The Roman Breviary V 1

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DIFFERENT parts of the Roman Breviary have long been trans

lated for the use of the faithful in English-speaking countries.
Nearly all the common books of devotion contain the ordinary form of
Vespers and Compline, and there are Vesper books, containing the
whole of that office, for every day in the year. There are also trans
lations of Prime, Terce, Sext, and None. Of Mattins and Lauds, how
ever, there have only been published those for a few days, such as
Christmas and the last three days of the Holy Week, and the copious
extracts which are contained in the English version of Guéranger’s
Liturgical Year.
The object of the Translator in the present work has been to supply
this deficiency by laying open to the English reader the whole of the
Prayer of the Church. He thinks that this may be grateful to a con
siderable number of English-speaking Catholics, who would wish, at
any rate at times, to read the Service of the Church, but are debarred
from doing so by ignorance of the Latin language; and more especi
ally so to converts who have been accustomed to the daily office while
Anglicans. Even to some of the clergy, 'he is not without hope that
this version may be of interest, since he has taken great pains to elucidate
difficult passages, to explain the historical and other allusions, and, above
all, to verify the references to the Holy Scriptures. If the book should
fall into the hands of persons who are not Catholics, he ventures to
hope that it may at any rate be the means of softening some prejudices.
It is now nearly nine years ago since the Translator began his

work, and he cannot conceal from himself that when he did so, he did
not fully realise either how vast a work it has proved to be, or how
little he was himself fitted to execute it satisfactorily. He has bestowed
a great deal of reading and investigation upon it, and he has enjoyed
the advantage of a learned friend’s revision; but at the moment of
. giving it to the public he feels anything but well content with it, and
can only protest that it is his best, and that it is, in his judgment, better
that the work should be done thus imperfectly than not at all.
In considering the work, the reader will please to understand that
the following are the principles which have been followed. The book
is a translation from the Latin, and where the original texts are Hebrew,
Chaldee, or Greek, it is not these texts but the Breviary Latin rendering
of them which is translated into English, the aim of the Translator having
been merely to give a rendering, in as good, plain, manly, and idiomatic
English as he could command, of the Latin Service-book of the Church.
Accordingly, whenever the Latin has a distinct sense of its own—as, for
instance, in Ps. lxxv. 5—that sense is given simply without any remark,
and the divergence from the original is only pointed out in footnotes
in a few cases where it appeared desirable to know both renderings
in order to understand the context. Moreover, in the Psalter, and in
a few other places, the Rev. James McSwiney, S.]., to whom the Trans
lator‘has to acknowledge so many obligations, has been kind enough to
bracket the words which are not, now, to be found in the Hebrew at
all. In the case of a single word in Lam. iv. 7, Dr Gesenius’ rendering
of the Hebrew is put in the text, and the literal translation of the
Latin in a footnote.
In cases where the Latin is obscure, either in its rendering of the
Scripture, or elsewhere, the original has been referred to when possible,
in order to find what the .Latin is probably intended to mean, and
here the Translator has again to acknowledge his indebtedness to the
learned Jesuit already named, for his assistance in a work for which the
Translator’s own knowledge only most imperfectly qualifies him.
It will be gathered from the above that the Translator has not
followed any existing version exactly in the rendering of the Holy
Scripture. The version, or rather series of versions—for there are

many different recensions of the texg—generally called the Doway Bible,

does not much commend itself to the English ear, and is indeed,
especially in the earlier recensions, difficult to understand for any one
who does not know Latin, and indeed other languages also; and more
over, none of the recensions possess that ecclesiastical authority which is
enjoyed, for instance, in Italy, by the Italian version of Archbishop
Martini. Under these circumstances, it has been the custom for
English-speaking Catholics, in compiling books of devotion, to make
renderings of the Latin at their own convenience, and indeed in the
recently published Harm: Anz'mae, which bears the z'mjrz'matur of the
Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, the Psalms in the Little Office of
the Blessed Virgin were translated from the Hebrew without any regard
to the Latin at all. The present Translator has therefore felt himself
abundantly justified in using any good English at his command, while
adhering to the sense of the Latin, of which he trusts that his text
will be found a faithful rendering.
As regards the proper names in the Old Testament, it has seemed
to him most convenient to use the transliteration from the Hebrew
which is most commonly used by the Jews, as well as by the general
world, in this country, instead of reproducing the Vulgate’s imperfect
transliteration of the imperfect transliteration of the LXX. from the
Hebrew. But where the names, even of the same persons, occur in
quotations from the New Testament, the transliteration is equally made
from the original, and therefore the Greek form preserved.
In those parts of the office which are not taken from the Scriptures,
such as the readings from the Fathers, the Translator has not been care
ful to give the same word-for-word rendering as in the passages from
Scripture. The genius of the Latin language, its long and involved sen
tences, and such forms as the Ablative Absolute, would make a trans
lation like a school-boy’s exercise a piece of very inelegant English com
position, and almost intolerable as a devotional formula. His aim,
therefore, has been to reflect the ideas of the Latin in the best English
mirror he can command, and he must deprecate criticism upon the
mere ground of freedom of translation. Besides this, he has only to
call attention to the treatment of the quotations from Scripture found

in the extracts from the Fathers and in the biographical notices. Where
(a) the quotations are very fragmentary, he has usually given them in
full, but wherever this has been done to a very considerable extent, as
by the insertion of whole clauses or sentences, it is indicated either by
a footnote or by the inserted words being put in brackets ; and where
(/3) the quotations are from some version of the Scriptures different to
the present Vulgate, such as the so-called [ta/a, or literally translated
from the LXX., or seem to be inaccurate quotations from memory, or
various readings created by copyists’ blunders, he has harmonised them
with the rest of his text, as it seemed to him that to embalm these
eccentricities in an English rendering would be, even were it always
possible, a mere useless piece of Antiquarianism. An exception is made
in the case of a few passages where the sense is clearly and curiously
affected, and these have been invariably pointed out in footnotes.
In the biographical sketches of the lives of the Saints, a few passages
will be found inserted in brackets. These are almost always proper names,
dates, or geographical identifications. - They have been inserted with the
idea of making these biographies more interesting and valuable, and are
almost always taken either from Alban Butler’s Lives of the Saints, or
from the very valuable French work in seventeen volumes, intituled,
Les Petz'ts Bollandzk'tes. The constant changes in the Translator’s place
of abode, and his frequent journeys, rendered it naturally impossible
for him to have always at hand a copy of the Ada Sandorum them
selves, even had it been needful for his purpose.
The poetical portions of the Breviary have given the Translator
peculiar trouble. Only a few, and those of the more obscure, of the
Hymns, are presented in his own paraphrase. For the rest, he has
sought to obtain the use of the versions which, as far as he could
judge, combined the largest amount of poetical merit with accuracy
in rendering the sense of the originals, and he has not felt it necessary
to take into consideration the religious opinions of those by whom such
translations have been executed. In all his applications, he has been
met with uniform courtesy and compliance with his wishes, and he here
begs to ask pardon for any breach of copyright which he may have
unknowingly committed by reprinting hymns of which he did not know

the translator. The source whence each is taken has always been
A great number of the hymns are by the late Rev. E. Caswall, of the
Birmingham Oratory, who died during the printing of the work. (R.I.P.)
The Translator expresses his thanks for his constant obliging kindness.
H. E. Cardinal Newman has permitted the Translator the use of all
his published hymns. The hymn for Prime has never been published
before, except in a little book printed by the present Translator a few
years ago, and for which he obtained it from the illustrious writer.
H. E. has also had the goodness to prepare the doxologies, altering with
the Oflice, belonging to his own hymns.
The Rev. Dr Littledale contributes a considerable number of hymns,
some of which are original, and written expressly for this work.
The elegant hymns for Midsummer Day, one of which is written
expressly for this book, are by a noble friend, who desires to remain
The Translator begs finally to express his sincere thanks to the
Rev. Dr Wallace, the Rev. W. I. Blew, Rev. W. ]. Copeland, Mr
J. D. Chambers, the Messrs Novello, and all others to whom he is
indebted for the use of copyright hymns. The Translator tenders to all
his thankful acknowledgment. In regard to the hymns, the alteration
in the last verse, caused by certain Festivals and Seasons, depends in the
original upon the scansion. This distinction, viz., why one hymn should
alter and another not, could not be rationally adopted in the English,
where the metres are not always the same as in the Latin. The Trans
lator, therefore, has provided for the alteration of all the unchanging
hymns, viz., those of the Small Hours, while the hymns of Mattins,
Lands, and Vespers, which change with the Office, do not here undergo
the alteration of the last verse.
Besides the hymns proper, there are a good many passages, such
as the Blessings at Mattins, and some of the Antiphons and Responsories,
which are either in actual verse or else written with some peculiar rhyme
or rhythm. There are also a certain number of puns. Great care has
been taken, as far as possible, to reproduce these quaint features. They
will jar upon the ear of the English reader, but he may rest assured

that they cannot offend him more than the originals would have offended
a Roman of the classical age, and to suppress them would have been
to give a false idea of the book. They are usually printed as prose,
as they are in the original.
The feature in which this translation is, so far, more convenient than
the original, is the fact that all the references to Holy Scripture, (except
such as are very commonly known, or have been given shortly before,)
are given, either in footnotes, or, where they occur in the text, (not
itself Scripture,) in brackets inserted in it. The mere work with a
Concordance which this has entailed has been very great, but the
Translator ventures to think the object was well worth it.
The other footnotes are exclusively aimed at the elucidation of the
text. The historical ones are chiefly from Alban Butler or Les Petits
Bollandzlrtes. Those on Scripture are mostly from the annotated English
Bible published by the late Dr Kenrick, Archbishop of New York,—a
most valuable work, unhappily but little known in this country. Those
on Isaiah are mainly from Lowth; those on Daniel from Dr Pusey;
those from the Targums on the Holy Torah, from Etheridge’s trans
lation; those from the other Targums, from the Latin version in Walton’s
Bz'filia Polyglatta. The source has always been indicated, except where
one note closely follows another.
Most part of this work has been submitted in MS., the whole of it
in proof, and part even in revise, to the friendly criticism of the Rev.
James McSwiney, S.]., whom the Translator has already mentioned, and
to whom he desires here to express his sincerest thanks for the long
pains and unwearied patience and kindness which year after year he has
expended upon this matter. He begs also to thank the Superiors of the
Society of JESUS for allowing him the assistance of so valuable a member
of their body. It must, however, be distinctly understood that the work
of Father McSwiney has been almost entirely confihed to excision and
pointing out blunders, and that he is objectively responsible for nothing
except the bracketing the passages in the Psalter, as before mentioned,
and a very few of the footnotes.
However, notwithstanding the amount of pains and repeated revision,
and the extraordinary excellence with which the printers have done their

work, and for which the Translator desires to make to them his sincerely
felt and thankful acknowledgments, it must needs be that so very large
a work, printed for the first time, contains a considerable number of
oversights. Some of these are already visible to the Translator. He
prefers, however, to leave them to the indulgence of the reader, rather
than revise every word again, in order to encumber the book with a
page or pages of errata and romgenda.
The translator desires in conclusion to protest that if, (which he
hopes and believes is not the case,) either the translation itself, or the
footnotes, should contain anything which a faithful Catholic ought not
to have written, he has written such passage inadvertently.

RICHMOND, 7'une 27, 1879.


IT is now twenty-eight years since the first English Translation of the

Breviary was made, and had the Translator lived to publish this
new edition, it would have appeared a long time ago, for the work
was far advanced, and some portion of it had been printed, before his
This present edition is for use in England; and it is peculiar in that
it has added to it a translation of the Martyrology, which will be found
in its proper place in the Office. >
The Rev. James McSwiney, S.]., and Mr I. H. Stevenson, who
were engaged with the Translator at the time of his death in seeing
the work through the press, were good enough to carry it on until some
three years ago, when the death of the Rev. ]. McSwiney occurred.
This misfortune cauSed delay, but after a time his place was filled by
the Rev. James O’Donohoe, S.]., and once again the work went on.
The undertaking has been found to be very complicated in a way
which was-not at first foreseen, and although a very complete manuscript
of the unprinted part of the book was left, except three of the recent
offices, and they were partly written, the difficulties have been great.
There have been constant delays owing to unforeseen circumstances,
and needless to say the absence of the Translator himself has been
keenly felt through0ut. Frequently it has occurred that points which he
could have decided with a stroke of the pen have had to be made the
subject of much consideration as well as correspondence, for the anxiety
Whose engaged on the work has been to complete it if possible exactly

as he would have wished it, and, although the result may fall short,
no pains have been spared to attain this end.
Thanks are offered to all who have given permission to use their
existing translations of hymns, and in one or two cases for new
That such a work as this should be entirely free from mistakes or
oversigh'ts is hardly possible, and more especially _eonsidering the cir
cumstances under which it has been finished; the indulgence therefore
of the reader is craved,v Owing to vthe extreme difficulty of the task
which has been undertaken.

ST Joan’s LODGE, 1908.



TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE . . . . . . . . . v
THE PIE . . . . . . . . . . . xix

SUNDAY . . . . ' . . . . . . I
MONDAY . . . . . . . . . . 73
TUESDAY . . . . . . . . . . 92
WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . 1 08
THURSDAY . . . . . . . . . . 1 23
FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . 1 4o
SATURDAY . . . . . Y . . . . I 57
SUNDAY . . . . . . . . . . 22
MONDAY . . . . . . . . . . 87
TUESDAY . . . . . . . . . . I o5
WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . . I 20
THURSDAY . - . . . . . . . . I 37
FRIDAY . - . a . . . . . . . I 53
SUNDA Y - 35
WEEK-DAYS - ' 45
. 52







u JANUARY . 676
n MARCH 785



GRADUAL PSALLIS . - . - ' 839



GENERAL APPENDIX . . . . . . 905


. . .

Page 7 30, 2nd col., last line, delete—from the Chapter inclusive.
I. 772, ISt col., after line 4, insert MARTYROLOGY.

(the 151's)
THERE is an Office for every day, and this Office is either (1) Double,
(2) Semi-double, or (3) Simple.


The Office is Double from Maundy Thursday to Easter Tuesday, both

inclusive, on Low Sunday, on Ascension Day, on Whitsun Day, and the
Monday and Tuesday following, on Trinity Sunday, on Corpus Christi, and
on the Dedication Feast of the Church where the service is held, or to which
the person praying is attached; on every Feast-day in the Kalendar marked
Daub/r, and on the Octave-day of every Feast which has an Octave; more
over, upon the Feast of the Patron or Patrons, or Titular or Titulars, of the
place or Church, and upon the Feast or Feasts of any Saint or Saints which
any particular Church, Order, or Congregation may have been used and have
obtained, or shall obtain, the Sanction of the Apostolic See to observe solemnly,
either with a special Office, or with the Common Ofiice, even although such
Feast be not to be found in the Roman Kalendar. Moreover, the Oflice for
the Dead is said as a Double upon All Souls' Day, and upon the day of the
death or burial of the Deceased for whom it is said, even as is directed in the
Office itself.
2. A Double Feast is kept or commemorated upon its own day, unless it
should be transferred or entirely omitted according to Chapter X. of this Pie.
3. A Double Feast has the whole of both First and Second Vespers, unless
it clash with another like Office, as treated of in Chapter XI. of this Pie,
and the whole Office is then of the Double from the Vespers on the first evening
till Compline on the second, both inclusive—unless something special be ordered
I in its own place. The Office of the Dead, however, has only one Vesper Service,
Mattins, and Lauds, as given in its own place.
4.. On a Double, the Antiphons at both Vespers, at Mattins, and at Lauds
(but not at Prime, Terce, Sext, None, or Compline,) are doubled, that is to say,
are repeated entire both before and after the Psalm or Canticle to which they
respectively belong.
5. At Mattins on a Double are always said three Nocturns, being nine Psalms
1 1.2., parti-coloured. This quaint name is owing to the General Rubrics being usually
printed in black and red.

and nine Lessons, that is to say, three Psalms and three Lessons in each Nocturn.
The only exceptions are Easter and Pentecost, with the two days succeeding in
each case, when there is only one Nocturn, with three Psalms and three Lessons,
as there given.
6. On a Double, the Prayers called Preces are omitted at Compline and
Prime, as also the Common Commemorations of the Blessed Virgin, &c., at
Vespers and Lauds.
7. As for anything else, see the Chapters of this Pie treating specially of
each detail.

The Office is Semi-double upon all Sundays (except Low Sunday, which is
Double); upon all days within Octaves; upon all Feasts which are marked
Semi-double in the Kalendar, and also upon any Feasts peculiar to particular places
or Congregations, which, in the said places or Congregations it has been usual to
keep more solemnly than if they were Simples.
2. A Semi-double Feast is either kept or commemorated upon its own day,
or entirely omitted, according to Chapter X. of this Pie.
3. A Semi-double Feast has the whole of the Office, from Vespers on the
first evening till Compline on the second, both inclusive, like a Double; but the
Antiphons are not doubled—that is to say, before the Psalm or Canticle only the
first few words of the Antiphon are said, namely, those as far as the asterisk (*),
although at the end of the Psalm or Canticle the whole Antiphon is said entire.
, 4.. At Mattins are said three Nocturns, with three Psalms and three Lessons
in each, except within the Octaves of Easter and Pentecost, when there is only
one Nocturn, with three Psalms and three Lessons. Also on Sundays, when the
Office is of the Sunday, there are twelve Psalms in the first Nocturn, instead of
5. As to anything else, see the Chapters of this Pie treating specially of
each detail.

The Office is Simple on all Week-days when the Service is of such; upon
all days in the Kalendar which are not marked Double, or Semi-dauble, or qfan
Octave ; and in the Simple Office of the Blessed Virgin on Saturdays, as appointed
in Chapter VIII.
2. The' Office of a Simple Feast is said upon its own day, but is liable to
be overborue by any Ofiice having Nine Lessons, or by that of the Blessed Virgin
on Saturday, or by that of a Week-day having the precedence over it according to
Chapter V. and Chapter IX.
3. The Simple Feast has only one Vesper Office, namely, the first, when the
Service is of the Week-day till the Chapter, exclusive, and then of the Feast from
the Chapter, inclusive, till the end, what is of the Feast being as if of a Semi
double. However, should this evening be occupied by the Vespers of an Office
of Nine Lessons, the Simple is only commemorated, as regulated in Chapter XI.
A Simple Office always ends with None, inclusive, and has nothing afterwards,
not even a Commemoration.
4. At Mattins, the Office is of the Feast till the Hymn, inclusive ; after which
THE PIE. xxi

are said the Psalms and Antiphons of the Week-day. Then the Oflice continues
of the Feast, according to what is said in Chapter XXVI.
5. As to anything else, see the Chapters of this Pie treating specially of
each detail.
The Office of the Sunday is always said on the Sundays in Advent, and on
those from Septuagesima to Low Sunday, both inclusive, any Double or Semi
double Feast whatsoever being transferred or reduced to a mere Commemoration
or entirely omitted to make room for them, (as prescribed in Chapter X.,) unless
it be a Double Feast of the First Class. Such Feast is then observed, with a
Commemoration of the Sunday, except on the first Sundays of Advent and Lent,
and Passion, Palm, Easter, Low, Pentecost, and Trinity Sundays, which yield to
nothing. See, as to this, Chapter IX. On other Sundays in the year, the Office
is of the Sunday unless the day be occupied by a Double Office, in which case
the Service is of the Double, with a Commemoration of the Sunday at both
Vespers and at Lauds, and for the Ninth Lesson, the seventh of the Sunday,
or the seventh, eighth, and ninth read as one; as prescribed in Chapter IX.
A Semi-double clashing with a Sunday is commemorated, according to Chapter X.
2. On the Sundays within the Octaves of Christmas, Twelfth-Day, Ascension
Day, and Corpus Christi, the Service is of the Octave with such variations as are
given in their own place, with Commemoration of the Octave and without either
Preces or the Common Commemorations. On Sundays within other Octaves, the
Service is of the Sunday as given in the Psalter and in the Proper Office of the
Season, with Commemoration of the Octave, but without Preces or the Common
Commemorations. If a Sunday and an Octave-day clash, the Office is of the
Octave-day, being Double, with Commemoration and Ninth Lesson of the
Sunday. The only exception is with the Octave-day of Twelfth-Day, when,
the Service of the Sunday having been said on Saturday, no notice of it is
taken on the Octave-day.
3. Offices are given for six Sundays after the Epiphany and for twenty-four
after Pentecost, so that there shall be no blank upon any of the thirty Sundays
which may occur between Twelfth-Day and Septuagesima, and between Pentecost
and Advent, albeit they may perhaps only be commemorated. Those which are
over and not wanted after Twelfth-Day before Septuagesima are inserted and
used up between the 23rd after Pentecost, and the next before Advent, in the
following order—>
4.. If there are 2 5 Sundays after Pentecost, the 24th is the 6th after the
Epiphany: if 26—the 24th, the 5th; and the 25th, the 6th: if 27—the 24th,
the 4th; the 15th, the 5th; and the 26th, the 6th: if 28—the 24th, the 3rd;
the 2 5th, the 4th; the 26th, the 5th; and the 27th, the 6th. It sometimes
happens that there are only 23 Sundays after Pentecost; in which case, that
next before Advent still keeps its place, and the Ofiice of the 23rd Sunday is
said upon the preceding Saturday, if that day be not occupied by an Office of
Nine Lessons, or, if so occupied, upon the nearest day in that week not so
occupied, a Simple Feast being in such case only commemorated. On this
occasion the Office will be of the Week-day, substituting only the three Lessons,
the Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias, and the Prayer of the Sunday for those
of the Week-day which are omitted.) However, if the whole of that Week be

occupied by Offices of Nine Lessons, even if transferred thither or belonging to

an Octave, then on the Saturday the Ninth Lesson is the seventh of the Sunday,
or the seventh, eighth, and ninth, read as one, and at Lauds (only) there is made
Commemoration of the Sunday, by its own Antiphon for the Song of Zacharias
and its own Prayer with the Verse and Answer of the Saturday.
5. It will sometimes occur that the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th Sunday after the
Epiphany is left over and there is no room for it after Pentecost. In that case
it is placed on the Saturday or other day in the week preceding Septuagesima, in
the same manner as described in the foregoing section.
6. What to do when the 2nd Sunday after Twelfth-Day is Septuagesima, is
prescribed in a special Rubric on the subject at p. 359, Note 2. s
7. When, in the Breviary, mention is made of the First Sunday of such
and-such a month, the Sunday meant is that which is on or nearest to the
1st day of such month: thus, if the 1st day of the month he a Monday, Tuesday,
or Wednesday, the first Sunday of that month is the Sunday before, albeit actually
in the preceding month, but if the 1st day of the month be a Thursday, Friday,
or Saturday, the first Sunday of the month is the Sunday after. However, the
first Sunday of Advent is not taken to be the first Sunday of December, but that
which is either on or nearest to the Feast of St Andrew, viz., November 30.
8. The Sunday Office is Semi-double and begins with Vespers on Saturday,
lasting till Compline on Sunday, inclusive. See, however, the case of its clashing
with other Offices, Chapter XI.
9. At Mattins there are Three Nocturns, as in the Psalter, and Nine Lessons,
as in the Office of the Season. _
IO. As to anything else, see the Chapters of this Pie, treating specially of
such detail.


The Week-day Office, that is to say, the Simple Office of the Season, as
contained in the Psalter and the Proper Office of the Season, is always said in
Advent and Lent, and on Ember Days, Eves, and Rogation Monday, except
when there is a Double or Semi-double Office, or that belonging to some Octave,
on which occasions the Week-day is only commemorated, as given in Chapter IX.
If a Simple Feast occur upon one of these Week-days, it is only commemorated.
Moreover, the Office of the Week-day is said upon any day in the Kalendar
to which no Feast is assigned, which is not within any Octave, and which is
not occupied by the Simple Saturday Office of the Blessed Virgin, or by any
Feast peculiar to the Church or place where the Service takes place or to which‘
the person praying belongs.
2. In Advent and Lent, and on Ember Days, Eves, and Rogation Monday,
the Office of the Week-day begins with Mattins; on other days in the year it
begins where the Office of the preceding day ends: thus—if the day before
have been Double or Semi-double, it begins with Mattins; if a Simple, with
Vespers. Moreover, if upon Ember Wednesday and Friday in September, upon
Ash Wednesday, or upon any Eve, there fall a Simple Feast, which is to be
commemorated, this Simple Feast is deprived of its First Vespers, which are
then of the Week-day (unless they be the Second Vespers of some Office of Nine
Lessons) as in the Psalter, without Preces, but with the Prayer of the preceding

Sunday, and a Commemoration of the Simple Feast. See Chapter XI. The
Office of the Week-day ends with None, if there follow a Double or Semi
double, but if there follow a Simple, the Ofiice of which is to be said, then
Vespers are of the Week-day till the Chapter exclusive, and with the Chapter
begins the Office of the said Simple, without any further notice of the Week-day.
3. At Mattins is said one Nocturn, with twelve Psalms and three Lessons, as
in the Psalter, and the Proper Office of the Season.
4.. From the above rules are entirely excepted the Offices of Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Week, and Whitsun Week,
which are perfectly special, as regulated in their own places.
5. As for anything else, see the Chapters of this Pie treating specially of
each detail.


The Office of the Eve is said upon all Eves which are Fasts,1 (and which
are marked in the Kalendar with the word “Eve,”) unless there occur on such
a day an Office with Nine Lessons, or the Office of some Octave. In such a
case the Ninth Lesson of the said Office is omitted or read 'as one with the
Eighth, and for the Ninth Lesson is read the whole or the first part of the
Homily for the Eve; and the Eve is commemorated at Lauds (only) by the
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias and the Verse and Answer belonging to the
Week-day, with the Prayer of the Eve. However, there are some exceptions,
which here follow.
2. If the Eve should be a Sunday, the Office of the Eve is said on Saturday,
or, if Saturday be occupied as mentioned above, it is commemorated, as there
directed. The two exceptions are the Eves of Christmas and Twelfth-Day, the
Offices of which are said even on Sunday, as is noted in their own place. How
ever, if on the day of the Eve should be some Feast of great local importance in
a particular place, or one of those generally more important which are enumerated
hereafter in Chapter IX.,—as for instance, if Corpus Christi fell upon Midsummer
Eve,—no notice whatever is taken of the Eve in the Office. The solitary
exception is the Eve of Twelfth-Day. Moreover, in Advent, Lent, and on
the days
I 3. of Office
The Quarter-Tense,
of the Eve no notice
begins whatever
with Mattins isandtaken
ends of an None.
with Eve.

4,. The Office of an Eve is entirely that of the Week-day, (Responsories

included,) except the Three Lessons2 and the Prayer. Long Preces are said
as in Advent or Lent, and also the Common Commemorations. For anything
else there are special Rubrics hereafter.
_ 5. There are four exceptional cases: a. Whitsun Eve, which is a Semi
double with Three Nocturns. Christmas Eve, which is a Double, from
Lands to None, both inclusive. 7, 5. The Eves of Twelfth-Day and of the
Ascension. See all these in their own places. '
1 There are a good many Eves which are not Fasts, at least in certain countries, but
they appear to have been so formerly, and it is the custom still to recite the Ofiice,
including the Long Preces, as if they had remained so. ‘
2 For the Blessings on them, see the Summary of Blessings and Absolutions hereafter.
xxiv THE PIE.


An Octave is the repetition of an Office, or at the least the Commemoration

of it, if some Sunday or Festival intervene, for eight days, one after the other,
being the Feast itself and seven days following. This honour is paid to the
Passover, when our Lord rose again, to Ascension Day, to Whitsun Day, to
the Feast of Corpus Christi, to the Dedication of the particular Church, to
the Patronal or Titular Feast of the place or Church, and to Feasts of other
Saints which may have been customarily so treated in any particular Church,
Congregation, or Order. No Octaves are kept between Ash Wednesday and
Easter, nor during the Octave of Pentecost, nor between December 17 and
Christmas; and even if one of these days, namely, Ash Wednesday, Whitsun
Day, or December 17, should come in the middle of an Octave which has
already been kept for some days, their arrival breaks it off at once.
2. Also, in the cases of Easter and Pentecost the Office of the Octave is
not said after None on the next Saturday.
3. Any Double or Semi-double Feast which falls on any day1 within an
Octave, is observed, and so also is observed any Feast which may be thither
transferred, but there is then made a Commemoration of the Octave, at both
the Vespers and at Lauds, unless the Feast observed be one of those more
important, hereafter enumerated in Chapter IX., and whereon no Octave is
commemorated; however, an exception is made in favour of the Octaves of
Christmas, Twelfth-Day, and Corpus Christi, which are always at least com
memorated, whatsoever be the Feast which may occur during their Octaves.
However, within the Octaves of Easter and Pentecost no Feast whatsoever is
kept, even should it be that of the principal Patron or Titular or of the
Dedication of the particular Church. All are transferred out of the Octave,
if this can be done, or are reduced to mere commemorations, as laid down in
Chapter X. Within the Octave of Twelfth-Day (except the Octave-day
itself) may be observed only Double Feasts of the First Class, and that
with Commemoration of the Octave. Within the Octave of Corpus Christi,
only Doubles are observed, and they Only those which naturally occur there;
others are not to be transferred thither, unless they be Feasts of the First or
Second Class; and Commemoration is always made of the Octave. Semi
doubles occurring *within this Octave are reduced to mere Commemorations.
See Chapter X. Simples which occur within any Octave are merely com
memorated, except upon Easter Monday and Tuesday, and Whitsun Monday
and Tuesday, when all notice of Simples is omitted. See Chapter IX. The
Service upon Sundays within Octaves is as prescribed above, in the Chapter
upon Sundays (IV.) If two Octaves clash (as, for instance, that of Midsummer
Day with that of Corpus Christi, or that of a local Patron or Titular with some
other) when the Office is not of some Festival with Nine Lessons or of the
Sunday, it is of that Octave whose Feast is of the higher rank, with Com
memoration of the other. As for the case of Feasts falling on the actual
Octave-days, see Chapter X.
4. The Oflice of a day within an Octave has three Nocturns, that is to
say, at Mattins nine Psalms and nine Lessons. The only exceptions are the
1 Except, of course, the Feast itself, the Octave-day, and the Sunday.

Octaves of Easter and Pentecost, when there is only one Nocturn. Every
thing is as on the Festival, except the Lessons. Of these, the first three are
always from Scripture according to the Season, except within the Octave of
the Assumption, when those days on which the Office is of the Octave have
Scripture Lessons of their own, taken from the Song of Songs. The Lessons
of the Second and Third Nocturns are always given in their own places. It
may happen that an Octave is kept somewhere for some local Patron or Titular
Feast, where there are no special authorised Lessons for the Second and Third
Nocturn:1 in this case Lessons are to be taken out of the Common Office, if
the subject be some Saint Or Saints, or, if Otherwise, the Lessons of the F east-day
5. On the days within the Octave the Office is Semi-double, and on the
Octave-day itself Double. The Vespers every day are the same as the Second
Vespers of the Feast, except the First Vespers of the Octave-day, which are the
same as the First Vespers of the Feast, unless some special direction be given to
the contrary.
6. Within Octaves the Common Commemorations of the Saints are not said
at Vespers and Lauds, nor Preces at Prime and Compline, even if the Office
be of a Sunday or Semi-double. For anything else, see the Chapters of this
Pie treating specially of each detail.


On every Saturday in the year, with the exceptions hereafter immediately
noted, the Simple Office of the Blessed Virgin as placed at the end of the
Common Office for her Festivals, is said in preference to the Office of the
Week-day or the Office of any other Simple Festival, such simple Festival, if
it occur, being merely commemorated. The exceptions are the Saturdays in
Advent and Lent, the Ember Saturdays, Eves, Saturdays to which the Sunday
Office may be transferred according to this Pie, IV. 4, 5, Saturdays on which
Nine Lessons may be read, and the Saturdays within the Octaves of Easter and
Whitsun Day.
2. When this Office is not said, neither is it commemorated. On Semi
doubles the Blessed Virgin (if her Little Office is not going to be said) has
her Common Commemoration at Vespers and Lauds, along with the others, but
that is all.
3. This Office begins with the Chapter at Vespers on Friday, like other
Simple Offices, and similarly, has a Commemoration at the Friday Vespers,
should those belong to some Office of Nine Lessons, unless such Office be of
the Blessed Virgin, when the Commemoration of the Simple Office is omitted.
If such Commemoration be made it consists of the Antiphon at her Song, the
Verse and Answer, and the Prayer of the Little Office Vespers; and no other
Commemoration of her is made.
4.. At Mattins, the Invitatory and Hymn are of her; then follows the one
Nocturn of the Week-day, with its own Psalms and Antiphons; Verse and
Answer, Absolution, two Responsories, Blessings, and Third Lesson of the
1 There is, however, an approved Octavarium Romanum, or Offices for Octaves, which will
meet nearly every possible contingency.
VOL. 1. é 2
xxvi THE PIE.

Blessed Virgin, with two Lessons from Scripture and the Hymn “We praise
Thee, O God, &c.,” all as at the end of the Common, as are also Lauds,
Prime, Terce, Sext, and None.
5. Preces are said at Prime and Compline, and the Common Commemora
tions (except her’s) at Lauds. After None, nothing is said of her, unless she
is commemorated, among the other Common Commemorations, in the First
Vespers of Sunday.


If there come upon the day of a Simple Feast (a) an Office of Nine
Lessons, either always, or transferred thither, (b) a Sunday, (6) some day
belonging to an Octave, (d) a Saturday, or (e) the Office of some Sunday
transferred to a Week-day, then there is made a Commemoration of the
Simple Feast, at First Vespers and at Lauds.
2. Week-days in Advent and Lent, Ember Days, Eves, and Rogation
Monday, are commemorated only, if a Feast of Nine Lessons comes upon
them, but their Office takes precedence of a simple Feast, which, in them, is
only commemorated.
3. If a Double Feast fall upon a Sunday between Pentecost and Advent,
between Twelfth-Day and Septuagesima, or between Low Sunday and Pentecost,
the Sunday is commemorated at both Vespers and at Lauds. A Double Feast
falling upon any of the other Sundays is either transferred or reduced to a mere
Commemoration, as laid down in Chapter X., unless it should be the principal
Patron, or Titular, or the Feast of the Dedication of the Church, (and this
applies only to the Church itself, not to every Side-Chapel or Altar,) in which
case such Patronal, Titular, or Dedication Festival is in that particular place
or Church only, kept instead of the Sunday, but with a Commemoration of
the Sunday at both Vespers and at Lands. However, from this liability are
excepted the first Sundays in Advent and Lent, Passion, Palm, Easter, Low,
Pentecost, and Trinity Sundays, which cannot be displaced, and any such Festival
occurring on them is to be transferred, as likewise any Feast of the First Class
falling on these Sundays.
4.. An Octave is always commemorated, if its office be displaced by a Feast
of Nine Lessons or a Sunday, unless such Feast be that of the Patron, the
Titular, or the Dedication of the particular place, which kind of Feasts admit
of no Commemoration at First Vespers or at Lauds, whether of a Simple, or
of an Eve, (unless it be Twelfth-Day Eve,) or of the Second Vespers of another
Festival going before it, unless such Festival be one of those in this chapter here
after specially enumerated, or of an Octave-day, or of the Second Vespers of a
Sunday, unless that Sunday be one of those of Advent, or one of those between
Septuagesima and Low Sunday, both inclusive, which Sundays, as also the Week
days of Advent and Lent, the Ember Days and Rogation Monday, are always
commemorated in whatsoever Office it be. If such Festival fall on any Sunday,
or upon the Octave-day of some Feast which has an Octave, the Sunday or
Octave-day is commemorated at both Vespers and- at Lauds. As regards,
however, the Second.Vespers of such Festival, a Commemoration is made of
the First Vespers of any Double, Semi-double, or Sunday occupying the next
day, but not of anything else.
THE PIE. xxvii

5. The same rule is applied everywhere to certain great Festivals in the year,
viz., Christmas Day, (on which day there is no Commemoration of St Anastasia
in the Oflice, but only in the Dawn Mass,) Twelfth-Day, Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Day, Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday,
Ascension Day, Whitsun Day, Whitsun Monday, Whitsun Tuesday, Corpus
Christi, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, St Joseph, Midsummer Day, the Holy
Apostles Peter
Assumption and Paul,
of Blessed Mary,the
AllImmaculate Conception,
Saints, St Thomas Lady DaySt and
of Canterbury,1 the J
St Augustine of Canterbury, and the Feast of the Dedication of the particular
Church. The rules as to Commemorations on all these are everywhere the
same as if they were the local Patron.
6. There is a second and lower class of Festivals, viz., New Year’s Day,
the Holy Name, Trinity Sunday, Candlemas, the Visitation, the Nativity and
the Solemnity of the Most Holy Rosary of Blessed Mary, the Feasts of the
Eleven Apostles, of the Evangelists, of the Patronage of St Joseph, of the Most
Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Finding of the Holy Cross,
of St Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St Anne, mother of the
Same, of St Lawrence, of St Gregory the Great, of St Edward, and Michaelmas.
At the First Vespers of these (unless there be a special direction to the contrary)
a Commemoration is made of the Second Vespers of a Double, should there have
been one that day unless the contrary be specially indicated—but not of a Sunday,
of a day within an Octave, nor of a Semi-double, any more than on Festivals of
the highest class. If Simple Festivals or Eves fall on the same days as these
Festivals, they have the Ninth Lesson at Mattins and a Commemoration at Lauds
only. At Second Vespers a Commemoration is made of any Festival whatever—
even a Simple, and of a day within an Octave, if the Oflice of that is to occupy
the next day. The Octaves of Christmas, Twelfth-Day, and Corpus Christi are
special cases; they are always commemorated at Vespers and Lauds, whatever be
the Office of the day.
7. If Sundays and Week-days of Advent and Lent are to be commemorated,
it is done at both Vespers and at Lauds; if Ember Days, Eves, and Rogation
Monday, at Lauds only; if Simple Feasts (unless in the cases mentioned above)
at First Vespers and Lands; if other Sundays or Octaves, at both Vespers and at
Lauds. When a Double or Semi-double is reduced to a mere Commemoration,
it is commemorated at both Vespers and at Lauds in the same way as if it were an
Octave-day or a Sunday, unless the superseding Feast be a Double of the First
Class, in which case no notice of a suppressed Double or Semi-double is taken at
all, except that the First Vespers of such suppressed Double or Semi-double are
commemorated in the Second Vespers of ,a Double of the First Class, occupying
the immediately preceding day.
8. A Commemoration is made thus. After the Prayer of the Office for the
day are recited (I) the Antiphons for the Song of the Blessed Virgin or of
Zacharias, according as the occasion be Vespers or Lauds, then (2) the Verse
and Answer after the Hymn from the same, and then (3) the Prayer, preceded
1 In England St Thomas is the patron of the secular clergy, and for them therefore the
feast is of the First Class, but among some of the regulars it is only of the Second Class. In
the present translation it is given as of the First Class ; but where it is treated as of the Second
Class, the second half of the Vespers on Innocents' Day is of the Innocents, with a Com
memoration of him; and his Commemoration is made after that of the Innocents, while the
Octave of the Innocents lasts.
xxviii THE PIE.

by “ Let us Pray,” which would have been used in the superseded Office which
is to be commemorated. It sometimes happens, where both the Office of the day
and the Office of a Simple Feast to be commemorated have their Antiphons and
Verse and Answer from the Common Office for Saints of the class, that the
Antiphon and Verse and Answer in the Commemoration would naturally be the
same as those in the Office for the day, and, to avoid this, those of the Com
memoration are taken from Lauds at First Vespers, and from First Vespers at
Lauds—unless a special direction be given to the contrary.1 In like manner, if
the Festival of St Angela (or of any other Holy Woman with an Office of Nine
Lessons) fell on a Friday, and the Simple Office of the Blessed Virgin were to
be said on the Saturday, the Verse and Answer in the Commemoration of the
Blessed Virgin at the Second Vespers of St Angela would naturally be “Grace
is poured into thy lips—Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever,” but these are
the same Verse and Answer as would already have been said after the Hymn of
St Angela, therefore, in the Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin, the Verse
and Answer are taken from the ensuing Lauds, viz., “Blessed art thou among
women—And blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb.” And the same system is
adopted in the case of the Prayer ; if the Office for the day and the Office to be
commemorated have both the same Prayer out of one of the Common Offices,
then for the Commemoration a different Prayer is taken from the same Common
Office. If the Office to be commemorated has been reduced to the form of
a Simple Office, and the Antiphons, &c., are taken from the Common Office of
the Feast of the day, then at First Vespers such Antiphons, 8tc., must be taken
from the Second Vespers of the Common, and if the Feast has both First and
Second Vespers the Antiphon, &c., at Lauds must be taken from First Vespers,
while at Second Vespers the Antiphon will be taken from Lauds and the Verse
from First Vespers unless a special direction be given to the contrary. An
exception, however, is made when a Commemoration of a Holy Virgin is made
on the Feast of another Holy Virgin; in this case the Antiphon for the Com
memoration at First Vespers must be taken from Lauds. When the reduced
Feast is not commemorated at Second Vespers the rules given above for the
Commemoration of Simple Feasts must be followed.
9. Whenever in an Office of Nine Lessons, Commemoration is made of
any Sunday or Week-day which has an Homily of its own, then such Homily
is the Ninth Lesson at Mattins, being either the first part only, or the whole
three used continuously together as one. ’
IO. So too if Commemoration be made of a Simple Feast, in an Office with
Nine Lessons, the Ninth Lesson is of the Simple Feast; and if the Simple Feast.
have two Lessons, then both are read together as one. But this Lesson of the
Feast is omitted, if the Office of the day be that of a Sunday which has a
Ninth Responsory instead of the Hymn, “ We praise Thee, O God, &c.,”
and also when the Ninth Lesson is occupied by an Homily, as prescribed above ,
neither is it read in any Office in which there are only three Lessons (as, for
instance, within the Octaves of Easter and Pentecost.) Moreover, when Com
1 A standing instance is the First Vespers of St Angela on May 30, at which there is always
a Commemoration of the First Vespers of St Petronilla. Both the Office and the Commemora
tion are from the Common Office for a Virgin not a Martyr, but the Antiphon and Verse
and Answer for St Petronilla are taken from Lands, viz., “The kingdom of heaven, &c.,"
and “Grace is poured, &c.,” because “ Come, Bride of Christ, &c.,” and “ In thy comeliness,
&c.," have already been used for St Angela. And at Lands the case is reversed.
THE PIE. xxix

memoration is made of a day within an Octave, the Ninth Lesson is not of the
Octave albeit it have a proper Gospel and Homily. So also, when a Double or
Semi-double has been reduced to a mere Commemoration, the historical Lessons
of the Second Nocturn of the said suppressed Double or Semi-double are read
together as one Lesson, forming the Ninth Lesson of the superior Office which
has superseded the Double or Semi-double, except if the Office of Corpus Christi
be said on any day within that Octave, in which case any Ninth Lesson of this
sort is omitted.
II. If several Commemorations are to be made, their order of precedence is
as follows. First, a privileged Sunday; second, an Octave; third, a Greater
Double; fourth, a Double reduced to a Simple Commemoration ; fifth, a Common
Sunday; sixth, a day within the Octave of Corpus Christi; seventh, a Semi
double; eighth, a day within an Octave when reduced to a Simple Com
memoration; ninth, a Week-day in Advent or Lent, an Ember Day, Eve, or
Rogation Day; tenth, for a Friday evening, the Simple Office of the Blessed
Virgin, if it is to be said next day; lastly, a Simple Feast; and not till after a
Simple (if there be one) are made the Common Commemorations of the Blessed
Virgin, St Joseph, &c., or of the Cross only, as the Season may be. The place
of the local Patron in these Common Commemorations is determined according to
his rank.1 As to these Common Commemorations, see Chapter XXXV.

If any Double Feast fall upon a Sunday in Advent, or upon any Sunday
between Septuagesima and Low Sunday, both inclusive, upon Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day, upon New Year’s Day, from Jan. 6 to 13, both inclusive,
on Ash Wednesday, in Holy Week, or Easter Week, on Ascension Day, or
any day from Whitsun Eve to Trinity Sunday, both inclusive, on Corpus Christi
or its Octave, on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, on Dec. 8,
on Lady Day, on Aug. 15, on Midsummer Day, on March 19, on June 29,
or on Nov. 1, then such Feast is transferred to the nearest day which is not
occupied by a Double or Semi-double. The only exception is that Midsummer
Day and the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul may be kept upon the Octave of
Corpus Christi or on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Moreover,
the special Feast of a particular Church or place may, but only in that particular
Church or place, be kept upon the Second, Third, and Fourth Sundays of Lent
and Advent, upon Septuagesima, Sexagesirna, and Quinquagesima, and upon a
day within the Octave of Twelfth-Day.2 A solemn primary Feast occurring
on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus will take precedence of the
latter. Candlemas Day possesses this special privilege, viz., that if it fall on a
Sunday of the Second Class, it is transferred only to Monday, however occupied.
Moreover, if Midsummer Day be Corpus Christi, the Feast of St John is trans
ferred only to the next day, and has Commemoration of the Octave. St John
is only commemorated in the Second Vespers of Corpus Christi, and on the
following days the Office is of the Octave of Corpus Christi, with Commem
oration of the Octave of St John. In this case July 1 is reckoned to be the
Octave-day of both, and the Service is of the Octave-day of Corpus Christi,
1 1.e., an Angel or St John the Baptist is commemorated before St Joseph.
2 St Joseph, as Patron everywhere, possesses this privilege everywhere.

with a Commemoration of the Octave-day of St John at both Vespers and at

The above rule is invariable. If a Feast which has an Octave is transferred,
its Octave is not transferred with it; all is done as if the Feast had occupied
its usual place. And if the Feast be transferred beyond what would ordinarily be
its own Octave-day, it is that year kept without any Octave at all; unless, indeed,
it be a Feast which has some local privilege to the contrary. .
Ordinary or lesser Doubles, with the exception of the Feasts of those Saints
who are styled Doctors of the Church, are not transferred if their observance
is impeded by that of some Sunday or greater Festival or Office, but upon their
own day they have a Commemoration at both Vespers and at Lauds, and the
Ninth Lesson at Mattins,—that is to say, if the rules applicable to the Feasts
superseding them permit of such Commemoration; if not, such Double Feast is
for that year entirely omitted (see Chapter IX. par. 7-10, and par. 8 of the
present Chapter.) The same rules apply to any other Double Feasts for which
it may be impossible to find any day within the year to which to transfer them.
When ordinary or lesser Double Feasts, even though they are not of Doctors,
are impeded every year by a higher Office, they are permanently fixed on the
first free day.
2. If a Double of the First or Second Class as enumerated in Chap. IX.
par. 5, 6, fall upon an Octave-day, the Service is of the Festival with Com
memoration of the Octave, unless the day be New Year’s Day or January 13;
any Festival falling upon these two days must be transferred; but if the Festival
falling upon the Octave-day be not of the First or Second Class, it is transferred
if it be a Greater Double, or the Feast of a Doctor of the Church; if not, it is
reduced to a mere Commemoration at both Vespers and at Lauds with the Ninth
Lesson at Mattins as above.
3. If some Double1 Feast falling within an Octave is superseded by some
higher Feast, it is transferred to the next day not similarly occupied, if it be
of the Second Class, or a Greater Double, or the Feast of a Doctor of the
Church, and is kept with Commemoration of the Octave.2 If it be an ordinary
lesser Double, it is simply reduced to Commemoration at both Vespers and
Lauds, with the Ninth Lesson at Mattins, as above.
4. Sundays within the year other than those above mentioned are superseded
even by an ordinary or lesser Double Feast. The Sunday then has a Com
memoration at both Vespers and Lands, and a Ninth Lesson at Mattins. See
Chap. IX.
5. If a Semi-double Feast fall upon any of the days above enumerated, or
within the Octave of Corpus Christi, or upon any Sunday, it either has a
Commemoration at both Vespers and at Lands, and the historical Lessons of
its Second Nocturn are read as one for the Ninth Lesson at Mattins, or it is
totally omitted as above directed in the case of ordinary or lesser Doubles.
But if a Semi-double Feast is impeded every year by a higher Office, it is
permanently fixed on the first free day, as in the case of ordinary or lesser
Double Feasts.
1 This must be understood of the Feast of a Doctor of the Church, of a Greater Double,
a Double of the Second Class, or of a Double of the First Class as mentioned in the latter part
of 1X. 3. The end of this paragraph contains a special direction for the suppression instead of
the transference of the ordinary or lesser Doubles.
2 That is, if it is not transferred beyond it.

6. If two or more Feasts of Nine Lessons fall on the same day, the higher
in rank is observed, and the others commemorated as above. If they are all
of the same rank, a Primary Feast will take precedence of a Secondary, and
generally the more worthy or solemn is observed, and the others reduced to a
mere Commemoration or omitted altogether, unless they be Feasts of Doctors
of the Church or higher, when they are transferred.
7. If several are to be transferred, the order of precedence is observed as
above, and, lastly, if none is more worthy or solemn than another, they are
taken by priority of date.
8. A Simple Feast is never transferred. If it comes on a day when it
cannot be kept, it is commemorated, and if it cannot be commemorated, it is
omitted altogether.
9. If a Feast of Nine Lessons which has the Commemoration of a Simple
be transferred, the Commemoration is not transferred with it, but is made, if
it can be made, upon its own day, with the Ninth Lesson, if it have one, and
the Office of the day admits of it. The Feast to which it was originally joined
is utterly divorced from it. And the same rule applies to a Commemoration
made on an Eve, if the Feast to which the Eve belongs fall on Monday, and
so the Eve be kept on Saturday; the Commemoration of the Simple stands
unchanged for the Sunday.

CHAPTER XI. Or Concusasucs.

By Concurrence (as opposed to Occurrence, which is two Oflices falling on
the same day,) is meant the case of the Second Vespers of one Office falling
on the same evening as the First Vespers of another.
2. If they are two Doubles of the same rank, the Vespers are divided;
the former is observed up to the Chapter, and the latter from the Chapter,
inclusive 1——unless there be some special direction to the contrary. If they
are not of the same rank, they are treated according to Chapters IX. and X.
Hence the highest class have the whole of both First and Second Vespers,
with a Commemoration, if proper, of lesser Feasts. But if the Second Vespers
of a Feast of the Second Class fall on the same evening as the First Vespers
of a Feast of the First Class, then the whole is of the Feast of the First
Class, with a Commemoration of the Feast of the Second Class. As regards
precedence, among Feasts of the same Class, the Feasts of our Lord go before
all others, so as to have the whole of both Vespers; so those of the Blessed
Virgin go before those of other Saints; so also those of Angels, of St Joseph,
and of the Apostles [and Evangelists] before others; and those of Saints par
ticularly venerated in the place before the rest.
3. If the Second Vespers of a Double fall on the same evening with the
First Vespers of a Semi-double, a Sunday, a day within an Octave, a Simple
Feast, or the Simple Office of the Blessed Virgin on Saturday, the Service is
all of the Double, with a Commemoration of the other, unless indeed it be one
of those Doubles which, according to Chapter IX., exclude certain Com
memorations. When the day after any Office of Nine Lessons is a Week-day
kept as such, no notice of the Week-day so ensuing is taken in the Second
1 The Frontal and Vestments are, from the beginning, of the colour which will be proper at
the Song of the Blessed Virgin. ~
xxxii THE PIE.

Vespers of the Feast; but if it be in Advent or Lent, the Week-day is com

memorated as usual. Also a Commemoration is made of a Simple which is to
be commemorated in the First Vespers of an Office of Nine Lessons occupying
the next day, although this Commemoration cannot be said to proceed from
the Second Vespers of the former Office of Nine Lessons concurring with the
First Vespers of the Simple, seeing that the Simple has no Office, but is because
the Simple occurs on the same day with the latter Office of Nine Lessons.
4.. If the Second Vespers of a Semi-double, of a Sunday, or of a day
within an Octave fall on the same evening with the First Vespers of a Double,
the Service is all of the Double, with a Commemoration of the other, unless
the Double be one of those which, according to Chapter IX., exclude such
Commemoration. If the Second Vespers of a Semi-double fall on the same
evening with the First Vespers of another Semi-double or of a Sunday, the
Service is of the former up to the Chapter, and of the latter, from the Chapter,
inclusive. But if the Second Vespers of a Semi-double fall on the same evening
with the First Vespers ofia day within an Octave, the Service is all of the former,
with a Commemoration of the latter. But if the Second Vespers of a Semi
double fall on the same evening with the First Vespers of a Simple, or of
the Simple Oflice of the Blessed Virgin on Saturday, the Service is all of the
former, with a Commemoration of the latter.
5. If the First Vespers of a Semi-double, a day within an Octave, or a
Simple, fall on Sunday evening, the Service is all of Sunday, with a Com
memoration of the other.
6. If the Second Vespers of a day within an Octave fall upon the same
evening with the First Vespers of a Sunday, the Service is of the former up
to the Chapter, and of the latter, from the Chapter, inclusive, with a Com
memoration of the Octave. If the Second Vespers of a day within an Octave
falls upon the same evening with the First Vespers of a Semi-double, the
Service is all of the latter, with a Commemoration of the Octave. Second
Vespers of a day within an Octave can never properly be said to fall on the
same evening with the First Vespers of a Simple, because a Simple in such a
position is always deprived of its Office by that of the next day, but there is
a Commemoration, just as there is at the next Lands.
7. If the Second Vespers of one Octave-day fall on the same evening with
the First Vespers of another Octave-day, other things being equal, the Service
is of the latter, from the Chapter inclusive, with a Commemoration of the former,
except when the Second Vespers of the Octave of Corpus Christi fall on the
same evening with the First Vespers of the Octave of St John the Baptist,
when the Service is all of Corpus Christi, with a Commemoration of St John,
(which Commemoration is made though the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart
occur), and except also when special directions are given. If the Second Vespers
of an Octave-day fall on the same evening with the First Vespers of a Common
Double, (even one which has got there by transference,) other things being
equal, the Service is of the Octave-day up to the Chapter, and of the ensuing
Double, from the Chapter, inclusive—except the Octave-days of the Primary
Feast of the Blessed Virgin, of the Feasts of the Holy Angels, of St John
the Baptist, of St Joseph, and of Apostles, which Octaves have the whole
Service, the Double being only commemorated. But if the ensuing Feast be
a Greater Double, (even one there by transference,) such Double has the
THE PIE. xxxiii

whole Service, with a Commemoration of the Octave—except in the case of

the Octave-days of Twelfth-Day, of Easter Day, of the Ascension, and of
other primary Feasts of our Lord, when the ensuing Feast is only commem
orated. However, if the ensuing Feast be one of the Doubles enumerated in
Chapter IX., par. 6, it has the whole Service, the Octave being only com
memorated, [and if one of the highest class, there is no Commemoration.]
If, however, the Feasts of which the Octaves concur are of different rite, or
dignity, the Vespers will be all of the Octave of the Feast which is of higher
rite, or a primary Feast, or of greater dignity, with a Commemoration of the
other, and likewise when an Octave concurs with a Double, exception being
always made of the Octaves of the above-named Feasts of our Lord and the
Blessed Virgin.
8. A Simple never has any Second Vespers; its Office ends absolutely
with None.
9. A Week-day kept as such cannot be said to have either First or Second
Vespers, the Week-day Office being merely a means of filling up space between
other Offices. The Commemorations made of them in Advent or Lent or at
other times are by occurrence, not concurrence, and to fulfil the rule of the
Church. They cannot extend before midnight; for instance, if Vespers on
Shrove Tuesday were of the Week-day, the Prayer would be that of Quin
quagesima Sunday, and the Long Preces would not be said.
to. However, if a Simple Feast fall on a Week-day to be kept as such
(for instance, on Ash Wednesday) it is deprived of its First Vespers, and has
only a Commemoration, whatever be the Office on the preceding evening, or,
if it fall on Maundy Thursday, all observance of it is omitted. This is not
because the Week-day has First Vespers, which is not the case, but because
it would be unseemly for the Simple, which has only a Commemoration at
Lands, to have First Vespers.


If any one wishes to find the Office for the ensuing day,l let him look in
the Kalendar and in the Table of Moveable Feasts,2 and do as he finds there.
2. If the Office be of the Season, that is to say, of some Sunday or Week
day kept as such, the places to look in are the Psalter and the Proper Office
of the Season; the former contains the general outline of the Service, with the
Psalms, and some other things, and the latter, the Lessons and Responsories,
with some Antiphons, the Prayers, &c., which are not in the Psalter. The
Invitatories, Hymns, Chapters, Verses and Answers, Short Responsories and
Antiphons, given in the Proper Office of the Season for certain times, are
said instead of those in the Psalter; when there are no others, those in the
Psalter are used.
3. If the Office be of a Saint, the place to look is the Common Office

1 Which is reckoned to begin with Vespers.

2 But this process is now always superseded by the simple plan of consulting the 0rd0
Recitandi Divini Oficii, or Ecclesiastical Kalendar, published yearly in all dioceses of the
Latin Church. In this translation of the Breviary the Table of Moveable Feasts is omitted,
as it is entirely useless, owing to the multiplicity of yearly almanacks.
xxxiv THE PIE.

of Saints and the Proper Office of Saints; what is not in the Proper is taken
from the Common. And the Lessons (not the Responsories) from Scripture
are usually those from the Proper Office of the Season.1


Mattins are always said in the following manner according to the Office of the
day, except on certain days, when special directions are given. The “ Our
Father,” the “ Hail Mary,” and the “ I believe in God ” are first said inaudibly.
Then the Officiant makes the sign of the Cross upon his mouth with the thumb of
his right hand, saying aloud at the same time, “O LORD, open Thou my lips.”
To which is answered, “And my mouth shall show forth Thy praise.’ ’ Then
he opens his hand and signs himself again, with the extended fingers, from the
forehead to the breast, and from the left shoulder to the right, saying, “Make
haste, O God, to deliver me.” And so on, as is to be found at the beginning of
the Psalter. The same rite is to be observed at the beginning of every Canonical
Hour. Then is said the Invitatory proper to the Office of the day, either of the
Season or of a Feast, with the Psalm, “ O come, let us sing unto the LORD,”—
all as is to be found at the beginning of the Psalter.2 When the Psalm is done,
and the Invitatory repeated for the last time, the Hymn proper t0" the Office
of the day is recited.
2. After this, upon all Doubles and Semi-doubles follow nine Psalms, (upon
Sundays there are more, as will be found in the Psalter,) with the Antiphons and
Verses proper to the Office of the day, either of the Season or Feast, together
with nine Lessons, and either eight or nine Responsories, as marked in the proper
place. The whole is divided into Three Nocturns, as follows—
3. In the First Nocturn are said three Psalms with three Antiphons, after
every Psalm an Antiphon: but in the Easter-time, that is, from Low Sunday to
Whitsun Day, (except in the Office of the Ascension,) the three Psalms of each
Nocturn are said with only one Antiphon, which is repeated after the third Psalm.
At the end of the Antiphon after the third Psalm in each Nocturn, is said a Verse
and ResponSe, then the “ Our Father,’ ’—“ And lead us not into temptation,” to
which is answered, “ But deliver us from evil,” then the Absolution, that is, the
Prayer “ Graciously hear,” then the Blessing is asked and pronounced, “ May the
Eternal Father,” and the other forms which are marked for the first and every
other Lesson. After this are read three Lessons from Scripture, which are those
proper to the Season, unless special Lessons are assigned. After each Lesson
follows a Responsory taken from the Office of the clay, which is always the
case, whatever the Lessons be; as, for instance, on a Saint’s Day when no special
Lessons are assigned and the three Lessons from Scripture are accordingly taken

1 Here follow six more paragraphs, describing the contents of the book, which it appears
unnecessary to translate.
2 These invitatories vary with the Office, but are invariably divided into two portions by an
asterisk (*). The entire invitatory is repeated twice before the Psalm, and once after the
first, third, and fifth of the five sections (each consisting of two verses) into which the Psalm
is divided. After the second and fourth sections, is repeated only that part of the Invitatory
which follows the asterisk, and which usually, though not always, consists of the words, " 0
come, let us worship Him." The Psalm finished and the entire Invitatory repeated, the
doxology of two verses is said as another section, and then is repeated first the second portion
of the Invitatory, and then the whole of it once more.

from the Proper Office of the Season, the Responsories are nevertheless taken from
the Ofiice of the Saint.
4.. In the last Responsory of each Nocturn is said “ Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,” (without “ As it was in the beginning,
8tc.”) And then part of the Responsory is repeated again, unless a direction be
given to the contrary.
5. In the Second Nocturn are said three more Psalms, with Antiphons, a
Verse and Response, the “Our F ather—And lead us not into temptation.”
Answer, “But deliver us from evil,” the Absolution, “May His grace and
mercy,” the Blessings, and the rest, with three more Lessons, taken from some
discourse, or from the Life of the Saint whose Office is being said, if it be a
Saint’s Day, and after each Lesson a Responsory.
6. In the Third Nocturn are said three more Psalms, with Antiphons, a
Verse and Response, the “Our Father—And lead us not into temptation,”
Answer, “But deliver us from evil,” the Absolution, “May the Almighty,”
the Blessings, and the rest, as before, with three more Lessons taken from
some Commentary on the Gospel for the day or Feast. After the two first
Lessons (that is, the seventh and eighth of the whole) is said a Responsory,
one after each. Sometimes there is also a Responsory said after the third
(ninth) Lesson, which will be found marked in its proper place. In the last
Responsory, whether it be the eighth or ninth, is said the “Glory be to the
Father” as in the third and sixth, unless the contrary is specially directed. If
there is no ninth Responsory, the last lesson is immediately followed by the
Hymn, “We praise Thee, O God.”
7. On plain Week-days and Simple Feasts only three Lessons are read.
In that case the Office is the same as above, except that instead of three
Nocturns only one is said. This Nocturn is always that of the Week-day,
whether the Office be said of the Week-day or of a Saint, and consists of
twelve Psalms, and six Antiphons arranged as in the Psalter. In the Easter
time there is only one Antiphon, that is “Alleluia.”
8. After the Psalms and Antiphons follows a Verse and Response. This
is to be found in the Psalter, if the Office be of a VVeek-day. If the Office is
of a Saint, it is taken from the Common of Saints of that Class, which is to be
found in the same place. Then is said the “ Our Father—And lead us not into
temptation,” Answer, “But deliver us from evil,” an Absolution and Blessing,
&c., as will be laid down more at length in the Chapter on Absolutions and
Blessings. Then are read three Lessons. If the Office is of a Week-day,
these are all from the Scripture, as appointed for the Season. If the Office is
of a Saint, if there is one special Lesson appointed, the two first only are of
Scripture, in which case the third may be read along with the second, as one,
at option; if two special Lessons be appointed, then only the first Lesson is from
Scripture, in which case the whole three may be read together as one.
9. After each Lesson is said a Responsory; if the Office be of the Week
day, they will be found marked after the Lessons; if the Office be of a Feast
they are taken from the Common of Saints of the Class according to the rule
given in Chapter XXVII., as will be laid down more at length in the chapter
on Verses and Responsories. In the case of a Saint’s Day, it will be observed
that only two Responsories are said, the third Lesson being followed by the Hymn
“We praise Thee, O God.” The same is the case in Easter-time. In both
xxxvi THE PIE.

these cases therefore the second Responsory, being the last, is said with the
“ Glory be to the Father, Sam,” and the partial repetition of the Responsory itself.


When the Hymn “We praise Thee, O God,” or the ninth Responsory, as
the case may be, has been said, the Officiant makes the sign of the Cross, saying,
“Make haste, O God, to deliver me,” to which is answered, “Make haste to
help me, 0 Loan,” and so on, as at Mattins. But instead of the Invitatory
there follow at once the Psalms, with the Canticle, (which is on Sundays the
Song of the Three Children in the burning fiery furnace, “0 all ye works of
the Lord,”) all as contained in the Psalter, with the Antiphons proper to the
Office of the day. The same Psalms and Canticle are said upon every Sunday
in the year, on every day in Easter-time, and upon every Feast whatsoever, even
Simples, except only the Sundays from Septuagesima to Palm Sunday inclusively.
Upon the Sundays from Septuagesima to Palm Sunday inclusively the Office is
said as marked in~its proper place. The Office on Week-days not in Easter
time is said as given in the Psalter.
2. If no proper Antiphons are assigned, if the Office be of the Sunday, those
are said which are given in the Psalter; if the Office be of a Feast, Double or
Simple, they are taken from the Common of Saints of that Class. After the
Psalms follow the Chapter, the Hymn, the Verse and Response, the Antiphon
for the Canticle “ Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” the said Canticle itself,
and the Prayer; all taken from the Office of the day.
3. When the short Responsory prayers called the “Preces” are to be said,
they are said before the Prayer; and when the Antiphons, Verses, Responses
and Prayers in memory of the Cross, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St Joseph,
of the Apostles, of the Patron of the Church, Country, Diocese or Place, and
for Peace are to be said, they are said after the Prayer of the day. If a Prayer
is likewise to be said in memory of some Saint with a Simple Feast, such Prayer
is to be said, with its proper Antiphon, Verse and Response, before the Com
memoration of the Cross; for which fuller directions are given in the special
chapter on the subject.
4.. Before the Prayer the Officiant always says, “ Hear my prayer, O Low,”
to which is answered, “And let my cry come unto Thee.”1 Then he says,
“ Let us pray,” and proceeds. After the last Prayer is again said, “Hear my
prayer, 0 LORD,” Answer, “And let my cry come unto Thee.” 1 Then, “ Bless
we the Lord,” Answer, “ Thanks be to God.” “ May the souls of the faithful,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace,’ ’ Answer, “Amen.” If the Office is
not to be at once continued, the “Our Father” is then recited inaudibly; after
which the Officiant says, “The Lord give us His peace,” Answer, “And life
eternal. Amen.” After this, one of the Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
from the end of Compline, is said, unless Mass, the Office of the Dead, the
Penitential Psalms, or the Litany are to follow at once. If the Office is to
be continued, the Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin is said when it is over.
Respecting the Office of the Dead, the Penitential Psalms and the Litany,
directions are given in their proper place.
1 Instead of this a person in or above Deacon’s orders says, “ The Lord be with you," and
is answered, " And with thy spirit.”
THE PIE. xxxvii


At the beginning of Prime the “Our Father,” the “ Hail, Mary,” and the “ I
believe in God ” are said inaudibly. Then follows, “Make haste, O God, to
deliver me,’ ’ and the rest precisely as at Lauds. But after the “Alleluia,” or,
“Ceaseless praise, &c.,” is said the Hymn, “The Star of morn, &c.” Then
follow the Psalms, as appointed in the Psalter, according to the day of the
week, except on Feasts and in Easter-time, when the Psalms said are the three
(I) Ps. liii. “Save me, O God, by Thy Name,” (2) Ps. cxviii. 1-16,
“ Blessed are the undefiled—I will not forget Thy word,” and (3) Ps. cxviii.
17-32, “Deal bountifully with Thy servant—Thou hast enlarged my heart.”
Only one Antiphon is said after all the Psalms, which Antiphon is the same
as the first Antiphon at Lauds.
Here it is to be observed that only one Antiphon is said at Prime, Terce,
Sext, and None, one to each, which Antiphon on Feasts is the same as the first,
second, third, and fifth at Lauds, respectively; but this matter is treated of more
fully further on in the chapter on Antiphons.
2. Immediately after the Antiphon on every Sunday in the year, on every day
in Easter-time, and on every Feast whatsoever, even Simples, is‘read the Chapter
from I Tim. i. 17, “Unto the King Eternal.” When the Office is said of a
Week-day not in Easter-time, the Chapter is the one from Zacharias viii. 19,
“Love peace.” Then follows the short Responsory: “Christ, Thou Son of
the Living God, have mercy on us.” After the short Responsory, if the Office
be not of a Double or within an Octave, follow the short Responsory prayers
called the “Preces,” which begin, “Lord, have mercy upon us,” as given in
the Psalter. When the Officiant says the words, “Our help is in the Name
of the Loan,” he makes the sign of the Cross from his forehead to his breast.
Then follows the “ I confess to God Almighty,” “Almighty God, have mercy
on us,” “May the Almighty and Merciful Lord.”1 When the Office is of
a Week-day and Preces have been said at Lauds, other Preces are added, as may
be found in the Psalter in the Office of Prime on Week-days. But if the Office
of the day be Double or within an Octave, the Preces are entirely omitted, with
the Confession, and the Officiant, immediately after the short Responsory, says,
“Hear my prayer, O LORD,” Answer, “And let my cry come unto Thee,”
“Let us pray,” and he says the Prayer, “0 Lord God Almighty.”
3. Then, if the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin is said, it is done at
once; otherwise after the Prayer “ O Lord God Almighty,” is repeated “ Hear
my prayer, 0 Loan,” Answer, “ And let my cry come unto Thee,” then, “ Bless
we the Lord,” Answer, “Thanks be to God,” and in choir the Martyrology
for the day is read at once. All that follows, beginning with “Precious in the
sight of the Loan,” is to be said by all in or out of choir, whether they have
read the Martyrology or not. At the end is read one of the short Lessons,
varying with the Season, which are to be found in the Psalter at the end of
Prime. But on Feasts and some other days, instead of one of these short Lessons
is read the Chapter appointed for None; which days are marked in their place.
1 Here follow in the original some directions for the saying of the Confession by clergymen,
before others, and alone.
xxxviii THE PIE.


Terce, Sext, and None are all similar to one another. At the beginning the
“ Our Father ” and the “ Hail, Mary ” are said inaudibly. Then follows, “ Make
haste, O God, to deliver me,” and the rest as at Mattins, Lauds, and Prime.
After the “Alleluia” or “Ceaseless praise, &c.,” follow the Hymn and the
Psalms, as given in the Psalter. One Antiphon is said at each Hour, taken
on Feasts and some other occasions from Lands, viz., at Terce the second, at
Sext the third, and at None the fifth, as described above. After the Psalms and
Antiphons are said the Chapter and the short Responsory, according to the Office
of the day; on Sundays and Week-days they are either specially assigned in the
Proper Office Of the Season, or are read as in the Psalter; on Feasts they are
either special, or taken from the Common of Saints of that Class. After the
short Responsory the Officiant says, “ Hear my prayer, O LoRD,” Answer, “ And
let my cry come unto Thee,” “ Let us pray,” and he says the proper Prayer of
the day.
2. After the Prayer is repeated “ Hear my prayer, O Loan,” Answer, “And
let my cry come unto Thee.” Then, “ Bless we the Lord,” Answer, “ Thanks
be to God,” “ May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in
peace,” Answer, “Amen.” The “ Our Father” is then recited inaudibly; as
will be more fully explained hereafter in the chapter on the Lord’s Prayer and
the Angelic Salutation.
Vespers begin the same as Terce, Sext, and None; but immediately after the
“Alleluia” or “ Ceaseless praise, &c.,” there are said five Psalms, with the same
number of Antiphons, taken from the Office of the day; but it is to be observed
that the Antiphons on Sundays and Week-days observed as such, are almost
invariably those in the Psalter.
2. After the Psalms and Antiphons follow the Chapter, the Hymn, the Verse
and Response, the Antiphon for the Canticle “ My soul doth magnify the Lord,”
the said Canticle itself, and the Prayer; all taken from the Office of the day.
3. When the Preces are to be said, they are said before the Prayer; and
when the Commemorations of the Cross, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St
. Joseph, the Apostles, and of the Patron of the Church, Country, Diocese, or
Place, and the Prayer for Peace, are to be said, they are said after the Prayer
of the day. Vespers conclude in the same way as Terce, Sext, and None.


The Blessing having been asked and pronounced, Compline begins at once with
the short Lesson, as given in the Psalter. Then follow, “ Our help is in the
Name of the LORD,” Answer, “Who hath made heaven and earth.” Then
the “Our Father” inaudibly, the “I confess to God Almighty,” “ Almighty
God, have mercy on us,” “ May the Almighty and merciful Lord,” then “ Turn
us, O God of our salvation,” Answer, “And cause Thine anger toward us to
cease,” “Make haste, O God, to deliver me,” and so on, followed by the
Psalms, (which are always the same) under one Antiphon, the Hymn, the
Chapter, the short Responsory, and the Canticle, “ Lord, now lettest Thou Thy
THE PIE. xxxix

servant,” with its own Antiphon, all as is to be found at the end of the Psalter.
After the Antiphon “ Save us,” if the Office is not Double or within an Octave
are said the Preces, which begin “Lord, have mercy upon us;” but if the
Office be Double or within an Octave, the Ofliciant says at once, “Hear my
prayer, O LoRD,” Answer, “And let my cry come unto Thee,” “Let us
pray,” and he proceeds with the Prayer, “Visit, 0 Lord, we beseech Thee,”
and the rest, exactly as in the Psalter.
2. After the Verse, “May Almighty God,” follows one of the Antiphons
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with its Verse and Response, and Prayer, according
to the Season, as is to be found at the end of the Psalter, after Compline. And
after the Verse, “ God’s most mighty,” the “ Our Father,” the “ Hail, Mary,”
and the “ I believe in God,” are said inaudibly.


In every Oflice an Invitatory is said at Mattins, with the Psalm, “ 0 come,
let us sing unto the LoRD,” in the manner in which it will be found given for
ordinary Sundays, at the beginning of the Psalter. The Invitatory varies with
the Office, with which it will be found either in the Psalter or the Office proper
to the particular Season, or in the Proper, or Common Office of Saints.
2. The only exception is on Twelfth-Day, and on Maundy Thursday, Good
Friday, and Holy Saturday, when Mattins begin immediately after the “ I believe
in God” with the Antiphon for the first Psalm of the Nocturns. Likewise no
Invitatory is said at the beginning of a dirge, except on All Souls’ Day, the day
of death or burial, and when the whole three Nocturns of the Dirge are to be said.


A Hymn is said at each of the Canonical Hours, except in the Office of the
Dead, and from Maundy Thursday inclusively to the Vespers of Saturday before
Low Sunday exclusively.
2. At Mattins the Hymn is said immediately after the last repetition of the
Invitatory, except on Twelfth-Day, when the Office begins as mentioned in the
last chapter; at Lands and Vespers it is said after the Chapter; at Prime, Terce,
Sext, and None it is said before the Psalms; and at Compline after the Psalms.
3. The Hymns in the Psalter are said if the Office is of a Sunday or a
Week-day, when no special Hymns are appointed in the Proper Office of the
Season, that is, from the Octave of Whitsun Day to Advent gexcepting only the
Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi) and from the ctave of Twelfth
Day to the first Sunday in Lent, exclusively. If the Office is of a Feast, the
Hymns are either special, or taken from the Office common to all Saints of the
particular Class. When a Feast has three special historic Hymns, and the special
Hymn cannot be said in First Vespers, then this Hymn is said at Mattins,
the Hymn for Mattins at Lands, and the Hymn for Lauds at Second Vespers;
but if the Second Vespers are not of such Feast, the Hymn for Vespers is
joined to the Hymn for Mattins, with one common concluding Verse.
4.. From Christmas to Twelfth-Day, on Corpus Christi and throughout the
Octave, and whenever the OHice is said of the Blessed Virgin Mary, even in
Easter-time, and whether with nine or three Lessons, the last verse of the

Hymns [at Prime, Terce, Sext, None, and Compline] is altered in honour
of the Incarnation.1
5. Likewise on Twelfth-Day and throughout the Octave the last verse of
these Hymns is altered in honour of the Revelation of our Lord to the Gentiles.
6. From Low Sunday to Ascension Day, on Whitsun Day and throughout
the Octave, the last verse of these Hymns is altered in honour of the Resurrection
of our Lord from the dead.
7. On Ascension Day and until Whitsun Day the last verse of these Hymns
is altered in honour of the Ascension of our Lord into Heaven.
8. On the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord the last verse of these
Hymns is altered in honour of that Mystery. These are the only changes which
the Hymns ever undergo.


Throughout the whole of the Divine Office the Psalms are never said without
Antiphons, either for each Psalm or each group of Psalms; which Antiphons vary
with the Office of the day.
2. Except in Advent and Easter-time, if the Office be of a Sunday or Week
day, at Mattins, Vespers, and Compline, those Antiphons are said which are to be
found in the Psalter, even when the day is a Simple Feast. In Advent special
Antiphons are given in the Office proper to that Season, and in Easter-time only
one Antiphon is said, that is, “Alleluia.” At Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, and
None those Antiphons are said which are appointed in the Proper Office of the
Season, and if none are so appointed, those are said which are given in the Psalter.
3. When the first Sunday of any particular month is mentioned, that Sunday
is meant which is on or nearest to, either before or after, the first day of the
month named. And at Vespers on the Saturday the Antiphon for the Canticle,
“ My soul doth magnify the Lord,” is to be taken from the Sunday, and will be
found with the Sunday in its proper place. This Saturday Antiphon is always
taken from that book of Scripture which is to be read at Mattins on the Sunday.
4.. On all days when nine Lessons are read the Antiphons at Vespers are
the same as those at Lauds, unless special ones are appointed. And likewise at
Prime, Terce, Sext, and None, if special Antiphons are not appointed, when
Lauds has had proper Antiphons, these are taken in turn, one to each Hour,
omitting the fourth; so that the first Antiphon is said at Prime, the second at
Terce, the third at Sext, and the fifth at None. All which has been explained
before in Chapter XVI.
5. On Week-days in Advent, if there are no proper Antiphons at Lauds,
the Antiphons for the four short Hours are taken from the Lands of the
Sunday before.
6. In Easter-time, whether the Office for the day has nine Lessons or
three, there is only one Antiphon to each Nocturn, which Antiphon is to be
found in the Psalter, or in its proper place. Likewise in Easter-time the word
“Alleluia” is added to every Antiphon said, if it be not there already. On
the contrary, from Septuagesima to Easter, if the word “Alleluia” occur it is
omitted, and nothing is said in its place.
1 The divergence of this translation from the original in the matter of these alterations
is explained in the Translator's Preface.
THE PIE. xli

7. Upon Double Feasts at Mattins, Lauds, and Vespers (but not at Prime,
Terce, Sext, None, and Compline,) the Antiphons are said from beginning to
end before, as well as after, the Psalms and Canticles. And this is one of
the reasons why these Feasts get the name of Doubles. At the short Hours
on these days and throughout the whole Office on Semi-doubles, Simples, and
Week-days, the first words only of the Antiphon are said before the Psalm,
but it is said entire at the end. Should the Antiphon happen to consist of the
opening words of the Psalm 0r Canticle to which it belongs, the beginning of
such Psalm or Canticle is not repeated. Such Psalm or Canticle in that case
begins with the next words after those which form the Antiphon. This does
not cause any difference in the rule as to whether the Antiphon is to be said
before the Psalm entire or not. As, for instance, the first Psalm at Vespers
on Sunday is Psalm cix., which begins, “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit
Thou at My right hand, Until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool,” to which
the Antiphon is, “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand.”
As it is a Semi-double, the first words only of the Antiphon are said before
the Psalm, “The Loan said.” Then the Psalm begins with the words, “Unto
my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand, Until I make Thine enemies Thy foot
stool.” But if “Alleluia” occur at the end of the Antiphon or of the portion
said the Psalm begins as usual.
8. Whenever proper Antiphons are given in the Office of the day, these
Antiphons are invariably to be substituted for those in the Psalter, or the Common
Office of each Class of Saints.
9. When a Commemoration is to be made at Lauds or Vespers, it is done
by reciting once the Antiphon which would be said at Lauds at the Canticle
“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” and at Vespers at the Canticle “My
soul doth magnify the Lord,” with the Verse and Response which would follow
the Hymn, and the Prayer which would be said, were the Ofiice of that of which
the Commemoration is made.
10. The Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with their Verses and
Responses and Prayers, which are to be found after Compline, are said as directed
further on in Chapter XXXVI.


Upon Sundays and Week-days the Psalms are said as they are arranged
in the Psalter, unless some special direction to the contrary is given in the
Office for the Season. On Feasts the Psalms are said as directed in the
Proper Office, or in the Common of the Saints of each Class.
2. The Psalms appointed for Lauds on Sunday, with the Canticle “0 all
ye Works of the Lord,” are said also on every Feast in the year, and on
every day whatsoever in Easter-time.
3. At Prime the Psalm “0 give thanks unto the Loan,” and the others
there given are said on every Sunday when the Office is of the Sunday, even
if it be within an Octave, from the third Sunday after Whitsun Day inclusively
till Christmas exclusively, and likewise from the second Sunday after Twelfth
Day inclusively till Septuagesima exclusively. From Septuagesima till Easter
is said instead Psalm xcii., “The Loan reigneth,” because the Psalm “O give
thanks unto the Loan” is at that time said at Lands after Psalm 1., “ Have
xlii THE PIE.

mercy upon me, O God,” as will be found directed in the proper place. Upon
the Sundays from Low Sunday inclusively to Ascension Day exclusively are
said the three Psalms, “Save me, O God, by Thy Name,” “Blessed are the
undefiled,” and “Deal bountifully with Thy servant,” as on Feasts, but with
the addition of the Creed of St Athanasius. Outside Easter-time when the
Office is of a Week-day, there is substituted for the Psalm “0 give thanks
unto the LORD” one of those which are given in the Psalter for that purpose,
under the heading of the Office for Prime on Week-days. But on every day
in Easter-time, upon every Feast-day in the year, and on every Saturday, whether
the Office be of the Blessed Virgin or of the Saturday, even if a Double Feast
is to be kept on the Sunday, the Psalms said are the three, “Save me, O
God, by Thy Name,” “ Blessed are the undefiled,” and “Deal bountifully with
Thy servant.”
4.. On every Sunday in the year if the Office is of the Sunday, the Creed
of St Athanasius, “ Whosoever will be saved,” is added to the Psalms at Prime,
as is directed in Chapter XXXIII.
5. At Terce, Sext, None, and Compline the Psalms are the same on every
day in the year.
6. It is to be remarked that the first four Psalms at Vespers on Sundays
are likewise said on nearly every Feast in the year. The fifth changes much
oftener. But these changes, whether of the fifth or of any of the first four,
are all marked in their proper place. If a Feast has an Octave, the same Psalms
are said every day at Vespers during the Octave as have been said at the Second
Vespers of the Feast, except on the evening of the seventh day, being the First
Vespers of the Octave-day, when the Vespers are the same as the First Vespers of
the Feast.
7. At the end of every Psalm is said this Hymn:
“ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
A “As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Except at the end of Psalms lxii., “O God, Thou art my God: early will I
seek Thee,” and cxlviii., “Praise ye the LORD from the heavens,” which are
severally united in groups with others, in which case the “Glory be to the
Father” and the Antiphon are said after the group, as if that were only one
Psalm. Moreover, the “Glory be to the Father” is not said at the end of
the Psalms on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, nor in
the Office for the Dead. In the latter case there is said instead:
“ O Lord, give them eternal rest,
“ And let the everlasting light shine upon them.”
Which words are said in the plural even though the Office is being recited for
one dead person.
8. For the sake of uniformity an asterisk is put in the middle of every
verse where the pause is to be made in saying or singing.


Canticles are said every day at Lauds, Vespers, and Compline. When the
Office is of a Sunday or Week-day these are as given in the Psalter.
2. On all Feasts whatsoever, and every day in Easter-time, the first Canticle
THE PIE; xliii

at Lauds is the same as on Sundays, that is, “ 0 all ye Works of the Lord,” at
the end of which the “ Glory be to the Father ” is not said as it is at the end of
the other Canticles, nor is “Amen” answered. The other Canticles which are
appointed in the Psalter for Lands on Week-days are said only when the Office
is of the Week-day out of Easter-time.
3. The three Canticles, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” “My soul
doth magnify the Lord,” and “ Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant,” are always
said every day at Lauds, Vespers, and Compline respectively.


A Verse and Response are always said at Mattins after the last Psalm and
Antiphon of each Nocturn, whether there be one or three. At Lauds and
Vespers they are said immediately after the Hymn. At Prime, Terce, Sext,
None, and Compline they are said together with the short Responsory, at the
end, after the “ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,”
and the repetition.
2. On Easter Sunday and till the Vespers of the Saturday before Low
Sunday, the Verse and Response are said only at Mattins.
3. In Commemorations a Verse and Response are said as prescribed in
Chapter XXI. 9, “On Antiphons.”
4.. In Easter-time the word “Alleluia” is added to every Verse and every
Response, except those which form part of Preces, those at Prime, “ V. Precious
in the sight of the Loan. R. Is the death of His Saints,” and those which form
part of the Responsories at Mattins.
5. In the Office of a Simple Feast, when there is only one Nocturn, the
Verse and Response which follow it are taken from the Office Common to
Saints of that Class. On Mondays and Thursdays they are taken from the
First Nocturn of the Common Office; on Tuesdays and Fridays from the
Second; on Wednesdays from the Third.
6. If special Verses and Responses are not assigned for Lands and Vespers,
those are said which are given in the Psalter.


At Mattins when nine Lessons are read they are preceded by Absolutions and
Blessings as given in the Psalter; the only exception being the Dirge, and the
Mattins of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, called the
Office of the Darkness, in which cases they are altogether omitted.
2. When only three Lessons are read, if they are all from Scripture, the
Absolution and Blessings will be, on Monday and Thursday, “Graciously
hear,” “May the Eternal Father,” “May the Son,” and “May the grace;”
'on Tuesday and Friday, “May His loving-kindness and mercy,” “God the
Father,” “May Christ to all His people give,” and “May the Spirit’s fire;”
and on Wednesday and Saturday, “May the Almighty and merciful Lord,”
.“ May the Gospel’s,” “God’s most mighty,” and “May He That is the
Angels’ King.”
3. But if only three Lessons are read, and they are all from 'a Homily upon
the Gospel for the day, the Absolution is taken as above, according to the day of
xliv THE PIE.

the week, but the Blessings are, “May the Gospel’s holy Lection,” “ God’s
most mighty,” and “May He That is the Angels’ King.” If the Office be of
a Saint, the Absolution is likewise taken according to the day of the week, but
the Blessings are “May His blessing,” “He whose birth-day we are keeping,”
and “ May He That is the Angels’ King.”
4. When the Office on Saturday is said of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
Absolution and Blessings are those which belong to her Little Office, which will
be found near the end of the Breviary, namely, “By the Prayers,” “ Bless us,
Mary,” “ With the Lord,” and “ He to Whom.”


Three Lessons are read at the end of each Nocturn of Mattins, after the
Psalms and Antiphons, with a Verse and Response, Absolution, and Blessings,
all as above. On Doubles and Semi-doubles there are three Nocturns, and
consequently nine Lessons; on Week-days and Simples one Nocturn and three
2. When nine Lessons are read, the first three are always out of Holy
Scripture, and if no special ones are assigned, those are read which are given
for that day in the Proper Office of the Season. If the Office be of a Saint,
the fourth, fifth, and sixth Lesson, viz., those of the Second Nocturn, are either
taken from his Life, or from some appropriate Sermon or Treatise; if no special
ones are assigned, they are taken from the Office common to all Saints of that
Class. If only one or two special Lessons are given, then the three are made up
out of the Common, in which case it is optional to read the whole, namely, if two
Lessons are to be read from the Common, to read the second and third as one,
or if one, to read all three as one. If the Office be of a Sunday, or of any other
day in the year having nine Lessons, or within an Octave, three proper Lessons
are always assigned from some appropriate Sermon or Treatise. In the Third
Nocturn are always read three Lessons from some Homily in Exposition of the
Gospel for the day, which Lessons are, like the Gospel itself, either special, or, if
the Office be of a Saint, most frequently from the Common of Saints. Before
the first of these is always read the beginning of the Gospel which forms the
subject of the Homily, even within Octaves. The only exceptions to these rules
are the Dirge and the Office of the Darkness on the three nights before Easter.
3. If the Office be one of Nine Lessons, in which the Hymn “We praise
Thee, O God ” is to be said instead of a ninth Responsory, and some Saint who
has a proper Lesson is to be commemorated, then the ninth Lesson is the Lesson
of the Saint. If the Saint have two Lessons, they are read together as one in the
ninth place.1 In either case the ninth Lesson belonging to the Office of the day
is either omitted, or read as one Lesson joined on to the eighth. If the day
happen to be a Sunday, or a Week-day which has three Lessons on a special
Gospel, then no Lesson of the Saint is read, but the ninth Lesson will be that of
the Homily; and it is optional to read the three joined together as one, or the
first only.
4.. On a day when there are only three Lessons, if the Office be of the
Week-day, they are all from the Scripture, unless special Lessons are appointed
1 For reduced Feasts see c. ix. n. 10 of this Pie.

from an Homily on the Gospel, in which case these latter are read, and the
Lessons from Scripture altogether omitted. If, however, the Office be of a Saint,
if he has two proper Lessons they are read in the second and third places, and in
the first is read the first Lesson from Scripture, or the whole three together as
one. If the Saint have only one proper Lesson, that is read in the third place;
the first Lesson is the first from Scripture, and the second either the second, or the
second and third together. Which rule is likewise to be observed in the Office
of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays.
5. Lessons from Scripture are given for nearly every day in the year, and
they are always read in order, whatever the Office is, unless other Lessons be
specially appointed on certain days.
6. The different books of Scripture are nearly always appointed to be begun
on a Sunday. Should it happen that that day is occupied by a Feast with special
Lessons, the book so prevented from being begun must be begun on the next day
which is free. In this case, that the whole book may not get behind-hand, the
Lessons proper to the day to which the commencement of the new book is trans
ferred are to be read joined to them in the form of three Lessons, or else entirely
omitted. If it possibly happened that even more was to be read, the total number
of Lessons would be simply divided into groups in the above manner.
7. Should it happen in Easter-time that one of the Catholic Epistles, or in
November, one of the Minor Prophets is prevented from being begun upon the
proper day by some Feast occurring with special Lessons, it is to be begun upon
the next free day, in the manner described above. Should however another book
be to be begun upon the next free day, the displaced book may be begun on some
day previous to its normal one. But if this is impossible, it must at any rate be
read, even if another book be begun immediately. It may be remarked that in
either of the latter cases the whole book may be read through at once. If two
books be begun on the same day, the beginning must be the beginning of a Lesson
—as, for instance, if Book A., divided into three Lessons, be transferred to the
day when Book B. is begun, the Lessons will be, First, A. 1, Second, A. 2
and 3, Third, B. 1, 2, and 3.
8. Lessons from Scripture are given for as many weeks as there can be under
any circumstances between Twelfth-Day and Septuagesima, and between Whitsun
Day and Advent. If owing to Septuagesima falling earlier there are fewer weeks
between Twelfth-Day and Septuagesima, the Lessons appointed for the super
fluous weeks are simply never read at all, even though by this arrangement a
certain amount of St Paul’s Epistles is not read in that year at all. The same
is to be done with the Lessons from the Books of Kings appointed for weeks
which may not occur between the Octave of Whitsun Day and the first week in
August. If, moreover, the Office for one of the Sundays after Twelfth-Day be
read not on the proper Sunday but by anticipation on some other day, the Lessons
read will be those of the Sunday so anticipated, and those on the following days
be those for the days which follow the anticipated Sunday, the Lessons belonging
to the actual days on which the anticipated Office is read being altogether omitted.
And in the same manner if Lessons are appointed for five weeks in a particular
month and that month happen that year to have only four, the omission must be
made as directed in the special rubrics to be found in the proper place.
9. If a Feast have special Lessons from Scripture, these are always read in
place of the ordinary Lessons for the day, which are not read at all, unless they
xlvi THE PIE.

are the commencement of a new book, when they are transferred, as given in
sections 6 and 7. Likewise if a Feast with Nine Lessons is kept in Lent, on
the Ember Days, on Rogation Monday, or on Ascension Eve, the Lessons from
Scripture, that is, the first, second, and third Lessons, are taken from the Office
common to Saints of the Class, because, although the Feast have not proper
Lessons, there are no Lessons from Scripture belonging to the day. However if
one of these days is an Octave-day, the three first Lessons will be the same as
those read on the Feast of which it is the Octave. If it be a day within an
Octave, the three first Lessons are those in the Common Office. And the same
rule is to be observed regarding the Lessons in the other Nocturns, when they are
specially arranged for the Feast, or when a Feast of Nine Lessons is being kept
which has not got approved proper Lessons.
10. Unless special directions are given to the contrary, before the Lessons of
the First Nocturn is given out the place from which they are taken; likewise in
the Second Nocturn if the Lessons are from a Sermon or Treatise, the name of
the author is announced, but not otherwise; and likewise also before the Lessons
in the Third Nocturn the title of the Homily, naming the author, is given. _
II. At the end of every Lesson he who has read it says, “ But Thou, O
Lord, have mercy upon us,” to which is answered, “ Thanks be to God.” And
the same is done after the short Lessons at the beginning of Compline, and the end
of Prime (after the Verse “ Precious”) The only exceptions are the Dirge, and
the three nights before Easter, where special directions are given.

CHAPTER XXVII. THE Rssronsoruss AFTER THE Lessons.

At Mattins a Responsory is said after every Lesson.
2. But on every Feast of Nine Lessons, (except that of the Holy Innocents
if it falls on a Week-day,) and on every Sunday from Low Sunday inclusively/to
Advent Sunday exclusively, and from the Sunday after Christmas inclusively to
Septuagesima exclusively, only eight regular Responsories are said, and, instead,
after the ninth Lesson is said the Hymn “We praise Thee, O God.” At the
end of the third, sixth, and last Responsory, whether it be eighth or ninth, is said
“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,” (but not
“As it was in the beginning, &c.,”) followed by the repetition of part of the
Responsory. The only exceptions are the Dirge, and Passion-tide, which are
given in their place. The words “ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Ghost ” will sometimes be found given in the first Responsory also.
3. Nine Responsories are said on the Sundays in Advent, and between
Septuagesima and Palm Sunday inclusively, and likewise on the three nights
before Easter, for then the Hymn “We praise Thee, O God” is not said.
4. When three Lessons only are read, if the Office is of a Feast, and also
every day in Easter-tide, namely, between Low Sunday and Ascension Day,
except Rogation Monday, which has three Responsories, only two Responsories
are said, because after the third Lesson is said the Hymn “ We praise Thee, O
God.” These Responsories on Feasts are taken from the Common Office of
Saints of the Class, and in Easter-time from the preceding Sunday, thus, unless
proper ones be appointed—On Monday and Thursday the first and second
Responsories of the First Nocturn, on Tuesday and Friday of the Second, and
on Wednesday of the Third.
THE PIE. xlvii

5. On plain Week-days out of Easter-time three Responsories are said,

(because the Hymn “We praise Thee, O God” is not then said,) which are
taken from the Sunday before, on Monday and Thursday from the First Nocturn,
on Tuesday and Friday from the Second, and on Wednesday and Saturday (if the
Office is of the Saturday) from the Third. In the Third Nocturn of the Sundays
between the Third Sunday after Whitsun Day inclusively and Advent Sunday
exclusively, there is only one Responsory, namely, the seventh, which can be said
on a Week-day, because there is no ninth, and the Responsory “One Seraph
cried unto another,” which is the eighth, is only said on Sundays. In this case
therefore on Wednesday and Saturday the first Responsory is the seventh of the
Sunday, and the second and third are those which are to be said as the second
and third of the Monday, or if none be assigned, the second and third of the First
Nocturn of the Sunday. From the Octave of Twelfth-Day to Septuagesima,
proper Responsories are given for every day, except the Saturdays, in which are
said the Responsories of the Wednesday preceding.
6. When no special Responsories are given, they are taken from the first
Sunday of the month, or the beginning of the Book of Scripture which is then
being read. When proper Responsories are given for every day in the first week
of the month, they are to be repeated on the same days of each succeeding week
until further notice. Where proper Responsories are not given for the Week-days,
they are taken from the Sunday in the order explained above.
7. If a Double Feast falls on a Sunday, and so prevents the Responsories of
the First Nocturn of the Sunday being said, they are transferred to the first free
day in the week, to the total omission of any proper Responsories which that
Week-day may happen to have. If there is no Week-day free, they are carried
on to the next Sunday, if it has none of its own; if it has, to a free day in that
week. If there is no free day, they are entirely omitted. If a Week-day have
proper Responsories, and they are not said by reason of a Feast, they are not
carried on at all, but simply omitted.
8. In Easter-time, in the Responsory, the word “Alleluia ” is inserted before
the Verse.


A short Responsory is said after the Chapter at Prime, Terce, Sext, None,
and Compline, except from Maundy Thursday till None on Saturday before Low
Sunday inclusively, during which time it is omitted. At Prime and Compline it
is always as given in the Psalter. In the other Hours it varies with the Office,
and is to be found either in the Psalter or the Proper Office of the Season or
Feast, or the Common of Saints._
2. At the end of the short Responsory is said “ Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,” (but not “ As it was in the beginning, &c.,”)
followed by the repetition of part of the Responsory. In Passion-tide this is not
done, but instead the whole Responsory is repeated.
3. In the short Responsory at Prime the following changes are made—Instead
of the words “Thou That sittest at the right hand of the Father,” in Advent,
except only the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and its Octave, is said “ Thou That art to come into the world,” from Christmas
to Twelfth-Day, at Corpus Christi and throughout its Octave, and in all Offices
xlviii THE PIE.

whatsoever of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and within their Octaves, if they have
any, even though the Office be not of the Octave, “Thou That wast born of
the Virgin Mary.” On Twelfth-Day and throughout its Octave, and on the
Feast of the Transfiguration, “Thou That art manifested unto us this day.”
From Low Sunday inclusively to Ascension Day exclusively, except in Offices
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “Thou That hast arisen from the dead.” From
Ascension Day inclusively to Whitsun Day exclusively, “ Thou That art gone
up above the stars.” At Whitsun-tide and all the rest of the year, “ Thou That
sittest at the right hand of the Father.”
4. The short Responsories for the other Hours which are given for Advent
Sunday are used throughout Advent, whenever the Office is of the Season. Like
wise those given on the first Sunday in Lent are used till Passion Sunday
exclusively. Those given on Passion Sunday are used till Maundy Thursday
exclusively. Those given on Low Sunday are used till Ascension Day exclus
ively. Those given on any Feast having an Octave are used every day during
the Octave, when the Office is of the Octave. In all Offices whatsoever of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, except only the Assumption, the short Responsories are
taken from the Common Office of Virgins.
5. In Easter-time, from Low Sunday to the Saturday after Whitsun Day
inclusively, whatsoever the Office be, the word “ Alleluia ” is repeated twice after
the short Responsory, and twice again after the Verse, as the repetition of the
latter part of the Responsory, and once also after the Verse and the Answer.
Thus it is said ten times, twice after the Responsory both times it is said, twice
after the Verse, twice after the Responsory again, once after the Verse, and once
after the Answer. Out of Easter-time, although the word “Alleluia” is some
times introduced into the short Responsories at Terce, Sext, and None, it does
not thereby affect Prime and Compline.


A Chapter is always said at Vespers, Lands, and the other Hours, after the
Psalms and Antiphons, and at Compline after the Hymn, except from Maundy
Thursday to the Saturday before Low Sunday, and in the Office of the Dead.
2. The Chapters at Prime and Compline are always the same, being those
given in the Psalter. The Chapters given in the Psalter for First and Second
Vespers, Lauds, and the Hours on Sundays, are said from the third Sunday after
Whitsun Day till Advent Sunday, and from the second after Twelfth-Day till
Septuagesima. The Chapters for the Week-days are said after the Octave of
Twelfth-Day till the First Sunday in Lent, and after the Octave of Whitsun
Day till Advent Sunday. The Chapters for the other Seasons and for Feasts are
given in the Offices to which they belong.
3. On all the Sundays from Advent till the Octave of Twelfth-Day, and
from Septuagesima till the third Sunday after Whitsun Day, and on every day
in Easter-time, and upon all Feasts, the Chapter given at the First Vespers is
also said at Lauds, at Terce, and at the Second Vespers. There are a few
exceptions, which are marked in their place.
4.. On Week-days in Easter-time the Chapter at Prime is that from I Tim.
i. 17, “Unto the King eternal,” as on Sundays and Feasts. After the Chapter
is always answered, “Thanks be to God.”
THE PIE. xlix


The Prayer is said at Vespers and Lands immediately after the Antiphon
at the Canticles “ My soul doth magnify the Lord” and “ Blessed be the Lord
God of Israel” respectively, unless the short Responsory prayers called the
“ Preces” are to be said, in which case it is said after the Preces. At Com
pline the Prayer is said after the Antiphon “O Lord, save us waking,” unless
Preces are to be said, when it is said after them.
2. The Prayers for Prime and Compline, given in the Psalter, are said
every day in the year, except the three days before Easter, when the Service is
as it is given in its proper place. The same Prayer which is said at First Vespers
is likewise said at every other Hour, except Prime and Compline. But in Lent,
and on the Ember Days, Eves, and Rogation Monday, the Prayer which has
been said at Lauds is said only at Terce, Sext, and None. In the Vespers, if
they are of the Week-day, the Collect said is either a special one, as in Lent, or
that of the preceding Sunday, as on ordinary Week-days. When the Office is
of a Week-day and no special Prayer is given, that of the preceding Sunday is
used. In the same way in Octaves the Prayer of the Feast is used up to
the Octave-day, inclusively, unless a special one be assigned.
3. Before the Prayer the Officiant always says,1 “ Hear my prayer, 0 LORD,”
to which is answered, “And let my cry come unto Thee ; ” then he says, “ Let
us pray,” and proceeds with the Prayer. After the Prayers is answered “ Amen,”
then, if it is the last or only Prayer, the Officiant says again, “ Hear my prayer,
0 LORD,” Answer, “ And let my cry come unto Thee.” Then “ Bless we the
Lord,” Answer, “Thanks be to God,” “ May the souls of the faithful, through
the mercy of God, rest in peace,” Answer, “Amen.” Then if the Antiphon of
the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be said, there follows the “ Our Father ” inaudibly,
“The Lord give us His peace,” Answer, “And life eternal, Amen,” and the
Antiphon. But the Office stops short after “Thanks be to God” before the
“ Precious ” at Prime, and the Blessing at Compline, or when the Little Office
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Office of the Dead, or the Penitential
Psalms, or the Litany is immediately to follow. If there are more prayers than
one, they are said after the Prayer for the day, each preceded by its own Antiphon,
Verse and Response, and the words “ Let us pray.”
4.. If the Prayer is addressed to God the Father, it ends “ through our Lord
JEsus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the
Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.” If the Prayer is addressed
to God the Son, it ends, “Who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.” If the Prayer
be addressed to God the Father, and God the Son be mentioned in it, it ends
“through the Same our Lord, &c.,” and if God the Holy Ghost be mentioned,
instead of “in the unity of the Holy Ghost ” there is said “in the unity of the
Same Holy Spirit, &c.”
5. If more than one Prayer be said, the ending “through our Lord, &c.,”
is only said with the first and last. The others are said without any ending, but
“ Let us pray” is said before each. The only exceptions are the Office of the
Dead, where will be found in its proper place what is to be done, and the Litany,
where the Prayers are all joined on one to the other.
1 Here in the original are directions for clergymen.
VOL. 1. f


The Hymn “We praise Thee, O God,” is said on every Feast whatsoever,
and throughout all Octaves, except only the Feast of the Holy Innocents if it
falls on a Week-day, though it is said on the Octave. It is said likewise on all
Sundays from Easter inclusively to Advent exclusively, and from Christmas
inclusively to Septuagesima exclusively, and every day from Low Sunday to
Ascension Day, except Rogation Monday.
2. It is not said on the Sundays in Advent and from Septuagesima to
Palm Sunday, both inclusively, nor on plain Week-days out of Easter-time.
3. Whenever it is said, the ninth or third Responsory is omitted.
4. Whenever it is not said, there is said a ninth or third Responsory, and
as soon as the Hymn or the Responsory is over, Lauds begin, except on
Christmas night, when particular directions are given.


The Lord’s Prayer, which begins “ Our Father,” and the Angelic Salutation,
which begins “ Hail, Mary,” are said inaudibly before every Hour, except Com
pline. At Compline, after the Blessing has been asked and given, comes the
Lesson from 1 Peter v. 8, “ Brethren, be sober,” then “ Our help is in the Name
of the LORD,” Answer, “ Who hath made heaven and earth,” and then the “ Our
Father ” alone is said inaudibly. Moreover at the very end of Compline the “ Our
Father,” the “Hail, Mary,” and the “I believe in God” are said inaudibly.
At the end of every Hour the “ Our Father ” is said inaudibly, unless the Little
Oflice of the Blessed Virgin Mary follow at once, or another of the Canonical
Hours, in which case the “Our Father” is said after that. If Compline
immediately follows Vespers, as soon as “Amen” has been answered to “ May
the souls, &c.,” is said “Command Thy Blessing, O Lord.”
2. Whenever the words “And lead us not into temptation” are said aloud
at the end of the Lord’s Prayer, the two first words “Our Father” are also
said aloud. In any other case it is all said inaudibly, except when Preces are
said at Lauds and Vespers on Week-days, in which case the Ofliciant says the
whole of the Lord’s Prayer aloud.
3. The Angelic Salutation is said before each of the Hours in the Little
Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, unless they be added on to the Canonical
Office, in which case it is omitted, as having been already said, at the beginning
of the whole. ~ '


S'r ATHANAsws.

The Apostles’ Creed is always said before Mattins and Prime, and at the
end of Compline altogether inaudibly. If it is to be said in the Preces at Prime
and Compline the words “ I believe in God ” are said aloud, and likewise those
at the end, “the Resurrection of the body,” to which is answered “and the life
everlasting. Amen.”
2. The Creed of St Athanasius is said at Prime, after the Psalm “Deal
bountifully with Thy servant,” on all Sundays, when the Office is of the Sunday,

except the Sundays after Christmas, Twelfth-Day, Ascension Day, and Corpus
Christi Day, and Easter and Whitsun Day, when only the three usual Psalms
are said, as on Feasts. It is said on the Sundays within other Octaves, and on
Trinity Sunday, but otherwise never. The Hymn “Glory be to the Father,
3:0,” is added to it, as to the Psalms.


The Preces are certain Verses and Responses which are sometimes said before
the Prayer. They begin either with “ Lord, have mercy upon us ” or the Lord’s
2. The Preces for Prime and Compline on Sundays, given in the Psalter, are
not said on Doubles, nor within Octaves, nor on the Eve of Twelfth-Day, nor
on the Friday and Saturday after the Octave of the Ascension.
3. The Preces for Lands and the other Hours on Week-days, given in the
Psalter, are said only on Week-days in Advent, Lent, the Ember Days, and
Eves which are fasts, but not on Christmas Eve, nor the Ember Days at
\Vhitsuntide. They are said kneeling. In the rest of the year only the
Sunday Preces are said, and that standing.
4.. On the Week-days in Advent, and Lent, and the Ember Days, Preces
are said at Vespers, if they are of the day. And at Compline the same as on
Sundays, but kneeling. The Preces are said kneeling till the words “ Bless we
the Lord ” after the Prayer.
5. On Eves the Week-day Preces are not said at Vespers or Compline, because
the Vespers are part of the Feast. But if the Eve of St Matthias fall on Shrove
Tuesday, the Week-day Preces are said at Vespers, though the Prayer is not that
of the Eve, but of the preceding Sunday. The same is the case when the Week
day Office is said on Ember Friday or Ember Saturday in September, when no
Feast of Nine Lessons falls on them; Preces are said on the Friday, although
the Prayer to be said is not that of the Ember Day but of the preceding
Sunda .
6.yThe Psalm “ Have mercy upon me, O God,” is said with the Preces at
Vespers only, and “ Out of the depths” at Lauds. In the Office of the Dead
those Psalms are said which are there appointed.



The Common Commemorations, or Suffrages of the Saints, which are given in

the Psalter, are said at the end of Vespers and Lauds from the Octave of Twelfth
Dav till Passion Sunday exclusively, and from the Octave of Whitsun Day till
Advent exclusively, on Sundays, Week-days, and Feasts, whenever the Office is
not Double nor the day Within an Octave. After the Commemoration of the
Apostles is made a Commemoration of St George, Patron of England, except
in the diocese of Hexham, where there is made instead a Commemoration of
St Cuthbert, and before the Commemoration of St George there is made in the
diocese of Northampton a Commemoration of St Thomas of Canterbury, and
in that of Plymouth of St Boniface of Maintz, and after it in the diocese of
lii THE PIE.

Portsmouth a Commemoration of St Edmund of Canterbury.1 The last is

always the Suffrage for Peace. On Week-days there is prefixed that Com
memoration of the Cross which is given in the Psalter after Lands for Monday.
2. In Easter-time the only Sufi'rage said is the Commemoration of the Cross
for that Season. It is not said on Doubles, nor within Octaves, nor in the
Votive Offices of the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion.
3. If a Commemoration of a Feast is made, it is always put before the
Suffrages, even that of the Cross.
4. The Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary is omitted if her Little
Office is said, or the Office of the day is of her.


The Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary which are given in the Psalter
at the end of Compline are said according to the season of the year, as there
prescribed, except on the three days before Easter.
2. They are said only at the end of Compline, and at the end of Lands, or
that aggregation of Offices into which Lauds enters. (However in Choir they
are said every time the Choir is to be left.) They are said kneeling, except
from Saturday evening to Sunday evening both inclusive, and throughout the
whole of Easter-time. They are not said in the morning if the Office is to
be immediately followed by the Dirge, the Penitential Psalms, or the Litany,
or Mass.
There are proper Rubrics at the end of the Breviary with directions about
the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Office of the Dead, the
Penitential Psalms, the Litany, and the Gradual Psalms.
2. In Easter-time if the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary be joined
to the Church Office, the word “ Alleluia” is added neither to the Antiphons,
Verses and Answers, nor Responsories.
1 This custom is peculiar to England, and is contrary to the general rule; the original
rubric reads, “There is added [to the other Common Commemorations] a Commemoration
of the Patron or Titular of the Church [in which the service is read, or to which the person
saying the Oflice is attached, but only if such Church have been consecrated or solemnly
blessed], which is inserted either before or after the Commemorations of St Joseph and of
the Apostles according to his rank.” But there is a privilege in the Province of Westminster
according to which it is permitted: “That in the suffrages Of the Saints and in the Prayer
A cunctir, a Commemoration shall be made of St George only, and the Commemoration of
any other Saint shall be omitted, except in the case of the Regular Orders as to the Com
memoration of their own founders, and any particular cases exempted by grace of the Holy
See.” A grace of this sort has been granted, as stated above, with regard to the Dioceses
of Hexham, Northampton, Plymouth, and Portsmouth.
'rwo EASY TABLES. liii



find in which it can be seen at a glance wbal is to be done

(I) Wben [be Semnd Vesper: of one Qfiire fall on Me .rame evening wit/J the First
Vesper: of anotber Qfliee.
(2) When two Ofiiee: fall on the ram: day.

To use these Tables, find the little square in which lines drawn from the
designations of the two Offices meet at right angles, and then look what direction
is given underneath the Table, with the number inscribed in the square.
For instance, in Table A a Double of the Second Class meets a Semi-double
in a square containing the numeral 4.. And 4. gives the Rule “ all of the former,
with a Commemoration of the latter,’ ’ but if the case be reversed they meet in I,
and the Service is “all of the latter, nothing of the former.” And so in Table B,
the case of a Double of the Second Class and a Semi-double falling on the same
day is provided for in 4 and 3, and it is ordered that the Semi-double be com
memorated and the Double of the Second Class observed. 0 indicates a case
which either cannot occur, or which is the subject of special directions in its own
place. However, it is first needful to know the rank of the different Offices.


Double: qf the First Class.

Christmas Day. Dec. 25.

Twelfth-Day. Jan. 6.
Maundy Thursday.
Good Friday.
Holy Saturday.
Easter Day.
Easter Monday.
Easter Tuesday.
Ascension Day.
Whitsun Day.
Whitsun Monday.
Whitsun Tuesday. 0
Corpus Christi.
The Sacred Heart.
The Immaculate Conception. Dec. 8.
Lady Day. March 25.

The Assumption. Aug. IS.

The Birthday of St John the Baptist. June 24..
St Joseph. March 19.
SS. Peter and Paul. June 29.
All Saints. Nov. I.
St Thomas of Canterbury.1 Dec. 29.
St George. April 23.
St Augustine of Canterbury. May 26.
The Dedication of the Particular Church.
The Feast of the Patron, or Titular of the Particular Church.
The Feast of the Chief Patron or Patrons of the diocese.

Doubles of the Second Clara.

The Circumcision. Jan. I.
The Holy Name.
The Most Holy Trinity.
The Most Precious Blood.
The Finding of the Cross. May 3.
Candlemas Day. Feb. 2.
The Visitation. July 2.
The Birth of the Blessed Virgin. Sept. 8.
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Rosary.
Michaelmas Day. Sept. 29.
The Patronage of St Joseph.
The Feasts of the Eleven Apostles, and of the Evangelists.
St Stephen. Dec. 26.
The Holy Innocents. Dec. 28.
St Lawrence. Aug. 10.
St Anne. July 26.
St Joachim.
St Gregory the Great. March 12.
St Edward. Oct. 13.

Greater Daub/er.
The Commemorations—
Of the Prayer of our Lord,
Of His Sufferings,
Of His Coronation,
Of His Piercing,
Of His Enshroudment,
Of His Five Wounds, '
Of His Precious Blood.
The Transfiguration. Aug. 6.
The Most Holy Redeemer. Oct. 23.
The Exaltation of the Cross. Sept. 14.
Dedication of the Church of St Saviour. Nov. 9.
1 Regarding the rank of this Feast, see note under his day.

The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin. Dec. I8.

Her Espousal. Jan. 23.
Her Sorrows (the two Feasts.)
The Blessed Virgin styled Help of Christians. May 24..
The Blessed Virgin styled of Mount Carmel. July 16.
Dedication of St Mary’s of the Snows. Aug. 5.
The Name of Mary.
The Blessed Virgin styled of Ransom. Sept. 24..
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin.
Her Motherhood.
Her Purity.
Her Patronage.
Manifestation of St Michael. May 8.
St Gabriel. March 18.
St Raphael. Oct. 24..
The Guardian Angels. Oct. 2.
The Beheading of the Baptist. Aug. 29.
St Peter’s Chair at Rome. Jan. 18.
St Peter’s Chair at Antioch. Feb. 22.
St Peter’s Chains. Aug. 1.
The Conversion of St Paul. January 25.
Commemoration of St Paul. June 30.
Dedication of the Churches of SS. Peter and Paul. Nov. 18.
St John before the Latin Gate. May 6.
St Barnabas. June I I.
The Blessed John and his companions. May 4..
St Bede the Venerable. May 27.
St Alban. June 22.
Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury. July 7.
The Holy Relics (second Sunday in July).
St Ursula. Oct. 21.
St Edmund the Martyr. Nov. 20.
St Benedict. March 2r.
St Dominic. Aug. 4.
St Francis. Oct. 4..
St Patrick. March 17.
St Francis Xavier. Dec. 3.1

Sunday: Qf t/Je First Clan.

The First Sunday of Advent.
The First Sunday of Lent.
Passion Sunday.
Palm Sunday.
Easter Sunday.
Low Sunday.
Trinity Sunday.
1 The Feast was an Ordinary Double when the Office given in this Breviary was printed.

Sunday: of tbe Second Clan.

The Second, Third, and Fourth Sundays in Advent.
Septuagesima Sunday.
Sexagesima Sunday.
Quinquagesima Sunday.
The Second, Third, and Fourth Sundays of Lent.

Greater Week-days.
, Those of Advent.
Those of Lent.
The Ember Days.
Rogation Monday.

In the General Appendix will be found the following Greater Doubles.

Translation of the Holy House of Loreto.
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.
The Holy Home.
The Blessed Thomas Plumtree and his Companions.
The Flight of our Lord Jesus Christ into Egypt.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled of Good Counsel.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled the Mother of the Lord our Shepherd.
Lowliness of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled Mother of Grace.
Translation of St Edmund.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled of Perpetual Succour.
The Blessed John Fisher.
The Blessed Thomas More.
Translation of St Cuthbert.
The Blessed Thomas Percy.


I. Douo/er of the First Class.
Twelfth Day.
Easter Day.
The Ascension.
Whitsun Day.
Corpus Christi.
The Immaculate Conception.
Lady Day.
The Assumption.
The Birthday of St John the Baptist.
St Joseph.

SS. Peter and Paul.

All Saints.
St Thomas of Canterbury.
St George.
St Augustine of Canterbury.
The Dedication of the Particular Church.
The Patron or Titular.
The principal Patron or Patrons of the district or diocese.

II. Double: oft/1e Strand Clan.

The Circumcision.
The Most Holy Trinity.
Candlemas Day.
The Visitation.
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.
Michaelmas Day. I
The F casts of the Eleven Apostles, and of the Evangelists.
St Stephen. Dec. 26.
The Holy Innocents.
St Lawrence.
St Anne.
St Joachim.
St Gregory the Great.
St Edward.
III. Greater Daub/er.
The Transfiguration.
The Dedication of St Saviour’s.
Dedication of St Mary’s of the Snows.
The Angels Guardian.
The Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul.
St Barnabas.
St Benedict.
St Dominic.
St Francis.
St Gabriel.
St Raphael.
The Blessed John and his Companions.
St Bede the Venerable.
St Alban.
The Holy Relics.
St Ursula.
St Edmund the Martyr.
St Patrick.
St Francis Xavier.

IV. Doubles.
The Birthday (or day kept as such) of each Saint.
VOL. 1. :2


I. Double: of the Firrt Class.

The Most Sacred Heart of JEsus.

II. Double: aft/Jr Second Clarr.

The Most Holy Name of JEsus.

The Finding of the Holy Cross.
The Feast of the Most Precious Blood.
The Solemnity of the Most Holy R0sary.
The Patronage of St Joseph.

III. Greater Doubler.

The Exaltation of the Holy Cr0ss.

The Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin (the two Feasts).
The Blessed Virgin styled of Mount Carmel.
Her Holy Name.
The Blessed Virgin styled of Ransom.
Her Presentation.
The Manifestation of St Michael.
The Beheading of St John the Baptist.
St Peter’s Chair at Rome.
St Peter’s Chair at Antioch.
St Peter’s Chains.
The Conversion of St Paul.
The Commemoration of St Paul.
St John before the Latin Gate.
The Commemorations—
Of the Prayer of our Lord,
Of His Sufferings,
Of His Coronation,
Of His Piercing,
Of His Enshroudment,
Of His Five Wounds,
Of His Precious Blood.
Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer.
The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin.
Her Motherhood.
Her Purity.
Her Patronage.
The Expectation of the Blessed Virgin.
The Blessed Virgin styled Help of Christians.
Translation of St Thomas of Canterbury.
All other Feasts of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Saints not
provided for in these lists.


If the Second Vespers of

An Higher Sunday (z'.e., of the First or

Second Class) . . . 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 0

An Ordinary Sunday 4 3 4 4 3 3 1 1 r o

A Double of the First Class 2 4 2 4 4 4 6 4 6. 4,

A Double of the Second Class 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 4

APatron orTitular 2 4 2 4 4 4 o 4 6 4

A Greater Double 4 4 4 4 4 6 I 3 1 4

A Double 4 5 4 4 5 3 r 3 r 4

A Semi-double 4 3 4 5 3 3 I I I 5

An Octave-day 4 5 4 4 5 3 I 3 r 4

A Day within an Octave o 3 4 3 3 3 1 r r 5

I. All of the latter, nothing of the former.

2. All of the former, nothing of the latter. > 5 ID > > > > > > > g
- U 2”. m U C m U c (D H1
3. All of the latter, but \Vlth a Com- s» O :3 r” o n E, o o 5 r. o
. ~< o —’ B r: g "t c: r: 5 w 5
memoration of the former. 5 “Fl. 7' 0‘ .-. 0 <7 cr De " .-.
4. All of the former, but With a Com- '5. §.<@a$g=$aé’<="
‘P 2 ' U Q o o - 3‘ o
memoration 0f the
. latter. 5' g
. a;
. a F,
w g :I’
:r g
5. All of the former till the Chapter, ex- g E E; r” ‘1’ a fl>
- clusive;
Chapter, then of the latter, from the
inclusive, but with a Com- O
is 9 ‘3 g7
l g L", 9s if
memoration of the former. F5 in. O 5'
- ~ me
All of the more important, but with Qs
r» 9n g
a Commemoration of the less a a
important; if equal, Vespers of the ‘ 5'
latter from the Chapter inclusive. t'D

At the First Vespers of the Octave-days of the Ascension and of Corpus
Christi and of other Primary Feasts of our Lord, the whole Service is of the
Octave. If a Double Feast have occupied the day, it is only commemorated,

unless it be of the First or Second Class, in which case the Service is of it, with
a Commemoration of the First Vespers of the Octave.
If the Second Vespers of the Octave-days of the Feasts of our Lord which
are Primary and more solemn, such as those of Twelfth-Day, Easter, the
Ascension, and the others, clash with the First Vespers of a Double (including
the Octave-day of St John the Baptist), the Double is only commemorated,
unless it be of the First or Second Class, the Patron, Titular, or Dedication
Feast of the particular Church, in which cases the Service is of the Double,
with a Commemoration of the Second Vespers of the Octave.
On the Octave-days of Primary Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, the Angels,
St John the Baptist, St Joseph, and the Holy Apostles, there is only a Com
memoration made of an Ordinary or Lesser Double that precedes or follows.
If a Double or Semi-double Feast have been reduced to the condition of a
Simple according to the Pie, Chap. x., and a Double of the First Class fall
upon the day before, the reduced Feast is commemorated at the Second Vespers
of the Double of the First Class only if it is to be commemorated at the Lauds
of the succeeding day, that is to say of its own day; but upon Doubles of the
Second Class such a reduced Feast is commemorated at both Vespers in the
same way as an Octave-day or a Sunday would be; but a day within an Octave
is not commemorated unless the next day’s Office be of the same.
When several Commemorations are to be made, they are arranged in the order
of I, Privileged Sunday; 2, Octave-Day; 3, Greater Double; 4, Reduced
Double; 5, Ordinary Sunday; 6, Day within the Octave of Corpus Christi;
7, Semi-double; 8, Day within an Octave, reduced to the form of Simple;
9, Greater Week-day or Eve; 10, Simple.



l H
l A Double of the First Class 6 4 6 6 4 6, 6 2 2 2 8 4 4 I
I _
l A Double of the Second Class . 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 2 I 2 I 8 1 4 I 1

’AGreaterDouble 44j44 I 44 2'8 I I 4 I r

lADoubleofaDoctor 44344140011‘1‘1'4 I I
.— l ‘—
| i _ k‘
ADouble 4414434703‘35433
ADaywithinan Octave 4 4i4 3 3 z-ls 353 5,5 3 3 3
AnOctave-day 444.474'425233433
ASemi-double 44473433‘335333
I l
ASimple 339.331.3333 3 5 3 3 3

A Greater Week-day 6 o 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o o o

AnEve. 05433333335000

1. The former is transferred, and "a

the latter observed. 53> Z: Z a E Z g g a g g E; (a; (a; g
2. The former is observed, and 57 F; '5” Q a 2 g 3 g g Q g g
the latter transferred. 5° 23 '2. T" 5; {lg E P. g: g 9-, 5‘ g- a
_ .4 5'“ g" g :1» go 0 SE 0 o g ~< ~< q,
3. The latter 15 observed, and g g, ,5, E“. a C 91 9.52 o o "’
the former commemorated. o F; I” 5 m 0 a H (r I I g
_ m - ‘.< p g g (I; c“ :r g o
4. The former is observed, and g g 5- m ,11 a 3) .11 a
the latter commemorated. g: r, H g 2'3; {3 :r-Q
. - 5; 9. o L". - o 59,
5. The formerandlS the latter
altogether <pl ' j G.
a g
O n
a 5‘
O :r

6. The
former is observed, and 1‘ i I”!
E” 9’ g“

thelatteraltogetheromitted.I ‘ l '
l r
| 7. The more important is ob— ‘ '
' served, and the less im- l
8. The
more commemorated.
important is ob
served, transferred.
and the less im~ i



A Double of any sort, even the Patron, Titular, or Dedication Feast of the
particular Church, if it fall on Dec. 24, Whitsun Eve, Jan. I or 13, Ash
Wednesday, Holy, Easter, or Whitsun Weeks, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi
Day, March 25, Aug. 15, Dec. 8, Midsummer Day, March 19, June 29, or
Nov. 1, is transferred, if it can be transferred, but if not, it is simply com
memorated upon its own day, or totally omitted, as may be directed in the Pie.
Within the Octave of the Epiphany no Feast can be kept except Double
Feasts of the First Class, and that with Commemoration of the Octave. Other
Feasts of Nine Lessons are permanently fixed on the first free day after the
Octave; Simples are commemorated only. Within the Octave of Corpus Christi,
Semi-doubles are reduced to the rank of Simples and commemorated, neither can
Doubles be transferred thither unless they be of the First or Second Class, and a
Commemoration is always made of the Octave. Within those Octaves, in which
the observance of Feasts is allowed, a Semi-double, if it fall on a Sunday, is
commemorated as prescribed by the Pie.
The Octaves of Christmas, Twelfth-Day, and Corpus Christi, are com
memorated at every Vespers and Lauds, whatever be the Office.
Other Octaves, which are not in the Kalendar,1 are not observed from Ash
Wednesday to Low Sunday, or Whitsun Eve to Trinity Sunday, both inclusive,
or from Dec. 17 to Jan. 6.
An Octave-day can never be transferred. Therefore, if Corpus Christi fall
on Midsummer Day, and the Feast of St John were consequently kept on June
25, July I would be kept as the Octave of Corpus Christi, with a Commemoration
of the Octave of St John at both Vespers and at Lauds.
If some other Saints be mentioned in the Kalendar on the same day with the
Patron or Titular, the Feast of the Patron or Titular alone is observed. If the
other Feast be a Double or Semi-double, it is permanently fixed on the first free
day and kept as a Semi-double. If it is a Double of the First or Second Class,
it is similarly transferred and kept as on its own day.2
The Week-days of Advent and Lent, if not kept as such, are always com
memorated at both Vespers and Lauds, whatever be the Office; Ember Days,
Eves, and Rogation Monday, at Lauds only. But if an Eve fall in Advent or
Lent, on an Ember Day, a Double of the First Class, or the Patronal, Titular,
or Dedication Feast of the particular Church, no notice is taken of it, even in
1 But in the diocese of Hexham there is a special privilege permitting the observance of an
Octave in honour of St Cuthbert.
2 1.2., in that particular Church, it has a dayfixed other than elsewhere.



. Circumeirion q" our Lord. Double of the Second Class.

2. Octave of St Stephen. Double. Commemoration of the Octaves of St
Thomas of Canterbury, of St John, and of the Holy Innocents.
Octave of St John, Apostle and Evangelist. Double. Commemoration of
St Thomas of Canterbury, and of the Octave of the Holy Innocents.
1" Octave of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs. Double. Commemoration of St
Thomas of Canterbury.
"9v:‘° °\'9‘ Octave of St Thomas of Canterbury, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of
the Eve of the Epiphany and of St Telesphorus, Pope of Rome, Martyr.
EPIPHANY or OUR LoRD. Double of the First Class.
. Within the Octave of the Epiphany.
. Within the Octave.
. Within the Octave.
Within the Octave.
. Within the Octave. Commemoration of St Hyginus, Pope of Rome, and
I2. Within the Octave.
* Lord’s Day within the Octave of the Epiphany. [Tbe Finding (f the Cbild
JESUS in tbe Temple. Greater Double. General Appendix]
I3. Octave of the Epiphany. Double.
* Second Lord’ s Day after the Epiphany. Feast of lbe Most Holy Name of
JESUS. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration of the Sunday.
14.. Hilary, Bishop [of Poitiers,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double.
Commemoration of St Felix, Priest and Martyr.
15. Paul, the First Hermit. Double. Commemoration of St Maurus, Abbat.
I6. Marcellus, Pope and Martyr. Semi-double.
17. Antony, Abbat. Double.
I8. The Chair of St Peter at Rome. Greater Double. Commemoration of St
Paul and of St Prisca, Virgin and Martyr.
Wolstan, Bishop [of Worcester,] Confessor. Double. Commemoration of
SS. Maris, Audifax, Abachum, and Martha, Martyrs.
* Third Lord’s Day after the Epiphany. [Tbe Feast of tbe Holy Home,
JESUS, Mary, and Jorepb. Greater Double. Gen. App.]
20. Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs. Double.
2I. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. Double.
22. Vincent and Anastasius. Semi-double.
. Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St Joseph. Greater Double. Com
memoration of St Joseph and of Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr.
2+. Timothy, Bishop [of Ephesus,] Martyr. Double.

2;. Conversion of St Paul. Greater Double. Commemoration of St Peter.

26. Polycarp, Bishop [of Smyrna,] Martyr. Double.
27. John Chrysostom, Patriarch [of Constantinople,] Confessor and Doctor of
the Church. Double.
28. Raymond of Pefiafuerte, Confessor. Semi-Double.l Commemoration of St
Agnes for the second time.
29. Francis de Sales, Bishop [of Geneva,] Confessor, and Doctor of the
Church. Double.
3o. Martina, Virgin and Martyr. Semi-Double.
[Double in the Province of Westminster.]
31. Peter Nolasco, Confessor. Double.
* Friday after Septuagesima Sunday, Prayer of our Lord in the Garden of
Gethsemane. Greater Double.
* Friday after Sexagesima Sunday, Szfiering: of our Lord. Greater Double.


. Ignatius, Bishop [of Antioch,:] Martyr. Double.

. Purgfieation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Double of the Second Class.
. Laurence, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor. Double. Commemoration
of Blase, Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, Martyr.
own-h . Andrew Corsini, Bishop [of Fiesole,] Confessor. Double.
. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr. Double.
. Titus, Archbishop [of Gortyna in Crete,] Confessor. Double. Commem
oration of St Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr.
. Romuald, Abbat. Double.
. John de la Mata, Confessor. Double.
. Cyril, Pope of Alexandria, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double.
Commemoration of St Apollonia, Virgin and Martyr.
[The Twenty-six Holy Martyrs who suffered in Japan. Double. Gen.
Io. Scholastica, Virgin. Double.
11. Gilbert [of Sempringham,] Confessor. Semi-double.
12. Benedict Biscop, Abbat, Confessor. Double.
13. The Seven Founders of the Servite Order, Confessors. Double.
[Kentigern, Bishop [of Glasgow,:] Confessor. Double. Gen. App]
t4. Valentine, Priest and Martyr. .
[Thomas Plumtree and his Companions, Martyrs. Greater Double. Gen.
I 5. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs.
17. [The Flight of our Lord JEsus Christ into Egypt. Greater Double. Gen.
18. Simeon, Bishop [of Jerusalem,] Martyr.
1 See p. 723.


. The Chair of St Peter at Antioch. Greater Double. Commemoration of St

23. Peter Damian, [Cardinal] Bishop [of Ostia,] Confessor, and Doctor of the
Church. Double. Commemoration of the Eve.
24. Malt/aiar, Apostle. Double 0f the Second Class.
2 5.
26. Ethelbert, King of Kent, Confessor. Double.
27. [Margaret of Cortona, Penitent. Semi-double. Gen. App]
In Leap-Year February has 29 days, the additional day is inserted after the
23rd, the 24th is then the Eve of St Matthias, and the following days
are each counted one later, the Feast of St Matthias being the 25th, &c.
* First Friday in Lent, Coronation of our Lord will) Tbornr. Greater
Second Friday in Lent, Piercing of Our Lord wit/J Spear and Nailr.
Greater Double.
Third Friday in Lent, Enrbroudment of our Lord. Greater Double.
Fourth Friday in Lent, Tb: Five Mort Holy Wound: of our Lord.
Greater Double.


1. David, Archbishop [of Caerleon,] Confessor. Double.

2. Chad, Bishop [of Lichfield,] Confessor. Double.
3. Aelred, Abbat, Confessor. Semi-double.
4.. Casimir, Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of St Lucius, Pope of
Rome, and Martyr.
7. Thomas of Aquino, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double. Com
memoration of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs.
8. Felix, Bishop [of Dunwich,] Confessor. Double.
9. Frances of Rome, Widow. Double.
10. The Forty Martyrs. Semi-double.
i i. John of God, Confessor. Double.
12. Gregory [1/10 Great,] Pop: of Rome, Dootor of tbe Cburrl), and afford: of
Eng/and, Double of the Second Class.
' 15.
11:, Patrick, Archbishop Etif Armagh,] Confessor. Greater Double.
'8’ The Archangel Gagiie-i-HEGéeater Dgyble. M D [)1 f th First

20. Cuthbert, Bishop [:of Lindisfarne,] Confessor. Double.

[In the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle this Feast has an Octave. See
Gen. App.]
2I. Benedict, Abbat and Confessor. Greater Double.
22. Cyril, Bishop [of Jerusalem,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double.
[Edwai-d, King of England, Martyr. Double. Gen. App.]
25. ANNUNCIATION or 'rms Bussssn VIRGIN MARY. Double of the First Class.
26. [The Penitent Thief. Double. Gen. App.]
27. John of Damascus, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double.
28. John of Capistrano, Confessor. Semi-double.
* Friday in Passion Week, Sorrow: of tbe Blessed Virgin Mary. Greater

2. Francis of Paola, Confessor. Double.
3. Richard, Bishop [of Chichester,:| Confessor. Double.
4. Isidore, Archbishop [of Seville,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
5. Vincent Ferrer, Confessor. Double.
11. Leo the Great, Pope of Rome, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
13. Hermenegild, Martyr. Semi-double.
14.. Justin, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of SS. Tiburtius, Valerian, and
Maximus, Martyrs.
17. Stephen Harding, Abbat, Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of St
Anicete, Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
19. Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr. Double.
21. Anselm, Archbishop [of Canterbury,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
. Soter and Caius, Popes of Rome, and Martyrs. Semi-double.

. GEORGE, MARTYR, PATRON or ENGLAND. Double of the First Class.

. Faithful of Sigmaringen, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave
of St George and of St Mellitus, Archbishop of Canterbury.
. Marl, Evangelist. Double of the Second Class.
. Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes of Rome, and Martyrs. Semi-double. Com
memoration of the Octave of St George.
[The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled of Good Counsel. Greater Double.
Gen. App.]
27. Egbert, Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of the Octave of St
28. Paul of the Cross, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of
St George and of St Vitalis, Martyr.
29. Peter, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St George.
. Octave of St George, Martyr. Double.
* Third Lord’s Day after Easter, Patronage of St Jortpb. Double of the
Second Class. Commemoration of the Sunday.
[In some dioceses this Feast has an Octave. See Gen. App.]

MAY. '

. Pbilip and 711mm, Apostles. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration

of St Asaph, Bishop of St Asaph.
[* First Lord’s Day in May, Tbs Blamed Virgin Mary, sly/ed tbe Motber
qf tbe Lord our Sbepberd. Greater Double. Gen. App]
. Athanasius, Pope of Alexandria, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
. Finding of the Holy Cross. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration
of SS. Alexander, Eventius, and Theodulus, Martyrs, and Juvenal, Bishop
of Narni, Confessor.
.p. . John, Cardinal Bishop of Rochester, Thomas More, and their companions,
Martyrs. Greater Double.
\Oo \10\v\ . Katharine of Sienna, Virgin. Double.
. John, Apostle and Evangelist, before the Latin Gate. Greater Double.
. Stanislaw, Bishop [of Crakow,] Martyr. Double.
. Manifestation of the Archangel St Michael. Greater Double.
. Gregory of Nazianzus, Patriarch [of Constantinople,] Confessor, and Doctor
of the Church. Double.
IO. Antonine, Archbishop [of F lorence,] Confessor. Double. Commemoration
of SS. Gordian and Epimachus, Martyrs.
II. Pius V., Pope of Rome, Confessor. Double.
[John Rochester and James Walworth and their Companions, Martyrs.
Double. Gen. App.]
12. Nereus, Achilles, the Virgin Domitilla, and Pancras, Martyrs. Semi-double.
[Lowliness of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Greater Double. Gen. App.]
13. Walburg, Virgin. Double.
r4. Monica, Widow. Double. Commemoration of St Boniface, Martyr.
lxviii KALENDAR.

15. [Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, Confessor.

Double. Gen. App.:|
[The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled Mother of Grace. Greater Double.
Gen. App.]
16. Simon Stock, Confessor. Double.
I7. Paschal Baylon, Confessor. Double.
18. Venantius, Martyr. Double.
19. Dunstan, Archbishop [of Canterbury,] Confessor. Double. Commemora
tion of St Pudentiana, Virgin.
20. Bernardine of Sienna. Semi-double.
21. Peter Celestine, Pope of Rome, Confessor. Double.
22. Ubald, Bishop [of Gubbio,] Confessor. Semi-double.
23. John Baptist de’ Rossi, Confessor. Double.
24.. The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled “ Help of Christians.” Greater Double.
[In the dioceses of Shrewsbury and Westminster, Double of tbe First Claw,
will: an Octave. Gen. App.]
25. Aldhelm, Bishop [of SherborneJ Confessor. Double. Commemoration of
St Urban, Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
26. Aucus-rms, Aacmnsnov or CANTERBURY, Courussoa, APOSTLE or ENGLAND.
Double of the First Class.
27. Bede the Venerable, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Greater Double.
Commemoration of the Octave of St Augustine and of St John 1., Pope
of Rome, and Martyn
28. Gregory VIL, Pope of Rome, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the
Octave of St Augustine.
[The Blessed Margaret Pole, Countess [of Salisbury,] Martyr. Double.
Gen. App.:]
29. Eleutherius, Pope of Rome, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the
Octave of St Augustine.
30. John of Nepomuc, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St
Augustine and of St Felix, Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
31. Angela Merici, Virgin. Double. Commemorations of the Octave of St
Augustine and of St Petronilla, Virgin.
* Third Lord’s Day after Pentecost, tbe Mort Sacred Heart of JESUS.
Double of the First Class. Commemoration of the Sunday.


1. Within the Octave of St Augustine of Canterbury.

2. Octave of St Augustine of Canterbury. Double. Commemoration of SS.
Marcellinus, Peter, and Elmo, Martyrs.
3. Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi, Virgin. Double.
4.. Francis Caracciolo, Confessor. Double.
5. Boniface, Archbishop [of Maintz,] Martyr. Double.
[In the diocese of Plymouth, a Double of tbe Fire! Clam, will: an Oeta'oe.
Gen. App.]
Norbert, Archbishop [of Magdeburg,] Confessor. Double.

. William, Archbishop of York, Confessor. Double.

. Primus and Felician, Martyrs.
[In tbs diorzre of Portrmoul/a, Translation of St Edmund, Archbishop of
Canterbury, Confessor. Grealer Double. Gen. App.]
IO. Margaret, Queen of Scots, Widow. Double.
11. Barnabas, Apostle. Greater Double.
12 John of San Fagondez. Double. Commemoration of SS. Basilides, Cyrinus,
Nabor, and Nazarius, Martyrs.
13. Anthony of Padua, Confessor. Double.
14. Basil the Great, Archbishop [of C2sarea-in-Pontus,] Confessor and Doctor
of the Church. Double.
15. Philip Neri, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of SS. Vitus, Modestus,
and Crescentia, Martyrs.
17. Botolph, Abbat, Confessor. Semi-double.
[Lord’s Day before the birth of St John the Baptist, tbs Blerreu' Virgin
Mary, .rlyled of Perpetual Sucrour. Greater Double. Gen. App.]
18. Mark and Marcellian, Martyrs.
19. Juliana de’ Falconieri, Virgin. Double. Commemoration of SS. Gervase
and Protase, Martyrs.
20. Silverius, Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
2I. Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor. Double.
22. Alban, Proto-Martyr of Britain. Greater Double. Commemoration of
Paulinus, Bishop of Nola, Confessor.
[First Free Day after June 22, the Blessed John Fisher, Cardinal Bishop of
Rochester, Martyr. Greater Double. Gen. App.]
. Etheldreda, Virgin. Double. Commemoration of Midsummer Eve.
. BIRTH or ST JOHN THE BAPTIST. Double of the First Class.
. William, Abbat, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St
. John and Paul, Martyrs. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St
. Within the Octave of the Birth of St John.
. Leo II., Pope of Rome, and Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of
the Octave of St John, and of the Eve of the Apostles.
. PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES. Double of the First Class.
[Commemoration of all the Holy Apostles. Gen. App.]
. Commemoration of St Paul. Greater Double. Commemoration of St Peter,
and of the Octave of St John.


* First Lord’s Day in July, tbs Mort Preriour Blood of our Lord 7ESUS
Cbrirt. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration of the Sunday.
. Octave of the Birth of St John the Baptist. Double. Commemoration of
the Octave of SS. Peter and Paul.

2. Virilation of tbe Blamed Virgin Mary. Double of the Second Class. Com
memoration of SS. Processus and Martinian, Martyrs.
3. Within the Octave of the Apostles.
4. Within the Octave of the Apostles.
5. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the
Octave of the Apostles.
6. Octave of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Double.
[First Free Day after July 6, the Blessed Thomas More, Martyr. Greater
Double. Gen. App.:]
7. Translation of Thomas, Archbishop [of Canterbury], Martyr. Greater Double.
* Second Lord’s Day in July, tbe Holy Relics. Greater Double. Com
memoration of the Sunday.
O\OOO . Isabel, Queen of Portugal, Widow. Semi-double.
. Willibald, Bishop of Eichstad, Confessor. Double.
. The Seven Brethren and the Holy Virgins Rufina and Secunda, all Martyrs.
II. Cyril, Bishop of Moravia, and Methodius, Bishop of Kieff, Confessors.
Double. Commemoration of St Pius 1., Pope and Martyr.
12. John Gualberto, Abbat [of Passignano,] Double. Commemoration of SS.
Nabor and Felix, Martyrs.
13. Anaclete, Pope of Rome, and Martyr. Semi-double.
I4. “Buona-ventura,” [Cardinal] Bishop [of Albano,] Confessor, and Doctor
of the Church. Double.
I 5. Swithun, Bishop [of Winchester,] Confessor. Double.
[The Division of the Apostles. Double. Gen. App]
[Third Sunday in July, Commemoration of All the Holy Bishops of Rome.
Double. Gen. App.]
16. The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled of Mount Carmel. Greater Double.
[In the diocese of Salford, Double Qf tbs Flrrt Class. Gen. App.:|
I7. Osmund, Bishop [of Salisbury,:] Confessor. Double.
18. Camillus de’ Lelli, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Symphorosa
and her Seven Sons, Martyrs.
19. Vincent de Paul, Confessor. Double.
20. Jerome Miani, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Margaret, Virgin
and Martyr.
21. Henry II., Emperor of the Romans, Confessor. Semi-double. Commem
oration of St Praxedes, Virgin.
22. Mary Magdalen. Double.
23. Apollinaris, Bishop [of Ravenna,] Martyr. Double. Commemoration of St
Liborius, Bishop of Mans, Confessor.
24.. Alexis, Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of the Eve of St James,
and of St Christina, Virgin 'and Martyr.
25. James, Apostle. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration of St Chris
topher, Martyr.
26. Anne, Motber of tbe Blamed Virgin Mary. Double of the Second Class.
[In tbs diocese of Leeds, Double of the First Class. Gen. App.]
27. Pantaleon, Martyr. .
28. Nazarius, Celsus, and Victor, Martyrs, and Innocent, Pope of Rome, and
Confessor. Semi-double.

29. Martha, Virgin. Semi-double. Commemoration of SS. Felix, Simplicius,

Faustinus, and Beatrix, Martyrs.
3o. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of SS.
Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs.
31. Ignatius, Confessor. Double.


. The Chains of St Peter. Greater Double. Commemoration of the Holy

Machabees, Martyrs.
. Alphonsus Mary de’ Liguori, Bishop [of Santa-Agata-de’-Goti,] Confessor,
and Doctor of the Church. Double. Commemoration of St Stephen,
Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
. Finding of the body of St Stephen, the First Martyr. Semi-double.
. Dominick, Confessor. Greater Double.
Dedication of St Mary’s of the Snows. Greater Double.
Transfiguration of our Lord. Greater Double. Commemoration of St
Xystus, Pope of Rome, and SS. Felicissimus and Agapitus, Martyrs.
Gae'tan, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Donatus, Bishop of
Arezzo, Martyr.
. Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus, Martyrs. Semi-double.
Oswald, King of the Northumbrians, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of
the Eve of St Lawrence, and of St Romanus, Martyr.
10. Lawrence, Martyr. Double of the Second Class.
II. Within the Octave of St Lawrence. Commemoration of SS. Tiburtius and
12. Clare, Virgin. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St Lawrence.
r3. Within the Octave of St Lawrence. Commemoration of SS. Hippolytus
and Cassian, Martyrs.
14. Within the Octave of St Lawrence. Commemoration of the Eve of the
Assumption, and of St Eusebius, Confessor.
15. ASSUMPTION or THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. Double of the First Class.
* The Lord’s Day within the Octave of the Assumption, St Joarbim, Con
ferror, Fatlm- of tbe Blurred Virgin Mary. Double of the Second Class.
Commemoration of the Sunday.
. Hyacinth, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the two Octaves.
I7. Octave of St Lawrence. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of the
18. Helen, Empress of the Romans, Widow. Double. Commemoration of the
Octave of the Assumption, and of St Agapitus, Martyr.
19. Within the Octave of the Assumption.
20. Bernard, Abbat [of Clairvaux,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
Double. Commemoration of the Octave of the Assumption.
21. Jeanne Frances Frémiot de Chantal, Widow. Double. Commemoration of
the Octave of the Assumption.
22. Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Double. Com
memoration of SS. Timothy, Hippolytus, and Symphorian, Martyrs.

* The Lord’s Day after the Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. [Qfiee of tbe Most Pure Heart of tbe Blessed Virgin. Greater
Double. Vol. iii., Gen. App., p. 1028; vol. iv., Gen. App., p. 916.]
23. Philip Benizzi, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the Eve of St
24.. Bartbolomew, Apostle. Double of the Second Class.
25. Louis IX., King of France, Confessor. Semi-double.
26. Zephyrinus, Pope of Rome, and Martyr.
27. Joseph Casalanz, Confessor. Double.
28. Austin, Bishop [of Hipp0,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double.
Commemoration of St Hermes, Martyr. -
29. Beheading of St John the Baptist. Greater Double. Commemoration of St
Sabina, Martyr.
30. Rose of Lima, Virgin. Double. Commemoration of SS. Felix and him
that joined him, Martyrs.
31. Aidan, Bishop [of Lindisfarne,] Confessor. Double.


1. Raymond the Unborn, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Giles,

Abbat, and of the Twelve Holy Brethren, Martyrs.
2. Stephen, King of Hungary, Confessor. Semi-double.

2.. [Translation of St Cuthbert, Bishop [of Lindisfarne] and Confessor. Greater

Double in the diocese of Hexbam. Gen. App.]
5. Lawrence de’ Giustiniani, Patriarch of Venice, Confessor. Semi-double.
8. Birtb of tbe Blessed Virgin Mary. Double of the Second Class. Commem
oration of St Adrian, Martyr.
* The Lord’ s Day within the Octave, Tbe Holy Name of tbe Blessed Virgin
Mary. Greater Double. Commemoration of the Sunday.
9. Within the Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin. Commemoration of
St Gorgonius, Martyr.
10. Nicolas of Tolentino. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of the Birth
of the Blessed Virgin.
1 1. Within the Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin. Commemoration of
SS. Protus and Hyacinth, Martyrs.
12. Within the Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin.
13. Within the Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin.
14.. Uplifting of the Holy Cross. Greater Double. Commemoration of the
Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin.
I 5. Octave of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin. Double. Commemoration of St
Nicomede, Martyr.
* Third Lord’s Day in this Month, Tbe Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. Greater Double. Commemoration of the Sunday.
KALENDAR. lxxiii

. Cornelius, Pope of Rome, and Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, Martyrs.

Semi-double. Commemoration of SS. Euphemia, Lucy, and Geminian,
17. Marking of the Body of St Francis with the marks of Our Lord. Double.
i8. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor. Double.
19. Januarius, Bishop [of Benevento,] and his Companions, Martyrs. Double.
20. Eustace, Agapitus, Theopistus, and Theopista, Martyrs. Double. Com
memoration of the Eve of St Matthew.
21. Mattbe-w, Apostle and Evangelist. Double of the Second Class.
22. Thomas of Villanueva, Archbishop [of Valencia,] Confessor. Double.
Commemoration of St Maurice and his Companions, Martyrs.
23. Linus, Pope of Rome, and Martyr. Semi-double. Commemoration of St
Thecla, Virgin and Martyr.
24. The Blessed Virgin Mary, styled “ of Ransom.” Greater Double.
25. Ninian, Bishop [of Galloway,] Confessor. Double.
26. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor. Double. Commemoration
of SS. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs.
27. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs. Semi-double.
28. Wenceslaus, Duke [of Bohemia,] Martyr. Semi-double.
29. Dedieation of tbe Cbureb of St Mebael, lbe Arebangel. Double of the Second
[In the dioceses of Menevia and Newport, ST MICHAEL AND ALL. ANGELS.
Double of the First Class. Gen. App.]
30. Jerome, Priest, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Double. Com
memoration of St Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury.


* First Lord’s Day in the Month, The Holy Rosary of tbe Blessed Virgin
Mary. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration of the Sunday.
\IO'tm-PUZNu-l . Remy, Bishop of Rheims, Confessor. Simple or Semi-double at will.
. The Guardian Angels. Greater Double.
. Thomas, Bishop of Hereford, Confessor. Double.
. Francis, Confessor. Greater Double.
. Placidus and his Companions, Martyrs.
. Bruno, Confessor. Double.
. Mark, Pepe of Rome, Confessor. Commemoration of SS. Sergius and his
Companions, Martyrs.
* Second Lord’s Day in the Month, Molberbood if tbe Blessed Virgin Mary.
Greater Double. Commemoration of the Sunday.
. Bridget, Princess of Nericia, Widow. Double.
. Denys, Bishop of Paris, Rusticus, and Eleutherius, Martyrs. Semi-double.
10. Paulinus, Archbishop of York, Confessor. Double.
n. Francis Borgia, Confessor. Semi-double.
12. Wilfred, Archbishop [of York,] Confessor. Double.
13. Edward, King 4' England, Confessor. Double of the Second Class.

14. Kallistus, Pope of Rome, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave

of St Edward.
* Third Lord’ s Day in the Month, Purity of tlJe Bleuea' Virgin Mary.
Greater Double. Commemoration of the Sunday.
15. Theresa, Virgin. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of St Edward.
16. Within the Octave of St Edward.
17. Iadwiga, Widow. Semi-double. Commemoration of the Octave of St
18. Lube, Evangelist. Double of the Second Class.
19. Peter of Alcantara, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the Octave
of St Edward.
[In the diocese of Shrewsbury, Double of the First Clam. Gen. App.]
20. Octave of St Edward. Double.
ZI. Ursula and her Companions, Virgins and Martyrs. Greater Double. Com
memoration of St Hilarion, Abbat.
* Fourth Lord’s Day in the Month, Patronage of tbe Blesrea' Virgin Mary.
Greater Double. Commemoration of the Sunday.
22. John of Kenty, Confessor. Double.
23. Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer. Greater Double.
24. The Archangel Raphael. Greater Double.
25. John of Beverley, Archbishop [of York,:] Confessor. Double. Commem
oration of SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs.
26. Evaristus, Pope of Rome, Martyr.
27. Eve of SS. Simon and Jude.
28. Simon and Jude, flpostler. Double of the Second Class.
31. Eve of All Saints.


. Fens-r 0? Au. THE SAINTS. Double of the First Class.

. Within the Octave of All Saints. Commemoration of all the Faithful
. Winefrid, Virgin and Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of
All Saints.
. Charles, [Cardinal] Archbishop [of Milan,] Confessor. Double. Com
memoration of the Octave of All Saints, and of Saints Vitalis and
Agricola, Martyrs.
. \Vithin the Octave of All Saints.
. Within the Octave of All Saints.
. \Vithin the Octave of All Saints.
. Octave of All Saints. Double. Commemoration of the Four Crowned
9. Dedication of the Cathedral Church of Our Most Holy Saviour. Grealer
Double. Commemoration of St Theodore, Martyr.

IO. Andrew Avellino, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of SS. Tryphon,

Respicius, and the Virgin Nympha, Martyrs, and of St Justus, Bishop of
Rochester, Confessor.
1 I. Martin, Bishop [of Tours,] Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St
Mennas, Martyr.
r2. Martin, Pope of Rome, Martyr. Semi-double.
13. Diego, Confessor. Semi-double.
14. Erconwald, Bishop of London, Confessor. Double.
[Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, Martyr. Greater Double. Gen.
I 5. A . Virgin. Double.
1 6. Edmund Rich, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor. Double.
[In the diocese of Portsmouth, EDMUND or CANTERBURY. Double of the
First Class. Gen. App.]
I 7. Hew, Bishop of Lincoln, Confessor. Double.
I 8. Dedication of the Churches of SS. Peter and Paul. Greater Double.
19. Elizabeth, Widow. Double. Commemoration of St Pontian, Pope of
Rome, and Martyr.
20. Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr. Greater Double.
2 I. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Greater Double.
22. Cecily, Virgin and Martyr. Double.
2 3. Clement, Pope of Rome, Martyr. Double. Commemoration of St Felicity,
24.. John of the Cross, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Chrysogonus,
2 5. Katharine, Virgin and Martyr. Double.
26. Sylvester, Abbat, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St Peter, Pope
of Alexandria, Martyr.
27. Gregory, the Wonder-worker, Bishop [of Neo-Cazsarea in Pontus,] Con
fessor. Double.
28. Jehoshaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk, Martyr. Double.
29. Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of
the Eve of St Andrew, if out of Advent, and of St Saturninus, Martyr.
[Cuthbert Maine, Martyr. Double. Gen. App.]
30. dndrew, Apostle. Double of the Second Class.


I. Felix de Valois, Confessor. Double.

[Edmund Campion and his Companions, Martyrs. Double. Gen. App.]
2. Bibiana, Virgin and Martyr. Semi-double.
3_ Francis Xavier, Confessor. Double.1
4. Peter Chrysologus, Archbishop [of Ravenna,] Confessor, and Doctor of the
Church. Double. Commemoration of St Barbara, Virgin and Martyr.
1 Since raised to the rank of a Greater Double.

. Brian, Bishop [of Dorchester,] Confessor. Double. Commemoration of St

Saba, Abbat.
Nicolas, Archbishop [of Myra,] Confessor. Double.
[In diocese of Liverpool, Double of the First Class. Gen. App.]
. Ambrose, Bishop [of Milan,] Confessor, and Doctor of the Church.
First Class.
Within the Octave of the Conception.
Within the Octave of the Conception. Commemoration of St Melchiades,
Pope of Rome, Martyr.
[Translation of the Holy House of Loreto. Greater Double. Gen. App.]
II. Damasus, Pope of Rome, Confessor. Semi-double. Commemoration of the
Octave of the Conception.
12 Within the Octave of the Conception.
I3. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr. Double. Commemoration of the Octave of the
14.. Within the Octave of the Conception.
15. Octave of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. Double.
I6. Eusebius, Bishop [of Vercelli,] Martyr. Semi-double.
18. The Blessed Virgin Mary looking shortly to be delivered. Greater Double.
20. Eve of St Thomas.
2I. Tbomas, Apostle. Double of the Second Class.
24.. Christmas Eve.
25. BIRTHDAY or OUR LORD JEsUS CHRIST. Double of the First Class.
26. Step/Jen, tbe First Martyr. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration
of the Octave of Christmas.
27. Jobn, Apostle and Evangelist. Double of the Second Class. Commemora
tion of the Octaves of Christmas and of St Stephen.
28. Tbe Holy Innocents. Double of the Second Class. Commemoration of the
Octaves of Christmas, of St Stephen, and of St John.
Class.1 Commemoration of the Octaves of Christmas, [of St Stephen,
of St John, and of the Innocents.]
3o. Office of the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, or of the Octave.
Commemorations of the Octaves of [Christmas,] of St Thomas of
Canterbury, of St Stephen, of St John, and of the Innocents.
31. Silvester, Pope of Rome, Confessor. Double. Commemoration of the
Octaves of Christmas, of St Thomas of Canterbury, of St Stephen,
of St John, and of the Innocents.
1 See the note to the Office in the Breviary.



0 Lord, open Thou my mouth that I may bless Thy Holy Name. Cleanse
my heart from all vain, evil, and wandering thoughts; enlighten my under
standing; kindle my afi‘ections, that I may pray to, and praise Thee with
attention and devotion; and may worthily be heard before the presence of
Thy Divine Majesty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord, in union with that Divine Intention wherewith Thou didst Thyself
praise God, while as Thou wast on earth, I offer these Hours unto Thee.


In raped of "whicb Pope Leo X. bar granted to all pen-on: wbo after .raying
lb: Divine Qflce .rlrall de'voutly reu'tc it on tbeir bneer, condonation of tbe .rbortooming:
andfault: committed by tbem from buman frailty in saying tbe Qflce.
To the Most Holy and undivided Trinity, to the Manhood of our Lord
Jtsus Christ Crucified, to the fruitful Virginity of the most blessed and most
glorious Mary, always a Virgin, and to the holiness of all the Saints be ascribed
everlasting praise, honour, and glory, by all creatures, and to us be granted the
forgiveness of all our sins, world without end. Amen.
Verse. Blessed be the womb of the Virgin Mary which bore the Son of
the Eternal Father.
Anew”. And blessed be the paps which gave suck to Christ our Lord.
Tbm are .raid II): Lord ’1 Prayer and tb: flageli: Salutation.


In the First Noclurn, and on Monday and Tburrday.

Graciously hear, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, the prayers of Thy servants, and
have mercy upon us: Who livest and reignest with the Father, and the Holy
Ghost, world without end. Amen.

First Blaming.
May the Eternal Father bless us
With an eternal blessing. 14mm.

Second Blerring.
May the Son, the Sole-begotten,
Mercifully bless and keep us. 11mm.

Third Blessing.
May the grace of God the Spirit
All our heart and mind enlighten. Amen.

1n tlse Second Nocturn, and on Tuesday and Friday.

Absolution. _
May His loving-kindness and mercy help us, Who liveth and reigneth with
the Father, and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

Fourtb Blessing.
God the Father Omnipotent,
Be to us merciful and clement. Amen.

Fiftb Blessing.
May Christ to all His people give,
For ever in His sight to live. Amen.

Sixtb Blessing.
May the Spirit’s fire Divine
In our hearts enkindled shine. Amen.

[n the T/Jird Noeturn, and on Wednesday and Saturday.

May the Almighty and merciful Lord loose us from the bonds of our
sins. Amen.
Sewentb Blessing.
May the Gospel’s holy lection
Be our safety and protection. Amen.

Eigln‘ls Blessing.
God’s most mighty strength alway
Be His people’s stafi and stay. Amen.

For Feasts of Saints.

He (or she or they) whose feast-day we are keeping,
Be our Advoeate (or Advocates) with God.

For Feasts of tbe Blessed Virgin.

She whose feast-day we are keeping—
Mary, blessed Maid of Maidens,
Be our Advocate with God.

Nintb Blowing.
May He that is the Angels’ King
To that high realm His people bring. Amen.

0r, allot/Iver Gospel and Homily are to be begun,

May the Gospel’s glorious word

Cleansing to our souls afford.

On days of Three Lemon: tbe fibrolution and Blereingr are as above, attoreling
to tbe Weeé-day, wit/.1 tbe following exceptions: Firrt Blerring on Wednerday or
Saturday, ( not tbe Simple Qflee of tbe .Blerreez' Virgin, ) tbe Firet Lemon be
not Goepel quit/J Homily,
May His blessing be upon us
Who doth live and reign for ever.
Whene‘ver the Firrt Lei-eon is Gorpel 'witb Homily, tbe Blerringr are from tbe
Tbird Nocturn.
If the Qfice be qf a Saint 0r Saints, tbe Blerringe are :

First Blerring.
May His blessing be upon us
Who doth live and reign for ever.

Second Blereing.
He (or she or they) whose feast-day we are keeping,
Be our Advocate (or Advocates) with God.

Tbird Blerring.
May He that is the Angels’ King
To that high realm His people bring. Amen.
Tbe fibrolution and Blersingr in tbe Simple Ofliee of tbe Blerrerl Virgin fbr
Saturday: are peculiar to tbat Qfliee, and are given in tbeir own plum“
Etta iBfiaItzr,




Before Mattins, and every other I IAIL, Mary, full of grace;

Hour, except Lamb and Complz'ne, The Lord is with thee;
Me” H. mm,
. maudZH-y’
. . 2 blessed art thou among women,
UR Father, Who art in heaven, and blessed is the fruit of thy
Hallowed be Thy Name. womb, JESUS.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray
done on earth, as it is in heaven, for us sinners, now and at the hour
Give us this day our daily bread. Of Our death. Amen.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we At til é
_ ' f M M d
~ tgem that nlespass againslps'.
fAorfilvT - e egmnzng
Prime, and at the endo 0fa Camp/me,
ms an
n 6? us net Into .temptanon I is then mid z'uaudz'ély the Apostle!
but deliver us from evrl. Amen. Creed

1 The proper hour for Mattins is midnight, at which time it is said in many Convents.
In others it is said at 2 or 5 A.M. In the Cathedral of Rome (St. John Lateran’s) and
other Churches of the same country, the hour is about 7 A.M. It is allowable to say it at
any hour after the sun has begun to decline, and an ordinary practice is to do so late in the
2 The reason why the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed are recited inaudibly during
the Office seems to be, that in the early Church these formula: were concealed from the
unbaptized until very shortly before their baptism. Now, all were allowed to be present
at the Ofiice, of which these formulae are a part, and therefore they were then so said that
the unbaptized could not hear them. The “ Hail, Mary,” having been added as a sort of
appendix to the Lord’s Prayer, follows the same rule with it. The Lord’s Prayer is said
aloud during the Canon of the Mass, because only the faithful were then present.

BELIEVE in God the Father Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,

Almighty, Maker of heaven 0 Eternal King of heaven.
and earth. And in JESUS Christ, Then is said Psalm xciv. with the
His only Son, our Lord: Who Invitatory. The Invitatory here given
was conceived by the Holy Ghost, is said from the Oeta'z/e of the Epiph
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered any to Septuagesima Sunday, and
from the Octave of Pentecost to Ad
under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, am” Sunday.
dead, and buried: He descended
into hell: the third day He rose Invitatory. Let us worship the
again from the dead: He ascended Lord, for * He is our Maker.
into heaven, and sitteth on the right Repetition. Let us worship the
hand of God the Father Almighty: Lord, for * He is our Maker.
from thence He shall come to judge
the quick and the dead. I be
lieve in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Psalm XClV.‘5
Catholic Church, the Communion [Vulgate and LXX., “A song of praise
of Saints, the Forgiveness of sins, by David."]
the Resurrection of the body, and
the Life everlasting. Amen. O COME, let us sing unto the
LORD, let us make a joyful
Then is said aloud . noise to the God of our Salva
tion: let us come before His
Verse.1 >14 0 LORD, open Thou presence with thanksgiving, and
my lips. make a joyful noise unto Him
Answer. And my mouth shall with psalms.
show forth Thy praise. Let us worship the Lord, for He
Verse.2 >X< Make haste, O God, is our Maker.
to deliver me. For the LORD is a great God, and
Answer. Make haste to help me, a great King above all gods : for the .
O LORD. Lord will not cast off His people:
Glory be to the Father, and to the for in His hand are all the ends of
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. the earth; and the heights of the
3As it was in the beginning, is hills are His also.
now, and ever shall be, world with He is our Maker.
out end. Amen, Alleluia.4 For the sea is His, and He made
it: and His hands formed the dry
From Septuagesima Sunday to
Maundy Thursday instead of Alleluia land: 60 come, let us worship
is said: and fall down; let us cry unto the
1 P5. 1. I7. 9 Ps. lxix. 2.
3 The Greek original of this Doxology does not contain the words, “As it was in the
beginning” (inserted against the Arians), but runs thus : “ Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, both now, and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. ”
4 Or rather, “ Hal'lu-YAH,” “ Praise-ye-the-Eternal,” a Hebrew phrase which occurs
repeatedly in the Bible. The sound of these words causes the Church such joy that she
denies herself their use during her penitential season. But in order not to remit the praise of
God, she substitutes for the Hebrew phrase a short rhyming Latin one, of similar meaning.
5 This Psalm is not given in the original from the Vulgate, but from some other Latin
translation. 5 Here it is usual to kneel till the *.

LORD our Maker. * For He is HYMN-3

the Lord our God; and we are O-DAY the Blessed Three in One
His people, and the sheep of His Began the earth and Skies?
pasture. To-day
. a Conqueror, God the Son,
Let us worsh1p the Lord, for He WeDld
will the grave
wake, and,arise;
in despite
15 our Maker. Of sloth and languor, all unite,
To-day if ye will hear His voice, As Psalmists bid, through the dim night
harden not your heart; as in n the Waiting with wistful eyes.
Provocation,” and as in the day or 50 may He hear, and heed each vow,
“Temptation ” in the wilderness : And prayer to Him addrest ;
when your fathers tempted Me, And grant an instant cleansing now,
prmed Me’ and saw My works' 1 SoAmay
Heglorious rest.shower,
He is our Maker- . On all who hymn His love and power,
Forty years long was I grieved In this most still and sacred hour,
with that generation 2 and said, It is His sweeteSt gifts and beSt
a people that do alway err in their Father of purity and light!
heart, and they have not known My Thy presence if we win,
ways ; unto whom I sware in ’Twill ShiClCl US from the deeds Of night,
wrath that t h ey ShOUId net enter The
Lest burning
aught darts
defiled or of sin ;
mm My reSt- _ Relax our bodies or imbrute,
_ Let us worsh1p the Lord, for He And fires eternal be the fruit
15 our Maker. Of fire now lit within.
Glory be to the Father’ and to Fix in our hearts, Redeemer dear,
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. The ever-gushing spring
As it was in the beginning, is now, Of grace to cleanse, of life to cheer
and ever shall be, world without 50‘115 SlCk and SOYI'OWing
end. Amen Thee, bounteous Father, we entreat,
And only Son, awful and sweet,
He is our Maker' And life-creating Paraclete,
Let us worsh1p the Lord, for He The Everlasting King.
is our Maker. Amen.
The following Hymn is then said, Instead of the foregoing the follow
from the Octave ofn‘he Epiphany to the ing Hymn is said from the Octave of
First Sunday in Lent, andfrom thefirst Pentecost lo the first Sunday of Oc
Sunday of October to Advent. taber.

1 The occasion here referred to is that described in Exodus xvii. 1-7. The children of
Israel while travelling through the desert became rebellious from want of water. It was
given them from the smitten rock. Then is added: “ And he [Moses] called the name of
the place Temptation” (Hebrew and LXX. add “and Provocation ”), “ because of the
chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD, saying: Is the LORD
among us, or not ?”
2Namely, that particular generation which had come out of Egypt. The next clauses
relate to that which is written in Numbers xiv. 22: “ Because all these men which have
seen My glory, and My miracles, which I did in Egypt, and in the wilderness, have tempted
Me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to My voice, surely they shall not see the
land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked Me see it.”
And this is confirmed with an oath, in verse 28 : “ As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye
have spoken in Mine ears, so will I do to you: your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.”
" Ascribed to Pope St. Gregory the Great, but altered, one verse omitted, and the last
terse added. Translation by the late Carri. Newman.

HYMN.1 Not so are the ungodly, not so:

LET us arise and watch by night, * but are like the chaff which the
And meditate always ; wind driveth away from the face of
And chant as in our Maker's sight the earth.
United hymns of praise.
Therefore the ungodly shall not
So singing with the saints in bliss, stand in the judgment: ‘* nor sin
With them we may attain ners in the congregation of the
Life everlasting after this, righteous.
And heaven for earthly pain.
For the LORD knoweth the way
Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son, of the righteous: *‘ but the way of
And Spirit, God of grace, the ungodly shall perish.
To whom all worship shall be done Glory be to the Father, and to
In every time and place. the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is
When the Invitatorz'es, Hymns, 6%., now, and ever shall be, * world
are dfirent from the above they are without end. Amen.
given in the Ofiee to which they be
long. This Doxology is said at the end of
every Psalm unless special directions
are given to the tantrary.
Psalm II.
Antzfhon for Advent. Behold,
[In Acts iv. 25, 26, the authorship of this
there cometh the King. Psalm is attributed to David.]
Antiphon for the rest of the year.
Serve the LORD. WHY do the heathen rage, *
Antiphon far Paschal time. Al and the peoples devise a
leluia. vain thing? '
The kings of the earth set them
Psalm 1.
selves, and the rulers take counsel
LESSED is the man that walk together * against the LORD, and .
eth not in the counsel of the against His Anointed.
ungodly, nor standeth in the way of Let us break their bands asun
sinners, * nor sitteth in the seat of der: * and cast away their yoke
the scofl'ers : _ from us. '
But his delight is in the Law of He That sitteth in the heavens
the LORD ; * and in His Law doth shall laugh them to scorn: *‘ and
he meditate day and night. the Lord shall have them in de
And he shall be like a tree rision.
planted by the rivers of water, * Then shall He speak unto them
that bringeth forth his fruit in his in His wrath : * and plague them in
season: His sore displeasure.
His leaf also shall not wither: Yet hath He set me for King
* and whatsoever he doeth shall upon His holy hill of Zion * to de
prosper. clare His decree.
1 Also ascribed to Pope St. Gregory the Great, although somewhat altered. Translation
by the late Card. Newman.

The LORD hath said unto me: of people that have set themselves
* Thou art My Son, this day have against me round about: * arise, O
I begotten thee. LORD, save me, O my God.
Ask of Me, and I shall give For Thou hast smitten all them
thee the heathen for thine inheri that fought against me without a
tance, * and the uttermost parts causes: * Thou hast broken the
of the earth for thy possession. teeth of the ungodly.
Thou shalt rule them with a rod Salvation belongeth unto the
of iron, * and shalt dash them in LORD: * and Thy blessing is upon
pieces like a potter’s vessel. Thy people.2
Be wise now, therefore, 0 ye
kings; * be instructed, ye judges Psalm VI.
of the earth. [Intituled “ A Psalm of David." The
Serve the LORD with fear: * and title also contains directions, probably musi
rejoice with trembling before Him. cal, the meaning of which is now uncertain.]
Lay hold of instruction, lest the LORD, rebuke me not in
Lord be angry, * and ye perish from Thine anger : * neither
the righteous way. chasten me in Thine hot dis
\Vhen His wrath is kindled sud pleasure.
denly, * blessed are all they that Have mercy upon me, O LORD,
put their trust in Him. for I am weak: *‘ O LORD, heal me,
for my bones are shaken.
Psalm IlI. My soul also is sore vexed : * but
[Intituled “A Psalm of David, when he Thou, O LORD, how long?
fled from Absalom his son.” See the his Return, 0 LORD, deliver my soul :
tory in 2 Kings (Sam.) xv., xvi., xviii.]
* O save me for Thy mercy’s sake.
LORD, how are they increased For in death there is no one that
that trouble me? * many are remembereth Thee: * and in the
they that rise up against me. grave who shall give Thee thanks?
Many there be that say of my I am weary with my groaning,
soul: * There is no help for him every night I wash my bed: * I
in his God.1 water my couch with my tears.
But Thou, O LORD, art a shield Mine eye is grown dim because
for me, * my glory, and the Lifter of grief: * I am waxen old because
up of mine head. ' of all mine enemies.
I cried unto the LORD with my Depart from me, all ye workers
voice: * and He heard me out of of iniquity: * for the LORD hath
His holy bill.2 heard the voice of my weeping.
I laid me down and slept; * I The LORD hath heard my suppli
awaked, for the LORD sustained me. cation: * the LORD hath received
Iwill not be afraid of thousands my prayer.
1Here occur in the Hebrew the letters SLH, or “Selah.” The meaning of this is un
certain. Gesenius thinks “it seems to have been used to mark a short pause in singing
the words of the Psalm, so that the singer would be silent, while the instrumental music
continued. ” 2 SLH, again.
3 But the Hebrew reads, “Ot, “without a cause,” but, “on the jaw-bone.’

Let all mine enemies be ashamed Arise, O LORD, in Thine anger:

and sore vexed: ‘* let them return * and lift up Thyself against the
and be ashamed suddenly. borders of mine enemies.
And awake for me, O Lord my
Antz'p/zon for Advent. Behold, God, according to the decree that
there cometh the King, even the Thou hast made: * so shall the
Most High, with great power, to congregation of the people com
save the nations. Alleluia. pass Thee about.
Antz‘p/zon for the rest of the year. For their sakes, therefore, return
1Serve the LORD with fear, and re Thou on high: * the LORD judgeth
joice with trembling before Him. the peoples.
Judge me, O LORD, according to
In PaSt/ltll time there is only one my righteousness, * and according
Antz'jfilzon to [be whole Noeturn. to mine integrity that is in me.
0 let the wickedness of the
Second Antipfion for Adoent.
wicked come to an end, and es
Strengthen ye. tablish the just; * God trieth the
Second A ntzjo/zon for the rest of the
hearts and reins.
year. God is a righteous judge.
Mine help is righteous, coming
from the Lord, *‘ Who saveth the
Psalm VII. upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge, strong
[Intituled “ An Hymn of David, which
he sang unto the LORD concerning the words and patient: * is He not provoked
of Cush the Benjamite.” This Cush is sup every day?
posed to be the same as Shimei, whose curs If ye turn not, He will whet His
ing of David is narrated in 2 Kings (Sam.)
xvi. 7, 8, or else a nickname for Saul.] sword : * He hath bent His bow and
made it ready.
O LORD my God, in Thee do And hath fitted thereon the in
I take refuge : * save me struments of death, * He hath
from all them that persecute me, ordained His arrows against the
and deliver me. persecutors.
Lest he tear my soul like a lion, * Behold, he travaileth with iniquity :
while there is none to deliver, or to *‘ he hath conceived mischief, and
save. brought forth falsehood.
0 LORD my God, if I have done He made a pit and digged it: *
this, * if there be iniquity in mine and is fallen into the ditch which he
_ hands ; made.
If I have requited with evil them His mischief shall return upon
that requited me [with good], * may his own head: * and his iniquity
I then flee empty before mine shall come down upon his own
enemies. pate.
Let the enemy persecute my soul, I will praise the LORD according
and take it, yea, let him tread down to His righteousness: * and will
my life upon the earth, * and lay sing praise to the name of the
mine honour in the dust.2 LORD Most High.
1 Ps. ii. 11. 2 SLI-I.

Psalm Vlll. Thee: * I will sing praise to Thy

[Intituled “ A Psalm of David." It has Name, 0 Thou Most High.
also a title which seems to show that it was When mine enemies are turned
a song for the vintage] back, * they shall fall and perish at
LORD, our Lord, * how ex Thy presence.
cellent is Thy Name in all For Thou hast maintained my
the earth! I right and my cause: * Thou satest
For Thy glory is exalted * above in the throne judging right.
the heavens. Thou hast rebuked the heathen,
1Out of the mouth of babes and and the wicked are perished: *
sucklings hast Thou perfected praise Thou hast put out their name for
because of Thine enemies, * that ever, even for ever and ever.
Thou mightest destroy the enemy The swords of the enemy have
and the avenger. failed utter'ly: * and their cities
When I consider Thine heavens, Thou hast destroyed.
the work of Thy fingers: * the moon Their memorial is perished with
and the stars which Thou hast Or a crash: * and the LORD endureth
dained : for ever.
\Vhat is man, that Thou art mind He hath prepared His throne for
ful of him? * or the son of man, judgment: * and He shall judge
that Thou visitest him P the world in righteousness, He shall
Thou hast made him a little lower minister judgment to the people in
than the angels, Thou hast crowned uprightness.
him with glory and honour, * and The LORD also is a refuge for the
madest him to have dominion over poor: * a refuge in times of trouble.
the works of Thine hands. And let them that know Thy
Thou hast put all things under name put their trust in Thee: * for
his feet, * all sheep and oxen, yea, Thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them
and the beasts of the field. that seek Thee.
The fowl of the air, and the fish Sing praises to the LORD, Who
of the sea, * that pass through the dwelleth in Zion: * declare among
paths of the sea. the people His doings.
0 LORD, our Lord, * how excel For when He maketh inquisition
lent is Thy Name in all the earth! for blood He remembereth them : *
He forgetteth not the cry of the
Psalm IX. afflicted.
[lntituled “A Psalm of David.” It has Have mercy upon me, O LORD:
also a superscription the meaning of which * consider my trouble [which I
is not now certain. The Targum connects sufi‘er] of them that hate me.
i! with the slaying of Goliath]
Thou That liftest me up from the
I WILL praise Thee, O LORD, gates of death: * that I may show
with mine whole heart: * I will forth all Thy praises in the gates of
show forth all Thy marvellous works. the daughter of Zion !
I will be glad and rejoice in I will rejoice in Thy salvation : *
e was quoted by our Lord, concerning those who cried Hosannah on Palm
1 This VETS
Sunday, Matthew xxx. 16.

the heathen are sunk down in the bitterness, and fraud: * under his
pit that they made. tongue is mischief and sorrow.
In the net which they hid, * is He sitteth in the lurking-places
their own foot taken. with the rich: in the secret places
The LORD is known when He * doth he murder the innocent.
executeth judgment: * the wicked His eyes are privily set against
is snared in the work of his own the poor: * he lieth in wait secretly,
hands.1 as a lion in his den.
The wicked shall be turned into He lieth in wait to catch the
hell: * all the nations that forget poor: * to catch the poor when
God. he draweth him [after him].
For the needy shall not alway be In his snare doth he bring him
forgotten: * the expectation of the down: * yet shall he himself totter
poor shall not perish for ever. and fall down, when he hath mas
Arise, O LORD, let not man pre tered the poor.
vail : * let the heathen be judged in He hath said in his heart: God
Thy sight. hath forgotten: *‘ He turneth away
Put Thou a master over them, 0 His face so that He shall never see it.
LORD: * let the nations know them Arise, O LORD, O God, lift up
selves to be but men.2 Thine hand: * forget not the
Why standest Thou afar off, 0 afiiicted.
LORD, * why hidest Thou Thyself Wherefore doth the wicked pro
in times of trouble? voke God? * for he hath said in
The wicked in his pride doth per his heart: He will not require it.
secute the poor: * they are taken Thou seest it, for Thou beholdest
in the devices that they have im labour and sorrow: * to deliver
agined. them into Thine own hand.
For the wicked is praised accord The poor leaveth himself unto
ing to his soul’s desire: * and the Thee: * Thou wilt be the helper
unrighteous is deemed blessed. of the fatherless.
The wicked provoketh the LORD : Break Thou the arm of the
* in the greatness of his scornful wicked and the evil man: * his
indignation he doth not care. wickedness shall be sought after and
God is not before his eyes : * his shall not be found.
ways are always grievous. The LORD shall be King for ever
Thy judgments are far out of his and ever : * the heathen shall perish
sight: * he hath dominion over his out of His land.
enemies. The LORD hath heard the petition
He hath said in his heart: * I of the poor: * Thine ear hath heard
shall not be moved unto generation the desire of his heart.
and generation, yea, I shall never To judge the fatherless and the
be in adversity. oppressed, ** that man may magnify
His mouth is full of cursing, and himself no more upon earth.
1 Here occurs :—“Instrumental music—~SLH.” This is a strong argument in favour of
Gesenius' opinion, see p. 5, note I.
‘1 SLH. Here, according to the present Hebrew text, ends Ps. ix.

Psalm X.
[Intituled “Of David." There is also a. ELP, LORD, for the godly
superscnption perhaps musical, but now of man ceaseth: * for the truth
uncertain meaning] faileth from among the children of
IN the LORD put I my trust; men.
how say ye to my soul, * They speak vanity every one with
Flee as a bird to the mountain? his neighbour: *‘ with flattering lips,
For 10, the wicked bend their with a double heart, do they speak.
bow, they make ready their arrows The LORD shall cut Off all flat
in the quiver, * that they may tering lips, * and the tongue that
privily shoot at the upright in speaketh proud things.
heart. Who have said : With our tongue
For they have destroyed that will we prevail, our lips are our
which Thou hast established: * own: * who is lord over us?
and what bath the righteous done? For the oppression of the poor,
The LORD is in His holy temple: and the sighing of the needy, * now
* the LORD’s throne is in heaven. will I arise, saith the LORD.
His eyes behold the poor: *‘ His I will set him in safety: * I will
eyelids try the children of men. deal faithfully with him.
The LORD trieth the righteous The words of the LORD are pure
and the wicked: * but he that words: * silver tried in a furnace,
loveth iniquity hateth his own soul. purged of dross, purified seven times.
Upon the wicked He shall rain Thou shalt keep us, 0 LORD, and
snares: * fire, and brimstone, and preserve us * from this generation
an horrible tempest, this shall be for ever.
the portion of their cup. The wicked walk On every side:
For the righteous LORD loveth * the increase Of men is according
righteousness: * His countenance to Thy secret counsel.
doth behold uprightness.
Anlllfillflflfor Advent. 1 Strengthen Psalm XII.
ye the weak hands : be strong; say: [This Psalm has the same title as the
Behold, our God will come, and st ]
save us, Alleluia.
Antzpbon for tile rest 0f the year. HOW long wilt Thou forget
2God is a righteous judge, strong, me, O LORD? for ever? *
and patient: is He not provoked How long hidest Thou Thy face
from me?
every day?
Tbird Am‘z'pbon for Advent. Re How long shall I take counsel
in my soul, * having sorrow in mine
joice, all ye.
heart daily?
T/zird Anz‘lflmn for the rest of the
How long shall mine enemy be
you Thou shalt keep us.
exalted over me? * Consider, and
Psalm XI hear me, O LORD my God.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with some Lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the
other words, of meaning now uncertain, as sleep of death: * lest mine enemy
before] say : I have prevailed against him.
1 Isa, xxxv. 3, 4.
2 Ps. vii. 12.
VOL. I. A 2

Those that trouble me will re For the Lord is in the generation

joice if I am moved: * but I have of the righteous: ye have shamed
trusted in Thy mercy. the counsel of the poor: * because
Mine heart shall rejoice in Thy the LORD is his hope.
salvation ; I will sing unto the LORD 0 that the salvation of Israel were
because He hath dealt bountifully come out of Zion! * when the
with me: * and I will sing praise LORD bringeth back the captivity of
to the name of the Lord Most His peeple, Jacob shall rejoice and
High. Israel shall be glad.
Psalm XIII.
Psalm XIV.
[Same title as Psalm x.]
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.”]
HE fool hath said in his heart:
* There is no God. LORD, who shall abide in Thy
They are corrupt, and have be tabernacle P * who shall
come abominable in their works: dwell in Thine holy hill?
* there is none that doeth good, He that walketh uprightly, * and
no, not one. worketh righteousness.
The LORD looked down from He that speaketh the truth in his
heaven upon the children of men: heart, * he that deceiveth not with
* to see if there were any that did his tongue.
understand, or seek God. He that hath not done evil to his
They are all gone aside, they are neighbour, * nor taken up a reproach
altogether become unprofitable: * against his neighbour.
there is none that doeth good, no, In whose eyes a vile person is
not one. despised: * but he honoureth them
1Their throat is an open sepul that fear the LORD.
chre: with their tongues they have He that sweareth to his neighbour,
used deceit: * the poison of asps is and deceiveth him not, * he that
under their lips. putteth not out his money to usury,
Their mouth is full Of cursing and nor taketh reward against the in
bitterness: * their feet are swift to nocent.
shed blood. He that doeth these things, *
Destruction and misery are in shall never be moved.
their ways, and the way of peace
they have not known: * there is no Antiphon for Advent. 2Rejoice,
fear of God before their eyes. all ye, and be glad : for, behold, the
Have all the workers of iniquity Lord will come with vengeance, He
no knowledge, * who eat up my will bring a recompense: He will
people as they would eat bread? come and save us.
They call not upon the LORD: * Antzlfihon for the rest of the year.
there were they in great fear, where ,3Thou shalt keep us, 0 LORD, and
no fear was ; preserve US.

1 The next three verses are not in the Hebrew, although found in the Vulgate and the
LXX., which are supported by Rom. iii. 13-18.
2 Isa. xxxv. 4. 5 Ps. xi. 8.

Antiphon for Past/ml time. Al in heaven. Give us this day our

leluia. 1 The stone was rolled away, daily bread. And forgive us our
Alleluia, from the door of the sepul trespasses, as we forgive them that
chre. Alleluia, alleluia. trespass against us. (Aloud)
Verse. And lead us not into
Then is said a Verse and Answer. temptation.
In Advent. Answer. But deliver us from
Verse. 2 Out of Zion, the Per
Then this Absolution.
fection of beauty.
Answer. Our God shall come RACIOUSLY hear, 0 Lord
manifestly. Jesus Christ, the prayers of
Thy servants, and have mercy upon
During the rest of the year. us: Who livest and reignest with
Verse. 3 I have remembered Thy the Father and the Holy Ghost,
name, 0 LORD, in the night. world without end.
Answer. And have kept Thy Answer. Amen.
In Lent. Then the reader says .

Verse. 4He hath delivered me 6Sir, be pleased to give the bless

from the snare of the fowler. ing.
Answer. And from the noisome First Blessing.
May the Eternal Father bless us
In Passion time.
With an everlasting blessing.
Answer. Amen.
Verse. 50 God, deliver my soul
from the sword. Then is read the First Lesson, and at
Answer. And my darling from the end the reader says :
the power of the dog.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
In Pasthal time. upon us.
AnsZUer. Thanks be to God.
Verse. The Lord is risen from
the grave, Alleluia. Then is said the First Responsory,
Answer. Who hung for us upon after whieh the reader says :
the tree, Alleluia.
Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Then is said the Lora”s Prayer. ing.
Setond Blessing.
UR Father (inaudihly), Who
art in heaven, Hallowed be May the Son the Sole-begotten
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. In His mercy bless and help us.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is Answer. Amen.
IMark xvi. 3. 2 Ps. xliit. 2. “ Ps. cxviii. 55.
‘Ps. xc. 3. 5 Ps. xxr. 20.
sons bound to say the Ofiice, when reciting alone, are accustomed to substi
6 Some Per
rule for this t he words, “Command Thy blessing, O Lord l”

Then is read the Second Lesson, and In their assemblies for blood
at the end the reader says .' shedding will I have no part: * nor
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy mention their names with my lips.
upon us. The LORD is the portion of mine
Answer. Thanks be to God. inheritance, and of my cup: *
Thou art He That shalt restore
Then is said the Second Responsory, mine inheritance unto me.
after which the reader says .
The lines are fallen unto me in
Sir, be pleased to give the bleSs pleasant places: * yea, I have a
ing. goodly heritage.
Third Blessing. I will bless the LORD, Who hath
May the grace of God the Spirit given me counsel: * my reins also
All our heart and mind enlighten. instruct me in the night seasons.
Answer. Amen. I have set the LORD always be
fore my face: * because He is at
Then is read the Third Lesson, and my right hand, I shall never be
at the end the reader says .
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy Therefore mine heart is glad, and
upon us. my tongue rejoiceth: * my flesh
Answer. Thanks be to God. also shall rest in hope,
For Thou wilt not leave my soul
Then is said the Third Responsory. in hell: * neither wilt Thou suffer
SECOND NOCTURN, 0R WATCH OF Thine Holy One to see corruption.
THE NIGHT. Thou hast shown me the path
of life, Thou shalt fill me with joy
Antiphon for Advent. Rejoice
in Thy presence: * at Thy right
hand there are pleasures for ever
Antiphon for the rest of the year.
Thou hast no need.
Antiphon fbr Paschal time. Al
Antiphon for Advent. 1Rejoice
greatly, 0 daughter of Jerusalem:
Psalm XV. behold, thy King cometh into thee,
[Intituled a work “of David,” but the O Zion; fear not, for thy salvation
specifically descriptive word is not now of cometh quickly.
certain meaning]
Antifhon for the rest of the year.
RESERVE me, O Lord, for in 2Thou hast no need of my goods,
Thee do I put my trust: * in Thee do I put my trust, preserve
I have said unto the LORD: Thou me, O Lord.
art my God, for Thou hast no need
of my goods. In Paschal time there is only one
Antiphon to the whole [Voeturn
To the Saints that are in His
land, * He hath made all my will Second Antiphon for Advent.
admirable. Christ our King.
Their sorrows are multiplied, * Second Antiphon for the rest of
that hasten after [a strange god]. the year. By the words.
l Zech. ix. 9. ‘1 Ps. xv. 1, 2.

Psalm XVI. Arise, O LORD, disappoint him,

[Intituled “ A Prayer of David.”] and cast him down: ‘* deliver my
soul from the wicked, Thy sword
HEAR my right, O LORD, * from them that hate Thine hand.
attend unto my cry. 0 LORD, part them in their life
Give ear unto my prayer, * that from the precious things of the
goeth not out of feigned lips. earth: * their belly is filled with
Let my sentence come forth from Thine hidden treasure.
Thy presence: * let Thine eyes he They have children to the full : *
hold the things that are equal. and leave the rest of their substance
Thou hast proved mine heart, to their babes.
and visited it by night: * Thou As for me, I will behold Thy face
hast tried me with fire, and found in righteousness: * I shall be satis
no wickedness in me. fied when Thy glory shall appear.
That my mouth may not speak
concerning the works of men: * by Antz'phon for Advent. Christ
the words of Thy lips I have kept our King cometh, 1 Whom John
me to strait paths. preached, saying; Behold the Lamb
Hold up my goings in Thy paths, That should come!
* that my footsteps slip not. Antiphon for the rest of the year.
I have called upon Thee, for 2By the words of Thy lips I have
Thou hast heard me, O God; * in kept me to strait paths.
cline Thine ear unto me, and hear Third Antzj'thon for Advent. Be
my speech. hold, I come.
Show Thy marvellous loving Third A ntzjohon fizr the rest of the
kindness, * 0 Thou That savest year. I will love Thee.
them which put their trust in Thee!
From those that rise up against When this Antz‘phon is used the
Psalm begins with the words, “0
Thy right hand keep me, * as the LORD, my strength.”
apple of the eye.
Hide me under the shadow of Psalm XVI I.
Thy wings, * from the face of the
[After a superscription, of meaning now
wicked that oppress me. uncertain, the title of this Psalm proceeds,
Mine enemies compass my soul “ Of David, the servant of the LORD, who
round about, they are inclosed in spake unto the LORD the words of this song,
in the day that the LORD delivered him
their own fat: * with their mouth from the hand of all his enemies, and from
they speak proudly. the hand of Saul: and he said :—-” It is
They that drave me out have found also, with a few slight differences, in
2 Kings (Sam.) xxii.]
now compassed me: * they have
set their eyes bowing down to the I WILL love Thee, O LORD,
earth. my strength: * the LORD is
They have lain in wait for me, as my rock, and my fortress, and
a lion that is ready for his prey: * my Deliverer.
and as it were a young lion lurking My God, mine Helper, * in
in secret places Whom I trust.
1 John i. 36. 2 Ps. xvi. 4.

My buckler, and the horn of my out many lightnings and discomfited

salvation, * and my refuge. them.
I called upon the LORD with And the fountains of waters were
praises, * and am saved from mine seen, * and the foundations of the
enemies. world were discovered.
The sorrows of death compassed At Thy rebuke, O LORD, * at
me: * and the floods of wicked— the blast of the breath of Thy
ness made me afraid. wrath l
The sorrows of hell compassed He sent from above, and took
me about: * the snares of death me; * and drew me out of many
came upon me. waters.
In my distress I called upon the He delivered me from the strong
LORD, * and cried unto my God. est of mine enemies, and from them
And He heard my voice out of which hated me : * for they were too
His holy temple: * and my cry strong for me.
came before Him, even into His They came upon me in the day
ears. of my calamity, * but the LORD was
The earth shook and trembled: my stay.
'* the foundations of the hills moved He brought me forth also into a
and quaked, because He was wroth. large place: * He delivered me be
There went up a smoke in His cause He delighted in me.
wrath, andv fire burst forth before And the LORD shall reward me
His presence: * coals were kindled according to my righteousness, *
by it. and according to the cleanness of
He bowed the heavens also, and mine hands shall He recompense
came down: * and darkness was me.
under His feet. For I have kept the ways of the
And He rode upon the Cherubim 1 LORD, * and have not wickedly de
and did fly: * yea, He did fly upon parted from my GOD.
the wings of the wind. For all His judgments were before
And He made darkness His secret me: * and I did not put away His
place, His pavilion round about statutes from me.
Him: * dark waters, thick clouds I shall also be upright with Him,
of the skies. * and keep myself from mine in
At the brightness that was be iquity.
fore Him, the thick clouds passed, And the LORD shall reward me
* hailstones and coals of fire. according to my righteousness, *‘
The LORD also thundered in the and according to the cleanness of
heavens, and the Highest uttered mine hands in His eye-sight.
His voice: * hailstones and coals With the holy Thou shalt be holy,
of fire. * and with the innocent Thou shalt
Yea, He sent out His arrows be innocent.
and scattered them: * He shot And with the pure Thou shalt be
1 Of these creatures, frequently mentioned in connection with the Divine manifestation,
an elaborate account will be found in Ezekiel i. (First Sunday of November), and more
shortly in Apoc. iv. (Tuesday in Third Week after Easter).

pure, * and with the contentious And hast made mine enemies to
Thou shalt be contentious. turn their back toward me, * and
For Thou wilt save the afflicted hast destroyed them that hate me.
people, * and bring down high They cried, but there was none
looks. to save them, even unto the LORD,
For Thou lightest my lamp, 0 * but He answered them not.
LORD: * my God, enlighten my And I will beat them small, as
darkness! the dust before the wind: * I will
For by Thee shall I be delivered cast them out as the dirt in the
from temptation, * and by my God streets.
shall I leap over a wall. Thou shalt deliver me from the
As for my God, His way is per gainsayings of the people: * Thou
fect; the word of the LORD is tried shalt make me the head of the
in the fire: * He is a buckler to all heathen.
those that trust in Him. A people whom I knew not have
For who is God save the LORD? served me: * as soon as they heard
* or who is God save our God ? of me they obeyed me.
It is God that girdeth me with The strangers feigned obedience
strength, * and maketh my way unto me: * the strangers were
perfect. wearied out, and stumbled in their
He maketh my feet like hinds’ paths.
feet, * and setteth me upon mine The LORD liveth, and blessed be
high places. my God: ** and let the God of my
He teacheth my hands to war, * salvation be exalted!
and maketh mine arms like a bow It is Thou, O God, That avengest
of brass. me, and subduest the people under
Thou hast also given me the me. * Thou art my deliverer from
shield of Thy salvation : * and Thy my wrathful adversaries.
right hand hath holden me up. And Thou shalt lift me up above
Thy correction also hath made those that rise up against me: *
me great: * and Thy chastening it Thou shalt deliver me from the
is that shall teach me. wicked man.
Thou hast enlarged my steps Therefore will I give thanks unto
under me, * and my feet have not Thee, O LORD, among the heathen,
slipped. * and sing praises unto Thy name.
I will pursue mine enemies and Great deliverance giveth He to
overtake them: * neither will I turn His king, and showeth mercy to
again till they be consumed. His Anointed, to David, * and to
I will wound them that they shall his seed for evermore.
not be able to rise : * they shall fall
under my feet. Antiphon for Advent. 1Behold,
Thou hast girded me also with I come quickly, saith the Lord,
strength unto the battle, * and hast and My reward is with Me, to give
subdued under me those that rose every man according as his work
up against me. ' shall be.
1 Apoc. xxii. 12.
Antiphon for the rest of the year. Thy will be done on earth, as it is
11 will love Thee, O LORD, my in heaven. Give us this day our
strength. daily bread. And forgive us our
Antiphon for Paschal time. Al trespasses, as we forgive them that
leluia. 2 Woman, whom seekest trespass against us. (Aloud)
thou? Alleluia. The Living among Verse. And lead us not into
the dead? Alleluia. Alleluia. temptation.
Answer. But deliver us from
Then is said a Verse and Answer.
In A de/ent.
Then this A hsolution.
Verse. 3Send forth the Lamb,
0 Lord, the ruler of the land. MAY His loving-kindness and
Answer. From the “Rock” of
His mercy help us, Who
the wilderness unto the mount of
liveth and reigneth with the Father,
the daughter of Zion. and the Holy Ghost, world without
During the rest of the year. Answer. Amen.
Verse. 4For Thou lightest my
candle, O LORD. Then the reader says .
Answer. My God, enlighten my Sir, be pleased to give the bless
darkness. ing.
In Lent.
Fourth Blessing.
Verse. 5 He shall cover thee with
His wings. God the Father the Almighty,
Answer. And under His feathers Show on us His grace and mercy.
shalt thou trust. Answer. Amen.

In Passion time.
Then is read the Fourth Lesson, and
Verse. 60 Lord, save me from at the end the reader says .
the lion’s mouth.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
Answer. And mine affliction from
upon us.
the horns of the unicorns.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
In Paschal time.
Verse. 7 The Lord is risen indeed, Then is said the Fourth Responsory,
after which the reader says .
Answer. And hath appeared unto Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Simon, Alleluia. ing.
Then is said the Lord's Prayer. Fifth Blessing.
UR Father (inaudz'hly), Who May Christ to all His people give,
art in heaven, Hallowed be For ever in His sight to live.
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Answer. Amen.

1 Ps. xvii. 2. 2 John xx. 15.

3 Isa. xvi. 1. The “ Roe ” is the town of Petra in the wilderness.
‘ Ps. xvii. 29. "’ Ps. xc. 3. 6 Ps. xxi. 22. 7 Luke xxiv. 34.

Then is read the Fzflh Lesson, and at THE heavens declare the glory
the end the reader says . of God, * and the firmament
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy showeth His handy-work.
upon us. Day unto day uttereth speech,
Answer. Thanks be to God. * and night unto night showeth
Then is said the Fifth Responsory, There is no speech nor lan
after whieh the reader says: guage, * where their voice is not
Sir, be pleased to give the bless Their sound is gone out through
all the earth: * and their words to
Sixth Blessing. the ends of the world.
May the Spirit’s fire Divine He hath set His tabernacle in the
In our inmost being shine. sun :1 * which is as a bridegroom
Answer. Amen. coming out of his chamber.
He rejoiceth as a strong man to
Then is read the Sixth Lesson, and run a race: * his going forth is from
at the end the reader says .' the end of the heaven.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy And his circuit unto the ends of
upon us. it: * and there is nothing hid from
Answer. Thanks be to God. the heat thereof.
The law of the LORD is perfect,
Then is said the Sixth Responsory. converting the soul: * the testimony
Of the LORD is sure, making wise the
THE NIGHT. The statutes of the LORD are
right, rejoicing the heart: * the
Antiphon for Advent. The Angel commandment of the LORD is clear,
Gabriel. giving light unto the eyes.
Antiphon for the rest of the year. The fear of the LORD is holy,
There is no speech. enduring for ever and ever: * the
Antiphon for Paschal time. Al judgments of the LORD are true,
leluia. righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than
Psalm XVIII. gold and store of precious stones,
* sweeter also than honey and the
[lntituled “ A Psalm of David,” with the
same farther obscure superscription, as in honeycomb.
Pss. xii. and xiii.] Verily, Thy servant keepeth them :

1 So the LXX., as well as the Vulgate. Cf. Ps. cii. 19; ciii. 2, 3. The sense seems
to be that the physical source of the light and life of this system is represented as a kind of
Celestial counterpart of the tabemacle, which was the centre of the Divine authority as re
vealed upon earth. The Hebrevv, however, which is supported by St. Jerome, reads, “.In
them (i.e., the starry heavens) hath He set a tabernacle for the sun,” and lhlS reading
seems to commend itself to Archbishop Kenrsck, who suggests that the “tabernacle may
51' nify the region below the h°f1?0n,m!0 which the sun retires nightly, as into a tent, to
siege and from which he issues in renewed glory every morning. Targum:-—‘ In them
hath ’He set splendour as a tabernacle for the sun.”

’* in keeping of them there is great Send thee help from the sanc
reward. tuary, * and strengthen thee out of
Who can understand his errors? Zion.
Cleanse Thou me from secret faults : Remember all thine offerings, *'
* preserve Thy servant also from and accept thy burnt sacrifice.3
the sins of others. Grant thee according to thine
If they get not dominion over me, own heart, * and fulfil all thy
then shall I be undefiled: * and counsel.
I shall be cleansed from the great We will rejoice in Thy salvation :
transgression. * and in the name of our God will
Let the words of my mouth, we exult.
and the meditation of mine heart, The LORD fulfil all thy petitions:
* be acceptable in Thy sight for *‘ now know I that the LORD saveth
ever, His Anointed.
0 LORD mine Helper, * and my He will hear him from His holy
Redeemer! heaven, * strong is the salvation of
His right hand.
Antiohon for Advent. 1The An Some trust in chariots and some
gel Gabriel spake unto Mary, saying : in horses: * but we will call
Hail, thou that art full of grace, the upon the name of the LORD our
Lord is with thee: blessed art thou God.
among women. They are brought down and fal
Antiphon for the rest of the year. len: * but we are risen, and stand
2 There is no speech nor lan upright.
guage where their voice is not O LORD, save the king: * and
heard. hear us in the day when we call
upon Thee.
In Pasehal time only one A ntiphon is
said to the whole Noetnrn.
Antiphon for Advent. 4Mary
Seeond Antiphon for Advent. said: What manner of salutation
Mary said. is this? My soul is troubled.
Second Antiphon for the rest of the Shall I bear the King? And will
year. The LORD. He not break the seal of my vir
When this Antiphon is used the Antiphon for the rest of the year.
Psalm begins with the words “ Hear 5The LORD hear thee in the day of
Psalm XIX. Third Antiphonfor Advent. The
[This Psalm has the same title as the
last ]
Third Antiphon for the rest of the
year. The king.
THE LORD hear thee in the day
When this Antiphon is used the
of trouble: * the Name of Psalm begins with the words “Shall
the God of Jacob defend thee. joy-7)

1 Luke i. 28. 2 Ps. xyiii. 4. 3 SLH.

4 Luke i. 29. 5 Ps XIX. 2.
Psalm XX. behind thee: * thou shalt leave
[This Psalm also bears the same title as their faces -lying in thy track.
the xviiith.] Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in
THE king shall joy in Thy Thine own strength: * we will sing
strength, 0 LORD: * and in and praise Thy power.
Thy salvation how greatly shall he
rejoice! Antiphon for Advent. The King,
Thou hast given him his heart’s even the Most High, cometh,- there
desire, * and hast not withholden fore let the hearts of men be purified
the request of his lips.1 to go forth to meet Him, for, behold,
For Thou hast met him with the 2 He will come and will not tarry.
blessings of sweetness : * Thou hast Antiphon for the rest of the year.
set a crown of precious stones upon 3 The king shall joy in Thy strength,
his head. 0 LORD.
He asked life of Thee: * and Antzf/zon for .PdSf/ltl/ time. Alle
Thou gavest him length of days for luia, Weep not, Mary, Alleluia: the
ever and ever. Lord is risen, Alleluia, Alleluia.
His glory is great in Thy salva
tion: * honour and great majesty T[zen is said a Verse and Answer.
shalt Thou lay upon him. In A dvent.
For Thou wilt give him to be a
Verse. 4 The Lord cometh out of
blessing for ever: * Thou shalt
His holy place.
make him exceeding glad with Thy
Answer. He will come and save
countenance. _
His people.
For the king trusteth in the
LORD, * and, through the mercy During the rest of the year.
of the Most High, he shall not be
Vierse. 5Be Thou exalted, O
LORD, in Thine own strength.
Thine hand shall find out all
Answer. We will sing and praise
thine enemies: * thy right hand
Thy power.
shall find out all those that hate
thee. In Lent.
Thou shalt make them as a fiery
oven in the time of thine anger: * Verse. 6 His truth shall be thy
the LORD shall cut them off in His shield.
wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Answer. Thou shalt not be afraid
Their fruit shalt thou destroy from for the terror by night.
the earth, * and their seed from
In Passion time.
among the children of men.
For they intended evil against Verse. 7Take not away my soul
thee.- * they imagined a device, with sinners, O God!
which they were not able to perform. Answer. Nor my life with bloody
Therefore shalt thou cast them men.

‘Issiii'lxxxv. 4; Micah i- 3- 2 Heb. x. xx.
5 Ps. 37. 14. 6 Ps. xc. 5.3 Ps. xx. 72. Ps. xxv. 9.

In Paschal time. Eighth Blessing.

Verse. 1The disciples were glad, God’s most mighty strength al

Alleluia. way
Answer. When they saw the Be His people’s staff and stay.
Lord, Alleluia. Answer. Amen.

Then is said the Lord’s Prayer. Then is read the Eighth Lesson, and
at the end the reader says:
OUR Father (inaudihly), Who
art in heaven, Hallowed be But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. upon us.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our Then is said the Eighth Responsory,
daily bread. And forgive us our after whieh the reader says:
trespasses, as we forgive them that Sir, be pleased to give the bless
trespass against us. (Aloud) ing.
Verse. And lead us not into [Vinth Blessing.
Answer. But deliver us from evil. May He That is the Angels’
Then the A hsolution. To that high realm His people
MAY the Almighty and merci bring.
ful Lord loose us from the Answer. Amen.
bonds of our sins. Or, if another Gospel and Homily are
Answer. Amen. to be read:
Then the reader says : May the Gospel’s glorious word
Cleansing to our souls afford.
Sir, be pleased to give the bless
ing. Then is read the Ninth Lesson, and
Seventh Blessing. at the end the reader says:
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
May the Gospel’s saving Lord
upon us.
Bless the reading of His word.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
Answer. Amen. '
Then is said a Ninth Responsory,
Then is read the Seventh Lesson, and unless this Hymn, “We praise Thee,
at the end the reader says .' O God,” be substituted for it. The
Hymn “We praise Thee, O God," is
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy said in this place on every Sunday and
upon us. Feast-day in the year (except the Feast
Answer. Thanks be to God. of the Holy Innocents if it fall on a
Week - day) from Easter to Advent
and from Christmas to Septuagesima.
Then is said the Seventh Responsory, In Advent and from Septuagesima to
after which the reader says . Easter it is not said on Sunday, but
only on Feast-days. From Easter to
Sir, be pleased to give the bless Pentecost it is said on every day what
ing. soever, except only Rogation Monday.
1 John xx. 20.

l\A/E praise Thee, O God: we We believe that Thou shalt come

acknowledge Thee to be to be our Judge:
the Lord. 5We therefore pray Thee, help
All the earth doth worship Thee, Thy servants, whom Thou hast re
the Father everlasting. deemed with Thy precious Blood.
To Thee all Angels cry aloud, Make them to be numbered with
the heavens, and all the Powers Thy Saints in glory everlasting.6
therein. 7O Lord, save Thy people, and
To Thee Cherubim2 and Sera bless Thine inheritance.
phim3 continually do cry: Govern them, and lift them up
Holy, Holy, Holy LORD God of for ever.
Sabaoth.4 Day by day we magnify Thee ;
Heaven and earth are full of the And we worship Thy name,
majesty of Thy glory. ever world without end.
The glorious company of the Vouchsafe, O Lord, this day,
Apostles praise Thee: to keep us without sin.
The goodly fellowship of the 8Have mercy upon us, 0 LORD,
Prophets praise Thee: have mercy upon us.
The white-robed army of Mar 90 LORD, let Thy mercy lighten
tyrs praise Thee: upon us, as our trust is in Thee.
The holy Church throughout all 1°O LORD, in Thee have I trust
the world doth acknowledge Thee : ed : let me never be confounded.
The Father of an infinite Ma
[fLaua's be no! immediately lofol/ow,
jesty : Mattins end t/zus :
Thine honourable, true and only
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
Son :
Also the Holy Ghost, the Com Answer. And let my cry come
unto Thee.
Thou art the King of glory, O Let us pray.
Thou art the everlasting Son of Tlzen t/ze Prayerfor {he day; Men
the Father. - Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
\Vhen Thou tookest upon Thee Answer. And let my cry come
to deliver man, Thou didst not unto Thee.
abhor the Virgin’s womb: Verse. Bless we the Lord.
When Thou hadst overcome the Answer. Thanks be to God.
sharpness of death, Thou didst Verse. May the souls of the
open the kingdom of heaven to faithful, through the mercy of God,
all believers : rest in peace.
Thou sittest at the right hand of Answer. Amen.
God, in the glory of the Father: T/zen the Lord’s Prayer.

1 The authorship of this Hymn, which is prescribed in the Rule of St. Benedict (born A.D.
is uncertain. '1 See Ezek. i. 3 See Isaiah vi. 2.
‘Hebrew feminine Plural, meaning “hosts,” “armies.”
5 ' this verse it is usual to kneel. “ Here ends the original Hymn.
. Dunng~ 8 Ps. cxxu. 3. 9 Ps. Xxxii. 22. P5. xxx. 2.
‘ Ps. xxvu. 9



5111111212. Psalm xcn.

[The Hebrew and the Targum give no
THE LORD’s DAY. superscription; but the LXX. and the
Vulgate have “A Song of Praise by David
V6788- >I4 Make haSte, 0 60d, to for the eve of the Sabbath when the earth
deliver me_ was established "—z'.e., A Song of Praise
Answer' Make haSte to help me’ proper for the
setting-in closeSabbath;
of the of Fridaythebefore
time the
0 LORD- which it is said (Gen. i. 31, ii. 1). “And
Glory be to the Father, and to God saw every thing that He had made,
and, behold, it was very good. And the
the son’ and to the H01), GhOSt' evening and the morning were the sixth
AS it was in the beginning, is day. Thus the heavens and the earth
now, and ever shall be, world with- were finished, and all the host of them.”]
out end. Amen, Alleluia.
HE LORD reigneth, He is
From Seftuagesz'ma Sunday to clothed with majesty: *- the
Malffzdy Thursday Instead of “Alle' LORD is clothed with strength, where
lu‘a’ ’5 Md" with He hath girded Himself.
Ceaseless praise to Thee be given, He hath established the world
0 Eternal King Of Heaven also, * that it cannot be moved.
Then follow at once the Psalms and Thy throne is eStablisiled Of 01d :
Antiphons. From the First Sunday in * Thou art fI‘Om everlasting.
Advent till the Sunday afterthe Octave The floods' have lifted up, 0
Sunday till theandfrom
Octave Septuagesima
of Pentecost LOR-D’ u-- t_e
th h fl OOdS h ave H lted Up
(and also on all Feasts), Five A ntzlzfihons e“ vowe _ _ *
are given, which are then said in the The fiof’d5_ 11“ up the“ waves
places here marked. During the rest ——But Mightier than the noise of
of the year only Three Antiphons are many waters___
said’ wad a” give” her" ' Than the mighty breakers of the
Antiphon. Alleluia. sea—* is the LORD on high!
1 The proper hour for Lauds is the dawn of day. This is reckoned to be about 3 A.M., at
which time this Office is said in many Convents. For this purpose it is, in choirs, invari
ably (except where it forms part of the same service with the Midnight Mass at Christmas)
said immediately after and as one service with Mattins. Hence it follows rst, that it is
said late in the afternoon, when Mattins are said at that time, and 2ndly, that the Lord’s
Prayer and Angelic Salutation are not said at the beginning. This service is constructed
on the same general principle as Vespers, and answers to that Ofi‘iCe as Prime does to

Thy testimonies are very sure: * In a dry and desert land, with
holiness becometh Thine house, 0 out water. * So have I appeared
LORD, for ever ! before Thee in the Sanctuary, to see
When there are F'z'q/e Antiphons the Thy power and Thy glory.
First is repeated, and the Second begun Because Thy loving-kindness is
or said through the first time here. better than life, * my lips shall praise
Psalm XCIX. Thus will I bless Thee while I
[Intituled in the Vulgate and the LXX., live: * and will lift up mine hands
“ A Psalm of Thanksgiving.”] in Thy name.
My soul shall be satisfied as
AKE a joyful noise unto God,
with marrow and fatness; * and
all ye lands : * serve the
my mouth shall praise Thee with
LORD with gladness.
joyful lips.
Come before His presence, * with
When I remember Thee upon my
bed, I meditate upon Thee in the
Know ye that the LORD, He is
night watches: * because Thou
God: * it is He That hath made
hast been mine help:
us, and not1 we ourselves:
And in the shadow of Thy wings
\Ve are His people, and the sheep
will I rejoice. My soul followeth
of His pasture. * Enter into His gates
hard after Thee: *‘ Thy right hand
with thanksgiving, and into His courts
upholdeth me.
with praise : give thanks unto Him,
But those that seek my soul to
Praise His Name. For the LORD
destroy it, shall go into the lower
is good, His mercy is everlasting:
parts Of the earth: * they shall fall
* and His truth endureth to all
by the sword, they shall be a portion
for foxes.
When there are Fit/e Antiphons the But the King shall rejoice in
Second 1': repeated, and the Thz'rd hegun God: every one that sweareth by
or said through the first time here.
him shall glory: * for the mouth
of them that speak lies shall be
Psalm LXII.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David, when he
was in the wilderness ofjudah." This was Here the Doxology, “Glory be to the
one of the most perilous periods of David’s Father, &c.,” is not mid.
life, when he was flying from the pursuit of
Saul, and hiding in different forests and
wildernesses in the south of Palestine. He
was betrayed again and again, and had the Psalm LXVI.
most hairbreadth escapes. The history
will be found in I Kings (Sam.) xxii. and
[Besides a musical superscription, the
Hebrew and the Targum give no title ex
xxiii.] cept “A Psalm, :1 Psalm.” But the Vulgate
O GOD, Thou art my God, a and the LXX. ascribe the authorship to
early will I Seek Thee;
My soul thirsteth for Thee, * my OD be merciful unto us, and
flesh longeth for Thee, bless us: * cause His face
i The Hebrew tradition attributes the negative to an eccentric spelling, and translates
“and His we are. ‘

to shine upon us, and be merciful them in, ceased not to make the oven hot
with resin, pitch, tow, and small wood, so
unto us.1 that the flame streamed forth above the
That Thy way may be known furnace forty and nine cubits. But the
upon earth: * Thy saving health Angel of the Lord came down into the
oven together with Azariah and his fellows,
among all nations. and smote the flame of the fire out of the
Let the people praise Thee, O oven, and made the midst of the furnace as
God: * let all the people praise it had been a moist whistling wind, so that
the fire touched them not at all, neither
Thee. hurt nor troubled them. Then the three,
0 let the nations be glad and as out of one mouth, praised, glorified, and
sing for joy: * for Thou judgest blessed God in the furnace, saying” the
Hymn, of which that in the text is a cento.
the people righteously, and govern The first five verses are omitted]
est the nations upon earth.2
Let the people praise Thee, O 0 ALL ye works of the Lord,
God, let all the people praise Thee. bless ye the Lord: * praise
* The earth hath yielded her in Him, and exalt Him above all for
crease; ever.
Let God, even our own God, 0 ye Angels of the Lord, bless ye
bless us; let God bless us: * and the Lord : * 0 ye heavens, bless ye
let all the ends of the earth fear the Lord.
Him. 0 all ye waters that be above the
heavens, bless ye the Lord: * 0 all
When there are Five Antiphons, the
Third is repeated, and the Fourth begun
ye powers of the Lord, bless ye the
or said through the first time here. Lord.
0 ye Sun and Moon, bless ye the
Ordinary Antzlnhon throughout the Lord: * 0 ye stars of heaven, bless
year. Alleluia, Alleluia. ye the Lord.
Second Ordinary Antiphon. The 0 ye showers and dew, bless ye
king commanded. the Lord: * 0 ye winds of God,
Antiphon for Paschal time. Al bless ye the Lord.
leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia; Alleluia, 0 ye fire and heat, bless ye the
Alleluia, Alleluia ; Alleluia, Alleluia, Lord: * 0 ye winter and summer,
Alleluia. bless ye the Lord.
Second Antiphon for Pasehal time. 0 ye dews and rime, bless ye the
He That delivered. Lord: * 0 ye frost and cold, bless
ye the Lord.
0 ye ice and snow, bless ye the
CHILDREN. (Daniel iii. 57.) Lord 2 * 0 ye nights and days, bless
ye the Lord.
[It is well known how the three young 0 ye light and darkness, bless ye
comrades of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and
Azariah, called by the heathen, Shadrach, the Lord: * 0 ye lightnings and
Meshach, and Abednego, were thrown into clouds, bless ye the Lord.
a furnace for refusing to worship an idol, 0 let the earth bless the Lord:
and remained unhurt amid the flames. In
this strange position Azariah ofi'ered a long * let her praise and exalt Him above
prayer. “ And the king’s servants, that put all for ever!
1 SLH. The repetition of the words “be merciful unto us ” is peculiar to the Latin.
2 SLH.

