shoe [э ju:]
3. U
U Sock

Do you have blue socks? Yes, I have blue socks.

What is this? It's a shoe.

Are your shoes clean? Yes, my shoes are clean.
Is the flo o r dirty? No, the floor isn’t dirty',
but it’s clean.

Is Hornsea a dirty town? No, Hornsea isn’t a dirty' town,

but it’s a clean town.

Are cats dirty animals? No, cats aren't dirty animals,

but they're clean animals.

a bag [3 bceg]
a w allet [o vvolitj V ;\ л , , ,. , у t .■

What is this? This is a wallet.

What colour is her bag? Her bag is brown.

Does he have a wallet in his bag?Yes, he has a wallet in his bag.


Book 1 Module 4
wear [w ea ]
jeans [d3 i:nz]

Are you wearing jeans? Yes, I'm wearing jeans.

Are you wearing a shirt and trousers? Yes, I ’m wearing a shirt and trousers.
Are you wearing a skirt? Yes, I'm wearing a skirt
Is she wearing a dress? No, she isn't wearing a dress.
Who is wearing a yellow T-shirt? Mark is wearing a yellow T-shirt

о Who is wearing a black blouse?

• Jill is wearing a black blouse.

f -
whose? [hu:z] x s u L | * b b t , ШмШШ

W hose jum per is this? It's her jumper.

What colour are your eyes? My eyes are brown.

Whose eyes are brown? His eyes are brown.
Whose chair is green? Her chair is green.
Whose books are these? These are our books.

Whose chairs are these? These are their chairs.

Whose chairs are blue? Our chairs are blue.


This is John's book. This is the teacher's arm.

Wfaose ballpoint is this? It's the teacher's ballpoint

Whose coat is this? It’s John's coat.
Whose blouse is that? It's Jill's blouse.
What colour is Harry's hair? Harry's hair is black.
What colour are the teacher’s shoes? The teacher's shoes are brown.
Is this Mark's pocket? No, it isn’t Mark's pocket,
but it's the teacher's pocket

Is a hippie's hair short? No, a hippie's hair isn’t short, but it's long.

Direct Method ter English

Which country is in Asia?
------ + ---------------------
a continent [э 'kDntinant] le t
Europe П 'иэгэр]
Asia ['ечэ]
Africa [ ’aefnka]
Egypt [’i:d3 ipt]

Is Asia a country or a continent? Asia is a continent

Which country is in Asia? For example, Japan is in Asia.
Which country is in Europe? For example, Italy is in Europe.
Which country is in Africa? For example, Egypt is in Africa.
Are there gorillas in Africa? Yes, there are gorillas in Africa.
Are there elephants in Europe? No, there aren't elephants in Europe.

hot [hDt] |
cold [kould] •
Sweden [swiidan] U-Ck
Brazil [bro’zil]
India [’india]
1 Щ
Sweden is a cold country. Brazil is a hot country.

Is Brazil a hot country? Yes, Brazil is a hot country.

Is Sweden a cold country? Yes, Sweden is a cold country.

Is India a cold country? No, India isn't a cold country,
but it’s a hot country.

Is it hot or cold today? It's hot today.

Is the window open when it's cold? No, the window isn't open when it's cold
but it's open when it's hot.

Is December a hot month? No, December isn't a hot month,

but it’s a cold month.

Is July a cold month? No, July isn't a cold month,

but it's a hot month.

Book 1 Module 4 53
north [no:0] isfi
SOUth [sau0]
east [i:st]
west [w est]
Slovakia [slauVaskia]
the Czech Republic [б э tjek ri'pAblik]
Austria [Dstria]

Is Germany west o f Poland? Yes, Germany is west o f Poland

Is Slovakia east o f the Czech Republic? Yes, Slovakia is east o f the Czech Republic.
Is Spain east o f France? No, Spain isn't east o f France,
but it's west o f France.

Is the USA north o f Brazil? Yes, the USA is north of Brazil

Is Austria north o f the Czech Republic? No, Austria isn't north of the Czech Republic,
but it's south o f the Czech Republic.

Is Brighton in the north o f No, Brighton isn't in the north o f Great Britcr.
Great Britain? but it's in the south.
Is Glasgow in the south o f No, Glasgow isn't in the south
Great Britain? of Great Britain, but it's in the north.

Is Dover in the west o f Great Britain? No, Dover isn't in the west
o f Great Britain, but it's in the east.

Is Cardiff in the east o f Great Britain? No, Cardiff isn't in the east
o f Great Britain, but it's in the west.

European []иэгэ'р1:эп]
Asian [’ei3 n]
African [ ’aefnkan]

Is Japan an African country? No, Japan isn't an African country,

but it's an Asian country.

Is Scotland an Asian country? No, Scotland isn't an Asian country,

but it's a European country.

Tell me a European country, please! For example, Ireland is a European country.

Tell me an Asian country, please! For example, Japan is an Asian country.
Tell me an African country, please! For example, Egypt is an African country.

• Tell me a European country, please!
о For example, Ireland is a European country.

Direct M e ttH ftr lasiish


at home [a t haum ]
$ С ^
at school [a t sku:l]
at work [a t W3:k]
a garden [a g a :d n ]
- d~
Are you at school? Yes, I'm at school
Are you at home? No, I'm not at home, but I'm at school.
Are you at work? No, I'm not at work,
but I'm at school

Do you have a television at home? Yes, I have a television at home.

Do you have a garden at home? No, I don't have a garden at home.
Is your garden large? No, my garden isn't large, but it's small
Do w e have blackboards or whiteboards We have whiteboards at school
at school?

• Are you at home?

о No, I'm not at home, but I'm at school.

speak [sp i:k ]

Spanish [ ’spaenif]
Swedish ['s w i:d ij]

What am I doing? You're speaking.

Is she speaking? No, she isn’t speaking.
Is he speaking? No, he isn't speaking.
Am I speaking Spanish? No, you aren't speaking Spanish,
but you're speaking English.

Are you speaking Swedish? No, I'm not speaking Swedish,

but I'm speaking English.


a library [a 'la ib ra ri]

Is there a library at school? Yes, there's a library at school.

Is the library open now? No, the library isn't open now,
but it’s closed.

How many libraries are there There are four libraries in this town.
in this town?

Book 1 Module 4 55
Phonetic chart


city [’siti], living [ livirj], wrist [rist]

l many [’meni], behind [bi'haind], forty [ffb:ti]
1: teacher [’tiitjs], please [pli:z], green [griin]

ae man [mam], black [blaek], back [bask]

л one [wAn], under [’Andg], thumb [0 л т ]
a: large [la:d 3 ], arm [a:m], after [а:йэ]

d box [boks], wrong [год], long [log]

э: wall [wo:l], floor [fb :], your [jo:]

о book [buk], foot [fut], put [put]

u: room [ru:m], do [du:], blue [blu:]

з: girl [g3:l], her [Ьз:], Germany [ ^ з з : т э т ]

э picture [’piktjb], finger [’firjgg], consonant [’konssnant]


0 thing [Big], thumb [0 л т ], Thursday [’03:zdei]

6 this [6is], that [6aet], those [бэиг]

rj ceiling ['siilirj], finger [’firjga], pink [pujk]

w wall [w d :1], window [’windau], woman [’wuman]

v television [’teliv^n], vowel [’vausl], five [faiv]

J shoe [Ju:], she [Ji:], short [jb:t]

3 Asia [’ei39], Asian [’e^ n ], television [’teliv^n]

tj chair [tjea], touch [tAtJ], French [frentj]

d3 jump [d 3 <\mp], large [la:d 3 ], Japan [dja'paen]

Direct Method for EagRsfe

Communication 2

In the classroom
о Andy Newwords/phrase

о Hello, Cristina. • Cristina

• Hello, Andy. How are you? great
№ a p ity ."
о I'm fine, thanks. And you?
• I'm fine, thankyou. Do you have a dog, Andy?
о No, I don't have a dog, but I have a cat. certainly - ..............

• Great! Tell me its name, please, ou very much

о Max.
• Can you repeat? meaning -

о Max. He's black and large. Cats are clean animals. sorry
• It's a pity I don't have animals at home. Idon'tknc

о Is today Monday?
• No, today is Tuesday. We are at school on Tuesdays.
о I don't have a book. Can I use your book today?
• Yes, certainly!.1
о Thankyou very much.
• No problehi,
lo tj)f questions in the book. What's the
this sentence? |

name? has a cat? has a hook?


What day of the weeK~l§llt?J

Book 1 Module 4 GL21

Exercise 2 ______________________
Complete the questions with these words.

are you?

you have a dog?

today Monday?

I use your book with you?

........ the meaning of the last word?

Exercise 3 _________________
Practise the dialogues taking turns,

о Hello, Cristina.
• Hello, Andy. How are you? с I don't have a book.
о I'm fine, thanks. And you? Can I use your book with you?
• I'm fine, thank you. • Yes, certainly!
о Thank you very much.
• No problem.

Exercise 4 ___________
Practise the main dialogue

В Л П Ц Direct Method for English

present continuous
I am standing.
Are they opening the book?
She is not writing.

Fill the gaps in the sentences with correct words from the table. (► 46)

now reading is he am doing we standing are-

1. She ... is ... standing. 7. What is he

2. I s ....iV r..:.... . reading now? 8.M l - : you sitting on the chair?

3. They are a book. 9. What a m .................................... ..jL ..doing?

4. I . . . J .....writing now. 10. He's closing the book

5...... ,VY.£rr.... are sitting behind that small table.

6. The students are . in front o f the table.

Exercise 2 __________________________________
What’s happening now? Write true sentences [positive or negative).

1 .1 / open / the book ... I am opening the book. ...

2. the students / stand .... &.$?+> ..............................

3.1/ write ...... /....if.l.S.J.C.'l?...................................................

4 we /read '■ (X^t*£ <t
.............. ..............”“& !£ '.................. <7 ...........................
5. the teacher / close / the window 1•rfX&fr...... .................. {*%£....I.(}^ / ,
_______ Vc/i & Q O & *

6.1/ put / the book on the floor .J..ff&t.ft-.Лл...>•2&.У.: : f.:...

7. the teacher / go / to Germany ..V.(}f:.. (?...}..v_QQj.^ . . . . . . . . .4/.к.С2 ^ 5 ;^

' v

8 . 1 / read / a book «J L.Or.tx.......................................... $&£1:кт.........................

9. the teacher / sit I h b ..... .............................( L ^ l ....... .............................

10. the students / write / a book J ..$ 8 r..A .......(-.'У....£Ч..-.\4.....&£?.....A & i

Book 1 Module 4
Exercise 3 ____________________________________________________________
Write questions in the present continuous.

1. you / open / the book ... A re you opening the book? ...

2. the students / stand . . .......«?.. 1 л ..

3. what / I / write . . . У £ ......л ::':.:...,,;,...... ...................................... .

4. who / read ..... ,/X..... {/.}£...;................................................

5. the teacher / close / the window .../*£.... ....................................- . 1 . ....
, z
6. where / the teacher / go ..\a / j:?v£:C?.£..... )3x.r....\K iQ ....... /L.rr:

7 . 1 / read / a book J ttf? ..__ L .... ...............................<&....

8. the teacher / sit ..J ........ 7к ......

Exercise 4 _________________________________________
Write the correct object pronoun [ ► 49).

1. The teacher is looking a t ... me ... (I).

2. The manager is pointing at ..(r£d.... (we).

3. The student is standing behind .ia £ ^ .. (she).

4. I am not looking at (they).

5. Are you telling (I) the opposite of the word 'long?

6. The ceiling is above (you).

7. The poster isn't in front of .trf.KY?.. (he).

8. Is the doctor looking at (it)?

9. The teacher is telling (she) what that word means.

10. Are they jumping in front o f (we)?

Direct M e t M f v r English
Vocabulary practice
Exercise7 _____________________________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1 . he -- it -- our- — she

2. come - -that - put — count

3. speak- - north - south - west

4. -at- - repeat - say -- take

5. standing - wrong -- closing - opening

6. Sweden- - Brazil - Africa - India

7. European -- Asian -- African -- Egypt

8. clothes -- country - capital -- continent

9. translate -- stand - ask - say

10. clean - dirty -- cold -- close -

Exercise 8 _____________________________
Write the missing letters.

b _e_ f _o_ r _e_

с 0_ n * t L i u О u 3 E ^ г О p ^ a /1

t^OiiS t r J 1 } b ^ a A

A _i_ r j _ с е Д а /^7p 1 GL

j w_ m _ e f ^ с n "fr i n e n t

Exercise 9 __________
Find 24 words and write them in the correct categories.


geography ... Asia ... Z L v p fie . ..... .. ..cM / x is

(/ V '
clothes ... c o a t... Z k & L -........ .&Q8UC ............... iy & i..

verbs ... s it... ........... ..... Vf/G/Xtt*....... d.lrCUbCL.

grammar ... p lu r a l...

adjectives ... clean ... .h '& .'L .......... ........

places ... library . .. .& £ * ??£ -....... s n A w . L . . . Л.JL'&diA£S.&£;y\

Direct Metbefl fer English

Do you like cake?
[a л V - V/^f

like [la ik ] t r r 1■
a hamburger [ э Ъ а г т Ь з :д э ]
a hot dog [э hDt d o g ]
ketchup C’k e tja p ]

Do you like hot dogs? Yes, I like hot dogs.

