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Myers Briggs Preferences

After taking the Myers Briggs Survey - take a screenshot (or copy and paste) your results here:

Using the Truity site, answer the following questions:

What is your type? __ESTJ___________

From the Overview Tab:

● What are at least five traits associated with your type?
● What are the core values of your type?
ESTJ are conventional,factual, and grounded in reality.
● How can I recognize someone of this type?
You can recognize them if they like to take leadership and have everything under
control.They are also good at making decisions with their thinking.
● Who are some famous people of this type?
Colin Powell, Judge Judy Sheindlin, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, George Washington, Sandra
Day O’Connor, Mike Wallace, and Vince Lombardi.
● What type of activities does your type like to do?
BUilding or repairing things around home, gardening, watching or playing sports
● Write at least three traits of your type.

From the Career Tab:

● What strengths might you bring to your work?
Good at organizing, people,projects and operations
● What are some good careers for your type?
Sales engineer, stockbroker, military officer, police officer

From the Relationship Tab:

● How does your type communicate?
Practical action oriented communicators
● What is your type like as a partner?
As a partner a kindred spirit would fit me best
● Tell me three other things listed about your type from this tab?
Want the future kids to be hardworking and successful
In a relationship I am dependable and responsible
They want security and stability in their home

Tell me three things you learned about yourself?

I learned I am more of a leader of groups
I rather be around more organized people
I have integrity so i apply rules to myself that I apply to others

Tell me three things you agree with from the Myers Briggs work we did today?
I agree that I have a more traditional look on life, I would rather it be organized and well than it
being messy, and that I am judgmental of others that don't follow my traditions as strict.
Tell me two things you disagree with (or feel just not a good fit) from the Myers Briggs work we
did today.
One thing I disagree with is it says I like to do volunteer work or community service
Another thing I disagree with is that it says I don't like being seen as lazy so I am always looking
for something to do but in reality I don't mind.

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