0 ye mountains and hills, bless year. The king commanded, and

ye the Lord: * 0 all ye green the Three Children were cast into
things upon the earth, bless ye the the furnace, fearing not the flame
Lord. of the fire, but saying: Blessed be
0 ye wells, bless ye the Lord: God!
* 0 ye seas and floods, bless ye the Antiphon for Paschal time. He
Lord. That delivered the Three Children
0 ye whales, and all that move from the burning fiery furnace, even
in the waters, bless ye the Lord: Christ, is risen from the grave.
* 0 all ye fowls of the air, bless Alleluia.
ye the Lord. Third Antiphon. Alleluia.
0 all ye beasts and cattle, bless
ye the Lord: * 0 ye children of Psalm CXLVI I I.
men, bless ye the Lord.
[To this Psalm is prefixed “Alleluia.”
0 let Israél bless the Lord :- * let The LXX. connect it with the Prophets
him praise and exalt Him above all Haggai and Zechariah. See Thursday and
for ever! Friday in the fifth week of November.]
0 ye Priests of the Lord, bless ye PRAISE ye the LORD from the
the Lord: * 0 ye servants of the heavens: *‘ praise Him in the .
Lord, bless ye the Lord. heights.
0 ye spirits and souls of the Praise ye Him, all His Angels : *
righteous, bless ye the Lord: * 0 praise ye Him, all His hosts.
ye holy and humble men of heart, Praise ye Him, sun and moon:
bless ye the Lord. * praise Him, all ye stars and light.
0 Ananias, Azarias, and Misaél, Praise Him, ye heavens Of heavens:
bless ye the Lord: * praise and * and all the waters that be above
exalt Him above all for ever. the heavens. Let them praise the
1Bless we the Father, and the Name of the LORD!
Son, and the Holy Ghost: * let us For He spake, and they were
praise and exalt Him above all for made 2 : * He commanded, and they
even were created.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the He hath established them for
firmament of heaven: * and to be ever and ever: * He hath made a
praised, and glorified, and exalted decree which shall not pass.
above all for ever. Praise the LORD from the earth,
Here the Daxology, “Glory be to the * ye dragons, and all deeps :—
Father, &c.,” is not said, nor “Amen” Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy wind,
answered. But the other Cantz'eles are * fulfilling His word :—
treated like ordinary Psalms. Mountains, and all hills, * fruitful
W11”; there are Fit/e Antzphons, the trees, and all cedars :—
Fflurfk Z3- rzjgated, and the Fzfth begun Beasts, and all cattle, * creeping
a, mid thraugh the first time here.
things, and flying fowl :—
Ordinary Antiphon throughout the Kings of the earth, and all people ;
1 This verse is, of Course, a later addition ; more than two verses are omitted, and the last
'ven is one o f th05e omitted
' at the beginning.
2 Taken from P5. xxxu. 9,

* princes, and all judges of the ment written: * this honour have
earth :— all His Saints.
Young men, and maidens, old [Here “Alleluia.”]
men, and children: let them praise
the Name of the LORD—* for His Here the Doxology, “ Glory be to the
Name alone is exalted! Father, &c.,” is not said.
His glory is above heaven and
earth. * He also exalteth the horn Psalm CL.
of His people,
[Here “ Alleluia."]
The praise of all His Saints, *
even of the children of Israel, a RAISE the Lord in His sanc
people near unto Him. tuary! * praise Him in the
[Here “ Alleluia."] firmament of His power!
Praise Him in His mighty acts!
Here the Doxology, “Glory be to the * praise Him according to His ex
Father, &c.,” is not said.
cellent greatness!
Praise Him with the sound of
Psalm CXLIX. the trumpet! * praise Him with the
[Here “ Alleluia."] psaltery and harp!
Praise Him with the timbrel and
ING unto the LORD a new dance! * praise Him with stringed
song: * His praise in the instruments and organs!
congregation of Saints. Praise Him upon the loud cym
Let Isra'él rejoice in Him That bals, praise Him upon the high
made him: * and let the children sounding cymbals! *‘ Let every
of Zion be joyful in their King. thing that hath breath praise the
Let them praise His Name in LORD!
the dance: * let them sing praises [Here “ Alleluia. ”]
unto Him with the timbrel and
harp. Antiphon. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alle
For the LORD taketh pleasure in luia.
His people: * He also will exalt
the meek unto salvation. (The last of Five Antiphons is, of
Let the Saints be joyful in glory : course, repeated here.)
Then follows the Chapter. From the
* let them sing aloud upon their First Sunday in Advent to the Second
beds : Sunday after the Epiphany, andfrom
Let the high praises of God be in Septuagesima Sunday to the Third
their mouth: * and a two-edged Sunday after Pentecost, as also on all
Feasts, a special Chapter is given. On
sword in their hands ; the remaining Sundays the Chapter is
To execute vengeance upon the that given here.
heathen, * and punishments upon
the people ; CHAPTER. (Apoc. vii. 12.)
To bind their kings with chains,
* and their nobles with fetters of BLESSING, and glory, and wis
iron ; dom, and thanksgiving, and
To execute upon them the judg honour, and power, and might be

unto our God for ever and ever. Beam on our bewildered mind,
Amen. Till its dreamy shadows flee ;
Answer. Thanks be to God. Stones cry out where Thou hast shined,
IESU ! musical with Thee.
This answer is always made after
the Chapter. To the Father and the Son,
Then follows the Hymn. From the And the Spirit, Who in heaven
First Sunday in Advent till the Octave Ever witness, Three and One,
of the Epiphany and from the First Praise on earth be ever given.
Sunday in Lent till the Ottaq/e ofPen Amen.
tecost, as also on all Feasts, a speeial
Hymn is git/en. 0n the remaining The following Hymn is saidfrom the
Sundays the Hymn given here is said, Fourth Sunday after Penteeost till the
exeept between the Ottawa of Pentecost first Sunday of October.
and the first Sunday of Oetoher.
F RAMER of the earth and sky, PALER have grown the shades of
Ruler of the day and night, night,
\Vith a glad variety, And nearer draws the day,
Tempering all, and making light ; Checkering the sky with streaks of
Gleams upon our dark path flinging, Since we began to pray :
Cutting short each night begun,
Hark 1 for Chanticleer is singing, To pray for mercy when we sin,
Hark l he chides the lingering sun. For cleansing and release,
For ghostly safety, and within
And the morning star replies, For everlasting peace.
And lets loose the imprison’d day ;
And the godless bandit flies Praise to the Father, as is meet,
From his haunt, and from his prey. Praise to the Only Son,
Praise to the Holy Paraclete,
Shrill it sounds, the storm relenting While endless ages run.
Soothes the weary seamen’s ears ; Amen.
Once it wrought a great repenting,
In that flood of Peter’s tears. Then is said a Verse and Answer.
In A dt/ent and from Septuagesima
Rouse we ; let the blithesome cry Sunday till the end of Paschal time, as
Of that bird our hearts awaken; also on all Feasts, a special Verse and
Chide the slumberers as they lie, Answer are given.
And arrest the sin-o’ertaken.
Verse. 3The LORD reigneth, He
Hope and health are inJiis strain, is clothed with majesty.
T0 the fearful and the ailing; Answer. The LORD is clothed
Murder sheathes his blade profane,
Faith revives when faith was failing. with strength, and hath girded Him
self with power.
IESU, Master ! when_we sm,
Turn on us Thy healing Face; Then is said thefillowing Songfrom
It will melt the offence Wlthln the Gospel. It has an A ntiphon, whieh
Into penitential grace : is always~ special, and which is either
IBy St. Ambrose, or at least of the Ambrosmn school, except the last verse. Translation
bythe late Card. Newman.
Gg-egory the Great, but a good deal altered. Translation by the late
:3), Pope St.
Card. Newman 3 Ps. xcii. I.

begun or said through the first time he Father, &c.," is said, and then the
fore it, aeeording as the Ofiee is Double Antifihon repeated.
or not.
Then is said .
THE SONG OF ZACHARIAS. Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
[On the occasion of the circumcision of Answer. And let my cry come
St. John the Baptist—Luke i. 68-79.] unto Thee.
LESSED be the Lord God of Let us pray.
Israel, * for He hath visited
and redeemed His people. Then follows the Prayerfor the day
And hath raised up an horn of at the end of which is answered:
salvation for us, * in the house of Answer. Amen.
His servant David:
As He spake by the mouth of Afterwards are made any Commem
oratz'ons necessary, hy the Antiphon
His holy Prophets, * which have for the Song of Zaeharias, the Verse
been since the world began: and Answer after the Hymn, and the
That we should be saved from Prayer (preceded by “ Let us pray ”)
our enemies, * and from the hand of from the superseded Ofiiee whieh is to
all that hate us : he eommemorated. After which the
following Common Commemorations
To perform the mercy promised are made, if reouired, according to
to our fathers, * and to remember Chapter xxxv. of the General Rahries.
His holy covenant: When more than two Prayers are to
The oath which He sware to our be said, the last clause of each (begin
ning “Through our Lord, &c.," or
father Abraham, * that He would “Who livest, &c.,”) is omitted in all
grant unto us, exeept the first and the last, nor is
That we, being delivered out of “Amen” answered except after these
the hand of our enemies, * might two.
(Note that 2f these Commemorations
serve Him without fear, he said upon a week-day, kept as such,
In holiness and righteousness be out of Pasehal time, they are preceded
fore Him *.all the days of our life. by the Commemoration of the Cross,
And thou, child, shalt be called given hereafter at the end of the Lands
the Prophet of the Highest: * for of Monday.)
thou shalt go before the face of the
Lord to prepare His ways : I. Commemoration of the Blessed
To give knowledge of salvation Virgin Mary.
unto His people, * by the remission (Omitted if the Ofiee of the day is
of their sins; of the Blessed Virgin, or her Little
Through the tender mercy of our Ofiee is to he said.)
God, * whereby the dayspring from
on high hath visited us, Antiphon. O Holy Mary, be
To give light to them that sit thou an help to the helpless, a
in darkness, and in the shadow of strength to the fearful, a comfort to
death, * to guide our feet into the the sorrowful; pray for the people,
way of peace. plead for the clergy, make inter
cession for all women vowed to
The Doxology, “ Glory be to the God; may all that keep thine holy

remembrance, feel the might of Verse. 2The mouth of the right

thine assistance. eous speaketh wisdom.
Verse. Pray for us, 0 holy Answer. And his tongue talketh
Mother of God. judgment.
Answer. That we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray.

Let us pray. GOD, Who, in Thine un

speakable foreknowledge,
(TRANT, we beseech Thee, O
didst choose Thy blessed servant
1 Lord God, unto all Thy joseph to be the husband Of Thine
servants, that they may cOntinually Own most holy Mother,- mercifully
enjoy soundness both of mind and grant that now that he is in heaven
of body, and by the glorious inter with Thee, we who on earth do
cession of the Blessed Mary, always reverence him for our defender,
a Virgin, may be delivered from may worthily be holpen by the
present sadness, and enter into the succour of his prayers to Thee on
joy of Thine eternal gladness. our behalf.
From the Octave of the Epiphany to
Candlemas, the Antzjohon is the same, III. Commemoration of the Hot)
but the rest is asfollows :
Apostles, Peter and Paul.
Verse. After thy delivery thou
still remainest a Virgin undefiled. (Omitted in the Votive Ofiice of the
Answer. Mother of God, pray Apostles.)
for us.
Antiphon. 3These are glorious
Let us pray. princes over all the earth, they
GOD, Who, by the fruitful loved one another in their lives,
virginity of the Blessed and in their death they were not
Mary, hast given unto mankind the divided. -
rewards of everlasting life ; grant, Verse. 4Their sound is gone out
we beseech Thee, that we may con through all the earth.
tinually feel the might of her inter Answer. And their words to the
cession, through whom we have ends of the world.
worthily received the Author of our
life, our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son. Let us pray.
O GOD, Whose Right Hand
II. Commemoration of St. joseph, caught the Blessed Peter
Patron of the Universal Chureh. when he walked upon the water,
(Omitted in his Votive Ofiiee.) and began to sink,5 and thrice de
livered his fellow-Apostle Paul from
Antiohon. 1 JESUS Himself began the deep of the sea, when he suf
to be about thirty years of age, being fered shipwreck ,6 graciously hear
(as was suppOsed) the son of Joseph. us, and grant, for the sake of them

1 Luke iii. 23. 2 Ps. xxxvi. 30. 3 2 Kings (Sam.) i. 23.

4 P5. xviii. 5. 5 Matth. xiv. 31. ° 2 Cor. xi. 25.

both, that we also may attain unto For Peaee.

everlasting glory. Antiphon. Give peace in our
Note 1. time, 0 Lord, because there is

1 In England in this case, by a special rule, is made

Commemoration of St. George, Patron of England.

Antiphon. * The Saints through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought
righteousness, obtained promises.
Verse. 'l'O LORD, Thou hast compassed him.
Answer. With Thy favour as with a shield.
Let us pray.
O GOD, Who dost gladden us through the worthy deeds and prayers of
Thy blessed Martyr George ; mercifully grant that all they that seek
Thy favour through him, may effectually obtain the gift of Thy grace.
And thus it is said within the Oeta'Z/e.
In the Diocese of Hexham St. George is not commemorated, but instead, the following
commemoration is made of St. Cuthbert:
Antiphon. Holy Cuthbert, our Protector, grace and glory of our father
land, look down upon us from Heaven, and pray God for us, that He grant
us everlasting joy.
Verse. At the prayers of Blessed Cuthbert and for his sake,
Answer. Be merciful unto Thy people, 0 Lord.
Let us pray.
GOD, Who, through the priceless gift of Thy grace, dost make Thine
holy ones glorious, mercifully grant, that the prayers of Thy Blessed
Confessor and Bishop Cuthbert may help us worthily there to attain, where
are the spirits of just men made perfect. I

In the Diocese of Northampton the following commemoration of St. Thomas of Canter

bury is made before that of St. George :
Antiphon. II am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am
known of Mine, and I lay down My life for the sheep.
Verse. § In your patience
Answer. Possess ye your souls.
Let us pray.
O GOD, in defence of Whose Church the glorious Bishop Thomas fell
by the swords of wicked men, grant, we beseech Thee, that all that
ask his help may obtain wholesome fruit of their petition. fi-se‘flfat

In the Diocese of Plymouth the following commemoration of St. Boniface of Maintz is

made before that of St. George:
A ntzlohon. Many nations, many thousands of men, did Blessed Boniface
* Heb. xi. 33. 1' Ps. v. 13. Ijohn x. 14, 15. § Luke xxi. 19.

none other that fighteth for us, but our hearts may be set to obey Thy
only Thou, 0 our God. commandments, and also that by
Verse. 1Peace be within thy Thee we being defended from the
walls. fear of our enemies, may pass our
Answer. And prosperity within time in rest and quietness. Through
thy palaces. our Lord Issus Christ, Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee,
Let us pray. in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
God, world without end.
O GOD, from Whom all holy Answer. Amen.
desires, all good counsels,
and all just works do proceed ,' give From the Monday after Low Sunday
till the Ewe of the Ascension, instead of
unto Thy servants that peace which the preeeding Commemorations, is said
the world cannot give, that both the following.

gain for Christ, and forasmuch as he made himself like unto an Apostle, he
hath purchased unto himself a great reward in Heaven along with the
Verse. Be strong in the Lord, be strong.
Answer. That ye may live for ever with God.
Let us pray.
GOD, Who wast pleased to make the zeal of Thy Blessed Martyr and
O Bishop Boniface the mean whereby Thou didst cause many peoples
to know Thy Name, mercifully grant unto us who honour his memory to be
feelingly holpen by the succour of his protection.
(And so it is said within the Octave.)
In the Diocese of Portsmouth the following commemoration of St. Edmund of Can
terbury is made after that of St. George:

Antzfhon. He loved righteousness and hated iniquity, and therefore he

died in exile.
Verse. Cast out upon a world of woes,
In exile here we roam.
A nswer. O Blessed Edmund, by thy prayers,
Gain us the love of home.

Let us pray.
60]), Who in the abundance of Thy goodness toward Thy Church
0 hast made her bright by the illustrious life of Thy blessed Confessor
and Bishop Edmund, and gladdened her by his glorious and wondrous
works, mercifully grant unto Thy servants that they may be bettered in
following a fter his ensample, and shielded by his protection from all things
rhat may rise up against them,
1 Ps. cxxi. 7.

Paschal Commemoration of the through the mercy of God rest in

Cross. peace.
(Omitted in the Votive Oflices of the Answer. Amen.
Blessed Sacrament and of the Passion.) If Prime is to follow immediately, it
Antiphon. He That was cruci is begun here, and what follows is not
said till the end of the whole service.
fied is risen from the dead, and Otherwise the Ofice ends thus .
hath redeemed us. Alleluia, Al
leluia. The Lord’s Prayer is said inaudibt'y .
Verse. 1Say among the heathen OUR Father, Who art in heaven,
—Alleluia. Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Answer. That the LORD reign kingdom come. Thy will be done
eth from the tree—Alleluia. on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And
Let us pray. forgive us our trespasses, as we
GOD, Who didst send Thy forgive them that trespass against
Son to suffer death for us us. And lead us not into temp
upon the Cross, that Thou might tation; but deliver us from evil.
est deliver us from the power of Amen.
the enemy; grant unto us Thy Then aloud.
servants to be made partakers of Verse. The Lord give us His
His Resurrection. Through the peace.
Same our Lord IESUS Christ Thy Answer. And life everlasting.
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Amen.
Thee in the unity of the Holy Then follows one of these Four Anti
Ghost, one God, world without end. phons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, ac
Answer. Amen. cording to the season of the year.

After the last Prayer is said: I. From the First Sunday in Ad

Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. vent to Candlemas, both inclusive.
Answer. And let my cry come Antiphon. 2Maiden, Mother Of
unto Thee. Him that redeemed us, thou that
Verse. Bless we the Lord. abidest
Answer. Thanks be to God. Heaven’s open gate, and the Star
of the Sea, come, succour the fallen !
If the Ofiz'ce of the Dead or the Litany
(with or without the PenitentialPsalms) Fallen indeed we are, but fain
is to follow immediately, it is begun would rise by thy succour.
here. Otherwise Thou that beyond nature’s course,
hast borne in time the Eternal ;
There is said in rather a low voice:
Thou that a Virgin before and
May the souls Of the Faithful after that childbirth remainest,

1 Ps. xcv. 10. old version.

2 i.e., it is said for the first time after Vespers, if the Antiphon of the B.V. be to be said,
and in any case after Compline, on the Saturday evening before Advent Sunday, and it is
still similarly said after Vespers on February 2, but not after Compline on that day. It is _I_-_ _-.‘_n;L:—-

ascribed to Hermann the Cripple, a monk of Reichenau, who died A.D. 1052. This .trans
lation is in the same rhymeless measure as the original.
From the Archangel’s lips the II. From Candlemas to Maundy
quickening message receiving, Thursday, both exelusive.1
Mother of JESUS and us, turn
thine eyes of mercy on sinners. Antiphon. Hail, 0 Mary, Queen
Verse. The Angel of the Lord of Heaven,
announced unto Mary. Queen of Angel worlds on high,
Answer. And she conceived by Hail, 0 Rod to Jesse given,
the Holy Ghost. Blessed Portal of the Sky,
Hail, 0 Lady, bright and glorious,
Let us pray. Clad in beauty pure and true,
WE beseech Thee, O Lord, Virgin! o’er sin’s stain victorious,
pour Thy grace into our Sinners for thy succour sue.
hearts; that, as we have known Verse. Holy Virgin, my praise
the Incarnation of Thy Son Christ by thee aCCepted be.
by the message of an Angel, so by Answer. Give me strength against
His Passion and Cross we may be thine enemies.
brought unto the glory of the
Resurrection. Through the same Let us pray.
Christ our Lord.
Answer. Amen. RANT, we beseech Thee, 0
most merciful God, a succour
[n and after the First Vespers of unto the frailty of our nature, that
Christmas Day the Verse and Answer
and Prayer are as follows .' as we keep ever alive the memory
of the holy Mother of God, so by
Verse. After thy delivery thou
the help of her intercession we may
still remainest a Virgin undefiled.
be raised up from the bondage of
Answer. Mother of God, pray
our sins. Through the same Christ
for us.
our Lord.
Let us pray.
Answer. Amen.
GOD, Who, by the fruitful
virginity of the Blessed Mary,
hast given unto mankind the re III. From Easter Sunday2 till the
wards of everlasting life; grant, we Saturday after Pentecost, both in
beseech Thee, that we may con elusive.
tinually feel the might of her inter Antiphon. Rejoice! rejoice! thou
cession, through whom we have Queen of Heaven, Alleluia,
worthily received the Author of For He That thee for Son was
our life, even our Lord JESUS given, Alleluia,
Christ Thy Son. As He promised is arisen. Alle
Answer. Amen. luia.
1 i.e., it is said for the first time after Compline on Feb. 2 (even if the Feast of the
Purification be transferred), and for the last time after Compline on Wednesday in Holy
Week. The authorship is unknown ; it seems to date from about the eleventh century.
2 lie, it is said for the first time after Compline on Easter Eve. The date and author
ship are unknown ; but a legend has become attached to it to the effect that St. Gregory
the Great heard the three first lines uttered by an angel, and himself added the fourth, on
the same occasion from which was instituted the procession upon St. Mark’s Day.

Mother, pray to Him for us. Alle womb. O merciful, O gracious, 0

luia. sweet Virgin Mary!
Verse. Be glad and rejoice, 0 Verse. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother
Virgin Mary, Alleluia, of God,
Answer. For the Lord is risen Answer. That we may be made
indeed, Alleluia. worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Let us pray.
O GOD, Who art pleased to
gladden the whole world by O ALMIGHTY and everlasting
the resurrection of Thy Son our God, Who, by the co-opera
Lord JESUS Christ; grant, we be tion of the Holy Ghost, didst make
seech Thee, that by the help of ready both the body and soul of the
His Mother the Virgin Mary, we glorious Virgin and Mother Mary
may finally attain unto the glad worthily to become a meet dwelling
ness of life everlasting. Through for Thy Son; grant that as we re
the same Christ our Lord. joice in her memory, so by her piti
Answer. Amen. ful intercession we may be delivered
from the evils that continually hang
IV. From Trinity Sunday1 till the over us, and finally from everlasting
Saturday before Advent Sunday, death. Through the same Christ
both inclusive. our Lord.
Answer. Amen.
Antiphon. Hail, O Queen, Mother
of mercy! hail, our life, our sweet After each of these A ntiphons is said
ness, and our hope! To thee we this Blessing:
cry, the banished sons of Eve. To God’s most mighty strength alway
ward thee we sigh, weeping and Be His people’s staff and stay.
groaning in this vale of tears. Ah, Answer. Amen.
then, thou our Advocate, turn on us
those merciful eyes of thine! And, Feasts. The above Ofiice, appointed
for Sunday, is also said on all Feasts
after this our exile, show to us whatsoever, e'oen Simples, and every
JESUS, the blessed Fruit of thy day in Paschal time.

1 i.e., it is said for the first time after Vespers, if the Antiphon of the B.V. be to be
said, and in any case after Compline, on the Saturday evening before Trinity Sunday. The
last clause is usually admitted to be an exclamation uttered by St. Bernard of Clairvaux in
the Cathedral of Spires; but the authorship of the rest is disputed, some ascribing it to
Hermann the Cripple, others to one Peter of Monsoro, Bishop of Compostella, Others to
one Adhemar, Bishop of Podium (Puy-en-Velay). It seems to have been well known, at
least in Spain, early in the twelfth century.


finnhag. the Virgin Mary, sufi'ered under

Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,
THE LORD’s DAY. and buried: He descended into
Before Prime is said inaudihly the hell: the third day He rose again
Lord’s Prayer, the A ngelie Salutation, from the dead: He ascended into
and the Apestles’ Creed. heaven, and sitteth on the right
UR Father, Who art in heaven, hand of God the Father Almighty:
Hallowed be Thy Name. from thence He shall come to judge
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be the quick and the dead. I believe
done on earth, as it is in heaven. in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic
Give us this day our daily bread. Church, the Communion of Saints,
And forgive us our trespasses, as the Forgiveness of sins, the Resur
we forgive them that trespass against rection of the body, and the Life
us. And lead us not into tempta everlasting. Amen.
tion ; but deliver us from evil. Then is said aloud .
Verse. >1< Make haste, O God,
HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The to deliver me.
Lord is with thee: blessed Answer. Make haste to help me,
art thou among women, and blessed O LORD.
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Glory be to the Father, and to the
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
for us sinners, now and at the hour As it was in the beginning, is now,
of our death. Amen. and ever shall be, world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
BELIEVE in God the Father From Septuagesima Sunday to
Almighty, Maker of heaven and Maundy Thursday instead of “Alle
earth. And in JESUS Christ, His luia” is said.
Only Son, our Lord; Who was con , Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,
ceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of 0 Eternal King of heaven.
1Prime is the first service of the Church for the day-time, Mattins and Lands being for
the middle and close of night. Its proper hour is when the sun has fairly risen, and day
begun which is reckoned to be about 6 A.M., about which time it is generally said in
choirs. Sometimes Mattins, Lauds, and Prime are said together early in the morning,
' m lete
ioiingngjgePigyea ”. ofmorning servicePrayer
the Anglican of theBook
Church. It is from
is derived. . this‘aggregation
I that the

Then is said the following . when Five Antiphons have been said
at Lauds, the First of these Five
HYMN.‘ is the Antiphon at Prime, otherwise
THE star of mom to night succeeds, that given here is used.
We therefore meekly pray,
May God, in all our words and deeds. Antiphon. Alleluia.
Keep us from harm this day.

May He in love restrain us still Psalm LlIl.

From tones of strife and words of ill, [The superscription of this Psalm, after
And wrap around and close our eyes some words which are probably a musical
To earth's absorbing vanities. direction, proceeds “[A Psalm] of David,
when the Ziphim came and said to Saul,
May wrath and thoughts that gender Doth not David hide himself with us?"
shame This was during the same period of his life
Ne’er in our breasts abide, in the South in which he composed Ps.
And painful abstinences tame lxii. The Ziphim, or peasantry of the
Of wanton flesh the pride ; neighbourhood of Ziph, betrayed him twice
to Saul, and both times, especially the first,
So when the weary day is o’er, he was in imminent peril. I Kings (Sam.)
xxiii. 19-29, xxvi.]
And night and stillness come once
more, AVE me, O God, in Thy Name,
Blameless and clean from spot of earth
We may repeat with reverent mirth— * and judge me in Thy
To God the Father glory be, Hear my prayer, 0 God: * give
And to His Only Son, ear to the words of my month.
And to the Spirit, One and Three,
While endless ages run.
For strangers are risen up against
Amen. me, and oppressors seek after my
soul: * and have not set God be
The last verse is sometimes said thus, fore them.2
altered in honour of the Incarnation . Behold God is mine Helper: *
JESU, the Virgin-born, to Thee and the Lord upholdeth my soul.
Eternal praise be given, Reward Thou evil unto mine
With Father, Spirit, One and Three, enemies: * and cut them off in
Here as it is in heaven.
Amen. Thy truth.
I will freely sacrifice unto Thee:
In Paschal time it is said thus, altered * and praise Thy Name, 0 LORD,
in honour of the Resurrection: for it is good.
To Father, Son, and Paraclete, For Thou hast delivered me out
The slain and risen Son, of all trouble: * and mine eye
Be praise and glory, as is meet, hath seen [my desire] upon mine
While endless ages run.
Amen. enemies.

It is also occasionally otherwise al Thefollowing Psalm, “ 0 give thanks

tered, which occasions are marked in unto the LORD,” is said only on Sun
their places. days, when the Oflice is of the Sunday,
nor is it saidfrom Easter to Pentecost,
Then follow the Psalms. They are both inclusive. Moreover it is not said
all said under one Antiphon, and on or after Septuagesima Sunday till

1 Another Ambrosian hymn. Translation by the late Card. Newman. 2 SLH.


Easter, but then is substituted for it They compassed me about like

Psalm xcii., “The LORD reigneth” bees; they burnt out as the fire
(given at the beginning qf Lands).
of thorns: * but in the Name
of the LORD! I was avenged on
Psalm CXVII.
[From some verses it seems as though this They thrust sore at me, that I
Psalm was written for the Feast of Taber
nacles, and perhaps as a processional at the might fall: * but the LORD helped
entry of the King (David?) into the place me.
of worship. The Vulgate and the LXX. The LORD is my strength and
prefix the word Alleluia.]
my song, * and is become my
GIVE thanks unto the LORD, salvation.
for He is good: * for His The voice of rejoicing and salva
mercy endureth for ever. tion * is in the tabernacles2 of the
Let Israél now say that He is righteous.
good: * for His mercy endureth The right hand of the LORD hath
for ever. done valiantly. The right hand of
Let the house of Aaron now say, the LORD hath exalted me: * the
* that His mercy endureth for ever. right hand of the LORD hath done
Let them now that fear the LORD valiantly.
say, * that His mercy endureth for I shall not die, but live, * and
ever. declare the works of the LORD.
I called upon the LORD in dis The LORD hath chastened me
tress: * and the LORD heard me sore: * but He hath not given me
[and set me] at large. over unto death.
The LORD is on my side: * I Open to me the gates of right
will not fear what man can do eousness ; I will go into them and
unto me. praise the LORD. * This is the gate
The LORD is on my side: *and of the LORD, into which the righteous
I shall see [my desire upon] them shall enter.
that hate me. I will praise Thee, for Thou hast
It is better to put confidence in heard me, * and art become my
the LORD, * than to put confidence salvation.
in man. 3 The stone which the builders
It is better to trust in the LORD, refused * is become the head-stone
‘ than to trust in princes. of the corner.
All nations compassed me about: This is the LORD’s doing: * and
* but in the Name of the LORD!1 it is marvellous in our eyes.
I was avenged on them. This is the day which the LORD
They compassed me about, yea, hath made: * let us rejoice and be
they compassed r'ne about: * but glad in it.
in the Name of the LORD! I was Save me now, 0 LORD! O LORD,
avenged on them send Thou prosperity. * Blessed

I Probably a war-CY)“
2 The allusion is to the ceremonial of the Feast of Tabernacles, Lev. xxiii. 42, “Ye shall
dwell in booths seven days.”
3 These two verses Were quoted by our Lord. Matth. xxi. 42; Mark xii. IO.

be he that cometh in the Name of when I have respect unto all Thy
the LORD! 1 commandments.
We have blessed you out of the I will praise Thee with upright
house of the LORD. *‘ God is the ness of heart, ‘* when I shall have
LORD and hath showed us light : learned Thy righteous judgments.
Keep the solemn feast-day with I will keep Thy statutes: * O
leafy boughs, * even unto the horns forsake me not utterly.
of the Altar.2
Thou art my God, and I will Here the Doxology, “Glory be to the
praise Thee: * Thou art my God, Father, &c.,” is not said.
and I will exalt Thee.
I will give thanks unto Thee,'for :4
Thou hast heard me, * and art be
come my salvation. WHEREWITHAL shall a young
0 give thanks unto the LORD, man keep his way? * By
for He is good: * for His mercy taking heed unto Thy word.
endureth for ever. With my whole heart have I sought
Thee: * 0 let me not wander from
Thy commandments !
Psalm CXVI II.8
Thy word have I hid in mine
heart, * that I might not sin "against
N Thee.
LESSED are the undefiled in Blessed art Thou, O LORD: * teach
the way, * who walk in the me Thy statutes !
law of the LORD. With my lips * have I declared
Blessed are they that keep His all the judgments of Thy mouth.
testimonies: * that seek Him with I have rejoiced in the way of Thy
the whole heart. testimonies, * as much as in all
For they that work iniquity, * riches.
walk not in His ways. I will meditate on Thy pre~
Thou hast commanded us * to cepts, * and have respect unto
keep Thy precepts diligently. Thy ways.
O'that my ways were directed *‘ I will delight myself in Thy
to keep Thy statutes. statutes: * I will not forget Thy
Then shall I not be ashamed, ’* word.

1 Notice that this is the very verse which was sung during the Palm Sunday procession.
The word Hosanna is a corruption of its third and fourth words—via, “ Ho-shy’ah na.”
2 Lev. xxiii. 40. “And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees,
branches of palm-trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye
shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days." As to the 'Feast of Tabernacles,
the Jewish tradition understands by “goodly trees " the citron, and by “thick trees " the
myrtle. Branches of willow were fastened to the corners of the altar.
3 This long poem in praise of the Divine Law, which the Church recites eVery day and
all day, is A B C Darian. Its 176 verses are divided into twenty-two sections, of eight
verses each, in each of which sections all the verses begin with the same letter of the
Hebrew alphabet. The .first eight, therefore, begin with Aleph, which somewhat cor
responds to A.
4 Here begins the letter Beth, somewhat represented by B.
Continuation of the same Psalm. of Thy precepts: * so shall I talk
:1 of Thy wondrous works.
My soul sleepeth for heaviness : *
DEAL bountifully with Thy ser strengthen Thou me according unto
vant, quicken me, * and I Thy word. _
will keep T-hy word. Remove from me the way of lying:
Open Thou mine eyes, * that I * and grant me Thy law graciously.
may behold wondrous things out of I have chosen the way of truth:
Thy law. * Thy judgments have I not for
I am a stranger in the earth: * gotten. '
hide not Thy commandments from I cleave unto Thy testimonies, O
me. LORD : * put me not to shame !
My soul is an-hungered for the I have run the way of Thy com
longing that it hath unto Thy mandments, * since Thou hast en
judgments * at all times. larged mine heart.
Thou hast rebuked the proud : *
they are cursed that do err from The following Creed is only said on
Thy commandments. Sundays when the Ofiiee is of the Sun
Remove from me reproach and day, and on Trinity Sunday. The ex
eeptions are Easter and Pentecost Sun
contempt: * for I have kept Thy days, when it is not said, heeause they
testimonies. are treated as Festivals.
Princes also did sit and speak
against me: * but Thy servant did THE CREED OF ST ATHANASIUS.3
meditate on Thy statutes.
HOSOEVER willeth to be
Thy testimonies also are my de
light, * and Thy precepts my coun
safe, * before all things it
is necessary that he hold the
Catholic Faith. I
Here the Doxology, “ Glory be to the Which faith except every one do
Father, &c.,” is not said. keep whole and undefiled, * without
doubt he shall perish eternally.
*2 Now the Catholic Faith is this, *
that we worship One God in Trinity,
MY soul cleaveth unto the and Trinity in Unity.
1 ground: * quicken Thou Neither confounding the Persons,
me according to Thy word, * nor dividing the Substance.
I have declared my ways and For there is one Person of the
Thou heardest me: * teach me Thy Father, another of the Son, * and
statutes. another of the Holy Ghost.
Make me to understand the way But the Godhead of the Father,

1 Here begins the letter Ghimel, answering partly to our G.

2Here begins the letter Daleth, answering partly to our D.
3The translation largely follows that in the Rev. A. E. Burn’s ‘Introduction to the
Creeds. ' The origin and date of this hymn have been the subject of much discussion.
“It is agreed that it was not written by St Athanasius, and that it was written in Latin.”
In the opinion of Mr Burn the indications point to the South of Gaul as its place of origin,
and to the decade A.D. 420-430 as the period of its composition.

of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost So there is One Father, not Three
is One, * the Glory Equal, the Fathers ; One Son, not Three Sons;
Majesty Co-Eternal. * One Holy Ghost, not Three Holy
Such as the Father is, such is the Ghosts.
Son, * and such is the Holy Ghost. And in this Trinity is nothing
The Father Uncreated, the Son afore or after, nothing is greater or
Uncreated, * and the Holy Ghost less; * but the whole Three Per~
Uncreated. sons are Co-Eternal together, and
The Father Infinite, the Son In Co-Equal.
finite, * and the Holy Ghost In So that in all things, as is afore
finite. said, * the Unity in Trinity, and
The Father Eternal, the Son Eter the Trinity in Unity is to be wor
nal, * and the Holy Ghost Eternal. shipped.
And yet They are not Three He therefore that willeth to be
Eternals, * but One Eternal. safe, * let him thus think of the
As also They are not Three Un Trinity.
created, nor Three Infinites, * but But it is necessary to eternal
One Uncreated, and One Infinite. salvation, * that he also believe
So likewise the Father is Almighty, faithfully the Incarnation of our
the Son Almighty, * and the Holy Lord JESUS Christ.
Ghost Almighty. The right Faith therefore is, that
And yet They are not Three Al we believe and confess, * that our
mighties, * but One Almighty. Lord JESUS Christ, the Son of God,
So the Father is God, the Son is God and Man.
God, * and the Holy Ghost God. God, of the Substance of the
And yet They are not Three Gods, Father, Begotten before the worlds:
* but One God. * and Man, of the substance of His
SO the Father is Lord, the Son mother, born in the world.
Lord, * and the Holy Ghost Lord. Perfect God, Perfect Man, ** of
And yet They are not Three a reasoning Soul and human Flesh
Lords, * but One Lord. subsisting.
For, like as we are compelled by Equal to the Father as touching
Christian truth to acknowledge every His Godhead, * inferior to the
Person by Himself to be God and Father as touching His Manhood.
Lord, * so are we forbidden by the Who, although He be God and
Catholic Religion to say, there be Man, * yet He is not Two, but One
Three Gods or Three Lords. Christ.
The Father is made of none, ’* One, however, not by conversiOn
neither created, nor begotten. of the Godhead into Flesh, * but by
The Son is of the Father alone: taking of the Manhood into God.
* not made, nor created, but Be One altogether, not by confusion
gotten. of Substance, * but by Unity of
The Holy Ghost is of the Father, Person.
and the Son: * not made, nor For as the reasoning soul and
created, nor begotten, but Pro flesh is one man, * so God and
ceeding. Man is One Christ.

Who sufi'ered for our salvation, and to the Son, and to the Holy
descended into hell, * rose again Ghost.
the third day from the dead. Answer. Christ, Thou Son of the
He ascended into heaven, He sit Living God, have mercy on us.
teth on the right hand of the Father, Verse. 1 Arise, O Christ, and help
God Almighty, * from whence He us.
shall come to judge the quick and Answer. And deliver us for Thy
the dead. Name’s sake.
At \Vhose coming all men shall
rise again with their bodies, * and This Responsory is occasionally al
tered, which alterations are given in
shall give account for their own their proper places. From Low Sun
works. day inclusive till Ascension Day er
And they that have done good clusive it is said thus .
shall go into life eternal, * but Christ, Thou Son of the Living
they that have done evil into God, have mercy on us. Alleluia,
eternal fire. Alleluia.
This is the Catholic Faith, * which Answer. Christ, Thou Son Of the
except a man believe faithfully and Living God, have mercy on us. Alle
firmly, he cannot be safe. luia, Alleluia.
Here is said the Doxology, “Glory Verse. Thou That art arisen
be to the Father, &c.” from the dead.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Antiphon. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alle
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
In Paschal time is said a fourth , Ghost.
time, Alleluia. Answer. Christ, Thou Son of the
Then is said the Chapter. Living God, have mercy on us. Alle
luia, Alleluia.
CHAPTER. (1 Tim. i. 17.) Verse. Arise, O Christ, and help
UNTO the King Eternal, Im us. Alleluia.
mortal and Invisible, the Answer. And deliver us for Thy
only God, be honour and glory for Name’s sake. Alleluia.
ever and ever. Amen.
From Ascension Day inclusive till
Answer. Thanks be to God. Pentecost exclusive it is the same, ex
cept that instead of “Thou That art
Then follows the Short Responsory. arisen from the dead” is said .
Christ, Thou Son of the Living Verse. Thou That art gone up
God, have mercy on us. above the stars.
Answer. Christ, Thou Son of the
Living God, have mercy on us. During the Octave of Pentecost it is
Verse. Thou That sittest at the still the same except that this Verse is
right hand of the Father. _ said thus:
Answer. Have mercy on us. Verse. Thou That sittest at the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, right hand of the Father.
1 Ps. xliii. 26.
After the Short Resfionsory fofiiw Verse. 2And unto Thee have I
these prayers called the Preees, exeept cried, O LORD.
on Doubles and within Ootaves, when
they are omitted down to the mark *. Answer. And in the morning
shall my prayer come betimes be
1 Kyrie eléison. fore Thee.
Answer. Christe eléison. Verse. 3Let my mouth be filled
Kyrie eléison. with Thy praise.
Answer. That I may sing of Thy
UR Father (inaudibly), Who art glory, all the day long of Thy great
in heaven, Hallowed be Thy ness.
Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy Verse. 40 Lord, hide Thy face
will be done on earth, as it is in from my sins.
heaven. Give us this day our daily Answer. And blot out all mine
bread. And forgive us our tres iniquities. '
passes, as we forgive them that tres Verse. Create in me a clean heart,
pass against us. (Aloud) 0 God.
Verse. And lead us not into Answer. And renew a right spirit
temptation. within me.
Answer. But deliver us from Verse. Cast me not away from
evil. Thy presence.
Answer. And take not Thine
holy Spirit from me.
I BELIEVE (inaudibty) in God
Verse. Restore unto me the joy
the Father Almighty, Maker of
of Thy salvation.
heaven and earth. And in JESUS
Answer. And uphold me with
Christ, His only Son, our Lord: .
Thy free spirit.
Who was conceived by the Holy
Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary,
Verse. 5+ Our help is in the
name of the LORD.
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
Answer. Who made heaven and
crucified, dead, and buried: He de
scended into hell: the third day He
rose again from the dead: He as The General Confession.
cended into heaven, and sitteth on
the right hand of God the Father I CONFESS to God Almighty,
Almighty: from thence He shall to the Blessed Mary, always
come to judge the quick and the a Virgin, to the Blessed Michael
dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Archangel, to the Blessed John
the Holy Catholic Church, the Com the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles
munion of Saints, the Forgiveness Peter and Paul, and to all the
of sins. (Aloud) Saints, that I have sinned exceed
Verse. The Resurrection of the ingly in. thought, word, and deed,
body. by my fault, by my fault, by my
Answer. And the Life everlast most grievous fault. Therefore I
ing. Amen. beseech the Blessed Mary, always
1 Greek Litany, signifying “ Lord, have mercy—Christ, have mercy—Lord, have mercy.”
2 Ps. lxxxvii. I4. 3 Ps . lxx. ‘ Ps. I. 11-14. ‘5 Ps. cxxiii. 8.

a Virgin, the Blessed Michael the words, and works may be ordered
Archangel, the Blessed John the by Thy governance to do always
Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter that is righteous in Thy sight.
and Paul, and all the Saints, to Through our Lord JESUS Christ,
pray to the Lord our God for me. Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
The Absolution. Ghost, one God, world without end.
ALMIGHTY God have mercy Answer. Amen.
on us, forgive us our sins, Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
and bring us to life everlasting. Answer. And let my cry come
Answer. Amen. unto Thee.
Verse. Bless we the Lord.
+M AY the Almighty and mer Answer. Thanks be to God.
ciful Lord grant us pardon,
If the Prime of the Little Ofice of the
absolution, and remission Of all our Blessed Virgzn Mary is to he said, it is
sins. said now. Then is read the Martyr
Answer. Amen. ology of the marrow, if it he to he read,
the reader concluding with the words .
Then the Ofice continues as follows .'
And in other places many Other
Verse. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this holy Martyrs and Confessors and
day. holy Virgins.
Answer. To keep us without Answer. Thanks be to God.
After which the Oficeproceeds thus .' 1
Verse. Have mercy upon us, 0
LORD. Verse. 2 Precious in the sight of
Answer. Have mercy upon us. the LORD.
Verse. 0 LORD, let Thy mercy Answer. Is the death of His
lighten upon us. Saints.
Answer. As our trust is in Thee.
MAY Holy Mary and all the
Here the Ofiice is resumed when the Saints plead for us with the
Preces have been omitted. Lord, that we may worthily be
* Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 holpen and delivered by Him Who
LORD. - liveth and reigneth for ever and
Answer. And let my cry come ever.
unto Thee. Answer. Amen.
Verse. Make haste, O God, to
Let us pray. deliver me.
O LORD God Almighty, Who Answer. Make haste to help me,
hast safely brought us to the O LORD.
beginning of this day, defend us Verse. Make haste, O God, to
in the same with Thy mighty power : deliver me.
and grant that this day we fall into Answer. Make haste to help me,
no sin, but that all Our thoughts, O LORD.
’Whether the Martyrology has been read or not, The Martyrology is never binding
3 Ps. cxv. 6.
out of Choir

Verse. Make haste, O God, to rule and to govern our hearts and
deliver me. our bodies, our thoughts, our words,
Answer. Make haste to help me, and our works, according to Thy
O LORD. law and in the doing of Thy com
mandments, that we, being holpen
Glory be to the Father, and to of Thee, may here, and for ever
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. and ever, worthily be saved and de
As it was in the beginning, is livered by Thee, O Saviour of the
now, and ever shall be, world with world, Who livest and reignest for
out end. Amen. ever and ever.
Answer. Amen.
UR Father (inaudihly), Who
art in heaven, Hallowed be Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. ing.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is
The Blessing.
in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread. And forgive us our The Lord Almighty order our
trespasses, as we forgive them that days and deeds in His peace.
trespass against us. (Aloud) Answer. Amen.
Verse. And lead us not into
temptation. Then is read the Short Lesson. On all
Feasts, even Simples, and some other
Answer. But deliver us from days, this is the same as the Chapter
evil. which is to he read at None, which will
hefound in its properplace. On other
Verse. 1 Look upon Thy ser days one of the following is read, ac
vants, O Lord, and upon the works cording to the Season of the year.
of Thine hands, and order the go I. From the Octave of the Epiphany
ings of their children. till the First Sunday in Lent, and
Answer. And let the beauty of from the Octave of Pentecost till
the LORD our God be upon us, Advent Sunday, all exclusive.
and establish Thou the work of 2 Thess. iii. 5.
our hands upon us, yea, the work
of our hands, establish Thou it. And the Lord direct your hearts
Verse. Glory be to the Father, into the love of God, and into the
and to the Son, and to the Holy patience of Christ.
Answer. As it was in the be 2. From Advent Sunday inclusive till
Christmas Eve exclusive.
ginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen. Isa. xxxiii. 2.
O LORD, be gracious unto us:
Let us pray. for we have waited for Thee: be
O LORD God, King of heaven Thou our arm every morning, our
and earth, may it please Thee salvation also in the time of
this day to order and to hallow, to trouble. '

1 Ps. lxxxix. I6, 17.

3. From the First Sunday in Lent in Lastly, unless some other Hour is to
clusive till Passion Sunday exclusive. follow immediately, the Lord’s Prayer
is said inaudihly.
Isa. lv. 6.
UR Father, Who art in heaven,
Seek ye the LORD, while He may Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
be found: call ye upon Him while kingdom come. Thy will be done
He is near. on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And
4. From Passion Sunday inclusive till forgive us our trespasses, as we
Maundy Thursday exclusive.
forgive them that trespass against
Isa. l. 6. us. And lead us not into tempta
I hid not my face from shame tion ; but deliver us from evil.
and spitting. The Lord GOD1 Amen.
will help me, therefore also shall Note. When Ofiice is said in Choir
I not be confounded. the Service is ended with the A ntzlohon
of the Blessed Virgin Mary every time
the Choir is left. Otherwise it is only
5. From Easter Sunday inclusive till said as given in this hook, at the end of
Ascension Day exclusive. Lands (or the aggregation of which
Col. iii. 1. Lauds forms a part) and Compline.
Feasts. The above Ofi‘ice apfiointed
If ye be risen with Christ, seek for Sundays is also said on all Feasts
those things which are above, where whatsoever, even Simples, and every
Christ sitteth at the right hand of day in Paschal time.
God: set your afi'ections on things
above, not on things on the earth.
When the Reader has finished the PRIME ON WEEK-DAYS.
Short Lesson, he says .
All the same as on Sunday, except as
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy otherwise given here. >
upon us.
Ordinary A ntiphon during the
Answer. Thanks be to God.
year. Blessed are they that walk.
Verse. Our help is in the name
of the LORD. In Advent the A ntiphon is the First
Answer. \Vho made heaven and A ntiphon which has heen said at Lauds
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of
earth. its own. -
Verse. Bless ye.
Antiohon in Lent. As I live.
Answer. May God [bless us].
Antiphon for Passiontide. De
The Blessing. liver me, O Lord.
>1< The Lord bless us, and keep Psalm cxvii., “0 give thanks unto
us from all evil, and bring us to life the LORD,” is not said. On Saturday
everlasting; and may the souls of it is simply omitted, and only the three
Feast-Day Psalms (viz. liii. and the two
the Faithful, through the mercy of first sections of cxviii.) are sazd, but on
God, rest in peaCe the other days of the week one of the
Answer. Amen Psalms following is put in its place.

1 The Divine Name.


mailbag. @Iuzshag.
Psalm XXIV.
Psalm XXIII.
[Intituled “Of David.” This Psalm is
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.” The A B C Darian.]
Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the first
day of the week."] NTO Thee, O LORD, do I lift
up my soul: * O my God,
HE earth is the LORD’s and I trust in Thee, let me not be
the fulness thereof; * the ashamed.
world, and they that dwell there Neither let mine enemies triumph
in. - over me: * for none that wait on
For He hath founded it upon the Thee shall be ashamed:
seas, * and established it upon the Let them be ashamed that
floods. transgress * without cause.
Who shall ascend into the moun Show me Thy ways, 0 LORD, *
tain of the LORD? * or who shall and teach me Thy paths.
stand in His holy place? Lead me in Thy truth and teach
He that hath clean hands and me; * for Thou art the God of
a pure heart, * who hath not my salvation: and on Thee do I
lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor wait all the day.
sworn deceitfully unto his neigh Remember, 0 LORD, Thy tender
boun mercies, * and Thy loving-kind
He shall receive a bleSSing from nesses, which have been ever of
the LORD, * and mercy from the old.
God of his salvation. Remember not the sins of my
This is the generation of them youth, * nor my transgressions:
that seek Him, * that seek the According to Thy mercy remem
face of the God of Jacob.1 ber Thou me, * for Thy goodness’
Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, sake, O LORD. '
and be ye lift up, ye everlasting Good and upright is the LORD;
doors! * and the King of glory * therefore will He teach sinners
shall come in. in the way.
Who is this King of glory? * The meek will He guide in judg
The LORD strong and mighty, the ment:
His way.*‘ the meek will I He teach
LORD mighty in battle.
Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, All the paths of the LORD are
and be ye lift up, ye everlasting mercy and truth, * unto such as
doors! * and the King of glory keep His covenant and His testi
shall come in. monies.
Who is this King of glory? * For Thy Name’s sake, O LORD,
The LORD of hosts, He is the pardon mine iniquity; * for it is
King of glory.1 great.

1 SLH.

What man is he that feareth the I have not sat with vain persons,
LORD? " him shall He teach in the * neither will I go in with wrong
way that He shall choose. doers.
His soul shall dwell at ease: * I hate the congregation of evil
and his seed shall inherit the earth. doers: * and will not sit with the
The LORD is a strong rock unto wicked.
them that fear Him; * and His I will wash mine hands in inno
covenant shall be made known to cency, * and I will compass Thine
them. Altar, O LORD.
Mine eyes are ever toward the That I may hear the voice of
LORD : * for He shall pluck my feet thanksgiving, * and tell of all Thy
out of the net. wondrous works.
Turn Thee unto me, and have LORD, I have loved the beauty of
mercy upon me, ‘* for I am desolate Thine house, * and the place where
and afflicted. Thy glory dwelleth.
The troubles of mine heart are Make not my soul to perish with
enlarged: * 0 bring me out Of my sinners, O God, * nor my life with
distresses. bloody men:
Look upon mine afiiiction and my In whose hands is mischief, * and
pain: * and forgive all my sins. their right hand is full of bribes.
Consider mine enemies, for they But as for me, I will walk in
are many: * and they hate me with mine innocence: * redeem me, and
cruel hatred. be merciful unto me.
0 keep my soul, and deliver me: My foot standeth in uprightness:
* let me not be ashamed, for I put * in the congregations will I bless
my trust in Thee. Thee, O LORD.
The undefiled and the upright
cleave to me : * for I wait on Thee.
Redeem Israél, O God, * out of Gib ms 1: mg.
all his troubles! Psalm XXII.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.”]
manneshag. THE LORD is my Shepherd, I
Psalm XXV. shall not want. * He maketh
me to lie down in green pastures :
[Intituled “ Of David.”]
He leadeth me beside the still
UDGE me, O LORD, for I have waters. * He restoreth my soul:
walked in mine innocence: * I He leadeth me in the paths of
have trusted also in the LORD; I righteousness, * for His Name’s
shall not slide. sake.
Examine me, O LORD, and prove Yea, though I walk through the
me: * try as by fire my reins and valley of the shadow of death, I will
mine heart. fear no evil: * for Thou art with
For Thy loving-kindness is before me:
mine eyes: * and I have walked in Thy rod and Thy staff * they
Thy truth. comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me, But Thou art He That took me
* in the presence of mine enemies: out of the womb: * Thou art mine
Thou- anointest mine head with hope from my mother’s breasts. I
oil: * and mine overflowing cup, 0 was cast upon Thee from the womb:
how goodly is it! Thou art my God from my
Surely Thy mercy shall follow me mother’s belly. * Be not far from
* all the days of my life: me:
And I will dwell in the house of For trouble is near: * for there is
the LORD * for ever. none to help.
Many bulls have compassed me:
*‘ strong bulls have beset me round.
Jimmy. They gaped upon .me with their
Psalm XXI. mouths, * as a ravening and a roar
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.” It has ing lion.
a musical (P) superscription, from part of I am poured out like water, * and
which it appears that it was written for a all my bones are out of joint ;
tune called “The hind of the morning.”]
Mine heart is like melting wax *
MY God, my God, look upon in the midst of my bowels. I
me 1: why hast Thou for My strength is dried up like a
saken me? * the voice of mine of potsherd, and my tongue cleaveth to
fences keepeth Thy deliverance far my jaws: * and Thou hast brought
from me. me into the dust of death.
O my God, I cry in the day-time, For many dogs have compassed
and Thou hearest not : * and in the me: * the assembly of the wicked
night season—and still it is not fool have inclosed me.
ishness in me. They pierced mine hands and my
But Thou dwellest in holiness, * feet : * they have told all my bones:
0 Thou Praise of Israel! They look and stare upon me. *
Our fathers trusted in Thee: * They part my garments among them,
they trusted, and Thou didst deliver and upon my vesture do they cast
them. lots.
They cried unto Thee, and were But let not Thine help be far from
delivered: * they trusted in Thee, me ; O LORD, * haste Thee to save
and were not confounded. me.
But I am a worm and no man: * O God, deliver my soul from the
a reproach of men, and despised of sword : * my darling from the power
the people. of the dog!
2All they that see me laugh me to Save me from the lion’s mouth ; *
scorn : * they shoot out the lip, and and mine afliiction from the horns of
shake their head : the unicorns.
He trusted in the LORD, let Him I will declare Thy name unto my
rescue him : * let Him deliver him, brethren : * in the midst of the
seeing He delighteth in him. congregation will I praise Thee.
1 The words “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” were quoted by our
Lord upon the Cross (Matth. xxvii. 46; Mark xv. 34).
2 Read Matth. xxvii. 39-44.
‘Ye that fear the LORD, praise In Advent the A ntzlthon is the First
Him: * all ye seed of Jacob, glorify Antiphon which has heen said at Lauds
on Sunday, unless the day have a set qf
its own.
Let all the seed of Israél fear
Him. * For He hath not despised Antiphon in Lent. 1 As I live,
nor abhorred the prayer Of the saith the LORD, I have no pleasure
Pom; in the death of the wicked, but
Neither hath He hid His face rather that he turn from his way and
from me: * but when I cried unto live.
Him, He heard me. Antiphon for Passiontide. 2 De
My praise shall be of Thee in the liver me, O Lord, and set me be
great congregation: * I will pay my side Thee: and any man’s hand
vows before them that fear Him. may fight against me.
The poor shall eat and be satis
fied, and they shall praise the LORD CHAPTER. (Zech. viii. 19.)
that seek Him: * their heart shall
live for ever. LOVE peace and truth, saith the
All the ends of the earth * shall Lord Almighty.
remember and turn unto the LORD.
If the Preces have not been said at
And all the kindreds of the na
Lauds, then the Preees are now said,
tions * shall worship before Him. as on Sunday; but if the Lauds Preees
For the kingdom is the LORD’S: have been said, the followingr longer
* and He hath dominion among the form is used, all kneeling:
All they that be fat upon earth Kyrie eléison.
shall eat and worship: * all they Answer. Christe eléison.
that go down to the dust shall fall Kyrie eléison.
down before Him:
My soul also shall live unto Him -; OUR Father (z'naudihly), Who
‘ and my seed shall serve Him : art in heaven, Hallowed be
The generation to come shall tell Thy Name. Thy kingdom come.
it unto the Lord : * and the heavens Thy will be done on earth, as it is
shall declare His righteousness unto _in heaven. Give us this day our
a people that shall be born, whom daily bread. And forgive us our
the Lord hath made. trespasses, as we forgive them that
trespass against us. (Aloud)
Verse. And lead us not into
£aturhag. temptation.
Answer. But deliver us from
Psalm cxvii. is simply omitted and evil.
no other is substituted for it.

Ordinary Antifihon during the BELIEVE (inaudihly) in God

year. Blessed are they that walk the Father Almighty, Maker of
in Thy law, 0 Lord. heaven and earth. And in JESUS

1 Ezek. xxxiii. 11. 2 Job xvii. 3.


Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Verse. Restore unto me the joy
Who was conceived by the Holy of Thy salvation.
Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, Answer. And uphold me with
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was Thy free spirit.
crucified, dead, and buried: He Verse. 1 Deliver me, O LORD,
descended into hell: the third day from the evil man.
He rose again from the dead: He Answer. And preserve me from
ascended into heaven, and sitteth the wicked man.
on the right hand of God the Verse. 2 Deliver me from mine
Father Almighty: from thence He enemies, O my God.
shall come to judge the quick and Answer. And defend me from
the dead. I believe in the Holy them that rise up against me.
Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, Verse. Deliver me from the
the Communion of Saints, the For workers of iniquity.
giveness of sins. (Aloud) Answer. And save me from
Verse. The Resurrection of the bloody men.
body. Verse. 3 So will I sing unto Thy
Answer. And the Life everlast Name for ever.
ing. Amen. Answer. That I may daily per
Verse. And unto Thee have I form my vows.
cried, O LORD. Verse. 4 Answer us, 0 God of
Answer. And in the morning our salvation.
shall my prayer come betimes before Answer. Who art the confidence
Thee. of all the ends of the earth, and of
Verse. Let my mouth be filled them that are afar off upon the sea.
with Thy praise. Verse. Make haste, O God, to
Answer. That I may sing of deliver me.
Thy glory, all the day long of Thy Answer. Make haste to help me,
greatness. O LORD.
Verse. 0 Lord, hide Thy face Verse. 5 Holy God, Holy Mighty,
from my sins. Holy Immortal.
Answer. And blot out all mine Answer. Have mercy on us.
iniquities. ' Verse. 6 Bless the LORD, O my
Verse. Create in me a clean soul.
heart, 0 God. Answer. And all that is within
Answer. And renew a right spirit me, bless His holy Name.
within me. Verse. Bless the LORD, O my soul.
Verse. Cast me not away from Answer. I'And forget not all his
Thy presence. benefits.
Answer. And take not Thine Verse. Who forgiveth all thine
Holy Spirit from me. iniquities.

1 Ps. cxxxix. 2. 2 Ps. lviii. 2, 3. 3 Ps. lx. 9. 4 Ps. lxiv. 6.

5 Called the “Trisagion” in the Eastern Church. Its legendary origin is that it was
learnt from angels by a boy who was carried up into the air during a tempest at Con
stantinople in the time of St Proclus (A.D. 434). It is probably much older than his
time. Photius thought it was adapted from Ps. xli. 2. 6 Ps. cii. 1-5.

Answer, Who healeth all thy Answer. Thy youth is renewed

diseases. like the eagle’s.
Verse. Who redeemeth thy life Verse. >I< Our help is in the
from destruction. name Of the LORD.
Answer. Who crowneth thee Answer. Who made heaven and
with loving-kindness and tender earth.
Verse. Who satisfieth thy desire Then is made the General Confession,
with good things. and allproeeeds as on Sunday.


one fur zimg Bag in the As it was in the beginning, is now,

and ever shall be, world without end.
mark. Amen. Alleluia.
At the beginning of Teree the Lord’s
Prayer and the Angelic Salutation are From Septuagesima Sunday to
said inaudihly. Maundy Thursday instead of “Alle
luia” is said:
UR Father, Who art in heaven, Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy 0 Eternal King of heaven.
kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give Then is said thefollowing:
us this day our daily bread. And HYMN.11
forgive us our trespasses, as we for
COME, Holy Ghost, \Vho ever One,
give them that trespass against us. Reignest with Father and with
And lead us not into temptation; Son,
but deliver us from evil. Amen. 3 It is the hour, our souls possess
With Thy full flood of holiness.
HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The Let flesh, and heart, and lips, and mind,
Lord is with thee: blessed Sound forth our witness to mankind ;
art thou among women, and blessed And love light up our mortal frame
is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS. Till others catch the living flame.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray Now to the Father, to the Son,
for us sinners, now, and at the hour And to the Spirit, Three in One,
of our death. Amen. Be praise, and thanks, and glory given,
By men on earth, by Saints in heaven.
Then is said aloud:
Verse. + Make haste, O God, The last verse is sometimes said thus,
altered in honour of the Incarnation .
to deliver me.
Answer. Make haste to help me, JESU, the Virgin-born. to Thee,
O LORD. To Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Be praise, and thanks, and glory given,
Glory be to the Father, and to the By men on earth, by Saints in heaven.
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Amen.
1 The proper hour of Terce is 9 A.M., about which time it is generally said in
communities before the Community Mass.
2 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school. Translation by the late Card. Newman.
3 It was at this the third hour that the Holy Ghost descended on the day of Pente
cost.—-Acts ii. 15.

In Paschal time it is said thus, al commandments: * for therein do I

tered in honour of the Resurrection: delight.
JESU, our Risen Lord, to Thee, Incline mine heart unto Thy testi
To Father, Spirit, One and Three, monies, * and not to covetousness.
Be praise, and thanks, and glory given, Turn away mine eyes from be
By men on earth, by Saints in heaven. holding vanity: * quicken Thou me
in Thy way.
It is also occasionally otherwise al Stablish Thy word unto Thy ser
tered, which occasions are marked in vant, * that he may fear Thee.
their places. Turn away my reproach, which I
Then follow six sections of Psalm dread: * for Thy judgments are
CX VIII. They are all said under one good.
Antiphon, and when Five Antiphons Behold, I have longed after
have been said at Lauds, the Second qf Thy precepts: * quicken me in
these Five is the Antiphon at Terce. Thy righteousness.
Otherwise those given here are used.
Here the Doxology, “ Glory be to the
Ordinary Antiphon for Sundays; Father, &c.,” is not said.
and for every day in Paschal time.
1 2
Ordinary A ntiphon for Week-days.
Lead me. LET Thy mercy come also unto
In Advent the A ntzjohon is the Second me, O LORD: * even Thy sal
A ntiphon which has been said at Lauds vation, according to Thy word.
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of So shall I have wherewith to
its own. answer him that reproacheth me:
* for I trust in Thy word.
Antiphon in Lent. Behold now
And take not the word of truth
is the day. utterly out of my mouth: * for I
Antiphon in Passiontide. 0 Lord,
have hoped in Thy judgments.
Thou hast judged. So shall I keep Thy law contin
‘ually, * for ever and ever.
Continuation of Psalm CXVIII. And I will walk at liberty: * for
I seek Thy precepts.
I will speak of Thy testimonies
also before kings: * and will not be
EACH me, O LORD, the way of ashamed.
Thy statutes: * and I shall And I will delight myself in Thy
keep it unto the end. commandments, * which I have loved.
Give me understanding, and I Mine hands also will I lift up
shall keep Thy law: * yea, I shall unto Thy commandments, which I
observe it with my whole heart. have loved: * and I will meditate
Lead me in the path of Thy in Thy statutes.

1 Here begins the letter He, an aspirate, nearly represented by our H.

2 Here begins the letter Vau, variously attempted to be represented by V, W, U,
O, OO.
Continuation of the same Psalm. compassed me about: * yet have
7. 1 I not forgotten Thy law.
At midnight I will rise to give
REMEMBER Thy word unto thanks unto Thee, * because of
Thy servant, * upon which Thy righteous judgments.
Thou hast caused me to hope. I am the companion of all them
This is my comfort in mine afflic that fear Thee, * and of them that
tion, * that Thy word hath quickened keep Thy precepts.
me. The earth, 0 LORD, is full of
The proud have behaved them Thy mercy: * teach me Thy
selves very wickedly: * yet have I statutes.
not turned aside from Thy law.
I remembered Thy judgments of
old, 0 LORD: * and have comforted Continuation of the same Psalm.
myself. 3
Horror hath taken hold upon me, in
* because of the wicked that forsake
THOU hast dealt well with Thy
Thy law.
servant, O LORD, * according
Thy statutes have been my songs to Thy word.
* in the house of my pilgrimage.
Teach me goodness, and judg
I have remembered Thy Name, O ment, and knowledge: *‘ for I have
LORD, in the night, * and have kept believed Thy commandments.
Thy law.
astray :i * I therefore
was afflicted,
now II went
This I had, * because I kept Thy
kept Thy word.
Here the Doxology, “ Glory be to the Thou art good, * and in Thy
Father, &c.,” is not said. goodness teach me Thy statutes.
The proud have dealt very
wickedly with me: * but I will
n 2
keep Thy precepts with my whole
THOU art my portion, 0 LORD, heart.
* I have said that I would Their heart is curdled as milkz“
keep Thy law. ‘* but I delight in Thy law.
I entreated Thy favour with my It is good for me that Thou hast
whole heart: *‘ be merciful unto me afflicted me: * that I might learn
according to Thy word. Thy statutes. - \
I. thought on my ways, * and The law of Thy mouth is better
turned my feet unto Thy testi unto me, * than thousands of gold
monies. and silver.
I made haste, and delayed not
* to keep Thy commandments. Here the Doxology, “Glory be to the
The bands of the wicked have Father, &c.,” is not said.

1 Here begins the letter Zain, answering to Z.

2 Here begins the letter Kheth, a strong guttural, variously represented by Kh and I-Ih.
3 Here begins the letter Teth, represented by T.
‘ “ Gross as fat is their heart ” (Leeser). The idea conveyed is that of stupidity.

.11 Antiphon in Passiontide. 3O

Lord, Thou hast judged the cause
HINE hands have made me and of my soul. Thou hast redeemed
fashioned me: * give me my life, 0 Lord my God.
understanding, that I may learn
Thy commandments. Then follows the Chapter and the
They that fear Thee will be glad Short Responsory. When they are not
when they see me : * because I have given specially, one of the following is
used. After the Chapter is always an
hoped in Thy word. swered, “Thanks be to God.”
I know, 0 LORD, that Thy judg
ments are right, * and that Thou
On Sundays, from the Third Sun
in faithfulness hast afflicted me. day after the Epithany inclusive until
Let Thy merciful kindness be for Septuagesima Sunday exclusive, and
my comfort, * according to Thy from the Third Sunday after Pentecost
word unto Thy servant. inclusive until A dvent Sunday exclusive
Let Thy tender mercies come unto are said the following, and the Respon
sory is used moreover till the First
me, that I may live: * for Thy law Sunday in Lent exclusive.
is my delight.
Let the proud be ashamed, for CHAPTER. (I John iv. 16.)
they dealt wrongfully with me with
out a cause: * but I will meditate OD is love: and he that dwell
in Thy precepts. eth in love dwelleth in God,
Let those that fear Thee turn and God in him.
unto me, * and those that know Answer. Thanks be to God.
Thy testimonies.
Let mine heart be undefiled in Short Responsory.
Thy statutes, * that I be not 4Incline mine heart unto Thy
ashamed. testimonies, O God.
Answer. Incline mine heart unto
Ordinary Antiphon for Sundays. Thy testimonies, O God.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Verse. Turn away mine eyes from
A ntiphon for every day in Paschal beholding vanity: quicken Thou me
time. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, in Thy way.
Alleluia. Answer. Unto Thy testimonies,
Ordinary Antiphon for Week 0 God.
days. 2 Lead me in the path of Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Thy commandments, O Lord. and to the Son, and to the Holy
In Advent the A ntiphon is the Second Ghost.
Antzlnhon which has been said at Lands Answer. Incline mine heart unto
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of Thy testimonies, O God.
its own.
Verse. 5 I said, LORD, be merci
Antithon in Lent. Behold now ful unto me.
is the day of repentance, to redeem Answer. Heal my soul, for I
sin, and save the soul. have sinned against Thee.
1 Here begins the letter Jod, variously represented by J, Y, I, Ee.
7 Ps. cxviii. 35. 3 Lam. iii. 58. ‘ Ps. cxviii. 36, 37. 5 Ps. ,xl. 5.

On ordinary Week-days throughout Answer. Come and save us, 0

the year are said thefollowing . Lord God of hosts.
CHAPTER. (Jer. xvii. I4.)
Verse. 2 Cause Thy face to shine,
and we shall be saved. '
HEAL me, O LORD, and I shall Answer. 0 Lord God of hosts.
be healed: save me, and I Verse. Glory be to the Father,
shall be saved: for Thou art my and to the Son, and to the Holy
praise. Ghost.
Answer. Thanks be to God. Answer. Come and save us, 0
Lord God of hosts.
Short Responsory. Verse. sThe heathen shall fear
Heal my soul, for I have sinned Thy Name, 0 LORD.
against Thee. Answer. And all the kings of
Answer. Heal my soul, for I the earth Thy glory.
have sinned against Thee.
Verse. I said, LORD, be merciful In Lent are said the following (but the
unto me. Chapter on Week-days only):
Answer. For I have sinned against
CHAPTER. (Joel ii. 12, 13.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father, TURN ye to Me with all your
and to the Son, and to the Holy heart, with fasting, and with
Ghost. weeping, and with mourning. And
Answer. Heal my soul, for I rend your heart and not your gar
have sinned against Thee. ments, saith the Lord Almighty.
Verse. 1 Be Thou mine Helper, Answer. Thanks be to God.
neither leave me,
Answer. Nor forsake me, O God Short Responsory.
of my salvation. 4 He hath delivered me from the
snare of the fowler.
In Adz/ent are said the following (but Answer. He hath delivered me
the Chapter on Week-days only): from the snare of the fowler.
Verse. And from the noisome
CHAPTER. (Jer. xxiii. 5.)
BEHOLD, the days come, saith Answer. From the snare of the
the LORD, that I will raise fowler.
unto David a righteous branch : and Verse. Glory be to the Father,
a King shall reign in wisdom, and and to the Son, and to the Holy
shall execute judgment and justice Ghost.
in the earth. . Answer. He hath delivered me
Answer. Thanks be to God. from the snare of the fowler.
Verse. He shall cover thee with
Short Responsory. His wings.
Come and save us, 0 Lord God Answer. And under His feathers
of hosts. shalt thou trust.

1 Ps. xxvi. 9. 2 Ps. lxxix. 4. 3 Ps. ci. [6. 4 Ps. xc. 3.

In Passiontide are said the followingr Verse. Who hung for us upon
(hut the Chapter on Week-days only) : the tree.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
CHAPTER. (Jer. xvii. r 3.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
LORD, all that forsake Thee and to the Son, and to the Holy
shall be ashamed: they that Ghost.
depart from Thee shall be written Answer. The Lord is risen from
in the earth: because they have the grave, Alleluia, Alleluia.
forsaken the LORD, the fountain of Verse. 2 The Lord is risen in
living waters. deed, Alleluia.
Answer. Thanks be to God. Answer. And hath appeared to
Simon, Alleluia.
Short Responsory.
After the Short Responsory, the
1 O God, deliver my soul from Preees have heen said at Lauds, all kneel
the sword. down and the following are said; but
Answer. 0 God, deliver my soul z_'fthe Preees have been omitted at Lands,
from the sword. then these are also omitted down to the
mark *.
Verse. And my darling from
the power of the dog. Kyrie eléison.
Answer. My soul from the sword. Answer. Christe eléison.
O God, deliver my soul from the Kyrie eléison.
Verse. 0 Lord, save me from OUR Father (inaudz'hly), Who
the lion’s mouth. art in heaven, Hallowed be
Answer. And mine afiliction Thy Name. Thy kingdom come.
from the horns of the unicorns. Thy will be done on earth, as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our
In Paschal time are said the following daily bread. And forgive us our
(hut the Chapter on Week-days only) : trespasses, as we forgive them that
trespass against us. (Aloud)
CHAPTER. (Rom. vi. 9.) Verse. And lead us not into
HRIST, being raised from the temptation.
dead, dieth no more, death Answer. But deliver us from evil.
hath no more dominion over Him.
For in that He died, He died unto Verse. 3 Turn us again, 0 Lord
sin once; but in that He liveth, He God of hosts.
liveth unto God. Answer. And cause Thy face to
Answer. Thanks be to God. shine, and we shall be saved.
Verse. Arise, O Christ, and help
Short Responsory. us.
The Lord is risen from the grave, Answer. And deliver us for Thy
Alleluia, Alleluia. Name’s sake.
Answer. The Lord is risen from Here the Ofiiee is continued when the
the grave, Alleluia, Alleluia. above has been omitted.

1 Ps. xxi. 21. 2 Luke xxiv. 34. 3 Ps. lxxix. 8.


Lastly, unless Sextfollow, the Lordis

* Verse. Hear my prayer, 0
LORD. Prayer is said inaudihly.
Answer. And let my cry come
UR Father, Who art in heaven,
unto Thee.
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
Let us pray. kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
Here is said the Prayer for the day,
after which .
us this day our daily bread. And
forgive us our trespasses, as we for
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. give them that trespass against us.
Answer. And let my cry come And lead us not into temptation;
unto Thee. but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Verse. Bless we the Lord.
Answer. Thanks be to God. Note. When Oflice is said in Chair
the Service is ended with the Antiphon
If the Little Oflice of the Blessed of the Blessed Virgin Mary every time
Virgin Mary is to follow immediately, the Choir is left. Otherwise it is only
it is begun here, and what follows is not said as given in this hook, at the end
said. Otherwise the Ofice ends thus . of Lauds (or the aggregation of which
Verse (said in a somewhat lower Lands forms a part) and Comfiline.
voice). May the souls of the Faith
ful, through the mercy of God, rest Feasts. The above Ofice, appointed
for all Sundays and Week-days through
in peace. out the year, is likewise said on all
Answer. Amen. Feasts.


@fficz for titerg bag in the now, and ever shall be, world with
out end. Amen. Alleluia;
At the beginning ‘qf Sext, the Lord’s Franz Sefituagesima Sunday to
Prayer and the Angelic Salutatian are Maundy Thursday, instead of “Alle—
said inaudihly. luia ” is said:
Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,
UR Father, Who art in heaven, 0 Eternal King of Heaven.
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done Then is said thefollowing .
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And H YMN.2
forgive us our trespasses, as we for O GOD, Who canst not change nor
give them that trespass against us. fail
Guiding the hours, as they roll by,
And lead us not into temptation; Brightening with beams the morning
but deliver us from evil. Amen. pale,
And burning in the mid-day sky;
HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The Quench Thou the fires of hate and
Lord is with thee: blessed strife, . .
art thou among women, and blessed The wasting fever of the heart ;
is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS. From perils guard our feeble life,
And to our souls Thy peace impart.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray
for us sinners, now, and atthe hour Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son,
of our death. Amen. And Holy Spirit, God of grace,
To Whom all glory, Three in One,
Then is said alaud .' Be given in every time and place.
v - Amen.
Verse. >14 Make haste, O God, to
deliver me. The last verse is sometimes said thus,
altered in honour of the Incarnation .
Answer. Make haste to help me,
O LORD. Hear, JESU, Virgin-born, our cry,
Glory be to the Father, and t0 With Father and with Holy'Ghost,
To Whom be praise, here as on high,
the Son, and t0 the Holy Ghost. On earth as ’mid the Angelic Host.
As it was in the beginning, is Amen.
1 The proper hour for Sext is 12 noon. In Choirs it is generally said after the Com
munity Mass.
2 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school, with one word altered. Translation by the
late Card. Newman

In Paschal time it is said thus, altered How many are the days of Thy
in honour of the Resurreetion . servant? * when wilt Thou execute
To Thee, our Risen Lord, we cry, judgment on them that persecute
With Father and with Holy Ghost, me?
To Whom be praise, here as on high, The wicked have spoken lies
On earth as ’mid the Angelic Host.
Amen. unto me, * which are not after Thy
It is also occasionally otherwise al All Thy commandments are faith
tered, which oeeasions are marked in ful: * they persecute me wrongfully,
their places.
help Thou me.
Then follow six sections of Psalm They had almost consumed me
CXVIII. They are all said under one upon earth: * but I forsook not
Antiphon, and when Fir/e Antz'phons Thy precepts.
have been said at Lands the third of
these Five is the Antifihon at Sert. Quicken me after Thy loving
Otherwise those given here are used. kindness: * so shall I keep the
testimony of Thy mouth.
Ordinary Antiphon for Sundays
and for every day in Pasehal time. Here the Doxology, “ Glory be to the
Alleluia. Father, &c.,” is not sold.
Ordinary A ntzlphonfor I/Veeh-days.
Hold Thou me up. 52
In Advent the A ntiphon is the Third OR ever, 0 LORD, * Thy word
Antiphon whieh has been said at Lauds is settled in heaven.
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of
its own. Thy faithfulness is unto all genera
tions: * Thou hast established the
Antiphon in Lent. Let us ap earth, and it abideth.
prove ourselves. The day continueth by Thine
Antiphon in Passiontz'de. OMy ordinance: * for all things serve
people. Thee.
Unless Thy law had been my
delight, * then perchance I should
Continuation of Psalm CX VIII.
have perished in mine affliction.
31 I will never forget Thy precepts :
* for with them Thou hast quick
Y soul fainteth for Thy salva ened me.
tion: * but I hope in Thy I am Thine, save me: * for I
word. have sought Thy precepts.
Mine eyes fail for Thy word, * The wicked have waited for me,
saying: When wilt Thou comfort to destroy me: * but I considered
me? Thy testimonies.
For I am become like a wine I'have seen an end of all perfec
skin in time of frost: * yet do I tion: * but Thy commandment is
not forget Thy statutes. exceeding broad.
1 Here begins the letter Caph, a guttural variously represented by C, Q, Ch, &c.
2 Here begins the letter Lamed, answering to L.

Continuation of the same Psalm. will offerings of my mouth, 0 LORD :

* and teach me Thy judgments.
n 1 My soul is continually in mine
HO\V I love Thy law, 0 Lord! hand: * yet do I not forget Thy law.
* it is my meditation all the The wicked have laid a snare for
day. me: * yet I erred not from Thy
Thou, through Thy command
ments, hast made me wiser than Thy testimonies have I taken as
mine enemies: * for they are ever an heritage for ever : * for they are
with me. the rejoicing of mine heart.
I have more understanding than I have inclined mine heart to
all my teachers: * for Thy testi perform Thy statutes always, * be
monies are my meditation. cause of the reward.
I understand more than the an
cients, * because I keep Thy pre Continuation of the same Psalm.
I have refrained my feet from D3
every evil way ; * that I might keep
I HATE the unrighteous: * but
Thy word.
Thy law do I love.
I have not departed from Thy
Thou art mine Helper and my
judgments: * for Thou hast taught Protector: * and in Thy word do
me. I hope.
How sweet are Thy words unto
Depart from me, ye evil-doers :
my taste ! * yea, sweeter than honey
* for I will keep the commandments
to my mouth. of my God.
Through Thy precepts I get un
Uphold me according to Thy
derstanding : * therefore I hate every word, and I shall live : * and let me
false way. not be ashamed of mine hope.
Here the Doxology, " Glory be to the Hold Thou me up and I shall be
Father, &c.,” is not said. safe : * and I will have respect unto
Thy statutes continually.
Thou hast trodden down all them
a2 that err from Thy statutes: * for
THY word is a lamp unto my feet, their thought is falsehood.
* and a light unto my path. I hold all the wicked of the earth
I have sworn, and am stedfastly as liars : * therefore I love Thy
purposed, * to keep Thy righteous testimonies.
judgments. Make Thou my flesh to tremble
I am afflicted very much, 0 for fear of Thee: * for I am afraid
LORD; * quicken me according to of Thy judgments.
Thy word. Here the Doxology, “Glory be to the
Accept, I beseech Thee, the free Father, &c.,” is not said.
1 Here begins the letter Mem, answering to M.
2 Here begins the letter Nun, answm-ing to N.
:2 Here begins the letter Samech, somewhat represented by S.

Antiphon in Passiontide. 3 0 My
v1 people, what have I done unto thee,
HAVE done judgment and jus and wherein have I wearied thee?
_ tice: * leave me not to mine Testify against Me.
Be surety for Thy servant for Then follows the Chapter and the
good: * let not the proud oppress Short Responsory. When they are not
given specially, one of the following is
me. used. After the Chapter is always an—
Mine eyes fail for Thy salva swered, “ Thanks be to God.”
tion, * and for the word of Thy
righteousness. On Sundays, from the Third Sunday
, Deal with Thy servant according after the Epiphany inclusive until Sep
tuagesima Sunday exclusive, andfrom
unto Thy mercy: * and teach me the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost in
Thy statutes. ‘ clusive until Advent Sunday exclusive,
I am Thy servant: * give me un are said the following, and the Re
derstanding, that I may know Thy sponsory is used moreover until the
First Sunday in Lent, exclusive.
It is time for Thee, LORD, to work :
* they have made void Thy law. CHAPTER. (Gal. vi. 2.)
Therefore I love Thy command BEAR ye one another’s burdens,
ments * above gold and the topaz and so shall ye fulfil the law
of Christ.
Therefore did I turn to all Thy Answer. Thanks be to God.
commandments: * I hate every
false way. Short Responsory.

Ordinary Antiphon for Sunday. 4For ever, 0 LORD, Thy word is

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. settled [in heaven].
Antiphon for every day in Paschal Answer. For ever, 0 LORD, Thy
time. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, word is settled [in heaven].
Alleluia. Verse. Thy faithfulness is unto
Ordinary Antiphonfor VVeeh-days. all generations.
2 Hold Thou me up, 0 Lord, and I Answer. Thy word is settled [in
shall be safe. heaven].
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
In Advent the Antiphon is the Third and to the Son, and to the Holy
Antiphon which has been said at Lauds Ghost.
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of
its own. Answer. For ever, 0 LORD, Thy
word is settled [in heaven].
Antiphon in Lent. Let us ap Verse. 5The LORD is my Shep
prove ourselves in much patience, in herd, I shall not want.
much fasting, by the armour Of Answer. He maketh me to lie
righteousness. _ down in green pastures.
1 Here begins the letter Ayin, or Ghain, as to the sound of which the learned are not
2 Ps. cxviii. n7. 3 Micah vi. 3. 1‘ Ps. cxviii. 89. 5 Ps. xxii. r, 2.

On ordinary Week-days throughout Verse. Glory be to the Father, and

the year are said the followingr .
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
CHAPTER. (Gal. vi. 2.) Answer. Show us Thy mercy, O
BEAR ye one another’s burdens, Verse. 3Remember us, 0 LORD,
and so shall ye fulfil the law with the favour that Thou bearest
of Christ. unto Thy people.
Answer. Thanks be to God. Answer. 0 visit us with Thy
Short Responsory. salvation.

1I will bless the LORD at all In Lent are said the following (but
times. the Chapter on Week-days only) .
Answer. I will bless the LORD
CHAPTER. (Isa. lv. 7.)
at all times.
Verse. His praise shall continu LET the wicked forsake his way,
ally be in my mouth. and the unrighteous man his
Answer. At all times. thoughts, and let him return unto
Verse. Glory be to the Father, the LORD, and He will have mercy
and to the Son, and to the Holy upon him; and to our God, for He
Ghost. will abundantly pardon.
Answer. I will bless the LORD Answer. Thanks be to God.
at all times. Short Responsory.
Verse. The LORD is my Shep
4He shall cover thee with His
herd, I shall not want.
Answer. He maketh me to lie
Answer. He shall cover thee
down in green pastures.
with His wings.
Verse. And under His feathers
In Advent are said the following (hut
the Chapter on Week-days only): shalt thou trust.
Answer. With His wings.
CHAPTER. (Jerem. xxxiii. 16.) Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
IN those days shall Judah be
Answer. He shall cover thee
saved, and Israel shall dwell
with His wings.
safely: and this is the name where
Verse. His truth shall be thy
by she shall be called, The LORD
our Righteousness.
Answer. Thou shalt not be
Answer. Thanks be to God.
afraid for the terror by night.
Short Responsory.
In Passiontz'de are said the following
2Show us Thy mercy, O LORDi (but the Chapter on Week-days only) .
Answer. Show us Thy mercy, 0
CHAPTER. (Jerem. xvii. l8.)
1mm. ,
Verse. And grant us Thy 5a] LET them be confounded that per
vation. secute me, but let not me be
Answer. Thy mercy, O LORD, confounded ,- let them be dismayed,
1 p5, xxxiii. 2 2 Ps. lxxxiv. 8. 3 Ps. cv. 4. 4 Ps. xc. 4.

but let not me be dismayed; bring Verse. Glory be to the Father,

upon them the day of evil, and de and to the Son, and to the Holy
stroy them with double destruction, Ghost.
O Lord our God. Answer. The Lord is risen in
Answer. Thanks be to God. deed, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Verse. 3 The disciples were glad,
Short Responsory. Alleluia.
1 O Lord, save me from the lion’s Answer. When they saw the
mouth. Lord, Alleluia.
Answer. 0 Lord, save me from After the Short Responsory, the
the lion’s mouth. Preces have heen said at Lauds all hneel
Verse. And mine affliction from down and thefollowing'are said, hut if
the horns of the unicorns. the Preces have been omitted at Lauds
then these are also omitted, down to the
Answer. From the lion’s mouth, mark *.
0 Lord, save me from the lion’s
mouth. Kyrie ele'ison.
Verse. 2Make not my soul to Answer. Christe eléison.
perish with sinners, O God. Kyrie eléison.
Answer. Nor my life .with bloody
men. OUR Father (inaudz'hly), Who art
in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
In Paschal time are said the follow
ing (hat the Chapter on Week-days will be done on earth, as it is in
only) . heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our tres
CHAPTER. (I Cor. xv. 20.) passes, as we forgive them that tres
pass against us. (Aloud)
OW is Christ risen from the Verse. And lead us not into
dead, the first-fruits of them temptation.
that sleep; for since by man came Answer. But deliver us from
death, by man came also the res evil.
urrection of the dead. For as in Verse. Turn us again, 0 Lord
Adam all die, even so in Christ God of hosts!
shall all be made alive. Answer. And cause Thy face to
Answer. Thanks be to God. shine, and we shall be saved.
Verse. Arise, O Christ, and help
Short Responsory.
The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia, Answer. And deliver us for Thy
Alleluia. Name’s sake.
Answer. The Lord is risen in
Here the Ofice is continued when the
deed, Alleluia. ahove has been omitted.
Verse. And hath appeared to
Simon. * Verse. Hear my prayer, 0
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. Lord.

1 PS. xxi. 22. 2 Ps. xxv. 9. 3 John xx. 20.

Answer. And let my cry come Lastly, unless None allow, the Lord’s
unto Thee. Prayer is said inaudi ly.

UR Father, Who art in heaven,

Let us pray.
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Here is said the Prayerjbr the day, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
after which . done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Verse. Hear my prayer, O Lord.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we
Answer. And let my cry come
forgive them that trespass against us.
unto Thee.
And lead us not into temptation;
Verse. Bless we the Lord.
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
Note. When Ofiiee is said in Choir
If the Little Ofiice of the Blessed Vir the Sera/iee is ended with the Antiphon
gin Mary is to follow immediately, it of the Blessed Virgin Mary every time
is begun here, and what follows is not the Chair is left. Otherwise it is only
said. Otherwise the Oflioe ends thus: said as given in this hook, at the end of
Lands (or the aggregation of which
Verse (said in a somewhat lower Lauds forms a part) and Compline.
tone). May the souls of the Faithful,
through the mercy of God, rest in Feasts. The Move 0 re, appointed
for all Sundays and Wee -days through
peace. out the year, is lihewise said on all
Answer. Amen. Feasts.



@ffirz for ehzrg bag in the As it was in the beginning, is now,

and ever shall be, world without end.
Merit. Amen. Alleluia.
At the beginning of None the Lord's
Prayer and the Angeli: Salutation are From Septuagesima Sunday to
said inaudihly._ Maundy Thursday instead of “Alle
luia” is said.
OUR Father, Who art in heaven,
Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,
Hallowed be Thy Name. O Eternal King of heaven.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. HYMN.2
And forgive us our trespasses, as we
O GOD, Unchangeable and True,
forgive them that trespass against us. Of all the Light and Power,
And lead us not into temptation; Dispensing light in silence through
but deliver us from evil. Amen. Every successive hour;

HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The Lord, brighten our declining day,
Lord is with thee: blessed That it may never wane,
Till death, when all things round decay,
art thou among women, and blessed Brings back the morn again.
is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray This grace on Thy redeemed confer,
for us sinners, now, and at the hour Father, Co-equal Son,
of our death. Amen. And Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
Eternal Three in One.
Then is said aloud .
Verse. >I< Make haste, O God, The last verse is sometimes said thus,
to deliver me. altered in honour of the Incarnation .
Answer. Make haste to help me,
JESU, the Virgin-born, to Thee,
O LORD. Eternal praise be given,
With Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Glory be to the Father, and to the Here as it is in heaven.
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Amen.

1 The proper hour for None is 3 P.M., but in Choirs it varies.

2 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school , with one word altered. Translation by the
late Card. Newman.
In Paschal time it is said thus, al Look Thou upon me, and be
tered in honour of the Resurrection . merciful unto me, * as Thou usest
To Father, Son, and Paraclete, to do unto those that love Thy
The slain and risen Son, Name.
Be praise and glory, as is meet, Order my steps in Thy word: *
\Vhile endless ages run.
Amen. and let not any iniquity have do
minion over me.
It is also occasionally otherwise al Deliver me from the oppression
tered, which occasions are marked in of man: * and I will keep Thy
their places.
Then follow six sections of Psalm Make Thy face to shine upon
CXVIII. They are all said under one Thy servant: * and teach me Thy
Antiphon, and when Five Antiphons statutes.
have been said at Lauds, the Fifth of
these Five is the Antifihon at None. Rivers of water run down mine
Otherwise those given here are used. eyes: * because they keep not Thy
Ordinary Antiphon for Sundays
and for every day in Paschal time. The Doxology, “Glory be to the
Alleluia. ' Father, &c.,” is not said.
Ordinary Antiphon for VVeek-days.
Look Thou upon me. 22

In Advent the A ntiphon is the Fifth

A ntiphon which has been said at Lauds IGHTEOUS art Thou, O
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of LORD: * and upright are
its own. Thy judgments.
Antiphon for Week-days in Lent. Thy testimonies that Thou hast
Let us approve ourselves. commanded are righteous, * and
Antiphon for l/Veehdays in Pas very faithful.
siontide. Did not they reward me My zeal hath consumed me, *
because mine enemies have for
evil for good?
gotten Thy words.
Thy word is tried to the utter
Continuation of Psalm CX V11].
most: * and Thy servant loveth it.
5l I am small and despised: * yet
do I not forget Thy precepts.
HY testimonies are wonderful: Thy righteousness is an ever
* therefore doth my soul keep lasting righteousness: * and Thy
them. law is the truth.
The unfolding of Thy words Trouble and anguish have taken
giveth light: * yea, it giveth under hold upon me: * Thy command
standing unto the simple. ments are my delight.
I opened my mouth and panted: The righteousness of Thy testi
* for I longed for Thy command monies is everlasting: * give me
ments. understanding, and I shall live.
1 Here begins the letter Pc, represented by P, Ph, F.
2 Here begins the letter Tzade, represented by T2 or Ts.

Continuation of the same Psalm. LORD: * quicken me according to

Thy judgments.
p1 Many are my persecutors, and
I CRIED with my whole heart, mine enemies: * yet do I not turn
hear me, O LORD: * I will aside from Thy testimonies.
keep Thy statutes. I beheld the transgressors, and
I cried unto Thee, save me: * was grieved: * because they kept
and I will keep Thy command not Thy word.
ments. Consider how I love Thy pre
Before the dawning of the morn cepts, O LORD: * quicken me
ing, I cried: * for I hoped in Thy according to Thy loving-kindness.
word. Thy word is true from the be
Mine eyes look up to Thee ginning: * and every one of Thy
early: * that I may meditate in righteous judgments endureth for
Thy word. ever.
Hear my voice according unto
Thy loving-kindness, O LORD: * Continuation of the same Psalm.
and quicken me according to Thy ms
They that persecute me draw nigh PRINCES have persecuted me
to sin: * but are far from Thy without a cause: * but mine
law. heart standeth in awe Of Thy word.
Thou art near, 0 LORD: * and I will rejoice at Thy word, * as
all Thy ways are truth. one that findeth great spoil.
Concerning Thy testimonies I I hate and abhor wickedness: *
have known of old: * that Thou but Thy law do I love.
hast founded them for ever. Seven times a day do I praise
The Doxology, “Glory be to the Thee, * because of Thy righteous
Father, &c.,” is not said. judgments.
Great peace have they that love
Thy law: * and for them there are
no stumbling-blocks.
LORD, I hope for Thy salvation:
ONSIDER mine affliction, and
* and I love Thy commandments.
deliver me: * for I do not
My soul hath kept Thy testimonies,
forget Thy law.
* and loved them exceedingly.
Give judgment concerning me,
I have kept Thy precepts and
and deliver me: * quicken me for
Thy testimonies; * for all my ways
the sake of Thy word.
are before Thee.
Salvation is far from the wicked:
* for they seek not Thy statutes. The Dorology, “Glory be to the
Great are Thy tender mercies, O Father, &c.,” is not said. v

1 Here begins the letter Koph, generally represented by Ch or Q.

2 Here begins the letter Resh, analogous to R, but concerning the precise sound of
which the learned are not agreed.
3 Here begins the letter Shin, somewhat represented by S and Sh.
patience, by the armour of righteous
n 1‘ ness, by the power of God.
LET my cry come near before Antiphon for VVeek-days in Pas
Thee, O LORD: * give me siontide. 4 Did not they reward me
understanding according to Thy evil for good? for they digged a pit
word. for my soul.
Let my supplication come before
Thee: * deliver me according to Then follows the Chapter and the
Thy word. Short Responsory. When they are not
given specially, one of the following is
My lips shall utter praise, * used. After the Chapter is always an
when Thou hast taught me Thy swered: “ Thanks be to God.”
My tongue shall speak of Thy On Sundays, from the Third Sunday
word: * for all Thy commandments after the Epiphany inelusiue until Sep
tuagesima Sunday exelusiz/e, and from
are righteousness. the Third Sunday after Pentecost in
Let Thine hand help me: * for I clusive till Advent Sunday exelusz'z/e,
have chosen Thy precepts. are said the following, and the Respon
I have longed for Thy salvation, sory is used moreover till the First
Sunday in Lent exclusive.
O LORD: * and Thy law is my de
My soul shall live, and it shall CHAPTER. (I Cor. vi. 20.)
praise Thee: * and Thy judgments
FOR ye are bought with a great
shall help me.
price. Glorify God, and bear
I have gone astray like a lost
Him in your body.
sheep: * seek Thy servant: for
Answer. Thanks be to God.
I do not forget Thy command
ments. Short Responsory.

Ordinary Antiphon for Sundays. 5I cried with my whole heart,

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. hear me, O LORD.
Antiphon for every day in Pasehal Answer. I cried with my whole
time. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al heart, hear me, O LORD.
leluia. Verse. I will keep Thy statutes.
Ordinary A ntiphonfor Week-days. Answer. Hear me, O LORD.
2Look Thou upon me, O Lord, and Verse. Glory be to the Father,
be merciful unto me. and to the Son, and to the Holy
In Advent the Antiphon is the Fifth Answer. I cried with my whole
Antzlthon which has been said at Lands heart, hear me, O LORD.
on Sunday, unless the day have a set of
its own.
Verse. 6Cleanse Thou me from
secret faults, O Lord.
Anti/than for [/Veek-o’ays in Lent. Answer. Preserve Thy servant
3Let us approve ourselves in much also from the sins of others.

1 Here begins the letter Tau, corresponding somewhat to T or Th.

3 Ps. cxviii. I32 3 2 Cor. vi. 4, 7. ‘ Jer. xviii. 20.
5 Ps. cxviii. I45 6 Ps. xviii. 13, I4.

0n ordinary Week-days throughout Answer. The LORD shall arise

the year are said the following: upon thee, 0 Jerusalem.
Verse. And His glory shall be _
CHAPTER. (1 Cor. vi. 20.)
seen upon thee.
FOR ye are bought with a great Answer. Upon thee, 0 Jerusalem.
price. Glorify God, and bear Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Him in your body. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. Thanks be to God. Ghost.
Answer. The LORD shall arise
Short Responsory. upon thee, 0 Jerusalem.
Verse. Come, 0 Lord, and make
1Redeem me, O Lord, and be no tarrying.
merciful unto me. Answer. Pardon the sins of Thy
Answer. Redeem me, O Lord, people.
and be merciful unto me.
Verse. For my foot standeth in
uprightness. In Lent are said the following (but
the Chapter on Week-days only) :
Answer. And be merciful unto
me. CHAPTER. (Isa. lviii. 7.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy DEAL thy bread to the hungry,
Ghost. and bring the poor that are
Answer. Redeem me, O Lord, cast out to thine house: when thou
and be merciful unto me. seest the naked, cover him, and
Verse. Cleanse Thou me from hide not thyself from thine own
secret faults, O Lord. flesh.
Answer. Preserve Thy servant Answer. Thanks be to God.
also from the sins of others.
Short Responsory.

In Advent are said thefollowingr (but His truth shall be thy shield.
the Chapter on Week-days only) . Answer. His truth shall be thy
CHAPTER. (Isa. xiv. r.) Verse. Thou shalt not be afraid
for the terror by night.
HER time is near to come, and
Answer. Thy shield.
her days shall not be pro
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
longed. For the LORD will have
and to the Son, and to the Holy
mercy on Jacob, and Israél shall be
Answer. Thanks be to God.
Answer. His truth shall be thy
Short Responsory.
Verse. 3 God hath given His
angels charge over thee.
2The LORD shall arise upon thee, Answer. To keep thee in all thy
0 Jerusalem. ways.
1 Ps. xxv. II, 12. 2 Isa. 1x. 2. 3 Ps. xc. II.

In Passiontia'e are said the following and to the Son, and to the Holy
(but the Chapter on Week-days only) :
CHAPTER. (jer. xviii. 20.) Answer. The disciples were glad.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
EMEMBER that I stood before Verse. 4Abide with us, Lord.
Thee, to speak good for them, Alleluia.
and to turn away Thy wrath from Answer. For it is toward even?
them. ing. Alleluia.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
After the Short Responsory, if the
Short Responsory. Preees have been said at Lands, all
hneel down, and the following are said.
1 Make not my soul to perish with But if the Preees have been omitted at
sinners, O God. Lands, then these are also omitted down
Answer. Make not my soul to to the mark *.
perish with sinners, O God. Kyrie eléison.
Verse. Nor my life with bloody Answer. Christe eléison.
men. Kyrie eléison.
Answer. With sinners, O God.
Make not my soul to perish with OUR Father (inaudibly), Who art
sinners, O God. in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
Verse. 2Deliver me, O LORD, Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
from the evil man. will be done on earth, as it is in
Answer. Preserve me from the heaven. Give us this day our daily
wicked man. bread. And forgive us our tres
passes, as we forgive them that tres
In Paschal time are said thefollow pass against us. (Aloud)
ing (but the Chapter on Week-days only):
Verse. And lead us not into
CHAPTER. (1 Pet. iii. 18.) temptation.
Answer. But deliver us from evil.
HRIST hath once suffered for Verse. Turn us again, 0 Lord
our sins, the Just for the un God of hosts.
just, that He might bring us to God, Answer. And cause Thy face to
being put to death in the flesh, but shine, and we shall be saved.
quickened by the Spirit. Verse. Arise, O Christ, and help
Answer. Thanks be to God. us.
Answer. And deliver us for Thy
Short Responsory.
Name’s sake.
3The disciples were glad. Al
leluia, Alleluia. Here the Ofiee is eontinued when the
above has been omitted.
Answer. The disciples were glad.
Alleluia, Alleluia. * Verse. Hear my prayer, 0
Verse. When they saw the Lord. LORD.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. Answer. And let my cry come
Verse. Glory be to the Father, unto Thee.
1 P5, xxv, 9, 2 Ps. cxxxix. 2. 3 John xv. 20. 4 Luke xxiv. 29.

Let us pray. UR Father, Who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.
Here is said the Prayer for the day,
after which . Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. Give us this day our daily bread.
Answer. And let my cry come And forgive us our trespasses, as we
unto Thee. forgive them that trespass against
Verse. Bless we the Lord. us. And lead us not into temp
Answer. Thanks be to God. tation; but deliver us from evil.
If the Little Oflice of the Blessed Vir Amen.
gin Mary is to follow immediately, it
is begun here, and what follows is not Note. When Ofiz'ce is said in Chair,
said. Otherwise the Ofice ends thus . the service is ended with the Antzjohon
of the Blessed Virgrn Mary every time
Verse (said in a somewhat lower the Chair is left. Otherwise it is only
voice). May the souls of the Faithful, said as given in this book, after Lands
(or the aggregation of which Lauds
through the mercy of God, rest in forms a part) and Compline.
Answer. Amen. Feasts. The above Ofiice, appointed
for all Sundays and Week-days through
Lastly, unless Vespers follow, the out the year, is lihewise said on all
Lord’s Prayer is said inaudibly. Feasts.

gl’clonhag at wetting.

All as on Sundays, except as other Cleanse Thou the gloom, and bid the
wise given here. light
Its healing beams renew ;
Inw'tatory. 0 come, * let us sing The sins, which have crept in with
unto the LORD. night,
With night shall vanish too.
When this Inoitatory is used the
Psalm begins with the words, “ Let us Our bosoms, Lord, unburthen Thou,
make a joyful noise.” Let nothing there Offend ;
That those who hymn Thy praises now
[nw'tatory in Pasehal time. Al May hymn them to the end.
leluia, Alleluia, * Alleluia. Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son,
And Spirit, God of grace,
On Simple Feasts the Int/itatory is To whom all worship shall be done
speeial. In every time and place.
0n Simple Feasts the Hymn is special,
but on Week-(lays kept as such the fol Only one Nocturn is said.
lowing is said from the Octave of the
Epiphany till the first Monday in Lent, Antzlohon. The LORD is the de
andfrom the Otta'z/e of Pentecost to Ad fence.
an”. The Hymnsfor the other seasons
are given in the proper ofliee of the In Paschal time there is only one
Seasons. Antiphon to the whole Nocturn, Al
Psalm XXVI.
SLEEP has refreshed our limbs, we [Intituled “Of David.” The Vulgate and
spring the LXX. add “ before his anointing." See
From off our bed, and rise ; 2 Kings (Sam.) ii. 4. Monday, fifth week
Lord, on Thy suppliants while they after Pentecost.]
Look with 3. Father‘s eyes. THE LORD is my light and my
salvation ; * whom shall I
Be Thou the first on every tongue, fear?
The first in every heart ; ,
That all our doings all day long, The LORD is the defence of my
Holiest ! from Thee may start. life: * of whom shall I be afraid?
1 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school, with two words altered. Translation by the
late Card. Newman.
VOL. 1. C2

When the evil-doers come upon nesses are risen up against me, and
me, * to eat up my flesh, iniquity hath belied itself.
Mine enemies that trouble me, * I believe that I shall yet see the
they stumble and fall. goodness of the LORD * in the land
Though an host should encamp of the living.
against me, * mine heart shall not Wait on the LORD, be of good
fear. courage: "‘ and thine heart shall be
Though war should rise against strengthened, wait, I say, on the
me, * in this will I be confident. LORD.
One thing have I desired of the
LORD, that will I seek after, *‘ that Psalm XXVII.
I may dwell in the house of the
[Also intituled “ Of David."]
LORD all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the UNTO Thee will I cry, 0 LORD;
LORD, * and to visit His temple. my God, be not silent to me:
For He hath hidden me in His * lest, if Thou be silent to me, I be
pavilion: * in the secret of His come like them that go down into
tabernacle hath He hidden me in the pit.
the day of trouble. Hear the voice of my supplica
He hath set me up upon a rock : tion, 0 Lord, when I cry unto Thee,
* and now hath He lifted up mine * when I lift up mine hands toward
head above mine enemies. Thine holy temple.
I will offer in His tabernacle Draw me not away with the wick
the sacrifice of joy: * I will sing, ed: *‘ and destroy me not with the
yea, I will sing praises unto the workers of iniquity.
LORD. Who speak peace with their
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with neighbour : * but mischief is in
my voice: * have mercy on me and their hearts.
answer me. Give them according to their
My heart said unto Thee, My deeds, * and according to the wick
face hath sought Thee : * Thy face, edness of their inventions.
LORD, will I seek. Give them after the works of their
Hide not Thy face far from hands : * render to them their desert.
me: * turn not away in anger from Because they regard not the works
Thy servant. of the LORD, or the operation of His
Be Thou mine Helper, * neither hands, * Thou shalt destroy them,
leave me, nor forsake me, O God of and not build them up.
my salvation. Blessed be the LORD: ‘* because
When my father and my mother He hath heard the voice of my
forsake me, * then the LORD taketh supplication.
me up. The LORD is my strength and my
Teach me Thy way, 0 LORD: *‘ shield: * mine heart trusted in Him
and lead me in a plain path, because and I am holpen.
of mine enemies. And my flesh greatly rejoiceth: *
Deliver me not over unto the will and with my whole heart I will
of mine enemies: * for false wit praise Him.
The LORD is the strength of His yea, the LORD also shaketh the
people: * and He is the saving 3wilderness of Kadesh.
strength Of His Anointed. The voice of the LORD maketh
O Lord, save Thy people, and the binds to calve, and discovereth
bless Thine inheritance: * and gov the thickets: * and in His temple,
ern them, and lift them up for ever. every one uttereth His glory.
The LORD fixeth the flood : * yea,
Anh'pkon. 1 The LORD is the de the LORD sitteth King for ever.
fence of my life. The LORD will give strength unto
Sezona’ Antzplzon. Worship. His people: * the LORD will bless
His people with peace.
Psalm XXVI I I.
Psalm XXIX.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.” The
Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the going [Intituled “A song of rejoicing at the
forth from the tabernacle, or ending of the opening of the house of David." The pal
tabernacle,” apparently meaning the con 'ace, for the inauguration of which this song
clusion of the Feast of Tabernacles.] was written, is thus mentioned in 2 Kings
(Sam.) v. 9-11. “50 David dwelt in the
GIVE unto the LORD, 0 ye sons fort” (on Sion) “and called it the city of
of God: * give unto the David. And David built round about from
Millo and inward. And David went on,
Lord young rams. and grew great; and the LORD God Of
Give unto the LORD glory and Hosts was with him. And Hiram, King of
honour, give unto the LORD the Tyre, sent messengers to David, and cedar
trees, and carpenters, and masons ; and they
glory due unto His Name: * wor built David an house.”]
ship the LORD in His holy courts.
The voice of the LORD is upon I WILL extol Thee, O LORD, for
the waters, the God of glory thun Thou hast lifted me up, * and
dereth: * the LORD is upon many hast not made my foes to rejoice
waters. over me.
The voice of the LORD is power O LORD my God, I cried unto
ful: * the voice of the LORD is full Thee, * and Thou hast healed me.
of majesty. O LORD, Thou hast brought up
The voice of the LORD breaketh my soul from the grave: * Thou
the cedars: ‘* yea, the LORD break hast saved me from being one of
eth the cedars of Lebanon. them that go down into the pit.
He smiteth them down as though Sing unto the LORD, O ye Saints
it were a calf in Lebanon, * and the of His! * and give thanks to the
beloved [forest is felled] like a young memorial of His holiness.
wild bull.2 For there is terror in His anger:
The voice of the LORD forketh * and in His favour is life.
the flames of fire: * the voice of Weeping may endure for a night :
the LORD shaketh the wilderness, * but joy cometh in the morning.

1 Ps. xxvi. I- _
2 The Hebrew 15!
“ He also maketh them to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Shiryon”
mon) “ like
(oftener called getdeserts young
to the wildofcattle."
south Palestine, amid which is found the town of
I That is, I

And I, in my prosperity I said: server, and an house of defence, *

I shall never be moved. to save me.
LORD, in Thy favour, * Thou hast For Thou art my strength and
made my glory to stand so fast. my refuge: * and for Thy Name’s
Thou didst hide Thy face from sake Thou wilt lead me and nourish
me, * and I was troubled. me.
I cried unto Thee, O LORD: * Thou wilt pull me out of the net,
and unto my God I made supplica that they have laid privily for me : *
tion: for Thou art my Preserver.
What profit is there in my blood, 2 Into Thine hands I commend my
* when I go down to corruption? spirit: * Thou hast redeemed me,
Shall the dust praise Thee, * or O LORD God of truth!
shall it declare Thy truthi> I have hated them that regard *
The LORD heard me, and had lying vanities.
mercy upon me: * the LORD be But I trust in the LORD: * I will
came mine Helper. be glad and rejoice in Thy mercy.
Thou hast turned for me my For Thou hast considered my
mourning into rejoicing: * Thou trouble : *‘ Thou hast saved my soul
hast put 05 my sackcloth, and in adversity;
girded me with gladness. And hast not shut me up into the
To the end that my glory may hand of the enemy: * Thou hast
sing praise unto Thee, and may not set my feet in a wide place.
be silent: * O LORD my God, I will Have mercy upon me, O LORD,
give thanks unto Thee for ever. for I am in trouble: * mine eye is
consumed with grief, my soul, and
Antiphon. 1Worship the LORD my belly. ‘
in His holy courts. For my life is spent with grief, *
T/zz'rd Antiphon. Deliver me. and my years with sighing.
My strength faileth because of
mine afl'liction, * and my bones are
Psalm XXX. consumed.
[Intituled “ A Psalm of David ” with the I was a reproach among all mine
same farther superscription as Pss. xii. xiii. enemies, and among my neighbours
The Vulgate and the LXX. add “ Of haste ”
or “ distraction,” meaning apparently that specially, * and a fear to mine ac
David wrote it, on recovering from the quaintance.
mental condition in which he had exclaimed They that did see me without fled
(v. 23), “I am cut off from before Thine
eyes.”] from me: * I am forgotten as a
dead man out of mind.
N Thee, O LORD, do I put my I am like a broken vessel: * for
trust, let me never be ashamed : I have heard the slander of many
* deliver me in Thy righteousness. on every side:
Bow down Thine ear unto me : * When they took counsel together
deliver me speedily. against me, * they devised to take
Be Thou to me a God, a Pre away my life.
1 Ps. xxviii. 2.
2 This verse was quoted by our Lord on the Cross, Luke xxiii. 46.
But I trusted in Thee, O LORD: Psalm XXXI.
* I said: Thou art my God, my [Intituled “A didactic (?) poem of David.”]
lot is in Thine hand.
Deliver me from the hand of BLESSED are they whose trans
mine enemies, * and from them that gressions are forgiven, * and
persecute me. whose sins are covered.
Make Thy face to shine upon Thy Blessed is the man unto whom
servant, save me in Thy mercy: * the LORD imputeth not iniquity, *
let me not be ashamed, O LORD, for and in whose spirit there is no guile.
I have called upon Thee. Because I kept silence, my bones
Let the wicked be ashamed and waxed old, * while I groaned all the
let them go down into the grave: * daylong.
let the lying lips be put to silence; For day and night Thine hand was
Which speak grievous things heavy upon me: * I turned in mine
proudly and contemptuously * anguish while the thorn was fastened
against the righteous. in me.1
0 how great is Thy goodness, I acknowledged my sin unto
0 Lord, ‘* which Thou hast laid up Thee: * and mine iniquity I hid
for them that fear Thee! not.
Which Thou hast wrought for I said: I will confess against
them that trust in Thee, * before myself my transgression, unto the
the sons Of men! LORD: * and Thou forgavest the
Thou shalt hide them in the iniquity of my sin.1
covert of Thy presence * from the For this shall every one that is
troubling of men. godly pray unto Thee, * in a season
Thou shalt keep them secretly in able time.
Thy pavilion * from the strife of Surely in the floods of great
tongues. waters, * they shall not come nigh
Blessed be the LORD: * for He unto him.
hath showed me His marvellous Thou art mine hiding-place from
kindness in a strong city. the trouble that compasseth me: *
For I said in mine haste: * I 0 Thou That art my joy! deliver
am cut off from before Thine me from them that compass me
eyes. round about.1
Nevertheless Thou heardest the I will give thee understanding,
voice of my supplication, * when and teach thee in the way which
I cried unto Thee thou shalt go: * I will keep Mine
0 love the LORD, all ye His eyes upon thee.
Saints ; * for the LORD loveth truth Be ye not as the horse and as
fulness, and will plentifully reward the mule, * which have no under
the proud doers. standing.
Be of good courage and let your Whose mouths thou holdest fast
heart be strengthened, * all ye that with bit and bridle, ’* else they will
hope in the LORD. not come unto thee.

1 SLH.

Many sorrows shall be to the of the heathen to nought : * He

wicked: * but he that trusteth in maketh the devices of the people of
the LORD, mercy shall compass him none effect, and setteth aside the
about counsel of princes.
Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, But the counsel of the LORD
ye righteous,-* and shout for joy, standeth for ever, * the thoughts of
all ye that are upright in heart. His heart to all generations.
Blessed is the nation whose God
A ntizfihon. 1Deliver me in Thy is the LORD, * the people He hath
righteousness. chosen for His own inheritance.
Fourth A ntiohon. Praise is comely. The LORD looketh from heaven:
* He beholdeth all the sons of men.
From the set place of His habi
Psalm XXXII. tation 2‘ He looketh upon all the
[The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this inhabitants of the earth.
psalm “ to David.”] He fashioneth the heart of every
one of them: * He considereth all
REJOICE in the LORD, 0 ye
righteous: * praise is comely their works.
There is no king saved by the mul
for the upright.
titude of an host: * a mighty man is
Praise the LORD with harp: *
not delivered by much strength.
sing unto Him with the psaltery
An horse is a vain thing for safety:
of ten strings.
* by his great strength he shall not
Sing unto Him a new_song: *
play skilfully unto Him with a loud
Behold, the eyes of the LORD are
upon them that fear Him, * and
For the word of the LORD is
upon them that hope in His mercy.
right: * and all His works are done
To deliver their soul from death,
in truth. '
* and to feed them in time of famine.
He loveth mercy and judgment : *
Our soul waiteth for the LORD : *
the earth is full of the goodness of
for He is our help and our shield.
the LORD.
For our heart shall rejoice in Him:
By the word of the LORD were
* because we have trusted in His
the heavens made, * and all the
holy Name.
host of them by the breath of His
Let Thy mercy, O LORD, be upon
us, * according as we hope in Thee.
He gathereth the waters of the
sea together as an heap: * He lay
eth up the depths in storehouses. Psalm XXXIII.
Let all the earth fear the LORD:
[Intituled “Of David, when he changed
* let all the inhabitants of the world his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove
stand in awe of Him. him away and he departed." This incident
For He spake, and it was done: is thus described in I Kings (Sam.) xxi. to.
“ And David arose and fled that day for fear
2‘ He commanded, and it was made. of Saul, and went to Achish ” (otherwise
The LORD bringeth the counsel called Abimelech) “the King of Gath. And

1 Ps. xxx. 2.
the servants of Achish said unto him: Is Come, ye children, hearken unto
not this David the King of the land? Did
they not sing one to another of him in me: * I will teach you the fear of
dances saying, ‘ Saul hath slain his thou the LORD.
sands, and David his ten thousands’? And What man is he that desireth life,
David laid up these words in his heart, and
was sore afraid of Achish the King of Gath. * that loveth to see good days?
And he changed his behaviour before them, Keep thy tongue from evil, * and
and feigned himself mad in their hands, thy lips from speaking guile.
and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and
let his spittle fall down upon his beard. Depart from evil and do good: ’*
Then said Achish to his servants: L0, ye seek peace and pursue it.
see the man is mad; wherefore have you The eyes of the LORD are upon
brought him to me? Have I need of mad
men, that ye have brought this fellow to the righteous: * and His ears are
play the madman in my presence? Shall open unto their cry.
this fellow come into mine house? xxii. But the face of the LORD is against
David therefore departed thence, and es
caped to the cave of Adullam." This Psalm them that do evil, * to cut off the
is A B C Darian.] remembrance of them from the earth.
The righteous cry and the LORD
WILL bless the LORD at all
heareth, * and delivereth them out
times: * His praise shall con
of all their troubles.
tinually be in my mouth.
The LORD is nigh unto them that
My soul shall make her boast in
are of a broken heart, * and saveth
the LORD: * the humble shall hear
such as be of a contrite spirit.
thereof, and be glad.
Many are the afflictions of the
O magnify the LORD with me: *
righteous: * but the LORD will de
and let us exalt His Name together.
liver them out of all.
I sought the LORD, and He heard
The Lord keepeth all their bones:
me, * and delivered me from all my
* not one of them shall be broken.
The death of sinners is grievous:
Draw near unto Him, and be light
* and they that hate the righteous
ened, * and your faces shall not be shall be guilty. .
The LORD redeemeth the souls. of
This poor man cried, and the
His servants: * and none of them
LORD heard him, * and saved him
that trust in Him shall be guilty.
out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encampeth
Antz'p/zon. 1Praise is comely for
round about them that fear Him, *
the upright. '
and delivereth them.
E'ftlz Anni/ion. Fight against
0 taste and see that the LORD is
good: * blessed is the man that
trusteth in Him. Psalm XXXIV.
0 fear the LORD, all ye His Saints:
[Intituled “ Of David.”]
‘for there is no want to them that
fear Him. 0 me right, 0 LORD, against
The mighty lack and sufl'er hunger: them that strive with me: *
' but they that seek the LORD shall fight against them that fight against
not want any good thing, me.
1 Ps. xxxii. r.

Take hold of arms and buckler : * had been my friend or brother: * I

and stand up for mine help. bowed down as one that mourneth
Draw out also the spear, and stop and is heavy.
the way against them that persecute But against me they rejoiced and
me: 1* say unto my soul: I am thy gathered themselves together: *
salvation. slanders were collected against me,
Let them be confounded and put and I knew it not.
to shame, * that seek after my soul. They disappeared, yet they ceased
Let them be turned backward and not; they assailed me, they laughed
brought to confusion, * that devise me bitterly to scorn : * they gnashed
mine hurt. upon me with their teeth.
Let them be as dust before the Lord, how long wilt Thou look
wind: * and let the Angel of the on? * Rescue my soul from their
LORD drive them. destruction, my darling1 from the
Let their way be dark and slip lions.
pery: ‘1‘ and let the Angel of the I will give Thee thanks in the
LORD chase them. great congregation: * I will praise
For without cause have they hid Thee among much people.
den for me the deadly trap of their Let not them that are mine ene
net: * without cause have they mies wrongfully rejoice over me, *
digged a pit for my soul. they that hate me without a cause
Let the snare come upon him at and wink with the eye.
unawares, and let his net, that he For they spoke to me peaceably:
hath hid, catch himself: * and into * but by their leasing they stirred
that very snare let him fall. up the land to anger against me, yea,
And my soul shall be joyful in they plotted against me.
the LORD: * it shall rejoice in His Yea, they opened their mouth
salvation. wide against me: * they said, Aha,
All my bones shall say: * LORD, Aha, our eyes have seen it.
who is like unto Thee? This Thou hast seen, 0 LORD,
Who deliverest the poor from keep not silence: * O Lord, be not
them that are too strong for him, * far from me.
the poor and the needy from them Stir up Thyself, and awake to my
that spoil him? judgment, * unto my cause, my God
False witnesses did rise up, * they and my Lord.
laid to my charge things that I knew judge me, O LORD my God,
not. according to Thy righteousness, 1*
They rewarded me evil for good, and let them not rejoice over me.
* to put all men far off from me. Let them not say in their hearts :
But as for me,.when they were Aha, Aha, so would we have it ; 1"
sick, ‘1‘ my clothing was sackcloth. neither let them say: We have
I humbled my soul with fasting: swallowed him up.
* and my prayer shall return into Let them be ashamed and brought
mine own bosom. to confusion together, * that rejoice
I behaved myself as though he at mine hurt.
1 (Literally,) “mine only one.”

Let them be clothed with shame They shall be abundantly satisfied

and dishonour, * that magnify them with the fatness of Thine house, * and
selves against me. Thou shalt make them drink of the
Let them shout for joy and be river of Thy pleasures.
glad, that favour my righteous cause: For with Thee is the fountain of
* and let them that have pleasure life : * and in Thy light shall we see
in the prosperity of His servant light.
say continually, Let the LORD be 0 continue Thy loving-kindness
magnified. unto them that know Thee, * and
And my tongue shall speak of Thy righteousness to the upright in
Thy righteousness ; *' of Thy praise, heart.
all the day long. Let not the foot of pride come
against me: * and let not the hand
Psalm XXXV. of the wicked remove me.
There are the workers of iniquity
[Intituled “ Of David, the servant of the fallen: * they are cast out, neither
LORD,”—and a farther superscription not
now understood] are they able to stand.
THE wicked saith plainly in his Antiphon. 1Fight against them
own heart, that he will go on that fight against me.
still in sin: " .there is no fear of Sz'xt/z Antiphon. Show.
God before his eyes.
For he flattereth himself in his
own eyes, * until his iniquity be Psalm XXXVI.
found hateful. [Intituled “Of David." It is A B C
The words of his mouth are ini Darian ; the first, third, and fifth verses, and
quity and deceit: * he willeth not so on, begin with the corresponding letters
of the alphabet.]
to understand, that he may do
good. ' FRET not thyself because of the
He deviseth mischief upon his evil-doers: * neither he thou
bed: ‘ he setteth himself in every envious against the workers of
way that is not good, but he ab~ iniquity. '
horreth not evil. For they shall soon dry up like
Thy mercy, O LORD,. is in the the grass, * and wither quickly as
heavens: * and Thy faithfulness the green herb.
reacheth unto the clouds. Trust in the LORD, and do good:
Thy righteousness is like the * and dwell in the land, and thou
mountains of God: * Thy judg shalt be fed with the riches thereof.
ments are a great deep. Delight thyself in the LORD: *
0 LORD, Thou preservest man and He shall give thee the desires
and beast: * How excellent is Thy of thine heart.
loving-kindness, O God! Show thy way unto the LORD,
And the children of men * shall trust also in Him: * and He shall
put their trust under the shadow of bring it to pass.
Thy wings. And He shall bring forth thy
1 Ps. xxxiv. I.

righteousness as the light, and thy they shall be satisfied: * for the
judgment as the noon-day: * rest in wicked shall perish.
the LORD, and make thy prayer unto Yea, the enemies of the LORD,
Him. no sooner than they be honourable
Fret not thyself because of him and exalted, * shall pass away, yea,
that prospereth in his way, * be pass away like smoke.
cause of the man that bringeth, The wicked borroweth and pay
wicked devices to pass. ' eth not again: * but the righteous
Cease from anger and forsake showeth mercy and giveth.
wrath : * fret not thyself to do evil. For such as bless him shall in
For evil-doers shall be cut off : * herit the earth: * but they that
but those that wait upon the LORD, curse him shall be cut off.
they shall inherit the earth. The steps of a [good] man are
' For yet a little while, and the ordered by the LORD: * and He de
wicked shall not be: * yea, thou lighteth in his way.
shalt search for his place, and thou Though he fall, he shall not be
shalt not find it. utterly cast down: * for the LORD
1But the meek shall inherit the upholdeth him with His hand.
earth : * and shall delight themselves I have been young, and now am
in the abundance of peace. old: * yet have I not seen the
The wicked plotteth against the righteous forsaken, nor his seed
just, * and gnasheth upon him with begging bread.
his teeth. He is ever merciful and lendeth:
But the Lord shall laugh at him : * and his seed shall be blessed.
* for He seeth that his day is Depart from evil and do good: *
coming. and dwell for evermore.
The wicked have drawn out the For the LORD loveth judgment,
sword, * they have bent their bow, and forsaketh not His saints : * they
To cast down the poor and the shall be preserved for ever.
needy, * to slay such as be upright The unrighteous shall be pun
of heart. , ished: * and the seed of the wicked
Their sword shall enter into their shall be cut Ofi‘.
own hearts : * and their bow shall be But the righteous shall inherit the
broken. land : * and dwell therein for ever.
A little that a righteous man hath The mouth of the righteous speak
* is better than great riches of the eth wisdom, * and his tongue talketh
wicked. judgment.
For the arms of the wicked shall The law of his God is in his
be broken; * but the LORD up heart, * none of his steps shall
holdeth the righteous. slide.
The LORD knoweth the days of The wicked watcheth the right
the undefiled: ’* and their inheri eous, * and seeketh to slay him.
tance shall be for ever. But the LORD will not leave him
They shall not be ashamed in the in his hands, * nor condemn him
evil time, and in the days of famine when he is judged.
1 Matth. v. 4 seems to be quoted from this.

Wait on the LORD and keep His I am troubled and bowed down
way, and He shall exalt thee, to in exceedingly: * I go mourning all
herit the land: * when the wicked the day long.
are cut off thou shalt see it. For my loins are filled with a
I have seen the wicked in great loathsome disease: * and there is
power, * and exalted like a cedar in no soundness in my flesh.
Lebanon. I am feeble and sore broken: *
And I passed by, and, 10, he was vI groan aloud by reason of the dis
not: * and I sought him, and his quietness of mine heart.
place was not found. Lord, all my desire is before
Keep innocency, and look to the Thee : * and my groaning is not hid
thing that is right: * for the peace from Thee.
maker shall have a reward here Mine heart panteth, my strength
after. faileth me: * as for the light of
But the transgressors shall be cut mine eyes, it also is gone from
off together : * the end of the wicked me.
is destruction. My friends and my neighbours *
But the salvation of the righteous draw near, and stand over against
is of the LORD: * and He is their me.
strength in the time of trouble. And they that are nearest to me
And the LORD shall help them, stand afar off: * they also that
and deliver them: * He shall de sought after my life have used
liver them from the wicked, and violence against me.
save them, because they trust in And they that seek mine hurt have
Him. spoken mischievous things, * and
imagined falsehoods all the day
Psalm XXXVII. long.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David." It has But I, as a deaf man, hear not, *
a further superscription of (now) unknown and as a dumb man that openeth
meaning. The Vu'lgate and the LXX. con not his mouth.
nect it with the Sabbath]
Thus I was as a man that heareth
0 LORD, rebuke me not in Thy not, * and in whose mouth are no
wrath, * neither chasten me reproofs.
in Thine hot displeasure. For in Thee, O LORD, do I
For Thine arrows stick fast in hope : * Thou wilt hear me, O Lord
me: * and Thou hast laid Thine my God!
hand heavily upon me. For I said: Let not mine ene
There is no soundness in my mies rejoice over me: * when my
flesh, because of Thine anger: * feet slip they magnify themselves
neither is there any rest in my bones against me.
because of my sins. For I am ready for the scourges :
For mine iniquities are gone over * and my sorrow is continually be
mine head : * and as an heavy bur fore me.
then they are too heavy for me. For I will declare mine iniquity,
My wounds stink and_ are cor *‘ and think upon my sin.
rupt, * because of my foolishness. But mine enemies are lively, and

they are strengthened against me: ’1‘ In Paschal time.

and they that hate me wrongfully Verse. The Lord is risen from
are many. the grave, Alleluia.
They that render evil for good Answer. Who hung for us upon
speak against me, * because I have - the tree, Alleluia.
followed goodness.
The rest is the same as the First Noc
Forsake me not, 0 LORD my turn of the preceding Sunday, only the
God: ‘1‘ be not far from me. Lessons and sometimes the Responsories
Make haste to help me, ‘1‘ O are those of the day.
Lord God of my salvation! Simple Feasts. It is to be remem
bered that when a Simple Feast is kept
Antiphon. 1Show thy way unto on Monday, the Invitatory and Hymn
are of the Feast, being taken from the
the LORD. Common of Saints of the class, unless
Antiphon for Paschal time. Al specially given. Then the Psalms and
leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Antiphons of the week-day, as given
above. Then is said a Verse and
Answer as follow .'
Then is said a Verse and Answer.
In the Simple Oflice for one or many
In Advent. Martyrs in Paschal time.

Verse. 2 Out of Zion, the Perfec Verse. 0 ye saints and right

tion of beauty, eous, rejoice in the Lord, Alleluia.
Answer. Our God shall come Answer. 6God hath chosen you
manifestly. for His own inheritance. Alleluia.
In the Simple Ofiice for one Martyr
During the rest of the year. (out of Paschal time).

Verse. 3Thy mercy, O LORD, is Verse. 7 Thou hast crowned him

in the heavens. with glory and honour, O Lord.
Answer. And thy faithfulness Answer. And madest him to
reacheth unto the clouds. have dominion over the works of
Thine hands.
In Lent. In the Simple Oficefizr many Martyrs
(out of Paschal time).
Verse. 4He hath delivered me
from the snare of the fowler. Verse. 8Be glad in the LORD,
Answer. And from the noisome and rejoice, ye righteous.
pestilence. Answer. And shout for joy, all
ye that are upright in heart.
In Passion time. In the Simfile Ofiicefor Confessors
(whether Bishops or not).
Verse. 50 God, deliver my soul
from the sword. Verse. 9 The Lord loved him and
Answer. And my darling from beautified him.
the power of the dog. [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
1 Ps. xxxvi. 5. 2 Ps. xlix. 2, 3. 3 Ps. xxxv. 6.
4 Ps. xc. 3. 5 Ps. xxi. 21. 6 Ps. xxxii. 12.
7 Ps. viii. 6, 7. 9 Ps. xxxi. II. 9 Ecclus. xlv. 9.

Answer. And clothed him with with the Father, and the Holy
a robe of glory. Ghost, world without end.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia] Answer. Amen.

In the Simple Ofiicefor one Holy Then the Reader says .

Woman, of any class. Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Verse. 11m thy comeliness and ing. I
thy beauty. First Blessing, if the Lesson be from
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia] Scripture.
Answer. Go forward, fare pros May the Eternal Father bless us
perously and reign. With an everlasting blessing.
Answer. Amen.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
First Blessing, 2f the Lesson be of an
The others, as well as what follows, Homily.
to the end of the service, are taken from
the First Nocturn of the Ofiice Common May the Gospel’s saving Lord
to Saints of the class, unless something Bless the reading of His Word.
special be appointed. The Lessons are Answer. Amen.
arranged according to the rules in
Chapter xxvi. 4, of the general Rubrics. First Blessing on a Simple Feast.
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O God,”
is said at the end, instead of a third May His blessing be upon us
Responsory. The Responsories are Who doth live and reign for ever.
arranged according to the rules in
Chapter xxvii. 4, of the general Rubrics. Answer. Amen.
Thus :— Then is read the First Lesson from
Scripture or from the Homily, or on a
The Lord’s Prayer is said . Simple Feast either the First from
OUR Father (inaudibly), Who art Scripture, or, if the Saint or Saints
have two Lessons, the whole threefrom
in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Scripture read together as one.
Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
Then the First Responsory, unless
will be done on earth, as it is in otherwise directed On a week-day kept
heaven. Give us this day our daily as such, this is the First Responsoty of
bread. And forgive us our tres the preceding Sunday. On a Simple
passes, as we forgive them that tres Feast, the first Responsory in the Com
mon Ofice for the class to which the
pass against us. (Aloud) Saint belongs.
Verse. And lead us not into
temptation. Then the Reader says:
Answer. But deliver us from Sir, be pleased to give the bless
evil. ing.
Then this Absolution .
Second Blessing, if the Lesson be zy’
RACIOUSLY hear, 0 Lord Scripture.
Jesus Christ, the prayers of May the Son the Sole-begotten
Thy servants, and have mercy In His mercy bless and help us.
upon us: Who livest and reignest Answer. Amen.
1 Ps. xliv. 5.

Second Blessing, if the Lesson be from On a Simple Feast the Second Res
an Homily. ponsory in the Common Ofiice for the
class to which the Saint belongs, with
God's most mighty strength alway the addition of “Glory be to the
Be His people’s staff and stay. Father,” 69%., and the repetition of
Answer. Amen. the Answer.

Then the Reader says:

Second Blessing, for a Simple Feast.
Sir, be pleased to give the bless
He (or she or they) whose feast-day ing.
we are keeping
Plead for us before the Lord. Third Blessing, the Lesson be of
Answer. Amen.
May the grace of God the Spirit
Then is read the Second Lesson, either All our heart and mind enlighten.
from Scripture or from an Homily, or Answer. Amen.
on a Simple Feast either the Second
and Third Lessons from Scripture Third Blessing, for a Simple Feast, or
read together as one, or if the Saint if the Lesson befrom an Homily.
or Saints have two Lessons, the first
of these. May He That is the Angels’ King
To that high realm His people bring.
Then the Second Responsory, unless Answer. Amen.
otherwise directed. On a week-day kept
as such, this is the Second Responsory Then is read the Third Lesson either
of the preceding Sunday, but in Paschal from Scripture, or of the ~Homily, or on
time there is added to it .' Simple Feasts the Second or only Lesson
of the Saint.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Then, on Simple Feasts and on any
and to the Son, and to the Holy day in Paschal time is said the Hymn,
Ghost. “We praise Thee, O God.” But on
week-days kept as such out of Paschal
And the Answer of the Responsory is time the Third Responsory of the pre
repeated again. ceding Sunday.

gltlouhtty a t lambs.

All as on Sunday, exeept as other For behold, I was shapen in in

wise git/en here. iquity: * and in sin did my mother
The Psalms are as follows : conceive me.
For behold Thou desirest truth:
A ntij'lhon. Have mercy.
* the hidden secrets of Thy wisdom
If this Antiohon he used, the Psalm Thou hast made manifest unto me.
begins with the words, “Upon me, O Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I
shall be clean: * wash me, and I
Psalm L. shall be whiter than snow.
[This Psalm has a musical (P) superscrip Make me to hear joy and glad
tion, and the title then proceeds, “A Psalm ness : * that the bones which Thou
of David, when Nathan the Prophet came
unto him, after he had gone in to Bath hast broken may rejoice.
sheba.” The whole history is in 2 Kings Hide Thy face from my sins: *
(Sam.) xi. xii. (Saturday, 5th week after and blot out all mine iniquities.
Pentecost, and 6th Sunday.)]
Create in me a clean heart, 0
AVE mercy upon me, O God, God: * and renew a right spirit
* after Thy great mercy: within me.
And according to the multitude Cast me not away from Thy
of Thy tender mercies * blot out my presence: * and take not Thine
transgressions. holy Spirit from me.
Wash me thoroughly from mine Restore unto me the joy of Thy
iniquity: * and cleanse me from my salvation: * and uphold me with
sin. Thy free Spirit.
For I acknowledge my trans Then will I teach transgressors
gression: * and my sin is ever Thy ways: * and sinners shall be
before me. converted unto Thee.
Against Thee, Thee only, have I Deliver me from blood-guiltiness,
sinned, and done evil in Thy sight: O God, Thou God of my salvation:
* that Thou mightest be justified * and my tongue shall sing aloud 1
when Thou Speakest, and be clear of Thy righteousness.
when Thou art judged. O LORD, open Thou my lips, *
1 ShoasthtfheHebrew,
text the LXX.
curious mistake and all the
ofexultabit for
versions, including Doway, but the. Latin

and my mouth shall show forth Thy I will come into Thine house: *
praise. I will worship toward Thine holy
For Thou desirest not sacrifice, temple in Thy fear.
else would I give it: * Thou de Lead me, O LORD, in Thy
lightest not in burnt-offering. righteousness, * because of mine
The sacrifice of God is a broken enemies; make my way straight
spirit: * a broken and a contrite before Thy face.
heart, 0 God, Thou wilt not despise. For there is no faithfulness in
Do good in Thy good pleasure their mouth: * their inward part
unto Zion: * to build the walls of is very wickedness.
Jerusalem. Their throat is an open sepulchre;
Then shalt Thou be pleased with they flatter with their tongue. *
the sacrifices of righteousness, with Judge Thou them, 0 God!
burnt-offering and whole burnt~offer Let them fall by their own coun
ing: * then shall they offer bullocks sels; cast them out in the multi
upon Thine altar. tude Of their transgressions, * for
they have rebelled against Thee, O
Antiphon. Have mercy upon me, Lord!
O God. And let all those that put their
Second A ntiphon. Consider. trust in Thee, rejoice: 1“ let them
ever shout for joy, because Thou
Psalm V. dwellest in them:
Let them also that love Thy Name
[Intituled “A Psalm Of David," with a be joyful in Thee. * For Thou wilt
musical (?) superscription.]
bless the righteous.
GIVE ear unto my words, 0 O LORD, Thou hast compassed
LORD, * consider my suppli us * with Thy favour as with a
cation. shield.
Hearken unto the voice of my cry,
‘4‘ my King and my God! Antiphon. Consider my suppli
For unto Thee will I pray. * O cation, 0 Lord.
LORD, in the morning Thou shalt Third Antiphon. 0 God, Thou
hear my voice: art my God.
In the morning will I stand before
Thee and look up. * For Thou art If this A ntiphon is used, the Psalm
not a God that hath pleasure in begins with the words, “Early will I
seek Thee.”
wickedness :
Neither shall the evil dwell with
Thee, * nor the unrighteous stand Psalms LXI 1., LXVI.
in Thy sight: O God, Thou art my God, &c.
Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. (e- 23)
* Thou shalt destroy all them that
speak leasing: Antiphon. O God, Thou art my
The LORD abhorreth the bloody God, early will I seek Thee.
and deceitful man. * But as for me, Fourth Antiphon. Thine anger
in the multitude of Thy mercy is turned away.

THE SONG OF ISAIAH THE PROPHET. From A d'z/ent Sunday till the Ottawa
[Isa. xii. l. The description of the res of the Epzfihany and from the First
toration of Israel in Isa. xi. (Second Sun Sunday in Lent till the Ottawa ofPente
day in Advent) is continued to the end cost special Chapters are given. At
of that Chapter, and this Song is then other times the following is said on all
introduced by the words, "And in that week-days observed as such.
day thou shalt say :—"]
CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.)
LORD, I will praise Thee,
though Thou wast angry with THE night is far spent, the day
me, * Thine anger is turned away, is at hand: let us therefore
and Thou comfortest me. cast off the works of darkness, and
Behold, God is my salvation: * let us put on the armour of light:
I will trust and not be afraid: let us walk honestly as in the day.
For the LORD is my strength
and my song: * He also is become
my salvation. OF the Father Effluence bright,
Therefore with joy shall ye draw Out of Light evolving light,
Light from Light, unfailing Ray,
water out of the wells of the Saviour: Day creative of the day.
* and in that day shall ye say:
Praise the LORD and call upon His Truest Sun, upon us stream
With Thy calm perpetual beam,
Name! In the Spirit’s still sunshine
Declare His doings among the Making sense and thought divine.
people, * tell them that His Name
Seek we too the Fathei’s face,
is exalted. Father of almighty grace,
Sing unto the LORD, for He hath And of majesty excelling,
done glorious things: * make ye Who can purge our tainted dwelling ;
this known in all the earth. Who can aid us, who can break
Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabi Teeth of envious foes, and make
tant of Zion: * for great is the Hours of loss and pain succeed,
Holy One of Israel in the midst of Guiding safe each duteous deed.
thee! And, infusing self-control,
Fragrant chastity of soul,
Antiphon. Thine anger is turned Faith’s keen flame to soar on high,
away, and Thou comfortest me. Incorrupt simplicity.
fifth Annjohon. Praise ye. Christ Himselffor food be given,
Faith become the cup of heaven,
If this Antiphon he used, the Psalm Out of which the joy is quaff’d
begins with the words “the LORD Of the Spirit’s sobering draught.
from the heavens.”
With that joy replenished
Psalms CXLVIII., CXLlX., CL. Morn shall glow with modest red,
Noon with beaming face be bright,
Praise ye the LORD_ from the Eve be soft without twilight.
heavens, &c. (pp. 25, 26). It has dawned :—upon our way,
Father, in Thy Word, this day,
Antyhon. Praise ye the LORD In Thy Father, Word Divine,
from the heavens. From Thy cloudy pillar shine.
lAnorher hymn of the Ambrosian school, slightly altered. Translation by the late
Card. Newman.
To the Father and the Son, Verse. 4 Let Thy mercy, O LORD,
And the Spirit. Three and One, be upon us.
As of old, and as in heaven.
Now and here be glory given. Answer. According as we hope
Amen. in Thee.
Verse. 5Let Thy priests be
Verse. 1Thou hast satisfied us clothed with righteousness.
early with Thy mercy. Answer. And let Thy saints
Answer. We rejoice and are shout for joy.
glad. Verse. 60 LORD, save the King.
Antiphonfor the Song'ofZacharias. Answer. And hear us in the day
Blessed * be the Lord God of Israel. when we call upon Thee.
Verse. 70 LORD, save Thy peo
After the repetition of the Antiphon ple, and bless Thine inheritance.
after the Song of Zacharias, on the
week-days of Advent and Lent, the Answer. And govern them, and
Ember Days, and all Vzlg‘ils which are lift them up for ever.
fasts except Christmas Eve and the Verse. sRemember Thy congre
Eve and Emher Days of Pentecost, all gation.
kneel down, and the followingprayers
called the Preces are said: Answer. Which Thou hast pur
chased of old.
Kyrie eléison. Verse. 9Peace be within thy
Answer. Christe eléison. walls.
Kyrie eléison. Answer. And prosperity within
thy palaces.
Then the Lord’s Prayer is said aloud. Verse. Let us pray for the faith
UR Father, Who art in heaven, ful departed. -
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Answer. 0 Lord, grant them
kingdom come. Thy will be done eternal rest, and let the everlasting
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give light shine upon them!
us this day our daily bread. And Verse. May they rest in peace.
forgive us our trespasses, as we for Answer. Amen.
give them that trespass against us. Verse. Let us pray for our ab
And lead us not into temptation ; sent brethren.
Answer. But deliver us from evil. Answer. 100 Thou my God,
Verse. 21' said: LORD, be mer save Thy servants that trust in
ciful unto me. Thee.
Answer. Heal my soul, for I Verse. Let us pray for the sor
have sinned against Thee. rowful and the captives.
Verse. 3 Return, 0 LORD, how Answer. 11 Redeem them, 0 God
long P of Israel, out of all their troubles.
Answer. And let it repent Thee Verse. ' 12 O Lord, send them help
concerning Thy servants. from the sanctuary.

1 Ps. lxxxix. I4. 2 Ps. X]. 5. 3 Ps. lxxxix. I3.

4 Ps. xxxii. 22. 5 Ps. cxxxi. 9.
6 Ps. xix. IO. This verse never varies, whatever the form of government.
7 Ps. xxvii. 9. 5 Ps. lxxiii. 2. 9 Ps. cxxi. 7.
1° Ps. lxxxv. 2. 11 Ps. xxiv. 22. 1’ Ps. xix. 3.

Answer. And strengthen them now, and ever shall be, world with
out of Zion. out end. Amen.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. Verse. 1Turn us again, 0 LORD
Answer. And let my cry come God of hosts!
unto Thee. Answer. And cause Thy face to
shine, and we shall be saved.
Psalm CXXIX. Verse. 2Arise, O Christ, and
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees.” The
help us.
meaning of this title is not certain. The Answer. And deliver us for Thy
Psalms so called may perhaps, like the Name’s sake.
“Graduals” of the Roman Liturgy, be Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
“step-songs,” intended to be sung during
processions, Liturgical or of pilgrims] Answer. And let my cry come
unto Thee.
OUT of the depths have I cried
unto Thee, O LORDl * Lord, Let us pray.
hear'my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive * t0 Thenfollows the Prayer (ff the Day.
the voice of my supplication. A ll proceeds to the end of the service
If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark as on Sunday, except that when Suf
frages are said, the following is said
iniquities, * O Lord, who shall hefore the Commemoration ofthe Blessed
stand P Virgin Mary.
But there is forgiveness with
Thee : * because of Thy law, I wait Commemoration of the Cross.
for Thee, O LORD! Antiphon. Through Thy Cross’s
My soul waiteth on His word: * holy sign, JESUS, guard this soul of
my soul hopeth in the Lord. mine, from my ghostly enemy.
From the morning watch even Verse. 3 Let all the earth worship
until night * let Israél hope in the Thee, and sing unto Thee.
LORD: Answer. Let them sing praises
For with the LORD there is mercy, unto Thy Name, 0 Lord!
and with Him is plenteous re
Let us pray.
And He shall redeem Israel, ’*
from all his iniquities. O LORD, we beseech Thee, keep
Glory be to the Father, and to us in continual peace, whom
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. it hath pleased Thee to redeem by
As it was in the beginning, is the tree of the Holy Cross.
1 Ps. lxxix. 20. 2 Ps . xliii. 26. 3 Ps. lxv. 4.

‘Qlurshap at gl’flattins.

All as on Sunday, except as other Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son,

wise given here. And Spirit, God of grace,
To Whom all worship shall be done
Invitatory. Let us make a joyful In every time and place.
noise to * the God of our salvation. Amen.

Invitatory in Paschal time. Alle Only one Nocturn is said.

luia, Alleluia, 2‘ Alleluia. Antiohon. That I sin not.
On Simple Feasts the Invitatory is In Paschal time there is only one A n
special. tiphon to the whole Nocturn, Alleluia.
On Simifile Feasts the Hymn is
special, but on Week-days kept as such
the following is said from the Octave Psalm XXXVIII.
of the Epiphany till the first Tuesday [Intituled “A Psalm of David," with a
in Lent, and from the Octave of Pente farther notice of meaning now uncertain.
cost till Advent. The Hymns for the It is addressed to Jeduthun, concerning
other Seasons are given in the proper whom it is said, in I Par. (Chron.) xvi. 42,
Oflice of the Seasons. that David appointed, along with the Priests
who officiated before the Ark, “ Heman
and Jeduthun, and the rest that were chosen,
who are expressed by name, to give thanks
to the LORD, because His mercy endureth
GOD from God, and Light from for ever. And with them Heman and
0 Light, - . Jeduthun, with trumpets and cymbals, for
Who art Thyself the Day, those that should make a sound, and with
Our chants shall break the clouds of musical instruments ofGod.” The Targum
night ; says that it was to be used by Jeduthun for
Be with us while we pray. his watch in the Sanctuary.] .

Chase Thou the gloom that haunts the SAID: I will take heed unto
mind, my ways, * that I sin not with
The thronging shades of hell,
The sloth and drowsiness that bind my tongue.
The senses with a spell. I kept a watch upon my mouth, *
while the wicked stood up against
Lord, to their sins indulgent be, me.
Who, in this hour forlorn,
By faith in what they do not see, I was dumb, and humbled myself,
With songs prevent the mom. I held my peace even from good:
1 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school. Translation by the late Card. Newman.

* and my sorrow was stirred up Psalm XXXIX.

Mine heart was hot within me: [Intituled “A Psalm of David ” and with
the same (now) uncertain superscription as
* and while I was musing the fire Ps. xii.]
I spake with my tongue : * LORD, I WAITED patiently for the
make me to know mine end; LORD, * and He inclined unto
And the measure of my days me,
what it is; * that I may know how And heard my cry: * He brought
frail I am. me up also out of an horrible pit,
Behold, Thou hast made my days and out of the miry clay.
as a span: * and mine age is as And set my feet upon a rock; *
nothing before Thee. and ordered my goings.
Verily every man living * is And He hath put a new song in
altogether vanity.1 my mouth, * even praise unto our
Surely every man flitteth by like God.
a shade: * he is disquieted also in Many shall see it, and fear, * and
vain. shall trust in the LORD.
He heapeth up riches, * and Blessed is that man whose trust
knoweth not who shall gather them. is the Name of the LORD: * and
And now for what wait I? Is it who respecteth not pride and lying
not for the Lord? * and mine hope vanities.
is with Thee. Many, O LORD my God, are Thy
Deliver me from all my transgres wonderful works which Thou hast
sions: * Thou hast given me for a done: * and in Thy thoughts there
reproach unto the foolish. is none like unto Thee.
I was dumb and opened not my If I would declare and speak of
mouth, because Thou didst it: * them, * they are more than can be
remove Thy strokes away from me. numbered.
I am consumed by the blow of Sacrifice and offering Thou hast
Thine hand: * Thou, with rebukes not desired; * but mine ears hast
dost correct man for iniquity. Thou opened.
And Thou makest his beauty to Burnt-offering and sin-offering hast
consume away like a spider’s web: Thou not required: * then said I:
‘ surely every man is disquieted in Lo, I come.
rain.1 In the beginning of the book it is
Hear my prayer, 0 LORD, and my written of me that I should fulfil
cry: * give ear unto my tears. Thy will: * O my God, I delight
Hold not Thy peace : for I am a to do it, yea, Thy law is within mine
stranger with Thee, and a sojourner, heart.
‘35 all my fathers were. I have preached Thy righteous
0 spare me, that I may recover ness in the great congregation : * lo,
strength, before I 8'0 hence, I and I have not refrained my lips: O
be no more. LORD, Thou knowest.

1 SLH.

I have not hidden Thy righteous Psalm XL.

ness within mine heart: ’1‘ I have
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with
declared Thy faithfulness and Thy some other words, of meaning now un
salvation. certain, as in some other Psalms]
I have not concealed Thy loving
kindness, and Thy truth ‘1‘ from the LESSED is he that considereth
great congregation. the poor and needy: *1 the
Withhold not Thou Thy tender LORD will deliver him in time of
mercies from me, O L‘ORD: * let trouble.
Thy loving—kindness and Thy truth The LORD preserve him, and
continually preserve me. quicken him, and make him to be
For countless evils have com blessed upon the earth: * and de
passed me about: * mine iniquities liver him not unto the will of his
have taken hold upon me, and I am enemies!
not able to look up. The LORD strengthen him upon
They are more in number than his bed of suffering! * Thou hast
the hairs of mine head: * and mine made all his bed in his sickness.
heart faileth me. As for me, I said: LORD, be
Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver merciful unto me: 1* heal my soul,
me: * O LORD, look upon me to for I have sinned against Thee.
help me. Mine enemies speak evil of me:
Let them be ashamed and con ’1‘ When shall he die, and his name
founded together that seek after my perish?
soul, *1 to destroy it. If he came to see me he spake
Let them be driven backward, vanity : * his heart gathereth iniquity
and put to shame, * that wish me to itself.
evil. He went out, * and told it.
Let them quickly bear their All they that hate me whispered
shame, ’1‘ that say unto me: Aha, together against me: * against me
Aha. did they devise mine hurt.
Let all those that seek Thee re They plotted together to do me
joice and be glad in Thee: 1* and evil: * Now that he lieth, surely he
let such as love Thy salvation say shall rise up no more.
continually: The LORD be mag Yea, mine own familiar friend in
nified. whom I trusted, * who did eat of
But I am poor and needy: * the my bread, hath lifted up his heel
Lord thinketh upon me. against me.2
Thou art mine Helper and my But Thou, O LORD, be merciful
Deliverer: *1 make no tarrying, O unto me, and raise me up: *1 and I
God. will requite them.
By this I know that Thou de
Antiphon. 1That I sin not with lightest in me: *1 because mine
my tongue. enemy cannot triumph over me.
Second Antiphon. Heal. But as for me, Thou upholdest

1 Ps. xxxviii. 2. 2 Quoted by our Lord. John xiii. 18.


me, because of mine innocence: * the mountains of Hermon,2 from the

and settest me before Thy face for Little Hill.3
ever. Deep calleth unto deep, *‘ at the
Blessed be the LORD God of noise of Thy waterspouts.
Israel from everlasting, and to All Thy waves and Thy billows *
everlasting. * Amen, Amen.1 are gone over me.
The LORD hath commanded [the
Psalm XLI. praise of] His loving-kindness in
the day-time, * and in the night
[This Psalm has a superscription, the
meaning of which is not now certain, but His song.
which seems in part to imply that it was a Mine shall it be to pray unto the
didactic poem written to be sung by the God of my life. * I will say unto
choir of the Korahites, a family of Levites
and singers in the time of David.] God: Thou art my refuge.
Why hast Thou forgotten me? *
AS the hart panteth after the and why go I mourning, while the
water-brooks: *‘ so panteth enemy oppresseth me?
my soul after Thee, O God! While my bones are broken, *
My soul is athirst for God, for they that trouble me, even mine
the mighty God, for the living God: enemies, reproach me ;
* when shall I come and appear While they say daily unto me:
before God? Where is thy God P * Why art thou
My tears have been my meat day cast down, 0 my soul, and why art
and night, * while they daily say thou disquieted within me?
unto me: Where is thy God? Hope thou in God, for I shall yet
When I remember these things, praise Him: * the Health of my
I pour out my soul in me: * for countenance and my God.
I will go unto the place of the
wondrous Tabernacle, even unto Antiphon. 4 Heal my soul, 0
the house of God. Lord, for I have sinned against Thee,
\Vith the voice of joy and praise, Third Antiphon. Mine heart.
* the noise of a multitude that keep
holiday. Psalm XLI l I.
Why art thou cast down, 0 my [This Psalm has the same uncertain
soul, * and why art thou disquieted [? musical] superscription as some others,
in me? and the Targum farther ascribes its author
ship to David.]
Hope thou in God, for I shall yet
praise Him, * the Health of my WE have heard with our ears,
countenance and my God. 0 God: * our fathers have
My soul is cast down within me: told us,
* therefore will I remember Thee What work Thou didst in their
from the land of Jordan, and from days, * and in the times of old.
I With this Psalm ends the first of the five books into which the Psalter is divided.
2 A chain of mountains in the north-east of Palestine, stretching down on the eastern
side of Jordan.
3 Or rather, the hill Mizar (viz. the Little), proper name of a mountain on the eastern
ridge of Lebanon. May it not. be that the Korahites were among the Levitical families
which had cities in the north and north-east districts? ‘ Ps. xl. 5.

Thine hand scattered the heathen, fore me, * and the shame of my face
and planted them: * Thou didst hath covered me,
afflict the people and cast them out. For the voice of him that reproach
For they got not the land in pos eth and blasphemeth, *‘ by reason of
session by their own sword : * neither the enemy and avenger.
did their own arm save them. All this is come upon us, yet have
But Thy right hand, and Thine we not forgotten Thee: * neither
arm, and the light of Thy counten have we dealt falsely in Thy covenant.
ance : * because Thou hadst a favour Our heart also is not turned back :
unto them. * neither have our steps strayed
Thou art my King and my God: from Thy way ;
* Who commandest victories for Though Thou hast sore broken us
Jacob! in the place of affliction, * and the
Through Thee shall our horn toss shadow of death hath covered us.
our enemies: * through Thy Name If we have forgotten the Name of
will we tread them under that rise our God, * or stretched out our
up against us. hands to a strange god ;
For I will not trust in my bow: it Shall not God search this out? *
neither shall my sword save me. for He knoweth the secrets of the
For Thou hast saved us from them heart.
that afflicted us, * and hast put to Yea, for Thy sake are we killed all
shame them that hated us. the day long: * we are counted as
In God will we glory all the day sheep for the slaughter.
long, * and will praise Thy Name Awake, why sleepest Thou, O
for ever.1 Lord? * arise, and cast us not Ofi‘
But now Thou hast cast off and for ever.
put us to shame: * and Thou, O Wherefore hidest Thou Thy face,
God, wilt not go forth with our * and forgettest our affliction and
armies. our oppression?
Thou hast turned us back behind For our soul is bowed down to
our enemies: * and they that hate the dust: * our belly cleaveth unto
us take spoil for themselves. the earth.
Thou hast given us like sheep ap Arise, O Lord, help us: * and
pointed for meat, * and hast scat redeem us for Thy Name’s sake.
tered us among the heathen.
Thou hast sold Thy people for Psalm XLIV.
nought, * and hast not increased [This Psalm has a long superscription, the
Thy wealth by their price. exact meaning of which is not now certain.
It seems to have been a marriage-song writ.
Thou makest us a reproach to Our ten to be sung by the Korahites. The Tar~
neighbours, * a scorn and a derision gum ascribes it to the time of Moses, but it
to them that are round about us. seems rather to belong to that of the Jewish
Thou makest us a by-word among
the heathen, * a shaking of the head MINE heart is overflowing with
among the peoples. a good matter: * I speak of
My confusion is all day long be my works_unto the king.
1 SLH.

My tongue is the pen * of a ready entreat thy favour * with gifts, even
writer. all the rich among the people.
Thou art fairer than the children The King’s daughter is all glo
of men, grace is poured into thy lips: rious within, * in a vesture of gold,
* therefore God hath blessed thee clad in divers colours.
for ever. After her shall virgins be brought
Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, * unto the king: *' her fellows shall
0 most mighty! be brought unto thee.
In thy comeliness, and thy beauty, With gladness and rejoicing shall
* go forward, fare prosperously, and they be brought : * they shall enter
reign, into the King’s palace.
Because of truth, and meekness, Instead of thy fathers shall be
and righteousness: * and thy right thy children: * thou shalt make
hand shall lead thee wonderfully. them princes over all the earth.
Thine arrows are sharp—(the They shall be mindful of thy
people shall fall under thee)—* into name, * unto all generations.
the heart of the King’s enemies. Therefore shall the people praise
1Thy throne, O God, is for ever thee for ever, * yea, for ever and
and ever: * the sceptre of Thy ever.
kingdom is a right sceptre.
Thou hast loved righteousness, Antiplwn. 8Mine heart is over
and hated iniquity: * therefore, flowing with a good matter.
God, thy God, hath anointed thee Fourt/z Anlzplzon. Our help.
with the oil of gladness above thy
fellows. Psalm XLV.
Thy garments smell of myrrh, and
aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory [This Psalm has a superscription of un
certain meaning, but of which part seems
palaces, * whereby kings’ daughters to imply that it was to be sung by treble
among thine honourable women have voices, from the choir of the Korahite
made thee glad. family. And the Targum ascribes it, but
apparently by a mere guess, to the time when
Upon thy right hand did stand Korah and his fellow-rebels were destroyed
the queen in a vesture of gold, * by an earthquake in the wilderness, but
bedecked with divers colours. ' “the children of Korah died not " (Num.
xxvi. IO, 11).]
Hearken, O daughter, and con
sider, and incline thine ear: * for GOD is our refuge and strength,
get also thine own people, and thy * our help in trouble, which
father’s house: is come upon us exceedingly.
And the King shall greatly de Therefore will we not fear, though
sire thy beauty: * for He is the the earth be removed, * and though
Lord thy God,2 and Him shall they' the mountains be carried into the
worship. midst of the sea;
And the daughters of Tyre shall Though the waters thereof roar

1 So are these words translated in Heb. i. 8, 9.

2 The word “God ” is not in the Hebrew, and the original meaning, addressed to the
bride, is, “ He is thy lord, and bow thou to him." So also St Jerome.
3 Ps. xliv. 2.

and be troubled; * though the tance for us, * the excellency of

mountains shake with the swelling Jacob, whom He loved.1
thereof.1 God is gone up with a shout, *
[There is] a river, the streams and the LORD with the sound of a
whereof make glad the city of God: trumpet.
* the Most High hath hallowed His Sing praises to our God, sing
Tabernacle. praises: 1‘ sing praises unto our
God is in the midst of her, she King, sing praises.
shall not be moved: * God shall For God is the King of all the
help her right early. earth : 1* sing ye praises with under
The heathen raged, and the king standing.
doms were moved: * He uttered God reigneth over the heathen:
His voice, the earth melted. * God sitteth upon the throne of
The LORD of hosts is with us : * His holiness.
the God of Jacob is our refuge.1 The princes of the people are
Come and behold the works of gathered together with the God Of
the LORD, what wonders He hath Abraham: * for the mighty ones
wrought in the earth ; * He maketh of the earth are greatly exalted.
wars to cease unto the end of the
earth. Antiphon. 2 Our help in trouble.
He breaketh the bow and cut Fifth Antiphon. Great is the
teth the weapons in sunder: ’1‘ and LORD.
burneth the shields in the fire.
Be still, and know that I am If this Antiohon he used the Psalm
begins with the words, “And greatly to
God: * I will be exalted among be praised.”
the heathen, and I will be exalted
in the earth.
The LORD of hosts is with us : * Psalm XLVII.
the God of Jacob is our refuge.1 [Intituled “A Song. A Psalm of the
sons of Korah." The Vulgate and the
LXX. assign it to the second day of the
Psalm XLVI. week]

[Intituled “A Psalm of the sons of GREAT is the LORD, and greatly

Korah," with another (now uncertain) direc to be praised * in the city of
our God, in the mountain of His
0 CLAP your hands, all ye holiness. '
people: 1* shout unto God Beautiful for situation, the joy Of
with the voice of triumph. the whole earth, is mount Zion, 1*
For the LORD Most High is ter on the sides of the north, the city
rible: * He is a great King over all _ of the great King.
the earth. God is known in her palaces 1*
He hath subdued the people for a refuge.
under us, 1‘ and the nations under For, 10, the kings were assembled:
our feet. * they passed by together.
He hath chosen His own inheri They saw, and so they marvelled ;
1 SLH. '1 Ps. xlv. 2.

they were troubled, they hasted Wherefore should I fear in the

away: * fear took hold upon them day of evil? * The iniquity of them
There, pain, as of a woman in that dog mine heels shall compass
travail. * Thou shalt break the me about,—
ships of Tarshish1 with a mighty They that trust in their own
wind. strength, * and boast themselves
As we have heard, so have we in the multitude of their riches.
seen in the city of the LORD of Can a man redeem, redeem his
hosts, in the city of our God: * brother? * He cannot give to God
God hath established her for ever.2 a ransom for himself—
We have received Thy loving Nor yet a redemption for his own
kindness, O God, * in the midst soul, * if he should work for ever,
of Thy temple. and live even unto the end.
According to Thy Name, 0 God, Nay, though he should not see
so is Thy praise unto the ends of destruction, when he beholdeth
the earth: * Thy right hand is full wise men die —* likewise the
of righteousness. fool and the brutish person perish,
Let mount Zion rejoice, and let And leave their wealth to others:
the daughters of Judah be glad, * * and their grave shall be their
because of Thy judgments, O Lord. house for ever—
\Valk about Zion, and go round Even their dwelling-place to all
about her: ’* tell the towers thereof. generations: * they called their
Mark ye well her bulwarks: * lands after their own names.
and consider her palaces; that For man, having been created
ye may tell it to the generation in honour, hath had no understand
following. ing: * he hath made himself like
For this God is our God for ever unto the beasts that understand
and ever: * He shall be our guide not, and is become like unto
for ever. them.
This their way is a stumbling
block for themselves: * yet their
Psalm XLVlIl.
posterity will approve their sayings.2
[This Psalm has the same title as Ps. Like sheep they are laid in the
grave: * death will pasture them.
EAR this, all ye people: * And the upright shall have do
give ear, all ye inhabitants minion over them in the morning:
of the world; * and the beauty of their strength
Both low and high: * rich and shall waste away in the grave.
poor together. But God will redeem my soul
My mouth shall speak of wisdom: from the power of the grave, *
* and the meditation of my heart when He shall receive me.2
shall be of understanding. Be not thou afraid when one is
I will incline mine ear to a par made rich, * and when the glory
able; 4* I will open my saying of his house is increased.
upon the harp. For when he dieth he shall carry
1 A very flourishing colony and emporium of the Phoenicians in Spain. 2 SLH.

nothing away, * his glory shall not He shall call to the heavens from
descend with him. above, * and to the earth, that
Though while he lived he blessed He may judge His people.
his soul; ‘1" and praised thee when Gather His saints together unto
thou dids't well to him. Him, * those that have made a
He shall go to the generation of covenant with Him by sacrifice.
his fathers: * and shall never see And the heavens shall declare
light. His righteousness: ’1‘ for God is
Man, having been created in Judge Himself.2
honour, hath had no understand Hear, O My people, and I will
ing: * he hath made himself like speak; 0 Israél, and I will testify
unto the beasts that understand against thee; ’1‘ I am God, even
not, and is become like unto them. thy God.
I will not reprove thee for thy
Antiphon. 1Great is the LORD, sacrifices: * for thy burnt-offerings
and greatly to be praised. are continually before Me.
Sixth Antiphon. The God of I will take no bullock out of thine
gods. house, * nor he-goats out of thy
folds. '
If this Antiphon be used, the Psalm
begins with the words, “ Even the For every beast of the forest is
LORD.” Mine, ’1‘ the cattle and the bulls
upon the mountains.
Psalm XLIX. I know all the birds of the sky:
[Intituled “A Psalm of Asaph." This * and the beauty of the field is
Asaph was a Levite, chief of the singers Mine.
appointed by David. I Par. (Chron.) xvi. If I were hungry, I would not
4. “And he (David) appointed certain of
the Levites to minister before the Ark of tell thee: ’1‘ for the earth is Mine,
the LORD, and to record, and to thank and the fulness thereof.
and praise the LORD God of Israel]. Asaph Will I eat the flesh of bulls, *
the chief, and next to him Zachariah, Jeiel,
Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, or drink the blood of goats?
and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obed-edom; Offer unto God the sacrifice of
and Jeiel with psalteries and with harps; praise: ‘1‘ and pay thy vows unto the
but Asaph made a sound with cymbals."]
Most High :
THE God of gods, even the And call upon Me in the day of
LORD, hath spoken, ‘* and trouble: * I will deliver thee, and
called the earth, thou shalt glorify Me.
From the rising of the sun unto But unto the wicked, God saith:
the going down thereof. 1“ Out of * What hast thou to do to declare
Zion, the Perfection of beauty, My statutes, that thou shouldest take
God shall come manifestly, * My covenant in thy mouth?
even our God, and shall not keep Seeing thou hatest instruction, *
silence. and castest My words behind thee ?
A fire shall devour before Him: When thou sawest a thief then
* and it shall be very tempestuous thou tookest pleasure in him : * and
round about Him. hast been partaker with adulterers.
1 Ps. xlvii. 2. 2 SLH.

Thy mouth aboundeth with evil : Thou lovest all deadly words, *
* and thy tongue frameth deceit. O thou deceitful tongue!
Thou satest and spakest against Therefore God shall destroy thee
thy brother, and slanderedst thine for ever : * He shall take thee away,
own mother’s son : * these things and pluck thee out of thy dwelling
hast thou done, and I kept silence. place, and root thee out of the land
Thou thoughtest wickedly that I of the living.1
was such an one as thyself: * I will The righteous shall see it, and
reprove thee, and set them in order fear, and shall laugh at him, and
before thine eyes. say: * Lo, this is the man that
Consider ye this, ye that forget made not God his strength;
God: * lest He tear you in pieces, But trusted in the abundance of
and there be none to deliver. his riches: * and hardened himself
The sacrifice of praise shall honour in his wickedness.
Me : * and there is the path where But I am like a fruitful olive
in I will show unto him the salvation tree in the house of God, * I trust
of God. in the mercy of God for ever and
Psalm Ll. I will praise Thee for ever, be
cause Thou hast done it: ‘4‘ and I
[After another uncertain superscription, will wait on Thy name, for it is
the title of this Psalm proceeds:-—“[A
Psalm] of David, when Doeg the Edomite good before Thy saints.
came and told Saul, and said unto him:
David is come to the house of Ahimelech.” Antiphon. 2The God of gods,
The circumstances may be read in I Kings
(Sam.) xxii. (Saturday, fourth week after even the LORD, hath spoken.
Pentecost). After Doeg told Saul, the Antiohon for Paschal time. Al
latter sent for Ahimelech and the other leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Priests, and ordered them to execution.
“ But the servants of the king would not Then is said a Verse and Answer.
put forth their hand to fall upon the Priests
of the LORD. And the king said to Doeg: In Advent.
Turn thou, and fall upon the Priests. And
Doeg the Edomite turned and fell upon the Verse. Send forth the Lamb, 0
Priests, and slew on that day four-score and Lord, the ruler of the land.
five persons that did wear a linen ephod.” Answer. From the “Rock” of
The inhabitants of the Priestly city of Nob
were also brutally massacred. One of the the wilderness unto the mount of
sons of Ahimelech escaped and told David] the daughter of Zion.
WHY boastest thou thyself in During the rest of the year.
mischief, * O thou that art Verse. 3 Offer unto God the sac
mighty in iniquity P rifice of praise.
Thy tongue deviseth unrighteous Answer. And pay thy vows un
ness all the day long: * like a sharp to the Most High.
razor hast thou wrought treachery.
Thou lovest evil more than good ; In Lent.
* iniquity rather than to speak of Verse. He shall cover thee with
uprightness.1 His wings.
1 SLH. 2 Ps. xlix. I. 3 Ps. xlix. I4.

Answer. And under His feath Answer. Yea, let them exceed
ers shalt thou trust. ingly rejoice.
In Passion time. In the Simple Ofiicefor a Bishop and
Verse. 0 Lord, save me from
the lion’s mouth. Verse. 3The Lord chose him for
Answer. And mine affliction a priest unto Himself.
from the horns of the unicorns. [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
Answer. To ofl'er up unto Him
In Paschal time.
the sacrifice of praise.
Verse. The Lord is risen in
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
deed, Alleluia.
Answer. And hath appeared un In the Simple Ofiice for a Confessor
to Simon, Alleluia. not a Bishop.
Verse. 4 The mouth of the right
The rest is the same as the Second
Nocturn on the preceding Sunday, only eous shall speak wisdom. '
the Lessons, and sometimes the Respon [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
sories, are those of the day.
Answer. And his tongue talk of
Simple Feasts. It is to be remembered judgment.
that when a Simple Feast is kept on
Tuesday, the Invitatory and Hymn are [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
of the Feast, being takenfrom the Com
mon of Saints of the class, unless speci For one Holy Woman, ofwhatever hind.
ally given. Verse. 5God shall give her the
Then the Psalms and Antiphons of help of His countenance.
the Week-day, as given above. Then is [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
said a Verse and Answer as follows .
Answer. God is in the midst of
In the Simple Ofice for one or many her, she shall not be moved.
Martyrs in Paschal time.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
Verse. The everlasting light
shall shine upon Thy Saints, 0 The others, as well as what follows,
to the end of the Service, are taken from
Lord. Alleluia. the Second Nocturn of the Ofiice common
Answer. Even unto everlasting. to Saints of the class, unless something
Alleluia. special be appointed. The Lessons are
arranged according to the rules in Chap
In the Simple Ofice for one Martyr ter xxvi. 4 of the general Rnbrics.
(out of Paschal time). The Hymn, " We praise Thee, O God,"
is said at the end, instead of a Third
Verse. 1Thou hast set a crown, Responrory. The Responsories are ar
O Lord, of precious stones. ranged according to the rules in Chapter
Answer. Upon his head. xxvii. 4 ofthe general Rubrics. Thus :—

In the Simple Ofice for many Martyrs The Lord‘s Prayer is said:
(out of Paschal time). UR Father (inaudibly), \Vho art
Verse. 2Let the righteous re in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
joice before God. Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy
1 Ps. xx. 4. 2 Ps. lxvii. 4. 3 Cf. Ecclus. xlv. I6, 27.
4 Ps. xxxvi. 30. 5 Ps. xlv. 6 (Alexandrian version).

will be done on earth, as it is in Sunday. On a Simple Feast, it is the

heaven. Give us this day our daily first Responsory in the Common Oflice
bread. And forgive us our tres for the class to which the Saint belongs.
passes, as we forgive them that tres Then the Reader says .
pass against us. (Aloud)
Verse. And lead us not into Sir, be pleased to give the bless
temptation. ing.
Answer. But deliver us from
Second Blessing, if the Lesson be of
evil. Scripture.
Then this Absolution .
May Christ to all His people give
AY His loving kindness and For ever in His sight to live.
mercy help us, Who liveth Answer. Amen.
and reigneth with the Father, and
the Holy Ghost, world without end. Second Blessing, if the Lesson be from
Answer. Amen. an Homily.
God’s most mighty strength alway
Then the Reader says .' Be His people’s staff and stay.
Sir, be pleased to give the bless Answer. Amen.
Second Blessing, for a Simple Feast.
First Blessing, if the Lesson be from He (or She or They) whose feast-day
we are keeping
God the Father the Almighty Plead for us before the Lord.
Show on us His grace and mercy. Answer. Amen.
Answer. Amen.
Then is read the Second Lesson, either
First Blessing, the Lesson be of an from the Scripture orfrom an Homily,
Homily. or, on a Simple Feast, either the Second
and Third Lessons from Scripture read
May the Gospel’s saving Lord together as one, or, ifthe Saint or Saints
Bless the reading of His Word. have two Lessons, the first of these.
Answer. Amen. Then the Second Responsory, unless
otherwise directed. On a week-day heyfit
First Blessing on a Simple Feast. as such, this is the Second Responsory
May His blessing be upon us, of the preceding Snnday, but in Paschal
time there is added to it:
Who doth live and reign for ever.
Answer. Amen.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Then is read the First Lesson from and to the Son, and to the Holy
Scripture or from the Homily, or, on a Ghost.
Simfile Feast, either the First from
Scripture, or, the Saint or Saints And the Answer ofthe Responsory is
have two Lessons, the whole three Scrip repeated again.
ture Lessons read together as one.
On a Simfile Feast the Second Re
Then the First Responsory, unless sfionsory in the Common Oflice for the
otherwise directed. On a week-day kept class to which the Saint belongs, with the
as such, this is the First Responsory of addition of “Glory be to the Father,"
the Second Nocturn of the preceding 65%., and the repetition of the Answer.

Then the Reader says: May He that is the Angels’ King

Sir, be pleased to give the blew To that high realm His people bring.
- Answer. Amen.
. . . Then is read the Third Lesson either
Thzrd Blessing, _zf the Lesson he of from 5:77pm”, 0,. If the Homily, or,
scripture' on Simple Feasts, the Second or only
May the Spirit’s fire divine Lesson of Me‘samt'
In our inmost being shine_ Then, on Szmple Feasts and on any
Answer. Amen. day zn Faschal time save Rogation
Monday zs said the Hymn, “We praise
Thee, O God.” But on week-days kept
Third Blessing, for a Simple Feast, or as such out of Paschal time the Third
if the Lesson befrom an Homily. Responsory of the preceding Sunday.

@nesb at) at Katrina.


All a: on Sunday, except as otherwise Upon the harp will I praise

given here. Thee, O God, my God! * why art
The Psalms are asfallows . thou cast down, 0 my soul? and
why dost thou disquiet me?
A nliphon. O Lord. Hope thou in God : for I will still
praise Him, * Who is the health of
Psalm L. my countenance, and my God.

Have mercy upon me, &c. (j. Antiphon. The health of my

87). countenance, and my God.
Third Antzlfihan. Early.
Antz'phon. O Lord, blot out my
Semna' Antz'phon. The health. Psalms LXII., LXVI.

O God, Thou art my God, &c.

Psalm XLII. (A 23)
[The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this
Psalm “to David.”] Anlz'phon. Early will I seek Thee,
UDGE me, O God, and plead O God.
my cause against an ungodly Fourth Aniiphon. Save us.
nation: * O deliver me from the
unjust and deceitful man. THE SONG OF HEZEKIAII, KING OF
For Thou, O God, art my strength: JUDAH. (Isa. xxxvrii. ro.)
* why dost Thou cast me off? and [Intituled “The writing of Hezekiah,
why go I mourning, because of the King of judah, when he had been sick, and
oppression of the enemy? was recovered of his sickness.” The his
tory will be found in 4 (2) Kings xx. (Ilth
0 send out Thy light and Thy Sunday after Pentecost).]
truth : * let them lead me and bring
me unto Thine holy hill, and unto I SAID, In the midst of my days,
Thy tabernacles! * I shall go to the gates of the
Then will I go unto the Altar grave:
of God, * unto God, the Gladdener I looked for the rest of my
of my youth ! years. * I said, I shall not see the
VOL. I. ’ D 2

LORD my God1 in the land of the praise Thee, as I do this day: *

living : the father to the children shall make
I shall behold man no more, * known Thy truth.
with the dwellers in the land of 0 LORD, save me: * and we will
rest. sing our songs all the days of our
Mine age is departed, and is life in the house of the LORD.
rolled up from me, * as a shepherd’s
tent: Antz'pfion. Save us all the days of
My life is cut off as by a weaver : our life, 0 Lord.
my web was scarce begun when He Antzlfi/zon. Praise ye the
cut me off: * from day even to LORD.
night wilt Thou make an end of
I thought I might live till morn Psalms CXLVIII., CXLIX., CL.
ing: * as a lion, so doth He break Praise ye the LORD from the
all my bones :
heavens, &c. (pp. 25, 26).
From day even to night wilt: Thou
make an end of me. * Like a An/z'p/zon. Praise ye the LORD
swallow’s fledgling so did I twitter,
from the heavens, all His Angels.
I did coo as a dove:
Mine eyes fail, * with looking CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.)
O LORD, I am seized, undertake The night is far spent, &c. (as on
for me. *' What shall I say, or what Monday, p. 89).
will He answer me, seeing that He
Himself hath done it? HYMN.2
I will call to remembrance before
AY’S herald bird
'Thee all my years * in the bitter At length is heard,
ness of my soul. ‘ Telling its morning torch is lit,
O Lord, if by these things men And small and still
live, and in such things is the life Christ’s accents thrill
Within the heart, rekindling it.
of my spirit, so mayest Thou chasten
me, and make me to live. * Be Away, He cries,
hold, mine anguish is [turned] into With languid eyes,
peace: And sickly slumbers profitless !
But Thou hast delivered my soul I am at hand,
As watchers stand,
from destruction : * Thou hast cast In awe, and truth, and holiness.
all my sins behind Thy back.
For the grave cannot praise Thee, He will appear,
death cannot celebrate Thee : * they The hearts to cheer
Of suppliants pale and abstinent ;
that go down into the pit cannot ' Who cannot sleep
hope for Thy truth. Because they weep
The living, the living, he shall With holy grief and violent.

1 “ My God " is not in the Hebrew, but the Divine Name is repeated.
2 Author of original, Aurelius Prudentius Clemens: b. 348 A.D., d. after 405 A.D.
Translation by the late Card. Newman.
Keep us awake, Verse. 1Thou hast satisfied us
The fetters break, early with Thy mercy.
JESU ! which night has forged for us;
Yea, melt the night Answer. We rejoice and are glad.
To sinless light, Antiphonfor the Song ofZacharias.
Till all is bright and glorious.
The Lord hath raised up * an horn
of salvation for us, in the house of
To Father, Son,
His servant David.
And Spirit, one,
To the Most Holy Trinity, Commemoration of the Cross before
All praise be given the other general Commemorations, and
In earth and heaven, Long Preces in Advent and Lent, and
Now, as of old, and endlessly. Amen. on Fast-days, as on hionday.

1 Ps. lxxxix. l4.


mthneshap at glitaflina.

All as on Sunday except as otherwise Psalm LII.

given here.
[Intituled “of David,” with a further
superscription, perhaps musical, but of a
Invitatory. In Thy hand, O (now) uncertain meaning. The Targum
Lord, ’1‘ are the inmost depths of gives it the additional superscription, “to
the earth. render praise, for the reward of the impious
who blasphemed the Name of the Lord.”
HYMN.1 It is a repetition of Ps. xiii.]
HO madest all and dost control, HE fool hath said in his heart :
Lord, with Thy touch divine, 1* There is no God.
Cast out the slumbers of the soul, Corrupt are they and have done
The rest that is not Thine.
abominable iniquity: 1* there is
Look down, Eternal Holiness, none that doeth good.
And wash the sins away God looketh down from heaven
Of those, who, rising to confess,
Outstrip the lingering day. upon the children of men, * to see
if there be any that will understand,
Our hearts and hands by night, 0 Lord, or that will seek God.
We lift them in our need ; Every one of them is gone back,
As holy Psalmists give the word,
And holy Paul the deed.
they are altogether become unprofit
able: * there is none that doeth
Each sin to Thee of years gone by, good, no, not one.
Each hidden stain lies bare ; Have the workers of iniquity no
We shrink not from Thine awful eye,
But pray that Thou wouldst spare. knowledge, 1* who eat up my people
as they eat bread?
Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son, They have not called upon God:
And Spirit, God of grace, 1* there were they in great fear,
To Whom all worship shall be done
In every time and place. Amen. where no fear was.
For God hath scattered the bones
Only one Nocturn is said. of them that work that which is
pleasing in the sight of men: *
Antiphon. God bringeth back. they are put to shame, because God
In Paschal time only one Antiphon hath despised them.
is said to the whole Nocturn. Alleluia. 0 that the salvation of Israel
1 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school. Translation by the late Card. Newman.

were come out of Zion! * when If he also that hated me had

God bringeth back the captivity of magnified himself against me, *
His people, Jacob shall rejoice, and then haply I would have hidden
Israél shall be glad. myself from him.
But it was thou, a man like
Psalm LIV. minded, * my guide and mine ac—
[This Psalm has a superscription of which quaintance:
nothing can now he certainly interpreted, We took pleasant meats together :
except the ascription of authorship “T0 * we walked unto the house of God
in company.
GIVE ear to my prayer, 0 God, Let death come upon them: *
and despise not my suppli and let them go down quick into
cation: * attend unto me and hear hell;
me. For wickedness is in their dwell
I mourn in my exercise; * and ings, * among them.
am troubled, because of the voice But as for me I have called upon
of the enemy, and because of the God: * and the LORD shall save
oppression of the wicked. me.
For they cast iniquity upon me: Evening, and morning, and at
* and in wrath they hate me. noon will I complain and cry aloud,
My heart is sore pained within * and He shall hear my voice.
me: * and the terrors of death are He shall deliver my soul in
fallen upon me. peace from them that draw nigh
Fearfulness and trembling are against me: * for there were many
come upon me: * and darkness against me.
hath overwhelmed me. God shall bear and afflict them,
And I said: O that I had wings * even He That abideth of Old.1
like a dove, * for then would I fly Because they have no changes,
away and be at rest! therefore they fear not God. ‘* He
Lo, then would I wander far off, hath stretched forth His hand to
* and remain in the wilderness.1 requite them.
I waited for Him Who hath de They have broken His covenant:
livered me * from distress of spirit the anger of His countenance hath
and from tempest. put them to flight, * and His wrath
Destroy, O Lord! divide their pursueth them.
tongues : * for I have seen iniquity His words were softer than oil,
and strife in the city. * yet were they drawn swords.
Day and night iniquity goeth Cast thy burden upon the LORD,
round about upon her walls: ‘* and He shall sustain thee: * He
trouble also and unrighteousness are shall never suffer the righteous to
in the midst of her. be moved. '
Usury and guile * depart not But Thou, O God, shalt bring
from her streets. them down * into the pit of destruc
For if mine enemy had reproached tion.
me, * then I could have borne it. Bloody and deceitful men shall
I 1 SLH.

not live out half their days: * but and hide themselves: * they mark
I will trust in Thee, O Lord. my steps.
When they wait for my soul,
Antiphon. 1God bringeth back for nothing shalt Thou deliver
the captivity of His people. them: * in Thine anger Thou
Second Antiphon. For my soul. shalt cast down the people.
0 God, I have declared my life
unto Thee, * Thou hast put my
Psalm LV. tears in Thy sight,
[This Psalm has a long and very obscure
Even as Thou hast promised. *
superscription. From part of this it seems Then shall mine enemies turn back,
that it was written to be sung to a tune In whatsoever day I cry unto
called “The dumb dove among foreigners."
The authorship is ascribed “To David, Thee: * behold, I know that Thou
when the Philistines took him in Gath.” art my God.
This may either be the occasion described In God will I praise His word,
in the note on Ps. xxxiii. (p. 78), or that
narrated thus in 1 Kings (Sam.) xxvii. in the LORD will I praise His
“And David said in his heart : I shall now word: * in God have I put my
perish one day by the hand of Saul ; there trust, I will not be afraid what
is nothing better for me than that I should
speedily escape into the land of the Philis man can do unto me.
tines; and Saul shall despair of me, to Thy vows are upon me, O God,
seek me any more in any coast of Israel; * I will pay them, even praises
so shall I escape out of his hand. And
David arose, and he passed over, with the unto Thee.
six hundred men that were with him, unto For Thou hast delivered my
Achish, the son of Maoch, king of Gath. soul from death, and my feet from
. . . And it was told Saul that David was
fled to Gath, and he sought no more again falling; * that I may walk before
for him.”] God in the light of the living.
E merciful unto me, O God, for
man treadeth me down : * he Psalm LVI.
fighteth all the day long, and 0p [Another long title of uncertain meaning.
presseth me. The Psalm seems to have been written for
Mine enemies tread me down all a tune called “Destroy not,” “by David,
when he fled from Saul in the cave "—1
the day long: * for they be many Kings (Sam.) xxii. 1—“ David therefore
that fight against me. departed thence” (viz. from Gath) “and
escaped to the cave Adullam.” See the
The height of: the morning makes note on Ps. xxxiii., p. 78.]
me afraid, * but I will trust in
Thee. BE merciful unto me, O God,
In God I will praise His word, be merciful unto me: *" for
in God I have put my trust: * I my soul trusteth in Thee.
will not fear what flesh can do unto Yea, in the shadow of Thy wings
me. will I make my refuge, * until this
All the day long they wrest my iniquity be overpast.
words: * all their thoughts are * Iunto
will cry
God,unto Godperformeth
Thatv Most High:
against me for evil.
They gather themselves together things for me.
1 Ps. lii. 7.

He hath sent from heaven, and Yea, in heart ye work wickedness:

saved me: * He hath given for a * your hands weigh out violence in
reproach them that trod me down.1 the earth.
God hath sent forth His mercy The wicked are estranged from
and His truth; * and delivered my the womb, they go astray from the
soul from among the lions’ whelps; belly, * speaking lies.
I was troubled in my sleep. Their poison is like the poison of
As for the sons of men, their a serpent: * they are like the deaf
teeth are spears and arrows, ** and adder, that stoppeth her ears ;
their tongue a sharp sword. That will not hearken to the
Be Thou exalted, O God, above voice of chariners, * nor of the
the heavens: *‘ and let Thy glory sorcerer charming never so wisely.
be over all the earth. God shall break their teeth in
They prepared a net for my their mouth: * the LORD shall
steps; * and bowed down my soul. break off the great teeth of the
They digged a pit before me: * lions.
into the midst whereof they are They shall melt away as waters
fallen themselves.1 which run down: * He bendeth
Mine heart is ready, 0 God, His bow until they be shattered.
mine heart is ready: * I will sing, They shall melt away like melting
and give praise. wax: * fire taketh hold upon them
Awake up, my glory; awake, and they see not the sun.
psaltery and harp: * I will awake As thorns that are plucked up
early. before ever they be grown into a
I will praise Thee, O Lord, among bush : *‘ so even in their greenness,
the people; * and sing unto Thee shall He root them up in His
among the nations. anger.
For Thy mercy is great unto the The righteous shall rejoice when
heavens, * and Thy truth unto the he seeth the vengeance: * he shall
clouds. wash his hands in the blood of the
Be Thou exalted,,O God, above wicked.
the heavens: * and let Thy glory And man shall say: Verily, there
be above all the earth. is a reward for the righteous, *
verily there is a God That judgeth
Antz'p/zon. 2 For my soul trusteth the earth. ' '
in Thee.
Tlzira’ Antz'p/zon. Judge uprightly.
Psalm LVIII.
Psalm LVlI. [This Psalm has the same title as the two
[This Psalm has the same title as the last, last, with the addition :—“ when Saul sent,
except the historical reference.] and they watched the house, to kill him.”
The occasion is thus described in I Kings
~(Sam.) xix. ll. “ Saul also sent messengers
IF ye indeed speak righteousness, unto David’s house, to watch him, to slay
* judge uprightly, 0 ye sons of him in the morning; and Michal, David’s
wife, told him, saying : If thou save not thy
1 SLH. 2 Ps. lvi. 2.

life to-night, to-morrow thou shalt be slain. And at the end they shall be
So Michal let David down through a
window and he went, and fled, and
spoken of for cursing and lying:
escaped. ] * and in the wrath at the end they
shall perish.
ELIVER me from mine ene And they shall know that God
mies, O my God: * and ruleth in Jacob, * and unto the
defend me from them that rise up ends of the earth.1
against me. They shall return at evening,
Deliver me from the workers of and hunger like dogs: * and go
iniquity : * and save me from bloody round about the city.
men. They shall wander up and down
For, 10, they lie in wait for my for meat; * and grudge if they be
life: * the mighty have fallen upon not satisfied.
me. But I will sing of Thy power:
Not for my transgression, not for * yea, I will sing aloud of Thy
my sin, 0 LORD; * I ran and mercy in the morning.
ordered myself without fault. For Thou hast been my defence,
Awake to meet me, and behold: *‘ and refuge in the day of my
* 0 Thou, the LORD God of hosts, trouble.
the God of Israel! Unto Thee, O my strength, will
Awake to visit all the heathen: I sing, for God is my defence, *
* be not merciful to any wicked the God of my mercy.
They come at evening and hunger Antiphon. 2Judge uprightly, 0
like dogs; * and go round about ye sons of men.
the city. Fourth Antiphon. Give us.
Behold, they yelp with their
mouth, and a sword is in their lips :
* for who, say they, doth hear? Psalm LIX.
But Thou, O LORD, shalt laugh [This Psalm has a superscription, prob
at them: * Thou shalt bring all ably musical, but the meaning of which is
now uncertain. It then proceeds :-“Of
the heathen to nought. David, when he strove with Mesopotamia,
O my strength, I will wait upon and with \Vestern Syria, when Joab re
Thee, for Thou, O God, art my turned and smote of Edom in the valley
of Salt" (viz. the Jordan valley near the
defence: *‘ the mercy of my God Dead Sea) “twelve thousand.” The oc
shall receive me. casion was some very successful wars which
God shall let me see all my David carried on against several neighbour
ing kings, and which are described in 2
desire upon mine enemies: slay Kings (Sam) viii. and I Par. (Chron.)
them not; * lest my people forget. xviii. The Psalm seems to have been
Scatter them by Thy power: * written under some temporary reverses
during the campaign.]
and bring them down, 0 Lord our
shield! GOD, Thou hast cast us ofl,
For the sin of their mouth, and‘ and scattered us: * Thou
the words of their lips: * let them hast been displeased, and hast had
even be taken in their pride; mercy upon us.
1, SLH. 2 Ps. lvii. 2.
Thou hast made the earth to Psalm LX.
tremble, and hast broken it: *
[Intituled “of David.” It has also a
heal the breaches thereof, for it musical (P) superscription now of uncertain
shaketh. meaning]
Thou hast showed Thy people
hard things: * Thou hast made HEAR my cry, 0 God: * attend
us to drink the wine of astonish unto my prayer.
ment. From the ends of the earth I
Thou hast given a warning to cried unto Thee: * when mine
them that fear Thee, * that they heart was overwhelmed, Thou didst
may fly from before the bow.1 lift me up upon a rock.
That Thy beloved may be deliv Thou didst lead me, for Thou
ered: * save with Thy right hand, hast been a shelter for me, ‘* a
and hear me. strong tower from the enemy.
God hath spoken in His holi I will abide in Thy tabernacle
ness: * I will rejoice and divide for ever: * I will make my
Shechem, and mete out the valley refuge in the covert of Thy
of booths.2 wings.1
Gilead is mine, and Manasseh For Thou, O God, hast heard
is mine: * Ephraim also is the my vows: *‘ Thou hast given the
strength of mine head.3 heritage to those that fear Thy
Judah is my King: * Moab is name.
the vessel [of the triumph] of mine Thou wilt prolong the King’s
hope.‘ life: * and his years to many
Over Edom will I cast out my generations.
shoe: * over the “Strangers "5 He shall abide before God for
have I triumphed. ever: ’* who will seek for His
Who will bring me into the mercy and truth?
strong city? * who will lead me So will I sing praise unto Thy
into Edom? name for ever: * that I may daily
Wilt not Thou, O God, Who perform my vows.
hast cast us 05? * and wilt not
Thou go out with our armies, O Antzjohon. 6Give us help from
God? trouble, 0 Lord.
Give us help from trouble: * Fifth Antlphon. Doth not my
for vain is the help of man. soul.
Through God we shall do vali
If this A ntiphon be used the Psalm
antly: * for He it is That shall commences with the words “Wait upon
tread down our enemies. God.”

1 SLH.
2 Shechem, now Nablus, in the valley between Mounts Ebal and Gerizim, called the
“valley of booths " from those which Jacob erected there for his cattle. Gen. xxxrn. I7.
3 These three form the central district of the Land of Promise. ‘
4 The Hebrew is—“ Moab is my wash-pot,” that is, a receptacle for ofl-scourmgs. The
comparison is with the Divinely appointed sovereignty of Judah, respecting whom see
Gen. xlix. IO. __ _
5 That is, the Philistines. 6 Ps. lix. 13.

Psalm LXI. Psalm LXIll.

[This Psalm has exactly the same super [Intituled “A Psalm of David”with a
scription as Ps. xxxviii.] farther superscription of meaning now
DOTH not my soul wait upon
God? * for from Him com HEAR my voice, 0 God, in my
eth my salvation. prayer: * preserve my life
He only is my God and my from fear of the enemy.
salvation :- * He is my defence, I Thou hast hidden me from the
shall not be greatly moved. secret counsel of the wicked, * from
How long will ye run together the insurrection of the workers of
against a man? * DO ye slay, all iniquity.
of you [one that is] as a bowing For they whet their tongue like
wall and as a tottering fence? a sword: * they bend their
Truly they imagined to cast me how, even bitter words, that they
down from mine honour, when I may shoot in secret at the per
ran in my thirst: * they blessed fect.
with their mouth and cursed in Suddenly do they shoot at him
their heart.1 and fear not: *‘ they encourage
But wait thou on God, 0 my themselves in evil purpose.
soul: *‘ for mine expectation is They commune of laying snares
from Him. privily: * they say: Who shall see
For He only is my God and my them?
salvation: * He is mine helper, I They search out iniquities: i»
shall not be moved. they accomplish a diligent search.
In God is my salvation and my Man shall attain to thoughts that
glory: * He is the God of my are very deep: * but God shall
strength, and my refuge is in God. [still] be exalted.
Trust in Him, ye congregation The arrows of babes have pierced
of the people, pour out your heart them: * and their tongues are
before him: * God is our help for weakened against them.
ever.1 All that saw them were moved:
Surely the sons of men are vanity, * and all men feared,
the sons of men are a lie in‘the And declared the work of
balance: * they are a deceit, alto God, * and understood His
gether lighter than vanity. doings.
Trust not in iniquity, and desire The righteous shall be glad in
not robbery: * if riches increase, the LORD, and shall trust in Him:
set not your heart upon them. * and all the upright in heart shall
God hath spoken once, these two glory.
things have I heard; that power be
longeth unto God : also unto Thee,O Antiphon. 2Doth not my soul
Lord, belongeth mercy: * for Thou wait upon God?
shalt render to every man according Sixth Antiphon. 0 bless our
to his works. God.
1 SLH. 2 Ps. lxi. 2.
Psalm LXV. burnt-offerings: * I will pay Thee
[Except the words “ Psalm or Song ” the my vows, which my lips have uttered,
title of this Psalm is not now certainly And my mouth hath spoken, *
understood. The Vulgate and the LXX.
add “ for the uprising.”]
when I was in trouble.
I will offer unto Thee burnt
AKE a joyful noise unto God, sacrifices of fatlings, with the in
all ye lands, sing forth the cense of rams: * I will offer unto
honour of His name: * make His Thee bullocks with goats.1
praise glorious. Come, hear, all ye that fear God,
Say unto God: How terrible art and I will declare * what He hath
Thou in Thy works, 0 Lord! * done for my soul.
through the greatness of Thy power I cried unto Him with my mouth,
shall Thine enemies feign to submit * and extolled Him with my tongue.
themselves unto Thee. If I regard iniquity in mine heart,
Let all the earth worship Thee, * the Lord will not hear me.
and sing unto Thee: * let them Therefore God hath heard me,
sing praises to Thy Name.1 * and attended to the voice of my
Come and see the works of God; prayer.
* He is terrible in His counsels Blessed be God, * Who hath not
_toward the children of men. turned away my prayer, nor His
He turned the sea into dry land, mercy from me.
they went through the flood on foot:
* there did we rejoice in Him.
He ruleth by His power for ever, Psalm LXVI I.
His eyes behold the nations: * let [The meaning of the title of this Psalm,
not the rebellious exalt themselves.1 except the ascription of authorship “To
David,” is now uncertain]
0 bless our God, ye people: *
and make the voice of His praise to ET God arise, and let His
be heard. enemies be scattered: * let
Who holdeth my soul in life: them also that hate Him flee before
* and suffereth not my feet to be Him. ‘ .
moved. As smoke is driven away, so let
For Thou, O God, hast proved them be driven away: * as wax
us: * Thou hast tried us with fire, melteth before the fire, so let the
as silver is tried. wicked perish at the presence of
Thou broughtest us into the net, God.
Thou laidst afiiiction upon our But let the righteous be glad, and
back: * Thou hast caused men to rejoice before God: * yea, let them
ride over our heads. exceedingly rejoice.
We went through fire and through Sing unto God, sing praises to
water: ’* and Thou broughtest us His name: * spread a path before
out into a place of refreshment. Him That rideth upon the heavens :
I will go into Thine house with The LORD 2 is His name.

1 SLH.
2 “ The LORD ” is here, as elsewhere, substituted out of profound reverence for the real
name of God, the Unspeakable \Vord, called the “ Tetragrammaton,” from its four letters.

Rejoice before Him: * fear shall * and her tail-feathers with yellow
go before the face of Him That is gold.
the Father of the fatherless, and the When the [God] of heaven had
Judge of the widows: scattered kings in it, then white as
Even God in His holy habitation : with snow was Salmon,5 * that hill
* God, That maketh men to be of of God, that fruitful hill.
one mind in an house. An hill of many peaks, a fruitful
He bringeth out those which are hill: * why look ye enviously upon
bound with chains, * but they that the high hills?
provoke Him dwell among the This6 is the hill which God de
graves. sireth to dwell in: * yea, the LORD
O God, when Thou wentest will dwell in it unto the end.
forth before Thy people, * when The chariots of God are many
Thou didst march through the times ten thousand, even thousands
wilderness—1 of the blessed : * the Lord is among
The earth shook; the heavens them, [as] in Sinai, [so] in the
also dropped at the presence of the Holy place.
God Of Sinai, * at the presence of Thou hast ascended on high,
the God of Israel. Thou hast led captivity captive: *
Thou, O God, didst send a plen Thou hast received gifts among
tiful rain2 upon Thine inheritance: men,
* Thou didst refresh Thine inheri Even them that believe not 2“
tance when it was weary. that the LORD God dwelleth among
Thy flock dwelt therein: * Thou, them.
O God, didst provide in Thy good Blessed be the Lord daily: * the
ness for the poor. God of our salvation maketh our
The Lord gave the word *‘ to way prosperous.7
the great company that published He That is our God is the God
it. of salvation: * and unto the LORD,
3The king of the hosts is [fallen even the Lord, belong the issues
into the hands] of the Well~beloved : from death.
* and the fair ones that tarried at But God shall wound the head'
home have divided the spoils. of His enemies: * the hairy scalp
Though ye have lien among the of such an one as goeth on stilP
sheep-folds,4 yet shall ye be as the in his trespasses.
wings of a dove, covered with silver, The Lord said: I will bring

1 SLH. 2 Perhaps the manna is meant.

3 It need not be remarked that the sense of this verse is very obscure. In the view of
the Greek translators there seems to be a play upon the name of David, which signifies
“ Beloved.” ‘ Perhaps an allusion to an army camping out in the fields.
5 A mountain in Samaria, near Shechem, where David won great victories over some
neighbouring kings. See Ps. lix., p. 63. Gesenius thinks that “white as with snow” is
to be understood “white with the bleached bones of the slain.” But a modern writer,
describing a battle in the Soudan, and the defeat and flight of the Dervishes, says, “ they
broke, and fled leaving the field white with jibbah-clad corpses, like a meadow dotted
with snowdrifts.
'3 Namely, perhaps, the group of hills on which Jerusalem stands, as opposed to the
higher and more picturesque mountains at Shechem. 7 SLH.
them again from Bashanlz * I will O sing praises unto God, even
bring them back from the depths unto Him that rideth upon the
of the sea. heaven of heavens * from the day
That thy foot may be dipped in spring.
the blood of thine enemies, * the L0, He shall send out His voice,
tongue of thy dogs in the same. and that a mighty voice. Ascribe
They have seen Thy goings, O ye strength unto God ,' * over Israél
God, * even the goings of my God, is His excellency, and His strength
my King, Which dwelleth in the is in the clouds.
sanctuary. God is wonderful in His holy
The singers went before, the places: the God of Israel is He
players on instruments followed That shall give strength and power
after, * among the damsels playing unto his people: * blessed be God.
with timbrels. Amy/2012.5 O bless our God, ye
Bless ye God in the congrega people.
tions, even the Lord, * ye that are Antzp/wn for Pare/la! time. Al
of the fountains of Israéll leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
There is little Benjamin, * in the
joy of his heart, Tlzen is said a Verse and Answer.
The princes of Judah, their
leaders, * the princes 0f Zabulon, In Advent.
the princes of Nephthali. Verse. The LORD cometh out of
Command it, 0 God, in Thy His holy place.
strength: * strengthen, O God, that Answer. He will come and save
which Thou hast wrought for us. His people.
Because of thy temple at Jeru During the rest qf the year.
salem, * shall kings bring presents
unto Thee. Verse. 60 God, I have declared
Rebuke the beasts of the reeds,2 my life unto Thee.
the multitude of the bulls with the Answer. Thou hast put my tears
cows of the people, * [who watch] in Thy sight.
that they may cut off them that are In Lent.
tried like silver.3 Verse. His truth shall be thy
Scatter Thou the people that de shield.
light in war : ambassadors shall come Answer. Thou shalt not be
out of Egypt: * Ethiopia shall soon afraid for the terror by night.
stretch out her hands unto God.
Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of In Passion time.
the earth: * O sing praises unto Verse. Take not away my soul
the Lord.4 with sinners, O God.
' The campaign of David related in 2 Kings (Sam.) viii. and x Par. (Chron.) xviii.
extended to this neighbourhood.
2 Perhaps meaning wild bufl'aloes. As to the comparison of the enemy to wild cattle,
compare Ps. xxi. I3, “ Many bulls have compassed me, strong bulls have beset me round."
’ If the words are to be taken thus, the reference is perhaps to David‘s veterans, but the
meaning seems more likely to be “ those that submissively offer in tribute pieces of silver.”
‘ SLH. ' Ps. lxv. 8. 0 Ps. lv. 9.

Answer. Nor my life with bloody Answer. After the order of Mel
men. chisedeck.
In Paschal time. [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
1 “Verse. The disciples were glad,
For a Confessor not a Bishop.
Answer. When they saw the Lord, Verse. 5The law of his God is
Alleluia. in his heart.
The rest is the same as the Third [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
Nocturn of the preceding Sunday, ex Answer. And his steps shall not
cept necessary inferences. The Lessons slide.
are those of the day. The Responsories
are arranged according to the rules in [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
Chapter xxvii. 4, 5, of the General For one Holy Woman of any hind.
Simple Feasts. It is to be remem Verse. God hath chosen her, and
bered that when a Simple Feast is kept fore-chosen her.
on Wednesday, the Invitatory and Hymn
are of the Feast, being taken from the
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
Common of Saints of the class, unless Answer. He hath made her to
specially given. Then the Psalms and dwell in His tabernacle.
Antiphons of the week-day, as given
above. Then is said a Verse and An [In Paschal time, add Alleluia]
swer as follows . The others, as well as what follows,
For_one or many Martyrs in Paschal to the end of the Service, are takenfrom
time. the Third Nocturn ofthe Oflice Common
to Saints of the class, unless something
Verse. 1 Everlasting jOy upon special be appointed, except necessary
their heads, Alleluia. diferences. The Lessons are arranged
Answer. They shall Obtain joy according to the rules in Chapter xxvi.
4, of the general Rubrics. The Hymn
and gladness, Alleluia. “\Ve praise Thee, O God," is said at
For one Martyr, (out of Paschal time.) the end. instead of a Third Responsory.
The Responsories are arranged accord
Verse. 2 His glory is great in ing to the Rules in Chapter xxvii. 4, 5, of
Thy salvation. the General Rubrics. Thus :—
Answer. Honour and great ma The Lord's Prayer is said .
jesty shalt Thou lay upon him.
OUR Father (inaudibly), Who art
For many Martyrs, (out of Paschal in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
time. Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy
Verse. 3The righteous shall live will be done on earth, as it is in
for evermore. heaven. Give us this day our daily
Answer. Their reward also is bread. And forgive us our tres
with the Lord. passes, as we forgive them that tres
pass against us. (Aloud)
For a Bishop and Confessor.
_ Verse. And lead us not into
Verse. 4 Thou art a Priest for temptation,
ever. Answer. But deliver us from
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia] evil.
1 Isa. xxxv. IO. 2 Ps. xx. 6. 3 VVisd. v. 16. 4 Ps. cix. 4. 5 Ps. xxxvi. 31.
Then this A hsolution : Second Blessing, for a Simple Feast.
5 AY the Almighty and merciful He (or She or They) whose feast-day
Lord loose us from the bonds we are keeping
of our sins. Plead for us before the Lord.
Answer. Amen. Answer. Amen.
Then the Reader says .'
Then is read the Second Lesson, eilhcr
Sir, be pleased to give the bless from Scripture or from an Homily, or
ing. on a Simple Feast either the Second
and Third Lessons from Scrioiurc
First Blessing, ihe Lesson he from read together as one, or the Saint
Scripture. or Saints have two Lessons, ihe firs!
of these.
May His blessing be upon us,
Then the Second Responsory, unless
Who doth live and reign for ever. oiherwzse directed. On a week-day hep!
Answer. Amen. _ as such, this is lhc Second Responsory
Qf the preceding Sunday, but in Paschal
First Blessing, if the Lesson he of an time there is added [0 it .'
Homily. "
May the Gospel’s saving Lord Verse. Glory be to‘the Father,
Bless the reading of His Word. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. Amen. Ghost.

First Blessing on a Simple Feast. And the Answer oflhc Responsory is

repcaicd again. 4
May His blessing be upon us
Who doth live and reign for ever. On a Simple Feasi ihe Second Re—
sponsory in the Common Oflce for the
Answer. Amen. class to which the Saint helongs, wilh
Then is read the First Lesson from the addition of “Glory be to the
Scripiurc or from the Homily, or on a Father,” 61%., and the repeiition of
Simple Feast either the First from ihe Answer.
Scripture, or, the Saint or Saints
have two Lessons, the whole three from Then the Reader says :
Scrizfiturc read iogethcr as one. Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Then the First Responsory, unless ing. ‘
otherwise directed. On a week-day hep!
as such, this is the First Responsory of Third Blessing.
the preceding Sunday. On a Simple May He That is the Angels’ King
Feast, the First Responsory in the Com
mon Oflce for the class io which the To that high realm His people bring.
Saint belongs. Answer. Amen.
Then the Reader says : Then is read the Third Lesson either
Sir, be pleased to give the bless from Scripture, or of the Homily, or on
Simple Feasts the Second or only Lesson
ing. v of the Saint.
Second Blessing, ‘lhe Lesson he of Then, on Simple Feasts and on any
Scrz'piure or from an Homily. day in Paschal time is said [he Hymn,
God’s most mighty strength alway “We praise Thee, O God.” But on
week-days kept as such out of Paschal
Be His people’s staff and stay. time the Third Responsory of the pre
Answer. Amen. ceding Sunday.

mthntehap at iauhs.

All as on Sundays, exeept as other Blessed is the man whom Thou

wise given here. choosest, and causest to come near
The Psalms are a: follows :
unto Thee: * he shall dwell in
Thy courts:
Antiphon. Wash me. We shall be satisfied with the
goodness of Thine house: * Thy
Psalm L. temple is holy, terrible in right
Have mercy upon me, 810., (p. Answer us, 0 God of our salva
87). tion: * Thou that art the confidence
of all the ends of the earth, and
Antz'phon. Wash me throughly of the uttermost parts of the sea!
from mine iniquity, O Lord. Thou that by Thy strength settest
Seeond Antiphon. Praise be fast the mountains, being girded
cometh Thee. with power: * Thou that stirrest
If this A ntz'phon be used the Psalm up the depth of the sea, and the
begins with the words, “0 God, in noise of his waves!
Zion.” The heathen shall be troubled.
Psalm LXIV.
They that dwell in the uttermost
parts shall be afraid at Thy tokens:
[Intituled “A Psalm. A Song of * Thou makest the outgoings of the
David,” with a musical (P) superscription.
The Vulgate adds that its use was pre morning and evening to rejoice.
scribed by Jeremiah and Ezekiel to the Thou visitest the earth and water
exiles when they began to return from est it: * Thou greatly enrichest it :
the Captivity.]
The river of God is full of water:
RAISE becometh Thee, O God, Thou makest ready their corn, * for
in Zion: * and unto Thee Thou hast so prepared it.
shall the vow be performed in Jeru Drench her furrows, increase the
salem. fruits thereof: * the springing there
Hear my prayer: * unto Thee of shall rejoice at her showers.
shall all flesh come. Thou crownest the year with Thy
Iniquities prevail against us: * goodness: * and Thy fields teem
but as for our transgressions, Thou with fruitfulness.
shalt purge them away. The green places of the wilder

ness wax fruitful: * and the little They that were full have hired
hills are girded with joy. out themselves for bread: * and
The pastures are clothed with they that were hungry are filled.
flocks; the valleys also overflow So that the barren hath borne
with corn: * they shout for joy, fruitfully: * and she that had many
yea, they sing. children is waxed feeble.
The LORD killeth, and maketh
A ntz'phon. Praise becometh Thee, alive: * He bringeth down to the
O God, in Zion. grave, and bringeth up.
Third Antiphon. O my God. The LORD maketh poor, and
maketh rich: * He bringeth low,
Psalms LXII., LXVI. and lifteth up.
O God, Thou art my God, &c., He raiseth up the poor out of the
(e- 23) dust, * and lifteth up the beggar
from the dunghill,
Antiphon. O my God, my lips To set them among princes, * and
shall praise Thee while I live. to make them inherit the throne of
Fourth Antiphon. The LORD glory:
shall judge. , For the pillars of the earth are
the LORD’s, * and He hath set the
THE SONG 0F HANNAH. (I Kings world upon them.
(Sam.) ii.) He will keep the feet of His
[Composed by her when she brought her saints, and the wicked shall be silent
son Samuel and presented him to the LORD. in darkness: * for by his strength
See 1 Kings (Sam.) i. ii., (Monday and
Tuesday after Trinity Sunday. )]
shall no man prevail.
The adversaries of the LORD shall
MINE heart rejoiceth in the be made to fear Him: * out of
LORD, * and mine horn is heaven also shall He thunder upon
exalted in my GOD:l
My mouth is enlarged over mine The LORD shall judge the ends
enemies : * because I rejoice in Thy of the earth: and He shall give
salvation. strength unto His King, * and exalt
There is none holy as the LORD; the horn of His Anointed.
for there is none beside Thee: *
neither is there any mighty like our Antiphon. The LORD shall judge
God. the ends of the earth.
Talk no more * so exceeding Fifth Antzfhon. Praise God.
Let your Old arrogancy depart out
of your mouth: for the LORD is a
God of knowledge, * and by Him Praise ye the LORD from the
thoughts are judged. heavens, &c., (pp. 25, 26).
The bows of the mighty men are
broken, * and they that stumbled Antiphon. Praise God, ye heavens
are girded with strength. of heavens.
1 The Divine Name.

CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.) Much it needs Thy light divine,

Spot and stain to clean ;
The night is far spent, &c., (as on Light of Angels, on us shine
Monday, 1). 89). With Thy face serene.
To the Father, and the Son,
HYMN.1 And the Holy Ghost,
Here he glory, as is done
HAUNTING gloom and flitting By the angelic host. Amen.
Ghastly shapes, away ! Verse. Thou hast satisfied us
Christ is rising, and pervades early with Thy mercy.
Highest Heaven with day. Answer. We rejoice and are glad.
He with His bright spear the night A ntiphon fizr the Song ofZacharias.
Dazzles and pursues ; O Lord, save us ’1‘ from the hand of
Earth wakes up, and glows with light
Of a thousand hues. all that hate us.
Commemoration ofthe Cross before the
Thee, O Christ, and Thee alone, other Commemorations, and Long Preces
With a single mind, in Advent and Lent, on the Ember
We with chant and plaint would own ; Wednesdays (except that of Pentecost)
To thy flock be kind. and on Fast-days, as on Monday.
1 Hymn founded on hymn in the Cathemerinon of Prudentius; translation by the late
Card. Newman.

Thumbs]; at filafiins.

All as on Sunday, except as other Psalm LXVI I I.

wise given here.
[Intituled “Of David," with a (now un
[noitatory It is the Lord That certain) musical (P) direction]
hath made us: *‘ O come, let us
worship ,Him. AVE me, O God; * for the
waters are come in unto my
HvMN.1 soul.
ALL tender lights, all hues divine, I sink in deep mire, * where
The night has swept away; there is no standing.
Shine on us, Lord, and we shall shine I am come into the depth of the
Bright in an inward day. sea, * and the flood overfloweth me.
The spots of guilt, sin’s wages base, I am weary of my crying, my
Searcher ofhearts, we own ; throat is dried: * mine eyes fail,
Wash us and robe us in Thy grace, while I wait for my God.
\Vho didst for sins atone.
They that hate me without a
The sluggard soul, that bears their cause, ‘* are more than the hairs of
mark, mine head.
Shrinks in its silent lair, They that would destroy me,
Or gropes amid its chambers dark
For Thee, Who art not there. being mine enemies wrongfully, are
mighty: * then I restored that
Redeemer ! send Thy piercing rays, which I took not away.
That we may bear to be 0 God, Thou knowest my fool
Set in the light of Thy pure gaze,
And yet rejoice in Thee. ishness: * and my faults are not
hid from Thee.
Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son, Let not them that wait on Thee,
And Spirit, God of grace, O Lord, be ashamed for my sake, *
To whom all worship shall be done
In every time and place. Thou LORD of hosts.
Amen. Let not those that seek Thee *
be confounded for my sake, O God
Only one Nocturn is said.
of Israél.
Antiphon. Make haste. Because for Thy sake I have
In Paschal time only one Antiphon borne reproach: * shame hath
is said to the whole Nocturn. Alleluia. covered my face.
1 Ambrosian hymn ; translation by the late Card. Newman.

I am become a stranger unto my pity on me, and there was none: *

brethren, * and an alien unto my and for comforters, and I found
mother’s children. none.
For the zeal of Thine house hath They gave me also gall for meat:
eaten me up: * and the reproaches *‘ and in my thirst they gave me
of them that reproached Thee are vinegar to drink.
fallen upon me. Let their table be made a snare
And I chastened my soul with before them, * and a recompense,
fasting: * and that was to my re and a stumbling-block.
proach. Let their eyes be darkened, that
I made sackcloth also my gar they see not : * and ever bow Thou
ment, * and I became a proverb to down their back.
them. Pour out Thine indignation upon
They that sat in the gate spake them, * and let Thy wrathful anger
against me, * and I was the song of take hold of them.
the drunkards. Let their habitation be desolate :
But as for me, my prayer is unto * and let none dwell in their tents.
Thee, O LORD: * in an acceptable For they persecute him‘ whom
time, 0 God! Thou hast smitten: * and they
In the multitude of Thy mercy embitter the pain of my wounds.
hear me, * in the truth of Thy Add iniquity unto their iniquity :
salvation! * and let them not come into Thy
Deliver me out of the mire, that righteousness.
I sink not: * deliver me from them Let them be blotted out of the
that hate me, and out of the deep book of the living: * and not be
waters. written with the righteous.
Let not the waterfiood overflow But I am poor and sorrowful: *
me, neither let the deep swallow me Thy salvation, O God, hath set me
up, *‘ and let not the pit shut her up on high.
mouth upon me. I will praise the name of God
Hear me, O LORD, for Thy with a psalm, * and will magnify
loving-kindness is good: * turn Him with thanksgiving.
unto me according to the multitude And it shall please GOD better
of Thy tender mercies. than a young bullock, * that hath
And hide not Thy face from Thy horns and hoofs.
servant, * for I am in trouble; hear Let the humble see this and be
me speedily. glad, * seek God, and your soul
Draw nigh unto my soul, and re shall live.
deem it: *‘ deliver me because of For the LORD heareth the poor:
mine enemies. * and despiseth not His prisoners.
Thou knowest my reproach, and Let the heaven and earth praise
my shame, * and my dishonour. Him, ‘* the sea, and everything
Mine adversaries are all before that moveth therein.
Thee: * mine heart hath looked for For God will save Zion, * and
reproach and bitterness. the cities of Judah shall be built
And I looked for some to take up.

And they shall dwell there, * sons of ~Ionadab are the descendants of
Jonadab, the son of Rechab, of whose
and have it in possession. faithfulness to observe a nomadic life,
The seed also of His servants and to abstain from wine, it is written
shall inherit it, * and they that in Jer. xxxv. 19: “Therefore thus saith
the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel:
love His name shall dwell therein. Jonadab, the son of Rechab, shall not
want a man to stand before me for
ever.” They had taken refuge at Jeru
Psalm LXIX. salem to escape the incursions of Nebu
[Intituled “Of David, to bring to re chadnezzar, and the meaning seems to
membrance ” with another (now uncertain) be that when they and others were carried
musical (?) superscription. The Vulgate away as captives, they made special use
and the LXX. add to remembrance “how of this Psalm.]
the Lord had saved him”; the Targum
associates the Psalm with the offering of N Thee, O LORD, have I put
the incense. This Psalm is a repetition my trust, let me never be put
of the last four verses of Ps. xxxix.]
to confusion: * deliver me in Thy
AKE haste, O God, to de righteousness, and cause me to es
liver me: * make haste to cape.
help me, O LORD. Incline Thine ear unto me, *
Let them be ashamed and con and save me.
founded, * that seek after my Be Thou my God, my Pro
soul. tector, and my strong habitation,
Let them be turned backward * to save me.
and put to confusion, * that de For Thou art my rock, * and
sire mine hurt. my fortress.
Let them be turned back with Deliver me, O my God, out of
shame, * that say unto me, Aha, the hand of the wicked, * and out
Aha. of the hand of the unrighteous and
Let all those that seek Thee be cruel man.
joyful and glad in Thee, * and let For Thou art mine hope, 0 Lord :
such as love Thy salvation say con * O LORD, Thou art my trust from
tinually: Let the Lord be magnified. my youth.
But I am poor and needy: * By Thee have I been holden up
help me, O God. from the womb: * Thou art my
Thou art mine help and my defence from my mother’s bowels.
deliverer: * O LORD, make no My praise shall be continually
tarrying. of Thee: * I am a wonder unto
many: but Thou art my strong
Antzp/zon. 1 Make haste, O Lord refuge.
God, to deliver me. Let my mouth be filled with
Seiona' Antip/Lon. Be Thou my Thy praise, that I may sing of
God. Thy glory, * all the day long of
Psalm LXX. Thy greatness.
Cast me not off in the time of
[The Vulgate and the LXX. give the
heading, “ A Psalm of David ; of the Sons old age: * forsake me not when
of jonadab, and the first Captives.” The my strength faileth.
1 Ps. lxix. I.

For mine enemies speak against psaltery, even Thy truth: * O

me, * and they that lay wait for God, unto Thee will I sing with
my soul take counsel together, the harp, 0 Thou Holy One of
Saying: God hath forsaken him: Israeli
persecute and take him, * for there My lips shall be fain when I sing
is none to deliver him. unto Thee, * and my soul which
O God, be not far from me: * Thou hast redeemed.
O my God, make haste for mine My tongue also shall talk of Thy
help. righteousness all the day long: * for
Let them be confounded and they are confounded and brought
consumed that are adversaries to unto shame that seek mine hurt.
my soul: * let them be covered
with reproach and dishonour, that
seek mine hurt.
But I will hope continually, * [Intituled “ Of Solomon,” that is, written
concerning him.]
and will yet praise Thee more and
more. GIVE the king Thy judgment, 0
My mouth shall show forth Thy God, * and Thy righteousness
righteousness, * Thy salvation all unto the king’s son.
the day. To judge Thy people with right
And because I know not the tale eousness, *‘ and Thy poor with
thereof, I will go in the strength of judgment.
the Lord: * O LORD, I will make The mountains shall receive peace
mention of Thy righteousness, even with the people, * and the little hills
of Thine only. righteousness.
0 God, Thou hast taught me He shall judge the poor of the
from my youth: * and hitherto people, and save the children of the
have I declared Thy wondrous needy, * and shall break in pieces
works. the false accuser.
Now also when I am old and And he shall endure with the sun,
grey-headed, * O God, forsake me and before the moon, * throughout
not, all generations.
Until I have showed Thy strength He shall come down like rain
* unto all generations, that are to upon a fleece, * and as showers that
come. water the earth.
Thy power and Thy righteous In his days shall righteousness
ness, 0 God, are in the highest, flourish, and abundance of peace,
Who hast done great things: * O * so long as the moon endureth.
God, who is like unto Thee? He shall have dominion also from
Thou Who hast showed me great sea to sea: * and from the river
and sore troubles, shalt quicken me unto the ends of the earth.
again: * and bring me up again The Ethiopians shall fall before
from the depths of the earth. him: * and his enemies shall lick
Thou hast increased Thy great the dust.
ness : * and again comforted me. The kings of Tarshish, and of the
I will also praise Thee on the isles shall bring presents: 4" the

kings of Arabia and Saba1 shall Psalm LXXI l.