Do you like hamburgers? No, I do not like hamburgers.
Do you like hot dogs with ketchup? Yes, I like hot dogs with ketchup.
Do you like small classrooms? No, I don’t like small classrooms.
Do you like clean cities? Yes, I like clean cities.
Do you like dirty towns? No, I don't like dirty towns.

о Do you like hot dogs? й I !Ldl

Yes, I like hot dogs. /No, I don't like hot dogs.

bread [b r e d ]
a bread roll [э b red raul]
sushi [ ’s in ji]
spaghetti [sp a’g e ti]

Do you like brown bread? Yes, I like brown bread.

*я а
Does he like brown bread? Yes, he liMesjbrown bread.
T= ■ “ "J----—----^
Do you like sushi? No, I don't like sushi.

Book 1 Module 5
Unit б Does she like sushi? No, she doesn't like sushi.
Do you like white bread rolls? Yes, I like white bread rolls.
Does he like white bread rolls? Yes, he lik&sjwhite bread rolls.

Do you like cold spaghetti? No, I don't like cold spaghetti.

Does she like cold spaghetti? No, she doesn't like cold spaghetti.
Does a hippie like music? Yes, a hippie likes music.

о Does he like sushi?

• Yes, he likes sushi./No, he doesn't like sushi.

a lesson [э 'lesn] №
a break [э breik]
Do you like English lessons? Yes, I like English lessons.
Do we like English? Yes. we like English.

What do we have between two lessons? We have a break between two lessons.
Do you like breaks? Yes, I like breaks.

tea [ti:]
coffee [’kDfi]
can be [kaen bi:] 5 m ?,

Do you like hot tea? Yes, I like hot tea.

Does she like hot tea? Yes, she likes hot tea.
Do you like cold coffee? No, I don't like cold coffee.
Does he like cold coffee? No, he doesn’t like cold coffee.
What colour can tea be? Tea can be black, green or red.
What colour can coffee be? Coffee can be black or white.

, - j*£ -- v v:
prefer [pri'fa:]
cakeГО ГЬотИ

Do you like cake? Yes, I like cake.

Do you prefer bread or cake? I prefer cake.
► ►►

Direct Mettled for English

{*Л -
Unit в
Do you prefer the cinema or television? I prefer television.
Do they prefer English or Spanish ? They prefer English.

simple [ ’sim p l]
about [a'b au t] Оj
a habit [э haebit]
sing [s ig ]
a song [э sDrj]
We use the present simple to speak about habits.
I prefer tea. We prefer tea.
You prefer tea. They prefer tea.
We use 'do' in qu<
Do I like sushi?
Do you like sushi? Do they like sushi?

He sings songs. She likes hamburgers.

We use ’does' in questions in the thi

Complete the sentences with these words: do, do, does, does, like, likes, prefers, we.
vJU ,.„ 7 1 , . .................. 0 .
1. The manager likes sushi. 5. What do you CJ

2. L'-. you like cold spaghetti? 6. The driver hamburgers.

О e
3. the secretary read books? 7- the students like English lessons?

4. the girl sing songs? 8. / like green tea.

When do we use We use the present simple to speak about

the present simple? habits.
For example, I like white coffee.
Do I like white coffee? Yes, you like white coffee.

Do you prefer bread or bread rolls? I prefer bread rolls.

Do you like English songs? Yes, I like English songs.
Does he sing songs in French ? Yes, he sings songs in French.
Do you prefer a clean or a dirty city? I prefer a clean city.
Does she prefer a clean She prefers^a clean city.
or a dirty city?
Do we prefer English or Japanese? We prefer English.

Book 1 Module 5 5!
Complete the sentences with these words: do, don't, don't, does, doesn't, doesn't, like, not
1. The manager doesn't like sushi. 5. I qCc k H ; open the window.
: / j
2. We prefer black coffee. 6. The driver not like

3. The students dbO
f'lu not read books. 7. The boy A*h/sing songs.

do \л&ъ sit on the sofa. 8. She doesn't green tea.

Do I prefer black coffee? No, you don't prefer black coffee,

but you prefer white co ffee.

Do you like television? No, I don't like television,

but I like the cinema.

Do you prefer white bread rolls? No, I don't prefer white bread rolls,
but I prefer brown bread rolls.

Does he prefer white bread rolls? No, he doesn't prefer white bread rolls,
but he prefers brown bread rolls.

Do w e prefer Japanese? No, we don’t prefer Japanese,

but we prefer English.

Do they sing songs in Italian ? No, they don't sing songs in Italian.


mean [mi:n] {P- 7

What does the word 'habit mean? The word ’habit1means

Does the word 'simple ' mean '...'? No, the word 'simple' doesn't mecr.:
but it means

Tell me what the word 'jacket means, please. The word 'jacket' means

Tell me what the word 'shoe' means, please. The word ’shoe’ means

• What does the word 'break' mean?

о The word 'break'means

Direct Metht d for Enilish

Do you eat hot dogs?
eat [i:t]
popcorn [pDpkD:n] -r
a cheeseburger [э ’tjirzbsrga] v y «2 £ £--~L r,
usually [’ju:3 U3li] I /•-i'
often [ofn] \ъС'~$.: r'

What do we usually eat at the cinema? Weusually eat popcorn at the cinema.

Are you eating popcorn? No, I ’mnot eating popcorn.

Do you eat popcorn? Yes, I eat popcorn.

Do you often eat sushi? No, I don't often eat sushi.
Do you eat both cheeseburgers and Yes, I eat both cheeseburgers and hamburgers.

о Do you eat popcorn?

• Yes, I eat popcorn.


butter [bAta]
milk [milk]
without [wrdaut]
Do you eat bread with I eat bread with butter.
or without butter?
Do you eat hot dogs with or without ketchup? I eat hot dogs without ketchup.
What colour is milk? Milk is white.

What is white coffee? White coffee is coffee with m ilk.

What is black coffee? Black coffee is coffee without m ilk.
Do you like tea with milk? Yes, I like tea with milk.

Book 1 Module 5
'-~ s -
drink [d n q k ]
ЙЙИИИ water [ ’w arta]
Coke [k a o k ]

Are you drinking water? No, I'm not drinking water.

What colour is Coke? Coke is brown.

Do you drink coffee? No, I don't drink coffee.
Do you drink both tea and coffee? Yes, I drink both tea and coffee.
Do you drink coffee with milk? No, I don't drink coffee with milk.
Is John drinking Coke? No, John isn't drinking Coke.
Is there water in your body? Yes, there's water in your body.
What do people drink at the cinema? People drink Coke at the cinema.

juice [d3 u:s] L

wine [w a in ]
a litre [a li:ta]

Do you like juice? Yes, I like juice.

Do you often drink juice? No, I don't often drink juice.

What colour can wine be? Wine can be white, pink or red.

Do people ifnder 18 drink wine? No, people under 18 don't drink wine.
What do people under 18 drink? People under 18 drink juice or water.
Can you drink two litres o f water? Yes, I can drink two litres o f water.

о Do you drink coffee?

> No, I don't drink coffee.

a lot [ з lo t]
a lot o f [a lo t a v ]

Do some people eat a lot? Yes, some people eat a lot

Do you eat a lot o f popcorn when you're Yes, I eat a lot of popcorn when I'm
at the cinema? at the cinema.
Do some people speak a lot? Yes, some people speak a lot.
Do you drink a lot o f water? No, I don’t drink a lot o f water.

Direct Meffied fir English

sugar ['Juga]

Do you like coffee with or without sugar? I like coffee with sugar.
Do you like tea with or without sugar? I like tea without sugar.
What colour is sugar? Sugar is white or brown.
Does Coke have a lot o f sugar? Yes, Coke has a lot o f sugar.

----------------------------------------------------------- 1-------------------------------------------- •
little ['htl] r/t !" -

Do you speak little at school? No, I don't speak little at school,

^ but I speak a lot

Do some women eat little? Yes, some women eat little.

Do you drink little Coke Yes, I drink little Coke
when you're at the cinema? when I'm at the cinema.
Do people eat little sushi in Japan ? No, people don't eat little sushi in Japan,
but they eat a lot of sushi.

smell [sm el] . ./ ; *-

a smell [э sm el]
nice [n ais]
fOUl [fa o l] " /V ■'

What's the opposite o f a foul smell? The opposite of a foul smell is a nice smell.
Does a hamburger smell foul? No, a hamburger doesn't smell foul,
but it smells nice.
Does coffee smell nice? Yes, coffee smells nice.
Does bread have a nice smell? Yes, bread has a nice smell
Do you like the smell o f wine? No, I don't like the smell of wine.

f& C>G L t c K ifrb O d sC d IfW

I, you, we, they — ► do

he, she, it — ► does


Book 1 Module 5 3
food [fu :d ]
pizza ['pirtsa]
Chinese [t ja i’n i:z]
a plate [э p le it]

Do you often eat Chinese food? No, I don't often eat Chinese food.
Do you like pizza? Yes, I like pizza.

Is pizza German food? No, pizza isn't German food,

but it's Italian food.

Is sushi Italian food? No, sushi isn’t Italian food,

but it's Japanese food.

Does food usually smell foul? No, food doesn't usually smell fo u l
but it usually smells nice.

Do you have a lot o f plates at home? Yes, I have a lot o f plates at home.
Do you prefer a large plate o f spaghetti I prefer a large plate o f spaghetti.
or a small plate o f sushi?

a knife [э n a if]
a fork [a fo :k ]
a spoon [э spu:n]
a teaspoon [э ’ti:spu :n]
soup [su :p ]

Do you eat soup for lunch? Yes, I eat soup fo r lunch.

Do we eat soup with a knife No, we don't eat soup with a knife and fork,
and fork? but we eat soup with a spoon.
Is a teaspoon large? No, a teaspoon isn't large, but it's small.

Direct Mettiod for English

Is a banana a vegetable?
in the morning [in 5э ’тэ:пп]]
in the afternoon [in 5i a:fta’nu:n]
in the evening [in 5i ’iivnnj]

When do you come here? I come here in the evening.

Do children come home from school No, children don't come home from school
in the morning? in the morning, but they come home from
school in the afternoon.

Do people usually go to work No, people don't usually go to work in the

in the afternoon? afternoon, but they go to work in the morning.
Do you drink coffee in the evening? No, I don't drink coffee in the evening.

on Monday morning
on Friday afternoon

Do you go to the cinema on Friday Yes, I go to the cinema on Friday evening.


Do people go to work on Saturday No, people don’t go to work on Saturday

afternoons? afternoons, but they go to work on Monday

Do we speak English here on No, we don't speak English here on Tuesday

Tuesday mornings ? mornings, but on Wednesday evenings.

breakfast ['brekfast]
lunch [kntj]
dinner [ dina]
ц м ш ш

When do people usually have breakfast? People usually have breakfast in the morning.
When do you have your lunch? I have my lunch in the afternoon.
When do you have your dinner? I have my dinner in the evening.
Do you have lunch in the morning? No, I don't have lunch in the morning.
but I have lunch in the afternoon.

Do you go to school without breakfast? No, I don't go to school mthout breakfast


Book 1 Module 5
• When do you have lunch?
о I have lunch in the afternoon.

fresh [f r e j]
frozen [ ’frau zn ]
a tin [э tin ]

Do you eat a lot o f fresh food? Yes, I eat a lot of fresh food.
Do you have a lot o f frozen food Yes, I have a lot o f frozen food at home.
at home?

Do you prefer fresh or frozen food? I prefer fresh food.

Do you have any tins o f soup at home? Yes, I have some tins o f soup at home.
Is food in tins frozen? No, food in tins isn't frozen.
Do cats and dogs eat food from tins? Yes, cats and dogs eat food from tins.

think [Girjk]

How many tins do you think I think I have about 10 tins at home.
you have at home?

I think cats like fo o d fro m tins. I think cats like food from tins.
What do you think?
I think people eat a lot o f popcorn I don't think people eat a lot o f popcorn
at the cinema. What do you think? at the cinema.

Do you think about your English Yes, I think about my English lesson
lesson when you're absent? when I ’m absent
What are you thinking about now? I'm thinking about English grammar now.

• Do you think cats like food from tins?

