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Assignment 1 - MEng 6412

1. Schematic diagram of mechanical type displacement measuring dial gauge is given below.
Indicate the functional elements of the device in the form of block diagrams.

2. An instrument consists of a first order temperature sensing element and a second order data
presentation device. The time constant of the first order element is 0.01 s and static
sensitivity is 0.2 mV/°C. The second order device has an undamped natural frequency of 120
rad/s, damping ratio of 0.4 and static sensitivity of 5 mm/mV. Draw the Bode diagram of the
sytem. Also, find the output as seen on the data presentation device if the input signal is
harmonic, with frequency 100 rad/s and maximum and minimum values of temperature as
100 and 40 °C respectively.
3. An ac millivoltmeter has a range of 0 – 1000 mV and its accuracy is ± 0.5 of fsd (full-scale
deflection). If the input voltage of the instrument is 400 mV, determine the output of the
4. A measuring instrument with a time constant of 0.4s and a static sensitivity of 0.01 mV/°C is
used to measure the temperature of a medium, which changes from 15 to 80 °C. Taking the
output as zero at 15°C, find the time taken for the output voltage to reach 70% of the steady
state value, if the temperarure change occurs suddenly.
5. A second order recording instrument is used record a harmonic voltage signal. The recorder
has a static sensitivity of 2 mm/mV, an undamped natural frequency of 100 Hz and viscous
damping rationof 0.7. Find the usable frequency range of the instrument over which the
amplitude ratio of output to input signals does not change by more than 10 %.

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6. A first-order instrument must measure signals with frequecy content up to 100 Hz with an
amplitude inaccuracy of 5%. What is the maximum allowable time constant ? what will be
the phase shift at 50 and 100 Hz ?
7. The resistance of certain length of wire R is given by R = 4ρl/πd2.
Where : ρ is the resistvity of the wire in Ω cm
l - the length of the wire in cm
d - the diameter of the wire in cm
Determine the nominal resistance and the uncertainty in resistance of the wire with the following
ρ = 45.6*10-6 ± 0.15*10-6 Ω cm
l = 523.8 ± 0.2 cm
d = 0.062 ± 1.2*10-3 cm
8. A variable resistance potentiometer transducer having a resistance of 12 kΩ is connected to a
dc voltage source of 60 V. The voltage output of the transducer is measured by means of a
voltmeter of internal impedance of 120 KΩ. Determine impedance loading error at 25%
position on the transducer and the actual voltage reading observed at this position.
9. A first-order instrument is to measure signals with frequency content up to 100 Hz with an
amplitude inaccuracy of 5%. What is the maximum allowable time constant? What will be
the phase shift at 50 Hz.
10. A thermocouple with a time constant of 0.3 s and a static sensitivity of 0.04 mV/°C is used to
measure the temperature of a media, which varies as shown in the figure below. If the initial
temperature of the thermocouple reference and measuring junctions was 25°C, find the
output of the thermocouple at t = 0.6 and 30 seconds.

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