Ofi'er gifts. [Intituled “ A Psalm of Asaph.”]
Yea, all the kings of the earth
shall fall down before him: all TRULY God is good to Israel, ‘*
nations shall serve him. to such as are upright in
For he shall deliver the needy heart.
from the strong, * the poor also that But as for me, my feet were al
hath no helper. most gone: * my steps had well
He shall spare the poor and nigh slipped.
needy, * and shall save the souls of For I was envious at the un
the needy. righteous, * when I saw the pros
He shall redeem their soul from perity of the wicked.
fraud and violence: * and precious For they have no thought of
shall their name be in his sight. death: * and they are uncon
And he shall live, and to him cerned in trial.
shall be given of the gold of Arabia ; They are not in trouble as other
prayer also shall be made for him men, * neither are they plagued like
continually; * all the day long shall other men.
he be blessed. Therefore pride compasseth them
And there shall be a staff of about, * violence and ungodliness
bread in the land, upon the top of cover them as a garment.
the mountains; the fruit thereof Their iniquity ariseth as it were
shall be higher than Lebanon: * from fatness: * they have more
and they of the city shall flourish than heart could wish.
like grass of the earth. They think and speak wickedness:
Blessed be his name for ever: * “' they speak loftily concerning 0p
his name endureth as long as the sun. pression.
And in him shall all the kindreds They set their mouth against the
of the earth be blessed : * all nations heavens, ‘* and their tongue walketh
shall call him blessed. through the earth.
Blessed be the LORD God of Is Therefore my people turn aside
rael, * Who only doth wondrous after them: * and the men of their
things. day run after them.
And blessed be His glorious And they say: How doth God
Name for ever: * and let the whole know, * and is there knowledge in
earth be filled with his glory: Amen, the Most High?
Amen? Behold, these are the ungodly,
who prosper in the world, * they
Antiphon. 3Be Thou my God, increase in riches.
my protector. And I said: Then I have cleansed
Third Antiphon. Thou hast re mine heart in vain, * and washed
deemed the rod. mine hands in innocency.

1 This seems to be Meroe, a province of Ethiopia.

2 After this, there is the following notification, “The prayers of David, the son of
Jesse, are ended,” and this is the end of the second of the five books into which the
Psalter is divided. 3 Ps. lxx. 3.

For all the day long have I been That I may declare all Thy
plagued, * and chastened every praises, * in the gates of the
morning. daughter of Zion.
If I say: I will speak thus: *
behold, I should disown the gener
Psalm LXXI I l.
ation of Thy children.
And I thought to know this, * [Intituled “A didactic (P) Psalm of
it was too hard for me;
Asaph. "1
Until I went into the Sanctuary O GOD, why hast Thou cast us
of God, * and understood their off for ever: * why doth
hereafter. Thine anger smoke against the
Surely Thou dost set them in sheep of Thy pasture?
slippery places: * Thou castest Remember Thy congregation, 1'
them down even in their pros which Thou hast purchased of
perity. Old.
How are they brought into deso Thou hast redeemed the rod of
lation? In a moment are they Thine inheritance: * Mount Zion
perished, * they are utterly con wherein Thou hast dwelt.
sumed because of their wickedness. Lift up Thine hands against their
As a dream when one awaketh, perpetual pride: * even all that
O Lord, * Thou shalt bring their the enemy hath done wickedly in
image to nought in Thy city. the sanctuary !
For mine heart was on fire, and They also that hate Thee roar, *
I was pricked in my reins; * and I in the midst of Thy solemn con
was brought to nothing and knew gregation.
not : They set up their ensigns for
I became as a beast before Thee : trophies * on the pinnacles [of Thy
* nevertheless I am continually with temple] as though it had been the
Thee: gate [of their own city]; and con
Thou hast holden me by my sidered not!
right hand, and guided me accord As the fellers in a wood Of thick
ing to Thy will, * and received me trees, so did they hew down the
to glory. gates thereof: * they have broken
For what have I in heaven, * and it down with axes and hammers.
what is there upon earth that I They have set on fire Thy Sanc
desire beside Thee? tuary: * they have defiled the
My flesh and mine heart faileth: dwelling-place of Thy name by
* Thou art the God of mine heart, casting it down to the ground.
and God is my portion for ever. The sort of them said in their
For, 10, they that go far from hearts with one consent: * Let us
Thee shall perish: * Thou hast put away the feast-days of God out
destroyed all them that go a whor of the land.
ing from Thee. - We see not our signs, there is no
But it is good for me to draw more any prophet: * and none
near to God: * to put my trust in knoweth us any more.
the Lord GOD, 0 God, how long shall the ad
versary reproach ? * Shall the enemy cause: * remember how the foolish
blaspheme Thy name for ever? man reproacheth Thee daily.
Why withdrawest Thou Thine Forget not the voice of Thine
hand, even Thy right hand, * from enemies: * the pride of them that
Thy bosom for ever? hate Thee ascendeth continually.
But God is our King of old, *
working salvation in the midst of Antiphon. 3 Thou hast redeemed
the earth. the rod of Thine inheritance.
Thou by Thy strength didst Fourth Antiphon. And we will
make the sea to stand on an heap: call.
* Thou brakest the heads of the
Psalm LXXIV.
dragons in the waters.
Thou brakest the heads of le [Intituled “ A Psalm—A Song of Asaph,”
with a superscription of meaning now un
viathan in pieces: * Thou gavest certain, but, in part, indicating the tune
him to be meat to the people1 of “ Destroy not.” The Tar-gum says that it
Ethiopia. was composed as a thanksgiving at the time
when David said “ Destroy not thy people,"
Thou didst cleave the fountains and the occasion meant is probably that of
and the floods: * Thou driedst up the plague provoked by David’s number
the rivers of Ethan.2 ing of the people, as related in the last
chapter of 2 Kings (Sam.)]
The day is Thine, the night also
is Thine: * Thou hast created the NTO Thee, O God, will we
light and the sun. give thanks: * we will give
Thou hast set all the borders of thanks and call upon Thy name.
the earth: * Thou hast made We will declare Thy wondrous
summer and spring. works: * when I shall take a set
Remember this, that the enemy time, I will judge uprightly.
hath reproached the LORD: "‘ and The earth and all the inhabitants
that a foolish people have blas thereof are dissolved: * I bear up
phemed Thy name. ' the pillars of it.4
O deliver not unto beasts the I said unto the wicked: Deal
souls of them that praise Thee: * not wickedly: * and to the evil
and forget not the souls of Thy poor doers: Lift not up your horn on
for ever. high.
Have respect unto Thy cove Lift not up your horn on high:
nant: * for the dark places of the * speak not wickedness against
earth are full of the habitations of God.
cruelty. For neither from the east, nor
0 let not the oppressed return from the west, nor from the desert
ashamed : * let the poor and needy mountains: * for God is the judge:
praise Thy name. He putteth down one, and setteth
Arise, O God, judge Thine own up another: * for in the hand of the
1 People-probably referring to the wild beasts, (as in Proverbs xxx. 25, 26, “The ants
are a people not strong—the conies are but a feeble folk ”) who ate the dead bodies of the
Egyptians (whose power Seems meant by the leviathan) washed upon the shores of the
Red Sea.
2 Ethan=continuity——“The continuously flowing streams.”
3 Ps. lxxiii. 2. ‘ SLH.

LORD there is a cup of strong wine When God arose to judgment, *

full of mixture.1 to save all the meek of the earth.3
And he turneth it 'this way and For the thoughts of man shall
that : surely the dregs thereof are praise Thee: * the remainder of
not wrung out: * all the wicked of his thoughts shall keep holy his days
the earth shall drink them. before Thee.
But I will declare for ever: * I Vow, and pay unto the LORD
will sing praises to the God of Jacob. your God: * all ye that are round
All the horns of the wicked also about Him bring presents,
will I break : * and the horns of the Even unto Him That ought to be
righteous shall be exalted. feared, and that cutteth ofi‘ the spirit
of princes, * to Him That is terrible
among the kings of the earth.
Psalm LXXV.
[Intituled “ A Psalm—A Song of Asaph," Antzp/zon. 4And we will call
with a farther superscription similar to the upon Thy name, 0 Lord.
preceding. The Vulgate and the LXX. add Antiphon. Thou art the
“against the Assyrians”; the meaning pro
bably is that it was found appropriate as a. God.
Psalm of thanksgiving after the destruction
of the Assyrians (3 (2) Kings xix. 35).] Psalm LXXVI.

IN Judah is God known: * His [Intituled “A Psalm of Asaph," with a

musical (?) direction, addressed to Jeduthun.]
name is great in Israel.
And His tabernacle is in “ Peace,”2 I CRIED unto the Lord with my
* and His dwelling-place in Zion. voice; * even unto God with
There brake He the arrows of the my voice, and He gave ear unto
bow, * the shield, the sword, and me.
the battle.3 In the day of my trouble I
When Thou didst make Thy light sought the Lord; in the night with
to shine forth right wondrously from my hands I sought Him *‘ and failed
the everlasting hills: * all they that not.
were foolish of heart were troubled : My soul refused to be comforted :
They have slept their sleep: * * Iremembered God, and rejoiced,
and all the men of riches have found and pondered, and my spirit was
nothing in their hands. overwhelmed.3
At Thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, Mine eyes anticipated the night
* they that rode upon horses are watches: * I was troubled, and
cast into a dead sleep. spake not. .
Thou art to be feared; and who I have considered the days of old,
shall withstand Thee, * when once * and had in mind the everlasting
Thou art angry? ' years.
Thou didst cause judgment to In the night also I commune with
be heard from heaven: * the earth mine own heart: * and I mused,
trembled and was still, and searched out mine own spirit.
‘ Aromatic herbs, &c., were mixed with wine to make it more intoxicating. See
Smith’s Diet. of the Bible,——Wine.
' Peace—a translation of “Salem." ’ SLH. 4 Ps. lxxiv. 2.

Will God cast Off for ever? * or Psalm LXXVII.

will He be favourable no more? [Intituled “A didactic (P) poemiof
Or will He put away His mercy Asaph.”]
for ever, * to generation and genera
tion? IVE ear, 0 my people, to my
Or hath God forgotten to be law: * incline your ears to
gracious? * or will He in His anger the words of my mouth.
shut up His tender mercies?1 I will open my mouth in para
And I said: Now have I begun: bles: ’* I will utter dark sayings
* the change cometh of the right of old.
hand Of the Most High. Which we have heard and known,
I remembered the works of the * and our fathers have told us.
LORD: * surely I will remember They are not hidden from their
Thy wonders of old. children, * in the generation to
I will meditate also of all Thy come:
work : * and talk of Thy doings. Showing the praises of the LORD,
Thy way, 0 God, is in the sanc and His mighty acts,‘ * and His
tuary. Who is so great a God as our wonderful works that He hath done.
God? * Thou art the God That He established also a testimony
doest wonders. in Jacob, * and appointed a law
Thou hast declared Thy strength in Israel.
among the people : * Thou hast with Which He commanded our fathers
Thine arm redeemed Thy people, that they should make known to
the sons of Jacob and Joseph.1 their children: * that the generation
The waters saw Thee, O God, to come may know them,
the waters saw Thee: * and they Even the children which shall be
were afraid, the depths also were born and arise, * and declare them
troubled. to their children ;
There was a noise as of many That they may set their hope in
waters, * the clouds sent out a God, and not forget the works of
sound. God, * but keep His command
Thine arrows also went abroad: ments.
* the voice of Thy thunder rolled. And may not be as their fathers,
Thy lightnings lightened the * a stubborn and rebellious gen
world: * the earth trembled and eration,
shook. A generation that set not their
Thy way is in the sea, and Thy heart aright, * and whose spirit
paths in the great waters: * and was not steadfast with God.
Thy footsteps are not known. 2The children of Ephraim bend
Thou leddest Thy people like a ing and shooting with bows, * turned
flock, * by the hand of Moses and back in the day of battle.
Aaron. They kept not the covenant of

1 SLH.
2 The next few verses perhaps relate to the refusal of the children of Israel to in
vade the Land of Promise when they first reached it, owing to fear of the inhabitants.
Numb. xiV.

God, * and refused to walk in from above, * and opened the

His law. d00rs of heaven.
And forgot His works, * and And rained down manna upon
His wonders that He had showed them to eat, * and gave them of
them. the bread of heaven.
Marvellous things did He in the Man did eat Angels’ bread: *
sight of their fathers, in the land of He sent them meat to the full.
Egypt, * in the plain of Tanis.1 He caused an east wind to
He divided the sea, and caused blow in the heaven: * and by His
them to pass through, * and He power He brought in the south
made the waters to stand as an wind.
heap. He rained flesh also upon them
In the day-time also He led as dust, * and feathered fowls like
them with a cloud, * and all the as the sand of the sea.
night with a light of fire. And it fell in the midst of their
He clave_ the rock in the wil camp, * round about their habita
derness, * and gave them drink tions.
as out of the great depth. So they did eat, and were well
He brought water also out of filled, and He gave them their own
the rock, * and caused waters to desire: * they were not disap
run down like rivers. pointed of their lust.
And they sinned yet more against But while their meat was yet in
Him, * and provoked the Most their mouths: * the wrath of God
High in the wilderness. came upon them,
And they tempted God in their And slew the fattest of them, *
hearts, * to ask meat for their and smote down the chosen men
lust. of Israel.
Yea, they spake against God: * For all this they sinned still, *
they said: Can God furnish a table and believed not in His wondrous
in the wilderness? works.
Behold, He smote the rock, and Therefore their days were con
the waters gushed out, * and the sumed in vanity, * and their years
streams overflowed. in trouble.
Can He give bread also, * or When He slew them, they sought
furnish a table for His people? Him: * and they returned, and
Therefore the LORD heard this, enquired early after God.
and was wroth: * so a fire was And they remembered that God
kindled against Jacob, and anger was their strength, * and the High
came up against Israel. God their redeemer.
Because they believed not in Yet they flattered Him with their
God, * and trusted not in His mouth, * and lied unto Him with
salvation. their tongue.
And He commanded the clouds For their heart was not right
1 An ancient city (mentioned here and subsequently) in Lower Egypt, called both by
a Shemitic name, Zoan, as well as by its Egyptian name, surrounded by plains, and close to
the natural and constant border of Palestine.

with Him, * neither were they death, * and cut off their cattle in
steadfast in His covenant. death with them.
But He being full of compassion, He smote also every first-born in
forgave their iniquity, * and de the land of Egypt: * the first-fruits
stroyed them not. of all their labour in the tabernacles
Yea, many a time did He turn of Ham.
His anger away, * and did not stir And made His own people to go
up all His wrath. forth like sheep : * and guided them
He remembered also that they in the wilderness like a flock.
were but flesh; * a wind that And He led them on in hope,
passeth away and cometh not and they feared not: * and He
again. overwhelmed their enemies in the
How often did they provoke sea.
Him in the wilderness? * grieve And He brought them to the
Him to anger in the desert? mountain of His Sanctuary, * even
Yea, they turned again, and the mountain, which His right hand
tempted God, * and provoked the hath purchased.
Holy One of Israél. He cast out the heathen also
They remembered not His hand, before them, * and allotted the land
* in the day when He delivered among them by line,
them from the hand of the op And made the tribes of Israél to
pressor. dwell * in their tents.
How He set His signs in Egypt, Yet they tempted and provoked
* and His wonders in the plain of the Most High God, * and kept not
Tanis. His testimonies.
And turned their rivers into And turned back, and observed
blood: * and their floods, that not His covenant, * like their
they could not drink. fathers ; they were turned aside like
He sent divers sorts of flies a deceitful bow.
among them, which devoured them : They provoked Him to anger
* and frogs, which destroyed them. with their high places, * and moved
He gave also their increase unto Him to jealousy with their graven
the caterpillar, * and their labour images.
unto the locust. God heard it and cast them out:
And He destroyed their vines * and brought Israel utterly to
with hail, * and their sycamore nought.
trees with frost. He forsook also the tabernacle of
He gave up their cattle also to Shiloh, * even His tabernacle, where
the bail, * and their flocks to hot He dwelt among men.
thunderbolts. , And He delivered their strength
He cast upon them the fierceness into captivity, * and their beauty
of His anger, * indignation, and into the enemy’s hand.
wrath, and trouble, by sending evil He gave His people over also
Angels among them. unto the sword: * and cast off His
He made a way to His anger; inheritance.
He spared not their SOlll from The fire consumed their young

men : * and their maidens made no of Thy saints unto the beasts of the
funeral song. earth.
Their priests fell by the sword: Their blood have they shed like
* and their widows made no lamen water round about Jerusalem : ‘* and
tation. there was none to bury them.
Then the Lord awaked as one We are become a reproach to our
out Of sleep, * like a mighty man neighbours, * a scorn and derision
heated with wine. to them that are round about us.
And He smote His enemies in How long, LORD? wilt Thou be
the binder part: * He put them to angry for ever? ‘* shall Thy jealousy
a perpetual shame. burn like fire ?
Moreover, He refused the taber Pour out Thy wrath upon the
nacle of Joseph, * and chose not the heathen, that have not known Thee,
tribe of Ephraim. * and upon the kingdoms that have
But chose the tribe of Judah, *‘ not called upon Thy name!
Mount Zion, which he loved. For they have devoured Jacob,
And He built His sanctuary like * and laid waste His dwelling-place.
the horn of an unicorn upon the O remember not against us our
earth, * which He hath established former iniquities, let Thy tender
for ever. mercies speedily overtake us: * for
He chose David also His servant, we are brought very low.
and took him from the sheepfolds: Help us, 0 God of our salvation,
* from following the ewes great with and for the glory of Thy name de
young He brought him, liver us, O Lord: *‘ and forgive our
To feed Jacob His servant, * and sins, for Thy name’s sake.
Israel His inheritance. Lest haply they should say among
So he fed them according to the the heathen: Where is their God?
integrity Of his heart: * and guided * And make known among the
them by the skilfulness of his hands. nations in our sight
The vengeance of the blood Of
Antz'phon. 1Thou art the God Thy servants, which is shed: * let
That doest wonders. the sighing of the prisoners come
Sixth Antz'p/zon. Be merciful. before Thee.
According to the greatness of
Psalm LXXVIIl. Thine arm, * preserve Thou the
children of the slain.
[Intituled “A Psalm of Asaph.”]
And render unto our neighbours
GOD,-the heathen are come sevenfold into their bosom: * their
into Thine inheritance, Thine reproach wherewith they have re
holy temple have they defiled: ’* proached Thee, O Lord!
they have made Jerusalem like an But we Thy people, and sheep
heap of stones in an orchard. of Thy pasture, * will give Thee
The dead bodies of Thy servants thanks for ever:
have they given to be meat unto We will show forth Thy praise *
the fowls of the heaven, * the flesh to all generations.
1 Ps. lxxvi. I5.

Psalm LXXIX. hedge? *‘ so that all they which

pass by the way do pluck her?
[Intituled “A Psalm of Asaph," with a
direction, perhaps musical, the meaning The boar out of the wood doth
of which is not now certain. The LXX. root it up, * and the wild beast of
adds “concerning the Assyrian," probably the field doth devour it.
meaning that it was used as a prayer
after the destruction of Jerusalem by Return, 0 God of hosts: * look
Nebuchadnezzar.] down from heaven, and behold, and
visit this vine ;
IVE ear, O Shepherd of Israel, And protect that Thy right hand
* Thou That leadest Joseph hath planted, * and the son of man
like a flock. whom Thou madest strong for Thy
Thou That sittest upon the Cheru self.
bim, * shine forth before Ephraim, It is burnt with fire, and cut
Benjamin, and Manasseh. down: * they shall perish at the
Stir up Thy strength, and come rebuke of Thy countenance.
* and save us. Let Thine hand be upon the man
Turn us again, 0 God, * and of Thy right hand, * and upon the
cause Thy face to shine, and we son of man whom Thou madest
shall be saved. strong for Thyself.
O LORD God of hosts, * how So will we not go back from
long wilt Thou be angry against the Thee,- * quicken us, and we will
prayer of Thy servant? call upon Thy name.
\Vilt Thou feed us with the bread Turn us again, 0 LORD God of
of tears, * and give us tears to drink hosts: * and cause Thy face to
in great measure? shine, and we shall be saved.
Thou makest us a strife unto our
neighbours: * and our enemies jest Antiohon. 2 Be merciful unto our
upon us. sins, O Lord.
Turn us again, O God of hosts: Antiphon in Paschal time. Al
* and cause Thy face to shine, and leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
we shall be saved.
Thou hast brought a vine out of Then is said a Verse and Answer.
Egypt: * Thou hast cast out the
In Advent.
heathen and planted it.
Thou preparedst room before it: Verse. Out of Zion, the Per
* Thou didst cause it to take deep fection of beauty,
root, and it filled the land. Answer. Our God shall come
The hills were covered with the manifestly.
shadow of it, * and the cedars of
God with the boughs thereof. During the rest of the year.
She sent out her boughs unto the Verse. 3 My lips shall be fain
sea, * and her branches unto the when I sing unto Thee.
river.1 Answer. And my soul, which
Why hast Thou broken down her Thou hast redeemed.
1That is, the dominion of the Israélites stretched from the Mediterranean to the
Euphrates. ' Ps. lxxviii. 9. -" Ps. lxx. 23.

In Lent. In Paschal time.

Verse. He hath delivered me
from the snare of the fowler. Verse. The Lord is risen from
Answer. And from the noisome the grave, Alleluia.
pestilence. Answer. Who hung for us upon
the tree, Alleluia.
In Passion time.
Verse. 0 God, deliver my soul
from the sword. The rest is the same as the First
Nocturn on the preceding Sunday, only
Answer. And my darling from the Lessons, and sometimes the Respon
the power of the dog. sories, are those of the day.

‘Glhntshag at $811115.

All as on Snnday, except as otherwise as nothing, * even as a watch in

given here. the night.
The Psalms are as follows .' In the morning they are like
grass which soon fadeth away: in
Antiphon. Against Thee, Thee the morning it flourisheth, and
only. then it fadeth away: * in the
Psalm L. evening it is cut down, drieth up,
Have mercy upon me, &c., (p. and withereth.
87). For we are consumed by Thine
anger: * and by Thy wrath are
Antiphon. Against Thee, Thee we troubled.
only, have I sinned, have mercy Thou hast set our iniquities be
upon me, O Lord! fore Thee, * our life in the light.
Second Antiphon. Lord. of Thy countenance.
For all our days are passed away,
If this A ntiphon be used, the Psalm
begins with the words, “Thou hast * and we are consumed by Thine
been.” anger. >
Psalm LXXXI X.
The works whereon we toil all
our years are but frail structures
[Intituled “A Prayer of Moses the man like a spider’s web: * the days of
of God."]
our years are threescore years and
ORD, Thou hast been our re ten :
fuge * in all generations. And if by reason of strength they
Before the mountains were brought be fourscore years, * yet is their
forth, or ever the earth and the increase but labour and sorrow:
world were formed, * even from For weakness cometh, * and we
everlasting to everlasting, Thou art are cut off.
God. Who knoweth the power of Thine
Turn not man to destruction; * anger, * or can measure Thy wrath,
for Thou sayest, Return, ye children that he may fear Thee as Thou
of men. oughtest to be feared?
For a thousand years in Thy sight Show Thou the might of Thy
* are but as yesterday when it is past, right hand; * and apply our hearts
And their years shall be reckoned to wisdom.
VOL. I. E 2

Return, 0 LORD, how long? * He is my God, and I will glorify

and let it intreat Thee concerning Him: * my father’s God, and I
Thy servants. will exalt Him.
Thou hast satisfied us early with The LORD is like a man of war:
Thy mercy, * and we rejoice and “THE ALMIGHTY "1 is His name.
are glad all our days. * Pharaoh’s chariots and his host
We are gladdened for the days hath He cast into the sea.
wherein Thou hast afflicted us; * His chosen captains are drowned
for the years wherein we have seen in the Red Sea. * The depths have
evil. covered them: they sank into the
Look upon Thy _ servants, and bottom as a stone.
upon Thy works, * and establish Thy right hand, 0 LORD, is be
their children. come glorious in power: Thy right
And let the beauty of the LORD hand, 0 LORD, hath shattered the
our God be upon us 3 and establish enemy. * And in the greatness
Thou the work of our hands upon Of Thy majesty Thou hast over
us: * yea, the work of our hands thrown them that rose up against
establish Thou it. Thee.
Thou sentest forth Thy wrath,
Antiphon. Lord, Thou hast which consumed them as stubble.
been our refuge. * And with the blast of Thy fury
Third Antiphon. I meditate. the waters were gathered together,
The floods stood upright, * and
Psalms LXI I., LXVI. the depths were congealed in the
heart of the sea.
O God, Thou art my God, &c.,
The enemy said: I will pursue
(t- 2s) and overtake, * I will divide the
spoil; my soul shall be sated upon
Antiphon. I meditate upon Thee
in the night watches.
I will draw my sword, * mine
Fourth Anttjihon. Let us sing.
hand shall destroy them.
If this A ntiphan he used the Cantz'tle Thy wind blew, and the sea
begins with the words; “Unto the covered them; * they sank as lead
in the mighty waters.
THE SONG 0F Mosss (Exod. xv.) Who is like unto Thee, O LORD,
among the mighty? * who is like
[On the occasion of the successful escape unto Thee, glorious in holiness,
of the Israelites through the Red Sea.]
terrible, and worthy to be praised,
LET us sing unto the LORD, for doing wonders?
He hath triumphed gloriously : Thou stretchedst out Thy right
* the horse and his rider hath He hand, and the earth swallowed them.
thrown into the sea. * Thou in Thy mercy hast led
The LORD is my strength and forth the people which Thou hast
my song, * and He is become redeemed:
my salvation: And hast borne them in Thy
1 But in the present Hebrew text, here stands again the Divine name.

strength, * unto Thine holy habi Antt'pfion. Praise God in His

tation. Sanctuary.
The people came up and were
angry: * sorrow took hold on the CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.)
inhabitants of Philistia. The night is far spent, &c., (a:
Then the princes of Edom were on Monday, 1). 89).
amazed, the mighty men of Moab,
trembling took hold upon them: * HYMN.1
all the inhabitants of Chanaan SEE, the golden dawn is glowing,
melted away. While the paly shades are going,
Let fear and dread fall upon Which have led us far and long,
them, * by the greatness of Thine In a labyrinth of wrong.
arm: May it bring us peace serene ;
Let them be as still as a stone: May it cleanse, as it is clean;
till Thy people pass over, 0 LORD, Plain and clear our words be spoke,
* till Thy people pass over, which And our thoughts without a cloak ;
Thou hast purchased. SO the day's account shall stand,
Thou shalt bring them in and Guileless tongue and holy hand,
plant them in the mountain Of Steadfast eyes and unbeguiled,
Thine inheritance, * in Thy most “ Flesh as ofa little child.’7
sure dwelling, which Thou hast There is One Who from above
made, 0 LORD: Watches how the still hours move
In the Sanctuary, 0 Lord, which Of our day of service done,
Thine hands have established. From the dawn to setting sun.
* The LORD shall reign for ever To the Father, and the Son,
and ever. And the Spirit, Three and One,
For the horse of Pharaoh went As of Old, and as in Heaven,
in with his chariots and with his Now and here be glory given.
horsemen into the sea, * and the
LORD brought again the waters of Verse. Thou hast satisfied us
the sea upon them: early with Thy mercy.
But the children of Israel went on Answer. We rejoice and are
dry land * in the midst of the sea. glad.

Antzjfilzon. Let us sing gloriously A ntipkonfor the Song ofZacharias.

unto the LORD. Let us serve the Lord * in holiness,
Fifth Antzlzfi/ton. Praise God. and He will deliver us from our
Psalms CXLVIII., CXLIX., CL. Commemoration of the Cross before
the other Commemorations, and Long
Praise ye the LORD, &c., (pp. 2 5, Preoes in Advent and Lent, and on
26). Fast-days, as on Monday.
1 Extracted from hymn by Prudentius ; translation by the late Card. Newman.

grimy at @tlattins.

All as on Sunday, except as otherwise Grant this, 0 Father, Only Son,

given here. And Spirit, God Of grace,
To whom all worship shall be done
Invitatory. Let us worship the In every time and place.
Lord, for ‘1‘ He is our Maker. Amen.
.Only one Nocturn is said.
MAY the dread Three in One, Who Antiphon. Sing aloud.
sways If this Antibhon be used the Psalm
All with His sovereign might, begins with the words, “ Unto God our
Accept from us this hymn of praise, strength."
His watchers in the night.
In Paschal time only one Antiphon is
For in the night, when all is still, saidfor the whole Nocturn. Alleluia.
We spurn our bed and rise,
To find the balm for ghostly ill, Psalm LXXX.
His bounteous hand supplies.
[Intituled “ OfAsaph.” It has a super
If e’er by night our envious foe scription of meaning now uncertain, but
With guilt our souls would stain, part of which perhaps means that it was
May the deep streams of mercy flow, a Hymn for the vintage]
And make us white again ;
SING aloud unto God our strength:
That so with bodies braced and bright, * make a joyful noise unto the
And hearts awake within, God of Jacob.
All fresh and keen may burn our light, Take a psalm, and bring hither
Undimmed, unsoiled by sin.
the timbrel: * the pleasant harp
Shine on Thine own, Redeemer sweet ! with the psaltery.
Thy radiance increate Blow the trumpet in the new
Through the long day shall keep our
feet, moon,2 1* in the time appointed,
In their pure morning state. on our solemn feast-day.
1 From a hymn of the Ambrosian school, very slightly altered; translation by the late
Card. Newman.
‘1 The ordinance referred to in this and the next verses is found in Numb. x. “ And the
LORD spake unto Moses, saying: Make thee two trumpets of silver, ofa whole piece shalt
thou make them. . And in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and
in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings,
and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial
before God. I am the LORD your God.”

For this is a statute for Israel: Psalm LXXXI.

"' and a law of the God of Jacob. [Intituled “ A Psalm of Asaph.”]
This He ordained in Joseph for
a testimony, when he went out of GOD standeth in the congrega
the land of Egypt: * he heard a tion of the mighty: * He
language that he understood not. judgeth among the judges.
He removed his shoulder from How long do ye judge unjustly,
the burden, * his hands were done * and accept the person of the
with slaving over the baskets. wicked?2
Thou calledst upon Me in trouble, Defend the poor and fatherless:
and I delivered thee: * I answered * do justice to the afflicted and
thee in the secret place of thunder: I needy. .
proved thee at the waters of strife.1 Deliver the poor, * and rid the
Hear, O My peeple, and I will needy out of the hand of the wicked.
testify unto thee: * O Israel, if They know not, neither do they
thou wilt hearken unto Me, there understand, they walk on in dark
shall no strange god be in thee, ness: * all the foundations of the
neither shalt thou worship any earth are out of course.
strange god. 3I have said: Ye are gods, *
For I am the LORD thy God, and all of you are children of the
Who brought thee out of the land Most High;
of Egypt: * open thy mouth wide But ye shall die like men: *
and I will fill it. and fall like one of the princes.
But My people would not hearken Arise, O God, judge the earth:
unto My voice: * and Israél would * for Thou shalt inherit all na
not obey Me: tions.
So I gave them up unto their
own hearts’ lust: * they walked Antiphon. 4 Sing aloud unto
in their own counsels. God our strength.
O that My people had heark Seeond A ntzjohon. Thou alone.
ened unto Me, * that Israel had
walked in My ways! Psalm LXXXII.
I should quickly have brought
their enemies under them, * and [Intituled “A Song. A Psalm of
turned Mine hand against their
adversaries. GOD, who shall be likened
The haters of the LORD would unto Thee? * hold not Thy
have feigned submission unto Him: peace, and be not still, 0 God.
* but their time should have en For, 10, Thine enemies make a
dured for ever. tumult: * and they that hate Thee
He would have fed them also have lifted up the head.
with the finest of the wheat: * They have taken crafty counsel
and with honey out of the rock against Thy people, ‘* and con
would He have satisfied them. sulted against Thine holy ones.
1 SLH. For “ the waters of Meribah " or “strife,” see note on Ps. xciv., p. 2.
9 SLH. ’ This verse was quoted by our Lord. John x. 34. 4 Ps. lxxx. 2.

They have said: Come and let Let them be confounded and
us cut them off from being a na troubled for ever: * yea, let them
tion: * that the name of Israel be put to shame and perish.
may be no more in remembrance. And let men know that Thy
For they have consulted together name is the LORD: * Thou alone
with one consent: * they are con art the Most High over all the
federate against Thee: the taberna earth.
cles of Edom,1 and the Ishmaelites.
Of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Psalm LXXXI I I.
Gebal, and Ammon, Amalek, * the [Intituled “A Psalm of the sons of
“Strangers” with the inhabitants Korah.” It has the same superscription as
Of Tyre. Ps. lxx., referring possibly to the vintage.
It reads as if it were a ilgrim-song refer
Assur also is joined with them: ring to the going up otP all the males of
* they have holpen the children Israél to Jerusalem to observe the Feast Of
of Lot.2 Tabernacles, when harvest and vintage were
Do unto them as unto Midian,3
and Sisera: * as unto Jabin, at HOW lovely are Thy taberna
the brook of Kishon. cles, O LORD of hosts! *
They perished at Endor: * they my soul longeth and fainteth for
became as dung for the earth. the courts of the LORD:
Make their nobles like Oreb Mine heart and my flesh *‘ rejoice
and like Zeeb; * as Zebah and for the living God.
Zallnunna, Yea, the sparrow hath found an
All their princes: * who said: house, * and the dove a nest for
Let us take to ourselves the Sanc herself, where she may lay her
tuary of God in possession. young,
O my God, make them like a Even Thine altars, O LORD of
wheel [of whirling dust]; * and as hosts, * my King and my God!
the stubble before the wind! Blessed are they that dwell in
As the fire that burneth a wood, Thine house, 0 Lord; * they will
* and as the flame that setteth the be ever praising Thee.2
mountains on fire. Blessed is the man whose strength
So pursue them with Thy tem is from Thee; * who hath settled in
pest, * and trouble them in Thine his heart to go up [to thy Sanctu
anger. ary,] through the vale of tears,‘ to
Fill their faces with shame : ‘* and the place which he hath appointed.
they will seek Thy Name, 0 LORD! He That hath given the Law will
1 Of the list of tribes in the next few verses, the Ishmaelites are the inhabitants of Edom ;
Moab, and the Hagarenes, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, tribes to the south and south-east of
Canaan; the “Strangers” are the Philistines; Assur is Assyria; the children of Lot are
the Moabites and Ammonites. 2 SLH
3 The Midianites invaded Israél during the Judgeship of Gideon, who defeated them.
Barak had previously, by a great victory between the Kishon and Endor, delivered his
people from the tyranny of Jabin king of the Canaanites, whose general, Sisera, lost his life
on the occasion. Oreb and Zeeb were two princes, and Zebah and Zalmunna two kings of
the Midianites, whom the Israelites took prisoners and put to death on the second occasion.
See Judges iv.-viii.
4 Hebrew, “of Baez,” probably the proper name of a place, but, literally, “ weeping.”
give His blessing; they shall go Turn us, O God of our salvation,
from strength to strength: ’* they * and cause Thine anger towards us
appear before the God of gods in to cease.
Zion. Wilt Thou be angry with us for
O LORD God of hosts, hear my ever? * wilt Thou draw out Thine
prayer: * give ear, 0 God of Ja anger to all generations?
cob ! 1 0 God, Thou shalt again quicken
Behold, O God, our shield: * us: *‘ and Thy people shall rejoice
and look upon the face of Thine in Thee.
Anointed. Show us Thy mercy, O LORD! *
For a day in Thy courts is better and grant us Thy salvation.
* than a thousand. I will hear what the LORD God
I had rather be a menial in the will speak in me: * for He will
house of my God, * than to dwell speak peace unto His people,
in the tents of wickedness. And to His saints, * and unto
For God loveth mercy and truth : them that are changed in heart.
the LORD will give grace and Surely His salvation is nigh them
glory. that fear Him, * that glory may
No good thing will He withhold dwell in our land.
from them that walk uprightly. * Mercy and truth have met to
O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man gether: * righteousness and peace
that trusteth in Thee! have kissed each other.
Truth hath sprung out of the
Antz'p/zon. 2Thou alone art the earth: * and righteousness hath
Most High over all the earth. looked down from heaven.
T/u'rd Anni/ton. LORD. Yea, the LORD shall give that
which is good : * and our land shall
If this Antz'fi/zon be used the Psalm
begins with the words “Thou hast been yield her increase.
favourable." Righteousness shall go before
Him: * and shall set His footsteps
Psalm LXXXIV. in the way.
[Intituled “A Psalm of the sons of
Korah,” with the usual (now uncertain) Psalm LXXXV.
[Intituled “A Prayer of David.”]
ORD, Thou hast been favour
able unto Thy land: * Thou OW down Thine ear, O LORD,
hast brought back the captivity of and hear me: * for I am poor
Jacob. and needy.
Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Preserve my soul, for I am holy:
Thy people: * Thou hast covered * 0 Thou my God, save Thy servant
all their sins.1 that trusteth in Thee.
Thou hast taken away all Thy Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for
wrath: * Thou hast turned Thyself I cry unto Thee all the day long: *
from the fierceness of Thine anger. rejoice the soul of Thy servant, for

1 SLH. 2 Ps. lxxxii. 19.


unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my upon me : * give Thy strength unto

soul. Thy servant, and save the son of
For Thou, Lord, art good and Thine handmaid!
ready to forgive, * and plenteous Show me a token for good, that
in mercy to all them that call upon they which hate me may see it and be
Thee. ashamed : *' because Thou, O LORD,
Give ear, 0 LORD, unto my hast holpen me, and comforted me.
prayer: * and attend to the voice
of my supplication. Ann'phon. 1 LORD, Thou hast
In the day of my trouble I called been favourable unto Thy land.
upon Thee, * for Thou hast heard Fourth Antiphon. Her foundation.
me. [ftbz's A m‘z'plmn be used the Psalm
Among the gods there is none like begins with the words, “ Is in the holy
unto Thee, O Lord: * neither are mountains.”
there any works like unto Thy works.
All nations whom Thou hast Psalm LXXXVI.
made shall come and worship be [Intituled “A Psalm. A Song of the
sons of Korah.” The Targum adds that it
fore Thee, O Lord: * and shall was based upon words of the ancients,
glorify Thy name. perhaps meaning that the two first verses
For Thou art great and doest won before the SLH were an ancient saying to
which the rest was a later addition]
drous things : * Thou art God alone.
Teach me Thy way, 0 LORD, HER foundation is in the holy
and I will walk in Thy truth: *‘ mountains: * the LORD lov
let mine heart be glad, that it may eth the gates of Zion more than all
fear Thy name. the dwellings of Jacob!
I will praise Thee, O Lord my Glorious things are spoken of
God, with all mine heart, * and I thee, * 0 city of God!2
will glorify Thy name for evermore. I will make mention of Rahab3
For great is Thy mercy toward and Babylon * that know me.
me: * and Thou hast delivered my Behold the “Strangers,”4 and
soul from the lowest hell. Tyre, and the people of Ethiopia, *
0 God, the wicked are risen these were there—
against me, and the assemblies of And of Zion shall it not be said :
violent men have sought after my This and that man was born in her,
soul, * and have not set Thee before * and the Highest Himself hath
them. established her?5
But Thou, O Lord, art a God full The LORD shall make count,
of compassion and gracious, * long~ ' when He writeth up the people [and
suffering, and plenteous in mercy the princes,] 6 * of all that are in her.2
and truth. All they that dwell in thee * are
0 look upon me, and have mercy in gladness.
1 Ps. lxxxiv. 2. 2 SLH.
3 That is “ the Insolent One,” namely, Egypt. 4 La, the Philistines.
‘ Is the meaning that Jerusalem shall be illustrious as the birth-place of all kinds of
distinguished persons? The Targum, curiously enough, says that the persons meant are
David and Solomon, whereas David is a native of Bethlehem.
6 Displaced from the beginning of the next verse.
Psalm LXXXVI I. declared in the grave, * and Thy
[This Psalm has a long superscription, in faithfulness in destruction?
which its authorship is attributed to Heman Shall Thy wonders be known in
the Ezrahite, one of five brothers, descen~ the dark, * and Thy righteousness
dants of Zarah, the son of Judah. Four of
them were celebrated for wisdom. 3 (1) in the land of forgetfulness?
Kings iv. 31. This Psalm was written for But unto Thee have I cried, O
the sons of Korah, and intended to be sung LORD: * and in the morning shall
with an accompaniment of pipes and flutes]
my prayer come before Thee.
O LORD God of my salvation, * LORD, why castest Thou ofi' my
I have cried day and night prayer, * why hidest Thou Thy face
before Thee. from me?
Let my prayer come before Thee ; I am afflicted, and in toil from
* incline Thine ear unto my cry. my youth up: *1‘ and when I was
For my soul is full Of troubles: ~1 lifted up, then was I brought down
and my life draweth nigh unto the and troubled:
grave. Thy fierce wrath goeth over me,
I am counted with them that go * and Thy terrors have troubled me.
down into the pit: ‘1‘ I am as a They came round about me all
man that hath no strength, lying the day like a flood: * they com
nerveless among the dead, passed me about together.
Like the pierced that lie in the Friend and neighbour hast Thou
grave, whom Thou rememberest no put far from me, *‘ mine acquaint
more : *‘ and they are cast off from ance also, because of my misery.
Thine hand.
They have laid me in the lowest Antiphon. 2Her foundation is
pit, * in darkness and in the shadow in the holy mountains.
of death. fifth Antz'phon. Blessed.
Thy wrath lieth hard upon me,
* and Thou hast afiiicted me with Psalm LXXXVI I I.
all Thy waves.1 [Intituled “ A didactic (P) Poem of Ethan
Thou hast put away mine ac the Ezrahite.” This Ethan was a brother
quaintance far from me: ‘1‘ they of the author of the last Psalm]
have made me an abomination unto I WILL sing of the mercies * of
them. the LORD for ever.
I am shut up, and cannot come With my mouth will I make
forth: * mine eyes fail by reason known Thy faithfulness * to all
of affliction. generations.
LORD, I have called daily upon For Thou hast said: Mercy shall
Thee: * I have stretched out my be built up for ever in the heavens :
hands unto Thee! * Thy faithfulness shall be estab
Wilt Thou show wonders to the lished in them.
dead? * or can physicians quicken I have made a covenant with My
them, so that they may praise chosen, I have sworn unto David
Thee?1 My servant: * thy seed will I
Shall Thy loving-kindness be establish for ever.
1 SLH. 2 Ps. lxxxvi. I.

And build up thy throne * to They shall walk, 0 LORD, in

all generations.1 the light of Thy countenance, and
And the heavens shall praise Thy in Thy name shall they rejoice all
wonders, O LORD; * Thy faithful the day: * in Thy righteousness
ness also in the congregation of the also shall they be exalted.
Saints— For thou art the glory of their
For who in heaven can be com strength: * and in Thy favour
pared unto the LORD? * Who our horn shall be exalted.
among the sons of God can be For of the LORD is our de
likened unto GOD? fence, * and of the Holy One of
God, Which is glorious in the Israel is our King.
assembly of the saints, *‘ great Then Thou spakest in vision to
and terrible to all them that are Thine holy ones, and saidst: * I
about Him. have laid help upon one that is
0 LORD God of hosts, who is mighty, and have exalted one
like unto Thee? * Thou art strong, chosen out of My people.
0 LORD, and Thy faithfulness is I have found David My ser
round about Thee! vant: * with Mine holy oil have I
Thou rulest the raging of the anointed him.
sea: * when the waves thereof For Mine hand shall help him:
arise Thou stillest them. * Mine arm also shall strengthen
Thou hast broken the “Inso him.
lent” one,2 as one that is slain: The enemy shall prevail nothing
* Thou hast scattered Thine ene against him: * nor the son of
mies with Thy strong arm. wickedness afflict him.
The heavens are Thine, the And I will beat down his foes
earth also is Thine, as for the before his face, * and put them
world and the fulness thereof that hate him to flight.
Thou hast founded them: * the And My truth and My mercy
North and the South Thou hast shall be with him: * and in My
created them: Name shall his horn be exalted.
3Tabor and Hermon shall re I will set his hand also in the
joice in Thy name. * Thou hast sea, * and his right hand in the
a mighty arm. rivers.4
Strong is Thine hand, and high He shall cry unto me: Thou
Thy right hand: * justice and art my Father, * my God, and
judgment are the foundations of the rock of my salvation.
Thy throne. 6Also I will make him My first
Mercy and truth shall go before born, * higher than the kings of
Thy face. * Blessed is the people the earth.
that know the joyful sound! My mercy will I keep for him
1 SLH. 2 Rahab—z'. e. , Egypt.
3 Two prominent mountains in the North of Syria.
4 That is ;—“ I will make his power to be bounded on the West by the Mediterranean,
and on the East by the Tigris and Euphrates.”
5 The next verses are a sort of quotation of the Divine message given by Nathan to
David. 2 Kings (Sam.) vii. 14-16.
for evermore, * and My covenant Thou hast turned the edge of his
shall stand fast with him. sword, * and hast not upholden him
His seed also will I make to in battle.
endure for ever, * and his throne Thou hast made his brightness to
as the days of heaven. cease, * and cast his throne down
But if his children forsake My to the ground.
law, * and walk not in My judg The days of his youth hast Thou
ments,— . shortened: * Thou hast covered
If they break My statutes, * and him with shame.2
keep not My commandments, How long, LORD, wilt Thou hide
Then I will visit their trans Thyself, for ever? * Shall Thy
gressions with the rod, * and wrath burn like fire?
their iniquity with stripes. Remember how short my time is:
Nevertheless My loving-kindness * wherefore hast Thou made all the
will I not utterly take from him, sons of men in vain?
* nor fail in My truth. What man is he that liveth, and
My covenant also will I not break, shall not see death? * Shall be
* nor make void the thing that is deliver his soul from the hand of
gone out of My lips. the grave P 2
Once have I sworn by Mine Lord, where are Thy former lov
holiness, that I will not lie unto ing-kindnesses, * which Thou swarest.
David: * his seed shall endure for unto David in Thy truth?
ever, Remember, Lord, the reproach of
And his throne, as the sun before Thy servants, * (that I bear in my
Me: * and as the full moon for bosom) even the reproach of many
ever, and as the faithful witness in people—
heaven.1 Wherewith Thine enemies have
But Thou hast cast off and de reproached, O LORD— * wherewith
spised, * Thou hast put away Thine they have reproached the woes of
Anointed. Thine Anointed.
Thou hast made void the cove Blessed be the LORD for ever
nant of Thy servant: * Thou hast more! * Amen, Amen.3
profaned his crown [by casting] it
to the ground.
Psalm XCIII.
Thou hast broken down all his
hedges: * Thou hast brought his [The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this
strongholds to ruin. Psalm to David, and assign it to the fourth
day of the week.]
All that pass by the way spoil
him: * he is a reproach to his HE LORD God to Whom ven
neighbours. geance belongeth, * the God
Thou hast set up the right hand to Whom vengeance belongeth hath
of his adversaries: * Thou hast shown Himself.
made all his enemies to rejoice. Lift up Thyself, Thou judge of

1 S L H. Is the “ faithful witness” the rainbow? See Gen. ix.2 (S'II‘JhHursday after Sexa~
gesima Sunday.)
3 Here ends the third of the five books into which the Psalter is divided.

the earth: * render a reward to the Unless the LORD had been mine
proud. help, * my soul had almost dwelt
LORD, how long shall the wicked, in the grave.
* how long shall the wicked When I said: My foot slippeth
triumph ? -— * Thy mercy, O LORD, held me
How long shall they utter and up.
speak iniquity? * all the workers Of In the multitude of the sorrows
wickedness boast themselves ? within mine heart, * Thy comforts
They crush Thy people, 0 LORD! delight my soul.
* and afflict Thine heritage. 1Hath the throne of iniquity
They slay the widow and the fellowship with TheeP— * which
stranger, * and murder the father frameth mischief by a law?
less. They that gather themselves
Yet they say: The LORD shall together against the soul of the
not see, * neither shall the God of righteous, * and condemn the in
Jacob understand. nocent blood—P
Understand, ye brutish among the But the LORD is' my refuge, *
people! * and ye fools, sOme time and my God is the stay of my
be wise! trust.
He That planted the ear, shall He And He shall bring upon them
not hear? * or He That formed the their own iniquity, and shall cut
eye, can He not see? them off in their own wickedness:
He That chastiseth the heathen, * the LORD our God shall cut
shall not He correct? * He That them off.
teacheth man knowledge?
The LORD knoweth the thoughts Antiphon. 2 Blessed be the LORD
of men, * that they are vanity. for evermore.
Blessed is the man whom Thou Sixth Antz'phon. Sing.
chastenest, O LORD, * and teachest
out of Thy law.. Psalm XCV.
That Thou mayest give him rest [In I Par. (Chron.) xvi. it is stated that
from the days of adversity, *. until David gave this Psalm to Asaph and his
the pit be digged for the wicked. brethren upon the day that the ark was
brought to Jerusalem. The text is there
For the LORD will not cast off given somewhat differently, and the whole
His people, * neither will He for forms the second part of one Psalm, of
sake His inheritance. which the first part consists of the first
fifteen verses of Ps. civ. The Vulgate and
Until righteousness return unto the LXX. note that it was sung at the
judgment, * and all the upright in rebuilding of the Temple after the Cap
heart follow it.
Who will rise up for me against SING unto the LORD a new
the evil-doers? * or who will stand song: * sing unto the LORD,
up with me against the workers of all the earth.
iniquity? Sing unto the LORD, and bless
1 This verse is translated according to the sense of the Hebrew, the LXX., Aquila,
Symmachus, Theodotion, and St Jerome, but the Latin has the second, instead of the
third, person singular in the last clause. 2 Ps. lxxxviii. 53.
His Name: * show forth His sal Psalm XCVI.
vation from day to day. [The Vulgate and the LXX. have the
Declare His glory among the superscription “[A Psalm] of David when
heathen, * His wonders among all his country was re - established ” -— per
haps meaning after the usurpation of Ab
people. solom.]
For the LORD is great, and greatly
to be praised: * He is to be feared THE LORD reigneth ; let the
above all gods. earth rejoice: * let the mul
For all the gods of the heathen titude of isles be glad thereof.
are devils: * but the LORD made Clouds and darkness are round
the heavens. about Him: * righteousness and
Praise and beauty are before judgment are the foundation of
Him: ‘* holiness and' majesty are His throne.
in His sanctuary. A fire shall go before Him, * and
Give unto the LORD, 0 ye kin burn up His enemies round about.
dreds of the people, give unto the His lightnings enlightened the
LORD glory and honour: * give world: * the earth saw and trem
unto the LORD the glory due unto bled.
His name. The hills melted like wax at
Bring sacrifices, and come into the presence of the LORD, * at
His courts: * O worship the LORD the presence of the Lord of the
in His holy temple! whole earth.
Let all the earth fear before The heavens declared .His right
Him. * Say among the heathen, eousness, * and all the people
The LORD reigneth! saw His glory.
He hath established the world Confounded be all they that
also, that it shall not be moved: worship graven images, * and that
* He shall judge the people right boast themselves of idols.
eously. Worship Him, all ye His An
Let the heavens rejoice, and let gels! * Zion heard, and was glad.
the earth be glad, let the sea roar, And the daughters of Judah
and the fulness thereof: * let the rejoiced, * because of Thy judg
fields be joyful and all that is ments, 0 LORD!
therein. For thou, LORD, art high above
Then shall all the trees of the all the earth: * Thou art exalted
wood rejoice before the LORD, for far above all gods.
He cometh, * for He cometh to Ye that love the LORD, hate evil:
judge the earth. * the Lord preserveth the souls of
He shall judge the world with His saints; He delivereth them out
righteousness: * and the people of the hand of the wicked.
with His truth.1 Light is sprung up for the
1 In 1 Par. (Chron.) xvi. the Psalm continues :—“0 give thanks unto the LORD, for
He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. And say ye: Save us, 0 God of our
salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give
thanks to Thy holy Name, and glory in Thy praise. Blessed be the LORD God of
Israe'l for ever and ever. And all the people said: ‘Amen’ and praised the 'LORD"
—possibly in Ps. cxxxv.

righteous, * and gladness for the Simple Feasts. It is to he remembered

upright in heart. that when a Simple Feast is kept on
Friday, the Invitatory and Hymn are
Rejoice in the LORD, ye right of the Feast, being taken from the Com
eous, * and give thanks to the mon of Saints of the class, unless speci
memorial of His holiness! ally git/en.
Then the Psalms and Antiphons of
Antiphon. 1Sing unto the LORD, the Week-day, as git/en above. Then is
said a Verse and Answer asfollows:
and bless His name.
Antiphon for Paschal time. Al In the Simple Ofiice for one or many
Jeluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Martyrs in Paschal time.
Verse. The everlasting light
Then is said a Verse and Answer. shall shine upon Thy Saints, 0
In A d'I/ent. Lord. Alleluia.
Verse. Send forth the Lamb, 0 Answer. Even unto everlasting.
Lord, the ruler of the land. Alleluia.
Answer. From the “Rock ” of In the Simple Ofice for one Martyr,
the wilderness unto the mount of (out of Paschal time).
the daughter of Zion. Verse. 3 Thou hast set a crown,
During the rest of the year.
O Lord, of precious stones.
Answer. Upon his head.
Verse. 2Let my prayer come
before Thee, O Lord. In the Simple Oflicefor many Martyrs,
(out of Paschal time).
Answer. Incline Thine ear unto
my cry. Verse. 4 Let the righteous re
In Lent. joice before God.
Verse. He shall cover thee with Answer. Yea, let them exceed
His wings. ingly rejoice.
Answer. And under His feath In the Simple Oflicefor a Bishop and
ers shalt thou trust. Confessor.

In Passion time.
Verse. 5 The Lord chose him for
a priest unto Himself.
Verse. 0 Lord, save me from
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia.]
.the lion’s mouth.
Answer. And mine afl‘liction Answer. To offer up unto Him
from the horns of the unicorns. the sacrifice of praise.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia.]
In Paschal time.
In the Simple Ofice for a Confessor
Verse. The Lord is risen in not a Bishop.
deed, Alleluia. Verse. 6 The mouth of the right
Answer. And hath appeared un eous shall speak wisdom.
.to Simon, Alleluia. [In Paschal time, add Alleluia.]
The rest is the same as the Second
[Vocturn 0n the preceding Sunday, only _ Answer' And hls tongue talk 0f
the Lessons, and sometimes the Respon- Judgment
sories, are those of the day. [In Paschal time, add Alleluia.]
1 Ps. xcv. 2. 2 Ps. lxxxvii. 3. 9 Ps. xx. 3.
4 P5, lxvii, 3. 5 Ecclus. xlv. 16. 5 Ps. xxxvi. 3o.
For one Holy Woman, of whatever First Blessing, if the Lesson he from
hind. Scripture.
Verse. 1 God shall give her the God the Father, the Almighty,
help of His countenance. Show on us His grace and mercy.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia] Answer. Amen.
Answer. God is in the midst of First Blessing, if the Lesson he of an
her, she shall not be moved. Homily.
[In Paschal time, add Alleluia] May the Gospel’s saving Lord
The others, as well as whatfollows, Bless the reading of His Word.
to the end ofthe Service, are taken from Answer. Amen.
the Second Nocturn ofthe Ofice common
to Saints of the class, unless something First Blessing on a Simple Feast.
special he appointed. The Lessons are
arrangedaccording to the rules in Chap May His blessing be upon us,
ter xxvi. 4 of the general Rubrics. Who doth live and reign for ever.
The Hymn, “ We praise Thee, O God,” Answer. Amen.
is said at the end, instead of a Third
Responsory. The Responsories are ar Then is read the First Lesson from
ranged according to the rules in Chapter Scrioture or from the Homily, or, on a
xxvri. 4 ofthe General Ruhrics. Thas:— Simple Feast, either the First from
Scripture, or, if the Saint or Saints
The Lord’s Prayer is said: have two Lessons, the whole three Scrip
ture Lessons read together as one.
OUR Father (z'naua’ihly), Who art
in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Then the First Responsory, unless
Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy otherwise directed. On a week-day kept
will be done on earth, as it is in as such, this is the First Responsory of
the preceding Sunday. On a Simfile
heaven. Give us this day our daily Feast, it is the First Responsory in the
bread. And forgive us our tres Common Ofice for the class to which
passes, as we forgive them that tres the Saint belongs.
pass against us. (Aloud)
Verse. And lead us not into Then the Reader says .
temptation. Sir, be pleased to give the bless
Answer. But deliver us from ing.
Then this Ahsolution .' Second Blessing, if the Lesson he of
MAY His loving kindness and
May Christ to all His people give
mercy help us, Who liveth
For ever in His sight to live.
and reigneth with the Father, and
Answer. Amen.
the Holy Ghost, world without end.
Answer. Amen. Second Blessing, if the Lesson be from
an Homily.
Then the Reader says :
God’s most mighty strength alway
Sir, be pleased to give the bless Be His people’s staff and stay.
ing. Answer. Amen.
1 Ps. xlv. 5, (Alexandrian version).

Second Blessing, for a Simple Feast. Then the Reader says :

He (or She or They) whose feast Sir, be pleased to give the bless
day we are keeping ing.
Plead for us before the Lord.
Answer. Amen. Third Blessing, if the Lesson he of
Then is read the Second Lesson, either
from the Scripture or from an Homily, May the Spirit’s fire divine
or, on a Simple Feast, either the Second In our inmost being shine.
and Third Lessons from Scripture read
together as one, or, ifthe Saint or Saints Answer. Amen.
have two Lessons, thefirst of these.
Third Blessing, for a Simple Feast, or
Then the Second Responsory, unless
otherwise directed. On a week-day kept if the Lesson he from an Homily.
as such, this is the Second Responsory May He that is the Angels’ King
of the preceding Sunday, but in Paschal
time there is added to it:
To that high realm His people bring.
Answer. Amen.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Then is read the Third Lesson either
from Scrzjoture, or of the Homily, or,
Ghost. on Simple Feasts, the Second or only
And the Answer of the Responsory is Lesson of the Saint.
repeated again. Then, on Simple Feasts and on any
On a Simfile Feast the Second Re day in Paschal time is said the Hymn,
sponsory in the Common Ofiice for the “We praise Thee, O God." But on
class to which the Saint belongs, with the week-days he¢t as such out of Paschal
addition of “Glory be to the Father,” time the Third Responsory of the fire
<‘3~"c., and the repetition of the Answer. ceding Sunday.

Jrihay at ianbs.

All a: on Sunday, except as other long dead. * Therefore is my

wise given lzere. spirit overwhelmed within me: mine
Tbe Psalms are as follows .' heart within me is troubled.
I remember the days of old:
Antiphon. Uphold mine heart. I meditate on all thy works: *
I muse on the works of Thine
Psalm L.
Have mercy upon me, &c., (p. I stretch forth mine hands unto
87). Thee: * my soul [thirsteth] after
Thee, as a thirsty land.l
Antiphon. Uphold mine heart Hear me speedily, O LORD: *‘
with Thy free spirit, 0 God. my spirit faileth:
Seromi Antiphon. In Thy faith Hide not Thy face from me, *
fulness. lest I be like unto them that go
down into the pit.
Psalm CXLlI. Cause me to hear Thy loving
[Intituled “A Psalm of David," and kindness in the morning: * for
the Vulgate and the LXX. add, “ when in Thee do I trust:
he was being persecuted by Absolom his Cause me to know the way
wherein I should walk: * for I
HEAR my prayer, 0 LORD, lift up my soul unto Thee.
give ear to my supplication Deliver me, O LORD, from
in Thy faithfulness: * answer me, mine enemies: I flee unto Thee
in Thy righteousness. to hide me. * Teach me to do
And enter not into judgment Thy will: for Thou art my God.
with Thy servant: ‘* for in Thy Let Thy good Spirit lead me
sight shall no man living be jus into the land of uprightness. *
.tified. For Thy name’s sake, O LORD,
For the enemy hath persecuted Thou shalt quicken me in Thy
my soul: "' he hath smitten my righteousness.
life down to the ground: Thou shalt bring my soul out
He hath made me to dwell in of trouble: * and Of Thy mercy
darkness, as those that have been cut off mine enemies,
1 SLH.

And destroy all them that af His glory covered the heavens,
flict my soul: * for I am Thy * and the earth was full of His
servant. praise.
His brightness was as the light:
Antiphon. In Thy faithfulness, * He had horns2 coming out of
answer me, O Lord. His hand:
T/zz'rd Am‘zf/ron. O Lord. There was the hiding of His
power. * Before Him went death.
Psalms LXI I., LXVI. And the destroyer went forth
at His feet. * He stood and mea
O God, Thou' art my God, 810., sured the earth:
(p. 23). He beheld, and drove asunder
the nations: * and the everlast
Antz'p/zan. O Lord, cause Thy ing mountains were crushed:
face to shine upon us. The everlasting hills did bow: *
Faurt/z Antiphon. 0 LORD, I because the Eternal passed by.3
have heard. I saw the tents of Ethiopia in
If this Antzlzfi/zon be used I/ze Can affliction: *‘ the curtains of the
tz'r/e begin: wit/z the wards, “Thy land of Midian did tremble.4
speech." Wast Thou displeased against
the rivers, O LORD? * was Thine
THE SONG OF HABAKKUK THE anger against the rivers? Thy
PROPHET. (Hab. iii.) wrath against the sea?
[Intituled “A prayer of Habakkuk the That Thou didst ride upon
Prophet" with a direction, perhaps musi~ Thine horses, ‘* and Thy chariots
were salvation?
LORD, I have heard tell of Thou didst seize and draw Thy
Thee: * and was afraid: bow, * according to the oaths that
O LORD, revive Thy work * in Thou utteredst unto the tribes.5
the midst of the years; . Thou didst cleave the rivers of
In the midst of the years shalt the earth : the mountains saw Thee
Thou make it known: * in wrath, and they trembled: * the overflow
Thou wilt remember mercy. ing Of the water passed by :
God shall come from “the The deep uttered his voice: *
South,” * and the Holy One he lifted up his hands on high.
from Mount Paran.1 The sun and moon stood still

1 SLH. “The South" is, in the original, “ Teman,” the name of a country and nation
eastward of Itlumea, but used for the south generally. Paran, or Pharan, is an uncultured
and mountainous region, lying between Arabia Petraea, Palestine, and Idumea. The pas
sage is an imitation of the words of Moses when blessing the tribes. Deut. xxxiii. 2. “The
LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; He stirred forth from Mount
Fara? and He came with ten thousands of Saints : from His right hand went a fiery law
ort em."
2 Gesenius says “ ‘ Horns’ is here used of flashes of lightning, just as the Arabian poets
compare the first beams of the rising sun to horns, and call the sun itself a gazelle.”
3 The present Hebrew simply is “The ways are everlasting to Him.”
‘ Proper name of an Arabian nation whose territory lay from the eastern shore of the
[Elanitic Gulf as far as the land of Moab. ‘ SLH.

in their habitation: * at the light Yet will I rejoice in the LORD:

of Thine arrows they went forth, at ’* I will joy in the God of my
the shining of Thy glittering spear. salvation."5
Thou didst tread down the The LORD God is my strength:
land in indignation: * Thou didst * and He will make my feet like
thresh the heathen in anger. hinds’ feet:
Thou wentest forth for the sal And He will lead me forth, to
vation of Thy people, * even for make me to walk upon mine high
salvation with Thine Anointed.1 places, ’* as a conqueror, to sing
Thou didst smite the head of praises unto Him.6
the house of the wicked:2 *‘ Thou
didst lay bare the foundation unto Antz'p/zon. O LORD, I have heard
the neck.3 Thy speech, and was afraid.
Thou didst curse his sceptre, Fzft/z Antzlfi/zon. Praise God.
even the head of his fighting men,
* when they came out as a whirl
wind tO scatter me:
Their rejoicing was as the re Praise ye the LORD, from the
joicing of him * that devoureth heavens, &c., (pp. 25, 26).
the poor secretly.
Thou didst make a way in the Antzjdlzon. Praise God with the
sea for Thine horses, * through timbrel and dance.
the mire of great waters.
I heard, and my belly trembled: CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.)
* my lips quivered at the voice:
Let rottenness enter into my The night is far spent, &c., (as on
bones, * and corruption swarm filonday, p. 89).
under me:
That I may rest in the day of HYMN.7
trouble: * that I may go up unto GLORY of the eternal Heaven,
our people that are girded.4 Blessed Hope to mortals given,
Although the fig'tree shall not Of the Almighty Only Son,
blossom, * neither shall fruit be And the Virgin‘s Holy One ;
Raise us, Lord, and we shall rise
in the vines: In a sober mood,
The labour of the olive shall And a zeal which glorifies
fail, * and the fields shall yield Thee from gratitude.
no meat:
Now the day-star keenly glancing,
The flock shall be cut Off from Tells us of the sun’s advancing;
the fold, * and there shall be no While the unhealthy shades decline,
herd in the stalls: Rise within us, Light Divine !

1 Moses ? '1 Pharaoh P

3 SLH. Some critics read “ of the rock ” instead of “ unto the neck.” '
4 Accinctum. The Latin translator probably meant “girt,” as the dead were girt, cf.
John xi. 44. 5 Jesu Meo. So the Hebrew.
6 This last clause seems to be only a musical direction, which has got confounded with
the text. Some translate it : “ Given to the leader of the string band.”
7 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, slightly altered ; translation by the late Card. Newman.

Rige, and,driseri(, g0 ngt hgnce, Verse. Thou hast satisfied us

tay an ma
Streaming e us rig
through t,
each cleansed '
earl}; WIth .
Thai mercii d
sense, nswer. e rejOICC an are
On the outward night. glad.

Then the root of faith shall spread 47mph”, far the song of 24(11
1,, the heart new fashionéd; arias. Through the tender mercy
Gladsome hope shall spring above, of our God * the day-spring from on
And shall bear the fruit of love. high hath visited us_
To the Father, and the Son,
And the Holy Ghost, Commemoration of the Cross before
Here be glory, as is done, the other Commemorations, and Long
By the Angelic host. Preces in Ad'z/ent and Lent, and on
Amen. Fast-days, as on Monday.

gatnrbay at fitnttins.

All as on Sunday, except as other Psalm XCVII.

wise gir/en here.
[Intituled “ A Psalm." The Vulgate and
[noitatory 0 come, let us wor the LXX. ascribe it to David.]
ship * the Lord our God.
SING unto the LORD a new
HYMN.1 song: * for He hath done
FATHER of mercies infinite, marvellous things.
Ruling all things that be, His right hand, and His holy arm,
Who, shrouded in the depth and height, * have gotten Him the victory.
Art One, and yet art Three ;
The LORD hath made known His
Accept our chants, accept our tears, salvation: * His righteousness hath
A mingled stream we pour ; He openly showed in the sight of
Such stream the laden bosom cheers,
To taste Thy sweetness more. the heathen.
He hath remembered His mercy,
Purge Thou with fire the o’ercharged * and His truth towards the house
Its sores and wounds profound; of Israél.
And with the watcher’s girdle bind All the ends of the earth have
The limbs which sloth has bound. seen * the salvation of our God.
That they who with their chants by Make a joyful noise unto the
night LORD, all the earth, * make a
Before Thy presence come, loud noise and rejoice, and sing
All may be fill’d with strength and light praise. '
From their eternal home.
Sing unto the LORD with the
Grant this, O Father, Only Son, harp, with the harp and the voice
And Spirit, God of grace, of a psalm. * With trumpets and
To whom all worship shall be done
In every time and place.
sound of cornet,
Amen. Make a joyful noise before the
LORD, the King. * Let the sea
Only one Nocturn is said.
roar, and the fulness thereof, the
Antiphon. For the Lord. world and they that dwell therein.
In Paschal time only one A ntiohon is Let the floods clap their hands7
saidfor the whole Nocturn. Alleluia. let the hills he joyful together be
1 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school, considerably altered; translation by the late
Card. Newman.

fore the LORD. * For He cometh When the following Psalm, “ Make
to judge the earth: a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands,”
is to be said at Lauds (as would be the
With righteousness shall He judge ease, for instanee, if Christmas Eve fell
theworld, * and the people with on a Saturday) it is not said here, nor
equity. its A Iztizfihon. But insteadis said Psalm
xci., “ It is a good thing to give thanks
Psalm XCVIII. unto the LORD,” from the Saturday
Lands whieh are to be displaced, with
[The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this the Antibhon, “ It is a good thing * to
Psalm to David.] give thanks unto the LORD,” in which
ease the Psalm begins with the words
HE LORD reigneth, be the “ To give thanks unto the LORD.’7
people never so impatient:
He sitteth upon the Cherubim, be Second Antiphon. Make a joyful
the earth never so unquiet. noise.
The LORD is great in Zion: * If this Antibhon be used, the Psalm
and He is high above all people. begins with the words, “ Unto GOD, all
Let them praise Thy great and ye lands.”
terrible Name, for it is holy: *
and the King’s majesty loveth judg Psalm XCIX.
ment. [Intituled “A Psalm of thanksgiving.”
Thou dost establish equity: 1' The Targum has “ A Psalm for the Sacrifice
of thanks;iving.”]
Thou executest judgment and right
eousness in Jacob. NIAKE a joyful noise unto GOD,
Exalt ye the LORD our God, and ‘ all ye lands: * serve the
worship at His footstool: * for it LORD with gladness.
is holy. Come before His presence, * with
Moses and Aaron among His singing.
priests, * and Samuel among them Know ye that the LORD, He is
that call upon His name. God: * it is He That hath made
They called upon the LORD, and us, and not we ourselves:
He answered them. * He spake We are His people, and the
unto them in the cloudy pillar: sheep of his pasture. * Enter into
They kept His testimonies, * His gates with thanksgiving, and
and the ordinance that He gave into His courts with praise: give
them. thanks unto Him,
Thou answeredst them, 0 LORD Praise His Name. For the LORD
our God! *‘ O God, Thou forgav is good, His mercy is everlasting: *
est them, though Thou tookest and His truth endureth to all gen
vengeance of their inventions. erations.
Exalt the LORD our God and Psalm C.
worship at His holy hill: * for the
[Intituled “ A Psalm of David.”]
LORD our God is Holy.
I WILL sing of mercy and judg
Antiphon. 1For the Lord hath ment, * unto Thee, O LORD!
done marvellous things. I will sing and behave myself
1 P5. xcvii. I.

wisely in a perfect way. *‘ 0 when In the day when I call upon

wilt Thou come unto me? Thee, * answer me speedily.
I walked within mine house, * in For my days are wasted away like
the innocence of mine heart. smoke: * and my bones are con
I set no wicked thing before mine sumed as a firebrand.
eyes: * I hate the work of them I am smitten like grass, and mine
that turn aside. heart is withered: * for I have
A froward heart cleaveth not forgotten to eat my bread.
unto me: * the wicked person that By reason of the voice of my
turned aside from me, I would not groaning * my bones cleave to my
know. flesh.
Whoso privily slandered his neigh I am like a pelican of the wil
bour, * him did I expose. derness: * I am like an owl in his
Him that had an high look and hole.
a proud heart: * with him I will I watch, * and am as a sparrow
not eat. alone upon the house-top.
Mine eyes are upon the faithful Mine enemies reproached me
0f the land, that they may dwell all the day: * and they that
with me: ’* he that walked in a praised me are sworn together
perfect way, he ministered unto against me.
me. For I have eaten ashes like bread,
He that doeth proud things shall * and mingled my drink with weep
not dwell within mine house: * he mg:
that speaketh wickedness was not Because of thine indignation and
upright in my sight. wrath : * for Thou hast lifted me up
I will early destroy all the wicked and cast me down.
of the land: * that I may cut off My days are like a shadow that
all wicked doers from the city of the declineth: * and I am withered like
LORD. grass.
But Thou, O LORD, endurest for
Antip/zon. 1Make a joyful noise ever, * and Thy remembrance unto
unto GOD, all ye lands. all generations.
Tlzz'rd Antz'p/zon. O God. Thou shalt arise and have mercy
upon Zion: * for the time to
favour her, yea, the set time, is
Psalm C I.
[Intituled “A Prayer of the afflicted, For Thy servants take pleasure
when he is overwhelmed, and poureth in her stones: * and have pity on
out his complaint before the LORD.”]
her dust.
HEAR my prayer, 0 LORD, * So the heathen shall fear Thy
and let my cry come unto name, 0 LORD, * and all the kings
Thee. of the earth Thy glory.
Hide not Thy face from me: * When the LORD shall build up
in the day when I am in trouble Zion, * He shall appear in His
incline Thine ear unto me. glory.
1 Ps. xcix. I.

He hath had regard unto the Psalm C l I.

prayer of the destitute, * and hath [Intituled “ of David.”]
not despised their supplication.
Let this be written for the gen BLESS the LORD, O my soul: *
eration to come: * and the people and all that is within me, bless
which shall be created shall praise His holy name.
the LORD. Bless the LORD, O my soul, * and
For He hath looked down from forget not all His benefits.
the height of His sanctuary: * Who forgiveth all thine iniquities:
from heaven did the LORD behold * Who healeth all thy diseases.
the earth: Who redeemeth thy life from
To hear the groaning of the destruction: * Who crowneth thee
prisoners, * to loose the children with loving-kindness and tender
of the slain. mercies.
To declare the name of the Who satisfieth thy desire with
LORD in Zion, ’* and His praise in good things: * thy youth is re
Jerusalem. newed like the eagle’s.
When the people are gathered The LORD executeth mercy, * and
together, * and the kings, to serve judgment for all that are oppressed.
the LORD. He made known His ways unto
1He answered him in the way Moses, * His will unto the chil
of his strength: * Show me the dren of Israel.
shortness of my days. The LORD is merciful and gra
Call me not away in the midst Of cious: * slow to anger, and plen
my days: * Thy years are unto all teous in mercy.
generations. He will not always chide: *
Thou, Lord, in the beginning, neither will He keep His anger for
hast laid the foundation of the even
earth: * and the heavens are the He hath not dealt with us after
works of Thine hands. our sins : * nor rewarded us accord
They shall perish, but Thou re ing to our iniquities.
mainest: * and they all shall wax For as the heaven is high above
old as doth a garment: the earth, * so great is His mercy
And as a vesture shalt Thou toward them that fear Him.
change them, and they shall be As far as the east is from the
changed : * but Thou art the west, * so far hath He removed our
Same, and Thy years shall not transgressions from us.
fail. Like as a father pitieth his chil
The children of Thy servants shall dren, so the LORD pitieth them that
continue: * and their seed shall be fear Him. * For He knoweth our
established for ever. frame;
1 “He” may be taken for the “afflicted man ” who has just given utterance to his
hopes of a brighter future. The Hebrew, (as now pointed,) reads: “ He afflicted in the
way his (my) strength, he cut short my days.” The Alexandrian translators, using an
unpointed text, took the opening word Of the clause to mean “he answered ” instead
of “ he afflicted” as they might easily do, the letters being the same for either Word.
The Hebrew text itself is not quite settled.

He remembereth that we are majesty, * covering Thyself with

dust : * as for man, his days are as light as with a garment!
grass, as a flower of the field so Who stretchest out the heavens
shall he flourish. like a curtain, * Who coverest their
For the wind passeth over it, and upper chambers with the waters !
it is gone, * and the place thereof Who makest the clouds Thy
shall know it no more. chariot, * Who walkest upon the
But the mercy of the LORD is wings of the wind!
from everlasting * to everlasting Who makest Thine Angels spi
upon them that fear Him, rits: * and Thy ministers a flame
And His righteousness unto chil of fire ! 2
dren’s children; * to such as keep Who layest the foundations of the
His covenant, earth ; * it shall not be removed for
And to those that remember His ever!
commandments, * to do them. Thou coveredst it with the deep
The LORD hath prepared His as with a garment, * the waters
throne in heaven, * and His king stood above the mountains.
dom shall rule over all. At Thy rebuke they fled: * at
Bless the LORD, all ye His the voice of Thy thunder they hasted
Angels, ‘* that excel in strength, fearfully away.
that do His commandments, to The mountains go up, and the
hearken unto the voice' of His valleys go down, * into the place
word. which Thou hast founded for them.
Bless ye the LORD, all ye His Thou hast set a bound, that
hosts: * ye. ministers of His that they may not pass over: * that
do His pleasure. they turn not again to cover the
Bless the LORD, all His works: earth. '
* in all places of His dominion; Who sendeth springs into the
bless the LORD, O my soul! valleys: * the waters run among
the hills.
Antiphon. 1O God, let my cry All the beasts of the field drink
come unto Thee. thereof: * the wild asses seek them
Fburt/z Antiphon. Bless the in their thirst.
LORD. By them build the fowls of the
heaven their habitation; * they sing
If I/zz's Antzplzon be used the Psalm
6egz'ns will; the wards, “ O my soul.”
among the rocks.
He watereth the hills from His
Psalm CIII.
upper chambers: * the earth is
Satisfied with the fruit of Thy
[The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this works.
Psalm to David.]
He causeth the grass to grow for
LESS the LORD, O my soul: * the cattle, * and herb for the service
O LORD my God, Thou art of men :
very great! That Thou mayest bring forth
Thou art clothed with honour and food out of the earth, ‘* and wine
1 Ps. ci. 1. 2 So is this passage translated, Heb. i. 7.

that maketh glad the heart of Thou hidest Thy face, they are
man; troubled: * Thou takest away their
Oil to make his face to shine, *‘ breath, they die, and return to their
and bread to strengthen man’s dust.
heart. Thou sendest forth Thy spirit,
The trees of the field are filled and they are created: * and Thou
[with sap], the cedars of Lebanon renewest the face of the earth.
also, which He hath planted: * Let the glory of the LORD endure
there the birds make their nests. for ever! * the LORD shall rejoice in
The stork’s nest is the highest His works.
among them: * the high hills are a He looketh on the earth and
refuge for the wild goats, and the maketh it to tremble: * He touch
rocks for the conies. eth the mountains and they smoke.
He hath appointed the moon for I will sing unto the LORD as long
seasons: * the sun knoweth his as I live: * I will sing praise to my
going down. God while I have my being.
Thou makest darkness, and it is My meditation of Him shall be
night: * wherein all the beasts of sweet: * I will be glad in the
the forest do come forth. LORD.
The young lions roar after their Let the sinners be consumed out
prey, * and seek their meat from of the earth, and let the wicked be
God. no more : * bless thou the LORD, O
The sun ariseth, and they gather my soul ! 1
themselves together: * and lay
them down in their dens. Psalm CIV.
Man goeth forth unto his work,
[The first fifteen verses of this Psalm
* and to his labour, until the even are found in a slightly different edition in
mg. r Par. (Chron.) xvi. as the first part of a
0 LORD, how manifold are Thy Psalm given by David to Asaph and his
brethren, on the day that the ark was
works! * in wisdom hast Thou brought to Jerusalem. The rest is our
made them all: the earth is full of present Psalm xcv., which see with the
Thy riches. notes, p. 148. The Vulgate and the LXX.
prefix “ Alleluia. ”]
So is this great and wide sea:
* wherein are things creeping in GIVE thanks unto the LORD,
numerable. and call upon His name: *
Both small and great beasts: * make known His deeds among the
there go the ships, heathen.
There is that Leviathan whom Sing unto Him, and sing psalms
Thou hast made to play with him: unto Him: * talk ye of all His
* these all wait upon Thee, that wondrous works.
Thou mayest give them their meat Glory ye in His holy name: *
in due season. let the heart of them rejoice that
That thou givest them, they seek the LORD.
gather: * when Thou openest Thine Seek the LORD, and be strong:
hand, they are all filled with good. * seek His face evermore.
1 “ Alleluia ” is here appended in the Hebrew.

Remember His marvellous works He made him lord of his house,

that He hath done: * His won * and ruler of all his substance.
ders and the judgments Of his To instruct his princes at his
mouth. pleasure, ‘* and teach his elders
0 ye seed of Abraham, His ser wisdom.
vant, * ye children of Jacob His Israel also came into Egypt, it
chosen! and Jacob sojourned in the land
He is the LORD our God: * His of Ham.
judgments are in all the earth. And He increased His people
He hath remembered His cove greatly: * and made them stronger
nant for ever; * the word which than their enemies.
He commanded to a thousand gen He turned their heart to hate
erations— His people, * and to deal subtilly
[The covenant] that He made with his servants.
with. Abraham: * and His oath He sent Moses His servant, ~1
unto Isaac. and Aaron whom He had chosen.
And He confirmed the same He showed signs among them,
unto Jacob for a law, * and to * and wonders in the land of
Israel for an everlasting covenant. Ham.
Saying: Unto thee will I give He sent darkness and made it
the land of Canaan, *‘ the lot of dark: * He made not His words
your inheritance. of none effect.
When they were but a few men He turned their waters int0~
in number, * very few, and strangers blood, * and slew their fish.
in it. Their land brought forth frogs, *"
And they went from one nation in the chambers of their kings.
to another, * and from one king He spake, and there came divers
dom to another people. sorts of flies, * and lice in all their
He suffered no man to do them coasts.
wrong: * yea, He reproved kings He gave them hail for rain, *
for their sakes. flaming fire in their land.
Touch not Mine anointed, * and He smote their vines also and
do My prophets no harm.1 their fig-trees, * and brake the trees
Moreover He called for a famine of their coasts.
upon the land: * and brake the He spake, and the locust came,
whole staff of bread. and the caterpillar, *‘ without
He sent a man before them: *‘ number,
Joseph was sold for a servant: And ate up all the herb in their
Whose feet they hurt with fetters, land, * and devoured all the fruit
the iron entered into his soul. * Of their ground.
Until his word came, He smote also all the first-born
The word of the LORD tried in their land, * the chief of all
him: * the king sent and loosed their travail.
him ,- even the ruler of the people, He brought them forth also with
and let him go free. silver and gold: * and there was
1 Here ends the portion found in 1 Par. (Chron.) xvi. 22.

not one feeble person among their the favour that Thou showest unto
tribes. Thy people: * 0 visit us with
Egypt was glad when they de Thy salvation:
parted: * for the fear of them fell That I may see the good of Thy
upon them. chosen, that I may rejoice in the
He spread a cloud for a cover gladness of Thy people, * that
ing, * and fire to give light in the Thou mayest be praised in Thine
night. inheritance.
They asked, and the quail came, We have sinned with our fathers :
* and He satisfied them with the * we have done wickedly, we have
bread of heaven. committed iniquity.
He opened the rock and the Our fathers considered not Thy
waters gushed out, * the rivers wonders in Egypt: * they remem
ran through the dry places. bered not the multitude of Thy
For He remembered His holy mercies,
promise, * that He made unto But provoked Him when they
Abraham His servant. went up unto the sea, * even the
And He brought forth His people Red Sea.
with joy, * and His chosen with Nevertheless He saved them for
gladnes's. His name’s sake, * that He might
And gave them the lands of the make His mighty power to be
heathen, * and they inherited the known.
labour of the peoples. He rebuked the Red Sea also,
That they might Observe His and it was dried up: * and He
statutes, * and keep His laws. led them through the depths as
through the wilderness.
[Here the Hebrew adds “Alleluia.”] And He saved them from the
hand of them that hated them, *
Antiphon. 1 Bless the LORD, O and redeemed them from the hand
my soul! - of the enemy.
Fifth Antiphon. Visit us. And the waters covered their
enemies: * there was not one of
Psalm CV. them left.
And they believed His words:
[Superscribed ‘ ‘ Alleluia. ”]
* and sang His praise.
GIVE thanks unto the LORD, They soon forgot His works: *
for He is good: * for His and waited not for His counsel.
mercy endureth forever. And lusted exceedingly in the
Who can utter the mighty acts wilderness: * and tempted God
of the LORD? * who can show in the desert.
forth all His praise? And He gave them their request,
\ Blessed are they that keep judg * and sent fulness into their soul.
ment, * and they that do righteous They provoked Moses also in the
ness at all times. camp, * and Aaron, the saint of the
Remember us, 0 LORD, with LORD.
-' - 1 Ps . cii. r.

The earth opened and swallowed To overthrow their seed also

up Dathan, * and covered the com among the nations, * and to scat
pany of Abiram.1 ter them in the lands.
And a fire was kindled in their They joined themselves also unto
assembly, * the flame burned up Baal-peor,3 * and ate the sacrifices
the wicked. of the dead.
2 They made a calf also in And they provoked Him to
Horeb, ’* and worshipped the anger with their inventions: * and
graven image. the carcasses lay thick among
Thus they changed their Glory * them.
into the similitude of a calf that Then stood up Phinehas and
eateth grass. made a propitiation: * and the
They forgat God their Saviour, plague was stayed.
* Who had done great things in And that was counted unto him
Egypt, wondrous works in the land for righteousness, * unto all genera
of Ham, terrible things by the Red tions for evermore.
Sea. They angered Him also at the
Therefore He said that He would waters of “Provocation,”4 * so
cut them off, * had not Moses His that it went ill with_ Moses for
chosen stood before Him in the their sakes ; because they provoked
breach, his spirit;
To turn away His wrath, lest So that he spake unadvisedly with
He should destroy them: * yea, his lips.5 * They did not destroy
they despised, the pleasant land; the nations concerning whom the
They believed not His words: LORD commanded them:6
but murmured in their tents: * And-they were mingled among
they hearkened not unto the voice the heathen, and learned their
of the LORD. works, and served their idols: *
He also lifted up His hand and it became a snare to them.
against them, * to overthrow them Yea, they sacrificed their sons
in the wilderness. *‘ and their daughters unto devils.
1 Numbers xvi. They tried to stir up a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, upon
levelling principles, “and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up,” while
some of their partizans were consumed by a fire which issued from the sanctuary.
2 For the well-known history of the golden calf, see Exod. xxxii.
3 [.e., “ the Lord of Mount Peor,” an idol of the Moabites. The whole history of this
lapse of the Israe'lites, and how Phinehas stopped the plague by killing one pair of
the transgressors, is in Numbers xxv. “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying:
Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the Priest, hath turned My wrath
away from the children of Israel. Behold, I give unto him My covenant of
peace; and he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the Covenant of an everlasting
Priesthood. ” -
" Meribah. See note on Ps. xciv., p. 3.
5Numbers xx. 10. “And Moses . . . said unto them: Hear now,'ye rebels, must
we fetch you water out of this rock?” v. 12.. “And the LORD spake unto Moses
and Aaron: Because ye believed Me not, to sanctity Me in the eyes of the children
of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have
given them.”
8 In Judges i. 2! to the end, is a long list of the districts of idolaters whom they left in
Canaan and among whom they lived.

And shed innocent blood, * even Psalm CVI.

the blood of their sons and of their
daughters, whom they sacrificed unto GIVE thanks unto the LORD,
the idols of Chanaan: for He is good: * for His
And the land was polluted with mercy endureth for ever.
blood. They were defiled also Let the redeemed of the LORD
with their own works, *‘ and went say so, whom He hath redeemed
a whoring with their own inven from the hand of the enemy: *
tions. and gathered them out of the
Therefore was the wrath of the lands,
LORD kindled against His people, From the rising of the sun and
* and He abhorred His own in from the setting thereof, * from
heritance. the north and from the south.
And He gave them into the hand They wandered in the wilderness
of the heathen: * and they that in a dry land: * they found no
hated them ruled over them. pathway to a city to dwell in:
Their enemies also oppressed Hungry and thirsty, * their soul
them, and they were brought into fainted in them.
subjection under their hand. * Then they cried unto the LORD
Many times did He deliver them, in their trouble; * and He de
But they provoked Him with livered them out of their distresses.
their counsel, * and they were And He led them forth by the
brought low for their iniquity. right way, * that they might go
But He regarded their affliction, to a city to dwell in.
* and heard their cry. O that men would praise the
And He remembered His cove LORD for His goodness: * and for
nant, * and repented according to His wonderful works to the children
the multitude of His mercies. of men!
He made them also to be pitied For He satisfieth the longing
4* of all those that carried them soul: * and filleth the hungry soul
captives. with goodness.
Save us, 0 LORD our God, * Such as sit in darkness and in
and gather us from among the the shadow of death, * being bound
nations! in affliction and iron.
To give thanks unto Thy holy Because they rebelled against the
Name, * and to triumph in Thy words of God, * and contemned the
praise. counsel of the Most High.
Blessed be the LORD God of Therefore their heart was brought
Israel from everlasting to everlast down with labour : * they fell down,
ing: * and let all the people say: and there was none to help.
Amen, Amen. Then they cried unto the LORD
in their trouble: * and He de
[The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which livered them out of their distresses.
the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to
the next Psalm. Here ends the fourth
And He brought them out of
of the five books into which the Psalter darkness and the shadow of death:
is divided] * and brake their bands in sunder.

O that men would praise the And He maketh the storm a

LORD for His goodness: * and calm, * and the waves thereof are
for His wonderful works to the still.
children Of men! And they are glad because [the
For He hath broken the gates breakers] be quiet: * so He
of brass, * and cut the bars of iron bringeth them unto their desired
in sunder. haven.
He saved them from the way O that men would praise the
of their transgression: * for they LORD for His goodness: * and for
were afilicted because of their in His wonderful works to the children
iquities. of men !
Their soul abhorred all manner Let them exalt Him also in the
of meat : * and they drew near even congregation of the people, * and
unto the gates of death. praise Him in the assembly of the
Then they cried unto the LORD elders.
in their trouble: * and He de He turneth the rivers into a
livered them out of their dis wilderness, * and the water-springs
tresses. into dry ground ,
He sent His word and healed A fruitful land into a salt desert,
them, * and delivered them from * for the wickedness of them that
their straits. dwell therein.
O that men would praise the He turneth the wilderness into a
LORD for His goodness: * and for standing-water, * and dry ground
His wonderful works to the children into water-springs.
of men 1 And there He maketh the hungry
Yea, let them sacrifice the sacri to abide, * and they prepare a city
fice of thanksgiving, * and declare to dwell in :
His works with rejoicing. And sow the fields, and plant
They that go down to the sea vineyards, * and bring forth fruits
in ships, * and do business in great Of increase.
waters ; He blesseth them also, and they
These see the works of the LORD, are multiplied greatly: * and He
* and His wonders in the deep. suffereth not their cattle to decrease.
He commandeth, and the stormy Again they are minished, * and
wind riseth, * and the waves thereof brought low, through oppression,
are lifted up. affliction, and sorrow.
They mount up to the heaven, He poureth contempt upon prin
and go down again to the depths: ces, * and He causeth them to
* their soul is melted because of wander in the wilderness, and in
trouble. the land where there is no way.
They reel to and fro, and stagger Yet helpeth He the poor from
like a drunken man, * and are at affliction, * and maketh him fami
their wits’ end. lies like a flock.
Then they cry unto the LORD The righteous shall see it and
in their trouble, * and He delivereth rejoice: * and all iniquity shall stop
them out of their distresses. her mouth.

Who is wise, and will observe Over Edom will I cast out my
these things? * even he shall un shoe: * over the “Strangers” have
derstand the loving-kindness of the I triumphed.
LORD. Who will bring me into the strong
city? * who will lead me into
Antiphon. 1Visit us with Thy Edom?
salvation, O LORD. Wilt not Thou, O God, Who
Sz'xt/z Antiphon. I will greatly hast cast us off? *' and wilt not
praise. Thou go forth with our armies,
O God?
Psalm CVll. Give us help from trouble: * for
[Intituled “A Song. A Psalm of David." vain is the help of man.
It is a compilation of Ps. lvi. 8-12, and Through God we shall do val
Ps. lix. 6-14.]
iantly: * and He it is That shall
INE heart is ready, O God, tread down our enemies.
mine heart is ready: * I
will sing and give praise, even with
my glory. Psalm CVIII.
Awake up, my glory, awake, [Intituled “ A Psalm of David,” with a
psaltery and harp! * I will awake superscription, probably musical, but now
right early.
I will praise Thee, O LORD, HOLD not Thy peace, 0 God
among the people : * and sing unto of my praise: * for the
Thee among the nations. mouth of the wicked, and the
For Thy mercy is great above the mouth Of the deceitful are opened
heavens: * and Thy truth unto the against me:
clouds. They have spoken against me
Be Thou exalted, O God, with a lying tongue: they com
above the heavens, and let Thy passed me about also with words of
glory be above all the earth: * hatred: * and fought against me
2that Thy beloved may be de without a cause.
livered: In return for my love they were
Save with Thy right hand and mine adversaries: * but I gave
hear me. * God hath spoken in myself unto prayer.
His holiness: And they have rewarded me evil
I will rejoice, and divide She for good, * and hatred for my love.
chem, * and mete out the valley of Set Thou a wicked man over
booths. him: * and let the devil stand at
Gilead is mine; and Manasseh his right hand.
is mine: ‘* Ephraim also is the When he is judged, let him go
strength of mine head: forth condemned: ‘* and let his
Judah is my King: * Moab is prayer become sin.
the vessel [of the triumph] of mine Let his days be few; * and let
hope. another take his office.
1 Ps. cv. 4.
’ Here begins the extract from Ps. lix. See that Psalm and notes on it, p. 112.

Let his children be fatherless, * for Thy name’s sake, O Lord, *

and his wife a widow. because Thy mercy is good.
Let his children be continually Deliver Thou me, for I am
vagabonds, and beg: * and let poor and needy: * and mine heart
them be driven out of their dwell is wounded within me.
ings. I am gone like the shadow when
Let the extortioner catch all that it declineth: * and tossed up and
he hath: * and let the stranger spoil down as the locust.
his labour. My knees are weak through
Let there be none to extend fasting: * and my flesh faileth
mercy unto him: * and let there of fatness.
be none to have pity on his little I became also a reproach unto
ones. them: * they looked upon me,
Let his posterity be cut off : * in and shaked their heads.
one generation let their name be Help me, O LORD my God! *
blotted out. O save me according to Thy
Let the iniquity of his fathers be mercy.
remembered before the LORD: * That they also may know that
and let not the sin of his mother be this is Thine hand: * and Thou,
blotted out. LORD, hast done it!
Let them be before the LORD Let them curse, but bless Thou:
continually, and let their memory * when they arise against me let
be cut off from the earth. * Be them be ashamed: but let Thy
cause that he remembered not to servant rejoice.
show mercy, Let mine adversaries be clothed
But persecuted the poor and with shame: * and let them be
needy man, * and the broken in covered with their own confusion
heart, that he might slay him. as with a mantle.
As he loved cursing, so let it I will greatly praise the LORD
come unto him: * as be delighted with my mouth: * yea, I will
not in blessing, so let it be far praise Him among the multitude.
from him: For He standeth at the right
As he clothed himself with curs hand of the poor, * to save my
ing, like as with a garment, * so soul from them that persecute me.
let it come into his bowels like
water, and like oil into his bones. Antip/wn. 11 will greatly praise
Let it be unto him as the gar the LORD with my mouth.
ment which covereth him, * and Antip/zon in Pare/ml time. Al
for a girdle wherewith he may be leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
girded continually.
Let this be the reward of mine Tlien is said a Verse and Answer.
adversaries from the LORD: * and
of them that speak evil against my In A d'z/ent.
soul. Verse. The LORD cometh out of
And do Thou for me, O LORD, His holy place.
1 Ps. cviii. 30.

Answer. He will come and save Answer. Nor my life with bloody
His people. men.
During the rest of the year. In Paschal time.

Verse. 1Hear my prayer, 0 Verse. The disciples were glad,

LORD. Alleluia.
Answer. And let my cry come Answer. When they saw the Lord,
unto Thee. Alleluia.
In Lent. The rest is the same as the Third
Verse. His truth shall be thy Nocturn of the preceding Sunday, ex
cept necessary diIerences. The Lessons
shield. are those of the day. The Responsories
Answer. Thou shalt not be are arranged according to the rules in
afraid for the terror by night. Chapter xxvii. 4., 5, of the General
In Passion time.
No Festal Ofiice can occur, excefit
Verse. Take not away my soul that of the Immaculate Conception of
with sinners, O God. the Blessed Virgin Mary.
1 Ps. ci. 2.

gaturbap at llamas.

A ll as on Sunday, except as otherwise glad through Thy work: * and I

given here. will triumph in the works of Thine
The Psalms are as follows . hands.
O LORD, how great are Thy
A ntiphon. Do good. works! * Thy thoughts are very
Psalm L. A brutish man knoweth not: *
neither doth a fool understand this.
Have mercy upon me, &c., (p. When the wicked spring up like
87). grass: * and when all the workers
of iniquity are seen,
Antiphon. Do good, 0 Lord, in
It is that they may be destroyed
Thy good pleasure.
for ever: * but Thou, LORD, art
Second Antiphon. It is a good
Most High for evermore.
thing. For, 10, Thine enemies, O LORD,
If this A ntifihon he used the Psalm for, lo, Thine enemies shall perish:
begins with the words, “To give * and all the workers of iniquity
thanks.” shall be scattered.
But mine horn shall be exalted
Psalm XCI.
like the horn of an unicorn: * and
[Intituled “A Psalm. A Song for the mine old age shall be crowned with
Sabbath Day.”]
Thy mercy.1
IT is a good thing to give thanks Mine eye also shall look upon
unto the LORD, * and to sing mine enemies: * and mine ear shall
praises unto Thy name, 0 Most hear of the wicked that rise up
High ! against me.
To show forth Thy loving-kind The righteous shall flourish like
ness in the morning, * and Thy the palm tree: * he shall grow like
faithfulness in the night; a cedar in Lebanon.
Upon an instrument of ten Those that are planted in the
strings: * upon the harp with a house of the LORD, * in the courts
solemn sound. of the house of our God shall
For Thou, LORD, hast made me flourish.
1 Hebrew : “ I am anointed with fresh oil."

They shall still bring forth fruit perfect: and all His ways are judg
in old age: * they shall flourish, ment :
to declare :— A God of truth, and without
That the LORD our God is up iniquity, just and right is He. *
right: * and that there is no un They have sinned against Him,
righteousness in Him. and by their defilement they are
not His children:
Antiphon. It is a good thing to They are a perverse and crooked
give thanks unto the LORD. generation. * D0 ye thus requite
Third Antiphon. Let all the the LORD, O foolish people and
ends. unwise?
Is not He thy Father? * That
Psalms LXII., LXVI.
hath bought thee, and made thee,
O God, Thou art my God, &c., and created thee?
(11 23) Remember the days of old, *
consider generation after genera
Antiphon. Let all the ends of tion:
the earth fear the Lord. Ask thy father, and he will show
Fourth Antiphon. Ascribe ye thee— * thine elders, and they will
greatness. tell thee.
When the Most High divided
THE SONG OF Mosns. (Deut. xxxii.) the nations, * when He separated
the sons of Adam,
[Deut. xxxi. 28: “Gather unto me,"
(said Moses) “all the elders of your tribes,
He set the bounds Of the people
and your officers, that I may speak these * according to the number of the
words in their ears, and call heaven and children of Israel.
earth to record against them. For I know
that after my death ye will utterly corrupt For the LORD’s portion is His
yourselves and turn aside from the way people: * Jacob is the lot Of his
which I have commanded you; and evil inheritance.
will befall you in the latter days; because
ye will do evil in the sight of the LORD, to He found him in a desert land,
provoke Him to anger through the work of * in the waste and howling wilder
your hands. And Moses spake in the ears ness:
of all the congregation of Israe'l the words
of this song, until they were ended :—”]
He led him about and instructed
him, * and kept him as the apple
IVE ear, 0 ye heavens, and I of His eye.
will speak; * and hear, O As the eagle that stirreth up her
earth, the words of my mouth. young to fly, * and fluttereth over
My teaching shall drop as the them,
rain, *‘ my speech shall distil as the So spread He abroad His wings,
dew; and took him, * and bore him on
As the small rain upon the His pinions ;
tender herb, and as the showers The LORD alone did lead him,
upon the grass: * because I will -!~
and there was no strange god
proclaim the name of the LORD. with him.
Ascribe ye greatness unto our He made him ride upon the
God. * The works of God are high places of the earth, * that

he might eat the increase of the And I will move them to jealousy
fields : with those who are not a people,
And He made him to suck * and provoke them to anger with
honey out of the rock, * and oil a foolish nation.
out of the flinty rock: A fire is kindled in Mine anger,
Butter of kine, and milk of * and shall burn unto the lowest
sheep, * with fat of lambs and hell,
rams of the breed of Bashan: And shall consume the earth with
And goats, with the fat of wheat, her increase, * and set on fire the
* and to drink the pure blood of foundations of the mountains.
the grape. I will heap mischiefs upon them,
The “Beloved "1 waxed fat, and * and will spend Mine arrows upon
kicked: * he was waxen fat, he them.
was grown plump, he was covered They shall be wasted with hun
with fatness: ger, * and the birds of the air
He forsook God That made him, shall prey on them with a very
’* and departed from the God of grievous devouring:
his salvation. I will send the teeth of beasts
They provoked Him to jealousy upon them, * with the poison of
with strange gods, * and with serpents creeping in the dust.
abominations provoked they Him The sword without and terror
to anger. within shall destroy * both the
They sacrificed unto devils, and young man and the virgin, the
to things that were no gods, * to suckling with the man of grey
gods whom they knew not, hairs.
New gods that came newly up, I said: Where are they? " I
* whom their fathers feared not. will make the remembrance of
The God That begat thee hast them to cease among men:
thou forsaken, * and hast forgotten But I forbore because of the
God That formed thee. wrath of the enemy, * lest their
When the LORD saw it, He was adversaries should triumph,
roused to anger, * because of the And lest they should say: Our
provoking of His sons and of His high hand, and not the LORD, *
daughters. hath done all this.
And He said: I will hide My They are a nation void of coun
face from them, * and see what sel, neither is there any under
their end shall be: standing in them. * O that they
For they are a very froward were wise, and that they understood
generation, * children in whom is this, and would consider their latter
no faith. end!
They have moved Me to jealousy How should one chase a thou
with that which is not God, * and sand, * and two put ten thousand
provoked Me to anger with their to flight !
vanities: Except their God had sold them,
1 Jeshurun—but that this pet-name of the Israé'lite people means “Beloved’I is not
now reckoned certain.

" and the LORD had delivered them If I whet My glittering sword,
up! ‘* and Mine hand take hold on
For their gods are not as our judgment ,
God, * even our enemies them I will render vengeance to Mine
selves being judges. enemies, * and will requite them
Their vine is of the vine of that hate Me.
Sodom, 1" and of the fields of Go I will make Mine arrows drunk
morrah : with blood, * and My sword shall
Their grapes are grapes of gall, devour flesh ;
‘1‘ and their clusters are bitter: With the blood of the slain * and
Their wine is the poison of of the captives, and of the despoiled
dragons, * and the cruel venom of chief of the enemy.
asps. Rejoice with His people, ye
Is not this laid up in store with nations: ‘1‘ for He will avenge the
Me, * and sealed up among My blood of His servants,
treasures? And will render vengeance to
To Me belongeth vengeance, their adversaries, * and will be
and I will repay in due time, * to merciful unto the land of His
make their foot to slide. people.
The day of their calamity is at
hand, * and the things that shall Antiphon. Ascribe ye greatness
come upon them make haste. unto our God.
The LORD shall judge His people, Fifth Antiphon. Praise God.
1‘ and take pity on His servants,
When He seeth that their hand Psalms CXLVIlI., CXLIX., CL.
is weakened, * and there is none Praise ye the LORD from the
shut up and left, and that they heavens, &c., (pp. 25, 26).
that remained are consumed.
And He shall say: Where are A ntiphon. Praise God upon the
their gods, ‘* in whom they trusted? loud cymbals.
Of whose sacrifices they did eat
the fat, * and drank the wine of CHAPTER. (Rom. xiii. 12.)
their drink-offerings?
The night is far spent, &c., (as
Let them rise up, and help you,
on Monday, p. 89).
* and be your protection in the
time of need. l-IYMN.1
See now that I, even I, am
THE dawn is sprinkled o’er the sky,
He, *‘ and there is no god with The day steals softly on ;
Me: Its darts are scattered far and nigh,
I kill, and I make alive: I wound And all that fraudful is, shall fly
and I heal: * neither is there any Before the brightening sun ;
that can deliver out of Mine hand. Spectres of ill, that stalk at will,
And forms of guilt that fright,
I will lift up Mine hand to And hideous sin, that ventures in
heaven, and say: * I live for ever. Under the cloak of night.
1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, considerably altered; translation by the late Card.

And of our crimes the tale complete, Answer. We rejoice and are glad.
Which bows us in Thy sight,
Up to the latest, they shall fleet,
Out-told by our full numbers sweet, Antiphon for the Song of Zat/za
And melted by the light. rias. Give light, 0 Lord, * unto
To Father, Son, and Spirit, One, them that sit in darkness, and guide
Whom we adore and love, our feet into the way of peace, 0
Be given all praise, now and always,
Thou God of Israel!
Here as in Heaven above.
Amen. Commemaratz'on q“ the Cross éefore
the others, and Lang Pretes in Ad
vent and Lent, and on Fast-days,
Verse. Thou hast satisfied us except the Eves of Christmas and
early with Thy mercy. Pentetost.

Sunhag. As it was in the beginning, is now,

and ever shall be, world without end.
THE LORD’s DAY. Amen. Alleluia.

At the beginning of Vesbers the From Septuagesima Sunday to

Lord's Prayer and the Angelic Salu Maundy Thursday instead of "Alle
tation are said inaudzbly. luia” is said:

UR Father, Who art in heaven, Ceaseless praise to Thee be given,

0 Eternal King of heaven.
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be Then follow the Psalms. They are
done on earth, as it is in heaven. said under Fi'z/e Antiphons, extent in
Pasehal time when there is only one,
Give us this day our daily bread. and when these are not specially git/en,
And forgive us our trespasses, as those given here are used.
we forgive them that trespass against
us. 4 And lead us not into tempta Antzfhon. The LORD said.
tion ; but deliver us from evil.
Amen. If this Antiphon be used the Psalm
begins with the words “Unto my
HAIL, Mary, full of grace; The
Lord is with thee: blessed Antiphon for Pasehal time. Al
art thou among women, and blessed leluia.
is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS. Psalm C IX.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray
[Intituled “A Psalm of David." The
for us sinners, now, and at the hour first verse was quoted by our Lord.-—Matth.
of our death. Amen. xxii. 44; Marl: xii. 36; Luke xx. 42.]

THE LORD said unto my Lord:

Then is said aloud:
* Sit Thou at My right hand,
Verse. >14 Make haste, O God, Until I make Thine enemies *
to deliver me. Thy footstool.
Answer. Make haste to help The LORD shall send the rod of
me, O LORD. Thy strength out of Zion: * rule
Glory be to the Father, and to Thou in the midst of Thine ene
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. mies. '
1 The proper hour for Vespers is sunset, reckoned to be about 6 P.M. In private
. recitation, they ought not usually to be begun before noon.

Thine shall be the dominion in covenant. * He will show His

the clay of Thy power, amid the people the power of His works,
brightness Of the saints: * from the That He may give them the
womb, before the day-star have I heritage of the heathen. * The
begotten Thee. works of His hands are verity and
The LORD hath sworn, and will judgment:
not repent: * Thou art a Priest for All His commandments are sure ;
ever after the order of Melchisedek. they stand fast for ever and ever, *
The Lord at Thy right hand * being done in truth and uprightness.
shall strike through kings in the He sent redemption unto His
day of His wrath. people: He hath commanded His
He shall judge among the hea covenant for ever:
then, He shall fill the places with Holy .and terrible is His Name.
dead bodies: * He shall wound the * The fear of the LORD is the be
heads over many countries. ginning of wisdom :
He shall drink of the brook in A good understanding have all
the way: * therefore shall he lift they that do His commandments:
up his head. * His praise endureth for ever.

Antipfion. The LORD said unto Antzjo/zon. 1All His command

my Lord: * Sit Thou at My right ments are sure; they stand fast for
hand. ever and ever.
Serona' Antz'p/zon. All His com Tlzz‘ra' Antzjolzon. In His com
mandments. mandments.

Psalm CX. Psalin CXI.

[The Hebrew prefixes “Alleluia,” and
begins, “I will praise the LORD.” The [The Hebrew prefixes “Alleluia.” The
Psalm is A B C Darian.] Vulgate adds to the superscription “ on the
return of Haggai and Zechariah [from the
I WILL praise Thee, O LORD, Captivity]." See Thursday, fifth week in
November. The Psalm is A B C Darian.]
with my whole heart: * in the
assembly of the upright, and in the LESSED is the man that fear
congregation. eth the LORD: * that de
The works of the LORD are great, lighteth greatly in His command
* meet to serve for the doing of ments.
His will. His seed shall be mighty upon
His work is honourable and glo earth; *‘ the generation of the up
rious, * and His righteousness en right shall be blessed.
dureth for ever. Glory and riches shall be in his
He hath made a memorial of house: * and his righteousness en
His wonderful works: the LORD dureth for ever.
is gracious and full of compassion. Unto the upright there ariseth
* He hath given meat unto them light in the darkness: * he is
that fear Him: gracious, and full of compassion,
He will ever be mindful of His and righteous.
1 Ps. ex. 8.

Happy is the man that showeth the dust, * and lifteth the needy
favour and lendeth; he will guide out of the dung-hill;
his words with discretion: * surely That He may set him with
he shall not be moved for ever: princes, * even with the princes
The righteous shall be in ever of His people.
lasting remembrance. * He shall He maketh the barren woman
not be afraid Of evil tidings: to keep house, * and to be a joy
His heart is ready, trusting in the ful mother of children.
LORD. His heart is established, *
he shall not be afraid until he see [The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which
the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to the
his desire upon his enemies. next Psalm.]
He hath dispersed, he hath given
to the poor: his righteousness en Antiphon. Blessed be the Name
dureth for ever: * his horn shall of the LORD for evermore.
be exalted with honour. Fifth Antiphon. We that live.
The wicked shall see it, and be
grieved; he shall gnash his teeth,
Psalm CXllI.
and melt away: * the desire of
the wicked shall perish. WHEN Israél went out of Egypt,
* the house of Jacob from a
Antiphon. In His command a people of strange language,
ments he delighteth greatly. Judah was His sanctuary, * and
Fourth A ntifhon. Blessed be the Israél His dominion.
Name. The sea saw it and fled: * Jor
dan was driven back.
Psalm CXII. The mountains skipped like rams,
* and the little hills like lambs.
[The Hebrew prefixes “ Alleluia.”]
What ailed thee, O thou sea,
RAISE the LORD, 0 ye His that thou fleddest? * and thou
servants, * praise the Name Jordan, that thou wast driven back P
of the LORD. Ye mountains, that ye skipped
Blessed be the Name of the like rams? * and ye little hills,
LORD, * from this time forth, and like lambs?
for evermore! The earth trembled at the pres
From the rising of the sun unto ence of the Lord, * at the presence
the going down of the same, * the of the God of Jacob:
LORD’s Name is to be praised. Who turned the rock into a
The LORD is high above all standing water, * and the flint into
nations, * and His glory above the a fountain of waters.1
heavens. Not unto us, 0 LORD, not unto us:
Who is like unto the LORD our * but unto Thy Name give glory,
God, Who dwelleth on high, * For Thy mercy, and for Thy
and beholdeth what is lowly in truth’s sake. * Wherefore should
heaven, and in the earth? the heathen say: Where is now
He raiseth up the poor out of their God?
1 In the Hebrew here ends Ps. cxiv. and the next words begin cxv.

But our God is in the heavens: The dead shall not praise Thee,
* He hath done whatsoever He O LORD, * neither all they that go
hath pleased. down into the grave.
The idols of the heathen are But we that live bless the LORD,
silver and gold, * the work of * from this time forth for evermore.
men’s hands.
[The Hebrew adds “ Alleluia.”]
They have mouths, but they
speak not: * eyes have they, but Antz'plzon. We that live bless the
they see not.
They have ears, but they hear Antip/zon for Pare/ml time. .Alle
not: * noses have they, but they
luia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
smell not:
They have hands, but they handle Here follows lire Chapter. When a
not: feet have they, but they walk special one is no! given, t/zefollowz'ng is:
not: * neither speak they through used:
their throat.
May they that make them be CHAPTER. (2 Cor. i. 3.)
like unto them: * even every one LESSED be God, even the
that trusteth in them. Father of our Lord JESUS
The house of Israel trusteth Christ, the Father of mercies, and
in the LORD: * He is their help the God of all comfort, Who com
and their shield. forteth us in all our tribulation.
The house of Aaron trusteth in Answer. Thanks be to God.
the LORD: * He is their help and
their shield. TIris Answer is always made after
They that fear the LORD trust the Chapter.
in the LORD: * He is their help T[zen follows the Hymn. When a
special one is not given, the following
and their shield. is used:
The LORD hath been mindful of
us, * and blessed us: HYMN.‘
He hath blessed the house of Is FATHER of Lights, by Whom each
raél: * He hath blessed the house da
of Aaron. Is kindled out of night,
Who, when the heavens were made,
He hath blessed them that fear didst lay
the LORD, * both small and Their rudiments in light ;
great. Thou, Who didst bind and blend in one
The LORD increase you more The glistening morn and evening pale,
Hear Thou our plaint, when light is
and more, * you and your chil gone,
dren. And lawlessness and strife prevail.
Ye are blessed of the LORD, *
Who made heaven and earth. Hear, lest the whelming weight of crime
The heaven ‘of heavens is the Wreck us with life in view ;
Lest thoughts and schemes of sense
LORD’s: * but the earth hath He and time
given to the children of men. Earn us a sinner’s due.
I Hymn of the Ambrosian schOOI, very slightly altered; translation by the late Card.

So may we knock at Heaven’s door, from their seat, * and exalted them
And strive the immortal prize to win, of low degree.
Continually and evermore He hath filled the hungry with
Guarded without and pure within.
good things, * and the rich He hath
Grant this. 0 Father, Only Son, sent empty away.
And Spirit, God of grace, He hath holpen His servant Is
To Whom all worship shall be done
raél, ’* in remembrance of His
In every time and place.
Amen. mercy:
As He spake to our fathers, *
Then is said a Verse and Answer. to Abraham, and to his seed for
If a special one is not given, the follow ever.
ing is used:

Verse. 1 Let my prayer, 0 Lord, The Hymn, “Glory be to the Father,

&c.." is said, and then the A iztinhon re
be set forth. peated.
Answer. As incense before
Then is said:
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
Then is said the following Canticle Answer: And let my cry come
from the Gosfiel. It has an Antiphon unto Thee.
which is always special, and which is
either begun or said through the first
time before it, according as the Ofiice is Let us pray.
Double or not.
Then follows the Prayer for the day,
at the end of which is answered:
MARY. (Luke i. 46.) Answer. Amen.
MY soul *‘ doth magnify the Afterwards are made any Commemo
Lord: rations necessary, by the Antiphon for
And my spirit hath rejoiced * in the Song ofthe Blessed Virgin, the Verse
and Answer after the Hymn, and the
God my Saviour. Prayer, (fireceded by “ Let us pray,”)
For He hath regarded the low from the superseded Ofiice which is to
liness of His handmaiden: * for, be be commemorated. After which the fol
hold, from henceforth all generations lowing Common Commemorations are
shall call me blessed. made, required, according to Chapter
xxxv. of the General Rubrics.
For He That is Mighty hath done When more than two Prayers are to
to me great things : * and holy is His be said, the last clause ofeach (beginningr
name. “ Through our Lord, &c.,” or “ Who
And His mercy is on them that livest, &c.”) is omitted in all except the
first and the last, nor is “Amen” an
fear Him, * from generation to gen swered except after these two.
eration. (Note that if these Cominemorations,
He hath showed strength with with the exception of those of St yosefih,
His arm: * He hath scattered the and SS. Peter and Paul, be said upon
a week-day, kept as such, out of Paschal
proud in the imagination of their time, they are preceded by the Commem
heart. oration of the Cross, girl/en hereafter at
He hath put down the mighty the end of the Lauds of Monday.)
1 Ps. cxl. 2.

I. Commemoration of the Blessed the might of her intercession, through

Virgin Mary. whom we have worthily received the
Author of our life, our Lord Jesus
(This Commemoration is omitted if
the Ofliee of the day he of the Blessed Christ Thy Son.
Virgin, or if her Little Ofiee is to be
II. Commemoration of St foseph,
Antiphon. O Holy Mary, be thou Patron of the Um‘versal Church.
an help to the helpless, a strength to (Omitted in the Votive Ofiiee of St
the fearful, a comfort to the sorrow 70seph.)
ful; pray for the people, plead for
Antiphon. 1 Behold a faithful and
the clergy, make intercession for all
wise servant whom his Lord hath
women vowed to God; may all that
made ruler over His household.
keep thine holy remembrance, feel
Verse. 2Glory and riches shall
the might Of thine assistance.
be in his house.
Verse. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother
Answer. And his righteousness
of God.
endureth for ever.
Answer. That we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray.
Let us pray. O GOD, Who, in Thine unspeak
able foreknowledge, didst
GRANT, we beseech Thee, O choose Thy blessed servant Joseph
Lord God, unto all Thy ser~ to be the husband of Thine Own
vants, that they may continually most holy Mother; mercifully
enjoy soundness both of mind and grant that now that he is in heaven
body, and by the glorious inter with Thee, we who on earth do
cession of the Blessed Mary, always reverence him for our defender,
a Virgin, may be delivered from may worthily be holpen by the
present sadness, and enter into the succour of his prayers to Thee
joy of Thine eternal gladness. on our behalf.
From the Octave of the Eifiiphany to
Candlemas, the Antiphon is the same, III. Commemoration of the Holy
hut the rest is as follows . Apostles, 'Peter and Paul.
Verse. After thy delivery thou (Omitted in the Votive Ofiite of the
still remainest a Virgin undefiled. Apostles.) '
Answer. Mother of God, pray
for us. Antiphon. Peter the Apostle,
Let us pray. and Paul the Teacher Of the Gen
tiles, have taught us Thy law, O
GOD, Who, by the fruitful vir Lord.
ginity of the Blessed Mary, Verse. 3Thou shalt make them
hast given unto mankind the rewards princes over all the earth.
of everlasting life ; grant, we beseech Answer. They shall be mindful
Thee, that we may continually feel of Thy Name, 0 Lord.
1 Matth. xxiv. 45. 2 Ps. cxi. 3. 3 Ps. xliv. r7, r8.

Let us pray. the deep of the sea, when he suf

GOD, Whose Right Hand fered shipwreck; graciously hear
caught the Blessed Peter us, and grant, for the sake of them
when he walked upon the water, both, that we also may attain unto
and began to sink, and thrice de everlasting glory.
livered his fellow-Apostle Paul from Nate 1.

1 In England, by a special rule in this case, is made

Cammemoratz'en of St George, Patron of England.

Antiphon. The Saints through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought
righteousness, obtained promises.
Verse. 0 LORD, Thou hast compassed him.
Answer. With Thy favour as with a shield.
Let us pray.
O GOD, Who dost gladden us through the worthy deeds and prayers
of Thy blessed Martyr George; mercifully grant that all they
which seek Thy favour through him, may effectually obtain the gift of
Thy grace.
(A mi thus it is said within lhe Oeta've.)
In the Diocese of Hexham St George is not commemorated, but instead the following
commemoration is made of St Cuthbert :
Antzfhon. Holy Cuthbert, our Protector, grace and glory of our father
land, look down upon us from Heaven, and pray God for us, that He grant
us everlasting joy.
Verse. At the prayers of Blessed Cuthbert and for his sake,
Answer. Be merciful unto Thy people, 0 Lord.
Let us pray.
GOD, Who, through the priceless gift of Thy grace, dost make
Thine holy ones glorious, mercifully grant, that the prayers of Thy
Blessed Confessor and Bishop Cuthbert may help us worthily there to
attain, where are the spirits of just men made perfect.
In the Diocese of Northampton the following commemoration of St Thomas Of
Canterbury is made before that of St George:
Antiphon. I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am
known of Mine, and I lay down My life for the sheep.
Verse. In your patience - ~
Answer. Possess ye your souls.
Let us pray.
GOD, in defence of Whose Church the glorious Bishop Thomas
fell by the swords of wicked men, grant, we beseech Thee, that all
that ask his help may obtain wholesome fruit of their petition.

For Peaee. Let us pray.

Antiphon. Give peace in our O GOD, from Whom all holy
time, 0 Lord, because there is desires, all good counsels,
none other that fighteth for us, and all just works do proceed;
but only Thou, 0 our God. give unto Thy servants that peace
Verse. Peace be within thy which the world cannot give, that
walls. both our hearts may be set to
Answer. And prosperity within obey Thy commandments, and also
thy palaces. that by Thee we being defended

In the Diocese of Plymouth the following commemoration of St Boniface of Maintz is

made before that of St George :

Antz'phon. Many nations, many thousands of men, did Blessed Boniface

gain for Christ, and forasmuch as he made himself like unto an Apostle
he hath purchased unto himself a great reward in Heaven along with
the Apostles.
Verse. Be strong in the Lord, be strong.
Answer. That ye may live for ever with God.

Let us pray.
O GOD, Who wast pleased to make the zeal of Thy Blessed Martyr
and Bishop Boniface the mean whereby Thou didst cause many
peoples to know Thy Name, mercifully grant unto us who honour his
memory to be feelingly holpen by the succour of his protection.

(A nd :0 it is said within the Octave.)

In the Diocese of Portsmouth the following commemoration of St Edmund of Canter

bury is made after that of St George:

Antifihon. He loved righteousness and hated iniquity, and therefore

he died in exile.
Verse. Cast out upon a world of woes,
In exile here we roam.
Answer. 0 Blessed Edmund, by thy prayers,
Gain us the love of home.

Let us pray.
O GOD, Who in the abundance of Thy goodness toward Thy Church
hast made her bright by the illustrious life of Thy blessed Confessor
and Bishop Edmund, and gladdened her by his glorious and wondrous
works, mercifully grant unto Thy servants that they may be bettered in
following after his ensample, and shielded by his protection from all
things that may rise up against them.

from the fear of our enemies, may After the last Prayer is said:
pass our time in rest and quiet Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
ness. Through our Lord JESUS Answer. And let my cry come
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and unto Thee.
reigneth with Thee, in the unity Verse. Bless we the Lord.
of the Holy GhOst, one God, Answer. Thanks be to God.
world without end.
Answer. Amen. Then is said in rather a low voice:
May the souls of the Faithful,
From the Monday after Low Sunday through the mercy of God, rest in
till Rogation Tuesday, instead of the
preceding Commemorations, is said the
Answer. Amen.
following .'

Paschal Commemoration of the Then, unless Compline follow, the

Lord's Prayer inaudibly:
UR Father, Who art in heaven,
(Omitted in the Votive Ofices of Hallowed be Thy Name.
the Blessed Sacrament, and of the Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Antiphon. Issus, our trium Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we
phant Head,
On the Cross’s transom dread forgive them that trespass against us.
The Hands of power and mercy And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
That brake the prison of the Note. When Oflice is said in Choir,
dead. Alleluia. - the service is ended with the A ntiphon
Verse. Say among the heathen of the Blessed Virgin Mary every timev
—Alleluia. the Choir is left. Otherwise it is only
said as given in this book, after Lauds,
Answer. That the LORD reign (or the aggregation of which Lauds
eth from the tree,1 Alleluia. forms a part) and Compline. When~
ever it is said, except afler Comfiline, it
Let us pray. is preceded by:
O GOD, Who didst send Thy Verse. bk The Lord give us His
Son to sufi'er death for us peace.
upon the Cross, that Thou might Answer. And life everlasting.
est deliver us from the power of Amen.
the enemy; grant unto us Thy
servants to be made partakers of I] the Ofice of the Dead follow im
mediately, the above prayer for the
His Resurrection. Through ‘the Faith ul departed, and the “Our Fa
Same our Lord JEsus Christ Thy ther,’ are omitted.
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Feasts. The above Ofiice, appointed
Thee in the unity of the Holy for Sunday, is also, speaking in a gen
Ghost, one God, world without end. eral sense, used on all Feas/s above the
Answer. Amen. rank of Simples.
1 Ps. xcv. 10, old version.

Mummy. Second Antiphon. I believed.

THE SECOND DAY OF THE WEEK. If this A ntiphon be used the Psalm
begins with the words, “ Therefore have
A ll as on Sunday, excqzfit as otherwise I spoken."
given here.
Psalm CXV.
The Psalms are as follows .'
[In the Hebrew this Psalm is a continua
Antiphon. The Lord hath in tion of the last. The Vulgate and the LXX.
clined. prefix “ Alleluia.”]
In Paschal time only one Antiphon BELIEVED, therefore have I
is said, Alleluia.
spoken: * but I was greatly
Psalm CXIV.
I said in my haste: * All men
[The Vulgate and the LXX. prefix “Al are liars.
What shall I render unto the
I AM well pleased, because the LORD * for all His benefits toward
LORD hath heard * the voice me ?
of my supplication: I will take the cup of salvation,
Because He hath inclined His ear * and call upon the name of the
unto me, * therefore will I call upon LORD.
Him all my days. I will pay my vows unto the LORD
The sorrows of death compassed in the presence of all His people.
me: * and the straits of hell found * Precious in the sight of the LORD
me: is the death of His Saints.
Sorrow and trouble did I find. 0 LORD, truly I am Thy servant:
* Then called I upon the name of * I am Thy servant, and the son of
the LORD : Thine handmaid :
O LORD, deliver my soul. * Gra Thou hast loosed my bonds. * I
cious is the LORD, and righteous: will offer to Thee the sacrifice of
yea, our God is merciful. thanksgiving, and will call upon the
The LORD preserveth the simple: name of the LORD.
* I was brought low and He helped I will pay my vows unto the LORD,
me. in the presence of all His people: *
Return unto thy rest, O my soul: in the courts of the LORD’s house, in
* for the LORD hath dealt bountifully the midst of thee, 0 Jerusalem !
with thee. [Here the Hebrew appends “ Alle
For He hath delivered my soul luia,” which the Vulgate and the LXX.
from death, * mine eyes from tears, prefix to the next Psalm.]
and my feet from falling.
I will walk before the LORD * in Antiphon. I believed, therefore
the land of the living. have I spoken.
Third Antiphon. O praise.
Antiphon. 1The Lord hath in If this Antiphon be used the Psalm
clined His ear unto me. begins with the words, “The LORD.
] Ps. cxiv. 2.

Psalm CXVI. Psalm CXX.

O PRAISE the LORD, all ye [Also a Song of Degrees.]
nations: * praise Him, all I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the
ye people. hills, * from whence cometh
For His merciful kindness is great mine help.
toward us: * and the truth of the Mine help cometh from the LORD,
LORD endureth for ever. * Who made heaven and earth.
[Here the Hebrew appends “Alle He will not suffer thy feet to be
luia,” which the Vulgate and the LXX. moved: * He That keepeth thee
prefix to the next Psalm] will not slumber.
Behold, He That keepeth Israél
Antifihon. O praise the LORD, shall neither slumber nor sleep.
all ye nations. The LORD is thy keeper: the
Fourth Antiphon. I cried. LORD is thy shade * upon thy right
Psalm CXIX. The sun shall not smite thee by
[This is the first of the “Songs of De day, * nor the moon by night.
grees,” or “Gradual Psalms.” See note The LORD shall keep thee from
to P5. cxxix., p. 91.]
all evil: * the Lord shall keep thy
IN my distress I cried unto the soul.
LORD, * and He heard me. The LORD shall keep thy coming
Deliver my soul, 0 LORD, from in and thy going out, * from this
lying lips, * and from a deceitful time forth and for evermore.
What shall be given unto thee, or Antiphon. 3 From whence cometh
what shall be done unto thee, * thou mine help.
false tongue? Antiphon in Paschal time. Alle
Sharp arrows of the mighty, * with luia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
hot burning coals.
Woe is me! that my sojourn is HYMN.‘
long: I dwell with the dwellers of LORD of unbounded space,
Kedar.1 * My soul hath long dwelt Who, lest the sky and main
as an exile Should mix, and heaven should lose its
With them that hate peace. I Didst the rude waters chain ;
was peaceable: ‘* when I spoke
unto them, they fought against me Parting the moist and rare,
That rills on earth might flow
without a cause. To soothe the angry flame, whene'er
It ravens from below :
Antiphon. 2 I cried, and He heard
Pour on us of Thy grace
The everlasting spring,
Antiphon. From whence Lest our frail steps renew the trace
cometh. Of the ancient wandering.
‘ Properly “ Black-skin.” This was the name of a son of Ishmaél, and of an Arabian
tribe sprung from him. 2 Ps. cxix. I. ' Ps. cxx. I.
‘ Hymn of the Ambrosian school, almost unchanged; translation by the late Card.
May faith in lustre grow, Verse. Let Thy mercy, O LORD,
And rear her star in heaven, be upon us.
Paling all sparks of earth below
Unquenched by damps of even. Answer. According as we hope
in Thee.
Grant it, 0 Father, Son, Verse. Let Thy priests be clothed
And Holy Spirit of grace, with righteousness.
To Whom be glory, Three in One, Answer. And let Thy Saints
In every time and place.
Amen. shout for joy.
Verse. 0 LORD, save the King.
Antéphonfor the Song ofthe Blessed Answer. And hear us in the day
Virgin. My soul doth magnify the when we call upon Thee.
Lord, * for God hath regarded my Vwse. O Lord, save Thy people,
lowliness. and bless Thine inheritance.
Answer. And govern them, and
After the repetz'tz'an of the A ntz'phon lift them up for ever.
after the Song of the Blessed Virgin, on Verse. Remember Thy congre
the Week-days of A dvent and Lent, the gation.
Enzher Days, and all Vzlg‘ils which are
Fasts, exeept Christmas Eve and the Answer. Which Thou hast pur
Eve and Ember Days of Pentetost, all chased of old.
kneel down, and thefollowing prayers, Verse. Peace be within thy
talled the Preees, are said: walls.
Answer. And prosperity within
Kyrie eléison.
thy palaces.
Answer. Christe eléison.
Kyrie eléison.
Verse. Let us pray for the Faith
ful departed.
Answer. 0 Lord, grant them
Then the Lord's Prayer is said aloud.
eternal rest, and let the everlasting
UR Father, Who art in heaven, light shine upon them.
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Verse. May they rest in peace.
kingdom come. Thy will be done Answer. Amen.
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give Verse. Let us pray for our absent
us this day our daily bread. And brethren.
forgive us our trespasses, as we Answer. 0 Thou, my God, save
forgive them that trespass against Thy servants that trust in Thee.
us. And lead us not into tempta Verse. Let us pray for the sorrow
tion. ful and the captive.
Answer. But deliver us from Answer. Redeem them, 0 God
evil. of Israél, out of all their troubles.
Verse. I said: LORD, be merci Verse. 0 Lord, send them help
ful unto me. from the sanctuary.
Answer. Heal my soul, for I Answer. And strengthen them
have sinned against Thee. out of Zion.
Verse. Return, 0 LORD, how Verse. Hear my prayer, 0
long ? LORD.
Answer. And let it repent Thee Answer. And let my cry come
concerning Thy servants. unto Thee.

Psalm L. Thou hast vouchsafed to redeem by

Have mercy upon me, O God, the tree of the Holy Cross.
&c., (p. 87). Simple Feasts. If the Vespers of a
Simple Feast he kept on a Monday, the
Glory be to the Father, and to the Ofiiee is of the Feast, from the Chapter
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. intlusi'ue.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end.
Amen. Qiuestmg.
Verse. Turn us again, 0 LORD Tm: THIRD DAY OF THE WEEK.
God of Hosts.
Answer. And cause Thy face to A ll as on Sunday, except as otherwise
given here.
shine, and we shall be saved.
Verse. Arise, O Christ, and help The Psalms are as follows :
Answer. And deliver us for Thy Antiphon. Let us go.
' Name’s sake. In Paschal time only one A ntzphon is
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. said, Alleluia.
Answer. And let my cry come
unto Thee. Psalm CXXI.
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees, of David.”]
Let us pray.
I WAS glad when they said unto
Herefollows the Prayer of the Day. me: * Let us go into the house
of the LORD.
A llproceeds to the end ofthe service as
on Sunday, exeept that when Sufi‘rages Our feet have been wont to stand
are said, thefollowing is said before the *‘ within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem !
Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Jerusalem is builded as a city *
Marjy. that is compact together:
Whither the tribes go up, the
Commemoration of the Cross. tribes of the LORD, * the testimony
(Omitted in the Ofiiees of the Blessed of Israel, to give thanks unto the
Saerament, and of the Passion.) name of the LORD.
For there are set thrones for judg
Antiphon. Through Thy Cross’s
ment, * the thrones for the house of
holy sign, JESUS, guard this soul of
mine, from my ghostly enemy.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
Verse. Let all the earth worship
* they shall prosper that love thee.
Thee, and sing unto Thee.
Peace be within thy walls, * and
Answer. Let them sing praises to prosperity within thy palaces.
Thy name, 0 Lord.
For my brethren and companions’
Let us pray. sakes, * I will now say—Peace be
within thee!
LORD, we beseech Thee, keep Because of the house of the LORD
us in continual peace, whom our God, * I will seek thy good.

Antiphon. Let us go with glad against us: * then the waters had
ness into the house of the LORD. overwhelmed us,
Second Antiphon. 0 Thou That The stream had gone over our
dwellest. soul: * then the overwhelming
waters had. gone over our soul.
Psalm CXXlI. Blessed be the LORD, *‘ Who hath
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees.”] not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Our soul is escaped as a bird *
NTO Thee lift I up mine eyes, out of the snare of the fowlers :
* 0 Thou That dwellest in The snare is broken, * and we
the heavens! are escaped.
Behold, as the eyes of servants * Our help is in the name of the
look unto the hand of their masters, LORD, ‘* Who made heaven and
As the eyes of a maiden unto earth.
the hand of her mistress: * so
our eyes look unto the LORD our Antiphon. IOur help is in the
God, until that He have mercy name of the LORD.~
on us. Fourth Antiphon. Do good, 0
Have mercy upon us, 0 LORD, LORD.
have mercy upon us: * for we are Psalm CXXIV.
exceedingly filled with contempt. -
Our soul is exceedingly filled [Intituled “ A Song of Degrees."]
* with the scorning of those that HEY that trust in the LORD
are at ease, and with the con shall be as Mount Zion: *
tempt of the proud. he that dwelleth in Jerusalem
shall never be‘moved.
Antiphon. 0 Thou That dwell The mountains are round about
est in the heavens, have mercy Jerusalem: * and the LORD is
upon us. round about His people, from
Third Antzfhon. Our help. henceforth, and for ever.
For the Lord will not sufi'er
Psalm CXXIII. the rod of the wicked to rest upon
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees," to which the lot of the righteous: * lest
the Hebrew and the Targum add “of the righteous put forth their hands
David,” but this ascription of authorship unto iniquity.
does not occur in the Vulgate or the LXX.]
Do good, 0 LORD, to the good,
F it had not been the LORD * and to them that are upright in
Who was on our side—now their hearts.
may Israél' say—* if it had not As for such as turn aside unto
been the LORD Who was on our their crooked ways, the LORD
side, shall lead them forth with the
When men rose up against us: workers of iniquity: * peace be
* then they had swallowed us up upon Israel!
When their wrath was kindled Antzphon. Do good, 0 LORD,
1 Ps. cxxiii. 8.

to the good, and to them that are Wash Thou our smarting wounds and
upright in their hearts. hot
In the dool freshness of Thy grace ;
Fifth Antiphon. We were like. Till tears start forth the past to blot,
And cleanse and calm Thy holy place,
Psalm CXXV. Till we obey Thy full behest,
Shun the world’s tainted touch and
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees.”]
WHEN the LORD turned again Joy in what highest is and best,
the captivity of Zion, * we And gain a spell to baffle death.
were like them that come again Grant it, 0 Father, Only Son,
from sickness. And Holy Spirit, God of grace,
To Whom all glory, Three in One,
Then was our mouth filled with
Be given in every time and place.
laughter, * and our tongue with Amen.
Then said they among the hea Antiphon for the Song of the
then: ‘* The LORD hath done great Blessed Virgin. Let my spirit re
things for them. joice * in God my Saviour.
The LORD hath done great things Commemoration of the Cross hefore
for us : * whereof we are glad. the other general Commemorations, and
Turn again our captivity, O Long Preees'at certain times as on
LORD, * as the streams in the Monday.
south. Simple Feasts. If the Vespers of a
Simple Feast he kept on a Tuesday, the
They that sow in tears * shall Ojiee is of the Feast from the Chapter
reap in joy. inclusive.
They go forth weeping, ’* sow
ing their seed;
They shall doubtless come again monastery.
with rejoicing, * bringing their
sheaves with them. THE FOURTH DAY or THE WEEK.

All as on Sunday, except as otherwise

Antzjohon. We were like them given here.
that come again from sickness.
Antifihon in Pasehal time. Al The Psalms are asfollows .
leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Antiphon. He shall not be
HYMN.1 In Paschal time only one Antiphon
ALL-BOUNTIFUL Creator, Who, is said, Alleluia.
When Thou didst mould the
Psalm CXXVI.
world, didst drain
The waters from the mass, that so [Intituled “A Song of Degrees, of Solo
Earth might immovable remain ; men.” The LXX. omits the ascription to
‘ That its dull clods it might transmute
To golden flowers in vale or wood, XCEPT the LORD build the
TO juice of thirst-allaying fruit, house, * they labour in vain
And grateful herbage spread for food ; that build it :
1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, hardly altered ; translation by the late Card. Newman.

Except the LORD keep the city, Zion: * and mayest thou see the
* the watchman waketh but in good of Jerusalem all the days of
vain. thy life.
It is vain for you to rise up Yea, mayest thou see thy chil
early, * rise up when ye are dren’s children, * and peace upon
rested, ye that eat the bread of Israél.
For He giveth His beloved sleep. Antiphon. Blessed is every one
Lo, children are an heritage of the that feareth the LORD.
LORD, *1 the fruit of the womb is His Third Antiphon. Many a time.
As arrows are in the hand of a If this Antzlbhon be used, the Psalm
begins with the words, “Have they
mighty man, * so are the children afflicted me.”
of the out-cast.
Happy is the man that hath his Psalm CXXVI I I.
desire satisfied with them : ’1‘ he shall
not be ashamed when he speaketh [Intituled “ A Song of Degrees.”]
with his enemies in the gate. MANY a time have they warred
against me from my youth
Antiphon. He shall not be a —* may Israel now say :—
shamed when he speaketh with his Many a time have they warred
enemies in the gate. against me from my youth: * yet
Second A ntiohon. Blessed. they have not prevailed against
If this A ntiphon be used the Psalm 1The ploughers ploughed upon
commences with the words, “Is every
my back: * they made long their
Psalm CXXVII. The LORD is righteous, He hath
broken the necks of the wicked. *
[Intituled “ A Song of Degrees.”]
Let them all be confounded and
BLESSED is every one that feareth turned back that hate Zion.
the LORD, ‘1‘ that walketh in Let them be as the grass upon
His ways. the house-tops, * which withereth
For thou shalt eat the labour of before it is plucked up:
thine hands : * happy shalt thou be Wherewith the mower filleth not
and it shall be well with thee. his hand, * nor be that bindeth
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine sheaves his bosom.
* on the sides of thine house: Neither do they that go by say:
Thy children like olive plants * The blessing of the LORD be upon
round about thy table. you! * we bless you in the name of
Behold, that thus shall the man the LORD !
be blessed * that feareth the
LORD. Antiphon. Many a time have they
The LORD bless thee out of afflicted me from my youth up.
1 [.e., “They furrowed my back with stripes as the ground is furrowed with the
plough. ”—Gesenius.

Fourth A ntzfhon. Out of the If I have not thought lowly of

depths. myself— * (but lifted up my soul)—
Even as a child that is weaned
If this Antithon be used, the Psalm
begins with the words, “ Have I cried from his mother: * so be my soul
unto Thee.” rewarded.
Let Israél hope in the LORD, *
from henceforth and for ever.
Psalm CXXIX.
GUT of the depths have I cried Antiphon. Let Israél hope in the
unto Thee, O LORD! * Lord, LORD.
hear my voice. Antiphon in Paschal time. Alle
Let Thine ears be attentive * to luia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark HYMN.1
iniquities, * O Lord, who shall O LORD, Who throned in the holy
stand? height,
But there is forgiveness with Thee: Through plains of ether didst diffuse
The dazzling beams of light,
* because of Thy law, I wait for In soft transparent hues ;
Thee, O LORD!
My soul doth wait on His word: Who didst, on the fourth day, in
* my soul hopeth in the Lord. heaven,
Light the fierce cresset of the sun,
From the morning watch even And the meek moon at even,
until night * let Israél hope in the And 'stars that wildly run ;
For with the LORD there is mercy, That they might mark and arbitrate
’Twixt alternating night and day,
* and with Him is plenteorls redemp And tend the train sedate
tion. Of months upon their way;
And He shall redeem Israel, *
Clear, Lord, the brooding night within,
from all his iniquities. And clean these hearts for Thy abode,
Unlock the spell of sin,
Antiphon. Out of the depths have Crumble its giant load.
I cried unto Thee, O LORD.
Grant it, 0 Father, Only Son,
Fifth Antiphon. Let Israél hope. And Holy Spirit, God of grace,
To Whom all praise be done
In every time and place.
Psalm CXXX. Amen.
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees,” to which
the Hebrew and the Vulgate, but not the Antiphon at the Song of the
Targum or the LXX., add “of David.”] Blessed Virgin. The Lord hath
LORI), mine heart is not haughty, regarded * my lowliness, and He
* nor mine eyes lofty: That is mighty hath done in me
Neither do I exercise myself in great things.
great matters, * or in wonderful Commemoration of the Cross before
things that are above me. the other general Commemoratz'ons, and
1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, somewhat altered; translation by the late Card.
Long Preees z'n Advent and Lent, and We will go into His tabernacle:
on Fast-days, as on Monday. * we will worship in His footprints.
Simple Feasts. If the Vespers of a Arise, O LORD, into Thy rest,
Simple Feast be kept on a Wednesday, * Thou and the ark of Thine
the Ofice is of the Feastfrom the Chap
ter z'nolusz'r/e. holiness.
Let Thy priests be clothed with
righteousness, * and let Thy Saints
shout for joy.
@Eburstlag. For Thy servant David’s sake,
* turn not away the face of Thine
The LORD hath sworn in truth
All as on Sunday, except as otherwise
given here. unto David, and He will not turn
from it: * Of the fruit of thy body
The Psalms are asfollows : will I set upon thy throne.
If thy children will keep My
A ntz'phon. And all. covenant, * and My testimony
In Paschal time only one Antifihon that I shall teach them,
is said, Alleluia. Then their children for ever *
shall sit upon thy throne.
Psalm CXXXI. For the LORD hath chosen Zion:
[Intituled “.A Song of Degrees.” It * He hath chosen it for His habita
reads like a Processional for some transla tion.
tion of the Sacred Ark, perhaps that de This is My rest for ever: * here
scribed in 3 (1) Kings vii. (Saturday before
8th Sunday after Pentecost.)] will I dwell, for I have chosen it.
I will abundantly bless her
ORD, remember David, * and widows: * I will satisfy her poor
all his meekness: with bread.
How he sware unto the LORD : *1 I will clothe her Priests with
he vowed a vow unto the God of salvation: * and her Saints shall
Jacob ,— shout aloud for joy.
Surely I will not come into the There will I make the horn of
tabernacle of mine house, * nor go David to bud: * I have ordained
up into my bed ; a lamp for Mine Anointed.
I will not give sleep to mine eyes, His enemies will I clothe with
* or slumber to mine eyelids ; shame: * but upon him shall My
I will not give the temples of sanctification flourish.
mine head any rest, until I find out
a place for the LORD, * an habita Antzphon. And all his meekness.
tion for the God of Jacob. Setond Antz'phon. Behold.
1 Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah:
If this Antzjfihon he used, the Psalm
* we found it in the fields of “the begins with the words, “ How good and
Wood.” how pleasant."
1 This verse relates to the fetching of the ark from Kirjath-jearim, (literally “The
town-of-the-woods,”) which stood at the borders of the territory of Ephraim, here called
Ephratah. See 2 Kings (Sam.) vi. (Thursday, 5th week after Pentecost.)

Psalm CXXXI I. Whatsoever the LORD pleased,

[Intituled “ A Song of Degrees,” to which that did He in heaven and in
the Hebrew and the Vulgate, but not the earth, *‘ in the seas, and all deep
Targum or the LXX., add “ of David.”]
BEHOLD, how good and how Causing the vapours to ascend
pleasant it is * for brethren from the ends of the earth: *
to dwell together in unity. He maketh lightnings for the rain;
1It is like the precious oint He bringeth the wind out of
ment upon the head, * that ran His treasures. * He smote the
down upon the beard, even Aaron’s first-born of Egypt, from man even
beard, unto beast.
That went down to the skirts He sent tokens and wonders
of his garments. * As the dew of into the midst of thee, 0 Egypt,
Hermon, that descendeth upon * upon Pharaoh and upon all his
the mountains of Zion;2 servants.
For there the LORD commanded He smote great nations, * and
the blessing, * even life for evermore. slew mighty kings.
3Sihon, king of the Amorites,
Antiphon. Behold, how good and Og, king of Bashan, * and
and how pleasant it is for brethren all the kingdoms of Canaan.
to dwell together in unity. And gave their land for an
Third A ntiohon. Whatsoever. heritage, * an heritage unto Israel
His people.
Psalm CXXXIV. Thy Name, 0 LORD, endureth for
ever! * Thy memorial, O LORD,
[To this Psalm is prefixed “ Alleluia.”]
throughout all generations!
PRAISE ye the Name of the For the LORD will judge His
LORD, * praise Him, 0 ye people, * and will repent Himself
servants of the LORD! concerning His servants.
Ye that stand in the house of The idols of the heathen are
the LORD, * in the courts of the silver and gold, ’* the work of
house of our God: men’s hands.
Praise the LORD, for the LORD A mouth have they, but they
is good: * sing praises unto His speak not: * eyes have they, but
Name, for it is pleasant. they see not.
For the LORD hath chosen Jacob Ears have they, but they hear
unto Himself, * and Israel for not: * neither is there any breath
His peculiar treasure. in their mouths.
For I know that the LORD is Let them that make them be
great, * and that our Lord is above made like unto them, * and every
all gods. one that trusteth in them.
1 The reference is to the unction of Aaron with holy chrism at his consecration,
described in Lev. viii. 12.
2 Probably not the mountain at Jerusalem, but one of the chain of Hermon, which is
once mentioned elsewhere. Deut. iv. 48.
3 Sihon, a king of the Amorites, reigning in Heshbon; 0g, :1 giant, king of Bashan.
They were both defeated and slain by the Israelites. Num. xxi.

Bless the LORD, O house of heavens—* for His mercy endureth

Israél! *‘ bless the LORD, O house for ever.
of Aaron! To Him That spread out the
Bless the LORD, O house of earth above the waters—* for His
Levi! * ye that fear the LORD, mercy endureth for ever.
bless the LORD! To Him That made great lights
Blessed be the LORD out of —-* for His mercy endureth for
Zion, * Which dwelleth at Jeru even
salem! The sun to rule by day—* for
His mercy endureth for ever.
[The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which The moon and stars to rule by
the Vulgate places at the beginning of
the next Psalm] night—* for His mercy endureth for
Antiphon. Whatsoever the LORD To Him That smote Egypt in their
pleased, that did He. first-born—* for His mercy endureth
Fourth Antiphon. For His for ever.
mercy. To Him That brought out Isra'e'l
from among them—* for His mercy
Psalm CXXXV. endureth for ever. -
[It is not improbable that this Psalm was With a strong hand and with a
sung at the Dedication of the Temple, for, stretched out arm—* for His mercy
in 2 Par. (Chron.) vii. 3, it is said that when endureth for ever.
the congregation on that occasion saw the To Him That divided the Red
fire miraculously descending upon the sac
rifice, “they bowed themselves with their Sea into parts—* for His mercy
faces to the ground upon the pavement, and endureth for ever.
worshipped, and praised ‘ the LORD, for He And made Israel to pass through
is good, for His mercy endureth for ever.’ "
It looks very like a continuation of the song the midst of it—* for His mercy
given by David to certain singers, 1 Par. endureth for ever.
(Chron.) xvi. 7, especially as it is afterwards
said that some Of them were chosen “to give But overthrew Pharaoh and his
thanks to the LORD, because His mercy host in the Red Sea—* for His
endureth for ever." Some consider that mercy endureth for ever.
the latter verses refer to the return from the To Him That led His people
captivity, but these may be an addition.]
through the wilderness—* for His
GIVE thanks unto the LORD, mercy endureth for ever.
for He is good! * for His To Him That smote great kings
mercy endureth for ever. —* for His mercy endureth for
0 give thanks unto the God of ever.
gods! * for His mercy endureth And slew mighty kings-J“ for His
for ever. mercy endureth for ever.
O give thanks to the Lord of Sihon, king Of the Amorites
lords! * for His mercy endureth -——* for His mercy endureth for
for ever. ever.
To Him Who Alone doeth great And Og, the king of Bashan
wonders—* for His mercy endureth -—* for His mercy endureth for
for ever. even
' To Him That by wisdom made the And gave their land for an heri
VOL. I. G 2

tage—* for His mercy endureth for If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, * let
ever. my right hand forget her cunning—
Even an heritage unto Israél His Let my tongue cleave to the roof
servant—* for His mercy endureth of my mouth, * if I do not remember
for ever. thee,—
Who remembered us in our low If I prefer not Jerusalem * above
estate—* for His mercy endureth my chief joy.
for ever. Remember, 0 LORD, the chil
And hath redeemed us from our dren of Edom, * in the day of
enemies—* for His mercy endureth Jerusalem:
for ever. Who said : Rase it, rase it * even
Who giveth food to all flesh— to the foundation thereof.
* for His mercy endureth for ever. 0 daughter of Babylon, doomed
0 give thanks unto the God of to destruction, * happy shall he be
heaven! * for His mercy endureth that rewardeth thee, as thou hast
for ever. served us! '
O give thanks unto the Lord of Happy shall he be that taketh, *
lords! * for His mercy endureth for and dasheth thy little ones against
ever. the rock. '

Antiphon. For His mercy en Antiphon. Sing us one of the

dureth for ever. songs of Zion.
fifth Antiphon. Sing us one of Anlz'phon in Paschal time. Alle
the songs. luia, Alleluia, Alleluia.


[The Vulgate and the LXX. connect this O GOD, Who hast given
Psalm with the name of Jeremiah. They The sea and the sky,
also style it a Psalm of David, the apparent To fish and to bird
meaning of which would seem to be that it For a dwelling to keep,
was composed in imitation of his poems] Both sons Of the waters
One low and one high,
BY the rivers of Babylon, there we Ambitious of heaven,
sat down, yea, we wept, * when Or sunk in the deep ;
we remembered Zion.
Save, Lord, Thy servants,
We hung our harps upon the Whom Thou hast new made
willows * in the midst thereof. In a laver of blood
For there they that carried us Lest they trespass and die ;
away captive required of us * a Lest pride should elate,
Or sin should degrade,
song; And they stumble on earth
And they that had taken us Or be dizzied on high.
said: * Sing us one of the songs
To the Father, and Son,
of Zion. And the Spirit be done,
How shall we sing the LORD’s Now and always,
song * in a strange land? Glory and Praise. Amen.
1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, slightly altered; translation by the late Card.

A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed praise Thee, O LORD, * for they
Virgin. O God, * show strength with have heard all the words of Thy
Thine arm : put down the mighty, mouth. .
and exalt them of low degree. Yea, let them sing of the ways of
the LORD: * that great is the glory
Commemoration of the Cross hefore of the LORD.
the other general Commemorations and
Long Preees in Advent and Lent, and For the LORD is high, yet hath
on Fast-days, as on Monday. He respect unto the lowly: * but
the proud He knoweth from afar.
Though I walk in the midst of
trouble Thou wilt revive me: *
Thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand
:lfrihag. against the wrath of mine enemies,
THE SIXTH DAY OF THE WEEK. and Thy right hand shall save me.
The LORD will give recompense
All as on Sunday, extent as otherwise on my behalf: * Thy. mercy, O
given here. LORD, endureth for ever: forsake
not the works of Thine own hands.
The Psalms are asfollows .'
Antiphon. Before the Angels
Antiphon. Behold the Angels.
will I sing praise unto Thee, O
In Paschal time only one A ntzlohon is my God.
said, Alleluia. Seeond Antiphon. O LORD.

Psalm CXXXVII. If this A ntiohon be used the Psalm

eommenees with the words, “ Thou hast
[Intituled “Of David,” to which the searched me." .
LXX. adds “of Haggai and Zechariah,”
the meaning apparently being that it was
his composition, but that they made some Psalm CXXXVI I I.
special regulation as to its use.]
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a
I WILL praise Thee, O Lord, with musical (P) direction, the meaning of which
is not now certain.]
-my whole heart: * because
Thou hast heard the words of my LORD, Thou hast searched
mouth. me, and known me: "’ Thou
Before the Angels will I sing knowest my down-sitting and mine
praise unto Thee. * I will worship up-rising:
toward Thine holy temple, and Thou understandest my thoughts
praise Thy Name. afar off. * Thou searchest my path,
For Thy loving-kindness, and for and my line,
Thy truth: * for Thou hast mag And art acquainted with all my
nified Thine holy Name above ways: * before there is a word on
every name. my tongue.
In whatsoever day I call upon Lo, 0 LORD, Thou knowest all
Thee, answer me: * Thou wilt things both new and old: * Thou
strengthen my soul exceedingly. hast made me, and laid Thine hand
Let all the kings of the earth upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful Surely Thou wilt slay the wicked,
for me: * it is high, and I cannot O God : * depart from me, ye bloody
attain unto it. men.
Whither shall I go from Thy For ye say in thought: * In
Spirit? * or whither shall I flee vain shall Thy people take Thy
from Thy presence? c1ties.
If I ascend up into heaven, Thou Do not I hate them, 0 LORD,
are there: * if I go down into hell, that hate Thee? * and am not I
Thou art there. grieved at those that rise up against
If I take the wings of the morn Thee?
ing, * and dwell in the uttermost I hate them with perfect hatred:
parts of the sea ;— * they are to me as enemies.
Even there shall Thine hand lead Search me, O God, and know
me, * and Thy right hand shall hold mine heart: * try me and know my
me. thoughts.
If I say: Surely the darkness And see if there be any wicked
shall cover me: * even the night way in me: * and lead me in the
shall be light about me in my way everlasting.
For the darkness is not darkness Antzfikan. O LORD, Thou hast
to Thee: and the night shineth as searched me and known me.
the day: * the darkness and the Third Antip/wn. Preserve me.
light to Thee are both alike.
For Thou didst form my reins:
* Thou hast upholden me from
my mother’s womb. [Intituled “ A Psalm of David," with the
same musical (P) direction as before]
I will praise Thee, for Thy great
ness is terrible: * marvellous are ELIVER me, O LORD, from
Thy works: and that my soul the evil man: * preserve me
knoweth right well. from the wicked man :
My bones were not hid from Which imagine mischiefs in their
Thee, when Thou madest me in heart: * continually are they ‘gath
secret: * nor my substance in the ered together for war.
lower parts of the earth. They have sharpened their tongues
Thine eyes beheld my substance like a serpent: * adders’ poison is
yet being imperfect: and in Thy under their lips.1
book all were written : * day by day Keep me, O LORD, from the hands
were they to be fashioned, when as of the wicked: * and preserve me
yet there was none of them. from the evil man:
But to me, O God, Thy friends Who purpose to overthrow my
are exceeding honourable: * their goings. * The proud have hid a
power is waxen right strong. snare for me:
If I should count them, they are And spread a net with cords: *
more in number than the sand: * I by the way-side have they set a trap
arose, and am still with Thee. for me.1
1 SLH.

I said unto the LORD: Thou art Let my prayer be set forth as in
my God: * hear the voice of my cense before Thee: * the lifting-up
supplication, O LORD! of mine hands as the evening sacri
O LORD, my Lord, Thou Strength fice.
of my salvation, * Thou hast covered Set a watch, 0 LORD, before my
mine head in the day of battle! mouth: * keep the door of my lips.
Give me not up, 0 LORD, to the Incline not mine heart to any evil
desires of the wicked: * they take word, "' to excuse myself in my sins,
counsel together against me : forsake With men that work wickedness;
me not, lest they exalt themselves.1 * and let me not eat of their dainties.
As for the head of those that Let the righteous smite me in
compass me about, * let the mis kindness: and let him reprove me:
chief of their own lips cover them. * but the oil of the wicked shall not
Let burning coals fall upon them ; anoint mine head :
let them be cast into the fire: * when For yet my prayer shall be against
they are in trouble they will not be their lusts. * 2Their judges shall
able to stand. be left [to their fate beside] in the
An evil-speaker shall not prosper hands of the rock :
in the earth: * evil shall hunt the [And] they [that have wreaked
wicked man, to overthrow him. their vengeance on them] shall hear
I know that the LORD will main my words, that they are mighty. *
tain the cause of the afflicted, * and Like clods of earth broken by the
will revenge the poor. ploughman,
Surely the righteous shall give So are our bones scattered at the
thanks unto Thy Name; * and the grave’s mouth. * But mine eyes are
upright shall dwell in Thy presence. unto Thee, O LORD, my Lord: in
Thee is my trust, leave not my life
Antiphon. Preserve me, O Lord, to destruction.
from the wicked man. Keep me from the snare which
Fourth Antiohon. LORD. they have laid for me, * and the gins
of the workers of iniquity.
If this Antihhon be used, the Psalm
begins with the words, “I cry unto The wicked shall fall into their
Thee.” own net ;. * as for me, I dwell alone,
Psalm CXL. until I depart hence.
[Intituled “ A Psalm of David."] Antiphon. LORD, I cry unto Thee,
LORD, I cry unto Thee : hear hear me.
me! * give ear unto my voice A ntiphon. 0 Lord, let my
when I cry unto Thee. portion.
1 SLH.
2 The Targum is, “They are torn away from the house of instruction by the streng
hands of their judges.” The Syriac, “ And their judges are crushed by the strong hand. ’
Messrs Jennings and Lowe render, “ When their judges have been thrown down the sides
of the rock, then they shall hear my words as welcome;” and continue, “When the
usurping rulers have been deposed, and th e disappointed rabble has executed its ven
geance on them, it shall bethink it again 0 f David’s divinely constituted authority, and
gladly recall him to the throne. This is the only rational interpretation of the verse
For the mode of punishment mentioned, cf. 2 Chron. xxv. 12, Luke iv. 29.”

Psalm CXLI. And the huge make

Of wild Or gentler animal,
[Intituled “ A didactic (P) Psalm of David. Springing from nothing at Thy call,
A Prayer when he was in the cave,” namely, To serve in their due time, and all
on the same occasion as that on which he
wrote Psalm lvi. See note on that Psalm,
For sinners’ sake ;
p. 110.] Shield us from ill !
Come it by passion’s sudden stress,
I CRIED unto the LORD with my Lurk in our mind's habitual dress,
voice: * with my voice unto Or through our actions seek to press
the LORD did I make supplication. Upon our will. ‘
I pour out my complaint before Vouchsafe the prize
Him: * before Him also I show my Of sacred joy’s perpetual mood,
trouble. And service-seeking gratitude,
When my spirit faileth from me, And love to quell each strife or feud,
* then Thou knewest my path. If it arise.
In the way wherein I walked * Grant it, 0 Lord I
have they privily laid a snare for me. To Whom, the Father, Only Son,
I looked on the right hand, and And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
beheld: * but there was no man In heaven and earth all praise be done
With one accord.
that would know me: Amen.
Refuge failed me: * and no man
cared for my soul. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
I cried unto Thee, O LORD! * I Virgin. He hath put down the
said: Thou art my refuge, and my mighty, * that persecute His Saints :
portion in the land of the living. and hath exalted them of low degree,
Attend unto my cry, * for I am that confess His Christ.
brought very low:
Deliver me from my persecutors: Commemoration of the Cross before
* for they are stronger than I. the other general Commemorations, and
Long Preces in Advent and Lent, and
Bring my soul out of prison, that on Fast-days, as 'on Monday.
I may praise Thy Name: * the
righteous wait for me, till Thou deal Simjfile Feasts. If the Vespers of a
bountifully with me. Simple Feast be kept on a Friday, the
service is of the Feastfrom the Chapter
inclusive. '
Antzjohon. O Lord, let my por
tion be in the land of the living.
Antiphon in Paschal time. Alle
luia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Saturhag.
‘ N 7 HOM all obey,— All as on Sunday, except as otherwise
Maker of man! Who from Thy given here.
. height
Badest the dull earth bring to light The Psalms are as follows .'
All creeping things, and the fierce might
Of beasts Of prey ;— A ntzjbhon. Blessed.
.1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, considerably altered; translation by the late Card.

If this Antéohon be used, the Psalm of strange children, whose mouth

begins with the words, “ Be the LORD speaketh vanity: * and their right
my God.”
hand is a right hand of falsehood :
In Pasehal time only one A ntiphon is Whose sons may be as saplings
said, Alleluia.
grown up * in their youth;
Their daughters decked out, *
Psalm CXLI l I.
adorned after the similitude of the
[Inlituled “ Of David. ” The Vulgate and temple:
the LXX. add “against Goliath. "]
Their garners full, * affording
BLESSED be the LORD my God, stores upon store: .
Which teacheth mine hands Their sheep fruitful in young,
to war, * and my fingers to fight. countless in their pastures: * their
My goodness, and my fortress: * oxen fat:
my strength, and my Deliverer: There is no breach in their walls,
My shield, and He in Whom I nor inroad: * nor wailing in their
trust: * Who subdueth my people streets.
under me. Happy is that people, that is in
LORD, what is man, that Thou such a case: * happy is that people
takest knowledge of him? * or the whose God is the Lord.
son of man, that Thou makest ac
count of him? Antiphon. Blessed be the LORD
Man is like to vanity: * his days my God.
are as a shadow that passeth away. Seeond Antiphon. Every day.
Bow Thy heavens, O LORD, and
come down : * touch the mountains, Psalm CXLIV.
and they shall smoke.
Cast forth the bright lightning, [Intituled “ David’s song of praise,” It is
A B C Darian.]
and scatter them: * send out
Thine arrows, and make them to I WILL extol Thee, my God, 0
quake. King! * and I will bless Thy
Send Thine hand from above: name for ever and ever.
rid me, and deliver me out of great Every day will I bless Thee; i
waters, * from the hand of strange and I will praise Thy name for ever
children: and ever.
Whose mouth speaketh vanity: * Great is the LORD, and greatly to
and their right hand is a right hand be praised: * and His greatness is
of falsehood. unsearchable.
I will sing a new song unto Thee, One generation shall praise Thy
O God; * upon a psaltery of ten works to another, * and shall declare
strings will I sing praises unto Thy mighty acts.
Thee: They shall speak of the glorious
Who hast given salvation unto honour of Thy Majesty, * and tell of
kings: * Who deliveredst David Thy wondrous works.
Thy servant
Rid me, I from the hurtful sword. And men shall speak of the might
of Thy terrible acts, * and declare
And deliver me from the hand Thy greatness.

They shall abundantly utter the that love Him, * but all the wicked
record of Thy great goodness, * will He destroy.
and shall sing of Thy righteous My mouth shall speak the praise
ness. of the LORD; * and let all flesh
The LORD is gracious and full of bless His holy Name for ever and
compassion : * slow to anger and of even
great mercy.
The LORD is good to all, * and Antiphon. Every day will I bless
His tender mercies are over all His Thee, O Lord.
works. Tlzz'ra' Antiphon. While I live.
May all Thy works praise Thee,
O LORD! * and let Thy saints bless Psalm CXLV.
They shall speak of the glory Of [To this Psalm is prefixed “ Alleluia.”
Thy kingdom, * and talk of Thy The Vulgate and the LXX. connect it with
the names of Haggai and Zechariah.]
power; .
To make known to the sons of PRAISE the LORD, O my soul ;
men Thy mighty acts, * and the while I live will I praise the
glorious majesty of Thy king LORD: * I will sing praises unto my
dom. God while I have being.
Thy kingdom is an everlasting Put not your trust in princes, *
kingdom, * and Thy dominion in the son of man, in whom is no
endureth throughout all genera help.
tions! His breath goeth forth, and he
The Lord is faithful in all His returneth to his earth: * in that
words, ‘* and holy in all His very day their thoughts perish.
works. Happy is he that hath the God
The LORD upholdeth all that fall, of Jacob for his help, his hope is
* and raiseth up all those that be in the LORD his God : *‘ Who made
bowed down. heaven and earth, the sea, and all
The eyes Of all wait upon Thee, that therein is:
O Lord! * and Thou givest them Who keepeth truth for ever.
their meat in due season. Who executeth judgment for the
Thou openest Thine hand, * and oppressed: * Who giveth food to
fillest all things living with plenteous the hungry.
ness. The LORD looseth the prisoners:
The LORD is righteous in all *‘ the LORD openeth the eyes of the
His ways, * and holy in all His blind:
works. The LORD raiseth them that are
The LORD is nigh unto all them bowed down: * the LORD loveth
that call upon Him, * tO all that call the righteous:
upon Him in truth. The LORD preserveth the stran
He will fulfil the desire of them gers; He defendeth the fatherless
that fear Him: * He also will hear and widow: * but the way of the
their cry and will save them. wicked He will turn aside.
The LORD preserveth all them The LORD shall reign for ever!

even thy God, 0 Zion, * unto all He delighteth not in the strength
generations ! of an horse,- * neither taketh He
pleasure in the legs of a man.
[The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which
the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to the The LORD taketh pleasure in them
next Psalm.] that fear Him, * and in those that
hope in His mercy.
Antiphon. While I live will I
praise the LORD. Antip/zan. Let the praise of our
Fourth AntzJb/zon. Let the praise God be pleasant.
of our God. Fzft/z Antzp/zan. Praise the LORD.
If this Anlz'plzon be used l/ze Psalm
Psalm CXLVI. begins will: the words, “ 0 Jerusalem.”

[The Vulgate and the LXX., as stated, Psalm CXLVlI.

prefix “Alleluia,” and the LXX. adds “ of
Haggai and Zechariah.”] [In the Hebrew this is the continuation
of the preceding Psalm. The Vulgate and
PRAISE ye the LORD, for it is the LXX. prefix “ Alleluia,” and the LXX.
adds “ of Haggai and Zechariah. "J
good to sing praises: * the
praise of our God is pleasant and RAISE the LORD, 0 Jerusalem!
comely. * praise thy God, 0 Zion!
The LORD doth build up Jeru For He hath strengthened the
salem: * He gathereth together bars of thy gates : ’* He hath blessed
the outcasts of Israél. thy children within thee:
He healeth the broken in heart, * He maketh peace in thy borders:
and bindeth up their wounds. * and filleth thee with the finest of
He telleth the number of the the wheat.
stars; * and calleth them all by He sendeth forth His command
their names. ment upon earth: * His word run
Great is our Lord, and of great neth very swiftly.
power: * and His understanding is He giveth snow like wool: * He
infinite. scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes.
The LORD lifteth up the meek; * He casteth forth His ice like
but He casteth the wicked down to morsels: * who can stand before
the ground. His cold?>
Sing unto the LORD with thanks He sendeth out His word, and
giving: * sing praise upon the harp melteth them: * He causeth His
unto our God. ‘ wind to blow, and the waters flow.
Who covereth the heaven with He declareth His word unto
clouds : * and prepareth rain for the Jacob, * His statutes and His
earth, judgments unto Israel.
Who maketh grass to grow upon He hath not dealt so with any
the mountains, * and herbs for the nation: * neither hath He made
service of men: known to them His judgments.
He giveth to the beast his food, [The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which
** and to the young ravens which cry the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to the
unto Him. next Psalm.]

Antiohon. Praise the LORD, 0 There were Lauds in the morn,

Jerusalem. Here are Vespers at even :
Oh, may we adorn
Antiphon in Paschal time. Alle Thy temple new born
luia, Alleluia, Alleluia. With our voices in Heaven.
From Advent Sunday till the Octave To the Father be praise,
of the Epiphany, andfrom Semtuagesima And praise to the Son,
Sunday till the Octave of Pentecost spe And the Spirit always,
cial Chapters are given. While the infinite days
A t other times thefollowing is said: Of eternity run.
CHAPTER. (Rom. xi. 33.)
Verse. Let the evening prayer
0 THE depth of the riches and
ascend unto Thee, O Lord.
wisdom and knowledge of
Answer. And let there descend
God: how unsearchable are His
upon us Thy mercy.
judgments and His ways past find
ing out! The following Antiphon is said only
from the Octave qf the Epiphany till
The following Hymn and Verse and
Answer is used during the same seasons Sqbtuagesima.
as the above Chapter, and likewisefrom
Septuagesima to Lent. A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. God hath holpen His ser
HYMN.l vant Israel: * as He spake to
Abraham and. to his seed, to exalt
THE red sun is gone,
Thou Light of the heart, them of low degree fOr ever and
Blessed Three, Holy One, ever.
To Thy servants a sun
Everlasting impart. Prayer of the succeeding Sunday.
1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, altered almost beyond recognition; translation by
the late Card. Newman.


@fittz fur timg Bag in the kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
Wat. us this day our daily bread. And
At the beginning of Compline the forgive us our trespasses, as we for
Reader says : give them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
Sir, be pleased to give the bless
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The Blessing.
After this is said the General Confes
May the Almighty Lord grant us sion and Absolution.
a quiet night and a perfect end.
Answer. Amen. I CONFESS to God Almighty, to
the Blessed Mary, always a
Then is read this Short Lesson. Virgin, to the Blessed Michael the
SHORT LESSON. (1 Pet. v. 8.) Archangel, to the Blessed John the
Baptist, to the Holy Apostles Peter
RETHREN, be sober, be vigil and Paul, and to all the Saints, that
ant: because your adversary I have sinned exceedingly in thought,
the devil as a roaring lion walketh word, and deed, by my fault, by my
about, seeking whom he may devour: fault, by my most grievous fault.
whom resist ye, stedfast in the faith. Therefore I beseech the Blessed
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy Mary, always a Virgin, the Blessed
upon us. Michael the Archangel, the Blessed
Answer. Thanks be to God. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles
Verse. >14 20m help is in the Peter and Paul, and all the Saints, to
Name of the LORD. pray to the Lord our God for me.
Answer. Who made heaven and
earth. The Absolution.
Then the Lord’s Prayer is said in ALMIGHTY God have mercy
audibly. on us, forgive us our sins,
UR Father, Who art in heaven, and bring us to life everlasting.
Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Answer. Amen.
1 Compline (Completorium) is the last office of the Church, and is proper to the end of
the evening before going to bed, reckoned to be about 9 p.m., but it may be said any time
before midnight. It is very frequently recited along with Vespers, thus forming the com
plete Evening Service of the Church, and it is from this aggregation that the “Evening
Prayer ” of the Anglican Prayer Book is derived. 2 Ps. cxxiii. 8.

+ AY the Almighty and mer But know that the LORD hath set
ciful Lord grant us pardon, apart for Himself him that is holy:
absolution, and remission of all our * the LORD will hear me when I
sins. call unto Him.
Answer. Amen. Be ye angry and sin not: * what
Verse. 1 Turn us, 0 God of our ye speak in your heart, repent upon
salvation. your bed.2
Answer. And cause Thine anger Offer the sacrifices of righteous
toward us to cease. ness, and put your trust in the LORD.
Verse. >14 Make haste, O God, to *‘ There be many that say: Who will
deliver me. show us any good?
Answer. Make haste to help me, LORD, Thou hast set upon us the
O LORD. light of Thy countenance. * Thou
Glory be to the Father, and to the hast put gladness in my heart,
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. More than in the time that
As it was in the beginning, is now, their corn, and wine, and oil *
and ever shall be, world without end. increased.
Amen. Alleluia. I will both lay me down in peace,
* and sleep,
From the Saturday be/bre Septua For Thou, LORD, only * makest
gesima Sunday to Maundy Thursday me to dwell in safety.
instead of “ Alleluia ” is said:
Ceaseless praise to Thee be given, Psalm XXX.
0 Eternal King of heaven.
[The first eight verses of Psalm xxx., p.
Then follow the Psalms. They are 76-]
all said under one Antiphon.
N Thee, O LORD, do I put my
Antiphon. Have mercy. trust, let me never be asham
Antibhon in Pasehal time. Alle
ed; * deliver me in Thy righteous
luia. ness.
Bow down Thine ear to me,
Psalm IV. deliver me speedily.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a Be Thou to me a God, a Pre
musical (?) direction of (now) uncertain server, and an house of defence, *
to save me.
WHEN I called, the God of my For Thou art my strength and
righteousness heard me: * my refuge, * and for Thy Name’s
Thou hast enlarged me when I was sake Thou wilt lead me and nourish
in distress: me.
Have mercy upon me, * and hear Thou wilt pull me out of the net,
my prayer. that they have laid privily for me,
0 ye sons of men, how long * for Thou art my Preserver.
will ye be dull of heart? * Why Into Thine hands I commend my
will ye love vanity, and seek after spirit: * Thou hast redeemed me,
leasing? 2 O LORD God of truth!
1 Ps. lxxxiv. 5. 2 SLH.

Psalm XC. Thou shalt tread upon the adder

and the cockatrice: * the lion also
[The Vulgate and the LXX. give the
heading, “A Psalm of praise of David.”] and the dragon shalt thou trample
under feet.
HE that dwelleth in the help of Because he hath set his trust
the Most High, *1 shall abide upon Me, therefore will I deliver
under the shadow of the God of him: 1" I will defend him because
heaven. he hath known My Name.
He will say to the LORD: Thou He shall call upon Me, and I will
art my refuge, and my fortress, 1* answer him: * I am with him in
my God, in Him will I trust. trouble: I will deliver him and
For He shall deliver me from the glorify him.
snare of the fowler, * and from the With long life will I satisfy him :
noisome pestilence. * and show him My salvation.
He shall cover thee with His
wings, 1* and under His feathers
shalt thou trust:
His truth shall be thy shield. 1" [Intituled “A Song of Degrees.”]
Thou shalt not be afraid for the
terror by night; BEHOLD now, bless ye the
For the arrow that flieth by day, LORD, 1* all ye servants of the
for the pestilence that walketh in LORD.
darkness, 1" for the evil spirit that Which stand in the house of the
wasteth at noon-day. LORD, 1* even in the courts of the
A thousand shall fall at thy side, house of our God,
and ten thousand at thy right By night. Lift up your hands
hand: * but it shall not come toward the sanctuary, 1* and bless
nigh thee. the LORD.
Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou The LORD That 'made heaven
behold: * and see the reward of and earth, * bless thee out of
the wicked. Zion!
Because Thou, O LORD, art my
trust: *1 thou hast made the Most Antiphon. 1Have mercy upon
High thy refuge. me, O Lord, and hear my prayer.
There shall no evil befall thee, 1* Antiphon in Pasehal time. Al
neither shall any plague come nigh leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
thy dwelling.
Then is said the following:
For He hath given His Angels
charge over thee, *1 to keep thee in Hvivm.2
all thy ways :
They shall bear thee up in their N OW that the clay-light dies away,
By all Thy grace and love,
hands, * lest haply thou dash thy Thee, Maker of the world, we pray
foot against a stone. To watch our bed above.

1 Ps. iv. 2.
2 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, very slightly altered; translation by the late Card.

Let dreams depart and phantoms fly, Answer. Into Thine hands, 0
The ofi'spring of the night, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Keep us, like shrines, beneath Thine
eye, Verse. Thou hast redeemed us,
Pure in our foes’ despite. 0 LORD God of truth.
Answer. I commend my spirit.
This grace on Thy redeemed confer, Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Father, Co-equal Son,
And Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Eternal Three in One. Ghost.
Amen. Answer. Into Thine hands, O
Lord, I commend my spirit.
The last verse is sometimes said thus, Verse. 3Keep us, 0 Lord, as
altered in honour of the Incarnation .' the 'apple of the eye.
JESU, the Virgin-born, to Thee Answer. Hide us under the
Eternal praise be given, shadow of Thy wings.
With Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Here as it is in heaven.
From the Saturday after Easter in
clusive to the Saturday after Pentecost
exclusive, the above is said thus :
In Paschal time it is said thus, al
tered in honour of the Resurrection : Into Thine hands, 0 Lord, I com
To Father, Son, and Paraclete, mend my spirit. Alleluia, Alleluia.
The slain and risen Son, Answer. Into Thine hands, 0
Be praise and glory, as is meet, Lord, I commend my spirit. Al
While endless ages run. leluia, Alleluia. '
Verse. Thou' hast redeemed us,
0 LORD God of truth.
It is also occasionally otherwise al
tered, which occasions are marked in Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
their places. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Then follows the Ghost.
Answer. Into Thine hands, 0
CHAPTER. (Jer. xiv. 9.)
Lord, I commend my spirit. Alle
ET Thou, O LORD, art in the luia, Alleluia.
midst of us, and Thine holy Verse. Keep us, 0 Lord, as the
Name is called upon us :1 leave us apple of the eye. Alleluia.
not, 0 Lord our God. Answer. Hide us under the
Answer. Thanks be to God. shadow of Thy wings. Alleluia.
Then the Short Responsory. Then is said the following Canticle
from the Gospel, with its A ntzfhon.
2Into Thine hands, 0 Lord, I
commend my spirit. Antiphon. O Lord, keep us.
1 The allusion seems to be to the invocation of the Name upon Israél by the Priests,
Numb. vi. 22. “ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying: Speak unto Aaron, and unto
his sons, saying, On this wise shall ye bless the children of Israel, saying unto them—The
LORD bless thee and keep thee ; the LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious
unto thee; the LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace—and they
shall put My Name upon the children of Israe'l; and I will bless them.”
2 Ps. xxx. 6. 3 Ps. xvi. 8.
THE SONG or SIMEON. (Luke ii. 29.) I BELIEVE (inaudibly) in God
[Uttered by Simeon at the presentation the Father Almighty, Maker of
of our LORD in the Temple. “ Then took heaven and earth. And in JEsus
he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, Christ, His only Son, our Lord;
and said :—”] '
Who was conceived by the Holy
ORD, now lettest Thou Thy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary,
servant depart in peace, * suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
according to Thy word : crucified, dead, and buried: He
For mine eyes have seen * Thy descended into hell: the third day
Salvation, He rose again from the dead: He
Which Thou hast prepared * ascended into heaven, and sitteth
before the face of all people; on the right hand of God the
A Light to lighten the Gentiles, Father Almighty. From thence He
* and the glory of Thy people shall come to judge the quick and
Israél. the dead. vI believe in the Holy
The Doxology, " Glory be to the Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church,
Father, &c.,” is said. the Communion of Saints, the For
giveness of sins, (aloud)
Antiphon. O Lord, keep us Verse. The Resurrection Of the
waking, guard us sleeping: that body.
we may wake with Christ and rest Answer. And the Life ever
in peace. lasting. Amen.
Verse. 1Blessed art Thou, O
In Paschal time, "Alleluia." Lord God of our fathers,
Thenfollow these shortprayers, called Answer. And to be praised and
the Preees. They are omitted on Doubles glorified above all for ever.
and within Oetar/es. [n A dvent, Lent, Verse. Bless we the Father, and
and the Ember Days they are said the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Let us praise and exalt
Kyrie eléison. Him above all for ever.
Answer. Christe eléison. Verse. 1Blessed art Thou, O
Kyrie eléison. Lord, in the firmament of heaven,
Answer. And to be praised, and
OUR Father, (inaudibly,) Who glorified, and exalted above all for
art in heaven, Hallowed be ever.
Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Verse. May the Lord, the Al
Thy will be done on earth, as it is mighty and merciful, bless and
in heaven. Give us this day our keep us.
daily bread. And forgive us our Answer. Amen.
trespasses, as we forgive them that Verse. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this
trespass against us. (Aloud) night,
Verse. And lead us not into Answer. To keep us without sin.
temptation. Verse. Have mercy upon us, 0
Answer. But deliver us from LORD.
evil. Answer. Have mercy upon us.
1 Dan. iii. 52, 56.

Verse. 0 LORD, let Thy mercy Heaven’s open gate, and the Star
lighten upon us. of the Sea, come, succour the fallen !
Answer. As our trust is in Thee. Fallen indeed we are, but fain
would rise by thy succour.
Here the service is resumed, when
the above has been omitted. Thou that beyond nature’s course
hast borne in time the Eternal;
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. Thou that a Virgin before, and
Answer. And let my cry come after that childbirth remainest,
unto Thee. From the Archangel’s lips the
Let us pray. quickening message receiving,
Mother of JESUS and us, turn
VISIT, we beseech Thee, O thine eyes of mercy on sinners.
Lord, this habitation,l and
drive far from it all snares of the Verse. The Angel of the Lord
enemy: let Thine holy Angels dwell announced unto Mary,
herein, to keep us in peace, and Answer. And she conceived of
may Thy blessing be always upon the Holy Ghost.
us. Through our Lord JEsus Christ,
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth Let us pray.
with Thee, in the unity of the Holy WE beseech Thee, O Lord, pour
Ghost, one God, world without end. Thy grace into our hearts;
Answer. Amen. that, as we have known the Incar
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. nation of Thy Son JEsus Christ by
Answer. And let my cry come the message of an Angel, so by His
unto Thee. Passion and Cross we may be
Verse. Bless we the Lord. brought unto the glory of His
Answer. Thanks be to God. Resurrection. Through the same
The Blessing. Christ our Lord.
Answer. Amen.
May the Almighty and Merciful
Lord, >14 the Father, the Son, and From the First Vespers of Christmas
the Holy Ghost, bless and keep us. inclusive, the Verse and Answer and
Prayer are as jbllows:
Answer. Amen.
Then jbllows immediately one of
Verse. After thy delivery thou
these Four Antiphons of the Blessed still remainest a Virgin undefiled.
Virgin Mary, according to the season Answer. Mother of God, pray
of the year. for us.
Let us pray.
I. From the Vespers of the Saturday
before Advent Sunday till those of GOD, Who, by the fruitful
Candlemas, both inclusive. virginity of the Blessed Mary,
hast given unto mankind the re
Antiphon. Maiden! Mother of wards of everlasting life,- grant, we
Him Who redeemed us, thou that beseech Thee, that we may con
abidest tinually feel the might of her in
1 This Office was originally the last Prayer before going to rest for the monks of the
Order of St Benedict.

tercession; through whom we have For He That thee for Son was
worthily received the Author of given, Alleluia,
our life, our Lord Jesus Christ As He promised is arisen. Alle
Thy Son. luia.
Answer. Amen. Mother, pray to Him for us,
II. From the Compline of the 2nd Verse. Be glad and rejoice, 0
day of February inclusive to Virgin Mary, Alleluia,
allaundy Thursday exelusz've. Answer. For the Lord is risen
indeed. Alleluia.
Antiphon. Hail, 0 Mary, Queen
of heaven, Let us pray.
Queen of Angel worlds on high,
Hail, O Rod to Jesse given, GOD, Who dost vouchsafe to
Blessed Portal of the sky, gladden the whole world by
the resurrection of Thy Son our
Hail, O Lady, bright and glorious, Lord JESUS Christ; grant, we be
Clad in beauty, pure and true, seech Thee, that by the help of
Virgin ! o’er sin’s stain victorious, His Mother the Virgin Mary, we
Sinners for thy succour sue. may finally attain unto the glad
ness of life everlasting. Through
Verse. Holy Virgin, my praise the same Christ our Lord.
by thee accepted be. Answer. Amen.
Answer. Give me strength against
thine enemies. IV. From the First Vespers of
Let us pray. Trinity Sunday inelusive till the
Vespers of Saturday before Ad
MOST merciful God, grant, we vent Sunday exelusive.
beseech Thee, a succour
unto the frailty of our nature, that Antiphon. Hail, 0 Queen, MO-'
as we keep ever alive the memory ther of mercy! hail, our life, our
of the holy Mother Of God, so by sweetness, and our hope. TO thee
the help of her intercession we may we cry, the banished sons of Eve.
be raised up from the bondage of Toward thee we sigh, weeping and
our sins. Through the same Christ groaning in this vale of tears. Ah,
our Lord. then, thou our Advocate, turn on us
Answer. Amen. those merciful eyes of thine ! And,
after this our exile, show to us JESUS,
III. From the First Compline of the blessed Fruit of thy womb. 0
Easter inelusive till the First most merciful, 0 most gracious, 0
Vespers of Trinity Sunday ex most sweet Virgin Mary!1
elusive. Verse. Pray for us, holy Mo
ther of God.
A ntiphon. Rejoice! rejoice ! . thou Answer. That we may be made
Queen of Heaven, Alleluia, worthy Of the promises of Christ.
1 Of these four Antiphons, “ Maiden Mother” is ascribed to Hermann the Cripple, 'a
monk of Reichenau, who died A.D. 1052. The authorship of the second is unknown: it

Let us pray. HAIL, Mary, full of grace; the

O ALMIGHTY and everlasting Lord is with thee: blessed
art thou among women, and blessed
God, Who, by the co-opera
is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS.
tion of the Holy Ghost, didst make
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray
ready both the body and soul of
the glorious Virgin and Mother for us sinners, now, and at the
hour of our death. ‘ Amen.
Mary worthily to become a meet
dwelling for Thy Son; grant that
as we rejoice in her memory, so BELIE'VE in God, the Father
by her pitiful intercession we may Almighty, Maker of heaven
be delivered from the evils that and earth. And in JEsUS Christ,
continually hang over us, and finally His Only Son, our Lord, Who
from everlasting death. Through was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
the same Christ our Lord. born of the Virgin Mary, suffered
Answer. Amen. under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
dead, and buried: He descended
After each of these A ntzlohons is said into hell: the third day He rose
this Blessing:
again from the dead: He ascended
God’s most mighty strength alway into heaven, and sitteth at the right
Be His people’s staff and stay. hand of God the Father Almighty:
Answer. Amen. from thence He shall come to
Lastly, whether Mattins be to follow judge both the quick and the dead.
inunediately, or not, the Lord's Prayer, I believe in the Holy Ghost, the
the Angelic Salutation, and the Apos Holy Catholic Church, the Com
tles' Creed are said inaudibly. munion of Saints, the Forgiveness
UR Father, Who art in heaven, of sins, the Resurrection of the
Hallowed be Thy Name. body, and the life everlasting.
'Thy kingdom come. Thy will Amen.
be done on earth, as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our Thus ends the ()fice of Compline
daily bread. And forgive us our throughout the year, in which Oflice
trespasses, as we forgive them that the words, “May the souls, &c.,” are
trespass against us. And lead us omitted, and the Verse and Answer,
“The Lord give us, &c.,” are not said
not into temptation; but deliver before the Antifihon of the Blessed
us from evil. Amen. Virgin.

seems to date from about the eleventh century. The date and authorship of the third are
likewise unknown; but a legend has become attached to it, to the efiect that St Gregory
the Great heard the three first lines uttered by an angel, and himself added the fourth, on
the same occasion on which was instituted the procession upon St Mark’s Day. The
authorship of “ Hail, 0 Queen” is disputed. The last clause is usually admitted to be an
exclamation uttered by St Bernard of Clairvaux in the cathedral of Spires. But the
authorship of the rest is disputed, some ascribing it to Hermann the Cripple, others to
one Peter of Monsoro, bishop of Compostella, others to one Adhemar, bishop of Podium
(Puy -en - Velay). It seems to have been well known, at least in Spain, early in the
twelfth century.
(the temper 2Dfi't'te of the encasnn.

mlhznt, or Qtomtng=fltima
In Advent the Common Commemora Who hast a Name, and hast a Power,
tions are never said at Lauds and Ves The height and depth to sway,
pers. During Advent Simple Feasts And Angels bow, and devils cower,
In transport ordismay;
are not observed, hut merely tom
memorated. [f a Feast of a higher Thou too shall be our Judge at length ;
Lord, in_Thy grace bestow
rank falls after Advent Sunday it is Thy weapons of celestial strengthI
commemorated; or transferred to the And snatch us from the foe.
next day not so imfieded, exeept a Feast Honour and glory, power and praise,
of the First Class, of whieh the 1m To Father, and to Son,
maeulate Conception is one. And Holy Ghost, be paid always,
The Eternal Three in One. Amen.

Verse. 2Drop down, ye heavens,

§aturbag Before .Htvent éuntag. from above, and let the skies pour
VESPERS. down the Righteous One.
Answer. Let the earth open, and
All of the Saturday except the
let her bring forth the Saviour.
The Chapter is taken from Lands. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. 3Behold, the name of the
LORD * cometh from far, and the
whole earth is full of His glory.
CREATOR of the starry pole,
Saviour of all who live, Prayer from Lands.
And light of every faithful soul,
JESU, these prayers receive.
Who sooner than Our foe malign
ghfimt Sunhag.
Should triumph, from above
Didst come, to be the medicine The First Lord’s Day in Coming- Time.
Of a sick world, in love;
And the deep wounds to cleanse and cure
Of a whole race, didst go, Invitatory. The Lord, He is our
Pure Victim, from a Virgin pure, King that is to come. * 0 come, let
The bitter Cross unto. us worship Him. -
1 Another hymn of the Ambrosian school, altered almost beyond recognition; one verse
omitted; translation by the late Card. Newman.
2 Isa. xlv. 8.
3 Isa. xxx. 27.
'VOL. I. l H

labyrnn.1 Thou art He, 6That shalt reign over

God’s people Israel.
SUPERNAL Word, proceeding from
The Eternal Father's breast ; Verse. 7Both low and high, rich
And in the end of ages come, and poor together.
To aid a world distrest ; Answer. G0 ye out to meet Him,
Enlighten, Lord, and set on fire, and say.
Our spirits with Thy love, Verse. 8Give ear, O Shepherd of
That, dead to earth, they may aspire
And live to joys above. Israel, Thou That leadest Joseph like
a flock.
That, when the judgment-seat on high Answer. Tell us if Thou art He.
Shall fix the sinner’s doom,
And to the just a glad voice cry, Verse. 9Lift up your gates, 0 ye
Come to your destined home ; princes ; and be ye lift up, ye everlast
ing doors, and the King of glory shall
Safe from the black and yawning lake
Of restless, endless pain, come in.
We may the face of God partake, Answer. That shalt reign over
The bliss of heaven attain.
God’s people Israel.
To God the Father, God the Son, Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
And Holy Ghost, to Thee, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As heretofore, when time is done,
Unending glory be. Amen. Answer. I look from afar, and,
behold, I see the Power of God coming,
FIRST NOCTURN. and a cloud covering all the land. Go
ye out to meet Him, and say: Tell us
First Lesson. (Isa. i. I.) if Thou art He, That shalt reign over
God’s people Israel.
HE vision of Isaiah, the son of
Amoz, which he saw concerning
Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Second Lesson.
2 Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah,
WOE to the sinful nation, a people
kings of Judah. Hear, O heavens, and
laden with iniquity, a seed of
give ear, 0 earth, for the LORD hath
evil-doers, children that are corrupters :
spoken: I have nourished and brought
they have forsaken the LORD, they
up children: and they have rebelled
have provoked the Holy One of Israel
against Me. The ox knoweth his
unto anger: they are gone away back
owner, and the ass his master’s crib:
ward. Upon what part shall I smite
but Israel doth not know Me, and My
you any more, ye that revolt more and
people doth not consider.
more? The whole head is sick, and
the whole heart faint: from the sole
First Responsory.
of the foot even unto the head there is
I look from afar, and, behold, I see no soundness in it, but wounds and
the Power of God coming, 3and a bruises and putrifying sores 2 they have
cloud covering all the land. 4G0 ye not been closed, neither bound up,
out to meet Him, and say: 5Tell us if neither mollified with ointment.

1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, very much altered; translation by the late Card. Newman.
2 Uzziah, Jotham, and Ahaz were the great-grandfather, grandfather, and father of their
successor on the throne of Judah, Hezekiah, concerning whom see the eleventh week after
Pentecost. According to the common tradition, Isaiah survived Hezekiah and was martyred
under his son Manasseh. Lowth thinks that the prophecy which forms the first chapter was
uttered towards the end of the reign of Jotham when “the LORD began to send, against Judah,
Rezin, the king of Syria, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah," king of Israel. 4 (2) Kings xv. 37.
3 Ezek. xxxviii. 9. 4 Matth. xxv. 6. 5 Matth. xi. 3; Luke vii. 19.
6 1 Kings (Sam.) ix. r7. 7 Ps. xlviii. 3. 5 Ps. lxxix. 2. 9 Ps. xxiii. 7.
Second Responsory. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
1I saw in the night visions, and,
Answer. Behold, thou shalt con
behold, the Son of man came with the
ceive and bring forth a son, and He
clouds of heaven, and there was given
shall be called the Son of the Highest.
Him a Kingdom, and glory: and all
people, nations, and languages shall
Verse. His dominion is an ever Faurtlz Lesson.
lasting dominion which shall not pass
away, and His Kingdom that which The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
shall not be destroyed. of 4Pope St Leo [the Great,] (St/z
Answer. And all people, nations, 0n the Deeember Fast, and aims
and languages shall serve Him. gz'w'ng. )
UR Saviour Himselt instructed
Tln'rn' Lesson. His disciples concerning the
YOUR country is desolate, your times and seasons of the coming of
cities are burned with fire ; your the Kingdom of God and the end of
land, strangers devour it in your pres the world, and He hath given the
ence, and it is desolate, as overthrown same teaching to the Church by the
by strangers. And the daughter of mouth of His Apostles. ln connec
Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, tion with this subject then, Our Lord
and as a lodge in a garden of cucum biddeth us beware lest we let our
bers, and as a besieged city. Except hearts grow heavy through excess of
the LORD of hosts had left unto us a meat and drink, and worldly thoughts.
seed, we should have been as Sodom, Dearly beloved brethren, we know
and we should have been like unto how that this warning applieth par
Gomorrah. ticularly to us. We know that that
day is coming, and though for a
TIzz‘ra' Responsory. season we know not the very hour,
yet this we know, that it is near.
2The Angel Gabriel was sent to
Mary, a Virgin espoused to Joseph,
Fourth Res-pansary.
to bring unto her the word of the
Lord: and 3when the Virgin saw the 5 Hail, Mary, full of grace; the
light she was afraid. Fear not, Mary, Lord is with thee: the Holy Ghost
for thou hast found grace from the shall come upon thee, and the power
Lord. Behold, thou shalt conceive of the Highest shall overshadow thee :
and bring forth a son, and He shall therefore also that Holy Thing Which
be called the Son of the Highest. shall be born of thee shall be' called
Verse. The Lord God shall give the Son of God.
unto Him the throne of His father Verse. How shall this be, seeing I
David, and He shall reign over the know not a man? And the Angel
house of Jacob for ever. answered and said unto her,—
Answer. Behold, thou shalt con Answer. The Holy Ghost shall
ceive, and bring forth a son, and He come upon thee, and the power of the
shall be called the Son of the Highest. Highest shall overshadow thee ; there
1 Dan. vii. r3, :4 2 Luke i. 26, 30-33.
3 Compare the Apocryphal “Gospel of the Nativity of Mary," ch. ix.
4 April It. 5 Luke i. 28, 34, 35.

fore also that Holy Thing Which shall the wisdom of God. There, when the
be born of thee shall be called the Son roar and rattle of earthly cares are
of God. stilled, will she feed on holy thoughts
Fifth Lesson. and entertain herself with the expecta
tion of the everlasting joy.
LET every man then make himself
ready against the coming of the Sixth Responsory.
Lord, so that He may not find him
making his belly his god, or the 30 my Lord, send I pray Thee,
world his chief care. Dearly beloved Him Whom Thou wilt send; see the
brethren, it is a matter of every day affliction of Thy people. As Thou
experience that fulness of drink dulleth hast promised, come and deliver us.
the keenness of the mind, and that Verse. 4Give ear, 0 Shepherd of
excess of eating unnerveth the strength Israel, Thou That leadest Joseph like
of the will. The very stomach pro a flock, Thou That sittest upon the
testeth that gluttony doth harm to the Cherubim!
bodily health, unless temperance get Answer. As Thou hast promised,
the better of desire, and the thought come.
of the indigestion afterward check the Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
indulgence of the moment. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. And deliver us.
Fzfth Responsory.
1 We look for the Saviour, the Lord
JESUS Christ; Who shall change our - Seventh Lesson.
vile body, that it may be fashioned
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
like unto His glorious Body.
Gospel according to Luke (xxi. 25.)
Verse. 2We should live soberly,
and righteously, and godly in this AT that time: JESUS said unto His
present world, looking for that blessed disciples; There shall be signs
hope, and the glorious appearing of in the sun, and in the moon, and in
the great God. the stars, and upon the earth distress
Answer. Who shall change our of nations. And so on.
vile body, that it may be fashioned
like unto His glorious Body. Homily by 5 Pope St Gregory [the
Great,] (1st on the Gospels.)
Sixth Lesson.
Our Lord and Saviour wisheth to
THE body without the soul hath no find us ready at His second coming.
desires; its sensibility cometh Therefore He telleth us what will be
from the same source as its move the evils of the world as it groweth
ments. And it is the duty of a man old, that He may wean our hearts
with a reasonable soul to deny some from worldly affections. Here we read
thing to his lower nature and to keep what great convulsions will go before
back the outer man from things un the end, that, if we will not fear God
seemly. Then will his soul, free from in our prosperity, we may at least be
fieshly cravings, sit often at leisure in scourged into fearing His judgment
the palace of the mind, dwelling on when it is at hand.

1 Phil. iii. 20. 9 Tit. ii. 12. 5 Exod. iv. 13.

4 Ps. lxxix. 1. 5 March 12,.

Seventh Responsory. Old time. Ye know also how often

we hear of earthquakes overwhelming
1 Behold, the Virgin shall conceive,
countless cities in other parts of the
and bear a son, saith the Lord, 2and
world. As for pestilences, we suffer
His name shall be called Wonderful,
from them ourselves, with hardly any
the Mighty God.
intermission. As yet we do not see
Verse. He shall sit upon the throne
signs in the sun, and in the moon,
of David, and upon his kingdom for
and in the stars; but the changes of
ever. seasons and climates warn us that we
Answer. And His name shall be may look for these also before long.
called Wonderful, the Mighty God.
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
Eighth Lesson. God,” is not said in the Ojiee of the
I MMEDIATELY before the passage Season till Christmas. A Ninth Re
which hath just been read from .wonsorj/ is said instead.
the Gospel, are found the following
words of our Lord,—“ Nation shall Ninth Rewonsoiy.
rise against nation, and kingdom 4Behold, the days come, saith the
against kingdom, and great earth LORD, that I will raise unto David a
quakes shall be in divers places, and righteous Branch; and a King shall
pestilences and famines.” Then, after reign in wisdom and shall execute
a few more verses, cometh to-day’s judgment and justice in the earth:
Gospel. “There shall be signs in and this is His name whereby He
the sun, and in the moon, and in the shall be called; The LORD our Right
stars; and upon the earth distress of eous one.
nations with perplexity, the sea and Verse. In His days Judah shall be
the waves roaring.” Now some of saved, and Israel shall dwell safely.
these things are come to pass already, Answer. And this is His name
and we fear the others are not far off. whereby He shall be called.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Eighth Re¢onsory. and to the Son, and to the Holy
3 Hear the word of the LORD, 0 ye Ghost.
nations, and declare it in the ends of Answer. The LORD our Righteous
the earth, and in the isles afar Off, and one.
say: Our Saviour shall come. LAUDS.
Verse. Declare it and make it
First Antiphon. 5 In that day *
known, lift up your voice and cry
the mountains shall drop down sweet
wine, and the hills shall flow with
Answer. And in the isles afar off,
milk and honey. Alleluia.
and say: Our Saviour shall come.
SeeondAntzjohon. 6 Sing, O daugh
ter of Zion, * and rejoice with all the
Ninth Lesson.
heart, 0 daughter of Jerusalem. Alle
IN these our days we see nation rise luia.
against nation, and their distress Third Antiphon. 7 Behold, the
over all the earth, more than we read LORD shall come, * and all His
in books hath ever come to pass of saints with Him; and it shall come

1 Isa. vii. r4. '-‘ Isa. ix. 6, 7. 3 Jer. xxxi. IO. 4 Jer. xxiii. 5; 1 Cor. i. 30.
5 Joel iii. 18. 5' Zeph. (Soph.) iii. 14. 7 Zach. xiv. 5. 6.

to pass in that day that the light Prayer.

shall be great. Alleluia. 5 STIR up, 0 Lord, we pray Thee,
Fourth Antiphon. 1 H0, every one Thy strength, and come among
that thirsteth * come ye t0 the waters: us, that whereas through our sins and
seek ye the LORD while He may be wickedness we do justly apprehend
found. Alleluia. Thy wrathful judgments hanging over
Fifth Antiphon. Behold, a great us, Thy bountiful grace and mercy
Prophet * shall arise, and He shall may speedily help and deliver us;
build up a new Jerusalem. Alleluia. Who livest and reignest with God
the Father, in the unity of the Holy
Chapter. (Rom. xiii. 11.) Ghost, one God, world without end.
MY brethren, it is now high time to Amen.
awake out of sleep. For now The same Prayer is used throughout
is our salvation nearer than when we the day and week, except at Prime and
believed. Compline.
Hymn.2 PRIME.
HARK, a joyful voice is thrilling, Antiphon. In that day, &c., (First
And each dim and winding way
Of the Ancient Temple filling; Antiphon at Lauds.)
Dreams, depart ! for it is day. 1n the short Resfonsory instead of
the Verse “Thou That sittest," &c., is
Christ is coming! from thy bed,
Earth-bound soul, awake and spring,— said:
With the sun new-risen to shed
Health on human suffering. Verse. Thou That art to come into
the world.
Lo 1 to grant a pardon free,
Comes a willing Lamb from Heaven; And the change is made every day in
Sad and tearful, hasten we, Advent till Christmas, except on the
One and all, to be forgiven.
Feast and within the Octa'Z/e of the
Once again He comes in light, Immaculate Conception.
Girding earth with fear and woe ;
Lord, be Thou our loving might,
From our guilt and ghostly foe. TERCE. '

To the Father and the Son, Antiphon. Sing, 0 daughter of

And the Spirit, Who in heaven Zion, &c., (Second Antiphon at Lauds.)
Ever witness, Three and One,
Praise on earth be ever given. Amen. Chapterfrom Lauds.

Verse. 3The voice of one crying in SEXT.

the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of
the Lord. Antiphon. Behold the LORD, &c.,
Answer. Make His paths straight. (Third A ntzlohon at Lauds.)

Chapter. (Rom. xiii. 1 2.)

Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
4The Holy Ghost shall come upon THE night is far spent, the day is
thee, * 0 Mary; fear not, thou shalt at hand: let us therefore cast
bear in thy womb the Son of God. off the works of darkness, and let
Alleluia. us put on the armour of light.
1 Isa. lv. 1, 6. Possibly in allusion to the baptisms at the Epiphany.
2 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, freely altered; translation by the late Card. Newman.
3 Matth. iii. 3; (Isa. XI. 3.) 4 Luke i. 35. 5 Ps. lxxix. 3.

NONE. the LORD. Though your sins be as

scarlet, they shall be as white as snow ;
Antz'phon. Behold, a great Pro and though they be red like crimson,
phet, &c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.) they shall be as wool.
Chapter. (Rom. xiii. 13.)
First Responsory.
LET us walk honestly as in the day,
Receive, 0 Virgin Mary, receive the
not in rioting and drunkenness,
not in chambering and wantonness, word of the Lord, which is sent thee
by His Angel: thou shalt conceive,
not in strife and envying, but put
and shalt bring forth God and Man
ye on the Lord JESUS Christ.
together. And thou shalt be called
VESPERS. blessed among all women.
Verse. Thou shalt bring forth a
A ntiphons, Chapter and Prayer as at son, and remain a maiden undefiled:
Lauds. thou shalt conceive and be a Mother,
Afymn and Verse and Answer as on still Virgin unspotted.
Saturday Evening. Answer. And thou shalt be called
blessed among all women.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. 1 Fear not, Mary, * for thou Seeond Lesson.
hast found grace with the Lord; be— IF ye be willing and obedient, ye
hold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, shall eat the good of the land.
and bring forth a son. Alleluia. But if ye refuse and provoke Me to
After “ Bless we the Lord,” are said anger, ye shall be devoured with the
the Vesfiers of the Dead. sword, for the mouth of the LORD hath
spoken it. How is the faithful city
become an harlot! It was full of
Qflonbag. judgment ; righteousness lodged in it;
but now murderers. Thy silver is
Seeond Day. become dross; thy wine mixed with
water. Thy princes are rebellious
and companions of thieves; every
Inw'tatory and Ifymn as on the last one loveth gifts and followeth after
Sunday. rewards. They judge not the father
less, neither doth the cause of the
First Lesson.
widow come unto them.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
the Prophet Isaiah (i. 16.) Second Responsory.
2 \IVASH you, make you clean, put 3 Sing, 0 heavens ; and be joyful, O
away the evil of your imag earth ; and break forth into singing, O'
inations from before Mine eyes ; cease mountains, for our Lord will come, and
to do evil, learn to do well: seek judg-' will have mercy on His afflicted.
ment, relieve the oppressed, judge the Verse. 4 In His days shall right
fatherless, plead for the widow. Come eousness flourish and abundance of
now, and let us reason together, saith peace.
1 Luke i. 31.
2 This refers to the words immediately preceding 1—“ Your hands are full of blood."
3 Isa. xlix. I3. 4 Ps. lxxi. 7.

Answer. And will have mercy of Zion shall go forth the law, and
upon His afflicted. the word of the LORD from Jeru
Third Lesson.
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as at
HEREFORE saith the LORD God Vespers on Saturday.
of hosts, the Mighty One of
Israe'l: Ah! I will ease Me of Mine Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
adversaries, and avenge Me of Mine The angel of the Lord * announced
enemies. And I will turn My hand unto Mary, and she conceived of the
upon thee, and purely purge away thy Holy Ghost. Alleluia.
dross, and take away all thy tin; and
I will restore thy judges as at the first, Prayer as on Sunday.
and thy counsellors as at the begin Note. This rule is invariable that
ning: afterward thou shalt be called, when a special Prayer is not assigned
The City of righteousness, The faith and the Oflz'ee is of the Season, the
ful City. Zion shall be redeemed with Prayer of the preeeding Sunday is
judgment, and they shall restore her used. '
with righteousness: and the destruc
tion of the transgressors and of the After “ Bless we the Lord” is said
sinners shall be together; and they the Dirge.
that forsake the LORD shall be con
Third Responsory. Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
1There shall no strangers pass same alteration in the Responsory at
through Jerusalem any more, for in Prime.
that day the mountains shall drop VESPERS..
down sweet wine, and the hills shall
flow with milk and honey, saith the Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
Verse. 2God shall come from THE sceptre shall not depart from
Lebanon, and the Holy One from the Judah, nor the law-giver from
thick and shady mountain. his loins, until he that shall be sent
Answer. For in that day the cometh ; and unto him shall the desire
mountains shall drop down sweet of the Gentiles be.
wine, and the hills shall flow with
milk and honey, saith the Lord. This Chapter is to be said every
week-day evening till Christmas'Eve
exclusive. ilgkflfw’g
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as on
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) Saturday.

COME ye, and let us go up to the A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
mountain of the LORD, and to Virgin. Lift up thine eyes, * 0
the house of the God of Jacob: and Jerusalem, and see that thy King is
He will teach us of His ways, and mighty: behold, thy Saviour shall
we will walk in His paths, for out come and loose thee from thy chain.
1 Joel iii. 17, 18.
2 Hab. iii. 3, substituting Lebanon for Teman, and translating Paran.

Qiuesbag. swords into ploughshares, and their

spears into pruning-hooks: nation
Third Day. shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more.
MATTINS. 0 house of Jacob, come ye, and let us
Inw'tatorj/ and [Hymn as on Sunday. walk in the light of the LORD. For
Thou hast forsaken Thy people, the
First Lesson. house of Jacob; because they be
The Lesson is taken from the Book of replenished as aforetime, and have
the Prophet Isaiah (ii. 1.) soothsayers like the Philistines, and
cleave unto the children of strangers.
1 HE word that Isaiah, the son of
Amoz, saw concerning Judah Second Reyonsory.
and Jerusalem. And it shall come
to pass in the last days that the Let the mountains break forth into
mountain of the LORD’S house shall singing, and the hills bring forth right
be established in the top of the eousness: for the Lord, the Light of
mountains and shall be exalted above the world, cometh with power.
the hills: and all nations shall flow Verse. 4 Out of Zion shall go forth
unto it. And many people shall go the law, and the word of the LORD
and say: Come ye, and let us go from Jerusalem.
up to the mountain of the LORD, Answer. For the Lord, the Light
and to the house of the God of of the world, cometh with power.
Jacob; and He will teach us of His
ways, and we will walk in His paths, Third Lesson.
for out of Zion shall go forth the HEIR land is full of silver and
law, and the word of the LORD gold, neither is there any end
from Jerusalem. of their treasures: their land also is
full of horses, neither is there any
First Responsory. end of their chariots. Their land
2 0 ye mountains of Israel, shoot also is full of idols: they worship
forth your branches and blossom and the work of their own hands, that
bring forth fruit. 3The day of the which their own fingers have made.
LORD is at hand to come. And the mean man boweth down,
Verse. Drop down, ye heavens, and the great man humbleth him~
from above, and let the skies pour self; therefore forgive them not.
down the Righteous One: let the
earth open, and let her bring forth Third Reyonsory.
the Saviour. Behold, I, the Lord your God,
Answer. The day of the LORD come from the South, to visit you
is at hand to come. in peace.
Verse. I will look again upon you
Second Lesson.
and make you to increase : ye shall be
ND He shall judge among the multiplied, and I will establish My
nations, and shall rebuke many covenant with you.
people: and they shall beat their Answer. To visit you in peace.
1 Here begins the second prophecy, comprising chapters ii., iii., and iv., and "probably
delivered in the time of Jotham, or perhaps in that of Uzziah."
i Ezek. xxxvi. 8. 3 Joel I].
" I. 4 Isa. ii. 3.
VOL. I. H 2

Verse. Glory be to the Father, and and the might, the whole stay of bread
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. and the whole stay of water: the
Answer. To visit you in peace. mighty man and the man of war:
the judge, and the Prophet, and the
LAUDS. soothsayer, and the ancient: the cap
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) tain of fifty, and the honourable man,
and the counsellor, and the cunning
Come ye, &c., (as yesterday.) artificer, and the eloquent orator.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as at And I will give children to be their
Lauds on Sunday. - princes; and 3boys shall rule over
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. First Responsory.
1 Before they came together, * Mary
was found with child of the Holy Christ our King cometh. 4And
Ghost. Alleluia. John hath testified of Him, that He
is the Lamb that should come!
Prayer as on Sunday.
Verse. 5 The kings shall shut their
PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE. mouths at Him, all nations shall serve
Antiohons as on Sunday, and the Answer. And John hath testified
same alteration in the Short Respon of Him, that He is the Lamb that
sory at Prime. should come!
VESPERS. Second Lesson.
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.) AND the people shall oppress every
The sceptre, &c., (as yesterday.) one another, and every one his
neighbour: the child shall behave
Alymn and Verse and Answer as on
himself proudly against the ancient,
and the base against the honourable.
A ntiphon at the Songr of the Blessed For a man shall take hold of his
Virgin. 2 Seek ye the LORD * while brother of the house of his father,
He may be found; call ye upon Him saying: Thou hast clothing, be thou
while He is near. Alleluia. our ruler: and let this ruin be under
thy hand. And in that day shall he
swear, saying: I am not an healer,
@ebntsbag. and in my house is neither bread,
Fourth Day. nor clothing: make me not a ruler
MATTINS. of the people.

Invitatory and Hymn as on Sunday. Second Responsory.

First Lesson. Of a long time said Ezekiel the Pro
The Lesson is taken from the Book of phet: 6 I saw the gate shut : behold,
God went forth from it before the ages
the Prophet Isaiah (iii. 1.)
for the salvation of the world. And it
OR behold, the Lord, the LORD was shut again, for it is a figure of the
of Hosts, doth take away from Virgin, in that after child-birth she re
Jerusalem and from Judah the strength mained a Virgin still.
1 Matth. i. :8. ‘11 Isa. Iv. 6. 3 Efl'eminati.
4 John i. 29. 5 Isa. lii. 15. 3 Ezek. xliv. 2.

Verse. The Lord alone shall enter VESPERS.

by the gate that thou sawest.
Answer. And it was shut again, Chapter. (Gen. xlix. Io.)
for it is a figure of the Virgin, in that The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday.)
after child-birth she remained a Virgin
still. [{yrnn and Verse and Answer as on
Tlzz‘rd Lesson.
Antzlo/zon at the Song of the Blessed
FOR Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah
Virgin. 1 There cometh One mightier
is fallen: because their tongue
* than I after me, the latchet of Whose
and their imaginations are against the
shoes I am not worthy to unloose.
LORD, to provoke the eyes of His
glory. The show of their countenance
doth witness against them; and they @fiurabag.
declare their sin as Sodom, they hide
it not. Woe unto their soul, for their
evil is repaid unto them. Say unto [nw'talory and [{ymn as on Sunday.
the righteous that it shall be well with
him, for he shall eat the fruit of his First Lesson.
doings. Woe unto the wicked, it The Lesson is taken from the Book of
shall be ill with him; for the reward the Prophet Isaiah (iv. 1.)
of his hands shall be given him.
2 ND in that day seven women
Tlzz'rd Regions-01y. shall take hold of one man,
saying: We will eat our own bread
Behold the days come, &c., (lVint/z and wear our own apparel; only let
Responsory on Sunday.) us be called by thy name; take thou
away our reproach. In that day shall
LAUDS. the Branch of the LORD be beautiful
and glorious, and the fruit of the earth
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) shall be excellent, and a rejoicing for
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday.) them that are escaped of Israel. And
it shall come to pass that he that is
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on left in Zion and he that remaineth in
Sunday. Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even
Anlzlo/lon at the Song of Zacharias. every one that is written among the
Out of Zion * shall go forth the law, living in Jerusalem.
and the word of the LORD from
First Responsory.
Receive, 0 Virgin Mary, &c., (First
Prayer as on Sunday.
Responsory on Monday.)

PRIME, TERCE, snxr, NONE. Seeond Lesson. 3 (v. I.)

Antzlo/zons as on Sunday, and Me I WILL sing to my well-beloved a
same alleralz'on in the Short Respon song of my beloved touching his
sory at Prime. vineyard. My well-beloved hath a

1 Mark i. 7.
2 This follows the last verses of the third chapter, wherein it is said that the number of men
killed in battle will make them so scarce that (iv.) seven women, &c. _ _ H
8 ' ‘ This chapter stands single and alone, unconnected With the preceding or followmg.

vineyard in a very fruitful hill. And Antiohon at the Song of Zacharias.

he fenced it, and gathered out the Blessed art thou * among women, and
stones thereof, and planted it with the blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
choicest vine, and built a tower in the
midst of it, and also made a wine-press Prayer as on Sunday.
therein: and he looked that it should
bring forth grapes, and it brought PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE.
forth wild grapes. And now, 0 in
Antiphon as on Sunday, and the
habitants of Jerusalem, and men of
same alteration in. the Short Respon
Judah, judge betwixt me and my vine
sory at Prime.
yard. What could have been done
more to my vineyard, that I have
not done in it? wherefore, when I VESPERS.
looked that it should bring forth
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. to.)
grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday.)
Second Responsory.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
I saw in the night visions, &c., Saturday.
(Second Responsory on Sunday.)
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Third Lesson. Virgin. I will wait * upon the Lord
AND now I will tell you what I will my Saviour, and come before Him
do to my vineyard: I will take when He is near.
away the hedge thereof, and it shall be
eaten up: I will break down the wall
thereof, and it shall be trodden down. firing.
And I will lay it waste; it shall not be
pruned nor digged: and there shall Sixth Day.
come up briars and thorns: I will also MATTINS.
command the clouds that they rain no
rain upon it. For the vineyard of the Invitatory and [Jymn as on Sunday.
LORD of hosts is the house of Israel ;
First Lesson.
and the men of Judah His pleasant
plant: and I looked for judgment, but The Lesson is taken from the Book of
behold, oppression; for righteousness, the Prophet Isaiah (vi. 1.)
but, behold, a cry.
IN the year that King Uzziah died,
Third Responsory. I saw the Lord sitting upon a
throne, high and lifted up, and His
The angel Gabriel, &c., (Third Re train filled the temple. Above it stood
sponsory on Sunday.) the 1Seraphim; each one had six
wings ; with twain he covered his face,
and with twain he covered his feet,
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) and with twain he did fly. And one
cried unto another, and said: Holy,
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday.)
Holy, Holy, is the LORD God of
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on hosts; the whole earth is full of His
Sunday. glory. ~
1 Or, “ burning-ones."
First Responsory. LAUDS.
Hail, Mary, &c., (Fourth Resfionsory Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
on Sunday.)
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday.)

Second Lesson. hlymn and Verse and Answer as on

AND the posts of the door moved at
the voice of him that cried, and Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
the house was filled with smoke. He that is both God and man * shall
Then said I: Woe is me, for I am come of the house of David and sit in
silent, because I am a man of unclean David’s seat. Alleluia.
lips, and I dwell in the midst of a Prayer as on Sunday.
people of unclean lips, and mine eyes
have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
Then flew one of the Seraphim unto PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE.
me, having a live coal in his hand, Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
which he had taken with the tongs same alteration in the Short Respon
from OK the altar. And he laid it sory at Prime.
upon my mouth and said: Lo, this
hath touched thy lips, and thine in VESPERS.
iquity is taken away, and thy sin
purged. Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
Second Responsory. The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday.)
We look for the Saviour, &c., Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
(Fifth Responsory on Sunday.) Saturday.
Antithon at the Song of the Blessed
Third Lesson. Virgin. 1 Out of Egypt * have I
called My Son: He shall come to
LSO I heard the voice of the LORD
save His people.
saying: Whom shall I send?
and who will go for us? Then said
I: Here am I; send me. And He
said: Go, and tell this people: Hear
ye indeed, but understand not; and The Sahhath.
see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people dull,
and make their ears heavy, and shut Invitatory and IYymn as on Sunday.
their eyes; lest haply they see with
their eyes, and hear with their ears, First Lesson.
and understand with their heart, and
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
be converted, and I should heal them.
the Prophet Isaiah (vii. I.)

Third Reyonsory. AND it came to pass in the days

of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the
O my Lord, &c., (Sixth Responsory son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that
on Sunday.) Rezin, the king of Syria, and Pekah,
1 Matth. ii. 15. (Hos. xi. 1.)

the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, now, ye house of David: Is it a

went up toward Jerusalem, to war small thing for you to weary men,
against it: but could not prevail but will ye weary my God also?
against it. And it was told the Therefore the LORD Himself shall
house of David, saying: Syria is give you a sign. Behold the Virgin
confederate with Ephraim. And his shall conceive, and bear a son, and
heart was moved, and the heart of shall call his name Emmanuel. But
his people, as the trees of the wood ter and honey shall he eat, until he
are moved with the wind. Then said may know to refuse the evil, and
the LORD unto Isaiah: Go forth to choose the good.
meet Ahaz, thou, and he that is left,
even Jashub thy son, at the end of the Third Responsory.
conduit of the upper pool, in the high
way of the fuller’s field. Behold, the days come, &c., (Ninth
Re¢onsory on Sunday.)
First Resoonsory.
Behold, the Virgin, &c., (Seventh
Responsory on Sunday.) Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
Come ye, &c., as on Monday.
Second Lesson.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
AND say unto him: Take heed Sunday.
and be quiet: fear not; neither
be faint-hearted for the two tails of Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
these smoking firebrands, for the Fear not * Zion, behold, thy God
fierce anger of Rezin, king of Syria, cometh, Alleluia.
and of the son of Remaliah; be Prayer as on Sunday.
cause Syria, Ephraim, and the son
of Remaliah, have taken evil counsel PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE.
against thee, saying: Let us go up
against Judah, and vex it, and take Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
it for ourselves, and set a king in same alteration in the Short Respon~
the midst of it, even the son of sory at Prime.
Second Resyfionsory.
Hear the word of the LORD, &c., The Chapter is taken from the
(Eighth Responsory on Sunday.) Lands of the succeeding Sunday.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
Third Lesson. (10.) last Saturday.
OREOVER the LORD spake Antiohon at the Songr of the Blessed
again unto Ahaz, saying: Ask Virgin. Come, 0 Lord, * visit us in
thee a sign of the LORD thy God peace, that we may rejoice before Thee
either in the depth beneath or in with all our heart.
the height above. But Ahaz said:
I will not ask, neither will I tempt The Prayer is taken from the Lauds
the LORD. And he said: Hear ye of the succeeding Sunday.

Smut! Sunhag in ghfimt. Second Lesson.