Yes, I think cats like food from tins./No, I don't think

Direct Method for English

Unit В
ever [ ’e v a ]
never [ ’n e v a ]
fish [f i j ]
rice [ra is]
chicken [ ’tjik in ]
beer [b io ]

Do they ever eat rice in Japan? Yes, they often eat rice in Japan.
Do you ever eat fish? No, I never eat fish.

Do you ever eat chicken? Yes, I often eat chicken.

Do you ever drink beer? No, I never drink beer.

a banana [o b o’n a:n o]

a pear [a p eo ]
a cherry [o ’tjeri]
an apple [on 'aepl]

Do you often eat cherries? No, I don't often eat cherries.

Do you like bananas? Yes, I like bananas.
Do you ever drink pear juice? No, I never drink pear juice.
Do you eat a lot o f apples? Yes, I eat a lot of apples.

• Do you ever eat fish?/Do you ever drink pear juice? si I

о Yes, I eat fish./No, I never drink pear juice.


(a) fruit [( o ) fru :t]

a vegetable [o V e d 3 to b l]

Is a cherry a fruit? Yes, a cherry is a fru it

Is a banana a vegetable? No, a banana isn't a vegetable,

but it's a fru it

Do you have good fruit Yes, we have good fruit

in your country? in our country.

Do you have good vegetables Yes, we have good vegetables

in your country? in our country.
Do you prefer fresh or frozen I prefer fresh vegetables.

Book 1 Module 5 67
~—- -a = .5 5
и a tomato [э ta'm aitsu ]
a potato [э pa'teitau ]
a pea [э p i:] i-< / r ' ' ' i;"
an orange [эп Ъппс1з]
a carrot [э ’karat] L l C /■ » с .4

Give me anexample o f a vegetable, For example,a carrot or a pea is a vegetaDk

Give me an example o f a fruit, please. For example, an orange is a fru it

Do you like oranges?Yes, I like oranges.

Do you often eat potatoes? No, I don't often eat potatoes.

Do you think a tomato I think a tomato is a fruit.
is a vegetable or a fruit?

о Give me examples of vegetables, please.

• For example, carrots are vegetables.

Direct Method o r: gisfi

Unit SO
Can you ride a bike?
can [kaen]
swim [s w im ] , *-«--£ 'W -c ^ 'r j -
ride [ra id ] Л ...
a bike [э baik ]
a toe [э tau] - -J *t<r2

r Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak English

Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.
Can she swim? Yes, she can swim.
Can you touch your toes? Yes, I can touch my toes.
Can you spell the word 'low'? Yes, I can spell the word 7ow\
Spell the word 'low', please. L - O - W
Can you answer my questions? Yes, I can answer your questions.
Can they translate sentences Yes, they can translate sentences
into English? into English.
Do you have a bike? Yes, I have a bike.
Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can ride a bike.

cannot ['kaenDt], can’t [k a :n t]

Japanese [d3aep3'ni:z]
all [d:1]
dance [d a :n s ]
the waltz [б э w o :ls]

Can you speak Japanese? No, I cannot speak Japanese.

Can I say a long sentence in Japanese? No, you can't say a long sentence in

Can you dance the waltz? No, I can't dance the waltz.
Can you sing all songs? No, I can't sing all songs.

BooK 1 Module 5
Can you answer all questions? No, I can't answer all questions.
Can they translate sentences No, they can't translate sentences
into Japanese? into Japanese.

• Can you ride a bike?

о Yes, I can ride a bike. /No, I can't ride a bike.

good [g u d ]
a place [э p leis]

Are you a good student? Yes, I'm a good student

Is food with a lot o f sugar good No, food with a lot o f sugar isn't good
for you? fo r me.
Which place do you like in this town? I like the park in this town.
Is this school a good place Yes, this school is a good place
to speak English? to speak English.

make [m e ik ] f
a computer [э kam 'p jiK ts]

Do you often make dinner Yes, I often make dinner

in your house? in my house.
Which countries make China and Japan make a lot of computers.
a lot o f computers?
Do people usually use computers Yes, people usually use computers
at work? at work.
Can you use a computer? Yes, I can use a computer.

a laptop [э lseptDp]

What is a laptop? A laptop is a small computer.

Do you prefer a big computer I prefer a small laptop.
or a small laptop?

Do you have a laptop? Yes, I have a laptop.

Direct Method for Eeglisii

C&O (* * * * £

h c i- ffO Q o i оЛ >3 Unit

good i [gudz t]V fjF i$ h oC C bC O t^t<< Щ** ^ -
bad [beed]
bad at [baed at]

What’s the opposite o f 'good? The opposite o f 1g ood' is bad’.

^ e these shoes bad for your feet? No, these shoes aren't bad fo r my feet
but they're good.

Are you good at singing songs? Yes, I ’m good at singing songs.

Is she bad at speaking English? No, she isn't bad at speaking English,

Is food with a lot o f sugar good No, food with a lot of sugar isn't good
for people? fo r people, but it's bad.

an expert [эп ’eksp3:t]

Is your teacher an expert in English? Yes, our teacher is an expert in English.

Are you an expert in Italian food? No, I ’m not an expert in Italian food.
Who can answer difficult questions? An expert can answer difficult questions.
Are you an expert at using computers? Yes, I ’m an expert at using computers.
/yfl у Г Г/ / s?
______ / г/ <f с ---- —-,/*<0‘■ _________________ -Ш
give [giv]
money [’т л ш ]

Can you give me the CD No, I can’t give you the CD from my book.
from your book?

Can you give me the meaning o f the Yes, I can give you the meaning o f the word
word ’touch? ’touch’. It’s
Is there money in my pocket? No, there isn’t money in your pocket
Do you have money in your pocket? Yes, I have money in my pocket
Can you give me all your money? No, I can't give you all my money.
Give her you r mobile phone, please!
What is he doing? He's giving her his mobile phone.
Give me his mobile phone, please!
What are you doing? I'm giving you his mobile phone.
► ►►

Book 1 Module 5 71
* ^ 4 J

/Д<2- £CL.™ £, Q£ - fC U ^ O tl >l+£- лиЭ<~# ' • ' ‘

Unit g .S 'd S u f —
“ ~й5Л * * л гъ с

о Con you give me your mobile phone?

• No, I со n't give you my mobile phone.

the same (as) [б э seim ]

different (from ) fd ifr e n t ] ..
similar (to) [’simab] /v г : " : 11■ <-; - ±u
s=ssxJ~ . Щ = ~ ' - = s z ~ Z V * ' ^г--д^У^==гг~■===.—-■-V

Is your mobile phone different from my Yes, my mobile phone is different from у
mobile phone? mobile phone.

Is John's book the same as Yes, John's book is the same as

Frank's book? Frank's book.

Is winter different from summer? Yes, winter is different from summer.

Is July the same as January? No, July isn’t the same as January,
but i£rs different
Is the teacher's book similar Yes, the teacher's book is similar
to the student's book? to the student's book.
Is Italian similar to Spanish? Yes, Italian is similar to Spanish.
Are the two posters similar? Yes, the two posters are similar.

Are these three canaries No, these three canaries aren't the same,
the same? but they're similar.

^ Ы З, h n t - 4 n 'f e )i f f a - , д-i fo fjj.

J t 'f r r * j i& c- T J r iC L ifa J 'e

Q -n ? / l £ f ie /{ ^ p f f‘
/д,c..tttn. <6-6 Ccfi- ^ * ‘У ' *

:{ ^ v W


Readyourbook and
listen to the CD at home!

Direct M e tb ti ftr Eoslisli

Fast food
. о Cristina
• Hi, Cristina.
о Hi, Andy. Do you like hamburgers? * Andy
• Well, not really. I prefer hot dogs with ketchup.
о I like spaghetti. Do you know where we can eat good spaghetti?
• Well, let's go to MM Burger, OK?
о It's OK with me. Let's go.

•о•о• Words/phrases.
о What will you have?
• I'll have a hot dog and a cheeseburger. [ well-.,
о You can't eat a hot dog and a cheeseburger, Andy. I not really,
let's go -.
That's a lot!
OK- ,
• OK, then, a hot dog only. And a salad.
"h a t willyou ha
о I'll have spaghetti. What about something to drink? ШШу /7//?c7i/e-
• I'll have Coke. And you?
о I'll have tea with sugar. salad-.,
what about
good idea -..
• Can we go to the cinema now?
о Well, I don't know. Let's go to the park!
• Good idea!

name? drinks?
Cristina S r A o jH e if-/

----------------------------------------- to (c &
-------- —
WberfffiJffiev во
Where do they во after that?
Ш . Ж —;

Book 1 Module 5
Exercise 2 _______________________
Complete the sentences with these words.

you like hamburgers?

2. I prefer hot dogs TAWr.. ketchup.

3. go to MM Burger.

will you have?

| 5. I'll a hot dog and a cheeseburger.

6. You eat a hot dog and a cheeseburger.

7. What .Q&aCtXrX. something to drink?

8. we go to the cinema now?

Exercise 3
Practise the dialogues taking turns.

с Do you like hamburgers?

• Well, not really. I prefer hot dogs with ketchup.
о I like spaghetti
• What will you have?
о I'll have a hot dog and a cheeseburger. And you?
• I'll have spaghetti.

o^What about something to drink?

• I'll have Coke. And you?
о I'll have tea with sugar.

Pfactfsjetlie main dialogue taki

Direct letfitd Tor :ng!isfi

Can you speak English?
or: No, I cannot speak Chinese.
The short form o f cannot is can't. I can't speak Chinese.

Exercise 1 ________________________________________
Lo ok at the table. Write 'can' or 'can’t'. (► 69).

1. Ann and Thomas ... can ... speak English.

) jL .
2. Thomas ....... say a sentence in French.

3. Brian...................................... A ......... read in Chinese.

4. Jenny ....... touch her toes.

5. Thomas and Ann ....’. ...... read in Chinese.

6. Brian and Jenny...... :................ speak English.

7. Ann ...... touch her toes.

8. Jenny and A n n .... ....................say a sentence in French.

9. Brian...... ................. speak English and read in Chinese.

10. Thom as.... ................... touch his toes.

Exercise 2 ________________________________________
Look at the sentences in Exercise 1. Write questions.

1. Can Ann and Thomas speak English? 6.

, M / v

4 in Г ^ € ^ -Ь > e ум
3. .10:...<:( / 8. ...£ 4 & ^ ...^ № K i...A .& A £ fr.£ ....d ^ ^ ..fP ^

4 ? 9. 2.... ....

5. C^ty.... ........ 10. . ...5?. ......

f * i s In Csfisf

Book 1 Module 5
Exercise 3
Put the words in the right order.

1. classroom chairs in there seven are the ?

... Are there seven chairs in the classroom? ...

2. can touch toes my I .

X . -4оссл-£\ . .....
.................................................................................................................................... N ................................

3. translate can they English sentences into ?

•..'h ly f.Л/....... .........................................k f r . /IV.v..4..V... / ^

4. answer can't you questions all

5. teacher speak cannot the Chinese .

. ......^ ? .7 l t../ y £ . . . O t& fa

6. that can word spell you ?

3................................... .................................................................

4...... / P ..... rL ojb !. i ...... rJ.£&i....... ..................... ................................

б . 3 ..h &.... if..... $ & . i..... л ^ г -

5 //'/ л' &>f\4 hJld'O * tf/ Q tty l* y/ a o £ ^ -/ V / *v

....................................................................................................................................* W ^ .
Exercise 6 _________________________________________________________________
Complete the questions. Use 'do' or 'does' and a verb.

1. ... Do ... you ... like ... English books? (like)

2. .,Q & ..... sh e ..... W.iC& ......... dirty towns? (like)

3. .& .& $£... the teacher .yfcjftr'.в ф у * .... . hot or cold tea? (prefer)

4. ./£).#..... th e y ^.л\..^.../:... a small classroom? (prefer)

5..... :..^6 th e y LJ.IL........... German television? (like)

. he .....-&.L.X/X.... brown bread? (prefer)

7. ..U 3...... the students k shoes? (have)

s. ..P m .1 . . that French word .....C tt& Q d U .... 'ear'? (mean)

9. ..Jj.Q..... you ......... pictures? (like)

10. ..Q j6&£.. J ill..... ^ Ш / A t.....a large garden? (have)

Exercise 7 _________________________________________________________________
Write true positive sentences using like' and prefer'.

1. ... I like English books. ...

2. i ...£ & л ф ....... ША.САЖ....^1Их....:у::./.^к...^^...

3. i h i/ e J n * о* у»- h 'H .. V § L i...

4. i ....... .......................................................................................

5. My teacher t f it f .m k ..... Я * # * * * ’

Exercise 8 _________________________________________________________________
Write true negative sentences using 'like' and 'prefer'.

1. ... I don't like English books. ...

2 .1 .(hOt^A.. ....У5М^г!?г..... . tzy. ! ^ < F ^c>a

3. i d & to J f.. . . .................................. б .Ш М к ....

