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Alexxis Acevedo

SED 496

26 February 2021

Instructional Activity 5

1. The instructional activity that I completed was number 9 (One of the Roles for

MLFTC Secondary Teacher Candidates/Interns in an Online Setting) where I

acted as a Student Success Coach. This activity was done in a remote setting

with a 7th grade class. During this activity, students were to work in breakout

rooms in small groups to complete their assignment. For their assignment,

students were expected to work in their groups to fill out a chart. This chart

had various examples of propaganda ads and students had to determine

which type of propaganda each ad represented. Students were sent to

breakout rooms to complete this activity after my lead teacher went over the

types of propaganda with them. While students were in the breakout room, I

would switch between rooms to assist them and engage in conversation

related to the assignment. I walked a few students through identifying the

type of ad they were viewing and had them explain why they chose the option

they did. During this entire process, I also monitored the chatroom for any

questions and to make sure it was being utilized appropriately.

a) A pedagogical skill I used during this activity having an open

discussion with students in different breakout rooms. When I would

pop into some rooms, I would ask questions if I found that students

were stuck on a particular ad to get them thinking about the

potential answers. My goal was to get them discussing the

propaganda ads openly and give their opinions as to why they

believe their answer is correct. I would lead them into conversation

by asking them probing questions about the ads as a way to lead

them to the answer.

b) A classroom management skill I used during this activity was

making sure students stayed on task with their assignment and not

letting them stray too far off track. When the conversations started

to derail too much in the breakout rooms, I made sure that students

went back to focusing on their assignment instead.

c) I think the activity itself went really well. It was interesting and really

had students thinking critically and encouraged them to have

authentic conversations. This activity also had students helping

each other out in breakout rooms and had them eager to ask

questions and engage with the material.

d) A challenge during this activity was some students found the

assignment more difficult than others, so some breakout rooms

required more assistance and time than other ones did. I tried to

pay equal attention to the ones who needed it, but sometimes it

was a little difficult.

e) My lead teacher informed me that I did a good job monitoring the

conversations and advised me to keep asking students questions

when I am trying to lead them to the correct answer since it makes

them think.

f) There is nothing in particular I would do differently when it comes

to this activity - I thought everything went well.

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