ND he shall smite the earth with

The Second Lord’s Day in Coming the rod of his mouth, and with
Time. the breath of his lips shall he slay
the wicked. And righteousness shall
MATTINS. be the girdle of his loins, and faith
fulness the girdle of his reins. The
[nw‘tatory and Hymn as on the last
wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and
the leopard shall lie down with the
FIRST NOCTURN. kid; the calf and the young lion
and the fatling together, and a little
Fz'rst Lesson. child shall lead them. The heifer
The Lesson is taken from the Book of and the she-bear shall feed: their
the Prophet Isaiah (xi. 1.) young ones shall lie down together,
and the lion shall eat straw like the
1 ND there shall come forth a ox.
rod out of the stem of Jesse, Second Responsory.
and a flower shall grow out of his
roots. And the Spirit of the LORD 4 Behold, the LORD shall come, and
shall rest upon him; the Spirit of all His saints with Him, and it shall
wisdom, and understanding, the Spirit come to pass in that day that the light
of counsel and might, the Spirit of shall be great; and they shall go out
knowledge and of godliness: and from Jerusalem like clean water; and
he shall be filled with the Spirit of the LORD shall be King for ever, over
the fear of the LORD. He shall not all the earth.
judge after the sight of his eyes, Verse. Behold, the Lord cometh
neither reprove after the hearing of with an host, and in His hand are
his ears; but with righteousness shall the kingdom, and power, and do
he judge the poor, and reprove with minion.
equity for the meek of the earth. Answer. Over all the earth.

Fz'rst Resoonsory. Thz'rd Lesson.

2Thy salvation cometh quickly, 0 AND the sucking child shall play
Jerusalem; why art thou wasted with on the hole of the asp; and
sorrow? Is there no counsellor in the weaned child shall put his hand
thee, that pangs have taken thee? on the cockatrice’ den. They shall
Fear not, for I will save thee and not hurt, nor destroy in all My holy
deliver thee. mountain, for the earth shall be full
Verse. 3 For I am the LORD, thy of the knowledge of the LORD, as
God, the Holy One of Israel, thy the waters cover the sea. In that
Saviour. day there shall be a root of Jesse,
Answer. Fear not, for I will save which shall stand as an ensign of
thee, and deliver thee. the people, to it shall the Gentiles
1 Ch. viii. commences with the birth of Maher-shalal-hash-baz the son of Isaiah and "the
Prophetess," giving occasion to a prophecy stretching to the end of ch. xii., foretelling the
deliverance of Israel not only from Rezin and Pekah, but from her other enemies, and an
ultimate time of blessedness and prosperity. The passage in the text is to be understood of
the Messiah. (Rom. xv. 12.)
2 A paraphrase of Micah iv. 8-10. 3 Isa. xliii. 3. 4 Zech. xiv. 5-9.

_>‘M-—“:wr-’ I—w'fi- .._;_._r_*.r-.__ -_—,l_’~r 7 _ l I I I

seek; and the place of his rest shall wearing a royal crown upon His
be glorious. head.
Verse. 3And His dominion shall
Tlu'rd Responsory. be from sea even to sea, and from the
river even to the ends of the earth.
O, thou city of Jerusalem, weep not, Answer. Wearing a royal crown
for the Lord hath repented Him con upon His head.
cerning thee. And He will take away
from thee all distress.
Verse. 1Behold, the LORD shall Fifi/z Lesson.
come with might, and His arm shall WE, however, understand that the
rule. rod out of the root of Jesse
Answer. And He will take away signifieth the holy Virgin Mary. She
from thee all distress. was a clean stem that had as yet put
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and forth no shoot ; as we have read above :
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. “ Behold, the Virgin shall conceive and
Answer. And He will take away bear a son.” (Isa. vii. 14.) And the
from thee all distress. flower we believe to mean the Lord
our Redeemer, Who hath elsewhere
SECOND NOCTURN. compared Himself to a flower; “ I am
a flower of the plain, and a lily of the
Fourth Lesson.
valleys.” (Cant. ii. I.)
The Lesson is taken from the Com
mentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah
Fifl/z Responsory.
made by 2 St Jerome, Priest [at
Bethlehem,] (Book iv. e. xi.) 4A5 a mother comforteth her chil
dren, so will I comfort you, saith the
“ ND there shall come forth a
Lord; My help also cometh unto you
rod out of the stem of Jesse.”
out of Jerusalem, the city which I have
From the beginning of the Book of
chosen. And when ye see this, your
this Prophet till the xiiith chapter,
heart shall rejoice.
where commenceth the vision, or bur
Verse. 51 will place salvation in
den of Babylon, the whole of the vision
Zion and in Jerusalem My glory.
of Isaiah, the son of Amoz, is one con
Answer. And when ye shall see
tinual prophecy of Christ. We must
this, your heart shall rejoice.
explain it part by part, for if we were
to take it all at once, the memory of
the reader would be confused. Ac Szlxtfi Lesson.
cording to the Jewish commentators,
the rod and the flower would both re THE Spirit of the Lord then shall
late to the Lord Himself. They take rest upon this flower; this flower
the rod to mean the sceptre of His which shall come forth from the stem
Royal dominion, and the flower the and roots of Jesse by means of the
loveliness of His beauty. Virgin Mary. And truly the Spirit of
the Lord did rest upon our Redeemer.
It is written that “In Him dwelleth
Fourth Resoonsory.
all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”
Behold, there cometh the Lord, (Col. ii. 9.) The Spirit was not shed
our defender, the Holy One of Israel, on Him by measure, as it is upon the
1 Isa. xl. IO. 2 Sept. 30. 3 Zech. ix. 10. 4 Isa. lxvi. 13, I4. 5 Isa. xlvi. 13.

Saints. To Him we may apply the found these very works a rock of
words of the Hebrew Gospel used by offence, when they afterwards saw Him
the Nazarenes; “The whole fountain Who had worked so many miracles
of the Holy Ghost shall be poured dying on the Cross. Hence Paul
forth upon Himz” ‘_‘ The Lord is a saith: “We preach Christ crucified,
spirit, and where the Spirit of the unto the Jews a stumbling-block and
Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Cor. unto the Gentiles foolishness.” (1 Cor.
iii. 17.) i. 23.) It is indeed folly in the eyes
of men to say that the Author of life
Sixth Reqfionsory.
died for men: and thus men put as
1Thou shalt yet plant vines upon a stumbling-block to hinder them from
thy mountains, 0 Jerusalem: thou coming to JESUS, the very thing that
shalt sing for joy, for the day of the doth oblige them the most unto Him.
Lord cometh; arise, O Zion, and turn For the more humbling God hath under
unto the Lord thy God; rejoice and gone for man’s sake, the more worthy
be glad, 0 Jacob. For thy Saviour is He that man should worship Him.
cometh from the midst of the nations.
Verse. Sing aloud for joy, O daugh Seventh Responsory.
ter of Zion; shout with gladness, 0
daughter of Jerusalem. The Lord shall go forth out of
Answer. For thy Saviour cometh Samaria unto the gate that looketh
from the midst of the nations. toward the East; and He shall come
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and into Bethlehem, walking upon the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. waters of the redemption of Judah.
Answer. For thy Saviour cometh Then shall every one be saved: for,
from the midst of the nations. behold, He cometh.
Verse. 2And in mercy shall His
throne be established, and He shall
THIRD NOCTURN. sit upon it in truth.
Seventh Lesson. Answer. Then shall every one be
saved: for, behold, He cometh.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Matthew (xi.
Ezlghth Lesson.
“AND blessed is he, whosoever shall
AT that time: When John had heard
~ not be offended in Me.” Now
in the prison the works of Christ,
what is this, but a plain mention of
he sent two of his disciples, and said
that time, when He afterwards hum
unto Him: Art Thou He That should
bled Himself, becoming obedient unto
come, or do we look for another?
death, even the death of the Cross?
And so on.
It is as if He said: “I indeed do
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the wonderful works, but the day will
Great,] (10th Homily on the Gospels.) come when I shall not refuse to suffer
shame and evil treatment. Take heed
The sight of so many signs and so then, ye who now worship Me for the
many mighty works should have been works’ sake, that when I come to die
a source of wonder, and not a stum ye despise Me not for My death’s
bling-block. And yet the unfaithful sake.”
1]er. xxxi. 5. 2 Isa. xvi. 5.

E{gilt/L Respomory. strong city, * the Saviour will God ap

point in her for walls and bulwarks;
Make haste, O LORD, make no
open ye the gates, for God is with us.
tarrying. And deliver Thy people.
Verse. 0 Lord, come and make
Tlu'rd Anz‘zp/zon. 2Behold, the
no tarrying: loose the bonds of Thy
'Lord * shall appear and not lie :‘
though He tarry, wait for Him, be
Answer. And deliver Thy people.
cause He will come and will not tarry.
Nz'nt/z Lesson. Fourl/z Antiphon. 3The mountains
AND, as the disciples of John de and the hills * shall break forth before
parted, what did JESUS say unto God into singing, and all the trees of
the multitudes concerning this same the wood shall clap their hands: for
John? Let us hear. “What went the Lord the Ruler cometh, and He
ye out into the wilderness to see? A shall reign for ever and ever. Alleluia,
reed shaken with the wind?” Here Alleluia.
our Lord teacheth not by assertion, Fz'ftlz Antzlzfi/zon. Behold, our Lord
but by negation. Now a reed is a * cometh with power, and He shall
thing so made that as soon as the lighten the eyes of His servants.
wind bloweth upon it, it bendeth it Alleluia.
over toward the opposite quarter. And
the fleshly-minded man is like a human Clzafiler. (Rom. xv. 4.)
reed. As he is praised or blamed so
he bendeth himself in the one direction RETHREN, whatsoever things
or the other. were written were written for our
learning, that we through patience and
comfort of the Scriptures might have
Nz'nt/z Responsory. hope.
Behold, the Lord cometh down with [z’ymn and Verse and Answer a: on
glory, and His host is with Him. To the First Sunday.
visit His people in peace, and to estab
lish them in life everlasting. A ntip/mn at the Song of Zaelzarz‘as.
Verse. Behold, our Lord cometh Now when John * had heard in the
with an host. prison the works of Christ, he sent
Answer. To visit His people in two of his disciples and said unto
peace, and to establish them in life Him : Art Thou He That should come,
everlasting. or do we look for another?
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Prayer.
Answer. To visit His people in
peace, and to establish them in life STIR up our hearts, 0 Lord, to
everlasting. make ready the ways of Thine
Only-begotten Son, that by His com
ing our minds being purified, we may
First Anlz‘p/ton. Behold, the Lord the more worthily give up ourselves to
* cometh in the clouds of heaven with Thy service: through the same Our
great power. Alleluia. Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
Second Antiphon. 1 Our Zion is a liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
1 Isa. xxvi. x. 2 cr. Hab. ii. 3. 3 Isa. lv. 12.
unity of the Holy Ghost, One God, Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
world without end. Amen. Virgin. Art Thou He * That should
come, or do we look for another?
PRIME. Tell John what things ye have seen:
The blind receive their sight, the dead
Antiphon. Behold, the Lord, * are raised up, the poor have the
&c., (First Antiphon at Lauds.) Gospel preached to them. Alleluia.
[n the Short Re¢onsory the same
After “Bless we the Lord ” are said
alteration as last week.
the Vespers of the Dead.

Antiphon. Our Zion is a strong
city, * &c., (Second Antizfihon at Second Day.
The Chapter is taken from Lauds.
Invitatory and Hymn as on the
SEXT. First Sunday.

Antiphon. Behold, the Lord, * First Lesson.

&c., (Third A ntiphon at Lauds.)
The Lesson is taken from the Book or
Chapter. (Rom. xv. 5.) the Prophet Isaiah (xiii. l.)

N OW the God of patience and con 1’I‘HE burden of Babylon, which

solation grant you to be like Isaiah, the son of Amoz, did
minded one toward another, according see. Lift ye up a banner upon the
to Christ JESUS: that ye may with one cloudy mountain, exalt the voice,
mind and one month glorify God, even beckon with the hand, and let the
the Father of our Lord JESUS Christ. nobles enter in at the gates. I have
commanded My sanctified ones, I
have also called My mighty ones for
Mine anger, even them that rejoice in
Antiphon. Behold, our Lord, * My highness. The noise of a multitude
&c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lauds.) in the mountains, like as of a great
people: a tumultuous noise of kings;
Chapter. (Rom. xv. 13.) even of nations gathered together.

NOW the God of hope fill you with First Resoonsory.

all joy and peace in believing;
that ye may abound in hope, and in Receive, 0 Virgin Mary, &c., (First
the power of the Holy Ghost. Responsory on the Monday in the First
VES PERS. Second Lesson.
A ntiphons and Chapter as at Lauds. HE LORD of hosts mustereth the
lifi/mn and Verse and Answer as on host of the battle, they come
the first evening. from a far country, from the end Of
1 Chap. xiii. r to xiv. 27 "contain one entire prophecy, foretelling the destruction of
Babylon by the Medes and Persians; delivered probably in the reign of Ahaz."

.._v __ __"--.-._._._.- if -)_e


heaven; even the LORD and the Antizfihon at the Song of Zacharias.
weapons of His indignation, to destroy The Lord the Ruler * cometh from
the whole land. Howl ye, for the heaven, and in His hand are honour
day of the LORD is at hand; it shall and dominion.
come as a destruction from the 1 Lord.
Prayer as on Sunday.
Therefore shall all hands be faint, and
After “Bless we the Lord ” is said
every man’s heart shall melt, and they
the Dirge.
shall be afraid. Pangs and sorrows
shall take hold of them, they shall be
in pain as a woman that travaileth; PRIME, TERCE, snxr, NONE.
they shall be amazed one at another, A ntizfihons as on Sunday, and the
their faces shall be as scorched faces. same alteration in the Short Responsory
at Prime.
Second Responsory. VESPERS.
Sing, 0 heavens, &c., (Second Re Chapter. (Gen. xlix. I o.)
sponsory on Monday in the First
Week.) The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
Third Lesson. the First Week.)
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as on
EHOLD, the day of the LORD
cometh, cruel, and full of wrath the First Saturday.
and fierce anger, to lay the land Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
desolate, and He shall destroy the Virgin. Behold, the Lord cometh *
sinners thereof out of it. For the the King of all the earth, to take ofi‘
stars of heaven, and the constellations from us the yoke of our captivity.
thereof, shall not give their light: the
sun shall be darkened in his going
forth, and the moon shall not cause Qiueabay.
her light to shine. And I will punish Third Day.
the world for their evil, and the wicked
for their iniquity; and I will cause the MATTINS.
arrogancy of the unfaithful to cease,
and will lay low the haughtiness of the
Invitatory and Hymn as on the
First Sunday.
Third Responsory. First Lesson.
There shall no strangers pass, &c., The Lesson is taken from the Book of
(Third Responsory on Monday in the the Prophet Isaiah (xiv. I.)
First Week.)
2 HER time is near to come, and
her days shall not be pro
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) longed. For the LORD will have
mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
Israel, and set them in their own
First Week.)
land; the strangers shall be joined
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on with them, and they shall cleave to
the First Sunday. the house of Jacob. And the people
1 Hebrew, “the Almighty.”
’ 1.e., Babylon’s. The hour of her destruction is no longer to be postponed.

shall take them and bring them to the stars of God, I will sit upon the
their place; and the house of Israel mount of the covenant, in the sides
shall possess them in the land of of the north; I will ascend above
the LORD, for servants and hand the heights of the clouds, I will be
maids; and they shall take them like the Most High. Yet thou shalt
captive whose captives they were, be brought down to hell, to the depth
and they shall rule over their op of the pit.
Third Reqfionsory.
First Rewonsory.
Behold I, &c., (Third Responsory on
0 ye mountains, &c., (First Respon Tuesday in the First Week.)
sory on Tuesday in the First Week.)
Second Lesson. Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
AND it shall come to pass in the Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
day that the LORD shall give First Week.)
thee rest from thy sorrow, and from
bfymn and Verse and Answer as on
thy fear, and from the hard bondage,
wherein thou wast made to serve: the First Sunday.
that thou shalt take up this pro Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
verb against the King of Babylon, r"’The LORD shall arise * upon thee,
and say: How hath the oppressor 0 Jerusalem, and His glory shall be
ceased, the exaction ceased? The seen upon thee.
LORD hath broken the staff of the
wicked, the sceptre of the rulers, the Prayer as on Sunday.
staff of him who smote the people
in wrath, with a continual stroke, of
him that ruled the nations in anger, Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
of the cruel persecutor. same alteration in the Short Respon
sory at Prime.
Seeond Responsory.
Let the mountains, &c., (Second
Responsory on Tuesday in the First Chapter. (Gen. xlix. IO.)
Week.) The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday
in the First I/Veek.)
Third Lesson. (12.) 1
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as on
HOW art thou fallen from heaven, the First Saturday.
0 Lucifer, son of the morn
ing? How art thou cut down to A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
the ground, which didst weaken the Virgin. The voice * of one crying
nations? For thou hast said in in the wilderness: Prepare ye the
thine heart: I will ascend into way of the Lord, make His paths
heaven, I will exalt my throne above straight.
I In the intervening verses the ghost of the king of Babylon is described entering the nether
world, and greeted with vindictive joy by the ghosts of his wronged victims, who find him at
last reduced to their own level. They address him as Lucifer, i.e., the morning-star, now
dropped out of that (political) firmament of which he had used to be the brightest luminary.
2 Isa. IX. 2.

@ebneabag. executing justice speedily. We have

heard of the pride of Moab, he is
Fourth Day. very proud: his haughtiness, and his
MATTINS. pride, and his wrath are greater than
his strength.
Invitatory and Hymn as on the
First Sunday. Second Resfionsory.

First Lesson. Of a long time, &c., (Second Respon

sory on Wednesday in the First Week.)
The Lesson is taken from the Book Of
the Prophet Isaiah (xvi. I.) 1
Third Lesson.
2 END forth the Lamb, 0 Lord, HEREFORE shall Moab howl un
the Ruler of the land, from to Moab, every one shall howl:
the rock in the wildemess unto the tell her strokes, ye that rejoice in
mount of the daughter of Zion. For the “Walls-Of-brick."5 For the
it shall be, that as a wandering fields of Heshbon languish, the lords
bird, and as fledglings that fly from of the nations have broken down the
the nest, so the daughters of Moab vine Of Sibmah: their scourge is
shall be at the fords of Amon. Take come even unto Jazer, they wandered
counsel, call together a council ; make through the wilderness, her branches
thy shadow as the night, in the midst are left desolate, they are gone over
of the noon-day: hide the outcasts, the sea.
and bewray not him that wandereth.
3 Mine outcasts shall dwell with thee: Third Responsory.
Moab, be thou a cover to them from Behold, the LORD, &c., (Second Re
the face of the spoiler. sponsory on Sunday,) with this ad
First Responsory. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Christ our King, &c., (First Respon and to the Son, and to the Holy
sory on Wednesday in the First Week.) Ghost.
Answer. Over all the earth.
Second Lesson.
4For the grinding down is at an
end, the beggar ceaseth, they that Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
trod down the land are consumed. Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in
And in mercy shall the throne be the First Week.)
established, and He shall sit upon
it in truth in the tabernacle of David, Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
judging and seeking judgment, and the First Sunday. '
1 This is an extract from the prophecy against Moab, comprised in chaps. xv. and xvi.
2 The opening words are of extreme difficulty, and translators are much divided. Lowth, on
divers grounds, renders it, " I (God) will send forth the son of the ruler of the land from Selah
(Petra) in the desert unto the Mount of the daughter of Zion "—i.e., in the misfortunes of Moab,
the son of their king will escape from the country and seek an asylum at Jerusalem.
3 According to Lowth :—" Let the outcasts of Moab sojourn with thee "—(viz. with Judah)—
" be thou a cover to them,” 810.
4 Lowth suggests that the reference is to the misfortunes inflicted upon Judah by Israel in the
time of Ahaz, the cessation of which left them at liberty to show hospitality.
5 Kir-hareseth—a fortified city on the borders of Moab.

Antiphon at the Songof Zacharias. one against his brother, and every one
1Behold I send My angel * which against his neighbour, city against city,
shall prepare My way before Thy and kingdom against kingdom.
Prayer as on Sunday. First Responsory.

PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE. Thy salvation, &c., (First Resfionsory

on Sunday.)
Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
same alteration in the Short Respon
Second Lesson.
‘ sory at Prime.
AND the spirit of Egypt shall fail in
VESPERS. the midst thereof, and I will
destroy the counsel thereof: and they
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
shall seek to their idols, and to their
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in charmers, and to them that have
the First Week.) familiar spirits, and to the wizards.
And the Egyptians will I give over
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on into the hand of cruel lords; and a
tile First Saturday. fierce king shall rule over them, saith
the Lord 2GOD of hosts. And the
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
waters shall fail from the sea: and the
Virgin. Thou shalt yet be built
anew, * O Zion, and thou shalt river shall be wasted, and dried up,
and the brook shall fail and the
see thy Righteous One, Who shall
streams in the furrows shall be emptied
come in thee.
and dried up.

Zfiurabag. Seeond Responsory.

Fifth Day. Behold, the LORD, &c., (Second Re
MATTINS. sponsory on Sunday.)

In'z/itatory and Hymn as on the

First Sunday. Third Lesson. (v. I I.)

THE princes of Tanis are fools, the

First Lesson. wise counsellors Of Pharaoh have
given brutish counsel: how say ye
The Lesson is taken from the Book
of the Prophet Isaiah (xix. 1.) unto Pharaoh: I am the son of the
wise, the son of ancient kings ? Where
THE burden of Egypt. Behold the are now thy wise men? Let them
LORD shall ride upon a swift tell thee, and show thee what the LORD
cloud, and shall come into Egypt ; and of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.
the idols of Egypt shall be moved at The princes of Tanis are become fools,
His presence, and the heart of Egypt the princes of Memphis are deceived;
shall melt in the midst of it. And I they have seduced Egypt, even they
will set the Egyptians against the that are the corner-stone of the tribes
Egyptians : and they shall fight, every thereof.
1 Mark i. a. 2 The Divine Name.

Third Reyonsory. First Lesson.

O thou city of Jerusalem, &c., The Lesson taken from the Book of
(Third Responsory on Sunday.) the Prophet Isaiah (xxiv. I.)

LAUDS. 2 EHOLD, the LORD shall make

the earth empty, and make it
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) waste, and afflict the surface thereof;
and scatter abroad the inhabitants
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the thereof. And it shall be, as with
First I/Veeh.) the people, so with the priest; as
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as an with the servant, so with his master;
the First Sunday. as with the maid, so with her mis
tress; as with the buyer, so with
A ntzlfihon at the Song of Zacharias. the seller; as with the lender, so
O Lord, Thou art He That should with the borrower; as with the
come, * for Whom we look, that Thou creditor, so with the debtor. The
shouldest save Thy people. land shall be utterly emptied, and
utterly spoiled. For the LORD hath
Prayer as on Sunday.
spoken this word.


First Responsory.
A ntiphons as on Sunday, and the
same alteration in the Short Responsory Behold, there cometh, &c., (Fourth
at Prime. Responsory on Sunday.)

Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.) Seeond Lesson.

The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in HE earth mourneth and fadeth

the First Week.) away, and languisheth; the
world fadeth away, the haughty people
flymn and Verse and Answer as on of the earth do languish. The earth
the First Saturday. also is defiled under the inhabitants
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed thereof; because they have trans
Virgin. lHe it is * Who, coming gressed the laws, changed the ordi
after me, is preferred before me, nance, broken the everlasting cove
Whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy nant. Therefore shall the curse
devour the earth, and they that dwell
to unloose.
therein are guilty, therefore they that
till it shall become mad, and few
§ribag. men shall be left.
Sixth Day.
MATTINS. Second Re¢onsory

In'z/itatory and Hymn as on the As a mother, &c., (Fifth Responsory

First Sunday. on Sunday.)
1 John i. 27.
2 Delivered probably in the beginning of Hezekiah's reign; but concerning the particular
subject of the chapter, interpreters are not at all agreed.


HE new wine mourneth, the vine Antzjbhons as on Sunday, and the

languisheth, all the merry-hearted same alteration in the Short Re
do sigh. The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, sponsory at Prime.
the noise of them that rejoice endeth,
the joy of the harp ceaseth. They
shall not drink wine with a song;
strong drink shall be bitter to them Chapter. (Gen. xlix. Io.)
that drink it. The city of confusion
is broken down, every house is shut up The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
that no man may come in. There is the First Week.)
a cry for wine in the streets; all joy hlymn and Verse and Answer as on
is darkened, the mirth of the land is the First Saturday.
gone. In the city is left desolation,
and the gate is smitten with de Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
struction. For thus it shall be in the Virgin. 2 Sing unto the LORD * a
midst of the land, among the people; new song: from the end of the earth
as a few olives that remain after the let the voice of praise be heard.
olive-tree is shaken, and as the glean
ing grapes when the vintage is done.
Those shall lift up their voice and sing éaturbay.
praises; when the LORD is magnified
they shall cry aloud from the sea. The Sabbath.
Wherefore glorify ye the LORD in your
teaching, even the name of the LORD
God of Israel in the isles of the sea. Invitatory and Hymn as on the
From the uttermost part of the earth First Sunday.
have-we heard the voice of praise, even
glory to the Righteous One.
First Lesson.
Third Responsory. The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Thou shalt yet plant vines, &c.,
Isaiah (xxv. I.)
(Sixth Responsory on Sunday.) O LORD, Thou art my God, I will
exalt Thee, I will also praise
LAUDS. Thy name; for Thou hast done
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) wonderful things, Thy counsels of Old
are faithful. . Amen. For Thou hast
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the made of a city an heap, of a defenced
First Week.) city a ruin, a house of strangers, so
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on that it is no more a city, neither shall
the First Sunday. it ever be built any more. Therefore
shall the strong .people glorify Thee,
Antiohon at the Song 0] Zacharias. the city of the terrible nations shall
1Say: * Ye that are of a fearful heart, fear Thee. For Thou hast been a
be strong; behold, the Lord our God - strength to the needy in his distress;
will come. a refuge from the storm, a shadow
Prayer as on Sunday. from the heat.
1 Isa. xxxv. 4, 2 Isa. xlii. Io.

First Responsory. eth forth his hands to swim; and

He shall bring down their pride to
The Lord shall go forth, &c., gether with the spoils of their hands.
(Seventh Responsory on Sunday.) And the bulwark of thine high walls
shall He bring down, lay low, and
Second Lesson. bring to the ground, even to the
OR the blast of the terrible ones
is as a storm against the wall. Third Responsory.
Thou shalt bring down the noise of Behold, the Lord, &c., (Ninth Re
strangers, as the heat in a dry place; sponsory on Sunday.)
and Thou shalt bring low the blast
of the terrible ones even as the heat
with the shadow of a cloud. And
in this mountain shall the LORD of Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
hosts make unto all people a feast
of fat things, a feast of wines on Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
the lees, of fat things full of marrow, First Week.)
of wines on the lees well refined. blymn and Verse and Answer as on
And He will destroy in this moun the First Sunday.
tain the face of the band tied upon
all people, and the veil that is spread Antiphon at the Songof Zacharias.
over all nations. 2 The Lord shall lift up a standard *
unto the nations, and shall gather to
Second Responsory. gether the outcasts of Israel.

Make haste, &c., (Eighth Resyfionwry Prayer as on Sunday.

on Sunday.)
Third Lesson.
Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
HE will utterly destroy death for some alteration in the Short Respon
ever; and the Lord 1GOD will sory at Prime.
wipe away tears from all faces, and
the rebuke of His people shall He VESPERS.
take away from Off all the earth;
for the LORD hath spoken it. And The Chapter is taken from the Lands
it shall be said in that day: Lo, of the succeeding Sunday.
this is our God, we have waited for IYymn and Verse and Answer as on
Him, and He will save us; this is the First Saturday.
the LORD, we have waited for Him, Antiphon at the Songr of the Blessed
we will be glad and rejoice in His Virgin. 3 Before Me * there was no
salvation. For on this mountain shall
god formed, neither shall there be
the hand of the LORD rest ; and Moab
after Me: for unto Me every knee
shall be trodden down under Him,
shall bow, and every tongue shall
even as straw is trodden down on
the threshing-floor. And He shall
spread forth His hands in the midst The Prayer is taken from the Lands
Of them, as he that swimmeth spread of the succeeding Sunday.
1 The Name. 2 Isa. xi. 12. 3 Isa. xliii. 10; xlv. 24.

1 iKusz $umiag in ghfiznt. on His thigh a name written: King

of kings, and Lord of lords.
The Third Lord’s Day in Coming Verse. He shall appear and not
Time. lie; though He tarry, wait for Him,
because He will surely come.
MATTINS. Answer. And ten thousand of His
saints with Him; and. He shall have
[nz/z'tatory. 2The Lord is now at on His vesture, and on His thigh a
hand: * 0 come, let us worship name written: King of kings, and
Him. Lord of lords.
This Inuitatory is said every day
till Christmas Eve exclusive. Second Lesson.
h7ymn as on First Sunday.
THE way of the just is upright,
the path wherein the just walk
eth is upright. Yea, in the way of
First Lesson. Thy judgments, O LORD, have we
waited for Thee; the desire of our
The Lesson is taken from the Book of soul is to Thy name, and to the re
the Prophet Isaiah (xxvi. 1.) membrance of Thee. With my soul
IN that day shall this song be sung have I desired Thee in the night;
in the land of Judah. 3Zion is yea, with mine inmost spirit will I
our strong city, the Saviour will God seek Thee early. When Thy judg
appoint in her for walls and bulwarks. ments are in the earth, the inhabitants
Open ye the gates, that the righteous of the world will learn righteousness.
nation which keepeth the truth may Though mercy be shown to the wicked,
enter in. The former wandering is yet will he not learn righteousness ; in
past: Thou shalt keep lasting peace, the land of uprightness will he deal
because our trust is stayed on Thee. unjustly, and will not behold the ma
Ye trust in the LORD for ever, in jesty of the LORD.
the LORD GOD mighty for ever.
For He bringeth down them that Second Responsory
dwell on high, the lofty city, He
shall lay it low, He shall lay it low, 5Thou, Bethlehem, art the city of
even to the ground, He shall bring the Most High God, out of thee shall
it even to the dust. The foot shall He come forth That is to be Ruler
tread it down, even the feet of the in Israel; Whose goings forth have
poor, and the steps of the needy. been from of old, from everlasting,
and now shall He be great unto the
First Responsoiy ends of the earth. And this Man
shall be the peace in our land, when
4 Behold, the Lord shall appear He shall come.
upon a white cloud, and ten thou Verse. He shall speak peace unto
sand of His saints with Him; and the Gentiles, and shall have dominion
He shall have on His vesture, and from sea to sea.
1 The penitentia! character of the season is relaxed as on the Fourth Sunday in Lent.-—Rose
coloured (i.e., reddish brown) vestments may be worn instead of purple, and it IS allowed to put
flowers on the altar and to play the organ. '1 Phil. iv. 5.
3 Zion not in the Hebrew. 4 Jude 14; Apoc. xix. 16. 5 Micah v. 2, 4, 5.

Answer. And this Man shall be upon you the rigid observance of this
the peace in our land, when He shall December Fast. The month of De
come. cember hath come round again, and
Third Lesson. with it this devout custom of the
Church. The fruits of the year, which
ORD, 1 let Thy hand be lifted up, is drawing to a close, are now all
and let them not see; let them gathered in, and we most meetly offer
see and be ashamed for their envy at our abstinence to God as a sacrifice
the people; yea, let the fire devour of thanksgiving. And what can be
Thine enemies. LORDl Thou wilt more useful than fasting, that exercise
ordain peace for us, for Thou hast by which we draw nigh to God, make
also wroght allyggwolks‘for us. a stand against the devil, and over
0 LORD, our God, other lords-We come the softer enticements of sin?
side Thee haverliavd dominion over
us ', but by
mention of Thewly
Thy name.will Th‘eyi'a‘re
we ‘IfisE
Fourth Responsory.
dead, fly 511mm? Weep not, 0 Egypt, for the Ruler
shall not rise. “Therefore hast Thou cometh unto thee, and the depths shall
all theirandhdestroyed them, and
memory to perish. made
ai‘mfi— be moved at His presence. To de
liver His people out of the hand of
the mighty.
Thz‘rd Responsory. Verse. Behold, the Lord of hosts,
2He That shall come, will come, thy God, cometh with great power.
and will not tarry; and there shall Answer. To deliver His people out
no more be fear in our borders. of the hand of the mighty.
For He is our Saviour.
Verse. 3He shall tread down all Fg'fth Lesson.
our iniquities, and cast all our sins
into the depths of the sea. ASTING hath ever been the bread
Answer. For He is our Saviour. of strength. From abstinence
Verse. Glory be to the Father, proceed pure thoughts, reasonable
and to the Son, and to the Holy desires, and healthy counsels. By
Ghost. voluntary mortifications the flesh dieth
Answer. For He is our Saviour. to lust, and the soul is renewed in
might. But since fasting is not the
only mean whereby we get health for
our souls, let us add to our fasting
Fourth Lesson. works of mercy. Let us spend in
good deeds what we take from in
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons dulgence. Let our fast become the
of Pope St Leo [the Great,] (Second banquet of the poor.
on the December Fast, and Alms
Fzfth Responsory.
DEARLY beloved brethren, with
the care which becometh us as 4 Her time is near to come, and her
the shepherd of your souls, we urge days shall not be prolonged. For the
1 Lowth—“ Thy hand is lifted up, yet will they not see: but they shall see, with confusion,
Thy zeal," &c.
9 Heb. x. 37. 3 Micah vii. 19. ‘ Isa. xiv. I.

LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and THIRD NOCTURN.

Israel shall be saved.
Verse. 1Turn again, 0 Virgin of Seventh Lesson.
Israel, turn again to‘thy cities.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Answer. For the LORD shall have
Gospel according to John (i. 19.)
mercy on Judah, and Israel shall be
saved. AT that time: The Jews sent Priests
Sixth Lesson. and Levites from Jerusalem to
John to ask him: Who art thou?
ET us defend the widow and serve And so on.
the orphan; let us comfort the
afflicted and reconcile the estranged; Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
let us take in the wanderer and suc Great,] (7th on the Gospels.)
cour the oppressed; let us clothe the
naked and cherish the sick. And may Dearly beloved brethren, the first
every one of us that shall offer to the thing which striketh us in to-day’s
God of all goodness this Advent sacri Gospel is the lowly-mindedness of
fice of fasting and alms be by Him John. He was so great that it was
fitted to receive an eternal reward in thought he might be the Christ; yet
His heavenly kingdom! We fast on he soberly chose rather to seem only
Wednesday and Friday; and there is what he really was, than to let the
likewise a Vigil on Saturday at the belief of men invest him with a dignity
Church of St Peter, that by his good which did not belong to him; for “he
prayers we may the more effectually confessed, and denied not, but con
obtain what we ask for, through our fessed, I am not the Christ,” at the
Lord JESUS Christ, Who with the same time he would not deny what
Father and the Holy Ghost, liveth he was in reality; and thus his very
and reigneth, one God, world without truth-speaking made him a member
end. Amen. of Him Whose title he would not by
falsehood take. In that he arrogated
not to himself the name of Christ, he
Sixth Responsory. became a member of Christ. \Vhile
2The Lord shall come down like he humbly strove to confess his own
rain upon a fleece. In His days shall weakness, he earned by his simplicity
a part in the grandeur of his Master.
righteousness flourish, and abundance
of peace.
Verse. All the kings of the earth Seventh Responsory.
shall fall down before Him, all nations
shall serve Him. O Lord, come and make no tarry
Answer. In His days shall right ing ; loosen the bonds cf Thy
eousness flourish, and abundance of people. And gather again into their
peace. own land them that are scattered
Verse. Glory be to the Father, abroad.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Verse. 50 Lord, stir up Thy
Ghost. strength, and come and save us.
Answer. In His days shall right Answer. And gather again into
eousness flourish, and abundance of their own land them that are scat
peace. tered abroad.
1 Jer. xxxi. 21. {Ps.‘lxxi. 6, 7, n. ,3 Ps. lxxix. 3.

Eighth Lesson. and power of Elias,” (Luke i. 17.)

As the old Elias will come again be
N considering this subject we find fore the Second Advent of the Lord,
an apparent contradiction between so did John, as the new Elias, go be
one of John’s statements, and the fore the First Advent, in the spirit
saying of our Redeemer recorded in and power of Elias. As the old Elias
another part of the Gospel. (Matth. will be the Fore-runner of the Judge,
xvii. 10-12.) When His disciples so the new Elias was the Fore-runner
asked our Lord regarding the coming of the Saviour. John then was Elias
of Elias, He answered: “Elias is in spirit, but not in person; and our
come already, and they knew him Lord asserteth of the spirit what John
not, but have done unto him whatso denieth of the person.
ever they listed." “And if ye will
receive it, this” (that is, John) “is
Elias.” (Matth. xi. 14.) But when Ninth Responsory.
John was asked if he was Elias, he
answered, “I am not.” How comes 8The Lord will teach us of His
it then, dearly beloved brethren, that ways, and we will walk in His paths.
we find the Truth Itself asserting what For out of Zion shall go forth the
the prophet of the Truth denied? It law, and the word of the LORD from
must evidently be that our Lord meant Jerusalem.
one thing and John another, when the Verse. Come ye, and let us go up
Lord said, “This is,” and John, “I am to the mountain of the LORD, and t0
not.” For how can he be the prophet the house of the God of Jacob.
of truth, if he speak not according to Answer. For out of Zion shall go
the word of Him Who is the Eternal forth the law, and the word of the
Truth? LORD from Jerusalem.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Ezlghth Responsory. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
1Behold, there shall be a root of Answer. For out of Zion shall go
Jesse, which shall come for salva forth the law, and the word of the
tion unto the pe0ple, to it shall the LORD from Jerusalem.
Gentiles seek, and His name shall be
glorious. LAUDS.
Verse. 2The Lord God shall give
unto Him the throne of His father First Amp/w”. 4The Lord will
David, and He shall reign over the come, * and will not tarry; He both
house of Jacob for ever. will bring to light the hidden things
Answer. And His name shall be of darkness, and will make Himself
glorious. manifest to all people. Alleluia.
Second Antzphon. Rejoice greatly,
Nz'nlh Lesson.
0 Jerusalem, * for thy Saviour cometh
LET us then more minutely examine unto thee. Alleluia.
these words, and we shall find Third Anni/zen. 5I will place sal
that there is no real contradiction. vation in Zion, * and My glory in
When the Angel announced to Zacha Jerusalem. Alleluia.
rias the coming birth of John he said: Fourth Antiphon. 6Every moun
“ He shall go before Him in the spirit tain and hill * shall be made low, and
1 Isa. xi. [0. 1 Luke i. 32.
‘ I Cor. iv. 5. ‘ Isa. xlvi. 13.
the crooked shall be made straight, Chapter. (Phil. iv. 6.)
and the rough places plain: O Lord,
come and make no tarrying. Alleluia. BE anxious for nothing, but in every
Fifth Antiphon. 1We should live thing by prayer and supplication
* righteously and godly, looking for with thanksgiving, let your requests be
that blessed hope and the coming of made known unto God.
the Lord.
Chapter. (Phil. iv. 4.) Antiohon. We should live, * &c.,
BRETHREN, Rejoice in the Lord (Fifth A ntiphon at Lands.)
alway: again I say, rejoice. Let
your moderation be known unto all Chapter. (Phil. iv. 7.)
men: for the Lord is at hand.
AND the peace of God which pass
fit/inn and Verse and Answer as on eth all understanding, keep your
the First Sunday. hearts and minds, through Christ
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. JESUS our Lord.
He shall sit * upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom for ever. VESPERS.
Antiohons and Chafiter as at Lauds.
[{ymn and Verse and Answer as on
0 LORD, we beseech Thee, merci the First Saturday.
fully incline Thine ears unto our
prayers, and lighten the darkness of Antzjohon at the Song of the Blessed
our minds by the grace of Thy heavenly Virgin (unless supplanted hy the great
visitation; Who livest and reignest Antiphon, O Wisdom.) 2Blessed art
with God the Father, _in the unity of thou, * 0 Mary, that hast believed the
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with Lord: for there shall be a performance
out end. Amen. of those things which were told thee
from the Lord. Alleluia.
After “ Bless we the Lord ” are said
Aeztzjfihon. The Lord will come, * the Vespers of the Dead.
&c., (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
[n the Short Responsory the same
alteration as hefore. The Seven Days preceding Christ
mas Eve are marked hy the Church
TERCE. with two ohservances; 1st, The series
of A ntiphons called the Great 0’s, and
Antiphon. Rejoice greatly, &c., 2nd, by a medal series of Antiohons
(Second Antzphon at Lauds.) at Lauds. The rules which apply to
The Chapter is taken from Lauds. them are diferent.

SEXT. I. The Great 0’s.

Antiphon. I will place salvation, The Great O’s are a series of A nti
&c., (Third Antiohon at Lands.) phons at the Song of the Blessed Virgin,
1 Tit. ii. 13. 2 Luke i. 45.

one for every evening from Dec. 17 to and no man openeth: come, 7 to bring
2 3 inclusive. They supplant any other out the prisoners from the prison, and
Antiphon of the Ofiice of the Season, them that sit in darkness, and in the
(as, for instance, the 17th Dec. shadow of death !
should be the Third Sunday of Advent,
the Antiphon, “Blessed art thou ” is Dec. 2 I.
displaced for “ O Wisdom.”) The 80 DAY-SPRING, 9Brightness of
Great 0’s however can be supplanted the everlasting Light, 10 Sun of
by Feasts, (as, for instance, “0 Wis Righteousness, come, 8to give light to
dom ” and “ O Adonai ” by the Feast of
them that sit in darkness, and in the
the Expectation, and “ O Day-Spring,” shadow of death !
by the Feast of St Thomas,) and then
they are treated as the Antiphon for Dec. 22.
the Week-day, forming part of the
Commemoration. They are always 0 KING of the Gentiles, yea, and
said entire both before and after the 11 Desire thereof, 120 Corner
Canticle, like the Antiphon on Double stone that makest of twain one: come,
Feasts. to save man, whom Thou hast made
Dec. 17. of the dust of the earth!

1 WISDOM, That comest out of Dec. 2 3.

the mouth of the Most High,
2That reachest from one end to another, O EMMANUEL, our King and our
and dost mightily and sweetly order Law- giver, 13 Longing of the
all things: come, to teach us the way Gentiles, yea, and Salvation thereof:
of prudence! come to save us, 0 Lord our God!
Dec. I 8.
2. Special series of Antibhons at
3ADONAI, and Ruler of the
house of Israel, Who didst ap
pear unto Moses in the burning bush, The following series of Antiphons
and gavest him the law in Sinai: come, are used on Week-days at Lands, and,
to redeem us with an outstretched consequently, the First, Second, Third,
arm ! and Fifth at Prime, Terce, Sext, and
Dec. I 9. None, on the seven days preceding
4O ROOT of Jesse, Which standest Christmas Eve, beginning like the
for an ensign of the people, Great 0’s on the 17th Dec. They
5at Whom the kings shall shut their dzfer from the Great 0’s in that they
mouths, 4unto Whom the Gentiles can be wholly supplanted. This is
always the case on two days, which
shall seek: come, to deliver us, make
no tarrying! are necessarily, one a Sunday, and the
other the Feast of St Thomas. There
Dec. 20.
fore five sets only are given. If the
60 KEY of David, and Sceptre of 17th be the Sunday, the series is begun
the house of Israel ; That open on Monday.
est, and no man shutteth ; and shuttest The set which fall upon the day
1 Ecclus. xxiv. 5. 2 Wisd. viii. r.
3l.e., Lord. This is the Hebrew word which the Jews substitute for any endeavour to
pronounce the Name. 4 Isa. xi. IO. 5 Isa. Iii. 15.
9 Apoc. iii. 7. 7 Isa. xlii. 7. 3 Luke i. 78, 79. 9 Wisd. vii. 26.
1° Mal. iv. 2. 11 Hag. ii. 8. 12 Eph. ii. 14, 20. 13 Gen. xlix. IO.
when the Feast of St Thomas occurs skies pour down the Righteous One:
are transferred to the next Saturday, let the earth open and let her bring
and said then, except the Fourth, which forth the Saviour.
is omitted, and the Antiohon, “My Second Antiphon. 6Send forth the
teaching shall drop, &c.” said in its Lamb, 0 Lord, * the Ruler of the land,
place. If, however, the Sunday to from the rock of the wilderness unto
follow he Christmas Eve, then on the mount of the daughter of Zion.
Saturday are said the Antiohons of Third Antifihon. 7That Thy way,
the Lauds of the Fourth Sunday in 0 Lord, * may be known upon earth,
Advent, exceot the Fourth, which is Thy saving health among all nations.
omitted, and the Antiphon “ My teach Fourth Antiphon. 8 O Lord, *
ing shall drop, &c.” said in its place. reward them that wait for Thee, and
The Antiphon at the Song ofZacharias let Thy Prophets be found faithful.
and the Prayer will then be those pro Fifth Antiphon. 9 The law was
per to the Day, as Emher Saturday. given by Moses, * but grace and truth
In this case the set of Antiohons came by JESUS Christ.
which fell upon the day occupied by
the Feast of St Thomas will he alto Third set.
gether omitted; and the Antiphon “My First Antiphon. The Prophets
teaching shall dr0p, &c.” will likewise foretold -* that the Saviour should be
be altogether omitted should the Feast born of the Virgin Mary.
of St Thomas come on the Saturday. Second Antiphon. 1° The Spirit of
the Lord * is upon Me, because He
Here follow the five sets of A ntiphons. hath anointed Me to preach the
Gospel to the poor.
First set.
Third A ntiphon. 11 For Zion’s sake
First Antiphon. Behold, the Lord * will I not hold my peace, until her
cometh, * 1the Prince of the Kings Righteous One go forth as brightness.
of the earth: blessed are they that are Fourth Antiphon. Behold, the Lord'
ready to go forth to meet Him. cometh, * 12 to sit among princes, and‘
Second Antiphon. 2When the Son to inherit the throne of glory.
of man cometh, * shall He find faith Fifth Antiphon. Tell it out among
on the earth? the people, * and say: Behold, God
Third Antiphon. 3 Behold, the ful our Saviour cometh.
ness * of the time is come, when God
sent forth His Son into the world. Fourth set.
Fourth Antiohon. 4 With joy *
First Antzlohon. The Lord, the
shall ye draw water out of the wells
Almighty, * cometh out of Zion, to
of the Saviour.
save His people.
Fifth Antiphon. The Lord goeth
Second Antiphon. Turn Thee, O
forth * from His holy place ; He com
Lord, * at the last, and tarry not to
eth to save His people.
come unto Thy servants.
Third Antiphon. The Lord That
Second set.
shall rule * shall come forth from Zion,
First Antiphon. 5Drop down, ye Emmanuel is His name, and His name
heavens, from above, * and let the is great.
1 Apoc. i. 5. 2 Luke xviii. 8. 4 Isa. xii. 3.
5 Isa. xlv. 8. 6 Isa. xvi. I. 117 Isa.
Ps. lxvi.
lxii. I. a Ecclus. xxxvi. I8.
9 Iohni._17._ 10 Luke iv. 18. 12 1 Kings (Sam.) ii. 8.

Fourth Antiphon. 1 Behold, He is this last Antiphon is said at the Song

my God, * and I will glorify Him ; my of Zacharias on the Fourth Sunday of
father’s God, and I will exalt Him. Advent, instead qf the Antiphon,
Fifth Antiphon. The Lord our “ Hail, Mary, &c.”
Law-giver, * the Lord our King, cometh
to save us.
2 3rd Dec.
Fifth set.
On this day the Antiphon at the
First Antifihon. 2 Stand still * and
Song of Zacharias is .~
see the salvation of the LORD.
Second Antiphon. 3Unto Thee, O Behold, all things are fulfilled, *
LORD, * lift I up my soul: come and which were spoken by the angel con
deliver me, O Lord, in Thee do I put cerning the Virgin Mary.
my trust.
Third Antiphon. Come, 0 Lord, *
and make no tarrying: loosen the Qllonbag.
bonds of Thy people Israel.
Fourth Antiphon. 4God shall Second Day.
come from Lebanon, * and His bright
ness shall be as the light.
Fifth Antifihon. 5Therefore I will Invitatory as on Sunday.
look unto the LORD, * I will wait for Hymn as on the First Sunday.
the God of my salvation.

The Saturday. First Lesson.

If the Saturday he not Christmas The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Eve, the Antiphons will he one of the the Prophet Isaiah (xxviii. I.)
ahoi/e sets, as directed by the Rubric OE to the 7 crown of pride, to the
4607/8, with the exception of the Fourth drunkards of Ephraim, to the
(i.e., that for the Songr of Moses), which fading flower of their glorious beauty;
will he as follows : which are upon the head of the fat
Fourth Antiphon. 6 My teaching valley, overcome with wine. Behold
shall drop * as the rain, and our God the Lord is mighty and strong, as a
shall come down upon us as the dew. tempest of hail, and as a destroying
storm, as a flood of mighty waters
0n the Feast of St Thomas, at the overflowing, sent forth over the breadth
Commemoration of the I/Veek-day at of the land. The crown of pride, the
Lauds, the Antiphon is as follows: drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden
under foot.
Antiohon. Fear not: * yet five
days and the Lord shall come unto
you. First Resfionsory.

If the Feast of St Thomas should Behold, the Lord shall appear, &c.,
happen to he transferred to the Monday, (First Responsory on Sunday.)
1 Exod. xv. 2. 2 Exod. xiv. 13. 3 Ps. xxiv. I.
4 Hab. iii. 3, 4. 5 Micah vii. 7. 6 Deut. xxxii. 2.
7 I.e., the city of Samaria, the capital of the apostate kingdom of Israel. “ The city," says
Lowth, “ beautifully situated upon the top of a round hill, and surrounded immediately with
a rich valley, and a circle of other hills beyond it, suggested the idea of a chaplet, or wreath of
flowers, worn upon their heads on occasions of festivity." And he cites Wisd. ii. 7, 8.
Second Lesson. LAUDS.
ND the fading flower of their Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
glorious beauty, which is upon
the head of the fat valley, shall be as Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
the hasty fruit before the ripening of First I/Veek.)
Autumn; which when he that looketh
159mm and Verse and Answer as on
upon it seeth, while it is yet in his
the First Sunday.
hand, he eateth it up. In that day
shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
of glory, and for a _diadem of beauty There shall come forth a rod * out of
unto the residue of His people; and the stem of Jesse, and the whole earth
for a spirit of judgment to him that shall be filled with the glory of the
sitteth in judgment, and for strength to Lord, and all flesh shall see the salva
them that turn from the battle to the tion of God.
gate. But they also have erred
through wine, and through strong Prayer as on Sunday.
drink are out of the way: the priest After “ Bless we the Lord” is said
and the prophet have erred through the Dirge.
strong drink, they are swallowed up of
Second Responsory. Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
same alteration in the Short Reyonsory
Thou, Bethlehem, &c., (Second Re
at Prime.
sponsory on Sunday.)
Third Lesson. (16.) Chapter. (Gen. xlix. to.)
HEREFORE thus saith the Lord The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
1 GOD : Behold I lay in Zion for the First Week.)
a foundation :1 stone, a tried stone, a
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
precious corner-stone, a sure found
the First Saturday.
ation. Let not him that believeth
make haste. Justice also will I lay to Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
the plummet and righteousness to the Virgin. 3All generations shall call
line: and the hail shall sweep away me blessed, * for God hath regarded
the refuge of lies, and the waters shall the lowliness of His hand-maiden.
overflow the hiding-place. 2 And your
covenant with death shall be disan
nulled, and your agreement with hell @ueabag.
shall not stand.
Third Day.

Third Responsory. MATTINS.

He That shall come, &c., (Third [n'Z/itatory as on Sunday.
Responsory on Sunday.) [{ymn as on the First Sunday.
1 The Name.
2 The allusion is to v. 15, where the inhabitants of Jerusalem are represented as saying,
“ ‘We have entered into a covenant with death ’—a kind of proverbial expresswn to denote
perfect security from evil." 3 Luke i. 48.

First Lesson. Third Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Book of OREOVER, the light of the
the Prophet Isaiah (xxx. 18.) moon shall be as the light
of the sun, and the light of the sun
THE LORD waiteth that He may be
shall be sevenfold, as the light of
gracious unto you; and there
seven days, in the day that the
fore will He be exalted, that He may
LORD bindeth up the breach of His
have mercy upon you, for the LORD
people, and healeth the stroke of
is a God of judgment; blessed are all
their wound. Behold, the name of
they that wait for Him. For the
the LORD cometh from far, burning
people of Zion shall dwell in Jeru
with His anger, and the burden
salem, thou shalt weep no more,
thereof is heavy: His lips are full
He will be very gracious unto thee;
of indignation, and His tongue as
at the voice of thy cry when He
a devouring fire. His breath, as an
shall hear it, He will answer thee.
overflowing stream, shall reach to
Though the LORD give you bread in
the midst of the neck, to destroy
scarcity and water in short measure:
the nations to the uttermost, and
yet will He not make thy teacher to
as a bridle causing them to err
fly from thee any more; and thine
shall it be in the jaws of the
eyes shall see thy teacher.
First Resfionsory. Third Responsory.
Weep not, 0 Egypt, &c., (Fourth The Lord shall come down, &c.,
Responsory on Sunday.) (Sixth Resflonsory on Sunday.)

Second Lesson. (v. 22.) LAUDS.

THOU shalt say unto it, 1Get thee Chapter (Isa. ii. 3.)
hence, and the rain shall fall
upon thy seed, that thou shalt sow Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
the ground withal; and the bread of First Week.)
the increase of the earth shall be fat
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
and plenteous. In that day shall
the First Sunday.
thy lambs feed in large pastures;
thine oxen likewise, and the young Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
asses that till the ground shall eat 3Thou, Bethlehem, * in the land of
mixed provender, as that which hath Judah, shalt not be the least [among
been winnowed on the threshing-floor. the princes of Judah]: for out of thee
And there shall be upon every high shall come a Ruler, That shall rule my
mountain, and upon every high hill people Israel.
rivers of running waters, in the day
Prayer as on Sunday.
of the great' slaughter, when the
2towers fall.
Second Responsory. Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
Her time is near to come, &c., same alteration in the Short Respon
(Fifth Responsory on Sunday.) _ sory at Prime.
1 The allusion is to the ornament of a molten image.
3 1.e., the mighty men. 3 Matth. ii. 6 ;, Micah v. 2.
VESPERS. who was chosen to be the mother of
the Lord was espoused to a man.
Chapter. (Gen: xlix. 10.) Why did not the power of the High
est overshadow her before she was
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
so espoused? Perhaps it was lest
the First Week.)
any might blasphemously say that
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on she had conceived in adultery the
the First Saturday. Holy One.

A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed

Virgin. 1 Awake, awake, * arise, 0 First Responsory.
Jerusalem: loose thyself from the 3 O thou that bringest good tidings
bands of thy neck, 0 captive daugh of peace to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice
ter of Zion. with strength! Say unto the cities of
Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jeru~
salem: Behold, our God will come, for
Gmfier Qilebnesbag. Whom we waited.
The Fourth Day in Quarter- Week. Verse. 0 thou that tellest good
tidings to Zion: get thee up into
MATTINS. the high mountain, lift up thy voice
with strength.
[nw'tatory as on Sunday. Answer. Say unto the cities of
Hymn as on the First Sunday. Judah, and to the inhabitants of
Jerusalem : Behold, our God will
First Lesson.
come, for Whom we waited.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy

Second Lesson.
Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
“AND the Angel came in unto
T that time: The Angel Gabriel
her.” Let us learn from this
was sent from God, unto a city
Virgin how to bear ourselves, let us
of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a vir
learn her modesty, let us learn by
gin espoused to a man whose name
her devout utterance, above all let
was Joseph, of the house of David:
us learn by the holy mystery en
and the virgin’s name was Mary.
acted. It is the part of a maiden
And so on.
to be timid, to avoid the advances
Homily by 2 St Ambrose, Bishop [of of men, and to shrink from men’s
Milan,] (Bk. ii. on Luke.) addresses. Would that our women
would learn from the example of
The mysteries of God are unsearch modesty here set before us. She
able, and it is especially declared by upon whom the stare of men had
a Prophet, that a man can hardly know never been fixed was alone in her
His counsels. (Wisd. ix. I 3.) N ever chamber, and she found herself alone
theless, some things have been revealed with Angels. There was neither
to us, and we may gather from some companion nor witness there, that
of the words and works of the Lord what passed might not be debased
our Saviour, that there was a special in gossip: and the Angel saluted
purpose of God, in the fact that she her.
. 1 Isa. lii. s, a. ‘1! Dec. 7. 3 Isa. xl. 9, IO.

Seeond Responsory. LAUDS.

1There shall come a Star out of Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)

Jacob, and a Man shall rise out of
Israel, and shall smite through all Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
the princes of the aliens. And all First Week.)
the earth shall be His possession. [{ymn and Verse and Answer as on
Verse. 2All kings shall fall down the First Sunday.
before Him, all nations shall serve
Him. Antiphon at the Song of Zaeharias.
Answer. And all the earth shall The angel Gabriel * was sent to Mary,
be His possession. a virgin espoused to Joseph.

Third Lesson. Prayer.

THE message of God to the Virgin GRANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty

was a mystery, which it was not God, that the solemn Feast of our
lawful for the mouth of men, but only redemption, which is now at hand, may
of Angels, to utter. For the first time both help us in the life which now is,
on earth the words are spoken: “The and further us toward the attaining of
Holy Ghost shall come upon thee.” Thine eternal joy in that which is
The holy maiden heareth, and be to come. Through our Lord JESUS
lieveth. At length she said: “Be Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reign
hold the handmaid of the Lord: be eth with Thee in the unity of the
it unto me according to thy word.” Holy Ghost, One God world without
Here is an example of lowliness, end. Amen.
here is a pattern of true devotion.
At the very moment that she is PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE.
told she is chosen to be the mother
of the Lord she at once declareth A ntiphons as on Sunday, and the
herself His handmaid. The know same alteration in the Short Responsory
ledge that she was mother of God at Prime.
caused in the heart of Mary only Prayer as at Lauds.
an act Of humility.
Third Resjonsory.
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
The Lord, the Ruler, cometh quickly.
3And His name shall be called Em The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
manuel. the First IVee/z.)
Verse. 4In His days shall right
eousness flourish, and abundance of Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
peace. the First Saturday.
Answer. And His name shall be A ntiohon at the Song of the Blessed
called Emmanuel. Virgin. Behold the handmaid * of
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and the Lord; be it unto me according to
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. thy word.
Answer. And His name shall be
called Emmanuel. Prayer as on Sunday.
1 Numb. xxiv. I7. 2 Ps. lxxi. II. 3 Matth. i. 23; Isa. vii. 14. 4 Ps. lxxi. 7.

’Qigurabag. And your spoil shall be gathered like

the gathering of the locust, when the
Fifth Day. trenches are filled therewith. 6The
LORD is exalted, for He dwelleth on
high: He hath filled Zion with judg
Invitatory as on Sunday. ment and righteousness: and 7thy
flymn as on the First Sunday. times shall be faithful; wisdom and
knowledge shall be the riches of thy
First Lesson. salvation; the fear of the LORD is
his treasure.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
the Prophet Isaiah (xxxiii. I.) Seeond Responsory.
1\AIOE to thee that spoilest, shall 8The Fore-runner is for us entered,
not thou also be spoiled? and even the Lamb without spot: made an
dealest scornfully, shall not they also High Priest for ever after the order of
deal scornfully with thee? When thou Melchisedek.
shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be Verse. This is that King of Right
spoiled; when thou shalt be weary eousness without descent, nor end of
and make an end to deal scornfully, life.
they shall deal scornfully with thee. Answer. Made an High Priest for
2O LORD, be gracious unto us; for ever after the order of Melchisedek.
we have waited for Thee: be Thou
our arm every morning, our salvation Third Lesson. (14.)
also in the time of trouble.
9 HE sinners in Zion are afraid,
fearfulness hath surprised the
First Rewonsory.
hypocrites. Who among you can
3The LORD shall go forth and fight dwell with the devouring fire? who
against the nations. And His feet among you shall dwell with everlasting
shall stand upon the mount of Olives burnings? He that walketh right
on the east. eously, and speaketh uprightly, he
Verse. 4And it shall be exalted that refuseth the gain of leasing, and
above the hills, and all nations shall shaketh his hands from holding of
flow unto it. bribes, that stoppeth his cars from
Answer. And His feet shall stand hearing of blood, and shutteth his
upon the mount of Olives on the east. eyes from seeing evil. He shall dwell
on high, his place of defence shall be
the munitions of rocks : bread shall be
Second Lesson.
given him, his waters shall be sure.
5AT the voice of thy messrenger the His eyes shall see the King in his
people fled, and at the lifting beauty: they shall behold the land
up of thyself the nations were scattered. that is very far Off.
1 “The prophet addresses himself to Sennacherib, king of the Assyrians, who was threaten—
ing the destruction of the Jewish kingdom."
2 “The Jews are here introduced imploring the protection of God.”
3 Zech. xiv. 3, 4. 4 Isa. ii. 2.
5 “The Prophet, in the name of God, or, rather, God Himself, is introduced, addressing
Himself to Sennacherib.”
6 “ A chorus ofJews is introduced acknowledging the mercy and power of God."
7 Viz., those of Hezekiah. 8 eb. vi. 20; vii. 2, 3.
9 The Prophet is speaking in the name Of God.

Third Responsory. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed

Virgin. 2Rejoice ye with Jerusalem,
1The Gentiles shall see thy Right * and be glad with her, all ye that
eous One, and all kings thy Glorious love her for ever.
.one. And thou shalt be called by a
new name, which the mouth of the
LORD hath named. Gmflev firing.
Verse. Thou shalt also be a crown
of glory in the hand of the LORD, and The Sixth Day in Quarter- Week.
a royal diadem in the hand of thy
Answer. And thou shalt be called Invitatory as on Sunday.
by a new name, which the mouth of
the LORD hath named.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and First Lesson.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Answer. And thou shalt be called Gospel according to Luke (i. 39.)
by a new name, which the mouth of
the LORD hath named. T that time : Mary arose, and went
into the hill country with haste,
LAU DS. into a city of Judah, and entered 'into
the house of Zacharias, and saluted
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) Elizabeth. And so on.
Come ye, &c., (as on the First
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
Monday.) Milan,] (Commentary on Luke, Bk. ii.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on c. I.) ‘
the First Sunday.
When any one asketh another for
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. credence, he is bound to give some
Let your soul watch, * the Lord our reasonable ground. And so the Angel,
God is nigh at hand. (See the Rubric when he announced to Mary the coun
on the Feast ofSt Thomas, a 244.) sel of God, gave, as a proof, the con
Prayer as on Sunday. ception of Elizabeth, then aged and
barren, that Mary might perceive, by
this example, that with God nothing
PRIME, TERCE, saxr, NONE. is impossible. When the holy Virgin
Antiphons as on Sunday, and the had heard it, she arose and went to
same alteration in the Short Respon visit her cousin. She did not go to
sory at Prime. see if what she had heard was true,
because she did not believe God, or
VESPERS. because she knew not who the mes
senger had been, or yet because she
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.) doubted the fact adduced in proof.
She went joyfully as one who hath
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in received a mercy in answer to his vow
the First Week.) goeth to pay the same. She went
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on with devotion, as a godly person goeth
the First Saturday. to execute a religious duty. She went
1 Isa. lxii. a, 3. 2 Isa. lxvi. IO.

into the hill country in joyful haste. Second Remonsory.

And is it not something that she
went up into the hills? God was Drop down, ye heavens, from
already in her womb, and her feeling above, and let the skies pour down
bore her continually upward. The the Righteous One. Let the earth
grace of the Holy Spirit knoweth open, and let her bring forth the
no slow working. Saviour.
Verse. Send forth the Lamb, 0
Lord, the Ruler of the land, from the
First Responsory. rock in the wilderness unto the mount
of the daughter of Zion.
Send forth the Lamb, 0 Lord, the Answer. Let the earth open, and
Ruler of the land; from the rock in let her bring forth the Saviour.
the wilderness unto the mount Of the
daughter of Zion.
Verse. Show us Thy mercy, O Third Lesson.
LORD, and grant us Thy salvation.
Answer. From the rock in the AS the modesty of Mary is a pattern
wilderness unto the mount of the for the imitation of all maidens,
daughter of Zion. so also is her humility. She went to
see Elizabeth, like one cousin going to
visit another, and as the younger to the
Second Lesson. elder. Not only did she first go, but
she first saluted Elizabeth. Now, the
ODLY women will learn from the purer a virgin is, the humbler ought
example of the Mother of God to she to be. She will know how to
take a-tender care of their kinswomen submit herself to her elders. She that
who are with child. In pursuance of professeth chastity ought to be a very
this charity, Mary, who had hitherto mistress of humility. Lowly-minded
remained alone at home, was not de ness is at once the very ground in
terred by her maidenly shyness from which devotion groweth, and the first
entering on a public journey ; she faced and principal rule of its teaching. In
for this end the hardships of mountain this act of the Virgin then we see the
travelling; and encountered with a greater going to visit and to succour
sense of duty the weary length of the the lesser—Mary to Elizabeth, Christ
way. The Virgin left her home, and to John.
went into the hill country with haste,
unmindful of the trouble, and remem Third Regionsory.
bering only the office to which her
cousinly love prompted her, in spite The waste places have brought
of the delicacy of her sex. Maidens forth sweet-smelling buds for Israel ;
will learn from her not to idle about for, behold, our God will come with
from house to house, to loiter in the power. And His brightness is with
streets, nor to take part in conver Him.
sations in public. Mary, as she was Verse. 1 Out of Zion the perfection
hasteful to pass through the public of beauty, our God shall come mani
roads, so was she slow again to enter festly.
on them: she abode with her cousin Answer. And His brightness is
about three months. with Him,
1 Ps. xlix. 2.

Verse. Glory be to the Father, and * saying: He That cometh after me is

to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. preferred before me.
Answer. And His brightness is
with Him. Prayer as on Sunday.

Gmller fiaturbag.
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
The Sabbath in Quarter- Week.
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
First Week.) (May be displaced by the Ofiee of the
Fourth Sunday.)
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
the First Sunday. MATTINS.

Antiphon at the Song of Zaeharz'as.

Int/itatory as on Sunday.
1 As soon as the voice of thy salutation
Hymn as on the First Sunday.
* sounded in mine ears, the babe
leaped in my womb for joy. Alleluia.
First Lesson.

Prayer. The Lesson is taken from the Holy

Gospel according to Luke (iii. 1.)
STIR up, 0 Lord, we pray Thee,
Thy might, and come among us ; IN the fifteenth year of the reign of
that we, trusting only in Thy mercy, Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate
may by Thee be speedily delivered being governor of Judaea. And so on.
from all adversity: Who livest and
reignest with God the Father, in the Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Great,] (20th on the Gospels.)
world without end. Amen.
The date, at which the Fore-runner
of our Redeemer entered on his public
PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE. ofiice of preaching, is indicated to us
Antiohons as on Sunday, and the by the name of the ruler of the Roman
same alteration in the Short Regbon Commonwealth, and by those of the
sory at Prime. princes of Palestine. The time of his
preaching is indicated by these names,
Prayer as at Lands. because he came as the Fore-runner of
Him Who was to be the Redeemer of
some Jews and many Gentiles. More
over in the enumeration of these
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.) worldly monarchs there is a fore
shadowing of the fact, that the Gene
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in tiles were about to be gathered into
the First Week.) one, and the Jews to be scattered
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on abroad in punishment of their unbelief ;
the First Saturday. in the whole heathen Commonwealth
we find the title of one Emperor, but
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed in the small kingdom of judaea are
Virgin. 2John bare witness of Him, mentioned four masters. ~
1 Luke i. 44. 2 John i. 15.

First Responsory. Third Lesson.

There shall come forth a rod out of “ AND he came into all the country
the stem of Jesse, and a flower shall about Jordan, preaching the
grow out of his roots. And righteous baptism of repentance3 for the remis
ness shall be the girdle of his loins, sion of sins.” It is evident from these
and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. words that John the Baptist not only
Verse. And the Spirit of the LORD preached, but also administered the
shall rest upon him: the spirit of baptism of repentance, and yet that
wisdom and understanding: the spirit baptism of repentance which he gave,
of counsel and might. was not really a baptism for the re
Answer. And righteousness shall mission of sins. For there is only one
be the girdle of his loins, and faithful baptism for the remission of sins, and
ness the girdle of his reins. that is our Christian baptism. It is
worthy of note here that the words
used are, “preaching the baptism of
Second Lesson.
repentance for the remission of sins,”
HE blessed voice of the Saviour for he himself owned that his baptism
itself hath said, “ Every kingdom was not the true baptism that washes
divided against itself is brought to away sin. Even as the Eternal Word
desolation” (Luke xi. 17.) And we of God made Flesh was greater than
may well look for the ruin of the the preacher that went before Him, so
Jewish state when we see it divided was His holy baptism, by which our
among so many rulers. We observe sins are washed away, far greater than
likewise that the names of the reigning that baptism of repentance which the
priests as well as kings are given. Fore-runner preached, and which could
The Evangelist Luke hath left on never wash away sin.
record the chiefs both of the mon
archy and of the priesthood who held
Third Responsory.
office when John the Baptist began
to preach, because John preached O Lord, come, and make no tarry
Him Who is at once our Priest ing: loosen the bonds of Thy people.
and our King. And gather together into their own
land them that are scattered abroad.
Setond Resnonsory. Verse. Stir up, 0 Lord, Thy
power, and come among us, to save
1 Behold, the root of Jesse that us. -
shall arise to bring forth judgment to Answer. And gather together in
the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles to their own land them that .are
trust. And his name shall be blessed scattered abroad.
for ever. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Verse. 2The Kings shall shut their and to the Son, and to the Holy
mouths at him, to him shall the Gen Ghost.
tiles seek. Answer. And gather together into
Answer. And his name shall be their own land them that are scattered
blessed for ever. abroad.
1 Isa. xi. ro; xlii. 1. 5 Isa. lii. r5.
3 The translator holds himself justified in adopting this rendering of ‘fmetanoiaf’ (lit.
“change of mind,”) by the authority of Archbishop Kenrick in his version of the New
Testament. (Matth. iii. 2.)

LAUDS. Jfuurtb Suntag in ghiient.

Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) The Fourth Lord’s Day in Coming
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
First Week.) MATTINS.

Hymn and Verse and Answer as on Invitatory as on the Third Sunday.

the First Sunday. [{ymn as on the First Sunday.

Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.

O thou Angel of God, * how shall this FIRST NOCTURN.
be, seeing I know not a man? Hear,
0 Virgin Mary!—— the Holy Ghost First Lesson.
shall come upon thee, and the power
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
of the Highest shall overshadow
the Prophet Isaiah (xxxv. I.)
thee !
THE wilderness and the solitary
See, however, the Rubries concern place shall be glad, and the
ing Dee. 21 and 23, (p. 244,) both desert shall rejoice and blossom as
as to this and the following days. the lily. It shall blossom abundantly,
and rejoice, even with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon is given unto
Prayer. it, the excellency of Carmel and
Sharon; they shall see the glory of
0 GOD, Who seest that by reason
the LORD and the excellency of our
of our sins we are sorely
God. Strengthen ye the weak hands
afflicted, mercifully grant unto us by
and confirm the feeble knees. Say
Thy visitation efi'ectually to be com
to them that are of a fearful heart:
forted: Who livest and reignest with
Be strong, and fear not, behold, your
God the Father, in the unity of the
God will come with recompense of
Holy Ghost, one God, world without
vengeance; God Himself will come
end. Amen.
and save you. Then the eyes of
the blind shall be opened, and the
ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE. Then shall the lame man leap as an
hart, and the tongue of the dumb
Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
shall sing: for in the wilderness are
same alteration in the Short Respon
waters broken out, and streams in
sory at Prime.
the desert. And the parched ground
Prayer as at Lauds. shall become a pool, and the thirsty
land springs of water.

First Resoonsory.
Chapter and Prayer from next morn
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, call
ing’s Lands.
together the nations, tell it out among
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on the people, and say: Behold, God our
the First Saturday. Saviour cometh.
Verse. Tell it out and make it to follow Him? Who gave the nations
be heard; speak aloud and cry— before him, and made him to rule
Answer. Behold, God our Saviour over kings? Who gave them as
cometh. the dust to his sword, as driven
Second Lesson. Stubble to his bow? He pursueth
them, he passeth safely, his feet see
IN the habitations where dragons lay not the way! Who hath wrought
shall rise the green freshness of and done it, calling the generations
the reed and the bulrush. And an from the beginning? I, the LORD,
highway shall be there and a way, the First and the Last, I am He.
and it shall be called, The way of
holiness: the unclean shall not pass Third Responsory.
over it, and it shall be unto you a
straight way, that fools shall not err 41 must decrease, but He must
therein. No lion shall be there, nor increase: He it is Who, coming
any ravenous beast shall go up there after me is preferred before me:
on, it shall not be found there: but Whose shoe’s latchet I am not
the redeemed shall walk there, and worthy to unloose.
the ransomed of the LORD shall re Verse. 51 baptize you with water;
turn and come to Zion with songs; but He shall baptize you with the Holy
and everlasting joy upon their heads, Ghost.
they shall obtain joy and gladness, Answer. Whose shoe’s latchet I
and sorrow and sighing Shall flee am not worthy to unloose.
away. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Second Responsory. Ghost.
The sceptre shall not depart from Answer. Whose shoe’s latchet I
Judah, nor the law-giver from his loins, am not worthy to unloose.
until he that shall be sent cometh.
And unto him shall the longing of SECOND NOCTURN.
the Gentiles be. -
Verse. 1 His eyes shall be bright Fourth Lesson.
with wine, and his teeth white with The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
milk. of Pope St Leo [the Great,] (1st on
Answer. And unto him shall the the Decemher Fast, and almsgiving.)
desire of the Gentiles be.
DEARLY beloved brethren, if we
Third Lesson (xli. I.) study attentively the history of
the creation of our race, we shall
2 KEEP silence before Me, O is find that man was made in the
lands, and let the peoples re image of God, that his ways also
new their strength; let them come might be an imitation of the ways
near and then let them speak; let of his Maker. This is the natural,
us come near together to judgment. real, and highest dignity to which
Who raised up the 3righteous man we are capable of attaining, that the
from the East, and called him to goodness of the Divine nature should
1 Gen. xlix. 12.
2 From a prophecy of Isaiah distinct from any of the foregoing, and beginning with_ch. xli.
3 “The righteous man ” is perhaps Abraham, but most commentators are of opinion that
Cyrus is meant. 4 John iii. 30; i. 27. 5 Matth. iii. rr.

have a reflection in us, as in a glass. Fifth Responsory.

As a mean of reaching this dignity,
we are daily offered the grace of our 8Behold, the fulness of the time is
Saviour, for as in the first Adam all come, wherein God hath sent forth
men are fallen, so in the Second His Son into the world, born of a
Adam can all men be raised up again Virgin, made under the law: to re
(1 Cor. xv. 22). deem them that were under the law.
Verse. 4 God, for His great love
wherewith He loved us, hath 5sent
Fourth Responsory. His own Son in the likeness of sinful
1 Unto us shall a Child be born, and Answer. To redeem them that were
His name shall be called the Mighty under the law.
God. He shall sit upon the throne of
His father David, and shall reign, and
the. government shall be upon His Sixth Lesson.
shoulder. AN D we know from the Apostle
Verse. 2 In Him shall all the kin John how God fulfilled His
dreds of the earth be blessed; all promise, (1 John v. 20.) “We know
nations shall serve Him. that the Son of God is come, and
Answer. He shall sit upon the hath given us an understanding, that
throne of His father David, and shall we may know Him That is True, and
reign, and the government shall be be in Him That is True, even in His
upon His shoulder. Son.” And again, (iv. 19,) “Let us
therefore love God, because He first
loved us.” For His great love then
Fifth Lesson.
wherewith he hath loved us, (Eph. ii.
UR restoration from the conse 4,) God reneweth His likeness in us.
quences of Adam’s fall is sheer And, moreover, in order that He may
mercy of'God, and nothing else; we find in us the reflection of His good
should not have loved Him unless He ness, He giveth us that whereby to
had first loved us, (1 John iv. 19,) and work along with Himself, (Who work
scattered the darkness of our ignorance eth all in all,) lighting, as it were,
by the light of His truth. This the candles in our dark minds, and kind
Lord promised by the mouth of Isaiah, ling in us the fire of His love, to make
where He saith, (Isa. xlii. 16,) “I will us love not Himself only, but likewise,
bring the blind by a way that they in Him, whatsoever He loveth.
knew not, and I will lead them in
paths that they have not known: I Sixth Rewonsory.
will make darkness light before them,
and crooked things straight. These 6O virgin of Israél, turn again to
things will I do unto them and not thy cities. How long wilt thou go
forsake them.” And again, (Isa. lxv. about sorrowing? Thou shalt bring
1, 2'; Rom. x. 20,) “I was found of forth the Lord thy Saviour, a new
them that sought Me not; I was offering in the earth; men shall walk
made manifest unto them that asked in paths of salvation.
not after Me.” Verse. I have loved thee with an
1 Isa. ix. 6. 2 Ps. lxxi. I7, 11. 5 Gal. iv. 4, 5.
* Eph. ii. 4. 5. Rom. viii. 3. 6 Jer. xxxi. 21, 3.

everlasting love : therefore with loving earth; for the mountains and the hills
kindness have I drawn thee. shall receive My righteousness. And
Answer. How long wilt thou go the covenant of My peace shall be in
about sorrowing? Thou shalt bring Jerusalem.
forth the Lord thy Saviour, a new Verse. 2My salvation is near to
offering in the earth. come, and My righteousness to be re
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and vealed.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Answer. And the covenant of My
Answer. Men shall walk in paths peace shall be in Jerusalem.
of salvation.
Eighth Lesson.
E also have sinned, we have fallen
Seventh Lesson. into wicked habits. What must
we do, if we would flee from the wrath
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
to come ? Let us hear John. “Bring
Gospel according to Luke (iii. 1.)
forth fruits worthy of repentance.” In
IN the fifteenth year of the reign of which words let us remark that the
Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate Friend of the Bridegroom demandeth
being governor of Judma. And so on. not only fruits of repentance, but fruits
worthy of repentance. The former are
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
one thing, and the latter another. In
Great,] (20th on the Gospels.)
considering then what are fruits worthy
“John said unto the multitude, that of repentance, we may remark that if
came forth to be baptised of him: 0 we had done nothing unlawful we
generation of vipers, who hath warned might have had free use of things
you to flee from the wrath to come ? ” which are lawful, and been able to
“The wrath to come ” in one sense sanctify ourselves without abstaining
signifieth the great vengeance of the from indulgence in the things of the
Latter Day: the sinner that repenteth world.
not of his sin now, will have no mean Eighth Re¢onsory.
whereby to flee from punishment then.
Let us remark that addressing evil 3We will not go back from Thee.
children copying the example of evil Thou, O Lord, shalt quicken us, and
parents, the Baptist calleth them a we will call upon Thy name. Cause
generation of vipers: in that they were Thy face to shine upon us, and we
envious at the righteous, and perse shall be saved.
cuted them; that they repaid evil for Verse. 4Remember us, 0 LORD,
evil; that they hunted out ways of with the favour that Thou showest
harming their neighbours,—in all these unto Thy people ; 0 visit us with Thy
things following the pattern of carnal salvation.
parents, the prophet likeneth them to Answer. Cause Thy face to shine
a venomous brood hatched from a upon us, and we shall be saved.
venomous stock.
Ninth Lesson.
Seventh Responsory.
UT if any one, for example, hath
1I have sworn, saith the Lord, that fallen into fornication, or per
I will not be wroth any more with the haps, into what is much worse, adul
1 Isa. liv. 9. 1‘ Isa. lvi. r. 3 Ps. lxxix. 19. 4 Ps. cv. 4.

tery, he ought to make up for his eth! * Go ye out to meet Him, and
lawless pleasure by abstaining in some say: How great is His dominion,
degree from lawful enjoyments. He and of His kingdom there shall be
that hath sinned less is not bound to no end! He is the mighty God,
mortify himself as much as he that the Ruler, the Prince of Peace!
hath sinned more, nor he that is in Alleluia, Alleluia.
nocent like him that is guilty. Let Fifth Antiphon. 5Thine Almighty
every one hearing these words “bring Word, * O Lord, shall leap down out
forth fruits worthy of repentance,” pro of Thy royal throne. Alleluia.
ceed to judge himself by his own
conscience, and the more he perceiveth Chapter. (1 Cor. iv. 1.)
that he hath sinned, the greater pen
ance let him do. RETHREN, let a man so account
of us as of the ministers of Christ,
and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Ninth Responsory.
Moreover it is required in stewards
1Consider how great this man is, that a man be found faithful.
who is entered in for the salvation of bfymn and Verse and Answer as on
the nations; he is King of Righteous the First Sunday.
ness; without descent, nor end of
life. Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Verse. The Fore-runner is for us 6 Hail, Mary, full of grace, * the Lord
entered, made an High Priest for ever is with thee: blessed art thou among
after the order of Melchisedek. women. Alleluia.
Answer. Without descent, nor end
of life. See however the Rubrics concerning
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Dec. 21 and 23, (p. 244.)
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. Prayer.
Answer. Without descent, nor end
STIR up, 0 Lord, we pray Thee,
of life.
Thy power, and come among us,
LAUDS. and with great might succour us, that
whereas through our sins and wicked
First Antiphon. 2Blow ye the ness we are sore let and hindered,
trumpet * in Zion, for the day of Thy bountiful grace and mercy may
the LORD is nigh at hand: behold, speedily help and deliver us; Who
He cometh to save us! Alleluia, livest and reignest with God the
Alleluia. Father, in the unity of the Holy
Second Antiphon. 3 Behold, the de Ghost, one God, world without end.
sire * of all nations shall come; and Amen.
the house of the Lord shall be filled
with glory. Alleluia. PRIME.

Third Antitfihon. 4The crooked * Antiohon. Blow ye the trumpet, *

shall be made straight, and the rough &c., (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
places plain ; O Lord, come, and make
no tarrying. Alleluia. In the Short Responsory the same
Fourth Antiphon. The Lord com alteration as before.
1 Heb. vi. 20; vii. 2-4. 2 Joel ii. I. 3 Hag. ii. 8.
4 Isa. xl. 4. 5 Wisd. xviii. 15. 8 Luke i. 28.

TERCE. First Lesson.

Antiphon. Behold, the desire, * The Lesson is taken from the Book of
&c., (Second Antiphon at Lands.) the Prophet Isaiah (xli. 8.)
The Chapter is taken from Lands. AND thou, Israel My servant, Jacob,
whom I have chosen,'the seed of
Abraham My friend: in whom I have
taken thee from the ends of the earth,
Antiphon. The crooked, * &c., and called thee from the uttermost
(Third Antinhon at Lands.) parts thereof, and said unto thee:
Thou art My servant, l have chosen
thee, and not cast thee away. Fear
Chapter. (I Cor. iv. 3.)
thou not, for I am with thee; be not
BUT with me it is a very small thing dismayed, for I am thy God; I have
that I should be judged of you, strengthened thee, yea, I have up
or of any man’s judgment; yea, I holden thee, and the right hand of My
judge not mine own self. Righteous One comforteth thee.

NONE. First Responsory.

Antiphon. Thine Almighty Word, Blow ye the trumpet, &c., (First
* &c., (Fifth Antinhon at Lands.) Responsory on Sunday.)

Chapter. (I Cor. iv. 5.) Second Lesson.

THEREFORE judge nothing before BEHOLD, all they that fight against
the time, until the Lord come, thee shall be ashamed and con
Who both will bring to light the founded : they shall be as nothing, and
hidden things of darkness, and will the men that strive with thee shall
make manifest the counsels of the perish. Thou shalt seek them and
hearts : and then shall every man have shalt not find them, even them that
praise of God. contended with thee; they that war
against thee shall be as nothing and
VESPERS. as a thing of - nought. For I the
LORD thy God will hold thy right
A ntinhons and Chapter from Lands. hand, saying unto thee: Fear not, I
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on have holpen thee.
the First Sunday.
After “ Bless we the Lord,” are said Second Responsory.
the Veslters of the Dead.
The sceptre shall not depart, &c.,
(Second Responsory on Sunday.)
Second Day. Third Lesson.
EAR not, thou worm Jacob, ye
dead ones in Israel; I have
In'z/itatory as on the Third Sunday. holpen thee, saith the LORD, and thy
Hymn as on the First Sunday. Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Behold, I have made thee a new sharp Qiueatag.

threshing wain, having teeth; thou
shalt thresh the mountains, and beat Third Day.
them small, and shalt make the bills MATTIN S.
as chaff. Thou shalt fan them, and
the wind shall carry them away; and Invitatory as on the Third Sunday.
the whirlwind shall scatter them; and Hymn as on the First Sunday.
thou shalt rejoice in the LORD, thou
shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel. First Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Third Resfionsory. the Prophet Isaiah (xlii. I.)
Imust decrease, &c., (Third Re BEHOLD My servant whom I will
.wonsory on Sunday.) uphold, Mine elect in whom My
soul delighteth: I have put My spirit
upon him, he shall bring forth judg
ment to the Gentiles. He shall not
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) cry, nor have respect Of persons,
neither shall he cause his voice to be
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the heard in the street. A bruised reed
First Week.) shall he not break, and the smoking
flax shall he not quench; he shall
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on bring forth judgment unto truth. He
the First Sunday. shall not fail nor be discouraged till he
have set judgment in the earth; and
A ntinhon at the Song of Zacharias. the isles shall wait for his law.
Thus saith the Lord, * 1Repent ye,
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Alleluia. First Responsory.
Unto us shall a Child, &c., (Fourth
Prayer as on Sunday.
Responsory on Sunday.)
After “Bless we the Lord,” is said
the Dirge.
Second Lesson.


That created the heavens and
A ntz'phons as on Sunday, and the stretched them out, He That estab
same alteration in the Short Responsory lished the earth and that which cometh
at Prime. out of it; He That giveth breath unto
the people upon it, and spirit to them
VESPERS. that walk therein. I the LORD have
called thee in righteousness, and held
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
thine hand and kept thee, and given
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in thee for a covenant of the people, for a
the First Week.) light of the Gentiles ; to open the blind
eyes, to bring out the prisoners from
[lymn and Verse and Answer as on the prison, and them that sit in dark
the First Saturday. ness out of the prison-house.
1 Matth. iii. 2.

Second Responsory. VESPERS.

Behold, the fulness of the time, &c., Chatter. (Gen. xlix. ID.)
Responsory on Sunday.)
The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
Third Lesson. ( I o.) the First Week.)

SING unto the LORD a new song, Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
His praise from the end of the the First Saturday.
earth, ye that go down to the sea, and
all that is therein, the isles and the
inhabitants thereof. Let the wilder
ness and the cities thereof lift up their Fourth Day.
voice, they that dwell in the tents
of Kedar.l Sing, 0 ye inhabitants MATTINS.
of Petra,2 shout from the top of the Invitatory as on the Third Sunday.
mountains. Let them give glory unto bfymn as on the First Sunday.
the LORD, and declare His praise in
the islands. The LORD shall go forth First Lesson.
as a mighty man, He shall stir up
jealousy like a man of war; He shall The Lesson is taken from the Book of
cry, yea, roar; He shall prevail against the Prophet Isaiah (1i. 1.)
His enemies.
HEARKEN to me, ye that follow
Third Responsory. after righteousness and seek the
LORD! Look unto the rock whence ye
O virgin of Israel, &c., (Sixth Re are hewn, and to the hole of the pit
sponsory on Sunday.) whence ye are dug. Look unto Abra
ham your father, and unto Sarah that
LAUDS. bare you; for I called him when he
was alone, and blessed him, and in
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
creased him. Therefore the LORD
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the shall comfort Zion; He also will com
First Week.) fort all her waste places: and He
will make her wilderness a place of
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
delights, and her desert like the
the First Sunday.
garden of the LORD. Joy and glad
A ntiphon at the Songr of Zacharias. ness shall be found therein, thanks
3Awake, awake, * put on strength, 0 giving, and the voice of praise.
arm of the LORD !
See however the Ruhrics on Dec. 21 ‘ First Responsory.
and 23, (p. 244.)
I have sworn, &c., (Seventh Respon
Prayer as on Sunday. sory on Sunday.)

PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE. Second Lesson.

Antiphons as on Sunday, and the HEARKEN unto Me, My people,
same alteration in the Short Responsory and give ear unto Me, 0 My
at Prime. nation: for a law shall proceed from
1 The name of a son of Ishmael. .2 A? large city in Northern Arabia. 3 Isa. 1i. 9.

Me, and I will make My judgment Antiphon at the Songof Zacharias.

to rest for a light of the people. 1I will place salvation * in Zion,
My Righteous One is near, My and My glory in Jerusalem. Alle
Saviour is gone forth, and Mine luia.
arms shall judge the people : the
See however the Ruhrics on Dec. 2 I,
isles shall wait upon Me, and on
and 23, (p. 244.)
Mine arm shall they trust. Lift up
your eyes to the heavens, and look Prayer as on Sunday.
upon the earth beneath; for the
heavens shall vanish away like smoke, PRIME, TERCE, SEXT, NONE.
and the earth shall wax old like a
garment, and they that dwell therein Antihhons as on Sunday, and the
shall perish in like manner: but My same alteration in the Short Respon
salvation shall be for ever, and My sory at Prime.
righteousness shall not pass away.

Second Responsory. Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)

We will not go back, &c., (Eighth The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
Resfionsory on Sunday.) the First Week.)
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
Third Lesson. the First Saturday.
HEARKEN unto me, ye that know
righteousness, My people in
whose heart is My law: fear ye not
the reproach of men, neither be ye Fifth Day.
afraid of their revilings. For the
worm shall eat them up like a gar
ment, and the moth shall eat them Invitatory as on the Third Sunday.
like wool: but My salvation shall Hymn as on the First Sunday.
be for ever, and My righteousness
from generation to generation.
First Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Third Responsory.
the Pr0phet Isaiah (lxiv. 1.)
Consider how great, &c., (Ninth THAT Thou wouldest rend the
Responsory on Sunday.)
heavens, that Thou wouldest
come down! that the mountains
LAUDS. might flow down at Thy presence!
They would pass away like a fire
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.) that is burnt out, the fires would
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the cause the waters to boil, to make
First Week.) Thy name known to Thine adver
saries, that the nations may tremble
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on at Thy presence! When Thou doest
the First Sunday. terrible things we shall not abide it:
1 Isa. xlvi. r3.

Thou camest down, the mountains Our holy and our beautiful house,
flowed down at Thy presence. From where our fathers praised Thee, is
the beginning of the world men have burned up with fire, and all our
not heard, nor perceived by the ear; pleasant things are laid waste.
the eye hath not seen, 0 God, be
side Thee, what Thou hast prepared Third Responsory.
for them that wait for Thee!
I must decrease, &c., (Third Re
sponsory on Sunday.)
First Responsory.
Blow ye the trumpet, &c., (First LAUDS.
Responsory on Sunday.)
Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)

Seeond Lesson. Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the

First Week.)
THOU meetest him that rejoiceth,
and worketh righteousness ; they bfymn and Verse and Answer as on
will remember Thee in Thy ways: the First Sunday.
behold, Thou art wroth, for we have Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
sinned: in those was continuance and 2 Comfort ye, comfort ye, * My people,
we shall be saved. But we are all saith the Lord your God.
as an unclean thing, and all our
righteousnesses are as filthy rags : 1 See however the Rubric on Dec. 23,
and we all do fade as a leaf, and (e 244-)
our iniquities, like the wind, have Prayer as on Sunday.
taken us away. There is none that
calleth upon Thy name, that stirreth
up himself to take hold of Thee:
Thou hast hid Thy face from us, Antithons as on Sunday, and the
and hast consumed us by the hand same alteration in the Short Respon
of our iniquities. sory at Prime.

Second Responsory. VESPERS.

The sceptre shall not depart, &c., Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 10.)
(Second Responsory on Sunday.) The sceptre, &c., (as on Monday in
the First Week.)
Third Lesson. Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
the First Saturday.
AND now, 0 LORD, Thou art our
Father; we are clay, and Thou
our Potter, and we all are the work firing.
of Thine hand. Be not wroth very
sore, O LORD, neither remember our Sixth Day.
iniquity for ever: behold, see, we are
all Thy people. The city of Thy
sanctuary is a wilderness, Zion is a Invitatory as on the Third Sunday.
wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation. Hymn as on the First Sunday.
1 Pannus menstruatae. 2 Isa. x1. I.

First Lesson. Third Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Book Of 5 one whom his mother comfort
the Prophet Isaiah (lxvi. 5.) eth, so will I comfort you, and
ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
H EAR the word of the LORD, ye When ye see this, your heart shall
_ that tremble at His word ; your rejoice, and your bones shall flourish
brethren that hated you, and cast you like an herb: and the hand of the
out for My name’s sake, said: Let the LORD shall be known towards His
LORD be glorified, and we shall see it servants, and His indignation towards
in your joy—but they shall be ashamed. His enemies. For, behold, the LORD
A voice of people from the city, a voice will come with fire; and His chariots
from the temple, a voice of the LORD like a whirlwind, to render His anger
that rendereth recompense to His ene with fury, and His rebuke with flames
mies. Before she travailed, she brought of fire: for by fire and by His sword
forth : before her pain came she was de will the LORD plead with all flesh, and
livered of a man child. Who hath heard the slain of the LORD shall be many.
such a thing? or who hath seen such
things ? Shall the earth bring forth in Third Responsory.
one day? or shall a nation be born at
once P for as soon as Zion travailed she O virgin of Israel, &c., (Sixth Re
brought forth her children. sponsory on Sunday.)

First Responsory. LAUDS.

Unto us shall a Child, &c., (Fourth Chapter. (Isa. ii. 3.)
Responsory on Sunday.)
Come ye, &c., (as on Monday in the
First Week.)
Second Lesson.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
SHALL not I Myself bring forth,
the First Sunday.
saith the LORD, That make
Others to bring forth? Shall I Myself Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
be barren, That cause others to beget Behold, all things are fulfilled * which
children ? saith the Lord thy God. were spoken by the Angel concerning
Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad the Virgin Mary.
with her, all ye that love her: rejoice Prayer as on Sunday.
for joy with her, all ye that mourn for
her, that ye may suck, and be satisfied
with the breasts of her consolations:
that ye may milk out, and be delighted Antiphons as on Sunday, and the
with the abundance of her glory. For same alteration in the Short Respon
thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will sory at Prime.
extend the glory of the Gentiles to her
like a flowing stream, whereof ye shall VESPERS.
suck; ye shall be borne upon her
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. I o.)
breasts, and be dandled upon her
knees. The sceptre, &c., (as on rllonday in
Second Responsory. the First Week.)
Behold, the fulness of the time, &c., Hymn and Verse and Answer as on
(Fifth Responsory on Sunday.) the First Saturday.

Qthristmas éEfiz, of Joseph. Secondly, because she was

thus saved from being stoned by the
The Eve of the Lord’s Birth. Jews as an adulteress. Thirdly, that
Himself and His mother might have
[f Christmas Eve does not fall on a a guardian on their journey into Egypt.
Sunday, the Ofiiee is of the Eve. If it To these, Ignatius, the martyr of
fall on a Sunday, the Ofiiee is of the Antioch, has added a fourth reason:
Sunday, save that the In'z/itatory is of namely, that the birth might take
the Eve; all is then of the Sunday till place unknown to the devil, who
the Verse and Answer of the Third would naturally suppose that Mary
Noeturn : the Verse and Answer, Gos had conceived by Joseph.
pel and Homily, are then of the Eve,
what follows is of the Eve, and at
Laudr there is a Commemoration of First [or Seventh] Responsory.
the Sunday.
2Sanctify yourselves to-day, and be
MATTINS. ready: for on the morrow ye shall see
the majesty of God upon you.
Of the week-day, except the following. Verse. This day ye shall know that
Inw'tatory. This day ye shall know the Lord cometh, and in the morning,
that the Lord cometh: * 1and in the then ye shall see—
morning, then ye shall see His glory. Answer. The majesty of God upon
Hymn as on the First Sunday.
Second [or Eighth] Lesson.
Verse. This day ye shall know that
the Lord cometh. “ BEFORE they came together, she
Answer. And in the morning, then was found with child of the
ye shall see His glory. Holy Ghost.” She was found, that is,
by Joseph, but by no one else. He
had already almost an husband’s privi-\
First [or Seventh] Lesson.
lege to know all that concerned her.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy “Before they came together.” This
Gospel according to Matthew (i. doth not imply that they ever did come
18.) together: the Scripture merely show
eth the absolute fact that up to this
HEN as Mary, the Mother of time they had not done so.
JESUS, was espoused to Joseph,
before they came together, she was
found with child of the Holy Ghost. Second [or Eighth] Responsory.
And so on.
8Stand still, and ye shall see the
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at help of the Lord with you: O Judah
Bethlehem,] (Ist Bk. of Commentaries, and Jerusalem, fear not. To-morrow
on Matth. i.) ye shall go out, and the Lord will be
with you.
Why was the Lord conceived of an Verse. Sanctify yourselves, 0 ye
espoused virgin rather than of a free? children of Israel, and be ready.
First, for the sake of the genealogy of Answer. To-morrow ye shall go
Mary, which we have obtained by that out, and the Lord will be with you.
1 Exod. xvi. 6, 7. 9 Exod. xix. 10. 3 Exod. xiv. r3; 2 Par. (Chron.) xx. 17.

Third [or [Vinth] Lesson. Second Antiphon. 3This day ye

shall know * that the Lord cometh:
“ THEN Joseph her husband, being and in the morning, then ye shall see
a just man, and not willing to His glory.
make her a public example, was Third Antiphon. On the morrow *
minded to put her away privily.” If the sins of the earth shall be washed
any man be joined to a fornicatress away, and the Saviour of the world
they become one body; and according will be our King.
to the law they that are privy to a Fourth Antzphon. The Lord com
crime are thereby guilty. How then eth! *—Go ye out to meet Him,
can it be that Joseph is described as and say: How great is His dominion,
a just man, at the very time he was and of His kingdom there shall be
compounding the criminality of his no end: He is the Mighty God, the
espoused? It must have been that Ruler, the Prince of Peace, Alleluia!
he knew her to be pure, and yet Fifth Antiphon. On the morrow *
understood not the mystery of her ye shall be saved, saith the Lord God
pregnancy, but, while he wondered at of hosts.
that which had happened, was willing
to hold his peace.
Chafiter. (Rom. i. 1.)

Third [or Ninth] Responsory. PAUL, a servant of JESUS Christ,

called to be an Apostle, separated
Sanctify yourselves, 0 ye children unto the gospel of God, which He
of Israel, saith the Lord: for on the had promised afore by His Prophets,
morrow the LORD will come down. in the holy Scriptures, concerning His
And will take away from you all Son, Which was made of the seed of
sickness.1 David according to the flesh.
Verse. On the morrow the sins of
the earth shall be washed away, and Hymn as on the First Sunday.
the Saviour of the world will be our
Verse. On the morrow the sins of
King. the earth shall be washed away.
Answer. And will take away from
Answer. And the Saviour of the
you all sickness.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and world will be our King.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Antibhon at the Song of Zaeharz'as.
Answer. And will take away from The Saviour of the world shall rise
you all sickness. like the sun, and come down into the
womb of the Virgin as the showers
The rest of the day is observed as a
upon the grass. Alleluia.
Double Feast.

0 GOD, Whose mercy doth year by
Psalms of the Sunday.
year cause us to rejoice, looking
First Antiphon. 2O Judah and forward to our deliverance, grant that
Jerusalem, * fear not: to-morrow ye as we now make ready with gladness
shall go out, and the LORD will be to receive Thine Only-begotten Son as
with you. our Saviour, so we may see Him with
1 Deut. vii. 15. 2 2 Par. (Chron.)-xx. 17. I 3 Exod. xvi. 6, 7.

out dread at His second and terrible JESUS Christ was born according to
coming as our Judge, even our Lord the flesh.
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and (All rise and sit.)
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the
Upon the same 25th day of Decem
Holy Ghost, one God, world without
ber, were born into the better life-—
end. Amen.
At Rome, in the Apronian cemetery,
the holy virgin Eugenia, who in the
PRIME. time of the Emperor Gallienus, after
As on Doubles. many works of p0wer, and after enlist
ing bands of sacred virgins for Christ,
Antiphon. O Judah and Jerusalem, suffered long under Nicetius, Prefect of
* &c., (First A ntiohon at Lauds.) the city, and at length was slain with
The same alteration as before in the the sword [about 258].
At Nicomedia, many thousand holy
Short Responsory.
martyrs. Upon the feast of Christ’s
birth they had come together unto the
MARTYROLOGY (all standing). Lord’s house, and the Emperor Diocle
Upon the 25th day of December; tian ordered the doors of the church
In the year 5199 from the creation to be shut, and all things made ready
of the world, when in the beginning for fire round about it; then he set a
God created the heavens and the tripod and incense in front of the door,
earth ; and sent an herald to proclaim in a
In the year 2959 from the flood ; loud voice that whosoever would escape
In the year 2015 from the birth of burning should come forth and offer
incense unto Jupiter. Whereunto they
In the year I 5 IO from the going forth all replied with one voice, that they
of the people of Israel out of Egypt would far rather die for Christ’s sake,
under Moses ; whereupon he kindled the fire and they
In the year 1032 from the anoint were consumed, and were born in
ing of David as King ; heaven upon that same day where
In the 65th week according to the upon it had pleased Christ to be born
prophecy of Daniel ; into this world to save it.
In the 194 Olympiad; At Barcelona, in Spain [in the year
In the 752 from the foundation of I 2 56], the holy confessor Peter Nolasco,
the city of Rome ; founder of the Order of the Blessed
In the 42nd year of the reign of the Virgin Mary of Ransom for the re
Emperor Octavian Augustus ; demption of captives. He was famous
In the 6th age of the world, while ' for his graces and miracles, and
the whole earth was at peace, JESUS Alexander VIII. commanded his
Christ, Himself Eternal God and Son feast to be kept upon the last day
of the Eternal Father, being pleased to of January.
hallow the world by His most gracious
coming, having been conceived of the Chapter at the end. (Rom. i. 5.)
Holy Ghost, and when nine months
BY Whom we have received grace
were passed after His conception,
and Apostleship, for obedience
(all kneel down) to the faith among all nations, by His
was born of the Virgin Mary at Beth name, among whom are ye also the
lehem of Juda made Man, our Lord called of our Lord JESUS Christ.

TERCE. Answer. The sins of the earth

shall be washed away.
Antiphon. This day ye shall know,
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
* &c., (Second A ntiphon at Lands.)
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Chapterfrom Lauds. Ghost.
Answer. On the morrow the sins
of the earth shall be washed away.
Short Responsory.
Verse. On the morrow ye shall be
This day ye shall know that the saved.
Lord cometh. Answer. Saith the Lord God of
Answer. This day ye shall know hosts.
that the Lord cometh.
Prayer as at Lands.
Verse. And in the morning, then
ye shall see His glory.
Answer. That the Lord cometh. NONE.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Antinhon. On the morrow, * &c.,
(Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)
Answer. This day ye shall know
that the Lord cometh. Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Verse. Stand ye still.
Answer. And ye shall see the
Short Responsory.
salvation of the LORD with you.
On the morrow ye shall be saved.
Prayer as at Lands.
Answer. On the morrow ye shall
be saved.
SEXT. Verse. Saith the Lord God of
Antiphon. On the morrow, * &c., hosts.
Answer. Ye shall be saved.
(Third A ntiphon at Lands.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Chapter. (Rom. i. 4.) Ghost.
H0 is declared to be the Son of Answer. On the morrow ye shall
God with power, according to be saved.
the spirit of holiness, by the resur Verse. On the morrow the sins of
rection of our Lord JESUS Christ from the earth shall be washed away.
the dead. Answer. And the Saviour of the
world will be our King.

Short Responsory. Prayer as at Lands.

On the morrow the sins of the earth The Feast begins at sunset.
shall be washed away. From henceforth until the Epiphany,
Answer. On the morrow the sins the last verse of all the hymns at
of the earth shall be washed away. Prime, Teree, Sext, 1Vone, and Com
Verse. And the Saviour of the pline, is altered in honour of the
world will be our King. Incarnation.

£1112 or Qlbrtsnnas EBay,

Eb: Birthdhag 1 of the 3Lutb.

Double of the First Class, with an Octave.

Everything as on Sundays excefit lag/Inn.6

what is otherwise given here.
ESUS, the Ransomer of man,
Who, ere created light began,
FIRST VESPERS. Didst from the Sovereign Father spring,
His power and glory equalling.
First Antiohon. King Peaceful ex
ceeded all the kings of the earth, and Thou brightness of Thy Father’s rays,
Thou hope and end of all our ways :
all the earth sought to Peaceful.2 With gracious ears the prayers attend,
Second Antzjohon. King Peaceful Which round the world to Thee ascend.
exceeded all the kings of the whole Remember, Lord, that heretofore,
earth. When Thee Thy Virgin Mother bore,
Third Antiphon. 3The days of Thou from her womb didst breathe our air,
And human nature for us hear.
Mary were accomplished that she
should bring forth her first-born Son. To Thee, this present solemn day,
Fourth Antzlohon. 4Kn0w ye that We yearly adorations pay;
The world’s Redeemer Thee we own,
the kingdom of God is at hand: Amen Descending from Thy Father‘s throne.
I say unto you, it will not tarry.
Fifth Antiphon. 5Lift up your The joyful heavens, earth and main,
With whatsoever they contain,
heads: behold, your redemption In new, harmonious accents Sing
draweth nigh. New life restored by the new-born King.

We, ransomed by that bloody tide,

Psalm CX V]. That issued from Thy sacred side,
With double hymns of heart and voice,
O praise the LORD, &c., (p. 186.) For this Thy natal day rejoice.
To JESUS, from a Virgin sprung,
Chapter. (Tit. iii. 4.) Be glory given, and praises sung :
The like to God the Father be,
HE kindness and love of God our And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.
Saviour appeared, not by works of
righteousness which we have done, but Verse. On the morrow the sins of
according to His mercy He saved us. the earth shall be washed away.
1 N ativitas.
2 This passage is in 3 (1) Kings x. 23, 24, and relates to Solomon, but by translating his
name, which, in the Hebrew, means “ Peaceful,” it is made to apply to Christ the true “ Prince
of Peace." 3 Luke ii. 6, 7. 4 Luke xxi. 3r. 5 Luke xxi. 28.
5 This hymn, except the last verse, is of the Ambrosian school, though altered almost beyond
recognition : the translation is extracted from the “ Hortus Animae."

Answer. And the Saviour of the First Lesson. 3 (Isa. ix. 1.)
world will be our King.
AT the first He lightly afflicted the
A ntz'plwn at the Song of the Blessed land of Zabulon and the land
Virgin. 1Or ever the sun be risen, of Naphtali: and afterward did more
ye shall see the King of kings coming grievously afflict the way of the sea,
forth from the Father, as a bridegroom beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gen
out of his chamber. tiles. The people that walked in
Prayer as at the following Lauds. darkness have seen a great light:
they that dwell in the land of the
shadow of death, upon them hath
the light shined. Thou hast multi
Invitatory. 2Unto us a Christ is plied the nation and 4not increased
born: * 0 come, let us worship Him. the joy. They shall joy before Thee
according to the joy in harvest, as
Hymn as at Vespers.
men rejoice when they divide the
spoil. For Thou hast broken the
yoke of his burden, and the stat?
First Antiphon. The LORD hath of his shoulder, and the rod of his
said unto Me: * Thou art My Son, oppressor, as in the day of Midian.
this day have I begotten Thee. For every battle of the warrior is
with confused noise, and garments
Psalm [1. rolled in blood, and it shall be with
burning and fuel of fire. For unto
Why do the heathen rage? &c.,
us a Child is born, and unto us a
(e- 4-) Son is given: and the government
Second Antiphon. The Lord is as is upon His shoulder, and His name
a bridegroom * coming out of his shall be called Wonderful, Counsel
chamber. ' lor, The Mighty God, The Ever
Psalm X VIII. lasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
The heavens declare, &c. (p. 17.)
First Responsory.
Third Antiphon. Grace is poured
into Thy lips: * therefore God hath This is the day whereon the King of
blessed Thee for ever. heaven was pleased to be born of a
Virgin, that He might bring back to
Psalm XL]V. heaven man who was lost. There is
joy among the hosts of Angels, be
Mine heart is overflowing, &c., (p.
cause eternal salvation hath appeared
96-) unto men.
Verse. The Lord is as a bride Verse. 5 Glory to God in the high
groom. est, and on earth peace, to men of
A nswer. Coming out of his cham goodwill.6
ber. Answer. There is joy among the
1 Cf. Ps. xviii. 9 Cf. Isa. ix. 6.
3 But the title is not given out. Lowth translates the first words: “In the former time He
debased the land of Zabulon, &c.," (referring to the invasion under Tiglath Pileser,) “but in
the latter time He hath made it glorious, even the way of the sea, &c.”
4 The Hebrew tradition, accepted by Lowth, attributes the negative to an eccentric spelling,
and translates : “ and increased their joy."
5 Luke ii. 14. ' 6 1.e., the objects of God's good-will.
hosts of Angels, because eternal sal day throughout the whole world the
vation hath appeared unto men. skies drop down sweetness.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Verse. This day is the daybreak
and to the Son, and to the Holy of our new redemption, of the re
Ghost. storing of the old, of everlasting
Answer. This is the day whereon JOY
the King of heaven was pleased to Answer. This day throughout the
be born of a Virgin, that He might whole world the skies drop down
bring back to heaven man who was sweetness.
lost. There is joy among the hosts
of Angels, because eternal salvation
Third Lesson. 1(Isa. lii. I.)
hath appeared unto men.
AWAKE, awake, put on thy strength,
Second Lesson. 1 (Isa. xl. 1.) 0 Zion : put on thy beautiful gar
ments, 0 Jerusalem, thou city of the
OMFORT ye, comfort ye, My Holy One! for henceforth there shall
people, saith your God. Speak no more come into thee the uncircum
ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry cised and the unclean. Shake thyself
unto her that her warfare is accom from the dust, arise, sit down, 0 Jeru
plished, that her iniquity is pardoned ; salem: loose thyself from the bands of
for she hath received of the LORD’S thy neck, 0 captive daughter of Zion!
hand double for all her sins. The For thus saith the LORD: Ye have
voice of him that crieth in the wilder sold yourselves for nought, and ye
ness: Prepare ye the way of the shall be redeemed without money.
LORD, make straight in the desert For thus saith the Lord 3GOD: My
an highway for our God. Every people went down aforetime into
valley shall be exalted, and every Egypt, to sojourn there: and the
mountain and hill shall be made Assyrian oppressed them without
low: and the crooked shall be made cause. Now, therefore, what have
straight, and the rough places plain. I here, saith the LORD, that My
And the glory of the LORD shall people is taken away for nought?
be revealed, and all flesh shall see They that rule over them do evil,
it together; for the mouth of the saith the LORD, and My name con
LORD hath spoken it. The voice tinually every day is blasphemed.
said, Cry. And I said: What shall Therefore My people shall know My
I cry? All flesh is grass, and all Name in that day: they shall know
the goodliness thereof is as the flower that I am He That spake, behold,
of the field. The grass withereth and it is I.
the flower fadeth, because the spirit
Third Responsory.
of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely
the people is grass. The grass with 0 ye shepherds, speak, and tell us
ereth and the flower fadeth: but the what ye have seen; who is appeared
word of our 2 Lord endureth for ever. in the earth? We saw the new-born
Child, and Angels singing praise to
Second Responsory. the Lord.
Verse. Speak ; what have ye seen ?
This day is the true peace come And tell us of the Birth of Christ.
down unto us from heaven. This Answer. We saw the new-born
1 Not given out. 9 Hebrew, “' our God." 3 The Divine Name.

Child, and Angels singing praise to would be unlawful to be sad to-day,

the Lord. for to-day is Life’s Birthday: the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Birthday Of that Life, Which, for
and to the Son, and to the Holy us dying creatures, taketh away the
Ghost. sting of death, and bringeth the
Answer. We saw the new-born bright promise of the eternal glad
Child, and Angels singing praise to ness hereafter. It would be unlaw
the Lord. ful for any man to refuse to partake
in our rejoicing. All men have an
SECOND NOCTURN. equal share in the great cause of
our joy, for, since our Lord, Who
First Antiphon. We have drunk is the destroyer of sin and of death,
in Thy loving-kindness, * O God, findeth that all are bound under the
in the midst of Thy temple. condemnation, He is come to make
all free. Rejoice, O thou that art
Psalm XLVII. holy, thou drawest nearer to thy
crown! Rejoice, O thou that art
Great is the LORD, &c., (p. 98.) sinful, thy Saviour offereth thee par
don! Rejoice also, 0 thou Gentile,
Second Antiphon. In the Lord’s
God calleth thee to life! For the
days * shall abundance of peace arise
Son of God, when the fulness of the
and flourish.
time was come, which had been fixed
by the unsearchable counsel of God,
Psalm LXXI. took upon Him the nature of man,
that He might reconcile that nature
Give the king Thy judgment, &c.,
to Him Who made it, and so the
(p. 126.) devil, the inventor of death, is met
Third Antiohon. Truth is sprung and beaten in that very flesh which
out of the earth, * and righteousness hath been the field of his victory.
hath looked down from heaven.
Fourth Responsory.
Psalm LXXXIV. How great is this mystery, how
LORD, Thou hast been favourable, wonderful is the teaching of the faith!
The beasts saw the new-born Lord
&c. (a 143-) lying in a manger. Blessed is that
Verse. 1 Thou art fairer than the Virgin whose womb was made meet
children of men. to bear our Lord Christ.
Answer. Grace is poured into thy Verse. Hail, Mary, full of grace:
lips. the Lord is with thee.
Fourth Lesson. Answer. Blessed is that Virgin
whose womb was made meet to bear
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons our Lord Christ.
of Pope St Leo [the Great,] (Istfor
Christmas. ) Fiflh Lesson.
DEARLY beloved brethren, “Unto HEN our Lord entered the field
us is born this day a Saviour,” of battle against the devil, He
(Luke ii. 11.) Let us rejoice.i._;[lt did so with a great and wonderful
1 P5. xliv. 3.

fairness. Being Himself the Almighty, us together with Christ,” (Eph. ii. 4,
He laid aside His uncreated Majesty 5,) that in Him we might be a new
to fight with our cruel enemy in our creature, and a new workmanship.
weak flesh. He brought against him Let us then put off the old man with
the very shape, the very nature of our his deeds (Col. iii. 9); and, having
mortality, “yet without sin.” (Heb. obtained a share in the Sonship of
iv. 15.) His birth however was not Christ, let us renounce the deeds of
a birth like other births—for no other the flesh. Learn, 0 Christian, how
is born pure, nay, not the little child great thou art, who hast been made
whose life endureth but a day on the partaker of the Divinenature, (2 Pet.
earth.1 To His birth alone the throes i. 4,) and fall not again by corrupt
of human passion had not contributed, conversation into the beggarly ele
in His alone no consequence of sin ments above which thou art lifted.
had had part. For His Mother was Remember Whose Body it is Whereof
chosen a Virgin of the kingly lineage thou art made a member, and Who
of David, and when she was to grow is its Head, (I Cor. vi. 15.) Re
heavy with the sacred Child, her soul member that it is He That hath
had already conceived Him before her delivered thee from the power of
body. She knew the counsel of God darkness and hath translated thee
announced to her by the Angel, lest into God’s light, and God’s king
the unwonted events should alarm dom, (Col. i. 13.)
her. The future Mother of God knew
what was to be wrought in her by the
Holy Ghost, and that her modesty was Sixth Responsory.
absolutely safe.
0 Mary, how holy and how spotless
is thy virginity—I am too dull to
Fifth Responsory. praise thee! For thou hast borne in
thy breast Him Whom the heavens
Blessed is God’s holy Mother,
cannot contain.3
Mary, maiden undefiled. This day
Verse. Blessed art thou among
hath she brought forth the Saviour
women, and blessed is the fruit of
of the world. thy womb.
Verse. 2Blessed is she that be
Answer. For thou hast borne in
lieved; for there is a performance of
thy breast Him Whom the heavens
all those things which were told her
cannot contain.
from the Lord.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Answer. This day hath she
and to the Son, and to the Holy
brought forth the Saviour of the
Answer. For thou hast borne in
Sixth Lesson. thy breast Him Whom the heavens
cannot contain.
HEREFORE, dearly beloved bre
thren, let us give thanks to
God the Father, through His Son, in THIRD NOCTURN.
the Holy Ghost: Who, “for His great
love wherewith He loved us,” hath First Antiphon. He shall cry unto
had mercy on us: and, “even when Me, (Alleluia) * Thou art My Father,
we were dead in sins, hath quickened (Alleluia)
1 Job xiv. 4. (LXX.) 2 Luke i. 45 3 3(1) Kings viii. 27.

Psalm LXXX VIII. speak a few words. I will first ask

why, when the Lord was to be born,
Iwill sing of the mercies, &c., (p. the world was enrolled? Was it not
145-) to herald the appearing of Him by
Whom the elect are enrolled in the
Second Antiphon. Let the heavens book of life? Whereas the Prophet
rejoice, * and let the earth be glad saith of the reprobate: “Let them
before the LORD, for He cometh. be blotted, out of the book of the
living, and not be written with the
righteous.” (Ps. lxviii. 29.) Then,
Psalm XC V.
the Lord is born in Bethlehem. Now
O sing unto the LORD, &c., (16. 148.) the name Bethlehem signifieth “the
House of Bread,” and thus it is the
Third Antijfihon. The Lord hath birth-place of Him Who hath said,
made known, (Alleluia,) * His salva “I am the Living Bread, Which came
tion, (Alleluia) down from heaven.” (John vi. 51.)
We see then that this name of Bethle
hem was prophetically given to the
Psalm XC VI]. place where Christ was born, because
it was there that He was to appear
0 sing unto the LORD, &c., (p. 157.)
in the flesh by Whom the souls of
the faithful are fed unto life eternal.
Verse. He shall cry unto Me,
He was born, not in His Mother’s
(Alleluia. )
Thou art My Father, house, but away from home. And
this is a mystery, showing that this
(Alleluia. )
our mortality into which He was born
was not the home of Him Who is
Seventh Blessing. begotten of the Father before the
May the Gospel’s saving Lord
Bless the reading of His Word. Seventh Responsory.
Blessed be the womb of the Virgin
Seventh Lesson. Mary, which bore the Son of the
Eternal Father, and blessed be the
The Lesson is taken from the Holy paps which give suck to Christ our
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 1.) Lord. This day hath He been pleased
for the salvation of the world to be
T that time: There went out a
born of a Virgin.
decree from Caesar Augustus
Verse. This day which is breaking
that all the world should be enrolled.
is holy: 0 come, ye Gentiles, and
And so on. worship the Lord.
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the Answer. This day hath He been
Great,] (8th on the Gospels.) pleased for the salvation of the world
to be born of a Virgin.
By God’s mercy we are to say three
Masses to-day, so that there is not Eighth Blessing.
much time left for preaching; but at
the same time the occasion of the May the Gospel’s glorious word,
Lord’s Birth-day itself obliges melto Cleansing to our souls aflbrd.

Eighth Lesson. and to the Son, and to the Holy

The Lesson is taken from the Holy Answer. And we beheld His
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 1 5.) glory, the glory as of the Only-be
gotten of the Father, full of grace
T that time: The shepherds said
and truth.
one to another: Let us now go
even unto Bethlehem, and see this Ninth Blessing.
thing which is come to pass, which
the Lord hath made known unto us. Christ That sent the Gospel preacher,
And so on. In his meaning be our Teacher.

Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of

Ninth Lesson.
Milan,] (Book ii. on Luke ii.)
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Behold the beginning of the Church.
Gospel according to John (i. I.)
Christ is born, and the shepherds
watch; shepherds, to gather together I N the beginning was the Word, and
the scattered sheep of the Gentiles, the Word was with God, and the
and to lead them into the fold of \Vord was God. And so on.
Christ, that they might no longer be
a prey to the ravages of spiritual wolves Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
in the night of this world’s darkness. Hipp0,] (1st Tract on john.)
And that shepherd is wide awake,
Lest thou shouldest think all things
whom the Good Shepherd stirreth up._
mean, as thou art accustomed to think
The flock then is the people, the night
of things human, hear and digest this
is the world, and the shepherds are
—“ The Word was God.” Now per
the Priests. And perhaps he is a
haps there will come forward some
shepherd to whom it is said, “Be
Arian unbeliever, and say that the
watchful and strengthen," (Apoc. iii.
Word of God was a creature. How
2,)1 for God hath ordained as the
can the Word of God be a creature,
shepherds of His flock not Bishops
when it was by the Word that all
only, but also Angels.
creatures were made? If He be a
creature, then there must have been
Eighth Responsory. some other Word, not a creature, by
which He was made. And what
2The Word was made flesh, and Word is that? If thou sayest that it
dwelt among us. And we beheld was by the word of the Word Himself
His glory, the glory as of the Only that He was made, I tell thee that
begotten of the Father, full of grace God had no other, but One Only
and truth. begotten Son. But if thou say not
Verse. All things were made by that it was by the word of the Word
Him, and without Him was not any Himself that He was made, thou art
thing made. forced to confess that He by Whom
Answer. And we beheld His all things were made was not Himself
glory, the glory as of the Only-be made at all. Believe the Gospel.
gotten of the Father, full of grace
and truth. The Hymn, “ We praise thee, O
Verse. Glory be to the Father, God, &c.” is said.
1 Addressed to the Angel of the Church of Sardis. 2 John i. I4, 3.

After this the Service proceeds as Glory to God in the highest, and on
follows :1 earth peace, to men of good will.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. Fifth Antiphon. Unto us this day
Answer. And let my cry come a little Child is born, * and His name
unto Thee. shall be called the Mighty God. Alle
Let us pray. luia, Alleluia.

Here follows the Prayerfrom Lauds, Chapter. (Heb. i. I.)

at the end of which is answered:
GOD, Who by divers portions and
A nswer. Amen. in divers manners spake in time
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. past unto the fathers by the Prophets :
A nswer. And let my cry come hath in these last days spoken unto us
unto Thee. by His Son, Whom He hath appointed
Verse. Bless we the Lord. heir of all things, by Whom also He
A nswer. Thanks be to God. made the worlds.
In communities the Midnight Mass
is now celebrated, and immediately
afterwards Lauds are begun. FROM where the sunrise had its birth,
Unto the farthest bounds of earth,
The Virgin Mary’s Child we sing,
LAUDS. With notes of gladness, Christ the King.

Blest Maker of the world, He came

First Antiphon. 0 ye shepherds, And clad Him in a servant’s frame,
speak, * and tell us what ye have Our flesh with His own Flesh to aid,
seen; who is appeared in the earth? Lest those should perish whom He made.
We saw the new-born Child, and His Mother pure becomes the place
angels singing praise to the Lord. Wherein abides celestial grace,
Alleluia, Alleluia. She bears within her maiden breast
A secret by herself unguessed.
Second Antiphon. 2The Mother
brought forth the King, * Whose name Soon rises in that modest shrine
is called THE ETERNAL; the' joy of a The Temple of the Lord Divine:
The stainless and unwedded one
Mother was hers, remaining a Virgin Within her womb conceived the Son.
unsullied; neither before nor hence
Him in that wondrous birth she bore
forth hath there been or shall be such Whom Gabriel announced before;
another. Alleluia. Whom John while yet unborn perceived,
Third Antiphon. 3 The Angel said And, leaping in the womb, believed.
unto the shepherds: * I bring you On hay reclined, the Lord Most High,
good tidings of great joy ; for unto you Within a manger deigned to lie :
is born this day a Saviour of the And He who feeds the birds of air
Vouchsafed a little milk to share.
world. Alleluia.
Fourth Antiphon. 3 There was with The Heavenly choirs now rejoice,
The Angels lift to God their voice,
the Angel a multitude of the heavenly The Shepherd Who the world hath made
host, * praising God, and saying: Before the shepherds lies displayed.
1 But if there is to be no Mass, Lauds are begun at once.
9 This Antiphon has a sort of rhythm like Hexameters, which has been preserved in the
translation. 3 Luke ii. to, 13, :4.
4 Hymn attributed to Cwlius Sedulius, a poet of the fifth century. It is slightly altered.
The translation is by the Rev. Dr Littledale. In the original, and in the Breviary, the verses
begin with A, B, C, D, E, F, G, respectively,
0 Lord, from spotless Virgin sprung, At Rome, holy Marinus, of the
All glory unto Thee be sung,
To Father, and to Spirit be Senatorial order. He was arrested
Like honour paid eternally. Amen. under the Emperor Numerian and the
Preefect Marcian, on the charge of
Verse. The Lord hath made known. being a Christian. He was tortured
-—Alleluia. as they used to do to slaves, on the
Answer. His salvation. Alleluia. rack and with iron claws. They threw
him into a furnace, but the fire was
Antzjohon at the Song of Zaeharias. turned into dew, and he was delivered.
Glory toGod in the highest, * and on He was thrown to wild beasts, but
earth peace, to men of good-will. Al they left him unharmed. He was
leluia, Alleluia. led again to the altar, and, when he
prayed, the idols fell down. Then
Prayer throughout the Ofiee. they smote him with the sword, and
he became more than conqueror
GRANT, we beseech Thee, Almighty through up-lifting of his testimony.
God, that we who groan under Likewise, at Rome, on this day was
the burthen of our sins, may, by the laid to sleep [in the year 269] beside
new Birth of Thine Only-begotten Son the Appian Road the holy Pope Denys,
in the flesh, mercifully be freed and who worked hard for the Church, and
delivered. Through the Same our is a bright ensample of faith.
Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who At the same place [in the year
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the 417], the holy Pope and confessor
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Zosimus.
world without end. Amen. In Mesopotamia, the holy Bishop
Archelaus, well known for his teaching
PRIME. and holiness.
At Verona [in the year 380], holy
Prime is said at dawn. Bishop Zeno.
At Rome, holy Theodore, the cham
A ntzlfihon. 0 ye shepherds, &c.,
berlain of St Peter’s church, of whom
(First Antiphon at Lauds.)
mention is made by blessed Pope
In the short Responsory instead of Gregory.
the Verse “Thou That sittest at the And in divers places an exceeding
right hand of the Father,” is said . great multitude of holy Martyrs and
Confessors and holy Virgins.
Verse. Thou That wast born of the
Virgin Mary.
And the same alteration is made
Chapter at the end. (Heb. i. 11.)
every day till Twelfth Day. THEY shall perish, but Thou re
mainest, and they all shall wax
MARTYROLOGY. old as doth a garment, and as a
vesture shalt Thou change them, and
On the 26th day of December, was they shall be changed: but Thou art
born into the higher life— the Same, and Thy years shall not
At Jerusalem, holy Stephen, the fail.
first Martyr. He was stoned by the
Jews not long after the Ascension of In Communities the Dawn Mass is
the Lord. now celebrated.

TERCE. nous
Antiphon. The Mother, &c., Antiphon. Unto us this day, &c.,
(Second Antiphon at Lands.) (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)

Chapter from Lands. I Chapter as at the end of Prime.

Short Responsory.
Short Responsory.
All the ends of the earth have seen,
The Word was made flesh. Alle —Alleluia, Alleluia.
luia, Alleluia. Answer. All the ends of the earth
Answer. The Word was made have seen,—Alleluia, Alleluia.
flesh. Alleluia, Alleluia. Verse. The salvation of our God.
Verse. And dwelt among us. Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. Verse. The Word was made flesh.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Alleluia.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Answer. And dwelt among us.
Answer. The Word was made Alleluia.
flesh. Alleluia, Alleluia. SECOND VESPERS.
Verse. He shall cry unto Me,—
Alleluia. First Antiphon. Thine shall be the
Answer. Thou art My Father. AI dominion in the day of Thy power,
leluia. amid the brightness of the saints: *
from the womb before the day-star
have I begotten Thee. '
Antiphon. The Angel said, &c., SeeondAntijohon. The Lord sent re
(Third Antiphon at Lands.) demption unto His people, * He hath
commanded His covenant for ever.
Chapter. (Heb. i. 10.) Third Antzjohon. Unto the upright
there ariseth light in the darkness: *
AN D: Thou, Lord, in the begin the Lord is gracious, and full of com
ning hast laid the foundation of passion, and righteous.
the earth, and the heavens are the Fourth Antiphon. With the LORD
works of Thine hands. there is mercy, * and with Him is
plenteous redemption.
Short Responsory.
Psalm CXXIX.
The LORD hath made known. Al
Out of the depths, &c., (p. 91).
leluia, Alleluia.
Answer. The LORD hath made Fifth Antinhon. Of the fruit of thy
known. Alleluia, Alleluia. body * will I set upon thy throne.
Verse. His salvation.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. Psalm CXXXI.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and LORD, remember David, &c., (p.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. 193)
Answer. The LORD hath made
Chapter and Verse and Answer from
known. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Verse. All the ends of the earth
Hymn as at the First Vespers.
have seen—Alleluia.
Answer. The salvation of our God. Antzlohon at the Song of the Blessed
Alleluia. ~ Virgin. This day the Christ is born:

'this day the Saviour is appeared: * FIRST NOCTURN.

this day the Angels sing praise in the
earth and the Archangels rejoice: this First Lesson.
day the righteous are glad and say: The Lesson is taken from the Acts of
Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia. the Apostles (vi. 2.)

Commemoration of ST STEPHEN. IN those days, when the number of

the disciples was multiplied, there
Antiohon. 1And Stephen, full of arose a murmuring of the Grecians
grace and power, did great wonders
against the Hebrews, because their
among the people.
widows were neglected in the daily
Verse. Thou hast 2crowned him ministration. Then the twelve called
with glory and honour, O Lord.
the multitude of the disciples unto
I Answer. And madest him to have them, and said: It is not reasonable
dominion over the works of Thy
that we should leave the Word of
hands. God, and serve tables. Wherefore,
Let us pray. brethren, look ye out among you
GRANT, O Lord, that we may have seven men of honest report, full of
grace to tread in his footsteps the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom
whom we honour, and learn to love we may appoint over this business.
and bless our enemies by the ex But we will give ourselves continually
ample of Thy First Martyr Stephen, to prayer, and to the ministry of the
who prayed even for his murderers to word.
JESUS Christ, Thy Son; Who liveth First Responsory.
and reigneth with Thee in the unity
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world And Stephen, full of grace and
without end. Amen. power, did great wonders and miracles
among the people.
Verse. There arose certain of the
Dec. 26. synagogue, disputing with Stephen;
and they were not able to resist the
St Stephen’s Bag. wisdom, and the Spirit which spake.
The Feast of St Stephen the First Answer. Did great wonders and
Martyr. miracles among the people.

Double of the Second Class, with an

Second Lesson.
AND the saying pleased the whole
Allfrom the Common Ofiice for one
multitude. And they chose Ste
Martyr except what is otherwise given
phen, a man full of faith and of the
Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Pro
chorus, and N icanor, and Timon, and
Invitatory. Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte of
Antioch. Whom they set before the
3 He That once a little Child,
Apostles: and when they had prayed,
Shivering in the manger lay,
they laid their hands on them. And
Set on Stephen’s blessed head
the word of God increased; and the
A crown that fadeth not away.
multitude of the disciples multiplied
* 0 come, let us worship Him! in Jerusalem greatly; and a great
1 Acts vi. 8. 2 The name Stephen means a crown. 3 The original has a rhyme.

multitude of the priests were obedient of Man standing at the right hand of
to the faith. And Stephen, full of the power of God.
grace and power, did great wonders Verse. But Stephen, being full of
and miracles among the people. the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly
into heaven, and saw the glory of God,
and said :—
Second Responsory.
Answer. Behold, I see the heavens
1 All that sat in the council, looking opened, and the Son of man standing
steadfastly on Stephen, saw his face at the right hand of the power of
as it had been the face of an angel God.
standing among them. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Verse. Full of grace and power, he and to the Son, and to the Holy
did great wonders and miracles among Ghost.
the people. Answer. Behold, I see the heavens
Answer. His face as it had been opened, and the Son of Man standing
the face of an angel standing among at the right hand of the power of God.

HEN there arose certain of the Fourth Lesson.

synagogue, which is called the
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyre
of St Fulgentius, Bishop [of Ruspa.] 3
nians, and Alexandrians, and of them
(On St Stephen.)
of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with
Stephen. And they were not able YESTERDAY we were celebrating
to resist the wisdom and the Spirit the birth in time of bur Eternal
which spake. Then they suborned King; to-day we celebrate the vic
men, which said they had heard him tory, through suffering, of one of His
speak blasphemous words against Moses soldiers. Yesterday our King was
and against God. And they stirred up pleased to come forth from His royal
the people, and the elders, and the palace of the Virgin’s womb, clothed
scribes; and came upon him, and in a robe of flesh, to visit the world;
caught him, and brought him to the to-day His soldier, laying aside the
council, and set up false witnesses, tabernacle 0f the body, entereth in
which said: This man ceaseth not to triumph into the heavenly palaces.
speak words against this holy place, The One, preserving unchanged that
and.the law. glory of the Godhead which He had
before the world was, girded Himself
Third Responsory. with the form of a servant, and en
tered the arena of this world to fight
2The blessed Stephen looked up sin ; the other taketh off the garments
steadfastly into heaven, and saw the of this corruptible body, and entereth
glory of God, and said :—Behold, I into the heavenly mansions, where he
see the heavens opened, and the Son will reign for ever. The One cometh
1 Acts vi. 15. 2 Acts vii. 55.
3 Now called Alfaques, in the district of Tunis, in North Africa. The Martyrology (Jan. 1)
says that “in the persecution by the Vandals he suffered much for the Catholic faith, and, on
account of his great learning, was banished by the Arians into the isle of Sardinia; but, after
ward permitted to return to his Bishopric, renowned for his life and preaching, made an holy
end." Born, A.D. 468. Died, 533.

down, veiled in flesh; the other goeth feet, whose name was Saul; and they
up, clothed in a robe of glory, red stoned Stephen, calling upon God,
with blood. and saying :—
Answer. Lord JESUS, receive my
Fourth Responsory. spirit.
Sixth Lesson.
1 They stoned Stephen, calling upon
God and saying: Lord JESUS Christ, MY brethren, it behoveth us to con
receive my spirit ; and lay not this sin sider with what arms Stephen
to their charge. was able, amid all the cruelty of the
Verse. And he kneeled down, and Jews, to remain more than conqueror,
cried with a loud voice, saying :— and worthily to attain to so blessed
Answer. Lord JESUS Christ, re a triumph. Stephen, in that struggle
ceive my spirit ; and lay not this sin which brought him to the crown
to their charge. whereof his name is a prophecy, had
for armour the love of God and man,
Fifth Lesson. and by it he remained victorious on
all hands. The love of God strength
HE One cometh down amid the ened him against the cruelty of the
jubilation of angels; the other Jews; and the love of his neighbour
goeth up amid the stoning of the made him pray even for his murderers.
Jews. Yesterday the holy angels were Through love he rebuked the wander
singing, “Glory to God in the high ing, that they might be corrected;
est ; ” to-day there is joy among them, through love he prayed for them that
for they receive Stephen into their stoned him, that they might not be
company. Yesterday the Lord came punished. By the might of his love
forth from the Virgin’s womb; today he overcame Saul his cruel persecutor ;
His soldier is delivered from the prison and earned for a comrade in heaven,
of the body. Yesterday Christ was the very man who had done him to
for our sakes wrapped in swaddling death upon earth.
bands; to-day He girdeth Stephen
with a robe of immortality. Yester
Sixth Responsory.
day the new-born Christ lay in a
narrow manger; to-day Stephen en The ungodly fell upon the righteous,
tereth victorious into the boundless to put him to death. But he received
heavens. The Lord came down alone the stones with joy, that he might earn
that He might raise many up; our a crown of glory.
King humbled Himself that He might Verse. They stopped their ears,
set His soldiers in high places. and ran upon him with one accord.
Answer. But he received the
Fzfth Responsory. stones with joy, that he might earn
a crown of glory.
2They ran upon him with one ac Verse. Glory be to the Father,
cord, and cast him out of the city, and to the Son, and to the Holy
calling upon God, and saying: Lord Ghost.
JESUS, receive my spirit. Answer. But he received the
Verse. And the witnesses laid stones with joy, that he might earn
down their clothes at a young man’s a crown of glory.
1 Acts vii. 59, 60. 2 Acts vii. 56-58.

THIRD NOCTURN. Answer. Blessed is he unto whom

the heavens were opened.
Seventh Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from‘the Holy Eighth Lesson.
Gospel according to Matthew (xxiii.
34-) IT is a subject of dispute among
commentators who is meant by
AT that time: JESUS said unto the Zacharias the son of Barachias. We
Scribes and Pharisees: Behold, read of several persons of the name
I send unto you Prophets, and wise of Zacharias. But here, in order to
men, and Scribes; and some of them prevent any mistake, it is particularly
ye shall kill and crucify. And so on. said, “Whom ye slew between the
Homily on this passage by St temple and the altar.” I have read
Jerome, Priest [at Bethlehem.] (Bk. various opinions in various places upon
iv. Commentary on Matth. xxiii.) this question, and I will give each.
First, some hold that Zacharias the
We have already remarked that the son of Barachias is the eleventh of
Lord’s words, “Fill ye up the measure the twelve Minor Prophets; and this
of your fathers,” (32,) refer in the first opinion is supported by the father’s
place to Himself, Whom the Jews name. But the Bible nowhere telleth
afterwards put to death. In a second us that this Prophet was slain between
ary sense it may likewise be applied the temple and the altar; and it is
to His disciples, of whom He saith, hardly possible that he can have been,
“Behold, I send unto you Prophets, for in his time it could scarcely be
and wise men, and Scribes.” Here said that even the ruins of the temple
observe that, according to the Apostle were in existence. Secondly, others
'writing to the Corinthians, (1 Cor. xii. maintain that this Zacharias was
4,) there are diversities of gifts among Zacharias, the father of John the
Christ’s followers. Some are Prophets Baptist. This interpretation is de
of that which is to come; some are rived from the dreams of the Apocry
wise men, who know the due season phal Gospels, wherein it is asserted
for rebuke and exhortation; some are that he was martyred for preaching
Scribes learned in the law. And of Christ’s coming.
these they stoned Stephen, slew Paul
with the sword, crucified Peter, and
scourged the Disciples mentioned in Eighth Responsory.
the Acts of the Apostles. (v. 40; The gates of heaven were opened
xvi. 23.) to Christ’s blessed martyr Stephen,
and he is the first of all the martyrs.
Seventh Responsory.
Wherefore he reigneth crowned in
Stephen, the servant of God, who heaven.
was stoned by the Jews, saw the Verse. For he was the first to
heavens opened: he saw and entered make an offering of his death to that
in. Blessed is he, unto whom the Saviour Who vouchsafed to suffer
heavens were opened. death for us.
Verse. While his poor body was Answer. Wherefore he reigneth
crushed by the hurtling shower of crowned in heaven.
stones, God’s brightness broke upon Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
him out of the heavenly palaces. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Wherefore he reigneth Chapter. (Acts vi. 8.)
crowned in heaven.
AND Stephen, full of grace and
power, did great wonders and
[Vinth Lesson.
miracles among the people.
THIRD school will have it that this Verse. sDevout men carried Ste
Zacharias, the son of Barachias, phen to his burial.
was that Zacharias of whom we read, Answer. And made great lamen
in 2 Chron. xxiv. 22, that he was tation over him.
slain by Joash, king of Judah, between
the temple and the altar. Against Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias,
this it is to be remarked, that that and Prayer throughout the Oflice from
Zacharias was not the son of Barachias, the Commemoration of the preceding
but of Jehoiada the priest; whence it evening.
is written, “Joash remembered not Commemoration of Christmas from
the kindness which Jehoiada his father the Lands ofyesterday.
had done to him.” The question
therefore ariseth, if this opinion be PRIME.
true, why, the name and manner of '
death both agreeing with this explana Antzjohon. They stoned Stephen,
tion, Zacharias is called the son, not &c., (First Antiphon at Lands.)
of Jehoiada, but of Barachias. In In the Short Responsory the same
Hebrew, Barachias signifieth the alteration as yesterday.
Blessed of the LORD, and Jehoiada
proves his Righteousness. In the MARTYROLOGY.
Gospel used by the Nazarenes the
name of Jehoiada is used instead of Upon the 27th day of December
Barachias. were born into the better life—
At Ephesus, the holy Apostle and
Evangelist John. After the writing of
First Antiphon. 1They stoned his Gospel after his return from exile,
Stephen, * calling upon God, and and after the Revelation which God
saying: Lay not this sin to their gave unto him, he lived on until the
charge. time of the Emperor Trajan, and
Second Antiphon. The stones of founded and governed the churches of
the brook * were sweet to him: all all Asia. He died of old age in the
the souls of the righteous follow him. sixty-eighth year after the death of
Third Antiphon. O my God, my Christ [about the year 101], and was
soul followeth hard after Thee, * for buried hard by the city of Ephesus.
my flesh hath been .stoned for Thy At Alexandria, holy Maximus, Pope
sake. of that See, who was eminently worthy
Fourth A ntiphon. Stephen saw the to be called a confessor [in the year
heavens opened; * he saw and en 282}
tered in: blessed is he unto whom the At Constantinople the holy brethren
heavens were opened. Theodore [Grapt] and Theophanes.
Fifth Antiohon. 2 Behold, I see * They were bred up from their child
the heavens opened, and JESUS stand hood in the monastery of St Saba, and
ing on the right hand of the power of afterwards stoutly contended for the
God. honouring of holy images against the
1 Acts vii. 58, 59. 2 Acts vii. 55. 3 Acts viii. 2.
VOL I. K 2

Emperor Leo the Armenian, for the NONE.

which he caused them to be beaten
and sent into exile, and after his death Antiphon. Behold, I see, * &c.,
they still stoutly withstood the Emperor (Fifth A ntzlflhon at Lauds.)
Theophilus, who was held captive by Chapter as at the end of Prime.
the same ungodliness, for the which he
also caused them to be again beaten
and driven into exile. Theodore died VESPERS.

in prison, but Theophanes, after that All as the Second Vespers of Christ
peace was given back to the Church, mas, till the Chapter.
was made Bishop of Nice, and fell
asleep in peace in the Lord [ninth cen Chapterfrom Lauds.
Verse. Stephen saw the heavens
Likewise, at Constantinople, the
holy virgin Niceras, who was emi
Answer. He saw and entered in:
nent for her holiness, in the time of
blessed is he unto whom the heavens
the Emperor Arcadius [about the
year 440]. were opened.

Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed

Chapter at the end. (Acts vii. 59.) Virgin. Devout men carried Stephen
to his burial, and made great lamenta
AND he kneeled down, and cried tion over him. '
with a loud voice, saying: Lord,
lay not this sin to their charge. And
when he had said this, he fell asleep Commemoration of ST JOHN.
in the Lord.
Antiphon. This is that John,
which leaned on the Lord’s Breast at
supper; even that blessed Apostle,
Antiphon. The stones of the brook, unto whom were made known the
* &c., (Second Antzfhon at Lauds.) secret things of heaven.
Verse. Very worshipful is blessed
Chapter from Lands. John.
Answer. Which leaned on the
SEXT. Lord’s Breast at supper.

Antiphon. O my God, &c., (Third

Let us pray.
Antiphon at Lauds.)
ERCIFUL Lord, we beseech
Chapter. (Acts vi. 9.) Thee to Cast Thy bright beams
of light upon Thy Church, that it,
HEN there arose certain of the being enlightened by the doctrine of
synagogue of the Libertines, and Thy blessed Apostle and Evangelist
Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of John, may at length attain to the light
them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing of everlasting life.1
with Stephen, and they were not able
to resist the wisdom, and the Spirit Commemoration of Christmas from
which spake. the Second Vespers of that day.
1 When this is the first or last Prayer, it has, of course, the usual termination, “ Through our
Lord, &c."
s'r JOHN’S DAY. 287

Dec. 27. Verse. The Lord chose him for his

clean maidenhood, and loved him
St Blobn's may. more than all the rest.
Answer. To him did Christ upon
The Feast of St john, Apostle and the Cross commit His mother, maiden
Evangelist. to maiden.
Double of the Second Class, with an
Second Lesson.
IF we say that we have fellowship
All from the Common Oflice of
Apostles except the following . with Him, and walk in darkness,
we lie, and do not the truth. But if
we walk in the light, as He is in the
light, we have fellowship one with
FIRST NOCTURN. another, and the blood of JESUS Christ
His Son cleanseth us from all sin. If
First Lesson. we say that we have no sin, we deceive
Here beginneth the First Epistle of ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
the Blessed Apostle John (i. I.) If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to
HAT Which was from the begin cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
ning, Which we have heard, If we say that we have not sinned, we
\Vhich we have seen with our eyes, make Him a liar, and His word is not
Which we have looked upon, and our in us.
hands have handled, of the Word of Second Responsory.
life, (and the Life was manifested, and
we have seen It, and bear witness, and 1 This is the disciple which testifieth
show unto you that Eternal Life, of these things, and wrote these things.
Which was with the Father, and was And we know that his testimony is
manifested unto us) That Which we true.
have seen and heard declare we unto Verse. He drank in the rivers of
you, that ye also may have fellowship the Gospel from the Lord’s Breast as
with us, and our fellowship be with the from an holy fountain.
Father, and with His Son JESUS Answer. And we know that his
Christ. And these things we write testimony is true.
unto you that ye may rejoice, and that
your joy may be full. This then is Third Lesson. (ii. 1.)
the message which we have heard
of Him, and declare unto you: That MY little children, these things
God is light, and in Him is no dark write I unto you, that ye sin
ness at all. not. And if any man sin, we have an
advocate with the Father, JESUS Christ
First Responsory. the righteous: and He is the propitia
tion for our sins; and not for ours
Very worshipful is blessed John, only, but also for the sins of the whole
which leaned on the Lord’s Breast at world. And hereby we do know that
supper., To Him did Christ upon the we know Him, if we keep His com
Cross commit His mother, maiden to mandments. He that saith, l kn0w
maiden. Him, and keepeth not His command
1 John xxi. 24.

ments, is a liar, and the truth is not in Fourth Responsory.

him. But whoso keepeth His word,
in him verily is the love of God 2 Him that overcometh will I make
perfected. a pillar in My temple, saith the Lord,
and I will write My name upon him,
and the name of the city, which is
Third Responsory. New Jerusalem.
Verse. 3To him that overcometh
This is that most blessed Evangelist
will I give to eat of the tree of life,
and Apostle John. Who was found
which is in the midst of the Paradise
worthy that the Lord should honour
of My God.
him more than all the rest, by a
Answer. And I will write My
special privilege of love.
name upon him, and the name of the
Verse. 1This is the disciple whom
JESUS loved, which also leaned on the
city, which is New Jerusalem.
Lord’s Breast at supper.
Answer. Who was found worthy Fifth Lesson.
that the Lord should honour him more IN the fourteenth year after Nero,
than all the rest, by a special privilege Domitian stirred up the second
of love. persecution, and John was exiled to
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and the island of Patmos, where he wrote
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. his Apocalypse, which hath been ex
Answer. Who was found worthy plained by Justin the Martyr and
that the Lord should honour him more Irenaeus. When Domitian was killed,
than all the rest, by a special privilege the Senate annulled all his acts, on
of love. account of his savage cruelty, and the
Apostle returned to Ephesus, during
SECOND NOCTURN. the reign of Nerva. He remained at
Ephesus until the time of Trajan, and
Fourth Lesson. founded and governed all the Churches
The Lesson is taken from the Book on of Asia. There, in an extreme old
Ecclesiastical writers, written by St age, he died, in the sixty-eighth year
Jerome, Priest [at Bethlehem.] after the Lord’s passion, and was
buried near the city.
THE Apostle John “whom JESUS
loved ” was a son of Zebedee, Fifth Responsory.
and brother of the Apostle James, who
was beheaded by Herod soon after our JESUS loved him, because his singu
Lord sufl'ered. He was the last of the lar gift of purity made him more worthy
Evangelists to write his Gospel, which of love. He chose him for a virgin
he published at the request of the unto Himself, and he remaineth a
Bishops of Asia, against Cerinthus and virgin for ever.
other heretics, and particularly against Verse. At the end, when He was
the then spreading doctrine of the dying upon the Cross, to him did
Ebionites, who asserted that Christ He commit His mother, maiden to
had had no existence before Mary. maiden.
It was therefore needful for the Evan Answer. He chose him for a
gelist to declare His Eternal and virgin unto Himself, and he remaineth
Divine Generation. a virgin for ever.
1 John xxi. 20. 2 Apoc. iii. 12. 3 Apoc. ii. 7.

Sixth Lesson. Homily on this passage by St Austin,

The Lesson is taken from the Com Bishop [of Hippo,] (1 24th Troot on
mentary upon the Epistle to the
Galatians, by the same author The Church knoweth of two different
(iii. 6.) lives which God hath revealed and
THE Blessed Evangelist john lived blessed: one is the life of faith, the
at Ephesus down to an extreme other the life of knowledge: one the
old age, and, at length, when he was life of this pilgrimage, the other the
with difficulty carried to the Church, life of the eternal mansions; one the
and was not able to exhort the life of work, the other the life of rest:
congregation at length, he was used one the life of the journey, the other
simply to say at each meeting, “My the life of home ; one the life of action,
little children, love one another.” At the other the life of contemplation.
last the disciples and brethren were The one escheweth evil and doeth
weary with hearing these words con good; the other hath no evil to
tinually, and asked him, “Master, eschew, and only an exceeding good
wherefore ever sayest thou this only ? ” to enjoy. The one striveth with the
Whereto he replied to them, (worthy enemy, the other hath no enemies,
of John,) “It is the commandment and reigneth.
of the Lord, and if this only be done,
it is enough.” Seventh Responsory.

Sixth Responsory. 2 In that day will I take thee, 0 My

servant, and will make thee as a
1 IN the midst of the congregation signet before Me. For I have chosen
did the Lord open his mouth. thee, saith the LORD.
And filled him with the spirit of Verse. 3Be thou faithful unto
wisdom and understanding. death, and I will give thee a crown
Verse. He made him rich with joy of life.
and gladness. Answer. For I have chosen thee,
Answer. And filled him with the saith the LORD.
spirit of wisdom and understanding.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Eighth Lesson.
Answer. And filled him with the THE one succoureth the needy; the
spirit of wisdom and understanding. other is where there are no needy
to- succour. The one forgiveth them
THIRD NOCTURN. that trespass against it, that its own
trespasses may be forgiven ; the other
Se'z/enth Lesson. neither hath trespasses to forgive nor
The Lesson is taken from the Holy to be forgiven. The one is chastened
Gospel according to John (xxi. 19.) with evil, lest it be exalted above
measure by good; the other enjoyeth
T that time: JESUS saith unto such a fulness of grace that it feeleth
Peter: Follow Me. Peter, tum no evil, and cleaveth so firmly unto
ing about, seeth the disciple whom the Highest Good, that it hath no
JESUS loved, following. And so on. temptation to pride.
1 Ecclus. xv. 5, 6. 2 Hag. ii. 24. 3 Apoc. ii. to.

Eighth Responsory. and we know that his testimony is

This is that John which leaned on Third Antzjohon. This is My dis
the Lord’s Breast at supper—even that ciple: * if I will that he tarry till I
blessed Apostle unto whom were made come—?
known the secret things of heaven. Fourth Antiphon. 1 There be some
Verse. He drank in the rivers of standing here, * which shall not taste
the Gospel from the Lord’s Breast, as of death, till they see the Son of man
from an holy fountain. in His kingdom.
Answer. Even that blessed Apostle Fifth Antiphon. 2Behold My ser
unto whom were made known the vant, * whom I have chosen, I have
secret things of heaven. put My spirit upon him.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. Chapter. (Ecclus. xv. I.)
Answer. Even that blessed Apostle E that feareth the Lord will do
unto whom were made known the good: and he that keepeth
secret things of heaven. righteousness shall obtain her, and as
an honoured mother shall she meet
Ninth Lesson. him.
Verse. This is the disciple which
WHEREFORE the one is good,
testifieth of these things.
but still sorrowful ; the other is
Answer. And we know that his
better and perfectly blessed. And of
testimony is true.
these two lives there are types, of the
one in the Apostle Peter, of the other Antiphon at the Song (y' Zacharias,
in John. The one laboureth here even and Prayer throughout the Ofiice from
unto the end, and findeth its end here the Commemoration at the preceding
after; the other stretcheth out into the Vespers.
hereafter, and in eternity findeth no Commemorations of Christmas and
end. Therefore is it said unto the of St Stephen from the Second Vespers
one, “Follow Me ;” but of the other, of Christmas Day.
“If I will that he tarry till I come,
what is that to thee? Follow thou
Me.” What is the meaning of these PRIME.
words? who can know? who can Antiphon. Very worshipful, * &c.,
understand? what is it? is it “ Follow (First Antzjohon at Lauds.)
thou Me, imitating Me in the bear
ing of earthly sorrow; let him tai'ry In the Short Responsory the same
till I come again, bringing the ever alteration as before.
lasting reward ? ”
Upon the 28th day of December,
First Antiphon. Very worshipful * were born into the better life——
is blessed John, which leaned on the At Bethlehem of Judah, the holy
Lord’s Breast at supper. innocent little children who were slain
Second Antiohon. This is the dis for Christ’s sake by Herod the King.
ciple * which testifieth of these things, At Ancyra, in Galatia, the holy
1 Matth. xvi. 28. 2 Matth. xii. r8.

martyrs Eutychius the priest and Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. xv. 5.)
Domitian the deacon. IN the midst of the congregation did
In Africa, the holy martyrs Castor,
the Lord open his mouth, and
Victor, and Rogatian.
filled him with the spirit of wisdom
At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs,
and understanding, and clothed him
Indes the eunuch, the virgins Domna,
with a robe of glory.
Agape, and Theophila, and their com
panions, who after long contendings
by divers kinds of death gained the
crown of martyrdom in the persecu Antiphon. This is the disciple, *
tion under the Emperor Diocletian. &c., (Second Antiphon at Lauds.)
At Neo-Caesarea, in Pontus, in the Chapterfrom Lauds.
persecution under the Emperor Decius,
the holy martyr Troadius; as he was SEXT.
dying the ghost of holy Gregory the
wonder-worker appeared to him and Antiphon. This is My disciple, *
strengthened him to undergo mar &c., (Third Antiphon at Lands.)
At Arabissa, in the lower Armenia, Chapter. (Ecclus. xv. 3. )
the holy martyr Caesarius, who suffered ITH the bread of life and under
under the Emperor Galerius Maxi standing did the Lord our God
mian. feed him, and gave him the healthful
At Lyons, in Gaul, the holy con water of wisdom to drink.
fessor Francis de Sales [1567-1622],
Bishop [and Prince] of Geneva, whose NONE.
name was enrolled among those of the
Antiphon. Behold My servant, *
Saints by Pope Alexander VII. on
&c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)
account of his burning zeal for the
conversion of heretics. His feast is Chafiter as at the end of Prime.
kept by command of the said Pope
upon the 29th day of January, being VESPERS.
that day whereon his sacred body was All as at the Second Vespers of
brought to Annecy from Lyons. Pope Christmas, till the Chapter.
Pius IX., in accordance with a vote of Chapter as at Lauds.
the Congregation of Sacred Rites, de Verse and Answer as at the Com
clared him a doctor of the universal memoration in the preceding Vespers.
At R'ome, the holy priest Domnio. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
In Egypt, the holy monk Theodore Virgin. There went this saying abroad
among the brethren, that that disciple
[the Sanctified, Abbat—from 348,
death of St Pachom—of Tabenno, should not die; yet JESUS said not:
He shall not die ; but, If I will that he
in Egypt. He lived from 314-April
tarry till 1 come.
27, 367], a disciple of holy Pachom.
In the monastery of Lerins the holy
Commemoration of the HOLY
monk Anthony, famous for his miracles.
[A monk of Lerins, which monastery
he entered about 523. He died about Antiphon. 1These are they which
525~] were not defiled with women : for they
1 Ap0c. xiv. 4

are virgins, and follow the Lamb What is the gain of such a sin?
whithersoever He goeth. What doth his crime for Herod win?
Saved only from so many slain,
Verse. Herod was exceeding wroth,
Away uninjured Christ is ta’en.
and slew many children.
Answer. In Bethlehem Judah, the JESU, to Thee be glory paid,
city of David. Born for us of a stainless maid;
To Father, and to Spirit blest,
Like praise be evermore addrest. Amen.
Let us pray.
O GOD, Whose praise Thine Inno FIRST NOCTURN.
cent Martyrs did this day set
First Lesson.
forth, not in confession but in death,
mortify and kill all vices in us, that The Lesson is taken from the Book of
we, whose mouths profess Thy faith, the Prophet Jeremiah (xxxi. I 5.)
may by our lives also give glory to the
HUS saith the LORD: A voice
same.1 was heard in the “Lofty City,”a
Commemorations of Christmas and lamentation and weeping, and great
of St Stephen from the Second Vespers mourning, Rachel weeping for her
of Christmas Day. children, refused to be comforted for
them, because they were not. Thus
saith the LORD: Refrain thy voice
Dec. 28. from weeping, and thine eyes from
tears : for thy work shall be rewarded,
QIlJflhzrmas Eag. saith the LORD, and they shall come
again from the land of the enemy.
The Feast of the Holy Innocents,
And there is hope in thine end, saith
the LORD, and thy children shall
Double of the Second Class, with an come again to their own border.
First Responsory.
All from the Common Ofice for
Many Martyrs, except what is other 4An hundred, forty, and four thou
wise given here. sand, which were redeemed from the
earth; these are they which were not
defiled with women. For they re‘
MATTINS. mained virgins; therefore are they
Hymn.2 kings before God, and the Lamb of
God is with them. '
HE moody tyrant hears aghast Verse. These are they which came
News that the King of kings, at last, out of great tribulation, and have
Hath come to rule o'er Israel’s name, washed their robes in the Blood of the
And David’s Royal throne to claim. Lamb.
Answer. For they remained vir_
Mad at the tidings is his cry !
"A King, who drives me forth, is nigh— gins; therefore are they kings before
Haste ye, my guard, with hand on glaive, God, and the Lamb of God is with
Till ye in blood all cradles lave." them.
1 When this is the first or last Prayer, it has, of course, the usual termination, “Through
our Lord, &c. ”
2 Verses from a hymn by Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, b. 348, d. after 404: translation by
the Rev. Dr Littledale. 3 Ramah. 4 Apoc. xiv. 2, 4; vii. 14.

Second Lesson. thou back-sliding daughter? for the

LORD hath created a new thing in
I HAVE surely heard Ephraim be
the earth: a woman shall compass a
moaning himself thus : Thou hast
man. Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
chastised me; and I was chastised as
the God of Israel: As yet they shall
a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke.
use this speech in the land of Judah,
Turn Thou me, and I shall be turned ;
and in the cities thereof, when I shall
for Thou art the LORD my God. For
bring again their captivity: The LORD
after that Thou hadst turned me, I
bless thee, O habitation of righteous
repented: and after that Thou hadst
ness, and mountain of holiness!
instructed me, I smote upon my thigh:
I was ashamed, yea, even confounded,
because I did bear the reproach of my Third Responsory.
youth. Is Ephraim My dear son?
Is he a beloved child? For since I 3They worshipped Him That liveth
spake against him, I do earnestly for ever and ever. And cast their
remember him still. crowns before the throne of the Lord
their God.
Verse. And they fell down upon
Second Responsory.
their faces before the throne, and
11 heard under the altar the voices blessed Him That liveth for ever and
of them that were slain, saying: How ever.
long dost Thou not avenge our blood? Answer. And cast their crowns be
And it was said unto them from God: fore the throne of the Lord their God.
Rest yet for a little season, until the Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
number of your brethren be fulfilled. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Verse. I saw under the altar of Answer. And cast their crowns be
God the souls of them that were slain fore the throne of the Lord their God.
for the Word of God, and for the
testimony which they held, and they
cried with a loud voice, saying:
Answer. How long dost Thou not Fourth Lesson.
avenge our blood? And it was said
unto them from God: Rest yet for a The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
little season, until the number of your of 4St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo.]
brethren be fulfilled. (10th on the Saints.)

Third Lesson. DEARLY beloved brethren, to-day

we keep the birthday of those
SET thee up way-marks, make thee children, who, as we are informed by
2monuments of thy grief, set the Gospel, were massacred by the
thine heart toward the high-way, even savage King Herod. Therefore let
the way which thou wentest: turn earth rejoice with exceeding joy, for
again, 0 Virgin of Israel, turn again she is the mother of these heavenly
to these thy cities. How long wilt soldiers, and of this numerous host.
thou wander hither and thither, O The love of the vile Herod could
1 Apoc. vi. 9. IO, 11.
2 1.e., (perhaps) in going into exilel mark the road, since it will soon have to be retraced.
3 Apoc. iv. 10.
4 Some liturgical scholars question this ascription to St Austin, and pronounce the homily to
be a composition from various writers. See Revue Benedictine, 1891, p. 272.

never have crowned these blessed Sixth Lesson.

ones as hath his hatred. For the
Church testifieth by this holy solem WE praise the death of other
nity, that whereas iniquity did speci martyrs because it was the
ally abound against these little saints, crowning act of an undaunted and per
so much the more were heavenly bless sistent testimony; but these were
ings poured out upon them. crowned at once. He That maketh
an end to this present life, gave to
them at its very gates that eternal
Fourth Resfionsory. blessedness which we hope for at its
close. They whom the wickedness of
1 The blood of Thy saints have they
Herod tore from their mothers’ breasts
shed like water round about Jerusalem.
are rightfully called the flowers of
And there was none to bury them.
martyrdom; hardly had these buds
Verse. The dead bodies of Thy
of the Church shown their heads
servants have they given to be meat
above the soil, in the winter of un
unto the fowls of the air, the flesh of
belief, when the frost of persecution
Thy saints unto the beasts of the
nipped them.
Answer. And there was none to
bury them. Sixth Responsory.
2 These are they which have not de
Fifth Lesson. filed their garments. They shall walk
BLESSED art thou, O Bethlehem with Me in white, for they are worthy.
in the land of Judah, which hast Verse. These are they which were
suffered the cruelty of King Herod in not defiled with women: for they are
the slaughter of thy children ; who art virgins.
found worthy to ofl'er at once to God a Answer. They shall walk with Me
whole white-robed army of guileless in white, for they are worthy.
martyrs ! Surely, it is well to keep Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
their birth-day, even that blessed birth~ to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
day which gave them from earth to Answer. They shall walk with Me
heaven, more blessed than the day that in white, for they are worthy.
brought them out of their mother’s
womb. Scarcely had they entered on
the life that now is, when they obtained
that glorious life which is to come. First Antithon. 3 The Righteous
live * for evermore ; their reward also
Fifth Responsory. is with the Lord.
Second Antiohon. These are they
These holy ones suffered for Thy which came out of great tribulation,
sake, O Lord: take vengeance for and have washed their robes in the
them. For day by day they cry unto blood of the Lamb.
Thee. Third Antiphon. Behold, how
Verse. Avenge, O Lord, the blood great with God is the reward * of
of Thy saints which is shed. His Saints:4 yea, they who died for
Answer. For day by day they cry Christ’s sake shall live for ever and
unto Thee. ever.
1 Ps. lxxviii. 3, 2. " Apoc. iii. 4. 3 Wisd. v. 16. 4 Matth. v. 12.

Seventh Lesson. Eighth Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy “ HAT it might be fulfilled which
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. was spoken Of the Lord by the
13.) Prophet, saying: Out of Egypt have
I called My Son.” Those who go
T that time: The angel of the about to deny the authority of the
Lord appeareth to Joseph in a Hebrew Scriptures, ask where any
dream, saying: Arise, and take the such passage is to be found in the
young Child, and His mother, and flee Septuagint. But, although they find
into Egypt: and be thou there until I it not there, I tell them that the fact
bring thee word. And so on. of its being written in the Prophet
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at Hosea (xi. 1) can be proved by the
Bethlehem.] (Book i. Comment. on texts which I have lately1 published.
Matth. ii.)
He took the young Child, and His Eighth Responsory.
mother, and fled intov Egypt, by night
I saw under the Altar of God the
and in darkness; and the darkness of souls of them that were slain for the
that night was a figure of the darkness word of God, which they held, and
of ignorance in which they left the un they cried with a loud voice: Avenge,
believers from whom they fled. But O Lord, the blood of Thy saints,
when they returned into Judaea, we which is shed.
learn not from the Gospel that it was Verse. Under the throne of God
by night, or in darkness; which is all the saints cry aloud:
an image of that light which will Answer. Avenge, O Lord, the
lighten the Jews, when, at the end of blood of Thy saints, which is shed.
the world, they shall receive back the
faith, which now lighteneth the Gen If this day be Sunday the following
tiles, even as Judaea received Christ is added:
returning from Egypt.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Seventh Responsory.
Answer. Avenge, O Lord, the
The saints sung a new song before blood of Thy saints, which is shed.
the throne of God and the Lamb: and
their voices were echoed on earth.
[Vinth Lesson.
Verse. These were redeemed from
among men, being the first-fruits unto “ HEN was fulfilled that which
God, and to the Lamb, and in their was spoken by Jeremy the
mouth was found no guile. Prophet, saying; In Rama was there
Answer. And their voices were a voice heard, weeping and great
echoed on earth. mourning; Rachel weeping for her
children.” The child of Rachel was
Eighth Blessing. Benjamin, and Bethlehem is not a
town belonging to his tribe. We
They whose feast-day we are keeping, must therefore seek another reason
Be our advocates with God. why Rachel should weep for the
1 viz., circ. A.D. 400. The reading of the LXX. is: “I loved [Israel], and called his sons
out of Egypt."

children of Judah, to whom Bethlehem Second A ntiphon. Herod slew many

belongeth, as for her own. The plain children * from two years old, and
answer is that she is buried at Ephrath under, for the Lord’s sake.
close to Bethlehem, and she is called Third Antiphon. 1Their angels *
Mother on account of the resting-place do always behold the face of My
of her earthly tabernacle being there. Father.
It is possible also that she is called Fourth Antiphon. In Rama was
Mother because the tribes of Judah there a voice * heard, weeping and
and Benjamin were joined together, mourning, Rachel weeping for her
and Herod slew not only all the children.
children that were in Bethlehem, but Fifth Antiphon. Under the throne
also in all the coasts thereof. of God * all the saints cry aloud:
Avenge our blood, 0 our God!
If it be Sunday, the Hymn, “We
praise Thee, O God, &c.,” is said, but
if not, then the following . Chapter. (Apoc. xiv. 1.)

I LOOKED, and, lo, a Lamb stood

Ninth Responsory. on the mount Sion, and with Him
an hundred, forty, and four thousand ;
What are these which are arrayed
having His name and His Father’s
in white robes? and whence came
name written in their foreheads.
they? And he said to me: These are
they which came out of great tribu
lation, and have washed their robes, Hymn. 2
and made them white in the Blood of
the Lamb. ALL hail! ye infant Martyr flowers!
Cut off in life’s first dawning hours,
Verse. I saw under the Altar of
As rose-buds snapped in tempest strife,
God the souls of them which were When Herod sought your Saviour's life.
slain for the word of God, and for the
testimony which they held. You, tender flock of lambs, we sing,
Answer. These are they which First victims slain for Christ your King:
came out of great tribulation, and have Beneath the altar’s heavenly ray,
washed their robes, and made them With martyr palms and crowns ye play.
white in the Blood of the Lamb.
For their Redemption, glory be,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
0 JESUS, Virgin-born, to Thee!
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. With Father, and with Holy Ghost,
Answer. These are they which For ever from the Martyr-host! Amen.
came out of great tribulation, and have
washed their robes, and made them Verse and Answer, Antiphon at
white in the Blood of the Lamb. the Song of Zacharias, and Prayer
throughout the Ofiice, all from the
LAUDS. Commemoration at the preceding
First Antiphon. Herod was ex
ceeding wroth, * and slew many chil Commemoration of Christmas, of St
dren in Bethlehem Judah, the city of Stephen, and of St john from their
David. respective Lauds.
1 Matth. xviii. 10.
2 Additional verses from the same hymn by Aurelius Prudentius Clemens; translation by the
late Rev. Dr Neale.

PRIME. came a monk in 567, and died on

December 29, 596].
Antiphon. Herod was exceeding
wroth, &c., (First Antiphon at Chapter at the end. (Apoc. xiv. 4.)
In the Short Responsory the same THESE were redeemed from among
alteration as before. men, being the first-fruits unto
God and to the Lamb, and in their
MARTYROLOGY. mouth was found no guile ; for they
are without blemish before the throne
Upon the 29th day of December of God.
were born into the better life— TERCE.
At Canterbury, in England, the holy
martyr Thomas, Archbishop of that Antiphon. Herod slew many chil
see, who for his contending for right
dren, * &c., (Second Antzlohon at
eousness and for the privileges of the
Chapterfrom Lauds.
Church, was smitten with the sword in
his own cathedral by a band of wicked
men, and so passed away to be with
Christ [in the year l 170]. A ntiohon. Their angels, &c., (Third
At Jerusalem, holy David, the King Antiphon at Laudr.)
and Prophet [in the year of the world
2950} Chapter. (Apoc. xiv. 4.)
At Arles, holy Trophimus, of whom
St Paul maketh mention in writing THESE are they which were not
unto Timothy. He was ordained defiled with women: for they
bishop by this same Apostle Paul, are virgins. These are they which
and was the first who was sent to follow the Lamb whithersoever He
Arles to preach the Gospel of Christ, goeth.
and it was a spring, as holy Pope
Zosimus writeth, whence streams of Antiphon. Under the throne of God,
faith ran into all Gaul. * &c., (Fifth Antifihon at Lauds.)
At Rome, the holy martyrs Callistus, Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Felix, and Boniface.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Dominic, VESPERS.
Victor, Primian, Lybosus, Saturninus,
All as the Second Vespers of Christ
Crescentius, Secundus, and Honoratus.
mas, till the Chapter. ‘
At Vienne, in Gaul, holy Crescens,
Then of St Thomas of Canterbury
the disciple of the blessed Apostle
(where he is of the First Class), from
Paul and the first bishop of the said
the Ofiice of One Martyr and the
following. -
At Constantinople, holy Marcellus
{of Apamea] Abbat [of the Accemeti in
the year 485 or 486 in that city]. GOD, in defence of Whose
At Hiesmes, in the time of King Church the glorious Bishop
Childebert, the holy confessor Evroul, Thomas fell by the swords of wicked
Abbat [of the monastery of Ouche, in men, grant, we beseech Thee, that all
the diocese of Lisieux, in Normandy. that ask his help, may obtain whole
He was born at Bayeux in 517, some fruit of their petition. Through
founded the Abbey of Ouche and be our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who

liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the MATTINS.

unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, .
world without end. Amen.
A Commemoration is made of the Lessons from Acts xx. I 7, as in the
Holy Innocents. Common Ofiice for a Martyr.

Antiphon. Innocent babes were

killed for Christ’s sake, yea, the un SECOND NOCTURN.
righteous king slew the sucklings: now
THOMAS was born in London, [in
they follow the Lamb whithersoever the year of our Lord 1117,] and
He goeth, they are without fault before
succeeded Theobald in the Archbishop
the throne of God, and say continu
ric of Canterbury [in 1162]. He had
ally: Glory be to Thee, O Lord. previously filled with great distinction
Verse. Under the throne of God the office of Lord Chancellor, and
all the saints cry aloud: showed an indomitable firmness in his
Answer. Avenge our blood, 0 our duty as Primate. When Henry 11.,
God. King of England, in an assembly of
Prayer as during the day. the Bishops and great men of his
If this be Saturday evening, a Com realm, endeavoured to pass laws detri
memoration is then made of the Sun mental to the advantage and dignity
day, taken from the Lands of that day, of the Church, he opposed himself so
which will be found under December steadily to the king’s wishes, that,
30. (a 305-) neither promises, nor threats availing
Then, in any case, a Commemoration to shake him, he was about to be cast
of Christmas (and, where St Thomas into prison, had he not made good his
of Canterbury is not of the First Class, escape in time. The whole of his
Commemorations of St Stephen, and of kinsfolk without regard to age or sex,
St john, from the Second Vespers of his friends, and his advisers, were then
each respectively). banished the kingdom, and those who
were able, were bound by an oath to
make their way to the presence of
Dec. 29. Thomas, in the hope that though care
less of his own sufferings, he might
St filibumas, Arrhhisbup 11f yield at the sight of their misery. But
QIanterhurg, filartgr. neither flesh and blood, nor the plead
ings of natural affection could make
The Feast of St Thomas, Archbishop him swerve from the line of his pastoral
[of Canterbury] Martyr. duty.
Double of the First 1 Class, with an Fifth Lesson.
HE betook himself to Pope Alex
A llfrom the Common Ofiice for One ander III., by whom he was
Martyr, except what is otherwise given graciously received, and who com
here. mitted him to the care of the Cister
1 In England St Thomas is the patron of the secular clergy, and for them therefore the
feast is of the First Class, but among some of the regulars it is only of the Second Class.
In the present translation it is given as of the First Class; but where it is treated as of the
Second Class, the second half of the Vespers on Innocents’ Day is of the Innocents, with a
Commemoration of him; and his Commemoration is made after that of the Innocents,
while the Octave of the Innocents lasts.

cians at Pontigni. As soon as this for the stroke of death, and received it
came to the knowledge of King Henry, from the swords of those wicked men
he sent threatening letters to the with the same constancy with which
monks, in order to drive Thomas from he had withstood the commands of
this shelter. The saint was unwilling the unrighteous king. The murderers
that the Cistercian Order should suffer pulled out his brains and strewed them
on his account, and therefore volun all about the floor of the Church. He
tarily withdrew from Pontigni, and testified on the 29th day of December,
accepted the invitation of Lewis VII., in the [53rd] year of [his own age and
King of France, to go to his court. of] our Lord 1170, and, being after
He remained here, until his banish wards honoured with many miracles,
ment was recalled at the intercession was canonised by Pope Alexander III.
of the Pope and of the King of France, [in I I 73].
and he returned to England amid
great public joy. He was quietly con THIRD NOCTURN.
tinuing the work of a faithful shepherd
Seventh Lesson.
of souls, when certain calumniators
denounced him to the king as a plotter The Lesson is taken from the Holy
against the crown and the public peace. Gospel according to John (x. 11.)
Henry, deceived by these libels, cried T that time: JESUS said unto the
out that it was hard that one priest Pharisees : I am the Good Shep
should never let him have quiet in his herd. The Good Shepherd giveth His
kingdom. life for the sheep. And so on.
Sixth Lesson. Homily by 1St John Chrysostom,
Patriarch [of Constantinople] (59th
SOME wicked servants of the king,
on john.)
hearing his words, and thinking
to do him pleasure, betook themselves Dearly beloved brethren, the Bishops
to Canterbury to rid him of the Arch of the Church hold a great office, an
bishop. They entered the cathedral office that needeth much that wisdom
in the evening as Thomas was pro and strength whereof Christ hath given
ceeding to assist at Evensong. The us an example. We must learn of
clergy in attendance on him, conscious Him to lay down our lives for the
of the attempt about to be made, sheep and never to leave them; and
wished to bolt the doors. But the to fight bravely against the wolf..
saint caused them to be again opened, This is the difl'erence between the true
saying, “The Church of God is not to shepherd and the hireling. The one
be made a castle of, and for the cause leaveth the sheep and seeketh his own
of God’s Church I am willing to die.” safety, but the other recketh not of his
He then said to his murderers, “I own safety, so as he may watch over
charge you in the name of the Al the sheep. Christ then having given
mighty God to hurt none of my us the pattern of a good shepherd,
people.” With these words he fell on warneth us against two enemies ; first,
his knees, and commended himself to the thief that cometh not but to kill
God, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to and to steal, and, secondly, the hire~
St Denis, and to the other holy ling that standeth by, and defendeth
Patrons of the Church of Canterbury. not them that are committed to his
He presently offered his sacred head charge.
1 Jan. 27.

Ezlghth Lesson. befound under December 30, (p. 304,)

and the three Lessons of which are
EZECHIEL hath said of old time, read together as one preceded by the
(xxxiv. 2): “Woe be to the Blessing.
shepherds of Israel! do they not feed
themselves? Should not the shep May the Gospel’s glorious word
herds feed the flocks ? ” But they did Cleansing to our souls afi'ord.
the contrary, a great wickedness and
the root of many evils. “Therefore,” At Lauds, if the day be Sunday,
he saith, “they brought not back that a Commemoration is made of that day
which was gone astray: neither did which will be found under December
they search for that which was lost: 30, (p. 305,) and then, in any case,
neither did they bind up that which a Commemoration of the Octave of
was broken, nor strengthen that which Christmas, (and where the Feast of St
was sick; for they fed themselves, and Thomas of Canterbury is not a Double
not the flock.” And Paul hath the of the First Class, Commemorations of
same in other words, where he saith, the Octa'z/es of St Stephen, St john,
(Phil. ii. 21): “All seek their own, and the Holy Innocents from their re
not the things which are JESUS spective Lauds.)
Christ’s.” At Prime, the same alteration in the
Short Responsory as before.
Ninth Lesson.
CHRIST showeth Himself very dif MARTYROLOGY.
ferent from either the thief or
the hireling ; whereas the thief cometh Upon the 30th day of December
to destroy, He came that they might were born into the better life—
have life, and that they might have it At Spoleto, under the Emperor
more abundantly. The hireling fleeth, Maximian, the holy martyrs Sabinus,
but He layeth down His life for the bishop of that see; the deacons
sheep, that the sheep perish not. When Exuperantius and Marcellus, and the
then the Jews went about to kill Him, President Venustian along with his
He ceased not to teach: He gave not wife and children. Marcellus and
up them that believed in Him, but Exuperantius were first racked then
stood steadfast and died. Wherefore heavily cudgelled, then mangled with
He hath good title often to say, “ I am hooks, and their sides were afterwards
the Good Shepherd.” It was but a burnt until they died. Venustian and
little while, and He showed us how He his wife and children were shortly
could lay down His life for the sheep. afterward put to the sword; holy
And if it appeareth not as yet how Sabinus had his hands cut off, and
they have life, and have it more was long imprisoned, and at length
abundantly, (but it shall appear, in lashed to death. These did not
the world which is to come,) we may all suffer at the same time, but
well be persuaded of the truth of the they are all commemorated upon the
second promise, who have seen the same day.
fulfilment of the first. At Alexandria, the holy martyrs
Mansuetus, Severus, Appian, Donatus,
If the day be Sunday, the above Honorius and their companions.
Ninth Lesson is read as one with At Thessalonica, the holy martyr
the Eighth to leave room for the Anysia [about the year 303]. There
Homily of the Sunday, which will_ likewise holy Anysius, bishop of that

city. [He succeeded S. Ascole, and john, and the Holy Innocents, from
died about the year 404.] the Second Vespers of each respec
At Milan, the holy confessor Eu tively.)
genius, bishop of that city.
At Ravenna, holy Liberius, bishop Note. If December 25, 26, 27, 28,
of that city. or 30 fall on a Sunday, the Ofiice of
At Aquila, in the Abruzzi, holy the Sunday is said upon December 30.
Rainerius, bishop of that city [in the But the Sunday should he the 29th
twelfth century]. or the 31st, the Sunday is commemor
ated in the usual manner with the
At Vespers the service as at the Ninth Lesson, 59%,, in the Ofiice of
Second Vespers of Christmas until the St Thomas of Canterhury or of St
Chapter exclusive. The rest is of Silvester.
St Thomas (where he is of the First
Class), from the Common Ofice for a lf Dec. 29 fall on a Friday, the
Martyr, with the special Prayer. A Ofice of Saturday is of the Octave of
Commemoration is made of the Sunday Christmas, as given immediately here
within the Octave of Christmas, the after, and the Oflice on Sunday is of St
Ofice of which will he found under Silvester, with merely a Commemora
Dec. 30, or of the Day within the tion of Sunday.
Octave, whichever is the next day. If
the former, then a Commemoration of Dec. 30.
Sunday and then of the Octave of
Christmas only; if the latter, a Com @fitz of the @ctafiz of
memoration of the Octave of Christmas
and then of Sunday only. lf the day (Ehristmas.
itself be actually Sunday then the
Commemoration is taken from the
Second Vespers, as follows . All as on Christmas Day, except what
Antiphon. The child jesus in is otherwise given here, and that the
creased in age and wisdom before Antifihons are not doubled.
God and man.
Verse. The Word was made flesh. MATTINS.
Answer. And dwelt among us. FIRST NOCTURN.
Alleluia. First Lesson.
Here beginneth the Epistle of the
0 ALMIGHTY, &c., (as at Lauds. Blessed Apostle Paul to the Romans
But this day be any other (i. 1.)1
than Sunday, the Commemoration is
taken entirely from Lauds.) PAUL, a servant of JESUS Christ,
called to be an Apostle, separated
Then a Commemoration of Christ unto the Gospel of God, which He had
mas, (and, where St Thomas of Can promised afore by His Prophets in the
terbury is not of the First Class, holy Scriptures, concerning His Son,
Commemorations of St Stephen, St That was born of the seed of David
1 Archbishop Kenrick says that “this letter has been placed at the head of .the letters
of St Paul, on account of the dignity of the Roman Church."—"It is probably sixth in the
order of time, having been written in the year 58, from Corinth, or Cenchrea." N. I‘., p. 459.

according to the flesh, and determined hindered hitherto,) that I might have
to be the Son of God with power, ac some fruit among you also, even as
cording to the Spirit of holiness, by the among other Gentiles. I am debtor
resurrection of our Lord JESUS Christ both to the Greeks and to the Bar
from the dead: by Whom we have re barians, both to the wise and to the
ceived grace and apostleship, for obedi unwise: so, as much as in me is, I
ence to the faith among all nations, am ready to preach the Gospel to you
for His name, among whom are ye that are at Rome also. For I am not
also the called of JESUS Christ: to all ashamed of the Gospel. For it is the
that be in Rome, beloved of God, power of God unto salvation to every
called to be saints. Grace to you, one that believeth, to the Jew first,
and peace from God our Father, and and also to the Greek. For therein
the Lord JESUS Christ. is the righteousness of God revealed
from faith to faith, as it is written:
First Responsory. 1The just shall live by faith. For
the wrath of God is revealed from
This day is the true peace, &c., (Se heaven against all ungodliness and
cond Responsory on Christmas Day.) unrighteousness of men, who hold
the truth of God in unrighteousness:
Second Lesson. because that which may be known of
God is manifest in them; for God
FIRST, I thank my God, through hath showed it unto them.
JESUS Christ, for you all, that
your faith is spoken of throughout the
Third Resoonsory.
whole world. For God is my witness,
Whom I serve with my spirit, in the How great is this mystery, &c.,
Gospel of His Son, that without ceas (Fourth Responsory on Christmas
ing I make mention of you always in Day.)
my prayers ; making request, if by any
means now at length I might have a At the end is added :
prosperous journey, by the will of God,
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
to come to you. For I long to See
and to the Son, and to the Holy
you, that I may impart unto you some
spiritual gift, to the end ye may be
Answer. Blessed is that virgin
established: that is, that I may be
whose womb was made meet to bear
comforted together with you by the
the Lord Christ.
mutual faith both of you and me.

Second Responsory.
Fourth Lesson.
0 ye shepherds, &c., (Third Re
sponsory on Christmas Day,) omitting The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
the last Verse and Answer. of Pope St Leo [the Great.] (9th
on Christmas.)
Third Lesson.
DEARLY beloved brethren, the
NO\V I would not have you ignor greatness of God’s work, in its
ant, brethren, that oftentimes I breadth and height, passeth the power
purposed to come unto you (but was of man’s utterance; and, therefore,
1 Hab. ii. 4.

when we must needs not keep silence, Lord, wherein the Word was made
we find it hard to know what to say. Flesh, not so much as a thing past,
The words of the Prophet—“Who as a thing present. The proclamation
shall declare His generation?” (Isa. of the angel to the shepherds who
liii. 8)_look not only to the Divine, watched their flocks by night, ringeth
but also to the human birth of JESUS in our ears also; and for this end are
Christ, the Son of God. Faith be we appointed to rule the Lord’s flock,
lieveth, but words cannot explain, how that we may ever keep in our heart
the two natures were joined in one the word revealed from heaven, and
Person,—and therein we find that say unto you, as we do this day:
we shall never lack matter of praise “ Behold, I bring you good tidings of
in Him, Whose abundance ever out great joy, which shall be to all people ;
runneth the power of our expression. for unto you is born this day, in the
city of David, a Saviour, Which is
Fourth Responsory. Christ the Lord!”

Blessed is God’s holy mother, &c.,

Sixth Responsory.
(Fifth Responsory on Christmas Day.)
Blessed be the womb, &c., (Seventh
Fifth Lesson. Responsory on Christmas Day.)

THEREFORE let us rejoice, that At the end is added:

this mystery of mercy is greater Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
than we can ever speak; and let us to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
feel that it is good for us to fail if Answer. This day hath He been
we try to express the height and depth pleased for the salvation of the world
of redeeming love. He cometh nearest to be born of a Virgin.
to the knowledge of the truth, who,
the farther he advanceth, seeth all the THIRD NOCTURN.
more clearly that he can never overtake
that whereafter he searcheth. For he Seventh Lesson.
that imagineth therein that he hath ([f a week-day.)
ev'er attained unto the goal, hath not
found that which he seeketh, but hath The Lesson is taken from the Holy
altogether missed. Gospel according to Luke (ii. I 5.)
T that time: The shepherds said
Fifth Responsory. one to another: Let us now go
0 Mary, how holy, &c., (Sixth Re even unto Bethlehem, and see this
sponsory on Christmas Day,) down to thing which is come to pass, which
the Verse, “Glory, &c.,” exclusive. the Lord hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste. And so
Sixth Lesson.
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
UT lest we should be confounded Milan] (Bk. ii. on Luke ii.)
at the weakness of our mortality,
we have help in the words of the The shepherds came with haste.
Prophets and Evangelists ; and they This is how every one cometh who is
are able so to inflame and teach us really earnestly seeking Christ. The
that we may see the Birth of the shepherds believed the angel. Wilt

not thou believe Father, Son, and which is poorest in learning is richest
Holy Ghost, Angels, Prophets, and in faith. The Lord seeketh not for
Apostles? Here also remark how schools crowded with wise men, but
carefully every word in the Scripture for a people of a single heart unused
is chosen. They came with haste to to overlay and to disguise what they
see this “Word,” (as the original text learn, by vain and superfluous adorn
hath it.1) A Word, indeed; the ments. He will have straightforward
Word of God. He that saw the ness rather than vain-glory.
Lord’s Flesh, saw the Word, that is,
God the Son.
(If Sunday.)
([f Sunday.)
“ YEA, a sword shall pierce through
The Lesson is taken from the Holy ‘ thine own soul also.” We have
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 33.) no record or tradition that Mary left
this world‘ by suffering a violent death,
AT that time: Joseph and Mary the
and the material sword can pierce the
mother of JESUS, marvelled at
body only, and not the soul. Where
those things which were spoken of
fore here we see the wisdom of Mary
Him. And so on.
in that she was not ignorant Of the
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of heavenly mysteries. For, “the word
Milan.] (Bk. ii. on Luke ii.) of God is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than any two-edged sword,
We see that God’s abounding grace
piercing even to the dividing asunder
is poured forth on all by the birth of
of soul and spirit, and of the joints
the Lord, and that the gift of prophecy
and marrow, and is a discerner of
is not denied to the righteous, but to
the thoughts and intents of the heart:
the unbelieving. Simeon prophesieth for all things are naked and opened
that our Lord JESUS Christ is set for
unto the eyes "2 of the Son of God,
the fall and rising again of many in
from Whom also the secret things of
Israel, setting forth that the just and
our conscience are not hidden.
the unjust reap difl'erent fruits from the
coming of the Saviour; so will it be
with us; according to our individual Eighth Responsory.
works will the True and Just Judge
apportion to us punishment or reward. How is the King of heaven at
tended ? He that containeth the world
Seventh Responsory. is laid in a stable: lying in a manger,
reigning in heaven.
The Word was made Flesh, &c., Verse. Unto us is born, this day,
(Eighth Responsory on Christmas Day,) in the city of David, a Saviour, Which
down to the Verse “Glory, &c.” ex is Christ the Lord.
elusive. Answer. Lying in a manger, reign
Eighth Lesson. ing in heaven.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
([f a week-day.)
and to the Son, and to the Holy
ECAUSE the office of a shepherd Ghost.
is mean, think not meanly of the Answer. Lying in a manger, reign
example of their faith. Verily, that ing in heaven.
1’ Gr. Rhema. 9 Heb. iv. I2, 13.

Ninth Lesson. all ; but is under tutors and governors

until the time appointed by the father.
(If a week-day.)
Verse. The Word was made Flesh.
THINK not meanly either of the Alleluia.
shepherds’ words. The shep Answer. And dwelt among us.
herds strengthen the faith even of Alleluia.
Mary; the shepherds lead God’s
people to His worship. For, “all Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
they that heard it, wondered at those While all things were in quiet silence,
things which were told them by the and that night was in the midst of her
shepherds. But Mary kept all these swift course, Thine Almighty Word, 0
things and pondered them in her Lord, leapt down out of Thy Royal
heart." Let us learn the modesty of Throne.1
the Holy Virgin, that modesty of Prayer.
speech as of body, whereby she laid ALMIGHTY and everlasting
up in her heart the evidences of her God, do Thou order all our
faith. actions in conformity with Thy good
(If Sunday.) pleasure, that through the name of
THERE had been a triple pr0phecy ; Thy well-beloved Son, we may worthily
the prophecy of Simeon had fol abound in all good works. Through
lowed the prophecy of the virgin, and the same our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy
the prophecy of the wife; those, Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
namely, of Mary and Elizabeth. And Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
now ought the widow also to prophesy, one God, world without end. Amen.
that no sex nor state might be want Whether Week-day or Sunday, Com
ing. And Anna is brought before us memorations are made of St Thomas,
with such a title from her widowhood of St Stephen, qf St john, and of
and her life, that we may well believe the Holy Innocents.
that she received the grace to an
nounce the Advent of the Redeemer.
In our exhortation addressed to widows
we have already treated of her gifts at MARTYROLOGY.
length, and, as we have much matter
before us, we will not now again enter Upon the 31st day of December
on the subject. were born into the better life
At [was
who Rome,said
by Pope Silvester
tradition to have]
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
God, &c.,” is said.
baptized the Emperor Constantine the
Great, confirmed the decrees of the
Council of Nice, wrought many other
If a week-day, are the same as on holy works, and fell asleep in peace [in
Christmas Day, but a Sunday, they the year 335.]
have the following . Likewise at Rome, at the cemetery
of Priscilla upon the Salarian Way, the
Chapter. (Gal. iv. 1.) holy martyrs Donata, Paulina, Rustica,
BRETHREN : The heir, as long as Nominanda, Serotina, Hilaria, and
he is a child, difi'ereth nothing their companions.
from a servant, though he be lord of At Sens, blessed Sabinian [First]
1 Wisd. xviii. 14, r 5.

bishop of that see, and Potentian, who the law, to redeem them that were
were sent thither to preach by the under the law, that we might receive
Roman Pontiff, and adorned that city the adoption of sons.
by their last testimony. [He was the
Apostle of Sens.] There also in the NONE.
persecution under the Emperor Aure
lian the holy virgin and martyr Colum Chapter as at the end of Prime.
ba, who conquered fire and was slain
with the sword [third century.] Vespers of the following, with the
At Rhessara, the holy exorcist same Commemorations as at Lauds.
At Catania, in Sicily, the holy
martyrs Stephen, Pontian, Attalus, Dec. 31.
Fabian, Cornelius, Sextus, Flos, Quin
tian, Minervinus and Simplician. ihugmanag.
On the same day holy Zoticus, a
St Silvester [1.], Pope of Rome,
Roman priest, who went to Constanti
nople, and busied himself with the
care of orphans. Double.
At Ravenna, the holy confessor the
priest Barbatian. All from the Common Oflice for a
On the same day holy Melania, the Bishop and Confessor, except what is
younger, who left Rome along with otherwise given here.
her husband Pinian [son of the Pre The first Vespers are of Christmas.
fect of Rome], and went to Jerusalem Double to the Chapter exclusive.
where she became a nun, and he a
Commemorations of Christmas, St
monk—and both died holy deaths.
Thomas of Canterbury, St Stephen,
[She was born in 383, married 410,
St john, and the Holy Innocents,
and died in 439.]
as at the second Vespers of each, are
[f the Ofiice be not of the Sunday, it made, preceded, if Saturday evening,
of the Sunday
continues as on it is as ofDay,
Christmas Christmas
but by a Commemoration of the Sunday.

Day, with the following dzfii’rences.

Chapter at the end. (Gal. iv. 7.) FIRST NOCTURN.
HEREFORE he is no more a First Lesson.
servant, but a son; and if a
son, then an heir of God. The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
TERCE. Romans (ii. I.)
The Chapter from Lauds. HEREFORE, thou art inexcus
able, 0 man, whosoever thou art
SEXT. that judgest; for wherein thou judgest
another, thou condemnest thyself; for
Chapter. (Gal. iv. 4.)
thou that judgest, doest the same
UT when the fulness of the time things. But we are sure that the
was come, God sent forth His judgment of God is according to truth
Son, made of a woman, made under against them which commit such

things. And thinkest thou this, 0 very early age under a Priest named
man, that judgest them which do such Cyrinus, of whose teaching and ex
things, and doest the same, that thou ample he was a diligent learner. In
shalt escape the judgment of God? his thirtieth year he was ordained
Or despisest thou the riches of His Priest of the Holy Roman Church by
goodness, and forbearance, and long Pope Marcellinus. In the'discharge
sufl'ering? _ Knowest thou not that the of his duties he became a model for
goodness of God leadeth thee to re all the clergy, and, after the death of
pentance? Melchiades, he succeeded him on the
Papal throne, [in the year of our Lord
Second Lesson. 314,] during the reign of Constantine,
BUT, after thy hardness and impeni who had already by public decree pro
tent heart, treasurest up unto claimed peace to the Church of Christ.
thyself wrath, against the day of wrath Hardly had he undertaken the govern
and revelation of the righteous judg ment of the Church when he betook
ment of God, Who will render to every himself to stir up the Emperor to pro
man according to his deeds: to them tect and propagate the religion of
who, by patient continuance in well Christ. Constantine was fresh from
doing, seek for glory and honour and his victory over his enemy Maxentius,
immortality, eternal life; but unto on the Eve whereof the sign of the
them that are contentious and do not Cross had been revealed to him limned
obey the truth, but obey unrighteous in light upon the sky; and there was
ness, indignation and wrath. an old story in the Church of Rome
that it was Silvester who caused him
to recognise the images of the Apostles,
Third Lesson. administered to him holy Baptism, and
cleansed him from the leprosy of mis
TRIBULATION and anguish upon
every soul of man that doeth evil,
of the Jew first, and also of the Gen Fifth Lesson.
tile,1 but glory and honour and peace,
to every man that worketh good, to THE godly Emperor had already
the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.1 granted to Christ’s faithful people
For there is no respect of persons with permission to build public churches,
God. For as many as have sinned and by the advice of Silvester he
without law shall also perish without himself set them the example. He
law; and as many as have sinned built many Basilicas, and magnificently
under law, shall be judged by law. adorned them with holy images, and
For not the hearers of the law are gifted them with gifts and endowments.
just before God, but the doers of the Among these there were, besides
law shall be justified. others, the Church of Christ the
Saviour, hard by the Lateran Palace ;
that of St Peter, upon the Vatican
SECOND NOCTURN. Mount; that of St Paul, upon the
road to Ostia; that of St Lawrence,
Fourth Lesson.
in Verus’ field; that of the Holy
SILVESTER was a Roman by Cross at the Sessorian hall; that of
birth, and his father’s name was St Peter and St Marcellinus, upon the
Rufinus. He was brought up from a Lavican Way; and that of St Agnes,
1 Graeci.

upon the road to Mentana. Under ness of life, and an inexhaustible

this Pope was held the first Council of tenderness towards the poor; in which
Nice, presided over by the Papal matter he ordained that the wealthy
Legates, and in the Presence of Con clergy should each relieve a certain
stantine, and three hundred and eigh number of needy persons ; and he also
teen Bishops, where the holy and made arrangements for supplying the
Catholic Faith was declared, and consecrated virgins with the neces
Arius and his followers condemned; saries of life. He lived as Pope
which Council was finally confirmed twenty-one years, ten months and
by the Pope, at the request of all the one day, and was buried in the
assembled Fathers, in a synod held cemetery of Priscilla on the Salarian
at Rome, where Arius was again con Way, [in the year 335.] He held
demned. This Pope issued many use seven Advent ordinations, and made
ful ordinances for the Church of God. forty-two Priests, twenty-five Deacons,
He reserved to Bishops the right of and sixty-five Bishops of various sees.
consecrating the Holy Chrism ; ordered
Priests to anoint with Chrism the
heads of the newly baptised; settled
the ofi'iciating dress of Deacons as a Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with
dalmatic and a linen maniple ; and the Homily of St Gregory, as in the
forbade the consecration of the Sacra Common Ofiice for a Confessor not a
ment of the Altar on anything but a Bishop. [f it be Sunday, the last
linen corporal. Lesson is omitted, or read as one
with the Eighth, and the [Vinth Lesson
is the whole or the first part of the
Sixth Lesson. Homily of the Sunday, already given
HIS Silvester is likewise said to in the preceding Ofiice—preceded by the
have ordained that all persons Blessing :—
taking Holy Orders should remain a May the Gospel’s glorious word
while in each grade before being pro Cleansing to our souls afford.
moted to a higher ; that laymen should
not go to law against the clergy; and At Lands, Sunday, Christmas is
that the clergy themselves were not to commemorated from the Lands of that
plead before civil tribunals. He de day after the Commemoration of the
creed that the first and seventh days of Sunday. Then Commemorations of St
the week should be called respectively Thomas of Canterbury, St Stephen,
the Lord’s Day and the Sabbath, and St john, and the Holy Innocents, as
the others, Second Day, Third Day, at the Lands of each.
and so on. In this he confirmed the At Prime the same alteration as be
use of the word “ Feria ” for the week fore in the Short Responsory.
days, the which use had already begun
in the Church. This word signifieth
an “holiday,” and pointeth to the duty
of the clergy ever to lay aside all The morrow is the Octave of the
worldly labour, and leave themselves Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, upon
free to do continually the work of the the which day is commemorated His
Lord. The heavenly wisdom with Circumcision.
which he ruled the Church of God, Upon the same Ist day of Jan
was joined in him to a singular holi uary, were born into the better life—

At Rome, the holy martyr A1 holy Justin, bishop of that city, famous
machius, who was slain by gladiators for the holiness of his life, and for the
[about the year 404] at the command miracles worked through him [in the
of Alpius, prefect of the city, be Year 543]
cause he said: “This is the Octave At the monastery of St Claude, upon
of the Lord’s Birth, cease from your the Jura Mountains, in the country of
idolatrous superstitions, and your Lyons, holy [4th] Eugendus, Abbat
unclean sacrifices." [of Condat], whose life was illustrious
Likewise at Rome, upon the Appian for his graces and miracles [in the
Way, thirty holy soldiers who were year 510].
crowned with martyrdom, under the At Senlis [in the year 1049], holy
Emperor Diocletian. Odilo, [6th] Abbat of Cluni [elected
Likewise at Rome, the holy virgin in the year 994], who first com
Martina, who was put to divers tor manded that in his monasteries a
ments, under the Emperor Alexander, commemoration of all the faithful
and at length gained the crown of departed should be made upon the
martyrdom by the sword, whose feast first day after the festival of ' All
we keep upon the 30th day of the Saints, the which custom the Uni
month of January. versal Church hath since approved
At Spoleto, in the time of the by adopting it.
Emperor Antonine, the holy martyr, At Monte Senario, in Tuscany, the
the priest Concordius. He was first blessed confessor Bonfiglio, one of the
cudgelled, then racked, and afterwards seven founders of the order of ser
suffered imprisonment—wherein he vants of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to
was comforted by a visit of angels, whom he was devoted—and by whom
and at length was delivered from this he was suddenly called away to heaven
life by the sword. [in the year 1262].
On the same day, the holy martyr At Alexandria [in the year 470], the
Magnus. burial of the holy virgin Euphrosyne,
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the who shone in her nunnery as a great
burial of the holy Basil, bishop of light by the power of her self-denial
Caesarea [in the year 379], whose and her miracles.
feast we keep upon the 14th day of
The Vespers are of the Circumcision,
June. Which is the day whereon he
without any Commemoratz'ons.
was ordained a bishop.
In Africa, blessed Fulgentius, bishop
of the Church of Ruspa [in the year
508], who at the time of the per
secution under the Vandals, sufi'ered fan. I.
much at the hands of the Arians be
cause of his Catholic faith, and his Nztn Ezar’s Bag.
eminent teaching. He was exiled to
Sardinia [in the year 510]; but was
The Circumcision of the Lord, and
at length [in the year 523] allowed
Octave of 112': Birth.
to return to his own church, where
[in the year 533] he died a holy Double of the Second Class.
death, famous for his life and his
words. Every/Ming as on Sundays except
At Chieti, in Abruzzo Citeriore, what is otherwise git/en here.

FIRST VESPERS. Verse. The Lord is as a bride

Antiphons, Chapter, Verse and An
Answer. Coming out of His
swer, and Prayerfrom Lauds.
Psalms as in the Common Ofiice for
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin. First Lesson.
Hymn from the Vespers of Christmas The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
Day. of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Romans, (iii. 1.)
Antiohon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. 1 God, for His great love WHAT advantage then hath the
wherewith He loved us, sent His Own Jew? or what profit is there
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh. of circumcision? Much every way.
Alleluia. Chiefly, because that unto them were
committed the oracles of God. For
No Commemorations. what if some did not believe? Shall
their unbelief make the faith of God
MATTINS. of none effect? God forbid. Yea,
God is true: but every man a liar,
Invitatory and Hymn as on Christ as it is written z—“That Thou might
mas Day. est be justified in Thy sayings, and
mightest overcome when Thou art
FIRST NOCTURN. judged.”2 But if our unrighteous
ness commend the righteousness of
First Antiphon. The Lord hath
God, what shall we say? Is God
said unto Me: Thou art My Son, *
unrighteous, Who taketh vengeance?
this day have I begotten Thee.
(I speak as a man.) God forbid: for
then how shall God judge this world?
Psalm 11.
Why do the heathen rage, &c., First Responsory.
(o- 4-) 3Behold the Lamb of God, behold
Him Which taketh away the sins of
Second Antibhon. In the sun hath the world; behold Him of Whom I
He set His tabernacle: * and He is
said unto you: He That cometh after
as a bridegroom coming out of his
me is preferred before me; Whose
shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to
Psalm X VIII. unloose.
Verse. 4He that is of the earth
The heavens declare, &c., (p. 17.) speaketh of the earth; He That com
eth from heaven is above all.
Third Antiphon. Be ye lift up, ye Answer. Whose shoe’s latchet I
everlasting doors, * and the'King of am not worthy to unloose.
glory shall come in.
Second Lesson. (iii. 29.)
Psalm XX[I].
IS He the God of the Jews only?
The earth is the LORD’S, &c., (p. Is He not also of the Gentiles?
46-) Yea, of the Gentiles also. Seeing it
1 Eph. ii. 4; Rom. viii. 3. 2 Ps. l. 6. 3 John i. 29. 4 John iii. 31.
'is one God Which justifieth the cir circumcision, a seal of the righteous
cumcision by faith, and uncircumcision ness of the faith which he had, yet
through faith. Do we then make being in uncircumcision ; that he might
void the law through faith? God be the father of all them that believe,
forbid: yea, we establish the law. though they be not in circumcision, that
(iv. 1.) What shall we then say that it might be imputed to them also for
Abraham, our father, hath found, righteousness; and the father of cir
according to the flesh? For if cumcision to them who are not of the
Abraham were justified by works, he circumcision only, but who also walk
hath whereof to glory, but not before in the steps of that faith of our father
God. For what saith the Scripture? Abraham, which he had, being yet in
1 “Abraham believed God, and it was uncircumcision.
counted unto him for righteousness.”
Now to him that worketh is the re Third Responsory.
ward not reckoned of grace, but of
debt. But to him that worketh not, 4Blessed be He That cometh in
but believeth on Him That justifieth the name of the LORD! God is the
the ungodly, his faith is counted for LORD Which hath showed us light.
righteousness, according to the gracious Alleluia, Alleluia.
purpose of God. Even as David also Verse. This is the day which the
describeth the happiness of the man, LORD hath made, let us rejoice and
unto whom God imputeth righteous be glad in it.
ness without works: 2“Blessed are Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
they whose iniquities are forgiven, and Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
whose sins are covered.” to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Second Responsory.
This day which is breaking is holy:
0 come, ye Gentiles, and worship the First Antiphon. Thou art fairer
Lord. For this day is much light than the children of men, * grace is
come down unto us from heaven. poured into Thy lips.
Verse. 3 This is the day which the
LORD hath made, let us rejoice and
Psalm XL] V.
be glad in it.
Answer. For this day is much Mine heart is overflowing, &c.,
light come down unto us from heaven. (t- 96-)
Third Lesson. Second Antiphon. This man was
born in her, * and the Highest Him
OMETH this blessedness then self hath established her.
upon the circumcision only, or
upon the uncircumcision also? For
we say that faith was reckoned to Psalm LXXX V1.
Abraham for righteousness. How Her foundation, &c., (p. 144.)
then was it reckoned? When he was
in circumcision or in uncircumcision? , Third Antiohon. All the trees of
Not in circumcision, but in uncircum the wood shall rejoice * before the
cision. And he received the sign of LORD, for He cometh.
1 Gen. xv. 6. 2 Ps. xxxi. I, 2. 3 Ps. cxvii. 24. 4 Ps. cxvii. 26, 27.
Psalmv XC V.
Fzfflz Lesson.
O I sing unto the LORD, &c., (15.
THE authority on which we believe
148.) is the authority of God Himself;
the teaching which we follow is the
Verse. Thou art fairer than the teaching of God Himself. Wherefore
children of men. whether we lend the ear of our mind
Answer. Grace is poured into thy to the testimony of the Law, or to the
lips. revelations of the Prophets, or to the
full pealing of the Gospel trumpet,
' Fourth Lesson. that is true, which John the Son of
Thunder, uttered, when he was filled
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons with the Holy Ghost, and said: “In
of Pope St Leo [the Great] (7th the beginning was the Word, and the
for Ckrz'sz‘mas.) Word was with God, and the Word
DEARLY beloved brethren, who was God. The Same was in the
soever will keep truly and honour beginning with God. All things were,
piously this day’s festival, it is neces made by_Him, and without Him was,
sary for him neither to think falsely not anything made.” True also is his
of the Lord’s Incarnation, nor meanly witness when he saith: “The Word
of- the Lord’s Godhead. For as there was made Flesh, and dwelt among us,
is danger, on the one hand, of denying and we beheld His glory, the glory as.
the truth of Christ’s participation of of the Only-begotten of the Father.”
our nature, so is there no less danger, (John i. {-3, 14.) '
on the other, of doing despite to the
equality of His glory with the glory Fz'ft/z Responsory.
of the Father. Wherefore, when we
draw near- to understand the mystery The heart of the Virgin was fixed,
of Christ’s Birth, wherein He was When the Angel declared unto her the
born of the Virgin Mary, we must mystery of God and she conceived:
leave the clouds of earthly imagina then did she receive in her pure womb
tion behind and pierce the fog of Him That is fairer than the children
human wisdom with the eye of en of men. And, she that is blessed for
lightened faith. ever, brought forth for us God and
Fourth Responsory.
Soon rises, in that modest shrine,
Rejoice with me, all ye that love The Temple of the Lord Divine:
the Lord. For while I was yet little I The stainless and unwedded one,
pleased the Most High, and from my Within her womb conceived the Son.
womb have I brought forth God and
man. Answer. And, she that is blessed
Verse. All generations shall call me for ever, brought forth for us God and
blessed, for God hath regarded the man.
lowliness of His hand-maiden. Sixth Lesson.
Answer. For while I was yet little
I pleased the Most High, and from HE Person of the Son of God
'my womb have I brought forth God therefore remaineth unchanged
and man. . and one, though He have two natures,
keeping His own, and taking ours. THIRD NOCTURN.
He appeareth as man to be the re
storer of men, but abideth all the First Antinhon. In the beginning,
while in His immutable Godhead. and before the worlds, the Word was
That Godhead which He shareth with God, * and this day is He born the
.the Father was not a whit the less Saviour of the world.
Almighty, nor did the form of a ser
vant touch the form of God to dero Psalm XC V]. _
gate from it. The Most High and
The LORD reigneth, &c., (p. 149.)
Everlasting Being, bending down for
man’s salvation, took the Manhood
Second Antiphon. The Lord our
into His glory; He ceased not to be
That which He is from everlasting. Saviour, * begotten before the day
Istar, and before the worlds, hath this
Hence we see the Only-begotten Son
of God in one place confessing that _day vouchsafed to be born.
the Father is greater than He, (John
xiv. 28,) and in another declaring Psalm XC VII.
that He and the Father are One,
0 sing unto the LORD, &c., (p. I 57.)
(x. 30.) This is an evident proof of
the distinction of His two natures, and
Third Antiphon. When the Lord
the unity of His Person; for He is
was born the Angels sang together, *
inferior to the Father as touching His
saying: 2 Salvation to our God, Which
Manhood, and yet equal to the Father
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the
as touching His Godhead, and yet,
though He be God and Man, He is
not two, but One Christ. Psalm XC VIII.
The LORD reigneth, &c., (15. I 58.)
Sirth Responsory.
Verse. The LORD hath made known.
Blessed and worshipful art thou, 0 Alleluia.
Virgin Mary; from thee, still maiden Answer. His salvation. Alleluia.
undefiled, the Saviour came a little
Child. He Whose glory filled the Se'z/enth Lesson.
heavens lay in a manger.
Verse. 10 LORD, I have heard The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Thy Speech and was afraid; I con Gospel according to Luke (ii. 21.)
sidered Thy works and trembled. 0
T that time: When eight days
Thou [That dwellest] between the two
were accomplished for the cir
living creatures !
cumcision of the Child, His name was
Answer. He Whose glory filled the
called JESUS. And so on.
heavens lay in a manger.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
and to the Son, and to the Holy Milan.] (Book ii. on Luke ii.)
Answer. He Whose glory filled the So the Child is circumcised. This
heavens lay in a manger. is the Child of Whom it is said:
1 Hab. iii. 2. As to the “two living creatures,” compare Exod._xxv. 22, &c. But this
reading of the Song of Habakkuk is not that of the present authorised verston. (P- 154-)
3 Apoc. vii. 10

“Unto us a Child is born, unto us a of the Blessed Virgin. Truly He That

Son is given,” (Isa. ix. 6.) “Made opened her womb was holy, for He
under the law to redeem them that was altogether without spot, and we
were under the law.” (Gal. iv. 4.) may gather that the law was written
“To present Him to the Lord,” specially for Him from the words ot
(22.) 7In my Commentary on Isaiah the Angel: “That Holy Thing Which
I have already explained what is shall be born of thee, shall be called
meant by being presented to the the Son of God.”
Lord in Jerusalem, and therefore I
will not enter into the subject again. Eighth Responsory.
He that is circumcised in heart gain
eth the protection of God, for “the The Virgin-Mother that knew not.
eyes of the LORD are upon the a man, bore, but travailed not.
righteous.” (Ps. xxxiii. I6.) Ye will
She fed the Saviour of the world,
see that as all the ceremonies of
The King of Angel hosts above,
the old law were types of realities
JESUS, our Redeemer blest,
in the new, so the circumcision of the
From the fountain of her breast.
body signified the cleansing of the
heart from the guilt of sin.

Se'z/enth Responsory. Soon rises in that modest shrine,

The Temple of the Lord Divine ;
0 Mary, how holy and how spotless The stainless and unwedded one,
is thy virginity! I am too dull to Within her womb conceived the Son
praise thee: for thou hast borne in
thy breast Him Whom the heavens A nswer.
cannot contain.
Verse. Blessed art thou among She fed the Saviour of the world,
women, and blessed is the fruit of The King of Angel hosts above,
thy womb. JESUS, our Redeemer blest,
Answer. For thou hast borne in From the fountain of her breast.
thy breast Him Whom the heavens
cannot contain. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and’
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Eighth Lesson. A nswer.

UT since the body and mind of She fed the Saviour of the world,
man remain yet infected with a The King of Angel hosts above,
proneness to sin, the circumcision of JESUS, our Redeemer blest,
the eighth day is also a type of that From the fountain of her breast.
complete cleansing from sin which we
shall have at the resurrection. This
Ninth Lesson.
ceremony was also performed in
obedience to the commandment of MONG all that are born of women
God: 1 “Every male that openeth the the Lord JESUS Christ stood
womb shall be called holy unto the alone in holiness. Fresh from His.
Lord." These words‘ were written immaculate Birth, He felt no con-r
with especial reference to the delivery tagion from human corruption, and.
1 Luke ii. 23.

His heavenly Majesty drove it away. that taketh away the sins of the world.
If we are to follow the letter and say Alleluia.
that every male that openeth the womb
is holy, how shall we explain that so Chapter. (Tit. ii. 11.)
many have been unrighteous? Was
Ahab holy? Were the false prophets THE grace of God our Saviour
holy? Were they holy on whom hath appeared, teaching us, that,
Elijah justly called down fire from denying ungodliness and worldly
heaven? But He to Whom the sacred lusts, we should live soberly, right
commandment of the law of God is eously, and godly in this present
mystically directed is the Holy One of world.
Israel; Who also alone hath opened Hymn from the Laudsof Christmas
the secret womb of His holy Virgin Day.
bride the Church, filling her with a
sinless fruitfulness to give birth to Verse. The Word was made Flesh.
Christian souls. Alleluia.
Answer. And dwelt among us.
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O Alleluia.
God,” &c., is said.
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
LAUDS This day is set forth a wonderful mys
tery, * a new thing hath been created
First Antlzfihon. How wonderful is in the earth—God is made man.
the dealing here! * The Maker of That which He was He remaineth,
man hath taken to Himself a living and that which He was not He taketh,
body, and hath been pleased to be sufi'ering therein neither confusion nor
born of the Virgin: He is come forth division.
conceived without seed, and hath
made us partakers of His Divine
nature. Prayer throughout the Ofiice.
Second Antiphon. When, in an GOD, Who, by the fruitful vir
unspeakable manner, * Thou wast ginity of the Blessed Mary,
born of a Virgin, the Scriptures were hast given unto mankind the rewards
fulfilled; to save man, Thou camest of everlasting life; grant, we beseech
down as dew upon the fleece: we Thee, that we may continually feel
praise Thee, 0 our God! the might of her intercession, through
Third Antiphon. Mother of God, whom we have worthily received the
when Moses * saw the bush uncon Author of our life, our Lord JESUS
sumed, we own that it was a figure of Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and
the preservation of thy most wonder reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
ful virginity: pray for us. the Holy Ghost, one God, world with
Fourth Antiphon. The Root of out end. Amen.
Jesse hath blossomed: * the star is
arisen out of Jacob, the Virgin hath
given birth to the Saviour: we praise PRIME.
Thee, 0 our God! Antiphon. How wonderful, &c.,
Fifth Antiphon. Behold, Mary (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
hath borne * for us a Saviour; John
beheld Him and cried, saying: Be In the Short Responsory the same
hold, the Lamb of God, behold Him alteration as hefore.


The morrow is the Octave of holy Antiphon. When in an unspeak

Stephen the Proto-Martyr. able manner, &c., (Second Antiphon
At Rome are commemorated upon at Lauds.)
the same day many holy martyrs
who defied the edict of the Emperor Chapter as at Lauds.
Diocletian whereby it was commanded Short Responsory as at Terce on
to give up the holy books, they Christmas Day.
being willing rather to give over
their own bodies to the executioners SEXT.
than to give unto dogs that which
was holy. Antiphon. Mother of God, &c.,
Upon the same 2nd day of Jan (Third A ntzjfihon at Lauds.)
uary, were born into the better
he_ Chapter. (Heb. i. 10.)
_ At Antioch, blessed Isidore, Bishop
[in the year 420]. AND: Thou, Lord, in the begin
At Tomi, in Pontus, under Emperor ning hast laid the foundation of
Licinius, the three holy brethren, the earth: and the heavens are the
Argeus, Narcissus, and Marcellinus. works of Thine hands.
Argeus and Narcissus were slain with
the sword. Marcellinus was a boy, Short Responsory as on Sext on
he was taken among the recruits, and Christmas Day.
for as much as he would not be
a soldier he was grievously flogged, NONE.
and after suffering long in prison
was drowned in the sea [in the year Antiphon. Behold, Mary, &c.
320]. (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)
At Milan [after the year 431],
Chapter as at the end of Prime.
holy Martinian [17th] bishop of that
Short Responsory as at None on
Christmas Day.
At Nitria, in Egypt, the blessed
confessor Isidore [Bishop of Hermo
polis in the fourth century]. VESPERS.
Upon the same day the holy Bishop
Siridion. A ntzphons, Chapter, and Prayer
In the Thebaid the holy Abbat from Lauds.
Macarius of Alexandria [about the year Psalms as in the Common Ofice for
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin.
3951 Hymn and Verse and Answerfrom
the Vespers of Christmas Day.
Chapter at the end. (Heb. ii. 11.)
HEY shall perish, but Thou re Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
mainest; and they all shall wax Virgin. Herein is a great mystery of
old as doth a garment, and as a heirship; the womb of her that knew
vesture shalt Thou change them, not a man is become the temple of
and they shall be changed; but God: in taking of her flesh He was
Thou art the Same, and Thy years not defiled: all nations shall come
shall not fail. and say, Glory be to Thee, O Lord!

Commemoration of ST STEPHEN. persecuted? And they have slain

them which showed before of the
Antiphon. Stephen, full of grace
coming of the Just One; of Whom
and power, did great wonders among
ye have been now the betrayers and
the people.
murderers: who have received the
Verse. Stephen saw the heavens
law by the disposition of Angels,
opened. and have not kept it.” When they
Answer. He saw and entered in:
heard these things they were cut
blessed is he unto whom the heavens
to the heart, and they gnashed on
were opened.
him with their teeth.

Let us pray.
Second Lesson.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting
God, Who hast dedicated the BUT he, being full of the Holy
first-fruits of Thy Martyrs with the Ghost, looked up steadfastly into
blood of the Blessed Stephen; grant, heaven, and saw the glory of God,
we beseech Thee, that the same may and JESUS standing on the right hand
pray for us also, who prayed even for of God. And said: “Behold, I see
his murderers to our Lord JESUS the heavens opened, and the Son of
Christ Thy Son; Who liveth and man standing on the right hand of
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of God.” Then they cried out with a
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with loud voice, and stopped their ears,
out end. Amen. ' and ran upon him with one accord.
And they cast him out of the city and
No other Commemoration. stoned him: and the witnesses laid
down their clothes at a young man’s
feet, whose name was Saul. And
fan. 2. they stoned'Stephen, calling upon
God, and saying: “Lord JESUS, re
Octave of 5t étepfien. ceive my spirit.”
Third Lesson.
All as on the Feast-day, (p. 281),
except the following. ND he kneeled down and cried
with a loud voice, saying:
“Lord, lay not this sin to their
charge.” And when he had said
FIRST NOCTURN. this, he fell asleep in the Lord.
(viii. I.) And Saul was consenting
First Lesson. unto his death. And at that time
The Lesson is taken from the Acts of there was a great persecution against
the Apostles (vii. 51.) the Church which was at Jerusalem:
and they were all scattered abroad
1 “ E stiff-necked, and uncircum throughout the regions of Judea and
cised in heart and ears, ye Samaria except the Apostles. And
do always resist the Holy Ghost; as devout men carried Stephen to his
your fathers did, so do ye. Which burial and made great lamentation
of the Prophets have not your fathers over him.
1 The end of the speech of the Saint before the Council.