4. i ...d d & z k .’k ........& & & ........ е л л '.с / .о .к ..... ...................................

5. My teacher ....d ,,..h .:h .tX .....

Book 1 Module 5 GI31

Fast finishers
Exercise 9 _______________________________________
Complete each sentence with one word.

1. ... Can ... he read?

2. Yes, we translate the sentence into English.

3. she like the cinema?

4. No, I ...£,CLfx*.... not close the door.

Dc... they say a long sentence in Japanese?

6. No, the teacher.... not write books in Chinese.

7. We .ftCs?.......... not like dirty towns.

. he prefer white bread?

9. No, sh e .... not write.

10. i ,..(L & ... ... not have a black ballpoint.

Exercise 1 0 ____________________________________________
Choose the correct word.

1. Can he reading / writing / read ?

2. Do / Does / Is she prefer brown or green pictures on the wall?

3. What do / does / are you like?

4. She prefer / prefers / like a white dress.

5. I aren't / can't / doesn't say a long sentence in Japanese.

6. Do they / he / she like English television?

_ yvCs
7. The student aren't / isn't / doesn’t prefer German lessons.

8. I like^ / likes / prefers large bags.

9. She don't / not / can't speak French.

10. Do / Can / Are he count from five to fifteen?

Direct M e t M ft r English
Vocabulary practice

Exercise 11 _________________________________________________________________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it - mtr - she

2. hamburger -- -shoe -- cheeseburger -- sushi

3. coffee -- tea - juice -- .suga^

4. -eake -- eat -- drink - prefer

5. morning -- lunch -- afternoon - evening

6.-^age- -- cherry -- banana - apple

7. tomato -- potato -- ketchup- - carrot

8. be -- dance -- hafrit--- swim

9. music -- *garden -- song -- sing

10. foot - wrist- -- leg -- toe

11.-cmema -- hamburger -- ketchup -- hot dog

E x e r c i s e r ____________________________________
Find 16 more words and write them in the correct categories.

Book 1 Module 5
Exercise 13
Write the missing letters in the grammar words.

b _e_ f _o_ r _e_ bJJ t Д_ e j /

1 J^s X о Л f t * о oL £- n

d j _ f __ e ^ e b 2 1 e iL к __ a t

w ; t о (4 t с ^J n

v - £ r g - £ - t & . b __ e lo / ^ p ^ te r

Exercise 1 4 ______________________________________________
Find 10 more words for fruit and vegetables in the diagram and write them.

... F R U IT ...

'b& .to.& b.Q

. £ & & . ......

(k b & ft.if.y ...

й "

O E (U ^ £ L .

Direct Netted fir Eflflish

Are you walking?

Complete the sentences with these words: alwaysrsm, comes, doesn't eating, is, never, now.
1. We never eat cold spaghetti. 5. /f the teacher standing?

2 .1 riding my bike. 6. The waiter often t o here.

3. You speak French. 7. The managers are drinking coffee \X/.

4. They aren't t - pizza now. 8. The doctor it on the sofa.

When do w e use We use the present continuous

the present continuous? when we are doing something now.
Say a sentence I'm giving you a book.
in the present continuous. or: You are not riding a bike now.
When do w e use We use the present simple to speak
the present simple? about habits.
Say a sentence He_always sih^Jsongs in Spanish,
in the present simple. or: I usually speak Polish.
Are you speaking English now? Yes, I am speaking English now.
Do they usually speak German Yes, they usually speak German
in Germany? in Germany.
Are you using_your mobile phone? No, I'm not using my mobile phone.
Do you often use your mobile phone? Yes, I often use my mobile phone.

Is he singing a song? No, he isrit singing a song.

Does he always sing songs? No, he doesn't always sing songs.

Are we going to the cinema? No, we aren't going to the cinema.
Do you often go to the cinema? Yes, I often go to the cinema.

Book 1 Module 6 73
• Are you going to the cinema?
о No, I'm not going to the cinema.

• Do you often use your mobile phone?

о Yes, I often use my mobile phone.

teach ttirtjj
learn ГЬ:п1
[h :n ] V
a language [э 'lasqgwic^] * <
Italian [i tcslian]
Brazilian [bra'zilisn]
Switzerland [sw its a b n d ] *
г otci

What language am I teaching? You're teaching the English language.

What language are you learning? I'm learning the English language.
Do we teach German at this school? Yes, you teach German at this school

What languages do students learn at Students learn English. French and German
school in this country? at school in this country.
Which languages do people speak People speak the French, German and Italics
in Switzerland? languages in Switzerland.
What nationality is a person A person from Brazil is Brazilian.
from Brazil ?
Are you Brazilian ? No, I'm not Brazilian, but I ’m Italian.
Is she Italian ? No, she isn't Italian, but she's German.

---------------- — ---------------------------------------------------------

call [ko:l]

Do we call that thing a dress? Yes, we call that thing a dress.

Do you have a dog? Yes, I have a dog.
What do you call y ou r dog? I call my dog Spot
What do we call this animal? We call this animal a frog.
What do we call a small horse? We call a small horse a pony.
What do we call a person from Brazil? We call a person from Brazil Brazilian

Direct M e t M fer English

walk [w o :k ]
go for a walk
move [m u :v ]
sometimes [ ’sA m taim z]

Are you walking? No, I ’m not walking, but I'm sitting.

Do you often go for a walk on Sunday ? Yes, I often go fo r a walk on Sunday.
Do you always walk to work ? Yes, I always walk to work.
Do people sometimes go for a walk Yes, people sometimes go fo r a walk
with their dogs? with their dogs.
Am I moving? No, you aren't moving.
Can you move your chair? Yes, I can move my chair.
Do you move when you ride a bike? Yes, you move when you ride a bike.
Which part o f my body moves Your legs move when you walk.
when I walk ?

Which part of my body moves when I sing?

о Your mouth moves when you sing.

stand up [s ta n d л р ]
sit down [sit daun]
put [p u t] '■■■'
up [л р ] jr * ‘
down [d a u n ] /yvcV '

Do you stand up when you eat? No, I don't stand up when I eat,
but I sit down.

Do I sit down when I teach? No, you don't sit down when you teach,
but you stand up.

Do you put your bag on the floor? Yes, I put my bag on the floor.
Put your hand up.
What are you doing? I'm putting my hand up.

Put your hand down, now.

What are you doing? I'm putting my hand down.

What is that up there? That’s a light up there.

What is that down there? That's a bag down there.

л 71 е.Л . f e .-«£/•<•■«

U *. H w r l ' BooK 1 Modulo 6

Unit н know [пэи] tfp L O S V
so [sou] J ;; " - - Щ -

Do you know me? Yes, I know you.

Do you know him ? Yes, I know him.
Does the teacher know a lot? Yes, the teacher knows a lot
Does the teacher know a lot o f Yes, the teacher knows a lot of
English words? English words.
Do you know the capital o f Japan? Yes, I know the capital of Japan.
So what's the capital o f Japan? It’s Tokyo.
Do you know what the word 'only' Yes, I know what the word 'only' means.
So what does the word 'only' mean? The word 'only' means ...

Do you know how many people there Yes, I know how many people there are
are in New York ? in New York.
So how many people are there There are about 8 million people in New York:
in New York ?

a moment [a ’m aom ant]
at the moment в
wait [w cit]

Are you waiting for the teacher now? No, I ’m not waiting fo r the teacher now.
Can you wait a moment before I ask Yes, I can wait a moment before you ask
you a question? me a question.
What are you doing at the moment? I'm learning English at the moment

Are you eating at the moment? No, I'm not eating at the moment

Are you drinking coffee at the moment? No, I'm not drinking coffee at the moment
Is he sitting or standing at the moment? He's sitting at the moment

I am riding my bike — ► now, at the moment

I ride my bike — ► always, usually, often, never

Direct M e t M ft r English
Unit 22
What's your address?
live [h v]
big [b ig]

Where do gorillas live? Gorillas live in Africa.

Can animals live without water? No, animals can't live without water.
Is an elephant a big animal? Yes, an elephant is a big animal.

Do you live in a big city? No, I don't live in a big city,

but I live in a small town.

Which continent do elephants live on?

с Elephants live in Asia and Africa.

a flat [э flaet] ItS tO

a house [э haus]
a block [э btok] w
Do you live in ahouse or in a flat? I live in a house.
Does she live in a house or in a flat? She lives in aflat.
Is your fla t big? No, my flat isn't big. but it's small

Is a block o f flats usually low? No, a block o f flatsisn't usually low,

but it’s usually tall.

Are blocks of flats nice places Yes, blocks o f flats are nice places
to live in? to live in

О *

Book 1 Module 6 77
— £бГ»<- <2. л

cU ? < a A -

an address [эп a’dresj

a street [э strirt] у. ^ t_ г ы- <
a postcode [э ’paostkaud]
an email [эп ’i.-meil]
a dot [э dDt] щ ш
M ib fr r v b A jS f/Q
My 'address is 32 High Street, Cambridge CB22 4BS, ENGLAND.
Chouse number, street, city, postcode, country)
My email address is (frank at gmail dot com).

What's the postcode for this town? The postcode fo r this town
is CB 22 4BS.

What's your address? My address is 32 High Street, Cambridge.

What's the address o f the school? The address o f the school is 32 High Street

What's the email address o f this school? The email address o f this school is ...
Can you give me your email address? Yes, I can give you my email address.

• What's your address?

С student с My address is 32 High Street, Cambridge.

• What's your email address?

с My email address is

a building [э bildig]

Is a block o f flats a building? Yes, a block of flats is a building.

Do people live in this building? Yes, I think people live in this building.
Do you think this building is nice? No, I don't think this building is nice.
Can you give me an example o f a tall Yes, I can give you an example o f a tall building
building in Europe ? in Europe. For example, the Eiffel Tower.

Direet M e t M f t r Esglisti
Unit 23
Are English exams easy?
an exercise [an eksasaiz]
grammar [g r a m a ] 1C4L

Do you like English grammar? Yes, I like English grammar.

Are there a lot o f exercises Yes, there are a lot of exercises in this book.
in this book?

Can you do all grammar exercises? No, I can't do all grammar exercises.

easy [ ’i:zi]
difficult [ ’difikalt]
an exam [an ig'zcem]

Is this book difficult? No, this book isn't difficult, but it's easy.
Are English exams easy? No, English exams aren't easy,
but they're difficult

Is the present simple easy? No, the present simple isn't easy, but it’s difficult

Is it easy to speak English? Yes, it's easy to speak English.

Is it easy to learn to dance No, it isn't easy to learn to dance the waltz,
the waltz? but it's difficult

Is it difficult to sing a song? No, it isn't difficult to sing a song, but it's easy

• Is it easy to sing a song?

о Yes, it's easy to sing a song.

— с ( .
% /

Book 1 Module 6 79
a partner [э ’paitna]
communication [kamjuim'keijn]

Do you like the communication Yes, I like the communication exercises

exercises in this book? in this book.
Who is your partner for the John is my partner fo r the communicatioi
communication exercise? exercise.
Is communication with a partner No, communication with a partner isn't
always easy? easy, but it’s sometimes difficult

what [wDt]
mm who [hu:] .
which [witj]
where [weo]
when [wen]
whose [hu:z] X C i !.
5?-^c a a= a ~ - a S
ё В Ш Ш ш .

Give me an example For example, ’when’ is a question word.

o f a question word, please.
What are you doing? I'm answering a question.
Who is she? She's a student
Which animal lives in Africa? The elephant lives in Africa.
Where are you sitting? I'm sitting here.
When do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast in the morning.
Whose book is this? It's your book.

a preposition [э prepa'zijn]

Give me three examples For example, 'in, before, with' are

o f prepositions, please, prepositions.

Direct M eilM ifvr English

a verb [э v3:b]
Unit 0
an action [an aekjn]
a noun [э naun]
We use verbs for actions, e.g. speak, read, write.
We use nouns for things or people, e.g. a ballpoint, a spoon, a teacher.

What do we use verbs jo r ? We use verbs fo r actions.

For example? For example, 'do', 'take'.

What do we use nouns for? We use nouns fo r things or people.
For example? For example, 'student', 'table'.
Is the word 'mean' a noun? No, the word 'mean' isn't a noun,
but it's a verb.

Is the word 'knife' a verb? No, the word knife' isn't a verb,
but it's a noun.


an adjective [an ’aed3 aktiv]

Give me three examples Three examples o f adjectives are:

o f adjectives, please. cold, hot and small.
Is the word fork' an adjective? No, the word 'fork' isn't an adjective,
but it's a noun.

Is the word 'say' an adjective? No, the word 'say' isn't an adjective,
but it's a verb.