SECOND NOCTURN. that they might be forgiven. For he

remembered the word of the Lord, that
Fourth Lesson. saith: “Vengeance belongeth unto
Me, I will recompense, saith the Lord,”v
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
mons of 1St Austin, Bishop [of (Heb. x. 30,) and again: “Say not
Hippo] (2nd on St Stephen.) thou ; I will recompense evil [to mine
enemies], but wait on the LORD, and
EVEN after the glory of yesterday, He shall save thee.” (Prov. xx. 22.)
bright with the splendour of The Lord God biddeth us also be
Christ our Saviour’s Birth, this day patient, knowing that in the great day
findeth itself an illumination of its own of retribution, we, as well as His holy
from the crown of the blessed Martyr martyrs, shall be righted.
Stephen. The whole earth knoweth
how manfully he fought and. con
quered: for he suffered at the very THIRD NOCTURN.

fountain-head of the Church, that is Seventh Lesson.

to say, in Jerusalem. It was in the
Church there that he ministered as a The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Deacon: and in the youthful spring Gospel according to Matthew (xxiii.
time of life dyed with his blood the 34-)
lily of his purity. His Passion is
very glorious, and many ways wonder T that time: JESUS said unto the
ful, and when we read it in the Acts Scribes and Pharisees: Behold,
of the Apostles, we seem rather to see I send unto you Prophets, and wise
than to hear. men, and scribes: and some of them
ye shall kill and crucify. And so on.

Fifth Lesson. Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at

Bethlehem] (Bk. iv. Comment. on
C HRIST, the Captain of the Martyrs, Matth. xxiii.)
hath first suffered for us, leaving
us an example that _we should follow “ 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that
His steps, (1 Pet. ii. 21.) And truly, killest the Prophets.” The Jerusalem
Blessed Stephen followed them, when, that killed the Prophets was not the
having confessed Christ, he was stoned material stone and houses, but they
to death by the Jews, and obtained the that dwelt therein. He wept over her
crown which his name had foreshown. with a father’s love, as also it is written
For the meaning of the Greek name in another place that, when He saw
“Stephanos” is “a crown.” Already the city, He wept over it. (Luke xix.
he had a crown for his name, a fore 41.) “ How often would I have
shadowing of the martyr’s palm which gathered thy children together.” Here
he beareth in heaven. observe that Christ avoweth that He
had been the Sender of all the former
Prophets._ “ Even hen gathereth
Sixth Lesson.
her chickens under her wings.” A
WHEN they stoned him he did not similar figure is found in the Song of
rejoice at the thought that God Moses in Deuteronomy, xxxii. I I, “ As
would take vengeance on his perse an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth
cutors. On the contrary, he prayed over her young, spreadeth abroad her
1 Some parts are certainly by St Austin ; others are probably not.

wings, taketh them, and beareth them Holy Innocents from their respective
on her wings.” 1 Lauds.

Eighth Lesson.
The morrow is the Octave of the
“ EHOLD, your house is left unto
holy Apostle and Evangelist John.
you desolate.” God had al
Upon the same 3rd day of January,
ready spoken these things once before,
were born into the better life—
by the mouth of Jeremiah, where He
At Rome, upon the Appian Way,
saith: “I have forsaken Mine house, ,
holy Pope Anterus, who suffered under
I have left Mine heritage; Mine in
the Emperor Julius Maximian, and was
heritance is become unto Me like an
buried in the cemetery of Callistus.
hyaena’s den.” 2 (xii. 7.) The house
of the Jews, which was to be left unto
[He reigned 1 month and 12 days in
the year 236.]
them desolate, is that Temple, whose
Upon the same day, holy Peter, who
splendour they loved only too well,
suffered the death of the cross at the
when they slew the Owner of it for the
sake of it, and said of Christ, “This is city of Aulone. [In the year 311 or
the heir; come, let us kill Him, and
On the Hellespont, the holy martyrs
the inheritance shall be ours.” (Matth.
Cyrinus, Primus, and Theogenes
xxi. 38.)
[about the year 320.]
Ninth Lesson. At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the holy
centurion Gordius [about the year
“ FOR I say unto you, Ye shall not 320], in whose praise Basil the Great
see Me henceforth, till ye shall delivered a noble discourse upon his
say: Blessed is he that cometh in the feast day.
name of the Lord.” Here He speaketh In Cilicia, the holy martyrs Zozi
to Jerusalem and to the Jewish people. mus and Athanasius the Notary, also
The words, “Blessed is He That the holy martyrs Theopemptus and
cometh in the name of the Lord,” Theona, who suffered an illustrious
were indeed spoken by babes and martyrdom in the persecution under
sucklings when the Saviour entered Diocletian.
Jerusalem in triumph, “and they At Padua, the holy martyr Daniel
that went before and they that fol [in the year 168.]
lowed, cried, saying, ‘Blessed is He At Vienne, in Gaul, holy Florence,
That cometh in the name of the [8th] bishop of that see [successor to
Lord; Hosanna in the highest,’” S. Paracodius], who was exiled in the
(Mark xi. 9,) but they are originally time of the Emperor Gallienus, and
taken from Psalm cxvii. 26.-—Which there finished his testimony [in the
Psalm is all evidently written in year 252.]
honour of the coming of our Lord. At Paris [in the year 512], the holy
virgin [and Patron of Paris] Genevieve,
who was dedicated to Christ by blessed
Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, and was
Commemorations of St Thomas of famous for her wondrous graces and
Canterbury, of St john, and of the miracles.
1 In the original this quotation is made from a different version to that in the Psalter (p. 172).
3 This passage in Jeremiah is somewhat obscure. See it, on Wednesday in Holy Week,
where the translation in the text is altogether different.


Antiphons from Lauds. FIRST NOCTURN.

Psalms as on Sunday, except the
last, which is: First Lesson.

Psalm CX V. The Lesson is taken from the 1Apoca

lypse of the Blessed Apostle John,
I believed, therefore have I spoken, (iv. 1.)
&c., (p. 185.)
FTER this I looked ; and, behold,
From the Chapter inclusive the Ves
a door was opened in heaven;
pers are of the Octave of St john.
and the first voice which I heard, was
as it were of a trumpet talking with
Chapter. (Ecclus. xv. 1.) me, which said: Come up hither, and
I will show thee things which must be
E that feareth the Lord will do
hereafter. And immediatelyl was in
good; and he that keepeth
righteousness shall obtain her, and as the Spirit; and, behold, a throne was
an honoured mother shall she meet set in heaven, and One sat on the
throne. And He That sat was to look
upon like a jasper and a. sardine
Hymn from the Common Ofice for stone ; and there was a rainbow round
Apostles. about the throne, in sight like unto an
Verse and Answer, Antiohon at the emerald; and round about the throne
Song ofthe Blessed Virgin, and Prayer, were four-and-twenty seats ; and upon
from the Commemoration of St john in the seats I saw four-and-twenty 2elders
the Second Vespers of St Stephen, (p. sitting, clothed in white raiment; and
286.) they had on their heads crowns of
Commemoration of St Thomas of gold.
Canterbury and of the Holy Innocents
from the Second Vespers of their Feasts Second Lesson.
respectively. AND out of the throne proceeded
lightnings, and voices and thun
derings; and there were seven lamps
fan. 3.
of fire burning before the throne, which
are the seven spirits of God. And
Octave of 5t 30%. before the throne there was a sea of
glass like unto crystal; and in the
midst of the throne, and round about
All as on the Feast-day, (p. 287,) the throne, were four living creatures
except the following. full of eyes before and behind. And
1 1.2., “ Unveiling " or “ Revelation."
2 “Seniores.” But the Greek is “ Presbyteroi," generally translated, or, rather, contracted,
“ Priests." It may be suggested, with great reverence, that the arrangement described is
similar to that in the most ancient Churches, some of which still exist. In these the East end
has a large arch, here represented by the rainbow, opening into a semi-circular apse, which is
here represented by the hollow vault of heaven. At the end of the apse is a “ throne " for the
Bishop, and the Presbyters sit round the apse on either side of him. On the chord of the apse
stands the Altar, and the Celebrant occupies the place “in the midst of the throne and the
elders," assigned by _St John to the True High Priest, looking at the people over the Altar. The
“ sea of glass " is described as in thevplace where there is a paved enclosure for the Choir, viz.
just westward of the Altar. Under the Altar are placed the reliques of the Saints, (in primitive
times always martyrs—Rev. vi. 9,) and lighted lamps hang before it. _

the first living creature was like a lion, walk upon earth, in the very first Words
and the second living creature like a of his writing, riseth not above the
calf, and the third, living creature had earth only, or above the firmament,
the face as a man, and the fourth liv and the heavens, but above every
ing creature was like a flying eagle. angel, and above every power of
And the four living creatures had each things unseen, and flieth directly to
of them six wings about him ; and they Him by Whom all things were made,
are full of eyes about and within. saying: “In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.”
Third Lesson.
AND they rest not day and night, Fifth Lesson.
saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord
God Almighty, Which was, and is, THEN he goeth on worthily of such
and is to come. And when those a beginning, and speaketh of the
living creatures gave glory and honour Lord’s Godhead as none hath ever
and blessing to Him That sat upon spoken, uttering freely the things
the throne, Who liveth for ever and which he had heard. It is not with
ever, the four-and-twenty elders fell out cause that it is told of him in
down, and worshipped Him That that Gospel how he lay on JESUS’
liveth for ever and ever, and cast Breast at supper. Truly he drank
their crowns before the throne, saying: secretly from that Breast, and what
Thou art worthy, O Lord our God, he drank secretly he hath uttered
to receive glory, and honour, and openly, that all men may know not
power; for Thou hast created all only how the Son of God became
things, and for Thy pleasure they are man, suffered, and rose again for us,
and were created. but likewise how He was with the
Father before He took flesh, the Only
begotten Son, the Word of the Father,
SECOND NOCTURN. co-eternal with Him that begat Him,
equal to Him That sent Him.
Fourth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from a treatise of Sixth Lesson.
St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo,] on
John. (36.) OHN is an eagle that soareth up
to the things that are not made,
OF the Four Evangelists, or, rather, and fixeth his eye unquailing upon
the Four Writers of the one the secret and eternal Light. It is
Evangel, the holy Apostle John hath said that the father-eagle taketh his
not unworthily been compared by young in his talons and flieth with
spiritual writers to an eagle, because them, that they may look at the sun.
of the lofty and glorious flight of his Them that look at it boldly, he
teaching, soaring above the other acknowledgeth for his own offspring,
three; a flight that raiseth not him but them whose eyes shrink, he letteth
self alone, but also the hearts of all, fall from his claws as bastards. Let
whosoever will hear him. The other us consider, then, how mightily he
three writers walk with the Lord must speak who is likened to an
upon earth, as with a man, and enlarge eagle; and yet we who are reptiles
little upon His Godhead; but John, crawling on earth, weak, and of small
as though it had wearied him to consideration even among men, dare

take in hand these utterances, to treat neither to chafe, nor to enquire too
of them, and to explain them, and curiously, where the will of God is
think that our intelligence understand concerned. For when Peter would
eth them, or our speech commendeth be still asking, the Lord at length
them. checked him in these words for his
continued curiosity.

Seventh Lesson. Ninth Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy “THEN went this saying abroad
Gospel according to John (xxi. 19.) among the brethren, that that
disciple should not die; yet JESUS
T that time: JESUS saith unto
said not unto him, He shall not die;
Peter: Follow Me. Then Peter,
but, If I will that he tarry till I come,
turning about, seeth the disciple whom
what is that to thee?” That is, He
JESUS loved following. And so on.
would not have it thought that He
Homily by St John Chrysostom, had disposed of them both in the
Patriarch [of Constantinople] (87th same way. He spoke thus that He
Hom. on john.) might check the untimely motion of
affection, and the desire to continue
Christ had made known great things the old companionship. The Apostles
to Peter, charged him with the care were about to take in charge the whole
of the whole world, announced to him earth, and it behoved them no more
his future martyrdom, and given him to continue together, lest the world
testimony of His especial love. Peter should suHer. Therefore the Lord
then would have John for a fellow and saith to Peter: “Thou hast received
helper, and he said, “What shall this thy task; bend thyself to it, and do
man do?” as it were, “Shall not he it ; work and fight; what is it to thee
also follow the same path with me?” if I will that he tarry here? Turn
At the supper, when Peter would ask thou to thine own appointed labour
a question of the Lord, he dared not, and finish it.”
but got John for his spokesman; and
now Peter asketh that which he
thought John fain would know, but
dared not ask for himself. Christ Commemoration of St Thomas of
“saith unto him: If I will that he Canterbury and of the Holy Innocents
tarry till I come, what is that to from their proper Lands.
thee P ”

Eighth Lesson. MARTYROLOGY.

PETER asked because of his great The morrow is Octave of the Holy
love for John, hoping not to be Innocents.
parted from him, and Christ answered Upon the same 4th day of January,
him, that with whatever afl'ection he were born into the better life—
loved him, he could not love him as In Crete, holy Titus, whom the
He loved him. “ If I will that he Apostle Paul ordained Bishop for the
tarry till I come, what is that to Cretans. When he had faithfully
thee?” Let us learn from these brought to an end [about the year
words, by the teaching of Christ, 105], his work of preaching, he ob

tained a blessed death, and was buried fan. 4.

in that church whereof the blessed
Apostle had appointed him a worthy
minister. His feast is kept upon the
Octave of Cfiit’bermaa.
6th day of the month of February.
Octave of the Holy Innocentr, Martyrs.
At Rome, the holy martyrs the
priest Priscus, the clerk Priscillian,
and the devout woman Benedicta, Douhle.
who won martyrdom by the sword in
the time of the wicked Emperor Julian All at on the Feast-day, except the
[the Apostate]. following.
Likewise at Rome, the blessed
martyr Dafrosa, wife of the holy FIRST NOCTURN.
martyr Flavian [mother of St Bibi
ana]. After the execution of her First Lesson.
husband she was first sentenced to
exile, and then put to death under The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
the aforesaid Emperor- Julian. of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
At Bologna, the holy martyrs Romans (v. I.)
Hermes, Aggaeus, and Caius, who
suffered under the Emperor ‘Maxi THEREFORE being justified by
mian. faith, let us have peace with
At Adrumetum, in Africa, the holy God through our Lord JESUS Christ;
martyr Mavillus, whom the cruel by Whom also we have access by
President Scapula condemned to the faith into this grace, wherein we stand,
wild beasts in the persecution under and rejoice in hope of the glory of the
the Emperor Severus, and who thus sons of God. And not only so, but
received the crown of martyrdom. we glory in tribulations also, knowing
Likewise in Africa, the illustrious that tribulation worketh patience, and
martyrs Aquilinus, Geminus, Eugenius, patience proof, and proof hope; and
Marcian, Quintus, Theodotus, and hope maketh not ashamed, because
'Tryphon [about end of fifth century]. the love of God is shed abroad in our
At Langres, holy Gregory, bishop hearts by the Holy Ghost, Which IS
of that see, famous for miracles [in given unto us.
the year 539].
At Rheims, in Gaul [in the year
743], the holy confessor Rigobert, Second Lesson.
‘bishop [in the year 722] of that see. FOR wherefore, when we were yet
without strength, did Christ in
due time die for the ungodly? For
scarcely for a righteous man will one
Antzfhons from Lauzlr. die ; yet peradventure for a good man
some would even dare to die. But
Psalms from the Common Ofiice for God commendeth His love towards
.the Second Vespers of Apostles. us; in that while we were yet sinners
Commemoration of St Thomas of Christ died for us; much more then
Canterhury from his Second Vespers, being now justified by His Blood, we
and of the Holy Innocents from their shall be saved from wrath through
proper Laua’r. Him.

Tlzird Lesson. [which shall be returned hereafter],

but they are pledges taken with
FOR if, when we were enemies, we out being given, impounded without
were reconciled to God by the being entrusted.
death of His Son, much more, being
reconciled, we shall be saved by His
life. And not only so, but we also Fg'fllz Lesson.
joy in God, through our Lord JESUS
ATURE is herself our witness of
Christ, by Whom we have now re
what the scene must have been
ceived the Atonement. Moreover,
when the tyrant dashed the little ones
as by one man sin entered into the.
against the stones. The childless
world, and death by sin, so also
mothers tore their hair; those, whose
death passed upon all men, for that
infants had still escaped, strove vainly
all have sinned.
to hide them, and their very cries
betrayed them, too young to have
learnt the silence of fear. Sometimes
the wretched mother struggled with
Fourt/z Lesson. the executioner, as be dragged the
child to which she clung from her
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons arms. The fruit of her body is torn
of 1St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo] from her breast. Was it for this that
(Is! for C/Lz'ldermas.) her womb bore it, and her paps gave
it suck? Had she carried it so ten
HE Lord is born, and sorrow derly, that the murderer might seize
breaketh out, not in heaven but it? It had come of her body only
on earth; to mothers is proclaimed to be dashed against the stones.
lamentation, to angels joy, to children
translation. God is born, and inno
Sixth Lesson.
cence must be offered up to Him Who
cometh to condemn the malice of the OMETIMES a broken-hearted
world. The Lamb that taketh away woman cried to the rufiian to
the sins of the world is come to be kill her also; wherefore leave her to
crucified, and the tender flock is her childless widowhood? If fault
brought to the sacrifice. But the there were, the fault was hers,—then
mothers will lament over them whose why not let her sutTer and follow her
inarticulate bleating is silenced for lost one? Some must have cried out
ever. Let us turn a look on this that all were being slain for the sake
great martyrdom, this heart-rending of One, and that One had escaped.
sorrow. The sword is drawn, though And surely some called for the com
there is no offence to punish, only ing of the Messiah to deliver them.
jealousy shrieking for Him Who is “Come, come, 0 Saviour, how long
born, and doth no violence. And do we wait for Thee? Thou art Al
here are mothers weeping over the mighty—come, and save our chil
lambs of the flock. “In Ramah was dren.” And so the cry of the mother
there a voice heard, weeping and and the sacrifice of her offspring went
great mourning.” 2They are pledges up together to heaven.
1 There are good grounds for doubting the ascription of the Sermon to St Austin.
2 Pignora sunt, non credita sed creata, non deposits. sed exposita. The passage is very
obscure. The imagery seems to be taken from a pawn-shop.

THIRD NOCTURN. Ninth Lesson.

Seventh Lesson. WHEN St Joseph knew that the:

Virgin was with child, he was
The Lesson is taken from the Holy greatly troubled; but forthwith an
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. Angel came to take away his fears.
13-) The Lord was born and he rejoiced with
exceeding joy; but straightway came
T that time: The Angel of the the great danger, when all Jerusalem
Lord appeared to Joseph in a was troubled, the king in great wrath,
dream, saying: Arise, and take the and murderers seeking the young
young Child, and His Mother, and Child’s life. The star shone over
flee into Egypt: and be thou there Bethlehem, and the wise men came
until I bring thee word. And so on. to worship; but Herod sought to slay
the Saviour; and they arose, and fled.
Homily by St John Chrysostom, into a far country.
Patriarch [of Constantinople] (8th on
Matthew.) The .Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
God, &c.,” is always said.
When Joseph had heard this he At Lauds a Commemoration is made
was not troubled, neither did he say, of St Thomas of Canterhury, from the
“This is doubtful, or at least obscure. Lauds of his feast.
Thou saidst not long ago, that He
shall save His people, and now appar
ently Himself He cannot save; but MARTYROLOGY.
we are to flee, and journey far, and
,The morrow is the Eve of the
dwell in a strange land. Thy works
Epiphany of the Lord, the same day
belie thy words.” But Joseph said
is the Octave of the holy martyr
none of these things, for he was faith
Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury.
ful; neither did he curiously ask of
Upon the same 5th day of January,
the angel the time of his return, which
were born into the better life—
God was not pleased to show him,
At Rome, the holy Pope Teles
but only to send him that word, “Be
phorus, who toiled much for Christ,
thou there until I bring thee word."
and under the Emperor Antoninus
Pius obtained by his testimony a
Eighth Lesson. glorious martyrdom.
In Egypt are commemorated many
HE was not slothful, but obeyed holy martyrs who were slain in the
cheerfully, and by faith bore all Thebaid in divers ways, in the perse
tribulations with joy. God in His cution under the Emperor Diocletian.
mercy mingled some joy with his At Antioch, the holy monk Simeon,
sorrow, as He doth in all the saints, who lived for many years standing
whom He will have to abide continu upon a pillar, whence he is called
ally neither in sorrow, nor in joy: but Stylitis [from the Greek style, which
weaveth their life ever with a strange is being interpreted a pillar], whose
diversity. And let us consider how life and conversation was wonderful
He did it here. [in the year 459].
In England, the holy King Edward,
The Eighth Responsory is added to, famous for his gift of chastity and of
as when the Feast falls on Sunday. the power of working miracles. By

command of Pope Innocent XI. his pleasure, that through the name of
feast is kept upon the 13th day of Thy well-beloved Son, we may worthily
October, which is the day of the trans abound in all good works.
. lation of his sacred body [in the year
1066.] Commemoration of 1 ST TELESPHORUS,
At Alexandria [in the fourth cen Pope and Martyr.
tury], holy Syncletica, whose noble
acts holy Athanasius hath set before All from the LauaIr of the Common
us in his writing. Ofiiee of one Bishop and Martyr.
At Rome, the holy virgin fEmiliana,
Prayer. 0 God, Who year by year
father’s sister to holy Gregory the
dost gladden us by the solemn feast
Great. Her sister Tharsilla, who had
day of Thy blessed Martyr and Bishop
gone to God before her, came and
Telesphorus, mercifully grant that we
called her, and upon the same day she
who keep his birthday, may ever
passed hence to be for ever with the
feel the joyful effects of his pro
Lord [sixth century].
tection. Through our Lord JESUS
Upon the same day, the holy virgin
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
Apollinaris [about the year 440].
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with
out end. Amen.
A ntiphons from Laua's.
Psalms as on Sundays, except the
last, which is Ps. exu, “I believed, ]an. 5.
&c.,”p. 185.
The Ofi‘iee is then of St Thomas of Octave of ét Qifiomas of
Canterbury, as in the Ofiice of One Canterfiurg.
Prayer, p. 297. Whz'eh day is also Twelfth-Day Eve.
Commemoration of the Holy Inno
eents, also from p. 298, with the Double.
Prayer, p. 292. Allfrom the Common Ofliee for One
Martyr, exeept the Prayer, which is
Commemoration of TWELFTH-DAY as on his feast, p. 297, and the fol
EVE. lowing:
Antiphon. The Child JESUS in MATTINS.
creased in stature and wisdom before
God and man. FIRST NOCTURN.

Verse. The LORD hath made First Lesson.

known. Alleluia.
Answer. His salvation. Alleluia. The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Let us pray. Romans (vii. I.)
O ALMIGHTY and everlasting KNOW ye not, brethren, (for I
God, do Thou order all our speak to them that know the
actions in conformity with Thy good law,) how that the law hath dominion
1 The First Vespers of the Common Office for one Martyr being already in use for the
Octave of St Thomas, the Commemoration of St Telesphorus is taken from the Lands,
according to the Pie, ix. 8.

over a man, so long as he liveth? Psalm by St Ambrose, Bishop [of

For the woman which hath an hus Milan.] (21st Sermon.)
band is bound up by the law to her
husband so long as he liveth: but if “ PRINCES have persecuted me
the husband be dead, she is loosed without a cause: but my
from the law of her husband. 50 heart standeth in awe of Thy word.”
then, if, while her husband liveth, she These are rightly the words of a
be married to another man, she shall martyr, who beareth unjustly the tor
be called an adulteress; but, if her ments of the persecutors, who hath
husband be dead, she is free from the robbed no man, who hath violently
law of her husband ; so that she is no oppressed no man, who hath shed the
adulteress, though she be married to blood of no man, who hath imagined
another man. to defile the bed of no man, who is
debtor to the laws in nothing, and who
Second Lesson. is punished more grievously than if he
were a robber: who speaketh right
WHEREFORE, my brethren, ye eousness, and there is none that will
also are become dead to the hear: who speaketh salvation, and all
law by the body of Christ; that ye men fight against him: who is able to
should be married to another, even to say: “When I spoke unto them, they
Him Who is raised from the dead; fought against me without a cause.”
that we should bring forth fruit unto (Ps. cxix. 7.) They fight against him
God. ' For when we were in the flesh, without a cause, who can lay no sin to
the motions of sin which were by the his charge: they fight against him as
law, did work in our members, to an evil-doer, who is by their own ac
bring forth fruit unto death. But now knowledgment righteous: they fight
we are delivered from the law of against him as a warlock, who glorieth
death wherein we were held, that we in the name of the Lord, and who
should serve in newness of spirit, and doeth all things well because he doeth
not in the oldness of the letter. all things for God’s sake.

Third Lesson.
Fifth Lesson.
\ k 7 HAT shall we say then? Is the
law sin ? God forbid. Nay, THEY fight against him in vain who
I had not known sin, but by the law. is accused of ungodliness among
For I had not known lust, except the the ungodly and the unfaithful, because
law had said: Thou shalt not covet. he teacheth Faith. Verily, him that
But sin, taking occasion by the com is fought against without a cause it
mandment, wrought in me all manner behoveth to be strong and patient.
of concupiscence. For without the Wherefore then saith he: “ My heart
law sin was dead. For I was alive standeth in awe of Thy word ? ” Awe
without the law once: but when the is the mark of the weak, the timid, and
commandment came sin revived. the fearful. But there is also a weak
ness unto salvation, there is a fear
SECOND NOCTURN. which is an holy fear. “0 fear the
LORD, all ye His Saints.” (Ps. xxxiii.
Fourth Lesson.
to.) And again: “Blessed is the
The Lesson is taken from the Exposi man that feareth the LORD.” (Ps.
tion of the hundred-and-eighteenth cxi. 1.) And wherefore is be blessed P

because he “delighteth greatly in His at once your instruction, and our

commandments.” danger. Behold, how He Who, not
by the varying gifts of nature, but of
Sixth Lesson. the very essence of His being, is
Goodness, behold how He saith: “I
HIN K, then, how the martyr am the Good' Shepherd.” And then
standeth between two dangers. He saith what is the character of His
On the one hand the wild beasts, goodness, even of that goodness of
roaring for his blood, do indeed strike His which we must strive to copy:
terror; he heareth the hissing of the “The Good Shepherd giveth His life
plates of white-hot metal, and seeth for the Sheep.” As He had foretold,
surging up the flames of the fiery even so did He; as He had com
furnace; behind him is the clanking manded, so gave He ensample. The
of fetters, and beside him the execu Good Shepherd gave His life for the
tioner, stained with fresh blood; think sheep, and made His Own Body and
of him there, face to face with the His Own Blood to be our Sacramental
apparatus of death—but think again— Food, pasturing upon His Own Flesh
of what thinketh he? Of the Law of the sheep whom He had bought.
God, of the everlasting fire, of the
eternal flames wherein the unbelieving
shall burn for ever, of that torture Eighth Lesson.
whereof the agony is for ever new.
H E, by despising death, hath shown
And then indeed his heart faileth for
us how to do the like ; He hath
fear, lest by giving way under torment
set before us the mould wherein it be
here, he should give himself up to
hoveth us to be cast. Our first duty
everlasting torment hereafter: then
is, freely and tenderly to spend our
indeed he trembleth, 'when Faith
outward things for His sheep, but
maketh to glitter before his eyes the
lastly, if need be, to serve the same
awful sword of the judgment to come.
by our death also. From the light
And in this, the faithful trembling of
offering of the first, we go on to the
the true-hearted, are there not both
stern offering of the last, and, if we be
unshaken hope of the eternal things,
ready to give our life for the sheep,
and awe of the things of God?
why shouldvwe scruple to give our
substance, seeing how much “more is
THIRD NOCTURN. the life than meat?” (Matt. vi. 25.)
And some there be which love the
Seventh Lesson.
things of this world better than
The Lesson is taken from the Holy they love the sheep; and such as
Gospel according to John (x. I I.) they deserve no longer to be called
shepherds. These are they of whom
T that time: JESUS said unto the it is written: “But he that is an hire
Pharisees 2 I am the Good Shep ling, and not the shepherd, whose own
herd. The Good Shepherd giveth the sheep are not, seeth the wolf
His life for His sheep. And so on. coming, and leaveth the sheep, and
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the fleeth” (12.) He is not a shepherd
Great] (14th on the Gospels.) but an hireling which feedeth the
Lord’s sheep, not because he loveth
Dearly beloved brethren, ye have their souls, but because he doth gain
heard from the Holy Gospel what is earthly wealth thereby. He that

taketh a shepherd’s place, but seeketh “But When he heard that Archelaus
not gain of souls, that same is but did reign in Judea, in the room of his
an hireling; such an one is ever father Herod, he was afraid to go
ready for creature-comforts, he loveth thither.” There are some persons
his pro-eminence, he groweth sleek so grossly ignorant of history that
upon his income, and he liketh well they confuse themselves over the two
.to see men bow down to him. Herods, as if the one mentioned here
were the same who afterwards set
our Lord at nought during His Pas
Ninth Blessing.
sion, and they cannot understand how
May the Gospel’s glorious word he should now be said to be dead.
Cleansing to our souls afford. The Herod who was made friends
with Pilate over Christ’s death, was
the son of the Herod who massacred
Ninth Lesson. (For the Eve of the infants of Bethlehem, and the
the Epiphany.) brother of Archelaus.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy “He shall be called a Nazarene.”
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. The Evangelist, in quoting these words,
19-) saith that they were “spoken by the
Prophets,” (Plural). If he had been
AT that time: When Herod was citing any one precise passage he
dead, behold, an Angel of the would have said “by the Prophet,”
Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in the Singular. But he is citing
in Egypt, saying: Arise and take the the sense of the Prophets, and not
young Child and His Mother, and any individual passage in any of
go into the land of Israel. And so their writings. He Seemeth to refer
on. to the fact that in Hebrew the word
“Nazarene” signifieth “holy,” and
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at that Christ is the Holy One of God
Bethlehem] (Bk. i., Comm. on is the common declaration of all the
Matth. ii.) Scriptures.1
From the words, “they are dead,” The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
(in the Plural), which are used in this God, &c.,” is said.
passage of the Gospel, we may under At Lauds a Commemoration is made
stand that there were others beside of the Eve of the Epiphany, from the
Herod “which sought the young Lauds of the Sunday within the Octave
Child’s life "—probably the Priests of Christmas, 1). 305.
.and Scribes. “And he” (Joseph) Then of St Telesphorus, from the
“arose, and took the young Child First Vespers of One zllartyr Prayer
.and His Mother.” It is not written, as on the preceding evening.
“He took his wife and child,” but
“‘he took the young Child and His
Mother ;” whence it is clear that the
holy Evangelist willeth to imply that The morrow is the Epiphany of
[Joseph was not the father, but the the Lord.
Guardian of JESUS, not the husband, Upon the same 6th day of January,
but the Betrothed of Mary. were born into the better life—
1 Judges xiii. 5, however, contains almost the precise phrase, and is very like Luke i. 31,
.and Matth. I. 2!.

In the country of Rheims, by that heaven where his heart was al

command of the President Rictio ready fixed [in the year 5 30].
varus, in the persecution under the At Florence, holy Andrew Corsini
Emperor Diocletian, the holy virgin of that city, a Carmelite friar, Bishop
and martyr Macra—she was first of Fiesoli, who was famous for miracles
cast into the fire but remained un [in the year 137 3], and whose name
hurt, whereupon her breasts were was numbered by Urban VIII. among
cut off, and she was thrust into a those of the Saints, whose feast we
prison and rolled upon sharp pot keep upon the 4th day of February.
sherds and live coals until she passed At Geris, in Egypt, the holy hermit
away in prayer to be ever with the Nilammon, who gave up his soul in
Lord. prayer to God while he was being
On the same day are commemorated haled against his will to make him
many holy martyrs in Africa, who a bishop [fifth century].
were burnt at the stake in the perse
cution under the Emperor Severus. The Feast hegz'ns at sunset.
At Rennes, in Gaul, the holy con From henceforth till the end qf the
fessor Melanius [Abbat of Platz] Octane of TweZfth-Day, the last verse
[in the year 511], bishop of that see, of all the Hymns at Prime, Terce,
who after countless works of power Sext, None, and Compline, is altered
passed gloriously out of this world to in honour qf the Epzlthany.

fan. 6.

Zllihz Epiphang 1 at tbz 10th.

Double of the First Class, with an Octave.

Everything as on Sundays except The Sages coming from afar.

what is otherwise given here. Follow the new appearing Star:
With light they seek a better Light;
Their gifts confess the God of might.
Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer The heavenly Lamb in Jordan stood,
from Laudy To sanctify the crystal flood;
Our sins with that baptismal dew,
Tile Last Psalm, Virere washed in
‘ ~
Him, Who sin-
ne 7 er knew.

A strange miraculous power is shown:

Psalm CX V1. The water pots are ruddy grown,
_ _ Whose waters by command Divine
O Pl'a15e the LORD, all ye natlons, Their nature change, and yield pure wine.
&c., 186.)
To Christ, Who did the Gentiles call,
Hymn} Be endless glory given by all,
To God the Father we repeat
HAT makes. thee’ cruel Herod’ quake’ The same, and to the Paraclete. Amen.
Lest Christ thy crown from thee
should take? I '
He will not seize an earthly throne. V875:8- 8 The klpgs Of TarShlsh and
Who heavenly kingdoms makes our own. 0f the 15165 $11311 brlng PreSCDtS.

1 Epiphaneia—a Greek word, meaning Manifestation. By the Greeks themselves the Feast is
called most commonly the Theophaneia, or Manifestation of God. It is observed by the Church
in honour of the Manifestation of Christ upon three occasions: first, when a star led the wise
men to adore Him; secondly, when He was baptized in Jordan, and the Father proclaimed
Him His Son; thirdly, when He “manifested forth His glory " by turning water into wine at
Cana. Of these occasions the first is principally commemorated on the Feast itself, and the
second on the Octave, but mentions of the latter penetrate the whole Office. Throughout the
whole East there is a Blessing of the Waters at the First Vespers, in which the people bathe, or
from which they are sprinkled, in honour of the Baptism of Christ, and there is a Ritual for the
purpose, according to the Roman Rite, which is in use in some Churches at Rome and else
where. This ceremony is repeatedly alluded to in the Office, and must be kept in mind if it is
to be intelligently followed. The Birth of Christ appears (at least in some places) to have been
anciently observed on this day, as is still done by theiMonophysite Armenians, and this perhaps
accounts in pan for the great importance given to it.
' Hymn by Coelius Sedulius, unaltered save in the first two lines ; translation extracted from
the “ Hortus Anima." 3 Ps. lxxi. to.

Answer. The kings of Arabia and unto our King, sing ye praises with
.Saba shall ofi'er gifts. understanding.
A ntzjfihon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. When the wise men saw Psalm XL V].
the star, they said one unto another:
This is the sign of the Great King; O clap your hands, &c., (1f. 98.)
let us go and search diligently for Verse. 1 Let all the earth worship
Him, and present unto Him gifts, Thee, and sing unto Thee.
gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. Answer. Let them sing praises to
Alleluia. Thy Name, 0 Lord.
First Lesson.
The last verse of the 17ymn is said
.thus . The Lesson is taken from the Book of
the Prophet Isaiah (1v. 1.)
JESU, Whom now the Gentiles see,
To Thee all praise be given, HO, every one that thirsteth, come
With Father, Spirit, One and Three, ye to the waters; and he that
Here as it is in heaven. Amen.
hath no money, come ye, buy and
eat: yea, come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price.
The Lord’s Prayer, the Angelic Salu Wherefore do ye spend money for
.tation, and the Apostles’ Creed are re that which is not bread, and your
cited inaudibly, as usual, but the rest labour for that which satisfieth not?
.of the beginning of Mattins is entirely Hearken diligently unto Me, and eat
omitted, and the Service hegins with ye that which is good, and let your
.a large Sign of the Cross, then pro soul delight itself in fatness. Incline
ceeds with the First Antiphon of the your ear and come unto Me: hear,
First Nocturn, as follows . and your soul shall live: and I will
~make an everlasting covenant with
you, even the sure mercies of David.
Behold I have given him for a witness
First Antiphon. Give unto the to the people, a leader and com
LORD, 0 ye sons of God: * worship mander to the nations.
:the LORD in His holy courts.
First Responsory.
Psalm XX VII].
This day, 2when the Lord was bap
Give unto the LORD, &c., (p. 75.) tized in Jordan, the heavens were
opened, and the Spirit descended like
Second Antiphon. It is a river, a dove, and abode upon Him, and, lo,
the streams whereof make glad * -— the voice of the Father was heard,
Alleluia—the city of God—Alleluia. alike unto thunder, saying: This is
My beloved Son, in Whom I am well
Psalm XL V. pleased.
Verse. 4The Holy Ghost de
God is our refuge, &c., (p. 97.)
scended in a bodily shape like a dove
Third Antiphon. Sing praises. to upon Him, and a voice came from
'our God, sing praises: * sing praises heaven—
1 Ps. lxv. 4. 2 Matth. iii. :6, 17. 3 Ps. xxviii. 3. 4 Luke iii. 22. . .
Answer. This is My beloved Son, the garments of salvation, and hath
in Whom I am well pleased. covered me with the robe of righteous
ness, as a bridegroom decketh himself
Second Lesson. (1x. 1.) with ornaments, and as a bride
RISE, shine, [O ]erusalem,] for adorneth herself with her jewels.
thy light is come, and the glory For as the earth bringeth forth her
of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, bud, and as the garden causeth the
behold, darkness shall cover the earth, things that are sown in it to spring
and gross darkness the people: but forth, so the Lord 2GOD will cause
the LORD shall arise upon thee, and righteousness and praise to spring
His glory shall be seen upon thee. forth before all the nations. (lxii. I.)
And the Gentiles shall walk in thy For Zion’s sake will not hold my
light, and kings in the brightness of peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will
thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round not rest, until the' Righteous One
about and see: all they gather them thereof go forth as brightness, and her
selves together, they come to thee; Saviour as a lamp that burneth.
thy sons shall come from far, and thy
daughters shall be nursed at thy side. Tlu'rd Responsory.
Then thou shalt see, and tremble;
and thine heart shall rejoice and be The kings of Tarshish and 0f the
enlarged, because the riches of the isles shall bring presents. The kings
sea shall be poured in upon thee, the of Arabia and Saba shall offer gifts
wealth of the Gentiles shall come unto unto the Lord God.
thee; the multitude of camels shall Verse. All they from Saba shall
cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian come, they shall bring gold and in
and 1Ephah: all they from Saba cense.
shall come: they shall bring gold and Answer. The kings of Arabia and
incense, and they shall proclaim the Saba shall ofler gifts unto the Lord
praises of the LORD. God.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Second Responsory. and to the Son, and to the Holy
The Holy Ghost appeared in a Answer. The kings of Arabia and
bodily shape like a dove, and the Saba shall offer gifts unto the Lord
voice of the Father was heard: This God.
is My beloved Son, in Whom I am
well pleased. SECOND NOCTURN.

Verse. The heavens were opened First Antz‘plzon. Let all the earth
unto him, and, lo, the voice of the worship Thee, and sing unto Thee: *
Father was heard, like unto thunder, let them sing praises to Thy name, 0
Answer. This is My beloved Son,
in Whom I am well pleased. Psalm LX V.
Make a joyful noise, &c., (p. 115.)
Tkz'rd Lessan. (Isa. lxi. 10.)
WILL greatly rejoice in the LORD, Second Antiphon. The kings of
and my soul shall be joyful in my Tarshish and the isles shall bring
God: for He hath clothed me with presents * unto the Lord the King.
1 A country and tribe of the Midianites. 9 The name.

Psalm LXXI. east might learn the great ‘truth, and

the Roman empire remain no more in
Give the king Thy judgment, &c., darkness.
(p. I26.)
Fourth Responsory.
Third Antiphon. All nations
Shine, shine, 0 Jerusalem, for thy
whom Thou hast made shall come *
light is come: and the glory of the
and worship before Thee, O Lord.
LORD is risen upon thee.
Verse. And the Gentiles shall walk
Psalm LXXX V. in thy light, and kings in the bright
ness of thy rising.
Bow down Thine ear, &c., (p. I43.) Answer. And the glory of the
LORD is risen upon thee.
Verse. The kings of Tarshish and
of the isles shall bring presents. F Lesson.
Answer. The kings of Arabia and
Saba shall ofl'er gifts. THE very cruelty of Herod, when
he strove to crush at His birth
this King Whom he alone feared, was
Fourth Lesson. made a blind means to carry out this
dispensation of mercy. While the
The Lesson is taken from the Ser tyrant with horrid guilt sought to slay
mons of Pope St Leo [the Great] the little Child he did not know, amid
(andfor Twelfth-Day.) an indiscriminate slaughter of inno
cents, his infamous act served to
DEARLY beloved brethren, re spread wider abroad the heaven-told
joice in the Lord; again I say, news of the Birth of the Lord. Thus
rejoice. But a few days are past were these glad tidings loudly pro
since the solemnity of Christ’s Birth, claimed, both by the novelty of their
and now the glorious light of His story, and the iniquity of their ene_
Manifestation is breaking upon us. mies. Then was the Saviour borne
On that day the Virgin brought Him into Egypt, that that nation, of a long
forth, and on this the world knew time hardened in idolatry, might by
Him. - The Word made Flesh was the mysterious virtue which went out
pleased to reveal Himself by degrees of Him, even when His presence was
to those for whom He had come. unknown, be prepared for the saving
When JESUS was born He was mani light so soon to dawn on them, and
fested indeed to the believing, but might receive the Truth as a wanderer
hidden from His enemies. Already even before they had banished false
indeed the heavens declared the glory hood.
of God, and their sound went out into
all lands, when the Herald Angels Fifth Resfionsory.
appeared to tell to the shepherds the All they from Saba shall come, they
glad tidings of a Saviour’s Birth ; and shall bring gold and incense, and they
now the guiding star leadeth the wise shall show forth the praises of the
men to worship Him, that from the LORD. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
rising of the sun to the going down Verse. The kings of Tarshish and of
thereof, the Birth of the true King the isles shall bring presents, the kings.
may be known abroad; that through of Arabia and Saba shall offer gifts.
those wise men the kingdoms of the Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Sixth Lesson. THIRD NOCTURN.

DEARLY beloved brethren, we re Instead of the 1st Psalm the follow

cognise in the wise men who ing is saidjust as git/en here.
came to worship Christ, the first-fruits
of that dispensation to the Gentiles Antiphon. 0 come, let us worship»
wherein we also are called and en Him: for He is the Lord our God.
lightened. Let us then keep this Feast
with grateful hearts, in thanksgiving Psalm XCIV.
for our blessed hope, whereof it doth
commemorate the dawn. From that COME, let us sing unto the
worship paid to the new-born Christ is LORD: let us make a joyful
to be dated the entry of us Gentiles noise to the God of our salvation.
upon our heirship of God and co-heir Let us come before His presence
ship with Christ. Since that joyful with thanksgiving, and make a joyful
day the Scriptures which testify of noise unto Him with psalms.
Christ have lain open for us as well as
for the Jews. Yea, their blindness Antiphon. 0 come, let us worship
rejected that Truth, Which, since that Him: for He is the Lord our God.
day, hath shed Its bright beams upon For the LORD is a great God, and.
all nations. Let all observance, then, a great King above all gods.
be paid to this most sacred day, In His hand are the inmost depths
whereon the Author of our salvation of the earth: and the heights of the
was made manifest, and as the wise hills are His also.
men fell down and worshipped Him in Antiphon. 0 come, let us worship
the manger, so let us fall down and Him : for He is the Lord our God.
worship Him enthroned Almighty in For the sea is His, and He made it,
heaven. As they also opened their and His hands formed the dry land.
treasures and presented unto Him Antiphon. 0 come, let us worship
mystic and symbolic gifts, so let us Him : for He is the Lord our God.
strive to open our hearts to Him, and And we are the people of His pas
offer Him from thence some worthy ture, and the sheep of His hand. To
offering. day if ye will hear His voice, harden
not your heart.
Sixth Responsory. As in “the Provocation,” and as
in the day of “Temptation” in the
There came wise men from the east wilderness, when your fathers tempted
to Jerusalem, asking and saying: Me, and proved Me, and saw My
Where is He That is born King of the works.
Jews? for we have seen His star in Antiohon. 0 come, let us worship
the east, and are come to worship the Him: for He is the Lord our God.
Lord. Forty years long was I grieved with
Verse. We have seen His star in the that generation, and said: It is a
east. people that do alway err in their
Answer. And are come to worship heart.
the Lord. And they have not known My ways ;
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and unto whom I sware in My wrath that
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. they should not enter into My rest.
Answer. And are come to worship Antiphon. 0 come, let us worship
the Lord. Him: for He is the Lord our God.

Glory be to the Father, and to the the question, why, when the Redeemer
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. was born, an angel brought the news
As it was in the beginning, is now, to the shepherds of Judea, but a star
and ever shall be, world without end. led the wise men of the East to worship
Amen. Him. It seemeth as if the Jews as
Antzlzfihon. 0 come, let us worship reasonable creatures received a revela
Him: for He is the Lord our God. tion from a reasonable being, that is,
an angel, but the Gentiles without,
The Service then proeeeds as usual. being as brutes, are roused not by a
voice, but by a sign, that is, a star.
Seeond Antzlfihon. O worship the Hence Paul hath it: “a sign, not to
LORD * -—Alleluia.—in His holy temple them that believe, but to them that
-~Alleluia. believe not: but prophesying serveth
not for them that believe not, but for
Psalm XC V. them which believe.” (1 Cor. xiv. 22.)
O sing unto the LORD, &c., (p. So the prophesying, (that is, of the
148.) angel) was given to them that believed,
and the sign to them that believed not.
Third Antiphon. Worship God * —
Alleluia—all ye His Angels—Alleluia.
Seventh Responsory.

Psalm XC V]. The star which the wise men had

seen in the East, went before them, till
The LORD reigneth, &c., (p. 149.) they came where the young Child was.
And when they saw the star, they
Verse. 0 worship the Lord—Alle rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
luia. Verse. And when they were come
Answer. In His holy temple—Alle into the house, they found the young
luia. Child with Mary His Mother, and fell
Seventh Lesson. down and worshipped Him.
Answer. And when they saw the
'The Lesson is taken from the Holy star, they rejoiced with exceeding great
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. 1.) joy.
WHEN JESUS was born in Bethle Ezlghth Lesson.
hem of Judah, in the days of
HUS also we remark that after
Herod the king, behold there came
wards the Redeemer was preached
'wise men from the East to Jerusalem,
among the Gentiles not by Himself,
saying: Where is He that is born
but by His Apostles, even as, when a
King of the Jews? And so on.
little Child, He is shown to them, not
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the by the voice of angels, but merely by
Great] (Ioth on the Gospels.) the vision of a star. When He Him
self had begun to speak He was made
Dearly beloved brethren, hear ye known to us by speakers, but when He
'from the Gospel lesson how, when the lay silent in the manger, by that silent
King of heaven was born, the king of testimony in heaven. But whether we
earth was troubled? The heights of consider the signs which accompanied
heaven are opened and the depths of His birth or His death, this thing is
earth are stirred. Let us now consider wonderful, namely, the hardness of
heart of the Jews, who would not Jews will not acknowledge that He
believe in Him either for prophesying to Whom all nature testified is their
or for miracles. God, and, being more hardened
than the rocks, refuse to be rent by
Ezg/ztlz Responsory.
When the wise men saw the star, Tile IYymn, “We praise Thee, O
they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. God," is said.
And when they were come into the
house, they found the young Child with LAUDS.
Mary His Mother, and fell down and
worshipped Him ; and when they had First Antip/zon. The Lord our Sa
opened their treasures, they presented viour, * begotten before the day-star,
unto Him gifts ; gold, and frankincense, and before the ages, is this day made
and myrrh. manifest in the world. '
Verse. The star which the wise men Second Antip/zon. 0 Jerusalem, *
had seen in the East, went before them, thy light is come, and the glory of
till it came and stood over where the the LORD is risen upon thee, and the
young Child was. Gentiles shall walk in thy light.
Answer. And when they were come Alleluia.
into the house, they found the young Tlu'ra' Antiplzon. When the wise
Child with Mary His Mother, and fell men * had opened their treasures,
down and worshipped Him. they presented unto the Lord gold,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, frankincense, and myrrh. Alleluia.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Fourlll Antiplzon. 0 ye seas and
Ghost. floods, * bless ye the Lord. 0 ye
Answer. And when they had wells, bless ye the Lord. Alleluia.
opened their treasures, they presented
unto Him gifts; gold, and frankin
cense, and myrrh. Fzft/z Am‘iplwn.
1 Bright as a fiery beacon gleams
Nz'nt/z Lesson. The guiding star, * whose mystic
ALL things which He had made,
Shone o’er the crib where, veiled in
bore witness that their Maker
was come. Let me reckon them after
The new-born King of Glory lay.
the manner of men. The heavens
knew that He was God, and sent a
When to the manger came the three,
star to shine over where He lay. The
They fell in worship on the knee,
sea knew it, and bore Him up when
Then to the King their gifts unfold,
He walked upon it. The earth knew
The myrrh, the frankincense, and gold.
it, and quaked when He died. The
sun knew it, and was darkened. The
rocks and walls knew it, and rent at Chapter. (Isa. 1x. I.)
the hour of His death. Hell knew
it, and gave up the dead that were ARISE, shine, 0 Jerusalem, for thy
in it. And yet up to this very light is come, and the glory of
hour the hearts of the unbelieving the LORD is risen upon thee.
1 Two verses of an Hymn.

Hymn) our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who

liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
BETHLEHEM! of noblest cities,
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
None can once with thee compare;
Thou alone the Lord of heaven,
world without end. Amen.
Didst for us Incarnate bear.
Fairer than the sun at morning,
Was the star that told His birth; Last verse of the Hymn as at Com
To the lands their God announcing, pline.
Hid beneath a form of earth.
Antiphon. The Lord our Saviour,
By its lambent beauty guided. &c., (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
See, the Eastern Kings appear;
.See them bend, their gifts to offer,— In the Short Responsory instead of
Gifts of incense, gold, and myrrh. the Verse, “Thou That sittest at the
right hand of the Father,” is said :
Offerings of mystic meaning !—
Incense doth the God disclose; Verse. Thou That art manifested
‘Gold a Royal Child proclaimeth; unto us this day.
Myrrh a future tomb foreshows.
And the same alteration is made
Holy JESU, in Thy brightness every day till the end of the Octave.
To the Gentile world displayed!
With the Father and the Spirit,
Endless praise to Thee be paid. MARTYROLOGY.
On the morrow we call to mind the
Verse. Worship God—Alleluia. return of the Child Jesus out of Egypt.
Answer. All ye His angels. Upon the same 7th day of January,
.Alleluia. were born into the better life—
At Nicomedia, for confessing Christ,
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. in the persecution under the Emperor
This day is the Church joined unto Galerius Maximian, the blessed mar
the Heavenly Bridegroom, * since tyr Lucian, priest of the Church of
Christ hath washed away her sins in Antioch, distinguished for his learn
Jordan; the wise men hasten with ing and eloquence, whose praise hath
gifts to the marriage supper of the been recorded by holy John Chrysos
King; and they that sit at meat tom. He is buried at Helenopolis in
together make merry with water Bithynia.
turned into wine. Alleluia. At Antioch, the holy martyr the
deacon Cleri, who on account of his
Prayer throughout the Ofiice. glorious confession was seven times
put to the torture, suffered long in
O GOD, Who by the leading of a prison, and at length was beheaded.
star didst, as on this day, mani In the city of Heraclea, the holy
‘fest Thine Only-begotten Son to the martyrs Felix and Januarius.
Gentiles, mercifully grant that we, On the same day, the holy martyr
which know Thee now by faith, may Julian.
after this life have the fruition of Thy In Denmark [in the year 1086], the
glorious Godhead; through the Same holy martyr King Canute [IV.], whose
1 Hymn by Aurelius Prudentius Clemens practically unchanged; translation by the Rev.
E. Caswall.
feast is kept on January 19 [although Answer. The kings of Tarshish and
not in England]. of the isles shall bring presents. Alle
At Pavia, the holy confessor Crispin luia, Alleluia.
[L], bishop of that see [in the year Verse. The kings of Arabia and
248] Saba shall offer gifts.
In Dacia, the holy bishop Nicetas, Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
who by his preaching of the Gospel Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
caused savage and barbarous tribes to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
to become mild and gentle. [Fifth Answer. The kings of Tarshish and
-century.] of the isles shall bring presents. Alle
In Egypt, the blessed monk Theo luia, Alleluia.
dore, who flourished in holiness in the Verse. All they from Saba shall
time of the Emperor Constantine the come. Alleluia.
Great, and of whom mention is made Answer. They shall bring gold and
by holy Athanasius in the life of holy incense. Alleluia.
At Barcelona [in the year 127 5], SEXT.
holy Raymond of Pefiafuerte, of the
order of Friars Preachers, famous for The last verse of the Hymn is said
his holiness and teaching, whose feast thus:
we keep upon the 23rd day of this
JESU, by Gentiles now adored,
present month of January. With Father and with Holy Ghost,
To Thee be praise, as God and Lord,
Chapter at the end. (Isa. 1x. 6.) On earth as 'mid the Angelic host.
ALL they from Saba shall come,
they shall bring gold and in Antiphon. When the wise men, *
cense, and they shall show forth the &c., (Third Antifihon at Lauds.)
praises of the LORD.
Chapter. (Isa. 1x. 4.)
TERCE. LIFT up thine eyes round about,
The last verse of the hfymn is said and see; all they gather them
selves together, they come to thee:
thus :
thy sons shall come from far, and thy
Jnsu, Whom now the Gentiles see, daughters shall be nursed at thy side.
Father and Spirit, One and Three,
To Thee, one God, be glory given,
By men on earth, by Saints in heaven. Short Responsory.
All they from Saba shall come.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Antz'phon. 0 Jerusalem, * &c.,
Answer. All they from Saba shall
'(Seeond Antiphon at Lauds.)
come. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Chapter and Prayerfrom Lauds. Verse. They shall bring gold and
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Short Responsory.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
The kings of Tarshish and of the to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
isles shall bring presents. Alleluia, Answer. All they from Saba shall
.Alleluia. come. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Verse. Worship the LORD. Alle the following Commemoration is made

luia. of the Sunday within the Octave.
Answer. In His holy courts. Alle
luia. Antiphon. The Child JESUS tarried
NONE. behind in Jerusalem, and His parents
knew not of it, supposing Him to have
Last verse of the Ifymn as at Com been in the company: and they sought
pline. Him among their kinsfolk and ac
Antiphon. Bright as a fiery beacon Verse. All they from Saba. shall
gleams, * &c., (Fifth Antiphon at come. Alleluia.
Lands.) Answer. They shall bring gold and
incense. Alleluia.
Chapter as at the end of Prime.

Short Responsory. Let us pray.

Worship the LORD. Alleluia, Al O LORD, we beseech Thee, merci

leluia. fully to receive the prayers of
Answer. Worship the LORD. Alle Thy people which call upon Thee,
luia, Alleluia. and grant that they may both perceive
Verse. _ In His holy courts. and know what things they ought to
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. do, and also may have grace and
Verse. Glory be to the Father, power faithfully to fulfil the same ;'
and to the Son, and to the Holy through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
Ghost. Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Answer. Worship the LORD. Alle Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
luia, Alleluia. one God, world without end. Amen.
Verse. Worship God. Alleluia.
Answer. All ye His angels. Alle COMPLINE.
luia. '
Last verse of the Hymn as before.

A ntiphons, Chapter, and Prayer

from Lauds. The following are the rules for the
Hymn and Verse and Answer from Service during the Octave of the Epi
First Vespers. phany.
Psalms as on Sunday. I. [fa Double Minor or Semidouble
Feast occur, it is not transferred, but
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed simplified. Only Doubles Major and
Virgin. This day we keep a holiday Feasts of Doctors may be tranyerred.
in honour of three wonders, * —this [f Doubles [Minor occur on a Double
day a star led the wise men to the of the first class they are omitted that
manger; this day at the marriage, year. So also Simple Feasts which are
water was made wine; this day was otherwise merely commemorated.
Christ, for our salvation, pleased 2. The Service is precisely the same
to be baptized of John in Jordan. as on Twelfth-Day itself, except the
Alleluia. diferences hereafter immediately noted,
and those given under the head of
If this day should be a Saturday, every day. .
3. Mattins commence as usual with suhject to the change mentioned in the
the following: eighth section.
7. The Antiphons are not douhled,
Invitatory. Christ is made mani except on the Octave-day.
fest unto us, * 0 come, let us worship 8. On the First Sunday after the
Him. Epiphany is hegun the First Epistle
Hymn. What makes thee, &c., of St Paul to the Corinthians, which
(Hymn at First Vespers.) is continued on the following days till
4. Except on the Sunday within the the Saturday inclusive. These Lessons
Octave, and on the Octave itself, the are all given together at p. 359. To
First Responsory is as follows : make room for them the Lessons from
the Epistle to the Romans are omitted
There are three precious gifts which if need he. Hence, if the Feastfell on
the wise men offered unto the Lord on a Saturday, all the rest of the Epistle
this day, and they speak a mystery of to the Romans would that year he
the things of God,—Gold, to show omitted.
His kingly power; frankincense, for 9. If the Feastfall on a Sunday, the
our Great High Priest; and myrrh, Octave-day will do so too. Then the
against the Lord’s burying. first Sunday after the Feast will he
Verse. The wise men worshipped ohserved as the Octave-day, and the
the Captain of our Salvation, as He Ofice of the Sunday will he said on
lay in the manger, and when they had Saturday hy anticipation, except the
opened their treasures, they presented heginning of the First Epistle to the
unto Him mystic gifts. Corinthians, which will still he read
Answer. Gold, to show His kingly on Sunday, and its place in the Sun
power; frankincense, for our Great day Ofiice (said hy anticipation on
High Priest; and myrrh, against the Saturday) is supplied with Lessons
Lord’s burying. from the Epistle to the Romans, given
an e 354
5. The Third Nocturn hegins as
follows .' 5mm @ag witBin tfie Octavevof
First Antiphon. This man was
born in her, * and the Highest Him tfic Gpipfiang.
self shall establish her.

Psalm LXXXVI. First Lesson.

Her foundation, &c., (p. 144.) The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
6. Ofices are hereafter given for Romans (ix. 1.)
five days within the Octave, hesides
the Octave-day itself, and the Sunday. I SAY the truth in Christ, I lie not,
These Ofices are recited one after my conscience bearing me wit
another on the five next week-days after ness in the Holy Ghost; that I have
the Feast. For example, if the Feast great heaviness and continual sorrow
fell on a Saturday, the Ofice for the in my heart. For I could wish that
Second Day within the Octave would myself were anathema from Christ for
he said on Monday. The Lessons of my. brethren, my kinsmen according
the ‘First Nocturns of these days are to the flesh; “who are I'sraélites; to

whom pertaineth the adoption, and SECOND NOCTURN.

the glory, and the covenant, and the
giving of the law, and the service of Fourth Lesson.
God, and the promises; whose are The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
the fathers, and of whom, as concern of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo]
ing the flesh, Christ came, Who is (2nd on the Epiphany, 30th on the
over all—God, blessed for ever. Season.)
ISE men came from the East
Second Lesson. to worship the Virgin’s Son.
NOT as though the word of God This is the event which we this day
hath taken none effect. For commemorate, the occasion in honour
they are not all Israelites which are of which this sermon is preached. On
of Isra'e'l; neither, because they are them that day first broke in gladness,
the seed of Abraham, are they all which year by year, now cometh round
children; but, “In Isaac shall thy to us for celebration. They were the
seed be called ; “1 that is, they which first-fruits of that Gentile Church
are the children of the flesh, these are whereof we are the in-gathering. To
not the children of God ; but the chil us the voice of Apostles, to them a
dren of the promise are counted for star, as a voice from heaven, pro
the seed—For this is the word of pro claimed the advent of a Saviour; and
mise: 2“At this time will I come, to us the voice of the Apostolic
and Sarah shall have a son.” And preachers is also as a voice from
not only she, but when Rebecca also heaven, a heaven declaring the glory
had conceived [twins] by the same our of God. '
father Isaac. Fifth Lesson.
GREAT is the mystery. While He
Third Lesson. lay in the manger, He drew to
Himself wise men from the East;
FOR the children being not yet while He was unknown in the stable,
born, neither having done any He was recognised in the heavens;
good or evil, (that the purpose of God, and, being recognised in the heavens,
according to election, might stand,) made Himself known in the stable.
not of works, but of Him That calleth, So this day is called in the Greek
it was said unto her: 8“The elder “Epiphaneia,” which is, being inter
shall serve the younger "—as it is preted, “Manifestation.” Wherein is
written: 4“Jacob have I loved, but manifested both the greatness and the
Esau have I hated.” What shall we lowliness of Him, Whose greatness
say then? Is there unrighteousness was attested in the stars of heaven,
with God? God forbid. For He saith and Who, being sought on earth,
to Moses: 5“I will have mercy on is found so lowly that there is no
whom I will have mercy, and I will room for Him in the inn. And yet,
have compassion on whom I will have though to be found in fashion as
compassion.” So then, it is not of a little Child wrapped in swaddling
him that willeth, nor of him that clothes, He is the object of worship
runneth, but of God that showeth to the wise men and of terror to
mercy.” the godless.
1 Gen. xxi. 12. 2 Gen. xviii. 10. 3 Gen. xxv. 23.
4 Mal. I. 2, 3. 5 Exod. xxxiii. t9.

Sixth Lesson. might come and worship Him,” but,

in reality, that, when he had found
OR Herod feared when he heard Him, he might put Him to death.
from the wise men of Him Whom But, behold, of how light weight is
they sought, and of Whose birth they the malice of man, when it is tried
knew by the witness of a star. What against the counsel of God. It is
will be the fearful judgment-seat of written: “There is no wisdom, nor
Him, Who, even as a Suckling, struck understanding, nor counsel, against
terror into haughty kings? How the LORD,” (Prov. xxi. 30.) So the
much wiser is the thought of those star which the wise men saw in the
kings who seek Christ like the wise East, still led them on; they found
men, to worship Him, than of those the new-born King, and presented unto
who seek Him, like Herod, to slay Him gifts; then they were warned in
Him! who seek to put Him to that a dream that they should not return
same death, which He came to suffer to Herod. And as it came to pass
from His enemies for their own that, when Herod sought JESUS, he
salvation, and which, by His death, could not find Him—even so is it
He hath trodden down! Kings with hypocrites, who, while they make
will do well to fear Him Who pretence to seek the Lord to worship
now sitteth at the right hand of Him, find Him not.
the Father, and Whom Herod
feared when He hung upon His
Eighth Lesson.
mother’s breast.
T is as well to know that it is one
of the opinions of the Priscillianist
heretics 1 that every man is born under
Seventh Lesson. the influence of a star; and, to con
firm this notion, they bring forward
The Lesson is taken from the Holy the instance of the star of Bethlehem,
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. 1.) which appeared when the Lord was
WHEN JESUS was born in Beth born; and which they call His star,
lehem of Judah, in the days of that is, the star ruling over His fate
Herod the King, behold, there came or destiny. But if we consider the
wise men from the East to Jerusalem, words of the Gospel concerning this
saying: Where is He That is born star, they are: “It went before, till
King of the Jews? And so on. it came and stood over where the
young Child was.” Whence we see
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the that it was not the young Child Who
Great] (10th on the Gospels.) followed the star, but the star which
followed the young Child, as if to
When 'Herod knew of the birth of show that the young Child ruled the
our King, he betook himself to his star, instead of the star ruling Him.
cunning wiles, and lest he should be
deprived of an earthly kingdom he
Ninth Lesson.
desired the wise men to search dili
gently for the young Child, and when - BUT I pray that the hearts of the
they had found Him, to bring him faithful may ever be free from the
word again. He said, “that he also thought that anything ruleth their
1 A branch of the Manichaean school, which arose in Spain towards the close of the fourth

destiny. In this world there is but acceptable unto God, which is your
One Who ruleth the destiny of man, reasonable service. And be not
even He Who made man; neither fashioned according to this world:
was man made for the stars, but the but be ye transformed by the renew
stars for man; and if we say that ing of your mind: that ye may prove
they rule his destiny, we set them what is that good, and acceptable,
above him for whose service they and perfect will of God. For I say,
were made. When Jacob came out through the grace given unto me, to
of his mother’s womb, and his hand every man that is among you: not
took hold on his elder brother Esau’s to think of himself more highly than
heel, he could not have done so unless he ought to think; but so to think
this his first movement had been as to think soberly, according as God
behind his brother, and, nevertheless, hath dealt to each man a measure
such was not in after life the position of faith.
of those two brethren whom their
mother brought forth at one birth. Second Lesson.
FOR as we have many members in
LAUDS. one body, and all members have
Antifihon at the Song of Zacharias. not the same office; so we, being
There came wise men from the East many, are one body in Christ, and
to Bethlehem to worship the Lord: * every one members one of another,
and when - they had opened their and having gifts differing according
treasures, they presented unto Him to the grace that is given to us;
precious gifts ; gold, as unto the Great whether prophecy, according to the
King; frankincense as unto the true proportion of faith; or ministry, in
God; and myrrh for His burying. ministering; or he that teacheth, in
Alleluia. teaching; he that exhorteth, in ex
VESPERS. hortation; he that giveth, in sim
plicity; he that ruleth, in carefulness ;
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed he that showeth mercy, in cheerfulness.
Virgin. When the wise men saw the
star, * they rejoiced with exceeding
great joy; and when they were come Third Lesson.
into the house, they presented unto
LET love be without hypocrisy.
the Lord gold, frankincense, and
Abhor that which is evil, cleave
myrrh. Alleluia.
to that which is good; be kindly
affectioned one to another, with
158M @ag mitliin tfie Octave of brotherly love, in honour preferring
tfie Gptp$ang. one another; not slothful in business;
fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
rmsr nocrmm. rejoicing in hope; patient in tribula
f, First Lesson. tion; continuing instant in prayer;
distributing to the necessity of the
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
saints; given to hospitality. Bless
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
them which persecute you: bless and
Romans (xii. I.)
curse not. Rejoice with them that
I BESEECH you, therefore, brethren, do rejoice, and weep with them that
by the mercies of God, that ye pre weep; be of the same mind one
sent your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, toward another ; setting not your heart
on high things, but condescending to Bethlehem of Judah: for thus it is
things that are lowly. written: And thou Bethlehem in the
land of Judah, art not the least among
SECOND NOCTURN. the princes of Judah, for out of thee
shall come a Governor, that shall rule
Fourth Lesson. My people Israel.” What else are
we to understand that God’s Provi
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
dence would here signify, than that
‘of St -Austin, Bishop [of _ Hippo] there should remain among the Jews
(2nd on the Epiphany.)
those Divine Writings only, whereby
MANY kings of the Jews had been the Gentiles are enlightened, while
born, and died, but which of they themselves remain dark?
them was sought after by wise men
to worship him? Not one: for not THIRD NOCTURN.
one had been proclaimed by the voice Se'z/entle Lesson.
of heaven. Let us not also pass by
the fact that the enlightenment of the The Lesson is taken from the Holy
wise men standeth in strong contrast Gospel according to Matthew (ii. 1.)
to the blindness of the Jews. The WHEN JESUS was born in Beth
first came from far to find Him,
lehem of Judah, in the days
Whom, being born in their midst,
of Herod the King, behold, there
the second knew not. came wise men from the East to
Jerusalem, saying: Where is He That
Fiftlz Lesson. is born King of the Jews? And so
THE wise men found the young on.
Child among those who denied Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Him. These holy pilgrims came and Great.] (10th on the Gospels.)
worshipped the yet silent Christ in the
land whose inhabitants, after He grew The wise men brought gold, frank
up and worked miracles, crucified incense, and myrrh. Gold is the fit
Him. They worshipped in that tiny ting gift to a King, frankincense is
Body the God Whom, amid great offered in sacrifice to God, and with
signs and wonders, the Jews would myrrh are embalmed the bodies of
not spare even as a man. They who the dead. By the gifts, therefore,
saw the Star which shone at His birth, which they presented unto Him, the
put it to more profit than they who wise men set forth three things con
saw the sun veiled at His death. cerning Him unto Whom they offered
them; by the gold, that He was
King; by the frankincense, that He
Sz'xt/z Lesson.
was God ; and by the myrrh, that He
HE star which led the wise men was to die. There are some heretics
towards the place where the who believe Him to be God, but con
new-born God dwelt with His Virgin fess not His Kingly dominion over all
Mother, ceased to shine when it came things; these offer unto Him frank
to the city of Jerusalem, while they incense, but refuse Him gold. There
were inquiring 0f the Jews where are some others who admit that He is
Christ should be born. The Jews King, but deny that He is God ; these
answered them according to the tes present unto Him gold, but will not
timony of the Divine Scriptures: “In give Him frankincense.

Eighth Lesson. VESPERS.

HERE are some other heretics A ntzlthon at the Song of the Blessed
who profess that Christ is both Virgin. O Christ, Thou Light of
God and King, but not that He took Light, Thou art made manifest, *
a dying nature ; these offer Him gold and the wise men have presented unto
and frankincense, but not myrrh for Thee gifts. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
the Manhood. Let us, however,
present gold unto the new-born Lord, §ourf5 @ag mitfiin tile Octave
acknowledging His universal King of tfie Epiptiang.
ship; let us offer unto Him frankin
cense, confessing that He Who hath FIRST NOCTURN.
been made manifest unto us in time,
is God before time was; let us give First Lesson.
unto Him myrrh, believing that He The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
Who cannot suffer as touching His of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Godhead, was made capable of death Romans (xiii. I.)
as touching the manhood which He
shareth with us. LET every soul be subject unto the
higher powers. For there is no
power but of God : the powers that be
Ninth Lesson. are ordained of God. Whosoever,
therefore, resisteth the power, resist
THERE is also another significa eth the ordinance of God. And they
tion in this gold, frankincense, that resist earn for themselves dam
and myrrh. Gold is a type of wis nation: for rulers are not a terror to
dom; as saith Solomon: 1“ In the good works, but to the evil. Wilt
mouth of the wise abideth a treasure to thou then not be afraid of the power?
be desired.” Frankincense, which is Do that which is good, and thou shalt
burnt in honour of God, is a figure have praise of the same; for he is the
of prayer; witness the words of the minister of God to thee for good.
Psalmist, (Ps. cxl. 2:) “Let my
prayer be set forth as incense before Second Lesson.
Thee.” By myrrh is represented the
putting to death of the body; as UT if thou do that which is evil,
where the holy Church saith of her be afraid; for he beareth not
labourers who strive for God even the sword in vain. For he is the
unto death: “My hands dropped minister of God; a revenger to exe
with myrrh.” (Cant. v. 5.) cute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
\Vherefore ye must needs be subject
not only for wrath, but also for con
LAUDS. science’ sake. For, for this cause
pay ye tribute also: for they are
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. God’s ministers, attending continually
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh, * are upon Him for this very thing. Ren
the three precious gifts which the wise der, therefore, to all their dues; trib
men ofi'ered unto the Lord, as unto ute to whom tribute is due; custom
the Son of God, the Great King. to whom custom ; fear to whom fear;
Alleluia. honour to whom honour.
1 Prov. xxi. 20. (LXX.)
/M 7

Third Lesson. pleased to be born for all, so willed

He to be forthwith made manifest to
OWE no man anything, but to love all. Three wise men in the East,
one another; for he that loveth
therefore, saw a new and brilliant
his neighbour, hath fulfilled the law.
star, which, by excelling all others in
For this, Thou shalt not commit
brightness and beauty, attracted the
adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou
eyes and thoughts of all beholders:
shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear
and thereby it became at once evi
false witness, Thou shalt not covet; dent that some new and great event
and if there be any other command
had befallen.
ment, it is briefly comprehended in
this saying: “Thou shalt love thy -
Sixth Lesson.
neighbour as thyself.” Love worketh
no ill to his neighbour. Therefore HEN He Who had given the
love is the fulfilling of the law. sign, gave understanding to
those that saw it; and having given
SECOND NOCTURN. to them to understand that He was
born, He gave them the grace to seek
Fourth Lesson. Him; and, being sought by them,
was pleased to be found. The three
'The Lesson is taken from the Ser
wise men followed the guiding of the
mons of Pope St Leo [the Great]
heavenly light, and, with their eyes
(1st for Twelfth-Day.)
firmly fixed upon the glory that went
DEARLY beloved brethren, we before them, were so led by the light
have but lately celebrated that of grace as to obtain the knowledge
‘day whereon the inviolate virginity of truth. They, knowing that He
of Blessed Mary gave to man a was born a King, sought Him in the
Saviour. And now the venerable Royal City; but He Who had taken
solemnity of the Epiphany giveth us upon Him the form of a servant,
a continuance of joy. So that by the and came not to judge but to be
nearness of these two holy Feasts, the judged, had chosen Bethlehem for His
freshness of our gladness and the birth, and Jerusalem for His Suffering.
quickening of our faith hath no time
wherein to die away. And truly it THIRD NOCTURN.
sconcerneth the salvation of all men,
that the Mediator between God and Seventh Lesson.
men is already made manifest before The Lesson is taken from the Holy
leaving the humble city of His birth. Gospel according to Matthew (ii. 1.)
WHEN JESUS was born in Beth
Fzfth Lesson. lehem of Judah, in the days of
T is true that the Lord chose the Herod the King, behold there came
nation of Israel, and in that na wise men from the East to Jerusalem,
tion one family, whence to take upon saying: Where is He That is born
Him that nature which He shareth King of the Jews? And so on.
with all mankind, but, at the same
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
time, He would not that the narrow
Great] (10th on the Gospels.) .
walls of His Mother’s house should
imprison within them all the bright The wise men teach us a great
ness of His appearing, and, as He was lesson in that “they departed into

their own country another way.” also Solomon saith: “Even in laugh
That which they did, (“being warned ter the heart is sorrowful; and the
of God in a dream,”) we ought to do. end of that mirth is heaviness,” (Prov.
Our country is heaven ; and, when we xiv. 13.) And again: “I said of
have once known JESUS, we can laughter, It is mad; and of mirth,
never get there by returning on the What doeth it ? ” (Eccles. ii. 2.) And
way wherein we walked before we yet again: “The heart of the wise is
knew Him. We have left our coun in the house of mourning, but the
try far, by the way of pride, and dis heart of fools is in the house of mirth,”
obedience, and worldliness, and for (vii. 5.) ’
bidden indulgence: we must seek that LAUDS.
heavenly Fatherland by tears, by sub
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
jection, by contempt of the things
We have seen His star * in the East,
which are seen, and by curbing the
and are come with gifts to worship
fleshly appetites.
the Lord.
Eighth Lesson.
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
LET us then depart into our own Virgin. Herod inquired * of the wise
country another way. They that men: What is the Sign that ye have
have by enjoyment put themselves seen that a King is born? We have
away from it, must seek it again by
seen the shining of the star, the glory
sorrow. Therefore, my dearly beloved whereof enlighteneth the whole world.”
brethren, it behoveth us to be ever
fearful and watch, having continually
before the eyes of our heart, on the fiiftB @ag wttBin tBe Octave
one hand, the guilt of our doings, and, of tile Gpiflang.
on the other, the judgment at the
latter day. It behoveth us to think MATTINS.
how that awful Judge will surely come,
\Vhose judgment is hanging over us, FIRST NOCTURN.
and hath not yet fallen: the wrath to
First Lesson.
come is before sinners, and hath not
yet smitten them: and the Judge yet The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
tarrieth in order that, when He of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
cometh, there may haply be less to Romans (xiv. 1.)
IM that is weak in the faith re
Ninth Lesson.
ceive ye, but not to doubtful
ET us afflict ourselves for our disputations. For one believeth that
faults with weeping, and, with he may eat all things: another, who is
the Psalmist, “let us come before His weak, eateth herbs. Let not him that
Presence with thanksgiving.” Let us eateth despise him that eateth not:
take heed that we be not fooled by and let not him which eateth not,
the appearance of earthly happiness, judge him that eateth: for God hath
or seduced by the vanity of earthly received him. “'ho art thou that
pleasure. For the Judge is at hand, judgest another man’s servant? To
even 'He That saith: “\Voe unto you his own Master he standeth or falleth :
that laugh now, for ye shall mourn yea, he shall be holden up: for God
and weep.” (Luke vi. 2 5.) Hence is able to make him stand.
jet m

Second Lesson. of several joyful events. We are

taught that on this day, our Lord
FOR one man esteemeth one day Christ was, first, manifested to the
above another; another esteem Gentiles by the leading of a star;
eth every day alike ; let every man be secondly, that being hidden to a mar
fully persuaded in his own mind. He riage, He turned water into wine;
that regardeth the day, regardeth it and, thirdly, that He received baptism
unto the Lord; and he that eateth, from John, whereby He hallowed the
eateth to the Lord: for he giveth God waters of the Jordan, and cleansed3
thanks. And he that eateth not, to him that baptised Him.
the Lord he eateth not, and giveth
God thanks. For none of us liveth to
himself, and none dieth to himself. Fifth Lesson.
For whether we live, we live unto the
HICH of these events was the
Lord; and whether we die, we die
greatest, He knoweth by Whose
unto the Lord. Whether we live,
Will they came to pass; for us it is
therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.
needful to believe and doubt not that
whatever was wrought was wrought
Third Lesson. for us. For to the Gentiles is given a
hope of worshipping that Very God of
OR to this end Christ died and Very God, to adore Whom the Chal
rose again, that He might be daeans were led by the rays of a
the Lord both of the dead and living. glorious star. So also He That by
But why dost thou judge thy brother? His Will changed water into wine,
Or why dost thou set at nought thy hath given us to drink of the cup of
brother? For we shall all stand be His Blood of the New Testament;
fore the judgment-seat of Christ. For and the Lamb of God baptized in the
it is written: “As I live, saith the Jordan hath hallowed for us that sav
Lord, unto Me every knee shall bow, ing Fountain wherein we are born
and every tongue shall confess to again.
God.” 1 So then every one of us shall
give account of himself to God. Let Sixth Lesson.
us not therefore judge one another any
THEREFORE, my brethren, as we
have lately celebrated with glad
SECOND NOCTURN. ness the Festival of our Saviour’s
birth, so now it behoveth us with all
Fourth Lesson. earnestness to keep holy in His hon
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons our, this the birth-day of His wonder
of 2 St Maximus, Bishop [of Turin] working. And, verily, these three
(Ist on the Epiphany.) anniversaries are rightly on one day
preached to us, who acknowledge the
DEARLY beloved brethren, we are unspeakable mystery of the Trinity
instructed by the tradition of under the name of one God. By
the Fathers, that we have to keep these miracles the Lord Christ our
holiday on this solemnity in honour Redeemer willed to manifest to men
1 Isa. xlv. 23.
2 The Martyrology for June 25, says :—“ At Turin, the birthday of St Maximus, Bishop and
Confessor, very famous for learning and holiness." He was born about the close of the fourth
century, was Bishop of Turin at the beginning of the fifth, and died after 465, aged eighty or
ninety years. Nothing more accurate is strictly historical. 3 Purificasse.
VOL. 1. M 2

some of the power of that Godhead, should be called “of Judea” to dis
Which in Him lay hidden under the tinguish it. But it is fitly distin
Manhood. guished as “of Judah,” because there
is in Judea another Bethlehem, namely,
THIRD NOCTURN. the one in Galilee. See the Book of
Joshua the son of Nun. (xix. 15.)
Seventh Lesson. Finally, the passage cited, which is in
the prophet Micah, (v. 2,) hath :
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
“ But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah,
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. 1.)
though thou be little among the
WHEN JESUS was born in Beth thousands of Judah[, yet out of thee
lehem of Judah, in the days of shall He come forth unto me that is
Herod the king, behold, there came to be ruler in Israél.”]
wise men from the East to Jerusalem,
saying: Where is He That is born Ninth Lesson.
King of the Jews? And so on.
“ ND when they had opened their
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at treasures they presented unto
Bethlehem.] (Bk. i. Comm. on Matth. Him gifts, gold, and frankincense,
ii.) and myrrh.” The mystic meaning of
these gifts is thus neatly expressed by
“We have seen His star in the
East.” In order that the Jews might
Juvencus the Priest,3—
be confounded by hearing from the “ To God made man, born Israel’s King,
Gentiles of the birth of Christ, the Frankincense, myrrh, and gold they bring. "
star rose in the East. They knew
that it would come, by the prophecy “ And‘ being warned of God in a dream
of Balaam, whose successors they that they should not return to Herod,
were. See the Book of Numbers, they departed into their own country
(xxiv. 17.) The star led the wise another way.” They who had pre
men to Judea, that the Priests, having sented unto the Lord gifts, were
it demanded of them where Christ honoured by receiving a warning, not
should be born, might have no power from an Angel, but from God Himself;
to plead that they knew not of His whereas even Joseph was warned only
coming. by an Angel. They departed into their
own country another way, that they
Eighth Lesson. might not be brought into contact with
“ AND they said unto him, In Beth the unbelief of the Jews.
lehem of Judea,”—this is a
mistake of copyists.l In our opinion,
what the Evangelist wrote must have
been, not “of Judea,” but “ of Judah.” Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Thus it is in the Hebrew text.2 Nor All nations shall come * from afar,
is there any town called Bethlehem bringing their gifts with them. Alle
among any other people, that this luia.
1 \Vhich has since been corrected in the Latin Vulgate, which now reads. “ In Bethlehem of
Judah," but the accepted Greek text still retains the inaccuracy. The Missal agrees with the
\i ulgate.
‘-‘ 1.2., (apparently) the Hebrew Gospel used by the Nazarenes, but now lost.
3 C. Vettius Aquilinus Juvencus, of the fourth century, priest and poet, composed his Poem
on the Gospels during the peace of Constantine.
,Qrw Il


VESPERS. that the Gentiles glorify God for His

mercy; as it is written: 2“Therefore
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed will I give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,
Virgin. All they from Saba shall among the heathen, and sing praises
come, * they shall bring gold and unto Thy Name.” And again He
incense. Alleluia, Alleluia. saith: 3“ Rejoice, 0 ye nations, with
His people.” And again : 4 “ O praise
the LORD, all ye nations, and praise
.éixtl) @ap wttfit'n tBe Octave of Him, all ye people.”
the Epiphany.
MATTINS. Third Lesson.
AND again Isaias saith: 5“ There
shall be a root of Jesse, and He
First Lesson. That shall arise to reign over the
Gentiles, in Him shall the Gentiles
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle trust.” Now the God of hope fill you
. of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the with all joy and peace in believing,
Romans (xv. 1.) that ye may abound in hope, and in
WE then that are strong ought to the power of the Holy Ghost. And I
bear the infirmities of the weak, myself also am persuaded of you, my
.and not to please ourselves. Let every brethren, that ye also are full of love,
one of you please his neighbour in that filled with all knowledge, so that ye are
which is good, to edification. For able to admonish one another. N ever
even Christ pleased not Himself, but, theless, brethren, I have written the
.as it is written: 1 “ The reproaches of more boldly unto you in some sort, as
them that reproached Thee fell on Me.” putting you in mind; because of the
For whatsoever things were written grace that is given to me of God, that
aforetime were written for our learning, I should be the minister of JESUS
that we, through patience and comfort Christ to the Gentiles, sanctifying the
of the Scriptures, might have hope. Gospel of God, that the offering of the
Gentiles may be made acceptable and
sanctified in the Holy Ghost.
Second Lesson.
N OW the God of patience and con SECOND NOCTURN.
solation grant you to be like
minded one toward another, according Fourth Lesson.
to Christ JESUS, that ye may with one The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
mind and one mouth glorify God, even of St Fulgentius,6 Bishop [of Ruspa.]
the Father of our Lord JESUS Christ. (5th on Twelfth-Day.)
Wherefore receive ye one another as
Christ also received you, to the glory THE same God Who in the Old
of God. For I say that JESUS Christ Testament had commanded the
was a minister of the circumcision for first-fruits to be offered to Himself,
the truth of God, to confirm the being born as a man, Himself con
promises made unto the fathers; but secrated to His own worship the first
1 Ps. lxviii. Io. ‘~’ Ps. xvii. 50. 3 Dent. xxxii. 43 (LXX.)
4 Ps. cxvi. I. 5 Isa. xi. 10(LXX.)
6 Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius, born 468; cr. bishop of Ruspa 508; died 533.

fruits of the nations. The Shepherds hast more reason to fear Him as the
were the first-fruits of the Jews, and Almighty Judge. Fear Him, not as a
the wise men of the Gentiles. The pretender to thy kingdom, but fear
first came from near at hand, the Him as Him Who will pass a most
second from afar. “Where is He,” just sentence of condemnation on thee
say they, “that is born King of the because thou hast not believed in
Jews ? ” Herod, the king of the Jews, Him. “Co,” said Herod, “and bring
had already had children. Archelaus me word again, that I may come
was born in a palace, Christ at an and worship Him also.” We know
inn; Archelaus was laid in a silver thy cunning lying, thy godless un
cradle, Christ in a manger. And yet belief, thine iniquitous treachery. The
the wise men sought, not Archelaus, blood of the innocents which thou
but Christ; they did not even name didst cruelly shed, is witness to us
him that was born in a palace, but of what thou wouldst have done to
when they found Him That lay in Him.
a manger, they fell down and wor THIRD NOCTURN.
shipped Him.
Seventh Lesson.

Fg'ftlz Lesson. The Lesson is taken from the Holy Gos

pel according to Matthew (ii. 1.)
WHO is the King of the Jews?
The Poor and the Rich, the WHEN JESUS was born in Beth
Lowly and the Exalted One. Who is lehem of Judah, in the days of
the King of the Jews? He Who, Herod the King, behold there came
being carried at the breast, is adored wise men from the East to Jerusalem,
as the Eternal; He Who lieth tiny in saying: Where is He That is born
the manger, and is He Whom the King of the Jews? And so on.
heavens cannot contain; He Who is
meanly wrapped in swaddling clothes, Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
and is more glorious than all the Milan.] (Book ii. on Luke ii.)
stars. Why art thou troubled, O What are the gifts of the faithful
Herod? He that is born King and true? Gold to our King, frank
of the Jews cometh not by carnal incense to our God, and myrrh to Him
warfare to conquer other kings, Who died for us. The first is that
but by a marvellous working, by whereof are made the royal honours of
dying, to subdue them to Himself. kings, the second is that mystic ofi'er
He is not born to be thy successor, ing which is used in the worship of the
but that the world may faithfully Divine Power, and the third is that
believe in Him. He cometh, not wherewith we pay respect to the dead,
that He may fight in the flesh, but whose bodies it keepeth from corrup
that He may conquer through the tion. My brethren, let us who hear
suffering of death. and read these things, make offering
out of what treasures we have—albeit
we have it in earthen vessels. (2 Cor.
Sixllz Lemon.
iv. 7.) If we confess that all that we
HE little Child, Whom the wise have, we have, not from ourselves, but
men call the King of the Jews, is from Christ, how much more should
the Maker and Lord of Angels. If we confess that whatever we have is
thou fearest Him at His birth, thou not our own, but Christ’s?
Eighth Lesson. VESPERS.

HE wise men out of their treas Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
ures presented unto Him gifts. Virgin. The wise men being warned
Wilt thou know how pleasing to Him * in a dream, departed into their own
they were? The star appeared to country another way.
them, but disappeared when it came
f7”. 12. ,
near Herod. Then it appeareth to
them again, leading them on the éaturtag witBin tile Octave.
way that led to Christ. This star
then was the way, and we know The Sahhath within Eight Days of the
that Christ calleth Himself “ the Epiphany.
Way. " (John xiv. 6.) And truly
also in the mystery of His Incar The Vespers from the Chafiter are
nation He is called a Star; as it as follows.
is written: “There shall come forth
a Star out of Jacob, and a Man shall Chapter. (Rom. xii. 1 .)
rise out of Israel.” 1 Where Christ is,
there is a Star; yea, He is Himself RETHREN, I beseech you, by
“the bright and morning Star.” the mercies of God, that ye pre
(Apoc. xxii. 16.) And the light that sent your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
leadeth to JESUS is His own. acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service.

IVinth Lesson. Ilymn and Verse and Answer as on

the Feast, (p. 331.)
REMARK another point. The wise
men came by one way and de A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
parted by another. They that had Virgin. The Child JESUS tarried
seen Christ, knew Christ, and they behind in Jerusalem, * and His
departed better than they came. parents knew not of it, supposing
There are two ways,—the one which Him to have been in the company;
leadeth to destruction, the other which and they sought Him among their
leadeth to the kingdom ; the one is the kinsfolk and acquaintance.
way of sin, which leadeth to Herod;
the other is Christ, the true Way, Who
leadeth us home to the fatherland, ' Prayer.
from that journeying here, whereof it 0 LORD, we beseech Thee, merci
is said: “My soul hath long dwelt as fully to receive the prayers of
an exile.” (Ps. cxix. 5.) Thy people which call upon Thee:
and grant that they may both perceive
LAUDS. and know what things they ought
to do, and also may have grace and
A ntzlohon at the Song of Zacharias. power faithfully to fulfil the same,
They that despised Thee * 2shall through our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy
come unto Thee, and shall bow Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
themselves down at the Soles of Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
Thy Feet. one God, world without end. Amen.
1 Numb. xxiv. 17, where in the present text it is not “a man," but “a sceptre." The
“man " is LXX. 2 Cf. Isa. lx. r4; Apoc. iii. 9.

Then is made a Commemoration of First Lesson.

the Epiphany. The Antiphon is that
proper to that particular day within The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
the Octave. of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Romans (xvi. I.)
Verse. All they from Saba shall
COMMEND unto you Phoebe
our sister, who is a Deaconess of‘
Answer. They shall bring gold
the Church which is at Cenchreae, that
and incense—Alleluia.
ye receive her in the Lord as be
Unless it be the Fifth Day within cometh Saints, and that ye assist
the Octave, in which case are said: her in whatsoever business she hath
need of you: for she hath been a
Verse. Worship God—Alleluia. succourer of many, and of myself also
Answer. All ye His angels—Alle Greet Prisca, and Aquila, my helpers
luia. in Christ JESUS, (who have for my
life laid down their own necks; unto
Prayer as on the Feast. whom not only I give thanks, but also
all the Churches of the Gentiles) and
Should the Feast fall on a Sunday,
the church that is in their house.
and therefore the Oflice for the Sunday
within the Octave be anticipated on
Saturday, the above, being the First Second Lesson. (17.)
Vespers of the Sunday, are said on
Friday evening. N OW l beseech you, brethren, mark
them which cause divisions and
offences, contrary to the doctrine which
1'5 (14» ye have learned; and avoid them.
I For they that are such serve not
Christ our Lord, but their own belly:
first .Sunhag aim the and by good words and fair speeches
filinelftlyfiag. deceive the hearts of the simple. For
your obedience is known everywhere
The Lord’s Day within eight days of abroad; I rejoice therefore in you..
the Epiphany. But I would have you wise unto that
which is good, and simple concerning
All is said as on the Feast, according evil.
to the rules given on j). 340, (which Third Lesson.
see) except what is otherwise given
here. ' TIMOTHY my work-fellow, and
Lucius and Jason, and Sosipater,,
my kinsmen, salute you. I, Tertius,1
FIRST NOCTURN. who wrote this Epistle, salute you in
the Lord. Caius, mine host, and the
The following Lessons are only used whole Church, salute you. Erastus,
when this Qfice is said by anticipation the chamberlain of the city, saluteth
on Saturday. Otherwise the First you, and Quartus a brother. The
Epistle to the Corinthians is begun. grace of our Lord JESUS Christ be
See p. 359. with you all. Amen.
1 1.e., the secretary of the Apostle.
I 5



Fourth Lesson. FOR the strengthening of this our

faith, which we profess in the
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons face of every false doctrine, the mercy
of Pope St Leo [the Great] (5th of God hath made it to come to pass
on the Epiphany.) that one of those peoples who dwell
in the uttermost parts of the East,
IT is meet and right, dearly beloved and excel in the skill of reading the
brethren, yea, it is our bounden stars, should see the sign of the birth
duty and godly service, to rejoice with of that Child Who was to reign over
full hearts upon those days which all Israel. There appeared to the
more especially set forth before us eyes of wise men a new star of such
the workings of God’s mercy; and passing beauty, as wrought in the
to have in honourable memory those minds of all that saw it the persuasion
things that were done for our salvation. that the event, which is announced,
Hereto are we called by the seasons was of an importance not to be
of the year which continually return, neglected.
and notably by this present, which,
after but a short time hath passed
since that day whereon the Co THIRD NOCTURN.
eternal Son of God was born of
a Virgin, bringeth now the Feast Seventh Lesson.
of the Epiphany, hallowed by the
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Manifestation of the Lord.
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 42.)

WHEN JESUS was twelve years old

Fifth Lesson. they went up to Jerusalem,
after the custom of the Feast, and
N this said Manifestation the good when they had fulfilled the days, as
Providence of God hath appointed they returned, the child JESUS tarried
a strong bulwark to our faith. For behind in Jerusalem. And so on.
now, while in solemn worship we call
to mind how the childhood of the Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
Saviour was adored in its first in Milan.] (Bh. ii. on Luke ii.)
fancy, we receive from the original
Scriptures the doctrine that Christ We read that when He was twelve
. was born with the very nature of years old the Lord began to dispute.
man. For this is that which maketh The number of His years was the
of sinners saints, even to believe same as the number of the Apostles
that in one and the same our Lord whom He afterwards sent forth to
JESUS Christ there is very Godhead preach the Faith. He Who, as touch
and very Manhood—very Godhead, ing His Manhood, was filled with
as touching Which, He, being in wisdom and grace from God, was
the form of God, is equal to the not careless of the parents of the same
Father from everlasting to everlast Manhood, and, after three days, was
ing—and very Manhood, wherein pleased to be found in the Temple:
He, taking upon Him the form of a thereby foreshadowing that, after the
servant, hath in these latter days three days of His victorious Passion,
been born Man. He That had been reckoned with the

dead, would present Himself, living, the Father is greater than the Son,
to our faith, in His heavenly Kingship and, if the Father be greater than the
and Divine Majesty. Son, there is that, than which the Son
is less; yea, that He Who is sent,
hath of necessity, need of some
Eighth Lesson.
strengthening from outside Himself.
“ HOW is it that ye sought Me ?” He was subject to His Mother? Was
Christ hath two Generations; He less than she? God forbid!
one from His Father, another from
His Mother. That from His Father
is His Eternal Generation as God the
Son; that from His Mother is that Chapter. (Rom. xii. r.)
whereby He came to work for us and
minister to us. Those acts, therefore, BRETHREN, I beseech you by the
of His, which are above nature, be mercies of God, that ye present
yond His age, and different to His cus your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
tom, proceeded not from the strength acceptable unto God, which is your
of His Manhood, but from the power reasonable service.
of His Godhead. On another occa
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
sion His Mother moveth Him to work
The Child jESUS tarried behind in
a miracle; here He answereth her,
Jerusalem, * and His parents knew
because she treateth that which was
not of it, supposing Him to have
of the Godhead, as though it had
been in the company; and they
been of the Manhood. On this occa
sought Him among their kinsfolk
sion it is said that He was twelve
and acquaintance. '
years old, but on the other He had
already disciples. His mother had
seen His wonders on the earlier occa Prayer throughout the Ofice._
sion, and had learnt from her Son
to call on the mightier nature for a LORD, we beseech Thee merci
work of power.1 fully to receive the prayers of
Thy people which call upon Thee;
and grant that they may both perceive
Ninth Lesson. and know what things they ought to
do, and also may have grace and
“ ND He came to Nazareth, and
power faithfully to fulfil the same,
was subject unto them.” No
through our Lord jESUS Christ Thy
wonder that the great Teacher should
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
practise. And shall we marvel how
Thee, in the unity of the Holy
He Who was subject to His Mother,
Ghost, one God, world without end.
was about His Father’s business ? His
subjection to His Mother proceeded,
not from weakness, but from dutiful A Commemoration is made of the
affection. Nevertheless, the false ser Epiphany. Antiphon and Prayer as
pent lifteth its head from its cruel lair, on the Feast and the following.
and spitteth poison from its venomous
breast. The heretics say that, as the Verse. All they from Saba shall
Son was sent by the Father, therefore come—Alleluia.
1 Translated directly from the works of the Saint. In the Breviary the passage, has got
corrupted, even to the substitution of a negative for an aflirmative (“ne" for “ut ).


Answer. They shall bring gold and Octave @ag of t8¢ Epipfiang.
The Eighth Day after the Epiphany.
At Terce, Chapter and Prayerfrom
Lauds. Double.
SEXT. All as on the Feast except as other
wise directed in the rules given on p.
Chapter. (Rom. xii. 3.)
340, or given here.
FOR I say, through the grace given First Vespers as the First Vespers of
unto me, to every man that is the Feast, except the Prayer, which is
among you: not to think of himself taken from Lands.
i more
but sohighly than
to think he think
as to oughtsoberly.
to think; When this Octave Day falls on Sun
day, the Vespers on Saturday are the
First Vespers of the Octave, with a
NONE Commemoration of the Sunday within
the Octave. This Commemoration is
Chapter. (Rom. xii. 4.) made by the Antiphon “ Son, why hast
Thou, &c.,” Verse and Answer, “ All
FOR as we have many members in they from Saba, &c.,” and the Prayer,
one body, and all members have “ O Lord, we beseech Thee, &c.,” as
not the same office; so we, being above. [f the Octave Day falls on a
many, are one body in Christ, and Monday the same Commemoration is
every one members one of another, made on Sunday evening.
in Christ JESUS our Lord.
Antiphons, Chapter and Prayerfrom
Lessons from Scripture according to
the Season, that is, from I Cor.
Psalms as on Sundays.
Hymn and Verse and Answer as at
the First Vespers of the Epiphany. SECOND NOCTURN.

Fourth Lesson.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. Son, why hast Thou thus The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
dealt with us? * Thy father and I of 1$t Gregory of Nazianzus, Pa
have sought Thee sorrowing. How is triarch [of Constantinople] (Dis
it that ye sought Me? Wist ye not course on the Epiphany.)2
that I must be in My Father’s
house? AM not able to restrain the out
bursts of my happiness. I feel
A Commemoration is made of the changed and elated. I forget my own
Epiphany. Antiphon and Prayer as meanness while I undertake and try
at the Second Vespers of the Feast, and to discharge the ofiice of the great
the Verse and Answer “All they from John. It is true that I am not the
Saba, &c." as at Lands. Forerunner, but at least I come from
1May 9 .
a In the original called by one of the Greek names : “ The Holy Lights.”

the desert.1 Christ is enlightened,2 T that time: John seeth JESUS

or rather, He enlighteneth us with coming unto him, and saith :v
His own light. Christ is baptized; Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him
let us go down with Him into the That taketh away the sin of the
water, that we may come up with world. And so on.
Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
Fifth Lesson.
Hippo] (6th Tract on john.)
OHN is baptizing. JESUS cometh.
He cometh that He may make John knew JESUS even before He
holy him who baptizeth Him; He came to be baptized of him in Jordan,
cometh to bury the old Adam in the as we perceive by the words: “I
waters; He cometh to hallow the have need to be baptized of Thee,
blessed flood of Jordan. He Who is and comest Thou to me?” Behold,
Flesh and Spirit cometh to open for how he knew that He was the Lord,
all that should ever be baptized that how he knew that He was the Son of
power of generation whereby new God! How do we prove that he
peoples are constantly begotten of knew that He it was Who should
water and the Holy Ghost. The baptize with the Holy Ghost? Be
Baptist will not receive Him. JESUS fore the Lord came to the river, when
striveth with him. “I,” saith John, many betook themselves to John to
“have need to be baptized of Thee.” be baptized of him, the Baptist said:
Thus speaketh the candle to the Sun, “I indeed baptize you with water:
the voice to the Word. but One Mightier than I cometh; the
latchet of Whose shoes I am not
worthy to unloose: He shall baptize
Sixth Lesson.
you with the Holy Ghost and with
ESUS came up out of the water, fire.” (Luke iii. 16.) Behold, John
having, in a manner, washed the knew this also.
whole world, and brought it up with
Him. And He saw the heavens
Ezghth Lesson.
opened (not divided,) even those
heavens which Adam had once shut YET John saith: “I knew Him
upon himself and us his descendants, not.” Now, how are we to
—when the cherub’s fiery sword explain this without calling John a
barred the gates of Paradise. And liar ?—-and God forbid that we should
the Holy Spirit bare witness, witness ever even think anything of the kind.
unto Him Who is of One Substance Was it not that when the Dove de
with Himself. And witness was given scended on Christ, John then for the
from Heaven, unto Him that came first time knew Him to have that pe
down from heaven. culiar attribute, that, whosoever should
baptize with His Baptism, whether
THIRD NOCTURN. they were themselves just or unjust,
the virtue of the Sacrament should
Se'z/enth Lesson.
proceed, not from them, but from
The Lesson is taken from the Holy Him on Whom abode the Dove; so
Gospel according to John (i. 29.) that He is the real Baptizer in every
1 St Gregory was a comrade of St Basil, and was brought from a solitude at Seleucia to be
Bishop of Constantinople.
9 Enlightenment is an ancient term for Baptism, still used by the Greeks.
Christian Baptism until the end of be changed into the likeness of Him
time, and it is in this sense that it is Whose outward Man is made like
,said of Him: “the ,Same is He unto us. Even the same our Lord
Which baptizeth with the Holy JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
Ghost”? Whether it be Peter, or and reigneth with Thee in the unity
Paul, or Judas, that perforrneth the of the Holy Ghost, One God, world
ceremony, the real Baptizer and efi'ect without end. Amen.
ual Worker is Christ. For if the
holiness of the baptism depended on
the holiness of the particular ofiiciator,
no two baptisms would be exactly THE LESSONS FROM THE FIRST EPIS
alike, and every one would be sup TLE OF ST PAUL TO THE CORIN
posed to be more or less regenerated THIANS,
according as the minister who bap
tized him was more or less of a saint. Commenced on the Sunday within the
Octave of the Epiphany, and con
tinued daity till the next Saturday.
Ninth Lesson.
Note 1. [f a Week-day in this week
N OW, my brethren, understand me.
is observed as such, the Oflice is as in
The saints themselves, those
the Psalter, and what is not given
good men who appertain to the Dove,
there (for example, the Responsories,)
those good men whose portion is in
is according to Ch. XX V11. 5, of
Jerusalem, those good men in the
the Pie.
Church, of whom the Apostle saith,
Note 2. [f the next Sunday be Septu
“the Lord knoweth them that are
agesima, then either on the preceding
His,” (2 Tim. ii. 19,) these good men
Saturday, or, failing that, the first day
differ one from another by diversities
after the Octave which is not occupied
of graces, and are not all of the same
by an Ofiice with Nine Lessons, the
worthiness. Some are holier than
Week-day Ofiice is said with the fol
others, and some are better than
lowing changes,—
others. Supposing then (for the sake
(a.) The Lessons are those of the
of argument) that A is baptized by B,
Third Noeturn of the Second Sunday
a ~righteous saint, and C is baptized
after the Epiphany, namely, from
by D who is less worthy in the sight
St john ii. I, with the Homily cf
of God, who hath attained only a
St Austin upon the same, given on
lower degree in godliness, who is not
so chaste, and whose life is not so t- 371
(h.) The Responsories are those
good as B’s : yet A and C receive just
given for the First Nocturn of the
the same thing. And how is this,
Third Sunday after the Epiphany (p.
unless it be that it is Christ Himself
381), namely .'—First, “0 LORD, re
Who is the effectual Baptizer?
buke me not,” &c. Second, “ O God,
Which satest,” &c. And Third,
LAUDS. “The Lord is at my right hand,” &c.
(c.) The Antiohon at the Song of
Prayer throughout the Ofice.
Zacharias is that given in the Com—
O GOD, Whose Only-begotten Son memoration of the Second Sunday after
was made manifest in the sub the Epiphany, at Lauds, on the Feast
stance of our flesh, mercifully grant of the Holy Name, p. 372, namely:
that through Him our inward man may “There was a marriage in Cana,” &c.


(d.) The Prayer is from the same, that in everything ye are enriched in
namely, “Almighty and everlasting Him, in all utterance and in all know
God, Who dost govern,” &c. ledge ; even as the testimony of Christ
was confirmed in you ; so that ye are
[f a Double Feast fall on this wanting in no grace, waiting for the
Saturday, the Ninth Lesson will be appearing of our Lord JESUS Christ,
the Homily on St john for the Second Who shall also confirm you unto the
Sunday, with a Commemoration at end, that ye may be blameless in the
Lauds hy the Antifihon for that Sun day of the coming of our Lord JESUS
day gi'uen at the Feast of the Holy Christ. God is faithful by Whom ye
Name, with Verse and Answer of werecalled unto the fellowship of His
Ferial Lauds, and the Prayer of the Son JESUS Christ our Lord. ’
Second Sunday, after which no more
notice is taken of it. Third Lesson.
NOW I beseech you, brethren, by
the Name of our Lord JESUS
Christ, that ye all speak the same
first Sunhag aftzr tlJz thing, and that there be no divisions
Epiphany. among you; but that ye be perfected
together in the same mind, and in the
The First Lord’s Day after the same judgment. For it hath been
Epiphany. declared to me of you, my brethren,
by them which are of the house of
First Lesson. Chloe, that there are contentions
among you. Now this I mean, that
Here beginneth the First Epistle of
every one of you saith: I am of
the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Paul; and, I of Apollos; and, I of
Corinthians1 (i. 1.)
Cephas; and, I of Christ. ls Christ
PAUL, called to be an Apostle of divided? was Paul crucified for you?
JESUS Christ, through the will or were ye baptized in the name of
of God, and Sosthenes our brother, Paul?
unto the Church of God which is at
Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Q‘Ilonbag.
Christ JESUS, called to be Saints, Second Day.
with all that in every place, whether I (1
their’s or our’s, call upon the Name First Lesson.
of JESUS Christ our Lord. Grace be The Lesson is taken from the First
unto you, and peace from God our Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
Father, and from the Lord JESUS to the Corinthians (ii. I.)
Second Lesson. AND I, brethren, when I came to
you, came not with excellency
I THANK my God always on your of speech or of wisdom, declaring
behalf, for the grace of God unto you the testimony of Christ.
which is given you in Christ JESUS: For I deemed not myself to know
1 Archbishop Kenrick says :—“The First Epistle to the Corinthians was written from
Ephesus, about the year of our Lord 56: or as Olshausen insists, 59. Corinth, the capital
of Achaia, and of all Greece after the fall of Athens, 8.6. 86, . . . had received the faith.
by the preaching of St Paul, about the year 52.”

anything among you, save JESUS Cuesbag. /7

Christ, and Him crucified. And I
was with you in weakness, and in fear, Third Day.
and in much trembling; and my First Lesson.
speech and my preaching were not
with persuasive words of man’s wis The Lesson is taken from the First
dom, but in demonstration of the Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
Spirit and of power; that your faith to the Corinthians (v. I.)
should not stand 'in the wisdom of T is actually reported that there
men, but in the power of God.
is fornication among you, and
such fornication as is not named even
Seoond Lesson. among the Gentiles, that one should
OWBEIT, we speak wisdom have his father’s wife. And ye are
among them that are perfect; pufi'ed up; and have not rather
'yet not the wisdom of this world, nor mourned, that he that hath done this
of the princes of this world, that come deed might be taken away from
to nought; but we speak the wisdom among you. But I, verily, as absent
_ of God in a mystery, even the hidden in body, but present in Spirit, have
wisdom which God ordained before judged already, as though I were
the world unto our glory, which none present, him that hath so done this
of the princes of this world knew ; for deed; in the name of our Lord JESUS
had they known it, they would never Christ, when ye are gathered together,
have crucified the Lord of glory. But my spirit also being with you, with
as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor the power of our Lord JESUS Christ,
ear heard, neither have entered into to deliver such an one unto Satan for
the heart of man, the things which the destruction of the flesh, that the
God hath prepared for them that love spirit may be saved in the day of our
Him.1 Lord JESUS Christ.
Third Lesson.
Second Lesson.
UT God hath revealed them unto
us by His Spirit: for the Spirit YOUR glorying is not good. Know
searcheth out all things, yea, the ye not that a little leaven leaven
deep things of God. For what man eth the whole lump? Purge out the
knoweth the things of a man, save old leaven, that ye may be a new lump,
the spirit of the man which is in as ye are unleavened. For even Christ
him? Even so the things of God our Passover also hath been sacrificed :
knoweth no man, but the Spirit of therefore let us keep the feast, not
God. Now we have received, not the with old leaven, neither with leaven
spirit of the world, but the Spirit of malice and wickedness, but with
Which is of God, that we might know_ the unleavened bread of sincerity and
the things that are freely given to us truth.
of God: which things also we speak,
Third Lesson.
not in the words which man’s wisdom
teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost I WROTE unto you in an epistle:
teacheth, comparing spiritual things Company not with fornicators.
with spiritual. Yet not altogether with the fornicators
1 Perhaps meant for a quotation from Isa. lxiv. 4, but the late Dr Neale inclined to the
belief that it was from some early Christian composition.

of this world, or with the covetous, or Know ye not that the unrighteous
extortioners, or with idolaters: for shall not inherit the kingdom of God ?
then must ye needs go out of the Be not deceived: neither fornicators,
world. But now I have written unto nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
you, not to keep company: if any man efferninate, nor abusers of themselves
that is called a brother be a fornicator, with mankind, nor thieves, nor cove
or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, tous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with extortioners shall inherit the kingdom
.such an one, no, not to eat. of God. And such were some of you :
but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified,
|$ but ye are justified in the name of our
@etmesbag. Lord JESUS Christ, and in the Spirit of
Fourth Day. our God.
Third Lesson.
Fz'rst Lesson.
ALL things are lawful unto me, but
'The Lesson is taken from the First all things are not expedient.
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul All things are lawful for me, but I will
to the Corinthians (vi. 1.) not be brought under the power of
any. Meats for the belly, and the '
DARE any of you, having a matter
belly for meats: but God shall destroy
against another, go to law before
both it and them. Now, the body is
the unjust, and not before the saints?
not for fornication, but for the Lord,
D0 ye not know that the saints shall
and the Lord for the body. And God
judge the world? And if the world
hath both raised up the Lord: and
shall be judged by you, are ye un
will also raise up us by His Own
worthy to judge the smallest matters?
power. Know ye not that your bodies
Know ye not that we shall judge
are the members of Christ? Shall I
Angels? How much more, things
then take the members of Christ, and
that pertain to this life? If, then, ye
make them the members of an harlot?
have judgments of things pertaining to
God forbid. What? Know ye not
this life, set them to judge who are
that he which is joined to an harlot is
least esteemed in the Church. I
made one body? For “the two,”
speak to your shame. Is it so that
saith He, “shall be one flesh.” 1
there is not a wise man among you,
But he that is joined unto the Lord
that shall be able to judge between
is one spirit. Flee fornication.
his brethren? But brother goeth to
law with brother, and that before @Bursbag. ‘Oi
the unbelievers.
Fifth Day.
Setona' Lesson.
First Lesson.
NOW, therefore, there is utterly a The Lesson is taken from the First
fault among you, because ye go Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
to law one with another. Why do ye to the Corinthians (vii. I.)
not rather take wrong? Why do ye
not rather suffer yourselves to be N OW concerning the things whereof
defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and ye wrote unto me: it is good
defraud, and that your brethren. for a man not to touch a woman;
1 Gen. ii. 24.
nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let firing. aw
every man have his own wife, and let
Sixth Day.
every woman have her own husband.
Let the husband render the debt unto First Lesson.
the wife; and likewise also the wife
unto the husband. The wife hath not The Lesson is taken from the First
power of her own body, but the hus Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
band: and likewise also the husband to the Corinthians (xiii. I.)
hath not power of his own body, but
THOUGH I speak with the tongues
the wife. of men and of angels, and have
Second Lesson. 4 not charity, I am become as sounding
DEFRAUD ye not one the other, brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And
except perchance it be with con though I have the gift of prophecy,
sent, for a time, that ye may give your and understand all mysteries, and all
selves to prayer; and come together knowledge; and though I have all
again, that Satan tempt you not for faith, so that I could remove mountains,
your incontinency. But I speak this and have not charity, I am nothing.
by permission, not of commandment. And though I bestow all my goods
For I would that ye all were even as I to feed the poor, and though I give
myself. But every man hath his pro my body to be burned, and have not
per gift of God, one after this manner, charity, it profiteth me nothing.
and another after that. But I say to
the unmarried and widows: it is good Second Lesson.
for them if they abide even as I. But
if they have not continency, let them HARITY suffereth long, and is
marry. For it is better to marry than kind : charity envieth not, vaunt
to burn. eth not itself, is not puffed up, doth
not behave itself unseemly, seeketh
Third Lesson.
not her own, is not easily provoked,
ND unto the married I command, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in
not I, but the Lord ; let not the iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
wife depart from her husband; but if beareth all things, believeth all things,
she depart, let her remain unmarried, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
or be reconciled to her husband. Charity never faileth; but whether
And let not the husband leave his there be prophecies, they shall fail;
wife. For to the rest speak I, not the whether there be tongues, they shall
Lord: If any brother hath a wife that cease; whether there be knowledge,
believeth not, and she be pleased to it shall vanish away. For we know
dwell with him, let him not leave in part, and we prophesy in part.
her. And the woman which be But when that which is perfect is
lieveth, and hath an husband which come, then that which is in part shall
believeth not, and he be pleased to be done away.
dwell with her, let her not leave
her husband; for the unbelieving hus
Third Lesson.
band is sanctified by the believing
wife, and the unbelieving wife is WHEN I was a child, I spake as
sanctified by the believing husband; a child, I felt as a child, I
else were your children unclean, but thought as a child. But now that I
now are they holy. am become a man, I put away child

ish things. Now, we see in a mirror But I will tarry at Ephesus until
darkly; but then, face to face. Now, Pentecost. For a great door and
I know in part; but then shall I know evident is opened unto me, and there
even as also I have been known. are many adversaries.
And now abideth faith, hope, love,
these three: but the greatest of these Third Lesson.
is love.
OW, if Timothy come, see that he
éaturbag. 1' be with you without fear: for
he worketh the work of the Lord, as
The Sabbath. I also do. Let no man therefore
If the next day he ' Septuagesima despise himi but conduct him forth
Sunday, then a peculiar Ofice is some in peace, that he may come unto me:
times said on this day, (see Note 2, p. for I look for him with the brethren.
3 59,) in which case the following Les As touching our brother Apollos, I
sons are simply omitted. tell you that I greatly desired him
to come unto you with the brethren:
but his will was not at all to come
First Lesson. at this time: but he will come when
The Lesson is taken from the First he shall have convenient time. Watch
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul ye; stand fast in the faith; quit you
to the Corinthians (xvi. 1.) like men, and be strong. Let all
your things be done with charity.
NOW concerning the collection for
the Saints, as I have given Vespers are always the First Vespers
order to the Churches of Galatia, even of the Feast of the Holy Name, except
so do ye. Upon the first day of the when the next day is Septuagesima
week let every one of you lay by him Sunday, in which case the Feast of the
in store whatsoever pleaseth him, that Holy Name is transferred to fan. 28,
there be no gatherings when I come. (which see,) and these Vespers are,
And when I come, whomsoever ye from the Chapter, of Septuagesima,
shall approve by your letters, them with the Farewell to the Alleluia, all
will I send to bring your liberality unto the Ofice between this and that, being
Jerusalem. And if it be meet that that year omitted.
I go also, they shall go with me.

Second Lesson.
$mnt| Sunhag after the
NOW I will come unto you, when
I shall pass through Macedonia, QEpiplJang.
for I do pass through Macedonia. Feast of the Most Holy Name of
And it may be that I will abide, yea,
and winter with you; that ye may
bring me on my journey whithersoever Double of the Second Class.
I go. For I would not see you only
in passing; but I trust to tarry a All as on ordinary Sundays, except
while with you, if the Lord permit. what is otherwise given here.
‘ In the original this Otfiee is not given here, but in the Proper Offices of Festivals. It is
inserted here, rst, because it is nearly always so in practice; and 2ndly, as a specimen of
the application of the General Rubrics.
FIRST VESPERS. Verse. Blessed be the Name of
the LORD—Alleluia.
First four Psalms as on Sundays. Answer. From this time forth,
First Antiphon. 1 Whosoever shall and for evermore—Alleluia.
call on the name of the LORD shall be
saved. . A ntifihon at the Song ry‘ the Blessed
Second Antiphon. Holy and ter Virgin. He That is mighty hath done
rible is His Name; the fear of the to me great things, and holy is His
LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Name—Alleluia.
Third Antiphon. 2Yet will I re
joice in the LORD: I will joy in the Prayer throughout the Ofiice.
God of my salvation.
O GOD, Who hast appointed Thine
Fourth Antiphon. From the rising
Only-begotten Son to be the
of the sun unto the going down of
Saviour of mankind, and hast com
the same the LORD’S Name is to be
manded that His Name should be
called JESUS, mercifully grant that we
Fifth Antzfhon. I will offer the
who here on earth do worship that
sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call
His most Holy Name may be made
upon the Name of the LORD.
glad in heaven by His- Presence.
Through the Same our Lord JESUS
Psalm CX V.
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and
I believed, therefore have I spoken, reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
&c., (p. 185.) the Holy Ghost, One God, world
without end. Amen.
ESUS! the very thought of Thee Commemoration of the First Vespers
With sweetness fills the breast! of the SUNDAY.
Yet sweeter far Thy Face to see
And in Thy Presence rest. Antithon. God hath holpen His.
servant Israel: as He spake to Abra
No voice can sing, no heart can frame,
ham and to his seed, to exalt them of
Nor can the memory find
A sweeter sound than JESU'S Name, low degree for ever and ever.
The Saviour of mankind! Verse. Let the evening prayer
ascend unto Thee, O Lord.
0 hope of every contrite heart! Answer. And let there descend
0 joy of all the meek! upon us Thy mercy.
To those who fall, how kind Thou art!
How good to those who seek!
But what to those who find? Ah! this
Nor tongue nor pen can show— LMIGHTY and everlasting God,
The love of JESUS, what it is, Who dost govern all things in
None but His loved-ones know. heaven and earth, mercifully hear the
supplication of Thy people, and grant
JESUS! our only joy be Thou,
As Thou our prize shalt be;
us Thy peace all the days of our life.
In Thee be all our glory now, Through our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy
And through eternity! Amen. Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
1 Joel ii. 32; Rom. x. 13. 2 Hab. iii. 18.
3 Except the last verse, selected from a hymn by St Bernard: translation by the Rev. E.

Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, Second Antiphon. 4 At the Name of
one God, world without end. Amen. JESUS, let every knee bow, of things
in heaven, and things in earth, and
At Compline the last verse of the things under the earth.
Hymn is altered in honour of the In
Psalm X VIII.
The heavens declare, &c., (p. I7.)
Invitatory. The Name which shall
be called Wonderful,1 the Name of Thirrl A ntiphon. 5 Praise the LORD
JESUS is the Name which is above and call upon His Name: remember
every name.2 * 0 come, let us wor that His Name is exalted.
ship Him.
3Hymn. Psalm XX[11.
O JESU, King most wonderful! The earth is the LORD’S, &c., (p.
Thou Conqueror renowned!
Thou sweetness most ineffable!
In Whom all joys are found! Verse. 6 For Thy Name’s sake, O
When once Thou visitest the heart, LORD, pardon mine iniquity.
Then truth begins to shine; Answer. For it is great.
Then earthly vanities depart;
Then kindles love divine.
First Lesson.
O JESU, Light of all below!
The Lesson is taken from the Acts of
Thou Fount of life and fire!
Surpassing all the joys we know,
the Apostles (iii. 1.)
All that we can desire. NOW Peter and John went up
May every heart confess Thy Name, together into the temple at
And ever Thee adore; the hour of prayer, being the ninth
And seeking Thee, itself inflame hour.7 And a certain man, lame
To seek Thee more and more. from his mother’s womb, was carried ;
whom they laid daily at the gate of
Thee may our tongues for ever bless,
the temple, which is called Beautiful,
Thee may we love alone;
And ever in our lives express to ask alms of them that entered into
The image of Thine own. Amen. the temple. Who, seeing Peter and
John about to go into the temple,
asked an alms. And Peter, fastening
his eyes upon him, with John, said:
First Antiphon. O LORD our Ruler, Look on us. And he gave heed unto
how excellent is Thy Name in all the them, expecting to receive something
earth. of them. Then Peter said: Silver
and gold have I none, but such as
Psalm VIIL, commencing with the I have give I thee; in the Name
2nd verse. of JESUS Christ of Nazareth, rise up
and walk. And he took him by the
Who hast set, &c., (p. 7.) right hand, and lifted him up, and
1 Isa. ix. 6. 1 Phil. ii. 9
3 Except the last verse, selected from a hymn by St Bernard, very slightly altered : translation
by the Rev. E. Caswall.
4 Phil. ii. 10. 5 Isa. xii. 4. ° Ps. xxiv. n. 7 1.e., None.
immediately his feet and soles re Name, through faith in His Name,
ceived strength. And he, leaping up, hath made this man strong, whom
stood and walked, and entered with ye see and know: yea, the faith
them into the temple, walking, and which is by Him hath given him this
leaping, and praising God. perfect soundness in the presence of
you all. '
Fz'rrt Responsorjy. Second Responsory.
Behold, thou shalt conceive, and
1Blessed is Thy Name, 0 God of
bring forth a Son, and shalt call His
our fathers, for in wrath Thou wilt
Name JESUS; for He shall save His
remember mercy. And in the time
people from their sins.
of tribulation Thou forgivest the sins
Verse. His Name was called JESUS,
of them that call upon Thee.
which was so named of the Angel,
Verse. 2And blessed be Thy glori
before He was conceived in the womb.
ous Name for ever, 0 Thou Who only
Answer. For He shall save His
doest wondrous things !
people from their sins.
Answer. And in the time of tribu
lation Thou forgivest the sins of them
Second Lesson. that call upon Thee.
ND all the people saw him walk
ing, and praising God. And Tlu'rd Lesson. (iv. 5.)
they knew that it was he which sat
for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the AND it came to pass on the morrow,
temple, and they were filled with that their rulers, and elders, and
wonder and amazement at that which scribes of Jerusalem, and Annas the
had happened unto him. And, as he high priest, and Caiaphas, and John,
held Peter and John, all the people and Alexander, and as many as were
ran together unto them in the porch of the priests’ kindred, were gathered
that is called Solomon’s, greatly won together. And when they had set
dering. And when Peter saw it, he them in the midst, they asked: By
answered unto the people: Ye men what power, or by what name have
of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or ye done this ? Then Peter, filled with
why look ye so earnestly on us, as the Holy Ghost, said unto them: Ye
though by our own power or strength rulers and elders of the people,
we had made this man to walk? hearken: If we this day be examined
The God of Abraham, and the God of the good deed done to the impotent
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, man, by what means he is made whole ;
the God of our fathers, hath glorified be it known unto you all, and to all
His Son JESUS, Whom ye delivered the people of Israel, that by the Name
up, and denied Him in the presence of our Lord JESUS Christ of Nazareth,
of Pilate, when he was determined to Whom ye crucified, Whom God raised
let Him go. But ye denied the Holy from the dead, even by Him doth this
One, and the Just, and desired a man stand here before you whole.
murderer to be granted unto you; This3 is the stone which was set at
and killed the Author of life, Whom nought of you builders, which is be
God hath raised from the dead, come the head of the corner; neither
whereof we are witnesses. And His is there salvation in any other. For
1 Tobias iii. 13. 2 Ps. 1xxi. 18, 19. 3 Ps. cxvii. 22.

there is no other Name under heaven Fourth Lesson.

given among men, whereby ye must be
saved. The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
of 6 St Bernard, Abbat [of Clairvaux.]
Third Responsoiy.
(15th on the Song ofSongs.)
II will praise Thy Name continu
IT is not idly that the Holy Ghost
ally; yea, I will praise it with thanks
likeneth the Name of the Bride
groom to oil, when He maketh thev
Verse. 2I will be glad and rejoice
Bride say to the Bridegroom: “Thy
in Thee: I will sing praise to Thy
Name is as oil poured forth.”7 Oil
Name, 0 Thou Most High.
indeed giveth light, meat, and unction.
Answer. Yea, I will praise it with
It feedeth fire, it nourisheth the flesh,
it sootheth pain ; it is light, food, and
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
healing. Behold, Thus also is the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Name of the Bridegroom. To preach
Answer. Yea, I will praise it with
it, is to give light; to think of it, is to
feed the soul; to call on it, is to win
grace and unction. Let us take it
SECOND NOCTURN. point by point. What, thinkest thou,
First Antiphon. They shall be hath made the light of faith so suddenly
mindful of Thy Name, 0 Lord, unto and so brightly to shine in the whole
all generations. world but the preaching of the Name
of JESUS? Is it not in the light of
Psalm XLIV. this Name that God hath called us into
His marvellous light, even that light
My heart is overflowing, &c., (15. 96.) wherewith we being enlightened, and
Second Antiphon. 3 O magnify the in His light seeing light,8 Paul saith
LORD with me, and let us exalt His truly of us : “ Ye were sometimes dark
Name together. ness, but now are ye light in the
Psalm XL V. Fourth Responsory.

God is our refuge, &c., (p. 97.) 10 Let them that know Thy Name
put their trust in Thee; for Thou,
Third A ntiphon. 4 All nations whom LORD, hast not forsaken them that
Thou hast made, shall come and wor seek Thee.
ship before Thee, O Lord, and shall Verse. 11 Arise, O Lord, help us,
glorify Thy Name. and redeem us for Thy Name’s sake.
Answer. For Thou, LORD, hast not
Psalm LXXXV]. forsaken them that seek Thee.
Her foundation, &c., (p. 144.)
Fifth Lesson.
Verse. 5 For the glory of Thy Name,
deliver us, 0 Lord. THIS is the Name which the Apostle
Answer. And forgive our sins, for was commanded to bear before
Thy Name’s sake. Gentiles, and kings, and the children
I Ecclus. Ii. 15. 1 Ps. ix. 3. 3 Ps. xxxiii. 4.
4 Ps. lxxxv. 9. 5 Ps. lxxviii. 9. 5 Aug. 20.
7 Cam. 1. 3, where spiced, or perfumed oil (i.e., ointment) seems to be meant. So Gesenius.
3 Ps. xxxv. ro. Eph. v. 8 Ps. ix. 1!. 11 Ps. xliii. 26.
of Israel, the Name which he bore as in the heart. It is our healing too. Is
a light to enlighten his people, crying any sorrowful among us? Let the
everywhere: 1 “The night is far thought of JESUS come into his heart,
.spent, the day is at hand ; let us there and spring to his mouth. Behold,
fore cast off the works of darkness, when the day of that Name beginneth
.and let us put on the armour of light, to break, every cloud will flee away,
let us walk honestly as in the day.” and there will be a great calm. Doth
He pointed out to all that candle set any fall into sin? Doth any draw
upon a candlestick, preaching in every nigh to an hopeless death? And if he
place JESUS and Him crucified. How but call on the life- giving Name of
did that Name shine forth and dazzle JESUS, will he not draw the breath of a
every eye that beheld it, when it came new life again ?
like lightning out of the mouth of Peter
to give bodily strength to the feet of
the lame man, and to clear the sight Sixth Responsory.
of many a blind soul? Cast he not
4 O LORD, let all those that put their
fire when he said: “In the Name of
trust in Thee rejoice, let them ever
JESUS Christ of Nazareth, rise up and
shout for joy because Thou dwellest in
walk ”?
them; let them also that love Thy
Fifth Responsory. Name be joyful in Thee.
Verse. 5They shall walk, 0 LORD,
2Let us praise Thy great Name, in the light of Thy countenance; and
‘for it is terrible and holy. in Thy Name shall they rejoice all the
Verse. 3 Some trust in chariots, and day.
some in horses, but we will call upon Answer. Let them also that love
the Name of the LORD our God. Thy Name be joyful in Thee.
Answer. For it is terrible and holy. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Sixth Lesson. Ghost.
Answer. Let them also that love
THE Name of JESUS is not a Name Thy Name be joyful in Thee.
of light only, but it is meat also.
Dost thou ever call it to mind, and re
main unstrengthened? Is there any THIRD NOCTURN.
thing like it to enrich the soul of him
that thinketh of it? What is there First Antiphon. Sing unto the
like it to restore the fagged senses, to LORD, and bless His Name: show
fortify strength, to give birth to good forth His salvation from day to day.
lives and pure affections? The soul is
fed on husks if that whereon it feedeth Psalm XC V.
lack seasoning with this salt. If thou
writest, thou hast no meaning for me if O sing unto the LORD, &c. (p. 148.)
I read not of JESUS there. If thou
preach, or dispute, thou hast no mean Second Antzlhhon. 6According to
ing for me if I hear not of JESUS there. Thy Name, 0 God, so is Thy praise
The mention of JESUS is honey in the .unto the ends of the earth ; Thy right
mouth, music in the ear, and gladness hand is full of righteousness.
1 Rom. xiii. 12. 2 Ps. xcviii. 3. 3 Ps. xix. 8.
4 Ps.;v. re. 5 Ps. lxxxviii. 16, I7. 6 Ps. xlvii. II.

Psalm XC V]. are a theme for the jubilation of angels.

He is laid in a manger, but a bright
The LORD reigneth, &c., (p. 149.) star standeth in heaven over the place.
Third Antzjfihon. 1 Sing unto God, So also in His circumcision, the cere
sing praises to His Name; spread a mony gave proof of the reality of the
path before Him That rideth upon the Manhood which He had taken, and
heavens : the LORD is His Name. that Name which is above every name
proclaimed the glory of His Blessed
Majesty. As very son of Abraham
Psalm XC V11. He underwent circumcision; He
assumed the Name of JESUS as very
0 sing unto the LORD, &c., (p. 157.)
Son of God.
Verse. 2 Give unto the LORD glory
and honour. Seventh Responsory.
Answer. Give unto the LORD the
glory due unto His Name. 3Sorrow and trouble did I find.
Then called I upon the Name of the
Seventh Lesson. Verse. 4 The Name of the LORD is
a strong tower; I trusted in Him and
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
I am helped.
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 21.)
Answer. Then called I upon the
T that time: When eight days Name of the LORD.
were accomplished for the cir
cumcising of the Child, His Name was Ezghth Lesson.
called JESUS. And so on.
MY JESUS beareth not that Name
Homily by St Bernard, Abbat [of as others have home it before
Clairvaux.] (1st on the Circumcision.) Him, as a vain and empty title. It is
not in Him the shadow of a great
Behold a mystery, great and full of Name, but the very meaning of that
wonder! The Child is circumcised, Name. That His Name was revealed
and His Name is called JESUS. Why from heaven, is attested by the Evan
are these two things thus mentioned gelist, where it is written, “Which
together I" It would seem that circum was so named of the Angel before He
cision should rather be for the saved was conceived in the womb.” After
than for the Saviour ; that the Saviour JESUS was born, men called Him
ought rather to be Circumciser than Jesus, but angels called Him Jesus,
circumcised. But behold here the before He was conceived in the
Mediator between God and men, how womb. The One Lord is the Saviour
even from His childhood He joineth of angels and of men; of men, since
the things of the Highest to the things His Incarnation; of angels, from the
of the lowest, the things of God to the beginning of their creation. “His
things of men. He is born of a Name,” saith the Evangelist, “was
woman, but her womb is made fruitful called JESUS, which was so named of
without the loss of the flower of her the Angel before He was conceived in
virginity. He is wrapped in swad the womb.” In the mouth therefore
dling-bands, but these swaddling-bands of two or three witnesses is every
1 Ps. lxvii. 5. 3 Ps. xxviii. 2.
5 Ps. cxiv. 3, 4. ‘ Prov. xviii. :0; Ps. xxvii. 7.

word established ;1 and that word Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of

whereof the Prophet spoke as cut Hippo.] (9th Tract on john.)
short,2 is set forth at length in the Even setting aside any mystical in
Gospel—the Word made Flesh. terpretation, the fact that the Lord
was pleased to be asked, and to go
Eighth Responsory. to a marriage, showeth plainly enough
that He is the Author and Blesser of
O Lord, 3I will wait on Thy marriage. There were yet to be those
Name. For it is good before Thy of whom the Apostle hath warned us
Saints. as “forbidding to marry ;”5 who say
Verse. 4To give thanks unto Thy that marriage is a bad thing in itself,
Holy Name, and to triumph in Thy and a work of the devil. Yet we read
praise. in the 6Gospel that when the Lord
Answer. For it is good before was asked, “ Is it lawful for a man to
Thy Saints. put away his wife for every cause?”
Verse. Glory be to the Father, He answered that it was not lawful,
and to the Son, and to the Holy except it were for fornication. In
Ghost. which answer ye will remember that
Answer. For it is good before He used these words: “What God
Thy Saints. hath joined together, let not man put
asunder.”7 (Eighth Lesson of the
Ninth Blessing. Sunday.) They who are well in
structed in the Catholic religion know
May the Gospel’s glorious word that God is the Author and Blesser of
Cleansing to our souls afford. marriage; and that, whereas joining
together in marriage is of God, divorce
is of the devil. But it is lawful for a
Ninth Lesson. man to put away his wife in case of
fornication,8 for by not keeping a
(Of the Second Sunday after the
wife’s faith to her husband she herself
hath first willed not to be wife. They
The Lesson is taken from the Holy also who have made a vow of their
Gospel according to John (ii. I.) virginity to God and have thereby
attained to an higher degree of hon
T that time: There was a mar our and holiness in the Church, are
riage in Cana of Galilee, and not unmarried, for they are a special
the mother of JESUS was there. And part of the marriage of the whole
both JESUS was called, and His dis Church, which is the Bride of Christ.
ciples, to the marriage. And so on. (Ninth Lesson of the Sunday.) The
1 Matth. xviii. 16; Deut. xix. 15.
2 The allusion is apparently to the LXX. version of Isa. x. 22, which reads: “ For though
thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved ; for He will finish the
word and cut it short in righteousness, because a short word will God, the Lord of powers,
make in the whole world "—quoted in Rom. ix. 27, 28.
5 Ps. II. n. 4 Ps. cv. 47. 5 I Tim. iv. 3 6 Matth. xix. 3 et seq.
7 A person bound to the recitation of the Divine Office would satisfy the obligation by
reading to this point only.
*3 Quia ipsa esse uxor prior noluit, quae fidem conjugalem marito non servavit. As the
Church teaches that a marriage once validly contracted and consummated is indissoluble, two
explanations have been given to Matth. xix. 9. (I) That “porneia "is there used synonymously
with “moicheia,” and a separation a mensa et toro is meant; (2) that the case referred to is
that given in Deut. xxii. 21.

Lord, being asked, went to the mar Celestial sweetness unalloyed!

riage, to strengthen the marriage tie, Who eat Thee hunger still,
Who drink of Thee still feel a void
and to shed light on the hidden mean
Which nought but Thou canst fill!
ing of matrimony. In that marriage
feast the Bridegroom to whom it was O my sweet JESUS! hear the sighs
said, “Thou hast kept the good wine Which unto Thee I send!
until now,” was a figure of the Lord To Thee my inmost spirit cries,
Christ, Who hath kept until now the My being’s hope and end!
good wine, namely the Gospel.
Stay with us, Lord, and with Thy light
The flymn, “We praise Thee, O Illume the soul’s abyss;
'God, &c.” is said. Scatter the darkness of our night
And fill the world with bliss.

LAUDS. O JESU l Spotless Virgin flower!

Our life and joy! to Thee
First A ntiphon. 1 Thy Name is as Be praise, beatitude, and power,
oil * poured forth, therefore do the Through all eternity! Amen.
virgins love Thee.
Second Antiphon. ‘2 Know ye that Verse. Our help is in the Name of
the LORD He is God, * and His the LORD.
Name endureth for ever. Answer. Who made heaven and
Third Antinhon. My soul thirst earth.
eth * for Thy Holy Name, 0 Lord.
Fourth Antiphon. 3 Blessed is the A ntiphon at the Song of Zaeharias.
Holy Name of Thy glory, and worthy 5He gave Himself to deliver His
to be praised, and exalted above all people, and to get Himself an ever
for ever. lasting Name. Alleluia.
Fifth Antiphon. Young men and
maidens, * old men and children, Prayer throughout the Ofice, “O
praise the Name of the LORD, for His God, Who hast appointed, &c.,” as at
Name alone is exalted. Vespers.

Chapter. (Phil. ii. 8.) Commemoration of the Lands of the

RETHREN, Christ humbled Him
self and became obedient unto
Antiohon. There was a marriage
death, even the death of the cross.
in Cana of Galilee, * and JESUS was
Wherefore God also hath highly ex
there, and Mary His mother.
alted Him, and given Him a Name
Verse. The LORD reigneth, He is
which is above every name, that at
clothed with majesty.
the Name of JESUS every knee should
Answer. The LORD is clothed
bow. with strength, and hath girded Him
Hymn.4 self with power.
O JESUS, Thou the Beauty art
Prayer as at the Commemoration at
01 angel worlds above l
Thy Name is music to the heart, Vespers, “Almighty and everlasting
Enchanting it with love! God, &c.”
1 Cam. i. 3. 2 Ps. xcix. 3. 3 Dan. iii. 52.
4 Selected from a hymn by St Bernard ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.
5 r Macc. vi. 44.

PRIME. Chapter. (Phil. ii. 10.)

The last verse of the Hymn is al AT the Name of JESUS let every
tered in honour of the Incarnation. knee bow, of things in heaven,
Antiphon. Thy Name is as oil, and things in earth, and things under
&c., (First A ntzphon at Lauds.) the earth ; and let every tongue confess
In the Short Responsory is said, that our Lord JESUS Christ is in the
“Thou That wast born of the Virgin glory of God the Father.
Short Responsory.
Chapter at the end. (Col. iii. 17.)
Give unto the LORD glory and
WHATSOEVER ye do in word honour—Alleluia, Alleluia.
or deed, do all in the Name of Answer. Give unto the LORD glory
the Lord JESUS Christ, giving thanks and honour. Alleluia, Alleluia.
to God and the Father by Him. Verse. Give unto the LORD the
glory due unto His Name.
TERCE. Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
The last verse of the Hymn is al
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. I
tered in honour of the Incarnation.
Answer. Give unto the LORD
Antiphon. Know ye that the Lord glory and honour—Alleluia, Alleluia.
He is God, &c., (Second Antiphon at Verse. 0 magnify the LORD with
Lands.) me—Alleluia.
Chapter from Lauds. Answer. And let us exalt His
Name together—Alleluia.
Short R£¢071307jh
Blessed be the Name of the LORD—
Alleluia, Alleluia. The last Verse of the Hymn is altered
Answer. Blessed be the Name of in honour of the Incarnation.
the LORD—Alleluia, Alleluia.
Verse. From this time forth, and A ntzlohon. Young men and maidens,
for evermore. &c., (Fifth A ntiphon at Lauds.)
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. Chapter, C01. iii. I7, as at the end of
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Prime. '
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. _Blessed be the Name of Short Resyfionsory.
the LORD—Alleluia, Alleluia. O magnify the LORD with me——
Verse. Give unto the LORD glory Alleluia, Alleluia.
and honour—Alleluia. Answer. 0 magnify the LORD
Answer. Give unto the LORD the with me—Alleluia, Alleluia.
glory due unto His Name. Alleluia. Verse. And let us exalt His Name
SEXT. Answn'. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
The last verse in the IIymn is altered
and to the Son, and to the Holy
in honour of the Incarnation.
Antiphon. My soul thirsteth, &c., Answer. 0 magnify the LORD
(Third Antijfihon at Lauds.) with me--Alleluia, Alleluia.

Verse. Our help is in the Name of was pleased to be circumcised. He

the LORD—Alleluia. was circumcised for the same reason
Answer. Who made heaven and for which He was born, and for which
earth—Alleluia. He suffered. Neither one nor the
other was for Himself, but all for the
sake of the elect. He was not born
in sin; He was not circumcised to
The same as First Vespers, except separate Him from sin; neither did
the following .' He die for sins of His own, but for
ours. “Which was so named of the
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Angel before He was conceived in the
Virgin. Thou shalt call His Name womb.” The Angel indeed gave Him
JESUS: for He shall save His people
that title of “ Saviour,” but not for the
from their sins—Alleluia. first time. Saviour is His Name from
everlasting; He hath it of His own
Commemoration of the SUNDAY. proper nature to save. This title He
hath in Himself, not by the gift of
Antibhon. When the wine failed, anything that He hath made, be it
JESUS commanded them to fill the man or Angel.
water-pots with water, and the water
was made wine—Alleluia.
Verse. Let my prayer, 0 Lord, be Qllonbag. a")
set forth. Second Day.
Answer. As incense before Thee.
Prayer as at the two former Com
memorations. First Lesson.
Note. It may possibly happen that (First Lesson ofSunday.1)
a Ninth Lesson is wanted for this Here beginneth the 2Second Epistle
Feast'[for if Septuagesima falls on
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Second Sunday after Epiphany the
Corinthians (i. 1.)
Feast of the Most Holy Name is trans
ferred to fan. 28], in which case the PAUL, an Apostle of JESUS Christ,
following is the by the will of God, and Timothy
our brother, unto the Church of God
Ninth Lesson. which is at Corinth, with all the Saints
which are in all Achaia. Grace be to
T is no wonder that it should be at you and peace, from God our Father,
His circumcision that the Name and from the Lord JESUS Christ.
of JESUS (which is, being interpreted, Blessed be the God and Father of our
“ Saviour,”) is given to the Child Who Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
is born unto us, for it was then that mercies, and the God of all comfort,
He for the first time shed that sinless Who comforteth us in all our tribula
Blood Which is the mean whereby tion, that we also may be able to com
He hath chosen to work out our salva fort them which are in any trouble, by
tion. It is no matter for the specula the comfort wherewith we ourselves
tion of Christians why the Lord Christ are comforted of God. For, as the
1 A person bound to the recitation of the Divine Office can fulfil the obligation by reading
the Lessons of Sunday only.
2 Written from some city in Macedonia, a year after the fomuer.
sufferings of Christ abound in us, so to you, or from you? Ye are our
our consolation also aboundeth by epistle, written in our hearts, known
Christ. (Second Lesson of Sunday.) and read of all men; manifestly de
And whether we be afllicted, it is clared to be the epistle of Christ,
for your comfort and salvation, or ministered by us, and written, not with
whether we be comforted it is for your ink, but with the Spirit of the living
comfort, or whether we be exhorted it God; not in tables of stone, but in
is for your exhortation and salvation, fleshly tables of the heart.
which is effectual to the enduring of
the same sufferings which we also
Second Responsory.
suffer, that our hope of you may be
steadfast, knowing that as ye are 3 O God, be Thou my helper.
partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye Neither leave me.
be also of the consolation. (Third Verse. Nor forsake me—O God of
Lesson of Sunday.) For we would my salvation.
not, brethren, have you ignorant of Answer. Neither leave me.
our trouble, which came to us in Asia,
that we were pressed out of measure
above strength, insomuch that we were Third Lesson.
weary even of life. But we had the
answer of death 1 in ourselves, that we (Second Lesson of Monday.)
might not trust in ourselves, but in AND such trust have we through
God, Which raiseth the dead; Who Christ to God-ward; not that
delivered us from so great danger, we are sufficient of ourselves to think
and doth deliver; in Whom we trust anything, as of ourselves; but our
that He will yet deliver us, ye also sufiidency is of God, Who also hath
helping together by prayer for us; made us able ministers of the New
that for the gift bestowed upon us, Testament, not of the letter, but of the
by means of many persons, thanks Spirit: for the letter killeth, but the
may be given by many on our behalf. Spirit giveth life. But if the ministra
tion of death, engraven with letters
First Responsory. upon stones, was glorious, so that the
20 how great is Thy goodness, 0 children of Israel could not steadfastly
Lord,—which Thou hast laid up for behold the face of Moses, for the
them that fear Thee ! glory of his countenance—which is
Verse. Which Thou, O Lord, hast done away: how shall not rather the
wrought for them that trust in Thee ministration of the Spirit be glorious?
before the sons of men ! (Third Lesson of Monday.) For if
Answer. Which Thou hast laid up the ministration of condemnation be
for them that fear Thee ! glory, much more doth the ministra
tion of righteousness exceed in glory.
Second Lesson. For even that which was glorious had
no glory in this respect, by reason of
(First Lesson ofMonday, iii. 1.) the glory that excelleth. For if that
O we begin again to commend which is done away is glorious; much
ourselves? Or need we (as more that which remaineth is glorious.
some others) epistles of commendation Seeing then that we have such an
1 “ ‘ The presentiment ’—-we felt that we should die."—Abp. Kenrick.
2 Ps. xxx. 20. 3 Ps. xxvi. 9.

hope, we use great confidence; and, if so be that, being clothed, we shall

not as Moses, which put a veil over not be found naked. For we that
his face, that the children of Israel are in this tabernacle do groan, being
might not steadfastly look upon the burdened, not for that we would be
face of that which is done away. But unclothed, but clothed upon, that
their minds are blinded. For until mortality might be swallowed up of
this day remaineth the same veil un life.
taken away in the reading of the Old
Testament, because it is taken away First Responsory.
in Christ. 2O God, give ear unto my tears;
hold not Thy peace, but, 0, spare
Tlzz'rd Responsory. me! For I am a stranger with Thee,
and a sojoumer.
1 I will bless the LORD at all times. Verse. 38c pleased, O LORD, to
His praise shall continually be in my deliver me; O LORD, look upon me
mouth. , to help me.
Verse. My soul shall make her Answer. For I am a stranger with
boast in the LORD; the humble shall Thee, and a sojourner.
hear thereof and be glad.
Answer. His praise shall contin
ually be in my mouth. Second Lesson.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy THEREFORE we are always con
Ghost. fident, knowing that whilst we
Answer. His praise shall contin are at home in the body, we are
ually be in my mouth. a absent from the Lord (for we walk by
fiith, not by sight): but we are con
fident and willing rather to be absent
Prayer lllroug/wut tile week, “Al
from the body, and to be present
mighty and everlasting God,” &c., (15.
with the Lord. Wherefore we labour,
that, whether present or absent, we
36$) 'L u
’Qiuesbag. may please Him. For we must all
appear before the judgment-seat of
Third Day. Christ, that every one may receive
the things done in his body, according
to that he hath done, whether it be
First Lesson. good or bad.

The Lesson is taken from the Second

Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul Second Remonsory.
to the Corinthians (v. 1.)
4The Lord hath set my feet upon
FOR we know that if our earthly a rock, and ordered my goings. And
house of this tabernacle were He hath put a new song in my mouth.
dissolved we have a building of God, Verse. He heard my cry: He
an house not made with hands, eternal brought me up also out of an horrible
in the heavens. For in this we groan, pit.
earnestly desiring to be clothed upon Answer. And He hath put a new
with our house which is from heaven ; song in my mouth.
1 Ps. xxxiiifa, 2 Ps. xxxviii. 13, 14. ’ 3 Ps. xxxix. 14. 4 Ps. xxxix. 3, 4.
Tlzird Lesson. flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness
N OWING therefore the terror of in the fear of God. Receive us. We
the Lord, we persuade men ; but have wronged no man, we have cor
we are made manifest unto God. And rupted no man, we have defrauded
vno man. I speak not this to condemn
I trust also are made manifest in your
consciences. We commend not our you: for we have said before that ye
selves again unto you, but give you are in our hearts, to die and live with
occasion to glory on our behalf; that you.
ye may have somewhat to answer First Responsory.
them which glory in appearance, and
not in heart. For whether we be Cut me not ofi' in the midst of my
beside ourselves, it is to God; or sins. Nor keep Thy wrath against
whether we be sober, it is for your me for my latter end.
cause. For the love of Christ con Verse. 2Enter not into judgment
straineth us; because we thus judge, with Thy servant, O Lord.
that if one died for all, then were all Answer. Nor keep Thy wrath
dead: and CHRIST died for all: that against me for my latter end.
they which live should not henceforth
live unto themselves, but unto Him
Which died for them, and rose again. Seeond Lesson.

GREAT is my boldness towards you,

Tln'rd Responsory. great is my glorying of you; I
1 I said: LORD, be merciful unto am filled with comfort, I am exceeding
me. Heal my soul, for I have sinned joyful in all our tribulation. For
against Thee. when we were come into Macedonia,
Verse. Deliver me from all mine our flesh had no rest, but we were
iniquities, O Lord. troubled on every side: without were
Answer. Heal my soul, for I have fightings, within were fears. Never
sinned against Thee. theless God, That comforteth those
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and that are cast clown, comforted us by
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. the coming of Titus. And not by
Answer. Heal my soul, for I have his coming only, but also by the con
sinned against Thee. solation wherewith he was comforted
in you, when he told us your earnest
desire, your mourning, your zeal for
Qwebnesbag. 19 me: so that I rejoiced the more.
Fourtlz Day.
MATTINS. Second Responsory.

First Lesson. 3My heart is ready, 0 God, my

heart is ready. I will sing and give
The Lesson is taken from the Second
praise to the Lord.
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
Verse. Awake up, my glory, a
to the Corinthians (vii. I.)
wake, psaltery and harp! I will awake
HAVING therefore these promises, early.
dearly beloved, let us cleanse Answer. I will sing and give
ourselves from all filthiness of the praise to the Lord.
1 Ps. id. 5. 2 Ps. cxlii. 2. 3 Ps. lvi. 8, 9.

, Third Lesson. thought to be bold against some,

which think of us as if we walked ac
FOR though I have made you sorry cording to the flesh. For though We
with a letter, I repent not; and, walk in the flesh we do not war after
if I had repented, perceiving that the the flesh.
same epistle made you sorry, (though
it were but for a season,) now I re
joice: not that ye were made sorry, First Responsory.
but that ye sorrowed to repentance.
For ye ‘were made sorry according to 3In Thee, O God, do I put my
God, so that ye receive damage from trust; let me neVer be put to con
us in nothing. For the sorrow which fusion, 0 Lord: deliver me in Thy
is according to God worketh repen righteousness, and cause me to escape.
tance to salvation not to be repented Verse. Incline Thine ear unto me,
of : but the sorrow of the world deliver me speedily.
worketh death. Answer. And cause me to escape.

Third Responsory. Second Lesson.

1 Unto Thee, O my Strength, will I FOR the weapons of our warfare
sing, for God is my defence, the God are not carnal, but mighty
of my mercy. through God to the pulling down of
Verse. 2I will be glad and rejoice strongholds, casting down imagin
in Thee, I will sing praise to Thy ations, and every high thing that ex
Name, 0 Thou Most High. alteth itself against the knowledge of
Answer. The God of my mercy. God, and bringing into captivity every
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and thought to the obedience of Christ,
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. and having in a readiness to revenge
Answer. The God of my mercy. all disobedience, when your_obedience
is fulfilled. Look ye on things after
the outward appearance? If any man
'QZBur-abag. trust to himself that he is Christ’s,
let him of himself think this again,
Fifth Day.
MATTINSI. that, as he is Christ’s, even so we
are Christ’s.

First Lesson.
Second Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the Second
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul 4Let my mouth be filled with Thy
to the Corinthians (x. 1.) praise, that I may sing of Thy glory,
all the day long of Thy greatness.
NOW I, Paul, myself beseech you, Cast me not off in the time of old
by the meekness and gentleness age ; forsake me-not when my strength
of Christ, who in presence am base faileth.
among you, but being absent am bold Verse. My lips shall be fain when
towards you. But I beseech you that I sing unto Thee.
I may not be hold when I am present, Answer. F orsake me not when
with that confidence wherewith I am my strength faileth.
1 Ps. lviii. r8. 3 Ps. ix. 3. 3 Ps. lxx. r, 2. 4 Ps. lxx. 8, 9, 23.
Third Lesson. I know a man in Christ above four
FOR though I should boast some teen years ago, (whether in the body,
what more of our authority, I cannot tell, or whether out of the body,
which the Lord hath given us for edi I cannot tell ; God knoweth ;) such an
fication, and not for your destruction, one to have been caught up to the
I should not be ashamed. But that I third heaven. And I know such a
may not seem as if I would terrify you man, (whether in the body, or out of
by letters—(“for his letters,” say the body, I cannot tell; God know
they, “are weighty and powerful, eth;) how that he was caught up
but his bodily presence is weak, and into paradise, and heard unspeakable
his speech contemptible,”)-—let such words, which it is not lawful for man
an one think this, that such as we are to utter.
in word by letters when we are absent, First Responsory.
such will we be also in deed when we 1I will praise Thee, O Lord my
are present. For we dare not make God, with all my heart, and I will
ourselves of the number, or compare glorify Thy Name for evermore. For
ourselves with some that commend great is Thy mercy toward me.
themselves, but measuring ourselves Verse. 2Thou art my God, and!
by ourselves, and comparing ourselves will praise Thee: Thou art my God,
to ourselves. and I will exalt Thee.
Answer. For great is Thy mercy
Third Responsorjy.
toward me.
My lips shall be fain when I sing
unto Thee; and my soul, which Second Lesson.
Thou, O Lord, hast redeemed. OF such an one will I glory: yet
Verse. My tongue shall also talk of myself I will not glory, but
of Thy righteousness, all the day long in mine infirmities. For though I
of Thy praise. would desire to glory, I shall not be a
Answer. And my soul, which fool: for I will say the truth: but I
Thou, O Lord, hast redeemed. forbear, lest any man should think of
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and me above that which he seeth me to
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. be, or that he heareth of me. And
Answer. And my soul, which lest I should be exalted above meas
Thou, O Lord, hast redeemed. ure through the abundance of the
revelations, there was given to me a
, a7 thorn in the flesh, the messenger of
Satan to buffet me. For this thing I
Sixth Day.
besought the Lord thrice, that it
MATTINS. might depart from me, and He said
First Lesson.
unto me: My grace is sufficient for
thee: for My power is made perfect
The Lesson is taken from the Second in weakness.
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
to the Corinthians (xii. 1.) Second Responsory.
IF it behoveth me to glory (but it is Great, 0 Lord, is Thy mercy to
not expedient) yet I will come to ward me. And Thou hast delivered
visions and revelations of the Lord. my soul from the lowest hell.
1 Ps. lxxxv. 12, 13. ‘-’ Ps. cXVii. 28.

Verse. In the day of my trouble I every word be established. l told

called upon thee, for Thou hast heard you before, and foretell you, as pres
me. ent, and now as absent, to them
Answer. And Thou hast deliv which heretofore have sinned, and to
ered my soul from the lowest hell. all other, that, if I come again, I will
not spare. Seek ye a proof of Christ
Third Lesson. speaking in me, Which to you-ward is
not weak, but is mighty in you? For
MOST gladly therefore will I rather though He was crucified through
glory in mine infirmities, that
weakness ; yet He liveth by the power
the power of Christ may rest upon me.
of God. For we also are weak in
Therefore I take pleasure in mine infir
Him, but we shall live with Him by
mities, in reproaches, in necessities,
the power of God toward you.
in persecutions, in distresses for
Christ’s sake. For when I am weak,
then am I strong—I am become a First Responsory.
fool; ye have compelled me. For I Cut me not off, &c., (p. 377.)
ought to have been commended of
you: for in nothing am I behind the
very chiefest Apostles, though I be Second Lesson.
nothing. EXAMINE yourselves whether ye
be in the faith: prove your
Third Responsory. selves. Know ye not your own selves,
1The LORD is my refuge. how that JESUS Christ is in you? ex
my God is the stay of my trust. cept ye be reprobates. But I trust ye
shall know that we are not reprobates.
Verse. 2 He delivered me from the
strongest of mine enemies, and the Now I pray God that ye do no evil;
LORD was my stay.
not that we should appear approved,
Answer. And my God is the stay but that ye should do that which is
right: though we be as reprobates.
of my trust.
For we can do nothing against the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
truth, but for the truth. For we are
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. And my God is the stay glad that we are weak, and ye are
of my trust. strong. This also we pray for, even
your perfection.

gaturbag. 15 Second Responsory.

The Sabbath. My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
Third Lesson.
First Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Second THEREFORE I write these things
being absent, lest, being present,
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
I should use sharpness, according to
to the Corinthians (xiii. I.)
the power which the Lord hath given
BEHOLD, this is the third time I me to edification, and not to destruc
am coming to you. In the tion. Finally, brethren, farewell. Be
mouth of two or three witnesses shall perfect ; be of good comfort ; be of one
1 Ps. xciii. 22. 2 Ps. xvii. r8.

mind; live in peace, and the God of Father, to Whom be glory for ever
peace and love shall be with you. and ever. Amen.
Greet one another with an holy kiss.
All the saints salute you. The grace First Responsory.
of our Lord JESUS Christ, and the love
of God, and the communion of the Holy 3 O LORD, rebuke me not in Thine
Ghost be with you all. Amen. anger, neither chasten me in Thine hot
LORD, for I am Have
mercy upon me,

Third Responsory. Verse. 4 Fearfulness and trembling

are come upon me, and darkness hath
Unto Thee, O my Strength, &c.,
overwhelmed me.
(11 378-) ‘ Answer. Have mercy upon me, O
VESPERS. LORD, for I am weak.

The Prayer is taken from the Lands Second Lesson.

of the succeeding Sunday.
I MARVEL that ye are so soon re
moved from him that called you
into the grace of Christ, unto another
Gospel: which is not another; unless
@IIJirII Sunhag after the there be some that trouble you, and
would pervert the Gospel of Christ.
Epiphany. But though we, or an angel from
The Third Lord’s Day after the heaven, preach any other Gospel unto
Epiphany.1 you than that which we have preached

2? unto you, let him be anathema. As
we said before, so say I now again: If
any man preach any other Gospel unto
you than that ye have received, let him
First Lesson. be anathema. For do I now persuade
men or God? Or do I seek to please
Here beginneth the 2Epistle of the men? If I yet pleased men, I should
Blessed Apostle Paul to the Galatians not be the servant of Christ.
(i. 1.)
Second Responsory.
PAUL, an Apostle (not of men,
neither by man, but by JESUS 5 O God, Which satest in the throne
Christ, and God the Father, Who judging right, be Thou a refuge for the
raised Him from the dead) and all the poor, a refuge in times of trouble.
brethren which are with me, unto the For Thou alone beholdest mischief and
Churches of Galatia. Grace be to you, spite.
and peace, from God the Father, and Verse. The poor leaveth himself
from our Lord JESUS Christ, Who gave unto Thee; Thou wilt be the helper of
Himself for our sins, that He might the fatherless.
deliver us from this present evil world, Answer. For Thou alone beholdest
according to the will of our God, and mischief and spite.
1 The comparatively recent Feast of the Holy Home—Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—for this day,
kept in the dioceses of Westminster, Hexham, and Salford. will be found in the Appendix.
“ Abp. Kenrick says, “ It was written probably about the year 54 of Christ."
3 Ps. vi. 2, 3. ,4 Ps. liv. 6. _ 5 Ps. ix.5; x. 14.
VOL. I. N 2

Third Lesson. bended :that great benefit of grace,

and desiring still 'to be bound 'with
FOR I certify you, brethren, that the burdens-0f the law-fiburdens which the
Gospel which waspreached of me Lord God had 'laid, not upon such as
is not after man : for I neither received serve righteousness, but upon such as
it of man, neither was I taught it, but serve .sin,%laying, that is to say, vupon Ithe
by the revelation of JESUSChrist. 'For unrighteous *a righteous 'law, whereby
ye have 'heard of lmyconversation in
their unrighteousness was made mani
times past in the Jews’ religion, how fest, not taken away. For there is not
that beyondmeasure I persecuted the anything which taketh away sin, save
Church of God, and wasted it, and pro only thegraoe of faith which worketh
fited in the Jews’ religion above many by love.
mine equals in mine own nation,
being more exceedingly jealous of the Fourth Responsory.
traditions of my fathers.
‘2 O Lord, Thou hast shown me
the path of life. Thou shalt ‘fill me
Third Rewansory.
with joy in Thy presence, at Thy
1The Lord is at my right hand, I right hand there are pleasures for
shall never .be moved. Therefore my evermore.
heart is glad, and my tongue rejoiceth. ' Verse. Thou .art He That shalt
Verse. The LORD is the portion of restore mine inheritance unto me.
mine inheritance, and of my cup. Answer. Thou shalt fill me with joy
Answer. Therefore my heart is in Thy presence, at Thy right hand
glad, and my ,tongue rejoiceth. there are pleasures for .evermore.
Verse. Glory be ,to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Therefore my heart is Fg'fth Lesson.
glad, and my tongue rejoiceth. HESE» men of the circumcision
would have the Galatians, who
were under grace, to be under the
burdens of the law, persuading them
, Fourth Lesson. that the Gospel profited them nothing,
unless they should be circumcised,
The Lesson is taken from the Exposi and take on them the other outward
tion of the Epistle to the Galatians Observances of the Jews’ religion.
by St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo] Whence .the Galatians began .to have
(Preface, Bk. .iv...) doubts iof ithe Apostle Paul, by whom
reason of the Apostle’s writing the Gospel hadibeen preached’to them,
' to the Galatians was this: that asone 'that'held not the doctrine of the
they might understand that the grace other Apostles, who compelled the
of God had worked in them that they Gentiles :to come under the law.
were no longer under the law. For
when the grace of the Gospel was Fifjh Responsory.
preached to them, there had not been
wanting to them some of them of the '31 will love Thee, O LORD, my
circumcision, Christian's indeed in strength; the LORD is my rock, and
name, but who ‘had 'not yet appre my fortress.
1 Ps. xv.\9, 5. 2 Ps. xv. 10,- 5. 3 Ps. xvii. 2.
Verse. My Deliverer, my God, mine THIRD NOCTURN.
Answer. And my fortress. Seventh Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy

Sixtll Lessan. ,Gospel according to Matthew
(viii. I.)
THE same question is discussed
in the Epistle to the Romans, AT that time: When Jesus was
but .with this difference: in that case ' come down from the moun
the Apostle putteth an end to the tain, great multitudes followed Him:
discussion, and stilleth the strife and, behold, there came _a leper
which had arisen between the Jewish and worshipped Him And ,so
and .the .Gentile converts, in con on.
sequence 9f the Jews~ holding that
they had earned the knowledge .Of Homily by St Jerome, ,Priest Lat
the ,Gospel as a reward for their Bethlehem] (Bk. i. Comm. 0;: Mann.
observance .of the law, and grudg viii.)
ing the .Same knowledge to the un
circumcised, as to men who had When the Lord was come down
done nothing to deserve .it,; and from the mountain, great multitudes
the Gentiles, on the contrary, main followed Him. They were not able
taining that they were superior to to follow Him when He went up.
the Jews, in that they were 11.0t And first there came a leper. .Tliis
the murderers of the Lord. New, P001” creature’s disease had Prevented
in this Epistle to .the Galatians, the him from hearing the .Savjours long
Atlitofitltt addresseth .himself vto those sermon on the Mount. Let it be
who .were ‘troubled by the authority noted that he is the first .person
claimed by them who were of the specially named as being healed.
circumcision, and sought to bring .The second was the 'Qenturiqn’s ser
into subjection to the law them who vant; the third vwas Peter’s wife’s
were of the uncircumcision. mqther, who was sick of 3 (ever .at
Capemaum; the fourth were they
who were brought unto Christ ,as
Sz'xt/z Responsory. being troubled with evil spirits, from
whom He by His word cast out the
1 The earth is the LORD’S, and .~th_e evil spirits, at the same time that
fulness thereof—the world, and they He healed all that were sick.
that dwell therein.
Verse. For He hath founded it
upon'the seas, and established it Upon Sevent/z Responsory.
the deeds.
Answer. The world, and theythat 2Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up
dwell therein. my soul. 0 my God, I trust in They,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, let me not be ashamed.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Verse. 0 keep my soul and deliver
Ghost. me.
Answer. The world, and they that Answer. 0 my God, I trust in
dwell therein. Thee, let me not be ashamed.
1 Ps. xxiii. I, 2. 2 Ps. xxiv. 1, 2, 20.

v Eighth Lesson. and to the Son, and to the Holy

“AND, behold, there came a leper, Answer. The whole earth is full
and worshipped Him, saying: of His glory.
—-” Properly after preaching and
doctrine cometh occasion for a sign,
Ninth Lesson.
that the power of the miracle might
confirm in the hearers the truth of “AND JESUS saith unto him: See
the teaching that had gone before. thou tell no man.” What
“Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst need was there to tell what his body
make me clean.” He that prayeth showed P
the Lord to have the will, doubteth “But go thy way, show thyself to
not but that He hath the power. the Priest.” There were divers reasons
“And JESUS put forth His hand, why Christ should send him to the
and touched him, saying: I will ; be Priest. First, for humility’s sake, that
thou clean.” As soon as the Lord He might show reverence to God’s
put forth His Hand the leprosy de Priest. Then there was a command
parted. Let us remark how lowly in the law that they that were cleansed
and unbragging is the Lord’s lan of leprosy should make an offering to
guage. The leper had said, “ If the Priests. Moreover, that, when
Thou wilt;” the Lord answereth, “I the Priests saw the leper cleansed,
will.” The leper, “Thou canst make they might either believe in the Saviour,
me clean,”—the Lord, “Be thou or refuse to believe; if they believed,
clean.” Most Latin readers, misled that they might be saved, and, if they
by the identity of form in that believed not, that they might have no
language between the Present Infini excuse. Lastly, that He might give
tive Active and the Second Person no ground for the accusation that was
Singular Present Imperative Passive so often brought against Him, that He
of the Verb, read Christ’s answer as was unobservant of the law.
if it were, “I will to make thee clean.”
This is wrong. The sentences are The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
separate. First cometh the expres God, &c.,” is said.
sion of volition, “I will,” then the
command, “Be thou clean.” LAUDS.

Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.

Eighth Resfionsory. When JESUS was come down from
the mountain, * behold, there came
1 One Seraph cried unto another-— a leper, and worshipped Him, saying :
Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD God Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make
of hosts: the whole earth is full of me clean. And JESUS put forth His
His glory, Hand, and touched him, saying: I
Verse. 2 There are Three That will; be thou clean.
bear record in heaven, the Father,
the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and Prayer throughout the day and week.
these Three are One.
Answer. Holy, Holy, Holy is the ALMIGHTY and everlasting God,
LORD God of hosts :— mercifully look upon our infirm
Verse. Glory be to the Father, ities, and in all our dangers and neces
1 lsa. vi. 3. 9 1 John v. 7.
sities stretch forth the right hand of First Responsory.
Thy Majesty to help and defend us.
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy 0 how great, &c., (p. 375.)
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
Second Lesson.
One God, world without end. Amen.
KNOW ye therefore, that they
which are of faith, the same
VESPERS. are the children of Abraham. And
the Scripture, foreseeing that God
Antzjohon at the Song of the Blessed
would justify the heathen through
Virgin. Lord, if Thou wilt, * Thou
faith, told before unto Abraham: “In
canst make me clean: and JESUS
thee shall all nations be blessed.”2
saith to him: I will; be thou clean.
So then, they which be of faith shall
be blessed with faithful Abraham. For
as many as are of the works of the
Qllonbag. 3,, law, are under the curse. For it is
written: “Cursed is every one that
Seeond Day. continueth not in all things which are
written in the book of the law, to do
MATTINS. them.”3
First Lesson.
Second Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the O God, &c., (p. 375.)
Galatians (iii. 1.)
O FOOLISH Galatians, who hath Third Lesson.
bewitched you, that ye should
not obey the truth, before whose eyes BUT that no man is justified by the
JESUS Christ hath been evidently set law in the sight of God is evi
forth, crucified among you? This dent, for “the just liveth by faith.”4
only would I learn of you: Received And the law is not of faith ; but “the
ye the Spirit by the works of the man that doeth them shall live in
law, or by the hearing of faith? them.”5 Christ hath redeemed us
Are ye so foolish, that, having be from the curse of the law, being
gun in the Spirit, ye are now made made a curse for us; (for it is
perfect by the flesh? Have ye written: “Cursed is every one that
sufi'ered so many things in vain? hangeth on a tree : ”)6 that the bless
if it be yet in vain. He therefore ing of Abraham might come upon
that ministereth to you the Spirit, the Gentiles through JESUS Christ,
and worketh miracles among you, that we might receive the promise
doeth He it by the works of the of the Spirit through faith.
law, or by the hearing of faith? As
it is written : “ Abraham believed God, Third Resfionsory.
and it was accounted to him for
righteousness. ” 1 I will bless, &c., (15. 376.)
l Gen. xv. 6. 2 Gen. xii. 3. 3 Deut. xxvii. 26.
4 Hab. ii. 4. 5 Lev. xviii. 5. 6 Dent. xxi. a3.

' @ueabag. ’5‘ ' Thir'd Lesson.

Third Day; AND I, brethren, if I yet preach

' circumcision, why do I yet sufler
MATTINS. persecution P Then is the offence of
the Cross ceased. I would they were
First Lesson. even cut off which trouble you. For,
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle brethren, ye have been called unto
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the liberty: only use not liberty for an
occasion to the flesh, but by love serve
Galatians (v. r.)
one- another. For all the law is ful
STAND fast, and be not entangled. filled in one word: “Thou shalt love
again with the yoke of bondage. thy neighbour as thyself.” 1‘ Butif ye
Behold I, Paul,'say unto you, that, if bite and devour one another, take heed
ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit that ye be not consumed one of an
you nothing. For I testify again to other. I say then: Walk in the
every man that circumciseth himself, Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust
that he is a debtor to do the whole law. of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth
Christ is become of no effect unto you, against the Spirit, and the Spirit
whosoever of you are justified by the against the flesh: for these are con
law: ye are fallen from grace. For trary the one to the other, so that ye ,
we in spirit by faith wait for the hope do not the things that ye would.
of righteousness.
Third Responsory.
First Responsory.
I said, &c., (p. 377-)
O God, give ear, &c., (p. 376.)

Second Lesson.
@ebueabag. I
Fourth Day. 9' r I,
FOR in Christ JESUS neither cir
cumcision availeth anything, nor MATTINS.
uncircumcision; but faith which- work
eth by love. Ye did run well: who First Lesson.
did hinder you, that ye should not Here beginneth the 2Epistle of the
obey the truth? This persuas'on Blessed Apostle Paul to the Ephe
cemeth not of Him That calleth you. sians (i. 1.)
A\ little leaven leaveneth the whole
lump. I have confidence in you in PAUL, an Apostle of JESUS Christ,
the Lord, that ye will be none other by the will of God, to all the
wise rninded. But he that! troubleth Saints which are at Ephesus, and to
you shall bear his judgment, whoso the faithful in Christ JESUS. Gr'ace
ever he be. be to you, and peace, from God Our
Father, and from the Lord JESUS
Seeond Responsory.
Christ. Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord JESUS Christ,
The Lord hath set, &c., (,1). 376.) Who hath blessed us with all spiritual
1 Lev. xix. 18.
9 Abp. Kenrick says, “ This letter was written about the year 62, when the Apostle was, the
first time, a prisoner at Rome."
blessings in heavenly placesv in Christ, ye were. sealed: with the. Holy Spirit. of
according as He hath chosen on in promise,.Which is the: earnest of our
Him before the foundation of the inheritance; until the: redemption of
world, that we should be holy and the purchased possession, unto the
without blame before Him in love. praise of His glory.

Firsf Responsory. Third Responsory.

Cut me not ofi', &c., (p. 377.) Unto Thee, &c., (p. 378.)

Second Lesson.
HO hath foreordained us unto 9d ’
the adoption of children by Fifth Day.
JESUS Christ to Himself, according to MATTINS.
the good pleasure of His will, to the
praise of the glory of His grace, First Lesson.
wherein He hath made us acceptable
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
in His beloved Son. In Whom we of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
have redemption through His Blood, Ephesians (iv. 1.)
the forgiveness of sins, according to
the riches of His grace, wherein He I THEREFORE, the prisoner in the
hath abounded‘ toward us in all' wis Lord, beseech you- that ye walk
dom and prudence: that He might worthy' of the calling wherewith- ye are
make known unto us the mystery of called, with all lowliness and meek
His' will, according to His good~ pleas ness, with long-sufl'ering, forbearing
ure, which He hath purposed‘ in Him one another in love, giving diligence
Self', to gather together in one all to keep the unity of the Spirit in the
things in Christ, both which are in bond of peace. There is“ one’ body
heaven, and which are on earth, in and one Spirit, even as ye are called
Him, in the dispensation of the fulness in one hope of your calling; one
of times. Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God
and Father of all, Who is above all,
Second Responsory.
and through all, and in us all.
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
First Resjonsory.
Third Lesson.
In Thee, O God, &c.,(fi. 378.)
3N» Whom we also have been called
to have part, being predestinated Seoond' Lesson.
according to the purpose of Him Who
worketh all things after the counsel of BUT unto every one of us is given
His own will, that we should be to the . according to the _measure of the
praise of His glory, who have first gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith:
trusted in Christ. ~ In Whom ye also “When He ascended up on high, He
trusted, after that ye heard. the word led captivity captive, and gave gifts
of truth, (the Gospel of your salvation,,) unto men.”1 Now that He ascended,
in. Whom also, after that ye believed, what is it. but that He also descended
1 Pk. lxvii‘. 119%

'first into the lower parts of the earth? given Himself for us, an offering and
He That descended is the Same also a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling
That ascended up far above all heavens, savour. But fornication, and all un
that He might fill all things. cleanness or covetousness, let it not be
even named among you, as becometh
Second Responsory. Saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish
talking, or jesting, which are not be
Let my mouth, &c., (15. 378.) fitting, but' rather, giving of thanks.

. Third Lesson. First Responsory.

AND He gave some, Apostles ; and
I will praise, &c., (p. 379.)
some, Prophets ; and some,
Evangelists; and some, Pastors and
Teachers, for the perfecting of the Second Lesson.
Saints, for the~ work of the ministry,
for the building up of the body of FOR know ye and understand this ;
Christ: till we all come into the unity that no whoremonger, nor un
of the faith, and of the knowledge of clean person, nor covetous man, who
the Son of God, unto a perfect man, is an idolater, hath any inheritance in
unto the measure of the stature of the the kingdom of Christ and of God.
fulness of Christ: that we henceforth Let no man deceive you with empty
be no more children, tossed to and fro, words: for because of these things
and carried about with every wind of cometh the wrath of God upon the
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and children of disobedience. Be not ye
craftiness, after the wiles of error therefore partakers with them. For ye
whereby they lie in wait to deceive. were sometime darkness, but now are
But, speaking the truth in love, may ye light in the Lord. Walk as chil
we grow up into Him in all things dren of light.
Which is the Head, even Christ.
Second Responsory.
Third Responsory.
Great, 0 Lord, &c., (p. 379.)
My lips, &c. (t- 379-)
Third Lesson.
firing. FOR the fruit of light is in all good
Sixth Day. ness, and righteousness, and
truth; proving what is acceptable
MATTINS. unto the Lord. And have no fellow
ship with the unfruitful works of dark-7
First Lesson.
ness, but rather reprove them. For
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle it is a shame even to speak of those
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the things which are done of them in
Ephesians (v. I.) secret. .But all things that are re~
proved are made manifest by the
BE ye therefore followers of God, as light: for whatsoever doth make
dear children, and walk in love ; manifest is light. Wherefore he
as Christ also hath loved us, and hath saith: “Awake, thou that sleepest,
and arise from the dead, and Christ doing the will of God from the heart,
shall shine upon thee.” 1 with good will doing service as to the
Lord, and not to men: knowing that.
whatsoever good thing any man doeth,
Third Responsory.
the same shall he receive of the Lord,
The LORD is, &c., (p. 380.) whether he be bond or free. And,
ye masters, do the same things unto
them, forbearing threatening; know~
ing that both their and your Master is
éaturbag. in heaven, neither is there respect of
Tlze Sabbaflz. persons with Him.

Seeond Responsory.
Fz'rst Lesson.
My heart is ready, &c., (,6. 377.)
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Ephesians (vi. 1.) TIzz'rd Lesson.

HILDREN, obey your parents in FINALLY, my brethren, be strong

the Lord; for this is right. in the Lord, and in the power
“Honour thy father and thy mother,” of His might. Put on the whole ar
which is the first commandment with mour of God, that ye may be able to
promise, “that it may be well with stand against the wiles of the devil.
thee, and thou mayest live long on For we wrestle not against flesh and
the earth.”2 And, ye fathers, pro blood, but against principalities and
voke not your children to wrath, but powers, against the rulers of the dark
bring them up in the nurture and ness of this world, against spiritual
admonition of the Lord. wickedness in high places. Where
fore take unto you the whole armour
of God, that ye may be able to with
First Responsory. stand in the evil day, and, having
done all, to stand.
Cut me not 05, &c., (p. 377.)

Tlzz'rd Responsory.
Second Lesson.
Unto Thee, O my Strength, &c.,
SERVANTS, be obedient to them
that are your masters according (fi- 378-)
to the flesh, with fear and trembling, VESPERS.
in singleness of your heart, as unto
Christ; not with eye-service, as men The Prayer is laken from the Lauds
pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, 0/ the succeeding Sunday.
1 The late Dr Neale believed this to be a quotation from an ancient Christian hymn.
2 Exod. xx. 12; Deuteron. v. 16.

.iFuu-rth Sunhag after the. Second Lesson.

Epiphany. FOR God is my witness, how greatly

I long after you all in the bowels
The Fourth Lord’s Day after the of JESUS Christ. And this I pray,
Epiphany. that your love may abound yet more
and more in knowledge and in all
MATTINS. judgment: that ye may approve things
that are excellent, that ye may be sin
FIRST NOCTURN. cere and without otthnce till the day
of Christ, being filled with the fruits
First Lesson. of righteousness which are by JESUS
Christ, unto the glory and praise of
Here beginneth the 1Epistle of the God. But I would ye should under
Blessed Apostle Paul to the Philip stand, brethren, that the things which
pians (i. 1.) happen unto me have fallen out rather
unto, the furtherance of the Gospel;
PAUL and Timothy, the servants of so that my bonds in Christ are
JESUS Christ, to all the saints in manifest in all the court and in
Christ JESUS which are at Philippi, all other places, and many of the
with the Bishops and Deacons. Grace brethren; in the Lord, waxing con
be unto you and peace, from God our fident by my‘ bonds, are much more
Father, and from the Lord JESUS hold to speak the word of God
Christ. I thank my God upon every without that.
remembrance of you, always in every
prayer of mine for you all making re:
quest with for your fellowship in Second Resyfionsory.
the‘ Gospel of Christ, from the first
day until now. Being confident of 0 God, Which satest, &c., (p. 381.);
this very thing, that He Which hath
begun a good work in you will per
form it until the day of JESUS Christ. Third Lesson.
Even as it is meet for me to think
this of you all, because I have you in SOME indeed preach Christ even
mine heart, inasmuch as both in my of envy and strife; and some
bonds, and in the defence and confir also of goodwill ; some of love, know
mation of the Gospel, ye all are par ing that I am set for the defence of
takers of my joy. the Gospel, and some preach Christ
of contention, not sincerely, supposing
to add affliction to my bonds. What
First_ Responsory. then? While Christ is preached any
way, whether in pretence or in truth,
._ O LORD, rebuke me not, &c., (p. I therein will rejoice, yea, and do
381.) rejoice.
1 Abp. Kenrick says, “ The faithful of Philippi cherished at all times a tender affection for [St
Paul], -and cheerfully contributed to his wants, especially when he was a prisoner at Rome,
whither they sent their offerings by the hands of Epaphrodltus, who was probably their Bishop.
Paul showed his confidence and tender regard for them by accepting their contributions, which
he also gratefully acknowledged in this epistle. . . . The letter was written in the year 62, and
forwarded by Epaphroditus. It is believed to have been one of the last written during the
first imprisonment of the Apostle at Rome, as it indicates confidence that he would soon be
set at liberty.’

Third Responsory. willed or not, he became subject to the

state of change and compnon. But
The Lord is at my right hand, &c., “the -Creature itself also shall be
(e- 382-) delivered from the bondage of corrup
ti'on” when it shall rise again incor
SECOND NOCTURN. ruptible and be made partaker‘ of the
glory of the children of God.
Fourth Lesson.
The LeSSon is taken From- the Book Fifth Responsory.
of Moral [Reflections on Job] writ
ten by Pope St Gregory [the I will love Thee, &c., (p. 382.) 3
Great.] (iv. 30.)
WE refresh the body lest it should Sixth Lesson»
grow too weak and fail us ; we ’ I ERE, then,to the elect being
are still
chasten it by abstinence, lest it should subject sorrow, yet
wax gross, and become lord over us; bound by the sentence of corruption;
we strengthen it with exercise, lest it but when we shall have put of? this
perish by the not using; and straight corruptible we shall be loosed from
way we give it rest, lest it faint through that sentence, and shall sorrow no
weariness ; we succour it with raiment, more. For though we earnestly desire
lest the cold should blight it ; and we to appear before God, we are still hin
strip it of the raiment wherewith we dered by the burden of this dying body.
have clothed it, lest the heat should Rightly then are we called prisoners,
afilict it. In all these so many offices since we are not free to go whither we
what do we but serve the corruptible ? will, that is to say, to God; and
Upon what is all this care spent but rightly did the prisoner Paul, yearning
upon that wherover hangeth the doom after the things which are eternal, and
of weakness and change? still weighed down with the burden of
this corruptible, rightly did he cry out:
Fourth Responsory. “ I have a desire to depart and to be
with Christ.” (Phil. i. 23.) He would
O Lord, Thou hast shown me, &c.,
not. have felt this keenness if he had
(p. 382.) not felt himself bound down.
Fifth Lesson.
ELL therefore saith Paul: “For Sixth Responsory.
the creature was made subject
to vanity, not willingly, but by reason The earth, &c., (p. 383...), -
'of Him Who hath subjected the same
in hope: because the creature itself THIRD NOCTURN.
also» shali' be delivered from the
bondage of corruption into the glorious .Smnth Lesson.
liberty‘of the children of God.” (Rom.
The Lesson is taken from, the Holy
viii. -2o.) “The creature was made
Gospel according to Matthew (viii.
subject to vanity, not willingly”—'for
whenl man had of his own free will 2 ' . .

abdicated his state of unc'hangeable T that time: When JESUS was

blessednes‘s, the just sentence of death entered into a ship, His disciples
was passed upon him, and whether he followed Him ; and, behold, there arose

a great tempest in the sea, insomuch Eighth Responsory.

that the ship was covered by the waves :
but He was asleep. And so on. One Seraph cried, &c., (17. 384.)

Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at

Bethlehem.] (Bk. i. Comm. on Matth. Ninth Lesson.
“ BUT the men marvelled, saying:
The fifth sign that He did was What manner of man is this,
when He took ship at Capemaum, that even the winds and the sea obey
and commanded the winds and the Him P ” It was not His disciples that
sea: the sixth, when, in the country marvelled, but the sailors, and the
of the Gergesenes, He suffered the others that were in the ship. If,
devils to enter into the swine: the however, any one willeth to with
seventh, when, as He came into His stand this our interpretation and to
own city, He cured the man sick of maintain that it was the disciples
who marvelled, we are ready tov
the palsy lying on a bed. The first
man sick of the palsy that He cured answer them that they who knew
was the centurion’s servant. not before the power of the Saviour
deserve to be stripped of the title of
disciples, and to be called simply
Seventh Responsory. “the men.” .

Unto Thee, O LORD, &c., (p. 383.) The ilymn, “We praise Thee, O
God,” &c., is said.
Eighth Lesson.
“ BUT He was asleep; and His
disciples came to Him, and
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
awoke Him, saying: Lord, save us.”
When JESUS was entered into a ship, *
There is a type of this in the history of
there arose a great tempest in the sea:
Jonah, who, when the storm arose, was
and His disciples awoke Him, saying:
lying fast asleep, and whom the sailors
Lord, Save us: we perish.
woke to help them ; who also saved the
sailors by commanding them to throw
him into the sea, the said casting of Prayer throughout the day and week.
him into the sea, being, as we know, a
figure of Christ’s Passion. GOD, Who knowest us to be set
“Then He arose and rebuked the in the midst of so many and
winds and the sea.” From these great dangers, that, by reason of the
words we understand that all things, frailty of our nature, we cannot always
which have been made, are sentient to stand upright; grant to us such health
their Maker. All things which He of mind and body, that by Thy strength
rebuketh or commandeth, hear His and protection we may overcome all
voice. This is not the error of the evils, whereby for our sins we are
heretics who will have it that every justly afflicted. Through our Lord
thing is quick, but part of the majesty JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
of the Creator, Who maketh to feel reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the
Him things which we cannot make to Holy Ghost, One God, world without
feel us. end. Amen.
VESPERS. keep your hearts and minds in
Christ JESUS.
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. Lord, Save us: * we perish:
give the word, 0 God, and let there be Second Responsory.
a great calm ! O God, &c., (p. 375.)

Qnonbag. Third Lesson.

Second Day. F INALLY, brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever things
First Lesson. are just, whatsoever things are holy,
whatsoever things are lovely, what
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle soever things are of good report, if
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the there be any virtue, and if there
Philippians (iv. I.) be any praise of obedience, think
THEREFORE, my brethren dearly on these things. Those things which
beloved and longed for, my joy ye have both learned, and received,
and my crown; so stand fast in the and heard, and seen in me, do, and
Lord, my dearly beloved. I beseech the God of peace shall be with you.
Euodia and entreat Syntyché, that But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly,
they be of the same mind in the Lord. that now at the last your care of me
And I entreat thee also, true yoke hath flourished again, wherein ye
fellow,1 help those women which were also careful: but ye lacked
laboured with me in the Gospel, with opportunity.
Clement? also, and with other my
fellow-labourers, whose names are in Third Responsory.
the book of life.
I will bless, &c., (15. 376.)

First Responsory.
0 how great, &c., (p. 375.)
Third Day.

Second Lesson. MATTINS.

REJOICE in the Lord alway: again First Lesson.

I say, Rejoice. Let your moder Here beginneth the Epistle of V the
ation be known unto all men: for the Blessed Apostle Paul to the 3 Colos
Lord is at hand. Be careful for sians (i. 1.)
nothing; but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with thanksgiving, PAUL, an Apostle of JESUS Christ,
let your requests be made known by the will of God, and Timothy
unto God. And may the peace of our brother, to the saints and faithful
God, which passeth all understanding, brethren in Christ JESUS, which are
'1 A very common opinion is that this is the Bishop, the bearer of the letter.
2 Afterwards Pope. Nov. 23.
3 Abp. Kenrick says: “The letter was written during the imprisonment of the Apostle at
Rome, about the year 62."

at Colossae. Grace be unto you and Third lesson.

peace from God our Father, and from
the Lord JESUS Christ. We give WHO hath delivered us from the
thanks to God and the Father of our power of darkness, and bath
Lord JESUS Christ, praying always for translated us into the kingdom of His
you, since we heard of your faith in dear Son, in Whom we have redemp
Christ JESUS, and of the love which tion through His Blood, even the
ye have to all the Saints, for the hope forgiveness of sins: Who is the image
' which is laid up for you in heaven, of the invisible God, the First-born
whereof ye heard before in the word of every creature; for by Him were
of the truth of the Gospel, which is all things created, that are in heaven,
come unto you, as it is in all the and that are in earth, visible and
world, and bringeth forth fruit, and invisible, whether they be Thrones,
waxeth strong, .as it doth also in you, or Dominions, 0r Principalities, or‘
since .the day ye heard of it, and knew Powers; all things were created by
the grace of God in truth; as ye Him, and in Him, and He is before
all, and in Him all things consist.
also heard of Epaphras our dear
And He is the Head Of the body of
fellow-servant,1 who is for you a
the .Church; Who is the Beginning,
faithful minister .of Christ Jesus;
the .Firskborn .from the dead.
who also declared: unto us your
love in the Spirit.
Third Responsory.
First Responsory. said) &c‘)

.O God, give ear, &c., (p. .376.)

Second Lesson. Fourth Day.
FOR this cause we also, since the MATTI NS.
day we heard it, do not cease
to pray for you, and to desire that ye First Lesson.
may be filled with the knowledge of
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
His will, in all wisdom and spiritual
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
understanding; that ye may walk
Colossians (iii. 12.)
worthy of God, in all pleasing, being
fruitful in every good work, and in PUT on, therefore, as the elect of
creasing in the knowledge of God; God, holy and beloved, bowels
strengthened with all might, accord of mercy, kindness, humbleness, meek
ingr to His glorious power, in all ness, long-suffering: ‘forbearing one
patience and long-suffering, giving another, and forgiving one another,
thanks with joyfulness unto the if any man have a quarrel against
Father, Which hath made us meet any ; .even as the Lord hath forgiven
to be partakers of the inheritance of you, so also do ye. And above all
the Saints in .light. these things put on charity, which is
the bond of perfectness; and let the
peace of Christ rule -in your hearts,
Second Responsory.
to the which also ye are called in one
The Lord hath set, &c., (17. 376.) body; and be ye thankful.
I Probably their Bishop, (and first Apostle.)
First Responsory. tinue in prayer, and watch in the same
with thanksgiving.
Cut me not 03', &c., (p. 377.)

Tlu'rd Resfiomory.
Second Lemon.

ET the word of Christ dwell in Unto Thee, &c., (p. 378.)

you richly, in all wisdom, teach
ing and admonishing one another in
psalms, and hymns, and spiritual
songs, singing with grace in your Fifi/L Day.
hearts to the Lord. Whatsoever ye do
in word or deed, do all in the Name MATTINS.
of the .Lord JESUS Christ, giving First Lesson.
thanks to God and the ,Father by
Him. Wives submit yourselves .unto Here beginneth the 1First Epistle of
your own husbands, as it .is 'fit in the Blessed Apostle .Paul to the
the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, Thessalonians (i. 1.)
and .be not hitter against them.
Children, obey your parents in .all PAUL, and Silvanus, and Timothy,
things: .for this is -well pleasing unto unto the Church of the Thes
the Lord. Fathers, lprovoke -not your salonians, which is in God the Father,
children to anger, Jest they be dis and in the Lord JESUS Christ. Grace
couraged. be unto you and peace. We give
thanks to God always for you all,
making mention of you in our prayers
Second Responsory. without ceasing, rememberingithe work
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.) of your faith, and labour, and love,
and patience of hope in our Lord
JESUS Christ, in the sight of God and
Tln'rd Lesson. our Father : knowing, brethren beloved
ERVANTS, obey in all things of God, your election ; for our Gospel
your masters according to the came not unto you in word only, but
flesh, not with eye-service, as men also in power, and in the Holy Ghost,
pleasers, but in singleness of heart, and in much fulness, as ye know what
fearing God. Whatsoever ye do, do manner of men we were among you
it heartily, as to the Lord, and not for your sake.
unto men, knowing .that of the Lord
ye shall receive the reward of ,the First Responsory.
inheritance. Serve the Lord Christ.
For he that doeth wrorg shall re In Thee, O God, &c., (p. 378.)
ceive for the wrong which .he hath
done: and there is no respect of Second Lesson.
persons with-.God. (iv. 1.) Masters,
give unto your servants that which AND ye became followers of us,
is just and equal, knowing that ye and of the Lord, receiving the
also have a Master in heaven. Con word in much affliction, with joy of
1 Abp. -Kenrick says: “This letter is believed to be the first of [St Paul's] epistles. It
is ascribed to the close of the year 5:, or the beginning of 52; though some date it as late
as the year 54."

the Holy Ghost, so that ye were fishy.

ensamples to all that believe in Mace
donia and Achaia. For from you Sixth Day.
sounded out the word of the Lord,
not only in Macedonia and Achaia, MATTI NS.
but also in every place your faith Fin! Lesson.
to God-ward is spread abroad, so
that we need not to speak any The Lesson is taken from the First
thing. For they themselves show Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
-of us what manner of entering in to the Thessalonians (iv. 1.)
we had unto you; and how ye
turned to God from idols, to serve URTHERMORE, then, we be
the living and true God, and to wait seech you, brethren, and exhort
for His Son from heaven (Whom you by the Lord JESUS, that as ye
He raised from the dead) even have received of us how ye ought
JESUS, Who hath delivered us from to walk and to please God, so ye
the wrath to come. would walk, that ye may abound
more and more. For ye know what
commandments I gave you by the
See'ond Responsory. Lord JESUS. For this is the will of
God, even your sanctification; that ye
Let my mouth, &c., (p. 378.)
should abstain from fornication, that
every one of you should know how
Tlzz'm' Lesson. to possess his vessel in sanctification
and honour; not in the passion of
FOR yourselves, brethren, know our lust, even as the Gentiles, which know
entrance in unto you, that it was not God.
not vain; but even after that we had
suffered before, and were shamefully
entreated, as ye know, at Philippi,1 First Responsory.
we were bold in our God to speak I will praise, &c., (p. 379.)
unto you the Gospel of God with
much carefulness. For our exhor
tation was not of deceit, nor of un Second Lesson.
cleanness, nor in guile: but as we AND let no man go beyond, nor de
were approved of God to be put in fraud his brother in any matter,
trust with the Gospel, even so we because that the Lord is the avenger
speak, not as pleasing men, but God, of all such, as we have forewarned
Which trieth our hearts. For neither you, and testified. For God hath
.at any time used we flattering words, not called us unto uncleanness, but
as ye know, nor made occasion of unto holiness. He therefore that
covetousness—God is witness; nor of despiseth [these commands] despiseth
men sought we glory, neither of you, not man, but God; Who hath also
nor yet of others. given us His Holy Spirit.

Third Responsory. Second Responsory.

My liPs, &c. (e- 379-) Great, 0 Lord, &c., (p. 379.)

1 Acts xvi. 21 2! say.
Third Lesson. and faith, in all your persecutions
and tribulations that ye endure, as
BUT as touching brotherly love, ye a manifest token of the righteous
need not that I write unto you: judgment of God, that ye may be
for ye yourselves are taught of God counted worthy in the kingdom of
to love one another. But indeed ye God, for which ye also suffer.
do it toward all the brethren which
are in all Macedonia. But we beseech
First Responsory.
you, brethren, that ye increase more
and more, and that ye study to be Cut me not off, &c., (p. 377.)
quiet, and to do your own business,
and to work with your own hands, Second Lesson.
as we commanded you; and that ye
walk honestly toward them that are BUT if it is a righteous thing with
without, and covet no man’s goods. God to recompense tribulation
to them that trouble you; ye who
are troubled shall receive rest with us,
Third Responsory.
when the Lord jESUS shall be re
The LORD is, &c., (p. 380.) vealed from heaven with His mighty
angels, in flaming fire, taking ven
geance on them that know not God,
éaturbag. and that obey not the Gospel of our
The Sabbath. Lord jESUS Christ: who shall be
punished with everlasting destruction
MATTINS. from the presence of the Lord, and
First Lesson. from the glory of His power, when He
shall come to be glorified in His
Here beginneth the 1Second Epistle Saints, and to be admired in all them
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the that believe; because our testimony
Thessalonians (i. 1.) among you is committed for proof
to that day. Wherefore also we pray
PAUL, and Silvanus, and Timothy, always for you, that our God would
unto the Church of the Thes make you worthy of His calling, and
salonians in God our Father, and in fulfil all the good pleasure of His
the Lord jESUS Christ. Grace unto goodness, and the work of faith with
you, and peace, from God our Father, power, that the name of our Lord
and the Lord jESUS Christ. We are JESUS Christ may be glorified in you,
bound to thank God always for you, and ye in Him, according to the
brethren, as it is meet, because that
grace of our God, and the Lord
your faith groweth exceedingly, and Jesus Christ.
the charity of every one of you all
toward each other aboundeth: so that
Second Responsory.
we ourselves glory in you in the
Churches of God, for your patience My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
1 Abp. Kenrick says: “The preceding letter, especially that portion of it which referred
to the last judgment, (iv. 13 et seq.) having produced a deep impression on the Thessalonians,
some one took occasion to forge another in the name of the Apostle, announcing that the
judgment itself was at hand. The report of the terror which this announcement spread soon
reached St Paul, who hastened to relieve them from their distressed state of mind, by assuring
them that a great apostacy must first take place, and the great enemy of Christ must appear,
before the final judgment of mankind. He did not, however, fail to set forth this event in all
its terrific character, &c."

Third Lesson. (ii.) hope—Unto Timothy, my beloved

son in the faith—Grace, mercy, and
BUT we beseech you, brethren, by
peace from God the Father, and Christ
the coming of our Lord JESUS
JESUS our Lord. As I besought thee
Christ, and our gathering together
to abide still at Ephesus, when I
in Him, that ye be not soon shaken
went into Macedonia, that thou might
in mind, nor be troubled, either by
est charge 'some that they teach no
spirit, or by word, or by letter, as
other doctrine, neither give heed to
sent by us, as that the day of the
fables, and endless genealogies, which
Lord is at hand. Let no man de
minister questions, rather than the
ceive you by any means: for that
edifying which is of God in faith.
day shall not come except there come
falling-away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdi First Responsory.
tion, who opposeth and exalteth him
self above all that is called God, O LORD, rebuke me not, &c. (p.
so that he sitteth in the temple of 381.)
God, showing himself as though he
were God. Second Lesson.

OW the end of the commandment

Third Responsory. is charity, out of a pure heart,
Unto Thee, O my Strength, &c., and of a good conscience, and of faith
unfeigned. From which some having
(fi- 378-) swerved have turned aside unto vain
jangling, desiring to be teachers of
The Prayer is taken from the Lauds the law, understanding neither what
Qf the succeeding Sunday. they say, nor whereof they affirm.
But we know that the law is good,
if a man use it lawfully; knowing
this, that the law is not made for a
jiftlj flunhag after the righteous man, but for the lawless
and disobedient, for the ungodly and
(Epiphany. for sinners, for unholy and profane,
for murderers of fathers and murderers
The Fifth Lord’s Day after the
of mothers, for manslayers, and whore
mongers, for them that defile them
MATTINS. selves with mankind, for men-stealers,
for liars and perjurers, and if there
FIRST NOCTURN. be any other thing that is contrary
First Lesson. to sound doctrine, according to the
glorious Gospel of the blessed God,
Here beginneth the First Epistle of which was committed to my trust.
the Blessed Apostle Paul to Tim
othy,1 (i. 1.)
Serond Responsory.
PAUL, an Apostle of JESUS Christ,
by the commandment of God ~ O God, Which satest, &c., (P
our Saviour, and Christ JESUS our 381.)
1 Jan. 24. “This letter," says Abp. Kenrick, “is assigned by Hug to Pentecost of the
year 59, although others more generally date it as late as 64."
Third Lesson. Fourth Responsory.

I THANK Him Who hath enabled O Lord, Thou hast shown me, &c.,
me, even our Lord the Christ of (t- 382-)
God, for that He counted me faithful, Fifth Lesson.
putting me into the ministry; who
was before a blasphemer, and a per OST thou ask how free-will avail
secutor, and injurious; but I obtained eth to evil? Call to mind a
the mercy of God, because I did it sinner—Dost thou ask what God made
ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace Man availeth to help? Consider in
of our Lord was exceeding abundant Him the grace which setteth free.
with faith and love which is in Christ There is no example which so showeth
JESUS. This is a faithful saying, what availeth the free will of man,
and worthy of all acceptation, that when it is taken possession of by pride,
Christ JESUS came into this world to to use it without God’s help, of evil is
save sinners, of whom I am chief. there no greater and plainer example,
Howbeit, for this cause I obtained than the first man. The first man
mercy, that in me, first, JESUS Christ fell: and where had he been if the
might show forth all long-suffering, second Man had not come? As the
for the teaching of them that should first was man, so was the second Man,
hereafter believe on Him, to life and therefore is this saying a saying
everlasting. made for man.

Third Responsory. Fifth Responsory.

The Lord is at my right hand, &c., I will love Thee, O LORD, &c.,.
(p. 382.) (t- 382-)
Sixth Lesson.
SECOND NOCTURN. NEITHER is there any example
‘L which so showeth what availeth
Fourth Lesson.
the tenderness of the grace and the
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons abundance of the All-might of God, as
of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo] the Man That is the Mediator between
(0n the words of the Apostles, 8.) God and men, the Man Christ JESUS.
For what do we say, my brethren ? I
“ THIS is a saying made for man,1 speak to them that have been bred up
and worthy of all acceptation, in the Catholic Church, or who have
that Christ JESUS came into this world been reconciled to that Church. We
to save sinners.” Listen to the words know and hold that the Mediator
of the Gospel : 2—“The Son of man is between God and men, the Man
come to seek,- and to save that which Christ JESUS, as touching His Man
was lost.” If man had not been lost, hood, is of the same nature as we.
the Son of man would not have come. For our flesh is not of one nature, and
Wherefore, man had been lost; God His Flesh of another nature, neither
came made Man, and man was found ; our soul of one nature and His Soul
man had perished by his own free of another nature. He took upon
will: God made Man came by grace Himself the same nature which He
which setteth free. had freely ordained to save.
1 This is the reading of the old Latin version. 2 Matth. xviii. II.

Sixth Responsory. of evil doers” are the heretics, since

in this world they are mingled together
The earth is the LORD’S, &c.
with the good, not in one common
(e 383-) Communion, but only under one com
mon name of Christian. But they
THIRD NOCTURN. which are of one faith with the good
seed, and yet are themselves worthless,
Se'z/enth Lesson.
may more fitly be likened to straw
The Lesson is taken from the Holy than to tares, since the straw springeth
Gospel according to Matthew (xiii. from one soil and one root with the
24.) good ear.

AT that time: JESUS put forth unto

the multitudes this parable : The Eighth Responsory.
Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a One Seraph cried, &c., (p. 384.)
man which sowed good seed in his
field. And so on.
[Vinth Lesson.
Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
Hippo] (Quest. E'oan. Matth. xi., HOWEVER, as touching the net
cast into the sea, and enclosing
Bk. 4.)
a great multitude of fishes, both bad
When the Shepherds of the Church and good, we may well understand
wax careless, and since the Apostles that by the bad are meant Catholics
sleep the sleep of death, cometh the of bad lives. For the sea is one thing
devil, and soweth them whom the Lord whereby we may understand to be
calleth “a seed of evil-doers." Now, signified the world; and the net
are these “seed of evil-doers” the another, which seemeth to signify our
heretics, or Catholics of bad lives? faith, or the Communion of one
It is possible to call even the heretics Church. Between heretics and sinful
a “seed of evil-doers” because they Catholics there is this difference, that
have sprung up from the seed of the heretics believe a lie, and sinful
Gospel, and been begotten in the Catholics believe the truth, but live
Name of Christ, though afterwards not as they believe.
they have turned after crooked ways
and lying doctrines. The bfwnn, “We praise Thee, O
God,” &c., is said.
Seventh Responsory.
Unto Thee, O LORD, &c., (p. 383.)
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in
Ezlghth Lesson.
thy field? * From whence then hath
BUT whereas it is written that they it tares? And he saith unto them:
were sown in the midst of the An enemy hath done this.
wheat, we ought haply to understand
that they are of one communion with Prayer throughout the day and week.
the righteous. Nevertheless, foras
much as the Lord saith, “The field is 0 LORD, we beseech Thee to keep
the world,” (and not, the Church,) we Thy family continually in godli
may well understand that the “seed ness, that they who do lean only upon

the hope of Thine heavenly grace, may Second Lesson.

evermore be defended by Thy mighty
power. Through our Lord JESUS IKEWISE must the Deacons be
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reign chaste, not double-tongued, not
eth with Thee, in the unity of the given to much wine, not greedy of'
filthy lucre, holding the mystery of the
Holy Ghost, one God, world without
faith in a pure conscience. And let
end. Amen.
these also first be proved; then let
them use the ofiice of a Deacon, being
found blameless. Even so must the
Antz'plzon at the Songr of the Blessed women1 be grave, not slanderers,
Virgin. The master saith: Gather ye sober, faithful in all things. Let the
together first the tares, * and bind Deacons be the husbands of one wife ;
_ them in bundles to burn them; but ruling their children and their own
gather the wheat into my barn. houses well. For they that have used'
the office of a Deacon well, purchase
@lonbag. to themselves a good degree, and
great boldness in the faith, which is.
Second Day. in Christ JESUS.
Ftest Lesson. Second Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the First 0 60d. &c', (p. 375-)
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
to Timothy (iii. 1.)
Tlu'rd Lesson.
THIS is a true saying: If a man
desire the office of a Bishop, he HESE things write I unto thee,
desireth a good work. A Bishop then hoping to come unto thee short.
must be blameless, the husband of one 1y; but if I tarry long, that thou
wife, sober, prudent, of good behaviour, mayest know how thou oughtest to
modest, given to hospitality, apt to behave thyself in the house of God,
teach, not given to wine, no striker, which is the Church of the living
but patient; not a brawler, not cove God, the pillar and ground of the
tous; one that ruleth well his own truth. And, without controversy,
house; having his children in subjec great is the mystery of godliness,
tion with all modesty. For if a man which was manifest in the flesh,
know not how to rule his own house, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels,
how shall he take care of the Church preached unto the Gentiles, believed
of God? Not a novice, lest being on in the world, received up into
lifted up with pride, he fall into the glory. (iv. I.) But the Spirit speak
condemnation of the devil. Moreover, eth expressly that in the latter times
he must have a good report of them some shall depart from the faith,
which are without, lest he fall into giving heed to seducing spirits, and
reproach, and the snare of the devil. doctrines of devils.

First Responsory. Tlzird Responsory.

0 how great, &c., (I). 375.) I will bless, &c., ([5. 376.)
I Probably Deaconesses.

‘ Qiueatag. with His holy calling, not according

to our works, but according to His
Tlzz'rd Day. own purpose and grace which was
MATTINS. given us in Christ JESUS before the
world began.
First Lesson.
Here beginneth the 1Second Epistle Second Responrory.
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to
The Lord hath set, &c., (p. 376.)
Timothy (i. 1.)
PAUL, an Apostle of JESUS Christ, Tlzird Lessrm.
by the will of God, according to
the promise of life which is in Christ UT it is now made manifest by
JESUS, to Timothy, my dearly beloved the light of our Saviour JESUS
son, grace, mercy, and peace from Christ, Who hath abolished death,
God the Father, and Christ JESUS our and hath brought life and immortality
Lord. I thank God, Whom I serve to light through the Gospel, where
from my forefathers with pure con unto I am appointed a preacher, and
science, that without ceasing I have an Apostle, and a teacher of the
remembrance of thee in my prayers, Gentiles. For the which cause I also
night and day greatly desiring to see suffer these things; nevertheless I am
thee, being mindful of thy tears, that not ashamed. For I know Whom I
I may be filled with joy, when I call have believed, and am persuaded that
to remembrance the unfeigned faith He is able to keep that which I have
that is in thee, which dwelt first in committed unto Him against that day.
thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Hold fast the form of sound words
Eunicé ; and I am persuaded that in which thou hast heard of me, in faith
thee also. , and love which is in Christ JESUS.

First Responsory. Tlu'ra’ Responsory.

O God, give ear, &c., (p. 376.) I said, &c., (p. 377.)

Semna' Lassen.
WHEREFORE, I put thee in re
Faurtlz Day.
membrance that thou stir up
the gift of God which is in thee by MATTINS.
the putting on of my hands. For
God hath not given us the spirit of First Lesson.
fear, but of power, and of love, and of The Lesson is taken from the Second
'soberness. Be not thou therefore Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, to Timothy (iii. 1.)
nor of me His prisoner: but be thou
partaker of the afi‘lictions of the Gos THIS know also, that in the last
pel according to the power of God, days perilous times shall come :
Who hath saved us, and called us for men shall be lovers of their own
1 Archbishop Kenrick says,—“ The mention of the approaching consummation of [St Paul’s]
ministry in the last chapter, and some facts . . . , have induced the general opinion that this
was the last letter from his pen."
selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blas Antioch,2 Iconium, and Lystra, what
phemers, disobedient to parents, un persecutions I endured; but out of
thankful, unholy, without natural affec them all the Lord delivered me.
tion, contentious, false accusers, in Yea, and all that will live godly in
continent, fierce, discourteous, traitors, Christ JESUS shall suffer persecution.
heady, high-minded, and lovers of But evil men and seducers shall
pleasure more than lovers of God; wax worse and worse, deceiving and
having a form of godliness, but deny being deceived.
ing the power thereof. And from
such turn away.
Tlu'rd Responsory.

First Responsory. Unto Thee, &c., (p. 378.)

Cut me not off, &c., (p. 377.)

Second Lesson. Fzft/z Day.
OR of this sort are they which
creep into houses, and lead First Lesson.
captive silly women laden with sins,
led away with divers lusts, ever Here beginneth the Epistle of the
learning and never able to come to Blessed Apostle Paul to 3Titus
the knowledge of the truth. Now, (i. I.)
as Jannes and Mambres1 withstood
Moses, so do these also resist the AUL, a servant of God, and an
truth, men of corrupt minds, repro Apostle of JESUS Christ, accord
bate concerning the faith: but they ing to the faith of God’s elect, and the
shall proceed no further; for their acknowledging of the truth which is
folly shall be manifest unto all men, after godliness, in hope of eternal life
as theirs also was. which God, That cannot lie, promised
before the world began, but hath in
His own times manifestedv His word
Second Re¢onsorja through preaching, which is com
mitted unto me according to the com
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.) mandment of God our Saviour; to
Titus, my beloved son after the com
Tln'rd Lesson. mon faith ; grace unto thee, and peace,
from God the Father, and JESUS
BUT thou hast been a diligent fol Christ 'our Saviour.
lower of my doctrine, manner
-of life, purpose of faith, long-suf
First Responsory.
fering, charity, patience, persecutions,
afflictions, which came unto me at In Thee, O God, &c., (p. 378.)
1 According to Jewish tradition, they were warlocks, disciples of Balaam. who were called
in by Pharaoh to oppose Moses in Egypt, and who afterwards accompanied Balaam when
he went to curse Isra'e'l. The form of their names slightly varies. Accepted Greek, and
Vatican Codex. "Jannes and Jambres," Midrash Rabbah, “Yuchni and Mamré,” Jonathan
ben Uzziel, “Yanis and Yambris," or “Yamreh.”
i Acts xiii. 5o.—xiv. 1 .
9 ‘ . .
3 A Gentile disciple, and (probably) convert, of St Paul, by whom he was made Bishop in
Crete. See Alban Butler. Jan. 4.

Second Lesson. . §ribag.

FOR this cause left I thee in Crete, Six”: Day.
that thou shouldest set in order
the things that are wanting, and or MATTINS.
dain Priests in every city, as also I
have appointed thee. If any be First Lesson.
blameless, the husband of one wife, The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
having faithful children, not accused of the Blessed Apostle Paul to Titus
of riot or unruly. For a Bishop must (ii. 15.)
be blameless, as the steward of God,
not proud, not soon angry, not given THESE things speak, and exhort,
to wine, no striker, not given to filthy and rebuke with all authority..
lucre ; but a lover of hospitality, Let no man despise thee. (iii. 1.)
courteous, sober, just, holy, temperate, Put them in mind to be subject to
holding fast the faithful word as he princes and powers, to obey orders,
hath been taught; that he may be to be ready to every good work, tov
able by sound doctrine both to exhort speak evil of no man, to be no
and to convince the gainsayers. brawlers, but gentle, showing all
meekness unto all men.
Second Responsory.
First Responsorjy.
Let my mouth, &c., (p. 378.)
I will praise, &c., (p. 379.)
Tlu'rd Lesson.
Seeond Lesson.
F OR there are also many unruly, vain
talkers and deceivers, specially OR we ourselves also were some
they of the circumcision; whose times foolish, unbelieving, de
mouths must be stopped; who sub ceived, serving divers lusts and pleas
vert whole houses, teaching things ures, living in malice and envy, hate~
which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s ful, and hating one another. But
sake. One of themselves, even a after that the kindness and love of
prophet of their own,1 said: “The God our Saviour appeared, not by
Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, works of righteousness which we have
slow bellies.” This witness is true. done, but according to His mercy He
Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that saved us, by the laver of regeneration,
they may be sound in the faith, not and renewing of the Holy Ghost,
giving heed to Jewish fables, and Which He shed on us abundantly
commandments of men, that turn from through JESUS Christ our Saviour:
the truth. ' Unto the pure all things that, being justified by His grace, we
are pure; but unto them that are de should be made heirs, according to the
filed and unbelieving is nothing pure. hope of eternal life.

Tlu'rd Reyonsory. Second Responsory.

My lips, &c. (A 379-) Great, 0 Lord, &c., (p. 379.)

1 Epimenides.
Third Lesson. First Responsory.
THIS is a faithful saying, and these Cut me not off, &c., (p. 377.)
things I will that thou afiirm
constantly, that they which have be
lieved in God should be careful to Second Lesson.
maintain good works. These things FOR I have had great joy and con
are good and profitable unto men. solation in thy love, because the
But avoid foolish questions, and gene bowels of the saints are refreshed by
alogies, contentions, and strivings thee, brother. Wherefore, though I
about the law; for they are unpro might be much bold in Christ to enjoin
fitable and vain. A man that is an thee that which is convenient, yet for
heretic after the first and second love’s sake I rather beseech thee, being
admonition avoid; knowing that he such an one as Paul the aged, and
that is such is subverted, and sinneth, now also a prisoner of JESUS Christ.
being condemned of his own judg I beseech thee for my son Onesimus,1
ment. whom I have begotten in my bonds,
Third Responsory. which in time past was to thee unpro
fitable, but now profitable to thee, and
The Lord is, &c., (p. 380.) to me, whom I have sent again to

Second Responsory.
The Sahoath.
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
First Lesson. Third Lesson.

Here beginneth the Epistle of the Bles HOU therefore receive him as
sed Apostle Paul to Philemon (1.) mine own bowels; whom I
would have retained with me, that in
PAUL, a prisoner of JESUS Christ, thy stead he might have ministered
and Timothy our brother, unto unto me in the bonds of the Gospel:
Philemon our dearly beloved and but without thy mind would I do noth
fellow-labourer, and to our beloved ing, that thy benefit should not be, as
sister Appia, and Archippus our fellow it were, of necessity, but willingly.
soldier, and to the Church in thine For perhaps he therefore departed for
house. Grace to you, and peace, a season from thee, that thou shouldest
from God our Father and the Lord receive him for ever; not now as a
JESUS Christ. I thank my God, mak servant, but, instead of a servant, a
ing mention of thee always in my brother beloved, specially to me; but
prayers, hearing of thy love, and faith how much more unto thee, in the flesh,
which thou hast toward the Lord and in the Lord? If thou count me
JESUS, and toward all saints: that the therefore a partner, receive him as
communication of thy faith may be myself. If he hath wronged thee, or
come evident by the acknowledging of oweth thee aught, put that on mine
every good work which is in you in account. I, Paul, have written it with
Christ JESUS. mine own hand.
1 A run-away slave.

Third Responsoiy. Second Lesson.

Unto thee, O my Strength, &c., FOR unto which of the angels said
He at any time: “Thou art My
(t- 378-)
Son, this day have I begotten Thee ? ” 2
_ VESPERS. And again: “I will be to Him a
The Prayer is taken from the Lauds Father, and He shall be to Me a
of the succeeding Sunday. Son?”3 And again, when He bring
eth in the First-begotten into the
world, He saith: “And let all the
angels of God worship Him.”4 And
of the angels He saith : “ Who maketh
Sixth .Suntlag after the His angels spirits, and His ministers a
flame of fire.”5 But untothe Son He
Epiphany. saith: “Thy throne, O God, is for
ever and ever: a sceptre of righteous
The Sixth Lord’s Day after the
ness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom.
Thou hast loved righteousness and
MATTINS. hated iniquity: therefore God, even
Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the
FIRST NOCTURN. oil of gladness above Thy fellows.”6
First Lesson.
Second Responsory.
Here beginneth the Epistle of the O God, Which satest, &c., (p. 381.)
rews (i. Apostle
I.) ‘ Paul
' to the
i Heb
Third Lesson.
GOD, Who_ at sundry times 1 and in ND: “Thou, Lord, in the begin
divers manners spake in time ning hast laid the foundation of
past unto the fathers by the Prophets, the earth, and the heavens are the
hath in these last days spoken unto works of Thine hands. They shall
us by His Son, Whom He hath perish, but Thou remainest; and they
appointed Heir of all things, by Whom all shall wax old as doth a garment,
also He made the worlds: Who, be— and as a vesture shalt Thou change
ing the brightness of His glory, and them, and they shall be changed; but
the express image of His Substance, Thou art the Same, and Thy years
and upholding all things by the word shall not fail.”7 But to which of the
of His power, when He had purged angels said He at any time: “Sit
our sins, sat down on the right hand Thou at My right hand, until I make
of the Majesty on high: being made Thine enemies Thy footstool ? "8 Are
so much better than the angels, as He they not all ministering spirits, sent
hath by inheritance obtained a more forth to minister for them who shall
excellent name than they. be heirs of salvation?

First Responsory. Third Responsory.

O God, rebuke me not, &c., The Lord is at My right hand, &c.,
(a 381-) (p. 382.)
1 Egan's-95s.] 9 P5. ii. 7. 3 2 Kings (Sam.) v-ii. r4. 4 Ps. xcvi. 7.
5 s. eiii. 4. ' Ps. xliv. 7, 8. 7 Ps. ci. 25-28. 5 Ps. cix. l.
SECOND NOCTURN. spoken unto the fathers by the
Prophets: and, after the Prophets had
Fourth Lesson. discharged their office, and the law had
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons been given by the ministry of angels,
of 1St Athanasius, Pope [of Alex that the Son also came down unto us
andria] (2nd against the Arians.) to minister—and then he addeth,
“being made so much better than the
F the heretics had but known the angels,” to show that as the Son
person, the matter, and the times difi'ereth from a servant, so is the
of the Apostle who spoke, they would
ministry of the Son better than the duty
never have spoken of Godhead as if It
and office of servants.
were human, nor borne themselves so
wickedly, and withal so foolishly against Fifth Responsory.
Christ. It will be permitted to us to
return, and to take again the first I will love Thee, O LORD, &c., (p.
words of the Lesson. The Apostle 382.) .
then saith: “God, Who at sundry Sixth Lesson.
times and in divers manners, spake in THE Apostle, therefore, seeing the
time past unto the fathers by the difference between the new
Prophets, hath in these last days spoken ministry and the old, maketh very bold
unto us by His Son ”——and again, in writing and speaking to the Jews.
a little farther on: “When the Son For this cause, therefore, he doth not
had purged our sins, He sat down on compare the details of the two minis
the right hand of the Majesty on high : tries, and then come to the general
being made so much better than the conclusion that the new was greater or
angels as He hath by inheritance more honourable than the old, (lest any
obtained a more excellent name than should understand that the two minis~
they.” The Apostle here expressly tries were of the same kind, and that
nameth the times wherein God hath the conclusion that the new is better is
spoken unto us by His Son, and arrived at by comparing the degrees in
wherein the Same His Son hath each of things which they had in
purged our sins; for when hath He common,) but he saith that the Son
spoken unto us by His Son, when did “was made better,” to distinguish at
the Son purge our sins, or when was once and completely the nature of the
He born a Man, but since God spake Son from the nature of things created.
unto the Fathers by the Prophets,
namely, in these last days? Sixth Responsory.
The earth is the LORD’S, &c., (p.
Fourth Responsory. 383-)
O Lord, Thou hast shown me, &c.,
(p. 382.) Seventh Lesson.
Fifth Lesson. The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Matthew (xiii.
THE Apostle, about to enter on the
subject of the Word’s human dis
pensation and the last days, naturally T that time: JESUS spake this
mentioneth first that God had not up parable unto the multitude : The
to those days been silent, but had kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of
1 May 2.

mustard-seed, which a man took and Eighth Responsory.

sowed in his field. And so on.
One Seraph cried, &c., (p. 384.)
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at
Bethlehem.] (Book ii. Commenl. on [Vinth Lesson.
Mall/l. xiii.)
BUT when the doctrines of men
The kingdom of heaven is the pro grow up, there is therein nothing
clamation of the Gospel, and that piercing, nothing healthy, nothing life
knowledge of the Scriptures, which giving. The plant is drooping, and
leadeth unto life, and whereof it is delicate, and soft. There are herbs
said to the Jews, “The kingdom of and grass whereof it may truly be said
God shall be taken from you, and that “the grass withereth and the
given to a nation bringing forth the flower fadeth.” (Isa. x1. 8.) But the
fruits thereof.” (Matth. xxi. 43.) grain of Gospel seed, though, when it
Therefore is this kingdom like to was sown, it seemed to be the least of
a grain of mustard-seed, which a all seeds, when once it is rooted in the
man took and sowed in his field. soul of man, or in the whole world,
By the man that sowed it in his groweth not into an herb, but becometh
field, many understand to be meant a tree: so that the birds of the air
the Saviour, because He is the Soyver (whereby we may understand, either
That soweth in the souls of believers ; the souls of believers, or the [angelic]
others understand every man that powers bound to the service of God,)
soweth good seed in his own field, that come and lodge in the branches
is, in himself and in his own heart. thereof. I consider that the branches
of the Gospel tree, which groweth from
the grain of mustard-seed, are the
Seventh Responsory.
divers developments of doctrine, on
Unto Thee, O Lord, &c., (p. 383.) which the birds above mentioned find

The H'ymn, “We praise Thee, O

Eighth Lesson.
God,” &c., is said.
H0 is he that soweth, but our own
mind and soul, which take the LAUDS.
grain from preaching, and by nourish
ing it in the soil, cause it to sprout in Antiphon at the Song qf Zacharias.
the field of our own breast? The The kingdom of heaven * is like to a
preaching of the Gospel is the least of grain of mustard-seed, which is the least
all doctrines. He that preacheth, for of all seeds, but, when it is grown, it is
his first lesson, God made man, Christ the greatest among herbs.
dead, and the stumbling-block of the
Cross, receiveth at first but little credit. Prayer lhroughout the day and week.
Compare such teaching as this with the
doctrines of the Philosophers, with GRANT us, we beseech Thee, O
their books, their magnificent elo Almighty God, ever to think such
quence, and their rounded sentences, things as be reasonable, and in every
and thou shalt see how the grain of word and work of ours, to do always
the Gospel, when it is sown, is the that is well pleasing in Thy sight.
humblest of all seeds. Through our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with confidence, and the glory of the hope,
Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, firm unto the end. Wherefore, as the
One God, world without end. Amen. Holy Ghost saith: “To-day if ye will
hear His voice, harden not your hearts ;
VES PERS. as in ‘the Provocation,’ and as in
the day ‘ of Temptation ’ in the
A ntzlthon at the Song of the Blessed wilderness.”
Virgin. The kingdom of heaven * is
like unto leaven, which a woman took Second Responsory.
and hid in three measures of meal till
the whole was leavened. O God, &c., (p. 375.)

Qilonbag. Third Lesson.

Seeond Day. AKE heed, brethren, lest there be

in any of you an evil heart of
MATTINS. unbelief, in departing from the living
God; but exhort one another daily,
First Lesson. while it is called “To-day,” lest any
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle of you be hardened through the de
to the Hebrews (iii. 1.) ceitfulness of sin. For we are made
partakers of Christ, if we hold the
WHEREFORE, holy brethren, par beginning of our confidence 1 steadfast
takers of the heavenly calling, unto the end. While it is said: “ To
consider the Apostle and High Priest day, if ye will hear His voice, harden
.of our confession, even JESUS ; Who is not your hearts, as in ‘the Provoca
faithful to Him That hath appointed tion ’ "—for some, when they had heard,
Him, as also Moses was faithful in all did provoke, howbeit not all that came
His house. For He was counted out of Egypt by Moses.2
worthy of more glory than Moses,
inasmuch as He Who hath builded Third Responsory.
the house hath more honour than the
house. For every house is builded by I will bless, &c., (p. 376.)
some one ; but He That hath made all
things, is God. @uestag.
First Responsory. Third Day.

0 how great, &c., (p. 375.) MATTINS.

First Lesson.
Second Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
AND Moses verily was faithful in to the Hebrews (iv. 1.)
all His house, as a servant, for
a testimony of those things which were LET us therefore fear, lest, a pro
to be spoken after: but Christ, as a mise being left us of entering
Son, over His own house; which into His rest, any of you should seem
house we are, if we hold fast the to come short of it. For unto us was
1 See v. 6.
2 [The Hebrew bears the translation: For who, when they had heard did provoke? Nay,
did not all they that came out of Egypt by Moses?]

the Gospel preached, as well as unto did from His. Let us labour, there
them. But the word of hearing did fore, to enter into that rest, lest any
not profit them, not being mixed with man fall after the same example of
faith in them that heard it. For we unbelief. For the word of God is
which have believed do enter into rest, quick and powerful, and sharper than
as He said :—“ Unto whom I sware in any two-edged sword, piercing even
My wrath, that they should not enter to the dividing asunder of soul and
into My rest "—although the works spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
were finished from the foundation of and is a discerner of the thoughts
the world. and intents of the heart.

First Responsory. Tlu‘rd Responsory.

O God, give ear, &c., (p. 376.) I I said, &c., (p. 377.)

Second Lesson. @cbncstae.

FOR He spake in a certain place Fourth Day.
(Gen. ii. 2) of the seventh day
'on this Wise: “And God did rest the MATTINS.
seventh day from all His works.” And
First Lesson.
in this place again: “They should not
enter into My rest.” Seeing, therefore, The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
it remaineth that some must enter to the Hebrews (vi. I.)
therein, and they to whom it was
first preached entered not in, because - HEREFORE, leaving the prin-'
of unbelief : again He limiteth a certain ciples of the doctrine of Christ,
day, saying in David: “To-day”— let us go unto things more perfect,
(after so long a time, as it is said not laying again the foundation of
above)-—“To-day if ye will hear His repentance from dead works, and of
voice, harden not your hearts.” faith toward God, of the doctrine of
baptisms, and of laying on of hands,
and of resurrection of the dead, and
Second Responsory.
of eternal judgment. And this will we
The Lord hath set, &c., (p. 376.) do, if God permit.

Tlzz'rd Lesson. First Responsory.

OR if Jesus 1 had given them rest, Cut me not off, &c., (p. 377.)
then would he not afterward
have spoken of another day. There Seeond Lesson.
remaineth therefore a rest2 to the
people of God. For he that is FOR it is impossible for those who
entered into his rest, he also hath were once enlightened, and have
ceased from his own works, as God tasted of the heavenly Gift, and were
1 viz. Joshua, or Josue—the name is the same which is Gracised, Latinised, and Anglicised
into Iesus or Jesus.
2 Relinquitur sabbatismus; literally “ the keeping of a Sabbath;” Rheims has, very
elegantly, “a day of rest," but there is nothing about a day in the original, and the words
are given in the text in that form in which they have become something like a pious

'made partakers of the Holy Ghost, gave a tenth part of all; first, being,
and have tasted the good word of by interpretation, King of Righteous
God, and the powers of the world ness, and, after that, also King of
to come, if they shall fall away, to ' Salem, which is, King of Peace;
renew them again unto repentance; without father, without mother, with
seeing they crucifyto themselves the out descent, having neither beginning
Son of God afresh, and put Him to of days nor end of life, but made
an open shame. like unto the Son of God, abideth a
Priest continuallyp '
Second Responsory.
First Responsory.
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
In Thee, O God, &c., (p. 378.)
' TIzz'rd Lesson.
OR the earth which drinketh in Serond Lesson.
the rain that cometh 0ft upon
it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for
NOW consider how great this man
was, unto whom even the Pa
them by whom it is dressed, receiveth
triarch Abraham gave the tenth of the
,blessing from God. But that which
choicest spoils. And, verily, they that
beareth thorns and briers is rejected,
are of the sons of Levi, who receive
and is nigh unto a curse: whose end
the office of the priesthood, have a
is to be burned. But, beloved, we
commandment to take tithes of the
are persuaded better things of you,
people according to the law, that is,
and things nearer to salvation, though
of their brethren, though they come
.we so speak. For God is not un
out of the loins of Abraham. But
righteous, to forget your work, and
he whose descent is not counted from
the love which ye have showed in
them, received tithes of Abraham, and
His name, in that ye have ministered
blessed him that had the promises.
to the saints, and do minister.

Tlzz'rd Responsory. Second Responso’y.

Unto Thee, &c., (p. 378.) Let my mouth, &c., (p. 378.)

TIzz'rd Lesson.
' @5ursbdg.
AND, without all contradiction, the
Fifi/l Day.
less is blessed of the greater.
MATTINS. And here men that die receive tithes:
but there, he receiveth them, of whom
First Lesson. it is witnessed that he liveth. And
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle (as I may say) Levi also, who re
to the Hebrews (vii. 1.) ceiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abra
ham; for he was yet in the loins of
FOR this Melchisedek, King of his father when Melchisedek met him.
Salem, Priest of the Most High If therefore perfection were by the
God, who met Abraham returning Levitical priesthood, (for under it the
from the slaughter of the kings, and people received the law,) what further
blessed him; to whom also Abraham need was there that another Priest

should rise after the order of Mel He is, and that He is a rewarder of
chisedek, and not be called after the them that diligently seek Him. By
order of Aaron? For the priesthood faith, Noah, being warned of God of
being moved there is made of necessity things not seen as yet, moved with
a change also of the law. fear, prepared an ark to the saving of
his house, by the which he condemned
T/n'm’ Responsory. the world, and became heir of the
righteousness which is by faith.
My lips, &c., (fi- 379-)
Second Responsory.
Great, 0 Lord, &c., (p. 379.)
Sixt/z Day.
M ATTI NS. Tliifd Lesson.

First Lesson. Y faith he whose name is called

Abraham, obeyed the command
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle to go out into a place which he should
to the Hebrews (xi. 1.) after receive for an inheritance, and
OW faith is the substance of he went out, not knowing whither he
things hoped for, the evidence went. By faith he sojourned in the
of things not seen. For by it the land of promise, as in a strange coun
elders obtained a good report. try, dwelling in tabemacles with
Through faith we understand that the Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of
worlds were framed by the word of the same promise. For he looked for
God, so that things which are seen a city which hath foundations, whose
were not made of things which do Builder and Maker is God.1
appear. By faith Abel offered unto
God a more excellent sacrifice than Tlzird Responsory.
Cain: by which he obtained witness
that he was righteous, God testifying The Lord is, &c., (p. 380.)
of his gifts, and by it he, being dead,
yet speaketh.
First Responsory. Tlze Saooal/z.
I will praise, &c., (1). 379.) MATT! NS.
First Lesson.
Second Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
Y faith Enoch was translated that to the Hebrews (xiii. I.)
he should not see death, and
was not found, because God had LET brotherly love continue among
translated him: for, before his trans you. Be not forgetful to enter
lation, he had this testimony, that he tain strangers: for thereby some have
pleased God. But without faith it is entertained angels unawares. Re
impossible to please God. For he member them that are in bonds, as
that cometh to God must believe that bound with them; and them which
1 The reader is vehemently urged to finish reading this sublime chapter for himself.
suffer adversity, as being yourselves Third Responsory.
also in the body. Let marriage be
honourable in all, and the bed unde Unto Thee, O my Strength, &c.,
filed. But whoremongers and adulter (t- 378-)
ers God will judge.
Note. If there be less than six
weeks between the Epiphany and Sep
First Responsory. tuagesima, as many of the foregoing
weeks as may be necessary are omitted,
Cut me not 05, &c., (15. 377.)
and the Ofiice commences on the even
ing before Septuagesima Sunday as im
Second Lesson. mediately hereafter given,- but the
Antiphons, Prayers, and Homilies of
LET your conversation be without
the omitted Sundays are afterwards
covetousness, and be content
used for the latter Sundays before
with such things as ye have. For He
hath said: I will never leave thee,
nor forsake theez”1 so that we may ‘
boldly say: “ The LORD is mine helper, éaturbag Before éeptuageat'ma
and I will not fear what man shall do
unto me.”2 Remember them which
have the rule over you, who have The Sabbath before the Lord’s Day
spoken unto you the word of God; within Seventy Days of Easter.
whose faith follow, considering the
end of their conversation, JESUS
Christ, the Same yesterday, and to VES PERS.
day, and for ever.
The Chapter and Prayer are taken
from the Lauds of the next morning.
Second Responsory.
A ntinhon at the Song of the Blessed
My heart is ready, &c., (p. 377.)
Virgin. The Lord said unto Adam: *
Of the tree which is in the midst of
Third Lesson. the garde'n thou shalt not eat : in the
hour that thou eatest thereof, thou
E not carried about with divers shalt surely die.
and strange doctrines. For it
is a good thing that the heart be es At the end, the words, “Bless we
tablished with grace, not with meats; the Lord,” are said thus—
which have not profited them that
have been occupied therein. We Verse. Bless we the Lord—Alleluia,
have an Altar, whereof they have no Alleluia. ‘
right to eat which serve the taber Answer. Thanks be to God—
nacle. For the bodies of those beasts Alleluia, Alleluia.
whose blood is brought into the Sanc
tuary by the High Priest for sin, are This is the Farewell to the Alle
burned without the camp. Where luia, which word is not uttered in
fore JESUS also, that He might sanc the Ofice again till Easter. At
tify the people with His own Blood, the Compline of this evening and
sufl'ered without the gate. every other Service, after the “ Glory
1 Josh. i. 5. ’ Ps. cxvii. 6.
VOL. I. 0 2

be to the Father, &c.,” at the darkness was upon the face of the
beginning, instead of “Alleluia,” is deep: and the Spirit of God moved
said: upon the face of the waters. And
God said: Let there be light. And
Ceaseless praise to Thee be given, there was light. And God saw the
0 Eternal King of Heaven. light, that it was good; and God
[7' the Vespers of this evening he divided the light from the darkness;
of a Festival, a Commemoration is and God called the light Day, and the
made of the Saturday, and the Fare darkness He' called Night: and the
well to the Alleluia takes place as evening and the morning were the
above. first day. And God said: Let there _
be a firmament in the midst of the
Iffrom Septuagesima to Low Sun waters, and let it divide the waters
day, both inclusive, a Feast fall on a from the waters. And God made the
Sunday, it is transferred, or simpli firmament, and divided the waters
fied, unless it he a Double of the First which were under the firmament from
Class, as the Patronal Feast, or the the waters which were above the fir
Anniversary of the Consecration of the mament. And it was so. And God
Church where the Service takes place, called the firmament Heaven: and
to which occasions yield all the Sun the evening and the morning were the
vdays except the First in Lent, and second day.
Passion, Palm, Easter, and Low
First Responsory.
In the beginning God created the
Septuagesima Sunhag. heavens and the earth, wherein He
made man also, after His own image
The Lord’s Day within Seventy Days and likeness.
of Easter. Verse. ‘2 So God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and breathed
MATTINS. into his face the breath of life.
Answer. After His own image and
Invitatory. Let us come before
the presence of the Lord: * and make
a joyful noise unto Him with Psalms. Second Lesson.
The Second half of the First Verse ND God said: Let the waters
of the XCIVth Psalm, (Let us come, under the heaven be gathered
&c.,) is omitted. together unto one place, and let the
dry land appear. And it was so.
FIRST NOCTURN. And God called the dry land, Earth;
and the gathering together of the
First Lesson. waters called He Seas. And God saw
Here beginneth the Book of Genesis that it was good. And God said;
Let the earth bring forth the green
(i. 1.)
herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree
IN the beginning God created the yielding fruit after his kind, whose
heavens and the earth. And the seed is in itself, upon the earth. And
earth was without form and void, and it was so. And the earth brought
1 [Only Doubles Major and Feasts of Doctors may be transferred] 9 Gen. ii. 7.
forth the green herb yielding seed brought forth abundantly after their
after his kind, and the tree yielding kind, and every winged fowl after his
fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. And God saw that it was good.
kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying: Be
And the evening and the morning fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters
were the third day. And God said: in the seas, and let fowl multiply in
Let there be lights in the firmament the earth. And the evening and the
of the heaven, and let them divide the morning were the fifth day. And God
day from the night; and let them be said: Let the earth bring forth the
for signs, and for seasons, and for days living creature after his kind, cattle
and years; and let them be for lights and creeping thing, and beast of the
in the firmament of heaven; and let earth after his kind. And it was so.
them give light upon the earth. And And God made the beast of the earth
it was so. And God made two great after his kind, and cattle, and every
lights, the greater light to rule the thing that creepeth upon the earth
day; and the lesser light to‘rule the after his kind. And God saw that it
night; He made the stars also. And was good. And God said: Let Us
God set them in the firmament of the make man after Our Own image and
heaven, to give light upon the earth, likeness, and let him have dominion
and to rule over the day and over the over the fish of the sea, and over the
night, and to divide the light from the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
darkness. And God saw that it was and over all the earth, and over every
good. And the evening and the mom creeping thing that creepeth upon the
ing were the fourth day. earth.
Third Responsory.
Second Responsory. The LORD formed man of the dust
In the beginning God created the of the ground, and breathed into his
heavens and the earth, and the Spirit face the breath of life, and man became
of God moved upon the face of the a living soul.
waters. 1 And God saw everything Verse. In the beginning God
that He had made, and it was very created the heavens and the earth,
good. wherein He made man also.
Verse. 2 Thus the heavens and the Answer. And breathed into his
earth were finished, and all the hosts face the breath of life, and man be
of them. came a living soul.
Answer. And God saw everything Verse. Glory be to the Father,
that He had made, and it was very and to the Son, and to the Holy
good. Ghost.
Answer.‘ And breathed into his
Third Lesson. face the breath of life, and man be
came a living soul. ~
ND God said: Let the waters
bring forth abundantly the mov-
ing creature that hath life, and fowl SECOND NOCTURN.
that may fiy above the earth in the
Fourth Lesson.
open firmament of heaven. And God
created great whales, and every living .The Lesson is taken from the book in
creature that moveth, which the waters tituled “ The Handbook,’_’ written
1 Gen. i. 3:. 2 Gen. ii. I.

by St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo.] 12.) By the world the Apostle signi
(Chaps. xxv., xxvi., xxvii., tom. 3.) fieth in this place all mankind. Thus
then hath the matter stood. The
HE Lord threatened man with the damned mass of humanity lay in
punishment of death, in case he misery, or rather wallowed in it, and
sinned. Thus did He gift him with fell from bad to worse, till it joined
free will, while He yet kept His lord the company of the sinning angels, and
ship over him, and helped him with both together suffered the deserved
the dread of destruction. And so He punishment of their vile treason.
put him in that happy garden, under
the very shadow of the tree of life, in
Fifth Responsory.
that good place from whence, had he
kept his righteousness, he might have The LORD God said: It is not good
passed to a better. But the first man that the man should be alone. Let Us
sinned, and was banished from Eden, make an help meet for him.
and infected all his descendants with Verse. But for Adam there was not
the disease of sin, poisoning their very found an help meet for him ; and God
root, and bringing upon all that sen said—
tence of death and damnation, which Answer. Let Us make an help
he had earned for himself. So that meet for him.
all that descend by fieshly generation
from Adam, and from the guilty Sixth Lesson.
woman, who was the cause of his sin
and the partaker of his punishment, TO the wrath of God appertaineth
derive from them original sin ; where whatever sin man, through the
by they are drawn through a way of blind and untamed sting of his flesh,
divers sins and sorrows, towards that willingly committeth, and whatever
final ruin which they shall share with punishment, declared and open, he
the rebel angels who are at once their unwillingly suffereth. There is, in
corrupters, their lords, and their deed, no pause in that goodness of the
comrades. Creator whereby He giveth even to
the traitor angels life and strength,
(which if He gave not, they would be
Fourth Responsory.
annihilated,) and whereby He formeth
God took the man and put him into the seed of men, though they come of
the garden of Eden, to dress it and to a corrupt and condemned stock,
keep it. quickeneth them, strengtheneth and
Verse. 1And the LORD God had fitteth their limbs for the changing
planted a garden aforetime in Eden, seasons of their life, extendeth their
and there He put the man whom He knowledge in divers places, and giveth
had formed. them whereon to live. It hath been
Answer. To dress it and to keep His will rather to draw good out of
it. evil, than to suffer that there should
Fifth Lesson. be no evil.

50 “by one man sin entered into Sixth Resfionsory.

the world, and death by sin, (and
so death passed upon all men,) in 2The LORD caused a deep sleep to
whom all have sinned.” (Rom. v. fall upon Adam, and He took one of
1LB. 3 ii. ar-a3.
his' ribs. And the rib which the house ? He it is That hath the
LORD had taken from Adam made Church for a vineyard, a vineyard that
He a woman, and brought her unto ceaseth not to bring forth branches of
Adam, to see what he would call her. the True Vine, from righteous Abel to
And he called her name Woman, the last of the elect that shall be born
because she was taken out of Man.l in the world.
Verse. And while he slept He took
one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh Se'z/enth Responsory.
instead thereof.
Answer. And the rib which the And the LORD God had planted a
LORD had taken from Adam made garden aforetime in Eden, and there
He a woman, and brought her unto He put the man whom He had formed.
Adam, to see what he would call her. Verse. And out of the ground made
Verse. Glory be to the Father, the LORD God to grow every tree that
and to the Son, and to the Holy is pleasant to the sight, and good for
Ghost. food, the tree of life also in the midst
Answer. And he called her name of the garden. ,
Woman, because she was taken out of Answer. And there He put the
Man. man whom He had formed.

THIRD NOCTURN. Elight/z Lesson.

Seventh Lesson. HIS householder, then, for the
cultivation of his vineyard, goeth
The Lesson is taken from the Holy out early in the moming, and at the
Gospel according to Matthew (xx. 1.) third hour, and the sixth hour, and the
T that time: JESUS spake this ninth hour, and the eleventh hour, to
parable unto His Disciples: hire labourers into his vineyard. Thus
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a the Lord, from the beginning to the
man that is an householder, which end of the world, ceaseth not to gather
went out early in the morning to hire together preachers for the instruction
labourers into his vineyard. And so of His faithful people. The early
on. morning of the world was from Adam
until Noah; the third hour from Noah
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the until Abraham; the sixth hour from
Great] (1911: on the Gospels.) Abraham until Moses ; the ninth hour
from Moses until the coming of the
We hear that the kingdom of heaven Lord; the eleventh hour from the
is like unto a man that is an house coming of the Lord until the end of the
holder, which went out early in the world. At this eleventh hour are sent
morning, to hire labourers into his forth as preachers the Holy Apostles,
vineyard. Who indeed is more justly who have received full wages, albeit
to be likened to an householder than they be come in late.
our Maker, Who is the Head of the
household of faith, bearing rule over
Ezlghth Resfionsory.
them whom He hath made, and being
Master of His chosen ones in the world, 2 Behold, Adam is become as One
as a Master over those that are in his of Us, to know good and evil. See
1 Virago, quia de Viro In the Hebrew it is “ Isshah" from “Ish.” The Seventy appear
to have found it hopeless, and the Latin is clumsy, but the English does very well.
2 iii. 22.

lest he take of the tree of life and live Abel’s blood crieth unto Me from the
for ever. ground.
Verse. Unto Adam also did the Verse. Cursed shalt thou be upon
LORD God make a coat of skins, and the earth, which hath opened her
clothed him, and said :— mouth to receive thy brother’s blood.
Answer. See lest he take of the from thy hand.
tree of life and live for ever. Answer. Behold, the voice of thy
brother Abel’s blood crieth unto Me
from the ground.
Ninth Lesson.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
FOR the cultivation of His vineyard, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
(that is, the instruction of His Answer. Behold, the voice of thy
people,) the Lord hath never Ceased to brother Abel’s blood crieth unto Me
send into it labourers. First, by the from the ground.
Fathers, then, by the Prophets and
Teachers of the Law, and lastly, by LAUDS.
the Apostles He hath dressed and
tended the lives of His people, as the First Antiphon. Have mercy upon
owner of a vineyard dresseth and me, * O God, and cleanse me from my
tendeth it by means of workmen. sin: for against Thee only have I
Whoever in whatever degree joined sinned.
to a right faith the teaching of right Psalm L.
eousness, was so far one of God’s
labourers in God’s vineyard. By the Have mercy, &c., (p. 87.)
labourers at early morning, and at the Second A ntiphon. I will praise
third hour, the sixth hour, and the Thee, * for Thou hast heard me.
ninth hour, may be understood God’s
ancient people, the Hebrews, who
Psalm CXVII.
strove to worship Him with a right
faith in company with His chosen ones 0 give thanks unto the LORD, &c.,
from the very beginning of the world, (a 37-)
and thus continually laboured in His
vineyard. And now, at the eleventh Third Antiphon. O God, Thou art
hour, it is said unto the Gentiles my God, * early will I seek Thee,
also: “Why stand ye here all the day because Thou hast been my help.
Psalms LXI]. and LXVI.
The flymn, “We praise Thee, O.
God,” &c., is not said on this or any O God, Thou art, &c., (p. 23.)
other Sunday before Easter. Fourth Antiohon. 2 Blessed art
Thou, * 0 our God, in the firmament
Ninth Responsory of heaven, and worthy to be praised
above all for ever.
1 The LORD said unto Cain : Where
is Abel thy brother? Lord, I know The Song of the Three Holy Children.
not: am I my brother’s keeper? And
He said unto him: What hast thou Fifth A ntiphon. Praise ye the LORD
done P Behold, the voice of thy brother ' * from the heavens.
1 iv. g-tr. 2 Dan. iii. 56.
Psalms CXL VIIL, CXLIX., and CL. SEXT.

Praise ye, &c., (pp. 25, 26.) Antiohon. Why stand ye here * all
the day idle? They answered and
said unto him: Because no man hath
Chapter. (I Cor. ix. 24.) hired us.
BRETH REN, know ye not that they
which run in a race run all, but Chapter. (I Cor. ix. 25.)
one receiveth the prize? So run that AND every man that striveth for the
ye may obtain. mastery is temperate in all things.
Verse. LORD, Thou hast been our Now they do it to obtain a corruptible
refuge. crown, but we an incorruptible.
Answer. In all generations.
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Thus saith the Lord: The kingdom of Antiphon. The Lord of the vine
heaven is like unto a man that is an yard saith: * Call the labourers, and
householder, * which went out early in give them their hire. '
the morning to hire labourers into his
vineyard. Chapter. (I Cor. x. 4.)
FOR they drank of that spiritual
Prayer throughout the day and week. rock that followed them: and that
rock was Christ. But with many of
LORD, we beseech Thee favour them God was not well pleased.
ably to hear the prayers of Thy
people; that we, who are justly
punished for our offences, may be
mercifully delivered by Thy goodness, Chapter as at Lauds.
for the glory of Thy Name. Through
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who A ntzlfihon at the Song of the Blessed
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in' the Virgin. The householder saith unto
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, his labourers: * Why stand ye here
world without end. Amen. all the day idle? But they answered
and said: Because no man hath hired
us. Go ye also into my vineyard,
PRIME. and whatsoever is right, that will I
give you.
Antiphon. And when he had
agreed * with the labourers for a Ql'lonbag.
penny1 a day, he sent them into his
Second Day.
First Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Antiohon. Go ye also * into my Genesis (i. 27.)
vineyard, and whatsoever is right, that
will I give you. O God created man in His Own
image; in the image of God
The Chapter is taken from Lands. created He him: male and female
1 Greek, denarion. Its value was nearly a shilling.

created He them. And God blessed created, in the day that the LORD
them, and said unto them : Be fruitful, God made the heavens and the earth,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and every plant of the field before it
and subdue it; and have dominion sprung up in the earth, and every
over the fish of the sea, and over the herb of the field before it grew: for
fowl of the air, and over every living the LORD God had not caused it to
thing that moveth upon the earth. rain upon the earth, and there was
And God said: Behold, I have given not a man to till the ground; but
you every herb bearing seed which is there rose up a spring2 from the
upon the face of the earth, and every earth and watered the whole face of
tree in the which is the fruit of a tree the ground.
yielding seed, to you it shall be for
meat. And to every beast of the
earth, and to every fowl of the air, and Second Responsory.
to every thing that creepeth upon the
earth wherein there is life, [I have 3The Lord said unto Adam; In
given it] for meat. And it was so. the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
And God saw everything that He had bread; when thou tillest the ground
it shall not henceforth yield unto thee
made, and it was very good. And the
evening and the morning were the her fruits. Thorns also and thistles
shall it bring forth to thee.
Sixth Day.
Verse. Because thou hast heark
ened unto the voice of thy wife, and
First Responsory. hast eaten of the tree which I com
manded thee, saying: Thou shalt not
1When the Lord walked in the eat of it,—cursed is the ground whereon
garden in the cool of the day, He
thou shalt labour.
called, and said: Adam, where art
Answer. Thorns also and thistles
thou? Lord, I heard Thy voice, and
shall it bring forth to thee.
I hid myself.
Verse. I heard Thy voice in the
garden, and I was afraid, because I Third Lesson.
was naked.
Answer. And I hid myself. 0 the LORD God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and
Second Lesson. breathed into his face the breath of
life, and man became a living soul.
HUS the heavens and the earth And the LORD God had planted a
were finished, and all the host garden aforetime in Eden, and there
of them. And on the seventh day God He put the man whom He had formed.
ended His work which He had made ; And out of the ground made the LORD
and He rested on the seventh day from God to grow every tree that is pleasant
all His work which He had made. to the sight, and good for food: the
And God blessed the seventh day tree of life also in the midst of the
and sanctified it, because that in garden, and the tree of knowledge of
it He had rested from all His work, good and evil. And a river went out
which He created and made. These of Eden to water the garden, and from
are the generations of the heavens thence it was parted, and became into
and of the earth, when they were four heads.
1 iii. 8-10. 2 Hebrew, “a mist." 3 iii. 19; iv. 12.
Third Responsory. Second Resoonsory.
The LORD formed man, &c., (p. The LORD God said, &c., (p. 416.)
VESPERS. Third Lesson.
A ntiohon at the Songr of the Blessed AND the LORD God caused a deep
Virgin. These last have wrought but sleep to fall upon Adam. And
one hour, * and thou hast made them while he slept, He took one of his
equal unto us, which have borne the ribs, and closed up the flesh instead
burden and heat of the day. thereof. And the rib which the LORD
God had taken from Adam made He a
woman, and brought her unto Adam.
@uesbag. And Adam said: This is now bone of
Third Day. my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she
shall be called Woman, because she
First Lesson. was taken out of Man. Therefore
The Lesson is taken from the Book of shall a man leave his father and his
Genesis (ii. 15.) mother; and shall cleave unto his
wife; and they twain shall be one
O the LORD God took the man flesh.
and put him into the garden of
Eden, to dress it and to keep it; Third Responsory.
and He commanded him, saying: Of
The LORD caused, &c., (p. 416.)
every tree of the garden thou mayest
freely eat; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt VESPERS.
not eat of it: for in the day that
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely
Virgin. And the householder said : *
die. And the LORD God said: It is
Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst
not good that the man should be
not thou agree with me for a penny?
alone; let Us make him an help meet
Take that is thine, and go thy way.
for him.
First Responsory.

God took the man, &c., (p. 416.)

Fourth Day.
Second Lesson. First Lesson.
SO out of the ground the LORD God The Lesson is taken from the Book of
formed every beast of the field, Genesis (iii. 1.)
and every fowl of the air, and brought
them unto Adam, to see what he would NOW the serpent was more subtle
call them. And whatsoever Adam than any beast of the field which
called every living creature, that was the LORD Godhad made. And he
the name thereof. And Adam gave said unto the woman : Why hath God
names to all cattle, and to every fowl said ye shall not eat of every tree of
of the air, and to every beast of the the garden? And the woman said
field. But for Adam there was not unto the serpent: We may eat of the
found an help meet for him. fruit of the trees of the garden; but

of the fruit of the tree which is in the LORD God said unto the Woman:
midst of the garden, God hath said: Wherefore hast thou done this? And
Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye She said: The serpent beguiled me,
touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent and I did eat.
said unto the woman: Ye shall not
surely die. For God doth know that Second Responsory.
in the day ye eat thereof, then your
eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be Behold, Adam is become, &c.,
as gods, knowing good and evil. And (1’- 417-)
the woman saw that the tree was good Third Lesson.
for food, and that it was pleasant to
the eyes, and a tree to be desired: ND the LORD God said unto the
and she took of the fruit thereof, and serpent : Because thou hast done
did eat, and gave also unto her hus this, thou art cursed above all cattle,
band with her, and he did eat. And and above every beast of the field;
the eyes of them both were opened. upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust
shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
I will put enmity between thee and
First Responsory. the woman, and between thy seed and
And the LORD God, &c., (p. 417.) her seed; she1 shall bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise her heel. And
unto the woman he said: I will greatly
I Seeond Lesson.
multiply thy sorrows and thy concep
AND when they knew that they tion: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth
were naked, they sewed fig children, and thou shalt be in the
leaves together, and made themselves power of thy husband, and he shall
aprons. And they heard the voice rule over thee. And unto Adam He
of the LORD God walking in the said: Because thou hast hearkened
garden in the cool of the day; and unto the voice of thy wife, and hast
Adam and his wife hid themselves eaten of the tree of which I com
from the presence of the LORD God manded thee, saying: Thou shalt not
amidst the trees of the garden. And eat of it—cursed is the ground whereon
the LORD God called unto Adam, and thou shalt labour ; in sorrow shalt thou
said unto him : Where art thou? And eat of it all the days of thy life. Thorns
he said: I heard Thy voice in the also and thistles shall it bring forth to
garden, and I was afraid, because I thee, and thou shalt eat the herb of
was naked, and I hid myself. And the field. In the sweat of thy face
He said: Who told thee that thou shalt thou eat bread, till thou return
wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the unto the ground; for out of it wast
tree whereof I commanded thee that thou taken; for dust thou art, and
thou shouldest not eat? And Adam unto dust thou shalt return. And
said : The woman, whom Thou gavest Adam called his wife’s name Eve,2
me to be with me, she gave me of because she was the mother of all
the tree, and I did eat. And the living.
1 Ipsa. Abp. Kenrick remarks that two MSS. examined by Kennicott read as the Vulgate,
and that in the very ancient style of the Pentateuch the gender of the Pronoun (without points)
is common. “ The verb, however, is masculine, and the text is applied by St Irenaeus to Christ
as ‘ the Seed predestined to trample under foot the seed of the serpent.’ " See also the Breviary
itself, on March 25. (Fourth Lesson.) [Scholars now agree that the “ipsa” of the Vulgate
here is a. scribal error, and that the passage refers to Christ.]
7 Chavah = Life.
Third Responsory. First Responsory.
The LORD said unto Cain, &c., In the beginning, &c., (First Re
(p. 418.) sponsory on Sunday, I). 414.)

A ntiphon at the Songr of the Blessed Second Lesson.

Virgin. Take that thine is, * and g0
thy way ; for I am good, saith the ND Cain said unto Abel his
brother; Let us go forth abroad.
And when they were in the field, Cain
Qihursbag. rose up against Abel his brother, and
slew him. And the LORD said unto
Fifth Day. Cain: Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said: I know not; am I my
brother’s keeper? And He said unto
First Lesson. him: What hast thou done? The
voice of thy brother’s blood crieth
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
unto Me from the ground. Now,
Genesis (iv. 1.)
therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon
AND Adam knew his wife, and she the earth, which hath opened her
conceived, and bare Cain, and mouth to receive thy brother’s blood
said: I have gotten a man from GOD.l from thy hand. When thou tillest
And she again bare his brother Abel the ground it shall not henceforth
—and Abel was a keeper of sheep, yield unto thee her fruits: a fugitive
but Cain was a tiller of the ground. and a vagabond shalt thou be on
And in process of time it came to pass the earth. '
that Cain brought of the fruit of the
ground an offering unto the LORD. Second Responsory.
And Abel, he also brought of the
firstlings of his flock, and of the fat In the beginning, &c., (Second Re
thereof. And the LORD had respect sponsory on Sunday, p. 41 5.)
to Abel, and to his offering. But
unto Cain and to his offering He had Third Lesson.
not respect: and Cain was very wroth,
and his countenance fell. And the ND Cain said unto the LORD:
LORD said unto him: Why art thou My sin- is too great for me to
wroth? and why is thy countenance gain pardon thereof.3 Behold, Thou
fallen? If thou doest well shalt thou hast driven me out this day from the
not be accepted? and if thou doest face of the earth, and from Thy face
not well, doth not sin lie at the door ? 2 shall I be hid, and I shall be a fugi
But the desire thereof is under thee, tive and a vagabond in the earth.
and thou hast control over it. Every one therefore that findeth me
1 The name.
2 Like a beast of prey lying in wait. (Gesenius.) The Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel on
the whole passage is: “If thou doest thy work well, will not thy guilt be forgiven thee? But if
thou doest not thy work well in this world, thy sin is retained unto the day of the great
judgment, and at the doors of thy heart lieth thy sin. And into t'hy hand have I delivered the
power over evil passion, and unto thee shall be the inclination thereof, that thou mayest
have authority over it, to become righteous, or to sin." (Etheridge's translation, I. 170.)
3 The Jerusalem Targum softens the hopelessness of this exclamation. “My sins are greater
than can be borne. Nevertheless there is power before Thee to absolve and forgive me."
(Etheridge’s. translation, I. 172.)

shall slay me. And the LORD said 0 what anguish, what affliction
unto him: It shall not be so: but Hemmed Him round on every side.
whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance Who shall tell His dereliction!
While His suppliant accents cried—
shall be taken on him sevenfold.
And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, “0 My Father! 0 My Father!
lest any finding him should kill him. Let this Chalice pass away—
And Cain went out from the presence Yet not My will, Thy will rather
of the LORD, and dwelt a vagabond Be accomplished this day—"
in the land on the East of Eden.
’Neath that load of anguish sinking
Third Responsory. Drops of Blood stood on His Brow—
Wondering earth in silence drinking
The LORD formed man, &c., (p. One by one the Drops that flow.
But an angel swiftly gliding
A t the beginning of the Martyrolog, Comes from heaven to His aid;
is said, And that Form the Godhead hiding
On the morrow we commemorate Comfort seeks from those He made.
the prayer of our Lord JESUS Christ
at the foot of the Mount of Olives. To the Father praise be given-—
Praise the Son, Whose Name is greater
Than all names benath the heaven,—
§ribag. Praise the Spirit, every creature. Amen.

Ofiee in Memory of the Prayer of our Verse. 2 My soul is exceeding sor

Lord _/ES US Christ in the Garden rowful,
of Gethsemane. Answer. Even unto death.

Greater Double. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed

All as on Sundays, except the follow Virgin. 3 He kneeled down, and
ing. prayed, saying: Father, if Thou be
willing, remove this cup from Me;
nevertheless, not My will, but Thine,
Antzphons, Chapter, and Prayer be done.
from Lauds.

Last Psalm.
Inw'tatory. Christ JESUS Who
Ps. cxvi. O praise the LORD, &c., prayed at the foot of the Mount
(p. 186.) of Olives, * Him, 0 come, let us
Hymn.1 worship!
SEE the Eternal Word descending [ilymn from Vespers.
From the throne of bliss supreme,
Love-constrained, His way now wending
Adam's children to redeem.
Pitying the world’s disaster,
Yearning to repair its fall, First Antiphon. 4 Before thou
Prone upon the earth, our Master prayest, prepare thy soul, and be
Prays for pardon for us all. not as one that tempteth God.
1 Hymn from the Proprium of the arch-diocese of Freiburg, translation by the Rev. Dr
\\'alla.ce. ’ Matth. xxvi. 38. 3 Luke xxii. 4t, 42. us xviii. 23.
Ps. xvi. Hear my right, 0 LORD, God in Christ JESUS concerning you
&c., (p. 13.) all.
Answer. Pray without ceasing.
Second Anlz'p/zon. 1 Let nothing
hinder thee to pray always, and de
fer not until death to be justified. Second Lesson.

Ps. xxiv. Unto Thee, O LORD, &c., The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
<11 46-) of the Blessed Apostle James (v.
16.) ‘
Thim! A fltififiOfl. 2 All things what
soever ye shall ask in prayer, believ PRAY one for another, that ye may
ing, ye shall receive. be healed, for the fervent prayer
of a righteous man availeth much.
Ps. cxli. I cried unto the LORD, Elias was a man subject to like
&c., (p. 200.) passions as we are, and he prayed
earnestly that it might not rain upon
Verse. My soul is exceeding sor the earth, and it rained not by the
rowful, space of three years and six months.
A nswer. Even unto death. And he prayed again, and the heaven
gave rain, and the earth brought forth
First Lesson. her fruit. Brethren, if any of you do
err from the truth, and one convert
The Lesson is taken from the Book of him, let him know that he which con
Tobias (xii. 8-13.) verteth a sinner from the error of his
way shall save his soul from death,
PRAYER is good with fasting, and
and shall hide a multitude of sins.
to lay up alms rather than to lay
up stores of gold. For alms doth de
liver from death, and the same it is Second Responsory.
which purgeth away sin, and causeth
When 4ye stand praying, forgive,
to find mercy and everlasting life.
if ye have aught against any.
But they that work sin and iniquity
Verse. That your Father also Who
are enemies of their own soul. There
is in heaven may forgive you your
fore I show you the truth, and will
not keep an hidden matter back from
Answer. Forgive, if ye have aught
you. When thou didst pray with
against any.
tears, and bury the dead, and leave
thy dinner, and hide the dead in
thine house by day, and bury them Tlu'rd Lesson.
by night, I did bring up thy prayer
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
before the Lord. And because thou
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
wast accepted with God, it was needs
Hebrews (v. 5.)
that temptation should try thee.
Christ glorified not Himself to be
made an High Priest, but He That
Firs! Responsory.
said unto Him: “Thou art My Son,
3 In everything give thanks. Pray to-day have I begotten Thee.” (Ps.
without ceasing. ii. 7.) As He saith also in another
Verse. For this is the will of place: “Thou art a Priest for ever,
1 Ecclus. xviii. 2:. 9 Matth. xxi. 22 3 r Thess. v. 17, 18. ¢ Mark xi. :5.

after the order of Melchisedek.” Ps. liv. Give ear to my prayer,

(Ps. cix. 4.) Who, in the days &c., (p. 109.)
of His flesh, when He had offered
up prayers and supplications, with Third Antiphon; 6And it came
strong crying and tears, unto Him to pass in those days, that JESUS
That was able to save Him from went out into a mountain to pray,
death, was heard, in that He feared.1 and continued all night in prayer
And though He was the Son of God, to God.
yet learned He obedienCe by the Ps. cxx. I will lift up mine eyes,
things which He suffered; and be &c., (15. I86.)
ing made perfect, He is become the
Author of Eternal Salvation unto all Verse. 70 My Father, if it be
them that obey Him—called of God possible,—
an High Priest after the order of Answer. Let this cup pass from
Melchisedek. Me!
Fourth Lesson.
Third Responsory. The Lesson is taken from the Treatise
7‘ The LORD hath heard my sup upon the Lord’s Prayer written by
plication; the LORD hath received the Holy Martyr Cyprian,~Bishop [of
my prayer. Carthage] (On the Lord’s Prayer.)
Verse. 31 cried with my whole HE Lord hath indeed taught us to
heart; hear me, O LORD! pray, not by words only, but also
Answer. The LORD hath received by deeds. He Himself prayed often
my prayer. times, and right earnestly, and showed
Verse. Glory be to the Father, us by the witness of His Own example
and to the Son, and to the Holy what we are behoven to do; as it is
Ghost. written: “And He withdrew Himself
Answer. The LORD hath received into the wilderness, and prayed.”
my prayer. (Luke v. 16.) And again: “And it
came to pass in those days that JESUS
SECOND NOCTURN. went out into a mountain to pray, and
continued all night in prayer to God.”
First Antiphon. 4 When ye pray (Luke vi. 12.) If He prayed Who
ye shall not be as the hypocrites was without sin, how much more are
are; for they love to pray standing sinners beholden to pray? And if He
in the synagogues and in the corners remained sleepless all night in unceas
of the streets, that they may be seen ing prayer, how much more ought we
of men. to watch by night in common prayer?
The Lord prayed and besought, but
Ps. xlii. Judge me, O God, &c.,
not for Himself — for what had the
(a 105-) Innocent One to ask for for Himself?
Second Antiphon.v 5 But thou, But it was for us sinners that He
when thou prayest, enter into thy prayed, as Himself declareth when He
closet, and, when thou hast shut saith unto Peter: “Simon, Simon,
the door, pray to thy Father Who behold, Satan hath desired to have
is in secret. you, that he may sift- you as wheat;
1 Or, “ on account of His reverent submission." 2 Ps. vi. 10.
? Ps. cxviii. r45. 4_ Matth. vi. 5. 5 Ibid., 6. 6 Luke vi. 12. 7 Matth. xxvi. 39.
but I have prayed for thee, that thy These prayers and supplications He
faith fail not.” (Luke xxii. 31, 32.) offered up unto the Father, Who met
And a little while after, He prayed to Him half-way by hearing Him. He
the Father for all, saying: “Neither offered them up unto Him That was
pray I for these alone, but for them able to save Him from death, that
also which shall believe on Me through is, to raise Him up again—unto
their word, that they all may be one; Him of Whom He knew that He
as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in was able to save Him, that is, to
Thee; that they also may be one in make Him so that He could die no
Us.” (John xvii. 20, 21.) more and suffer no more, by deliver
ing Him from death, so that His
Fourth Responsoiy. Soul was not left in hell, neither did
His Flesh see corruption in the
Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath grave. (Ps. xv. 10.)
desired to have you, that he may sift
you as wheat; but I have prayed for
thee, that thy faith fail not. Fifth Responsoijr.
Verse. And when thou art COU 1 The prayer of the humble pierceth
verted strengthen thy brethren. the clouds, and till it come nigh, he will
Answer. I, have prayed for thee, not be comforted. '
that thy faith fail not. Verse. And will not depart till the
Most High shall behold.
Fifth Lesson. Answer. And till it come nigh, he
will not be comforted.
The Lesson is taken from‘the Com
mentary upon the Epistle to the
Hebrews, written by St Anselm, Sixth Lesson.
Archbishop [of Canterbury] (v.)
AND these prayers and supplications
HE offered up prayers like a true He offered up with strong crying,
High Priest. That He prayed that is, with the keenest and liveliest
we read oftentimes in the Gospel, yearning of godly desire, as when,
especially in that according to Luke, being in an agony, He prayed more
who draweth Him in His Priestly earnestly, and even with tears, for in
character. But even as all things that lengthened prayer we must believe
which He did in the Flesh, His prayers that He shed Tears as well as those
and supplications were for men. drops of Blood which trickled down
Through all His life He prayed to His Body in the place of sweat. And
the Father touching the Resurrection He was heard, for in rising again, He
of His Own Flesh, and our salvation, received that for which He had asked.
and at the last moment before He He was heard, that is, He in especial
suffered, He ofi'ered up supplications, was heard in a sense of thoroughness
that is, prayers most beseeching and in which no other hath ever been
most vehement, with the utmost passion heard, since, after the throes of the
and tenderness of His Heart, when, struggle were over, the Father exalted
“being in an agony He prayed more Him above everything created. More
earnestly, and His Sweat was as it over, He was heard on account of
“were great drops of Blood falling down reverent submission,2 which meaneth
to the ground.” (Luke xxii. 44.) either that He was heard because as
1 Ecclus. xxxv. 21. . 2 .Afi tes eulabeias.

the Son of God reverent submission unto the dust; quicken Thou me ac
was due to His wishes, or else that He cording to Thy word.
was heard because of His reverent
Ps. lxxxvii. O LORD God of my
submission to the Will of God, in that
salvation, &c., (p. X45.)
He feared and honoured the Father
above all. Or again, we may under Verse. 4Watch and pray,
stand that He was heard, because His Answer. That ye enter not into
reverent submission merited that He temptation.
should be heard. The out-pouring of
His Blood may in itself be called a Se'z/enllz Lesson.
strong cry, wherein He was heard on
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
account of His reverent submission to
Gospel according to Luke (xxii. 39.)
such suffering. His reverent sub
mission in that case lay in this, that T that time: JESUS came out, and
having never done any evil, He was went, as He was wont, to the
willing to suffer, simply out of love. Mount of Olives; and His disciples
also followed Him. And so on.
Sz'xt/z Responsory. Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
lLet now Thine ears be attentive Milan.] (Bk. x. Comm. on Luke xxii.)
and Thine eyes open, to hearken unto “Remove this cup from Me "—the
the prayer of Thy servant. Man shrank from death, the God re
Verse. Which I pray before Thee mained unshaken in the counsel of His
this day, night and day. Own Will. We must needs die to this
Answer. To hearken unto the world that we may rise again to God,
prayer of Thy servant. that in accordance with God’s sentence,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and the law of the curse may work itself
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. out by our return to the dust of the
Answer. To hearken unto the earth from whence we are taken.
prayer of Thy servant. “Not My will, but Thine be done.”
In these words our Lord signifieth by
“ My will ” His human will, and by the
Father’s will, His Own Divine Will.
First Antiphon. ‘-’ Trouble and The wills of men are temporal, but the
anguish have taken hold on me: Thy Will of God is eternal. There is not
commandments are my delight. one Will of the Father, and another
Will of the Son. There is but one
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in Will, where there is but one God.
creased, &c., (p. 5.) Learn, nevertheless, from the ensample
Seeond Antiphon. 3 I looked for of Christ, to be resigned to God’s Will,
some to take pity on me, and there was and not to choose that which best
none; and for comforters, but I found pleaseth thyself, but that which thou
none. knowest will best please God.

Ps. xii. How long wilt Thou forget, Seventh Responsory.

8w, (11 9-) 31 am come into the depth of the
Tbird Antz'p/mn. 2 My soul cleaveth sea, and the flood overfloweth me.
1 2 Ezra (Nehem.), i. 6. 2 Ps. cxviii. r43, 25.
3 Ps. lxviii. 2!, 3, I. ‘ Matth. xxvi. 4r.
Verse. Save me, O God, for the Ninth Lesson.
waters are come in unto my soul.
Answer. And the flood overfloweth HEN He saith: “I will smite the
me. shepherd, and the sheep of the
flock shall be scattered abroad.”
Eighth Lesson. (Matth. xxvi. 31.) He was sorrowful
THEN, let us consider the special because He was leaving us orphans.
meaning of His different expres But how resolutely He was giving
sions. “ My Soul is exceeding sorrow Himself up to die is sufliciently clear
ful, even unto death.” (Matth. xxvi. by what followed, when He went to
38.) So also elsewhere He saith: meet those that sought Him, when He
“Now is My Soul troubled.” (John calmed the agitated, when He nerved
xii. 27.) It was not He Who had the timid, when He received the traitor
taken the Manhood unto God Who was himself with the condescension of a
troubled, but the Manhood Which He kiss. Neither is it other than the
had so taken. The soul of man is truth to say that He was sorrowful for
able to be moved by divers feelings, their sakes who were hunting Him
but not so God. “The Spirit indeed down, since He knew what a punish
is willing, but the Flesh is weak.”1 ment they were to undergo for that
(Matth. xxvi. 41.) That which was unutterable crime. And because of
exceeding sorrowful was not Himself all these things He said: “Let this
but His Soul. The Eternal Wisdom cup pass from Me!” It was not that
was not sorrowful, the Divine Being the Divine Son of the Divine Being
was not sorrowful, but the human Soul was afraid to die, but He would not
of JESUS was sorrowful. He had taken that even wicked men should perish on
into the Godhead a Soul, but a Soul of His account.
the same nature as mine.2 I am not
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
deceived into thinking that it was one
God, &c.,” is said.
thing, when it seemed another. Sor
rowful He seemed to be, and sorrowful
He was—not at the thought of His LAUDS.4
Own sufferings, but of our sins.
First Antiphon. JESUS cometh
with His disciples unto a place called
Eighth Restonsory.
Gethsemane, and saith unto them: Sit
3 Let my prayer come before Thee: ye here while I go and pray yonder.
incline Thine ear unto my cry. Second Antzlohon. And He took
Verse. For my soul is full of with Him Peter and the two sons of
troubles, and my life draweth nigh Zebedee', and began to be sorrowful
unto the grave. and very heavy.
Answer. Incline Thine ear unto Third Anliphon. Then saith He
my cry. unto them: My soul is exceeding
Verse. Glory be to the Father, sorrowful, even unto death; tarry ye
and to the Son, and to the Holy here, and watch with Me.
Ghost. Fourth Antiphon. And He went a
Answer. Incline Thine ear unto little farther, and fell on His Face,
my cry. and prayed, saying: 0 My Father!
1 St Ambrose seems to understand these words as spoken by our Lord concerning Himself.
3 Suscepit animam meam, suscepit corpus meum.
3 Ps. lxxxvii. 3, 4. 4 Antiphons from Matth. xxvi. 36-39, 42.

if it be possible, let this cup pass from Being in an agony He prayed more
Mel _ earnestly, and His Sweat was as it
Fifth Antiphon. 0 My Father! were great drops of Blood falling down
if this cup may not pass away from to the ground. -
Me, except I drink it, Thy Will be
done! ' Prayer throughout the Ofiee.

Chapter. (Matth. xxvi. 4o.) O LORD JESUS Christ, Who in the

garden didst both by Thy word
ESUS cometh unto the disciples, and by Thine ensample teach us to
and findeth them asleep, and pray that we enter not into temptation,
saith unto Peter: What! could ye not mercifully grant that we may ever be
watch with Me one hour? Watch so instant in prayer, that we may
and pray, that ye enter not into temp worthily gain the comfortable fruits
tation. thereof. Who livest and reignest with
God the Father, in the unity of the
bfymn. 1
Holy Ghost, one God, world without
FROM high heaven the Mediator, end. Amen.
Whom the Prophets sang of yore,
‘Comes to heal our fallen nature,
Zion's daughters! weep no more. PRIME.

For the ill which Eden wrought us, Antiohon. JESUS cometh, &c.,
When our parents went astray, (First AntzLohon at Laudr.)
Olivet to life hath brought us,
Where our Lord doth watch and pray. Ps. liii. (15. 36) and the two sections
ofcxviii. 38).
The Redeemer of His nation,
Such the love which filled His Breast, Chapter at the end.. (Matth. v. 44.)
Hastens to make expiation
For the world by sin oppressed. PRAY for them which despitefully
use you and persecute you, that
Now the Father’s anger ceases,
And the Hand tip-raised to smite, ye may be the children of your Father,
All those threatening shafts releases, . Who is in heaven.
Destined on our souls to light.
Thus the snares of hell are broken;
Heaven's gates are open wide, Antiphon. And He took with Him,
Where eternal joys unspoken
&c., (Second AntzJohon at Lauds.)
Welcome those for whom He died.
Chafiterfronz Lauds.
To the Father praise be given !
Praise the Son, Whose Name is greater
Than all names beneath the heaven, Short Responsory.
Praise the Spirit,- every creature. Amen.
My Soul is exceeding sorrowful.
Verse. 2 Lord, teach us to pray. Answer. My Soul is_exceeding sor
Answer. After this manner there rowful,
fore pray ye. Verse. Even unto death.
Answer. Exceeding sorrowful.
Antzluhon at the Song of Zacharias. Verse. Glory be to the 'Father,
‘1 Another hymn from the Proprium of the arch-diocese of Freiburg. translation by the Rev.
Dr Wallace. 2 Luke xi. 1 ; Matth. vi. 9.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Answer. And pray.
Ghost. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Answer. My Soul is exceeding sor and to the Son, and to the Holy
rowful. Ghost.
Verse. 0 my Father, if it be pos Answer. Watch and pray.
sible— Verse. His Sweat
Answer. Let this cup pass from Answer. Was as it were great
Me! drops of Blood, .
Antz'phon. Then saith He unto A ntiphons, Chapter, and I Prayer
them, &c., (Third A ntz'phon at Lands.)
from Lands.
Chapter. (Luke xxi. 36.)
Last Psalm. _
WATCH ye therefore and pray
always, that ye may be ac Ps. cxv. I believed, &c., (p. 185.)
counted worthy to escape all these
things that shall come to pass, and to
Ifymn from first Vespers.
stand before the Son of Man.
Verse. His Sweat
Short Responsory. Answer. Was as it were great
drops of Blood.
0 My Father! if it be possible.
Answer. 0 My Father! if it be A ntz'phon at the Song of the Blessed
possible Virgin. 1 Behold, the hour is at hand,
Verse. Let this cup pass from Me! and the Son of Man is betrayed into
Answer. If it be possible. the hands of sinners.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. 0 my Father! if it be The Sahbath.
Verse. Watch and pray, MATTINS.
Answer. That ye enter not into First Lesson.
temptation. ,
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Genesis (v. 15.)
Antz'phon. 0 My Father! &c.,
AND Mahalaleel lived sixty and five
(Fifth Antz'phon at Lands.)
years, and begat Jared. And
Chapterfrom the end of Prime. Mahalaleel lived, after he begat Jared,
eight hundred and thirty years, and
Short Responsory. begat sons and daughters. And all
the days of Mahalaleel were eight
Watch and pray. hundred and ninety-five years ; and he
Answer. Watch and pray, died. And Jared lived an hundred
Verse. That ye enter not into sixty and two years, and he begat
temptation. Enoch.‘ And Jared lived after he
1 Matth . xxvi.- 45.

begat Enoch eight hundred years, and all the days of Lamech were seven
begat sons and daughters. And all hundred seventy and seven years;
the days of Jared were nine hundred and he died.
and sixty and two years ; and he died.
And Enoch lived sixty and five years,
Third Responsory.
and begat Methuselah.
The LORD said unto Cain, &c., (p.
First Responsory. 418.)

And the LORD God had planted, VESPERS.

&c., (p. 417.)

Chapter and Prayer from Lands of
thefollowing morning.
Second Lesson.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
ND Enoch walked with God:
Virgin. The Lord said unto Noah: *
and he lived, after he begat
The end of all flesh is come before
Methuselah, three hundred years, and
Me: make thee an ark of planed
begat sons and daughters. And all
timber, that seed of all flesh may be
the days of Enoch were three hun
saved therein.
dred sixty and five years. And he
walked with God; and he was seen
no more, for God took him. And
Methuselah lived _an hundred, eighty
and seven years, and begat Lamech. e$2acagna’ima Sunhag.
And Methuselah lived, after he begat
Lamech, seven hundred eighty and two The Lord’s Day within Sixty Days
years, and begat sons and daughters. of Easter.
And all the days of Methuselah were
nine hundred sixty and nine years; MATTINS.
and he died.
Inw'tatory and omission in Ps.
XC]V. as on last Sunday.
Second Responsory.

Behold, Adam is become, &c., (p. FIRST NOCTURN.

First Lesson.
Third Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
ND Lamech lived an hundred Genesis (v. 31.)
eighty and two years, and begat
a son, and he called his name Noah,l ND when Noah was five hundred
saying: This same shall comfort us years old he begat Shem, Ham,
concerning our work and toil of our and Japheth. (vi. 1.) And it came
hands upon the ground which the to pass, when men began to multi
LORD hath cursed. And Lamech ply on the face of the earth, and
lived, after he begat Noah, five daughters were born unto them, that
hundred ninety and five years, and the sons of God2 saw the daughters
begat sons and daughters. And of men that they were fair, and
1 Le. I “rest , " or “comfort.”
’ Tar8“ ms—“the sons of the mi g hty," and Samaritan, “ sons of the rulers."
they took them wives of all which all that God commanded him, so
they chose. And God said: 1 My did he.
spirit shall not always continue in Verse. He made him an ark, that
man, for that he also is flesh: and a seed of every sort might be saved
his days shall be an hundred and alive.
twenty years. And there were giants Answer. According to all that God
in the earth in those days. For commanded him, so did he.
after that the sons of God came in
unto the daughters of men, and they
Third Lesson.
bare children to them, the same
became mighty men, which were of HESE are the generations of
old, men of reiiown. Noah: Noah was a just man,
and perfect in his generations; he
First Responsory. walked with God. And he begat
three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japhet.
2The Lord said unto Noah: The The earth also was corrupt before
end of all flesh is come before Me; God, and was filled with violence.
for the earth is filled with violence And when God looked upon the earth
through them. And I will destroy and beheld how it was corrupt, (for all
them with the earth. ‘ flesh had corrupted his way upon the
Verse. Make thee an ark of earth,) He said unto Noah: The end
planed timber, rooms shalt thou make of all flesh is come before Me: the
in it. earth is filled with violence through
Answer. And I will destroy them them, and I will destroy them with
with the earth. the earth. Make thee an ark of planed
timber: rooms shalt thou make in the
Second Lesson. ark, and shalt pitch it within and with
ND God saw that the wickedness out with pitch. And this is the fashion
of man was great in the earth, thou shalt make it of: the length of
and that every thought of his heart the ark shall be three hundred cubits,
was only evil continually, and it re the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the
pented Him that He had made man height of it thirty cubits.
on the earth. And it grieved Him at i
the heart ; and He said : I will destroy Third Responsory.
man, whom I have created, from the
face of the earth; both man and Forty days and forty nights were the
beast, and the creeping thing, and heavens opened; and there went into
the fowls of the air: for it repenteth the ark two and two of all flesh wherein
Me that I have made them. But is the breath of life. And the LORD
Noah found grace in the eyes of the shut them in.
LORD. Verse. In the self-same day entered
Noah into the ark, and his sons, and
Second Responsory.
his wife, and the wives of his sons.
Noah was a just man and perfect; Answer. And the LORD shut
he walked with God. According to them in.
1 Targum of Onkelos: "This evil generation shall not stand before Me for ever, because
they are flesh and their works are evil." Jonathan ben Uzziel: “ Have I not imparted My
Holy Spirit to them, that they may work good works? And, behold, their works are wicked.
Behold, I will give them a prolongment of no years, that they may poi" k repentance, and not
perish. " V1. 13.

Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Answer. Be fruitful, and multiply,

to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. and replenish the earth.
Answer. And the LORD shut
them in. Fzfth Lesson.
SECOND NOCTURN. ND God threatened that He would
destroy man. He said: “I will
Fourth Lesson.
destroy man, whom I have created,
The Lesson is taken from the Book from the face of the earth; both man
upon Noah’s Ark by St Ambrose, and beast, and the creeping thing, and
Bishop [of Milan.] (Chap. iv.) the fowls of the air.” What harm had
the animals done? For man’s use
WE read that the Lord was angry. had they been created, and, when man
It is in the thoughts, that is to was wiped away, they were of use no
say, in the knowledge of God, that longer. And there is an higher reason.
man being put on earth and weighted Man is a living soul, capable of reason,
with the body cannot 1 be without sin, who may be described as a living
for earth is the home of temptations, animal, subject to death, and endowed
and the flesh is a bait for corruption. with reason. When then the highest
Yet man had a reasonable soul, and animal is gone, why should the lower
his soul had power to control his branches remain? Why should any
body; and, being so made, he made thing be saved alive, when righteous
no struggle to keep himself from fall ness, the basis of salvation, is to be no
ing into that from whence he would more ?
not return. God’s thoughts are not
as man’s thoughts; in Him there is Fg'fth Responsory.
no such thing as change of mind, no The Lord said unto Noah: SI do
such thing as to be angry and then set My bow in the clouds of heaven:
cool down again. These things 'are and I will remember My covenant
written that we may know the bitter which is between Me and you.
ness of our sins, whereby we have Verse. And it shall come to pass,
earned the Divine wrath. To such when I bring a cloud over the heaven,
a degree had iniquity grown that God, that My bow shall be seen in the
\Nho by His nature cannot be moved cloud.
by anger, 'or hatred, or any passion Answer. And I will remember My
whatsoever, is represented as provoked covenant which is between Me and
to anger. you.
Fourth Responsory. Sizth Lesson.
2Noah builded an Altar unto the BUT more effectually to condemn
LORD, and offered burnt offerings on the rest of men, and to manifest
the Altar; and the LORD smelled the goodness of God, it is written that
a sweet savour, and blessed Noah, Noah found grace in the eyes of the
and said: Be fruitful, and multiply, Lord. Here we learn also that the
and replenish the earth. ~ sin of his neighbour casteth no shadow
Verse. Behold, I establish My on the righteous, when he is kept as a
covenant with you, and with your seed stock from whence the whole race are
after you. to spring. He is praised, not because
1 Esse non possit, i.e., since the Fall. 2 viii. 20; ix. I, 9. 3 ix. l3, :4.
he was of a noble race, but because he. to enforce its lesson. The Truth Him
was a just man and perfect. The Self hath explained it, and, after that,
‘stock of a just man yieldeth men of it beseemeth not man’s frailty to fritter
just souls; for virtues, like blood, are away His, exposition by any further
hereditary. Among men are some comment. But there is, in that very
families illustrious for honourable pedi explanation by the Lord, somewhat,
grees, and so there are also races of which it behoveth us well to weigh.
souls whose comeliness is the lustre of If it were but we who bade you believe
virtues. that by the seed is signified the word ;
by the field, the world; by the birds,
Sixth Responsory.
the devils; and by the thorns, riches
By Myself have I sworn, saith the —ye would perchance doubt of the
Lord. I will not again bring the truth of our explanation. Therefore
waters of the flood upon the earth: I the Lord Himself hath vouchsafed to
will remember My covenant. And the give this explanation, and that, not for
waters shall become no more a flood this parable'only, but that ye may
to destroy all flesh. know in what manner to interpret
Verse. I do set My bow in the others, whereof He hath not given the
clouds, and it shall be for a token of meaning.
a covenant between Me and the earth.
Answer. And the waters shall no, Se'z/enth Responsory.
more become a flood to destroy all
flesh. ~ 1God blessed Noah and his sons,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and said unto them: Be fruitful, and
and to the Son, and to the Holy multiply, and replenish the earth.
Ghost. Verse. Behold, I establish My cov
Answer. -And the waters shall no enant with you, and with your seed
more become a flood to destroy all after you.
flesh. Answer. Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth.
Seventh Lesson. Eigrhth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy BEGINNING His explanation, the
Gospel according to Luke (viii. 4.) Lord saith that He speaketh in
parables. Hereby He doth certify us,
T that time: When much people
when our weakness would unveil to
were gathered together, and were
you the hidden meaning of His words.
come to JESUS out of every city, He
If I spake of myself, who would believe
spake by a parable: A sower went out
me when I say that riches are thorns ?
to sow his seed. And so on.
Thorns prick, but riches lull to rest.
- Homily by Pope St Gregory [the And yet riches are indeed thorns, for
Great] (15th on the Gospels.) the anxiety they bring is a ceaseless
pricking to the minds of their owners,
Dearly beloved brethren, the passage and, if they lead into sin, they are
from the Holy Gospel which ye have thorns which bloodily tear the soul.
just heard, needeth not so much that I But we understand from another Evan
should explain it, as that I should seek gelist (Matth. xiii. 22) that in this
1 7, 9. i

place the Lord speaketh, not of riches Him out of every city, He spake by a
themselves, but of the deceitfulness of parable: A sower went out to sow his
riches. seed.
Ezlghth Responsory. Verse. And, as he sowed, some fell
on good ground, and sprang up, and
Behold, I establish My covenant
bare fruit an hundred-fold.
with you, and with your seed after you.
Answer. A sower went out to sow
Neither shall there any more be a flood
his seed.
to destroy the earth.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Verse. I do set My bow in the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
clouds, and it shall be for a token of a
Answer. A sower went out to sow
covenant between Me and the earth.
his seed.
Answer. Neither shall there any
more be a flood to destroy the earth.
First Antz'phon. Have mercy upon
[Vinth Lesson. me, O God, * after Thy great mercy.1
THOSE riches are deceitful riches,
Psalm L.
which can be ours only for a
little while; those riches are deceitful Have mercy, &c., but beginning with
riches, which cannot relieve the poverty the wards, “After Thy great mercy,"
of our souls. They are the only true (p. 87.)
riches, which make us rich in virtues.
lf then, dearly beloved brethren, ye Second Antiphon. If the Lord be
seek to be rich, earnestly desire the my Saviour * I will not fear what man
true riches. If ye would be truly can do unto me.
honourable, strive after the kingdom
of heaven. If ye love the bravery of Psalm CX V1].
titles, hasten to have your names 0 give thanks unto the LORD, &c.,
written down at Court above, where
Angels are. Take to heart the Lord’s
(t- 37-)
words which your ear heareth. The Third Antz'phon. Within the veil2
food of the soul is the word of God: I cried betirnes: * O God, Thou art
when the stomach is sick it throweth my God, early will I seek Thee.
up again the food which is put into it,
and so is the soul sick when a man Psalms LXI]. and LX VI.
heareth and digesteth not in his
0 God, Thou art my God, &c.,
memory the Word of God. And if
any man cannot keep his food, that (p. 23.)
man’s life is in desperate case. Fourth Antiphon. Let us sing
praises * to the Lord our God.
Ninth Responsory.
The Song of the Three Holy Children.
When much people were gathered
together to JESUS, and were come to Fifth Antz'phon. Praise God with
1 In the Latin the order of verse 3 is reversed in the Antiphon, (“After Thy great mercy,
have mercy," &c..) and the Psalm consequently begins as usual.
‘-' The allusion is perhaps to the ancient custom of hanging a curtain before the chancel,
between Septuagesima. and Easter. It is still so done, at least in Sicily, but the translator
does not think it is anywhere practised in Rome. Formerly it seems to have been nearly
co-extensive with Latin Christianity. CL, however, verse 8.
[Lenten vails are still used in Spain]
the timbrel and dance; * praise Him good heart, bring forth fruit with
with stringed instruments and organs. patience.
Chafiterfrom Lauds.
Psalms CXL VIIL, CXLIX., and CL.
Praise ye, &c., (pp. 25, 26.) SEXT.

Antiphon. Some seed fell on good

Chapter. (2 Cor. xi. 19.) ground, * and bare fruit, some an hun
RETH REN, ye suffer fools gladly, dred-fold, and some sixty-fold.
seeing ye yourselves are wise:
for ye suffer if a man bring you into Chapter. (2 Cor. xi. 25.)
bondage, if a man devour you, if a THRICE was I beaten with rods,
man take of you, if a man exalt once was I stoned, thrice I
himself, if a man smite you on the suffered shipwreck, a night and a
face. day have I been in the deep of
the sea.
Verse and Answer as last Sunday. NONE.

A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. Antiphon. If then, dearly beloved

When much people were gathered to brethren, ye seek to be rich, * ear
gether to JESUS, * and were come nestly desire the true riches.
to Him out of every city, He spake
by a parable; a sower went out to Chapter. (2 Cor. xii. 19.)
sow his seed. M OST gladly therefore will I rather
glory in my infirmities, that the
Prayer throughout the day and week. power of Christ may rest upon me.
0 GOD, Who seest that we put
not our trust in anything that
we do, mercifully grant that through Chapterfrom Lauds.
the protection of the Teacher of the
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Gentiles 1 we may be defended against
Virgin. JESUS said to His disciples:
all adversity. Through our Lord
* Unto you it is given to know the
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
mysteries of the kingdom of God, but
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
to others in parables.
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
without end. Amen.
PRIME. Second Day.

Antiphon. Some seed fell on good First Lesson.

ground, * and bare fruit with patience. The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Genesis (vii. I.)
HE LORD said unto Noah : Come
Antiphon. They which keep the thou and all thy house into the
word of God * in an honest and ark; for thee have I seen righteous be
1 This is on account of the “Station” at Rome being on this day at St-Paul's-without
the-walls, for which reason also (apparently) has been chosen the long Epistle at Mass,
from 2 Cor.

fore Me in this generation. Of every earth, and the waters assuaged,

clean beast thou shalt take to thee by and the rain from heaven was re
sevens, the male and the female; and strained.
of beasts that are not clean by two, Verse. And the waters returned
the male and the female. Of fowls from off the earth continually, and
also of the air by sevens, the male after the end of the hundred and
and the female, to keep seed alive fifty days the waters were abated.
Upon the face of all the earth. For Answer. And the rain from heaven
yet seven days and I will cause it was restrained.
to rain upon the earth forty days
and forty nights, and every living
substance that l have made will I Third Lesson.
destroy from off the face of the
IN the self-same day entered Noah,
and Shem, and Ham, and Japhet,
First Responsory. his sons, his wife, and the three wives
of his sons with them, into the ark;
In the self-same day entered Noah they, and every beast after his kind,
into the ark, and his sons, and his wife and all the cattle after their kind,
and the wives of his sons. ' and every creeping thing that creepeth
- Verse. Every living substance was upon the earth after his kind, and
destroyed from the earth, and Noah every fowl after his kind. [And they
only remained alive, and they that went in unto Noah into the ark,
were with him in the ark. two and two of all flesh, wherein
Answer. His wife,'and the wives was the breath of life. And they
of his sons. went in, male and female, of all
flesh, as God had commanded him:
Seeond Lesson.
and the LORD shut him in.] And
the flood was forty days upon the
AND Noah did according unto all earth, and the waters increased, and
that the LORD had commanded bare up the ark, and it was lift up
him. (10.) And it came to pass above the earth.
after seven days that the waters of
the flood overflowed the earth. In
the six-hundredth year of Noah’s life, Third Responsory.
in the second month, the seventeenth Forty days and forty nights were
day of the month, the same day were the heavens opened, and-there went
all the fountains of the great deep
into the ark of all flesh wherein is
broken up, and the water-spouts of the breath of life. And the LORD
heaven were loosed; and the rain
shut them in.
was upon the earth forty days and
Verse. In the self-same day en
forty nights.
tered Noah into the ark, and his
sons, and his wife, and the wives
Seeond Resjonsory. of his sons.
Answer. And the LORD shut them
1The Lord remembered Noah, in.
and made a wind to pass over the Verse. Glory be to the Father,
1 viii. r.
and to the Son, and to the Holy the month, were the tops of the
Ghost. mountains seen. And it came to
Answer. And the LORD shut them pass at the end of forty days, that
in. Noah opened the window of the ark
which he had made, and he sent
forth a raven; which went forth, to
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed and fro, until the waters were dried
Virgin. If ye would be truly honour up from off the earth. Also he sent
able, * strive after our Fatherland forth a dove after him, to see if the
which is in heaven. waters were abated from off the face
of the ground. But the dove found
no rest for the sole of her foot, and
she returned unto him into the ark.
Third Day. Second Responsory.
First Lesson. The Lord said, &c., (p. 434.)
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Genesis (viii. 1.) Third Lesson.

ND God remembered Noah, and AND he stayed yet another seven

every living thing, and all the days, and again he sent forth
cattle, that was with him in the ark, the dove out of the ark. And she
and He made a wind to pass over came in to him in the evening, and
the earth, and the waters assuaged. she bare in her mouth an olive-branch
The fountains also of the deep, and with green leaves. So Noah knew
the water - spouts of heaven were that the waters were abated from OK
stopped, and the rain from heaven the earth. And he stayed yet another
was restrained. And the waters re seven days, and sent forth the dove,
turned from off the earth continually, which returned not again unto him
and after the end of the hundred any more. And it came to pass in
and fifty days, the waters were abated. the six-hundredth-and-first year,1 in the
And the ark rested in the seventh first month, the first day of the month,
month, on the twenty-seventh day of the waters were dried up from off the
the month, upon the mountains of earth.
Third Responsory.

First Remonsory. By Myself, &c., (p. 435.)

Noah builded, &c., (p. 434.)


Second Lesson. A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed

Virgin. The seed is the word of
ND the waters decreased continu God, * and the Sower is Christ; if
ally until the tenth month: in any man find Him, he shall never
the tenth month, on the first day of be moved.
1 Of his age.

Qimncsbag. Third Lesson. (ix. I.)

Fourth Day. AND God blessed Noah and his

sons, and said unto them: Be
First Lesson. fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the
earth. And the fear of you and the
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
dread of you shall be upon every beast
Genesis (viii. 15.)
of the earth, and upon every fowl of
AND God spake unto Noah, saying 2 the air, upon all that moveth upon the
Go forth of the ark, thou, and earth: all the fishes of the sea, into
thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons’ your hand are they delivered. Every
wives with ‘thee. Bring forth with moving thing that liveth shall be meat
thee every living thing that is with for you; even as the green herb, have
thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of I given you all things; but flesh with
cattle, and of every creeping thing that the blood thereof shall ye not eat.
creepeth upon the earth, and go ye For your blood of your lives will I
upon the earth; be fruitful and multi require at the hand of every beast,
ply upon it. And Noah went forth, and at the hand of man ; at the hand
and his sons, and his wife, and his of every man’s brother will I require
sons’ wives with him ; every beast and the life of man. Whoso sheddeth
cattle, and whatsoever creepeth upon man’s blood, his blood shall be shed ;
the earth after their kinds, went forth for in the image of God made He
out of the ark. man.
Third Responsory.
First Responsory.
In the self-same day, &c., (p. 438)
God blessed, &c., (p. 435.) with this addition :
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Seeond Lesson. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. His wife, and the wives
ND Noah builded an altar unto
of his sons.
the LORD, and took of every
clean beast, and of every clean fowl, VESPERS.
and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.
And the LORD smelled a sweet savour, A ntiohon at the Song of the Blessed
and said: I will not again curse the Virgin. But that on the good ground
ground any more for man’s sake: for * are they which in an honest and
the imagination of man’s heart and his good heart bring forth fruit with
thoughts are prone to evil from his patience.
youth. Neither will I again smite
any more every thing living, as I have
done. While the earth remaineth, Note. [fan] of the three A ntiphons
seed-time and harvest, and cold and givenfor the Song of the Blessed Virgin
heat, and summer and winter, and day on the three last days are omitted, and
and night, shall not cease. the Ojiee on the next day (Thursday) is
of the Week-day, then the Antiphon at
the Song,r of the Blessed Virgin on that
Second Responsory. day will he the last of those which have
Behold, I establish, &c., (p. 436.) been omitted.
@Burstag. Third Lesson.

Fifth Day. AND Noah awoke from his wine,

and knew what his younger' son
First Lesson. had done to him, and he said: Cursed
be Canaan, a servant of servants shall
The Lesson is taken from the Book of he be unto his brethren. And he
Genesis (ix. 12.) said: Blessed be the LORD God of
Shem; let Canaan be his servant.
ND God said: This is the token
May God enlarge japhet, and let him
of the covenant which I make dwell in the tents of Shem, and let
between Me and you, and every living
Canaan be his servant. And Noah
creature that is with you, for perpetual
lived after the flood three hundred and
generations: I do set My bow in the
fifty years. And all his days were
clouds, and it shall be for a token of a nine hundred and fifty years, and he
covenant between Me and the earth.
And, it shall come to pass, when I
bring a cloud over the heaven, that My Third Responsory.
bow shall be seen in the cloud ; and I
Forty days, &c., (p. 433.)
will remember My covenant which is
between Me and you, and every living
soul that quickeneth flesh, and the PRIME. _
waters shall no more become a flood
At the beginning of the .Martyrology
to destroy all flesh.
is said,
On the morrow we commemorate
First Reslnonsory. the sufferings of our Lord jESUS
The Lord said, &c., (p. 433.)
Second Lesson. Sixth Day.

AND Noah began to be an husband Ofiice in Alemory of the Sufirings of

man, and he planted a vineyard. our Lord jES US Christ.
And he drank of the wine, and was
Greater Double.
drunken ; and he was uncovered within
his tent. And Ham, the father of Ca All as on Sundays, except the follow
naan, saw the nakedness of his father, ing.
and told his two brothers without.
And Shem and japhet took a garment
on their shoulders, and went back First Antiphon. I will take the cup
ward, and covered the nakedness of of salvation, and call upon the Name
their father ; and their faces were back of the LORD.
ward, and they saw not their father’s
nakedness. Ps. cxv. I believed, &c., (p. 185.)
Second Antijohon. With them that
Second Responsory. hate peace I was peaceable. When I
spoke unto them they fought against
Noah was a just man, &c., (p. 433.) me without a cause.
VOL. I. P 2

Beneath the thorny crown

Ps. Cxix. In my distress, &c., (p.
The crimson fountain speeds;
186.) See how it trickles down,
Third A ntzlfihon. O LORD, preserve He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds!
me from the evil man.
Bleeds !
Ps. cxxxix. Deliver me, &c., (15.
Bearing the fatal wood
r98.) His band of Saints He leads,
Fourth Antzlfihon. Keep me from Marking the way with Blood
He bleeds,
the snare which they have laid for me,
My Saviour bleeds!
and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Bleeds !
Ps. cxl. LORD, I cry unto Thee, On Calvary His shame
&c., (p. 199.) With Blood Still intercedes;
His open Wounds proclaim-—
Fifth Antiphon. I looked on my
He bleeds,
right hand and beheld, but there was My Saviour bleeds!
no man that would know me. Bleeds!
Ps. cxli. I cried unto the LORD, He hangs upon the tree,
&c., (p. 200.) Hangs there for my misdeeds;
He sheds His Blood for me;
Chapterfrom Lands. He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds !
BLOOD is the price of heaven; Ah me! His Soul is fled;
All sin that price exceeds; Yet still for my great needs
0 come to be forgiven, He bleeds when He is dead;
He bleeds, He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds! My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds ! Bleeds !

Under the olive boughs, His Blood is flowing still;

Falling like ruby beads, My thirsty soul It feeds;
The Blood drops from His Brows, He lets me drink my fill;

He bleeds,
He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds! My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds! Bleeds !

While the fierce scourges fall, 0 sweet! 0 precious Blood!

The Precious Blood still pleads; What love, what love it breeds !
In front of Pilate’s hall Ransom, Reward, and Food,
He bleeds, He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds! My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds ! Bleeds!
1 The two beautiful and popular Hymns by the late Dr Faber which are here inserted at
Vespers and Mattins are not translations of the Hymns Mdrentes oeuli and As ire, infami,
but, whether the ideas were suggested by the Latin or whether it be an accidental coin
cidence, they agree with the sense of the Latin so closely, that they might fairly be called
Paraphrases or imitations, and this consideration induces the Translator to insert them.
Absolute translations have been executed by the late Rev. E. Caswall and the Rev. Dr
Wallace. Rev. E. Caswall's will be found in an appendix to this volume.
Verse. 1 He was offered up because Death came, and JESUS meekly bowed;
He willed it. His failing Eyes He strove to guide
Answer. And with His stripes we With mindful love to Mary’s face;
are healed. JESUS, our Love, is crucified!

A ntzlohon at the Song of the Blessed 0 break, 0 break, hard heart of mine!
Vzrgzn. 20 all ye that pass by! he Thy weak self-love and guilty pride
His Pilate and His Judas were;
hold, and see if there be any sorrow
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
like unto my sorrow.
Prayer as at the following Lauds. Come, take thy stand beneath the Cross,
And let the Blood from out that Side
At Compline the last verse of the Fall gently on thee, drop by drop:
Hymn is said thus: JESUS, our Love, is crucified!

Lord JESU, slain for us, to Thee A broken heart, a. fount of tears,
Eternal praise be givenI Ask, and it will not be denied;
With Father, Spirit, One and Three, A broken heart love's cradle is;
Here as it is in heaven. JESUS, our Love, is crucified!

MATTINS. 0 love of GOD! 0 sin of man!

In this dread act your strength is tried;
[nvitatory Christ our King Who And victory remains with love;
was crucified, * Him—O come l—let For He, our Love, is crucified!
us worship.


O COME and mourn with me awhile! First Antiphon. The kings Of the
See, Mary calls us to her side;
earth set themselves, and the rulers
0 come, and let us mourn with her;
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! take counsel together against the LORD
and against His Anointed.
Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, &c.,
Ah! look how patiently He hangs; (a 4-)
JESUS, our LOve, is crucified!
Second A ntz'phon. They be increased
How fast His Hands, His Feet are nailed;
His blessed Tongue with thirst is tied;
that trouble me; many are they that
His failing Eyes are dim with Blood; rise up against me.
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in
His Mother cannot reach His Face; creased, &c., (p. 5.)
She stands in helplessness beside;
Her heart is martyred with her Son’s; Third Antiphon. They part my
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
garments among them; and cast lots
Seven times He spoke, seven words of love, upon my vesture.
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of men: Ps. xxi. My God, My God, &c.,
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! (t- 48-)
1 Isa. liii. 7, 5. 2 Lam. i. 12.
3 By Dr Faber as before ; two verses are omitted.

Verse. He was offered up because eousness of One, [the gift] came upon
He willed it. all men unto justification of life. For
Answer. And with His stripes we as by one man’s disobedience many
are healed. were made sinners, so by the obedi
ence of One shall many be made
First Lesson.
righteous. Then, the law entered that
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle the offence might abound; but where
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the sin abounded grace did much more
Romans (v. 8.) abound, that, as sin hath reigned unto
death even so might grace reign,
OD commendeth His love toward through righteousness, unto eternal
us, in that, while we were yet life, by JESUS Christ our Lord.
sinners, Christ died for us. Much
more then, being now justified by His
Blood, we shall be saved from wrath Second Responsory.
through Him. For if, when we were
enemies, we were reconciled to God I brought thee forth out of Egypt;
by the death of His Son, much more, behind thee I caused Pharaoh to drown
being reconciled, shall we be saved by in the Red Sea, and before thee I
His life. And not only so, but we went in the pillar of the cloud. And
also joy in God through our Lord thou didst betray Me unto the chief
JESUS Christ, by Whom we have now Priests, and lead Me unto the judg
received the atonement. (17.) For ment-hall of Pilate.
if by one man’s ofl'ence, death reigned Verse. 0 My people, what have I
by one, much more they which receive done unto thee? and wherein have I
abundance of grace, and bounty, and wearied thee? Testify against Me.
righteousness, shall reign in life through Answer. And thou didst betray
Jesus Christ. Me unto the chief Priests, and lead
Me unto the judgment-hall of Pilate.

First Responsory.
Third Lesson. (vi.)
1I had planted thee a noble vine,
saith the Lord, and thou hast brought WHAT shall we say then? Shall
forth unto Me grapes exceeding bitter, we continue in sin, that grace
for thou hast made ready a Cross for may abound? God forbid ; how shall
thy Saviour. we, that are dead to sin, live any longer
Verse. 20 My people, what have therein? Know ye not that so many
I done unto thee? and wherein have I of us as were baptized into JESUS Christ
wearied thee? Testify against Me. were baptized into his death? For
Answer. For thou hast made ready we are buried with Him by baptism
a Cross for thy Saviour. into death, that, like as Christ was
raised up from the dead by the glory
of the Father, even so we also may
Second Lesson.
walk in newness of life. For if we
THEREFORE, as by the offence of have been planted together in the like
one judgment came upon all men ness of His death, we shall be also in
to condemnation, even so, by the right the likeness of His resurrection ; know
1 Cf. Jer. ii. 2!. '-' Micah vi. 3.
ing this, that our old man is crucified tread me down all the day long; all
with Him, that the body of sin might their thoughts are against me for
be destroyed, that henceforth we should evil.
not serve sin. For he that is dead is
freed from sin. Now, if we be dead Ps. lv. Be merciful unto me, &c.,
with Christ, we believe that we shall (p. 110.)
also live with Him.
Verse. 2 God spared not His Own
Third Responsory. Answer. But delivered Him up for
us all.
l scourged Egypt in her first-born
for thy sake, and thou when thou hadst Fourth Lesson.
scourged Me, didst deliver Me [to be
crucified,] Me, Who as a lamb before The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
his shearer, was dumb, and opened of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo]
not My Mouth.1 (41st on the Passion.)
Verse. 0 My people, what have I
done unto thee? and wherein have I EARLY beloved brethren, the
wearied thee? Testify against Me. awful solemnity of the Lord’s
Answer. And thou, when thou suflerings is proclaimed unto us even
hadst scourged Me, didst deliver Me by the circumstances of the day itself
[to be crucified]. whereon they took place, that day
Verse. Glory be to the Father, whereon the dumb elements were
and to the Son, and to the Holy dumb no longer. Let the light of
Ghost. faith make the tongues of men tell
Answer. Me, Who, as a lamb be of that agony, whereon the silence of
fore his shearer, was dumb, and opened darkness was eloquent. Our Lord
not My Mouth. was weighing out upon the transom
of the Cross, as upon the transom of
a balance, the price of our salvation,
SECOND NOCTURN. and by the payment of one death He
Who had made all, bought all, and
First Antiphon. Mine enemies became the Restorer of all. For let
speak evil of me: When shall he die, us have no hesitation in believing that
and his name perish? He bought the whole world, when He
paid more than the whole world was
Ps. x1. Blessed is he that consider worth, since the inestimable value of
eth, &c., (p. 94.) the price paid infinitely exceeded the
value of the object redeemed. One
Second Antzlnhon. Strangers are
scale was weighted against the other,
risen up against me, and oppressors
but when it was done, they hung not
seek after my soul.
evenly.3 He \Vho had no sins of
Ps. liii. Save me, O God, by Thy His Own, by His merits took away
Name, &c., (p. 36.) the sins of others. This victim of
goodness alone fell, that He might
Third Antiphon. Mine enemies lift up others, and since He alone
1 Isa. liii. 7. 2 Rom. viii. 32.
3 Inter redemptum et redimentem dispensatio fuit, compensatio non fuit.

owed nothing, He alone was able to Fifth Responsory.

spend His superabundance in charity
for debtors. I led thee through the wilderness
for forty years, and gave thee manna
to eat, and thou didst buffet Me and
Fourth Responsory. scourge Me. -
I smote the kings of Canaan for thy Verse. 0 My people, what have I
done unto thee? and wherein have I
sake, and gave thee a kingly sceptre,
wearied thee? Testify against Me.
and thou didst put on Mine Head a
crown of thorns, and smite Me upon Answer. And thou didst buffet Me
the Head with a reed. and scourge Me.
Verse. 0 My people, what have I
done unto thee? and wherein have I Sixth Lesson.
wearied thee? Testify against Me.
Answer. And thou didst put on ENSELESS nature shuddered at
Mine Head a crown of thorns, and the sin of man. The rebel work
smite Me upon the Head with a of His hands would not acknowledge
reed. Him, but the quaking earth bore wit
Fifth Lesson. ness that He was Lord of the world,
and the shrinking sun confessed that
AND now judge from this, if He He was the King of heaven. His
hath paid for us so high a price, [natural] Body was clad in a purple
what interest He will have from us. robe, for the blood of His martyrs is
On this day [on which He suffered] the stately robe of His [mystical body
the words of the prophet were fulfilled : the] Church. The crown upon His
“I gave my back to the smiters, and Head was a crown of thorns, for the
my cheeks to them that plucked off sharp prickles of our sins, by the re~
the hair, I hid' not my face from mission whereof He claimeth the
shame and spitting.” (Isa. l. 6.) He glorious title of Redeemer, are likened
took our evil, that He might give us unto thorns and thistles. (Gen. iii.
His good. From the extent to which 18.) And now let us try to treat
He loved man after his fall, we may Him otherwise than He was treated
understand how He was pleased to then, to treat Him so that the lives of
love him before he sinned. When thou His members may form a crown for
seest what was the worth of thy ran Him. Upon the Cross He saith: “I
som, let it make thee feel some shame thirst,” (John xix. 28,) that thirst was
for sin. Behold the Holy One scourged for unbelieving souls to believe in
for the sake of a sinner, the Eternal Him; but on the contrary they put
Wisdom mocked for the sake of a to His mouth the astringent vinegar
fool, the Truth murdered for the sake of deadly sin, whereinto they have
of a liar, the Righteous One condemned turned by malice the wine of wisdom
for the sake of a criminal, the Merciful given unto them by God. The veil
One tortured for the sake of the cruel, of the Temple was rent in twain, for
the Harmless One filled with bitterness the Synagogue lost her crown, the old
for the sake of a wretch, the Gentle rites were abolished, and the fact of
One given gall to drink, the Innocent one Church for all humanity stood re
One doomed for the sake of the guilty, vealed. The graves were opened, for
Life dying for the sake of the dead. death rightly lost her rights.
Sixth Responsory. Seventh Lesson.

I lifted thee up with a strong hand, The Lesson is taken from the Holy
and thou didst lift Me up upon the Gospel according to John (xix. 28.)
gibbet of the Cross, and thereon I
stretched forth My hands unto an T that time: JESUS, knowing that
unbelieving and gainsaying people.1 all things were now accom
Verse. 0 My people, what have plished, that the Scripture might be
I done unto thee? and wherein have fulfilled, said: I thirst. And so on.
I \vearied thee? Testify against
Me. Homily by St John Chrysostom, Pa
Answer. And thou didst lift Me triarch of Constantinople. (On john,
up upon the gibbet of the Cross. 84.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
“JESUS, knowing that all things
and to the Son, and to the Holy
were now accomplished, said : I thirst”
—even in this one word2 making a
Answer. And thereon I stretched fulfilment of Scripture. And now see
forth My hands unto an unbelieving
here the spite of those that were there;
and gainsaying people.
we, although we had countless enemies,
who had grievously assailed us, if we
THIRD NOCTURN. saw them at the point of death, would
be touched with some feeling of com
First Antiphon. As for the sons passion. But those beings were no
of men, their teeth are spears and wise touched, but rather excited ; they
arrows, and their tongue a sharp cracked their jests upon Him, “and
sword. they filled a sponge with vinegar, and
put it upon hyssop, and put it to His
Ps. lvi. Be merciful unto me, &c., Mouth "—this was why the hyssop
(p. 110.) was added, because to give them a
draught of hyssop is a way to put to
Second A iztiohon. They bend their
death felons. Seest thou in what a
bow, even bitter words, that they may
calm of unrufi‘led strength He went
shoot in secret at the perfect.
through all this? And then “When
Ps. lxiii. Hear my voice, &c., JESUS therefore had received the
vinegar, He said: It is finished.
(p. 114.)
And He bowed His Head and gave
Third Antiphon. I am as a man up the ghost.”
that hath no strength, lying nerveless
among the dead.
Seventh Responsoiy.
Ps. lxxxvii. O LORD God of my
salvation, &c., (p. 145.) I gave thee to drink out of the
rock the waters of salvation, and thou
Verse. He became obedient unto didst give Me gall and vinegar to
death, drink.
Answer. Even the death of the Verse. 0 My people, what have
Cross. I done unto thee? and wherein have
1 Rom. x. 21. 1 Dipso.

I wearied thee? Testify against Answer. And thou didst open

Me. with a spear the Side of thy
Answer. And thou didst give Me Saviour.
gall and vinegar to drink. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
E{gilt/'2 Lesson. Ghost.
Answer. \Vho redeemed the world
IT commonly is after death the head by His Blood.
falleth, but here the Head fell be
fore death, whereby the Evangelist
ZVz'nt/z Lesson.
showeth that He was [exalted as]
Lord above [the nature] of all others. UT rest Thou still, 0 Thou Whom
The Jews had now swallowed the my soul loveth ! they thought to
camel, and proceeded to strain out do it wickedly, but they did service to
the gnat ; having accomplished the the truth. “For these things were
great murder, they discussed a point done, that the Scripture should be ful
about the honouring of a day. “ Bel filled: ‘Not a Bone of Him shall be
cause it was the Preparation (para broken,’ and, again, another Scripture
skeue,) that the bodies should not saith : ‘They shall look on Him Whom
remain upon the Cross on the Sab they pierced.”’ Nor was it done for
bath-Day, the Jews besought Pilate this alone, but it was afterward a mean
that their legs might be broken, and to faith for Thomas and them that were
that they might be taken away.” with him. And, yet again, another
Seest thou the force of the truth? great mystery was here established,
\Vhat they did fulfilled a prophecy, for “forthwith came thereout Blood
for thereby was another made clear. and Water.” Not idly nor perchance
“Then came the soldiers, and brake sprang forth that twofold Fountain, for
the legs of the first, and of the other the Church, like her great Head,
which was crucified with Him, but “came by Water and Blood; not
when they came to JESUS, and saw by Water only, but by \Vater and
that He was dead already, they brake Blood.” (1 John v. 6.) What this
not His legs, but one of the soldiers meaneth the baptized do know, for
with a spear pierced His Side.” Will they have been born again of water,
ing, with a vile and iniquitous willing and fed on Flesh and Blood. Hence
ness to do the Jews a pleasure, that come the Sacraments, so that as often
man outraged his Redeemer even in as thou drinkest of that wondrous Cup,
death. thou dost as good as suck out of the
Ezlg/zt/z Responsory. opened Side.

I opened the Red Sea before thee, The flymn, “We praise Thee, O
and thou didst open with a spear the God, &c.,” is sazh’.
Side of thy Saviour, Who redeemed
the world by His Blood. LAUDS.
Verse. 0 My people! what have
I done unto thee? and wherein First Anlzlzfilzon. 1 All the day long
have I wearied thee? Testify against have I been plagued, * and chastened
Me. every morning.
1 Ps. lxxii. 14.
Second Antz'phan. 11 gat me to Earth hears, and to its base
the mountain of myrrh, * and to Rocks wildly to and fro;
the hill of frankincense ; I was brought Tombs burst ; seas, rivers, mountains quake ;
The vail is rent in two.
as a lamb to the slaughter, and I was
dumb, and opened not my mouth.
The sun withdraws his light;
Third Antz'phan. 2They pierced
The midday heavens grow pale;
my hands and my feet; * they have The moon, the stars, the universe
told all my bones. Their Maker's death bewail.
Fourth Antiphon. 31 looked for
comforters and I found none; * they Shall man alone be mute?
gave me also gall for meat, and in Come, youth and hoary hairs,
my thirst they gave me vinegar to Come, rich and poor, come, all mankind,
drink. And bathe those Feet in tears.
Fzfth Antz'phon. When JESUS had
received the vinegar, * He said: It is Come, fall before His Cross,
finished—and He bowed His Head, Who shed for us His Blood!
and gave up the ghost. Who died, the Victim of pure love,
To make us sons of God.

Chapter. (Phil. ii. 5.)

JESU, all praise to Thee,
RETHREN, let this mind be in Our joy and endless rest;
Be Thou our Guide while pilgrims here,
you, which was also in Christ
Our Crown amid the blest. Amen.
JESUS, Who, being in the form of
God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God; but emptied Him Verse. He was wounded for our
self, and took upon Him the form transgressions.
of a servant, and was found in the Answer. He was bruised for our
likeness of men. He humbled Him iniquities.
self and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the Cross. A Imp/2022 at the Song of Zacharias.
But when they came to JESUS, and
saw that He was dead already, they
Hymn.4 brake not His Legs, but one of the
'ERWHELMED in depth of woe, soldiers with a spear pierced His Side,
Upon the tree of scorn and forthwith came thereout Blood
Hangs the Redeemer of mankind and Water.
With racking anguish torn.

See how the nails those Hands Prayer throughout the Oflice.
And Feet so tender rend;
See down His Face, and Neck, and Breast ALMIGHTY and everlasting God,
His Sacred Blood descend! Who didst send our Saviour to
take upon Him our flesh, and to en
Hark! with what awful cry
His Spirit takes Its flight, dure the Cross, that all mankind
That cry, it pierced His Mother's heart should follow the example of His great
And whelmed her soul in night. humility, mercifully grant that we who
1 Cam. iv. 6; Isa. liii. 7. 2 Ps. xxi. 17, 18. 3 Ps. lxviii. 21, 22.
4 Another hymn from the Proprium of the arch-diocese of Freiburg, translation by the late
Rev. E. Caswall.

worship in memory of His Sufferings, Short Responsory.

may worthily both follow the example
of His Patience and also be made par He was offered up because He
takers of His resurrection. Through willed it.
our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy Son, Who Answer. He was oHered up be
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the cause He willed it.
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Verse. And with His stripes we
world without end. Amen. are healed.
Answer. Because He willed it.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
PRIME. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Antiphon. All the day long, &c., Answer. He was offered up be
(First Antz'phon at Lands.) cause He willed it.
Verse. God spared not His own
The last verse of the [{ymn 1's said Son.
thus: Answer. But delivered Him up for
us all.
Lord JESUS, slain for us, to Thee
Eternal praise be given,
With Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Here as it is in Heaven. The last verse of the Hymn is said
thus .
Chapter at the end. (Isa. liii. 8.) Lord JESU, Who for us didst die,
To Father, Thee, and Holy Ghost,
WHO shall declare His generation ? Be praise below, as praise on high,
For He was cut ofi‘ out of the On earth, as ’mid the Angelic host.
land of the living: for the trans
gression of my people did I smite Antiphon. They pierced, &c.,
Him. (Third Antzfihon at Lands.)

Instead of Verse, “Thou That sit

test, &c.,” is said: Chapter. (Zech. xiii. 6.)
Verse. Thou That wast pleased
HAT are these wounds in thine
to sufi'er for us.
hands ? Then he shall answer:
Those with which I was wounded in
the house of my friends.

The last verse of the Hymn is said Short Responsory.

thus .'
God spared not His Own Son.
JESU, our Sacrifice, to Thee,
Answer. God spared not His Own
To Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Be praise, and thanks, and glory given, Son.
By men on earth, by Saints in heaven. Verse. But delivered Him up for
us all.
Antiphon. I gat me, &c., (Second Answer. His Own Son.
Antz'phon at Lands.) Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Chapter from Lands. Ghost.
Answer. God spared not his Own A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Son. Virgin. 1 Joseph took down the Body
Verse. He became obedient unto of JESUS, and wrapt It in linen, and
death, laid It in a sepulchre that was hewn in
Answer. Even the death of the stone. In that day there was a great
Cross. mourning, and the women sitting over
against the sepulchre, mourned, as one
NONE. mourneth for the death of the first
The last verse of the bfymn as at
Compline. Verse at Compline as before.

Antz'phon. When JESUS, &c., (Fifth

A ntiflhon at Lands.) éaturbag.
The Sahhath.
Chapter as at the end of Prime.
First Lesson.

Short Responsory. The Lesson is taken from the Book of

Genesis (xi. to.)
He became obedient unto death.
Answer. He became obedient unto T HESE are the generations of Shem.
death, Shem was an hundred years old,
Verse. Even the death of the and begat Arphaxad, two years after
Cross. the flood. And Shem lived, after he
Answer. Unto death. begat Arphaxad, five hundred years,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and begat sons and daughters. And
and t0 the Son, and to the Holy Arphaxad lived five hundred and thirty
Ghost. years, and begat Salah ; and Arphaxad
Answer. He became obedient unto lived, after he begat Salah, three hun
death. dred and three years,3 and begat sons
Verse. He was wounded for our and daughters. And Salah lived thirty
transgressions. years, and begat Eber. And Salah
Answer. He was bruised for our lived after he begat Eber four hundred
iniquities. and three years, and begat sons and

SECOND VESPERS. First Responsory.

All as the First, except the follow God blessed, &c., (p. 435.)
ing. .
Second Lesson.
Verse. He was wounded for our
transgressions. AND Eber lived four-and-thirty
Answer. He was bruised for our years, and begat Peleg. And
iniquities. Eber lived after he begat Pelcg, four
1 Cf. Luke xxiii. 53; Matth. xxvii. 6o; Zech. xii. IO, 1!.
2 There is almost invariably some commemoration, because, even if there be no feast on
the Friday, or Saturday, the Votive Office of the Immaculate Conception is obligatory In
England on the Saturday. 3 Present Hebrew text, 403. Targums, 43o.

hundred and thirty years, and begat VESPERS.

sons and daughters. And Peleg lived
thirty years, and begat Reti. And Chapter and Prayer from the suc
Peleg lived, after he begat Reii, two ceeding Lands.
hundred and nine years, and begat Hymn, Verse, and Answer, as on p.
sons and daughters. And Reii lived 204.
two-and-thirty years, and begat Serug.
And Reii lived, after he begat Serug, A ntzlnhon at the Song of the Blessed
two hundred and seven years, and Virgin. Abraham, the Captain and
begat sons and daughters. And Serug Father of our faith, * offered up a
lived thirty years, and begat Nahor. burnt-offering on the altar instead of
And Serug lived, after he begat N ahor, his son.1
two hundred years, and begat sons
and daughters.

Second Responsory. @uinquagesima Sammy.

Behold, I establish, &c., (p. 436.) The Lord’s Day within Fifty Days of
Third Lesson.
AND Nahor lived nine-and-twenty
years, and begat Terah. And Invitatory and omission in Psalm
Nahor lived, after he begat Terah, an XCIV. as on Septuagesima Sunday.
hundred and nineteen years, and begat
sons and daughters. And Terah lived
seventy years, and begat Abram, and FIRST NOCTURN.
Nahor, and Haran. These are the
generations of Terah: Terah begat First Lesson.
Abram, Nahor, and Haran. And
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Haran begat Lot. And Haran died
Genesis (xii. 1.)
before his father Terah in the land of
his nativity in Ur of the Chaldees. OW the LORD said unto Abram:
And Abraham and Nahor took them Get thee out of thy country and
wives ; the name of Abram’s wife was from thy kindred, and from thy father’s
Sarai; and the name of Nahor’s wife house, and go into a land that I will
Melcha, the daughter of Haran the show thee: and I will make of thee a
father of Melcha and the father of great nation, and I will bless thee and
lscah. But Sarai was barren and make thy name great, and thou shalt
had no children. be blessed. I will bless them that
bless thee, and curse him that curseth
Third Responsory. thee; and in thee shall all families of
the earth be blessed. So Abram de
In the self-same day, &c., (p. 438), parted, as the LORD had spoken unto
(with the “Glory be to the Father,“ him; and Lot went with him. And
&c.) Abram was seventy and five years old
1 Gen. xxii. 13.
when he departed out of Haran. And come near to enter into Egypt, that he
he took Sarai his wife, and Lot his said unto Sarai his wife: I know that
brother’s son, and all their substance thou art a fair woman to look upon,
that they had gathered, and the souls and that when the Egyptians see thee,
that they had gotten in Haran; and they will say: This is his wife; and
they went forth to go into the land of they will kill me, but they will save
Canaan. And when they were come thee alive. Say, therefore, I pray
thither, Abram passed through the thee, that thou art my sister: that it
land unto the place of Shechem, unto may be well with me for thy sake, and
“the noble vale.”1 And the Canaan my soul shall live because of thee.
ite was then in the land

Second Responsory.
First Responsory.
3Abraham stood by the oak 'of
The LORD spake unto Abram, say
Mamre, and he saw three men coming
ing : Get thee out of thy country, and
up by the path. He saw three, and
from thy kindred, and go unto the
worshipped One.
land that I will show thee: and I will
Verse. Behold, Sarah thy wife shall
make of thee a great nation.
bear~thee a son, and thou shalt call
Verse. I will surely bless thee and
his name Isaac.
make thy name great, and thou shalt
Answer. He saw three, and wor
be blessed. . shipped One.
Answer. And I will make of thee
a great nation.
Third Lesson.
Seeond Lesson.
AND it came to pass, that, when
ND the LORD appeared unto Abram was come into Egypt,
Abram and said unto him : Unto the Egyptians beheld the woman that
thy seed will I give this land. And she was very fair. The princes also
there builded he an altar unto the told Pharaoh, and commended her
LORD, Who appeared unto him. And before him ; and the woman was taken
he removed from thence unto a moun into Pharaoh’s house. And they en
tain on the east of Bethel,2 and pitched treated Abram well for her sake. And
his tent there, having Bethel on the he had sheep, and oxen, and he-asses,
west, and Hal on the east. And there and men-servants, and maid-servants,
he builded an altar unto the LORD, and she-asses, and camels. And the
and called upon His Name. And LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house
Abram journeyed, going on still to with great plagues, because of Sarai,
ward the south. And there was a Abram’s wife. And Pharaoh called
famine in the land, and Abram went Abram, and said unto him: What is
down into Egypt, to sojourn there: for this that thou hast done unto me?
the famine was grievous in the land. Why didst thou not tell me that she
And it came to pass when he was was thy wife? Why saidst thou that
1 The meaning of both words seems uncertain. Abp. Kenrick, “The turpentine tree of
Moreh." LXX., " the lofty oak." Onkelos, “the plain of Moreh," (so also the Protestant
version.) Jonathan-ben-Uzziel, “the plain which had been showed." jerusalem Targum,
“the plain (or, valley) of vision." And so on.
2 Afterwards so called by Jacob, xxviii. 19. 3 xviii. 1, 2; xvii. 19.

she was thy sister, so that I might take and thus this was the first which God
her to me to wife? Now, therefore, called for from him, when He said: “Get
behold thy wife, take her and go thy thee out of thy country, and from thy
way. kindred, and from thy father’s house.”
It would have been enough to have
T/zz‘rd Responsory.
said, “Get thee out of thy country,”
1 The Lord did tempt Abraham, and for there were his kindred, and there
said unto him: Take thy son Isaac his father’s house.
whom thou lovest, and offer him there
for a burnt-offering upon one of the
Fourtlz Responsory.
mountains which I will tell thee of.
Verse. And when the Lord called 2 The Angel of the LORD called
him, he answered: Behold, here I am. unto Abraham and said: Lay not
And the Lord said unto him : thine hand upon the lad; for now I
A nswer. Take thy son Isaac whom know that thou fearest God.
thou lovest, and offer him there for a Verse. And Abraham stretched
burnt-offering upon one of the moun forth his hand to slay his son; and,
tains which I will tell thee of. behold, the Angel of the LORD called
Verse. Glory be to the Father, unto him out of heaven, and said :—
and to the Son, and to the Holy Answer. Lay not thy hand upon
Ghost. the lad; for now I know that thou
Answer. Take thy son Isaac whom fearest God.
thou lovest, and offer him there for a
burnt-ofl'ering upon one of the moun
tains which I will tell thee of. Fifi/z Lesson.
BUT He gave the details of his
SECOND NOCTURN. sacrifice one by one, that He
might see whether he loved Him, lest
Fourt/L Lesson. also he should begin rashly, or should
The Lesson is taken from the Book seek to evade the heavenly command
upon the Patriarch Abraham written ment. But as the whole of the precept
by St Ambrose, Bishop [of Milan.] was plainly set forth, lest anything
(Bk. i. 2.) should be unconsidered, so also were
the rewards set forth, lest the burden
ABRAHAM was truly a great man, should seem hopeless. He was tried
illustrious as an example of as one that is strong, he was roused as
many virtues; one the like of whom one that is true, he was called as one
the day-dreams of Philosophy have not that is righteous; and he departed
been able to produce. That which loyally as the Lord had spoken unto
she imagineth is less than that which him. And Lot went forth with him.
he did; his simple truth and faith That saying of the Seven Wise Men of
were something grander than her lying Greece is much spoken of—“ Follow
rounded periods. Let us then con God.” But this did Abraham before
sider what this man’s loyalty was. the Seven Wise Men were thought of;
For that virtue is first to be taken he followed God, and went out of his
which was the source of all the others, own land.
1 xxii. I. 2. 1 xxii. II, 10
Fifth Responsory. Answer. That I may return
again in safety unto the house of
1 The Angel of the LORD called my master.
unto Abraham out of heaven the second
time, and said: I will bless thee, and
I will multiply thy seed as the stars of THIRD NOCTURN.
the heaven.
Verse. Thy seed shall possess the Seventh Lesson.
gate of his enemies, and in thy seed
shall all the nations of the earth be The Lesson is taken from the Holy
blessed. Gospel accorading to Luke (xviii.
Answer. And I will multiply thy 31-)
seed as the stars of the heaven.
T that time: JESUS took unto Him
the twelve, and said unto them :
Sixth Lesson. Behold, we go up to jerusalem, and all
things that are written by the Prophets
UT, forasmuch as Abraham had concerning the Son of man shall be ac
before had another country, complished. And so on.
namely, the land of the Chaldees,
whence went forth Terah the father of Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Abraham, and came unto Haran, and Great] (and on the Gospels.)
forasmuch as he to whom it had been
said, “ Get thee out from thy kindred,” Our Redeemer, foreseeing that the
took Lot, his brother’s son, with him, minds of His disciples would be
let us consider whether this “ Get thee troubled by His suffering, told them
out of thy country”2 signifieth not long before both of the pains of that
“get thee out of this earthly dwelling,” suffering, and of the glory of His
namely, our body, from which Paul rising again, to the end that, when
came forth, who said, “Our convers they should see Him die as He had
ation is in heaven.” (Phil. iii. 20.) prophesied, they might not doubt that
He was likewise to rise again. But,
since His disciples were yet carnal, and
Sixth Responsory. could not receive the words telling of
this mystery, He wrought a miracle
30 God of my master Abraham, before them. A blind man received
prosper my way which I go; that I his sight before their eyes, that if they
may return again in safety unto the could not receive heavenly things by
house of my master. words, they might be persuaded of
Verse. 0 Lord, I pray Thee, be heavenly things by deeds.
merciful unto Thy servant
Answer. That I may return again
in safety unto the house of my master. Seventh Resyionsory.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy 4 I came this day unto the well, and
Ghost. I besought the Lord, and said: O
1 xxii. 15, 17, 18.
2 There appears in this obscure passage to be some play on the word “ terra," which stands
for a country as well as for earth or soil. Hence, “Exi de terra tua" might be translated
“Get thee of thy earth." 3 xxiv. 12. 4 xxiv. 42-44.

LORD God of Abraham, Thou hast Answer. Fear not, Abram: I

prospered my way. am thy shield, and thy exceeding
Verse. Therefore the virgin to great reward.
whom I shall say: Give me water of
thy pitcher to drink; and she shall
say to me: Drink, my lord, and I Ninth Lesson.
will give thy camels drink also; let
WE must note that as JESUS drew
the same be the woman whom the
to Jericho a blind man re
LORD hath appointed out for my
ceived his sight. Now, this name
master’s son.
Jericho, being interpreted, signifieth
Answer. 0 LORD God of Abraham,
“the city of the moon:" and in
Thou hast prospered my way.
Holy Scripture the moon is used as
a figure of our imperfect flesh, of
Elight/z Lesson. whose gradual corruption her monthly
waning is a type. As, therefore,
BUT, dearly beloved brethren, we our Maker draweth nigh to Jericho,
must so take the miracles of our a blind man receiveth his sight.
Lord and Saviour, as believing both While the Godhead taketh into itself
that they were actually wrought, and our weak manhood, man receiveth
that they have some mystic interpreta- ‘ again the light which he had lost.
tion for our instruction. For in His By God’s suffering in the Manhood,
works, power speaketh one thing and man is raised up toward God. This
mystery again another. Behold here, blind man is also well described as
for instance. We know not histori sitting by the wayside begging: for
cally who this blind man was, but we the Truth saith: “I am the Way.”
do know of what he was mystically the (John xiv. 6.)
figure. Mankind is blind, driven out
from Eden in the persons of his first
parents, knowing not the light of Ninth Responsory.
heaven, and suffering the darkness of
AS the Lord passed by, a certain
condemnation. But, nevertheless,
through the coming of his Redeemer, blind man sat by the way-side,
and cried unto Him. And the Lord
he is enlightened, so that now he seeth
by hope already the gladness of in asked him, saying: What wilt thou
that I shall do unto thee? Lord, that
ward light, and walketh by good works
I may receive my sight.
in the path of life.
Verse. And JESUS stood, and com
manded him to be brought unto Him ;
Eighth Responsory. and when he was come near, He asked
him, saying: .
1 The word of the LORD came unto Answer. What wilt thou that I
Abram, saying: Fear not, Abram: I shall do unto thee?
am thy shield, and thy exceeding great Verse. Glory be to the Father,
reward. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Verse. For I am the LORD thy God Ghost.
That brought thee out of Ur of the Answer. Lord, that I may receive
Chaldees. my sight.
1 xv. I, 7.
LAUDS. Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, * and
First Antiphon. O Lord, accord
all things that are written by the
ing to the multitude of Thy tender
Prophets concerning the Son of man
mercies, * blot out my transgressions.
shall be accomplished : for He shall be
delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall
Pralm L. be mocked and spitted on; and they
shall scourge Him, and put Him to
Have mercy, &c., (p. 87.)
death, and the third day He shall rise
Second Antzlthon. Thou art my again.
God, * and I will praise Thee: Thou
art my God, and I will exalt Thee.
Prayer throughout the day.

Psalm CXVII. 0 LORD, we beseech Thee, merci

fully to hear our prayers, that
0 give thanks, &c., (p. 37.)
we, being loosed from all chains of our
Third Antiphon. O God, early sins, may by Thee be defended against
will I seek Thee, * to see Thy all adversity. Through our Lord
power. JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
Psalms LXI]. and LXVI.
without end. Amen.
O God, Thou art my _God, &c., (p.
Fourth Antiphon. Sing praises, *
and exalt Him above all for ever. Antiphon. As JESUS went on His
way, * as He was come nigh unto
Jericho, a certain blind man cried unto
The Song of the Three Holy Children. Him, that he might worthily receive
Fzfth Antiphon. Praise ye the his sight.
LORD * from the heavens, all His
Antiphon. As the Lord passed by,
Psalms CXL V111., CXLIX., and CL. * a certain blind man cried unto
Him : Thou Son of David, have mercy
Praise ye the LORD, &c., (pp. 25, on me.
Chapter. (1 Cor. xiii. 1.) Chapterfrom Lauds.

BRETHREN, though I speak with

the tongues of men and of SEXT.
Angels, and have not charity, I am
become as sounding brass or a tink Antiphon. And they that went be
ling cymbal. fore rebuked him, * that he should
hold his peace: but he cried so much
Verse and Answer as on Septua the more: Thou Son of David, have
gesima Sunday. mercy on me!

Chapier. (I Cor. xiii. ,8.) silver. And he went on his journeys

from the South even to Bethel, unto
HARITY never faileth ; but whether the place where his tent had been at
there be prophecies, they shall the beginning, between Bethel and
fail; whether there be tongues, they Hai, unto the place of the Altar which
shall cease; whether there be know he had made at the first : and there he
ledge, it shall vanish away. For we called on the Name of the LORD. And
know in part, and we prophesy in part. Lot also, which was with Abram, had
flocks, and herds, and tents. And the
NONE. land was not able to hear them, that
they might dwell together: for their
Antiplmn. The blind man cried on substance was great, so that they could
the Lord * so much the more, to give not dwell together.
him light.

Chapter. (I Cor. xiii. I3.) First Responsory.

ND now abideth faith, hope, cha Abram removed his tent, and came,
rity, these three: but the great and dwelt by the vale 1 of Mamre ; and
est of these is charity. built there an altar unto the LORD.
Verse. And the LORD said unto
him: Lift up thine eyes, and look ; all
the land which thou seest, to thee will
Clzafiterfrom Lauds. I give it, and to thy seed for ever.
Answer. And built there an altar
A nlz'plum at the Song of the Blessed unto the LORD.
Virgin. And JESUS stood, * and com
manded the blind man to be brought
Second Lesson.
unto Him, and He asked him, saying:
What wilt thou that I shall do unto HEREFORE there was a strife
thee? Lord, that I may receive my
between the herdmen of Abram’s
sight. And JESUS said unto him : Re
cattle, and the herdmen of Lot’s cattle.
ceive thy sight: thy faith hath saved And the Canaanite and the Perizzite
thee. And immediately he received
dwelled then in the land. Abram
his sight, and followed Him, glorifying
therefore said unto Lot: Let there be
God. no strife, I pray thee, between me and
thee, and between my herdmen and
Qflonbag. thy herdmen; for we be brethren.
Second Day. Behold, the whole land is before thee ;
separate thyself, I pray thee, from me.
First Lesson. If thou wilt take the left hand, then I
will go to the right: if thou depart to
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Genesis (xiii. 1.) ' the right hand, then I will go to the
left. And Lot lifted up his eyes, and
AND Abram went up out of Egypt, beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it
he, and his wife, and all that he was well watered everywhere, before
had, and Lot with him, into the South. the LORD destroyed Sodom and Go
And he was very rich in gold and in morrah, even as the garden of the
1 Some, instead of “ vale" or “ plain," read “oak ” or “ terebimh-tree."
LORD, and like the land of Egypt, as 55mm Qiuestag.
thou comest unto Zoar. Then Lot
chose him all the plain of Jordan, and Third Day in the lVeeh within
journeyed eastward. Fifty Days of Easter.

First Lesson.
Second Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
1 Abraham believed God, and it was Genesis (xiv. 8.)
counted unto him for righteousness.
And therefore he became the friend of AND there went out the king of
God. Sodom, and the king of Gomor
Verse. For he was righteous in the rah, and the king of Admah, and the
sight of the Lord, and walked in His king of Zeboiim, and the king of Belah,
ways. . (the same is Zoarz) and they joined
Answer. And therefore he became battle with them in the vale of the
the friend of God. woods, with Chedorlaomer, the king
of Elam, and with Tidal king of
nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar,
Third Lesson. and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings
with five. And the vale of the woods
ND they separated themselves,
was full of slime-pits. And the kings
brother from brother. Abram
dwelled in the land of Canaan, and of Sodom and Gomorrah fled and fell
Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain there: and they that remained fled to
of Jordan, and abode in Sodom. But the mountain. And they took all the
the men of Sodom were very wicked, goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and
all their victuals, and went their way;
and sinners before the LORD exceed
ingly. And the LORD said unto and they took Lot, Abram’s brother’s
Abram, after that Lot was separated son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his
from him : Lift up now thine eyes, and goods.
look from the place where thou art, First Resfionsmy.
Northward and Southward, and East
ward and Westward: all the land The Angel of the LORD, (Fourth
which thou seest, to thee will I give Responsory on Sunday, 1). 454.)
it, and to thy seed for ever. _ And
I will make thy seed as the dust Seeond Lesson.
of the earth.
ND, behold, there came one that
had escaped, and told Abram
Third Responsory. the Hebrew, for he dwelt in the vale
The Lord did tempt, &c., (p. 4 54.) of Mamre the Amorite, brother of
Eshcol, and brother of Aner ; for these
Prayer throughout the day as on were confederate with Abram. And
Sunday. when Abram heard that his brother
Lot was taken captive, he armed his
trained servants, born in his house,
A ntzfihon at the Songr of the Blessed three hundred and eighteen, and pur
Virgin. And they, &c., (Antiphon at sued them unto Dan. And he divided
Sext on Sunday, 11. 456.) his comrades, and warred against them
1 Gen. xv. 6.

by night, and smote them, and pur High God,) and blessed him, and
sued them unto Hobah, which is on said: Blessed be Abram of the Most
the left hand of Damascus. And he High God, Maker of heaven and earth ;
brought back all the goods, and his and blessed be the Most High God,
brother Lot, and his goods; and the Which hath delivered thine enemies
women also and the people. into thy hand. And he gave him
tithes of all.
Second Responsory. _
The Angel of the LORD, &c., (Fzfth Third Responsory.
Responsory on Sunday, 1). 45 5.)
O God) of my master, &c., (p. 455.)
Third Lesson. Prayer throughout the day as on
AND the king of Sodom went out
to meet him, (after his return VES PERS
from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer,
and of the kings that were with him,) Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
in the valley of Shaveh, which is the Virgin. Thou Son of David, * have
King’s Dale. And Melchizedek King mercy on me. What wilt thou that I
of Salem brought forth bread and wine, shall do unto thee? Lord, that I may
(for he was the Priest of the Most receive my sight.
Qtbe Enmmnn nf Qaints.

it. apostles 151125.

The Oflice is of the Week-day, hegins is the one object of all His com
at Mattins, and ends at None. What mandments, and all His command
is not of the Week-day and what is
not specially given in its own place ments are one? For, even as a tree,
is as follows. having but one root, bringeth forth
many branches, so, if the root be
First Lesson. love, many virtues do spring there
from. Neither is the branch of
The Lesson is taken from the Holy good works green, if it abide not
Gospel according to John (xv. 1 2.) in the root of love.

AT that time: JESUS said to His Second Lesson.

disciples: This is My com HEREFORE the command
mandment, That ye love one an
ments of the Lord are mani
other, as I have loved you. And
fold, and yet one. Manifold, indeed,
so on. by the diversity of working, but one,
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the as concerning the root of love. And
Great] (2 7th on the Gospels.) how it behoveth us to keep fast hold
on that root of love, we know from
All the holy words of the Lord Him, Who in sundry places of His
are full of His commandments. holy Scripture, moveth us to love
Why, then, speaketh the Lord of our friends in Him, and our ene
the commandment to love one an mies for Him. He truly abideth
other as :if ' He gave no other com in love, who loveth his friend in
mandment? “This,” saith He, “is God, and his enemy for God. For
My commandment, That ye love there are some who love their neighé
1. Isi it not because love bour indeed, but by an affection

engendered of kinship and of the hateth us of old time, even while he

flesh: such love the Scripture for draweth our mind to love the things
biddeth not: but it is one thing to which are seen and temporal, rouseth
love our neighbour with that love up against us our neighbour who is
whereto nature doth freely move us, weaker than we are, to take from us
and another thing to love him with that which we love.
that love whereto we are obliged, if
we would do whatsoever the Lord Prayer at Lands and during the day.
commandeth‘ us.
RANT, we beseech Thee, O
Third Lesson. Almighty God, that the
. worshipful Feast of Thy blessed
HE, then, that loveth his neigh Apostle, [here insert the name of
bour naturally, loveth him in the Saint,] on the eve whereof we
deed, but attaineth not unto that now stand, may avail us to the
great reward of love, for he loveth increase both of godliness toward
him, not after the spirit, but after the Thee, and of health to our own
flesh. Therefore, when the Lord souls. Through our Lord JESUS
saith: “This is My commandment, Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
That ye love one another,” He saith reigneth with Thee, in the unity
also, “as I have loved you,”——even of the Holy Ghost, one God,
as though He said openly, “Love world without end. Amen.
ye one another, with that aim where
The Long Preees are said at Lands
with I have loved you.” And in and Prime, and the corresponding
this matter, dearly beloved brethren, short ones at Teree, Sext, and None,
it behoveth us to watch ; for he that kneeling.

H. :ll’nr fipusfles arm Evangelism.

Everything as on Sundays exeept Answer. And their words to the
what is otherwise given here. ends of the world.
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
FIRST VESPERS. Virgin. 2 For they will deliver you
up to the councils, and they will
Antiphons, Chapter, and Hymn from scourge you in their synagogues,
Lauds. and ye shall be brought before kings
The Prayer is always Proper.
and governors for My sake, for a
testimony against them and the
Last Psalm. Gentiles.
0 praise the LORD, &c., (Ps. cxvi.,
p. 186.) Invitatory. The Lord, He is the
Verse. 1 Their sound is gone out King of the Apostles. * 0 come, let
through all the earth. us worship Him !
1 Ps. xviii. 5. 2 Matth. x. 17, 18:
lit/mil.1 * and night unto night showeth
THE Lord’s eternal gifts, knowledge.
The Apostles’ mighty praise, There is no speech nor language,
Their victories, and high reward, * where their voice is not heard.
Sing we in joyful lays. Their sound is gone out through
Lords of the Churches they; all the earth: * and their words to
Triumphant Chiefs of war ; the ends of the world.
Brave Soldiers of the Heavenly Camp ; He hath set His tabernacle in the
True Lights for evermore. sun:2 * which is as a bridegroom
Theirs was the Saint’s high faith ; coming out of his chamber.
And quenchless hope’s pure glow ; He rejoiceth as a strong man to
And perfect charity, which laid run a race: * his going forth is from
The world’s fell tyrant low. the end of the heaven.
In them the Father shone ; And his circuit unto the ends of
In them the Son o’ercame : it: * and there is nothing hid from
In them the Holy Spirit wrought, the heat thereof.
And filled their hearts with flame. The law of the LORD is perfect,
Praise to the Father, Son, converting the soul: * the testimony
And Spirit, One and Three; of the LORD is sure, making wise the
As evermore hath been before, simple.
And shall for ever be. Amen. The statutes of the LORD are
right, rejoicing the heart : * the
commandment of the LORD is clear,
Only three Psalms are said. giving light unto the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is holy,
First Antz'phon. Their sound is enduring for ever and ever: * the
gone out through all the earth, and judgments of the LORD are true,
their words to the ends of the world. righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than
Psalm XVI I I. gold and store of precious stones,
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with the * sweeter also than honey and the
same further obscure superscription, as in honeycomb.
Pss. xii. and xiii.]
Verily, Thy servant keepeth them :
THE heavens declare the glory * in keeping of them there is great
. of God, * and the firmament reward.
showeth His handy-work. Who can understand his errors?
Day unto day uttereth speech, Cleanse Thou me from secret faults:

1 Part of an hymn by St Ambrose, or by one of the Ambrosian school; slightly altered;

translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.
2 So the LXX., as well as the Vulgate. Cf. Ps. cii. 19; ciii. 2, 3. The sense seems to
be that the physical source of the light and life of this system is represented as a kind of
celestial counterpart of the tabernacle, which was the centre of the Divine authority as re
vealed upon earth. The Hebrew, however, which is supported by St Jerome, reads, “In
them (i.e., the starry heavens) hath He set a tabernacle for the sun, ’ and this reading seems
to commend itself to Archbishop Kenrick, who suggests that the “tabernacle ” may signify
the region below the horizon, into which the sun retires nightly, as into a tent, to sleep, and
from which he issues in renewed glory every morning. _ Targum :—“ In them hath' He set
splendour as a tabernacle for the sun.” - - - .

* preserve Thy servant also from me, * and delivered me from all my
the sins of others. distress.
If they get not dominion over me, Draw near unto Him, and be light
then shall I be undefiled: * and ened, * and your faces shall not be
I shall be cleansed from the great ashamed.
transgression. This poor man cried, and the
Let the words of my mouth, and LORD heard him, * and saved him
the meditation of mine heart, * be out of all his troubles.
acceptable in Thy sight for ever, The angel of the LORD encampeth
0 LORD mine Helper, * and my round about them that fear Him, *
Redeemer! and delivereth them.
0 taste and see that the LORD is
Second Antiphon. The righteous
good: * blessed is the man that
cry, and the LORD heareth. trusteth in Him.
0 fear the LORD, all ye His Saints:
Psalm XXXI II. * for there is no want to them that
[Intituled “Of David, when he changed fear Him.
his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove The mighty lack and suffer hunger:
him away and he departed.” This incident
is thus described in I Kings (Sam.) xxi. IO. * but they that seek the LORD shall
“ And David arose and fled that day for fear not want any good thing.
of Saul, and went to Achish" (otherwise Come, ye children, hearken unto
called Abimelech) “ the King of Gath. And
the servants of Achish said unto him: Is me: * I will teach you the fear of
not this David the King of the land? Did the LORD.
they not sing one to another of him in What man is he that desireth life,
dances saying, ‘Saul hath slain his thou
sands, and David his ten thousands ’? And * that loveth to see good days?
David laid up these words in his heart, and Keep thy tongue from evil, * and
was sore afraid of Achish the King of Gath. thy lips from speaking guile.
And he changed his behaviour before them,
and feigned himself mad in their hands, Depart from evil and do good : *
and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and seek peace and pursue it.
let his spittle fall down upon his beard. The eyes of the LORD are upon
Then said Achish to his servants: Lo, ye
see the man is mad; wherefore have you the righteous: * and His ears are
brought him to me? Have I need of mad open unto their cry.
men, that ye have brought this fellow to But the face of the LORD is against
play the madman in my presence? Shall
this fellow come into mine house? xxii. them that do evil, * to cut off the re
David therefore departed thence, and es membrance of them from the earth.
caped to the cave of Adullam.” This Psalm The righteous cry and the LORD
is A B C Darian.] .
heareth, * and delivereth them out
WILL bless the LORD at all of all their troubles.
times: *' His praise shall con The LORD is nigh unto them that
tinually be in my mouth. are of a broken heart, * and saveth
My soul shall make her boast in such as be of a contn'te spirit.
the LORD: * the humble shall hear Many are the afllictions of the
thereof, and be glad. righteous: * but the LORD will de
O magnify the LORD with me: * liver them out of all.
andI sought
let us exalt His Name
the LORD, together.
and He'heard I The Lord keepeth all their bones:
'* not one of them shall be broken.
The death of sinners is grievoi1s': and hated iniquity : *" therefore, God,
-* and they that hate the righteous thy GOd, hath anointed thee with the
shall be guilty. . oil of gladness above thy fellows.
The LORD redeemeth the souls of Thy garments smell of myrrh, and
'His servants: 1‘ and none of them aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory
that trust in Him shall be guilty. palaces, * whereby kings’ daughters
among thine honourable women have
Zhird Antiphon. Thou shalt made thee glad.
make them ' princes over all the ' Upon vthy right hand did stand
earth: they shall be mindful of vthe queen in a vesture of gold, *
Thy Name, 0 Lord.v ' > bedeckedwith divers colours.'
Hearken, 0 daughter, and con
Psalm XLIV. sider, and incline thine ear: * for
'5' [This Psalm has a long superscription, the get also thine own people, and thy
exact meaning of which is not now certain. father’s house:
It seems to have been a marriage-song writ
ten to be sung by the Korahites. The Tar And the King shall greatly de
gum ascribes it to the time of Moses, but it sire thy beauty: * for He is the
seems rather to belong to that of the Jewish Lord thy God,2 and Him shall they
worship. '
MINE heart is overflowing with And the daughters of Tyre shall
a good matter: * speak of entreat thy favour * with gifts, even
my works unto the king. all the rich among the people. -
My tongue is the pen * of a ready The King’s daughter is all glo
writer. . rious within, * in a vesture of gold,
Thou art fairer than the' children clad in divers
I After colours.
her shall virgins be brought
of men, grace is poured into thy lips:
* therefore
for ever. i God hath blessed thee
‘ unto the King: * her fellows shall
be brought unto thee. .
Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, * With gladness and rejoicing shall
0 most mighty! V they be brought : * they shall enter
In thy comeliness, and thy beauty, into the King’s palace.
* go forward, fare prosperously, and Instead of thy fathers shall be
reign, _thy'children: * thou shalt make
Because of truth, and meekness, them princes over all the earth.
and righteousness: * and thy right They shall be mindful of thy
hand shall lead thee wonderfully. name, * unto all generations.
Thine arrows are sharp —' (the Therefore shall the peeple praise
people shall fall under thee)—~* into thee for ever, * yea, for ever and ever.
the heart of the King’s enemies.
1Thy throne, O God, is for ever Verse. Their sound is gone out
and ever: * the sceptre of Thy through all the earth.
kingdom is a right sceptre. Answer. And their words to the
Thou hast loved righteousness, ends of the world.
1 So are these words translated in Heb. i. 8, 9. .
2 The word “God” is not in the Hebrew, and the original meaning, addressed to the
bride, is, “ He is thy lord, and bow thou to him.” So also St Jerome. ,

Thefollowing Lessons are not read if written, that no one of you be puffed
Proper Lessons are assigned instead. up for one against another. For
who maketh thee to differ from an
First Lesson. other? And what hast thou that
The Lesson is taken from the First thou didst not receive? Now, if
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle thou didst receive it, why dost thou
Paul to the Corinthians (iv. 1.) glory, as if thou hadst not received
it? Now ye are full, now ye are
ET a man so account of us as of rich : ye have reigned as kings with
the ministers of Christ, and out us : and I would to God ye did
stewards of the mysteries of God. It reign, that we also might reign with
is required of stewards here, that a you. For I think that God hath set
man be found faithful. But with forth us the Apostles last, as it were
me it is a very small thing that I appointed to death : for we are made
should be judged of you, or of man’s a spectacle unto the world, and to
judgment: yea, I judge not mine Angels, and to men.
own self. For I know nothing
against myself: yet am I not here Seoond Responsory.
by justified: but He that judgeth
me is the Lord. Therefore judge
3Take My yoke upon you, saith
the Lord, and learn of Me, for I am
nothing before the time, until the
- Lord come: Who both will bring meek and lowly in heart; for My
yoke is easy, and My burden is
to light the hidden things of dark
ness, and will make manifest the
Verse. And ye shall find rest
counsels of the hearts: and then
unto your souls.
shall every man have praise of God.
Answer. For My yoke is easy,
and My burden is light.
_ First Responsory.
1 Behold, I send you forth as Third Lesson.
sheep in the midst of wolves, saith E are fools for Christ’s sake,
the Lord; be ye therefore wise as but ye are wise in Christ:
serpents, and harmless as doves. we are weak, but ye are strong: ye
Verse. 2While ye have light, be
are honourable, but we are despised.
lieve in the light, that ye may be the Even unto this present hour we both
children of light. hunger, and thirst, and are naked,
Answer. Be ye therefore wise as
and are buffeted, and have no cer
serpents, and harmless as doves. tain dwelling-place, and labour,
working with our own hands: being
Second Lesson. reviled, we bless: being persecuted,
ND these things, brethren, I we sufl'er it: being defamed, we en
have in a figure transferred treat: we are made as the filth of
to myself and to Apollos for your the earth, and are the off-scouring of
sakes, that ye might learn in us not all things unto this day. I write not
to think of men above that which is these things to shame you, but as
1 Matth. x. 16. 2 John xii. 36. 3 Matth. xi; 29.
my beloved sons, I warn you. For He hath chosen His own inheri
though ye have ten thousand in tance for us, * the excellency of
structors in Christ; yet have ye not Jacob, whom He loved.2
many fathers. For in Christ JESUS God is gone up with a shout, *
I have begotten you through the and the LORD with the sound of a
Gospel. trumpet.
Third Responsory. Sing praises to our God, sing
praises: * sing praises unto our
1 When ye stand before kings and King, sing praises.
governors, take no thought how or For God is the King of all the
what ye shall speak; for it shall be earth : * sing ye praises with under
given you in that same hour, what standing.
ye shall speak. God reigneth over the heathen:
Verse. For it is not ye that * God sitteth upon the throne of
speak, but the Spirit of your Father, His holiness.
Which speaketh in you. The princes of the people are
Amwer. For it shall be given gathered together with the God of
you in that same hour, what ye Abraham: * for the mighty ones
shall speak. of the earth are greatly exalted.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Seeond Antiphon. Thou hast
Ghost. given the heritage to those that
Answer. For it shall be given fear Thy Name, 0 Lord.
you in that same hour, what ye
shall speak. Psalm LX.
[Intituled "of David." It has also a
SECOND NOCTURN. musical (P) superscription now of uncertain
First Antiphon. The princes of HEAR my cry, 0 God: * attend
the people are gathered together unto my prayer.
with the God of Abraham. From the ends of the earth I
cried unto Thee: * when mine
Psalm XLVI. heart was overwhelmed, Thou didst
[Intituled “A Psalm of the sons of lift me up upon a rock.
Korah,” with another (now uncertain) direc Thou didst lead me, for Thou
hast been a shelter for me, * a
0 CLAP your hands, all ye strong tower from the enemy.
people: * shout unto God I will abide in Thy tabernacle
with the voice of triumph. for ever: * I will make my refuge
For the LORD Most High is ter in the covert of Thy wings.2
rible : * He is a great King over all For Thou, O God, hast heard
the earth. my vows: * Thou hast given the
He hath subdued the people heritage to those that fear Thy
under us, * and the nations under name. _
our feet. Thou wilt prolong the King’s
1 Matth. x. 18-20. “ SLH.

life: * and his years to many And declared the work of God, *
generations. and understood His doings.
He shall abide before God for The righteous shall be glad in
ever: * who will seek for His the LORD, and shall trust in Him:
mercy and truth? * and all the upright in heart shall
So will I sing praise unto Thy glory.
name for ever: * that I may daily
perform my vows. Verse. 1Thou shalt make them
princes over all the earth.
T/zira’ Antiphon. They declared Answer. They shall be mindful
the work of God, and understood His of Thy Name, 0 Lord.
Psalm LXIII. Faurt/z Lesson.
[Intituled "A Psalm of David ” with a
farther superscription of meaning now
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
uncertain] mons of Pope St Gregory [the
Great.] (got/z on the Gospels.)
HEAR my voice, 0 God, in my
prayer: * preserve my life T is written: “By His Spirit the
from fear of the enemy. Lord hath garnished the
Thou hast hidden me from the heavens.” (Job xxvi. 13.) Now
secret counsel of the wicked, * from the garniture of the heavens are the
the insurrection of the workers of godly powers of preachers, and this
iniquity. garniture, what it is, Paul teacheth
For they whet their tongue like us thus :-—“ To one is given by the
a sword: * they bend their bow, Spirit the word of wisdom, to
even bitter words, that they may another the word of knowledge by
shoot in secret at the perfect. the same Spirit; to another faith
Suddenly do they shoot at him by the same Spirit; to another the
and fear not: * they encourage gifts of healing by the same Spirit,
themselves in evil purpose. to another the working of miracles,
They commune of laying snares to another prophecy, to another
privily: * they say: Who shall see discerning of spirits, to another
them? divers kinds of tongues, to another
They search out iniquities: * the interpretation of tongues. But
they accomplish a diligent search. all these worketh that one and the
Man shall attain to thoughts that self-same Spirit, dividing to every
are very deep: * but God shall man severally as He will. (I Cor.
[still] be exalted. xii. 8.)
The arrows of babes have pierced
Fourth Responsory.
them: * and their tongues are
weakened against them. 21 saw men standing together,
All that saw them were moved: clad in shining raiment, and the
* and all men feared, Angel of the Lord spake unto me,
1 Ps. xliv. 17, 18.
2 This Responsory reads like a quotation, but neither the translator nor any whom he
has consulted have succeeded in discovering its source. It is not in Scripture.
saying: These men are holy, for Verse. 3When men shall hate
they are the friends of God. you, and when they shall separate
Verse. 1 I saw a strong Angel of you from their company, and shall
God fly into the midst of heaven, reproach you, and cast out your name
saying with a loud voice— as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake.
Answer. These men are holy, Answer. Rejoice, and be ex
for they are the friends of God. ceeding glad, for great is your re
ward in heaven.
Fifth Lesson.
Sixth Lesson.
SO much power then as have
preachers, so much garniture ERILY, if we ask of the dam
have the heavens. Wherefore again sel that kept the door, she
it is written: “By the word of the will tell us what was the measure
LORD were the heavens made.” of weakness and of strength in that
(Ps. xxxii. 6.) For the Word of Shepherd“ of the Church nigh to
the Lord is the Son of the Father. whose most holy body we are now
But, to the end that all the Holy sitting, before that the Spirit came.
Trinity may be made manifest as He was so stricken by the words of
the Maker of the heavens, (that is, one woman, that for fear of death,
of the Apostles,) it is straightway he denied Life. And we may well
added touching God the Holy remember that Peter denied in cap
Ghost: “and all the host of them tivity Him, Whom the thief con
by the Breath of His mouth.” fessed, even when He was lifted up
Therefore the might of the same upon the Cross. But let us hear
heavens is the might of the Spirit, what that craven was after that the
for they had not braved the powers Spirit came. When the rulers and
of this world, unless the strength of elders were gathered together, the
the Holy Ghost had comforted Apostles were beaten, and com
them. For we know what manner manded not to speak at all nor
of men the Teachers of the Holy teach in the name of JESUS. And
Church were before the coming of Peter answered with great boldness,
this Spirit: and since He came we “We ought to obey God rather
see in Whose strength they are than men.” (Acts v. 42.)
made strong.
Sixth Responsory.
Fz'fth Responsory. ‘
These are they which have con
2Blessed are ye when men shall quered, and are become the friends
revile you, and persecute you, and of God, who; recked not of the
shall say all manner of evil against commandments of princes, and
you falsely, for My sake; rejoice, earned the everlasting reward. And
and be exceeding glad, for great is now have they crowns on their
your reward in heaven. heads, and palms in their hands.
1 Cf. Apoc. viii. I 3. 2 Matth. v. 11, 12. 3 Luke vi. 22.
4 St Peter, buried in the Vatican Basilica, where this sermon seems to have been
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Verse. 1These are they which Lift not up your horn on high : *
came out of great tribulation, and speak not wickedness against God.
have washed their robes in the For neither from the east, nor
blood of the Lamb. from the west, nor from the desert
Answer. And now have they mountains: * for God is the judge:
crowns on their heads, and palms _ He putteth down one, and setteth
in their hands. upanother : * for in the hand of the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and LORD there is a cup of strong wine
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. full of mixture.3
Answer. . And now have they And he turneth it this way and
crowns on their heads, and palms that: surely the dregs thereof are
in their hands. not wrung out: * all the wicked of
the earth shall drink them.
THIRD NOCTURN. But I will declare for ever: * I
will sing praises to the God of
Note that hetween Septuagesima and
Easter the word “Alleluia” in the fol Jacob.
lowingr Antzlfihons is omitted. All the horns of the wicked also
will I break : * and the horns of the
First Antz'phon. The horns of righteous shall be exalted.
the righteous shall be exalted.
[Alleluia.] - Second Antz'phon. Light is sprung
up for the righteous. Alleluia : and
Psalm LXXIV. gladness for the upright in heart.
[Intituled “A Psalm—A Song of Asaph,”
with a superscription of meaning now un
certain, but, in part, indicating the tune Psalm XCVI.
“Destroy not." The Targum says that it
was composed as a thanksgiving at the time [The Vulgate and the LXX. have the
when David said “ Destroy not thy people,” superscription “[A Psalm] of David when
and the occasion meant is probably that of his country was re-established”—per
the plague provoked by David’s number haps meaning after the usurpation of Ab
ing of the people, as related in the last solom.]
chapter of 2 Kings (Sam.)]
HE LORD reigneth,- let the
NTO Thee, O God, will we earth rejoice: * let the mul
give thanks: * we will give titude of isles be glad thereof.
thanks and call upon Thy name. Clouds and darkness are round
We will declare Thy wondrous about Him: * righteousness and
works: *'when I shall take a set judgment are the foundation of
time, I will judge uprightly. His throne.
The earth and all the inhabitants A fire shall go before Him, * and
thereof are dissolved: * I bear up burn up His enemies round about.
the pillars of it.2 His lightnings enlightened the
I said unto the wicked : Deal not world: * the earth saw and trembled.
wickedly: * and to the evil'doers: The hills melted like wax at
Lift not up your horn on high. the presence of the LORD, * at
1 Apoc. vii. 14, cf. 9. . 2 SLH.
> ‘ Aromatic herbs, &c., were mixed with wine to make it more intoxicating. See
Smith’s Diet. of the Bible,—Wine.
the presence of the Lord of the Thou executest judgment and right
whole earth. eousness in Jacob.
The heavens declared His right Exalt ye the LORD our God, and
eousness, * and all the people worship at His footstool: * for it
saw His glory. is holy.
Confounded be all they that Moses and Aaron among His
worship graven images, * and that priests, * and Samuel among them
boast themselves of idols. that call upon His name.
Worship Him, all ye His An They called upon the LoRD, and
gels! * Zion heard, and was glad. He answered them. * He spake
And the daughters of Judah unto them in the cloudy pillar:
rejoiced, * because of Thy judg They kept His testimonies, * and
ments, 0 LORD! the ordinance that He gave them.
For thou, LORD, art high above Thou answeredst them, 0 LORD
all the earth: *‘ Thou art exalted our God! * O God, Thou forgav
far above all gods. est them, though Thou tookest
Ye that love the LORD, hate evil : vengeance of their inventions.
* the Lord preserveth the souls of Exalt. the LORD our God and
His saints; He delivereth them out worship at His holy hill: * for the
of the hand of the wicked. LORD our God is holy.
Light is sprung up for the
righteous, * and gladness for the Verse. 1 O God, Thy friends are
upright in heart. exceeding honourable.
Rejoice in the LORD, ye right Answer. Their power is waxen
eous, * and give thanks to the right strong.
memorial of His holiness!
Seventh Lesson.
Third Antiohon. They kept His
testimonies, and the ordinance that The Lesson is taken from the Holy
He gave-them. [Alleluia] Gospel according to Matthew
(xix. 27.)
Psalm XCVIlI. T that time : Peter said unto
JESUS: Behold, we have for
[The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this
Psalm to David.] saken all, and followed Thee : what
shall we have therefore? And so
THE LORD reigneth, be the on.
people never so impatient: *
He sitteth upon the Cherubim, be
Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at
the earth never so unquiet. Bethlehem] (Bk. iii. on Matth. xix.)
The LORD is great in Zion: * Peter was a fisherman, he was not
i LetHethem
and is high above
praise Thyallgreat
and rich, he earned his bread by his
hand and skill, and neverthelessrhe
terrible Name, for it is holy: * and is thus bold, and saith confidently:
the King’s majesty loveth judgment. “We have forsaken all.” And be
Thou dost establish equity: 1* cause it sufficeth not to forsake only',
1 Ps. cxxxviii. I7.

he addeth that which to do is to incorruptible, (1 Cor. xv. 5 3,) ye also

be perfect: “and followed Thee.” shall sit upon twelve thrones of judg
“We have done that which Thou ment, condemning the twelve tribes
hast commanded us, what reward of Israél, because, when ye believed
therefore wilt Thou give us?” in Me, they would not. (John iii.
“And JEsUS said unto them: Amen 18.) And every one that hath for
I say unto you, that ye which have saken houses, or brethren, or sisters,
followed Me, in the regeneration, or father, or mother, or wife, or chil
when the Son of Man shall sit in dren, or lands, for My Name’s sake,
the throne of His glory, ye also shall receive an hundredfold, and
shall sit upon twelve thrones, judg shall inherit everlasting life.” This
ing the twelve tribes of Israel.” He place agreeth well with that other
said not, “Ye which have forsaken where the Saviour saith: “I came
all,” for this did even Crates the not to send peace, but a sword.
philosopher,1 and they which have For I am come to set a man at
set nothing by riches are many, but, variance against his father, and the
“Ye which have followed Me.” daughter against her mother, and the
This did the Apostles, and this daughter-in-law against her mother
do believers do. in-law; and a man’s foes shall be
they of his own household.”
Seventh Responsory. (Matth. x. 34.) Every one, there
fore, that hath set no store by
These are they who while yet
affection, and riches, and the pleas
they lived in the flesh, planted the
ures of the world, for Christ’s faith’s
Church in their own blood; 2they
sake, and the preaching of the Gos
drank of the Lord’s cup, and became
pel, shall receive an hundred-fold,
the friends of God.
and shall inherit everlasting life.
Verse. Their sound is gone out
through all the earth, and their
words to the ends of the world. Eighth Responsory.
Answer. They drank of the
These men are saints, whom the
Lord’s cup, and became the friends
of God. Lord hath-chosen in love unfeigned,
and hath given them glory everlast
Eighth Blessing. ing. These are they by the light of
He (or they) whose feast-day we whose teaching the Church is glori
are keeping, fied, even as the moon is glorified
Be our Advocate (or Advocates) by the light of the sun.
with God. Verse. 3The saints through faith
subdued kingdoms, wrought right
Eighth Lesson.
“IN the regeneration, when the Answer. By the light of whose
Son of Man shall sit in the teaching the Church is glorified,
throne of His glory, and when the even as the moon is glorified by
dead shall rise again from corruption the light of the sun.
1 A Greek cynic, remarkable for his self-denial, who flourished at Athens about B.C. 300.
2 Cf. Matth. xx. 22, 23. a Heb. xi. 33.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Fourth Antiphon. 2Blessed are
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. the peace-makers, blessed are the
Answer. By the light of whose pure in heart, for they shall see
teaching the Church is glorified, God.
even as the moon is glorified by Fzflh Antiphon. 3In your pa
the light of the sun. tience * possess ye your souls.

Ninth Lesson. Chapter. (Eph. ii. 19.)

Y reason of these words, “an BRETHREN, now ye are no
hundredfold,” some will have more strangers and foreigners,
it that there shall be a thousand but fellow-citizens with the Saints,
years after the resurrection, wherein and of the household of God: and
they that have forsaken all things are built upon the foundation of
shall receive an hundredfold of the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS
those things which they have for Christ Himself being the chief
saken, and shall inherit everlasting corner-stone.
life. Such men consider not that
though in other things this were Hymn.‘
worthy, as touching wives it is un
N OW let the earth with joy resound,
seemly: for it becometh us not to And Heaven the chant re-echo
think that he that hath forsaken one round;
wife in this world, shall receive an Nor Heaven nor earth too high can
hundred wives in that which is to raise
come. But the meaning is this, The great Apostles’ glorious praise.
that every one that for the Saviour’s O ye who, throned in glory dread,
sake hath forsaken earthly things, Shall judge the living and the dead !
shall receive spiritual things: which Lights of the world for evermore !
To you the suppliant prayer we pour.
things, being rightly weighed against
earthly things, are as though an hun Ye close the sacred gates on high ;
dredfold were weighed against one. At your command apart they fly :
O loose for us the guilty chain
The bfymn, “We praise Thee, O We strive to break, and strive in vain.
God, &c.,” is said.
Sickness and health your voice obey ;
At your command they go or stay :
LAUDS. From sin’s diSease our souls restore;
In good confirm us more and more.
first Anfiphon. 1This is My
commandment, * That ye love one So when the world is at its end,
another, as I have loved you. And Christ to judgment shall descend,
May we be called those joys to see,
Second Antiphon. 1Greater love Prepared from all eternity.
hath no man than this, * that a man
lay down his life for his friends. Praise to the Father, with the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One ;
Third Antiphon. 1 Ye are My As ever was in ages past,
friends, 1" if ye do whatsoever I And so shall be while ages last.
command you, saith the Lord. Amen.
1 John xv. 12-14. 2 Matth. v. 9, 8. 3 Luke xxi. 19.
4 Of tenth to fifteenth century; author unknown ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.

Verse. 1 They declared the work Verse. Thou shalt 'make them
of God. . ' princes over all the earth.
Answer. And understood His Answer. They shall be mindful
doings. ' of Thy Name, 0 Lord.
A ntiphon at the Song of Zaeharz'as.
2Ye which have forsaken all, and SEXT.
have followed Me, shall reCeive an Antz'phon._ Ye are My friends,
hundredfold,‘ and shall inherit ever &c., (Third Antiphon at Lauds.)
lasting life.
The Prayer throughout the Oflee is Chapter. (Acts v. 12.)
always speeial.
AND by the hands of the Apos
tles were many signs and
wonders wrought among the people.
Antiphon. This is My com
mandment, &c., (First Antiphon at Short Responsory.
Thou shalt make them princes
over all the earth.
Chapter at the end. (Acts v. 41.) Answer. Thou shalt make them
THE Apostles departed from the princes over all the earth.
presence of the council, re Verse. They shall be mindful of
joicing that they were counted Thy Name, 0 Lord.
worthy to suffer shame for the sake Answer. Over all the earth.
of the name of JESUS. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
TERCE. Ghost.
Answer. Thou shalt make them
Antiphon. Greater love, &c., princes over all the earth.
(Seeond Antiphon at Lands.) Verse. 0 God, Thy friends are
Chapterfrom Lauds. exceeding honourable.
Answer. Their power is waxen
Short Responsory. right strong.
Their sound is gone out through
all the earth. Antiphon. In your patience, &c.,
Answer. Their sound is gone Antiphon at Lands.)
out through all the earth.
Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Verse. And their words to the
ends of the world.
Short Responsory.
Answer. Through all the earth.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and O God, Thy friends are exceeding
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. honourable. .
Answer. Their sound is gone Answer. 0 God, Thy friends are
out through all the earth. exceeding honourable.
‘ 1 Ps. lxiii. Io. .2 Matth. xix. 27-29.
i I will pay my vows unto the
Verse. Their power is waxen
right strong. LORD in the presence of all His
Answer. ‘ Exceeding honourable. people. * Precious in the sight
Verse. Glory be to the Father, of the LORD is the death of His
and to the Son, and to the Holy Saints. ‘ ,
Ghost. O LORD, truly I am Thy servant:
Answer. 0 God, Thy friends are 1* I am Thy servant, and the son of
exceeding honourable. Thine handmaid :
Verse. They declared the work Thou hast loosed my bonds. ‘1‘ I
of God. will offer to Thee the sacrifice of
Answer. And understood His thanksgiving, and will call upon the
doings. name of the LORD.
I will pay my vows unto the
LORD, in the presence of all His
First Antzjohon. The LORD hath people: 1* in the courts of the
sworn, and will not repent: Thou ,LORD’s house, in the midst of thee,
art a Priest for ever. ' 0 Jerusalem!
Ps. cix.p The LORD said, &c., [Here the Hebrew appends “Alle
luia,” which the Vulgate and the LXX.
prefix to the next Psalm.]
Seeond Antzlphon. That the Lord
may set him with the princes of His Fourth A ntz'phon. They went
people. . forth weeping, sowing their seed.

Ps. cxii. Praise the LORD, 0 ye

Psalm CXXV.
His servants, &c., 178.)
[Intituled “ A Song of Degrees.”]
Third Antzlphon. O Lord, Thou
hast loosed my- bonds: I will offer HEN the LORD turned again
to Thee the sacrifice of thanks the captivity of Zion, * we
giving. ‘ were like them that come again
from sickness.
Psalm CXV.
Then was our mouth filled with
[In the Hebrew this Psalm is a continua laughter, ‘1‘ and our tongue with
tion of the last. The Vulgate and the LXX. singing.
prefix “ Alleluia. ”]
Then said they among the hea
BELIEVED, therefore have I then: ‘1‘ The LORD hath done great
spoken: 1" but I was greatly things for them.
afflicted. The LORD hath done great things
I said in my haste: * All men for us : * whereof we are glad.
are liars. : Turn again our captivity, O
What shall I render unto the LORD, * as the streams in the
LORD * for all His benefits toward south. '
me? They that sow in tears * shall
I will take the cup of salvation, reap in joy.
f“ and call upon the name of the They go forth weeping, ‘* sow
LORD. ing their seed;

They shall doubtless come again For the darkness is not darkness
with rejoicing, * bringing their to Thee: and the night shineth as
sheaves with them. the day: * the darkness and the
light to Thee are both alike.
Anlz'p/um. 0 God, Thy For Thou didst form my reins:
friends are honourable; their power 4* Thou hast upholden me from
is waxen right strong. my mother’s womb.
I will praise Thee, for Thy great
Psalm CXXXVIII. ness is terrible: * marvellous are
Thy works: and that my soul
[Intituled “A Psalm of David," with a knoweth right well.
musical (P) direction, the meaning of which My bones were not hid from
is not now certain.]
Thee, when Thou madest me in
LORD, Thou hast searched secret: * nor my substance in the
me, and known me: * Thou lower parts of the earth.
knowest my down-sitting and mine Thine eyes beheld my substance
up-rising: ‘ yet being imperfect: and in Thy
Thou understandest my thoughts book all were written : * day by day
afar ofi‘. * Thou searchest my path, were they to be fashioned, when as
and my line, yet there was none of them.
And art acquainted with all my But to me, O God, Thy friends
ways: * before there is a word on are exceeding honourable: * their
my tongue. power is waxen right strong.
Lo, 0 LORD, Thou knowest all If I should count them, they are
things both new and old: * Thou more in number than the sand: * I
hast made me, and laid Thine hand arose, and am still with Thee.
upon me. Surely Thou wilt slay the wicked,
Such knowledge is too wonderful O God : * depart from me, ye bloody
for me: * it is high, and I cannot men.
attain unto it. For ye say in thought: * In
Whither shall I go from Thy vain shall Thy people take Thy
Spirit? * or whither shall I flee cities.
from Thy presence? Do not I hate them, 0 LORD,
If I ascend up into heaven, Thou that hate Thee? * and am not I
are there: " if I go down into hell, grieved at those that rise up against
Thou art there. Thee?
If I take the wings of the morn I hate them with perfect hatred:
ing, "* and dwell in the uttermost * they are to me as enemies.
parts of the sea ;—- Search me, O God, and know
Even there shall Thine hand lead mine heart: " try me and know my
me, ' and Thy right hand shall hold thoughts.
me. And see if there be any wicked
If I say: Surely the darkness way in me: * and lead me in the
shall cover me: ‘ even the night way everlasting.
shall be light about me in my Chapter, Hymn, and Verse and An
pleasures. .rwerfrom Lauds'.
Aniipfion at the Song of the nification of this number, Twelve.
Blessed Virgin. Wax valiant in “Ye shall sit,” saith the Lord,
fight, and strive against the old “upon twelve thrones, judging the
serpent: and ye shall receive an twelve tribes of Israél.”
everlasting kingdom. Alleluia.
Fifi/z Lesson.
F then there be set there twelve
thrones of judgment, (Ps. cxxi.
5,) Paul, in that he is the thir
@ther lessons for the masts
teenth Apostle, hath not where to
at the gpustIzs. sit, nor wherein to judge. Never
theless, he hath said of himself
SECOND NOCTURN. that he will judge not men only,
Fourth Lesson. but angels. “Know ye not,” saith
he, “that we shall judge angels?”
The Lesson is taken from the Ex (1 Cor. vi. 3,)—that is, the fallen
position of the Eighty-sixth Psalm angels. Then might they have
by St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo.] answered him : “ Wherefore boastest
thou thyself to be a judge? For
“ ER foundation is in the holy where is thy seat? The Lord hath
mountains: the LORD lov said that for the twelve Apostles
eth the gates of Zion.” Where there shall be twelve thrones: one
fore hath the city twelve founda~ of the twelve, even Judas, is in
tions, and in them the names of deed fallen, but holy Matthias is
the Prophets and of the Apostles chosen into his place; for the twelve
of the Lamb?1 Because their thrones there are still twelve to sit
authority is the foundation where thereon: first find whereon thou
on our weakness resteth. Where. shalt sit, and afterward give thyself
fore are they the gates.:2 Because out for a judge.” Let us see, then,
through them we enter in unto the what is the meaning of these twelve
kingdom of God, since they have thrones. By them is signified in
preached the same unto us, and a mystery the whole world, since
when we enter in through their the Church shall be through all
preaching, we enter in by Christ, the earth, whence this building is
Who is Himself The Door. (John called to be built up together in
x. 7.) And, whereas it is written Christ.
that the city hath twelve gates, and,
Sz'xt/z Lesson.
again, that Christ is the one Door,
Christ is all the twelve, for He is HEREFORE is it said that
in all the twelve: and therefore there shall be twelve thrones,
were twelve Apostles chosen. There because from all quarters shall there
lieth a great mystery in the sig come men to be judged ; even as it is
1 A sort of quotation from or allusion to Apoc. xxi. 14, but there the Prophets are
not mentioned.
'1 Apoc. xxi. :2, says that on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes
of Israé'l.

said that the city hath twelve gates, Homily by the Venerable Bede,
because from all quarters shall the Priest [at Jarrow and Doctor of the
nations of them which are saved, Church] (Homily for St Benedict’s
enter into it. So, not the twelve Birth-day.) '
only, and the Apostle Paul, but all,
as many as shall judge, have part “If thou wilt be perfect,” saith
in these twelve thrones, this signi Christ, “go and sell that thou hast,
fying, that they shall judge all men ; and give to the poor, and come
even as all that enter into the and follow Me: and thou shalt
city, have part in her twelve gates. have treasure in heaven.” (Matth.
For there are four quarters of the xix. 21.) Yea, treasure that passeth
world, the East, and the West, and not away! Unto such saith JESUS,
the North, and the South : of which at the questioning of Peter: “ Amen
four quarters is mention often made I say unto you, that ye which have
in the Scriptures. From the four followed Me, in the regeneration,
winds shall the elect be gathered when the Son of Man shall sit in
together, as saith the Lord in the the throne of His glory, ye also
Gospel: “And He shall send His shall sit upon twelve thrones, judg
Angels with a great sound of a ing the twelve tribes of Israel.” He
trumpet; and they shall gather to taught them, which work for His
gether His elect from the four winds, Name’s sake in this life, to look
from one end of heaven to the for their reward in another life:
other.” (Matth. xxiv. 31.) From that is, in the regeneration. “In
the four winds, therefore, is the the regeneration!”—when we who
Church called together; and how have been born dying creatures
are they called? Everywhere are into a dying life, shall in the re
they called in the Trinity; for they surrection be born again into an
are called no otherwise than by undying life.
baptizing them in the Name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Elf/ll}: Lesson.
Holy Ghost. (Matth. xxvii. 19.)
Now four being multiplied by three AND soothly, it is a just retri
is twelve. v bution, that they, who, while
they were yet here, have for Christ’s
sake set no store by being great
THIRD NOCTURN. among men, should there by Christ
be singularly glorified to be the
Savant/z Lemon. assessors of His judgment-seat, even
The Lesson is taken from the Holy they whom nothing here could turn
Gospel according to Matthew aside from being the followers of
(xix. 27.) His footsteps. Nevertheless, let
there be no man that believeth
T that time: Peter said unto that the twelve Apostles only, among
Jesus: Behold, we have for whom Matthias holdeth that place
saken all,have
shall we and therefore?
followed Thee:
And sowhat
on. I from which Judas by transgression
fell, (Acts i. 25,) that they only
shall judge,. even as the twelve heavens were opened, and I saw
tribes of Israel shall not alone be visions of God. In the fifth day of
judged: for then were the tribe of the month, which was the fifth year
Levi, which is the thirteenth, un of King Jehoiachim’s captivity, the
judged. word of the LORD came unto Ezekiel,
the son of Buzi, the Priest, in the
1Vinth Lesson.
land of the Chaldeans, by the river
OREOVER, then, were Paul, Chebar, and the hand of the LORD
who is the thirteenth Apostle, was there upon him. And I looked,
deprived of all part in the judg and, behold, a whirlwind came
ment; whereas he saith of him out of the North, a great cloud,
self: “Know ye not that we shall and a fire infolding itself, and a
judge angels? How much more brightness was about it, and out
things that pertain to this life?” of the midst thereof, (that is, out
But it behoveth us to know that of the midst of the fire,) as the
every one who hath forsaken all colour of amber. ' ‘
and followed Christ, as did the
Apostles, shall also come with Him
to judgment, even as every man Second Lesson.
shall stand at His judgment seat.
LSO in the midst thereOf the
And the Scriptures use Often to
likeness of four living creat
signify all by this number twelve;
ures; and this was their appear
by the twelve thrones of the Apostles
ance, they had the likeness of a
are signified the thrones of all them
man. And every one had four
that shall judge; and by the twelve
faces, and every one had four wings.
tribes of Israel, the whole number
Their feet were straight feet, and
of them that shall be judged.
the sole of their feet was like the
sole of a calf’s foot, and they
sparkled like the colour of glowing
brass. And they had the hands of
a man under their wings on their
@tljer itsssrms for the Jl’rasts four sides, and they had faces and
wings on four sides. And the
uf @fiangelists. wings of one were joined to the
wings of another; they turned not
when they went; they went every
First Lesson. one straight forward.
'Here beginneth the Book of the
Prophet Ezekiel (i. I.) Third Lesson.

-AND it came to pass in the S for the likeness of their faces,

thirtieth year, in the fourth they four had the face of a
month, in the fifth day of the man and the face of a lion on the
month, as I was among the captives right side, and they four had the
by the river of Chebar, that the face of an ox on the left side, and

they four had the face of an eagle Fg'fth Lesson.

above. Thus were their faces, and
“ VERY one had four faces ”
their wings were stretched upward,
——four faces, that is, and
two wings of every one were joined
one body. If thou seek to know
one to another, and two covered
what Matthew teacheth concerning
their bodies; and they went every
the Incarnation of the Lord, he
one straight forward. Whither
teacheth no other doctrine than
the spirit was to go, they went,
teacheth Mark, or Luke, or John.
and they turned not when they
If thou seek to know what John
teacheth, it is beyond all doubt
that his doctrine is the doctrine of
Matthew, and Mark, and Luke. If
thou ask concerning Mark, he hath
Fourth Lesson.
that which hath Matthew, and John,
The Lesson is taken from the Ex_ and Luke. If thou wilt know of
position of the Book of the Luke, know that he teacheth as
Prophet Ezekiel by Pope St doth Matthew, and Mark, and John.
Gregory [the Great] (Ham. 3, Therefore every one hath four faces,
Bk. i.) . for God knoweth and seeth in them
but one faith, which thou mayest
THE Prophet writeth very min see in each and in all.
utely touching the four holy
living creatures, whom he saw in Sixth Lesson.
the spirit as being to come. He
saith: “Every one had four faces, “AND every one had four wings.”
and every one had four wings.” For they do all with one
What signifieth the face save like accord preach our Lord JESUS
ness whereby we are known? or Christ, the Son of Almighty God:
wings, save the power to fly? since toward Whose Godhead lifting up
it is by the face that man is known the eyes of their mind, they do lift
from man, and by their wings that the wings of contemplation, and do
the birds’ bodies are carried up into fly. In the Evangelists, the face
the air. So the face pertaineth to pertaineth to the Lord’s Manhood,
certitude,1 and the wings to con and the wings to His Godhead:
templation. With certitude we are for they turn their face toward Him
known of God Almighty, Who saith : Whom they see in bodily shape:
“I am the Good Shepherd, and but when they say that He is, as
know My sheep, and am known touching His Godhead, Incompre
of Mine.” (John x. 14.) And hensible, and Incorporeal, the wings
again: “I know whom I have of their contemplation do, in a
chosen.” (xiii. 18.) And by con manner, carry them in flight heaven
templation, whereby we rise above ward. Because, then, they have
ourselves, we as it were fly heaven all one faith in the Incarnation,
wards. and all equally look by contempla
1 Text, adfidem.

tion toward the Godhead: it is Ezlg’hth Lesson.

well written of them, “Every one EHOLD, the Lord sendeth
had four faces, and every one had forth His disciples to preach
four wings.” by two and two: and thus doing,
He doth silently teach us that who
soever loveth not his neighbour,
such an one it behoveth not to take
Seventh Lesson. upon him the ofiice of a preacher.
The Lesson is taken from the Well also is it said that He sent
Holy Gospel according to Luke them before His face into every
(x. I.) city and place whither He Himself
would come. The Lord followeth
T that time: The Lord ap His preachers: first cometh preach
pointed other seventy - two ing, and then the Lord Himself
also, and sent them two and two cometh to the house of our mind,
before His face into every city and whither the word of exhortation
place, whither He Himself would hath come before: and so cometh
come. And so on. the truth into our mind.
Homily by Pope St Gregory Ninth Lesson.
[the Great] (1 7th on the Gospels.)
THEREFORE to preachers saith
Dearly beloved brethren, our Isaiah: “ Prepare ye the way
Lord and Saviour doth sometimes of the LORD, make straight an high
admonish us by words, and some way for our God.” (xl. 3.) And
times by works. Yea, His very again the Psalmist saith: “Spread
works do themselves teach us: for a path before Him That rideth upon
that which He doth silently His the West.” (lxvii. 4.) The Lord
example still moveth us to copy. rideth upon the West; above that
Behold how He sendeth forth His from which in death He veiled His
disciples to preach by two and two : glory hath He royally exalted that
since there are two commandments glory that excelleth, even the glory
to love, that is, a commandment to of His rising again. He rideth upon
love God, and a commandment to the West, Who, being risen again
love our neighbour: and where from the dead, is throned high above
there are not two, the one, being the death to which He bowed. Be
alone, hath not whereon to do the fore Him, therefore, That rideth
Lord’s commandment. And no upon the West, we spread a path,
man can properly be said to love when we set forth His glory before
himself: for love tendeth outward the eyes of your mind, to the end
toward our neighbour, if it be the that He Himself may come after,
love whereto the Gospel doth and Himself enlighten the same your
oblige us. minds by His presence and His love.

388$. dPor feasts at @112 martyr.

Everything as on Sundays, except law of his God even unto death, and
what is otherwise given here. hath not feared for the words of the
ungodly: for he had his foundation
FIRST VESPERS. upon a strong rock.
A ntzphons, Chapter, and Prayerfrom
Last Psalm.
Invitatory. The Lord He is the
0 praise the LORD, &c., (Ps. cxvi., King of the Martyrs. * 0 come, let
p. 186.) us worship Him!
Hymn} Hymn as at First Vespers.
O GOD, of Thy soldiers
the Portion and Crown, FIRST NOCTURN.
Spare Thy people, who hymn
the Praise of the Blest ; Only three Psalms are said.
Earth’s bitter joys,
its lures and its frown, First Antifihon. His delight *
He scanned them and scorned,
and so is at rest.
was in the law of the LORD day
and night. ‘
Thy Martyr, he ran
all valiantly o’er
Ps. i. Blessed is the man, &c.,
An highway of blood (11 4-)
for the prize Thou hast given.
Seeand Antiphon. The Lord hath
We kneel at Thy feet
and meekly implore, set him * upon His holy hill, to
That our pardon may wait declare His decree.
on his triumph in heaven.
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen,
Honour and praise 816-, (11 4-)
To the Father and Son
And the Spirit be done Third Antiphon. I cried unto
Now and always. Amen. the LORD * with my voice, and
He heard me out of His holy
Verse. 2Thou hast crowned him hill.
with glory and honour, O Lord.
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in
Answer. And madest him to
creased, &c., (p. 5.)
have dominion over the works of
Thy hands. Verse. Thou hast crowned him
with glory and honour, O Lord.
Antiphon at the Song of the Answer. And madest him to
Blessed Virgin. 3This _man is have dominion over the works of
holy, * for he hath striven for the Thy hands.
1 Abridged from an hymn of the Ambrosian school ; translation by Cardinal Newman.
2 Ps. viii. 7.
” Ecclus. iv. 33; 1 Mace. ii. 62; Matth. vii. 25.
_ The following Lessons are not read First Responsory.
if other Lessons are assigned instead,
(either special, or from Scripture ac This man is holy, for he hath
cording to the Season,) or if the Martyr striven for the law of his God even
whose Feast is being kept was not a unto death, and hath not feared for
Bishop. 1n the latter case, failing
other Lessons, are read those from the words of the ungodly; for he
Rom. viii. 12, given on p. 499. had his foundation upon a strong
rock. -
Verse. 1 This is he which loved
First Lesson. not his life in this world, and is
The Lesson is taken from the Acts come unto an everlasting kingdom.
Answer. For he had his found
of the Apostles (xx. 17.)
ation upon a strong rock.
FROM Miletus Paul sent to Eph
esus, and called the elders of Second Lesson.
the Church. And when they were ND now, behold, I know that
come to him, he said unto them: ye all, among whom I have
Ye know, from the first day that I gone preaching the kingdom of God,
came into Asia, after what manner I shall see my face no more. Where
have been with you at all seasons, fore I take you to record this day,
serving the Lord with all humility that I am pure from the blood of all
of mind, and with many tears, and men. For I have not shunned to
temptations, which befell me by the declare unto you all the counsel of
lying-in-wait of the Jews: how I God. Take heed unto yourselves,
kept back nothing that was profit and to all the flock, over the which
able unto you, but have showed the Holy Ghost hath made you
you, and have taught you publicly, Bishops to shepherd the Church of
and from house to house, testifying God, which He hath purchased with
both to the Jews and also to the His Own Blood. I know this, that
Gentiles, repentance toward God, after my departing shall grievous
and faith toward our Lord Jesus wolves enter in among you, not
Christ. And now, behold, I go sparing the flock; also of your own
bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, selves shall men arise, speaking per
not knowing the things that shall verse things, to draw away disciples
befall me there; save that the Holy after them. Therefore watch, and
Ghost witnesseth in every city, remember that, by the space of three
saying that bonds and afflictions years, I ceased not to warn every
abide me at Jerusalem. But none one of you night and day with tears.
of these things move me, neither
count I my life dear unto myself:
Second Responsory.
so that I might finish my course
with joy, and the ministry which I 2The righteous shall grow as the
have received of the Lord Jesus, lily; yea, he shall flourish in the
to testify the Gospel of the grace presence of the Lord for ever.
of God. Verse. 3Those that be planted
1 Cf. John xii. 25. 2 Hos. xiv. 6; Isa. xvii. II, &c. 3 Ps. xci. r4.

in the house of the LORD, shall Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
flourish in the courts of the house to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
of our God. ' Answer. And he is numbered
Answer. Yea, he shall flourish among the Saints.
in the presence of the Lord for
Third Lesson.
first Antiphon. 0 ye sons of
AND now I commend you to men, * know that the LORD hath
God, and to the word of His set apart him that is holy for Him
grace, Which is able to build you self.
up, and to give you an inheritance
Psalm IV.
among all them which are sanctified.
I have coveted no man’s silver, or [Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a
musical (?) direction of (now) uncertain
gold, or apparel, as ye yourselves meaning]
know: for these bands have minis
tered unto my necessities, and to WHEN I called, the God of my
them that were with me. I have righteousness heard me: ‘
showed you all things, how that so Thou hast enlarged me when I was
labouring ye ought to support the in distress:
weak, and to remember the words Have mercy upon me, * and hear
of the Lord JEsus, how He said: my prayer.
It is more blessed to give than to 0 ye sons of men, how long
receive. And when he had thus will ye be dull of heart? * Why
spoken, he kneeled down, and will ye love vanity, and seek after
prayed with them all. And they leasing? 1
all wept sore, and fell on Paul’s But know that the LORD hath set
neck, and kissed him, sorrowing apart for Himself him that is holy:
most of all for the words which he * the LORD will hear me when I
spake, that they should see his face call unto Him.
no more. And they accompanied Be ye angry and sin not: * what
him unto the ship. ye speak in your heart, repent upon
your bed.1
Offer the sacrifices of righteous
Third Responsory.
ness, and put your trust in the LORD.
This is be which knew righteous * There be many that say: Who will
ness, and saw great wonders, and show us any good?
made his prayer unto the Most LORD, Thou hast set upon us the
High; and he is numbered among light of Thy countenance. '* Thou
the Saints. hast put gladness in my heart,
Verse. This is he which loved More than in the time that
not his life in this world, and is their corn, and wine, and oil *
come unto an everlasting kingdom. increased.
Answer. And he is numbered I will both lay me down in peace,
among the Saints. " and sleep,

For Thou, LORD, only ’1‘ makest Let them fall by their own coun
me to dwell in safety. sels; cast them out in the multitude
Seeond Antiphon. O LORD, Thou of their transgressions, 1* for they
hast compassed him *1 with Thy have rebelled against Thee, O Lord!
favour as with a shield. And let all those that put their
trust in Thee, rejoice: ’1‘ let them
ever shout for joy, because Thou
Psalm V.
dwellest in them: -
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a Let them also that love Thy Name
musical (?) superscription.]
be joyful in Thee. * For Thou wilt
GIVE ear unto my words, 0 bless the righteous.
LORD, 1* consider my suppli O LORD, Thou hast compassed us
cation. . *1 with Thy favour as with a shield.
Hearken unto the voice of my cry,
1" my King and my God! Third Antiphon. Thou hast
For unto Thee will I pray. *1 O crowned him 1* with glory and
LORD, in the morning Thou shalt honour in all the earth.
hear my voice:
In the morning will I stand before Psalm VIII.
'Thee and look up. 1* For Thou art [Intituled “A Psalm of David.” It has
not a God that hath pleasure in also a title which seems to show that it was
a song for the vintage]
wickedness :
Neither shall the evil dwell with LORD, our Lord, * how ex
'Thee, * nor the unrighteous stand cellent is Thy Name in all
in Thy sight: the earth!
Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. For Thy glory is exalted * above
* Thou shalt destroy all them that the heavens.
speak leasing: 1Out of the mouth of babes and
The LORD abhorreth the bloody sucklings hast Thou perfected praise
and deceitful man. 1* But as for me, because of Thine enemies, * that
in the multitude of Thy mercy Thou mightest destroy the enemy
I will come into Thine house: ‘1‘ and the avenger.
I will worship toward Thine holy When I consider Thine heavens,
temple in Thy fear. the work of Thy fingers : 1‘ the moon
Lead me, O LORD, in Thy and the stars which Thou hast or
righteousness, 1‘ because of mine dained:
enemies; make my way straight What is man, that Thou art mind
before Thy face. ful of him? 1‘ or the son of man,
For there is no faithfulness in that thou visitest him?
their mouth: *1 their inward part Thou hast made him a little lower
is very wickedness. than the angels, Thou hast crowned
Their throat is an open sepulchre ; him with glory and honour, ‘1‘ and
they flatter with their tongue. 1“ madest him to have dominion over
Judge Thou them, 0 God! the works of Thine hands.
1 This verse was quoted by our Lord, concerning those who cried Hosannah on 'Palm
Sunday, Matt. xxi. 16.

Thou hast put all things under Fourth Responsory.

his feet, * all sheep and oxen, yea, 1 The Lord made him honourable,
and the beasts of the field. and defended him from his enemies,
The fowl of the air, and the fish and kept him safe from those that
of the sea, * that pass through the lay in wait for him, and gave him
paths of the sea. perpetual glory.
0 LORD, our Lord, * how excel Verse. He went down with him in
lent is Thy Name in all the earth ! to the pit, and left him not in bonds.
Answer. And gave him perpetual
Verse. 0 Lord, Thou hast set a
crown of precious stones—
Fz'flh Lesson.
Answer. Upon his head.
SO the patience of the blessed
Martyr was crowned, and the
Fourth Lesson.
unchastened spite of the tormentor
The Lesson is taken from the Ser is given over to everlasting torture.
mons of St Austin, Bishop [of Christ’s glorious champion looked
Hippo.] (44th on the Saints.) for this during his battle, and shrank
not from prison. Like his Head, he
HE illustrious day whereon bore reproach, underwent mocking,
the blessed Martyr N. (here and feared not for scourges : and as
insert his name) conquered, doth many sufferings as for Christ’s sake
this day come round to us again: he bore before he died, so many
and as the Church doth rejoice with offerings did he make unto Him of
him in his glory, so doth she set himself. He had drunk in the
before us his footsteps to be fol Apostles’ word and kept it deep in
lowed. For if we suffer,- we shall him: “The sufferings of this pres
also reign with him. In his glorious ent time are not worthy to be com
battle we have two things chiefly to pared with the glory which shall be
consider: the hardened cruelty of revealed in us,” (Rom. viii. 18,)
the tormentor, and the unconquered “for our light affliction which is
patience of the Martyr: the cruelty but for a moment, worketh for us
of the tormentor, that we may abhor a far more exceeding and eternal
it ; the patience of the Martyr, that weight of glory.” (2 Cor. iv. 17.)
we may imitate it. Hear what the Being lifted up above earthly things
Psalmist saith, complaining against by the love of this promise, and
sin: “Fret not thyself because of tasting beforehand the sweetness of
the evil-doers, for they shall soon the heavenly peace, he was unspeak
dry up like the grass.” (xxxvi. I.) ably moved, and said with the
But touching the patience which is Psalmist: “What have I in heaven,
to be shown against the evil-doers, and what is there upon earth that I
hear the word wherewith the Apos desire beside Thee? My flesh and
tle moveth us: “Ye have need of my heart faileth : Thou art the God
patience, that ye may receive the of my heart, and God is my portion
promise.” (Heb. x. 36.) for ever.” (lxxii. 26.)
1 Wisd. x. 11-14, substituting “Lord” for “Wisdom.”

Fifth Responsarjl. Verse. With the bread of life and

1 O Lord, Thou hast given him understanding hath the Lord fed
his heart’s desire, and hast not with him, and given him the water of
holden the request of his lips. health and wisdom to drink.
Verse. For Thou hast prevented Answer. And put about his head
him with the blessings of sweetness : a crown of joy. '
Thou hast set a crown of precious Verse. Glory be to the Father,
stones upon his head. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. And hast not withholden Ghost.
the request of his lips. Answer. And put about his head
a crown of joy.
Sixth Lesson.
OR he considered, as far as man’s
weakness is able, through this First Antithon. The righteous
darkness, to fix the eyes of his mind LORD * loveth righteousness: His
upon the eternal things, what is the countenance doth behold upright
gladness of the city above: and ness.
being not able to tell it, he cried Psalm X.
out wondering: “What have I in
heaven?” As though he would [Intituled “Of David.” There is also a
superscription perhaps musical, but now of
have said: “It passeth my strength, uncertain meaning]
it passeth the power of my utterance,
it goeth beyond the reach of my IN the LORD put I my trust;
understanding, what is that beauty, how say ye to my soul, *
what is that glory, what is that Flee as a bird to the mountain?
exaltation, wherein, when He hath For 10, the wicked bend their bow,
hidden us from the troubling of they make ready their arrows in the
men, in the secret of His presence, quiver, * that they may privily shoot
our Lord JESUS Christ shall change at the upright in heart.
our vile body, that it may be fash For they have destroyed that
ioned like unto His glorious Body ! ” which Thou hast established: *
(Ps. xxx. 21, Phil. iii. 21.) In sight and what hath the righteous done?
of this perfect liberty he shrank from The LORD is in His holy temple :
no danger, and quailed before no * the LORD’s throne is in heaven.
suffering: and if he could have died His eyes behold the poor: * His
a thousand times, he would not have eyelids try the children of men.
thought himself to have bought it at The LORD trieth the righteous
a price high enough. and the wicked: * but he that lov
eth iniquity hateth his own soul.
Upon the wicked He shall rain
Sixth Responsory.
snares: * fire, and brimstone, and
2The Lord hath put on him a an horrible tempest, this shall be
robe of honour, and put about his the portion of their cup.
head a crown of joy. For the righteous LORD loveth
1 Ps. xx. 2, 3. ’ Altered from Ecclus. vi. 32 ; xv. 3.

righteousness: * His countenance For Thou hast met him with the
doth behold uprightness. blessings of sweetness: * Thou hast
set a crown of precious stones upon
Seeona' Antiphon. He shall dwell
his head.
* in Thy tabernacle, He shall rest
He asked life of Thee: * and
upon Thy holy hill.
Thou gavest him length of days for
Psalm XIV. ever and ever.
His glory is great in Thy salva
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.”] tion: * honour and great majesty
LORD, who shall abide in Thy shalt Thou lay upon him.
tabernacle ? * who shall For Thou wilt give him to be a
dwell in Thine holy hill? blessing for ever: * Thou shalt
He that walketh uprightly, * and make him exceeding glad with Thy
worketh righteousness. countenance.
He that speaketh the truth in his For the king trusteth in the
heart, * he that deceiveth not with LORD, ‘* and, through the mercy
his tongue. of the Most High, he shall not be
He that hath not done evil to his moved. .
neighbour, * nor taken up a reproach Thine hand shall find out all
against his neighbour. thine enemies: * thy right hand
In whose eyes a vile person is shall find out all thOse that hate
despised: * but he honoureth them thee.
that fear the LORD. Thou shalt make them as a fiery
He that sweareth to his neighbour, oven in the time of thine anger: *
and deceiveth him not, * he that the LORD shall cut them off in His
putteth not out his money to usury, wrath, and the fire shall devour
nor taketh reward against the in them.
nocent. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from
He _that doeth these things, * the earth, * and their seed from
shall never be moved. among the children of men.
Third Antiphon. O Lord, Thou For they intended evil against
hast set a crown * of precious stones thee: * they imagined a device,
upon his head. which they were not able to per
Psalm XX. Therefore shalt thou cast them
behind thee: * thou shalt leave
[This Psalm also bears the same title as
the xviiith.] their faces lying in thy track.
Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in
THE king shall joy in Thy Thine own strength : * we will sing
strength, 0 LORD: * and in and praise Thy power.
Thy salvation how greatly shall he
rejoice! Verse. 2His glory is great in
Thou hast given him his heart’s Thy salvation.
desire, ‘* and hast not withholden Answer. Honour and great ma
the request of his lips.1 jesty shalt Thou lay upon him.
1 SLH. 2 Ps. xx. 4.

Seventh Lesson. an ornament of honour, a costly

The Lesson is taken from the Holy work.
Gospel according to Luke (xiv. Verse. For Thou hast prevented
26.) him with the blessings of sweetness,
Thou hast set a crown of precious
AT that time: JESUS said unto stones upon his head.
the multitudes: If any man Answer. Wherein is engraved
come to Me, and hate not his fa Holiness, an ornament of honour,
ther, and mother, and wife, and a costly work.
children, and brethren, and sisters,
yea, and his own life also, he cannot Ezlg/ztlz Blessing.
be My disciple. And so on.
He whose feast-day we are keeping
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the Be our Advocate with God.
Great,] (37th on the Gospels.)
Ez'glll/z Lesson.
Dearly beloved brethren, if we
consider what and how great things WHEN we hear these things
are promised unto us in heaven, all our hearts burn within us;
things which are upon earth grow and we long to be already there,
poor to our mind. For when this where we hope to rejoice for ever.
world’s goods are reckoned against But we cannot attain unto great
the gladness above, they are found rewards, save through great labour.
to be a clog rather than an help. Therefore saith the excellent preach
This present life being compared to er Paul: “He is not crowned, ex
life eternal, ought rather to be called cept he strive lawfully.” (2 Tim. ii.
death than life. For what is the 5.) The greatness of the reward
daily failing of our corruption but, doth delight our mind; let not the
as it were, a creeping death? But throes of the struggle dishearten us.
what tongue is there that can tell, or Therefore the Truth saith unto every
What understanding that can com one that cometh unto Him : “If any
prehend how great is the rejoicing man come to Me, and hate not his
in the city above, where they have father and mother, and wife, and
part with the choirs of Angels, where children, and brethren, and sisters,
they stand with the most blessed yea, and his own life also, he cannot
spirits before the glory of the be My disciple.”
Creator, where they see the face of
God present, where they behold the E{gilt/r Responsory.
Incomprehensible Light, where they This is a Martyr indeed, who
have no fear of death, and where shed his blood for Christ’s Name’s
they rejoice eternally incorruptible? sake ; who feared not for the threats
of judges, nor sought to be great with
Seventh Responsory. the glory of this world, but pressed
1A crown of gold upon his on unto the kingdom of heaven.
head, wherein is engraved Holiness, Verse. 2The Lord guided the
1 Altered from Ecclus. xlv. I4.
. “ Wisd. x. 10, again substituting “ the Lord ” for “Wisdom.”

righteous in right paths, and showed put asunder.” (Matth. xix. 6.) And
him the kingdom of God. Paul saith: “Husbands, love your
Answer. Who feared not for the wives, even as Christ also loved the
threats of judges, nor sought to be Church.” (Eph. v. 25.) Behold,
great with the glory of this world, the disciple commandeth a man
but pressed on unto the kingdom to love his wife, and the Master
of heaven. saith: “If any man hate not his
Verse. Glory be to the Father, wife, he cannot be My disciple.”
and to the Son, and to the Holy Doth the judge, then, order one
Ghost. proclamation, and the crier make
Answer. Who feared not for the another? or can the man both love
threats of judges, nor sought to be and hate? If we consider well the
great with the glory of this world, force of the commandment, we shall
but pressed on unto the kingdom be able in wisdom to do both.
of heaven. Let us love wife, and kindred, and
neighbour, as touching their near
Upon a few oemsions, instead of the
(mm, the folla'wing is the Eight/z Re ness in the flesh; but as touching
spansory. the way of God, if they withstand
us therein, let us not know them,
1O Lord, Thou hast prevented but hate them and flee from
him with the blessings of sweet them.
ness; Thou hast set a crown of
precious stones upon his head. The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
God, &c.," is said.
Verse. He asked life of Thee,
and Thou gavest him length of days
for ever and ever.
Answer. Thou hast set a crown First Antip/zon. 2 Whosoever
of precious stones upon his head. shall confess Me * before men,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, him will I confess also before My
and to the Son, and to the Holy Father.
Ghost. Semnd Antifilzon. 3 He that fol
Answer. Thou hast set a crown loweth Me ’* walketh not in dark
of precious stones upon his head. ness, but shall have the light of
life, saith the Lord.
1Vinl/z Lesson.
T/zird Antiphon. 4 If any man
serve Me, * let him follow Me ; and
BUT it may be asked how we where I am, there shall also My
are commanded in one place servant be.
to hate our parents, and them that Fourth Aniiplzan. 4"If any man
are near us in the flesh, and in an serve Me, * him will My Father,
other place to love even our enemies. Who is in heaven, honour.
And, verily, the Truth hath said, Eff/z Antz'plwn. 4 Father, I will
as touching a wife: “What God * that where I am, there shall also
hath joined together, let not man My servant be.
1 Ps. xx. 4. 2 Matth. x. 32.
3 John viii. 12’. 4 John xii. 25, 26; xvii. 24.
Chapter. (James i. 12.) dered, may it please Thee, that
LESSED is the man that en the prayers of Thy blessed and
dureth temptation: for, when glorious Martyr and Bishop (here
he is tried, he shall receive the insert his name) may shield us.
crown of life, which God hath Through our Lord JESUS Christ
promised to them that love Him. Thy Son, Who liveth and reign
eth with Thee, in the unity of the
Hymn. 1
Holy Ghost, one God, world with
out end. Amen.
MARTYR of unconquer’d might,
Follower of th’ lncamate Son !
Who, victorious in the fight,
2. Another Prayerfor the same.
Hast celestial glory won ; 0 GOD, Who year by year dost
By the virtue of thy prayer, gladden us by the solemn
Let no evil hover nigh ; feast-day of Thy blessed Martyr
Sin’s contagion drive afar; and Bishop, (here insert his name,)
Waken drowsy lethargy. mercifully grant that we who keep
Loosen’d from the fleshly chain his birthday, may ever feel the
Which detain’d thee here of old, joyful effects of his protection.
Loose us from the bonds of sin, Through our Lord JESUS Christ
From the fetters of the world.
Thy Son, Who liveth and reign
Glory to the Father be : eth with Thee, in the unity of the
Glory to th’ Incarnate Son ; Holy Ghost, one God, world with
Glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
While eternal ages run. Amen. out end. Amen.

Verse. 2 The righteous shall 3. Prayerfor a Martyr not a Bishop.

flourish like the palm~tree. RANT, we beseech Thee, O
Answer. He shall grow like a Almighty God, that we who
cedar in Lebanon. keep the birthday of Thy blessed
A ntiohon at the Song of Zaoharias. Martyr, (here insert his name,)
3 He that hateth his life * in this may be so holpen by his prayers,
world, shall keep it unto life eternal. that we may ever grow more and
more in love toward Thy holy
If the Prayer is not special there is Name. Through our Lord JESUS
said one of the following, which is also
used throughout the whole Ofiee of the Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
Saint. reigneth with Thee, in the unity
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
l. Prayer for one Martyr, who was a without end. Amen.
ERCIFULLY consider our 4. A notherfor the same.
weakness, 0 Almighty God, RACIOUSLY hear us, we be
and whereas by the burden of seech Thee, O Almighty God,
our sins we are sore let and hin and, at the petition of Thy blessed
1 Author unknown (tenth to thirteenth century); hymn slightly altered; translation by
the Rev. E. Caswall.
’ Ps. xci. 13. 3 John xii. 25, 26 ; xvii. 24.

Martyr, (here insert his name,) be SEXT.

mercifully pleased 'to deliver us
from all things which may hurt Antiphon. If any man serve Me,
our bodies, and from all evil &c., (Third Antiphon at Lands.)
thoughts which may defile our
souls. Through our Lord JESUS Chapter. (Ecclus. xv. 3.)
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and ITH the bread of life and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity understanding hath the
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world Lord our God fed him, and given
without end. Amen. him the water of health and wisdom
to drink.
. Short Responsory.
Antiphon; Whosoever, &c., (First
Antiphon at Lands.) O Lord, Thou hast set a crown
of precious stones—
Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. xxxix. 6.) Answer. 0 Lord, Thou hast set
a crown of precious stones—
THE righteous hath given his
Verse. Upon his head.
heart to resort early to the
Answer. A crown of precious
Lord That made him, and will pray
before the Most High. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
TERCE. Ghost.
Antiphon. He that followeth Me, Answer. 0 Lord, Thou hast set
&c., (Second Antiphon at Lands.) a crown of precious stones—
Verse. His glory is great in Thy
Chapter from Lauds. salvation.
Answer. Honour and great ma~
Short Responsory. jesty shalt Thou lay upon him.
Thou hast crowned him with
glory and honour, O Lord. NONE.
Answer. Thou hast crowned him
with glory and honour, O Lord. Antiphon. Father, I will, &c.,
Verse. And madest him to have (Fzflh Antiphon at Lauds.)
dominion over the works of Thy Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Answer. With glory and hon
Short Responsory.
our, 0 Lord.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and His glory is great in Thy salva
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. tion.
Answer. Thou hast crowned him Answer. His glory is great in
with glory and honour, O Lord. Thy salvation.
Verse. 0 Lord, Thou hast set Verse. Honour and great majesty
a crown of precious stones-— Shalt Thou lay upon him. '
Answer. ,~Upon his head. Answer. In Thy salvation.
Verse. The righteous Shall flour @tber Masons for Jfzasts of
ish like the palm-tree.
Answer. He shall grow like a @112 warty.
cedar in Lebanon. SECOND NOCTURN.

Fourth Lesson.
Antiphons, Chapter, Verse. and An The Lesson is taken from the Ex
swer, and Prayerfrom Lauds. position of the hundred-and
eighteenth Psalm by St Ambrose,
Psalm CXV. Bishop [of Milan] (2 1st Sermon.)
[In the Hebrew this Psalm is a continua “ PRINCES have persecuted me
tion of the last. The Vulgate and the LXX.
prefix “Alleluia."] ‘ without a cause; but my
heart standeth in awe of Thy word.”
BELIEVED, therefore have I These are rightly the words of a
spoken : " but I was greatly martyr, who beareth unjustly the
afiiicted. torments of the persecutors, who
I said in my haste: * All men hath robbed no man, who hath
are liars. violently oppressed no man, who
What shall I render unto the LORD hath shed the blood of no man,
* for all His benefits toward me? who hath imagined to defile the
I will take the cup of salvation, bed of no man, who is debtor to
* and call upon the name of the the laws in nothing, and who is
LORD. punished more grievously than if he
I will pay my vows unto the LORD were a robber: who speaketh right
in the presence of all His people. eousness, and there is none that
* Precious in the sight of the LORD will hear: who speaketh salvation,
is the death of His Saints. and all men fight against him: who
0 LORD, truly I am Thy servant: is able to say : “When I spoke unto
* I am Thy servant, and the son of them, they fought against me with
Thine handmaid: out a cause.” (PS. cxix. 7.) They
Thou hast loosed my bonds. * I fight against him without a cause,
will offer to Thee the sacrifice of who can lay no sin to his charge;
thanksgiving, and will call upon the they fight against him as an evil
name of the LORD. doer, who is by their own acknow
I will pay my vows unto the LORD, ledgment righteous: they fight
in the presence of all His people: * against him as a warlock, who glor
in the courts of the LORD’S house, in ieth in the name of the Lord, and
the midst of thee, 0 Jerusalem ! who doeth all things well because he
Hymn as at First Vespers. doeth all things for God’s sake.
Antiphon at v the Song of the
Blessed Virgin. 1If any man will Fifth Lesson.
come after -Me, * let him deny him THEY fight against him in vain
self, ‘and take up his cross, and who .is accused of ungodli
follow 'Me. ness among the ungodly and the
' ' 1 Matth. xvi. 24.

unfaithful, because he teacheth there not both unshaken hope of

Faith. Verily, him that is fought the eternal things, and awe of the
against without a cause it behoveth things of God?
to be strong and patient. Where
fore then saith he: “My heart THIRD NOCTURN.

standeth in awe of Thy word?” Seventh Lesran.

Awe is the mark of the weak, the
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
timid, and the fearful. But there
Gospel according to Matthew
is also a weakness unto salvation,
there is a fear which is an holy fear. (xvi. 24.)
“ 0 fear the LORD, all ye His Saints.” T that time: JESUS said unto
(Ps. xxxiii. 10.) And again: “Blessed His disciples: If any man
is the man that feareth the LORD.” will come after Me, let him deny
(Ps. cxi. I.) And wherefore is he himself, and take up his cross, and
blessed? because he “delighteth follow Me. And so on.
greatly in His commandments.” Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Great] (32nd 0n the Gospels.)
Sixth Lesson. Our Lord and Redeemer came
HINK, then, how the martyr into the world a new Man, and gave
standeth between two dangers. the world new commandments. For
On the one hand the wild beasts, against the ways of our old life,
roaring for his blood, do indeed brought and bred up in sin, He set
strike terror; he heareth the hissing the contrast of His new life. It was
of the plates of white-hot metal, and the old way, according to the know
seeth surging up the flames of the ledge of the carnal man, for every
fiery furnace; behind him is the man to keep his own goods, and, if
clanking of fetters, and beside him he were able to do it, to take his
the executioner, stained with fresh neighbour’s goods also, and, if he
blood; think of him there, face to were not able to take them, at least
face with the apparatus of death— to lust after them. But the Heavenly
but think again—of what thinketh Physician hath medicines wherewith
he? Of the Law of God, of the to meet all the diseases of sin. For,
everlasting fire, of the eternal flames, even, as by the art of the physician,
wherein the unbelieving shall burn things hot are healed by things cold,
for ever, of that torture whereof the and things cold by things hot, so
agony is for ever new. And then doth our Lord set against sin holi
indeed his heart faileth for fear, lest ness, ordaining for the lecherous
by giving way under torment here, purity, for the miserly munificence,
he should give himself up to ever for the hot-tempered meekness, and
lasting torment hereafter: then in for_ the proud lowliness.
deed he trembleth, when Faith
Eighth Lemon.
maketh to glitter before his eyes
the awful sword of the judgment to 0 the Lord, when He would give
come. And in this, the faithful a new commandment unto
trembling of the true-hearted, are them that came to Him, said :
“ Whosoever he be of you that for Again other Lessons for the Third
saketh not all that he hath, he Noclurn.
cannot be My disciple,” (Luke xiv. Seventh Lesson.
33,)—as though He had said
openly: “All ye that according to The Lesson is taken from the Holy
the old man lust after your neigh Gospel according to Matthew (x.
bour’s goods, must, according to 26.)
the zeal of the new man, give
away even that which is your own.” T that time: Jesus said unto
His disciples: There is no
But let us hear again what He
thing covered, that shall not be
saith in this place: “If any man
revealed, and hid, that shall not
will come after Me, let him deny
himself.” First He saith that we be known. And so on.
must deny to ourselves that which Homily by St Hilary, Bishop
is our own, and now that we [of Poitiers.] (Comm. on Matth.
must even deny ourselves to our Chap. 10.)
selves. Perchance it is not hard
for a man to give up that which The Lord pointeth to the day of
is his own, but it is exceeding judgment, that day wherein the
hard to give up himself. To deny hidden counsels of the hearts shall
himself his possessions is little: be made manifest, and those things
but to deny himself himself is a which are dark now shall be the
denial exceeding great. subject of all men’s knowledge.
Therefore He warneth us not to
Ninth Lesson.
fear threats, nor persuasions, nor
the power of such as fight against
ET when we come unto Him us; since in the day of judgment
the Lord will have us deny it will be manifest that all these
to ourselves even ourselves, since things are null and void. “And
as many of us as are entered into what I tell you in darkness, that
the battle offaith, are entered into speak ye in light; and what ye
a contention against evil spirits. hear in the ear, that preach ye
But the evil spirits have nothing of upon the house-tops.” We read
their own in this world, and there not that the Lord’s use was to
fore must we wrestle with them, speak by night, or to tell His
naked with naked. For if he that doctrine in darkness, but that to
is clothed, wrestle with him that is the carnal all His words were
naked, he faileth swiftly, because darkness, and to the unbelieving
he hath whereon he that is naked all His discourse night.
taketh hold. And what are all
things earthly but things where Eighth Lesson.
with the soul is clothed upon?
whosoever therefore will wrestle HEREFORE willeth He that
with Satan, let him cast away that which He hath spoken,
his clothes, lest he be thereby should be freely proclaimed in faith
endangered. and in confession. Therefore com

mandeth He that that which He Jfur $111111: feasts at @112

hath told in darkness shall be
spoken in light, and that that
which He hath made to be heard' The Ofiee is as on a Semi-double,
in the ear should be preached with the following exceptions.
upon the house-tops, that is, with
loud and high words. For it be FIRST VESPERS.
hoveth us ever to. make God The Ofliee is of the Week-day, till the
known, and to speak in the light Chapter exclusive.
of Apostolic preaching the dark The Oflee of the Saint begins with
things of the Gospel message, hav the Chapter, which, as also the Hymn,
Verse and Answer, A ntiphon at the
ing no fear of them which have Song of the Blessed Virgin, and Prayer
power over bodies, but none over are all as given, (p. 482.) The Com
our souls, but rather fearing God, mon Commemorations are said or not
Which is able to destroy both body according to the season.
and soul in hell. At Compline are said Preces.

Ninth Lesson.
“ EARS not them which kill the The Invitatory and Hymn are as
just given.
body.” Therefore we need Then follow the Week-day Psalms,
with their own A ntizfihons.
fear nothing which may chance to
our bodies, nor sorrow because of
On Mondays and Thursdays.
the destruction of the flesh, when,
according to the laws of our nature Verse. Thou hast crowned him
and that from whence we are with glory and honour, O Lord.
taken, we are unclothed upon, and Answer. And madest him to
become a pure spirit. And, since have dominion over the works of
it behoveth us who are rooted Thy hands.
in such a doctrine, freely and con
stantly to confess God, even were Absolution.
it only because of the alternative Graciously hear, &c.
whereby we are bound, He saith v
further: “Whosoever shall confess
0n Tuesdays and Fridays.
Me before men, him will I con
fess also before My Father, Which Verse. 0 Lord, Thou hast set a
is in heaven. But whosoever shall crown of precious stones— '
deny Me before men, him will Answer. Upon his head.
I also deny before My Father,
Which is in heaven.” Such wit Absolution.
nesses as He hath seen us to have
May His loving-kindness, &c.
been here to His name before
men, such a Witness shall we
On Wednesdays.
find Him to be hereafter to our
names before His Father Which Verse. His glory is great in Thy
is in heaven. salvation.

Answer. Honour and great ma (Second Responsory in the preceding

jesty shalt Thou lay upon him. Ofiice;) with this addition .
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to~the Son, and to the Holy
May the Almighty, &c. Ghost.
Answer. Yea, he shall flourish in
First Blessing. the presence of the Lord for ever.
May His blessing be upon us,
Who doth live and reign for ever. On Tuesdays and Fridays.~

First Lesson from Scripture accord O Lord, Thou hast given him,
ing to the Season, being either the first &c., (Fifth Responsory in thepreceding
part, or, if the Saint have two Lessons, Ofi’ice ,-) with this addition .
the whole read as one, at will.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
First Restores-0U. and to the Son, and to the Holy
On Mondays and Thursdays. Ghost.
Answer. And hast not with
This man is holy, &c., (First Re holden the request of his lips.
sponsory in the preceding Ofi’ice.)
On Wednesdays.
On Tuesdays and Fridays.
This is a martyr indeed, 810.
The Lord made him honourable,
Or, '0 Lord, Thou hast'prevented,
&c., (Fourth Responsory in the pre'
&c., (Eighth Responsory in the pre
ceding Ofiice.)
ceding Oflce.)
On Wednesdays.
Third Blessing.
A crown of gold, &c., (Seoenth Re- '
sponsory in the preceding Ofice.) May He That is the Angels’
Second Blessing. To that high realm His people
He whose feast-day we are keep bring.
ing I Third Lesson is the whole or the sec
Be our Advocate with God. ondpart of the Legend of the Saint, if
there is one, or else the special Lesson
Second Lesson is the first of the Le assigned.
not, itof
is the
the Saint,
second if thereSeripture,
from he two; to Then the Hymn, “We praise Thee,
O God, &c.,” is said, and so end Mat
which the third may be added at will. tins.
- The rest of the Ofice is as on a Semi
Second Regéonsory. douhle, as just given; it ends at None,
inclusive; Preces are said at Prime,
On Mondays and Thursdays. and the Common Commemorations are
made at Lauds or not, according to the
The righteous shall grow, &c., season.

JI‘U. dFnr :D’zasts uf fitting martyrs.

Everything as on Sundays, except Answer. And shout for joy, all
what is otherwise git/en here. ye that are upright in heart.

FIRST VESPERS. Antzphon at the Song of the Blessed

A ntzlthans, Chapter, and Prayerfrom
Virgin. 3 For theirs is the kingdom
Lands. of heaven, who loved not their lives
in this world, and have attained
Last Psalm.
unto the reward of the kingdom,
0 praise the LORD, &c., (Ps. cxvi., and have washed their robes in the
p. 186.) blood of the Lamb.
THE triumphs of the martyred saints MATTINS.
The joyous lay demand,
The heart delights in song to dwell Invitatory. The Lord, He is the
On that victorious band : King of the Martyrs. * 0 come,
Those whom the senseless world ab
horred, let us worship Him!
Who cast the world aside,
Deemed fruitless, worthless, for the
sake Hymn.4
Of Christ, their Lord and Guide.
NOW, comrades, sing we the strife
For Thee they braved the tyrant’s rage, and the victory,
The scourge’s cruel smart : Sing we the triumph, the joy, and the
The wild beast’s claw their bodies majesty,
tore, Fain be our lips when the theme for
But vanquished not the heart : their utterance
Like lambs before the sword they fell, Tells of martyrdom glorified.
Nor cry nor plaint expressed :
For patience kept the conscious mind, Wisdom was theirs which was reckoned
And armed the fearless breast. as foolishness,
Lost on a world which esteemed their
What tongue can tell Thy crown pre end honourless
pared While in the might of Thy Spirit they
To wreathe the martyr's head? followed Thee,
What voice Thy robe of white to clothe Jesus, heaven’s eternal King.
His limbs with torture red?
Vouchsafe us, Lord, if such Thy will,
Clear skies and seasons calm : Courage was theirs which no mocking
If not, the martyr’s cross to bear, nor threatening
And win the martyr’s palm. Amen. Daunted, nor all the inventions of
Broke, when the conquerors, strong
Verse. 2Be glad in the LORD, under agony,
and rejoice, ye righteous. Crushed the power of the torturer.
1 Author unknown (sixth to ninth century); hymn altered at some places; translation
by the late Dr Mant.
’ Ps. xxxi. n. 3 Cf. Matth. v. 10; John xii. 25; Apoc. vii. 14.
‘ The original is a hymn of the Ambrosian school, perhaps by St Ambrose himself.

Mute as the lamb that is led to the Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in
slaughtering creased, &c., (p. 5.)
Died they, no cry and no violence
uttering: Verse. Be glad in the LORD, and
Peace in their hearts from the peace rejoice, ye righteous.
of eternity
Only witnessing all was well. Answer. And shout for joy, all
ye that are upright in heart.
Glory is theirs and unspeakable happi
nes First Lesson.
Bright with the light of unaltering
blessedness, The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
Stored up in heaven for such as have of Blessed Paul the Apostle to
died for Thee
By our minds inconceivable. the Romans (viii. 12.)
Praise be to Thee, their faith’s Author
RETHREN, we are debtors, not
and Finisher, to the flesh, to live after the
Only-begotten with Him Who beget flesh. For if ye live after the flesh,
teth Thee, ye shall die: but if ye through the
And to the Spirit, Who, with Thee, co Spirit do mortify the deeds of the
Reigns eternally magnified. Amen. body, ye shall live. For as many
as are led by the Spirit of God, they
are the sons of God. For ye have
FIRST NOCTURN. not received the spirit of bondage
Only three Psalms are said. again to fear, but ye have received
the Spirit of adoption, whereby we
First Antiphon. By the rivers of cry: Abba! (Father.) For the Spirit
water * hath the Lord planted the Itself beareth witness with our spirit
vineyard1 of the righteous, and in that we are the children of God.
His Law do they meditate day and And if children, then heirs ; heirs of
night. God, and joint-heirs with Christ,- if
Ps. i. Blessed is the man, &c., so be that we suffer with Him, that
(11 4-) we may be also glorified together.
For I reckon that the sufferings of
Second Antzjohon. 2A5 gold in this present time are not worthy to be
the furnace * hath the Lord tried His compared with the glory which shall
chosen ones, and received them for be revealed in us. For the earnest
ever as a burnt-offering. expectation of the creature waiteth
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, &c., for the manifestation of the sons of
(e- 4-) God.
Third Antiohon. 2Though the First Responsory.
elect be punished * in the sight of God shall wipe away all tears
men, yet is their hope full of immor from the eyes of His Saints, and
tality for ever. there shall be no more 8sorrow,
1 Cf. Isa. v. 7. 2 Wisd. iii. 6, 4.
3 In Apoc. xxi. 4, from which this beautiful Responsory is taken, the words are, “And
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, &c.” The mention of “death ” seems to be
omitted because the Church will not apply that word to the glorious transit of her Martyrs,
which she habitually styles their “ natalitia,” or Birthday Festival.

nor crying, neither shall there be their lives, and were made like unto
any more pain,- for the former Him in their flesh, and therefore they
things are passed away. have earned crowns of victory.
Verse. They shall hunger no Verse. One spirit, and one faith
more, neither thirst any more, was in them.
neither shall the sun light on Answer. And therefore they
them, nor any heat. have earned crowns of victory.
Answer. For the former things
are passed away. Tlzz‘rd Lesson.
WHO then shall separate us
Seeond Lesson. (28.)
from the love of Christ?
AND we know that all things Shall tribulation, or distress, or
work together for good to famine, or nakedness, or peril, or
them that love God, to them who persecution, or sword? As it is
are called to be Saints, according written : For Thy sake we are killed
to His purpose. For whom He did all the day long, we are accounted
foreknow, He also did predestinate as sheep for the slaughter.1 Nay,
to be conformed to the image of in all these things we are more than
His Son, that He might be the conquerors, through Him That loved
First-born among many brethren. us. For I am persuaded that neither
Moreover, whom He did predes death, nor life, nor angels, nor Prin
tinate, them He also called: and cipalities, nor Powers, nor things
whom He called, them He also present, nor things to come, nor
justified: and whom He justified, might, nor height, nor depth, nor
them He also glorified. What then any other creature, shall be able to
shall we say to these things? If separate us from the love of God,
God be for us, who can be against which is in Christ JESUS our Lord.
us? He That spared not His own
Son, but delivered Him up for us Tlu'rd Responsory.
all, how shall He not with Him also
freely give us all things? Who shall They gave their bodies for God’s
lay anything to the charge of God’s sake to death; and gained the ever
elect? It is God That justifieth. lasting crown.
Who is He that condemneth? It Verse. 2These are they which
is Christ JESUS, That died, yea, came out of great tribulation, and
rather, That is risen again, Who is have washed their robes in the
even at the right hand of God, Who Blood of the Lamb.
also maketh intercession for us. Answer. And gained the ever
lasting crown.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Second Respansory.
and to the Son, and to the Holy
These men are holy, who have Ghost.
gloriously shed their blood for the Answer. And gained the ever
Lord’s sake, yea, who loved Christ in lasting crown.
‘ Ps. xliii. 22. ? Apoc. vii. I4.

SECOND NOCTURN. To the Saints that are in His

land, * He hath made all my will
first Antzlfifizm. 11 will give admirable.
unto My Saints a place * in the
Their sorrows are multiplied, *
kingdom of My Father, every one
that hasten after [a strange god]
by his own name, saith the Lord. In their assemblies for blood-'
shedding will I have no part: * nor
Psalm XIV. mention their names with my lips.
[Intituled “ A Psalm of David.”] The LORD is the portion of mine
inheritance, and of my cup: *
LORD, who shall abide in Thy Thou art He That shalt restore
tabernacle? * who shall dwell mine inheritance unto me.
in Thine holy hill? The lines are fallen unto me in
He that walketh uprightly, * and pleasant places: * yea, I have a
worketh righteousness. goodly heritage.
He that speaketh the truth in his I will bless the LORD, Who hath
heart, * he that deceiveth not with given me counsel: * my reins also
his tongue. instruct me in the night seasons.
He that hath not done evil to his I have set the LORD always be
neighbour, * nor taken up a reproach fore my face: * because He is at my
against his neighbour. right hand, I shall never be moved.
In whose eyes a vile person is Therefore mine heart is glad, and
despised: * but he honoureth them my tongue rejoiceth: * my flesh
that fear the LORD. also shall rest in hope,
He that sweareth to his neighbour, For Thou wilt not leave my soul
and deceiveth him not, * he that in hell: * neither wilt Thou suffer
putteth not out his money to usury, Thine Holy One to see corruption.
nor taketh reward against the in Thou hast shown me the path of
nocent. life, Thou shalt fill me with joy in
He that doeth these things, * Thy presence: * at Thy right hand
shall never be moved. there are pleasures for evermore.
Second Antzjfilzon. To the Saints T/u'rd Antzp/zon. 2The Saints
that are in the earth * Thou hast that wait upon the LORD * shall
made all my counsels admirable. renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings as eagles,
Psalm XV. they shall fly and not faint.
[Intituled a work “of David,” but the
specifically descriptive word is not now of Psalm XXI I I.
certain meaning]
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.” The
RESERVE me, O Lord, for in Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the first
day of the week.”]
Thee do I put my trust: *
I have said unto the LORD: Thou HE earth is the LORD’S and the
art my God, for Thou hast no need fulness thereof; * the world,
of my goods. and they that dwell therein.
, 1 Cf. John xiv. 2. _ 2 Isa._xl. 31.
VOL. I. R 2

For He hath founded it upon the cession, such good things in this life
seas, * and established it upon the that thereby we, following them, may
floods. I gain better in that which is to come.
Who shall ascend into the moun For they only do truly keep Holiday
tain of the LORD? * or who shall on the Feasts Of the Martyrs, who
stand in His holy place? follow after the Martyrs’ example.
He that hath clean hands and a These Feasts of the Martyrs are the
pure heart, * who hath not lifted Martyrs’ preaching, whereby to stir
up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn us up to imitate what we are not
deceitfully unto his neighbour. loath to honour.
He shall receive a blessing from
the LORD, * and mercy from the Fourth Responsory.
God of his salvation.
This is the, generation of them 3Thy Saints, 0 Lord, have passed
that seek Him, * that seek the a wonderful way, serving Thy com
face of the God of Jacob.1 mandments, that they might be
Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, found without hurt in the midst
and be ye lift up, ye everlasting Of‘ the mighty waters. Dry land
doors! * and the King of glory appeared, and, out of the Red Sea,
shall come in. a way without impediment.
Who is this King of glory? * Verse. 4 He smote the rock, and
The LORD strong and mighty, the the waters gushed out, and the
LORD mighty in battle. streams overflowed.
Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, Answer. Dry land appeared, and,
and be ye lift up, ye everlasting out of the Red Sea, a way without
doors! * and the King of glory impediment.
shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? ’* Fzflh Lesson.
The LORD of hosts, He is the
King of glory.1 UT we, who would fain rejoice
with the Saints, would fain
Verse. 2 Let the righteous rejoice not share with them the persecu
before God. tion of the world. Whosoever will
Answer. Yea, let them exceed~ not take ensample of the holy Mar
ingly rejoice. tyrs, as far as lieth in him, such
an one cannot attain unto their
Fourth Lesson. blessedness. 'Thus preacheth the
Apostle Paul, when he saith: “As
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
ye are partakers of the sufl'erings,
mons of'St Austin, Bishop [of
so shall ye be also of the consola
Hippo] (47th on the Saints.)
tion.” (2 Cor. i. 7.) Yea, the Lord
EARLY beloved brethren, as Himself saith in the Gospel: “If
Often as we keep the Feasts the world hate you, ye know that
of the holy Martyrs, we look to it hated Me before it hated you.”
obtain of the Lord, by their inter (John xv. 18.) He will not be of
1 SLH. - 1‘ Ps.lxvii. 4. 3 Wisd. xix. 5'7; Neh. ix. -11. " Ps. lxxvii. 20.
the body, who will not be bated and such as be faithful in love shall
with the Head. abide with Him.
Answer. For the grace of God,
Fzfth Responsory. and His peace, are with His chosen.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
The Saints of God shrank not
and to the Son, and to the Holy
from the stripes of the executioners,
but died for Christ’s Name’s sake;
Answer. For the grace of God,
that they might be made joint-heirs
and His peace, are with His chosen.
in the house of the Lord.
Verse. They gave their bodies
for God’s sake to death. THIRD NOCTURN.
Answer. That they might be First Antiphon. 2The righteous
made joint-heirs in the house of the live * for evermore, their reward
Lord. also is with the Lord.
Sixth Lesson.
BUT some man will say: “And Psalm XXXII.
who is he that can tread in [The Vulgate and the LXX. ascribe this
the footsteps of the blessed Mar psalm “ to l)avid.”]
tyrs?” To such an one I answer
that, by the Lord’s help, we are REJOICE in the LORD, 0 ye
able, if we so will, to tread in the righteous: * praise is comely
footsteps, not of the blessed Mar for the upright.
tyrs only, but even of the same Praise the LORD with harp: *
Lord Himself. Hearken, not to
Sing unto Him with the psaltery
me, but to the same Lord, Who of ten strings.
crieth unto all men: “Learn of Sing unto Him a new song: *
Me, for I am meek and lowly in play skilfully unto Him with a loud
heart.” (Matth. xi. 29.) Hear noise.
also with what words the Apostle For the word of the LORD is
Peter warneth us: “Christ suffered right: * and all His works are done
for us, leaving us an example, in truth.
He loveth mercy and judgment : *
that we should follow His Steps.”
the earth is full of the goodness of
(1 Pet. ii. 21.)
the LORD.
By the word of the LORD were
Sixth Responsoiy.
the heavens made, * and all the
1 As gold in the furnace hath the host of them by the breath of His
Lord tried His chosen ones, and mouth. _
received them as a burnt-offering, He gathereth the waters of the
and yet a while, and they shall be sea together as an heap: * He lay
regarded ; for the grace of God, and eth up the depths in storehouses.
His peace, are with His chosen. Let all the earth fear the LORD:
Verse. They that put their trust * let all the inhabitants of the world
in Him shall understand the truth: Stand in awe of Him.
lwndfitdg 2 Wisd. v. 16.