Is the word 'easy' a verb? No, the word 'easy' isn't a verb,
but it's an adjective.

a subject [a 'sAbd3 ekt]
an object [an 'Dbd3 ekt] TPf
A sentence in English always has a subject and often has an object.
e.g. Mark ( = subject) drinks coffee ( —object).

'Kate is eating lunch. '

Which word is the subject? 'Kate' is the subject
Which word is the object? 'Lunch' is the object
'The teacher is reading a book.'
Which word is the subject? 'The teacher' is the subject.
Which word is the object? 'A book' is the object

Book 1 Module 6
When do we use a pronoun? We use a pronoun
when we do not use a noun.

For example? They are standing. John knows her.

What are the subject pronouns? The subject pronouns are:

I, you, he, she, it, we, you and they.

What are the object pronouns? The object pronouns are:

me, you, him, her, it, us, you and them.

G ra m m a r words:


Direct Method for English

Is this place hersP
possessive [pa’zesiv]
The possessive adjectives are my, your, hi
We use possessive adjectives before a noun,

The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
We use possessive pronouns without a noun,
e.g. This bag is mine, or This is mine.

What are the possessive The possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its,
adjectives? our, your and their.
When do we use We use the possessive adjectives before a noun.
the possessive adjectives?
For example? That is our dog. Her trousers are pink.
Their house is in this street.

What are the possessive pronouns? The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers,
its, ours, yours and theirs.

When do w e use the possessive We use the possessive pronouns without a noun.
For example? That dog is ours. The pink trousers are hers,
house is theirs. This is yours.

mine [m ain]

Are these trousers mine? Yes, these trousers are yours.

Is this place hers? Yes, this place is hers.
Whose bag is that? This bag is mine.

Is this book yours? No, that book isn’t mine, but it's yours.

Are those shoes hers? No, those shoes aren't hers, but they're his.
Whose T-shirt is this? This T-shirt is hers.

Book 1 Module 6 3
ours [auaz]
yours 1jd:z]
theirs [беэг]

Whose classroom is this? This classroom is ours.

Is this classroom theirs? No, this classroom isn’t theirs, but it's ours.
Are those coats theirs? Yes, those coats are theirs.
Whose books are those? Those books are theirs.

Are these ballpoints yours? No, these ballpoints aren't ours,

but they're yours.

• Is this book yours?

student с No, this book isn't mine, but it's theirs.

that [daet] чаО

Do you have a dog? No, I don't have a dog.

What is she saying? She’s saying that she doesn't have a dog.
Do you have a cat? Yes, I have a cat.

What is he saying? He's saying that he has a cat.

Do you know that there are about 500 Yes, I know that there are about 500 thoi
thousand elephants in Africa? elephants in Africa.
Do you know that there are about 250 No, I don't know that there are about
thousand gorillas in Africa? 250 thousand gorillas in Africa.

Do you think that hamburgers and No, I don't think that hamburgers and
cheeseburgers are good for you? cheeseburgers are good fo r me.

She is saying that ...

Do you know that...?
I don't think that...

Direct Method for English

Grammar lesson 6
present continuous

I am standing not standing

he/she/it is writing gjj|jj|jhe/she/it is not writing
we/you/they are going we/you/they are not going

Exercise 1 ____________________________________________________
What's happening at the momentP
Write true sentences (positive or negative] (► 46,73).
1 . 1/ sit / on the chair ... I am sitting on the chair. ...

2. I / eat / a hot d o g ...' T . . . o i.. . . . ..... ................... P.L?J?..

3 . 1 / w r ite .... .................... .................................................................... ....................

4. I / drink / juice ... .<??W:... ....^ .... .....................................

5. I / use / a computer £ k & . . l .......... .в;. . . С:..............


6 . 1 / walk / about the classroom ...^ ..G u tx i...... ..v;((.U : p L . . . i . ./.i..T.... JJ..V....

7.1 / learn / English T A -,

....... i.K. .......................... ttS&'.„L/.2sJ2..........

8. I / wear / a hat ...... ...................................

9. I / read / a bookв.хы..../гЖ. j?. к

1 0 .1 / speak...... J ..£ U b ......

[present coutinuous
~ z:: ^^a m illlgpnding?
is he/she/it writing?
are we/you/they going?
Exercise 2 ___________________________________
Write the questions. Use is' or 'are'.

1. what / you / do? ... What are you doing? ...

2. you / speak?.... ..............................£j^S..k\.A'..J.L\

3. you / drink / co ffee? G / t . : . i . P.UtfJ/../.!?£.......

4. he / use / a computer? .. J s . . . . h k .... к Ш й Л .......

Book 1 M u le 6 ^ j
5. you / learn / German?..... ................tyQ&f::....f t : . i J - J i ...... i

§jj|j 6. they / sit? J ii/.Я.-..... ................... .Г.с/л.

И ЯИёИ 7. where / she / go? jj .....

с с
8. she / write / in French? .../$.... ...............J.•*&£•....(.ft*.... ..

J p lp 9. you / read / a book ? .... ( Y S . . ..Sk.. . . . . ✓ . .....

10. he / wear / a jacket? ...X z ' к & . - . л ..............

nrocont cim nlo

ИШ ИД I / we / you / they don't sit

ЩЩДШШ: he / she / it doesn't sit

Exercise 3 ________________________________________________________
Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the box in the correct form (► 59,60,73].

write - like - not like - drink - learn

not go - like - speak - not come - not eat

1. She ... writes ... in Japanese. 6. He ..I';.;-.*....... ..'f.. here.

2. I ...... .......................... Chinese food. 7. I ...q Lq ^<( . . . . . . German films-

3. My frien d ..... L ........French. 8. We .(?!& + ){..... ж ...... ,.. to the ciner

4. We .... y.fe&i.... cheeseburgers. 9. M a ry .................................. English.

5. They ................ tea. 10. John.......... ................... .... singing.

present simple.

Exercise 4
Write the questions with do and does.

1. I like cheeseburgers. And you?

... Do you like cheeseburgers? ...

| 2. They don’t like the smell of coffee. And you ?

m u а - f O u ..... ..................................

3. My friend speaks Italian. And vour friend?

Direct Met&nd for English

4. We don't go to the cinema. And he?

................................................ .tjtO..... JP...'.

5. I drink tea. And you?

..... D.Q....&2.S,
л ...... q L;.:1 k .(L ..... M & ...1 . .......................

6. He thinks it's a good picture. And she?

..... 'k L i.t b it ,......... e s f u f ' г У

7. Iuse my computer. And she?

..... D p & j , ...M .& r............A - » v •

8. I eat sushi. And John?

p M d ...... J.q.L . i..... s & k %&l L l L ..................

9. We don't wear jeans. And they?

1........л ........... ‘<7....... ......................................Y ..............'

10. Mr. Brown sings a lot. And you?

...... 0а...Л й^ ................................a ........ld .il. .............................


always, often, usually now, at the moment

Exercise 5 ________________
Choose the correct te n s e ly 73].

1. Excuse m e .___ English now? a) Do you speak b) Are you speaking

2. Martin often songs. (a ) sings b) is singing

3. I tea. a) like b) am liking

4. We often German. a) speak b) are speaking

5 .1 a jumper at the moment. a) don’t wear b) am not wearing >

6. She usually tea with milk. a) drinks b) is drinking

7. They always a computer. a) use b) are using

8. We dinner at the moment. a) make b) are making

9. Mr. Palmer Italian now. a) learns b) is learning

10. I can’t speak now. I a) eat b) am eating

Book 1 Module 6 GL37

Fast finishers
Exercise 6
Put the words in the right order to make questions.

1. classroom chairs in there seven are the ?

... Are there seven chairs in the classroom? ...

2. wearing are you trousers ?

Ш Ш ..... ......................................

3. like cold not do I coffee

T . . . . f b . . . . . * o ± ....... d t i t A ........ ................

4. bread he brown prefer does?

. T& . ....... Ш. f t ...

5. dirty like you towns do ?

UO J . & m ........ 0 .U ...:.U . .....
.......... ч ...........
6. Italian teaching are they .

f r^^ жy ' krjt- ___

.....ч............................ КГ'
7. Greek is learning she not

. X i k . j ' i .... h & i . ... ...............................

8. often this read I book .

J Л A i tS. tCA и

9. do eyes I three have not .

...I....dp...*&k. А в -.к ^ .......... ...................................

10. wearing a is T-shirt who yellow ?

..... ^ * fr? £ o 4 t/ ^ '


Direct Method Tor English

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 7 _______________________________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it -- ottr - she ш йЙЯМ -

2. present — simple — .vegetable - continuous

3. usually -- often - always -- -object

4. walk - language - move - stand up

5. flat -- house -- block ~--exam

6. verb - .shoe— adjective - noun

7. call - sit- - know -- think

8.--their -- ours -- yours - mine

9. which - whose -- how - without

10. my - hers -- their - your

Exercise 8 _________
Write the missing letters.

b e f o r e s О m£ t / m & s

1 Z nu g g & П в V Г
b ^ i d g S”ijs/i;£_z_£_rl__n£>i

a £L d J^e £_ s p _£_s $ _ c j0_d

g a^i т/у>аr

p s $ e Г s ; v £

Book 1 Module 6
Exercise 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Find 8 more grammar words in the diagram and write them.


.................. 5
Do you eat anything?
affirmative [эТз:тэтО
some [sAm ]
ёс£Ъ . [eniJ some,Lanv,
We use some in affirmative sentences
but we use any in questions and nega
I have some books at home.
Do you have any books at home?
I don't have any books at home.

Are there{any students Yes, there are some students in the classroom.
in the classroom?
Are there any animals Yes, there are some animals
in this picture? in this picture.

Are there any books in a library? Yes, there are some books in a library.
Do I ask you any questions? Yes, you ask us some questions.

Are there any posters No, there aren't any posters in the classroom.
in the classroom?
Do you have any ballpoints in your bag? No, I don't have any ballpoints in my bag.

Do you have any money No, I don't have any money

in your pocket? in my pocket
Do you ask me any questions? No, I don't ask you any questions.

• Do you have any money in your pocket?

о Yes, I have some money in my pocket.

• Are there any animals in the classroom?

о No, there aren't any animals in the classroom.

BooH 1 Module 7
somebody [’sAmbadi] KZS?0^
anybody [enibDdi] [^<ГО — ^ л

but we use anybody in questions and negative sentences.

There is somebody in the classroom.
Is there anybody in the classroom?
No, there isn’t anybody in the classroom

Is anybody wearing jeans here? Yes, somebody is wearing jeans here.

Do you know anybody who can Yes, I know somebody who can
speak English ? speak English.
Does anybody here like coffee ? Yes, somebody here likes coffee.
Does anybody here have a dog? Yes, somebody here has a dog.
Can anybody here sing Yes, somebody here can sing
a short Italian song? a short Italian song.
Can anybody here answer long Yes, somebody here can answer long qut
questions in Spanish? in Spanish.

Is there anybody from Tokyo here? No, there isn't anybody from Tokyo here.
Do you know anybody No, I don't know anybody
who can speak Japanese? who can speak Japanese.
Is there anybody standing behind me? No, there isn't anybody standing behind ycm.
Do you know anybody No, I don’t know anybody
who has a gorilla at home? who has a gorilla at home.

• Do you know anybody who can speak Japanese?

с No, I don't know anybody who can speak Japanese.

• Is anybody wearing jeans here?

о Yes, somebody is wearing jeans here.

Direct Method for English

something [ ’sAmGirj] 7S<& -
anything [e n ie iq ] -z-v ^ -

Do you eat anything before going Yes, I eat something before going to work.
to work ?
Do you drink anything before Yes, I drink something before the lesson.
the lesson?

Do you have anything in your bag? Yes, I have something in my bag.

Are you saying anything? Yes, I'm saying something.

Tell me something that is small For example, a mouse is something
and grey, please. that is small and grey.

Do you eat anything during No, I don't eat anything during

the lesson? the lesson.
Do you drink anything when you No, I don't drink anything when I answer
answer questions? questions.
Do you have anything in your pocket? No, I don't have anything in my pocket
Is he saying anything? No, he isn't saying anything.
Is there anything under your chair? No, there isn't anything under my chair.

• Tell me something that is large and black, please!

с For example, the blackboard is large and black.

thank you [Qaerjk ju ]

thanks [Gasijks]
Here you are [bio ju: a:] ^ \ P C'

What do we say when we give something to When we give something to somebody,

somebody? we say 'Here you are'.
What does the person say? The person says 'Thank you' or 'Thanks'.

Book 1 Module 7
Unit ш ы А> -

ПО [пэо]
nothing [ пл01о]
nobody [naubadi]

Are there any boxes in the classroom? No, there are no boxes in the classroom.