For He spake, and it was done: Psalm XXXI I I.

* He commanded, and it was made.
[Intituled “Of David, when he changed
The LORD bringeth the counsel his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove
of the heathen to nought: * He him away and he departed." This incident
maketh the devices of the people of is thus described in 1 Kings (Sam.) xxi. IO :
“ And David arose and fled that day for fear
none effect, and setteth aside the of Saul, and went to Achish” (otherwise
counsel of princes. called Abimelech) “the King of Gath. And
But the counsel of the LORD the servants of Achish said unto him: Is
not this David the King of the land? Did
standeth for ever, * the thoughts of they not sing one to another of him in
His heart to all generations. dances saying, ‘Saul hath slain his thou
Blessed is the nation whose God sands, and David his ten thousands’? And
David laid up these words in his heart, and
is the LORD, * the people He hath was sore afraid of Achish the King of Gath.
chosen for His own inheritance. And he changed his behaviour before them,
The LORD looketh from heaven : and feigned himself mad in their hands,
and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and
* He beholdeth all the sons of men. let his spittle fall down upon his beard.
From the set place of His habi Then said Achish to his servants: Lo, ye
tation * He looketh upon all the see the man is mad; wherefore have you
brought him to me ? Have I need of mad
inhabitants of the earth. men, that ye have brought this fellow tO
He fashioneth the heart of every play the madman in my presence? Shall
one of them: * He considereth all this fellow come into mine house? xxii.
David therefore departed thence, and es
their works. caped to the cave of Adullam.” This Psalm
There is no king saved by the mul is A B C Darian.]
titude of an host: * a mighty man
is not delivered by much strength. WILL bless the LORD at all
An horse is a vain thing for safety : times: * His praise shall con
* by his great strength he shall not tinually be in my mouth.
escape. My soul shall make her boast in
Behold, the eyes of the LORD are the LORD: * the humble shall hear
upon them that fear Him, * and thereof, and be glad.
upon them that hope in His mercy. O magnify the LORD with me: *
To deliver their soul from death, and let us exalt His Name to
* and to feed them in time of famine. gether.
Our soul waiteth for the LORD : * I sought the LORD, and He heard
for He is our help and our shield. me, * and delivered me from all my
For our heart shall rejoice in Him : distress. '
* because we have trusted in His Draw near unto Him, and be
holy Name. lightened, * and your faces shall
Let Thy mercy, O LORD, be upon not be ashamed.
us, * according as we hope in Thee. This poor man cried, and the
LORD heard him, * and saved him
Second Antzfhon. They gave up out Of all his troubles.
their bodies unto death "‘ rather The angel of the LORD encampeth
than serve idols : and therefore have round about them that fear Him, *
they crowns on their heads and and delivereth them.
palms in their hands.1 0 taste and see that the LORD is
1 Apoc. vii. 9.

good: * blessed is the man that for Christ’s sake shall live for ever
trusteth in Him. and ever.
0 fear the LORD, all ye His
Ps. xlv. God is our refuge, &c.,
Saints: " for there is no want to
them that fear Him. (A 97~)
The mighty lack and suffer hun Verse. The righteous live for
ger: * but they that seek the LORD evermore.
shall not want any good thing. Answer. Their reward also is
Come, ye children, hearken unto with the Lord.
me: * I will teach you the fear of
the LORD. Seventh Lesson.
What man is he that desireth life,
* that loveth to see good days? The Lesson is taken from the
Keep thy tongue from evil, * and Holy Gospel according to Luke
thy lips from speaking guile. (xxi. 9.)
Depart from evil and do good : * AT that time: JESUS said unto
seek peace and pursue it. His disciples : When ye shall
The eyes of the LORD are upon hear of wars and commotions, be
the righteous: * and His ears are not terrified: for these things must
open unto their cry. first come to pass; but the end is
But the face of the LORD is not by and by. And so on.
against them that do evil, * to cut
ofl‘ the remembrance of them from Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
the earth. Great] (35th on the Gospels.)
The righteous cry and the LORD
heareth, * and delivereth them out Our Lord and Redeemer will
of all their troubles. eth us to know what shall be the
The LORD is nigh unto them that signs that the end of the world is
are of a broken heart, * and saveth at hand, to the end that ye may be
such as be of a contrite spirit. the less terrified, when that com
Many are the afflictions of the eth whereof ye have already had
righteous: " but the LORD will de warning. Darts strike less which
liver them out of all. are seen coming: and the plagues
The Lord keepeth all their bones : of the earth will be to us more
* not one of them shall be broken. bearable, if we are harnessed
The death of sinners is grievous: against them with the shield of
* and they that hate the righteous foreknowledge. Behold, how He
shall be guilty. saith: “When ye shall hear of
The LORD redeemeth the souls of wars and commotions be not ter
His servants: * and none of them rified: for these things must first
that trust in Him shall be guilty. come to pass; but the end is not
by and by.” It behoveth us to
Third Antz'phon. Behold, how ponder these words of our Re
great with God is the reward * of deemer, wherein He warneth us of
His Saints:1 yea, they who died suffering, from without, and from
' Matth. v. 12.

within. Wars are the work of a and by: many' woes must come
foreign enemy, commotions of the first, to give warning of the woe that
citizens. Therefore, that He may hath no end.
let us know that we shall be troubled
from within and from without, He Eighth Responsory.
showeth that our wrestling shall be
in part against strangers, and in part 0 ye My Saints, who, being in
against our brethren. the flesh, didst have striving—I
will render unto you a reward of
Seventh Responsory. your labours.2
Verse. 3Come, ye blessed of My
Because of the covenant of the Father, inherit the kingdom!
Lord, and the laws of their fathers, Answer. I will render unto you
the Saints of God abode in brotherly a reward of your labours.
love, for one spirit and one faith Verse. Glory be to the Father,
was ever in them. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Verse. 1Behold how good and Ghost.
how pleasant it is for brethren to Answer. I will render unto you
dwell together in unity. a reward of your labours.
Answer. For one spirit and one
faith was ever in them. 0n the Feasts of .Martyrs who were
brothers the following is the Second or
Eighth Responsory.
Eighth Blessing.
Theirs is a brotherhood indeed,
They whose feast-day we are
whose tie no storms availed to
Be our Advocates with God. sever: together they followed the
Lord in the shedding of their
blood. Together they set at nought
Eighth Lesson.
the Royal Palace; together they
UT, when these woes come, the attained unto the kingdom of
end is not by and by. And heaven.
He saith further: “Nation shall Verse. Behold how good and
rise against nation, and kingdom how pleasant it is for brethren to
against kingdom; and great earth dwell together in unity.
quakes shall be in divers places, Answer. Together they set at
and pestilences, and famines, and .n0ught the Royal Palace ,- together
fearful sights and great signs shall they attained unto the kingdom of
there be from heaven.” Before the heaven.
last tribulation cometh, shall come Verse. Glory be to the Father,
many other tribulations: and, by and to the Son, and to the Holy
the many woes which shall come Ghost.
first, shall be foreshadowed the ever Answer. Together they set at
lasting woe which shall come in the nought the Royal Palace; together
end. And therefore, after wars and they attained unto the kingdom of
commotions, the end is not yet by heaven.
1 Ps. cxxxii. I. ’ Wisd. x. r7. 3 Matth. xxv. 34,

Ninth Lesson. Third Antiohon. 1 The bodies

BUT, forasmuch as the signs and of the Saints are buried in peace, *
troubles whereof the Lord and their name liveth for evermore.
speaketh are so manifold, we must Fourth Antiphon. 0 all ye Mar
needs shortly consider each : for, of tyrs of the Lord, bless ye the Lord
necessity, we must suffer some '* for ever. .
things from heaven, some from the Fifth Antiphon. 0 ye Martyrs,
earth, some from the powers of praise ye the LORD from the
nature, and some from men. For heavens, praise Him with the dance
where He saith : “Nation shall rise —[Alleluia.]
against nation "—He speaketh con Note that between Septuagesima and
cerning the troubling of men: Easter this last word “Alleluia” is
where: “great earthquakes shall omitted.
be in divers places ”—-c0ncerning
wrath from above: where: “and The Chapter. (Wisd. iii. 1.)
pestilences "—concerning the frailty THE souls of the righteous are
of the body: where: “and famines ” in the hand of God, and the
—c0ncerning the barrenness of the torment of death shall not touch
earth: where: “fearful signs from them. In the sight of the unwise
heaven," and tempests—concerning they seemed to die: but they are in
commotions of the air. As, then, peace.
all things shall have an end, so, be
fore the end, shall all things be Hymn for many Martyrs.“
troubled: and we who have sinned
THOU, the Martyrs’ glorious
and come short in all things, shall King,
in all things be afflicted, that it may Of Confessors the crown and prize ;
be fulfilled that is written: “and Who dost to joys celestial bring
the world shall fight with Him Those who the joys of earth despise !
against the unwise.” (Wisd. v. 21.) By all the praise Thy Saints have won ;
By all their pains in days gone by;
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O By all the deeds which they have done ;
God, &c.,” is said. Hear Thou Thy suppliant people’s
Thou dost amid Thy Martyrs fight;
First Antiphon. 0 how many Thy Confessors Thou dost forgive ;
May we find mercy in Thy sight,
'torments have all the Saints suf And in Thy sacred presence live.
fered, * that they might attain
safely unto the palm of martyrdom ! To God the Father glory be,
And to His sole-begotten Son ;
Seeond Antiphon. The Saints And glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee !
have attained unto the kingdom, * While everlasting ages run. Amen.
with palms in their hands; they
have earned crowns of Majesty Verse. 3Let the Saints be joy
from the Lord’s hand. ful in glory.
1 Ecclus. xliv. I4.
2 The original hymn, written between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, is slightly
altered in the Breviary. 3 Ps. cxlix. 5.

Answer. Let them sing aloud of their worthy deeds, may be also
upon their beds. stirred up to follow after their ex
ample. Through our Lord Jesus
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
1 Even the very hairs of your head reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
are all numbered: ’* fear not there
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
fore; ye are of more value than
without end. Amen.
many sparrows.
If the Prayer is not special there is PRIME.
said one of the following, which is also
used throughout the whole Ofiee of the Antzjfihon. 0 how many torments,
Saints. 816., (First Antiphon at Lands.)

Prayerfor many Martyrs, who were Chapter at the end. (Wisd. iii. 7.)
THE righteous shall shine, and
LORD, we beseech Thee, that run to and fro like sparks
the feast of Thy blessed Mar among the stubble. They shall
tyrs and Bishops (here insert their judge the nations, and have do
names) may keep us, and their minion over the people, and their
worshipful prayers commend us. Lord shall reign for ever.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth TERCE.
with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
Antiphon. The Saints have at
Ghost, one God, world without end.
tained, &c., (Second Antithon at
Prayerjbr many Martyrs, not Bishops. Chapterfrom Lauds.

O GOD, by Whose mercy we Short Responsory.

, here keep the birthday of 2Be glad in the LORD, and re
Thy holy Martyrs, (here insert their
joice, ye righteous.
names,) grant us hereafter to rejoice
Answer. Be glad in the LORD,
in their blessed company for all and rejoice, ye righteous.
eternity. Through our Lord Jesus
Verse. And shout for joy, all
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and ye that are upright in heart.
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
Answer. And rejoice, ye right~
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
without end. Amen.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
A notherfor the same. Answer. Be glad in the LORD,
God, Who, year by year, dost and rejoice, ye righteous.
gladden us by the solemn Verse. Let the righteous rejoice
feast-day of Thy holy Martyrs, before God.
(here insert their names,) mercifully Answer. Yea, let them exceed
grant, that we who rejoice because ingly rejoice.
1 Luke xii. 7. 2 Ps. xxxi. ll.
SEXT. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Antiphon. The bodies of the
Answer. The righteous live for
Saints, &c., (T/u'rd Antéofion at
Verse. Let the Saints be joyful
in glory.
Clzapler. (Wisd. x. i7.)
Answer. Let them sing aloud
HE Lord hath rendered to the upon their beds.
Saints a reward of their la
bours, and guided them in a mar SECOND VESPERS.
vellous way: and was unto them
for a cover by day, and a light of E'rst Antiphon. These men are
stars in the night season. holy, * for they have given up their
bodies unto death for the sake of
Slmrt Responsory. the covenant of their God, and have
washed their robes in the Blood of
Let the righteous rejoice before the Lamb.
God. Second Antiphon. 1The Saints
Answer. Let the righteous re through faith subdued kingdoms,
joice before God. * wrought righteousness, obtained
Verse. Yea, let them exceed promises.
ingly rejoice. T/zz'rd Antiphon. 2The youth of
Answer. Before God. the Saints shall be renewed * like
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and the eagle’s: they shall grow as the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. lily in the city of the Lord.
Answer. Let the righteous re Fourt/z Antiphon. God shall wipe
joice before God. away all tears from the eyes of His
Verse. The righteous live for Saints: * and there shall be no more
evermore. sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there
Answer. Their reward also is be any more pain; for the former
with the Lord. things are passed away.
B'ft/z Antz'p/zon. In the heavenly
NONE. kingdoms, * there is the dwelling of
Antiphon. 0 ye Martyrs, &c., the Saints: there shall be their rest
(fifth Anlijfillon at Lands.) for ever and ever.

Chapter as at line end of Prime. Psalm CXV.

[In the Hebrew this Psalm is a continua
Slzort Responsory. tion of the last. The Vulgate and the LXX.
prefix “Alleluia.”]
The righteous live for evermore.
Answer. The righteous live for BELIEVED, therefore have I
evermore. spoken: * but I was greatly
Verse. Their reward also is with afflicted.
the Lord. I said in my haste: * All men
Answer. For evermore. are liars.
1 Heb. xi. 33. 3 Ps. cii. 5 ; lxxi. I6; Isa. xxxv. I.

What shall I render unto the VERY man knoweth how, by

LORD ’* for all His benefits toward the good Providence of God,
me ? the divers glories of His Martyrs are
I will take the cup of salvation, * held in such esteem by His people,
and call upon the name of the LORD. that the same His Saints in all places
I will pay my vows unto the LORD receive worthy honour, and before
in the presence of all His people. us is set, by the favour of Christ, the
* Precious in the sight of the LORD noble ensample of their courage:
is the death of His Saints. thus are we stirred up to consider,
0 LORD, truly I am Thy servant: on the occasion of these Holidays,
* I am Thy servant, and the son of how great glory doth abide them in
Thine handmaid : heaven, whose birthdays are thus
Thou hast loosed my bonds. * I kept upon earth: thereby, also, we
will offer to Thee the sacrifice of are roused to strive to be like them,
thanksgiving, and will call upon the brave, godly, and true: so that, in
name of the LORD. the strength of Christ, we, like them,
I will pay my vows unto the LORD, may wrestle with, and conquer our
in the presence of all His people: * enemy, and, when we have gained
in the courts of the LORD’s house, in the same victory that they gained,
the midst of thee, 0 Jerusalem! may with them at last be glorified in
[Here the Hebrew appends “Alle the kingdom of heaven.
luia,” which the Vulgate and the LXX.
prefix to the next Psalm.] Fifth Lesson.
Chapter, and Verse and A nswerfrom FOR what man is there willing to
Hymn from First Vespers. share their reward, that if he
do not first lay hold on their stead
A ntiohon at the Song of the Blessed fastness, follow after the ensample of
Virgin. In heaven do rejoice the their faith, and imitate their brave
souls of the Saints * who have fol patience, can either seek or find
lowed the steps of Christ; and their glory by likeness to their lives?
because they shed their blood for But whosoever doth so follow them,
the love of Christ, therefore shall let him not doubt but that, though
they be made glad for ever with in very deed he gain not the crown
Christ. of martyrdom, he is yet able by good
works to make himself meet there
for. For we have a most merciful
49th:: iLzssuns fur the Jfzasts God, Which either giveth Martyrdom
of {Hang martyrs. unto such as be willing, or, without
Martyrdom, doth make them joint
SECOND NOCTURN. heirs with the Saints in the kingdom
'Fourth Lesson. of God.
Sixth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
mons of St John Chrysostom, OR even as afflictions unman
Patriarch [of Constantinople] the ungodly, so do trials
(1st on the Martyrs. Tom. iii.) harden the righteous. Even thus

did the Saints strive against sin; saith that there were there “all
but the work braced their muscles, sick people,” (iv. 2 3.) Of these
and in death they were more than every man had need of healing,
conquerors. Of such as run in a that, when he had received strength,
race, no man saith that they are by and by, he might go up into the
strong, unless they run, and none mountain. And therefore, being
can be crowned, unless he conquer. Himself come down, He healeth
No soldier prevaileth against his them in the plain, that is to say, He
enemy, unless he fight; or winneth calleth them away from their lust,
the Emperor’s favour, unless he have and freeth them of their blindness.
warred. Christian! the needful arms He cometh down to our wounds, to
are thine! In thy hands are the the end that by a certain use of
strong weapons, wherewith thou canst His nature, and by the abundance
conquer the enemy! thereof, He might make us joint
heirs of the kingdom of heaven.

Se'I/enth Lesson. Eighth Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy “ BLESSED be ye poor, for

Gospel according to Luke (vi. r 7.) your’s is the kingdom of
God.” Saint Luke giveth us but
AT that time : Jesus came down four of the Lord’s Beatitudes, and
from the mountain, and stood Saint Matthew eight: but in those
in the plain, and the company of His eight are contained these four, and
disciples, and a great multitude of in these four those eight. For in
people out of all Judea, and Jeru these four are embraced the cardinal
salem, and from the sea coast of virtues : and in those eight they are
Tyre and Sidon. And so on. set forth in a number full of mystery.
It is written at the head of more
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop
than one of the Psalms that they
[of Milan.] (Bk. v. on Luke vi.)
are “for the octave,” and thou hast
Mark well how Jesus goeth up received the commandment: “Give
ward with His disciples, and down a portion to seven, and also to
ward to the multitude. How should eight ”—~to seven or eight what?
the multitude behold Christ, save in Perchance degrees of blessedness.
a lower place? Such go not up to For as this eighth [Beatitude] doth
the things which are above; such name the most glorious realization
attain not to the things which are of our hope—[“the kingdom of
high. And when Jesus cometh Heaven”]—so doth it also name
down, He findeth such as are the most royal exertion of our
diseased: for such like go not up strength—[“ blessed are they which
to the heights. Hence also Matthew are persecuted.”] 1
1 The latter half of this Lesson, from the words “It is written,” &c., is one of the most
difficult passages in the Breviary, and seems to require a short note, especially as It 15 so
often recited in the Church Service. (1.) “ For the octave” is meant as a translation of
the Hebrew words “Alhashsh’minith,” found in the superscription of Pss. vi. and xi.
The real meaning of these words seems to have been lost for at least two thousand years,

Ninth Lesson. Touching this leaven the Apostle

warneth us: “Therefore let us keep
BUT let us first consider the fuller the feast, not with old leaven,
of the forms of these Beati neither with the leaven of malice
tudes. “ Blessed be ye poor, for and wickedness, but with the un
your’s is the kingdom of God.” leavened bread of sincerity and
Both of the Evangelists give to this truth.” (I Cor. v. 8.) For even
Beatitude the first place. Yea, as a little leaven doth infect the
surely, for poorness, at least in whole lump wherein it is put, and
spirit, is the first in order, the the savour thereof doth spread all
mother, and procreatrix of virtues; abroad therein, so doth hypocrisy,
since he that setteth no store by when once it hath tainted the soul,
temporal things, winneth toward drive out from it all sincerity and
eternal things; neither is any man truth. The meaning, therefore, of
able to gain the kingdom of heaven, this passage is this: “Beware, lest
on whom the love of this present ye be as the hypocrites, for yet a
world doth so press, that he cannot little while, and all men shall see
rid himself- thereof. that ye are good, and they are evil.”
Another Homily.
Eighth Lesson.
Seventh Lesson. AS touching what followeth:
“For there is nothing co
The Lesson is taken from the Holy vered that shall not be revealed,
Gospel according to Luke (xii. 1.) neither hid, that shall not be
AT that time: Jesus said unto known. Therefore, whatsoever ye
His disciples: Beware of the have spoken in darkness shall be
leaven of the Pharisees, which is heard in the light.” These words
hypocrisy. And so on. are true, not only as concerning
the world which is to come, where
Homily by the Venerable Bede, in the secrets of all hearts shall
Priest [at Jarrow and Doctor of the be made manifest, but even as con
Church] (Bk. iv. on Lake, Cap. Iii.) cerning this present world, since
and conjectures on the subject have exercised the various ingenuity of the learned, who are
widely disagreed. It is, however, a pretty general idea that the phrase is a technical
musical direction, and has something to do with the number 8. Gesenius believes it to
correspond to the Italian “basso,” and to imply a composition intended for men’s voices.
(2.) Eccles. xi. begins thus : “Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after
many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight ; for thou knowest not what evil
shall be upon the earth.” This latter verse the Rev. T. P. Dale, in his profound trans
lation and Commentary upon Ecclesiastes, renders, “Give a share all round, and to some
one else beside, for thou dost not know what sort of mischief shall be in the earth,” and
he says, “ It is equivalent to our ‘everybody and some one else.’ ” The whole would seem
to be an exhortation to almsgiving full even to abundance : seven, as the “ perfect” number,
being chosen to imply a full number generally. Cf. Job v. 19 ; Micah v. 5 ; Matth. xviii.
22. (3.) benedictionibus. Sicut enim spei nostrce octava perfectio est, ita octava summa
virtutum est.” The translator confesses to great uncertainty as to the meaning, but, upon
full and repeated consideration, at the interval of years, he is inclined to think that
“ octava” agrees with “benedictio” understood, and that the paraphrase in the text is the
most probable sense.
now that which the Apostles spake should ye be afraid of them that kill
and suffered in the darkness of the body? He that is the careful
persecution, and the gloom of dun Lord of the beasts, which think not,
geons, is, since that the Church is how much more shall He be careful
glorified, told of them for a me of man which hath a reasonable soul?
morial of them, wherever their acts
are read throughout the whole
world. “Be not afraid of them
that kill the body,” for they that Jfur Simple fleets of {Hang
persecute the righteous, when they
have killed the body, “after that, Martyrs.
have no more that they can do.” The Oflice is as on a Semi-double, with
Truly, it is a childish folly which the following exceptions.
maketh such men to cast the dead
limbs of the martyrs to birds and FiRsr VESPERS.
beasts, while yet they have no The Oflz'ce is of the Week-day, till the
strength to withstand the Almight of Chapter, exclusive.
God, whereby He will surely quicken The Ofice of the Saints begins with
the same limbs and raise them up the Chapter, which, as also the Hymn,
again. Verse and Answer, A ntiphon at the
Song of the Blessed Virgin, and Prayer
[Vinth Lesson. are all as just given, (p. 498.) The
Common Commemorations are said or
F persecutors there are two not according to the season.
kinds: first, of such as do At Compline are said Preces.
openly rage in cruelty against us;
and, secondly, of such as do seek, M ATTIN S.
by cunning wiliness and lying, to .The Invitatory and Hymn are as just
beguile us. Against both these zven.
the Saviour willeth to guard and Then follow the Weeh-day Psalms,
with their own Antiphons.
strengthen us, in one place warning
us to be not afraid of them that
0n Mondays and Thursdays.
kill the body, and, in another place,
to beware of the leaven of the Verse. Be glad in the Lord, and
Pharisees : since, when we are dead, rejoice, ye righteous.
neither the cruelty of the one class, Answer. And shout for joy, all
nor the falsehood of the other, will ye that are upright in heart.
be able any more to touch us.
“Are not five sparrows sold for Absolution.
two farthings?” If God, saith the
Graciously hear, &c.
Lord, if God cannot forget the least
of the works of His hands that
On Tuesdays and Fridays.
hath life, the little birds that fly
hither and thither in the air, if He Verse. Let the righteous rejoice
cannot forget them, wherefore should in the presence of God. .
ye, who are made in the image and Answer. Yea, let them be exceed
likeness of your Maker, wherefore ing glad.

Ahsolution. Second Responsory.

May His loving-kindness, &c. On Mondays and Thursdays.
These men are holy, 810., (Second
On Wednesdays. Responsory in the preceding Ofice,)
Verse. The righteous live for with the following addition .
evermore. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Answer. Their reward also is
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
with the Lord. Answer. And therefore they have
earned crowns of victory.
May the Almighty, &c. On Tuesdays and Fridays.

First Blessing. The Saints of God shrank not,

810., (Fifth Responsory in the preced
May His blessing be upon us, ingr Ofiice,) with the following addi
Who doth live and reign for ever. tion.
First Lesson from Scripture, accord Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
ing to the Season, being either the first
part, or, the Saints have two Lessons, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
the whole read as one, at will. Answer. That they might be
made joint-heirs in the house of the
First Resfionsory. Lord.
0n Mondays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays.

God shall wipe away, &c., (First O ye, My Saints, &c., (Eighth
Responsory in the preceding Ofiice.) Responsory in the preceding Ofice.)

0n Tuesdays and Fridays. Third Blessing.

Thy Saints, 0 Lord, &c., (Fourth May He That is the Angels’ King,
Responsory in the preceding Ofiice.) To that high realm His people
0n Wednesdays.
Third Lesson is the whole or the
Because of the covenant, &c., Secondpart of the Legend of the Saints,
(Seventh Responsory in the preceding if there is one, or else the sjecial Lesson
Oflice.) assigned.
Second Blessing. Then the Hymn, “We praise Thee,
O God,” &c., is said, and so end
They whose feast-day we are Mattins.
Be ,our Advocates with God. The rest of the Ofice is as on a Semi
douhle, as just given; it ends at None,
Second Lesson is the First of the Le inclusive ,‘ Preces are said at Prime,
gend of the Saint, there be two,- if and the Common Commemorations are
not, it is the Second from Scrioture, to made at Lauds or not, according to the
which the Third may he added, at will. season.

'9)“. dFur 52am; of one ifiisbup ant! Qtunfzssor.

Everything as on Sundays, exeefit 5.
what is otherwise given here.
Glory and honour, virtue and salvation
Be unto Him, Who, in His might
Ruleth supremely over all creation,
A ntzlzfihons, Chapter, and Prayerfrom One and yet Trine. Amen.
Last Psalm. Verse. 2The Lord loved him
and beautified him.
0 praise the LORD, &c., (Ps. cxvi., Answer. He clothed him with
p. 186.) a robe of glory.
r. A ntzlphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. O thou Priest and Bishop,
SAFE now for ever, JESU’S true
Confessor, * thou worker of mighty works,
Whose happy festal here His people thou good shepherd over God’s
keep, people, pray for us unto the Lord.
Doth of his labours for his mighty
Rich harvest reap. _ For Doctors.

2. 0 right excellent Teacher, Light

Gentle was he, wise, pure, and lowly
of the Holy Church, N. (here insert
hearted, his name) blessed lover of the
Sober and modest, ever foe to Divine Law, pray for us to the
strife, Son of God.
While in his frame there flowed as yet
Currents of life. MATTINS.

3. Invitatory. The Lord, He is

Ofttimes hath He Whose face he sees the King of the Confessors. * 0
in heaven, come, let us worship Him.
Being entreated for His servant’s
sake, b’ymn as at First Vespers.
To us on earth the same for healer
given -
Sick whole to make.
Only three Psalms are said.
Wherefore, our choir, in thankfulness First Antiphon. Blessed is the
adoring, man * that doth meditate in the
Lifteth its voice with melody of laud, law of the Lord: his delight is
While he on high for us his prayer is
pouring therein day and night, and what
Unto his God. soever he doeth shall prosper.
1 Hymn of the Middle Ages, after the manner of the Ambrosian school, but very much
altered ; translation by the Rev. Dr Littledale, except the first verse, and the third.
‘3 Ecclus. xlv. 9.

Ps. i. Blessed is the man, &c., Moreover, he must have a good

report of them which are without,
(A 4-) lest he fall into reproach, and the
Seeond Antzjohon. Blessed and
holy is he * that putteth his trust snare of the devil.
in the Lord, that declareth the
First Responsory.
decree of the Lord, and is set
upon His holy hill. 1 Well done, thou good and faith
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, ful servant, thou hast been faith
ful over a few things. I will make
&c., 4.) thee ruler over many things; en
Third Antiphon. Thou, O Lord, ter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
art my glory, * Thou art a shield Verse. Lord, thou deliveredst unto
for me: Thou art the Lifter-up of me five talents; behold, I have gained
mine head, and Thou hast heard beside them five talents more.
me out of Thy holy hill. Answer. Enter thou into the
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in joy of thy Lord.
creased, &c., (p. 5.)
Verse. The Lord loved him and Second Lesson.
beautified him. The Lesson is taken from the
Answer. He clothed him with Epistle to Titus (i. 7.)
a robe of glory. OR a Bishop must be blame
less, as the steward Of God:
First Lesson.
not proud, not soon angry, not given
The Lesson is taken from the to wine, no striker, not given to filthy
First Epistle of the Blessed lucre: but a lover of hospitality,
Apostle Paul to Timothy (iii. 1.) courteous, sober, just, holy, tem
perate, holding fast the faithful word,
THIS is a true saying: If a man as he hath been taught: that he may
desire the oflice of a Bishop, be able by sound doctrine both to ex
he desireth a good work. A Bishop, hort and to convince the gainsayers.
then, must be blameless, the hus For there are many unruly, vain
band of one wife, sober, prudent, talkers, and deceivers, specially they
of good behaviour, modest, given of the circumcision, whose mouths
to hospitality, apt to teach, not given must be stopped: who subvert
to wine, no striker, but patient; whole houses, teaching things which
not a brawler, not covetous; one they ought not, for filthy lucre’s
that ruleth well his own house, hav
ing his children in subjection with
Second Responsory.
all gravity. For if a man know not
how to rule his own house, how 2 Behold an high priest, who in
shall he take care of the church of his days pleased God: therefore
God? Not a novice, lest, being the Lord assured him by an oath
lifted up with pride, he fall into that He would multiply his seed
the condemnation of the devil. among His people.
1 Matth. xxv. at, 20. 2 Ecclus. xliv. I6, 22, 25.

Verse. He hath made him a Verse. Glory be to the Father,

blessing unto all nations, and hath and to the Son, and to the Holy
established His covenant upon his Ghost. .
head. Answer. Thou art a Priest for
Answer. Therefore the Lord as ever after the order of Melchisedek.
sured him by an oath that He
would multiply his seed among His
First Antiphon. When His‘ holy
Third Lesson. (ii. I.) one called, * the Lord heard him,
yea, the Lord heard him, and gave
UT speak thou the things him peace.
which become sound doc
Psalm IV.
trine: that the aged men be sober,
chaste, temperate, sound in faith, [Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a
in charity, in patience. The aged musical (P) direction of (now) uncertain
women likewise, that they be in
behaviour as becometh holiness, WHEN I called, the God of my
not false accusers, not given to righteousness heard me: *
much wine, teachers of good things ; Thou hast enlarged me when I was
that they may teach the young in distress:
women to be_ sober, to love their Have mercy upon me, * and hear
husbands, to love their children, to my prayer.
be discreet, chaste, sober, keepers 0 ye sons of men, how long
at home, good, obedient to their will ye be dull of heart? * Why
own husbands, that the word of will ye love vanity, and seek after
God be not blasphemed. Young leasing.P2
men likewise exhort to be sober But know that the LORD hath set
minded. In all things show thy apart for Himself him that is holy :
self a pattern of good works, in * the LORD will hear me when I
doctrine, in uncorruptness, in gravity, call unto Him.
sound speech, that cannot be con Be ye angry and sin not: * what
demned: that he that is Of the ye speak in your heart, repent upon
contrary part may be ashamed, hav your bed?
ing no evil thing to say of us. Offer the sacrifices of righteous
ness, and put your trust in the
LORD. * There be many that
Third Responsory.
say: Who will Show us any good?
1 The LORD hath sworn and will LORD, Thou hast set upon us the
not repent: Thou art a Priest for light of Thy countenance. * Thou
ever after the order of Melchisedek. hast put gladness in my heart,
Verse. The LORD said unto my More than in the time that their
Lord : Sit Thou at My right hand. corn, and wine, and oil *‘ increased.
Answer. Thou art a Priest for , , I will both lay me down in peace,
ever after the order of Melchisedek. 1" and sleep,
1 Ps. cix. 5, I. 2 SLH.

For Thou, LORD, only * makest they flatter with their tongue. *
me to dwell in safety. Judge Thou them, 0 God!
Let them fall by their own coun
Seeond Antiphon. Let all those
sels; cast them out in the multi
that put their trust in Thee rejoice,
tude of their transgressions, * for
O Lord, for Thou hast blessed the
righteous; * Thou hast compassed they have rebelled against Thee, O
him with Thy favour as with a Lord!
And let all those that put their
trust in Thee, rejoice: * let them
Psalm V. ever shout for joy, because Thou
[Intituled “ A Psalm of David,” with a dwellest in them:
musical (P) superscription.]
Let them also that love Thy Name
IVE ear unto my words, O be joyful in Thee. * For Thou wilt
LORD, * consider my suppli bless the righteous.
cation. O LORD, Thou hast compassed
Hearken unto the voice of my cry, us * with Thy favour as with a
* my King and my God! shield.
For unto Thee will I pray. * O
Third Antiphon. O LORD, our
LORD, in the morning Thou shalt
hear my voice: Ruler, * how excellent is Thy
Name in all the earth! Who hast
In the morning will I stand before
Thee and look up. * For Thou art crowned Thine holy one with glory
not a God that hath pleasure in and honour, and madest him to
wickedness: have dominion over the works of
Neither shall the evil dwell with Thy hands.
Thee, * nor the unrighteous stand
in Thy sight: Psalm VIII.
Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. [Intituled “A Psalm of David.” It has
* Thou shalt destroy all them that also a title which seems to show that it was
a song for the vintage.]
speak leasing:
The LORD abhorreth the bloody LORD, our Lord, * how ex
and deceitful man. * But as for me, cellent is Thy Name in all
in the multitude of Thy mercy the earth!
I will come into Thine house: * For Thy glory is exalted * above
I will worship toward Thine holy the heavens.
temple in Thy fear. 1 Out of the mouth of babes and
Lead me, O LORD, in Thy sucklings hast Thou perfected praise
righteousness, * because Of mine because of Thine enemies, * that
enemies; make my way straight Thou mightest destroy the enemy
before Thy face. and the avenger.
For there is no faithfulness in When I consider Thine heavens,
their mouth: * their inward part the work of Thy fingers : *' the moon
is very wickedness. and the stars which Thou hast or
Their throat is an open sepulchre ; dained :
1 This verse was quoted by our Lord, concerning those who cried Hosannah on Palm
Sunday, Matthew xxi. 16.
What is man, that Thou art mind —“for in Christ JESUS hath he
ful of him? * or the son of man, begotten us through the Gospel.”
that Thou visitest him? (I Cor. iv. 15.) '
Thou hast made him a little lower
than the angels, Thou hast crowned
him with glory and honour, * and Fourth Responsory.
madest him to have dominion over 3 I have found David My servant,
the works of Thine hands. with My holy oil have I anointed
Thou hast put all things under him; for My hand shall help
his feet, * all sheep and oxen, yea, him.
and the beasts of the field. Verse. The enemy shall prevail
The fowl of the air, and the fish nothing against him, nor the son of
of the sea, * that pass through the wickedness afflict him.
paths of the sea. Answer. For My hand shall
0 LORD, our Lord, * how ex help him.
cellent is Thy Name in all the
Fz'fth Lesson.
Verse. 1The Lord hath chosen
WHATSOEVER, therefore, of
him for a Priest unto Himself.
virtue and grace there may
Answer. To offer up unto Him
be in this holy people, all the bright
the sacrifice of praise.
streams thereof do flow from him, as
from a most clear fountain. By his
Fourth Lesson. manly chastity, by his sternly noble
temperance, by the graceful courtesy
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
which marked him, he drew all men’s
mons of St Maximus, Bishop [of
love to God: and by his eminent
Turin.] (59th Ham, being the
ministry in his Bishoprick he hath
2nd on St Eusehz'us of Vertelh'.) left behind him in his disciples,
IT is idle to strive to add anything many heirs of his priesthood.
to the- praise of our holy and
most blessed Father N., (here insert Fiflh Responsory.
the name of the Saint whose East is
being kept) whose Feast is this day 31 have laid help upon one that
kept. The beauty of his life ought is mighty, and have exalted one
not to be the subject of panegyrics, chosen out of My people; for My
so much as the object of imitation. hand shall help him.
The Scripture saith: “A wise son Verse. I have found David My
is the glory of his father,” 2—truly servant, with My holy oil have I
then will he be honoured by such anointed him.
as, by doing after his ensample, Answer. For My hand shall
show themselves to be his children help him.
1 Cf. Ecclus. xlv. 20.
2 There does not appear to be any such passage in Scripture. Prov. x. x is some
thing like it.
3 Ps. lxxxviii. 21, 20.

Sixth Lesson. THIRD NOCTURN.

IT is very meet and right that First Antiphon. Lord, this Thy
upon this day, which is made Saint * shall dwell in Thy taber
a joyful day for us because it is the nacle, and this that hath worked
day whereon our blessed Father N., righteousness shall abide upon Thy
(here insert his name,) passed away holy hill.
to heaven, I say it is very meet and
Psalm XIV.
right that on this day we should
sing that verse of the Psalms : “ The [Intituled “ A Psalm of David."]
righteous shall be in everlasting re LORD, who shall abide in Thy
membrance." (cxi. 7.) His memory tabernacle? * who shall dwell
is rightly honoured among men who in Thine holy hill?
is at this present making glad among He that walketh uprightly, * and
Angels. The word of God saith: worketh righteousness.
“Judge none blessed before his He that speaketh the truth in his
death,” (Ecclus. xi. 30,) as though heart, * he that deceiveth not with
it were said, “Judge him blessed his tongue.
when life is ended, praise him when He that hath not done evil to his
he is made perfect.” For there are neighbour, * nor taken up a reproach
two main reasons why it is better to against his neighbour.
praise a dead man than a living, In whose eyes a vile person is
since, if thou call him holy and despised: * but he honoureth them
worthy after his death, thou dost it that fear the LORD.
when neither canst thou be cor He that sweareth to his neighbour,
rupted by being a fiatterer, nor he and deceiveth him not, * he that
by being flattered. putteth not out his money to usury,
nor taketh reward against the in
Sixth Responsory. nocent.
This is he which wrought great He that doeth these things, ‘*
wonders before God, and the whole shall never be moved.
earth is full of his teaching. 1 May Second Antibhon. He asked life
he pray for all people, that their of Thee, * and Thou, O Lord, gavest
sins may be forgiven unto them! it: honour and great majesty hast
Verse. This is he which loved not Thou laid upon him: Thou hast
his life in this world, and bath at set a crown of precious stones upon
tained unto the kingdom of heaven. his head.
Answer. May he pray for all I Psalm XX.
people, that their sins may be for
given unto them! [This Psalm also bears the same title as
the xviiith.]
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. THE king shall joy in Thy
Answer. May he pray for all strength, 0 LORD: * and in
people, that their sins may be for Thy salvation how greatly shall he
gitien unto them! rejoice!
‘ Cf. 2 Mace. xv. r4.

Thou hast given him his heart’s salvation: for this is the generation
desire, * and hast not withholden of them that seek the Lord.
the request of his lips.l
For Thou hast met him with the Psalm XXllI.
blessings of sweetness: * Thou hast [Intituled “A Psalm of David.” The
set a crown of precious stones upon Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the first
his head. dayof the week.”]
He asked life of Thee: * and HE earth is the LORD’s and the
Thou gavest him length of days for fulness thereof; * the world,
ever and ever. and they that dwell therein.
His glory is great in Thy salva For He hath founded it upon the
tion: * honour and great majesty seas, * and established it upon the
shalt Thou lay upon him. floods.
For Thou wilt give him to be a Who shall ascend into the moun
blessing for ever: * Thou shalt tain of the LORD? * or who shall
make him exceeding glad with Thy stand in His holy place?
countenance. He that hath clean hands and a
For the king trusteth in the pure heart, * who hath not lifted
LORD, * and, through the mercy up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn
of the Most High, he shall not be deceitfully unto his neighbour.
moved. He shall receive a blessing from
Thine hand shall find out all the LORD, * and mercy from the
thine enemies: * thy right hand God of his salvation.
shall find out all those that hate This is the generation of them
thee. that seek Him, * that seek the
Thou shalt make them as a fiery face of the God of Jacob.1
oven in the time of thine anger: * Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes,
the LORD shall cut them off in His and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
wrath, and the fire shall devour them. doors! * and the King of glory
Their fruit shalt thou destroy from shall come in.
the earth, * and their seed from Who is this King of glory? *
,among the children of men. The LORD strong and mighty, the
For they intended evil against LORD mighty in battle.
thee: * they imagined a device, Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes,
which they were not able to perform. and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
Therefore shalt thou cast them doors! * and the King of glory
behind thee: * thou shalt leave shall come in.
their faces lying in thy track. TheWhoLORD
is this
of King
hosts, ofHeglory?
is the
Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in
Thine own strength: * we will sing King of glory.1
and praise Thy power.
Verse. 2Thou art a Priest for
Third Antiphon. He shall re ever.
ceive * a blessing from the LORD, Answer. After the order of M l
and mercy from the God of his chisedek. V9
1 SLH. 2 Ps. cix. 5.

Senenth Lesson. robe of glory, and crowned him at

the gates Of Paradise.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Verse. The Lord hath put on
Gospel according to Matthew
him the breast-plate of faith,1 and
(xxv. 14.)
bath adorned him.
AT that time: Jesus spake unto Answer. And crowned him at
His disciples this parable: A the gates of Paradise.
man, travelling into a far country,
called his own servants, and deliv Eighth Blessing.
ered unto them his goods. And
He whose feast-day we are keep
so on.
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the Be our Advocate with God.
Great] (9th on the Gospels.)
Dearly beloved brethren, this Les Eig'hth Lesson.
son from the Holy Gospel moveth us HAT other, then, is that man
to take good heed lest we, who are travelling into a far country
seen in this world to have received but our Redeemer, Who is gone up
more than others, should thereby from us into heaven in that Flesh
bring ourselves into greater condem_ Which He had taken into Himself?
nation from the Maker of this world. For the earth is the home of the
To whom much is given, of the Flesh, Which travelleth into a far
same is much required. Therefore, country—when our Redeemer giveth
let him that receiveth much, strive It a place in heaven. But that man
to be all the more lowly, and all travelling into a far country de
the more ready to do God service, livered unto his servants his goods ;
for his very gifts’ sake, knowing that and so doth our Redeemer give
he will be obliged to give account spiritual gifts unto His faithful
thereof. Behold, a man, travelling people. “And unto one he gave
into a far country, calleth his own five talents, to another two, and to
servants, and delivereth unto them another one.” There are five
talents, to the end that they may bodily senses; that is, sight, hear.
trade therewith. After a long time, ing, taste, smell, and touch. By
the lord of those servants cometh, the five talents therefore are sig
and reckoneth with them, and to nified the five senses, that is, out
them that have done well He ren ward knowledge. By the two, wit
dereth a reward of their labours, and work. And by the figure of
but that servant which was care the one talent, understanding, which
less of his master’s work He con is alone.
Ezlg'hth Responsory.
Seventh Responsory.
2Let your loins be girded about,
The Lord loved him and beauti and your lights burning, and ye
fied him; He clothed him with a yourselves like unto men that wait
1 1 Thess. v. 8. 2 Luke xii. 35, 36.

for their lord, when he will return double. These are they which
from the wedding. keep themselves clean from the
Verse. 1Watch therefore, for ye unruly motions of the flesh, and
know not what hour your Lord doth from the lust of the world, and
come. from the delight of things which
Answer. And ye yourselves like are seen, and, by their preaching,
unto men that wait for their lord, keep other men also clean from all
when he will return from the wed these things. And some there are
ding. who receive, as their two talents,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, the power to think and the power
and to the Son, and to the Holy to work. These are they which
Ghost. inwardly understand dark things,
Answer. And ye yourselves like and outwardly work wonders. And
unto men that wait for their lord, these, since they preach unto others,
when he will return from the wed both through their understanding
ding. and their works, gain, as it were,
double, for the talents which they
Ezlg/zt/z Responsory for Doctors. have received.
2 In the midst of the congregation The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
did the Lord open his mouth. And God, 810,” is said.
filled him with the spirit of wisdom
and understanding. LAUDS.
Verse. He made him rich with
joy and gladness. First A ntiplzon. 3 Behold an high
Answer. And filled him with priest, * who in his days pleased
the spirit of wisdom and under God, and was found righteous.
standing. Setond Antiphon. 3None was
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and found like unto him, * to keep the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Law of the Most High.
Answer. And filled him with Tlzird Antiphon. 3Therefore the
the spirit of wisdom and under Lord assured him * by an oath that.
standing. He would multiply his seed among
His people.
Nintlz Lesson. - Fourt/z Annie/ton. 0 all ye
“ ND so he that had received Priests of God, * bless ye the
five talents, gained other Lord: 0 all ye servants of the
five talents "—for some there be Lord, sing praises unto our God.
who, while yet they are not able Alleluia.
to go on unto things inward and
This last word, “Alleluia, is omitted
mystic, do yet so desire our Father between Septuagesima and Easter.
land which is above, that they teach
well all whom they can, and of Efi/z Antiphon. Good and faith
those very outward things which ful servant, * enter thou into the
they have received make gain joy of thy Lord.
1 Matth. xxiv. 42. 2 Ecclus. xv. 5, 6. 3 Ecclus. xliv. 16, 17, 20, 22.

Chapter. (Ecclus. xliv. 17.) Prayer.

BEHOLD an high priest, who in RANT, we beseech Thee, O
his days pleased God, and Almighty God, that the wor
was found righteous, and in the shipful Feast of Thy blessed Con
time of wrath he made a propitia fessor and Bishop N., (here insert
tion. his name,) may avail us to the in
Hymn.1 crease both of godliness toward
ESU, the world’s Redeemer, hear! Thee, and healthfulness to our own
Thy Bishops’ fadeless crown, draw souls. Through our Lord JESUS
near ! Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
Accept with gentler love to-day reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
The prayers and praises that we pay l
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
The day that crowned with deathless without end. Amen.
This meek Confessor of Thy Name,
Whose yearly feast, in solemn state, Another Prayer.
Thy faithful people celebrate.
EAR, O Lord, we beseech
The world, and all its boasted good, Thee, the prayers which we
As vain and passing, he eschewed ;
And therefore, with Angelic bands, offer Thee on this the solemn
In endless joys for ever stands. Feast-day of Thy blessed Confessor
and Bishop N., (here insert his name,)
Grant then that we, 0 gracious God, and, for the sake of him who so
May follow in the steps he trod ;
And freed from ev’ry stain of sin, nobly served Thee, forgive us our
As he hath won, may also win. trespasses. Through our Lord JESUS
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
To Thee, O Christ, our loving King, reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
All glory, praise, and thanks we bring :
All glory, as is ever meet, the Holy Ghost, one God, world
To Father and to Paraclete. Amen. without end. Amen.
Verse. 2 The Lord guided the
just in right paths. For Doctors.
Answer. And showed him the 0 GOD, Who didst give unto
kingdom of God.
Thy people Thy blessed ser
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. vant N., (here insert his name,) to
Well done, thou good and faithful feed them with the bread of eternal
servant; * thou hast been faithful life, grant, we beseech Thee, that
over a few things, I will make thee even as on earth he showed unto us
ruler over many things, saith the Thy lively word, so in heaven we
Lord. may worthily be holpen by the
succour of his prayers to Thee on
If the Prayer is not special, there is our behalf. Through our Lord
said one of the following, which is also
used throughout the whole Ofice of the JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
Saint. and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
1 Author unknown; hymn of the tenth to thirteenth centuries, with alterations; trans
lation by J. D. Chambers, Esq. > - - 2 Wisd. x. 10. a

of the Holy Ghost, one God, world Chapter. (Ecclus. xliv. 20.)
without end. Amen. ONE was found like unto him,
The same Prayer throughout the day. to keep the Law of the Most
High; therefore the Lord assured
PRIME. him by an oath, that He would mul
tiply his seed among His people.
Antiphon. Behold, an high priest,
810., (First A ntiphon at Lands.) Short Responsory.

Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. xlv. 19.) The Lord hath chosen him for a
Priest unto Himself.
O execute the ofl‘ice of the Answer. The Lord hath chosen
Priesthood, and to be hon him for a Priest unto Himself.
oured f0r His Name’s sake, and to Verse. To offer up unto Him
ofl'er to Him the incense which He the sacrifice of praise.
had chosen, for a sweet savour. Answer. A Priest unto Himself.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
TERCE. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Antiphon. None was found, &c., Answer. The Lord hath chosen
(Second Antiphon at Lauds.) him for a Priest unto Himself.
Chapterfrom Lands. Verse. Thou art a Priest for ever.
Answer. After the order of Mel
Short Responsory.
The Lord loved him, and beauti
fied him. Antiphon. Good and faithful,
Answer. The Lord loved him, &c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)
and beautified him. Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Verse. He clothed him with a
robe of glory.
Short Responsory.
Answer. And beautified him.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Thou art a Priest for ever.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Answer. Thou art a Priest for
Ghost. ever.
Answer. The Lord loved him, Verse. After the order of Mel
and beautified him. chisedek.
Verse. The Lord hath chosen Answer. For ever.
him for a Priest unto Himself. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Answer. To olier up unto Him to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
the sacrifice of praise. Answer. Thou art a Priest for
Verse. The Lord guided the
just in right paths.
Antiphon. Therefore the Lord, Answer. And showed him the
&c., (Third Antiphon at Lands.) kingdom of God. -
VOL. 1. s

SECOND VESPERS. from it: * Of the fruit of thy body

Antiphons, Chapter, and Verse and
will I set upon thy throne.
Answerfrom Lauds. If thy children will keep My
Hymn from First Vespers. covenant, * and My testimony
that I shall teach them,
Last Psalm. Then their children for ever *
Psalm CXXXI.
shall sit upon thy throne.
For the LORD hath chosen Zion :
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees.” It * He hath chosen it for His habita
reads like a Processional for some transla
tion of the Sacred Ark, perhaps that de tion.
scribed in 3 (I) Kings vii. (Saturday before This is My rest for ever: " here
8th Sunday after Pentecost. )] will I dwell, for I have chosen it.
ORD, remember David, * and I will abundantly bless her
all his meekness: widows: * I will satisfy her poor
How he sware unto the LORD : * with bread.
he vowed a vow unto the God of I will clothe her Priests with
Jacob ;— salvation: * and her Saints shall
Surely I will not come into the shout aloud for joy.
tabernacle of mine house, * nor go There will I make the horn of
up into my bed; David to bud: * I have ordained
I will not give sleep to mine eyes, a lamp for Mine Anointed.
* or slumber to mine eyelids; His enemies will I clothe with
I will not give the temples of shame: * but upon him shall My
mine head any rest, until I find out sanctification flourish.
a place for the LORD, *‘ an habita Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
tion for the God of Jacob. Virgin. The Lord loved him * and
1 Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah : beautified him; He clothed him
* we found it in the fields of “the with a robe of glory, and crowned
Wood.” him at the gates of Paradise.
We will go into His tabernacle:
* we will worship in His foot But if the Saint were a Pope, the
prints. following is said instead:
Arise, O LORD, into Thy rest, * Being made the Chief Bishop, "
Thou and the ark of Thine holi he dreaded not earthly things, but
ness. pressed on gloriously unto the king
Let Thy priests be clothed with dom of heaven.
righteousness, * and let Thy Saints
shout for joy.
For Doctors.
For Thy servant David’s sake,
* turn not away the face of Thine 0 right excellent Teacher, Light
Anointed. of the Holy Church, N. (here insert
The LORD hath sworn in truth his name) blessed lover of the Divine
unto David, and He will not turn Law, pray for us to the Son of God.
1 This verse relates to the fetching of the ark from Kirjath-jearim, (literally “The
town-of-the-woods,”) which stood at the borders of the territory of Ephraim, here called
Ephratah. See 2 Kings (Sam) vi. (Thursday, 5th week after Pentecost.)

QBtbzr lessons for feasts of to be forgiven, so that they obeyed,

and answered I How many wounded
@112 38153011 am: Qtunfzssur. spirits were there, to whom his
tongue, persuading them and pray
ing for them like the tongue of an
Fourth Lesson. angel, brought health again !
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
mons of St Maximus, Bishop Sixth Lesson.
[of Turin.] (59th Homily, being 0 HOW God wrought in him
the 2nd on St Eusehius of Vereel/i.) to cleanse and pardon, by
OUR Blessed Father N., (here discipline and exhortation, many a
insert the name of the Saint stricken soul, long distempered, and,
whose Feast is being kept) is safe as it seemed, incurably foul with
now, and we may safely praise his sin, covered all over with virulent
great deeds. He that kept such a leprosy! How many souls there
manful hand upon the tiller of faith, were, dwelling in living bodies, but
hath now cast the anchor of hope dead, and crushed and buried under
in moorings of great calm, and the sense of sin, whom he quick
brought his ship, heavy laden with ened again for God, by calling them
heavenly riches and everlasting mer to amendment as to light, souls
chandise, safe into the haven where dead to God, in which that great
he would be. Thus fareth it now follower of his Lord killed sin by
with him who never fainted, but the same Lord’s life-giving death.
for so long time held up ever the
shield of the fear of God against all THIRD NOCTURN.
that did beset him. What was his
Seventh Lesson.
whole life but one long fight against
an enemy that never slept? The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Matthew
Fifth Lesson. (xxiv.- 42.)
0 HOW many blinded souls T that time: JESUS said unto
there were, that had wan His disciples: Watch, for ye
dered away from the path of the know not what hour your Lord doth
Truth, and were hanging from the come. And so on.
edge of the precipice over the pit, Homily by St Hilary, Bishop [of
when he gave them sight again, and Poitiers.] (Comment. on Matt/z.
opened their eyes that they might chap. 26.)
see Christ! How many deaf ears
were there, stopped up with unbelief To the end that we may know that
and condemnation, when he opened our ignorance of that day whereof
them to hear that voice of com no man knoweth is not without use,
mandment that speaketh from the Lord moveth us to watch for
heaven, and gave them that precious the coming of the thief, to be ever
hearing that heareth God calling us instant in prayer, and ever busy in

such works as He commandeth. glory with God, for in all things he

He showeth how that the devil is shall have of that which is best.
that thief who watcheth ever how
he may spoil our goods, breaking Ninth Lesson.
into the house of our body; that,
while we are dwelling therein care UT if that servant despise the
less and heavy with sleep, he may longsuffering of God, Which
dig through our walls with the arms waiteth to give salvation unto all
of his craft and temptations. Us, men, and begin to wax wanton
therefore, it behoveth to be ready, against his fellow-servants, and to
who have ever our ignorance con give himself over to the evil and
cerning that day to be unto us a the vices of this present world,
reason of watchfulness. having all his care for the worship
of his belly: the Lord of that ser
vant shall come in a day when he
Eighth Lesson. (Chap. 27.)
looketh not for Him, and shall cut
“ HO then is a faithful and him off from the goods wherewith
wise servant, whom his he was entrusted, and appoint him
Lord hath made ruler over His his portion with the hypocrites, in
household?” Although the Lord everlasting punishment, because he
doth move us all in common to hath disobeyed the commandments,
weary not in carefulness and watch because he hath minded the things
ing, He layeth more especially upon of this present world, because he
the rulers of His people, that is, hath lived the life of an heathen,
the Bishops, this duty, to look al because being unmindful of the
ways for His coming. For such an judgment to come, he hath afflicted
one is that faithful and wise servant, with hunger, and thirst, and stripes,
made ruler over his Lord’s house the flock committed to his care.
hold, who ever seeketh such things
as be convenient and useful for the
people unto him committed. Such [fit should be that several Bishops
an one, if he hear this word, and do and Confessors are to he honoured by
that which he is commanded, that one Feast, the Oflice is the same as that
is, if he strengthen by seasona-ble and just given, except as follows :
sound doctrine such things as be I. In the Common Prayer the words
weak, if he bind together that which “Thy Blessed Confessor and Bishop
N ." are altered into “ Thy blessed Con
is sundered, if he make straight fessors and Bishops N. and N.”
again what is become crooked, and
2. In the Sermons hy St Maximus of
give to the household the lively Turin everything said of the Saint in
Word which is able to feed them the Singular Number is altered into the
unto life eternal, if such an one do Plural. For example: " Our Blessed
thus, and meanwhile the hour which Fathers N. and N. are safe now,
and we may safely praise their great
he knoweth not come upon him, deeds. They that kept such manful
he shall obtain glory of the Lord, hands upon the tiller, &c. &c. &c."
as a faithful steward and an useful 3. Thefollowing Lessons may he read
overseer: that is, he shall have in the First Nocturn.

First Lesson. ever. Their seed, and their glory,

shall not be blotted out. Their
The Lesson is taken from the Book
of Ecclesiasticus (xliv. 1.) bodies are buried in peace, but their
name liveth for evermore. Let the
ET us now praise famous men, people tell of their wisdom, and the
and our fathers that begat us. congregation show forth their praise.
The Lord hath wrought great glory
by them through His great power
from the beginning. Such as did
hear rule in their kingdoms, men Jfur a fitmplz feast at a
renowned for their power and their
understanding, showing forth among Bishop anti QIunftszur.
the Prophets the dignity of Prophets, The Ofice is as on a Semi-double,
and still ruling over the people that with the following exceptions.
now is, and by the strength of
wisdom instructing the people in FIRST VESPERS.
most holy words. Such as by their The Ofiz'ce is of the Week-day, till the
skill sought out musical tunes, and Chapter, exclusive. The Ofiice of the
published canticles of the Scriptures. Saint he 'ns with the Chapter, which,
as also t e Hymn, Verse and Answer,
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Second Lesson. Virgin, and Prayer are all asjustgiven,
(p. 515 et seq.) The Common Comme
EN rich in virtue, studying morations are said or not according to
comeliness, living at peace the season.
in their houses. All these were A t Compline are said Preces.
honoured in their generations, and
were the glory of their times. They
that were born of them have left a The Invitatory and Hymn are asjust
name behind them, that their praises 'ven.
Then follow the Week-day Psalms,
might be reported. And some there with their own AntzLohons.
be which have no memorial; who
are perished as though they had On Mondays and Thursdays.
never been ; who also were born as
Verse. The Lord loved him and
though they had not been born, and
beautified him.
their children after them.
Answer. He clothed him with
a robe of glory.
Third Lesson.
UT these were merciful men,
whose righteousness hath not Graciously hear, &c.
been forgotten: with their seed
shall continually remain a good On Tuesdays and Fridays.
inheritance, their children have an Verse. The Lord hath chosen him
holy heritage : their seed also abideth for a Priest unto Himself.
firm in the covenant, and their Answer. To offer up unto Him
children for their sakes remain for the sacrifice of praise.

Absolution. Second Responsory.

May His loving-kindness, &c. On Mondays and Thursdays.
Behold an high priest, &c.,
On Wednesdays. (Seeond Responsory in the preeeding
Verse. Thou art a Priest for Ofiee,) with this addition .
ever. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Answer. After the order of and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. Therefore the Lord
Absolution. assured him by an oath that He
May the Almighty, &c. would multiply his seed among His
First Blessing.
On Tuesdays and Fridays.
May His blessing be upon us,
Who doth live and reign for ever. I have laid help, &c., (Fzfih
Responsory in the preceding Ofiee,)
First Lessonfrom Seripture, aeeord
ing to the Season, heing either the first
with the following addition:
part, or, if the Saint have two Lessons, Verse. Glory be to the Father,
the whole read as one, at will.
and to the Son, and to the Holy
First Responsory.
Answer. For My hand shall
On Mondays and Thursdays. help him.
Well done, &c., (First Responsory
in the preceding Ofiiee.) 0n Wednesdays.
Let your loins, &c., (Eighth Re
0n Tuesdays and Fridays. sponsory in the preeeding Ofiiee.)
I have found David, &c., (Fourth
Responsory in the preeeding Ofiiee.) Third Blessing.
May He That is the Angels’
On Wednesdays. King,
The Lord loved him, &c., (Seventh To that high realm His people
Responsory in the preeeding Ofiiee.) bring.
Third Lesson is the whole or the
Second Blessing. second part of the Legend of the Saint,
if there he one, or else the special Lesson
They whose feast-day we are keep assigned.
ing, Then the Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
Be our Advocates with God. God, &c.," is said, and so end Mattins.
The rest of the Ofliee is as on a Semi
Second Lesson is the First of the douhle, as just given; it ends at None,
Legend of the Saint, if there be two; if z'nelusi've; Preees are said at Prime, and
not, it is the Secondfrom Scripture, to the Common Commemorations are made
which the Third may he added at will. at Lauds or not, aeeording to the season.

'03}. flat feasts of a Qtonfzssor not 11 Bishop.

Everything as on Sundays, exeept 5.
what is otherwise given here.
Glory and honour, virtue and salvation
Be unto Him, Who, in His might
Ruleth supremely over all creation,
Antzlohons, Chunter, and Prayerfrom One and yet Trine. Amen.
Verse. The Lord loved him and
Last Psalm.
beautified him.
0 praise the LORD, &c., (Ps. Answer. He clothed him with
cxvi.,p. I86.) a robe of glory.
Hymn. This is the day, &c., or, Antiphon at the Song of the
Blessed Virgin. 1I will liken him
I. unto a wise man, * whichi built his
SAFE now for ever, JESU’S true Con house upon a rock.
Whose happy festal here His people
keep, For Doctors.
Doth of his labours for his mighty
Blesser, 0 right excellent Teacher, Light
Rich harvest reap. . of the Holy Church, N. (here insert
his name) blessed lover of the
2. Divine Law, pray for us to the Son
Gentle was he, wise, pure, and lowly of God. -
Sober and modest, ever foe to strife,
While in his frame there flowed as yet MATTINS.
Currents of life. lnw'tatory. The Lord, He is
the King of the Confessors. * O
3. come, let us worship Him.
Ofttimes hath He Whose face he sees Hymn as at First Vespers.
in heaven,
Being entreated for His servant’s
To us on earth the same for healer
given Only three Psalms are sazd.
Sick whole to make.
First Antiphon. Blessed is the
4. man * that doth meditate in the
\Vherefore our choir, in thankfulness
law of the Lord: his delight is
adoring, therein day and night, and what
Lifteth its voice with melody of laud, soever he doeth shall prosper.
While he on high for us his prayer is
pouring, Ps. i. Blessed is the man, 810.,
Unto his God. (a 4-)
1 Matth. vii. 24.

Second Antiphon. Blessed and soul pleased the Lord: therefore

holy is he * that putteth his trust hasted He to take him away from
in the Lord, that declareth the among the wicked.
decree of the Lord, and is set
upon His holy hill.
First Responsory.
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, &c.,
(e- 4-) Well done, thou good and faith
ful servant, thou hast been faith
Third Antiphon. Thou, O Lord, ful over a few things, I will make
art my glory, * Thou art a shield thee ruler over many things; en
for me: Thou art the Lifter-up of ter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
mine head, and Thou hast heard Verse. Lord, Thou deliveredst
me out of Thy holy hill. unto me five talents; behold, I
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in have gained beside them five talents
creased, &c., 5.) more.
Answer. Enter thou into the
Verse. The Lord loved him and joy of thy Lord.
beautified him.
Answer. He clothed him with
a robe of glory. Second Lesson.

THIS the people saw, and under

First Lesson. stood it not, neither laid they
The Lesson is taken from the Book this up in their minds, that the
of Wisdom (iv. 7.) grace of God and His mercy are
with His Saints, and that He hath
THOUGH the righteous be pre respect unto His chosen. Thus the
vented with death, yet shall righteous that is dead doth condemn
he be in rest. For honourable age the ungodly which are living, and
is not that which standeth in length youth that is soon perfected, the
of time, nor that is measured by many years of the unrighteous. For
number of years: but wisdom is they shall see the end of the wise,
the grey hair unto men, and an and shall not understand what God
unspotted life is old age. He in His counsel hath decreed of him,
pleased God, and was beloved Of and to what end the Lord hath set
Him, so that living among sinners, him in safety. They shall see him
he was translated. He was taken and despise him: but the Lord
away speedily, lest that wickedness shall laugh them to scorn. And
should alter his understanding, or they shall thereafter fall without
deceit beguile his soul. For the honour, and be a reproach among
bewitching of naughtiness doth ob the dead for evermore: for when
scure things that are honest, and they are puffed up, He shall rend
the wandering of concupiscence them, and they shall be speechless,
doth undermine the simple mind. and He shall shake them from the
He, being made perfect in a short foundation, and they shall be utterly
time, fulfilled a long time: for his laid waste.
Second Responsory. his life in this world, and is come
1 The righteous shall grow as the unto an everlasting kingdom.
lily; yea, he shall flourish in the Answer. And he is numbered
presence of the Lord for ever. among the Saints.
Verse. 2Those that be planted Verse. Glory be to the Father,
in the house of the LORD, shall and to the Son, and to the Holy
flourish in the courts of the house Ghost.
of our God. Answer. And he is numbered
Answer. Yea, he shall flourish among the Saints.
in the presence of the Lord for ever.
Thira' Lesson.
First Antiphon. When His holy
AND they shall be in sorrow, and one called, * the Lord heard him;
their memorial shall perish. yea, the Lord heard him, and gave
When they cast up the accounts of him peace.
their sins they shall come with fear, Psalm IV.
and their own iniquities shall con
vince them to their face. Then [Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a
musical (P) direction of (now) uncertain
shall the righteous stand in great meaning]
boldness before the face of such as
have afilicted them, and made no WHEN I called, the God of my
account Of their labours. When ' righteousness heard me: *
they see it, they shall be troubled Thou hast enlarged me when I was
with terrible fear, and shall be amazed in distress:
at the strangeness of their salvation, Have mercy upon me, * and hear
and they, repenting and groaning for my prayer.
anguish of spirit, shall say within 0 ye sons of men, how long
themselves: These were they whom will ye be dull of heart? * Why
we had sometimes in derision, and will ye love vanity, and seek after
a proverb of reproach. We fools ac leasing?3
counted their life madness, and their
But know that the LORD hath set
end to be without honour. Behold, apart for Himself him that is holy:
how they are numbered among the * the LORD will hear me when I
children of God, and their .lot is call unto Him.
among the Saints. Be ye angry and sin not: * what
ye speak in your heart, repent upon
your bed.3
Third Responsory.
Offer the sacrifices of righteous
This is he which knew righteous ness, and put your trust in the LORD.
ness, and saw great wonders, and .* There be many that say: Who will
made his prayer unto the Most show us any good?
High; and he is numbered among LORD, Thou hast set upon us the
the Saints. - ‘ light of Thy countenance. * Thou
Verse. This is he which loved not hast put gladness in my heart,
1 Hos. xiv. 6; Isa. xvii. II, &c 2 Ps. xci. 14.v 3 SLH.
VOL. I. s 2'

More than in the time that their For there is no faithfulness in

corn, and wine, and oil * increased. their mouth: * their inward part
I will both lay me down in peace, is very wickedness.
* and sleep, Their throat is an open sepulchre ;
For Thou, LORD, only *‘ makest they flatter with their tongue. *
me to dwell in safety. Judge Thou them, 0 God!
Let them fall by their own coun
Second Antiphon. Let all those
sels; cast them out in the multi
that put their trust in Thee rejoice,
tude of their transgressions, * for
O Lord, for Thou hast blessed the
they have rebelled against Thee, O
righteous; * Thou hast compassed
Lord !
him with Thy favour as with a
And let all those that put their
trust in Thee, rejoice: * let them
Psalm V. ever shout for joy, because Thou
[Intituled “A Psalm of David,” with a dwellest in them:
musical (?) superscription]
Let them also that love Thy Name
IVE ear unto my words, 0 be joyful in Thee. * For Thou wilt
LORD, * consider my suppli bless the righteous.
cation. O LORD, Thou hast compassed
Hearken unto the voice of my cry, us * with Thy favour as with a
* my King and my God! shield.
For unto Thee will I pray. * O
Third Antizfihon. O LORD, our
LORD, in the morning Thou shalt
Ruler, * how excellent is Thy Name
hear my voice:
in all the earth! Who hast crowned
In the morning will I stand before
Thee and look up. * For Thou art Thine holy one with glory and hon‘
our, and madest him to have domin
not a God that hath pleasure in
wickedness : ion over the works of Thy hands.
Neither shall the evil dwell with
Thee, * nor the unrighteous stand Psalm VIII.
in Thy sight: [Intituled “A Psalm of David.” It has
Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. also a title which seems to show that it was
a sung for the vintage]
* Thou shalt destroy all them that
speak leasing: LORD, our Lord, * how ex
The LORD abhorreth the bloody . cellent is Thy Name in all
and deceitful man. * But as for me, the earth!
in the multitude of Thy mercy For Thy glory is exalted ‘* above
I will come into Thine house: * the heavens.
I will worship toward Thine holy 1Out of the mouth of babes and
temple in Thy fear. sucklings hast Thou perfected praise
Lead me, O LORD, in Thy because of Thine enemies, * that
righteousness, * because of mine Thou mightest destroy the enemy
enemies; make my way straight and the avenger.
before Thy face. When I consider Thine heavens,
1 This verse was quoted by our Lord, concerning those who cried Hosannah on Palm
Sunday, Matthew xxi. r6.

the work of Thy fingers : * the moon fore marvel we that that place is one
and the stars which Thou hast or where the mind is vexed no more,
dained: when we remember that Paul saith
What is man, that Thou art mind even to men living here in this life
ful of him? * or the son of man, —-“ Rejoice evermore, pray without
that Thou visitest him? ceasing ”? (r Thess. v. 16, 17.)
Thou hast made him a little lower
than the angels, Thou hast crowned Fourth Responsory.
him with glory and honour, * and
madest him to have dominion over 2 The Lord made him honourable,
the works of Thine hands. and defended him from his enemies,
Thou hast put all things under and kept him safe from those that
his feet, * all sheep and oxen, yea, lay in wait for him, and gave him
and the beasts of the field. perpetual glory.
The fowl of the air, and the fish Verse. He went down with him
of the sea, * that pass through the into the pit, and left him not in
paths of the sea. bonds.
0 LORD, our Lord, *‘ how ex Answer. And gave him perpetual
cellent is Thy Name in all the glory.
earth ! Fifth Lesson.
Verse. 1 The mouth of the right ERE there are sicknesses, here
eous speaketh wisdom. there are strivings, here there
Answer. And his tongue talketh are untimely deaths, here there are
judgment. lies, here there are jealousies, here
there are troubles, here there is
Fourth Lesson. anger, here there are lustings, here
there are pit-falls unnumbered, here
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
mons of St John Chrysostom, there are daily cares, here one evil
Patriarch [of Constantinople] followeth after another, and all bring
vexation. And yet Paul hath it that
(On St Philogonius, Tom. iii.)
even here a man may rejoice ever
THE blessed N., (here insert the more, if he will but raise his head
name of the Saint whose Feast above the flood of earthly things,
is being kept) whose Feast we are and order his life aright. How much
this day keeping, doth justly call on better Shall we fare when we have
our tongue to tell what great deeds passed away from all these things,
he wrought. To-day did that blessed and all these things are taken away
servant of God pass into that higher from us, when we shall have no ill
life, which is a life of peace, a life health, nor disease, nor matter
where there is no trouble. To-day wherein to sin, when that hard
his ship reached that harbour where thing, right of property, shall exist
after wreck is to be dreaded no more. no more, whereby all unrighteousness
He hath felt trouble and anguish of cometh into this life, and strifes un
spirit for the last time. And where numbered are begotten.
1 Ps. xxxvi. 30. 5 Wisd. x. 11-14, substituting “Lord ” for. “Wisdom.”

Fifth Responsory. not his life in this world, and is

The Lord loved him and beauti come unto an everlasting kingdom.
fied him: He clothed him with a Answer. For thee have I seen
robe of glory, and crowned him at righteous before Me among all
the gates of Paradise. people.
Verse. The Lord hath put on Verse. Glory be to the Father,
him the breast-plate of faith,1 and and to the Son, and to the Holy
hath adorned him. Ghost.
Answer. And crowned him at Answer. For thee have I seen
the gates of Paradise. righteous before Me among all

Sixth Lesson. THIRD NOCTURN.

N this verily do I most chiefly first Antiphon. Lord, this Thy

rejoice, for the happiness of Saint * shall dwell in Thy taber
that holy servant of God, in that, nacle, and this that hath worked
being taken away hence, and having righteousness shall abide upon Thy
found here no abiding city, he is holy hill.
become a citizen of that other city, Psalm XIV.
which is the city of the living God : [Intituled “ A Psalm of David.”]
from the Church here he is gone,
but he is come unto the Church of LORD, who shall abide in Thy
the first-born, which are written in tabernacle ? * who shall dwell
heaven, (Heb. xii. 22, 23); he keep in Thine holy hill?
eth holiday with us no more, but he He that walketh uprightly, *‘ and
is passed to where he holdeth high worketh righteousness.
festival with Angels. And what be He that speaketh the truth in his
that city, and that Church, and that heart, * he that deceiveth not with
festival above, Paul biddeth us his tongue.
know, saying: “Ye are come unto He that hath not done evil to his
the city of the living God, the heav neighbour, * nor taken up a reproach
enly Jerusalem, and unto the Church against his neighbour.
of the first-born which are written in In whose eyes a vile person is
despised : ‘l‘ but he honoureth them
heaven, and to an innumerable com
pany of Angels.” that fear the LORD.
He that sweareth to his neighbour,
and deceiveth him not, * he that
Sixth Responsory.
putteth not out his money to usury,
2This is he which did according nor taketh reward against the in
unto all that God commanded him ; nocent.
and God said unto him: Enter He that doeth these things, *
thou into My rest; for thee have I shall never be moved.
seen righteous before Me among all
people. Seeond Antiphon. He asked life
Verse. This is be which loved of Thee, * and Thou, O Lord,
I r Thess. v. 8. 2 Cf. Gen. vii. 5, r ; Ps. xciv. rr ; Heb. iv. rr.
gavest it: honour and great ma For they intended evil against
jesty hast Thou laid upon him: thee: * they imagined a device,
Thou hast set a crown of precious which they were not able to per
stones upon his head. form.
Therefore shalt thou cast them
Psalm XX. behind thee: * thou shalt leave
[This Psalm also bears the same title as
their faces lying in thy track.
the xviiith.] Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in
Thine own strength: * we will sing
THE king shall joy in Thy and praise Thy power.
strength, 0 LORD: * and in
Thy salvation how greatly shall he Third Antiphon. He shall re
rejoice! ceive * a blessing from the LORD,
Thou hast given him his heart’s and mercy from the God of his sal
desire, * and hast not withholden vation: for this is the generation
the request of his lips.1 Of them that seek the Lord.
For Thou hast met him with the
blessings of sweetness: * Thou hast
set a crown of precious stones upon Psalm XXIII.
his head. [Intituled “A Psalm Of David." The
He asked life of Thee: * and Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the first
day of the week.”]
Thou gavest him length of days for
ever and ever. HE earth is the LORD’s and
His glory is great in Thy salva~ the fulness thereof; * the
tion: * honour and great majesty world, and they that dwell there
shalt Thou lay upon him. 1n.
For Thou wilt give him to be a For He hath founded it upon the
blessing for ever: * Thou shalt seas, * and established it upon the
make him exceeding glad with Thy floods.
countenance. Who shall ascend into the moun
For the king trusteth in the LORD, tain of the LORD? ** or who shall
* and, through the mercy of the stand in His holy place?
Most High, he shall not be moved. He that hath clean hands and
Thine hand shall find out all a pure heart, ‘* who hath not
thine enemies: * thy right hand lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor
shall find out all those that hate sworn deceitfully unto his neigh
thee. boun
Thou shalt make them as a fiery He shall receive a blessing from
oven in the time of thine anger: * the LORD, * and mercy from the
the LORD shall cut them off in His God of his salvation.
wrath, and the fire shall devour This is the generation Of them
them. that seek Him, * that seek the face
Their fruit shalt thou destroy from of the God of jacob.1
the earth, * and their seed from Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes,
among the children of men. and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
1 SLH.

doors! * and the King of glory deeds, if he strive not to join thereto
shall come in. the earnest doing of good works, it
Who is this King of glory? * is immediately added: “And your
The LORD strong and mighty, the lights burning.” Our lights burn
LORD mighty in battle. when, by good works, we give bright
Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes, example to our neighbour; concern
and be ye lift up, ye everlasting ing which works the Lord saith:
doors! * and the King of glory “Let your light so shine before
shall come in. men, that they may see your good
Who is this King of glory? * works, and glorify your Father Which
The LORD of hosts, He is the is in heaven.” (Matth. v. 16.)
King of glory.1
Seventh Responsory.
Verse. 2The law of his God is
in his heart. This is be which wrought great
Answer. None of his steps shall wonders before God, and praised
slide. the Lord with all his heart. May
Seventh Lesson. he pray for all people, that their
sins may be forgiven unto them!
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Verse. Behold a man without
Gospel according to Luke (xii. blame, a worshipper of God in
35-) truth, keeping himself clean from
T that time: Jesus said unto every evil work, and abiding still
His disciples: Let your loins in his innocency.
be girded about, and your lights Answer. May he pray for all
burning. And so on. people, that their sins may be for
given unto them!
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Great.] (13th on the Gospels.)
Ezlgh lh Blessing.
Dearly beloved brethren, the He whose feast-day we are keeping
words of the Holy Gospel, which
Be our Advocate with God.
have just been read, lie open be
fore you, and, lest_their very plain
Ezghlh Lesson.
ness should make them seem to
some to be hard, we will go through ERE, then, are two command
them with such shortness as that ments, to gird our loins
neither may they which understand about, and to keep our lights burn
not remain unenlightened, nor they ing—the cleanness of purity in our
which understand be wearied. The body, and the light of the truth in
Lord saith: “ Let your loins be our works. Whoso hath the one
girded about.” Now, we gird our and not the other, pleaseth not
loins about, when by continency we thereby our Redeemer; that is, he
master the lustful inclination of the pleaseth Him not which doth good
flesh. But, forasmuch as it sufficeth works, but bridleth not himself from
not for a man to abstain from evil the pollutions of lust, neither he
1 SLH. 2 Ps. xxxvi. 31.

which is eminent in chastity, but Answer. And filled him with the
exerciseth not himself in good spirit of wisdom and understanding.
works. Neither is chastity a great
thing without good works, nor good Ninth Lesson.
works anything without chastity. “AND ye yourselves like unto
And if any man do both, it remain men that wait for their lord,
eth that he must look by hope when he will return from the wed
toward our Fatherland above, and ding: that, when he cometh and
not have for his reason wherethrough knocketh, they may open unto him
he turneth himself away from vice, immediately.” The Lord cometh
the love of honour in this present at the hour of judgment: He
world. knocketh when, by the pains of
Eighth Responsory. sickness, He biddeth us know that
Let your loins be girded about, death is nigh. To Him open we
and your lights burning, and ye immediately, if we receive Him in
yourselves like unto men that wait love. Whoso feareth to leave this
for their lord, when he will return body, will not open to the Judge
from the wedding. when He knocketh, for he dreadeth
Verse. Watch, therefore, for ye to see that Judge, Whom he know
know not what hour your Lord doth eth that he hath despised. But
come. whosoever knoweth that his hope
Answer. And ye yourselves like and works are built upon a good
unto men that wait for their lord, foundation, when he heareth the
when he will return from the wed Judge knock, openeth to Him im
ding. mediately, for to such an one that
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and coming is blessed,—yea, when the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. hour of death is at hand, such an
Answer. And ye yourselves like one haileth with gladness a glorious
unto men that wait for their lord, reward.
when he will return from the wed LAUDS.

ding. First Antiphon. 1Lord, Thou

deliveredst unto me five talents: *
Eighth Responsory for Doctors.
behold, I have gained beside them
In the midst of the congregation five talents more.
did the Lord open his mouth. And Seeona’ Antiphon. 2Well done,
filled him with the spirit of wisdom thou good servant, * thou hast
and understanding. been faithful in a very little, enter
Verse. He made him rich with thou into the joy of thy Lord.
joy and gladness. Third Antiphon. 3A faithful and
Answer. And filled him with the wise servant * whom his Lord hath
spirit of wisdom and understanding. made ruler over His household.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Fourth Antiphon. 4Blessed is
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. that servant * whom his Lord,
1 Matth. xxv. 20. '-' Matth. xxv. 21 ; Luke xix. I7.
3 Matth. xxiv. 45. ‘ Matth. xxiv. 46; Luke xii. 36, 37; Apoc. iii. 20.

when He cometh and knocketh Then for his sake Thy wrath lay by,
at the door, shall find watching. And hear us while we pray ;
And pardon us, 0 Thou Most High !
fifth Antiphon. 1Thou good and On this his festal day.
faithful servant, * enter thou into
the joy of thy Lord. All glory to the Father be,
And Sole Incarnate Son;
Praise, Holy Paraclete, to Thee,
Chapter. (Ecclus. xxxi. 8.) While endless ages run. Amen.

LESSED is the man that is Verse. The Lord guided the just
found without blemish, and in right paths.
hath not gone after gold, neither Answer. And showed him the
hath put his trust in riches, nor in kingdom of God.
treasure. Who is he, and we will
call him blessed? For wonderful Antiphon at the Song of Zacha
things hath he done in his life. rias. Well done, thou good and
faithful servant; * thou hast been
faithful over a few things, I will
117ymn.2 make thee ruler over many things:
ESUS ! Eternal Truth sublime ! enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Through endless years the Same!
Thou Crown of those who through all Prayer.
Confess Thy Holy Name l GOD, Who, year by year, dost
gladden us by the solemn
Thy suppliant people, through the Feast-day of Thy blessed Confessor
Of Thy blest Saint, forgive ; (here insert his name,) mercifully
For his dear sake Thy wrath forbear, grant unto all who keep his birth
And bid our spirits live. day, grace to follow after the pattern
of his godly conversation. Through
Again returns the sacred day our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son,
With heavenly glory bright,
Which saw him go upon his way Who liveth and reigneth with Thee,
Into the realms of light. in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
God, world without end. Amen.
All objects of our vain desire,
All earthly joys and gains,
To him were but as filthy mire ; Another Prayer.
And now with Thee he reigns. LORD, mercifully hear the
nunto supplications
Thee on thiswhich
the we offer
Thee, JESUS, his all-gracious Lord,
Confessing to the last,
He trod beneath him Satan’s fraud, Feast-day of Thy blessed Confes
And stood for ever fast. sor (here insert his name,) and, for
asmuch as we put no trust in our
In holy deeds of faith and love, own righteousness, grant that we
In fastings and in prayers,
His days were spent ; and now above may be holpen by his prayers who
Thy heavenly Feast he shares. walked with Thee. Through our
1 Matth. xxv. 2! ; Luke xix. 17.
'1 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, slightly altered ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who Answer. The Lord loved him,
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in and beautified him.
the unity of the Holy Ghost, one Verse. He clothed him with a
God, world without end. Amen. robe of glory.
Answer. And beautified him.
For Doetors. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
O God, Who didst give unto Ghost.
Thy people Thy blessed ser
Answer. The Lord loved him,
vant N. (here insert his name) to and beautified him.
feed them with the bread of eternal Verse. The mouth of the right
life, grant, we beseech Thee, that eous speaketh wisdom.
even as on earth he showed unto us Answer. And his tongue talketh
Thy lively word, so in heaven we
may worthily be holpen by the suc
cour of his prayers to Thee on our SEXT.
behalf. Through our Lord JESUS
Antiphon. A faithful and wise
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
servant, * 810., (Third Antiphon at
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one God, world Lauds.)
without end. Amen.
Chapter. (Ecclus. xxxix. 6.)
The same Prayer throughout the day.
THE righteous giveth his heart
PRIME. to resort early to the Lord
that made him, and will pray be
Antiphon. Lord, Thou deliver fore the Most High.
edst, &c., (First Antiphon at Laua's.)
Short Responsory.
Chapter at the end. (Wisdom x. 10.)
THE Lord guided the just in The mouth of the righteous
right paths, showed him the speaketh wisdom.
kingdom of God, and gave him Answer. The mouth of the
knowledge of holy things, made him righteous speaketh wisdom.
rich in his travails, and multiplied Verse. And his tongue talketh
the fruit of his labours. judgment.
Answer. The righteous speaketh
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Antiphon. Well done, &c., (See and to the Son, and to the Holy
ona’ Antiphon at Lands.) Ghost.
Answer. The mouth of the
Chapterfrom Lands.
righteous speaketh wisdom.
Verse. The law of his God is
Short Responsory.
in his heart.
The Lord loved him, and beauti Answer. None of his steps shall
fied him. slide.

NONE. ember Means fur Jfzasts of

Anti/)hon. Thou good and faith a Qtunfessur nut 11 Bishop.
ful servant, &c., (Fifth Antiphon at

First Lesson.
Chatter as at the end of Prime.
The Lesson is taken from the Book
Short Responsory. of Ecclesiasticus (xxxi. 8.)
The law of his God is in his LESSED is the man that is
heart. found without blemish, and
Answer. The law of his God is hath not gone after gold, neither
in his heart. hath put his trust in riches nor in
Verse. None of his steps shall treasure. Who is he, and we will
slide. call him blessed? For wonderful
Answer. In his heart. things hath he done in his life.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Whoso hath been tried thereby,
and to the Son, and to the Holy and found perfect, the same shall
Ghost. have glory for ever; who might
Answer. The law of his God is offend, and hath not ofi'ended; or
in his heart. done evil, and hath not done it.
Verse. The Lord guideth the just His goods are established in the
in right paths. Lord, and all the congregation of
Answer. And showed him the the Saints shall declare his alms.
kingdom of God.
Second Lesson. (xxxii. 18.)
SECOND VESPERS. HOSO feareth the Lord will
receive His discipline: and
Same as at First Vespers, except the
following. they that seek Him early shall find
Verse and A nswerfrom Lands. His blessing. He that seeketh the
law shall be filled therewith: but
Antiphon at the Song of the the hypocrites shall be offended
Blessed Virgin. 1Lo, a servant of thereat. They that fear the Lord
God who esteemed but little things shall find righteous judgment, and
earthly. shall kindle justice as a light. (28.)
And by word and work laid him He that believeth God taketh heed
up treasure in heaven. to the commandments: and he that
trusteth in Him shall fare never the
For Doctors.
worse. (xxxiii. I.) There shall no
evil happen unto him that feareth
0 right excellent Teacher, Light the Lord: but in temptation God
of the Holy Church, N. (here insert will keep him, and deliver him from
his name) blessed lover of the Divine evil. A wise man hateth not the
Law, pray for us to the Son of God. commandments and judgments,
1 An elegiac couplet.

neither is he tossed to and fro This kind of shrewdness the young

therein as a ship in a storm. A acquire by practice, and children pay
man of understanding trusteth in for the learning it. Those who are
the law of God, and the law is good at this look down upon their
faithful unto him. neighbours; those who are bad at
it are humble and timid, and wonder
Third Lesson. (xxxiv. 14.)
at it in others; they regard this
astuteness too, wrong though it be,
THE spirit of those that fear God with wistful admiration, under soft
is precious, and is blessed in ened epithets. Unstraightforward
His sight. For their hope is in ness is called good breeding. The
Him that saveth them, and the eyes principles of the world teach those
of God are upon them that love who entertain them, to try and rise
' Him. Whoso feareth the Lord to distinction, and when they have
shall fear nothing, nor be afraid, attained the bubble of glory which
for He is his hope. Blessed is the is so soon to pass away, to feel it
soul of him that feareth the Lord. sweet to have at their feet them
To Whom doth he look? And on whom they may wreak rich
Who is his strength? The eyes of revenge. These principles teach
the Lord are upon them that fear a man, as long as he is strong
Him, He is their mighty protection, enough, to give way to nobody
and strong stay; a defence from else, and, if he hath no chance by
heat, and a cover from the sun at force, to try and attain his object
noon, a preservation from stumbling, by diplomacy.
and an help from falling. He rais
eth up the soul, and lighteneth the Fifth Lesson.
eyes; He giveth health, and life,
and blessing. THE wisdom of the righteous is
the contrary of all this. They
seek to avoid deception, to give their
thoughts a clear expression in their
Fourth Lesson. words, to love the truth because it is
the truth, to avoid falsehood, and
The Lesson is taken from the Book
rather to suffer than to inflict evil.
of Moral [Reflection]s upon Job,
Such are they who seek not to avenge
written by Pope St Gregory [the
themselves for wrong, and deem it
Great.] (Bk. x. Chap. xvi. on
gain to be despised for the truth’s
[06 xii.)
sake. This their simplicity is made
THE simplicity of the righteous a subject of derision, for such as are
is made a subject of derision. wise in this world believe the purity
The wisdom of this world hideth our of their virtue to be simple foolery.
true feelings by artifice, and useth Whatsoever is done innocently, they
language to conceal our thoughts; consider without doubt stupid. Such
this is the wisdom which demon works as the truth approveth are
strateth the truth of falsehood, and idiotic, when tried by carnal stand
showeth the falsehood of the truth. ards of wisdom. After all, what

stupider thing is there in this world the Holy Word. When he is in

than to express our real thoughts in quired Of, he doth not know how
our words, to keep nothing quiet by to give a double answer.
skilful tact, to repay no injuries, to
pray for them which curse us, to seek
poverty, to give up property, to strive
not with such as take from us, to Seventh Lesson.
turn the other cheek to the smiter?
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Luke (xii. 32.)
Sixth Lesson. (Ch. xvii.)
AT that time: JESUS said unto
“ A LAMP despised in the His disciples: Fear not, little
thoughts of the rich, is flock, for it is your Father’s good
ready for the time appointed.” pleasure to give you the kingdom.
(Job xii. 5.)1 It often happeneth And so on.
that one of the elect, who is on his
way to be happy for ever, is crushed Homily by the Venerable Bede,
down here by repeated misfortunes. Priest [at Jarrow and Doctor of the
He reposeth in no luxury of posses Church.] (Bk. iv. Ch. 54 on Luke
sions, no distinction marketh him as xii.)
honourable among men, no admir The elect are called a little flock,
ing followers court him, no rich perchance because the reprobate are
dress maketh comely his bodily far more in number than they, but,
appearance. Everybody seeth in more probably, because they love to
him a person to be looked down be lowly, since it is God’s will that
upon, and his reputation is that of however much His Church should
one unworthy of the world’s favour. grow in numbers, she should grow
And yet, that is a man who, to the with lowliness even unto the end Of
eyes of the judge Who seeth in the world, and should enter lowly
secret, is glorious through virtue, into that kingdom which is hers by
whose life is radiant with worth. His promise. That kingdom He
He disliketh to be honoured, and promiseth to her here, when He
cloth not refuse to meet with con biddeth her to seek only the king
tempt. He bringeth abstinence to dom of God, and, to comfort her in
bear on his body, and his luxury is her travail, He doth so sweetly and
spiritual richness in love. He trieth so graciously say that her Father will
to keep his feelings patient, and give it to her.
when he hath to stand up for right
eousness’ sake, is glad to be despised.
Eighth Lesson.
He feeleth from his heart for the
afl‘licted, and the prosperity of the “SELL that ye have and give
godly giveth him as much pleasure alms.” Fear not, He saith,
as if it were his own. He is care lest, while ye fight for the kingdom
ful inwardly to digest the food of of God, ye should lack such things
1 I.e., the just man seems to shine now but dimly. but at the same time he shall shine
in splendour.—Abp. Kenrick.
as are needful for this life, nay rather, Number is altered into the Plural. For
sell even that which ye have, and example: “The blessed N. and N.,
whose Feast we are this day keeping,
give alms. This doth, whosoever
do justly call, &c., &c."
for the Lord’s sake leaveth all that
he hath, and then worketh with his
hands, that so he may have to eat,
For A hhats the Ofiiee is as ahove, ex
and withal to give alms. In this cept the following:
doth the Apostle boast himself, say
ing: “I have coveted no man’s Prayer.
silver, or gold, or apparel, as ye
yourselves know: for these bands LORD, we beseech Thee, that
have ministered unto my necessities, the prayers of Thy blessed
and to them that were with me. I Abbat N. (here insert his name) may
have showed you all things, how commend us unto Thee, and that
that so labouring ye ought to support what for our own worthiness we
the weak.” (Acts xx. 33, 34, 35.) cannot obtain, Thou mayest grant
us through his help. Through our
Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
Ninth Lesson.
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in
“ ROVIDE yourselves bags the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
which wax not old "—that God, world without end. Amen.
is to say, by almsgiving, the reward
thereof remaineth for ever. Never THIRD NOCTURN.
theless, we must not think here that
this commandment forbiddeth the Lessons from Matth. xix. 27, with the
Homily of St Yerome upon the same,
Saints to keep money for their own
use, and for helping of the poor. (a 471-)
The Lord Himself, to Whom Angels Other Lessons.
ministered, had a bag, and kept Seventh Lesson.
therein that which the faithful people
gave unto Him (John xii. 6,) to re The Lesson is taken from the Holy
lieve therewith the need of His Gospel according to Matthew (xi.
disciples, and other poor folk. But 25-)
we are commanded not to serve AT that' time JESUS answered
God for gain, nor to work unright and said: I thank Thee, 0
eousness for fear of poverty. Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because Thou hast hid these things
from the wise and prudent, and
If it should he that several Conflssors hast revealed them unto babes.
not Bishops are to he honoured by one And so on.
Feast, the Ofiiee is the same as thatjust
given, extent the following : Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
I. In the Common Prayer the words
“Thy blessed Confessor N." are altered
Hippo] (10th Sermon on the Words
into “Thy blessed Confessors N. and of the Lord.)
N.,” and the word “ his” into “ their.”
2. 1n the Sermon by St Yohn Chry “Come unto Me, all ye that la
sostom everything said in the Singular bour!” And wherefore labour we

all, but because we are frail, sickly, standeth what I say, and he
dying creatures, burdened with heareth. What is promised you is
earthen vessels which distress us? to see God, God, the True, God,
But if these fleshly vessels be dis the Supreme. Blessed is he who
tressful, let the open expanse of love seeth Him by Whom he is seen.
be free and wide. “Come unto Such as worship false gods see
Me, all ye that labour! ”—-and why? them easily, but they see them who
That we may labour no more. His have eyes and see not. But unto
promise is an instant promise, for us it is promised that we shall see
He calleth such as are labouring. that God Who liveth and seeth.
Perchance they will ask Him what (Gen. xvi. 14.)
shall be their reward? “And I,”
saith He, “will give you rest. Take Other Lessons.
My yoke upon you, and learn of
Me ”-—not how to make the world, Sevent/z Lesson.
not how to create all things visible The Lesson is taken from the Holy
and invisible, not to work wonders Gospel according to Matthew
in the earth, nor to raise the dead (xix. 27.)
—but—-—“ for I am meek and
lowly in heart.” T that time: Peter said unto
JESUS: Behold, we have for
Ezghth Lesson. saken all, and followed Thee: what
shall we have therefore? And so
WILT thou be great? Begin on.
by being little. Dost thou
think to raise up a lofty building? Homily by the Venerable Bede,
Then lay the foundations thereof Priest [at Jarrow and Doctor of the
in lowliness. The greater soever, Church] (For St Benedict’s Birth
and the more massy, be that which day.)
any man thinketh to build, so much
In the judgment to come, the
the deeper doth he dig his founda
elect will be in two classes. One
tion. And when the house is built,
class are they who have forsaken all,
it towereth heavenward; but he
and followed the Lord: and these
which layeth the foundation goeth
shall judge along with Him. The
down into the earth. The build
other class are they who have not
ing, therefore, is low before it is
equally forsaken all that they had,
high, and, after it is low, it riseth
but who have been careful daily to
high to the roof.
give alms of their goods to the poor
of Christ: these shall be the sub
Ninth Lesson.
jects of judgment, and these are
HAT is the roof of the house they who shall then hear these
on which we labour? Whither words: “Come, ye blessed of My
do its spires rise? I answer you at Father, inherit the kingdom pre
once; to the presence of God. You pared for you from the foundation
see how high it is, yea, what it is of the world: for I was an hun
to see God. He that will, under gered, and ye gave Me meat: I was
thirsty, and ye gave Me drink.” Ninth Lesson.
(Matth. xxv. 34, 35.) Nl) now that we have touched
for a moment, with fear and
Eighth Lesson.
just dread, upon these things, let us
F the reprobate also we gather, rather turn our hearing to the right
0 from the words of the Lord, joyful promises of our Lord and
that there will be two classes. One Saviour. Let us look what His so
class are they who, being made par great, beautiful, and fatherly love
takers in the mystery of Christian will give to such as follow Him;
faith, have neglected to show their not the reward of life everlasting
faith by their works: these are they only, but gifts exceeding precious
to whom it will be said at the judg in this life also. “Every one,”
ment: “ Depart from Me, ye cursed, saith He, “that hath forsaken
into everlasting fire, prepared for houses, or brethren, or sisters, or
the devil and his angels: for I was father, or mother, or wife, or chil
an-hungered, and ye gave Me no dren, or lands, for My Name’s sake,
meat.” (41.) The Other class are shall receive an hundredfold, and
they who either have never received shall inherit everlasting life.” For
the faith and mysteries of Christ, every one that shall forsake earthly
or who, having received, have apos affections and goods, to go and be
tatised, and abandoned it: and Christ’s disciple, the further be
touching these it is said: “But he goeth on in Christ’s love, the more
that believeth not is condemned al shall he find who will rejoice to
ready, because he hath not believed give him a place in their hearts,
in the name of the only-begotten and to minister to him of their
Son of God.” (John iii. 18.) substance.

UH. JFor ZBottors of the Qtburtb.

The Ofiee is that of a Bishop and will keep the sayings of the renowned
Confessor, or of a Confessor not 0 men, and where subtil parables are,
Bishop, (pp. 515 and 531) according as
the particular Doctor was a Bishop or he will be there also. He will seek
not, with the dzZfirences marked in those out the secrets of grave sentences,
two Ofiees, and the following. and be conversant in dark parables.
He will serve among great men, and
Lessons. appear before princes. He will
FIRST NOCTURN. travel through strange countries, for
he will try the good and the evil
First Lesson.
among men.
The Lesson is taken from the Book
of Ecclesiasticus (xxxix. I.) Second Lesson.

E that is wise will seek out the HE will give his heart to resort
wisdom of all the antient, early to the Lord that made
and be occupied in prophecies. He him, and will pray before the most

High. He will Open his mouth in of the Holy Church? When the
prayer, and make supplication for glorious constellation of the Martyrs
his sins. If the great Lord will, had set, and the light of the faith
He will fill him with the spirit of grew stronger, then appeared the
understanding, and he shall make constellation of the Doctors in the
the utterances of his wisdom to firmament of the Church, even in
distil as the rain, and shall give that spring-time when the winter of
thanks unto the Lord in his prayer. unbelief was past, and the Sun of
He shall direct his counsel and truth rose higher to shine on the
knowledge, and in His secrets hearts of His faithful ones. The
shall he meditate. storms of persecution were gone, and
the long nights of unbelief were
Third Lesson. over; then rose the Doctors to shine
on the Church, when the spring
E shall show forth that which time of belief promised her a
he hath learnt, and shall
brighter year.
glory in the law of the covenant of
the Lord. Many shall commend Fifth Lesson.
his understanding, and it shall not
be blotted out for ever. His me IT beseemeth well that the holy
morial shall not depart away, and Doctors be figured by Hyades,
his name shall live from generation for these stars are so styled from the
to generation. Nations shall show Greek word “hyetos,” and “hyetos ”
forth his wisdom, and the Church signifieth rain. The Hyades are
shall declare his praise. therefore named after rain, because
when they rise they undoubtedly
bring rain. Well, then, do we apply
the name of the Hyades to those
Fourth Lesson. who, when they rise to shine in the
The Lesson is taken from the Book firmament of the universal Church,
of Moral [Reflection]s on Job, make the rain of holy preaching to
written by Pope St Gregory [the fall upon the parched ground of
Great.] (Bk. ix. ch. vi.) man’s heart. For if the word of
preaching had not been as rain,
1 IN the Book of Job (ix. 9), it is then had Moses never said: “My
written that it is God “which doctrine shall drop as the rain,”
maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Hy (Deut. xxxii. 2,) nor had the Truth
ades.” Now if by the constellation said by Isaiah: “I will also com
Orion be mystically signified the mand the clouds that they rain no
spiritual constellation of the holy rain upon it,” (v. 6,) nor yet these
Martyrs, whom can we understand words which we have just quoted:
to be named after them under the “Therefore the rain-stars have been
title of the Hyades, but the Doctors withholden.” 2
1 The first and part of the second sentence is here inserted for the sake of the sense.
'-' Quamobrem prohibitae sunt stellae pluviarum. This would appear to have been a
copyist’s blunder in St Gregory’s Bible for “Quamobrem prohibitae sunt stillze pluviarum
——Therefore the rain-drops have been withholden.”—-Jer. iii. 3.
Sixth Lesson. either through lust for abundance
AT the same time that the Hy thereof, or through dread of lack of
ades come bringing rain, the the same, as to lose those things
sun daily riseth higher in the heavens: which are eternal, and which, as
thus do we, seeing the learning of men cannot give them, so likewise
the Doctors, and having our minds neither can they take them away.
saturated with the rain of preaching, If, therefore, the salt have lost his
grow warmer in faith. And when savour, wherewith shall it be salted?
the hot heavens shine fiery over her, This is as much as to say: Ye are
the wet earth tendeth to harvest: they by whom the stale mass of
thus do we, when the fire of holy mankind is to be sweetened; if ye,
learning burneth bright in our heart, therefore, through shrinking from
tend to bring forth the fruit of the trials of persecutions, which en
good works. When, day by day, dure but for a moment, do your
we learn more of the knowledge of selves cast away that kingdom which
heavenly things, a spring-time of is everlasting, who will there be to
inward light is opening within us, correct your backsliding, seeing that
a new Sun is irradiating our mind, ye be they, and none other, whom
and, as we know Him better by the God hath chosen to correct the
words of His Teachers, He doth backslidings of all others?
daily Himself shine the more therein.
As the end of the world groweth Eighth Lesson.
nearer, the knowledge of things
heavenly will grow greater, and con “ IT is thenceforth good for
tinue to develop with time. nothing, but to be cast out,
and to be trodden under foot of
men.” He that suffereth persecu
tion is not thus trodden under foot
Seventh Lesson. of men ; he that in good sooth is
The Lesson is taken from the Holy trodden under foot of men, is he
Gospel according to Matthew (v. which, through fear of persecution,
13-) hath lost his savour. No man can
be trodden upon, unless he be be
T that time: JEsus said unto neath him which treadeth upon him ;
His disciples: Ye are the but he cannot be beneath his tor
salt of the earth; but if the salt mentor, who, suffer he how grievously
have lost his savour, wherewith shall soever in his body upon earth, hath
it be salted? And so on. still his heart in heaven.
Homily by St Austin, Bishop
[of Hippo.] (Bh. i. on the Lord’s Ninth Lesson.
Sermon on the Mount, eh. vi.
tom. 4.) “ YE are the light of the world.”
They whom the Lord hath,
The Lord showeth how that such just above, called the salt of the
men are to be esteemed but fools as earth, the same doth He now call
do so run after things temporal, the light of the world. By the

earth, whereof they were said to How, then, can the Apostles be
be the salt, we have not understood called the salt of the earth? But
to be signified that earth whereupon the true meaning of these words
we walk with our bodily feet, but will be made plain, when we con
the men which dwell upon the earth, sider the duty of Apostles, and the
or sinners, for the sweetening and nature of salt itself. Now, salt is a
correction of whose stinking corrup compound of the elements of water
tion the Lord hath sent His Apostles, and fire, out of the which two things
as it were, as so much salt. And so in salt there is made one.
here also, by the world we are to
understand, not the heavens and the
Eighth Lesson.
earth, but the men which are in the
world, or which love the world for THIS thing, therefore, thus made
the enlightening of whom the Apos to serve in divers ways the
tles have been sent. use of men, doth keep from corrup
“A city that is set on an hill tion bodies whereon it is sprinkled,
cannot be hid”—that is, set upon and cloth readily yield to all the
the heights of the same plain and senses the perception of its inborn
great righteousness, whereof the savour. And thus are the Apostles,
mountain upon the which the Lord seeing that they are the preachers of
taught was itself a figure. the kingdom of heaven, and in a
certain sense the sowers of the
Another Homily for the Third seed Of life everlasting, since that
Noeturn. Word of God which they scatter
hath power to make this mortal
Seventh Lesson. put on immortality. Meetly then
are they called salt, the savour of
The Lesson is taken from the Holy whose teaching doth keep sweet
Gospel according to Matthew (v. the receiver thereof even unto
13-) life everlasting.
T that time: Jesus said unto
His disciples: Ye are the Ninth Lesson.
salt of the earth. But if the salt UT the nature of salt is to be
have lost his savour, wherewith shall ever the same, and unchang
it be salted? And so on. ing, and, on the other hand, the
Homily by St Hilary, Bishop [of nature of man hath this weakness,
Poitiers.] (Comment. on Matth. v.) to be changeable. He only is blessed
who hath continued even unto the
“Ye are the salt of the earth. end in all the works which God
But if the salt have lost his savour, hath commanded. Therefore doth
wherewith shall it be salted? It is the Lord warn them whom He
thenceforth good for nothing, but to calleth the salt of the earth, that
be cast out, and to be trodden under they are behoven to remain strong
foot of men.” There is, I take it, in that strength which He hath
no such thing as salt of the earth. given unto them, lest, becoming

themselves savourless, they should Eighth Lesson.

be impotent to season Others ; losing HESE words, “Ye are the salt
the freshness of their own saltness, of the earth,” show unto us
be unable to stop the corruption the whole nature of man as savour
round about them; and so the less and stinking with the strong
Church cast them out of her but corruption of sin. And therefore
tery, and they and those that they demandeth He of His Apostles such
should have salted, be together qualities as are most needful and
trodden under foot of such as useful to the furthering the salvation
enter in. of many. He that is gentle and
lowly, tender and just, shutteth not
A Third Homilyfor the Thz‘rd up all these good things in his own
Noeturn. heart, but openeth these bright foun
tains that they may gush forth for
Seventh Lesson. the use of his neighbour. He whose
heart is pure, and who seeketh peace,
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
suffering persecution for the truth’s
Gospel according to Matthew (v.
sake, doth still lead a life for the
I 3-) good of the commonwealth.
T that time: Jesus said unto
His disciples: Ye are the Ninth Lesson.
salt of the earth. But if the salt HINK not, saith the Lord,
have lost his savour, wherewith shall that the struggle is easy
it be salted? And so on. whereunto ye shall be led, neither
Homily by St john Chrysostom, shall your reckoning be of light
Patriarch [of Constantinople] (I 5th matters. Ye are the salt of the
on Matth.) earth. Have ye then salted that
which is corrupted? Nay, for it is
Consider how that the Lord saith : impossible that that which is once
“Ye are the salt of the earth,” by corrupted can be made sound again
the which figure He showeth what a by the rubbing it with salt. This
necessary of life is the Gospel. By it is not asked of them to do. But
this figure, He hath us to know that their work is to sprinkle with salt,
they unto whom He spake have an and to keep fresh thereafter, such
account to render, not of their things as the Lord hath given over
own life only, but for the whole into their charge, and which He
world. Not unto two cities, saith Himself hath made new, and freed
the Lord, nor unto ten, nor from all taint, before giving them.
unto twenty, nor unto one people, To make sound after the cor
as I sent the Prophets, send I you. ruption of sin, is the work of
But I send you unto every land and Christ’s power alone; to preserve
sea, even unto the whole world, lying from falling away again, is the
groaning, as it is, under the burden duty and the toil 'commanded to
of divers sins. the Apostles.

FIBRE. :D’ur dream of the Weasel! Virgin JlflarQA

All as on Sundays, except the fol Psalm CXXVI.
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees, of Solo
FIRST VESPERS. mon.” The LXX. omits the ascription to
Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayerfrom
ands. XCEPT the LORD build the
house, * they labour in vain
Ps. cix. The LORD said, &c., (p. that build it :
1 76.) Except the LORD keep the city,
Ps. cxii. Praise the LORD, 0 ye * the watchman waketh but in vain.
His servants, &c., (p. 178.) It is vain for you to rise up
early, * rise up when ye are
Psalm CXXI. rested, ye that eat the bread of
[Intituled “ A Song of Degrees, of David.”] For He giveth His beloved sleep.
I WAS glad when they said unto Lo, children are an heritage of the
me : * Let us go into the house LORD, * the fruit of the womb is His
of the LORD. reward.
Our feet have been wont to As arrows are in the hand of a
stand *‘ within thy gates, O Jerusa mighty man, * so are the children
lem! of the out-cast.
Jerusalem is builded as a city * Happy is the man that hath his
that is compact together: desire satisfied with them : * he shall
Whither the tribes go up, the not be ashamed when he speaketh
tribes of the LORD, * the testimony with his enemies in the gate.
of Israel, to give thanks unto the
name of the LORD. Psalm CXLVII.‘
For there are set thrones for judg [In the Hebrew this is the continuation
ment, * the thrones for the house of of the preceding Psalm. The Vulgate and
David. the LXX. prefix “Alleluia,” and the LXX.
adds “ of Haggai and Zechariah.”]
Pray for the peace of Jerusa
lem: * they shall prosper that love RAISE the LORD, 0 Jerusalem!
thee. * praise thy God, 0 Zion!
Peace be within thy walls, * and For He hath strengthened the
prosperity within thy palaces. bars of thy gates : * He hath blessed
For my brethren and companions’ thy children within thee:
sakes, * I will now say—Peace be ‘He maketh peace in thy borders:
within thee! * and filleth thee with the finest of
Because of the house of the LORD the wheat.
our God, * I will seek thy good. He sendeth forth His command
1 It is now usual to insert this Common Office into Breviaries, but it is placed last of
all, after the Office for the Consecration of Churches.
ment upon with: * His word run Still as on we journey,
neth very swiftly. Help our weak endeavour,
Till with thee and JESUS,
He giveth snow like wool: * He We rejoice for ever.
scattereth the boar-frost like ashes.
He casteth forth His ice like Through the highest heaven
morsels: * who can stand before To the Almighty Three,
His cold? Father, Son, and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.
He sendeth out His word, and
melteth them: * He causeth His Verse. Holy Virgin, my praise
wind to blow, and the waters flow. by thee accepted be.
He declareth His word unto Answer. Give me strength a
Jacob, *' His statutes and His gainst thine enemies.
judgments unto Israél.
He hath not dealt so with any Antiphon at the Song,7 of the
nation: *‘ neither hath He made Blessed Virgin. O Holy Mary, be
known to them His judgments. thou an help to the helpless, a
strength to the fearful, a comfort
[The Hebrew adds “Alleluia,” which to the sorrowful; * pray for the
the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to the
next Psalm] people, plead for the clergy, make
intercession for all women vowed
Hymn. 1 to God; may all that are keeping
AIL, thou “ Star-of-Ocean," 2 this thine holy Feast-day feel the
Portal of the sky, might of thine assistance.
Ever-Virgin Mother
Of the Lord Most High ! The words, “Are keeping this thine
holy Feast-day,” are very often altered
Oh, by Gabriel's AVE on the dzferent Festi'z/als, which alter
Uttered long ago, ations will be found in their own
EVA’s name reversing,s places.
’Stablish peace below ! At Compline the last 'verse of the
Hymn is altered in honour of the ln
Break the captive’s fetters— carnation.
Light on blindness pour—
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore—
[noitatory Holy Virgin Mary,
Show thyself a Mother— * Mother of God, pray for us.
Offer Him our sighs,
Who, for us Incarnate, Hymn.4
Did not thee despise.
THE God Whom earth, and sea, and
Virgin of all virgins ! sky
To thy shelter take us— Adore, and laud, and magnify,
Gentlest of the gentle ! Who o’er their threefold fabric reigns,
Chaste and gentle make us. The Virgin's spotless womb contains.
1 Authorship and date unsettled ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.
2 Apparently meant for a translation of MRYM. See note in the Office of her name,
between September 8 and September 9.
3 Le., Eva, written backwards, reads Ave (Hail). This quaint conceit is clearer in the
translation than in the Latin.
4 From an hymn ascribed to Venantius Fortunatus; translation by the late Rev. Dr Neale.

The God, Whose will by moon and sun, and the stars which Thou hast 0r
And all things in due course is done, dained:
Is borne upon a maiden’s breast,
By fullest heavenly grace possessed. What is man, that Thou art mind
ful of him? * or the son of man,
How blest that Mother in whose shrine that Thou visitest him?
That great Artificer Divine, Thou hast made him a little lower
Whose hand contains the earth and
sky than the angels, Thou hast crowned
Vouchsafed, as in His ark, to lie 1 him with glory and honour, * and
madest him to have dominion over
Blest, in the message Gabriel brought ; the works of Thine hands.
Blest, by the work the Spirit wrought ;
From whom the great Desire of earth Thou hast put all things under
Took human Flesh and human birth. his feet, * all sheep and oxen, yea,
and the beasts of the field.
All honour, laud, and glory be, The fowl of the air, and the fish
0 JESU, Virgin-born, to Thee!
All glory, as is ever meet, of the sea, * that pass through the
To Father and to Paraclete. Amen. paths of the sea.
0 LORD, our Lord, * how excel
FIRST NOCTURN. lent is Thy Name in all the earth !

Only three Psalms are said. Seeond Antiphon. 30 Holy M0

ther of God, * thou hast yielded a
First Antiphon. 1Blessed art pleasant odour like the best myrrh.
thou among women, * and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb. Psalm XVI I I.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David," with the
Psalm VIII. same further obscure superscription, as in
I’ss. xii. and xiii.]
[Intituled “A Psalm of David.” It has
also a title which seems to show that it was THE heavens declare the glory
a song for the vintage]
of God, * and the firmament
LORD, our Lord, * how ex showeth His handy-work.
cellent is Thy Name in all Day unto day uttereth speech,
the earth! * and night unto night showeth
For Thy glory is exalted * above knowledge.
the heavens. There is no speech nor language,
20m of the mouth of babes and * where their voice is not heard.
sucklings hast Thou perfected praise Their sound is gone out through
because of Thine enemies, * that all the earth: * and their words to
Thou mightest destroy the enemy the ends of the world.
and the avenger. He hath set His tabernacle in the
When Iconsider Thine heavens, sun :4 * which is as a bridegroom
the work of Thy fingers : * the moon coming out of his chamber.
1 Luke i. 42.
2 This verse was quoted by our Lord, concerning those who cried Hosannah on Palm
Sunday, Matthew xxi. I6. “ Ecclus. xxiv. 20.
" So the LXX., as well as the Vulgate. Cf. Ps. cii. 19; ciii. 2, 3. The sense seems to
be that the physical source of the light and life of this system is represented as a kind or
celestial counterpart of the tabernacle, which was the centre of the Divine authority as
He rejoiceth as a strong man to again and again before this maiden’s
run a race : * his going forth is from bed * the tender idylls of the play.
the end of the heaven.
And his circuit unto the ends of Psalm XXIII.
it: * and there is nothing hid from [Intituled “A Psalm of David.” The
the heat thereof. Vulgate and the LXX. add “for the first
The law of the LORD is perfect, day of the week."]
converting the soul: * the testimony HE earth is the LORD’s and
of the LORD is sure, making wise the the fulness thereof; * the
simple. world, and they that dwell therein.
The statutes of the LORD are For He hath founded it upon the
right, rejoicing the heart: * the seas, * and established it upon the
commandment of the LORD is clear,
giving light unto the eyes. Who shall ascend into the moun
The fear of the LORD is holy, tain of the LORD? * or who shall
enduring for ever and ever: * the stand in His holy place?
judgments of the LORD are true, He that hath clean hands and a
righteous altogether. pure heart, * who hath not lifted
More to be desired are they than up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn
gold and store of precious stones, deceitfully unto his neighbour.
* sweeter also than honey and the He shall receive a blessing from
honeycomb. the LORD, * and mercy from the
Verily, Thy servant keepeth them: God of his salvation.
* in keeping of them there is great This is the generation of them
reward. that seek Him, * that seek the
Who can understand his errors? face of the God of Jacob.1
Cleanse Thou me from secret faults: Lift up your gates, 0 ye princes,
* preserve Thy servant also from and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
the sins of others. doors! * and'the King of glory
If they get not dominion over me, shall come in.
then shall I be undefiled: * and Who is this King of glory? *
I shall be cleansed from the great The LORD strong and mighty, the
transgression. LORD mighty in battle.
Let the words of my mouth, Lift up your gates, O ye princes,
and the meditation of mine heart, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting
* be acceptable in Thy sight for doors! * and the King of glory
ever, shall come in.
0 LORD mine Helper, * and my Who is this King of glory? *
Redeemer! The LORD of hosts, He is the
Third Antiphon. Sing for us King of glory.1
revealed upon earth. The Hebrew, however, which is supported by St Jerome, reads,
“ In them (z'.e., the starry heavens) hath He set a. tabernacle for the sun,” and this reading
seems to commend itself to Archbishop Kenrick, who suggests that the “tabernacle ” may
signify the region below the horizon, into which the sun retires nightly, as into a tent, to
:sleep, and from which he issues in renewed glory every morning. Targum :—“ In them
.hath He set splendour as a tabernacle for the sun.”
' 1 SLH.

Verse. In thy comeliness and the midst of the paths ofjudgment;

thy beauty. that I may cause those that love
Answer.’ Go forward, fare pros me to inherit substance, and that I
perously, and reign. may fill their treasures. The LORD
possessed me in the beginning of
First Lesson. His ways, before His works of old.
I was set up from everlasting, or
The Lesson is taken from the Pro ever the earth was. When there
verbs of Solomon (viii. 12.) were no depths, I was already con
I WISDOM, dwell with prudence, ceived ; when there were no foun
’ and find out knowledge of tains abounding with water, before
witty inventions. The fear of the the mountains were settled in their
LORD is to hate evil 3 pride, and strength, before the hills, was I
arrogancy, and the evil way, and the brought forth.
double mouth, do I hate. Counsel
is mine, and sound wisdom ,' under Second Responsory.
standing is mine; mine is strength. Rejoice with me, all ye that love
By me kings reign and princes the Lord, for while I was yet a little
decree justice. By me princes rule, one, I pleased the Most High.
and nobles command righteousness. And I have brought forth from my
I love them that love me, and those bowels God and man.
that seek me early shall find me. Verse. 1All generations shall
call me blessed, since the Lord
First Responsory. hath regarded the lowliness of His
0 how holy and how spotless Answer. And I have brought
is thy virginity! I am too dull forth from my bowels God and
to praise thee; for thou hast man.
borne in thy breast Him Whom Third Lesson. (34.)
the heavens cannot contain.
Verse. Blessed art thou among LESSED is the man that hear
women, and blessed is the fruit of eth me, watching daily at my
thy womb. gates, and waiting at the posts of
Answer. For thou hast borne in my doors. Whoso findeth me find
thy breast Him Whom the heavens eth life, and shall obtain salvation
cannot contain. from the LORD ,' but he that sinneth
against me wrongeth his own soul.
All they that hate me love death.
Second Lesson.
(ix. 1.) Wisdom hath builded her
ICHES and honour are with house ; she hath hewn out her seven
me, yea, durable riches and pillars. She hath killed her beasts;
righteousness. My fruit is better she hath mingled her wine: she
than gold and precious stones, and hath also furnished her table. She
my revenue than choice silver. I hath sent forth her maidens unto
walk in the way of righteousness, in the citadel, and unto the walls of
1 Luke i. 48.
the city, to cry out: Whoso is My tongue is the pen * of a ready
simple, let him come unto me. writer.
And unto them that want under Thou art fairer than the children
standing, she saith: Come, eat of of men, grace is poured into thy lips:
my bread, and drink of the wine * therefore God hath blessed thee
which I have mingled. for ever.
Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, *
Third Responsory. 0 most mighty!
In thy comeliness, and thy beauty,
Blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Mary, * go forward, fare prosperously, and
who hast carried the Lord, the reign,
Maker of the world. Thou hast Because of truth, and meekness,
borne Him Who created thee, and and righteousness: * and thy right
thou abidest a virgin for ever. hand shall lead thee wonderfully.
Verse. Hail, Mary, full of grace. Thine arrows are sharp—(the
The 'Lord is with thee. people shall fall under thee)—* into
Answer. Thou hast borne Him the heart of the King’s enemies.
Who created thee, and thou abidest lThy throne, O God, is for ever
a virgin for ever. and ever: * the sceptre of Thy
Verse. Glory be to the Father, kingdom is a right sceptre.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Thou hast loved righteousness,
Ghost. and hated iniquity: * therefore,
Answer. Thou hast borne Him God, thy God, hath anointed thee
Who created thee, and thou abidest with the oil of gladness above thy
a virgin for ever. fellows.
Thy garments smell of myrrh, and
SECOND NOCTURN. aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory
palaces, * whereby kings’ daughters
first Antiphon. In thy comeli among thine honourable women have
ness and thy beauty, * go forward, made thee glad.
fare prosperously, and reign. Upon thy right hand did stand
the queen in a vesture of gold, *
Psalm XLIV. bedecked with divers colours.
Hearken, 0 daughter, and con
[This Psalm has a long superscription, the sider, and incline thine ear: * for
exact meaning of which is not now certain.
It seems to have been a marriage-song writ get also thine own people, and thy
ten to be sung by the Korahites. The Tar father’s house.
gum ascribes it to the time of Moses, but it And the King shall greatly de
seems rather to belong to that of the Jewish
Monarchy.] sire thy beauty: * for He is the
Lord thy God,2 and Him shall they
MINE heart is overflowing with worship.
a good matter: * I speak of And the daughters of Tyre shall
my works unto the king. entreat thy favour * with gifts,
1 So are these words translated in Heb. i. 8, 9.
2 The word “God” is not in the Hebrew, and the original meaning, addressed to the
bride, is, “ He is thy lord, and bow thou to him." So also St Jerome.

even all the rich among the [There is] a river, the streams
people. whereof make glad the city of God :
The King’s daughter is all glo * the Most High hath hallowed His
rious within, * in a vesture of gold, Tabernacle.
clad in divers colours. God is in the midst of her, she
After her shall virgins be brought shall not bemoved: ~* God shall
unto the king: * her fellows shall help her right early.
be brought unto thee. The heathen raged, and the king
With gladness and rejoicing shall doms were moved: * He uttered
they be brought: *‘ they shall enter His voice, the earth melted.
into the King’s palace. The LORD of hosts is with
Instead of thy fathers shall be us: * the God of jacob is our
thy children: * thou shalt make refuge.1
them princes over all the earth. Come and behold the works of
They shall be mindful of thy the LORD, what wonders He hath
name, * unto all generations. wrought in the earth; * He maketh
Therefore shall the people praise wars to cease unto the end of the
thee for ever, * yea, for ever and ever. earth.
He breaketh the bow and cut
Seeond Antiphon. God shall give teth the weapons in sunder: * and
her the help of His countenance; burneth the shields in the fire.
* God is in the midst of her, she Be still, and know that I am
shall not be moved. God: * I will be exalted among
the heathen, and I will be exalted
Psalm XLV. in the earth. '
[This Psalm has a superscription of un
The LORD of hosts is with
certain meaning, but of which part seems us: * the God of Jacob is our
to imply that it was to be sung by treble refuge.1
voices, from the choir of the Korahite
family. And the Targum ascribes it, but Third Antiphon. O Holy MO
apparently by a mere guess, to the time when ther of God: * all we who dwell
Korah and his fellow-rebels were destroyed
by an earthquake in the wilderness, but in thee are in gladness.
“the children of Korah died not " (Num.
xxvi. IO, 11).] Psalm LXXXVI.
GOD is our refuge and strength, [Intituled “A Psalm. A Song of the
* our help in trouble, which sons of Korah." The Targum adds that it
was based upon words of the ancients,
is come upon us exceedingly. perhaps meaning that the two first verses
Therefore will we not fear, though before the SLH were an ancient saying to
which the rest was a later addition.]
the earth be removed, * and though
the mountains be carried into the HER foundation is in the holy
midst of the sea; mountains: the LORD lov
Though the waters thereof roar eth the gates of Zion more than all
and be troubled ; * though the the dwellings of Jacob!
mountains shake with the swelling Glorious things are spoken of
thereof 1 thee, * 0 city of God!1
1 SLH.
I will make mention of Rahab1 the Mother of the Lord. She will
and Babylon * that know me. keep for you by her protection your
Behold the “Strangers,”2 and most beautiful, your most precious,
Tyre, and the people of Ethiopia, * and your most enduring possession.
these were there—
And of Zion shall it not be said: Four”: Responsory.
This and that man was born in her,
* and the Highest Himself hath “I was exalted like a cedar in
established her?3 Lebanon, and as a cypress-tree
The LORD shall make count, upon Mount Zion. Like the best
when He writeth up the people [and myrrh I yielded a pleasant odour.
the princes,]4 * of all that are in Verse. Like cinnamon and sweet
her.5 balsam.
All they that dwell in thee * are Answer. I yielded a pleasant
in gladness. ,odoun
Fifth Lesson.
Verse. God shall give her the
help of His countenance. ERILY, dearly beloved bre
Answer. God is in the midst of thren, the Blessed Virgin
her, she shall not be moved. Mary was a great wonder. What
thing greater or more famous than
she, hath ever at any time been
Fourt/z Lesson. found, or can be found? She alone
The Lesson is taken from the Ser is greater than heaven and earth.
mons of St John Chrysostom, What thing holier than she hath
Patriarch [of Constantinople] been, or can be found? Neither
(Fauna’ in illetap/zrastes.) Prophets, nor Apostles, nor Martyrs,
nor Patriarchs, nor Angels, nor
HE Son of God chose for His Thrones, nor Lordships, nor Sera
Mother not a woman of phim, nor Cherubim, nor any other
wealth, not a woman of substance, creature, visible or invisible, can be
but that blessed maiden whose soul found that is greater or more ex
was bright with grace. It was be cellent than she. She is at once the
cause Blessed Mary had preserved a hand-maid and the parent of God,
superhuman chastity, that she con at once virgin and mother.
ceived the Lord Jesus Christ in her
womb. Let us then fly to the most
Fzft/L Responsory.
holy maiden, who is Mother of God,
that we may gain the help of her 7Who is this that cometh up like
patronage. Yea, all ‘ye that be the sun? This, comely as jerusa
virgins, whosoever ye be, run to lem? The daughters of Zion saw
1 That is “the Insolent One," namely, Egypt. 2 1.2., the Philistines.
3 Is the meaning that Jerusalem shall be illustrious as-the birth-place of all kinds of
distinguished persons? The Targum, curiously enough, says that the persons meant are
David and Solomon, whereas David is a native of Bethlehem.
‘ Displa'ced from the beginning of the next verse.
5 SLH. 8 [.e., Wisdom. Ecclus. xxiv. 17, 20.
7 Cam. viii. 5; vi. IO, 4, 8.

her, and called her blessed; the jewels, He greatly desired her
queens also, and they praised her. beauty; and when the daughters
Verse. 1And about her it was of Zion saw her, they cried out
as the flower of roses inv the that she was most blessed, saying:
spring Of the year, and lilies Of Thy name is as ointment poured
the valleys. 'forth.
Answer. The daughters of Zion Verse. Upon thy right hand
saw her and called her blessed; did stand the Queen in a vesture
the queens also, and they praised of gold wrought about with divers
her. colours.
Answer. And when the daugh
Sixth Lesson.
ters of Zion saw her, they cried
HE is the Mother of Him Who out that she was most blessed.
was begotten of the Father Verse. Glory be to the Father,
before all ages, and Who is acknow and to the Son, and to the Holy
ledged by Angels and men to be Ghost.
Lord of all. Wouldst thou know Answer. Saying, Thy name is as
how much nobler is this virgin than ointment poured forth.
any of the heavenly powers ? They
stand before Him with fear 'and THIRD NOCTURN.
trembling, veiling their faces with
their wings, but she ofl'ereth human first Antiphon. Joy to thee, *
ity to Him to Whom she gave birth. O Virgin Mary, thou hast trampled
Through her we obtain the remis down all the heresies in the whole
sion of sins. Hail, then, 0 Mother! world.
heaven! damsel! maiden! throne!
Psalm XCV.
adornment, and glory, and found
ation, of our Church! cease not to [In I Par. (Chron.) xvi. it is stated that
David gave this Psalm to Asaph and his
pray for us to thy Son and our brethren upon the day that the ark was
Lord Jesus Christ! that through brought to Jerusalem. The text is there
thee we may find mercy in the day given somewhat differently, and the whole
forms the second part of one Psalm, of
of judgment, and may be able to which the first part consists of the first
obtain these good things which God fifteen verses of Ps. civ. The Vulgate and
hath prepared for them that love the LXX. note that it was sung at the
rebuilding of the Temple after the Cap
Him, by the grace and goodness of tivity.]
our Lord jesus Christ; to Whom,
with the Father, and the Holy SING unto the LORD a new
Ghost, be ascribed all glory, and song: sing unto the LORD,
honour, and power, now, and for all the earth.
ever and ever. Amen. Sing unto the LORD, and bless
His Name: * show forth His sal
vation from day to day.
Sixth Responsory-I.
Declare His glory among the
When the Lord beheld the daugh heathen, * His wonders among all
ter of Jerusalem adorned with her people.
1 Ecclus. l. 8.
, For the LORD is great, and greatly Psalm XCVI.
to be praised: * He is to be feared [The Vulgate and the LXX. have the
above all gods. superscription “[A Psalm] of David when
For all the gods of the heathen his country was re - established " — per
are devils: * but the LORD made haps meaning after the usurpation of Ab
the heavens.
Praise and beauty are before THE LORD reigneth; let the
Him: * holiness and majesty are earth rejoice: * let the mul
in His sanctuary. titude of isles be glad thereof.
Give unto the LORD, 0 ye kin Clouds and darkness are round
dreds of the people, give unto the about Him: * righteousness and
LORD glory and honour: * give judgment are the foundation of
unto the LORD the glory due unto His throne.
His name. A fire shall go before Him, * and
Bring sacrifices, and come into burn up His enemies round about.
His courts: 1* O worship the LORD His lightnings enlightened the
in His holy temple! world: * the earth saw and trem
Let all the earth fear before bled.
Him. * Say among the heathen, The hills melted like wax at
The LORD reigneth! the presence of the LORD, * at
He hath established the world the presence of the Lord of the
also, that it shall not be moved: whole earth.
* He shall judge the people right The heavens declared His right
eously. - eousness, 1* and all the people
Let the heavens rejoice, and let saw His glory.
the earth be glad, let the sea roar, Confounded be all they that
and the fulness thereof: * let the worship graven images, * and that
fields be joyful and all that is boast themselves of idols.
therein. Worship Him, all ye His An
Then shall all the trees of the gels! * Zion heard, and was glad.
wood rejoice before the LORD, for And the daughters of Judah
He cometh, * for He cometh to rejoiced, * because of thy judg
judge the earth. ments, 0 LORD!
He shall judge the world with For thou, LORD, art high above
righteousness: * and the people all the earth: Thou art exalted
with His truth.1 far above all gods.
Ye that love the LORD, hate
Seeona’ Antz'phon. Holy Virgin, evil: * the Lord preserveth the
my praise by thee accepted be; * souls of His saints; He deliver
give me strength against thine eth them out of the hand of the
enemies. wicked.
1 In I Par. (Chron.) xvi. the Psalm continues :—“0 give thanks unto the LORD, for
He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. And say ye: Save us, 0 God of our
salvation, and gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, that we may give
thanks to Thy holy Name, and glory in Thy praise. Blessed be the LORD God of ‘ Israel_
for ever and ever. And all the people said : ‘ Amen’ and praised the LORD "—possrbly in
Ps. cxxxv.

Light is sprung up for the Let the floods clap their hands,
righteous, * and gladness for the let the hills be joyful together be
upright in heart. fore the LORD. * For He cometh
Rejoice in the LORD, ye right to judge the earth:
eous, * and give thanks to the With righteousness shall He judge
memorial of His holiness! the world, * and the people with
Third Antiphon during most of Verse. God hath chosen her and
the year. After thy delivery thou fore-chosen her.
still remainest a virgin * undefiled ; Answer. He hath made her to
Mother of God, pray for us. dwell in His tabernacle.
Third Antiphon, during Advent.
The angel of the Lord announced Seventh Lesson.
unto Mary, * and she conceived
of the Holy Ghost. The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Luke (xi.
_ Psalm XCVI I.
[Intituled “ A Psalm." The Vulgate and AT that time: as Jesus spake
the LXX. ascribe it to David.] unto the multitudes, a cer
tain woman of the company lifted
SING unto the LORD a new
up her voice and said unto Him:
song: * for He hath done
Blessed is the womb that bare
marvellous things.
Thee. And so on.
His right hand, and His holy arm,
* hath gotten Him the victory. Homily by the Venerable Bede,
The LORD hath made known His Priest [at Jarrow and Doctor of
salvation: * His righteousness hath the Church] (Bk. iv. ch. 49 on
He openly showed in the sight of Luke xi.)
the heathen.
He hath remembered His mercy, It is plain that this was a woman
*' and His truth towards the house of great earnestness and faith.
of Israel. The Scribes and Pharisees were
All the ends of the earth have at once tempting and blaspheming
seen "' the salvation of our God. the Lord, but this woman so clearly
Make a joyful noise unto the grasped His Incarnation, and so
LORD, all the earth, * make a bravely confessed the same, that she
loud noise and rejoice, and sing confounded both the lies of the
praise. great men who were present, and
Sing unto the LORD with the the faithlessness of the heretics who
harp, with the harp and the voice were yet to come. Even as the
of a psalm. * With trumpets and Jews then, blaspheming the works
sound of cornet, of the Holy Ghost, denied the very
Make a joyful noise before the Son of God Who is of one sub
LORD, the King. * Let the sea stance with the Father, so after
roar, and the fulness thereof, the wards did the heretics, by denying
world and they that dwell therein. that Mary always a Virgin did,

under the operation of the Holy His Son, made of a woman, made
Ghost, supply flesh to the Only under the law,” (Gal. iv. 4,) and
begotten One of God, when He they are not to be listened to who
was about being born in an human read this passage: “Born of a
Body, even so, I say, did the her woman, made under the law.” He
etics deny that the Son of Man was made of a woman, for He
should be called a true Son, Who was conceived in a Virgin’s womb,
is of one substance1 with His and took His Flesh, not from no
Mother. thing, not from elsewhere, but from
the flesh of His Mother. Other
Seventh Responsory. wise, and if He had not been
sprung of a woman, He could not
O Holy Virgin Mary, happy in
with truth be called the Son of
deed art thou, and right worthy
man. Let us therefore, denying
of all praise, for out of thee rose
the doctrine of Eutyches, lift up
the Sun of righteousness, even
our voice, along with the Uni—
Christ our God.
versal Church, whereof that woman
Verse. Pray for the people,
was a figure, let us lift up our
plead for the clergy, make inter
heart as well as our voice from the
cession for all women vowed to
company, and say unto the Saviour:
God. May all that are keeping
“Blessed is the womb that bare
this thine holy Feast-day feel the
Thee, and the paps which Thou
might of thine assistance.
hast sucked!” Blessed Mother! of
Answer. For out of thee rose
whom one8 hath said:
the Sun of righteousness, even
Christ our God. Thou art His Mother Who reigns o’er
earth and o'er heaven for ever.
Eighth Blessing.
Eighth Responsory.
She whose feast-day we are keep
ing— All generations shall call me
Mary, blessed Maid of maidens, blessed. For He That is Mighty,
Be our advocate with God. even the Lord, hath done to me
great things; and Holy is His
Eighth Lesson.
Verse. And His mercy is on
UT if we shall say that the them that fear Him, from gener
Flesh, Wherewith the Son of ation to generation.
God was born in the flesh, .was Answer. He That is Mighty,
something outside2 of the flesh of even the Lord, hath done to me
the Virgin His Mother, without great things, and Holy is His
reason should we bless the womb Name.
that bare Him, and the paps Verse. Glory be to the Father,
which He hath sucked. But the and to the Son, and to the Holy
Apostle saith: “God sent forth Ghost.
1 Verum consubstantialemque matri filium. 7‘ Extranea.
3 The poet Sedulius—an Irishman, of the fifth century.

Answer. He That is Mighty, hath loved me, and brought me

even the Lord, hath done to me into his chamber.
great things, and Holy is His Fourth Antiphon. 3Lo! the win
Name. ter is past, * the rain is over and
gone. Rise up, my love, and come
[Vinth Lesson.
“ YEA, rather, blessed are they Fifth Antiphon. O Holy Mother
that hear the Word of God of God! thou art become beautiful *
and keep it.” How nobly doth and gentle in thy gladness.
the Saviour say “Yea” to the
woman’s blessing, declaring also Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. r4.)
that not only is she blessed who
4 I WAS created from the begin
was meet to give bodily birth to
ning, before the world; and
the Word of God, but that all they
I shall never fail. In the holy taber
who spiritually conceive the same
nacle I served before him.
Word by the hearing of faith, and,
by keeping it through good works,
bring it forth and, as it were, care
fully nurse it, in their own hearts, O GLORIOUS Virgin, ever blest,
and in the hearts of their neigh All daughters of mankind above,
Who gavest nurture from thy breast
bours, are also blessed. Yea, and To God, with pure maternal love.
that the very Mother of God her
self was blessed in being for a while What we had lost through sinful Eve
The Blossom sprung from thee re
the handmaid of the Word of God stores,
made Flesh, but that she was much And, granting bliss to souls that grieve,
more blessed in this, that through Unbars the everlasting doors.
her i love she keepeth Him for
0 Gate, through which hath passed the
ever. King !
0 Hall, whence light shone through
The Hymn, “ We praise Thee, O the gloom !
God, &c.,” is said. The ransomed nations praise and sing
The Offspring of thy virgin womb.
LAUDS. Praise from mankind and heaven’s host,
To JESUS ofa Virgin sprung,
First Antiphon. While the King To Father and to Holy Ghost,
sitteth at his table, * my spikenard Be equal glory ever sung. Amen.
sendeth forth the smell thereof.
Verse. Grace is poured into thy
Seeona' Antiphon. 1 His left hand
is under my head, * and his right Answer. Therefore God hath
hand doth embrace me. blessed thee for ever.
Third Antiphon. 2I am black
but comely, * 0 ye daughters of Antiphon at the Song of Zaeha
Jerusalem. Therefore the King rias. 60 Mary! Blessed art thou
I Cant. ii. 6. 2 Cant. i. 5, 4. 3 Cant. ii. rr, ro.
‘ The speaker in these Little Chapters is Wisdom.
‘ From the hymn beginning “The God Whom earth,” &c., ascribed to Venantius
Fortunatus; translation by the Rev. Dr. Littledale. ‘ Luke i. 45.
that hast believed, ‘1‘ for there shall TERCE.
be a performance of those things
The last verse of the Hymn is altered
which were told thee from the in honour of the Incarnation.
Lord. Alleluia.
Antiphon. His left hand, &c.,
(Setond Antiphon at Lands.)
Prayer throughout the Ofiite, if there
be none speeial. Chapterfrom Lauds.

GRANT, we beseech Thee, O

Short Responsory.
Lord God, unto all Thy ser
vants, that they may remain con In thy comeliness and in thy
tinually in the enjoyment of sound beauty.
ness both of mind and body, and Answer. In thy comeliness and
by the glorious intercession of the in thy beauty.
Blessed Mary, always a Virgin, may Verse. Go forward, fare prosper
be delivered from present sadness, ously, and reign.
and enter into the joy of Thine Answer. In thy beauty.
eternal gladness. Through our Lord Verse. Glory be to the Father,
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and to the Son, and to the Holy
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity Ghost.
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world Answer. In thy comeliness and
without end. Amen. in thy beauty.
Verse. God shall help her with
His countenance.
PRIME. Answer. God is in the midst of
her, she shall not be moved.
The last verse of the Hymn is altered
in honour of the Incarnation. Prayerfrom Lauds.

Antiphon. While the King, &c., SEXT.

(First Antzjohon at Lauds.)
The last verse of the Hymn is altered
in honour of the Inearnation.
In the Short Responsory instead of
the Verse, “Thou that sittestl &c.,” is Antiphon. I am black, &c.,
said . (Third Antiphon at Lands.)
Verse. Thou that wast born of
the Virgin Mary. Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 15.)
ND so I was established in
Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. xxiv. [9.) Zion, and likewise in the
holy city was I given to rest, and
IN the broad ways I gave a sweet in Jerusalem was my power. And
smell like cinnamon and aro I took root among the honourable
matic balm; I yielded a pleasant people,1 even in the portion of my
Odour like the best myrrh. God as His own inheritance, and
1 I.e., the Jews.
VOL. I. T2

mine abiding was in the full as Answer. God hath chosen her,
sembly of the Saints. and fore-chosen her.
Verse. Grace is poured into thy
Short Responsory.
Answer. Therefore God hath
God shall help her with His blessed thee for ever.
Answer. God shall help her Prayerfrom Lands.
with His countenance. '
Verse. God is in the midst of
her, she shall not be moved.
Answer. With His counten The same as the First, except thefol
ance. lowing:
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Verse. Holy Virgin, my praise
Ghost. by thee accepted be.
Answer. God shall help her Answer. Give me strength against
with His countenance. thine enemies.
Verse. God hath chosen her,
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
and fore-chosen her.
Virgin. All generations shall call
Answer. He hath made her to
me blessed, * for God hath regarded
dwell in His tabernacle.
the lowliness of His hand-maiden.
Prayer from Lands.
At Compline the last verse of the
Hymn is altered in honour of the
NONE. Incarnation.
The last verse of the Hymn is altered
in honour of the Incarnation.
Antiphon. O Holy Mother, &c., Note. The above-mentioned altera
tions of the last verses of the Hymns
(Fzfih Antiphon at Lands.) at Compline, Prime, Terce, Sext, None,
Chapterfrom the end of Prime. and Compline, and in the Verse in the
Short Responsory at Prime, are made
every day within the Octaves of the
Short Responsory. Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, and that
even when the Ofice of the day is not
God hath chosen her, and fore of her.
chosen her.
Answer. God hath chosen her,
and fore-chosen her.
Here follows in the original the Ofice
Verse. He hath made her to of the Blessed Virgin as a Simple for
dwell in His tabernacle. Saturdays, but it is here omitted, as
Answer. And fore-chosen her. upon all Saturdays upon which it could
Verse. Glory be to the Father, occur the Votive Ofiice of the Immacu
late Conception is obligatory in Eng
and to the Son, and to the Holy land upon all persons bound to the
Ghost. recitation of the Divine Ofice.

11x. jar virgins,

Whether one or many, Martyr or not Martyr.

All as on Sundays, except the fol [dyinnfi1

The Psalms are the same as in the I
Ofice for Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, CHILD of the Virgin, Maker of Thy
except the Third Psalm of the Second Mother,
Nocturn, which is Psalm XL VII., Virgin-engendered, of the Virgin Son,
“ Great is the Lord, &c.,” (p. 98). Virgin is she of whom we sing another
Victory won.
If the Saint he not a Martyr the 2nd
Antiphons, Chapter, Hymn, and and 3rd verses are omitted.
Prayer from Lands.

For One Virgin. Double the palm of triumph which she

Verse. 1In thy comeliness and Strove she to vanquish woman’s fear
thy beauty. of death:
Answer. G0 forward, fare pros Quelled now the hand of death and hell
perously, and reign. appeareth
Her feet beneath.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. Come, Bride of Christ, and 3.
Death won no conquest, nor the thou
take the everlasting crown ’1‘ which sand terrors,
the Lord hath prepared for thee. Kindred of death—fierce torments
bravely borne :
For Many Virgins. Gave she her blood: that blood the
radiance mirrors
Verse. 2After her shall virgins Of life’s new morn.
be brought unto the King.
Answer. Her fellows shall be 4.
When she pleads for us, at her sweet
brought unto thee.
That we may sing with conscience
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed pure of sin,
Virgin. 3Trim your lamps, 0 ye From debt of guilt 0 grant us Thy re
wise virgins! 1" Behold the Bride mission
groom cometh! Go ye out to meet And peace within.
Him !
MATTINS. Glory to Thee, 0 Father, Son, and
The Lord He is the Spirit,
. . . ,, 0 come! Glory co-equal on the throne on high,
Kmg Of the_ V118!“ Equal in power, in unity of merit,
let us worshlp Him! Eternally, Amen.
1 Ps. xliv. 5, 6. 2 Ps. xliv. 15. 3 Matth. xxv. 6, 7.
1 Author unknown, hymn somewhat altered ; translation by the Rev. G. Moultrie.

FIRST NOCTURN. ren: The time is short—it remain

eth that both they that have wives
First Antiphon. 10 how lovely be as though they had none; and
and glorious * is the generation of they that weep, as though they wept
the chaste! not ; and they that rejoice, as though
Second Anlz'plzon. Sing for us
they rejoiced not; and they that
again and again before this maiden’s
buy, as though they possessed not;
bed * the tender idylls of the play.2 and they that use this world, as not
Tlzz'rd A ntz'plzan. 3Return, return,
abusing it. For the fashion of this
0 Shulammith! * Return, return,
world passeth away.
that we may look upon thee.
Verse. In thy comeliness and First Responsary for a Virgin and
thy beauty— Marzfyr.
Anszver. Go forward, fare pros Come, Bride of Christ, and
perously, and reign. take the everlasting crown, which
the Lord hath prepared for thee,
First Lesson. even for thee who for the love of
Him hast shed thy blood, and art
The Lesson is taken from the First entered with Angels into His gar
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle den.4
Paul to the Corinthians (vii. 25.) Verse. Come, 0 My chosen one,
CONCERNING virgins I have and I will establish My throne in
no commandment of the Lord: thee, for the King hath greatly
yet I give my judgment, as one that desired thy beauty.5
hath obtained mercy of the Lord, to Answer. And thou art entered
be faithful. I suppose, therefore, with Angels into His garden.‘
that this is good for the present need,
that it is good for a man so to be. First Responsoryfor a Virgin not a
Art thou bound unto a wife? Seek
not to be loosed. Art thou loosed Come, 0 My chosen one, and I
from a wife? Seek not a wife. But will establish My throne in thee,
and if thou marry, thou hast not for the King hath greatly desired
sinned. And if a virgin marry, she thy beauty.
hath not sinned. Nevertheless, such Verse. In thy comeliness and
shall have trouble in the flesh. But thy beauty, go forward, fare pros
I spare you. But this I say, breth perously, and reign.5
1 Wisd. iv. 1.
2 Drama. The Song of Solomon (the form of which is dramatic,) seems to be the play
referred to.
3 Cant. vi. 13. The translation follows the Hebrew and Latin as to the proper name.
The Breviary text has “ Sunamitis,” which seems to be either a misprint or a conjectural
emendation, founded on the belief that the name is a local designation from the town of
vShunem (cf. 3 (l) Kings i. 3, &c.) But this town, teste Eusebio, was also called “ Sulem,"
and is now known as “Sblam.” However, the most common view has been that the
name is a feminine form of Solomon, (cf. in English, John and Jane, Francis and Frances,
&c.) Vide Gesenius sub vocibus. It is found in the New Testament, under the form of
“ Salome.” Mark xv. 4o, xvi. 1.
‘ Latin: paradisus. 5 Ps. xliv. 12, 5, 3.
Answer. For the King hath but hath power over his own will,
greatly desired thy beauty. and hath so decreed in his heart,
that he will keep his virgin, doeth
Seeond Lesson. well. So then, he that giveth his
virgin in marriage doeth well; and
BUT I would have you without
he that giveth her not, doeth better.
carefulness. He that is un
The wife is bound by law as long
married careth for the things that
as her husband liveth. But if her
belong to the Lord, how he may
husband have fallen asleep, she is
please God. But he that is mar
free; she may marry whom she
ried careth for the things that
will—only, in the Lord. But she
are Of the world, how he may
will be happier if she so abide,
please his wife, and he is divided.
after my judgment—and I also
The unmarried woman, and the
think that I have the Spirit of
virgin careth for the things of the
Lord, that she may be holy both
in body and in spirit. But she Third Responsory.
that is married careth for the things In thy comeliness and thy beauty,
of the world, how she may please go forward, fare prosperously, and
her husband. And this I speak reign. .
for your own profit: not that I Verse. Grace is poured into thy
would cast a snare upon you, but lips, therefore God hath blessed
for that which is seemly, and which thee for ever.
giveth occasion to attend upon the Answer. G0 forward, fare pros
Lord without distraction. perously, and reign.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Seeona' Responsory. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
1 Grace is poured into thy lips; Answer. Go forward, fare pros
therefore God hath blessed thee perously, and reign.
for ever.
Verse. In thy comeliness and SECOND NOCTURN.
thy beauty, go forward, fare pros
perously, and reign. First Antiphon. In thy come
Answer. God hath blessed thee liness and thy beauty, * go for
for ever. ward, fare prosperously, and reign.
Second Antiphon. God shall help
Third Lesson.
her with His countenance; * God
IF any man think that he behav is in the midst of her; she shall
eth himself unseemly toward not be moved.
his virgin, if she pass the flower Third Antiphon. 2 Many waters
of her age, and need so require, cannot * quench love.
let him do what he will—he sin Verse. God shall help her with
neth not, and if she marry. Never His countenance.
theless, he that standeth steadfast Answer. God is in the midst of
in his heart, having no necessity, her; she shall not be moved.
1 Ps. xliv. 12, 5, 3. 2 Cant. viii. 7.
Fourth Lesson. and came upon the Word of God
in the very bosom of the Father,
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
and sucked Him into her heart.
mons of St Ambrose, BishOp
For who, that hath once found such
[of Milan] (Bk. i. on Virgins.)
blessedness, would leave it again P
THIS day is a maiden’s Birth “For thy name is as ointment
day. The love of virginity poured forth, therefore do the virgins
provoketh us to say somewhat love thee,” and draw thee after
touching maidenhood, lest, if we them. (Cant. i. 3.) Lastly, it is
pass thereby, we should seem to not I, but the Lord by Whom it
cast a slur on that which was her is said that they which neither marry
chief strength. Virginity is not nor are given in marriage are as the
to be praised because it is a grace angels of God in heaven. (Matth.
which is poured forth in Martyrs, xxii. 30.) Let no man therefore
but because it is a grace which marvel that they which be married
maketh Martyrs. But what un unto the Lord of angels should be
derstanding of man can rightly likened themselves to angels.
grasp this excellency which riseth
above the laws Of nature herself? Fifth Responsory.
What natural voice can pourtray
a thing which is supernaturally 1Thou hast loved righteousness,
noble? It is a reflection on earth and hated iniquity; therefore God,
of a glory whose home is in heaven. thy God, hath anointed thee with
And it is but that which we may the Oil of gladness.
justly look for, when we see her Verse. Because of truth, and
who hath her Husband in heaven, meekness, and righteousness.
live a life whose model is the life Answer. Therefore God, thy
of heaven. God, hath anointed thee with the
oil of gladness.
Fourth Responsory.
Sixth Lesson.
Because of truth, and meekness,
and righteousness; and thy right WHO would deny that this is a
hand shall lead thee wonderfully. life which hath come down
Verse. In thy comeliness, and from heaven, seeing it is a life
thy beauty, go forward, fare pros whereof it is not easy to ‘find an
perously, and reign. ensample before God came down to
Answer. And thy right hand dwell in a Body of clay? Then
shall lead thee wonderfully. was it a virgin which conceived Him
in her womb, and the Word was
made Flesh, that Flesh might be
Fifth Lesson.
made God. Some will say: Con
IT was maidenhood that pierced cerning Elias also, we find not that
beyond the clouds, the atmos‘ he shared in the lusting after a
phere, the Angels, and the stars, bodily coming-together. Yea; and
1 Ps. xliv. 9.

therefore it is that he was carried Se'z/enth Lesson.

up in a fiery chariot into heaven; The Lesson is taken from the Holy
therefore is it that he is seen with Gospel according to Matthew
the Lord amid all the glory of the (xxv. r.) '
Transfiguration ; therefore it is that
he is to come as a Forerunner of AT that time : JESUS said to His
the Lord’s coming again. disciples : The Kingdom of
heaven shall be likened unto ten
Sixth Responsory. virgins, which took their lamps, and
went forth to meet the Bridegroom
After her shall virgins be brought and the Bride. And so on.
unto the King, her fellows shall be
brought unto thee with gladness and Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
rejoicing. Great] (I 2th on the Gospels.)
Verse. In thy comeliness and thy Dearly beloved brethren; often
beauty, go forward, fare prosperous times do I warn you to fly corrupt
ly, and reign. conversation, and to keep yourselves
Answer. They shall be brought unspotted from the world. But the
unto thee with gladness and re portion which is this day read from
joicing. ' the Holy Gospel doth oblige me to
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and say that even to these good things
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. which ye do, ye must needs take
Answer. They shall be brought all careful heed. Look ye well to
unto thee with gladness and re it, that, when ye work righteousness,
joicing. ye do it not as seeking the praise
and admiration of men, for if the
lust of praise do once creep in, that
First Antiohon. 1 I am black but which seemeth so fair without, loseth
comely, * 0 ye daughters of Jeru its reward within. Behold how the
salem ; therefore hath the King loved Redeemer speaketh of these ten vir
me, and brought me into his cham gins. He calleth them all virgins, yet
ber. entered not all of them into the door
Second Antiphon. 1 Draw me of blessedness, for there were some
after thee; 1“ we will run after the of them who sought outwardly the
savour of thy good ointments; thy honour of virginity, but would take
name is as oil poured forth. no oil within their vessels with their
Third Antiphon. Come, Bride of lamps.
Christ, *1 and take the everlasting Seventh Responsory.
crown which the Lord hath prepared
for thee. This is one of those wise virgins,
whom the Lord found watching, for
Verse. GOD hath chosen her, and when she took her lamp, she took
fore~chosen her. oil with her. And when the Lord
Answer. He hath made her to came, she went in with him 'to the
dwell in His tabernacle. marriage. ‘
1 Cant. i. 5, 4.

Verse. At midnight there was a Answer. Behold! the Bridegroom

cry made: Behold! the Bridegroom cometh! go ye out to meet him !
cometh! go ye out to meet him ! Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Answer. And when the Lord to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
came, she went in with Him to the Answer. Behold! the Bridegroom
marriage. ' cometh ! go ye out to meet him !
Eighth Blessing.
She (or they) whose feast-day we [Vinth Lesson.
are keeping, THE body of every man doth
Be our Advocate (or Advocates) consist Of five senses, and five
with God. being doubled, is ten. Forasmuch,
Eighth Lesson. therefore, as the whole body of the
faithful doth consist of two sexes,
UT, first of all, it is for us to the Holy Church is likened unto
ask: What is the kingdom of ten virgins. And forasmuch as in
Heaven? And wherefore shall the the Church the good are for the
same be likened unto ten virgins, present mingled with the bad, and
whereof, albeit five were wise, yet the reprobate with the elect, it is
five were foolish? For if the king rightly said that, of 'the ten virgins,
dom of heaven be such that there five are wise and five are foolish.
shall in no wise enter into it any There are many who have self-con
thing that defileth, neither whatso trol, which do keep themselves from
ever worketh abomination, or maketh lusting after things outward, whose
a lie, (Apoc. xxi. 27,) how can it be hope beareth them to things inward,
like unto five virgins which were who chastise the flesh, who long
foolish? But we must know that, with intense home-sickness for their
in the word of God, the kingdom of Fatherland which is in heaven, who
heaven doth oftentimes signify the seek an eternal reward, and who will
Church as she now is, touching the not to receive for their labours the
which the Lord saith in another praise of men. These are they who
place: “The Son of Man shall send reckon their glory, not in the mouths
forth His Angels, and they shall of men, but in the testimony of their
gather out of His kingdom all things own conscience. And many there
that offend.” (Matth. xiii. 41.) In be likewise who afllict the body by
that kingdom of Blessedness, where self-control, and yet who seek for
in peace shall have her perfect reign, their self -control applause from
there shall be nothing found that men.
offendeth for the angels to gather
out. The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
God, &c.,” is said.
Eighth Responsory.
At midnight there was a cry LAUDS.
made: Behold! the Bridegroom
cometh! go ye out to meet him! First Antitihon. This is one of
Verse. Trim your lamps, 0 ye the wise virgins, * one chosen out
wise virgins. 1 of the number of the careful.
Seeona’ Antiphon. This is one of For One Virgin.
the wise virgins, * whom the Lord
found watching. Verse. Grace is poured into thy
Tlzird Antiphon. 1This is one lips.
which hath not known the sinful Answer. Therefore God hath
bed, * she shall have fruit in the blessed thee for ever.
visitation of holy souls.
Fourth Antiphon. Come, 0 my For many Virgins.
chosen one, * and I will establish
My throne in thee. Verse. After her shall virgins be
fifth Antiphon. She is beautiful brought unto the King.
* among the daughters of Jerusalem. Answer. Her fellows shall be
brought unto thee.
Chapter. (2 Cor. x. 17.)
A ntipkon at the Song of Zae/iarias.
BRETHREN, he that glorieth, For one Virgin. 3The kingdom of
let him glory in the Lord. heaven is like unto a merchantman
For not he that commendeth him * seeking goodly pearls, who, when
self is approved, but whom the he had found one pearl of great
Lord commendeth. price, went and sold all that he had,
and bought it.
For many Virgins. Trim your
ESU, the Virgin’s Crown, do Thou
Accept us, as in prayer we bow ; lamps, 0 ye wise virgins ! * Behold !
Born of that Virgin, whom alone the Bridegroom cometh! go ye out
The Mother and the Maid we own. to meet him !

Amongst the lilies Thou dost feed,

With Virgin choirs accompanied ; Prayerfor a Virgin and Martyr.
With glory decked, the spotless brides
Whose bridal gifts Thy love provides. GOD, Who, amidst the won
drous work of Thy Divine
They, wheresoe’er Thy footsteps bend, power, dost make even weak women
With hymns and praises still attend; to be more than conquerors in the
In blessed troops they follow Thee,
With dance, and song, and melody. uplifting of their testimony, merci
fully grant unto all us which do keep
We pray Thee therefore to bestow the Birthday of Thy blessed hand
Upon our senses here below, maiden and witness N. (lzere mention
Thy grace, that so we may endure her name) grace to follow her steps
From taint of all corruption pure. to Thee-ward. Through our Lord
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
All laud to God the Father be : and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
All laud, Eternal Son, to Thee :
All laud, as is for ever meet, of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
To God the Holy Paraclete. Amen. without end. Amen.
1 Wisd. iii. 13.
2 Hymn of the Ambrosian school, somewhat altered ; translation by the Rev. Dr Neale.
3 Matth. xiii. 45, 46.

Another Prayerfor a Virgin and PRIME.

Antiphon. This is one, &c.,
O LORD, we pray Thee that Thy (First Antiphon at Lands.)
blessed handmaiden and wit
ness N., (here mention her name,) Chapter at the end.
in whom Thou hast ever been
well pleased, because of her worthy For a Virgin and Martyr. (Ecclus.
1i. i 3.)
maidenhood and her mighty show
ing-forth of Thy power, may entreat O LORD my God, Thou hast
Thy pardon on our behalf. Through lifted up my dwelling on
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who earth; and I prayed for deliver
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the ance from death—I called upon
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, the Lord, the Father of my Lord,
world without end. Amen. that He would not leave me in
the days of my trouble, and in
Prayerfor a Virgin not a Martyr. the time of the proud, when there
was no help.
RACIOUSLY hear us, 0 God
of our salvation, and grant For a Virgin not a Martyr. (Wisd.
that as the Birthday of Thy blessed iv. 1.)
handmaiden N. (here mention her 0 HOW lovely and glorious is
name) doth make us happier, so the the generation of the chaste !
fruit of her godly earnestness may For the memorial thereof is im
make us better. Through our Lord mortal, because it is known with
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth God and with men.
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world TERCE.
without end. Amen.
Antiphon. This is one, &c.,
Prayerfor many Virgins, Martyrs. (Second Antiphon at Lauds.)
RANT unto us, we beseech Chapterfrom Lauds.
Thee, O Lord, our God, that
Short Responsory.
we may ever call to mind, with all
worship and thanksgiving, the vic In thy comeliness and in thy
tory of Thy holy Virgin Martyrs beauty.
NN., (here mention their names,) and Answer. In thy comeliness and
although we know that our mind in thy beauty.
cannot comprehend Thee Who art Verse. Go forward, fare pros
this day their exceeding great re perously, and reign.
ward, give us always the grace hum Answer. In thy beauty.
bly to worship Thee. Through our Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who and to the Son, and to the Holy
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in Ghost.
the unity of the Holy Ghost, one Answer. In thy comeliness and
God, world without end. Amen. in thy beauty.
Verse. God shall help her with Short Responsory.
His countenance.
God hath chosen her, and fore
Answer. God is in the midst of
chosen her.
her, she shall not be moved.
Answer. God hath chosen her,
Prayerfrom Lands. and fore-chosen her.
Verse. He hath made her to
dwell in His tabernacle.
Answer. And fore-chosen her.
Antzlohon. This is one, &c., Verse. Glory be to the Father,
(Third Antiphon at Lands.) and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. God hath chosen her,
Chapter. (2 Cor. xi. 2.)
and fore-chosen her.
FOR I am jealous over you Verse. Grace is poured into thy
with godly jealousy. For I lips.
have espoused you to one hus Answer. Therefore God hath
band, that I may present you as blessed thee for ever.
a chaste virgin to Christ.
Prayerfrom Lands.

Short Responsory.
God shall help her with His
countenance. All as First, except the following.
Answer. God shall help her
with His countenance. . For one Virgin.
Verse. God is in the midst of Verse. Grace is poured into thy
her, she shall not be moved. lips.
Answer. With His countenance. Answer. Therefore God hath
Verse. Glory be to the Father, blessed thee for ever.
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. God shall help ~ her
with His countenance.
Verse. God hath chosen her,
and fore-chosen her.
QBtDzr iLzssuns fur
Answer. He hath made her to virgins.
dwell in His tabernacle.
Prayerfrom Lands.
First Lesson.

NONE. The Lesson is taken from the Book

of Ecclesiasticus (1i. 1.)
Antiohon. She is beautiful, &c.,
(Fzfth Antiphon at Lands.) I WILL thank Thee, O Lord and
King, and Praise Thee, O God
Chapter as at the end of Prime. my Saviour. I will give praise unto

Thy Name; for Thou hast been in the days of my trouble, and in
mine Helper and Defender, and the time of the proud, when there
hast preserved my body from des was no help. I will praise Thy
truction, and from the snare of Name continually, and will sing
the slanderous tongue, and from praise with thanksgiving; for that
the lips that forge lies, and hast my prayer was heard. For Thou
been mine Helper against mine savedst me from destruction, and
adversaries. And hast delivered deliveredst me from the evil time.
me, according to the multitude of Therefore will I give thanks, and
the mercies of Thy Name, from praise Thee, and bless the Name
them that roared against me, and of the Lord.
that were ready to devour me: out
of the hands of such as sought after
my life, and from the gates of trouble SECOND NOCTURN.
that were open all around me;
from the choking 0f the fire that Fourth Lesson.
compassed me, so that when I The Lesson is taken from the Book
stood in the midst of the flame I of the holy Martyr Cyprian, Bishop
was not scorched: from the depth [of Carthage,] concerning the rules
of the belly of hell, from an unclean and clothing of Virgins.
tongue, and from lying words, and
from an unjust king, and from an AM now to address myself -to
unrighteous tongue. virgins, and as their condition
is one of such glorious exaltation, I
Second Lesson. am the more behoven to be careful.
This mass of consecrated virginity
MY soul shall praise the Lord is the flower upon the plant of the
even unto death, for my life Church. It is the charm and love
was near to the hell beneath. They liness of spiritual grace. It is a
compassed me on every side, and generation of gladness. It is a
there was no man to help me. I work of praise and honour, un
looked for the succour of men, but touched and uncorrupted. It is the
there was none. Then thought I image of God reflecting the holiness
upon Thy mercy, O Lord, and upon of the Lord. It is the brightest
Thine acts of old; how Thou de portion of the flock of Christ. It
liverest such as wait for Thee, O is the joy of our holy Mother the
Lord, and savest them out of the Church, and the rich blossom of her
hands of the people. glorious fruitfulness, and every addi
tion to the number of her virgins
Third Lesson. is an increase of her gladness. To
these I speak, them I exhort, more
THOU hast lifted up my dwell in tenderness than in authority.
ing on earth, and I prayed Not that I, who am so worthless,
for deliverance from death. I called and little, and feel so keenly the
upon the Lord, the Father of my lowliness of mine own estate, would
Lord, that He would not leave me speak as finding any fault to re
prove, but because when I feel the xiv. 4.) Neither is it to man only
tenderest care, I feel the most that the Lord hath promised this
nervous dread of any troubling by glorious reward for virginity. He
the wicked one. passeth not by women, but, since
the woman is made out of the man,
and taken and formed from him,
Fifth Lesson.
God in His Holy Scriptures useth
HIS is not an unreasonable mostly to address Himself to the
care, nor a groundless dread, race in the form wherein He origin
which looketh to the way of salva ally created it, for they are twain
tion and keepeth the life-giving com in one flesh, and when mankind is
mandments of the Lord, to the end spoken of, womankind also is signi
that they, who have consecrated fied. But if continence be a follow
themselves to Christ, who have ing of Christ, and virginity have her
turned their back for ever upon aim in the kingdom of heaven, what
the pleasure of the flesh, who have concern have such with earthly
vowed themselves God’s own in finery, or with self-adorning, where
body as well as in mind, may finish by, while they seek to please men,
the work for which so vast a reward they oflend God?
awaiteth them ; that they may desire
no more to seem fair and pleasing THIRD NOCTURN.
in any eyes but those of the Lord,
from Whose hand they look to re Seventh Lesson.
ceive the wage of their continence, The Lesson is taken from the Holy
as He Himself hath said: “All men Gospel according to .Matthew
cannot receive this saying, save they (xix. 3.)
to whom it is given. For there are
some eunuchs which were so born T that time : the Pharisees came
from their mother’s womb; and unto JESUS, tempting Him
there are some eunuchs which were and saying unto Him: Is it lawful
made eunuchs of men; and there for a man to put away his wife for
be eunuchs which have made them any cause P And so on.
selves eunuchs for the kingdom of Homily by St John Chrysostom,
heaven’s sake. He that is able to Patriarch of [Constantinople] (6 3rd
receive it, let him receive it.” on Matthew.)
(Matth. xix. II, 12.)
Seeing that directly to exhort them
unto virginity was well-nigh more
Sixth Lesson.
than they could bear, our Lord
AND yet again, the voice of an seeketh to draw them to the desire
Angel hath proclaimed what thereof, taking occasion by the need
is the reward of continence. “These fulness of a law against divorce.
are they which were not defiled with Then He showeth that virginity is
women ; for they are virgins. These possible, saying: “There are some
are they which follow the Lamb eunuchs which were so born from
whithersoever He goeth.” (Apoc. their mother’s womb ; and there are

some eunuchs which were made any such precept within the re
eunuchs of men; and there be quirements of the law, and, by say
eunuchs which have made them ing this, showeth it to be the more
selves eunuchs for the kingdom of possible, that He might increase
heaven’s sake.” In these words He the desire of freely choosing it.
persuadeth them indirectly to choose
virginity, while He teacheth them
that such a gift is not so good as
to be impossible.
Simple items: for Uirgins.
Eighth Lesson. The Qfiz'ee is as on a Semi-double,
with the following exceptions.
HIS His doctrine He establish
eth somewhat thus. Suppos
ing that thou hadst been born a
eunuch by nature, or hadst been The Ofiee is of the Week-day, till the
made a eunuch by the cruelty of Chafiter exclusive.
The Ojiee of the Saint or Saints he
men, so that thou hadst no sexual gins with the Chapter, whieh, as also
enjoyment, and hadst no credit for the Hymn, Verse and Answer, A nti
having none, what wouldest thou phon at the Song of the Blessed Virgin,
do? Give God thanks therefore, and Prayer, are all as just given.
that thou dost, for a reward and a At Compline are said Preees.
crown, what such others suffer with
no reward and no crown—yea, and MATTINS.
that, rather a lighter burden than
The Invitatory and Hymn are as
the same, and that not only because just given.
thou hast the joy of hope, and of Then follow the Week-day Psalms,
knowing that thou doest well, but with their own Antiphon.
also because thou art not so bat
tered by storms of desire as they On Mondays and Thursdays.
Verse. In thy comeliness and
[Vinth Lesson. thy beauty.
Answer. Go forward, fare pros
HEN, therefore, He had
perously, and reign.
spoken of such as are eu
nuchs by nature, or by mutilation,
and are eunuchs vainly and use On Tuesdays and Fridays.
lessly, unless they also bridle their Verse. God shall give her the
thoughts, and of such as deny them help of His countenance.
selves for the kingdom of heaven’s Answer. God is in the midst
sake, He added: “He that is able of her, she shall not be moved.
to receive it, let him receive it.”
that He might make them the
For Wednesdays.
readier by showing the very sternness
of the work, and, in His unspeakable Verse. God hath chosen her,
goodness, He would not include and fore-chosen her.
Answer. He hath made her to Second Responsory.
dwell in His tabernacle. On Monday and Thursday.
Grace is poured into thy lips, &c.,
First Blessing.
(p. 569,) with this addition:
May His blessing be upon us, Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Who doth live and reign for ever. and to the Son, and to the Holy
First Lesson from Scripture accord Answer. God hath blessed thee
ing to the Season, being either the first
part, or, ifthe Saint or Saints have two for ever.
Lessons, the whole read as one, at will.
On Tuesday and Friday.
First Responsory. Thou hast loved righteousness,
On Monday and Thursday. &c., (p. 570,) with this addition .

Come, Bride of Christ, &c. Or, Verse. Glory be to the Father,

Come, O My chosen one, &c., and to the Son, and to the Holy
(e- 568-) Answer. Therefore God, thy
God, hath anointed thee with the
On Tuesday and Friday. oil of gladness.
Because of truth and meekness,
&c., 570.) On Wednesday.
At midnight, &c., 572.)
On Wednesday.
This is one of those wise virgins, Third Blessing.
&c., (p. 571.) May He That is the angels’ King
To that high realm His people
Second Blessing. bring.
Third Lesson, the whole or second
She (or they) whose feast-day we part of the Lesson of the Feast.
are keeping,
Be our Advocate (or Advocates) Then the Hymn, “ We praise Thee, O
God, &c.,” is said, and so end Mattins.
with God.
The rest as on a Semi-double, as
Second Lesson is the first of the just given; it ends at None, inclusive ,'
Legend of the Saint or Saints, if there Preces are said at Prime, and the
be two; if not, it is the second from Common Commemorations are made at
Scripture, to which the third may he Lauds or not, according to the Week
added at will. day.

x. first 2501;) mumm.

Whether One or Many, Martyr or not Martyr, but not Virgin.

All as on Sundays, except thefollow FIRST NOCTURN.

. Psalms are the same as in the
First Antiphon. 0 how lovely
Ofiee for Feasts 0f the Blessed Virgin, and glorious is the generation * of
except the Third Psalm of the Seeona’
Nocturn, which is Psalm XL V1].,
the chaste.
“ Great is the Lord, &c.," (p. 98.) Seeond Antiphon. His left hand
is under my head, * and his right
FIRST VESPERS. hand doth embrace me.
Third Antiphon. Return, return,
Antiphons, Chapter, Hymn, and
Prayer from Lands. 0 Shulammith, * return, return, that
we may look upon thee.
Verse. In thy comeliness and
thy beauty. Verse. In thy comeliness and thy
Answer. Go forward, fare pros beauty.
perously, and reign. Answer. Go forward, fare pros
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed perously, and reign.
Virgin. 1The kingdom of heaven
Lessons for a Martyrfrom Ecclus. li. I,
is like unto ‘a merchantman, seeking
goodly pearls; * who, when he had (e- 575-)
found one pearl of great price, gave For a Waman not a Martyr.
up all that he had and bought it.
First Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Pro
Invitatory. For the confession verbs of Solomon (xxxi. 10.)
of Blessed N. * (here insert her
name), let us praise our God. HO can find a virtuous wo
man? For her price is far
above the rarest merchandise. The
heart of her husband doth safely
WHEN she pleads for us, at her
sweet petition, trust in her, so that he shall have
That we may sing with conscience pure no need of spoil. She will do him
of sin, good and not evil, all the days of
From debt of guilt, 0 grant us Thy her life. She seeketh wool and flax,
And peace within.
and worketh wisely with her hands.
She is like the merchant’s ship, she
Glory to Thee, 0 Father, Son, and bringeth her food from afar; she
Spirit, riseth also, while it is yet night, and
Glory co-equal on the throne on high!
Equal in power, in unity of merit giveth meat to her household, and a
Eternally ! Amen. portion to her maidens. She con
1 Matth. xiii. 45, 46.

sidereth a field, and buyeth it ; with thy beauty, go forward, fare pros
the fruit of her hands she planteth perously, and reign.
a vineyard. She girdeth her loins Answer. God hath blessed thee
with strength, and strengtheneth her for ever.
arms. Third Lesson.
First Responsory. TRENGTH and honour are her
clothing; and she will laugh
Come, O My chosen one, and I
in the latter day. She openeth her
will establish My throne in thee, for
mouth with wisdom, and in her
the King hath greatly desired thy
beauty. tongue is the law of kindness. She
looketh well to the ways of her
Verse. In thy comeliness and
thy beauty, go forward, fare pros household, and eateth not the bread
of idleness. Her children arise up,
perously, and reign.
Answer. For the King hath and call her blessed; her husband,
and he praiseth her. Many daugh
greatly desired thy beauty.
ters have gotten riches, but thou
excellest them all. Favour is de
Second Lesson. ceitful, and beauty is vain : a woman
SHE tasteth and perceiveth that that feareth the LORD, she shall be
her merchandise is good. Her praised. Give her of the fruit of
candle goeth not out by night. She her hands, and let her own works
layeth her hands to hard work, and praise her in the gates.
her fingers hold the distaff. She
spreadeth out her hands to the poor, Third Responsory.
yea, she reacheth forth her hands to In thy comeliness and thy beauty,
the needy. She is not afraid of the go forward, fare prosperously, and
cold of snow for her household, for reign.
all her servants are clothed with Verse. Grace is poured into thy
double garments. She maketh for lips, therefore God hath blessed thee
herself coverings of tapestry: her for ever.
clothing is fine linen and purple. Answer. Go forward, fare pros
Her husband is known in the gates, perously, and reign.
when he sitteth among the elders Verse. Glory be to the Father,
of the land. She maketh linen and and to the Son, and to the Holy
selleth it, and delivereth girdles unto Ghost.
the Canaanite.1 Answer. G0 forward, fare pros
perously, and reign.
Second Responsory.
Grace is poured into thy lips;
therefore God hath blessed thee for First Antiphon. In thy comeli
ever. ness and thy beauty, ‘1‘ go forward,
Verse. In thy comeliness and fare prosperously, and reign.
1 Used by the Jews for an itinerant trader, much as we call a tramp an Egyptian (vulg.
Gipsy. )

» Second Antiphon. God shall help Answer. And thy right hand
her with His countenance: * God is shall lead thee wonderfully.
in the midst of her; she shall not
be moved.
Fzfl/z Lesson.
T/zz'rd Antiphon. Many waters
cannot * quench love. THEREFORE, they who worship
adultery and uncleanness in
Verse. God shall help her with
their gods made celibacy and widow
His countenance.
Answer. God is in the midst of
hood punishable. They who lusted
after abominations, taxed self-con—
her: she shall not be moved.
trol. The pretence was the desire
of fruitfulness, but the aim was to
Fourth Lesson.
abolish virginity, the resolution of
The Lesson is taken from the Book chastity. When a soldier hath served
upon Widows by St Ambrose, his time he layeth down his arms,
Bishop [of Milan.] (Near the leaveth his trade, and retireth him
end. ) to his own lands, that as well him
self may rest after the toils of life,
BEHOLD the field of the
as that the hope of rest to come
Church, that the same is a
may make others the more ready to
fruitful field, somewhile smiling with
undergo work. So also the aged
the brightness of virginity, some
labourer leaveth it for others to
while golden with the ripe harvest
guide the handle of the plough, and
of widowhood, somewhile rich with
withdraweth from the weariness of
the crop of marriage. These things
his younger days’ labour to essay the
be diverse, but they be the fruits of
task of an old man's thoughtful super~
the same field. There are not so
vision. It is easier to prune vines,
many choice lilies as stalks of
than to stamp them out, to check the
bearded grain, ears for the harvest,
first wild outburst of their vigour, and
and there are more places in the
to curtail the wantonness of their
soil fitted once to receive seed than
young growth, so teaching, even by
there are places which, when they
the ensample of the vineyard, that
have yielded a crop, are fitted again
chastity, which keepeth itself within
to be ploughed. Good, then, is
the bearing of but a few children.
widowhood, which the judgment of
an Apostle hath so often commend
ed, widowhood, which is the teacher Efllz Responsory.
of faith and of purity.
Thou hast loved righteousness,
and hated iniquity; therefore God,
F0101]: Responsory.
thy God, hath anointed thee with the
Because of truth, and meekness, oil of gladness.
and righteousness; and thy right Verse. Because of truth, and
hand shall lead thee wonderfully. meekness, and righteousness.
Verse. In thy comeliness and Answer. Therefore God, thy God,
thy beauty, go forward, fare pros hath anointed thee with the oil of
perously, and reign. gladness.

- ~“1__.- J _
Sixth Lesson. loved me, and brought me into His
IKE to these is a widow, a chamber.
veteran retiring to rest upon Second Antiphon. Draw me after
the earned rewards of her chastity, thee: * we will run after the savour
and who, albeit she layeth down the of thy good ointments, thy name is
arms of wifehood, still ruleth the as oil poured forth.
order of all her household; albeit Third Antiphon. Come, Bride of
she be at rest from bearing burdens, Christ, * and take the everlasting
she is careful in the marriage of her crown, which the Lord hath prepared
youngers, and with the wisdom of for thee.
age chooseth what study is the most Verse. God hath chosen her, and
useful, what fruit is the richest, what fore-chosen her.
wedlock is the meetest. And so,
Answer. He hath made her to
if the government of the field be
dwell in His Tabernacle.
given more to the elder than to the
younger, wherefore shouldest thou
hold that a wife is more useful Seventh Lesson.
than a widow? But if they which The Lesson is taken from the Holy
persecuted the faith persecuted also Gospel according to Matthew (xiii.
widowhood, then, surely, in the eyes
of them which hold the faith, must
widowhood be looked upon as a AT that time: JESUS spake unto
reward, rather than shrunk from as His disciples this parable :
a punishment. The kingdom of heaven is like unto
treasure hid in a field. And so on.
Sixth Responsory.
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is Great] (nth on the Gospels.)
vain : a woman that feareth God she
shall be praised. Dearly beloved brethren, the king
Verse. Give her of the fruit of dom of heaven is likened unto the
her hands, and let her own works things of earth, to the end that by
praise her in the gates. the mean of things which we know,
Answer. A woman that feareth our mind may rise to the contem
God, she shall be praised. plation of the things which we
Verse. Glory be to the Father, know not; by the ensample of
and to the Son, and to the Holy things which are seen, may fix her
Ghost. gaze on things which are not seen;
Answer. A woman that feareth by the touch of things which she
God, she shall be praised. useth, may be warmed towards the
things which she useth not; by
things which she knoweth and lov
eth, to love also the things which
First Antiphon. I am black but she knoweth not. For, behold,
comely, * 0 ye daughters of Jeru “the kingdom of heaven is likened
salem ; therefore hath the King unto treasure hid in a field, the

which when a man hath found, he by our intention, directed only to

hideth, and, for joy thereof, goeth the pleasing God, we may also have
and selleth all that he hath and liefer that our works were secret.
buyeth that field.”
Eighth Responsory.
Seventh Responsory.
1The kingdom of this world and
She openeth her mouth with wis all the beauty of life I have es
dom, and in her tongue is the law of teemed as nothing, for the excel
kindness. She looketh well to the lency of the love of JESUS Christ
ways of her household, and eateth my Lord, Whom, having seen, I
not the bread of idleness. loved; Whom, having believed, I
Verse. She tasteth and perceiv longed after.
eth that her merchandise is good. Verse. My heart is overflowing
Her candle goeth not out by night. with a good matter; I speak of my
Answer. And she eateth not the works unto the King.
bread of idleness. Answer. Whom, having seen, I
loved; Whom, having believed, I
Eighth Lesson. longed after.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
ND herein we must remark that
and to the Son, and to the Holy
the treasure, when once it
hath been found, is hidden to keep Answer. Whom, having seen, I
it safe. He who keepeth not
loved; Whom, having believed, I
hidden from the praises of men his
longed after.
eager striving heavenwards, doth not
enough to keep the same safe from
the attacks of evil spirits. In this Ninth Lesson.
life we are, as it were, on the way
HE treasure is the desire for
home, and the road is beset by evil
heaven; the field wherein it
spirits, as it were, by highwaymen.
is hidden is the earnest observance
He, therefore, inviteth robbery who
wherewith this desire is surrounded.
carrieth his treasure glaringly. This
Whosoever turneth his back upon
I say, not that our neighbour should
the enjoyments of the flesh, and by
not see our good works—since it is
earnest striving heavenward, putteth
written: “Let your light so shine
all earthly lusts under the feet of
before men that they may see your
discipline, so that he smileth back
good works, and glorify your Father
no more when the flesh smileth at
Which is in heaven ” (Matth. v. him, and shuddereth no more at
16)—but that we should not seek,
anything that can only kill the body
by what we do, to gain the praise —whosoever doth thus, hath sold all
of men. Let the outward work
that he had, and bought that field.
agree with the inward thought, that
by our good works we may give an The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
ensample to our neighbour, and still, God, &c.,” is said.
‘ Cf. Phil. iii. 8.
LAUDS. Pierced with the love of Christ
The world’s false love she fled :
First Antiphon. 1 While the king And Heavenward with might and main
1" sitteth at his table, my spikenard Upon her journey sped.
sendeth forth the smell thereof.
With fasts she pined the flesh,
Second Antzjrhon. 2 We will run But on sweet food of prayer
after thee, 1* in the savour of thy Feasted her spirit pure ; and now
good ointments. The virgins love Doth joys eternal share.
them exceedingly.
Third Antiphon. 2 Lo! the 0 Christ our King and God!
Thou strength of all the strong !
winter is past, 1“ the rain is over To Whom alone all holy deeds,
and gone. Rise up, my love, and And all great works belong ;
come away.
Fourth Antiphon. Come, 0 My For her deep plaints on high,
To us propitious be ;
chosen one, 1" and I will establish And in the glorious Trinity
My throne in thee. Alleluia. Glory eterne to Thee. Amen.
Omit this Alleluia between Septua
gesima and Easter. Verse. Grace is poured into thy
Fifth Antiphon. She is beauti
Answer. Therefore God hath
ful *1 among the daughters of Jer
blessed thee for ever.
Antiphon at the Song of Zacha
Chapterfor a Martyr. (Ecclus. Ii. I.) rias. Give her of the fruit of her
WILL thank Thee, O Lord and hands, ‘1‘ and let her own works
King, and praise Thee, O God praise her in the gates.
my Saviour. I will give praise un
to Thy Name, for Thou hast been Prayer asfor Virgins.
my Helper and Defender, and hast
preserved my body from destruction. RACIOUSLY hear us, 0 God
of our salvation, and grant
Chapterjor a Woman neither Virgin that as the Birthday of Thy blessed
nor Martyr. (Prov. xxxi. 10.) handmaid N. (here mention her name)
doth make us happier, so the fruit
HO can find a virtuous wo
of her godly earnestness may make
man? For her price is far
us better. Through our Lord JESUS
above the rarest merchandise. The
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
heart of her husband doth safely
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
trust in her, so that he shall have
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
no need of spoil.
without end. Amen.
AUD we the Saint most sweet
Shining in glory blest,
Who bore a hero’s noble heart Antiohon. While the king, &c.,
Within a woman’s breast. (First Antiphon at Lands.)
1 Cant. i. II. 2 Cant. i. 3, 2; ii. 11, IO.
3 Hymn by Cardinal Silvius Antonianus ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall.

Chapter at the end. Chapterfora Martyr. (Ecclus. 1i. 4.)

For a M'artyr. (Ecclus. 1i. 8.) HOU hast delivered me, ac

cording to the multitude of
MY soul shall praise the Lord
the mercies of Thy Name, from
even unto death, for Thou,
them that roared against me, and
O Lord our God, deliverest such
that were ready to devour me,
as wait for Thee, and savest them
out of the hands of such as sought
out of trouble.
after my life, and from the gates
Of trouble that were open all
For a Woman neither Virgin nor
Martyr. (Prov. xxxi. 29.) around me.

MANY daughters have gotten

Chapterfor a Woman neither Virgin
riches, but thou excellest nor Martyr. (Prov. xxxi. IO.)
them all. Favour is deceitful and
beauty is vain; a woman that feareth SHE spreadeth out her hand to
the LORD, she' shall be praised. the poor, yea, she reacheth
forth her hands to the needy. She
TERCE. is not afraid of the cold of snow
for her household.
Antiphon. We will run, &c.,
(Seeond Antiphon at Lands.) Short Responsory.
Chapterfrom Lauds.
God shall help her with His
Short Responsory.
Answer. God shall help her
In thy comeliness and in thy with His countenance.
beauty. Verse. God is in the midst of
Answer. In thy comeliness and her, she shall not be moved.
in thy beauty. Answer. With His countenance.
Verse. Go forward, fare pros Verse. Glory be to the Father,
perously, and reign. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Answer. In thy beauty. Ghost.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Answer. God shall help her
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. with His countenance.
Answer. In thy comeliness and Verse. God hath chosen her,
in thy beauty. and fore-chosen her.
Verse. God shall help her with Answer. He hath made her to
His countenance. dwell in His tabernacle.
Answer. God is in the midst of
her, she shall not be moved. Prayerfrom Lauds.

Prayerfront Lauds.

SEXT. She is beautiful, &c., (Fifth Anti

Antiphon. L0! the winter is past,
phon at Lauds.)
&c., (Third Antiphon at Lands.) Chapter as at the end of Prime.

Short Responsory. and, while I love and welcome them

God hath chosen her, and fore all, more especially do I do so
chosen her. when the wrestling set before us is
Answer. God hath chosen her, the wrestling of a woman. The
and fore-chosen her. ' weaker the vessel, the stronger the
Verse. He hath made her to grace, the greater the spoils, the
dwell in His tabernacle. clearer the victory; and that, not
Answer. And fore-chosen her. because the sex of the wrestler is
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and frail, but because the enemy is now
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. conquered by her through whom
Answer. God hath chosen her, he once conquered.
and fore-chosen her.
Verse. Grace is poured into thy Fifth Lesson.
lips. BY a woman he overcame, by a
Answer. Therefore God hath woman he is overcome. A
blessed thee for ever. woman was once his weapon; a
Prayerfrom Lauds. woman is now become the instru
ment of his defeat; he findeth that
SECOND VESPERS. the weak vessel cannot be broken.
The first woman sinned and died;
A ntiphons, Chapter, Hymn, and Verse
and Answer from Lauds. this one died rather than sin. The
first, under the delusion of a lying
Psalms as at First Vespers. promise, (Gen. iii. 4,) broke the
Antiphon at the Song of the law of God ,' this one chose rather
Blessed Virgin. She spreadeth out to keep covenant with her Bene
her hand to the poor, * yea, she factor, than to keep this present life.
reacheth forth her hands to the What excuse for softness and sloth
needy, and eateth not the bread of can men any longer hope to make?
idleness. or what forgiveness, when women
bear themselves so bravely and man
fully, and gird themselves up so nobly
@thzr iLtfififltIS for the 52mm for the wrestling of godliness?
fluttum for a {Hartgrm
Sixth Lesson.
Woman nut a Birgin.
SHE had a weak body, and a
Fourth Lesson. ' . sex which is exposed to hurt;
but grace came, and made nothing
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
of these frailties. Nothing is stronger
mons of St John Chrysostom,
than one in whose mind the fear of
Patriarch [of Constantinople]
God is firmly and wilfully rooted.
(67th on divers plates in the M20
The enemy may threaten fire, or
iron, or beasts, or anything else, but
HE commemorations which I such an one taketh them all for
love and welcome the most are matters not worth Consideration.
the commemorations of the Martyrs, And thus did this blessed woman do.

36%. first the ilBBUtIZHtiDII of a Qtburrh.

All as on Sundays except the fol
Verse. This is the house of God,
stoutly builded.
Answer. Well founded upon a
Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayerfrom sure rock.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Last Psalm.
Virgin. 2The Most High hath hal
Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem, lowed His Tabernacle. * For this
&c., (Ps. cxlvii., 15. 203.) is the House of God, whereon His
Name shall be called, whereof it is
Hymn.l written: My Name shall be there,
BLESSED City, heavenly Salem, saith the Lord.
Vision dear of peace and love,
Who, of living stones upbuilded,
Art the joy of Heaven above, MATTINS.
And, with angel cohorts circled,
As a Bride to earth dost move !
lnoitatory. 8Holiness becometh
the house of God. * In her let
From celestial realms descending, us worship her Bridegroom, even
Bridal glory round her shed,
To His Presence, decked with jewels,
By her Lord shall she be led : Hymn from Vespers.
All her streets, and all her bulwarks,
Of pure gold are fashioned.
Bright with pearls her portal glitters ;
It is open evermore ; First Antiphon. Lift up your
And, by virtue of His merits, gates, 0 ye princes, * and be ye lift
Thither faithful souls may soar,
Who for Christ’s dear Name, in this up, ye everlasting doors.
world Ps. xxiii. The earth is the
Pain and tribulation bore.
LORD’s, &c., (p. 46.)
Many a blow and biting sculpture
Polished well those stones elect, Second Antiphon. 4The LORD
In their places now compacted shall be my God, * and this stone
By the Heavenly Architect, shall be called God’s house.
Who therewith hath willed for ever
That His Palace should be decked. Ps. xlv. God is our refuge, &c.,

Land and honour to the Father,

(e- 97-)
Laud and honour to the Son ; Third Antiphon. 5Moses' built
Land and honour to the Spirit; an altar ‘* unto the Lord God.
Ever Three and ever One :
Consubstantial, Co-eternal, Ps. xlvii. Great is the LORD,
While unending ages run. Amen. &c., 98.)
‘ Mediaeval hymn, author unknown. Dr Neale’s translation from the original text, With
one line altered.
‘1 Ps. xlv. 5; Jer. vii. IO; 3 Kings viii. 29, &c. ' Ps. xcii. 5.
‘ Gen. xxviii. 2!, 22.
‘ Ex. xvii. 15.
Verse. Holiness becometh Thine Answer. . And sweet in their
house, 0 LORD,— mouths was the sound.
Answer. For ever.
Second Lesson.
First Lesson.
ND the Priests waited on their
The Lesson is taken from the Second offices ,' the Levites also with
Book of Paralipomena (vii. I.) instruments of music of the LORD,
OW when Solomon had made which David the King had made
an end of praying, the fire to praise
mercy the LORD—“
endureth Because
for ever His
came down from heaven, and con
sumed the burnt-offerings and the David’s hymns by their ministry.
sacrifices ; and the glory Of the LORD And the Priests sounded trumpets
filled the house. And the Priests before them, and all Israel stood.
could not enter into the house of Moreover, Solomon hallowed the
the LORD, because the glory of the middle of the Court that was before
LORD had filled the LORD’s house. the house of the LORD; for there
And when all the children of Israel he offered burnt-offerings and the
saw how the fire came down, and fat of the peace-offerings, because
the glory of the LORD upon the the brazen altar which Solomon had
house, they bowed themselves with made was not able to receive the
their faces to the ground upon burnt-offerings and the meat-offerings
the pavement, and worshipped and and the fat. Also at the same time
praised the LORD, [saying :] For Solomon kept the Feast seven days
He is good; for His mercy en and all Israél with him, a very great
dureth for ever! Then the King congregation, from the entering in
and all the people offered sacri of Hamath unto the River Of Egypt.
fices before the LORD. And King And in the eighth day he made a
Solomon offered a sacrifice of solemn assembly; for they kept the
twenty - and- two thousand oxen, dedication of the altar seven days,
and an hundred and twenty and the Feast seven days.
thousand sheep. So the King
and all the people dedicated the Second Responsory.
house of God.
, The LORD’s house is established
in the top of the mountains, and
First Responsory.
exalted above the hills, and all
When the Temple was dedi nations shall flow unto it, andshall
cated the people sang praise, and say: Glory be to Thee, O LORD!
sweet in their mouths was the Verse. 2 They shall doubtless
sound. come again with rejoicing, bring
Verse. 1The LORD’S house is es ing their sheaves with them.
tablished in the top of the moun Answer. And all nations shall
tains; and all nations shall flow fiow unto it, and shall say: Glory
unto it. be to Thee, O Lord!
1 Isa. ii. 2. 2 PS. cxxv. 6.
VOL. 1. U

Third Lesson. and to the Son, and to the Holy

HUS Solomon finished the Ghost.
house of the LORD, and the Answer. Hear Thou from the
King’s house, and all that came excellent throne of Thy glory.
into Solomon’s heart to make in
the house of the LORD, and in SECOND NOCTURN.
his own house, he prosperously First Antiphon. This is none
effected. And the LORD appeared other but the house of God, and
to him by night, and said unto this is the gate of heaven.
him: I have heard thy prayer, Ps. lxxxiii. How lovely are Thy
and have chosen this place to My tabernacles, &c., (p. 142.)
self for an house of sacrifice. If Second Antl'jrhon. 2 Jacob beheld
I shut up heaven that there be a ladder set up on the earth, and.
no rain, or if I command the locusts the top of it reached to heaven,
to devour the land, or if I send and the angels of God descending
pestilence among My people; if on it.- And he said: Surely this
My people, upon whom My Name place is holy.
is called, shall pray, and seek My Ps. lxxxvi. Her foundation, &c.,
face, and turn from their wicked
ways, then will I hear from heaven,
(t- 144-)
Third Antiphon. 2Jacob set up
and will forgive their sin, and will the stone for a pillar, and poured
heal their land. Now Mine eyes oil upon the top of it.
shall be open and Mine ears attent Ps. lxxxvii. O LORD God of my
unto the prayer that is made in salvation, (p. 14 5.)
this place. For now have I chosen Verse. 3 My house—
and sanctified this place, that My Answer. Shall be called the
Name may be there for ever, and house of prayer.
Mine eyes and Mine heart shall
be there perpetually. Fourth Lesson.

Third Responsory. The Lesson is taken from the

Sermons of St Austin, Bishop
1 O Lord, bless this house which [of Hippo.] (2521111 for the
I have built unto Thy Name. Season.)
WhOSoever shall come unto this
place and pray, then hear Thou EARLY beloved brethren, as
from the excellent throne of Thy often as we keep the Dedi
glory. cation-Feast of some Altar or
Verse. 0 Lord, if Thy people Church, if we think faithfully and
turn and pray toward Thy sanc carefully, and live holily and right
tuary. eously, that which is done in temples
Answer. Hear Thou from the made with hands, is done in our
excellent throne of Thy glory. soul by a spiritual building. He
Verse" Glory be to the Father, lied not who said: “The temple
1 Founded on Solomon’s Prayer at the Dedication of the Temple.
3 Gen. xxviii. 17, 12, r8. ‘ Mark-xi. I 7. -

of God is holy; which temple ye doubt are good works the key there
are” (I Cor. iii. 17,) and again: to. And therefore, dearly beloved
“Know ye not that your body is brethren, let each one look into his
the temple of the Holy Ghost, Which own conscience, and when he findeth
is in you,” (vi. 19.) And therefore, the wounds of guilt there, let him
dearly beloved brethren, since by first strive by prayers, fasting, or
the grace of God, without any fore almsdeeds to purge his conscience,
going deserts of our own, we have and so let him dare to take the
been made meet to become the Eucharist.
Temple of God, let us work as
hard as we can, with His help, Fifth Responsory.
that our Lord may not find in His How dreadful is this place!
Temple, that is, in us, anything to Surely this is none other but the
offend the eyes of His Majesty. house of God, and this is the gate
of heaven.
Fourth Responsory. Verse. This is the house of
1If they pray toward this place, God, stoutly builded, well founded
forgive the sin of Thy people, 0 upon a sure rock.
God, and teach them the good way Answer. Surely this is none
wherein they should walk, and other but the house of God, and
manifest forth Thy glory in this this is the gate of heaven.
Verse. 2 Give ear, 0 Shepherd of Sixth Lesson.
Israel, Thou that leadest Joseph
like a flock, Thou that sittest upon OR if he acknowledge his ini
quity, and withdraw himself
the Cherubim.
Answer. Forgive the sin of Thy from the Altar of God, he will
people, 0 God, and teach them soon attain unto the mercy of the
the good way wherein they should pardon of God, for, as he that
walk, and manifest forth Thy glory exalted himself shall be abased,
so shall he that humbleth himself
in this place.
be exalted. (Luke xiv. II.) He
Fifth Lesson. who, as I have said, acknowledg
ing his iniquity, withdraweth him
ET the Tabernacle of our self through lowliness from the
heart be swept clean of vices Altar of the Church, till he have
and filled with virtues. Let it be mended his life, need have but
locked to the devil, and thrown little fear that he will be excom
open to Christ. Yea, let us so municated from the eternal marriage
work, that we may be able to open supper in heaven.
the door of the kingdom of heaven
with the key of good works. For
Sixth Responsory.
even as evil works are so many
bolts and bars to close against us Jacob rose up early in‘ the mornT
the entrance into life, so beyond ing, and set up the stone for a
1'1Founded on SOlornon's prayer at the Dedication of the Temple. 3 Ps. lxxix. I;
THE com/ion vor SAINTS. ‘
pillar, and poured oil upon the top Seventh Lesson.
of it, and vowed a vow unto the The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Lord. Surely this place is holy, and Gospel according to Luke (xix. I.)
I knew itrnot.
Verse. And Jacob awaked out T that time: JESUS entered
of his sleep, and he said: . and passed through Jericho.
Answer. Surely this place is holy, And, behold, there was a man
and I knew it not. 4 named Zacchaeus, which was the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, chief among the publicans, and he
and to the Son, and to the Holy was rich. And so on.
Ghost. . Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop
Answer. Surely this place is holy, [of Milan.] (Bk. viii. on Luke.)
and I knew it not.
Zacchreus was little of stature, that
is, he was not raised aloft among
THIRD NOCTURN; men by nobility of birth, and, like
the most of the world, he possessed
First Antiphon. He that dwell few merits. When he heard that
eth in the vhelp of the Most High the Lord and Saviour, Who had
2‘ shall abide under the shadow of come unto His Own, and Whom
the God of heaven. His Own had not received, (John i.
11,) was coming, he desired to see
If the Ofiice be Semi- double Him. But the sight of JESUS is
the Psalm begins with the words not easy; to any on the earth it is
“Shall abide
Double, with, under
“He the
will shadow;”
say to th impossible. And since Zacchzeus
had neither the Prophets, nor yet
the Law, as a gracious help to his
Ps. xc. He that dwelleth, &c., nature, he climbed up into a syca~
more tree, raising his feet above the
(P- 207-) vanity of the Jews, and straightening
Second Antiphon. The Temple
of the Lord is holy. 2‘ The same the crooked branches of his former
is God’s workmanship and God’s life, and therefore he received JESUS
building. to lodge within his house.
Ps. xcv. O sing unto the LORD,
Seventh Responsory.
&c., (p. 148.)
Third Antiphon. 1Blessed be the My house shall be called the
glory of the LORD * from His [holy] house. of prayer, saith the Lord.
place. Alleluia. 2Therein, he that asketh, receiveth ;
Ps. xcviii. The LORD reigneth, he that seeketh, findeth ; and to him
&c., (p. r58.) that knocketh, it shall be opened.
Verse. This is the house of God, Verse. 3 Ask, and ye shall re
stoutly builded. ceive; seek, and ye shall find.
Answer. Well founded upon a Answer. And to him that knock
sure rock. eth, it shall be opened.
lrEzek. iii. 12. ,2 Luke xi. 9, 10. 3 John xvi. 24; Matth. vii. 7.
Eighth Lesson. Ninth Lesson.
HE did well tO climb up into a BUT lest we should seem haughti
tree, that a good tree might ly to pass by the poor blind
bring forth good fruits, (Matth. vii. man, and to hurry on to the rich
17,) and that the slip of the wild one, let us stand waiting for him,
Olive, grafted, contrary to nature, as the Lord stood and waited; let
into the good olive, might bring us ask of him, as Christ asked of
forth the fruits of the law. (Rom. him. Let us ask, because we are
xi. 17, 24.) For the root is holy, ignorant; Christ asked, because He
however unprofitable the branches. knew. Let us ask, that we may
Their barren beauty hath now been know whence he received his cure;
overshadowed by the belief of the Christ asked, that all of us may
Gentiles in the Resurrection, as by know from one ensample where
a material upgrowth. Zacchaeus, through we are to earn a sight of
then, was in the sycamore tree, and the Lord. Christ asked, that we
the blind man by the way-side. might believe that none, save they
(xviii. 35.) For the one, JESUS stood 'that confess Him, can be saved.
waiting to show mercy, and asked
him before He healed him, what he The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
would that He should do for him ; God, &c.,” is said.
being unbidden of the other, He
bade Himself to be his Guest, LAUDS.
knowing how rich was the reward
of receiving Him. Nevertheless, First Antiphon. Holiness be
albeit He had heard no words of cometh Thine house, * O Lord,
invitation, yet had He seen how for ever.
Second Antiphon. My house *
his heart went.
shall be called the house of prayer.
Third Antiphon. This is the
Eighth Responsory.
Lord’s house 1‘ stoutly builded, well
1All thy walls are of stones most founded upon a sure rock.
precious. The towers of Jerusalem Fourth Antiphon. The Lord’s
shall be built up with jewels. house is well founded ‘1‘ upon a
Verse. The gates of Jerusalem sure rock.
‘ shall be built up with the sapphire Eflh Antiphon. All thy walls
stone, and the emerald, and all her are of stones most precious, ‘1‘ and
walls round about with stones most the towers of Jerusalem shall be
precious. built up with jewels.
Answer. The towers of Jerusa
lem shall be built up with jewels. Chafiter. (Apoc. xxii. 2.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy I SAW the holy city, New Jeru
Ghost. salem, coming down from God
Answer. The towers of Jerusa out of heaven, prepared as a Bride
lem shall be built up with jewels. adorned for her husband.
1 Cf. Tobias xiii. 21, and Apoc. xxi. 18-20.

Hymn.1 Prayer.
HRIST is made the sure Found GOD, Who dost every year
ation, bring round unto us again
And the precious Corner-Stone,
Who,‘the two walls underlying,
the day whereon this Thine holy
Bound in each, binds both in one : temple was hallowed, and' bringest
Holy Zion’s Help for ever, us again in soundness of body and
And her Confidence Alone. mind to be present at Thine holy
All that dedicated City, worship, graciously hear the suppli
Dearly loved by God on high, cations of Thy people, and grant
In exultant jubilation that whosoever shall come into
Pours perpetual melody ; this Thine house to ask good at
God the One, and God the Trinal,
Singing everlastingly. Thine hand, may be rejoiced in
the obtaining of all his request.
To this Temple, where we call Thee, Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Come, 0 Lord of hosts, to>day !
With Thy wonted loving-kindness Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
Hear Thy people as they pray ; with Thee, in the unity of the
And Thy fullest benediction Holy Ghost, one God, world with
Shed within its walls for aye. out end. Amen.
Here vouchsafed to all Thy servants
That they supplicate to gain : On the actual day on which the
Here to have and hold for ever Church is dedicated, and also when the
Those good things their prayers 0b Dedication Feasts qf two Churches come
tam ; together, for the other Prayer, is used
And hereafter in Thy glory, the following.
With Thy blessed ones to reign.
0 GOD, Who invisibly contain
Laud and honour to the Father; est all things, and yet art
Laud and honour to the Son ; pleased for the salvation of men to
Laud and honour to the Spirit;
Ever Three and ever One : show forth visible signs of Thy
Consubstantial, Co-eternal, power, fill this house with the glory
While unending ages run. Amen. ,Of Thine indwelling power; and
grant that all who gather themselves
Verse. This is the Lord’s house,
together to pray in this place, may
stoutly builded—
receive the good comfort of Thine
Answer. Well founded upon a
help in every tribulation where
sure rock.
in they cry unto Thee. Through
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son,
Zacchaeus, make haste and come Who liveth and reigneth with
down, for today I must abide at thy Thee, in the unity of the Holy
house. * And he made haste and came Ghost, one God, world without
down, and received Him joyfully into end. Amen.
his house. This day is salvation come
from God to this house. Alleluia.
Between Septuagesima and Easter Antiphon. Holiness becometh,
omit “Alleluia.” &c., (First Antiphon at Lands)
' Dr Neale, with two lines altered—an alteration applauded by himself. (Mediaeval
Hymns, p. 22.)
Chapter at the end. (Apoc. xxi. 4.) ' they shallbe His people; and God
ND God shall wipe away all Himself shall be with them, and be
' tears from their eyes, and their God. '
there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither Short Responsory.
' Shall there be any more pain; for This place is holy, wherein the
the former things are passed away. Priest prayeth.
And He That sat upon the throne Answer. This place is holy,
said: Behold, I make all things wherein the Priest prayeth—
new. Verse. For the pardon of the
TERCE. transgressions and offences of the
Antiphon. My house, &c., (Se Answer. The Priest prayeth.
cond Antiphon at Lauds.) Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Chapterfrom Lauds. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Short Responsory. Answer. This place is holy,
wherein the Priest prayeth.
Holiness becometh Thine house, Verse. This is the Lord’s house,
0 LORD. ‘ stoutly builded—
Answer. Holiness becometh Answer. Well founded upon a
Thine house, O LORD— sure rock.
Verse. For ever.
Answer. 0 LORD.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Antiphon. All thy walls, &c.,
and to the Son, and to the Holy (Fifth Antiphon at Lands.)
Answer. Holiness becometh Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Thine house, O LORD.
Verse. This place is holy, where Short Responsory.
in the Priest prayeth.
Answer. For the pardon of the This is the Lord’s house, stoutly
transgressions and offences of the builded.
Answer. This is the Lord’s
house, stoutly builded—
SEXT. Verse. Well founded upon a
Antihfihon. This is the Lord’s sure rock.
house, 810., (Third Antiphon at Answer. Stoutly builded.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Chapter. (Apoc. xxi. 3.)
Answer. This is the Lord’s
AND I heard a great voice out of house, stoutly builded.
the throne, saying: Behold, Verse. The Lord’s house is
the tabernacle of God is with men, well founded—
and He will dwell with them. And Answer. Upon a sure rock.

SECOND VESPERS. is even now being built, and which

I know not, whereunto do run in
A ntiphons, Chapter, and Prayerfrom
Lauds. faith, the living stones, concerning
whom Peter saith (I. ii. 5): “Ye
Last Psalm.
also, as lively stones, are built up
Praise the LORD, 0 Jerusalem, a spiritual house,” that is, an holy
&c., (Ps. cxlvii., p. 203.) temple unto God. But what
meaneth he by the words, “Ye al
IJymn. Blessed city, heavenly
so, as lively stones, are built up ”?
Salem, &c., (First Vespers.)
If thou believest, thou livest ; but
Verse. Holiness becometh Thine
if thou believest, then art thou be
house, 0 LORD-—
come a temple of God; as indeed
Answer. For ever.
the Apostle Paul hath it: “The
Antiphon at the Song of the temple of God is holy, which temple
Blessed Virgin. How dreadful is ye are.” (I Cor. iii. 17.)
this place. * Surely this is none
other but the house of God, and Fifth Lesson.
this is the gate of heaven. THE city then is still in building.l
Stones are being hewn out of
the mountains'by the hands of them
that preach the truth, and are be
§econb @ag witBin tfic Octave. ing cut square, that they may be
fitted into the everlasting walls.
All as on the Feast, except that the
Antiphons are not douhleri, and the Many stones are still in the hands
following. of the workman, and they must not
MATTINS. fall out of his hands if they would
be meet stones, and make part of
FIRST NOCTURN. the masonry of the temple. This
Lessons from Scripture according to is that Jerusalem which is builded as
the Season. a city, and her foundation is Christ.
So saith the Apostle Paul: “Other
SECOND NOCTURN. foundation can no man lay than
that is laid, which is JESUS Christ."
Fourth Lesson.
(1 Cor. iii. 11.)
The Lesson is taken from the
Treatise upon the Psalms, written Sixth Lesson.
by St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo]
HERE the foundation is first
(0n Ps. cxxi.)
laid in the earth, then the
“ ERUSALEM is builded as a walls are builded up thereon, and
city.” Brethren, when David the weight of the walls presseth
said that, Jerusalem was no longer downward, for the foundation is be
in building, but already builded. neath them. But if our foundation
He speaketh then of some city which be in heaven, then must we be so
1 The next two sentences seem to be quoted, or at least taken from the Shepherd of
builded as to press, not downward, or if we passed them by too quickly,
but upward. This great Church as represented in Zacchaeus.
which ye behold with your bodily
eyes was builded up by bodies,
Ezlg'hth Lesson.
and because bodies builded it up,
they laid the foundations thereof HE rich should learn that there
beneath. But we who are builded is nothing wrong in possess
up a spiritual house, have our found ing wealth; the wrong is in those
ation above us. Thitherward let us who possess wealth without knowing
run, that we may be built in, for how to use it. Riches are indeed
it is of Jerusalem that it is said: a stumbling-block to the wicked, but
“Our feet have been wont to stand to the good they are a means of
within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem ! ” grace. Zacchasus was rich, and he
was one of Christ’s chosen ones;
but when he gave the half Of his
goods to the poor, and restored
Seventh Lesson. four-fold anything which he had
taken from any man by false ac
The Lesson is taken from the Holy cusation (for Simple restoration is
Gospel according to Luke (xix. I.) not enough, neither doth one who
AT that time: JESUS entered and keepeth possession of ill-gotten gains,
passed through Jericho. And, really give gifts, in that which he
behold, there was a man named giveth, since it is not his plunder,
Zacchaaus, which was the chief but gifts out 0T that which is his
among the publicans, and he was own, that are asked for,) [when
rich. And so on. Zacchaeus, I say, did these things,]
he received manifold recompense.
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop
[of Milan.] (Bk. viii. on Luke.) Ninth Lesson.
(xviii. 43.) “And immediately T is well mentioned that he was
[the blind man] received his sight, the chief among the publicans.
and followed Him, glorifying God.” Who need give up hope, when he
He could not have received his sight seeth one that had acquired wealth
but by f0110wing Christ, by glorify by false accusation attain unto
ing God, and by turning away from salvation?
the world. But now let us turn to “And he was rich.” Know that
speak words of kindness to the rich. all rich men are not misers.
We are fain, if we can, to heal all “He was little of stature.” The
men, and we would give no offence Scripture saith nothing of any man’s
to the rich; and they would have stature, save of that of Zacchaeus.1
ground of righteous offence if we And wherefore? Perchance his
applied to them roughly and untruly littleness of stature was spiritual,
that which is said about a camel being a mental dwarfing through sin,
passing through the eye of a needle, or a childishness in faith. He had
‘ However, Deut. iii. 11 ; i Kings (Sam.) x. 23, &c.

not yet promised to make restitution; it, there is rejoicing. Believing is,
he had _not yet seen Christ; and he as it were, the hewing of timbers
is well called little. Whereas John from the forests, and stones from
was called great, (Luke i. I 5,) John, the mountains. Catechising and
who saw Christ, and the Spirit like baptizing are the shaping and squar
a dove descending and abiding on ing and polishing of the stones by
Him, as he himself “bare record, the hands of the workmen. And
saying: Isaw the Spirit descending still they make not an house for
from heaven like a dove, and It the Lord, until they be mortared
abode on Him.” (John i. 32.) together with charity.