Do you have any pencils in your pocket? No, I have no pencils in my pocket.
Do you ask me any questions? No, I ask you no questions.
What are you drinking I'm drinking nothing at the moment.
at the moment?
What do I have in my pocket? You have nothing in your pocket.
What is he saying? He is saying nothing.
Who can sing a Japanese song here? Nobody can sing a Japanese song here.
Who is wearing a pink blouse Nobody is wearing a pink blouse
in this classroom? in this classroom.
Who is using a mobile phone now? Nobody is using a mobile phone now.

с Are there any boxes in the classroom?

►No, there are no boxes in the classroom.

о Who can sing a song in Japanese here?

• Nobody can sing a song in Japanese here.

1 -О


listen to the CD at home!

Direct Method for English

т Ш

Do you haue a car?

a car [э ka:]
a coach [3 kautj] CL
a bus [э b.\s]
a plane [э plein]

What’s this? It’s a bus.

Is this a plane ? No, it isn’t a plane, but it's a coach.

Do you have a car? Yes, I have a car.

Do you have a radio in your car? Yes, I have a radio in my car.
Do you know anybody who has No, I don't know anybody who has
a television in his car? a television in his car.

by [bai]
the underground [6i Anda’graund] 'y?vC
a train [з trein] I
a tram [3 tram] 7/ «с --л - 4**
on foot [Dn fut]
how [hau]

What's this? It's a tram.

How do you go to work? I go to work by tram.

How do you come to school? I come to school by underground.
Do you go home on foot after the lesson? No, I don't go home on foot after the
lesson, but I go by tram.

Which do you prefer: I prefer to go on fo o t

to go by tram or on foot?
Which do you prefer: I prefer to go by plane.
to go by train or by plane ?

• How do you come to school?

с I come to school by underground.
what kind [wt>t kaind]
Ford [fo:d]
Peugeot [ рз:зэи]
Toyota [tDi'outs]
Volkswagen ['volkswaegan]

Is a Toyota a European car? No, a Toyota isn't a European car,

but it's an Asian car.

Give me an example o f a European For example, a Peugeot or a Volkswagen

car, please. is a European car.

What kind o f car do you like? I like small cars, fo r example, Fords.
What kind o f board is this? It's a whiteboard
What kind o f animals do you like? I like large animals, fo r example, elephants.
Do they make cars in your country? Yes. they make cars in my country'.
What kind o f cars do they make? They make Fiats.

• What kind of car do you like?

о I like small cars, for example, Toyotas.

a logo [э 'laugao]

What is this? It's a logo.

Do you like the Toyota logo? Yes, I like the Toyota logo.
Can you give me an example o f For example, the Google logo is nice.
a nice logo?

instead o f [in’sted av]

What can we eat instead o f We can eat frozen food or tin food instead of
fresh food? fresh food.

Is it good for you to eat an apple Yes, it's good fo r me to eat an apple instead of
instead o f a cheeseburger? a cheeseburger.
Do they prefer rice instead of No, they don't prefer rice instead of
spaghetti in Italy ? spaghetti in Italy

Direct Method for English

( /и ^
i n 'f o - S' Unit
into [ ’intu:]
out o f [aut s v ]
get into [g e t ’intu:] I . .
get out o f [g e t aut av]

I'm taking the CD out o f the book. I'm putting the CD into the book.

What's the opposite o f 'into'? The opposite of 'into' is 'out of.

Take the CD out o f your book, please.
What is she doing? She's taking the CD out o f her book.
Put the CD into your book, please.
What is he doing? He's putting the CD into his book.
In which street do you get into the car I get into the car in Park Street
when you go to school? when I go to school.

In which street do you get out o f the car I get out o f the car in High Street
when you go to school ? when I go to school.

• Tell me in which street you get into the car when you go to school? i
о I get into the car in Park Street when I go to school.

■- ------- —
get on [get D n]
get o ff [get D f]

In which street do you get on the bus I get on the bus in Park Street
when you go to school ? when I go to school.
/* A
In which street do you ‘g et o ff the bus I get off the bus in High Street
when you go to school? when I go to school.

r • Tell me in which street you get on the bus when you go to school?
о I get on the bus in Park Street when I go to school.

Book 1 Module 7
Why are you here? I'm here because I'm learning English.
Why am I here? You're here because you're teaching English.
Can you read a book No, I cant read a book which isn't open.
which isn't open?
Why not? Because I can't see the letters, words and

• Why are you here?

о I'm here because I'm learning English.

above — below

before — after

in — out

in front o f — behind

into — out o f

on — o ff

to — from

4 -O -tS ir ^ P "

t t r t <T^5’

Direct Method for English

Is your family large?
------------------------------------------------------------- w
a family [a ’faemili]
a mother [э ш л б з]
a father [э Та:5э]

Is your family large or small? My family is large.

How many people are there There are five people in my family.
in your family?

Is your mother learning English here? Yes, my mother is learning English here.
Does your father wear jeans? No, my father doesn't wear jeans.

..... ............................................ w-------------

a brother [э Ъ глбэ]
a sister [э 'sista]

Do you have a brother? Yes, I have a brother.

What's his name? His name is Jack.
Does your brother eat a lot o f No, my brother doesn't eat a lot of spaghetti.

Do you have a sister? Yes, I have a sister.

How old is your sister? She's fifteen.

Does your sister have a car? Yes, my sister has a car.

— v ----
a twin [э twin]

Are twins usually the same, similar Twins are usually the same or similar.
or different?
Do you have a twin brother? No, I don't have a twin brother.
Do you know anybody Yes, I know somebody who has a twin.
who has a twin?

Book 1 Module 7 3
Unit 0 a w ife [a w aif]
a husband [э 'hAzband]
a child [э tjaild]
children [ ’tjildran]
a parent [a pearant]

Do you have a wife? Yes, I have a wife.

Does he have a wife? Yes, he has a wife.

Do you have a husband? No, I don't have a husband.

Does she have a husband? No, she doesn't have a husband.

Do you have children? Yes, I have a child / children.
Are you a good parent? Yes, I'm a good parent
Where do your parents live? My parents live in Hornsea.

Can children drink wine? No, children can't drink wine.

• Do you have a brother?

о Yes, I have a brother.

married ['m $ n d ]
single ['sirjgl]

Are you married? No, I'm not married, but I'm single.
Am I single? No, you aren't single, but you're married.

Is your brother married? Yes, my brother is married.

Who is married here? He is married.
Who is single here? She is single.
Does a single woman have No, a single woman doesn't have a husband.
a husband?
Does a married man have a wife? Yes, a married man has a wife.
Do married people often have Yes, married people often have children.

Is it easy to be a single parent? No, it isn't easy to be a single parent

<p7 / L^ e e r' ^ e'


Direct Method for English

... ^

a son [э saii] ЬПм

a daughter [э 'doits] Щ ш т ят ш ш т лт яш т
Are you a son? Yes, I'm a son.
Are you a daughter? No, I'm not a daughter, but I'm a son.
Do you have a son? Yes, I have a son.
Do you have a daughter? No, I don't have a daughter.

a friend [o frend]

What's your friend's name? My friend's name is James.

Do you know a lot o f people Yes, I know a lot of people
from Spain ? from Spain.

Do you have a lot o f friends in Spain ? Yes, I have a lot o f friends in Spain.
Do you often go to the cinema Yes, I often go to the cinema with my friends.
with your friends?

Do your friends like hamburgers No, my friends don't like hamburgers

and hot dogs? and hot dogs.

a letter [э ’lets]
an SMS [эп es em 'es]
a text message О 'tekst m esid 3 ]
send [send]

Do you send any letters ? Yes, I send some letters.

What do a lot o f people send A lot o f people send emails instead o f letters.
instead o f letters?

Do you write a lot o f emails No, I don't write a lot o f emails to my friends.
to your friends?
Can students send text messages No, students can't send text messages at school.
at school?
What can we send our friends? We can send our friends a letter,
an email or an SMS.

Can I send you an SMS ? Yes, you can send me an SMS.

Do you send emails from your mobile No, I don't send emails from my mobile phone.
call [кэ:1]
text [tek st]
a code [э kgud]

Do you often call your friends? Yes, I often call my friends.

Do your friends often call you? No, my friends don't often call me.
Do your friends often text you? Yes, my friends often text me.
What is the code for your town? The code fo r my town is 32.

What is the code for your country? The code fo r my country' is 48.
Can you give me your phone number? No, I can’t give you my phone number.

• What is your phone number?

с My phone number is 322 462 608.

an aunt [эп a :n t]
an uncle [an лпк1]
a cousin [э ’kA zin ]
some o f [sAm av]
none o f {п а п 9 v ]

What do we call our mother's sister? We call our mother's sister an aunt
What do we call our father's brother? We call our father's brother an uncle.
Do you know my uncle? No, I don't know your uncle.
Do you know my aunt? No, I don't know your aunt

Do any o f your aunts and uncles Yes, (some o f my aunts and uncles live
live in this town? in thuTWwn.
How many cousins do you have? I have seven cousins.
Do any o f them learn English? N o ,'none of them learn English.

<Q*r\A- Ct
4 - <3

Direct Method for English

Communication 4

о Cristina
What's your surname? • Andy
My surname is Те
Can you spelljhat, pie
What's youj
My name's
Where are
о How old are
I'm from Ge
• I'm 25.
Which iandfu do you speak?
о What are your parents' names?
I speak Ge 'and English.
• My mother's name is Ulla
What's yoiSfpddress? and my father's name is Herman.
15 Market Street, 78250 Tengen, G о Do you have a brother or a sister?
What's your phone number? • Yes, I have a brother.
01534-7468392 о Are you married?
What's your email address? • Afo, Гт not married, but I'm single, о Do you have children?
• No, I don't have children.

Complete with information from the dialogue.

nam e su rn am e ■- f_ У-г age


ad d ress _
IfЛ* ~ £ P. !)
________________________ p o stal co d e

C ity
(7 C O U n try I

phone num ber __________ f e m a i l a d d r e s s ___________________ V (c Z f/ < P £ C ijQ .

m o t h e r 's n a m e f a t h e r 's n a m e ____________ • ^

m a r r ie d □ s in g le \/ la n g u a g e s Р лхg y * ? w t g -

BooH 1 Module 7
Exercise 2
Write questions for these answers. Don't forget about question marks.

ш .m & l ... b z & f L ...

tA.v.v.^/.......... о My name's Andy.

3. E R К E R.

4. jQ ?.• ...Ъ&'М.;....'... XrHf..й - ' . о No, I don't have children.

5. ..[K j k / .А Л ...у ^ Л . 534-7468392

6. .. !2-/:.. ~. . . . . k.-.(?&..jfitk i........?/&&..л ....... о I'm from Germany.

7 . ..(X / M .i.1.?... .... %£££. Av.-;t?Th^..... с My surname is Terker.

v> л
8. .................. о I'm 25.
9 r V ,-J >
9......./........ Ц.Or.*?*-.....y^.Qv.^J.T.J.'cL.................о No, I'm not married, but I'm single.

10. ..(~P...^fc52frf.. . . ........ о Yes, I have a brother.

11. IS .. . . .£l\ik b &;/ » • £ My mother's name is Ulla.

12. ....о 15 Market Street, 78250 Tengen.

Exercise 3
Practise the main dialogue taking turns.

Exercise 4 _______________________________________
Write a similar dialogue using true information about yourself.
7 iA sG- i ^ чо ■
<J lo -t+ r & S . b

е ^ с Л o d * U (& '% •’ < u


Direct Nettled for English

Grammar Lesson 7
We use some, something, somebody in affirmative sentences,
but we use any, anything, anybody in questions and negative sentences.
I have some books. Do you have any books? I don't have any books.

Exercise 1 _____________________________________
Underline the correct word in each sentence (► 85-88).

1. Jack doesn't have something / anything in his pocket.

2. There aren't some /.any good restaurants in this town.

3. Do you have some /any milk at home?

4. There is something / anything on the table.

5. There are some / any boxes under the table.

6. Do we have some /'any money?

7. There is somebody / anybody in the classroom.

8. There isn't somebody / anybody here.

9. Does she ask some / onyjquestions?

10. Is the teacher saying something / anything?

Exercise 2 _____________________________________
Fill in the gaps with 'some' or 'any'.

1. Are there ... any ... books here?

2. He h as..... ................... CDs in his bag.

3. There a r e ..... ................... students in the classroom.

4. There aren’t ....................... tables.

5. Are th ere.... f i U ........ hats on the chair?

6. We h a v e ...... .................. money.

7. There aren't...... .................. pictures on the wall.

8 . He is answering.... .....................questions.

9. There isn't....... ................. water.

10. Is th ere....... on the table?

Book 1 Module 7 GI43

Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps with 'some' or 'any'.

1. There aren't... any ... CDs in that bag.

2. She gives m e every week.

3. We haven't g o t ........................rice.

4. John never to school.

5. I w ant.. .. water, please.

6. There isn't...... fX<te0........ coffee in the house.

7. Is there........................milk in the house?

8. There a re........................interesting books here.

Exercise 4 ___________________________________
Choose 'is' or 'are' for each space.

1. Jane's hair ... is ... long.

't- ,p
2. These w om en ...... ...................friends.

3. W h ere........ AS............ the money?

4. T h ere........ ^ .............. some buses in the street.

5. Your books...... .................. under that table.

6. T h ere....... IS salt on the table.

Exercise 5 _________________________________
Fill in the gaps with words from the box.

somebody anybody nobody something nothing anything anybody

1. There isn't... anybody ... in the classroom.

2. Yes, is coming to school on Saturday.

3. No, I think he h a s.... hY£2.£&.irh?.. in his pocket.

L J *
4. Do you know .ii-. *.4.:....... .......who can speak Chinese?
j 4
5. There is ....... ......... on the table.
p <tf
6. No, I think here has a Japanese book.

7. Is there . C b & o k under the chair?

Direct Method for English

Fast finishers
Exercise 6
Put the words in the right order.

1. classroom any in there people are the ?

... Are there any people in the classroom? ...

2. her bagshe not have anything in does

.J d )£... й Л & % ...t& L .,.. ........

................................................................. V .............................................. '<?.... (f
3. hearsomebodycorridor in can the theteacher .

J .l)L . . . d^?...........У:. . . I .if. //v

4. there standing anybody me behind is ?

Ту ■Ww't? be&ijvcL /
5. children at money not any have do school .

L ./.}/.. djO t. M .h .... L& tif:. ....... я4-

V f /

6. Japanese song sing nobody a can in .

j j f ' Qcelf/ .. aiMt - J & Y in
7. teacher some the asksthem questions .

7 А г; ....i & k ry,№ /v 4 r,

8. lesson before drink you anything do the ?

j Q i ? . . . . ..... М.У.ИУ.$.................

Exercise 7 __________________________________________
Write the missing letters.

1. C _a_ _n_ he read?

2. Yes, s V_ _a?_l J I !%[_ у here eats a lot of pasta.

3. No, I don’t have а U pear juice at home.

i ^
4. Do you use a 1 ■) о salt in your food?

5. My uncle doesn't eat а /V U in the morning.

6. Does а и . ^ J_ О c { have a German book?

7. The children send n letters to their parents.

/ (
8. I think n <J_ ?C_ J ) у can dance the waltz here.

Book 1 Module 7 GL45

лц '
Vocabulary practice
Exercise 8
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it -- ottr - she

2. any - anything - anybody - something

3. uncle- - aunt - daughter - sister

4. plane - language - car - bus

5. nobody -- somebody -- some -- something

6. verb - email -- letter -- text message

7. brother - uncle - .twin- -- sister

8. father -- aunt- -- brother -- husband

9. no -- nobody -- somebody - nothing

10. send -- call -- text - tram

Exercise 9 _____________
Write the missing letters.
b _e_ f o_ r _e_ n 0_ t £u i g

0 j
0^ n j j i e r jQ_ n d -r h U s ft & n CL

b ^ c t u ^ e nst

с f i / d t* e 2L p a r n ^ s

m m в_ s a ^ e

d $ u to h 4, e n _ £ . g c ? _ t j _ v __

Direct Method for English

Unit SO
Have you got a shirt?

have got [h ov gDt] L.^c<jt ч у (
a passport [э ’parspoit] J
haucB ot

:• - •- .Г‘> - £

Have you got Yes, I have got a Spanish passport.

a Spanish passport?
Have I got a mobile phone ? Yes, you have got a mobile phone.
Have you got a blue jum per ? No, I have not got a blue jumper.
Have I got a red shirt ? No, you have not got a red shirt.
Have they got English books? Yes, they have got English books.
Have gorillas got long tails? No, gorillas have not got long tails,
but they have got short tails.

• Haye I got a mobile phone?

о Yes, you hove got a mobile phone.

has got [h sz gD t]
H n f* nnt
L ■ in "^i mr=^‘ ‘',l
эие iras gut a car, -п/ пе nas gui an orange.
„ > ;
Has she got a car? Has he cot an orange?
No, she has not got a car. No, he has not got an orange. J
Has she got black shoes? Yes, she has got black shoes.
Has he got brown hair? No, he has not got brown hair.
Has a hippie got short hair? No, a hippie has not got short hair.

Has he got a Brazilian passport? No, he has not got a Brazilian passport
Has a rabbit got short ears? No, a rabbit has not got short ears,
but it has got long ears.
►► ►

Book 1 Module 8
• Has he got a Brazilian passport?
с No, he has not got a Brazilian passport.

short forms

Have you got an English book? Yes, I've got an English book.
Have I got a ballpoint ? Yes, you’ve got a ballpoint
Has she got shoes? Yes, she's got shoes.
Has a hippie got long hair? Yes, a hippie's got long hair.
Have you got a blue T-shirt? No, I haven't got a blue T-shirt
Have I got a pink T-shirt? No, you haven't got a pink T-shirt.

Has a hippie got short hair? No, a hippie hasn't got short hair.
Has he got a German book? No, he hasn’t got a German book.
Has a puma got a short tail? No, a puma hasn't got a short tail,
but it's got a long tail.

an MP3 player [эп em pi: '0ri: ’pleia]

a CD player [э si: 'di: pleia]
a stereo [э ’steriao]

Have you got an MP3 player? Yes, I've got an MP3 player.
Have we got a CD player Yes, we've got a CD player
in the classroom? in the classroom.
Have you got a stereo in your room No, I haven't got a stereo in my roor-.
at home? at home.

many [m e n i]
fu fe w [fju:] I K
a dictionary [э dikjanri]
w ild [w a ild ]

Direct Method for English

Unitt il
Can you give me an example of For example, the gorilla is a wild animal
a w ild animal, please?

Are there many w ild animals No, there aren't many wild animals
in this country? in this country.

Are there many communication Yes, there are a lot o f communication exercises
exercises in this book? in this book.
Are there few words No, there aren't few words in a dictionary,
in a dictionary? but there are a lot of words.
Are there few questions No, there aren't few questions in this book,
in this book? but there are a lot.
Have you got many books No, I haven’t got many books in my bag,
in your bag? but I've got few.
Are there few books in a library? No, there aren't few books in a library,
but there are a lot.

• Are there few questions in this book?

о No, there aren't few questions in this book, but there are a lot.

much [niAtJ]
little [’lid] ' e 11 l.

meat [mi:t]
mineral water ['minrel woita]
use ’much’ in questions or negative sentences.
We use ’a lot’ in affirmative sentences and in questions or negative sentences.

Do you drink much mineral water? No, I don't drink much mineral water.

Do you drink little Coke No, I don’t drink little Coke at the cinema,
at the cinema? but I drink a lot
Does he drink little Coke No, he doesn't drink little Coke at the cinema,
at the cinema? but he drinks a lot
Do you eat much meat? No, I don't eat much meat,
but I eat little meat.

Do we speak little here? No, we don't speak little here,

but we speak a lot

Is there little water in your body? No, there isn't little water in your body,
but there's a lot

-J g
( f

• Do you eat little meat?

с No, I don't eat little meat, but I eat a lot of meat.

----------- • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
a pound [э paund]
a dollar [э ’d o b ]
a euro [a ’juareu]
it’s none o f your business [ biznss]
how much W iJ b u jb & Q

Have you got any money in your bag? Yes, I've got some money in my bag.
or: It's none of your business.

How much money have you got I've got 20 euros in my wallet,
in your wallet? or: It's none o f your business.
What kind o f money do they use in They use pounds in England.
England ?

What kind o f money do they use They use dollars in the USA.
in the USA ?

How many francs make a pound? About two francs make a pound.

countable [ ’kauntabl]
uncountable [Aivkauntabl]
pasta [ ’pa:sta]

Is 1apple’ countable? Yes, 'apple' is countable.

Is 'salt uncountable? Yes, 'salt' is uncountable.
Is 'pasta' countable? No, ’pasta’ isn’t countable,
but it's uncountable.

Is 'money' uncountable? Yes, 'money' is uncountable.

Do you use a lot o f salt in your food? Yes, I use a lot of salt in my food.
Do you eat a lot of pasta? No, I don't eat a lot of pasta.

Direct Method for English

What time is itP
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,

during ['d 3 u ariij]

What do you do during the lesson? I learn English during the lesson.
What do you usually do I usually go to school during the day.
during the day?

Do you go to work during the day? No, I don't go to work during

the day, but I go to school.

a second [a 'sekand]
a minute [a mmit]
an hour [an ’au a] ~ Г Ш§ 0 - ’■ ' > : ■. t;? .

How many seconds are there There are 60 seconds in a minute.

in a minute?
How many minutes are there There are 60 minutes in an hour.
in an hour?
How many hours are there There are 24 hours in a day.
in a day?


a watch [a w D tf]
a clock [a k b k ]

Is there a clock in the classroom? Yes, there's a clock in the classroom.

Is a watch big or small? A watch is small.
Is a clock big or small? A clock is big.
Have you got a clock at home? No, I haven't got a clock at ho e.
Has your mobile phone got a clock? Yes, my mobile phone has got a clock.
Is he wearing his watch on his right He's wearing his watch on his left wrist
wrist or on his left wrist?

Which wrist do you wear I wear my watch on my left wrist

your watch on?

Book 1 Module 8 101

time [taim]
o’clock [a'klDk]
What time is it?

What time is it? It's five o'clock.

What time is it? It's three o'clock.

a quarter [э kwoita]

What's the time? = What time is it?

3.15 a quarter past three

3.30 half past three

What time is it? It's ten past three.

What time is it? It's a quarter past three.
What time is it? It's half past three.
What's the time? It's a quarter to four.
What's the time? It's ten to four.

What's the time? It's two minutes past three.

What time is it? It's twenty-four minutes to four.

• What's the time?

о It's twenty-seven minutes to six.

Direct Method for English

Unit f f l

at [set]

What time do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at eight o'clock.

What time do you eat lunch? I eat lunch at one o’clock.
What time do you go to work? I go to work at half past eight

What do we do at h a lf past five? We study English at half past five.

What do you do at a quarter to twelve? I work at a quarter to twelve.

о What time do you go to work?

• I go to work at haIf past eight.

Good morning [gud 'шэгшд]

Good afternoon [gud a:ft3'nu:n]
Good evening [gud ’irvrug]
a.m. а /Л
p.m. " *

Is it 7 a. m. now? No, it isn't 7 a.m. now, but it's 7 p.m.

What do we say before 12 p.m.? We say 'Good morning' before 12 p.m.
What do w e say between We say 'Good afternoon' between
12 and 6 p.m.? 12 and 6 p.m.

What do w e say after 6 p.m.? We say 'Good evening' after 6 p.m.

Goodbye [gud bai]

Bye [bai]
a night [э nait]
Good night [gud nait]

Do we say 'Goodbye' during the day? Yes, we say 'Goodbye' during the day.

Do we say 'Goodbye' at night? No, we don't say 'Goodbye' at night,

but we say 'Good night'.

What can we say instead o f 'Goodbye'? We can say 'Bye' instead o f 'Goodbye'.

800 k1 Module 8
Do you want to go to England?
Study [stAdi]

Are you studying English? Yes, I ’m studying English.

Do you like studying? Yes, I like studying.
Do you ever study at home? No, I never study at home.
Do you study at home when you're Yes, I study at home when I'm absent
absent from the lesson? from the lesson.

carry [ ’kasri] чU ■
a tissue [э 'tiju:]

Am I carrying a book? Yes, you’re carrying a book.

Which animals do they use to carry They use elephants to carry people and things
people and things in India? in India.

Do you carry a lot o f money on you? . No, I don't carry a lot o f money on me.
What colour is a tissue? A tissue is usually white.
Do you carry tissues with you? Yes, I carry tissues with me.

drive [d raiv]
a driving licence [э 'draivig laisns]

Can you drive a car? Yes, I can drive a car.

What kind o f car do you drive? I drive a Ford.
What kind o f car do women prefer Women prefer to drive a small car,
to drive? fo r example a Fiat.
Have you got a driving licence? No, I haven't got a driving licence.
Has your mother got a driving licence? Yes, my mother has got a driving licence.

о Can you drive a car?

• Yes, I can drive a car.

Direct Method for English


Can you see the things that are No, I can't see the things that are
behind you? behind me.
Can you see a yellow blouse No, I can't see a yellow blouse in this room.
in this room?

Can you see that picture well? Yes, I can see that picture well
What's the opposite o f 'day'? The opposite o f 'day' is 'night'.
Can owls see w ell at night? Yes, owls can see well at night
Which animals can see w ell at night? For example, cats, dogs and owls can see well
at night

Can you see the words and sentences Yes, I can see the words and sentences
on this page? on this page.

-------------------------------- 4

hear [hia] j ^ 7 . . - - .

a bat [bast]

What can w e hear on the radio? We can hear music on the radio.
Can you hear music No, I can't hear music at the moment
at the moment?

Can students hear all the words Yes, students can hear all the words that the
that the teacher says? teacher says.
Can you hear the teacher asking Yes, I can hear the teacher asking questions from
questions from this book? this book.
Can you hear him answering the Yes, I can hear him answering the teacher's
teacher's questions? questions.
Can bats hear well? Yes, bats can hear well
Do bats and owls prefer the day? No, bats and owls don't prefer the day,
but they prefer the night

BooK 1 Module 8 Н И Т Л I
Give me an example o f a verb For example, 'to come' is a verb
in the infinitive, please. in the infinitive.
Is 'to s it a verb in the infinitive? Yes, 'to sit' is a verb in the infinitive.

Do you want a big hamburger? Yes, I want a big hamburger.

Do you have a lot o f money? No, I don't have a lot o f money.
Do you want to have a lot o f money? Yes, I want to have a lot of money.
Do you want to go to England? Yes, I want to go to England.
Who wants to eat cold spaghetti? I think nobody wants to eat cold spagheЩ

What do you want to drink for breakfast? I want to drink tea fo r breakfast.

с Do you want to have a lot of money?

• Yes, I want to have a lot of money.

Am I teaching you to speak English? Yes, you’re teaching us to speak English.

Are the students learning No, the students aren't learning to drive a car.
to drive a car now? but they're learning to speak English.
Am I teaching you to use a computer? No, you aren't teaching us to use a computer,
but you're teaching us to speak English.

Do we learn to read and write Yes, we learn to read and write in English.
in English?

Does the teacher sometimes ask you to Yes, the teacher sometimes asks us to do
do a communication exercise? a communication exercise.

Direct M eth od‘ or English

We can use the word ’one' without repeating the noun:
This ballpoint is mine and that one is yours.
This one is on the table, but that one is on thefloor.
He wants a small apple, but she wants a bis one.

Whose is this ballpoint ? That ballpoint is yours.

Whose is that one? This one is mine.
Do you want a small orange ? No, I don't want a small orange.
Do you want a big one? Yes, I want a big one.
What do we call this animal? We call this animal a frog.
What do we call this one? We call this one a puma.
What colour is the small animal? The small animal is yellow.
What colour is the large one? The large one is brown.
Do you send emails to your friends? Yes, I send emails to my friends.
Can you send one without a computer? No, I can't send one without a computer.

о Do you want a small orange?

►No, I don't want a small orange.
о Do you want a big one?
• Yes, I want a big one.

a gerund [э ’<3зегэпс1]
writing [ ’raitiij]
doing [ du:ii]3
, writing, reading...

Give me an example 'Coming' is an example of a gerund.

o f a gerund, please.
Is 'driving an infinitive? No, 'driving' isn't an infinitive,
but it's a gerund.

Is 'to spell' a gerund? No, 'to spell' isn't a gerund,

but it's an infinitive.

Book 1 Module 8 107

Communication 5
D ia lo g u e ___________________________________________________________________

On the phone

• Hello.
• Hello. This is Andy calling. Can I speak to Cristina?
• Hang on a minute.
L . 'k^bn J
j s. -
о Hello, Andy. \щ__
• Hello, Cristina. How are you?
о I’m all right, thank you. A r^ fm ra re you?
• I'm OK. Do you want to go to the National Park with me?
о Yes, that's a great idea. Have you got a driving licence? ''
• Yes, of course. ' U *■* cj
о What к Щ of car do you drive? I.
• A Fiat Punto. What about Friday afternoon?
о I’m sorry. I don’t think hcan go on Friday afternoon.
Why not? j
Because I’m at school. What about Saturday morning?
• OK what time?
о Let's meet at ten. 4.
♦ Cristina's mother
• Great, see you at ten: _______
о Thanks for calling. Bye. Andy
•• Andy -■ i
• Bye. о Cristina
- ■

Exercise 1 _________________________________________________________________
Complete with information from the dialogue.

Andy is calling.................................... They are going to th e; .....

Andy has a .................................Тя. and drives a .... !^dr.........

Cristina can’t go on . . but she can go on

They are meeting at ...:££^....o.£^pg^....&*u- br-vt?**ы pyp.

Book 1 Module 8 И К Т Г Л I
Complete the questions with these words.

1. I speak to Cristina?

2. How you?

3....... Do..... you want to go to the National Park with me?

4. you got a driving licence?

5. What Friday afternoon?

6. What ..КЛ. fid ... . of car do you drive?

Practise the dialogues taking turns.

• Hello.
о Hello. This is Andy calling. Con I speak to Cristina?
• Hang on a minute
о Hello, Andy.
• Hello, Cristina. How at
о I'm all right, thank you,
• I'm OK.

• What about Friday afternoon?

о I'm sorry. I don't think I can go on Friday afternoon.
• Why not?
с Because I'm at school. What about Saturday morning?
• OK, what time?

Practise the main dialogue taking turns.

Direct rethod for English

Grammar Lesson 8 Ш

Exercise 1
Choose the correct word (possessive adjectives or pronouns) (► 83).

1. This poster is my / mine.

2. That is our / ours dog.

3. Are these trousers your / yours?

4. Those coats aren’t their /(theirs.

5. He is taking her / hers ballpoint.

6. Is this your / yours key?

7. That classroom is our / ours.

8. This isn’t your / yours.

9. She is carrying my / mine shoes.

10. That big banana is my / mine.

Exercise 2 _________________________________
Fill in the gaps with possessive adjectives or pronouns.

1. Donna likes ... h e r ... car. (she)

- <J 1 0 * 4 <r
2. I don't Can you give m e ..... и & Ш ^ ..? (I, you)

3. This is ....QkUt......... classroom, not ...dtrhJk&£{£... (we, they)

4. That ballpoint i s ...... ............... (she)

S *P — о
5. Those books aren't.... .v...I.S...... , they're.... ___________ (you, he)

6. They're i n .... ................ room. I’m in . (they, I)

7. I think she h as....... money in ,................... ................ . pocket, (she, she)

8. Is ....0:1..^......... country in Africa? (he)

9. Is this computer ..... ? (w e)

10. The chicken on that plate i s (they)

Book 1 Module 8
What time is it? = What is the time?
ШшШгЗ.ОО It’s three о'с1ос^Я~ ~ —
3.10 ten past three 3.35 twenty-five to four
3.15 a quarter past three 3.45 a quarter to four
И З О half past three 3.50 ten to four
2.16 sixteen minutes past two 3.36 twenty-four minutes to four

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences. Use the words from the hox (► 102].

~six “ stjdock past -to half minutes .quarter -past

1. 6.25 *
Its twenty-five - p a s t... six.
... • ^

2. 5.53 It's seven minutes...... ip ........... six. 6

3. 6.00 It's six ...O.

4. 6.20 It's twenty ....... six.

5. 6.45 It's а to seven.

6. 6.02 It's two past six.

7. 18.17 It's seventeen minutes past

8. 6.30 It's ......... past six.

Exercise 4
Write out the times.

4.20 ... it's twenty past f o u r ...


I.30 Li - S .... }& !& !;................................ v?J.l Л-;...

2.50 ..... 4^ n ,......


3.00 j f I s ...... ....................................................................


9.47 ..kfLf.. (A :.... .ifx... KQH.

12.29 l i y J i . . . Ь . . . . f. \I /.\J?.... f.T.}/.t}.iX..f.P.£ ^Й

7.45 ..... .....................................

10.58 i . b ! s . . . y . w . o . . . L ' ^ & i .

Direct Method for English

I have got a s o t l an orange.
Have you got a son? Has he got an orange?
No, I have not got a son. No, he has not got an orangi

Exercise 5 ___________________________________________________________
Write sentences use have got / has got and some / any (► 97-981.

1. you / oranges / ?... Have you got any oranges? ...

2. she / red ballpoints / . . .... Г ' Ш . .....

3. they / not / bananas / . ....

4 .1 / hot milk / . j L .k v . . . i .......

5. you / not / vegetables / . .... 6.?.:...... b J ? . . . . V . \

6. we / food / ? ....t L & f c . &?....}X..k'/...£ (? .,y........

7. he / rice / ? .... ?...........

8. the boy / money / . 2.C^..

Exercise 6
Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the box in the correct form:
infinitive or gerund (► 106-1071.

learn - do —drive - ta t-- read - drink —live - walk - waBc=~go - go

1. She prefers ... e a tin g ... apples.

2 .1 like .SX/teE&ifyf?.. in a beautiful city.

3. Do you want 2 . to England?

, tс
4. We like English books.

5. She doesn’t want ] k L milk.

/ I
6. What do you want^?..ttW?............ in the evening?

7. Do you prefer .. £ or by car?

\S) I t S U 'i 4 CJ
8. She doesn't like4.:..^..;../..^.... a car.
L i/ с
9. My wife wants #...5rя.х.мг. in this city.

10. He prefers............ a language in a school.

Book 1 Module 8 ИИЗШ М I

Fast finishers
Exercise 7 ____________________
Choose the correct answer.

1 .1 can see__________ there. a) somebody b) anybody c) any

2. I wanti something now. a) eat b) eating c) to eat

3..yo<^vvife is beautiful. a) Yours b) You c) Your

4. This book is a) mine b) my c) I

5. Is there under the table? a) something b) nothing c) anything

b ez/ tP G b
6. I ___ a blue pen. a) have got b) has got c) has
7. I've got'____ in my pocket. a) nothing b) anything c) somebody
i ч t/й^М Алрр
8. Look! H e ___ your book. a)reads b) is reading c) read
9. Do you f4t^ that book? a) have b) have got c) has

10. The teacher___ got any books. a) have b) hasn't c) haven’t

Exercise 8
Put the words in the right order.

1. got a shirt you red have ?

... Have you got a red shirt? ...

2. not he black got hair has .

У .& г..... . .Jf?£>h.......... ..........................

3. English have books they some got ,

y j & i f . ........ c-H Л

4. not you a got blouse have blue .

IJ c o c ... £ £ .1. J & jr.

5. has driving she licence got a ?

/ .'< & ...... £ & & ..... f& k .....

6. large theya have car got ?

...... ..................................... .(LOuf/..

Direct Method for English

Vocabulary practice
Exercise 9 __________________________________
Cross out the words that do not fit.

1. he -- it -- ottr - she

2. yours -- mine -- -their - hers

3. time -- half - quarter — -want

4. building - infinitive - gerund - pronoun

5. carry - into - drive - think

6. instead -- minute - clock -- watch

7. into - out of -- fruit — instead of

8. many - meat -- much - few

9. her - your - their -- mine

10. .bad -- owl -- bat - rabbit

Exercise 1 0 __________________________________
Write the missing letters.

b e f o r e P & s СpС г Ь

q ^ a Д/ t ^ r it n t / v 6

b ^ _j_l^ i^ g d / сi i л' n & r

s U- b j C~ с ТГ с j£2 ш p U_ t С
v i l g ' £ t { i_ b i 1 e d J i.i£ g t£ _ r

P sL_ e 2 s / v £ £L b j £L с £_

m / n e a j_ b £_ с U se

_L ni2_oi£.nHLa ^?1 d^r/_/vg

BooK 1 Module 8 И Н Т Е Л А
Exercise 1 1 _____________________________________
Find sixteen words and write them in the correct categories.

... su bject... .frlzj.f? ......... . ........ ■•■Л.... (■£-•

...h o u r... . ш я ж я к . ........ а ш л ж к С '. . .,.J. т

d d. :.................... ............................

... banana....... .......................... ф £ Щ & .........Ц ^ . Ж .............И Х & Я М .

... yours ... ............... к а к ^ к ............. Ы Ж £ .................... & < * ,# § ,

I ... a u n t... .U..I...&-.C&.......... .J b £ £ b & iA ..................................................J h tt& 'A & z *.

Exercise 12
Choose the opposites from the box.

why south hers -few bad subject much-

into ham to -mine east ours never

teach - ... learn ... good

many - out of (y v y O

yours - ...rrrw .to J L ' because - W M

я .....
past ........ib z ....... always r& V ts f*

west - little - .ty b k&

object - . g u d U . L f . J - north - ••*fv*- V u .....

5 <]

theirs - his

Direct Method for English

Exercise 13
Put the words in the columns (► 100). ,

( ta r sock meatcoffee ~girl man juice dollar


knife pasta money tea ballpoint town water salt

\ ____________________________________________________________________________________ J

Countable Uncountable
a car meat

k Q M *......
..... J r ir f b ...... .....

i j f a u ........

qU :..L £ & + ?.

..... ..... & £ & .....

....Is & r & i J.\Cr.t y i - t ....p lls k ....

...d x / .& n ......... ........


Bo o k 1 Module 8 I

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