Fifth Lesson.
ONE of these beams and stones
123%» Sky witfii'n tfie Octave. could have entered into this
All as on the Feast, except that the building, unless they had been
Antiphons are not doubled, and the meetly joined together, unless they
following. had been coupled in agreement one
MATTINS. with another, and united, as it were,
in the embrace of love. When thou
seest in any house that the beams
Lessons from Scripture according to and stones are well joined together,
the Season. thou enterest therein boldly, fearing
not that it will fall upon thee. So
SECOND NOCTURN. also, when the Lord Christ was fain
Fourth Lesson. to enter [into His spiritual temple,
the Church,] and to dwell in us,
The Lesson is taken from the Ser He said, as it were to build us:
mons of St Austin, Bishop [of “A new commandment I give unto
Hippo] (2 56th for the Season.) you, that ye love one another.”
THE reason of the present gather (John xiii. 34.) “A new command
ing is the dedication of an ment I give unto you "—ye have
house of prayer. That house is the hitherto been old; ye made Me no
house of our prayers, but the house house; ye lay in your ruins. That
of God is ourselves. If we are the ye may rise, therefore, from your
house of God, we are being built ruins, love one another.
in this world, that we may be con
Sixth Lesson.
secrated at the end of this world.
The time of building is the time of HINK then, my kind friends,1
work; the time of consecration is that according to what hath
the time of holiday-keeping. Thus been foretold and promised, this
it was with this building; while it house is being builded throughout
was yet being put together, there the whole world. When the Jews
was toil; now that the believers returned from the captivity, and the
in Christ are gathered together in house of God was builded up again,
1 Charitas vestra.

it was said in a song extracted from riseth above the herd, then he seeth
an Older psalm: “Sing unto the Him; that is to say, when he had
LORD a new song; sing unto the got over the stupidity of the common
LORD, all the earth.”1 That which people, he gained a view of Him
the Psalm calleth a new song, the Whom he desired. “For the Lord
Lord calleth a new commandment. was to pass that way.” This is
For wherefore should we sing a new beautifully added—signifying that
song unless it were to tell of a new He was about to pass, either where
love ? Since singing is lovers’ wont— the sycamore-tree stood, or where
Zacchaeus was to believe in Him—
“ Love upon the singer’s tongue
Prompts the measure that is sung.” 2 thereby at once affording a mystic
type and conferring a grace. For
Let us love, and love unselfishly; thus had He come, to pass by way
for we love the Lord, and better of the Jews unto the Gentiles. . e
than He there is nothing; let us
love Him for His own sake, and Ezghth Lesson.
ourselves in Him, as for Him.
“AND when JESUS came to the
place, He looked up and
THIRD NOCTURN. saw him.” For now was Zacchaeus
Seventh Lesson. climbed up on high amid the blossom
of good works, as in the boughs of
The Lesson is taken from the Holy a fruitful tree. And here, since we
Gospel according to Luke (xix. 1.) have begun to take mystic inter
AT that time : JESUS entered, and pretations, we may remark how de
passed through Jericho. And, lightful a fruit to a belieVer’s taste
behold, there was a man named is the cheerful rest of the Lord’s
Zacchaeus, which was the chief Day. See also, how that Zacchaeus
among the publicans. And he was in the sycamore was like a young
rich. And so on. fig of the new season, in whom, as
in other things, was fulfilled that
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop which is written: “The fig-tree
Lof Milan.] (Bk. viii. on Luke.) putteth forth her green figs.” (Cant.
ii. I 3.)
[“He sought to see JESUS . JVinth Lesson.
and could not, for the press.”] What
is this press but the brute herd, which HRIST came for this, that trees
cannot perceive the crown of wis might bring forth, not fruit,
dom? Therefore, as long as but men. We have read elsewhere :
Zacchaeus remained in the herd, he “When thou wast under the fig-tree,
could not see Christ. When he Isaw thee.” (John L48.) Nathaniel
1 Ps. xcv. In the LXX. this Psalm is intituled “An Ode of David, when the house was
built up after the captivity.” It is really by David, as appears from I Par. (Chron.) xvi.,
and was composed by him as part of a Psalm for the occasion of the Ark’s arrival at
Jerusalem, whence it seems (according to the LXX.) to have been extracted, and used
as suitable to the occasion to which they refer it.
2 Vox hujus cantoris
Fervor est sancti amoris.

was under the tree, that is, above who is the speaker? Tell it from
the root; for the root is holy, and his own words. Were I to explain
he was a righteous man. Neverthe it, I should only make it darker,
less, Nathaniel was still underneath therefore I will but repeat his own
the tree, for he was under the law; words, and at the sound of his speech
but, Zacchmus had gone up the tree, ye shall know him forthwith, that
for he was above the law ; Nathaniel ye may love him for his address.
was Christ’s privy defender, but Who is he that can say: “ O LORD,
Zacchaeus was His open preacher. Thou hast brought up My soul
Nathaniel was still seeking Christ from the grave "P
out of the law, but Zacchaeus had
gone above the law, by giving up Fifth Lesson.
his goods in order to follow the H0 is He Whose soul hath
Lord. already been brought up from
the grave, but He in Whose mouth
are put elsewhere the words, “Thou
§ourt$ @ap witiiin tBe Octave. wilt not leave My soul in hell”?
All as on the Feast, except that the This Psalm is intituled “a Song of
Antifihons are not doubled, and the rejoicing at the opening of the house
following. of David,” and the first thing spoken
MATTINS. of therein is deliverance, as it is
said: “I will extol Thee, O LORD,
for Thou hast lifted me up, and
Lessons from Scripture according to hast not made my foes to rejoice
the Season. over me.” Consider that by these
foes are meant the Jews, who
SECOND NOCTURN. thought that they had slain Christ,
Fourth Lesson. overcome in Him their enemy, and
destroyed Him as they might a man
The Lesson is taken from the Ser mortal like other men.
mons of St Austin, Bishop [of
Hippo] (256th on the Season.) Sixth Lesson.
CONSIDER that passage in the BUT He rose again the third day:
“Song of rejoicing at the ' ' and His utterance is: “I
opening of the house of David,”1 will extol Thee, O LORD, for Thou
which we have just sung amid the hast lifted Me up "—in connection
wrecks of the masons’ sheds : “ Thou with which, consider the saying of
hast put off my sackcloth.” That the Apostle: “God hath highly
referreth to the wrecks; but what exalted Him.” (Phil. ii. 9.) “And
to the new building? “ And girded hast not made My foes to rejoice
me with gladness.” Here is the over Me.” They rejoiced indeed
utterance for the opening of the over the death of Christ, but at His
house: “To the end that my glory Resurrection, Ascension, and preach
may sing praise to Thee.” And ing, some of them were cut to the
1 Ps. xxix. from which all the texts quoted are taken, except those marked otherwise.

heart. When He was preached, the Eighth Lesson.

faithful testimony of His Apostles
ITTLE Zacchaeus therefore ac
cut some of them to the heart,
and some were converted, and cepted the humiliation of hav
ing recourse to the sycamore—and
some were hardened, and some were
saw the Lord. They who humbly
confounded, but none rejoiced.
choose to be fools in the estimation
of the world, have a deep insight
into the wisdom of God. The press
Seventh Lesson. standeth in our way, on account
of our little stature, when we are
AT that time : JEsus entered and
fain to see the Lord; for the toil
passed through Jericho. And
some din of worldly business tor
behold, there was a man named
menteth our weak minds, so as to
Zacchaeus, which was the chief hinder our perceiving the light of
among the publicans, and he was
the truth. But we climb up wisely
rich. And so on.
into the sycamore tree, if we willingly
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the give up our minds to that folly which
Great,] (Bk. xxviii. of Moral [Re God giveth unto us. What can be
flections on job], ch. 27.) more utter folly (in this world) than
not to seek for that we have lost, to
If we would be truly wise, and leave that whereof we have been
behold wisdom herself, we must robbed in the hands of our de
humbly acknowledge ourselves to be spoilers, to take no revenge for
fools. Let us cast away harmful wrongs which have been done us,
wisdom, and learn praiseworthy folly. yea, even to offer to him that taketh
For this reason indeed is it written : away our cloak, our coat also, and
“God hath chosen the foolish things be patient?
of the world, to confound the wise.”
(I Cor. i. 27.) And again it is
[Vinth Lesson.
said: “If any man among you
seemeth to be wise in this world, HE Lord biddeth us, as it were,
let him become a fool, that he may to climb up into the syca
be wise.” (iii. 18.) And unto this more, where He saith: “Of him
doth the very Gospel bear witness, that taketh away thy goods, ask
wherein it is said that Zacchaaus them not again.” (Luke vi. 30.)
“sought to see JESUS, Who He And again : “ Whosoever shall smite
was; and could not for the press, thee on thy right cheek, turn to him
because he was little of stature. the other also.” (Matth. v. 39.)
And he ran before, and climbed From the boughs of _this sycamore
up into a sycamore tree to see Him ; tree, the Lord is seen passing by.
for He was to pass that way.” For He may indeed, as yet, not be seen
this name Sycamore, being inter face to Face, but by this wise folly
preted, signifieth the “Foolish Fig.”1 the inward eye may see the Wisdom
1 Sukamoros—which St Gregory seems to have derived from sukos, a fig, and mOros,
(pr. mwros,) a fool, but the derivation now generally accepted is sukos, a fig, and moros,
a mulberry, as a plant combining certain characteristic features of both trees.

of God, as it were, passing by, even Lest we should make overlong our
that Wisdom Which they that are exposition of our song, let us take
wise in their own conceit cannot another point. How saith Christ:
see. They are mixed up in the “Thou hast put off My sackcloth,
overbearing press of their own im and girded Me with gladness”?
aginations, and have not yet found His sackcloth was the likeness of
the sycamore tree whereinto to climb sinful flesh.
up, if they would see the Lord. I Fifth Lesson.
THINK not lightly thereof, be
cause He calleth it His sack
fifth @ag within the Detave. cloth; the price of thy redemption
All as on the Feast, except that the was wrapped up in it. “Thou hast
Antzjohons are not doubled, and thefol put off My sackcloth.” Let us turn
lowing. . aside to look more closely at this
MATTINS. sackcloth—“ Thou hast put off My
sackcloth.” The sackcloth was put
off when He suffered. How saith
Lessons from Scripture according to He, therefore, unto God the Father,
the Season. “Thou hast put off My sackcloth "P
Wilt thou hear how it is that He
SECOND NOCTURN. saith unto the Father, “Thou
Fourth Lesson.
hast put off My sackcloth”? It
is because God “spared not His
The Lesson is taken from the Ser Own Son, but delivered Him up
mons of St Austin, Bishop [of for us all.” (Rom. viii. 32.) By
Hippo] (256thfor the Season.) means of the Jews, who knew not
what they did, He did that where
“ THOU hast not made my foes
by they that knew should be re
to rejoice over me.” (Ps.
deemed, and they that gainsaid
xxix. 2.) Now-a-days, when Churches
should be put to confusion. They
are filled with believers, do we
know not what good their evil deed
imagine that this maketh the Jews
hath done for us. The sackcloth
to rejoice? Churches are built, con
secrated, and filled ; wherefore should was hung up, amid the rejoicings
0f the ungodly—the persecutor
they rejoice? Not only do they not
rejoice, but they are put to con rent it with his spear, and the Re
fusion; and the words are fulfilled deemer caused our price to spring
which are written: “I will extol forth.
Thee, O LORD, for Thou hast lifted Sixth Lesson. -
me up, and hast not made my foes LET Christ the Redeemer sing,
to rejoice over me”-—-Thou hast not let Judas that sold Him groan,
made them to rejoice over Me, for and the Jews that bought Him
even if they turn and believe in blush. Judas sold Him, and the
Me, Thou wilt make them to re Jews bought Him, and both buyer
ioice, not over Me, but in Me. and seller in the wicked bargain are
condemned, ‘ both alike have cast means, entereth into the strait gate
themselves away. Let our Head and narrow way which leadeth unto
therefore speak concerning His slain life. He that with earnest faith
Body, His hallowed Body—let Him desired to see the Saviour, helped
speak, and let us listen. “ ‘ Thou,’ ” the defect Of his natural stature by
saith He, “‘hast put off My sack climbing up into a tree, and thereby
cloth, and girded Me with gladness ’ be earned what he longed for, but
--Thou hast put off My mortality, dared not to ask, even the blessed
and hast girded Me with immortality ness of having the Lord to abide
and incorruption—‘ to the end that as a guest at his house.
My glory may sing praise unto Thee,
and not be silent.’ " What meaneth Eighth Lesson.
this, “and not be silent ”? “No ACCH/EUS, whose name, being
more shall the lance pierce Me, interpreted, signifieth “Justi
and I hang silent under the blow.” fied,” is a type of such from among
For “Christ being raised from the Gentiles as believe. The more
the dead, dieth no more; death they be harassed by the cares of
hath no more dominion over Him.” this world, the more they be weighed
(Rom. vi. 9.) down by the sense of sin, the hum
bler is their prayer. “But,” [saith
THIRD NOCTURN. the Apostle Paul unto such,] “ye are
Seventh Lesson. washed,—but, ye are sanctified,—
but, ye are justified, in the Name of
The Lesson is taken from the Holy the Lord JESUS, and by the Spirit of
Gospel according to Luke (xix. 1.) our God.” (I Cor. vi. 11.) Such
AT that time: JESUS entered and desired to see the Saviour as He
entered into Jericho, but could not
passed through Jericho. And,
for the press, for, albeit wishful for
behold, there was a man named
that grace of faith which the Saviour
Zacchaeus, which was the chief
brought into the world, the long-used
among the publicans. And he was
habit of sin stood in the way of the
rich. And so on.
Homily by the Venerable Bede, Ninth Lesson.
Priest [at Jarrow, and Doctor of the
THE press of evil habits which
Church.) (Bk. v. ch. 77 on Luke
rebuked the blind man, that
he should hold his peace, and not
‘_‘ The things which are impossible cry for light, the same press hind
with men, are possible with God.” ered the publican from seeing JESUS.
(xviii. 27.) For behold the camel, But even as the blind man over
when he hath laid aside his load, came them by crying so much the
passeth through the eye of a needle, more, so must he that is little of
that is to say, the rich man and the stature needs get above the Obstruc
publican, when he putteth off from tion of the harmful crowd, by seek
him the burden of his riches, and ing an higher place, ascending from
despiseth to be wealthy by unjust the earth, and betaking him up into

the tree, that is, the Cross. And building, may avail toward your
the Cross is a Sycamore, (a tree souls’ health. That building which
with leaves somewhat like to those we behold with our bodily eyes,
of a mulberry, but higher, whence wrought in these walls, must be re
also it is called by the Latins flected spiritually in our minds, and
.“Celsa,” that is, the High tree,) that finish which we see in stone
for the name “Sycamore” signifi and wood, it must be the work of
eth, being interpreted, the “Foolish God’s grace to finish within our
Fig,” and thus is the Cross, which own bodies.
feedeth us with figs them that be
lieve, but is mocked at as foolish Fifth Lesson.
ness by them that believe not.
IN the first place, therefore, let us
give thanks unto our Lord
God, from Whom cometh down
every good gift and every perfect
éfrth @ag within the Octave. gift. (James i. 17.) Let us with all
All as on the Feast, except that the
the cheerfulness of our hearts praise
Antiphons are not doubled, and the fol Him for having put it into the
lowing. thoughts of His faithful ones to
MATTINS. raise unto Him this house of prayer,
stirred up their love and given them
FIRST NOCTURN. help, breathed the will into them
when they as yet had it not, and
Lessons from Scripture according to
the Season. then enabled them to carry out
their will. “For it is God Which
SECOND NOCTURN. worketh in you both to will and
to do of His good pleasure.”
Fourth Lesson. (Phil. ii. 13.) And thus it is He
The Lesson is taken from the Ser Himself Who hath begun, and
mons of St Austin, Bishop hath finished.
[of Hipp0.] (2 5 6th for the
Season.) Sixth Lesson.

THEREFORE, while I joyfully ND forasmuch as He never

gaze upon the new walls of suffereth good works to lie
this holy Church, which we this day unrewarded in His sight, He will
hallow unto the name of God, I find give a reward meet for so great a
that I owe high praise to our God, work to those His faithful ones, unto
and to you, my holy brethren, a whose labours He hath already given
suitable discourse upon the building His helpful blessing. And yet have
of the house of God. But my dis we more thanks to give unto our
course will only be suitable if it Lord God. For this Church, which
contain for your spiritual up-build He hath caused to be builded unto
ing,1 that which, God inwardly His Name, He hath made more
1 This sentence contains an untranslateable play upon the word “ edification.”

honourable with the reliques of His Eighth Lesson.

holy Martyrs. ESUS therefore looked on one
that was fain to look on Him,
chose one that chose Him, and
Seventh Lesson. loved one that loved Him. This
The Lesson is taken from the Holy progress, namely, to go on, by be
Gospel according to Luke (xix. 1.) lieving in the Lord’s Incarnation, to
an acknowledgment of His God
AT that time: JESUS entered and head, is, as it were, to climb up
passed through Jericho. And, into a sycamore-tree to catch a sight
behold, there was a man named of JESUS’ Face; this progress, I say,
Zacchaeus, which was the chief the excellent Teacher [Paul] point
among the publicans. And he was eth at, when he saith: “I deter
rich. And so on. mined not to know anything among
Homily by the Venerable Bede, you, save JESUS Christ, and Him
Priest [at Jarrow, and Doctor of the Crucified.” (I Cor. ii. 2.) And
Church.] (Bk. v. ch. 77, on Luke again in rebuking certain he saith:
xix.) “Ye are become such as have need
of milk, and not of strong meat,”
“And when JESUS came to the (Heb. v. 12)—herein signifying by
place, He looked up, and saw him.” milk the weakness of the dispensa
The Saviour, passing through Je tion in time, and by strong meat,
richo, came to the place whither the sublimity of the everlasting
Zacchaeus had already run before, glory.
and climbed up into a sycamore
Ninth Lesson.
tree. Thus did He send through
out the world the preachers of His “AND [JESUS] said unto him:
Word, in whom Himself did indeed Zacchaeus, make haste and
speak and go, and so came unto come down, for to-day I must abide
those who were already high up at thine house. And he made
lifted by believing in His sufferings, haste, and came down, and received
and fain to be blessed with the full Him joyfully.” The Lord abode
revelation of His Godhead. “He awhile in the house of the chief of
looked up, and saw him ”—for the the Pharisees—that is to say, He
eyes of His choice were toward one taught in the synagogue of the Jews ;
whom the grace of faith had raised but since they spake against Him
above earthly desires, and who stood with envenomed tongues, because
aloft above the unbelieving multi He washed not His hands before
tudes. “To look on” signifieth He sat down to eat, because He
with God to choose or to love; healed on the Sabbath Day, because
whence it is said: “The eyes of the He received publicans and sinners,
LORD are upon the righteous.” (Ps. because He rebuked their greed, and
xxxiii. 16.) Even we also hasten to did other things worthy of God, He
look at things which we love, while was wearied by their wickedness,
we turn our eyes away from what is and turned away and left them, say
loathesome to us. ing: “Behold, your house is left

unto you desolate.” (Matth. xxiii. am preaching here. This would vex
38.) But to-day He must abide in me more than that, for this is more
the house of little Zacchaeus—that your house than that.
is to say, He must rest, while the
beams of the new light are bright, Fifth Lesson.
in the lowly hearts of the believing
nations. OR this is the house wherein
our greatest treasures and our
hopes are laid up. What is there
here that is not great and wonder
éevemB @ag witfit'n tfie Octave. ful? The Table here is the most
All as on the Feast, ea'oept that tile precious and glorious of tables. The
A ntip/zons are not doubled, and t/zefol lamp here is the most precious and
lowing. glorious of lamps, as they know who
FIRST NOCTURN. have in faith been anointed with oil
Lessons from Scripture awarding to therefrom, and been healed of sick
the Season. ness.1 The Ambry2 here is far the
best and the most needful, for there
SECOND NOCTURN. in is laid up, not raiment, but mercy
—albeit they be few that take It.
Fourth Lesson. The bed here is the noblest of beds,
The Lesson is taken from the Ser for what can be better than that
mons of St John Chrysostom, pillow whereon resteth the written
Patriarch [of Constantinople] Word of God?3
(Hom. 33 on Matt/z. ix.)
Sixtlz Lesson.
HE Church is the common
house of all. Hereinto ye AND in good sooth, if we were
first do enter, and then we, keeping all at one, we should have
the form of the disciples; and there none other house than this. And
fore, so soon as we be come in, that that I utter not herein an hard
we may follow the rule given to saying, witness those three thousand
them, (Luke x. 5,) we greet you all and five thousand who had but one
with the salutation of “ Peace.” Let house and One table and one mind.
no one then be drowsy, let no one “The multitude of them that be
keep his mind occupied with worldly lieved,” saith [the author of the Acts
business, when the Priests are come of the Apostles] “were of one heart
in for the sermon. The punishment and of one soul” (iv. 32.) But
for doing so is no light one. I had since we are far from such perfection
a thousand times rather be left alone as their’s, and are parted in divers
in one of your own houses, when I houses, let us strive to be like them,
come to visit you, than that ye at least when we come together here.
should not listen unto me when I For albeit in other things we are
l The oil used for Extreme Unction is, in the Greek rite, taken from the lamp that
burns before the picture of our Lord.
'-' Area, no doubt the Tabernacle.
' In Greek Churches :1 copy of the Gospels is kept lying on the altar.

poor and needy, do ye‘ at the Eighth Lesson. _

least welcome us kindly when we “ ND Zacchaeus stood, and said
come in hither among you; and: unto the Lord: Behold,
when I say, “Peace be unto you,” Lord, the half of my goods I give
do ye answer, not with your voices to the poor; and if I have taken
only but with your hearts, “And anything from any man by false
with thy spirit.” ' accusation I restore him four-fold.”
While others were blaming the
THIRD NOCTURN. sinner, Zacchzeus himself stood, that
is, continued in that truth of faith
Seventh Lesson. wherein he had begun, and showed
The Lesson is taken from the himself to be not only a sinner con
Holy Gospel according to Luke verted, but even to have taken a
(xix. 1.) place among the perfect. “If,” saith
the Lord, “thou wilt be perfect, go
AT that time: JESUS entered and and sell that thou hast, and give to
passed through Jericho. And, the poor, and thou shalt have treasure
behold, there was a man named in heaven.” (Matth. xix. 21.) If a
Zacchasus, which was the chief man before his conversion have lived
among the publicans. And he was blamelessly, after his conversion he
rich. And so on. can give to the poor all that he
Homily by the Venerable Bede, Ninth Lesson.
Priest [at Jarrow, and Doctor of
the Church.] (Continuation qf the BUT if he have had any unjust
last.) dealings, he is bound first of
all, according to law, to make restia
“And when they saw it, they all tution, and not till afterwards must
murmured, saying, That He was he give to the poor that which re
gone to be guest with a man that maineth unto him. And thus will it
is a sinner.” It is clear that the become true of him also, when he
Jews have always hated that the keepeth nothing for himself, but hath
Gentiles should be saved. It is dispersed and hath given to the peer,
written: “ And the next Sabbath that “his righteousness endureth for
Day came almost the whole city ever.” (Ps. cxi. 9.) And this is
together, to hear the word of God. that wise folly, which the publican
But when the Jews saw the multi gathered from his sycamore-tree, like
tudes, they were filled with envy, life-giving fruit, namely, to make res
and spake against those things which titution of that which he had robbed,
were spoken by Paul.” (Acts xiii. to give away that which was his own,
44.) And elsewhere it is told how to hold cheap the things which are
that even the faithful brethren con seen, to be fain even to die for the
tended with the Prince of the things which are not seen, to deny
Apostles, “saying, Thou wentest in himself, and to will to follow in the
to men uncircumcised, and didst eat steps of that Lord upon Whom
with them.” (xi. 3.) thitherto he had not looked.

OctayeQag of t$¢ @ebication. of blood which he had shed, and

only gathered together treasures for
that end; and how Solomon his
All as on the Feast, except the fol son, at the command and with the
lowing. help of God, did that which his
SECOND NOCTURN father had desired to do, and hal
lowed the temple and the altar and
Fourth Lesson. the other things pertaining to the
The Lesson is taken from the First worship of God. “And at that time
Epistle of Pope St Felix IV.1 Solomon held a Feast, and all Israel
(On Consecration, dist. i. ch. 2.) with him, a great congregation, from
the entering in of Hamath unto the
WE read that Moses, by the River of Egypt, before the LORD
command of the Lord, our God seven days and seven days,
made and hallowed a tabernacle, even fourteen days, and on the
with the table and altar, and other eighth day he sent the people away.”
vessels and furniture thereof, for the (3 Kings viii. 65, 66.)
worship of God; and we know that
he hallowed the same, not only by Sixth Lesson. (Ch. 17.)
prayers to God, but by anointing
them, at the command of the Lord, .HE Feast of the Dedication of
with holy oil. How these things Churches and Priests is to be
were done, and how none others but kept year by year, as the Lord Him
Priests anointed with holy ointment, self hath given us an ensample, that
and arrayed before the Lord in holy we should follow His steps, by com
garments, and Levites, handled, car ing with the rest Of the people to
ried, set up, and put in order these keep the Feast of the Dedication of
holy things, all this is to be found the Temple; as it is written: “It
written in the Law of the Lord, was at Jerusalem the Feast of the
among the ordinances which Moses Dedication, and it was winter. And
wrote down at the command of the Jesus walked in the temple in
Lord. Solomon’s Porch.” (John x. 22,
2 3.) That these Dedication-Feasts
Fifth Lesson.
are to be kept for eight days, ye will
IN the Books of Kings we read find in the Third Book of Kings,
how David, the most godly of after the account of the Dedication
princes, made more splendid the of the Temple.
worship of God, and was fain to In the Third Nocturn are read the
build a temple unto the Lord, but Lessons from thefirst day omitted with
was withheld, because of the quantity in the Octave.
1 A. D. 526-30.
41m temper 2Dff1're at the nature.

NOVEMBER 30. First Lesson.

.il’zast of St Quintin, gpustlz. The Lesson is taken from the Epistle

of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Double of the Second Class. Romans (x. 4.)

All from the Common Ofiice for HRIST is the end of the law for
Apostles, (p. 462,) except what is righteousness to every one that
otherwise given here. believeth. For Moses describeth the
righteousness which is of the law,
that the man which doeth these
things shall live thereby.3 But the
A ntiphons, Chapter and Prayer righteousness which is of faith
from Lauds. speaketh on this wise:4 Say not in
thine heart, Who shall ascend into
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed heaven? that is, to bring Christ
Virgin. 1 One of the two which fol down from above: or, Who shall
lowed the Lord was Andrew, * Simon descend into the deep? that is, to
Peter’s brother. Alleluia. bring up Christ again from the dead.
A Commemoration is made of St But what saith the Scripture? The
in Advent. then of the Week-day word is nigh thee, even in thy
mouth, and in thy heart: that is,
the word of faith which we preach:
that if thou shalt confess with thy
FIRST NOCTURN. mouth the Lord JESUS, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath
First Antiohon. 2The Lord saw raised Him from the dead, thou shalt
Peter and Andrew, * and He called be saved.
them. First Responsory.
Second Antiphon. Follow Me, and
I will make you fishers of men, * saith 5The Lord, walking by the Sea of
the Lord. Galilee, saw Peter and Andrew cast
Third Antiphon. And they left ing their nets into the sea, and He
their nets, * and followed the Lord called them saying: Follow Me, and
their Saviour. I will make you fishers of men.
1 John i. 40. 3 Matth. iv. 18-20. 3 Lev. xviii. 5.
4 Dent. xxx. 1r, 1:, r4. 1‘ Matth. iv. I8, 19.

Verse. For they were fishers, and then faith cometh by hearing, and
He saith unto them— hearing by the word of Christ. But
Answer. Follow Me, and I will I say: Have they not heard? Yes
make you fishers of men. verily, their sound went into all the
earth, and their words unto the ends
Seeond Lesson. of the world.5 But I say: Did not
Israel know? First Moses saith: 6I
OR with the heart man believeth will provoke you to jealousy by them
unto righteousness, and with the that are no people: and by a foolish
mouth confession is made unto salva nation I will anger you. But Isaias
tion. For the Scripture saith : 1 Who is very bold, and saith: 7I was found
soever believeth on Him shall not be of them that sought Me not: I was
ashamed. For there is no difference made manifest unto them that asked
between the Jew and the Greek; for not after Me. But to Israel He
the same Lord over all is rich unto saith: All day long I have stretched
all that call upon Him. For whoso forth My hands unto a disobedient
ever shall call upon the name of the and gainsaying people.
Lord shall be saved. 2How then
shall they call on Him in Whom they Third Responsory.
have not believed? And how shall
they believe in Him of Whom they Andrew the good teacher, the
have not heard? And how shall friend of God, was led to the cross,
they hear without a preacher? And and when he saw it afar off, he
how shall they preach, except they said: God bless thee, 0 cross,—
be sent? As it is written: 3How be welcome to the follower of Him
beautiful are the feet of them that That hung on thee, even my Master
preach the Gospel of peace, and bring Christ.
glad tidings of good things! Verse. God bless thee, 0 cross,
—-thou art hallowed by the Body of
Seeond Responsory. Christ; His Members make thee
goodly as with pearls.
As soon as the blessed Andrew Answer. Be welcome to the fol
heard the voice of the Lord calling lower of Him That hung on thee,
him, he left his nets, by the exercise even my Master Christ.
and use whereof he lived, and fol Verse. Glory be to the Father,
lowed Him Who giveth life ever and to the Son, and to the Holy
lasting. Ghost.
Verse. This'is that disciple who for Answer. Be welcome to the fol
the love of Christ hung upon the cross, lower of Him That hung on thee,
and suffered for the law of his God. even my Master Christ.
Answer. And followed Him Who
giveth life everlasting. SECOND NOCTURN.

Third Lesson. First Antiphon. Whom the Lord

called to be His Apostle, * when he
BUT they have not all obeyed the was by the sea, him also He counted
Gospel. For Isaias saith: 4Lord, worthy to be His martyr. Alleluia.
who hath believed our report? So Second Antiphon. Andrew was to
1 Isa. xlix. 23. 2 Joel ii. 32. 3 Isa. lii. 7. ¢ Isa. liii. r.
5 Ps. xviii. 5. 5 Dent. xxxii. 2!. 7 Isa. lxv. !, 2.

the Lord as a sweet savour, * which Verse. And when they led him out
He loved exceedingly. to crucify him, all the people ran to
Third Antiphon. The blessed gether and cried, saying:
Andrew hung alive upon the cross for Answer. The innocent blood of
two days * for Christ’s Name’s sake, this just person is condemned without
and, all the while, he taught the a cause.
Fifth Lesson.
Fourth Lesson.
THEN Aigeas, being angry, an
THE Apostle Andrew was born at swered him, “ Boast no more of
Bethsaida, a town of Galilee, this thy Christ. He spake words even
and was the brother of Peter. He such as thine, but they availed Him
was a disciple of John the Baptist, not, and He was crucified by the Jews.”
and heard him say of Christ, “Behold Whereto Andrew boldly answered that
the Lamb of God,” (John i. 35-37, 40,) Christ had given Himself up to die for
whereupon he immediately followed man’s salvation; but the Pro-consul
JESUS, bringing his brother also with blasphemously interrupted him, and
him. Some while after, they were bade him look to himself, and sacri
both fishing in the Sea of Galilee, and fice to the gods. Then said Andrew,
the Lord Christ, going by, called them “We have an altar, whereon day by
both, before any other of the Apostles, day I offer up to God, the Almighty,
in the words, “ Follow Me, and I will the One, and the True, not the flesh
make you fishers of men.” They of bulls nor the blood of goats, but :1
made no delay, but left their nets, and Lamb without spot: and when all they
followed Him. (Matth. iv. 18-20.) that believe have eaten of the Flesh
After the death and Resurrection of Thereof, the Lamb That was slain
Christ, Andrew was allotted Scythia abideth whole and liveth.” Then
as the province of his preaching, and, Aigeas being filled with wrath, bound
after labouring there, he went through the Apostle in prison. Now, the
Epirus and Thrace, where he turned people would have delivered him, but
vast multitudes to Christ by his teach he himself calmed the multitude, and
ing and miracles. Finally he went to earnestly besought them not to take
Patras in Achaia, and there also he away from him the crown of martyr
brought many to the knowledge of dom, for which he longed and which
Gospel truth. [Egeas the Pro-consul was now drawing near.
resisted the preaching of the Gospel,
and the Apostle freely rebuked him,
Fifth Responsory.
bidding him know that while he held
himself a judge of his fellow men, he O precious cross, which the Mem
was himself hindered by devils from bers of my Lord have made so fair
knowing Christ our God, the Judge and goodly, welcome me from among
of all. men, and join me again to my Master,
that, as by thee He redeemed me, so
Fourth Responsory.
by thee also He may take me unto
The man of God was led to be Himself. I
crucified, and the people cried with a Verse. The blessed Andrew
loud voice, saying: The innocent stretched forth his hands to heaven
blood of this just person is condemned and prayed, saying: Precious cross,
without a cause. be my salvation,—

Answer. That, as by thee He re bedient and gainsaying people, which

deemed me, so by thee also He may walketh in a way that is not good, but
take me unto Himself. after their own sins.
Verse. 8The LORD God to Whom
Szirtli Lesson. vengeance belongeth, the God to
Whom vengeance belongeth, hath
OME short while after, he was
shown Himself: lift up Thyself, Thou
brought before the judgment-seat,
Judge of the earth, render a reward to
where he extolled the mystery of the
the proud.
cross, and rebuked [Egeas for his un
Answer. Which walketh in a way
godliness. Then fEgeas could bear
that is not good, but after their own
with him no longer, but commanded
him to be crucified, in imitation of
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Christ. Andrew, then, was led to the
and to the Son, and to the Holy
place of martyrdom, and, as soon as
he came in sight of the cross, he cried
Answer. Which walketh in a way
out, “0 precious cross, which the
that is not good, but after their own
Members of my Lord have made so
goodly, how long have I desired thee!
how warmly have I loved thee! how THIRD NOCTURN.
constantly have I sought thee! And,
now that thou art come to me, how is First A ntiplron. Suffer not Thy ser
my soul drawn to thee! Welcome vant, O Lord, to be parted from Thee:
me from among men, and join me * the hour is come to lay my body in
again to my Master, that as by thee the earth, and for Thee to bid me
He redeemed me, so by thee also He come unto Thyself.
may take me unto Himself.” So he Second Antip/wn. But Andrew be
was fastened to the cross, whereon he sought the people * not to hinder his
hung living for two days, during which passion.
time he ceased not to preach the faith Tlzird Antiphon. Welcome me from
of Christ, and, finally, passed into the among men and join me again to my
Presence of Him the likeness of Whose Master; * that, as by thee He re
death he had loved so well. All the deemed me, so by thee also He may
above particulars of his last sufferings take me unto Himself.
were written by the Priests and
Deacons of Achaia, who bear witness 581/871”! Lesson.
to them of their own knowledge.
Under the Emperor Constantine the The Lesson is taken from the Holy
bones of the Apostle were first taken Gospel according to Matthew (iv.
to Constantinople, whence they were 18.)
afterwards 1brought to Amalfi. In the
Pontificate of Pope Pius II. his head AT that time: JESUS, walking by
was carried to Rome, where it is kept the Sea of Galilee, saw two
in the Basilica of St Peter. brethren, Simon called Peter. and
Andrew his brother, casting a net into
Sixtli Responsory. the sea. And so on.
2lAll day long I have stretched forth Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
my hands upon the cross unto a diso Great.] ( 51/1 0n the Gospels.)
1 By the Crusaders, A.D. 1210. 2 Isa. lxv. a. 3 Ps. xciii. r.

Dearly beloved brethren, ye hear persuade, and no stripes can break of

how that Peter and Andrew, having the love of this present world?
once heard the Lord call them, left
their nets, and followed their Saviour. Eighth Resflonsory.
AS yet they had seen none of His
miracles, as yet they had received no When Andrew saw the cross he
promise of their exceeding and eternal cried, saying: How wonderful art
reward; nevertheless, at one word of thou, 0 cross! 0 cross, how love
the Lord they forgot all those things able art thou! 0 cross, thy bright
which they seemed to have. We have beams enlighten the darkness of the
seen many of His miracles; we have whole world! Welcome a follower
received many of His gracious chasten of JESUS, that, as by thee He died
ings; many times hath He warned us to redeem me, so by thee also He
of the wrath to come—and yet Christ may take me unto Himself.
calleth and we do not follow. Verse. O precious cross, which
the Members of my Lord have made
Seventh Responsory. so fair and goodly,—*—
Answer. Welcome a follower of
The holy Andrew lifted up his eyes JESUS, that, as by thee He died to
to heaven, and prayed, and cried with redeem me, so by thee also He may
a loud voice, and said: Thou art my take me unto Himself.
God, Whom I have seen; sufl'er not Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
the unjust judge to take me down to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
from the cross; for now I know what Answer. Welcome a follower of
the power of Thy holy Cross is. JESUS, that, as by thee He died to
Verse. Thou art Christ my Master, redeem me, so by thee also He may
Whom have loved, Whom I have take me unto Himself.
known, Whom I have confessed: in
this thing hear me. Ninth Lesson.
Answer. For now I know what
the power of Thy holy Cross is. SOME one perchance will ask in
his heart, what Peter or Andrew
Eighth Lesson. had to lose by obeying the call of
the Lord? Dearly beloved brethren,
E who calleth us to be converted
we must consider here rather the in
is now enthroned in heaven; He
tention than the loss incurred by this
hath broken 1 the necks of the Gentiles
obedience. He that keepeth nothing
to the yoke of the faith, He hath laid
for himself, giveth up much; he that
low the glory of the world, and the
sacrificeth his all, sacrificeth what is
wrecks thereof, falling ever more and
to him a. great deal. Beyond doubt,
more to decay, do preach unto us that
we cling to whatever we have, and
the coming of that day when He is to
what we have least, that we desire
be revealed as our Judge is drawing
most. Peter and Andrew therefore
nigh: and yet, so stubborn is our mind,
gave up much when they gave up
that we will not yet freely abandon
even the desire of possessing any
that which, will we, nill we, we lose
day by day. Dearly beloved brethren,
what shall we answer at His Judg The lfymn, “We praise Thee, O
ment-seat, we whom no lessons can God, &c.,” is said.
1 Or “ bent "—suhdidit.

LAUDS. in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one

God, world without end. Amen.
First Antiphon. God bless thee,
precious cross, * be welcome to the If in Advent a Commemoration is
follower of Him That hung on thee, made qf the W’ieeh-day.
even my Master Christ.
Second Antiphon. The blessed PRIME.
Andrew prayed and said: * O Lord,
Antiphon. God bless thee, &c.,
King of everlasting glory, receive me
(First Antiphon at Lands.)
hanging on this gallows.
Third Antiphon. Andrew was the
servant of Christ, * a worthy Apostle
of God, the brother of Peter, and On the morrow we keep the feast
likened to Christ and to Peter in his of the holy confessor Felix de Valois,
death. of whom mention is made upon the
Fourth Antiphon. Christ’s dear 4th day of November.
handmaid Maximilla took the body Upon the same first day of Decem
* of the Apostle and buried it with ber, were born into the better life—
spices in an honourable place. The Prophet Nahum, who sleepeth
Fifth Antiphon. O Lord, Thou in Begabar.
hast caused them that persecuted the At Rome, [about the year 283,] the
just to be swallowed up in hell, * but holy martyrs the Priest Diodorus, and
to the just Thou hast Thyself shown the Deacon Marianus with many others,
the way on the tree of the cross. who gained the glory of martyrdom by
command of the Emperor Numerian.
Chapter. (Rom. x. 10.) There likewise the holy martyrs
Lucius, Rogatus, Cassian, and Candida.
RETHREN, with the heart man On the same day, the holy martyr
believeth unto righteousness, Ansanus, who confessed Christ at
and with the mouth confession is Rome, under the Emperor Diocletian,
made unto salvation. For the Scrip and was cast into prison; then was
ture saith: \Vhosoever believeth on brought to Sienna in Tuscany, where
Him, shall not be ashamed. he was beheaded, and so finished the
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. course of his testimony, [about the year
Spare unto us this just man, release 304.]
unto us this holy one: *slay not the At Ameria, in Umbria, under the
friend of God, who is just, courteous, same Diocletian, the holy martyr
and godly. Olympias; he was a man of consular
rank, who had been converted by
Prayer throughout the Ofice. blessed Firmina, and died upon the
rack, [about the year 284.]
O ‘LORD, we humbly beseech Thy At Arbela, in Persia, the holy martyr
Majesty, that even as Thou Ananias.
didst give Thy blessed Apostle An At Narni, the holy martyr Proculus,
drew to Thy Church to be a teacher Bishop [of that see,] who, after many
and a ruler on earth, so, now that good works, was beheaded by order
he is with Thee, he may continually of Totila, King of the Goths.
make intercession for us. Through At the city of Casala, the holy
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, martyr Evasius, Bishop [of that see]
\Vho liveth and reigneth with Thee, At Milan, holy Castritian, Bishop

[of that see,] who gained great praise NONE.

for his worthy acts and his godly and
pious conduct of afi'airs during the most Antiphon. O Lord, Thou hast
troublous times of the Church. caused, &c., (Fifth Antzjohon at
At Brescia, holy Ursicinus, Bishop Lauds.)
[of that see.] Chapter as at the end of Prime.
At Noyon, [in, probably, the year
6 59,] holy Eloy, Bishop [of that see,]
whose marvellous life is commended SECOND VESPERS.

by the number of signs wrought through Antiphons, Chapter, and I Prayer

him. from Lauds.
At Verdun, [in the year 591,] holy
Ageric, Bishop [of that see.] A "zip/ma at the Songof the Blessed
On the same day, holy Natalia, Virgin. When the blessed Andrew
the wife of the blessed martyr Had came to the place where the cross
rian; she ministered for a long time was made ready, he cried and said:
to the holy martyrs who were kept O precious cross, * of a long time
in prison at Nicomedia under the have I desired thee, and, now that
Emperor Diocletian, and after their thou art made ready for me, my
battle was over went to Constanti soul is drawn to thee, and I come
nople, where she fell asleep in peace. to thee in peace and gladness; thou
also oughtest tO welcome me with
Chapter at the end. (Rom. x. 16.) joy, for I am the disciple of Him
Who hung on thee. -
OR Isaias saith: Lord, who hath
believed our report? So then A Commemoration is made of the
faith cometh by hearing, and hearing following.
by the word of Christ. But I say: Prayer from his Ofiice.
Have they not heard? Yes verily, If in Advent, a Commemoration is
their sound went into all the earth, made of the Week-day.
and their words unto the ends of the

Antiohon. The blessed Andrew, FEAST-DAYS IN DECEMBER.

&c., (Second Antiphon at Lauds.)
Chapterfrom Lauds.

5t Jfzltx D2 Balers, (Eunfcssur.
Antiohon. Andrew was the ser Double.
vant, &c., (Third Antiphon at Lauds.)
All from the Common Oflice for a
Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 5 31,) ex
Chapter. (Rom. x. 12.)
cept the following.
OR there is no difference between
the Jew and the Greek: for Prayer throughout the Ofiice.
the same Lord over all is rich unto
all that call upon Him. For who O CO D, Who by a sign from heaven
soever shall call upon the name of didst call Thy blessed Confessor
the Lord shall be saved. Felix out of the desert to become a

redeemer of bondsmen, grant, we be with heavenly thoughts. But he first

seech Thee, unto his prayers, that wished to take orders, to the end that
Thy grace may deliver us from the he might clear himself of all expecta
bondage of sin, and bring us home tion of succeeding to the crown, to
unto our very fatherland, which is in which, in consequence of the Salic
heaven. Through our Lord JESUS Law, he was somewhat near. He be
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and came a Priest, and said his first Mass
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of with deep devotion. Then, in a little
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with while, he withdrew himself into the
out end. Amen. wilderness, where he lived in extreme
abstinence, fed by heavenly grace.
FIRST NOCTURN. Thither, by the inspiration of God,
came the holy Doctor John de la Mata
Lessons from Scnplure awarding to of Paris, and found him, and they led
t/ze Season. an holy life together for several years,
until they were both warned of an
SECOND NOCTURN. Angel to go to Rome and seek a special
Fourt/z Lesson. Rule of life from the Pope. Pope
Innocent III. while he was solemnly
HEW de Valois, who afterwards celebrating the Liturgy [on the 28th
took the name of Felix, was born day of January, 1198,] received in a
[in the year 1127] of the same family vision the revelation of the Order and
of the de Valois which in after times Institute for the redemption of bonds
became Kingly. From his earliest men, and he forthwith clad Felix and
childhood he gave tokens, especially by John in white garments marked with a
his pity toward the poor, of the holiness cross of red and blue, made after the
of his coming life. When he was still likeness of the raiment wherein the
a little lad he distributed money to the Angel had appeared. This Pope also
poor with his own hand, with the willed that the new Order should bear,
seriousness of an old man. When he as well as the habit of three colours,
was a little bigger he used to send the name of the Most Holy Trinity.
them dishes from the table, and took
especial delight in treating poor Sixth Lesson.
children with the most toothsome of the
sweetmeats. As a boy he took clothes WHEN they had received the con
off his own back more than once, to firmation of their rule from
cover the naked. He begged and Pope Innocent, John and Felix en
obtained from his uncle Theobald, larged the first house of their Order,
Earl of Champagne and Blois, the life which they had built a little while be
of a felon condemned to death, fore fore at Cerfroi, in the dicecese of
telling to him that this blackguard Meaux, in France. There Felix
cut-throat would yet become a man of wonderfully devoted himself to the
most holy life—which did indeed come promotion of Regular Observance and
to pass as he had said. of the Institute for the redemption
of bondsmen, and thence he busily
spread the same by sending forth
F{ft/r Lesson. his disciples into other provinces.
AFTER a praiseworthy boyhood, he Here it was that he received an ex
began to think of withdrawing traordinary favour from the blessed
from the world in order to be alone Maiden-Mother. On the night of the

Nativity of the Mother of God, the Hippolytus, Maximus, Adria, Paulina,

brethren lay all asleep, and by the Neo, Mary, Martana, and Aurelia,
Providence of God woke not to say who suffered martyrdom under the
Mattins. But Felix was watching, as judge Secundian, in the persecution
his custom was, and came betimes under the Emperor Valerian, [in the
into the Choir. There he found the' year 256.] ' i
Blessed Virgin in the midst of the r Likewise at Rome, [at the end of
Choir, clad in raiment marked with the 2nd century,] the holy martyr'Pon
the Cross of his Order, the Cross of tian and four others. '
red and blue ; and with her a company In Africa, the holy martyrs Severus,
of the heavenly host in like garments. Securus, Januarius, and Vi'ctorinus,
And Felix was mingled among them. w'ho’were there crowned with martyr
And the Mother of God began to sing, dom, [about the year of Christ 300.]
and they all sang with her and praised At Aquileia, [about the year- 409,]
God ; and Felix sang with them ; and the holy Confessor Chro'matius, Bishop
so they finished the Office. So now [of that see.]
that he seemed to have been already At Imola, [in the year 450,] holy
called away from glorifying God on Peter, Bishop of Ravenna, styled
earth, to glorify Him in heaven, an Chrysologus, [or him of the golden
Angel told Felix that the hour Of his words,] famous for his teaching and
death was at hand. When therefore holiness, whose feast we keep upon the
he had exhorted his children to be 4th day of this present month.
tender to the poor and .to slaves, he At Verona, [in the sixth century,]
gave up his soul to God [upon the 4th the holy confessor Lupus, Bishop [of
day of November] in the year of that see.]
Christ 1212, in the time of the same At Edessa, [about the year 468,]
Pope Innocent III., being four-score holy Nonnus, Bishop [first of that see,
and-five years old, and full of good and afterwards of Heliopolis in Syria,]
works. . through whose prayers Pelagia the
penitent was converted to Christ.
At Troas, in Phrygia, holy Bishop
Lessons from Luke xii. 32, with the Silvanus, famous for miracles.
Homily ofthe Venerable Bede, (p. 544.) At Brescia, holy Bishop Evasius.
At Second Vespers a Commemoration
If in Advent a Commemoration is
is made of the following. 1
made of the Week-day at Lauds.
Prayerfrom her Oflice. . .
If in Advent, of the Week-day.
Upon the 2nd day of December, DECEMBER 2.
were born into the better life
At Rome, [about the year 363,] QB]: Belg virgin anti Martyr
the holy Virgin and martyr Bibiana, v Bihiana.
who under the profane Emperor
Julian was for Christ’s sake flogged Semi-double.
to death with scourges loaded with
lead. 1A llfrom the Common Ofice for One
There likewise, the holy martyrs the Virgin and Martyr, (p. 567,) except
Priest Eusebius, the Deacon Marcellus, what is otherwise given here.

Prayer throughout the Ofiite. secute them, but although they were
destitute of all human support, God,
O GOD, the Giver of all good gifts, Who giveth bread tothe hungry,
who unto the lily of pure maiden
fed them, and kept them in health,
hood in the hand'of Thy servant Bibi
life, and strength, to the wonder of
ana, didst join the palm of a glorious
their enemies. 4
martyrdom, grant us, we beseech Thee,
at her pleading, that our hearts and
minds being joined to Thee by Thy Fifth Lesson.
love, we may escape all dangers which APRONIAN US then attacked them,
do presently beset us, and finally to make them worship the gods
attain unto Thine everlasting joy. of the Gentiles, and promised them
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy the restoration of their property, the
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with favour of the Emperor, and a great
Thee, in the unity of the Holy marriage for each of them, if they
Ghost, one God, world without end. would give way, and, on the other
Amen. hand, imprisonment, stripes, and
MATTINS. death. But neither promises nor
threats availed, for they remained
FIRST NOCTURN. firm in the faith, being resolved
Lessons from Strz'pture, attordingr rather to die than to pollute them
selves by doing according to the
to the Season.
deeds of the heathen; and, as for
the iniquity of the Praetor, they
SECOND NOCTURN. loathed it continually. At length
the strength of Demetria gave way,
Fourth Lesson. and she fell down suddenly, and died
in the Lord, before the eyes of her
BIBIANA was a Roman maiden,
sister Bibiana. Then Bibiana was
distinguished on account of the
put into the hands of an artful woman
nobility of her family, but now far
named Rufina, to seduce her if pos
more distinguished for her confession
of Christ. In the reign of the foul sible; but she had known the law of
Christ from her childhood, and kept the
tyrant, Julian the Apostate, her father
lily of her purity undefiled, triumph
Flavian, although he was an ex-Prae
fect, was branded as a slave and ban-, ing over the efforts of that vile per
ished to Acquapendente, not far from son, and disappointing the lust of the
Rome, where he soon died a martyr Prxtor.
for his faith. His wife, Dafrosa, and
Sixth Lesson.
his two daughters, Bibiana and De
metria, were first imprisoned in their HEN, when Rufina saw that her
own house, with the idea of starving false words availed not, she took
them'to death;-but the mother was to blows, and scourged Bibiana daily,
afterwards taken outside the city and but the saint was not staggered in her
beheaded. Bibiana and her sister holy resolution. At last the Prretor,
Demetria, after the death of their mad with baffled lust, when he found
holy parents, were stripped of all his labour was thrown away, ordered
they had in the world. Apronianus, his lictors to strip her naked, hang
Przetor of the city, who hankered her up by the hands to a pillar, and
after their property, continued to per flog her to death with whips weighted

with lead.1 When all was over, her commanded a great stone to be tied
sacred body was thrown out for the to Claudius and that he should be
dogs to eat. It lay two days in the cast into the river; the soldiers and
Forum Tauri, but the animals would the sons of Claudius he also caused
not touch it; and, at last, a Priest, to be put to deatlf. The blessed
named John, took it, and buried it by Hilaria buried the bodies of her sons,
night beside the graves of her mother and was praying at their grave soon
and sister, near the Licinian Palace. after, when she was seized by the
This is the place where there is still a heathen, and departed hence to be
church, dedicated in the name of St ever with the Lord, [about the year
Bibiana. When this church was being 257-]
restored by Urban VIII., the bodies of At Tangier, in Morocco, [in the
these three holy women, Bibiana, De year 398,] the holy martyr Cassian.
metria, and Dafrosa, were found, and He had of a long time discharged
were re-buried under the High Altar. the office of a public clerk when the
thought came to him from heaven
THIRD NOCTURN. that it was an accursed thing to
serve for the slaughter of Christians;
Lessons from Matth. xiii. 44, with he resigned his ofiice therefore, and
the Homily of St Gregory (p. 583.) under the public profession of a Christ
At Lauds, in Advent, a Commemor ian he earned the victory of martyrdom,
ation is made of the Week-day. [in the year 398.]
Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs
Claudius, Crispin, Magina, John, and
Upon the 3rd day of December is In Hungary, the holy' martyr
commemorated the birth into the Agricola.
better life— At Nicomedia, the ~holy martyrs
In the island of San-Chan, in the Ambicus, Victor, and Julius.
Canton River, in China, holy Francis At Milan, [about the year 318,] the
Xavier of the Society of Jesus, Apostle holy Confessor Mirocles, Bishop [of
of the Indies, illustrious for the con that see,] of whom mention is made
version of the Gentiles, for gifts and by holy Ambrose.
miracles, who died, [in the year I 5 52,] In England, holy Brian, first Bishop
full of good works and labours, upon of Dorchester,‘[he was a Priest of
this present 2nd day of December, but Rome about the year 650, whose feast
his feast is kept upon the morrow by we keep upon the 5th day of this
order of Alexander VII. present month of December.]
In Judea, the holy prophet Zephan At Chur, in Switzerland, holy Lucius,
iah, [in the seventh century B.C. He King of the Britons [of Morganweg,]
is the ninth of the twelve minor who was the first British prince to re
prophets] ceive the faith of Christ, in the time of
Upon the same 3rd day of Decem Pope Eleutherus, [about the year 182.]
ber, were born into the better life— At Sienna, in Tuscany, the holy
At Rome, the holy martyrs the Tri Hermit Galgan, [of the order of St
bune Claudius, his wife 'Hilaria, their Benedict. He lived on a mountain
sons Jason and Marus, and seventy called Siepi, and died in the year
soldiers. The Emperor Numerian 1181.]
1 'In the' year 363.

DECEMBER 3. wrapt in the contemplation of divine

things, that he was sometimes lifted in
$t firancts Iahizr, (Eonfzssur. ecstasy off the ground, which happened
to him several times when he was
Double. saying Mass in public before large
congregations. He earned these re
A llfrom the Common Ofiiee of a Can freshments of the soul by the sharpest
fessor not a Bishop, (p. 531,) except punishment of the body. He gave up
what is otherwise given here. the use not only of meat and wine, but
also of Wheaten bread; he lived on
the vilest food, and ate only once
Prayer lhroughout the Ofiice. every two or three days. He used an
iron scourge till his blood ran freely;
O GOD, Who wast pleased to make
he shortened the hours of his rest, and
the preaching and miracles of
lay only on the ground.
the blessed Francis an instrument to
gather in the people of the Indies into
Thy Church, mercifully grant that we
who venerate the glorious memory of Fifth Lesson.
his worthy deeds, may also have the
HE hardness and holiness of his
grace to follow the pattern of his
virtues. Through our Lord JESUS , life had made him meet to be
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reign called to be an Apostle, and when
eth with Thee, in the unity of the
John II'I., King of Portugal, asked
Pope Paul III. to send to the Indies
Holy Ghost, one God, world without
some members of the then new Society
end. Amen.
of JESUS, the Pontiff, by the advice of
At First Vespers Commemoration: St Ignatius, sent Francis to enter on
are made of St Bibz'ana, and of the that vast field of labour with the
powers of Apostolic Nuncio. He
arrived [in India on the 6th day of
MATTINS. May, in the year 1542.] When he
began his work, it seemed as though
FIRST NOCTURN. God Himself taught him the many
and diflicult languages of the natives.
Lessons from Senpture, aeeordz'ng to It even happened that when he
the Season. preached in one language to a mixed
congregation of different nationalities,
each one heard him in his own tongue
wherein he was born.1 He travelled
Fourth Lesson. over countless districts, always walk
ing, and often bare-footed. He intro
FRANClS was of noble family, and duced the faith into Japan, and six
was born in the castle of Xavier, other countries. In India he turned
in the dicecese of Pampeluna, [in the many hundred thousands to Christ,
year of our Lord 1506.] He was a and regenerated many chiefs and
companion of St Ignatius at Paris, and kings in the holy font. And not
one of his earliest disciples. Under withstanding that he was doing all
his teaching, he learnt to become so these great things for God’s ser~
I Cf. Acts ii. 8.

vice, so deep was his lowliness that THIRD NOCTURN.

when he wrote to St Ignatius, the
General of the Society, he did so Set/mt]: Lesson.
on his knees.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Mark (xvi.
Sixtll Lemon. 15.)

GOD was pleased to support his T that time: JESUS said unto His
zeal for spreading the Gospel disciples: G0 ye into all the
with many and great miracles. He world, and preach the Gospel to every
gave sight to a blind man. On one creature. And so on.
occasion the supply of fresh water
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
failed when he was at sea, and five
Great.] (29th on tlze Gospels.)
hundred sailors were in danger of
perishing by thirst, but the servant of By the words “every creature ” we
God, by the sign of the Cross, turned may understand every tribe of the Gen
salt water into fresh, and they used it tiles. Of aforetime it had been said,
for a considerable time. Some of this “ Go not into the way of the Gentiles,”
water was also carried into different (Matth. x. 5,) but now, “Preach the
countries, and a great number of sick Gospel to every creature,” that, since
persons were instantaneously cured by the Jews had proudly rejected the
it. He called several dead men to preaching of the Apostles, that might
life, among whom was one who had become our- gain which was the seal
been buried the day before, and who of their condemnation. But when the
was disinterred by command of the Eternal Truth sendeth forth His dis
saint; and likewise two others who ciples totpreach, what doth He but
were being carried to the grave, and scatter seed over the field of the world?
whom he took by the hand and re He scattereth abroad a few grains for
stored living to their parents. He seed, that He may afterward reap an
had the spirit of prophecy, and fore abundant harvest in our faith.
told many things, remote both in place
and time. Utterly worn out with his
labours, he died full of good works in Eight/z Lesson.
the island of San-Chan in the Canton
River, [upon the 2nd day of December, THE great harvest of faithful souls
in the year of our Lord 1552.] His throughout the whole world
body was buried in quick lime, and, would never have sprung up, if the
being again taken up, was again buried hand of the-Lord had not first scattered
in the same, but at the end of many those chosen grains of preachers over
months it was found entirely incorrupt, the reasonable soil of men’s minds.
and sweet, and, when cut, blood flowed Then is written, “He that believeth
freely from it. From China it was and is baptized shall be saved: but he
carried to Malacca, and, as soon as it that believeth not, shall be damned.”
reached that place, a plague, which Now, perchance, thou sayest in thine
was raging there, ceased. At length, heart: I believe, and therefore I shall
when he had become famous through be saved. True, if to thy faith thou
out the whole world for new and dost add works. He only hath a living
wonderful miracles, Gregory XV. added faith whose life doth not give the lie
his name to the list of the Saints. to his profession. ,It isof this that

Paul speaketh, where he saith of cruel and wasting imprisonment she

certain vain believers, “They profess endured burning with torches, the cut
that they know God; but in works ting off of her breasts, and other
they deny Him.” (Tit. i. 16.) torments, and finished her testimony
by the sword, [in the year 235.] _
At Constantinople, [in the year
Nz'nt/z Lesson. 780,] the holy martyr Theophanes
and his Companions.
“ AND these signs shall follow them In Pontus, [about the year 330,] the
that believe : In My name they blessed Confessor Meletius, Bishop [of
shall cast out devils, they shall speak Sebastopol.] He was a man of ex
with new tongues, they shall take up traordinary learning, but this gift was
serpents ; and if they drink any deadly outshone in him by the mightiness of
thing, it shall not hurt them; they his soul and the straightforwardness
shall lay hands on the sick, and they of his life.
shall recover.” At Bologna, holy Felix, Bishop [of
My brethren, these signs do not that see,] who had erstwhile been a
follow us. Do we, then, not believe? Deacon of the church of Milan under
Nay. The truth is, these things were holy Ambrose.
needful when the Church was young. In England, holy Osmund, Bishop,
That she might grow by the increase [in the year 1078, of Salisbury,] whose
of the faithful, she needed to be feast we keep upon the 17th day of
nourished with miracles. So we, July, which is the day of the trans
when we plant a young tree, con lation of his sacred body. [He was
tinually water and tend it, till we Count of Seez in Normandy, and,
see that it hath taken firm root in following William the Conqueror, was
the earth: but when once it hath made Count of Dorset and Lord High
taken firm root, it can grow of itself. Chancellor of England. He died in
Hence Paul saith of tongues: 1099, and was canonised by Pope
“Tongues are for a sign, not to Calixtus III., in the year 1458.]
them that believe, but to them that At Cologne, [in the year 1075,]
believe not.” (1 Cor. xiv. 22.) holy Annon, Bishop [of that see.]
In Mesopotamia, [about the year
At Lauds-z's made a Commemoration 449,] holy Maruthas, Bishop of Tagrit,
oft/1e Week-day. who raised up again the churches
of God in Persia which had been
cast down in the persecution under
King Isdegerd; he was famous for
many miracles, and achieved honour
On the morrow we keep the feast of
even among his enemies. [Several
the holy Confessor Peter Chrysologus,
of his works are extant. Tagrit is
Archbishop of Ravenna, [in the year
now Miafarakin.]
450,] of whom mention is made upon
At Parma, [in the year 1133,] holy
the 2nd day of this present month of
Bernard, Cardinal-bishop of that city,
of the Congregation of the Order of
Upon the same 4th day of December,
St Benedict, called that of Vallom
were born into the better life— '
At_ Nicomedia, in the persecution
under the Emperor Maximin, the holy Vespers are of the following, from
Virgin and martyr Barbara. .After a the Chapter, inclusive.


St 19m: Qtbrgsolugus, firth. Lessons from I Tim. iii. 1, as in the

Common Ofiee, (p. 516.)
htshup [of Bahama] Qtun:
fessor, anh Easter at the

Double. Fourth Lesson.

All from the Common Ofiiee for a ETER, called in Greek “Chryso
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 5 I 5,) exeept logos,” or, “ of the golden words,”
what is otherwise given here. on account of his wonderful eloquence,
was born of respectable parents at
Prayer throughout the Oflfce. Imola, near Ravenna. He displayed
a very early leaning to godliness, and
O GOD, Who by a sign from heaven became a disciple of Cornelius of
didst mark out the blessed Peter Rome, Bishop of lmola. This Pre
Chrysologus, the excellent Teacher, late, having experience of his learning
to be a ruler and instructor of souls, and holiness of life, soon ordained him
grant, we pray Thee, that even as Deacon. On the death of the Arch
Thou didst give him to be a teacher bishop of Ravenna, the people of that
of Thy lively truth on earth, so, now place elected a successor, and sent
that he is with Thee, we may worthily him, according to custom, to Rome, to
have him continually to make inter be confirmed in his appointment by
cession for us. Through our Lord Pope Sixtus III. The Archbishop
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth elect accordingly set forth, along with
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity the ambassadors of the people of
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world Ravenna and Cornelius, Bishop of
without end. Amen. Imola, attended by Peter the Deacon.
While they were yet on the way, the
FIRST VESPERS. holy Apostle Peter and Apollinaris the
Martyr appeared to the Supreme
The first verse of the Ialymn is Pontifi‘ in a dream, leading a young
altered. man between them, whom they com
Antiphon at the Songr of the Blessed manded him to make Archbishop.
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher, &c. As soon as the embassy arrived at
Commemorations of St Francis Xa Rome the Pope knew in Peter the
vier, of the Week-day, and of the holy young man of his dream, chosen of
Virgin and .illartyr Barhara. Her God to the Archbishopric. Where
Commemoration is taken from the fore he set aside him that the people
Common Ofliee for one Virgin and of Ravenna had presented, and pre
Martyr, (p. 567,) with the Prayer, ferred Peter to that Metropolitan
“0 God; Who amidst the wondrous Church, in the year of our Lord,
works of Thy Divine power, &c. 433. The ambassadors of the people
of Ravenna took it ill, till they heard
the vision: then they gave them
selves up to the will of God, and
The first verse of the hymn is received the new Archbishop with
altered. great reverence.

Fifth Lesson. were so wrought up, that they filled

the whole place with tears, cries, and
PETER being against his will con
prayers, and Peter afterwards thanked
secrated Archbishop, arrived at
God, Who had turned his failure to
Ravenna, where he was received with
the profit of their souls. When he
great joy by the Emperor Valentinian,
had ruled the Church of Ravenna in
the Empress-Mother Galla Placidia,
holiness for about eighteen years, God
and all the people. And this one
gave him knowledge that the end of
thing he asked of them, that, as he,
his labours was at hand, and he re
for the saving of their souls, had not
turned to his home at Imola, to die.
refused to bear the heavy weight of
When he arrived at Imola, he en
the Archbishopric, so they would
tered the church of St Cassian, and
strive to follow his warnings, and live
offered upon the High Altar a great
in submission to the law of God.
circlet of gold, set with stones of great
He took the bodies of the two Saints,
price, a golden chalice and a silver
namely, Barbatian the Priest, and
paten. Water poured out of these
German, Bishop of Auxerre, and caused
vessels hath often healed hydrophobia
them to be embalmed with rich oint
and fevers. Some of the people of
ments and honourably buried, and he
Ravenna had followed the Archbishop,
kept the cowl and haircloth shirt of
but he now dismissed them, with a
German for a legacy for himself. At
charge to use great prudence in their
Classis, three miles from Ravenna, he
choice of his successor. Then he fell
built a Baptistery of extraordinary size,
to prayer, that God would mercifully
and several splendid churches, in
regeive his spirit, asking the same
honour of the blessed Apostle Andrew
likewise for the sake of his patron St
and other Saints. _ He preached a
Cassian, and so he passed in peace
most severe sermon against the acting
and dancing of guisardsl about New to a better life, on a 2nd of December,
about the year of our Lord 450. His
Year time, in which discourse he said
holy body was buried, amid the sorrow
among other things, “He that jesteth
and veneration of the whole city, hard
with the devil will never rejoice with
by the remains of St Cassian, where
Christ.” By command of Pope Leo I.
it lieth even to this day, guarded with
he addressed an Epistle to the Councilof
great reverence. One arm was cut
Chalcedon against the heretic Eutyches.
off and sent to Ravenna, where it is
He also confuted Eutyches himself in
preserved in the Ursian Church, in
another letter, which is likewise pub
a reliquary of gold and precious stones.
lished in the new editions of the Acts
of the Council, and is matter of Church

Sixth Lesson. Lessons from Matth. v. I 3, with the

Homily of St Austin upon lhe same,
WHEN he preached in public his
vehemence was such that he (e- 549-)
sometimes became speechless from Eighth Responsory.
excitement. This happened to him
once when he was preaching on the In the midst of the congregation,
subject of the woman who had an 8w, (p- 539-)
issue of blood. (Matth. ix. 20-22.) At Laud: are made Commemoralions
The congregation on this occasion of ihe Week-day and of 5! Barbara.
I Homines personati.

MARTYROLOGY. In the days of the Emperor Julian

the Apostate a temple of Mars fell
On the morrow we keep in England
down in answer to his prayer, where
the feast of the holy Confessor Brian,
fore the heathen priests beat him
first Bishop of Dorchester, of whom
direfully, and he earned the crown of
mention is made upon the 3rd day of
martyrdom by eighty-five wounds,
this present month of December.
[about the year 362.]
Upon the same 5th dayof December,
Likewise, [in the sixth century,]
were born into the better life—
the holy martyr Anastasius, whose
At Mutalasque, in Cappadocia, the
desire for martyrdom caused him to
holy Saba, Abbat [in Palestine in the
year 531,] who shone in Palestine as a
show himself of his own will to the
marvellous ensample of holiness, and persecutors.
At Trier (Treves), [about the year
toiled manfully for the Catholic faith
566,] holy Nicetius, Bishop [of that
against those that impugned the holy
Council of Chalcedon, [held in the year see,] a man of wonderful holiness.
[Two of his works are still extant.]
451-] At Polybotus, in Asia, holy John,
At Thebeste, in Africa, holy Crispina,
[of Thagara,] a woman of very high
called the Wonder-worker, Bishop [of
that see in the time of the Emperor
rank, who refused to sacrifice to idols,
in the days of the Emperors Diocletian Leo the Isaurian.]
and Maximian, and was therefore be Vespers are of the following from
headed by command of the Pro-consul the Chapter, inclusive.
Anolinus, [in the year 304.] Holy
Augustin doth oftentimes speak in
her praise. DECEMBER 5.
At Thagara, in Africa, the holy
martyrs Julius, Potamia, Crispin, 5t QBrian, QBislJnp [uf Eon
Felix, Gratus, and seven others. shown] Qtunfefisur.
At Nice, upon the river Var, holy
Bassus, Bishop [of that see, in the Double.
third century.] In the persecution All from the Common Ofiee fora
under the Emperors Decius and Valer Bishop and Confessor, ()5. 5i 5,) except
ian the President Perennius caused the following.
him for Christ’s faith’s sake to be
racked, burnt with plates of white Prayer throughout, “Grant, we be
hot metal, beaten with cudgels and seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
loaded scourges, cast into the fire,
and when he came out therefrom un FIRST VESPERS.
harmed, to be pierced with two nails,
and so he achieved an illustrious A Commemoration is made of the
martyrdom. preceding.
At Pavia, the holy martyr Dalmatius, Antiphon, “0 right excellent
Bishop [of that see,] who suffered in teacher, &c.,” and Prayer from his
the persecution under the Emperor Ojioe.
Maximian, [in the year 304.]
At Pentinia, in the Abruzzi, the holy Then of the Week-day, and then of
martyr Pelinus, Bishop of Brindisi. St Saba,l Abhat, from the Common
1 Born at Mutalasca, in Cappadocia, in the year 439. Died at the Monastery now called
from him at Mar Saba, between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, December 5, 532.

Ofliee, (p. 531,) with the Prayer, ing and hallowing Churches, and call
“0 Lord, we beseech Thee, &c.,” ing many people to God by holy
(t- 545-) labour, he passed away to be for ever
MATTINS. with the Lord, [about the year 650.]
At Dorchester he was buried, but after
many years, Bishop Hedda removed
Lessons from Scripture according to his body to Winchester, where it was
the Season. honourably laid in the Church of the
Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Fourth Lesson. (From Bede, iii. 7, and
the Saxon Chronicle.) Lessons from Matth. xxv. 14, with
IN the year of Christ 634, the West the Homily of St Gregory, (p. 522.)
Saxons, under their King Cyne At Loads, a Commemoration is
gils, received the Faith, the Word of made of the Week-day, and then of St
God being preached among them by Saba, with the Prayer as hefore.
the Bishop Brian, who had come into
Britain at the persuasion of Pope
Honorius. He made a personal pro MARTYROLOGY.

mise to this Pope that he would go On the 6th day of December, were
into far parts of England, where no born into the better life—
teacher had yet reached, and there At Myra, which is the chief city of
sow the seed of our holy Faith. The Lycia, [in the year 324,] the holy
Pope therefore commanded Asterius, Confessor Nicolas, Bishop [of that
Bishop of Genoa, to consecrate him a see,] of whom among many other
Bishop. signs and wonders it is recorded that
Fifth Lesson. when the Emperor Constantine had
WHEN Brian came to Britain, the condemned certain persons to death
first place he went to was the and these called upon Nicolas, who
country of the West Saxons, whom he was alive, and afar ofi', he appeared
found steeped in idolatry. Among unto the Emperor, and bent him to
them therefore he deemed it better to mercy by exhortation and threats.
abide, than to go further in search of In Africa, the holy women Dionysia,
subjects for his preaching. He con Dativa, and Leontia, and the monk
verted and baptized the King and his Tertius, the physician lEmilian, Boni
people, and Cynegils afterwards re face, and three others, who in the
ceived from the font the most holy Vandal persecution under the Arian
Oswald, King of the Northumbrians, King Hunneric were tormented in
whose daughter he was about to take most grievous and manifold ways for
in marriage, and thus, by a beautiful their defence of the Catholic faith, and
coincidence, became first his god-father so earned a place among Confessors of
and then his son-in-law. Christ, [in the year 484.]
At the same time and place, the
holy martyr Majoricus, the son of
Sixth Lesson.
holy Dionysia. He was but a little
THESE two Kings joined in giving lad and was in fear of the torments,
to Brian the city of Dorchester, but by the looks and words of his
to be his See, and thence, after build mother, he was so strengthened that

he became mightier than them all, First Vespers, as regards St Nicolas,

and died under the torture; his begin with the Chapter.
mother took his body to her heart,
A Commemoration is made of St
and buried it in their home, and
Brian. Prayer as in his Oflz'ce, and
was used to pray instantly at his
then of the Week-Day.
On the same day, the holy priest
Polychronius, who was saying Mass in MATTINS.

the time of the Emperor Constantius, FIRST NOCTURN.

when the Arians attacked him and
slew him, [fourth century.] Lessons from Scripture according to
At Granada, in Spain, the blessed the Season.
martyr Peter Paschasius, Bishop of
Jaen, of the order of blessed Mary of SECOND NOCTURN.
Ransom for the redemption of captives, Fourth Lesson.
[in the year 1300.]
At Rome, the holy Virgin Asella, ICOLAS was born at the famous
who, as writeth blessed Jerome, city of Patara in Lycia. His
was blessed from her mother’s parents obtained him from God by
womb, and passed her life in fast prayer, and the holiness of his life
ings and prayers unto a good Old was marked even from the cradle.
age. [Born about 334 and died When he was at the breast he never
about 410.] would suck more than once on Wed
nesdays and Fridays, and that always
Vespers from the following from the after sunset, though he sucked freely
Chapter inclusive. on other days. This custom of fast
ing he never broke through during
his whole life. While he was still
a young man he lost both his father
St Nicolas, archbishop [of and mother, after which he gave his
whole property away to the poor.
Myra] Qtunfzssur. One particular example is given of
his Christian charity. There was a
certain needy man in the city who
All from the Common Ofiice of a had three marriageable daughters,
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex for whom he could not get husbands,
cept what is otherwise given here. and so thought to make them harlots.
When Nicolas heard of it, he went
Prayer throughout the Ofiice. to the house by night and threw in
by the window such a sum of money
GOD, Who hast made the blessed as made a dowry for one of them.
Bishop Nicolas famous by count This he did a second and a third
less signs and wonders, deliver us, time, and thus by his charity they
we beseech Thee, for his sake and by were honourably given in marriage.
his prayers, from the everlasting fires
of hell. Through our Lord JESUS
Fifth Lesson.
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of ‘hZHEN he had given himself en
the Holy Ghost, one God, world tirely to God he set forth for
without end. Amen. Palestine, that he might see the Holy

Places, and worship therein. Dur Emperors, carried away from his
ing this pilgrimage he embarked See, and thrown into prison, where
once on board a ship when the sky he remained until the accession of
was clear and the sea calm, but he Constantine. This Prince set him
foretold a great storm, which 'after free, and he returned to Myra. He
wards arose and raged until the sailors betook himself to the first Council of
were afraid; and then the saint by Nice, where he was one of the 318
prayer stilled the tempest. After he Bishops who condemned the heresy
had returned home, and his holy life of Arius. He returned thence to his
was known to all men, God bade him Bishopric, and, not long after, be
go to Myra, which is the chief city came aware of the approach of death.
of Lycia, at a time when the Bishop When his last moment was come,
had just died and the Bishops of the he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and,
Province were called together to choose when he saw the Angels coming to
a successor. While they deliberated, meet him, he began to recite the
they received a warning from heaven thirtieth Psalm, “In Thee, O Lord,
to choose that Nicolas who should do I put my trust,” and when he
first come into the church in the had said, “ Into Thy hands I com
morning. In obedience to that warn mend my spirit,” he passed to the
ing, Nicolas was seized at the door heavenly Fatherland.1 His body was
of the church, and with universal con finally removed to Bari in Apulia,
sent consecrated Archbishop. In his where it is kept with great fame and
great ofiice he was an unceasing model honour.
of purity, as he had always been, of THIRD NOCTURN.
gravity, of regularity in prayer, of
watching, of abstinence, of charity, Lessons from Matth. xxv. 14, with
of hospitality, of meekness in exhorta the Homily of St Gregory, (p. 522.)
tion, and of sternness in rebuke. At Lauds is made a Commemora
tion of the Week-day.
Sixth Lesson.
E was the comforter of widows
and orphans by money, by ad The morrow is the eve of the Im
vice, and by labour. He was the maculate Conception of the Blessed
deliverer of the oppressed, so mightily, Virgin Mary.
that it is related that the Emperor On the same day is kept the feast
Constantine once unjustly condemned of the holy Confessor Ambrose, Arch
three Tribunes to death, and these bishop of Milan, and Doctor of the
unhappy men called upon Nicolas, universal Church, the which is adorned
though living and absent, to save by his holiness and teaching. [His
them, who yet appeared in a vision birth into the better life, in the year
to the Emperor, and forced him by 397, is recorded upon the 4th day
threats to set them free. When the of April. The 7th day of December
Emperors Diocletian and Maximian is the day of his ordination to the
published their edict against Chris Bishopric of Milan.]
tianity, Nicolas did not cease to Upon the same 7th day of Decem
preach the truth at Myra, wherefore ber, were born into the better life—
he was seized by the soldiers of the At Alexandria, the blessed soldier
1 In the year 342?

Agatho. During the persecution un Prayer throughout the Ofliee. O

der the Emperor Decius, there were God, Who didst give unto Thy
some that would make mock of the people, &c.
bodies of the martyrs, and Agatho
forbade them, whereupon straightway FIRST VESPERS.
a cry of the whole mob was got up
against him, he was brought before The first verse of the Hymn is
the judge, and as he stood firm in altered.
the confession of Christ he was be A ntiphon at the Songr of the Blessed
headed, [about the year 250.]
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher,
At Antioch, the holy martyrs Poly
carp and Theodore.
At Tebourba, in Africa, the holy Commemoration of St Nz'oolas, and
martyr Servus, who in the Vandal of the Week-day.
persecution under the Arian king
Hunneric, was long cudgelled, re MATTINS.
peatedly jerked up with pulleys and
dropped upon Hints, and scraped with The first verse of the Hymn is
sharp stones, and by this torment altered.
gained the palm of martyrdom, [in FIRST NOCTURN.
the year 384.]
At Chieti, in the kingdom of Naples, Lessons from 1 Tim. iii. 1, as in
[in the ninth century,] the holy Con the Common Ofliee, (p. 516.)
fessor Urban, Bishop of [that see.]
At Saintes, in Gaul, [about the SECOND NOCTURN.
year 400,] the holy Abbat Martin, at
whose grave by the power of God Fourth Lesson.
famous miracles are oftentimes wrought. AMBROSE, Bishop of Milan, was
[He was the founder and first Abbat of the son of another Ambrose, a
the Monastery of Sanjon.] Roman citizen, and was born when
At Meaux, [in the year 657,] the his father was Prefect of Gaul, [about
holy Virgin Fara [de Champigny, the year of our Lord 340.] A swarm
Abbess of Faremoutier, in the diocese of bees settled upon his face when he
of Meaux.] was in his cradle, which was con
Vespers of the following, from the sidered an omen of his future elo
Chapter inclusive. quence. He received a liberal edu
cation at Rome. He was afterwards,
under the Prefect Probus, made
DECEMBER 7. governor of Liguria and tEmilia,
and so came with authority to Milan.
St Qmbruse, Bishop [of fli Auxentius, an Arian, who had been
Ian,] (Ennfessur ant: Easter intruded into the Bishoprick of Milan,
happening to die, the most violent
at the Qthnreh. disputes arose about the choice of
a successor. Ambrose came to the
church in his official capacity, and
All from the Common Ofiice of one urged upon the contending factions,
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex in a long and powerful speech, the
eept what is otherwise given here. necessity of keeping the public peace ;
VOL. I. X 2

whereupon a child suddenly cried out, Prince to enter a church. The

“ Ambrose, Bishop,” and the whole Emperor pleaded that he was no
assembly took it up, and unanimously worse than David, who had been
called for his election. guilty of adultery and murder, to
which Ambrose answered him, “As
thou hast followed him in his sin,
Fifth Lesson. follow him also in his repentance.”
MBROSE refused, and would not Then Theodosius humbly did public
yield to their prayers, where penance laid upon him by the Bishop.
upon they carried their petition to At length the Saint was worn out with
the Emperor Valentinian. It was his continual labour and care for the
very pleasing to this Prince that Church, (for the which also he com
those he had appointed as judges posed many excellent books,) and fore
should be chosen Bishops, as also told that the day of his death was at
to the Prefect Probus, who had, as hand, though he had not then fallen
it were prophetically, said to him into his last sickness. As he lay
when he appointed him, “Go and dying, Honoratus, Bishop of Vercelli,
govern them more like a Bishop heard a voice from God three times
than a Judge.” When the will of crying to him that the hour of
the Emperor was added to the de Ambrose’s departure was come, where
sire of the people, Ambrose yielded, upon he went to him quickly, and
and received Baptism, (for hitherto gave him the sacred Body of our
he was only a Catechumen,) Con Lord. \Vhen he had received It,
firmation, and Communion, and then the Saint, still praying, with his
the several Orders on successive days, hands stretched out in the form of
till on the eighth day, which was the a cross, gave his spirit to God,
7th of December, [in the year 374,] upon the 4th day of April, in the
the weight of the Episcopate was year of Christ, 397.
laid upon his shoulders. Being
made Bishop, he showed himself a THIRD NOCTURN.
stout upholder of the Catholic faith,
and the discipline of the Church, Lessons from Matth. v. 13, with the
and turned to the truth great num Homily of St Austin, (p. 549.)
bers of Arians and other heretics,
and, among them, he begat in Christ Eighth Responsory.
JESUS that burning and shining ligh
of the Church, Austin. In_ the midst of the congregation,
&c-, (a 539-)
Sixth Lesson. At Laud: a Commemoration is made
of the Week-day.
AFTER the murder of the Emperor
Gratian, [in 383,] Ambrose was
- sent as an ambassador to Maximus,
by whom he had been slain, and, as On the morrow we keep the feast
he refused to repent, the Bishop re of the glorious Mary, Mother of
nounced his communion. After the God, and always a Virgin, whom
massacre which the Emperor Theodo the supreme Pontifl' Pius IX. did
sius had commanded at Thessalonica, upon this day solemnly define to
[in 390,] he refused to permit that have been by a singular Iegift of

God preserved unstained by original ciple of the blessed Apostle Peter, and
sin. the first Bishop of that city.
Upon the same 8th day of De In: Cyprus, the holy Bishop So
cember, were born into the better phronius, who was a wonderful pro
life— tector of little children, orphans, and
At Rome, the blessed Pope Euty widows, and an helper of all the poor
chian, who with his own hands buried and depressed. I > ‘
in divers places three hundred and In the monastery of Lisieux, the
forty-two martyrs, whose fellow he holy Abbat Romaric, who was the first
himself afterwards became, being man in the court of King Theodobert,
crowned with martyrdom under the but gave up the world, and became
Emperor Numerian and buried in the first in monastic observance. [He
the cemetery of Callistus. [He suc was a monk of Luxeuil. He founded
ceeded Felix I. (269-274); after five the Abbey of Remiremont, of which
days’ interregnum he became Pope on he became second Abbat in the year
Jan. 3, 275, and died on Dec. 8, 283.] 627, and died on Dec. 8, 653.]
At Alexandria, the holy martyr At Constantinople, the holy Hermit
Macarius. Under the Emperor Decius Patapius, famous for his graces and
the judge dealt with him in many miracles.
words to persuade him to deny Christ, At Verona, is commemorated the
but ashe only professed his faith the ordination of holy Zeno, Bishop [of
more constantly he was burnt alive, [in that see in the fourth century.]
the year 250.]
At Treves, holy Eucharius, a dis Vespers of the following.


llmmatulatz @untepttuu of the ailment!

virgin Wary.
Douhle of the First Class, with an Octave.

All from the Common Ofiice for Commemoration of St Ambrose,

Feast: of the Blessed Virgin, (p. 552,) (Antiphon, “0 right excellent, &c.,”)
except what is otherwise given here. and of the Week-day.


Antiphons, Chapter, Verse and An The last verse of the [a'ymn is altered
.swer, and Prayerfrom Lands. in honour of the Inmrnation. - ~
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. All generations shall call me MATTINS.
blessed, * for He That is mighty hath
Inwitatory. Let us keep the Feast of
done to me great things. Alleluia.
the stainless Conception of the Virgin
This word “Alleluia” is omitted in Mary: * let us worship Christ, her Son,
.Septuagesima and Sea-agesima Weeks. and her Lord and ours,

I‘lymn.1 unto the woman, Why hath God said,

Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
BLEST Guardian of all virgin souls!
Portal of bliss to man forgiven!
garden? And the woman said unto
Pure Mother of Almighty God! the serpent, We may eat of the fruit
Thou hope of earth, and joy of Heaven! of the trees of the garden; but of
the fruit of the tree which is in the
Fair Lily, found among the thorns! midst of the garden, God hath said,
Most beauteous Dove with wings of goldl Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall
Rod from whose tender root upsprang ye touch it, lest ye die. And the
That healing Flower long since foretold!
serpent said unto the woman: Ye
Thou Tower, against the dragon proof! shall not surely die. For God doth
Thou Star, to storm-toss'd voyagers dear! know that in the day ye eat thereof,
Our course lies o'er a treacherous deep; then your eyes shall be opened:
Thine be the light by which we steer. and ye shall be as gods, knowing
good and evil.
Scatterfthe mists that round us hang,
Keep far the fatal shoals away;
And while through darkling waves we sweep,
First Reyonsory.
Open a path to life and day.
3By one man sin entered into the
0 JESU, born of Virgin brightl
Immortal glory be to Thee; world, in whom all have sinned. Fear
Praise to the Father infinite, not, Mary, for thou hast found grace
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen. ‘with God.
Verse. 4 The Lord hath delivered
FIRST NOCTURN. thy soul from death, yea, the Lord was
thy stay.
First AntzPhon. O Lord, how ex Answer. Fear not, Mary, for thou
cellent is Thy Name * in all the earth, hast found grace with God.
Who hast made Thee a worthy taber
nacle in the Virgin Mary.
Second Antiphon. The Lord hath Second Lesson.
set * His tabernacle in the sun.
Third Antiphon. Even in her Con ND the woman saw that the tree
ception * did Mary receive a blessing was good for food, and that it
from the Lord, and mercy from the was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to
God of her salvation. be desired: and she took of the fruit
Verse. 2It is Almighty God That thereof, and did eat, and gave also
girdeth me with strength. unto her husband with her, and he did
Answer. And maketh my way per eat. And the eyes of them both were
feet. opened ; and they knew that they were
naked, and they sewed fig-leaves to
First Lesson. gether and made themselves aprons.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of And they heard the voice of the LORD
Genesis (iii. 1.) God walking in the garden in the cool
of the day; and Adam and his wife
THE serpent was more subtle than hid themselves from the presence of
any beast of the field which the the LORD God, amidst the trees of
LORD God had made. And he said the garden.
1 Translation hr the Rev. E. Caswall. ‘-' Ps. xvii. 33.
‘ Rom. v. 12; uke i. 30. \‘ Cf. Ps. lv. 13, xvii. 21.
Second Responsory. - Answer. Honey and milk are under
I 1Come unto me all ye that be de her tongue. V
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
sirous of me, and I will declare what
and to the Son, and to thevHoly
God hath done for my soul.
Verse. 2As the Lord liveth, by me
Answer. Honey and milk are under
He hath fulfilled His mercy.
her tongue.
Answer. And I will declare what
God hath done for my soul.
Tlzz'rd Lesson.
First Armin/Ion. Grace is poured
ND the LORD God called unto into her Conception, * and she is
Adam, and said unto him: fairer than the daughters of men.
Where art thou? And he said: I Second A ntzplzon. God hath holpen
heard Thy voice in the garden: and I her right early, * the Most High hath
was afraid, because I was naked, and hallowed His tabernacle.
I hid myself. And He said: Who Tlzird Antzplzon. Glorious things
told thee that thou wast naked ? Hast are spoken of thee, 0 City of God; *
thou eaten of the tree whereof I com the Lord hath laid thy foundation in
manded thee that thou shouldest not the holy mountains.
eat? And Adam said: The woman Verse. 4 By this I know that Thou
whom Thou gavest me to be with me, favourest me.
she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. Answer. Because mine enemy can
And the LORD God said unto the not triumph over me.
woman: Wherefore hast thou done
this? And she said: The serpent
beguiled me, and I did eat. And the Fourth Lesson.
LORD God said unto the serpent: Be The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
cause thou hast done this, thou art of St Jerome, Priest [at Bethlehemfi]
cursed above all cattle, and above (On the Assumption.)
every beast of the field; upon thy
belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt HO and what was the blessed
thou eat all the days of thy life : I will ‘and glorious Mary, always a
put enmity between thee and the wo Virgin, hath been revealed by God by
man, and between thy seed and her the message of an Angel, in these
seed: she shall bruise thy head, and words, “Hail, thou that art full of
thou shalt bruise her heel. grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed
art thou among women.” It was
fitting that a fulness of ,grace should
Tlzz'rd Responsory.
be poured into that Virgin who hath
3 My beloved is white like snow in given to God glory and tovman -_a
Lebanon, her lips drop as the honey Saviour, who hath brought peace to
comb. Honey and milk are under her earth, who hath given faith to the
tongue. Gentiles, who hath killed sin, who
Verse. Come from Lebanon, My hath given law to life, who hath made
Spouse, thou shalt be' crowned with a the crooked ways straight. Verily,
'crown of grace. she is full of grace. To others grace

1 Ecelus. xxiv. 26; P5. lxv. 16. 1’ Judith xiii. 18. 5 Cam. v. 10, iv. 1!, 8.
4 Ps. xl. r2. 5 To be found among his spurious works.

cometh measure by measure ; in Mary dove, all clean, all upright, full of
grace dwelleth at once in all fulness. grace and truth. She is full of mercy,
Verily, she is full of grace. v\Ve be and of the righteousness that hath
lieve that the holy Fathers and Pro looked down from heaven, and there
phets had grace; but they were not fore is she without stain because in
full of grace. But into Mary came a her hath never been any corruption.
fulness of all the grace which is in She hath compassed a man in her
Christ, albeit otherwise [than as it is womb, saith holy Jeremiah, but she
in Him.] Therefore is it said: conceived not by the will of fallen
“Blessed art thou among women,” man. “The LORD,” saith the Pro
that is, “Blessed art thou above all phet, “hath created a new thing in
women.” The fulness of blessing in the earth; a woman shall compass a
Mary utterly neutralized in her any man.” (xxxi. 22.) Verily, it is a new
efi‘ects of the curse of Eve. In her thing. Verily, it was a new work of
praise Solomon writeth in the Song power, greater than all other works,
of Songs, (ii. 10,) “Rise up, my when God, Whom the world cannot
dove, my fair one, for the winter bear, and Whom no man shall see
is past, the rain is over and gone.” and live, entered the lodging of her
And again, “ Come from Lebanon, womb, breaking not the blissful cloister
my Spouse, come, thou shalt be of her virgin flesh. And in her body
crowned.” (iv. 8.) He was borne, the Infinite inclosed
within her womb. And from her
womb He came forth, so that it was
Fourth Responsory. fulfilled which was spoken of the
Prophet Ezekiel, saying, “This gate
1I came out of the mouth of the shall be shut, it shall not be opened,
Most High, the first-begotten before and no man shall enter in by it; be
every creature. I made the unfading cause the LORD, the God of Israel,
light to arise in the heavens. When
hath entered in by it, therefore it shall
there were no depths I was conceived.
be shut.” (xliv. 2.) Hence also in the
Verse. For the Lord hath created Song of Songs it is said of her, (iv.
me in righteousness, and hath held [2,) “A garden enclosed is my sister,
mine hand, and hath kept me. my spouse, a garden enclosed, a
Answer. When there were no fountain sealed, thy perfumes are a
depths I was conceived. garden of delights.” Verily a garden
of delights, filled with the perfumes of
F{fl/1 Lessan. all flowers, rich with the sweet savour
of grace. And the most holy Virgin
NOT unjustly then is she bidden herself is a garden enclosed, whereinto
to come from‘ Lebanon, for sin and Satan have never entered to
Lebanon is so named on account of sully the blossoms, a fountain sealed,
its stainless and glistening whiteness. sealed with the seal of the Trinity.
The earthly Lebanon is white with (So far tire Sermon.)
snow, but the lonely heights of Mary’s
holiness are white with purity and Frft/r Responsory.
grace, brilliantly fair, whiter far than
snow, sparkling with the gifts of the 2 No defiled thing can fall into her;
Holy Ghost—she is undefiled like a she is the brightness of the everlast
1 l.e., Wisdom. Ecelus. xxiv. 5, 6; Prov. viii. 24. ’ Wisd. vii. 25, :6, 29.
ing light, and the unspotted mirror of sun, and the moon under her feet, and
the power of God. upon her head a crown of twelve
Verse. For she is more beautiful stars.
than the sun, and being compared with Verse. 2 The Lord hath clothed
the light, she is found before it. her with the garments of salvation,
Answer. She is the brightness of and hath covered her with the robe of
the everlasting light, and the unspotted righteousness, yea, as a bride He hath
mirror of the power of God. adorned her with jewels.
Answer. And upon her head a
Sixth Lesson. crown of twelve stars.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
THE fact that the Virgin Mother of and to the Son, and to the Holy
God had at the moment of her Ghost.
conception triumphed over the foul Answer. And upon her head a
enemy of man, hath ever been borne crown of twelve stars.
out by the Holy Scriptures, by the
venerable tradition of the Church, and
by her unceasing belief, as well as THIRD NOCTURN.
by the common conviction of all
Bishops and faithful Catholics, and First Antiphon. Holiness and
by marked acts and constitutions of beauty are in her Conception: * de
the Holy See. At length the Supreme clare her glory among all people.
Pontiff Pius IX., in compliance with Second Antithon. Rejoice ye all
the wishes of the Universal Church, in the LORD: * and give thanks
determined to publish it as a truth of at the remembrance of His holi
faith, on his own absolute and unerring ness.
authority, and accordingly, on the 8th Third Antzlfihon. The LORD hath
day of December, 1854, in the Vatican made known His salvation; * the
Basilica, in presence of a great multi glory of His Mother hath He openly
tude composed of the Fathers Cardinals showed in the sight of the heathen.
of the Holy Roman vChurch, and
Bishops from all parts of the earth, Verse. 3 I will extol Thee, O
he, with the consent and jubilation of Lord, for Thou hast lifted me up.
the whole world, declared and defined Answer. And hast not made my
as follows: That doctrine which de foes to rejoice over me.
clareth that the most blessed Virgin
Mary was in the first instant of her
Conception preserved, by a special Seventh Lesson.
privilege granted unto her by God, The Lesson is taken from the Holy
from any stain of original sin, is a Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
doctrine taught and revealed by God,
and therefore is to be held by all T that time: The Angel Gabriel
faithful Christians firmly and con was sent from God, unto a city
stantly. of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a
virgin espoused to a man whose name
Sixth Responsory.
was Joseph, of the house of David,
1 There appeared a great wonder in and the virgin’s name was Mary.
heaven: a Woman clothed with the And so on.
1 Apoc. xii. t. 9 Cf. lsa. lxi. IO. 3 Ps. xxix. 2.

Homily by St German, Patriarch [of Seventh Responsory.

Constantinople]1 (0n the Presentation
of the Blessed Virgin.) 2A garden enclosed is my sister,
my spouse, a garden enclosed, a foun
Hail, Mary, full of grace, holier tain sealed. 0 Mary, thy perfumes
than the Saints, higher than the are a garden of delights.
heavens, more glorious than the Verse. Open to me, my sister, my
Cherubim, more honourable than the love, my dove, my undefiled.
Seraphim, and the most worshipful Answer. 0 Mary, thy perfumes
thing that the hands of God have are a garden of delights.
Hail, O dove, bearing in thy beak Eighth Lesson.
the olive-branch of peace that telleth
us of salvation from the spiritual flood, HAIL, 0 rich and shady Mountain
(Gen. viii. 10,,11,)—dove, blessed of God, whereon pastured the
omen of a safe harbour, whose wings True Lamb, Who hath taken away
are of silver, and thy feathers of gold, our sins and infirmities, (Hab. iii. 3 ;8
shining in the bright beams of the Isa. liii. 4; John i. 29,)—mountain,
Most Holy and Light-giving Spirit. whereout hath been cut without hands
(Ps. lxvii. 14.) that Stone which hath smitten the
Hail, thou living garden of Eden, altars of the idols, and become the
planted towards the East by the right head-stone of the corner, marvellous
hand of the Most Merciful and Mighty in our eyes. (Dan. ii. 34; Ps. cxvii.
God, wherein do grow to His glory 22, 23.)
rich lilies and unfading roses, for the Hail, thou holy Throne of God,
healing of them that have drunk in thou divinest store-house, thou temple
death from the blighting and pestilen of glory, thou bright crown, thou
tial breezes of the bitter West, (Gen. chosen treasure, thou mercy-seat for
ii. 8, 9); Eden, wherein hath sprung the whole world, thou heaven declar
that Tree of life, Whereof if any man ing the glory of God. (Ps. xviii. 2.)
eat he shall live for ever. (Gen. ii. Hail, thou vessel of pure gold, made
9; iii. 22. John vi. 52.) to hold the manna that came down
Hail, stately Palace of the King, from heaven, the sweet food of our
most holy, stainless, purest, House of souls, even Christ. (Ex. xvi. 33;
the Most High God, adorned with Heb. ix. 4; John vi. 49-51.)
His Royal splendour, open to all, Hail, O purest Virgin, most praise
filled with Kingly dainties; Palace worthy and most worshipful, hallowed
wherein is that spiritual bridal cham treasury for the wants of all creatures ;
ber, not made with hands, nor hung thou art the untilled earth, the un
with divers colours, in the which the ploughed field; thou art the vine full
Eternal Word, when He would raise of flowers, the well overflowing with
up fallen man, wedded flesh unto waters, Maiden and Mother; thou art
Himself, that He might reconcile the Mother that knew not a man, the
unto the Father them who had cast hidden treasure of guilelessness, and
themselves away. the clear, bright star of holiness; by
1 The Martyrology (May 12) says, that this “holy Patriarch, illustrious for his graces and
teaching, most faithfully Withstood the Emperor Leo the Isaurian, when that Prince published
an edict against the Holy Images. Elected to the Patriarchal throne, A.D. 715, expelled by
the heretics, 730, and died May 12, 733.
2 Cant. iv. 12; v. 2. n 3 LXX.
thy most acceptable prayers, strong that are under them, according to the
from thy motherly mouth, obtain for commandment of God. Behold, this
all estates of men in the Church that is thine own city,1 which hath thee for
they may continually tend unto Him her towers and her foundations,—
Who is the Lord, and God, and Maker crown her with victory, gird the house
of thee, and of them, and of all, but of of God with strength, keep undefiled
thee the Son also, conceived without the loveliness of His tabernacles,—as
man’s intervention; obtain this, 0 for them that praise thy name, be thou
Mother, pilot them to the harbour of their deliverer from strife and bitter
peace. ness of spirit. Free thou the prisoner,
protect the wanderer, and if there be
Eighth Responsory. any that hath no refuge, be thou to
My soul doth magnify the Lord ; for him a consolation. Stretch forth thine
He That is mighty hath done to me hand and help the whole earth—so
great things, and holy is His name. shall we year by year keep this and
Verse. For, behold, from henceforth all thy feasts, and at last be found
all generations shall call me blessed. with thee in Christ JESUS, Who is
Answer. For He That is mighty Lord of all, and verily our God. To
hath done to me great things, and Him, with the Holy Father, Who is
holy is His name. the Fountain of Life, and the co
Verse. Glory be to the Father, etemal Spirit, Three Persons and One
and to the Son, and to the Holy Substance, even as there is one King
Ghost. dom, be glory and strength, now and
Answer. For He That is mighty for ever. Amen.
hath done to me great things, and The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
holy is His name. God, &c.,” is said.

Ninth Lesson. LAU DS.

E it thine to clothe God’s priests First Antiph‘on. 2Thou art all fair,
with righteousness, and to make 0 Mary, * there is no spot of original
them shout aloud for joy (Ps. cxxxi. sin in thee.
9, 16,) in approved and stainless, and Second Antiphon. 3 Thy raiment *
upright and glorious faith. Thine be is white as snow, and thy countenance
it to guide in peace the sceptres of as the sun.
orthodox princes, even of princes who Third Antiphon. 4Thou art the
put their trust in thee to be the crown exaltation of Jerusalem, * thou art
of their Majesty, and the Royal Robe the great glory of Israel, thou art
of their greatness, and the firm found the great rejoicing of our nation.
ation of their dominion, more than in Fourth Antiphon. 40 Virgin Mary,
purple, or fine gold, or pearls, or pre * blessed art thou of the Most High
cious stones ; thine be it to put under God, above all the women upon the
their feet the unfaithful nations, nations earth.
that blaspheme thee, and the God Fifth Antiphon. 5Draw us, *
That was born of thee ; thine be it to Maiden undefiled, we will run after
keep in meek obedience the people thee in the odour of thy perfumes.
1 Constantinople. 2 Cf. Cant. iv. 7.
3 Cf. Matth. xvii. 2. ‘ Judith xv. to; xiii. 23.
5 Cf. Canl'. i. 3, 4.

Chapter. (Prov. viii. 22.) PRIME.

THE Lord possessed me in the be Antiphon. Thou art all fair, &c.,
ginning of His ways, before His (First Antiphon at Lands.)
works of old. I was ordained from
everlasting, from the beginning, or In the Short Responsory, instead of
ever the earth was. When there were “Thou That art to come into the
no depths I was conceived. world,” is said .
Verse. This day is the Holy Virgin Verse. Thou That wast born of the
Mary conceived without sin. Virgin Mary.
Answer. The Virgin’s foot hath And this is done throughout the
bruised the serpent’s head. whole Octave.

In the Votive Ofice : MARTYROLOGY.

Verse. Maiden Mother of God, thy Upon the 9th of December, were
stainless conception, born into the better life-—
Answer. Was a message of joy to At Toledo, in Spain, the holy Virgin
the whole world.
and martyr Leocadia. In the perse
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. cution under the Emperor Diocletian
The Lord God said unto the serpent: the suffered a terrible imprisonment
I will put enmity between thee and the under Dacian, Prefect of Spain, and
woman, * and between thy seed and when she heard of the grievous tor
her seed; she shall bruise thy head. ments of blessed Eulalia and the
Alleluia. other martyrs, she knelt down in
prayer and gave up her unstained
1n Septuagesima and Sexagesima spirit to Christ, [in the year 303.]
omit “Alleluia.” At Carthage, the holy martyr
Restitutus, Bishop [of that 'see,] con
cerning whom on whose solemn feast
Prayer. day holy Augustine preached a dis
GOD, Who didst cause that a course to the people.
virgin should be conceived with Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs
out sin, to the end that she might be Peter, Successus, Bassian, Primitivus,
made a meet dwelling-place for Thy and twenty others.
dear Son; 0 God, Who through the At Limoges, in France, [in the year
precious death of the Same Thy Son 46,] the holy Virgin and martyr Valeria.
foreseen by Thee, didst keep her clean At Verona, holy Proculus, Bishop
from all stain, hear us, we beseech [of that see, in the fourth century.] In
Thee, and grant that by her prayers, the persecution under the Emperor
we also who are presently defiled, may Diocletian he was buffeted and cud
finally be made pure, and so with her gelled and thrust out of the city, but
attain unto Thee. Through the Same was at length restored to his own
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who church and fell asleep in peace.
liveth and reigneth with Thee in the At Pavia, holy Syrus, the first
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Bishop of that city, who was eminent
world without end. Amen. for the signs and powers of an apostle.
At Apamea, in Syria, blessed Julian,
A Commemoration is made of the Bishop, who shone with holiness in
Week-day. the time of the Emperor Severus.
At Perigueux, in France, [about the SEXT.
year 586,] the holy Abbat Cyprian, a
man of great holiness. [He lived as a Antiphon. Thou art the exaltation
hermit in the latter part of his life of Jerusalem, &c., (Third Antiphon
near Dordogne, at a place now called at Lands.)
after him.]
At Nazianzus, [about the year 371,] Chapter. (Ezek. xliv. 2.)
holy Gorgonia, sister of blessed
THIS gate shall be shut, it shall not
Gregory the theologian, who hath
be opened, and no man shall
written of her graces and miracles.
enter in by it; because the Lord, the
At Grai, in Burgundy, [in the year
God of Israel, hath entered in by it,
1636,] holy Peter Fourier, Canon
therefore it shall be shut for the Prince ;
Regular of Our Saviour, founder of
the Prince, He shall sit in it.
the Canonesses Regular of Our Lady
for the education of girls; whom, il
lustrious for his virtues and miracles, Short Responsory.
Leo the Thirteenth added to the roll By this I know that Thou favourest
of the Saints.
Answer. By this I know that Thou
Chapter at the end. (Apoc. xii. I.) favourest me.
Verse. Because mine enemy shall
THERE appeared a great wonder in
not triumph over me.
heaven: a Woman clothed with
Answer. Thou favourest me.
the sun, and the moon under her feet,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
and upon her head a crown of twelve
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. By this I know that Thou
TERCE. favourest me.
Verse. I will extol Thee, O Lord,
Antiohon. Thy raiment, &c.,
for Thou hast lifted me up.
(Second Antiphon at Lands.)
Answer. And hast not made my
Chapter and Prayerfrom Lauds. foes to rejoice over me.
Prayer from Lauds.
Short Responsory.
It is Almighty God That girdeth me NONE.

with strength. Antzfhon. Draw us, &c., (Fifth

Answer. It is Almighty God That
Antiphon at Lauds.)
girdeth me with strength.
Verse. And maketh my way perfect. Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Answer. That girdeth me with
strength. Short Responsory.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
t0 the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. I will extol Thee, O Lord, for Thou
Answer. It is Almighty God That hast lifted me up.
girdeth me with strength. Answer. I will extol Thee, O Lord,
Verse. By this I know that Thou for Thou hast lifted me up.
favourest me. Verse. And hast not made my foes
Answer. Because mine enemy shall to rejoice over me.
not triumph over me. Answer. Thou hast lifted me up.

Verse. Glory be to the Father, GOD is unspeakable. His ways

and to the Son, and to the Holy are mercy and truth; His
Ghost. Will is Almighty Power; and His
Answer. I will extol Thee, O Lord, wisdom reacheth mightily from one
for Thou hast lifted me up. end to another, and sweetly ordereth
Verse. Maiden Mother of God, thy all things. (Wisd. viii. 1.) He from
stainless conception, all eternity foresaw the sorrowful fall
Answer. Was a message of joy to of man by the transgression of Adam,
the whole world. and, in His mysterious purpose, He
decreed, before the worlds were, that
Prayer from Lauds. the Word should be made flesh, to
the end that man, who had been
SECOND VESPERS. seduced by the fraud of the devil,
might not perish, but that as in
All as the First, except the follow
the first Adam all die, in Christ all
might be made alive. (1 Cor. xv.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed 22.) And to this end, the Eternal
Virgin. This day is a rod sprung Creator from the beginning, and
from the root of Jesse: this day is before all ages, chose and ordained
Mary conceived without any stain of a woman to be the Mother of His
sin: this day hath she bruised the Onlyl begotten Son, of whom He
head of the old serpent. Alleluia. should take flesh and be born, in the
blessed fulness of time. (Gal. iv. 4.)
In the Votive Ofiiee it is, “ O holy And this woman He loved with so
Mary, &c.,” (p. 181,) ending, “may great a love that He allowed His
all that keep the memory of thine Will to be freely wrought in her.
holy and stainless conception, feel the (1 Thess. iv. 3.)
might of thine assistance.”
A Commemoration is made of the Fifth Lesson.
WHEREFORE, He bestowed upon
DECEMBER 9. her, out of the treasure of the
Divinity, such a wealth of gifts of grace
éeconb @ap mitBt'n tfie Octave of as He hath bestowed upon none of
tile Jmmacutate Conception. the Angels and none of the Saints.
He made her always free from any the
All as yesterday, except what is slightest pollution of sin, so fair and
otherwise git/en here. so upright that no other of His works
are like to her, and only Himself can
FIRST NOCTURN. we understand to excel her. Verily,
this was most fitting, that this most
The Lessons are taken from Sen}? worshipful Mother should be made
ture according to the Season. bright with the brightness of uncon
taminated holiness, and should con
SECOND NOCTURN. quer the old serpent by escaping
altogether the stain of original sin, for
Fourth Lesson.
she was that Mother to whom the
The Lesson is taken from the Dog Eternal Father was willing to give
matic Bull of Pope Pius IX. the Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Only

begotten Son of His love, to be her THIRD NOCTURN.

Son also.
Seventh Lesson.
Sixth Lesson.

HE Catholic Church, which, The Lesson is taken from the Holy

through the perpetual teaching Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
of the Holy Ghost, is the pillar and AT that time: The Angel Gabriel
ground of the truth, (1 Tim. iii. 15,) was sent from God, unto a
hath always held the original innocence city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to
of this most exalted Virgin to be a Virgin espoused to a man whose
bound up with her wonderful holiness, name was Joseph, of the house of
and her mighty dignity of Mother of David, and the Virgin’s name was
God. This doctrine she hath felt Mary. And so on.
herself to hold by the gift of God, and
as part of that faith once delivered Homily by St Sophronius, Patri
from heaven unto the Saints, (Jude 3,) arch [of Jerusalem]1 (0n the An
and as time hath gone on, she hath nuneiation.)
continually explained, put forth, and
upheld it. This belief is found strong When this blessed Angel was sent
in the earliest times, and rooted as to the most pure virgin what did he
it were in the hearts of Christ’s faith say? In what words did he break
ful people; by the care and study the happy news of Redemption?
of holy Bishops it hath been taught in “Hail, thou that art full of grace,
all parts of the Catholic world; and the Lord is with thee.” 2[Now this
the Church herself pointed to it when word “Hail” is in the original
she allowed the Conception of the “Chairé,” which being interpreted
Blessed Virgin Mary to be held as a signifieth “Rejoice.”] The mess
feast, for exciting the piety and de enger of joy in his first word bid
votion of her children. In the case deth her rejoice. He knew well
of the Saints the Church celebrateth that his message was a message of
only the day of their being made good tidings of great joy to men,
perfect at death, [but of her Divine (Luke ii. 10,) yea, to all creatures,
Lord, of His Blessed Mother, and of -—a message of healing to all sick
St John the Baptist she venerateth the nesses. He ‘knew well that his mess
birth also, as of those sanctified in age was a message of God’s light
the womb.] When [therefore] she to a dark world. He knew well that
[goeth further and] maketh the case it proclaimed the end of error. He
of the Blessed Virgin an exception to knew well that it blunted the sting
all others besides that of Christ, keep of death. He knew well that it
ing holiday in honour of her concep broke the power of corruption. He
tion [as well as of her birth,] it is knew well that it brought victory
manifest that she regardeth that Over hell. He knew well that it
Conception as altogether singular, told of salvation to all the fallen
wonderful, and different to all other children of Adam, groaning under
conceptions, except only Christ’s, that yoke of malediction which fell
namely, as holy. on them when they were thrust out

1 An eminent opponent of the Monothelite heretics. Elected to the Patriarchal throne,

A.D. 634. Died March 11, 639 or 644.
1 The above sentence is inserted to give meaning to the rest of the Homily, which was
written in Greek.

of Eden, and banished from that splendour? Thou art the exaltation
happy home. Therefore, when he of humanity; thou art made much
began to speak, he spoke in tones higher than the Angels; thy bright
of rejoicing, and opened his message ness hath thrown the brightness
with sounds of gladness. Therefore of the Archangels into shadow;
made he the name of joy to herald thou lookest down upon the lofty
the tidings of good, which were to seats of the Thrones; thou makest
be for a joy unto all people, who the height of the Lordships to seem
soever should believe. low; thy rank taketh precedence be
fore the rank of the Principalities;
compared with thee the Powers are
Eighth Lesson.
weakness; thou art a Mighty one
ND, of a truth, it was fitting mightier than all the Mighty; thine
that God’s proclamation of joy earthly eyes see further than the
should open with the accents of contemplation of the Cherubim can
gladness. And this is the reason reach; the Seraphim have six wings,
why the angel nameth joy first, be but thy flight is nobler than their’s;
cause he knew the coming fruits of in a word, thou hast far excelled
his message, and that his converse every other work of God; thou wast
with the Virgin was to bring joy to far purer than any other creature;
the whole world. Can we find any and thou hast conceived the Creator
joy or any brightness like the joy of all creatures, carried Him in thy
and the brightness of that salutation womb, and brought Him forth; thou
addressed to the Blessed Mother of hast been chosen, out of all that
gladness? Rejoice, 0 mother of He has made, to be His mother.
joy more ,than heavenly! Rejoice,
O thou that nourishest joy' in the At Lauds a Commemaration 1':
highest! Rejoice, 0 Lady, full of made of the Week-day.
the joy of salvation! Rejoice, O
thou that bringest a joy that passeth
not away! Rejoice, O mysterious
treasury dispensing unspeakable joy!
Upon the 10th day of December,
Rejoice, 0 most blessed fountain,
were born into the better life
overflowing .with unfailing joy! Re At Rome, the holy Pope Melchi
joice, O store-house of God, filled
ades, [who reigned 3 years, 7 months,
with the everlasting joy of eternity!
and 62 days, from the year 310
Rejoice, 0 fair tree, bearing fruit of
till January 10, 314,] who sufi'ered
life-giving joy! Rejoice, O Maiden
much in the persecution under
Mother of God! Rejoice, O thou the Emperor Maximian, but fell
that after child-birth remainest a
asleep in the Lord after peace had
virgin! Rejoice, O wonder, who,
been restored to the church.
after all wonders, art still the most
Upon the same day the holy mar
, tyrs Carpophorus the Priest, and
Ninth Lesson. Abundius the Deacon. In the per
secution under the Emperor Diocle
HO shall worthily set forth thy tian they were first most cruelly
glory? Who shall make bold cudgelled and recommitted to prison,
to say what thou art? Who will where they were denied food and
hold himself able to tell of all thy drink, then they were racked, and
suffered long imprisonment, and lastly Illelehiadesl Pope and r’llartyr. Anti
were beheaded, [in the year 303.] phon and Verse and Answer from
At Merida, [in Estramadura,] in the Common Ofiiee, (p. 482.) Prayer,
Spain, [in the same year,] under the “Mercifully consider our weakness,”
Emperor Maximian, the holy Virgin &c-, (11 491-)
and martyr Eulalia, at the age of
twelve years. The President Dacian
commanded her to be put to many DECEMBER I O.
tortures for confessing Christ; at last
she was hung upon the rack, and 'QZBt't-b @013 mitfin the Octave of
lacerated with books; and, burning tBc Jmmacufatc Conception.
torches being put to her sides, some
of the flame and smoke went down All as on the Feast, exeept what
her throat and she gave up the is otherwise git/en here.
Likewise at Merida, the holy Virgin FIRST NOCTURN.
and martyr Julia, who was a Com
panion of the blessed Eulalia, and The Lessons are taken from Serip~
the only one who clave unto her as ture according to the Season.
she went to suffer.
At Alexandria, under the Emperor SECOND NOCTURN.
Gallerius Maximian, the holy martyrs
Mennas, Hermogenes, and Eugra Fourth Lesson.
phus. The Lesson is taken from the Dog
At Lentini, in Sicily, the holy matic Bull of Pope Pius IX.
soldiers, Mercury and his Compan
ions, all martyrs, who were slain 0TH in her Offices and in the
with the sword in the time of the most holy Liturgy the Church
Emperor Licinius, under the Presi hath been accustomed to apply to
dent Tertyllus. the creation of Mary the language
At Ancyra, in Galatia, the holy in which the Holy Scriptures set
martyr Gemellus, who, after most forth the Eternal Generation of the
grievous torments under the Em Uncreated Wisdom, and that, be
peror Julian the Apostate, achieved cause Mary was predestined in the
martyrdom by the death of the cross. decree of the Incarnation of the
I At Vienne, [about the year 650,] same Wisdom. This practice hath
the holy Confessor Sindulph, Bishop been received by the faithful in all
[of that see.] quarters, and plainly showeth what
At Brescia, holy Deusdedit, Bishop hath been the mind of the Church
[of that’ see.] of Rome, which is the mother and
At Loretto, in Picenum, is com mistress of all Churches, on the sub
memorated the translation, [in the ject of the sinless conception of the
year 1294,] of the holy house of Virgin. Nevertheless, it is fitting
'Mary~ the Mother of God, wherein to set forth in greater detail the
the \Vord was made flesh. celebrated acts of this Church, on
account of that pre-eminent rank and
At Vespers a Commemoration is power which all other Churches are
made of the Week-day and then of St bound to yield her, because she is

1 Elected to succeed Eusebius, July 2, 311. Died Jan. 10, 3:4.


the centre of Catholic truth and same rank as that of the Nativity
unity, wherein alone Doctrine is of the Blessed Virgin, and appointed
always preserved pure, and from that it should be kept with an Octave
whom all the other Churches must throughout the whole Church.‘ They
needs receive the tradition of the added this Feast to those which are
Faith. commanded to be kept with solem
nity, and ordered that the ceremony
Fifth Lesson. called a “ Papal Chapel ” should take
THUS it hath always been one of place every year on this Feast in
the most striking features of our Patriarchal Basilica of our Lady
the Roman Church that she hath of the Snows. And above all did
most powerfully asserted, guarded, they rejoice in the hope of strengthen
promoted, and vindicated the doc ing this belief in the minds of the
trine that the Virgin was conceived faithful, and stirring them up to
without sin. It hath been the boast love and venerate the Virgin. con
of Our Predecessors that by their ceived without sin, when they granted
authority they instituted in the permission to add to the Litany of
Roman Church the Feast of the Loretto the invocation, “Queen con
Conception of Mary, and caused it ceived without original sin,” and to
to be observed with an Office and insert the word “stainless” into the
a Mass wherein her privilege of Preface of the Mass on this Feast,
immunity from original sin was that so the law. of prayer might be
openly asserted. Our said Prede come the law of belief.
cessors have done everything in
their power to increase the love of THIRD NOCTURN.
the faithful for this doctrine: by
granting Indulgences in its honour; Seventh Lesson.
by giving permission to cities, pro The Lesson is taken from the Holy
vinces, and kingdoms to choose for Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
their Patroness the Mother of God,
under her title “Conceived without AT that time: The Angel Gabriel
sin;” by approving of Guilds, Con was sent from God, unto a city
gregations, and Associations of per of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a vir.
sons under vows, all instituted in gin espoused to a man whose name
honour of the sinless Conception; was Joseph, of the house of David,
by praising the piety of those who and the Virgin’s name was Mary.
have founded Convents, Hospitals, And so on.
Altars and Churches named from
this belief; and lastly, by encourag Homily by St Bernard, Abbat [of
ing those who have taken an oath Clairvaux.] (and on this text.)
to defend this opinion to the utmost Rejoice, father Adam, and yet more
of their power. thou mother Eve, ye that are the
source of all, and the ruin of all, and
Sixth Lesson. the unhappy cause of their ruin before
ye gave them birth. Be comforted
MOREOVER, Our said Predeces both in your daughter, and such a
sors with great joy ordained daughter; but chiefly thou, O woman,
that the Feast of the said Concep of whom the first evil came, and who
tion should .be observed as of the hast cast thy slur upon all women.
The time is come for the slur to be sent to the Virgin, to the most worship
taken away, and for the man to have ful of women, a woman more wonder
nothing to say against the woman. ful than all women, the restorer of
At the first, when he unwisely began them that went before, and the quick
to make excuse, he scrupled not to ener of them that come after her.
throw the blame upon her, saying,
“The woman whom Thou gavest to Ninth Lesson.
be with me, she gave me of the tree,
and I did eat.” Wherefore, 0 Eve, WAS it not of this thy daughter, 0
betake thyself to Mary: Mother, be Adam, that God spake when
take thyself to thy daughter: let the He said unto the serpent, “ I will put
daughter answer for the mother: let enmity between thee and the woman ”?
her take away her mother’s reproach ; And if thou wilt still doubt that He
let her make up to her father for her speaketh of Mary, hear what followeth:
mother’s fault: for if man be fallen by “She shall bruise thy head.” Who
means of woman, it is by means of won this conquest but Mary? She
woman that he is raised up again. brought to nought the whole wiles of
Satan, whether for the pollution of her
body or the injury of her soul. Was
Eighth Lesson. it not of her that Solomon spake,
where he saith, “Who shall find a
WHAT didst thou say, 0 Adam?
virtuous woman?” (Prov. xxxi. IO.)
“ The woman whom Thou gav
The wise man knew the weaknesses of
est to be with me, she gave me of the
women, how frail they are in body,
tree, and I did eat.” These are
wrathful worcls,a by the which thou and how changeable in mind. But he
had read that God had promised that
dost rather magnify than diminish
the enemy, who had prevailed by
thine ofi'ence. Nevertheless, Wisdom
means of a woman, was by a woman
hath defeated thy malice. God asked
to be overthrown, and he believed.
thee that He might find in thee an
But he wondered greatly, and said,
occasion of pardon, but, in that He
“Who shall find a virtuous woman? ”
found it not, He hath sought and
that is to say: If our salvation, and
found it in the Treasure of His Own
the bringing back of that which is lost,
mercy. One woman answereth for
and the final triumph over the enemy,
another; the wise for the foolish ; the
is in the hand of a woman, it must
lowly for the proud ; for her that gave
needs be that a virtuous woman be
thee of the tree of death, another that
found, meet to work in that matter.
giveth thee to taste of the tree of life ;
for her that brought thee the bitter At Lands a Commemoration is made
food of sin, another that giveth thee of the Week-day, and then of St Mel
of the sweet fruits of righteousness. ehiades. Antiphon, and Verse and
Wherefore accuse the woman no more, Answerfrom the Common Ofiiee for a
but speak in thanksgiving, and say, .Martyr, (p. 482.) Prayer, “Merci
“Lord, the woman whom Thou hast fully consider our weakness, &c." (p.
given me, she hath given me of the 491-)
tree of life, and I have eaten; and it
is in my mouth sweeter than honey,
for thereby hast Thou quickened me.” Upon the 11th day of December,
(Ps. cxviii. 103, 93.) Behold, it was were born into the better life—
for this that the angel Gabriel was At Rome, the holy Confessor Pope

Damasus [of Spain], who condemned DECEMBER I I .

the arch-heretic Apollinaris, and re
stored to his papacy Peter, Pope of St llBamasus, QBupe arm
Alexandria, who had been driven into QIunfessur.
exile; moreover, he found the bodies
of many holy martyrs, and caused to Semi-double.
be engraved upon their tombstones
All from the Common Ofiice for a
verses composed by himself. [He
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) except
died in the year 384.]
what is otherwise given here.
Likewise at Rome, the holy martyr
Thrason, who fed at his own expense
Christians who were in prison or sent
to work in the baths, or at other The Vespers begin at the Chapter.
public works. He was arrested by
order of the Emperor Maximian, and Prayer throughout the Ofiice.
crowned with martyrdom along with
two others named Pontian and Pre [HEAR our prayers, O Lord, and
textatus, [about the year 293.] at the petition of Thy blessed
At Amiens, under the same Em Bishop and Confessor Damasus, merci
perOr Maximian, the holy martyrs fully grant us pardon and peace.
Victoricus and Fuscian. Rictiovarus Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
the President had iron spikes driven Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
into their nostrils and ears, and red Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
hot nails hammered into their temples; one God, world without end. Amen.
after which their eyes 1 were torn out,
their bodies pierced with darts, and A Commemoration. is made of the
their heads cut OH, and so they and Immaculate Conception, and of the
holy Gentian, their host, passed away Week-day.
to be for ever with the Lord, [in the COMPLINE.
year 303.]
The last verse of the b/ymn is altered
[At Astrahara, near Persepolis,] in in honour of the Incarnation.
Persia, the holy martyr Barsabas,
[with ten monks, whose Abbat he
was, in the year 342, at the begin
ning of the great persecution under FIRST NOCTURN.
Sapor II.]
In Spain, the holy martyr Eutychius. The Lessons are taken from Scrip
At Piacenza, holy Sabinus, Bishop ture according to the Season.
of that see, [in the fourth century,]
famous for miracles. SECOND NOCTURN.
At Constantinople, [about the year
Fourth Lesson.
489,] holy Daniel the Stylite.
DAMASUS was a Spaniard, a man
Vespers are of the following, from of eminence and of great learn
the Chapter inclusive. ing in the Scriptures, [and was elected
I This passage is very peculiar, for if “tempera eorum clavis ardentibus transfixa fuissent,"
it must have been completely indifferent to them what might afterwards he done to their
eyes, &c. The order had probably been given to put them through a certain process, which
was continued to the end, although the second stage, perhaps by the intentional humanity
of the executioners, had put an end to their lives.
to the Chair of Peter in the year of two months, and twenty-six days. He
our Lord, 366. In 38!] he convoked held five Advent ordinations, wherein
the First Council of Constantinople, he ordained thirty-one Priests, eleven
wherein he crushed the wicked heresy Deacons, and sixty-two Bishops for
0f Eunomius and Macedonius. He divers Sees. At length he fell asleep
confirmed the condemnation of the in the Lord, in the reign of Theodosius
Assembly, at Rimini, which condem the Elder, [upon the Ioth day of
nation had already been pronounced by December, in the year 384, being]
Liberius. This Assembly of Rimini aged nearly eighty years, and full of
was that in which, to use the language righteousness, truth, and judgment.
of St Jerome, Valens and Ursacius He was buried beside his mother and
brought it about through trickery that sister in the Church which he had
the Faith of Nice was abrogated by himself founded on the Road to Ardea.
mob law, and the world afterwards His reliques were afterwards taken
groaned in amazement to find itself to the Basilica of St Lawrence, which
Arian. is thence sometimes called “San
Fzfth Lesson. Lorenzo in Damaso.”

THIS Pope built two Basilicas, first,

St Lawrence’s, near Pompey’s
Theatre, which he magnificently en Lessons from Matth. xxiv. 42, with
riched, and endowed with houses the Homily of St Ifi'lary, (p. 527.)
and farms; and, secondly, another,
over the Catacombs on the Road to At Laud: a Commemoration of the
Ardea. He also consecrated the Immaculate Conception, and of the
Platonia, where the bodies of St Peter Week-day.
and St Paul lay for some time, and
decorated it with elegant inscriptions PRIME, TERCE, snxr, NONE.
in poetry composed by himself. He The last verse of all the Hymns is
wrote on the subject of virginity both altered in honour of the Incarnation.
in prose and verse, and likewise many
other poems on various subjects. At Prime, “Thou That wast born
of the Virgin Mary.”
Sixth Lesson.
E ordained that false accusers
. should be punished for the Upon the 12th day of December,
offences which they had falsely laid to were born into the better life—
the charge of their neighbours. He At Rome, the holy martyr Synesius,
established the usage, which already who was ordained a Reader in the
prevailed in many churches, of singing time of the blessed Pope Xystus, and
the Psalms, both by day and by night, converted many to Christ; he was
by alternate choirs, and of adding at accused before the Emperor Aure
the end of each Psalm the words, lian, and received the crown of mar
“Glory be to the Father, and to the tyrdom by being beheaded, [in the
Son, and to the Holy Ghost.” It was year 270.]
at his command that St Jerome revised At Alexandria, under the Emperor
the translation of the New Testament Decius, the holy martyrs Epimachus
to accord with the Greek text. He and Alexander; they were long kept
ruled the Church for seventeen years, in chains and put to divers torments,

but they persevered in the faith, and SECOND NOCTURN.

at the last were burnt, [in the year 2 50.]
Likewise at Alexandria, the holy Fourth Lesson.
women Ammonaria the Virgin, Mer The Lesson is taken from the Dog
curia, Dionysia, and another called matic Bull of Pope Pius IX.
also Ammonaria. In the aforesaid
persecution under the Emperor De THE language used in public wor
cius, the first of these died a blessed ship is the necessary offspring
death by the sword, after overcoming of the teaching which it expresseth,
torments unheard of. The judge was and the former can have no safety
ashamed to be conquered by women, unless the latter be settled. Where
and shrank from causing the applica fore Our Predecessors the Roman
tion to them of the same tortures as Pontifl's, while encouraging the pious
to the first, and so conquered by their love of the faithful for the Concep
steadfastness, ordered them to be be tion of the Blessed Virgin, have
headed, [in the year 250.] taken care ceaselessly to inculcate
On the same day, the holy martyrs the sinlessness of the same. They
Hermogenes, Donatus, and twenty have always particularly insisted that
two others. the Feast should be observed not in
At Treves, [in the fourth century,] honour of Mary’s sanctification, a
under the President Rictiovarus, in false opinion, most foreign to the
the persecution under the Emperor mind of the Church [but which hath
Diocletian, suffered the holy martyrs nevertheless been maintained by
Maxentius, Constantius, Crescentius, some,] but in honour of her Con
Justinus, and their Companions. ception itself.

Vesoers of the following, from the Fzfth Lesson.

Chapter inclusive.
HE same Our Predecessors have
likewise resisted the dreams of
those who have imagined that in the
fifth @ag mitBt'n tBe Octave of tBe sinless Conception there were Two
Instants, and that the Church cele
Jmmacut’ate Conception. brateth the Second and not the
Semi-double. First. Indeed, Our said Prede
cessors have considered the sinless
All as on the Feast, except that ness of the First Instant to be as
none of the Antz'phons are doubled, much a truth for their assertion,
and whatever else is git/en here. protection, and promulgation, as the
At Vespers a Commemoration of sinlessness of the Conception at all.
St Damasus, (Aflll'p/tflfl, “Being Hence came those words in which
made the Chief Bishop, &c.,” (p. 526) Our Predecessor Alexander VII. in
and Prayer as at his First Vespers) a decree declareth the mind of the
and of the Week-day. Church, and saith, “Christ’s faithful
people, drawn by love to His
MATTINS. most blessed Mother, the Virgin
Mary, have of a long time believed
that God, at the very First Instant
The Lessons are taken from Strip in which He made her soul and
lure actordz'ng to the Season. joined it to her body, by a special
grace and privilege granted to her, THIRD NOCTURN.
through the merits of His dear Son,
Christ JESUS, the Saviour of the Seventh Lesson.
world, Whose precious death He The Lesson is taken from the Holy
foreknew, cleansed her from all sin, Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
original as well as actual; and it is
in this belief, and no other, that T that time: The Angel Gabriel
the said faithful of Christ have al was sent from God, unto a
ways kept with devotion and joy city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to
the Feast of the said Conception.” a Virgin espoused to a man whose
name was Joseph, of the house of
David, and the Virgin’s name was
Sirth Lesson.
Mary. And so on.
IT hath always been one of the
Homily by St Tarasius, Patriarch
most weighty cares of Our said
[of Constantinople]1 (On the Pres
Predecessors the Roman Pontiffs to
entation of the Mother of God.)
protect the doctrine of the sin
lessness of Mary’s Conception from 0 Mary, where shall I find words
any sort of attack or corruption. to praise thee? Maiden undefiled,
Not only have they suffered no one virgin unstained, exaltation of women,
to condemn and traduce it, but they glory of daughters! Holy Maiden
have gone much further, and in Mother, blessed art thou among
public and repeated declarations women, thy glory is in thy guileless
have averred: That that doctrine ness, and thy name is a name of
which holdeth that the Virgin was purity. In thee the curse of Adam
conceived without sin is a doctrine, is done away, and the debt of Eve
the arguments in support of which paid. Thou art the clean offering
are strong, enough to enable the of Abel, chosen out of the firstlings
profession thereof to be made at of the flock, a-pure sacrifice. Thou
the time of public worship, which art the hope of Enoch, that firm hope
is antient, which is almost univer that he had in God, and was not
sal, which is one of those which ashamed. Thou art the grace that
the Church of Rome encourageth was in Enoch in this life, and his
and protecteth, and which is worthy transit to a better. Thou art the
even to be expressed in the Holy Ark of Noah, and the bond of re
Liturgy itself, and in the most conciliation with God in a new re
solemn prayers of the Church. Our generation. Thou art the exceeding
said Predecessors did not stop even glory of the kingdom and Priesthood
here, but in order to preserve the of Melchisedech. Thou art the un
doctrine of the Virgin’s sinless Con shaken trust of Abraham, and his
ception from any injury, they strictly faith in the promise of children that
forbade that the opposite opinion were to be. Thou art the renewed
should be maintained either in pub oblation
offering ofand Isaac.v
the reasonable
Thou artburnt
lic or in private, to the end that it
might at length die out under their ladder that Jacob saw going up to
disapprobation. heaven, and the most noble of all
1 The Martyrology for Feb. 25 mentions at Constantinople, “the holy Bishop Tharasius,
famous for learning and godliness, addressed to whom there exists an Epistle of Pope
Adrian I. in defence of holy Images." Consecrated on a. Christmas Day, about A.D. 780.
Died Feb. 25, 806.

his children throughout the twelve made with their fathers "—thereby
tribes of Israel. According to the signifying the coming of thy Son,
flesh thou art the daughter of Judah. and calling upon all nations to
Thou art the modesty of Joseph, worship Him for their God, even
and the overthrow of the old Egypt, to the uttermost parts of the earth.
yea, and of the Synagogue of the Thou art the great mountain spoken
Jews. 0 purest! Thou art the of by Daniel, the man greatly be
book of Moses the Lawgiver, loved, wherefrom is cut without
whereon the new covenant is writ man’s hands the corner-stone, that
ten with the finger of God, for the is, Christ, which hath smitten in
new Israel, fleeing from the spiritual pieces the parti-coloured image of
Egypt, even as the old law was the old serpent. I honour thee as
written upon Sinai, for the old the unpolluted fountain, l proclaim
Israel, that Israel which was fed that thou art full of grace, I praise
in the wilderness upon manna and thee as the clean and undefiled
water from the rock, whereof both tabernacle of God. Verily, where
were types of Christ, which was yet sin abounded, grace did much more
to come from thy womb, as a bride abound. As by a woman death
groom from his chamber. Thou art entered into the world, by a woman
Aaron’s rod that budded. Thou art came the power to rise again. The
David’s daughter, all glorious within, serpent gave us to eat deadly fruit,
clothed in a vesture of gold, wrought but that fall hath ended in the life
about with divers colours. giving Bread of Immortality. Eve,
our first mother, brought forth Cain the
first murderer; thou, 0 Mary, hast
E{gilt/z Lesson. brought forth Christ, the first-fruits
of life and of the resurrection. Ear
HOU art the vision of the Pro
hath not heard the like. It hath
phets and the fulfilment of
not entered into the heart of man
those things which they foretold.
to conceive this new thing. Blessed
Thou art the gate whereof Ezekiel
be the unspeakable depths of the
spake, when he prophesied, and
Wisdom of God.
said, “This gate shall be shut, it
shall not be opened, and no man
shall enter in by it; because the Nint/z Lesson.
LORD, the God of Israel, hath en
tered in by it, therefore it shall be AND now we, the people of God,
shut” (xliv. 2.) Thou art the Rod a holy generation, an acceptable
of Jesse, whereof Isaiah spake, (xi. congregation, the nestlings of the dove
1,) even that Rod whose Flower is of peace, children of grace, do with
Christ, and whose ofl'shoots shall purified minds and unpolluted lips,
choke-out all the seedlings of sin, praise God in the tongues of all
and fill the earth with plants of nations in this joyful solemnity of the
grace. Thou art the Covenant fore Virgin. This is a noble Feast where
told by Jeremiah when he said (xxxi. in the Angels keep holiday and men
31) “Behold, the days come, saith do most fitly ofi'er praise, even a feast
the LORD, that I will make a new wherein we echo with reverence and
covenant with the house of Israel, joy that salutation first spoken by
and with the house of Judah, not Gabriel. Hail Mary! Hail, thou
according to the covenant that I Paradise of God the Father, whence

the knowledge of Him floweth in to make a public mock of her chastity,

broad rivers to the ends of the earth ! but when they would have led her away
Hail, Dwelling-place of God the Son, they could not move her even with
whence He came forth clothed in ropes, and not even when these were
flesh! Hail, mysterious Tabernacle of drawn by many yoke of oxen; then
God the Holy Ghost! Hail, thou that they poured upon her boiling pitch,
art holier than the Cherubim! Hail, rosin, and oil; but these did not hurt
thou that art more glorious than the her, and at length she was smitten in
Seraphim ! Hail, thou that art nobler the neck with a sword, and so finished
than the heavens! Hail, thou that her testimony, [in the year 303.]
art brighter than the sun ! Hail, thou In Armenia, in the same persecution
that art fairer than the moon! Hail, under the Emperor Diocletian, the
manifold splendour of the stars! holy martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius,
Hail, light cloud, dropping the dew of Eugenius, Mardarius, and Orestes.
heaven! Hail, holy breeze, clearing Eustratius was first put to dreadful
the air of the vapours of sin! Hail, torments under Lysias, and after
royal theme of the Prophets! Hail, wards to the like at Sebaste, along
sound of the Apostles gone out into with Orestes, under the President
all the earth! Hail, most excellent Agricolaus, and was then cast into
confession of the Martyrs! Hail, just a furnace, wherein he gave up the
hope of the Patriarchs! Hail, pecu ghost. Orestes was laid upon an iron
liar honour of all the Saints! Hail, bed heated with fire, and so passed
source of health to dying creatures! away to be ever with the Lord. The
Hail, 0 Queen, ambassadress of others finished their testimony in
peace! Hail, stainless crown of divers ways in the country of the
motherhood! Hail, advocate of all Arabraci, after enduring most cruel
under heaven! Hail, restoration of sufferings under the President Lysias.
the whole'world! Hail, thou that art Their bodies were afterwards brought
full of grace, the Lord is with thee, to Rome and honourably buried in
even the Lord that is before thee, the church of St Apollinaris.
and from thee, and that is with us. In the island of Sulcis,1 off the coast
To Him, with the Father, and the of Sardinia, [in the second century,]
most holy and Life-giving Spirit, be under the Emperor Hadrian, the holy
ascribed all praise, now and ever, martyr Antiochus.
world without end. Amen. At Cambray, in Gaul, the holy
Confessor Aubert, Bishop [of that
At Lauds a Commemoration is made see, and of Arras. He was con
of the Week-day. secrated on March 21, 633, and
died in the year 669.]
At Ponthieu, [in Gaul, in the year
669,] the holy Confessor Josse, [King
On the I 3th day of December, were of Brittany and hermit at Ponthieu.]
born into the better life— In the country of Strasbourg, [in
At Syracuse, in Sicily, in the perse the eighth century,] the holy Virgin
cution under the Emperor Diocletian, Othilia. [First Abbess of Hohen
the holy Virgin and martyr Lucy. burg, of the order of St Benedict,
By command of Paschasius the Con she was daughter of a Duke of
sular she was handed over to panders Alsace]
1 Now called Sant' Antioco. .. .

At Moulins, in Gaul, the holy widow COMPLINE.

Jeane Frances Frémiot de Chantal,
[1572-1641,] foundress of the Con The last verse ofthe Hymn is altered
gregation of Nuns of the Visitation in honour of the Incarnation.
of St Mary. She was eminent by
her noble birth, by the holiness of MATTINS.
her life, which she sanctified unceas
ingly in the four different states of FIRST NOCTURN.
maiden, wife, widow, and nun, and Lessons/ram I Cor. vii. 25 (p. 568.)
by the grace of working miracles,
and Clement XIII. enrolled her name
among those of the Saints. Her First Re¢onsory
sacred body was translated to Annecy, Maiden Lucy, why seekest thou of
in Savoy, and there entombed with me that which thou thyself canst pre
solemn pomp in the first church sently give thy mother? For thy
of their order. Clement the XIV. faith hath holpen her, and, behold,
ordered her feast to be kept by the she is made whole—because thou hast
Universal Church upon the zlst day made in thy virginity a pleasant dwell
of August. ing-place for thy God.
Vespers of the following. Verse. Even as Christ hath by me
glorified Catania, so by thee shall He
glorify Syracuse.
DECEMBER I3. Answer. Because thou hast made
in thy virginity a pleasant dwelling
.St lung, Hirgtn anti warty. place for thy God.

Double. Second Responsory.

All from the Common Oflice for a I besought my Lord JESUS Christ
Virgin and rllartyr, (p. 567,) except that this fire might not take hold upon
what is given here. me; and I obtained from the Lord
that I should not finish my testimony
FIRST VESPERS. for yet a while.
Verse. For so much as they loved
Antiohons at the Psalms, and me,1 so bitterly spake they against
Prayer from Lauds. me: but I gave myself unto prayer.2
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed Answer. And I obtained from the
Virgin. In patience hast thou Lord that I should not finish my testi
possessed thy soul, Lucy, Bride of mony for yet a while.
Christ: thou hast hated the things
that are in the world, and art glorified Third Responsory.
among the Angels; thou hast shed
thine own blood, and conquered the The Lord made her to prevail in
the battle, and she was glorified in
the sight of God and man: she spake
A Commemoration is made of the wisdom before princes : and the Lord
Immaculate Conception, and of the of all loved her.
Week-day. Verse. God shall help her with His
1 1.2., Instead of loving ine. 1 Cf. Ps. cviii. 4.
countenance: God is in the midst of cease when we come to blows.’7 1 To
her: she shall not be moved. whom the virgin answered, “God’s
Answer. And the Lord of all loved servants will never want words, for
her. the Lord Christ hath said: When ye
Verse. Glory be to the Father, shall stand before kings and governors,
and to the Son, and to the Holy take no thought how or what ye shall
Ghost. speak, for it shall be given you in
Answer. And the Lord of all that same hour what ye shall speak,
loved her. for it is not ye that speak, but the
Holy Ghost \Vhich speaketh in you.”
SECOND NOCTURN. (Matth. x. 18-20; Mark xiii. 9-11.)

Fourth Lesson.
Fifth Responsory.
LUCY was a maiden of Syracuse,
Grace is poured into thy lips, &c.,
the daughter of a noble Christian
(Second Responsory in the Common
family. Her mother Eutychia, being
Ofiiee. )
afilicted with an issue of blood, went
with her to Catania, to pray before Sixth Lesson.
the body of the blessed Agatha. Lucy,
by her earnest prayers at the grave, T HEN Paschasius asked her saying,
obtained her mother’s cure, through “Is the Holy Ghost in thee?”
the intercession of Agatha, and then Whereto she answered, “They that
immediately begged her to give to live in chastity and piety are the
Christ’s poor the whole dowry which temples of the Holy Ghost.” “Then,”
had been set apart for herself. As said he, “I will send thee to be
soon, therefore, as they returned to prostituted in a brothel, and get the
Syracuse, they sold the property, and Holy Ghost out of thee.” To whom
distributed the money among the poor. she made reply, “Thou canst not
prostitute my will. If thou cause this
poor body to be violated, the crown
Fourth Responsory. of my soul’s purity will be brighter
Come, Bride of Christ, &c. (First through suffering.” Then he bade
Responsory in the Common Ofice.) them take her to the place of shame,
but by the power of God it became
impossible to move her. Whereupon,
Fifth Lesson.
being inflamed with anger, he had
HEN this came to the ears of pitch, resin, and boiling oil poured
one to whom her parents had upon her, and then set on fire. But
betrothed her against her will, he the fire did not take hold upon her.
accused Lucy before Paschasius the Therefore he practised many other
Prefect of being a Christian. The cruelties upon her, and at last thrust
Prefect could not move her to commit a sword through her neck. When
idolatry, either by his entreaties or Lucy had received this wound, she
his threats; nay, the more he strove began to speak of the peace of the
to persuade her, so much the bolder Church, which it should enjoy after
did she become in her confession. the death of Diocletian and Maximian,
Then, seeing that he could prevail and presently returned her soul into
nothing, “words,” saith he, “will the hands of God. She testified on
1 There is an untranslateable pun on verba and verbera.

the thirteenth day of December.1 maiden consecrated to God, why seek

Her body was buried at Syracuse, but est thou of me that which thou thyself
afterwards taken to Constantinople, canst presently give thy mother?
and lastly to Venice.
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Lucy, Bride of Christ, thou art become
Sixth Responsory. as a pillar that cannot be'shaken ; all
In thy comeliness, &c., (Third Re the people wait for thee, until thou re
sponsory in the Common Ofice.) ceive the crown of life. Alleluia.
Prayer throughout the Ofiice, “ Gra
THIRD NOCTURN. ciously hear us, 0 God of our salva
tion, &c.,” (p. 585.) “Thy blessed
Lessons from Matth. xiii. 44, with handmaiden and witness Lucy.”
the Homily of St Gregory, (p. 583.)
A Commemoration is made of the
Immaculate Conception, and of the
Seventh Responsory.
Because of truth, &c., (Fourth Re
sponsory in the Common Ofice for Holy
The last verse of all the Hymns is
Eighth Responsory. altered in honour of the Incarnation.
The A ntzlohons are taken successively
Thou hast loved righteousness, &c. from Lauds, omitting the Fourth.
(Fifth Responsory in the Common Oflice At Prime, “ Thou That wast born
for Holy Women,) to which is added . of the Virgin Mary.”
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Therefore God, thy God,
hath anointed thee with the oil of Upon the 14th day of December,
gladness. were born' into the better life—
At Alexandria, [in the year 250,]
the holy martyrs Heron, Arsenius,
. First Antiphon. When holy Lucy and Isidore, and a lad Dioscorus.
prayed, * the blessed Agatha appeared In the persecution under the Em
to her, and comforted the handmaid peror Decius the judge caused Heron,
of Christ. Arsenius, and Isidore to be lacerated
Second Antiphon. Maiden Lucy, * with divers torments, and, when he
why seekest thou of me that which saw them to be all equally steadfast,
thou thyself canst presently give thy to be burnt. Dioscorus was heavily
mother? whipped, but God was pleased that,
Third Antiphon. Maiden Lucy, * for the comfort of the faithful, he
by thee shall Christ glorify Syracuse. should then be set at liberty.
Fourth Antiphon. I bless Thee, 0 At Antioch, the holy martyrs Drusus,
Father of my Lord JESUS Christ, be Zosimus, and Theodore. .
cause through Thy Son the fire is Upon the same day, [in the year
quenched round about me. 284,] the holy martyrs Justus and
Fifth Antiphon. Lucy my sister, * Abundius. Under 'Olybrius the Presi
1 “She died in prison of the wounds she had received, about the year 304." Alban Butler.

dent, in the persecution under the A Commemoration is made of the

Emperor Numerian, they were cast Immaculate Conception, and of the
into the fire, and when they appeared Week-day.
thence unburnt, they were beheaded. At Compline the Hymn is altered as
At Rheims, the holy martyrs Nicas at the other Hours.
ius, Bishop, [in the year 400,] of that
see; the Virgin Eutropia, his sister, Note. [f the Feast of St Lucy
and their Companions, who were slain
should fall upon the Third Sunday in
by the savage enemies of the Church Advent, it is merely commemorated at
[in the year 407.] both Vespers and Lauds without having
In the island of Cyprus the blessed the [Vinth Lesson, (p. 578.)
Spiridion, Bishop [of Tremithos ;] he
was one of those Confessors whose right DECEMBER 14.
eyes were put out and their left thighs
hamstrung, and were condemned to éeventfi @ag within the Octave of
penal servitude in the mines by the the Jmmacut’ate Conception.
Emperor Galerius Maximian. He was
illustrious for the gift of prophecy, and Semi-double.
the fame of miracles, and at the Coun
cil of Nice, [held in 325,] he confuted All as on the Feast, except that none
and converted to the faith a heathen of the A ntiphons are doubled, and what
philosopher who attacked the Christian ever else is dzferently given here.
religion, [and died after the year 347.]
At Bergamo, the holy Confessor MATTINS.
Viator, Bishop [of that see.]
At Pavia, holy Pompey, Bishop [of
that see.] The Lessons are taken from Scrifiture
At Naples, in Campania, [in the according to the Season. If this day
year 596,] holy Agnello, Abbat [at happen to be Ember Wednesday, they
Naples,] famous for the grace of are from Proverbs viii. 12, (p. 556.)
miracles, who, when the city had been
beleaguered, had often been seen with
a flag marked with a cross, delivering
it from the enemy. Fourth Lesson.
At Ubeda, in Spain, the holy Con
fessor John of the Cross [died in 1 591 ;] The Lesson is taken from the Dog
a companion of holy Teresa in reform matic Bull of Pope Pius IX.
ing the Carmelites, whose feast is kept IT is known to all men, with what
upon the 24th day of November. care this doctrine of the sinless
At Milan, the holy Hermit Matronian. ness of the conception of the Mother
of God hath been handed down, set
SECOND VESPERS. forth, and defended by the most dis
tinguished Religious Orders, Theol—
A ntiohons at the Psalms and Prayer
ogians, Universities, and Doctors
from Lauds.
skilled in the things of God. All men
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed know likewise how carefully Christian
Virgin. The Holy Ghost came upon Bishops, even in their public teaching,
the bride of Christ in great power, so have professed the doctrine that
that she could not be moved. through the merits of Christ our

Lord and Saviour, foreknown by God, written for the confirmation of doc~
the Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of trine, and the edification of the faith
God, was delivered from ever being 'ful, they do all in divers ways preach
the victim of original sin, but, on the and teach the excelling holiness of this
contrary, had the fruits of redemption Virgin, her dignity, her freedom from
applied to her at the very moment of any stain of sin, and the glory of her
her Conception, and was therefore re victory over the dark enemy of our
deemed in a nobler way than others. race.
But the weightiest fact of all is that Sixth Lesson.
the most holy Council of Trent, when,
in accordance with the Holy Scrip LL Commentators on the Book of
tures, as interpreted by the holy Genesis remark that passage
Fathers and the approved Councils, where God at the very time of the
it decreed that all men are conceived Fall speaketh of the Atonement, to the
in sin, expressly added that it did not confusion of the lying serpent, and the
mean thereby to say that the blessed comfortable hope of man, and saith:
and stainless Mary, Mother of God, “I will put enmity between thee and
did not form an exception to the rule. the woman, and between thy seed and
From this declaration of the Fathers her seed,” and all the ancients teach
of Trent it can clearly be drawn that that by this passage is meant the most
there is nothing in the Bible, nothing merciful Saviour of mankind, namely,
in tradition, and nothing in the Fathers our Lord JESUS Christ, the Only
which can rightly be adduced against Begotten Son of God and His most
this prerogative of the most Blessed blessed Mother the Virgin Mary, as if
Virgin; nay, as far as circumstances the enmity which both He and she
demanded, they as much as declared felt against the devil was, in a sense,
her free from the original stain. of a kind common to them Both.
Christ took Our nature upon Him, and
is become the Mediator between God
Fg'flh Lesson. and man, (I Tim. ii. 5,) blotting out the
handwriting that was against us, nail
IN truth, this doctrine upon the Con
ing it to His Cross, (Col. ii. 14,) and
ception of the most Blessed Virgin
the most Holy Virgin, by that subtle,
is day by day more earnestly set forth
close, and abiding tie which bindeth
by the graver thought of the Church,
mother to Child, feeleth along with
by her teaching, by her care, by her
Him His truceless enmity to the ser
learning, and by her wisdom. It is
pent, and He, through His merits,
explained, taught, confirmed, and won
hath granted to her that moment of
derfully spread among all peoples and
victory wherein her stainless foot
nations of the Catholic world. The
bruised the serpent’s head.
Church hath received it from the
Fathers, as a part of the original
faith, attested strongly by the most
ancient and venerable monuments of Seventh Lesson.
both the Eastern and Western
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Churches. Indeed, the Fathers and
Ecclesiastical writers, learned in Holy Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
Scripture, are marked by no more T that time: The angel Gabriel
earnest feature than that in all their was sent from God, unto a city
books and Scriptural Commentaries, of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a
virgin espoused to a man whose name found grace with God—immoveable
was Joseph, of the house of David, grace. Thou hast found grace with
and the virgin’s name was Mary. And God—invincible grace. Thou hast
so on. found grace with God—everlasting
grace. Before thee there have been
Homily by St Sophronius, Patriarch others, many others, made wonder
[of Jerusalem] (0n the Annuncia ful in holiness, but to none hath it
tion.) been given, as to thee, to be full of
Blessed indeed art thou among wo grace; to none hath it been given,
men, for thou hast turned the curse of as to thee, to attain to such divine
Eve into a blessing; thou hast even riches; to none, as to thee, to be pre
brought a blessing upon Adam, when vented by purifying grace; to none,
he lay smitten by the first sentence of as to thee, to shine from the day
death. Blessed indeed art thou among spring with light from heaven; to
women, for thou art the mean whereby none, as to thee, to be exalted
the Father’s blessing hath come upon above all things before created.
man, and delivered him from the old
curse. Blessed indeed art thou among Ninth Lesson.
women, for by thee thy fathers have
found salvation; the salutation of the AND justly; for none hath ever
Angel telleth thee that thou art about drawn so near to God as thou
to bear them a Deliverer. Blessed hast; none hath ever been gifted
indeed art thou among women, for by God with good gifts as thou
thou, not knowing a man, conceivest hast; none hath ever received of
a Son through Whom the whole God’s grace as thou hast. Thou
earth shall be blessed, and bring art mightier than all things which
forth thorns and thistles no more. are called mighty among men; thou
Blessed indeed art thou among wo hast received more than the good
men, for thou remainest thyself no ness of God hath conferred on any
more than a woman, and yet art other. It is indeed because God
made Mother of God. If That holy made His home in thee that thou
Thing Which shall be born of thee thus aboundest. There hath never
be truly God made Man, then art been any save thee that hath com
thou truly Mother of God, for God prehended the Incomprehensible;
is made thine Offspring. none save thee that hath enjoyed
His presence so much; none that
He hath made so ready therefor;
Eighth Lesson.
none on whom the uncreated light
“ EAR not, Mary, for thou hast hath shone so clearly; and there
found grace with God“— fore none who hath, like thee,
abiding grace. Thou hast found sheltered the Lord God, the Maker
grace With God -—exceeding grace. and Lord of all, conceived Him in
Thou hast found grace with thy womb, and brought Him into
God—all desirable grace. Thou the world, to redeem men lying
hast found grace with God -— under the Father’s sentence, and
greater grace than any other. Thou to offer to them everlasting salvation.
hast found grace with God—unfail Wherefore, 0 Lady, I have already
ing grace. Thou hast found grace cried unto thee with the Angel, and
with God—saving grace. Thou hast I will still cry—“Hail, thou that art

'full of grace, the Lord is with thee! year 457,] in the profession and de
Blessed art thou among women!” fence of Catholic truth.
In the country of Orleans, the holy
A Commemoration of the Week-clay Confessor Maximin, [2nd Abbat 0t
is made at Laua's. Michy, in the Diocese of Orleans
about the year 520.]
MARTYROLOGY. In the country of the Iberians,
To-morrow is the Octave of the
beyond the Black Sea, [in the third
century,] the holy handmaiden Christi
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
ana, [the Apostle of the Iberians of
the Caucasus,] who in the time of the
Upon the same day is commem
Emperor Constantine, by the power
orated the ordination [on December I 5,
of her miracles, brought that people
about the year 340,] of holy Eusebius,
to believe in Christ.
Bishop of Vercelli, [he was a Reader
of the Church of Rome,] who was Vespers of the following.
born into the better life upon the rst
day of August, but whose feast is kept
upon the 16th day of this present DECEMBER 1 5.
month of December by command of
Pope Benedict XIII. [He was born Octave of tlle Jmmacutate 630m
about the year 3I5 and died about the caption.
year 371 or 375.]
Upon the same 15th day of De
cember, were born into the better All as on the Feast, (First Vespers
life— as the First Vespers of the Feast,) ex
At Rome, [in the third century,] the cept what is otherwise git/en here.
holy martyrs Irenaeus, Antony, Theo
dore, Saturninus, Victor, and seven FIRST VESPERS.
teen others who sufi'ered for Christ’s
sake in the persecution under the A Commemoration is made of the
Emperor Valerian. Week-day.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Faus
tinus, Lucius, Candidus, Ccelian, Mark,
Januarius, and Fortunatus. SECOND NOCTURN.
Likewise in Africa, holy Valerian,
Bishop [of Abbenze.] When he was Fourth Lesson.
more than eighty years of age the The Lesson is taken from the Dog
Arian king Genseric, during the matic Bull of Pope Pius IX.
Vandal persecution, sought to make
him consent to give .up the vessels ROM of old time continual
of the church, and because he stead prayers have been offered to
fastly refused so to do, he caused this Apostolic See not only by Bish
him to be thrust out of the city ops, Churchmen, and the Regular
alone, and since it was forbidden Orders, but also by Emperors and
to any man to allow him to come Kings, beseeching that the sinless
into his house or to dwell in his ness of the Conception of the
field, he lay a long time in the open Mother of God might be made the
_ air on the public highway, and finished subject of a Dogmatic Definition.
the course of his blessed life, [in the These prayers have been still more
urgently addressed in recent times to opinion that it is Our duty no
Our Predecessor, of happy memory, longer to delay, but by Our Supreme
Gregory XVI., and to Ourselves, by Decision to settle and declare that
the Bishops, by the Secular Clergy, by the Virgin was conceived without sin,
the Regular Orders, and by the most and thus to satisfy the godly cravings
eminent Christian Princes and nations. of the whole Christian world, as well
The knowledge of these things hath as the instinct of Our own love for the
caused Our heart, to rejoice, and said most holy Virgin, and, above all,
they have been the serious occupa because she is His Mother, to. glorify
tion of Our thoughts ever since, in our Lord JESUS Christ by this act,
spite of our unworthiness, the in since whatever we do rightly to
scrutable Providence of God was honour the Mother must redound
pleased to set Us in this supreme to the glory of the Son.
Chair of Peter, and to put His
Church into Our hands, for Us to
govern. Since then, We have had Sixth Lesson.
nothing so much at heart as to
WHEREFORE, having in all
yield to the desires of the Church
fasting and humbleness of
in this matter, to the increasing of
heart continually implored God the
the veneration of which the most
Father through His Blessed Son, to
holy Virgin is already the object,
hear Our own prayers and those of
and to the setting in a clearer light
His whole Church, and to teach and
the singular graces with which God
strengthen Our mind by the power of
hath adorned her, being Ourselves His Holy Spirit, having begged the in
especially drawn to the same by
tercession of the Church Triumphant,
the reverence, love, and affection
and, above all, with groans called on
with which We have been from
the Holy Ghost the Comforter, We
Our childhood animated towards the
now, moved by Him, for the honour
same most holy Virgin Mary, Mother
of the Holy and Undivided Trinity,
of God. for the greater praise and exaltation
Fifth Lesson. of the Virgin Mother of God, the
glory of the Catholic Faith, and the
ND now We trust in the Lord good of Christianity, in the name
that the time is come to de and authority of our Lord JESUS
fine as a truth of faith the doctrine Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter
of the stainless Conception of the and Paul, and in Our own, declare
most holy Virgin Mary, Mother of and define thatz—That doctrine
God, that doctrine already set forth which declareth that the most blessed
by Holy Scripture, by the ancient Virgin Mary was, in the' first in
tradition, by the unbroken belief of stant of her Conception, preserved,
the Universal Church, by the one by a special grace and privilege
common opinion of the Catholic granted to her by Almighty God,
Episcopate and laity, and by the through the merits of Christ JESUS,
marked acts and decrees of Our Saviour of mankind, which He fore»
Predecessors. We have weighed knew, from any stain of original
everything in Our mind, and We sin, is a doctrine taught and re
have without ceasing implored the vealed by God, and therefore from
help and light of God’s Holy Spirit this time forward must be held by
by earnest prayer, and We are of all faithful Christians firmly and con,

stantly. Wherefore if any one, which from the East even unto the West!
God forbid, shall at any time think Hail, gate of heaven, full of grace,
in his heart any thing contrary to of whom the Prophet in the Song
this Our definition, let him know of Songs openly speaketh in the
that he is condemned by his own course of his prayer, saying, “A
judgment, that he hath made ship garden enclosed is My sister, My
wreck 0f the faith, and that he hath Spouse, a garden enclosed, a foun
cut himself off from the body of the tain sealed.” (iv. 12.)
THIRD NOCTURN. Eighth Lesson.

Seventh Lesson. THE Virgin is that stainless lily

whence hath sprung the Rose
The Lesson is taken from the Holy that fadeth not, even Christ. 0 Holy
Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.) Mother of God! Ewe without spot,
T that time: The Angel Gabriel that hast borne the Lamb That took
was sent from God, unto a city flesh of thee, even Christ! 0
of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a Vir Maiden whose holiness hath dazzled
gin espoused to a man whose name the heavenly armies! There hath
was Joseph, of the house of David, appeared a great sign in heaven, a
and the Virgin’s name was Mary. woman clothed with the sun, and
And so on. with the Light in her arms; a great
sign in heaven, the Virgin’s womb
Homily by St Epiphanius, Bishop the chamber of the Son of God;' a
[of Salamis-in-Cyprus.]1 (Discourse great sign in heaven, the Lord of
in praise of the Blessed Virgin.) angels made the Virgin’s child. The
angels accused Eve, but now they
I am at a loss what words or praise Mary, who hath raised Eve
terms I ought to employ in speak fallen, and restored to heaven Adam
ing of this illustrious and holy Vir banished from Paradise. For Mary
gin. She is raised above all things is the bridge between heaven and
except God; she was made much earth, the ambassadress who hath
higher than the Cherubim and Ser reconciled them in her womb.
aphim, and the whole host of
heaven; neither the voices of
[Vinth Lesson.
heaven nor of earth are full enough
to set forth her majesty, no, not the WE cannot measure the grace be
voices of Angels. 0 blessed Vir stowed upon this holy Virgin.
gin! 0 pure dove and Bride of Hence the salutation addressed to her
heaven! 0 Mary! At once the by Gabriel, “Hail,” thou glorious
heaven, the temple, and the throne heaven, “full of grace.” “Hail,”
of God! Mother of the Sun that Virgin adorned with many graces,
shineth both on heaven and on yea, “full of grace.” “Hail,” thou
earth, even Christ! Bright cloud, vessel of gold that holdest the
through which the Son of Man hath manna that came down from heaven,
come as the lightning, that lighteneth “full of grace.” “Hail,” thou un
1 The Martyrology (May 12) says that “he remains a wonder, on account of his eminent
and varied learning and knowledge of the Scriptures, of the holiness of his life, of his zeal
for the Catholic faith, of his bounty toward the poor, and of the mighty miracles which he
wrought." Born about A.D. 310. Elected Bishop about 367. Died, May 12, 405.

failing fountain, that satisfiest the Order of St Benedict,] Bishop [of

thirsty soul with sweet waters, “full Vienne.]
of grace.” Hail, holy, sinless Mother At Aberdeen, in Scotland,1 [in the
of Him That was before thee, even year 111,] holy Bean, [called first]
Christ. Hail, thou Queenly purple, Bishop [of that see.]
mantle of the King of heaven and At Gaza, in Palestine, [in the year
earth. Hail, thou Book that no man 389,] holy Bishop Irenion.
can understand, and yet which the
Eternal Word, the Son of the Father,
hath opened for earth to read.
1f the Octave falls on the Third
At Lauds a Commemoration is Sunday in Advent, the Oflice is of
made of the Weekday. the Season from the None of Satur
day exclusive, but with Commemora
tions of the Octave at both Vespers
and Lands, and without Common
On the morrow we keep the feast Commemorations or Preces.
of the holy martyr Eusebius, Bishop
of Vercelli, of whom mention is made
also upon the Ist day of August,
[when he died between the years 370
and 375,] and yesterday as for this day.
Upon the same 16th day of De
cember, were born into the better Pope Pius IX. permitted that on all
life— Saturdays, with certain exceptions,
The three children Ananias, Aza the Ofiice of December 8, with cer
rias, and Misael, whose bodies are tain alterations, be said instead of
laid in a certain cave at Babylon [in the Ofice of the day. The Satur
the sixth century before Christ.] days excepted are:
At Ravenna, the holy martyrs (a) Any Saturday whatsoever upon
Valentine, a military instructor, Con which Nine Lessons are read, either
cordius his son, Navalis, and Agri by reason of the Week-day Ofice, or
cola, who suffered for Christ’s sake, of any Festal Ofice either belonging
[in the fourth century,] in the persecu to the day or-transferred to it.
tion under the Emperor Maximian. (b) The Saturdays in Advent, Lent,
At Nola, in Campania, in the per and the Octaves ofEaster and Pentecost.
secution under the Emperor Decius, (c) All Eves.
the holy Virgin and martyr Albina, (d) Saturdays to which the Sunday
[in the year 250.] Ofiice may be transferred according to
In Africa, many holy Virgins and the Pye, iv. 4, 5.
martyrs, who in the Vandal persecu The alterations in the Oflice itself
tion under the Arian king Hunneric are
sufi'ered hanging, pressing, and red (a) It is semi-double, with the Com
hot plates, and happily brought to a mon Commemorations at Veqéers and
close the conflict of martyrdom, [in Lands, and Preces at Compline and
the year 482.] Prime. Its relations to a Simple
At Vienne, [in the year 875,] the Ofiice on Saturday itself; or a Semi
blessed Confessor Ado, [monk of the double or Double on Friday or Sun
1 In the original, by an extraordinary mistake, Hibernia.
VOL. 1. Y2

day, (Sunday is always at least Semi Vercelli. It seemed specially de

douhle,) are arranged in the same way signed by Providence that he should
as if it were a Semi-double Festival. be called to govern that Church, for
(6) The saying or omitting of the the electors, who had never before
“Alleluia ” and one or two other points known him, passed over, with a
are as immediately heretofore given strange unanimity, all their own
in the Ojice itself. In Paschal-time fellow-citizens, and chose Eusebius,
Prime and Comfiline are said in the as soon as they had seen him. He
Paschal manner. was the first Bishop in the Western
(c) The Lessons of the First Noc Church who established an Order of
turn are from Scripture according to Regular Clergy, to combine the active
the Season. with the contemplative life. At this
(d) The Lessons of the Second and time the storm of Arian blasphemy
Third Nocturn are— and sin was sweeping far and wide
Before Ash Wednesday, as on the over the West, and Eusebius set
Second Day within the Octave. himself to fight against it so man
In Paschal-time, as on the Third day. fully, that his unshaken faith brought
From the Feast of the Most Pure back Liberius again to life and hope.
Heart to August, as on the Fifth Day. This Pope, knowing that the Spirit
From August to Adz/ent, as on the of God was in him, sent him with
Seventh Day. his Legates to the Emperor Con
stantius, [in the year 354,] to plead
the cause of the Catholic Faith.
DECEMBER 16. His earnestness prevailed with that
Prince, so that he obtained all that
5t GuaeBiua, @ia8op [of @ere was asked for, and, among other
cam] Qilartgr. things, permission for a Council to
Semi-Double. be summoned.

All from the Common Ofiice for

one Martyr, (p. 482,) except what is Fifth Lesson.
otherwise given here.
THE year following, the Council
Prayer throughout. 0 God, Who
met at Milan, and Eusebius,
year by year, &c., (p. 491.)
by the invitation of the Emperor,
and the desire and command of the
MATTINS. Papal Legates, attended. Here the
FIRST NOCTURN. Arians, assembled in a perfect syna
gogue of Satan, and all furiously rag
Lessons from Scripture according to ing together against holy Atha~
the Season. if this day fall upon one nasius, found Eusebius one of the
of the Emher Days they are from Acts stoutest enemies of their faction. As
xx- 17, (fi- 483-) soon as he entered the Council, he
delivered a long harangue, wherein
SECOND NOCTURN. he remarked that, of those there
gathered together, some were notori
Fourth Lesson.
ously defiled with heresy, and there
EUSEBIUS was a Sardinian by fore he proposed that everyone should
birth, first a Reader in the first of all subscribe the Nicene Creed,
Roman Church,_and then Bishop of .before proceeding to any other busi

ness. The Arians, in a violent pas wards, like a skilful physician, he

sion, refused, whereupon he on his made a progress through all the
part refused to subscribe any pro provinces of the East, strengthening
ceedings against Athanasius, and those that were weak in the Faith,
even skilfully procured the with and confirming them in Christian
drawal of the signature of the holy doctrine. Then, with the same
martyr Denys, then Bishop of Milan, healthful results, he passed through
which they had lyingly procured by Illyricum into Italy, who, at his com
practising on his simplicity. The ing, laid aside her garments of mourn
Arians were now entirely enraged, ing. After his return, he published
and, after many persecutions, pro an expurgated edition of Origen’s
cured a decree of banishment against Commentary on the Psalms, and like
Eusebius. The Saint shook off the wise of the works of Eusebius of
dust of his feet against them, and, Caesarea, both which he translated
defying alike the threats of Caesar from Greek into Latin. At length,
and the drawn swords of the soldiery, distinguished by all these great works,
accepted the sentence as one of the he passed to that crown of glory
dignities of his office. He was sent which fadeth not away, promised to
to Bethshan in the Holy Land, suf them who suffer for the truth. He
fering hunger, thirst, stripes, and all departed this present life at Vercelli,
manner of violence, but for the Faith’s [in 371,] in the reign of Valentinian
sake he despised this life, and feared and Valens.
not death, but freely delivered his
body to the tormentors.

Lessons from Matth. xvi. 24, with

Sixth Lesson.
the Homily of St Gregory, (1;. 494.)
E wrote a solemn letter from
Bethshan, addressed to the Ezlghth Responsory.
clergy and people of Vercelli and that
neighbourhood, full of constancy, de O Lord, Thou hast prevented him,
votion, 'and piety, describing the 816-, (1’ 490-)
frightful cruelty and brazen impudence If this day he an Ember-Day, the
of the Arians. From this letter we Ninth Lesson is of that; in whieh
'know how completely they failed to ease the Ninth Lesson from the Homily
scare him by their threats and their is either omitted or read together with
inhuman brutality, or to seduce him the Eighth.
by their serpent-like cunning into re
ceiving their communion. In con At Lauds a Commemoration of the
sequence of his unshaken resolution, Week-day.
he was moved from Bethshan into
Cappadocia, and then again, to the MARTYROLOGY.
deserts of Upper Egypt. He suffered
exile until the death of Constantius, Upon the 17th day of December,
[in 361,] after which he was allowed were born into the better life—
to return to his flock. First, how At Eleutheropolis, in Palestine, the
ever, he took care to attend the holy martyrs Florian, Calanicus, and
Council at Alexandria, called to heal fifty-and-eight others, their Compan
the wounds of the Church, and, after ions, who were slain by the Saracens

for Christ’s faith’s sake in the time in the cemetery of the church outside
of the Emperor Heraclius. the gate which leadeth unto Daphne,
At Marseilles, in Gaul, blessed upon the anniversary of the which
Lazarus, [called first] Bishop [of that ceremony holy John Chrysostom
city,] of whom it is written in the preached unto the people. In after
Gospel that the Lord raised him from times the body was again brought
the dead. back to Rome, where it is buried, and
At Rome, holy John de la Matha, highly honoured in the church of St
founder of the Order of the most Holy Clement along with the body of that
Trinity for the redemption of captives. most blessed Pope and martyr.
[He died in the year 1213.] His
feast is kept upon the 8th day of At Vespers a Cor/zmemoralion is
February by order of Innocent XI. made 0/ the week-day.
In the monastery of Fulda, [in the
year 779,] the holy Abbat Sturmius,
[of the Order of St Benedict, and first DECEMBER 17.
Abbat of Fulda,] Apostle of Saxony, MARTYROLOGY.
whose name Innocent II. enrolled
with those of the saints at the second On the morrow we keep the Feast
Council of Lateran. of the Blessed Virgin 'Mary looking
At Bigarden, near Brussels, [in the shortly to be delivered.1
year 1176,] the holy Virgin Vivina, Upon the same 18th day of
whose eminent holiness is oftentimes December, were born into the better
attested by miracles. [Foundress of life—
the Abbey of Bigarden, in the At Philippi, in Macedonia, [in the
Diocese of Malines. Of the Order year 107,] the holy martyrs Rufus and
of St Benedict.] Zozimus, who were of the number of
At Constantinople, the holy widow the disciples by whom the early
Olympias, [about the year 410; born Church was founded among the Jews
about 368.] and Greeks of whose happy contend
In the Ardennes, the blessed ing holy Polycarp writeth in his
Widow Begga, sister of holy Ger Epistle unto the Philippians.
trude. [She married Ansegise, son At Laodicea, in Syria, the holy
of St Arnoult, Bishop of Metz. martyrs Theotimus and Basilian.
She was born about 368, became a In Africa, the holy martyrs Quintus
widow in 386, and died about 410.] Simplicius and others, who suffered
Upon the same day is com in the persecution under the Emperors
memorated the translation of the body Decius and Valerian.
of the holy martyr Ignatius, Patriarch There also the holy martyr Moy
of Antioch, who was the third to setes.
govern that church after the blessed Likewise in Africa also, the holy
Apostle Peter; he suffered at Rome martyrs Victurus, Victor, Victorinus,
under Trajan, but his body was Adjutor, Quartus, and thirty others.
brought thence to Antioch and laid At Mopsuestia, in Cilicia, holy

1 This feast is not contained in the Calendar of the Church of Rome, and is of Spanish
origin. In the Mozarabic Rite the Feast of the Annunciation is kept on December 18, and
is still so kept although another Feast of the Annunciation has been added upon March 25 out
of deference to the custom of the rest of Christendom. It will be observed that this feast
coincides with the beginning of the Great 0’s, and unless December 18 should be a Sunday,
the Antiphon in the Commemoration of the week-day at First Vespers is “ O Wisdom."
Auxentius, Bishop [of that see ;] he was man whose name was Joseph ; and
originally a soldier under the Emperor the virgin’s name was Mary.
Licinius, but chose rather to cast away Seeond Antiphon. Hail Mary, * full
his military belt than to offer grapes of grace, the Lord is with thee : blessed
to Bacchus; he afterwards became a art thou among women. [Alleluia]
Bishop, and fell asleep in peace, Third Antiohon. Fear not, Mary,
famous for worthy deeds, [fourth * thou hast found grace with the
century.] Lord: behold, thou shalt conceive, and
At Tours, holy Bishop Gratian, who bring forth a son. [Alleluia]
was ordained by holy Pope Fabian as Fourth Antiphon. The Lord shall
the first Bishop of that city, and fell give unto Him the throne of His father
asleep in the Lord, famous for many David, and of His kingdom there shall
miracles. [He was a disciple of the be no end.
Apostles] Fifth Antiphon. Behold the hand
maid of the Lord : * be it unto me
DECEMBER 1& according to thy word.
Hymn. Creator of the starry pole,
@ffice in honour of the Blesszh &c., (p. 213.)
Htrgtn wary looking shortlg Hail, Mary, full of grace.
to he ozliiomo. A nswer. The Lord is with thee.
Greater Double. Antiohon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. The Holy Ghost shall come
Whatever is not speeially given here
upon thee, O Mary,—fear not; thou
is from the Common Ojiee for Feasts
shalt bear in thy womb the Son of God.
of the Blessed Virgin, (p. 552,) except
that the last verse of the Hymn is not
altered in honour of the Inearnation. A Commemoration is made of the
Week-day. Antiphon, “O,” &c., (p.
Prayer throughout. 244-)
0 GOD, Who didst will that Thy MATTINS.
Word should, by the message of Invitatory. Hail, Mary, full of
an Angel, take flesh in the womb of grace, * the Lord is with thee.
the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant unto
us, we beseech Thee, that all we who Hymn. Supernal Word, &c., (p.
do believe her to be in very deed the 214)
Mother of God, may be holpen by her FIRST NOCTURN.
prayers in Thy sight. Through the
same our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, First Antiphon. Behold, our Lord
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, cometh with power, and He shall
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one lighten the eyes of His servants. Al
God, world without end. Amen. leluia.
Ps. viii. O LORD, our Lord, &c.,
(e 7-)
First A ntiphon. The Angel Gabriel Seeond Antiphon. 1 Drop down, ye
was sent * to a virgin espoused to a heavens, from above, and let the skies
1 Isa. xlv. 8.

pour down the Righteous One: let the Third Lesson.

earth open, and let her bring forth the
The wilderness and the solitary
place, &c., (p. 256.)
Ps. xviii. The heavens declare, &c.,
(e-17J Third Responsory.
Third Antiohon. 1 Behold, the
The Lord shall come down like
Name of the LORD cometh from far,
rain, &c., (p. 241.)
and His brightness filleth the world.
Ps. xxiii. The earth is the LORD’S, SECOND NOCTURN.
First Antiphon. 3 Out of Zion shall
Verse. Out of Zion, the Perfection
go forth the law, and the word of the
of beauty,
LORD from Jerusalem.
Answer. Our God shall come
manifestly. Ps. xliv. My heart is overflowing,
&c., (p. 96.)
First Lesson. Second Antzfihon. 4L0, this is our
The Lesson is taken from the Book of God, we have waited for Him, and He
the Prophet Isaiah (vii. 10.) will save us. Alleluia.

Moreover the LORD spake again, Ps. xlv. God is our refuge, &c., (p.
&c., (p. 226.) 97»
Third Antiphon. The Lord com
eth! go ye out to meet Him, and say :
First Resfionsory. How great is His dominion, and of
The sceptre shall not depart, &c., His kingdom there shall be no end!
He is the Mighty God, the Ruler, the
Prince of Peace ! Alleluia.
Second Lesson. Ps. lxxxvi. Her foundation, &c.,
And there shall come forth a rod, (fi-I44J
&c., (p. 227,) down to “faithfulness Verse. 5There shall come forth a
the girdle of His reins," in the next rod out of the stem of jesse.
Lesson. Answer. And a flower shall grow
out of his roots.
Second Responsory. '
2 There shall come a Star out of Fourth Lesson.
Jacob, and a Man shall rise out of The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Israel, and shall smite through all the
of St Alonzo, Archbishop [of Toledo.]
princes of the aliens ; and all the earth
(Book on the Maidenhooa' of Blessed
shall be His possession.
Verse. Out of jacob shall come He
that shall have dominion, and shall 0 MY Suzeraine and my Lady, who
destroy him that remaineth of the city. bearest rule over me, Mother of
Answer. And all the earth shall be my Lord, handmaid of thy Son, who
His possession. gavest birth to Him Who made the
1 lsa. xxx. 27. 2 Num. xxiv. r7, r9. 3 Isa. ii. 3.
‘ Isa. xxv. 9. 5 Isa. xi. 1.

1_‘ 1-—|

world, I beseech thee, I pray thee, I then a mystery unheard hitherto, be

ask thee, that I may have the spirit of hold an operation hitherto unknown,
thy Lord, and the spirit of thy Son, turn thine eyes upon a thing secret,
yea, and the spirit of my Redeemer, hitherto unsuspected, learn of a work
to enable me to think what is true and hitherto unwrought. “The Holy
worthy concerning thee, to speak what Ghost shall come upon thee, and the
is true and worthy concerning thee, power of the Highest shall overshadow
and to love whatsoever is true and thee.”
worthy concerning thee. ThOu hast
been chosen of God, taken of God, Fzflh Responsory.
called of God; thou art very nigh Drop down, ye heavens, &c., (p.
unto God, thou cleavest unto God, 253-)
thou art bound unto God; thou wast
visited by an Angel, saluted by an Sixth Lesson.
Angel, blessed by an Angel, called
ALL the Trinity is at work in thee
happy by an Angel; troubled at his
_ to make thee conceive, but it is
saying, perplexed in thought, con
the Son of God alone Whose Person
founded at the salutation, wonderstruck
taketh Flesh in thee as thy Child.
at the words of the message.
And “therefore also that Holy Thing
Which shall be” conceived in thee,
Fourth Responsory. brought forth of thee, produced of
thee, sprung of thee, “born of thee,
Behold, the Virgin shall conceive, shall be called the Son of God.”
&c., (p. 217.) For “He shall be great,” He shall
be the God of powers, the King of
all ages, the Maker of all things.
Fifth Lesson. Behold, “blessed art thou among
HOU hearest that thou hast found women, ” Virgin among mothers, Lady
grace with God, and thou art among damsels, Queen among sisters.
bidden not to fear; thence thou art Behold, for this “all generations shall
strengthened with confidence, and art call thee blessed,” all the powers of
taught to know wonders, and carried heaven know thee to be blessed, all
forward to new tidings of unheard-of the Prophets tell that thou art blessed,
glory. The Angel doth thee to wit all nations proclaim thee blessed.
that thou shalt be a mother, and, with And, for us, blessed our faith calleth
offspring in thy womb, thou remainest thee, blessed do our souls call thee,
untouched and virgin. Then the assur blessed doth our love call thee, blessed
ance of thy maidenhood is set forth do our hymns call thee, and blessed
before us, and the Angel preacheth shall my words call thee.
unto thee the glad tidings that that
Holy Thing Which shall be born of Sixth Responsory.
thee shall be called the Son of God,
and anon, the wondrous message of The Lord will teach us, &c., (p.
the power of the King that is to come. 242.)
Thou askest how this shall be, thou THIRD NOCTURN.
wouldest know whence it cometh, thou
enquirest as to the reason, thou seekest First Antiphon. The LORD shall
to understand the anomaly, thou art give that which is good, and our Land
fain to learn the order of things. Hear shall yield her increase.

Ps. lxxxiv. LORD, Thou hast been of the power of the air, (Eph. ii. 2,)
favourable, &c., (p. 143.) of Him of Whom it is said by the
Psalmist, “The LORD strong and
Second Antiphon. He that is both
mighty, the LORD mighty in battle,”
God and Man shall come of the house
(xxiii. 8,) and again, “The LORD of
of David, and sit in David’s seat.
hosts, He is the King of glory,” (10.)
Therefore it was assigned to the
Ps. lxxxvi. Her foundation, &c., Strong-man-of-God to announce that
(a 144-) the Lord of hosts, mighty in battle,
Third Antiphon. Tell it out among was coming to wage war against the
the people, and say: Behold, God powers of the air.
our Saviour cometh. “And the Angel came in unto her,
and said: Hail, thou that art full of
Ps. xcv. O sing unto the LORD, grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed
&c., (p. 148.) art thou among women.”
Verse. The Lord goeth forth from Meetly is she styled “ full of grace’7
His holy place. who hath attained a grace gained by
Answer. He cometh to save His no other, that, namely, of conceiving
people. and bringing forth the actual Author
of grace.
If this day be Ember- Wednesday,
the following Lessons are not read, Seventh Responsory.
but, instead, those for Wednesday on
pp. 249, 250, (but the Responsories Hail, Mary, full of grace, &c., (p.
are unaltered.) 215.)
Eighth Lesson.
Seventh Lesson. “ ND behold, thou shalt conceive
The Lesson is taken from the Holy in thy womb, and bring forth
Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.) a Son, and shalt call His Name
AT that time: The Angel Gabriel The name JESUS is interpreted
was sent from God, unto a city “Saviour,” or “Saving,” to which
of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a meaning the Angel pointed when he
Virgin espoused to a man whose name said to Joseph: “ Thou shalt call His
was Joseph, of the house of David: name JESUS, for He shall save His
and the Virgin’s name was Mary. people from their sins.” (Matth. i.
And so on. 21.) He saith not that “He shall
save the people of Israel,” but that
Homily by the Venerable Bede,
“He shall save His people,” that is
Priest [at Jarrow.] (0n Luke i., and
to say, a people gathered into one
in the Homilies for the Winter Season.
faith from among both the circumcised
Ember- Wednesday in Deeemher.)
and the uncircumcised, who being thus
There is sent from God unto the gathered in, there should be one fold
Virgin Mary the Angel Gabriel, which and one Shepherd. (John x. 16.)
name, being interpreted, signifieth “ He shall be great, and shall be
“Strong-man-of-God.” For he came called the Son of the Highest; and
as the messenger of Him, Who was the Lord God shall give unto Him
pleased to appear weak in order that the throne of His father David.”
He might prevail against the prince He, then, that was conceived in

that virginal womb, and brought forth there from one of two conclusions,
therefrom, was the Son of the Highest. viz., either (I) that the Son of God is
He that in time was made of His not God, or (2) that she who brought
mother (Gal. iv. 4) is God, begotten forth God is rightly called Theotokos,
of the Father before all worlds. But that is, Mother-qf-God?
if the same Person Who is Man is
God, let Nestorius cease from saying The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
that it was the Man only Who was God, &c.,” is said.
born of the Virgin.

Eighth Responsory. First Antiphon. The Angel Gabriel

Receive, 0 Virgin Mary, &c., (p. was sent * to a virgin espoused to a
219,) with the following addition, man whose name was Joseph; and
the virgin’s name was Mary.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Second Antiphon. Hail, Mary, *
t0 the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. full of grace, the Lord is with thee:
Answer. And thou shalt be called blessed art thou among women.
blessed among all women. Third Antibhon. Fear not, Mary, *
thou hast found grace with the Lord :
lVinth Lesson. behold, thou shalt conceive, and bring
forth a Son.
“ HEREFORE also that Holy Fourth Antzlbhon. The Lord shall
Thing Which shall be born of give unto Him the throne of His
thee shall be called the Son of God.” father David, and of His kingdom
JESUS alone is said to be born an there shall be no end.
Holy Thing, to distinguish such holi Fifth Antiphon. Behold the hand
ness from any holiness of ours. We maid of the Lord: * be it unto me
may indeed be made holy, but we according to thy word.
are not born holy, for we are hampered
by the corrupt condition of our nature,
Chapter. (Isa. xi. 1.)
so that every one of us may well
groan and say with the Prophet, HERE shall come forth a rod out
“ For, behold, I was shapen in of the stem of'Jesse, and a
iniquity, and in sin did my mother Flower shall grow out of his roots.
conceive me.” (Ps. l. 7.) He alone And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest
is absolutely and essentially Holy, upon Him.
Who to counteract the corruptible con
Hymn. Hark a joyful voice, &c.,
dition in nature, was conceived with
out fleshly coition. (p.218)
“That Holy Thing Which shall be Verse. The Holy Ghost shall come
born of thee shall be called the Son upon thee.
of God.” What can be said to this Answer. And the power of the
by a Nestorian, who, by denying that Highest shall overshadow thee.
the Blessed Mary was Mother of God, Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
flieth directly in the face of this truth ? He shall sit upon the throne of David,
Here is a distinct statement that God and of his kingdom, for ever.
is to come upon her, and therefore
that the Thing to be born is the Son A Commemoration is made of the
of God. What escape therefore is Week-day.

PRIME. At Rome, holy Fausta, the mother

of holy Anastasia, eminent for her
Antithon. The Angel Gabriel, &c., rank and godliness, [at the end of the
(First Antzlfi/zon at Lauds.)
third century]
In the Shorl Responsory is said, At Avignon, the blessed Pope
Urban V., who performed the highest
Verse. Thou that art to come into service to the Church: he restored
the world. the Apostolic seat to Rome, he com
pleted the union of the Greeks and
the Latins, he brought the unbelievers
into subjection. His very ancient
Upon the 19th day of December, veneration was ratified and confirmed
were born into the better life— by Pope Pius IX.
At Alexandria, in Egypt, the blessed
martyr Nemesius. He was first
C/zapter at the end. (Isa. xiv. 8.)
brought before the judge on a false
accusation that he was a thief, and DROP down, ye heavens, from
was acquitted; but in the persecution above, and let the skies pour
under the Emperor Decius he was down the Righteous One: let the
accused of Christianity before the earth open, and let her bring forth
judge lEmilian, by whom he was put the Saviour. I the LORD have
to the double punishment and con created Him. I
demned to be burnt along with thieves.
In the which thing he was conformed TERCE.

to the likeness of the Saviour, who Antiphon. Hail, Mary, &c.,(Seeomz'

was crucified between thieves. A ntzp/mn at Lauds.)
At Nice, [now Isnik, in Bithynia,]
the holy martyrs Darius, Zosimus, Chapterfrom Lauds.
Paul, and Secundus, [in the fourth
century.] ‘ Slwrt Responsory.
At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs
Cyriacus, Paulillus, Secundus, Anas 1 Thou, O Lord, shalt arise and have
tasius, Syndimius, and their Com mercy upon Zion.
panions, [in the fourth century.] Answer. Thou, O Lord, shalt arise
In Morocco, [in the fourth century,] and have mercy upon Zion.
the holy martyr Timothy, the Deacon, Verse. For the time to favour her,
who after a terrible imprisonment was yea, the set time, is come.
cast into the fire for Christ’s faith’s Answer. Have mercy upon Zion.
sake, and so finished his testimony. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
At Gaza, in Palestine, [in the third and to the Son, and to the Holy
century,] the holy martyrs Meuris and Ghost.
Thea. Answer. Thou, O Lord, shalt arise
At Auxerre, the holy Confessor and have mercy upon Zion.
Gregory, [looked on as 12th] Bishop Verse. Drop down, ye heavens,
[of that see, successor of St Theodore, from above, and let the skies pour
in the year 530.] down the Righteous One.
At Orleans, the holy Abbat Adjutus, Answer. Let the earth open, and
famous for the spirit of prophecy. let her bring forth the Saviour.
1 Ps. ci. :4.

SEXT. Answer. Send forth the Lamb, 0

Lord, the Ruler of the land.
A ntifihon. Fear not, &c., (Third Verse. From the rock in the
A ntiohon at Lands.) wilderness unto the mount of the
daughter of Zion.
Chapter. (Isa. vii. I4.) Answer. The Ruler of the land.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
BEHOLD, the virgin shall conceive and to the Son, and to the Holy
and bear a Son, and His Name Ghost.
shall be called Emmanuel. Butter Answer. Send forth the Lamb, 0
and honey shall He eat, that He may Lord, the Ruler of the land.
know to refuse the evil, and choose Verse. The Holy Ghost shall come
the good. upon thee.
Answer. And the power of the
Short Responsory. Highest shall overshadow thee.
Drop down, ye heavens, from above,
and let the skies pour down the Right~
eous One. Same as the First, except the follow
Answer. Drop down, ye heavens, ing:
from above, and let the skies pour
down the Righteous One. Fifth Antiphon. Of the fruit of
Verse. Let the earth open, and let thy body will I set upon thy throne.
her bring forth the Saviour. Ps. cxxxi. Lord, remember David,
Answer. Let the skies pour down &c., (p. 193.)
the Righteous One.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Virgin. O maiden of maidens, how
and to the Son, and to the Holy
shall this be, since neither before nor
henceforth hath there been, nor shall
Answer. Drop down, ye heavens.
be such another? Daughters of
from above, and let the skies pour
Jerusalem, why look ye curiously upon
down the Righteous One.
me? What ye see is a mystery of
Verse. 1 Send forth the Lamb, 0
Lord, the Ruler of the land.
Answer. From the rock in the Commemoration of the Week-day,
Wilderness unto the mount of the Antzfihon, “O,” &c., (p. 244.)
daughter of Zion.


A ntiohon. Behold the handmaid, M ARTYROLOGY.

&c., (Fifth Antiohon at Lauds.)
To-morrow is the eve of the holy
Chapter as at the end of Prime. Apostle Thomas.
Upon the same 20th day of Decem
ber, were born into the better life—
Short Responsory.
At Rome, the holy martyrs Liberatus
Send forth the Lamb, 0 Lord, the and Bajulus.
Ruler of the land. At Alexandria, the holy soldiers
1 Isa . xvi. I.

Ammon, Zeno, Ptolemy, Ingenes, and DECEMBER 20.

Theophilus, all martyrs. They were
on guard beside the judgment-seat
when a certain Christian who was Upon the 215t day of December,
under the torture began to waver and were born into the better life—
was almost giving way, and they tried Upon the Coromandel coast of
by signs to encourage him to hold India, not far from Madras, the
out; for this cause all the people cried blessed Apostle Thomas. He preached
out against them, and they came for the Gospel to the Parthians, Medes,
ward and confessed themselves to be Persians, and Hyrcanians, and at
Christians; and Christ, who Himself length came into India, and was teach
had given such steadfastness unto His ing the Christian religion to those people
own, did Himself most gloriously when the king commanded him to be
triumph in their victory, [in the year run through with lances, and so he died.
249-] His relics were taken first to the city
At Geldube, [in Thrace,] the holy of Edessa and afterwards to Ortona.
martyr Julius, [fourth century.] In Tuscany, the holy martyrs John
In Arabia, the holy martyrs Eugen and Festus.
ius and Macarius, two Priests who In Lycia, the holy martyr Them
blamed the ungodliness of the Em istocles. Under the Emperor Decius
peror Julian the Apostate, and for he gave himself up for holy Dioscorus,
that cause were most cruelly flogged when they were seeking after him to
and sent out into the great desert, slay him, and was first racked, taken
where they were slain with the sword, down and dragged about, and beaten
[in the year 362.] with cudgels, gained the crown of
At Antioch, holy Philogonius, Patri martyrdom [in the year 249.]
arch of the see. He was an advocate At Nicomedia, the holy Priest
when he was called by the will of Glycerius, who suffered many torments
God to govern that church, and first in the persecution under the Emperor
took up the contending for the Diocletian, and was at length cast in
Catholic faith along with holy Bishop the fire, and so finished his testimony.
Alexander, and his Companions, against At Antioch, the holy martyr Anas
Arius. He fell asleep in the Lord, tasius, Bishop [of that see,] who was
illustrious for good works, [in the cruelly murdered by the Jews in the
year 322.] Holy John Chrysostom time of the Emperor Phocas, [in the
preached an eloquent sermon on his year 609.]
feast-day. At Treves, the holy Confessor Sever
At Brescia, the holy Confessor inus, Bishop [of that see, fourth
Dominic, Bishop [of that see, about century.]
the year 612.] Vespers are of thefollowing.
On this day is commemorated the
burial in Spain of holy Dominic, Abbat DECEMBER 2 1.
of Silos, [in the diocese of Burgos, in
Castille, which abbey he founded,] of 5t $50111“, llpostt'e.
the Order of St Benedict, very famous
Double of the Second Class.
for his miracles wrought for the libera
tion of captives. [He died in his All from the Common Ofice for
monastery at Silos, on December 14, Apostles, (p. 462,) exceflt what is
107 3,] otherwise given here.

FIRST VESPERS. of the Apostleship with the glory of

martyrdom, on the Coromandel coast,
A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed
not far from Madras.
Virgin. Thomas, because thou hast
seen Me, thou hast believed; blessed
are they that have not seen, and yet Fifth Lesson.
have believed. Alleluia.
It is written, &c., (from the Com
mon Ofliee, Fourth Lesson.)
Prayer throughout the Ofiiee.
GRANT unto us, 0 Lord, we be
Sixth Lesson.
seech Thee, to glory in the
solemn commemoration of Thy So much power, &c., (p. 469.)
blessed Apostle Thomas; and, be
ing defended by his protection, to
follow always with meet godliness
the pattern of his faith. Through Seventh Lesson.
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son,
Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, The Lesson is taken from the Holy
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one Gospel according to John (xx. 24.)
God, world without end. Amen.
T that time: Thomas, one of the
A Commemoration is made of the twelve, called Didymus, was not
Week-day. with them when JESUS came. And
so on.
Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Great.] (26th on the Gospels.)
Lessons from I Cor. iv. I, (p. 466.)
Dearly beloved brethren, what is
it in this passage which particularly
SECOND NOCTURN. claimeth our attention? Think ye
that it was by accident that this
Fourth Lesson.
chosen Apostle was not with them
THE Apostle Thomas, called Didy when JESUS came? or, when he
mus, or the Twin, was a Gali came, heard? or, when he heard,
lean. After the descent of the Holy doubted? or, when he doubted, felt? or
Ghost, he went into many provinces when he had felt, believed? All these
to preach Christ’s Gospel. He gave things were not accidental, but Pro
knowledge of the rules of Christian vidential. It was a wonderful pro
faith and life to the Parthians, Medes, vision of Divine mercy, that this in
Persians, Hyrcanians, and Bactrians. credulous disciple, by thrusting his
He went last to the East Indies. fingers into the bodily Wounds of his
Here he provoked the anger of one Master, should apply a remedy to the
of the idolatrous kings, because the spiritual wounds of unbelief in our
holiness of his life and teaching, and souls. The doubts of Thomas have
the number of his miracles, drew done us more good than the faith
many after him, and brought them of all the disciples that believed.
to the love of Christ JESUS. He While he feeleth his way to faith,
was therefore condemned, and slain our minds are freed from doubt, and
with Iances. He crowned the dignity settled in faith.

Eighth Lesson. for us, who have not seen even the
Flesh, and who yet do believe. They
VEN as the Lord before His
are specially meant for us if we be
birth willed that Mary should
lieve and do not, by our lives, give
be espoused, and yet never lose her
the lie to our belief. He only hath a
virginity, so, after His Resurrection, saving faith, whose faith beareth fruit.
He willed that His disciple should
doubt, and yet not lose his faith. At Lauds, Antifihon at the Song
For, even as the espoused husband of Zacharias, the same as at that at
was the keeper of the virginity of First Vespers.
the Mother, so was the disciple who A Commemoration is made of the
doubted and felt, the witness of the Week-day.
truth of the Resurrection. He felt,
and cried out: “My Lord and my MARTYROLOGY.
God. _IESUS saith unto him : Thomas,
Upon the 22nd day of December,
because thou hast seen Me, thou hast
were born into the better life—
believed.” When the Apostle Paul
At Rome, between the two Laurels
saith (Heb. xi. 1): “Faith is the
upon the Lavican Way, thirty holy
substance of things hoped for, the
martyrs, who were all crowned in
evidence of things not seen "—he
one day in the persecution under the
plainly meaneth that faith is the evi
Emperor Diocletian.
dence of things that cannot be seen.
There likewise the holy Flavian,
When they are seen, there remaineth
the ex-Prefect [of Rome], who for
not faith, but knowledge.
Christ’s sake was first branded and
then banished under the Emperor
Ninth Lesson. julian the Apostate. He was sent
to Bagni di Ferrata,1 [near Civita
(1‘ this day he an Ember-day this
Vecchia,] where he gave up his soul
Lesson is of that, and then the fol
to God in prayer, [in the year 362.]
lowing is either omitted, or read as
At Ostia, the holy martyrs Deme
one with the preeeding.
trius, Honoratus, and Florus.
THOMAS, then, seeth, and be At Alexandria, the holy martyr Is
lieveth. Why is it said to chyrion. Many injuries and reproaches
him: “Because thou hast seen Me, were cast upon him to make him sacri
thou hast believed?” The truth is, fice to idols, but he despised them, and
he saw one thing, and so believed was handed over to be slain by the
another. To mortal man it is not driving of a sharp stake through the
given to see God. He therefore midst of his bowels, [in the year 250.]
saw only the Manhood, and yet had In Egypt, [in the third century,]
faith in the Godhead: “My Lord holy Chasremon, Bishop of Nilopolis,
and my God.” This he said, see and many other martyrs, of whom
ing and believing, seeing Perfect some, scattered in flight to escape
Man, and yet believing in Perfect the persecution under the Emperor
God, Whom he could not see. 0 Decius, were killed by wild beasts
what a comfort are the words which as they wandered in the desert ; some
follow! “Blessed are they that have were destroyed by hunger, cold, and
not seen, and yet have believed.” sickness; and some were murdered
These words are specially meant by savages and robbers.
1 I-‘omierly called from its discoverer Aqua Tauri.
At Nicomedia, the holy soldier cution under the Emperor Decius, and
Zeno, who made a jest upon the were beheaded. [They are often called
Emperor Diocletian as he was offer the Ten Martyrs of Crete.]
ing sacrifice to Ceres, and for this At Rome, blessed Servulus, con
cause had his jaws broken, his teeth cerning whom holy Gregory writeth
beaten out, and his head cut off. that from his childhood even unto
the end of his life he lay paralysed
At Vespers, Antiphon at the Song
in a porch hard by the church of
of the Blessed Virgin, the same as at
St Clement, and at the end he was
First Vesfiers.
called by songs of angels, and passed
A Commemoration is made of the
away into the glory of Paradise, [in
the year 570.] God doth very often
DECEMBER 22. show miracles at his grave.


Upon the 23d day of December, MARTYROLOGY.
were born into the better life—
At Rome, the holy Virgin and The morrow is the Eve of the
martyr Victoria [de Tivoli.] She birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
was espoused to one Eugenius, a Upon the same 24th day of De
heathen, and during the persecu cember, were born into the better
tion under the Emperor Decius she life—
would neither marry Eugenius nor At Antioch, forty holy Virgins and
offer sacrifice unto idols, but worked martyrs, who there finished their testi
many miracles, whereby she gathered mony by divers torments in the per
many virgins unto God, and the exe secution under the Emperor Decius.
cutioner stabbed her to the heart At Spoleto, the holy Priest Gregory
with his sword at the request of her [of Spoleto], a martyr in the time of
espoused husband. the Emperors Diocletian and Maxi
At Nicomedia, twenty holy martyrs mian, he was beaten with knotted cud
during the persecution under the Em gels, laid upon a grating over fire,
peror Diocletian, after they had been imprisoned, his knees hammered with
most grievously tormented. iron combs, burning lamps set to his
There likewise, in the same per sides, and at last beheaded.
secution, the holy martyrs Migdonius At Tripoli, the holy martyrs Lucian,
and Mardonius, of whom the one was Metrobius, Paul, Zenobius, Theotimus,
burnt and the other cast into a ditch, and Drusus.
and so died. Then also suffered the At Nicomedia, the holy martyr
Deacon of holy Anthimus, Bishop of Euthymius, who sent many before
Nicomedia, who was bringing a letter him to martyrdom, in the persecu
to the martyrs when he was taken by tion under the Emperor Diocletian,
the Gentiles and stoned to death, and and then was himself pierced through
50 passed hence to be ever with the with the sword, and so followed them
Lord. unto their crown. ,
In Crete, the holy martyrs Theo At Bordeaux, holy Delphinus, Bish
dulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, op [of that see from 380-404, when
Eunician, Zeticus, Cleomenes, Aga he died,] who was a burning and shin
thopus, Basilides, and Evaristus, who ing light of holiness in the time of the
suffered great cruelties in the perse Emperor Theodosius.

In Poland, [in the year 1473,] the philus the Deacon, and Helladius, who
holy Confessor John of Kenty, a secular were first torn and mangled with sharp
Priest, famous for his learning, his potsherds, and then cast into the fire,
zeal for the spreading of the faith, and so gave up their souls to God.
his graces, and his miracles, whose At Venice, [in the year 1455,] the
feast we have kept upon the 22nd blessed Confessor Lawrence de’ Gius
day of October. tiniani, the first Patriarch of that city;
At Rome, [about the year 550,] the he was filled very abundantly with
holy Virgin Tharsilla, father's sister to learning and gifts of divine wisdom
holy Pope Gregory, of whom he wit from on high, and Alexander VIII.
nesseth that at the hour of her going enrolled his name among those of
forth she saw Jesus coming unto her. the saints. We keep his festival
At Treves, the holy Virgin Irmina, upon the fifth day of September.
daughter to King Dagobert [11. She At Hierapolis, in Asia, holy Apolli
was Abbess of the monastery of Hor naris, Bishop [of that see,] who was
rein, and lived from about the year eminent for holiness and learning, in
672 to about the year 715.] the time of the Emperor Marcus An
toninus Verus.
At Naples, in Campania, holy Sever
inus, Bishop [of that see,] brother of the
FEAST-DAYS IN JANUARY. blessed martyr Victorinus ; he wrought
many good works, and fell asleep full
The earlier Feast-days in january of holiness, [in the year 540.]
are given in the Ofiee of the Season. At Pavia, the holy Confessor Maxi
0n the earliest day not occupied by mus, Bishop [of that see, successor to
an Ofiice with Nine Lessons, is said St Epiphanius. He took part in the
the Ofiee of the Dead. 4th and 6th Councils of Rome, held
by Pope Symmachus against the Anti
pope Lawrence at the beginning of the
JANUARY 7. sixth century.]
At Ratisbon, holy Bishop Erhard.
MARTYROLOGY. At Metz, holy Patient, Bishop [of
Upon the 8th day of January, were that see, in the second century.]
born into the better life—— On the same day, [in the year 482,]
At Beauvais, in Gaul, the holy in Bavaria, the holy Abbat Severinus,
martyrs Lucian the Priest [first Bishop who spread the Gospel among that
of that see,] Maximian, and Julian. people, and is called the Apostle of
Maximian and Julian were slain by the [Austrians and] Bavarians. His
the persecutors with the sword, but body was, by the will of God, brought
the blessed Lucian, who had come to Monte-feltro, near Naples, and
into Gaul with holy Denis, did thence it hath been since taken to
not receive the like treatment until the monastery of St Severino.
after great suffering, the which not
withstanding, he feared not to con JANUARY 8.
fess aloud the name of Christ. [He
died in the year 312.]
Likewise the holy martyr Eugenian Upon the 9th day of January, were
[Bishop of Autun.] born into the better life—
In Lybia, the holy martyrs Theo At Antioch, in the persecution
under the Emperors Diocletian and [He succeeded St Traso in the Bishop
Maximian, the holy martyr Julian, ric about the year 550, and was fol
along with whom is commemorated lowed by St Thomas about the year
the holy Virgin Basilissa, his wife, 569. He is secondary Patron of
who kept her virginity with her hus Ancona.]
band and ended her life in peace.
A multitude of priests and ministers
of the Church of Christ had taken MARTYROLOGY.
refuge with them because of the
fury of the persecution. They were Upon the 10th day ofJanuary, were
burnt with fire, and Julian, by com born into the better life—
mand of the President Marcian, was In Cyprus, the blessed Nicanor,
thereafter made to suffer many tor one of the seven first Deacons, who
ments and was then beheaded. was wondrous for the grace of faith
Along with him there sufiered also and power, and received a most
the Priest Anthony and Anastasius, glorious crown, [in the year 35 or
whom Julian had raised from the 76.
dead and made a partaker of the Ait Rome, the holy Pope Agatho,
grace of Christ, and the lad Celsus, who was eminent for holiness and
together with his mother, Marcion learning, and fell asleep in peace,
illa, and seven brethren, and many [in the year 682.]
others. At Bourges, in Aquitaine, [in the
year 1209,] the holy Confessor \Vil
In Morocco, [in the fourth century,]
the holy Virgin and martyr Marciana,
liam, Archbishop [of that see,] famous
for signs and works of power, whose
who was thrown to wild beasts and
name Honorius III. enrolled with
so finished her testimony.
those of the saints.
At Smyrna, the holy martyrs At Milan, the holy Confessor John,
Vitalis (probably a Bishop, and the
sumamed the Good, Archbishop of
others were most likely Deacons), Re
that city, [in the year 659.]
vocatus, and Fortunatus.
In the Theba'id, blessed Paul, the
In Africa, the holy martyrs Epic first Hermit, who from the sixteenth
tetus, Jucundus, Secundus, Vitalis, even unto the hundred and thirteenth
Felix, and seven others, [in the year year of his age dwelt alone in the
205.] desert, [in the year 342,] holy An
At Sebaste, in Armenia, [in the thony saw his soul borne heavenward
year 392,] holy Peter, Bishop [of by angels between the choirs of the
that see,] brother of holy Basil the Apostles and of the Prophets. We
Great [also of St Gregory of Nyssa. keep his feast upon the 15th day
His father was St Basil the Elder, of this present month of January.
his mother St Emmelia, and his At Constantinople, the holy Priest
grandmother St Macrina. He was Marcian, [about the year 489.]
made head of his convent in the In the monastery of Cusan, [in the
year 362, when St Basil was made diocese of Perpignan,] the holy Con
bishop, St Basil having before been fessor Peter Urseoli, who was some
Abbat thereof] time Doge of Venice, and then be
At Ancona, holy Marcellinus, Bish came a monk of the Order of St
op of that city, the which, as holy Benedict, and was famous for god
Gregory writeth, he did through the liness and works of power, [in the
power of God deliver from burning. year 997.]


At Lauds is made a Commemora

tion of St flyginus, Pope and martyr,
Upon the 1 1th day of January, were allfrom the Common Ofiiee, p. 491.
born into the better life—
At Rome, the holy Pope Hyginus, MARTYROLOGY.
who achieved martyrdom gloriously
in the persecution under the Em Upon the 1 2th day of January, were
peror Antonine. born into the better life—
In Africa, [about the year 142,] the At Rome, the holy martyr Tatiana,
blessed martyr Salvius, upon whose in the persecution under the Emperor
feast-day holy Austin preached to the Alexander. She was lacerated with
people of Carthage. hooks and combs, thrown to wild
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs beasts, and cast into the fire, but
Peter, Severus, and Leucius. as she remained unhurt, was at
At Fermo, in Picenum, the holy length beheaded, and so passed
martyr Alexander, Bishop [of that away to heaven.
see.] In the Peloponnesos, the holy
At Amiens, the holy martyr Sal martyr Satyrus. As he was pass
vius, Bishop of that see, [in the be ing before a certain idol he breathed
ginning of the seventh century.] upon it, and signed himself with the
At Brindisi, the holy Confessor sign of the cross upon his own fore
Leucius, Bishop of that see, [in the head, whereupon the idol straight
end of the second century.] way fell down, and for this cause
At Marissa, in Cappadocia, the Satyrus was beheaded, [in the year
holy Abbat Theodosius, [head of all 267.
the monasteries of Palestine,] who Uimn the same day, [in Morocco,
suffered many things for the Catholic in the year 259] the holy martyr Ar
faith, but at length fell asleep in cadius, eminent for his rank and his
peace, [in the year 529.] miracles.
In the Thebaid, [about the year In Africa, the holy martyrs Zoticus,
330,] the holy Abbat Palaemon, the Rogatus, Modestus, Castulus, and a
teacher of holy Pachom. crown of forty soldiers.
At Castel-Saint-Elie, [about the year At Constantinople, the holy martyrs
577,] hard by Mount Soracte, the Tigrius the Priest and Eutropius the
holy monk Anastasius and his Com Reader, who sufi'ered in the time of
panions, whom the Lord called to the Emperor Arcadius.
pass away unto Him. At Tivoli, [in the year 126,] the
At Pavia, the holy virgin Honorata, holy martyr Zoticus.
[in the year 500.] At Ephesus, forty-two holy monks,
who were most cruelly tortured and
A t Vespers is made a Commemora suffered martyrdom under the Em
tion of St [{yginus,1 Pope and peror Constantine Copronymus for
martyr, all from the Common Ofiee, the honouring of holy images.
At Ravenna, the holy Confessor
p. 482.
Prayer, “ Mercifully consider of our John, Archbishop of that see, [about
weakness,” &c. (p. 491.) the year 489.]
1 Elected Pope in the year 139. Died :42.
At Verona, holy Probus, Bishop of and against the Arians under the
that see, [about the year 236.] Emperor Constantine.
In England, [in the year 690,] the At Treves, [in the year 335,] holy
holy Confessor Benedict Biscop, Agritius, Bishop of that see.
founder, and Abbat of the monas In the monastery of Vergy, the
tery of Jarrow-upon-Tyne, whose holy Confessor Viventius, [about the
feast we keep upon the 12th day year 400.]
of February. At Amasea, [in the year 324,] in
Pontus, the holy Virgin Glaphyra.
JANUARY 1 2. [In the year 1497,] in the monas
tery of St Martha, at Milan, the
MARTYROLOGY. blessed Virgin Veronica of Binasco,
The morrow is the Octave of the of the Order of St Austin.
Epiphany of the Lord.
Upon the same 13th day of Janu JANUARY 1 3.
ary, were born into the better life—
At Rome, upon the Lavican Way,
forty holy soldiers who earned crowns On the morrow we keep the feast
of martyrdom for confessing the true of the holy Confessor Hilary, Bishop
faith under the Emperor Gallienus. of Poitiers, and Doctor of the Church,
In Sardinia, the holy martyr Poti who passed away to heaven upon this
tus, who suffered many things under present day.
the Emperor Antoninus and the Pre Upon the same 14th day of January,
sident Gelasius, and at last was mar were born into the better life—~
tyred with the sword. At Nola, in Campania, the holy
At Semenden, in Upper Mysia, the Priest Felix. Holy Paulinus, Bishop
holy martyrs Hermylus and Stratoni of the same city, writeth that after the
cus, who were cruelly tortured under persecutors had put Felix to the
the Emperor Licinius, and then torture they committed him to prison,
drowned in the Danube. where they laid him in chains, upon
At Cordova, [in the year 852,] the shells and potsherds, but in the ‘night
holy martyrs Gumesindus the Priest an angel loosed him and led him
and Servant-of-God the monk. forth. In after-times, when the perse
At Poitiers, in Gaul, the holy Con cution was over and he had turned
fessor Hilary, Bishop of that see. many to Christ by his example and
He was a stalwart champion of the teaching, he fell asleep, famous for
Catholic faith, for the which cause miracles, [about the year 256.]
he was banished for four years into In Judea, the holy Prophet Malachi,
Phrygia. Among other miracles [415 B.C.]
which he wrought he raised a dead Upon Mount Sinai, thirty-eight holy
man to life, [about the year 369.] monks, who were massacred by the
The Supreme Pontiff Pius IX. con Saracens for Christ’s faith’s sake, [in
firmed and published his title of the year 373.]
Doctor of the Universal Church. In the country of Rhaithia, in Egypt,
We keep his feast upon the morrow. forty-three holy monks who were mas
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, holy sacred by the Blemmyes for the Christ
Leontius, Bishop of that see, who ian religion’s sake, [in the year 373.]
contended manfully against the Gen At Milan, [in the year 552,] the
tiles under the Emperor Licinius, holy Confessor Datius, Bishop of that

see, of whom blessed Pope Gregory Prayer.

maketh mention.
RANT, we beseech Thee, 0 AI
In Africa, the holy Bishop Euphras
mighty God, that the example of
ius, [in the year 515.]
Thy Saints may continually stir us up
In Syria, holy Julian of Saba, the
to amend our sinful lives, that as we do
elder, who in the time of the Emperor
solemnly commemorate them, we may
Valens, by the power of his miracles,
also sincerely strive to imitate them.
set up again at Antioch the Catholic
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
faith, when it was almost quite fallen
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
At Neo-Caesarea, in Pontus, [in
one God, world without end. Amen.
the fourth century,] holy Macrina,
a disciple of blessed Gregory the won
der-worker, and grandmother of holy MATTINS.
Basil, whom she trained up in the FIRST NOCTURN
Lessons from Scripture aeeording to
JANUARY 14. the Season.

St Zhilarg, lBislJup [uf iBuitiersJ SECOND NOCTURN.

(Eunfzssur anti Euctur of the Fourth Lesson.
THIS Hilary was born of a noble
Double. family in Acquitaine, and is
distinguished as a divine and an
All from the Common Ofiee for a
orator. He was married in his earlier
Bishop and Confessor, (17. 515,) exeept
life, but even then lived the life of a
what is otherwise given here.
monk: and on account of his remark
able holiness, was ultimately made
VESPERS. Bishop of Poitiers, [about the year
353,] in which office he did his duty
5 These Vespers are of the Octave of
so as to gain the universal praise of
the Epiphany as the Second Vespers
the faithful. At that time the Em
of the Feast, viz. .' Psalms as on
peror Constantius was persecuting the
Sunday, and Antiphons from Lauds,
Catholics by threats, by the plundering
(11 337) of their goods, by exile, and at length,
Conznzemoration of St flilary, by every species of cruelty, in order
Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor. 0 to force them to yield to the Arian
right excellent Teacher, &c., (p. heresy. Against the Arians Hilary
515-) set himself up as a brazen wall, and
turned upon himself the fierceness of
Prayer throughout the Ofiiee. O their anger. They assailed him by
God, Who didst give, &c., (p. 524.) many artifices, and at last Saturnine,
Prayer as on p. 359. Bishop of Arles, at the Council
of Beziers, [in 356,] procured his
Commemoration of St Felix, Priest banishment to Phrygia. During this
and Martyr, from the Common Ofice exile he raised a dead man to life,
if»?! one Martyr, (p. 482,) with the and wrote a work in twelve books
o owing. on the Trinity, against the Arians.

Fifth Lesson. Pope Pius IX., at the prayer of the

Synod of Bordeaux, and in accordance
IN [the year 359,] the fourth of his
with a resolution of the Sacred Con
exile, took place the C0uncil of
gregation of Rites, proclaimed and
Seleucia in Isauria, at which Hilary confirmed the title, and commanded
was obliged to be present, but after
that the Mass and Office of his Feast
wards withdrew to Constantinople.
should be everywhere said as those
Here he realised more sharply the
of a Doctor.
awful nature of this crisis in the history
of Christianity, published three pam
phlets in the form of letters to the THIRD NOCTURN.

Emperor, and demanded from that

Set/enth Lesson.
Prince leave to hold a public disputa
tion in his presence. The Arian The Gospel, Matth. v. 13, with the
Bishops Ursacius and Valens, whom Homily of St [{ilary, (p. 550,) with
Hilary had already confuted in writing, the second section thereof, beginning,
were afraid to meet him in debate, “This thing, therefore, thus made to
and therefore induced Constantius, serve, &c.,”-~read together as one.
under pretence of pardon, to send
him back to his Bishoprick, [in 360.]
His mother, the Church of Gaul, to Ezghth Lesson.
use the language of Jerome, received Continuation of the same Homily,—
him with open arms on his return “ But the nature of salt, &c.”
from the battle with the heretics.
He was followed to Poitiers by Mar
tin, afterwards Bishop of Tours, Eighth Responsory.
whose after holiness was a fruit of In the midst of the congregation,
his teaching. 8m, <11 539-)
Sixth Lesson. Ninth Lesson.
ENCEFORTH he ruled the (For St Felix, Priest and Martyr.)
Church of Poitiers in great
peace. By his exertions the Church ELIX was a Priest of Nola, who
of Gaul was led to denounce the on account of his fiery zeal
Arian blasphemy. His wonderful against idolatry, suffered much perse
learning is seen in his numerous works, cution from the heathens, and was
of which Jerome writeth to Laeta cast into prison. From thence an
that he deemeth them quite faultless. angel delivered him by night, and
“One can follow Hilary in his books,” bade him go to Maximian, Bishop of
saith he, “without tripping once.” Nola. This Bishop, enfeebled by old
He passed from earth to heaven upon age, had at length despaired of power
the thirteenth day of January, in the to withstand the torments of the perse
year of our Lord 369, in the reign of cutors, and had hidden himself in a
the Emperors Valentinian and Valens. wood. Thither came Felix, by the
He had already been called an illus will of God, and found the holy bishop
trious Doctor of the Church, by many lying half-dead upon the ground. He
Fathers and Councils, and was so succoured him, and carried him upon
styled in the Liturgy in some Dioeceses, his shoulders to the house of an holy
when at length, [in the year 18 50,] widow. On another occasion, Felix,

having again provoked the anger of martyr Secundina, who suffered under
the devil-worshippers, became an object the Emperor Decius.
of their pursuit, from which he hid At Cagliari, in Sardinia, the holy
himself in a narrow place between two martyr Ephisius, who under the judge
walls. Hardly had he entered, when Flavian, in the persecution under the
some spiders wove their webs across Emperor Diocletian, was strengthened
the entrance, which the enemy per by God to overcome many torments,
ceiving, concluded that no man had but in the end was beheaded, and so
entered, and passed by. After leaving rose to heaven a conqueror.
this hiding-place, Felix lay for three At Nola, in Campania, [about the
months in the house of an holy woman. year 252,] holy Maximus, Bishop of
After the Lord gave peace to His that see.
Church, the Saint returned to Nola, In Auvergne, in Gaul, [in the year
where he turned many to Christ by 710,] the holy Confessor Bonitus,
his life, his preaching, and his mir Bishop of that see.
acles. He steadily refused to accept In Egypt, the holy Macarius, [in
the Bishoprick, fell asleep in the the year 391,] Abbat [of Scittir,] a
Lord,1 and was buried at Nola in the disciple of blessed Anthony, and very
place called “The Pines.” famous for his life and miracles.
Likewise [in Egypt, in the year 39 1 ,]
blessed Isidore, famous for the holi
ness of his life, his faith, and his
On the morrow we keep the feast of miracles.
holy Paul, the first hermit, who was At Rome, holy John, called the
borne to his place among the blessed hidden,- who lived unknown to his
upon the 10th day of this present kinsfolk for a while in a corner of his
month of January. father’s house, and then in a hut upon
In the country of Angers, the blessed an island in the Tiber, where he was
Maurus, [founder and] Abbat [of Glan recognised at the time of his death,
feuil,] a disciple of St Benedict, by and, famous for miracles, was buried
whom he was trained from his child in the same place, where afterward
hood, and made such headway that in a church was built in his name, [in
obedience to him he walked upon the year 450.]
water, a thing new and almost unheard
Vespers of the following, from the
of since the time of the Apostle Peter.
Chapter inclusive.
Benedict sent him into Gaul, where he
built a famous monastery, whereof he
was Abbat for forty years, and fell JANUARY 15.
asleep in peace, illustrious for miracles,
[in the year 584.] St iBauI, the first finmtt,'_
In Judea, the holy prophets Habak ' (Eunfzssnr. '
kuk and Michah, [606 years before
Christ,] whose bodies were found by Douhle.
revelation from God in the time of the
Emperor Theodosius the elder, [be All from the Common Ofiee for a
tween the years of Our Lord 346 and Confessor, (p. 5 31,) extent what is
otherwise given here.
At Anagni, the holy Virgin and Prayer throughout the Ofiee. O
1 About the year 256.

God, Who year by year dost gladden which he lived, and of whose leaves
us, &c. (p. 491.) he made his raiment until he attained
the age of r I 3 years. At that time1
The First Vespers, as regards St Anthony, being now himself aged 90
Paul, begin with the Chapter. years, received a command from God
A Commemoration is made of the to go and see him. They met with
preceding . out knowing one another’s names, and
Antiphon. 0 right excellent, &c. saluted one another, after which they
fell straightway into a long discourse
Verse. The Lord hath chosen him concerning the kingdom of God. Now
for a Priest unto Himself. it so happened that a raven had of a
Answer. To offer up unto Him the long time brought Paul every day
sacrifice of praise. half a loaf, but on this day while
they spake together he brought a
_ Prayer from the Common Ofice as
whole one.
during the day.
A [so a Commemoration ofSt Maurus, Fifth Lesson.
A Mat. Antiphon. “Well done, thou
good and faithful servant, &c.” Verse. HEN the raven had flown away
“The Lord guided the just, &c.,” and —“ Well,” quoth Paul, “the
the A nswer—all as iffrom Lauds, and Lord hath sent us our dinner. Truly
the Prayer, “ O Lord, we beseech Thee He is gracious; truly He is merciful.
that the prayers, &c.” It is now sixty years that I have had
half a loaf of bread every day, but
Note. Even if the Feast Qf St Paul now that thou art come, Christ giveth
be suppressed, these Commemorations, His soldiers double rations.” Then
Antzlohons, Verses, Answers, and they asked a blessing, and ate to
Prayers remain as above. gether, sitting by a spring. When
they were refreshed, they returned
MATTINS. thanks, as is the custom, and after
wards spent the whole night praising
FIRST NOCTURN. God. At break of day Paul felt the
approach of death, and desired
The Lessons are taken from Scrip Anthony to bring the cloak which
ture aeeording to the Season.
Athanasius had given him, to use
for his winding-sheet. While Anthony
SECOND NOCTURN. was on his way back from this journey,
he saw in a vision the soul of Paul
Fourth Lesson. ascending to heaven, surrounded by
AUL the first hermit, and model choirs of angels, and accompanied by
of all others, was a native of the the Prophets and Apostles.
lower Theba'id in Egypt. At the age
of fifteen years he lost both his parents. Sixth Lesson.
In order to escape from the persecu
tion of Decius and Valerian, and to WHEN Anthony reached the cell
serve God in quietness, he betook of Paul, he found the dead
himself to a cave in the desert. Here body of the Saint in a kneeling posture,
there was a palm-tree, on the fruit of with the head thrown up and the
1 In the year 342.

hands stretched out towards heaven. monk having fallen into a lake where
He immediately began to chant the he was being swept away by the
psalms and hymns ordained by current, the holy Patriarch called
Christian tradition, while he wrapped Maurus and bade him run to the
the body in the cloak of Athanasius. rescue, which he did, walking on the
He had no spade to dig a grave, but water till he reached Placid, whom he
two lions came racing from the desert, took by the hair of the head and
as though to attend the burying, and dragged to the shore. He was sent
scratched a hole big enough to hold by St Benedict into France, where
a man’s body, with their paws, show he founded the celebrated monastery
ing meanwhile such signs of grief as [of Glanfeuil, now called St Maur-sur
their nature alloweth. When they Loire,] which he governed for forty
were gone away, Anthony put the years. He was a zealous and success
holy body in this hole, covered it with ful propagator of monastic discipline.
earth, and arranged it like a Christian’s He passed to heaven, famous for holi
grave. He took away for himself ness and miracles, when he was more
Paul’s tunic, which he had woven out than seventy years of age, in the
of the palm-leaves somewhat after the year of Salvation 565.
manner of basket-work, and this tunic
Anthony was in the habit of wearing LAUDS.
on the great days of the Passover and
Pentecost as long as he lived. A Commemoration is made of St
Maurus. Antiphon. “I will liken
him, &c.” Verse. “The Lord loved
him, &c.” Answer. “He clothed
Lessons from Matth. xi. 2 5, with the him, &c.” Prayer. “0 Lord, we
Homily of St Austin, (p. 545.) The beseech Thee that the prayers, &c.”
Third is either omitted or read as one (p. 545)——all as from First
with the Seeond, in order to make Vespers.
room for
Note. This Commemoration does
Ninth Lesson. not change even if the Feast of 5.
Paul he suppressed
(For St Maurus, Ahoat.)
AURUS was born of a noble MARTYROLOGY.
Roman family, and while he
was yet a child was offered to God Upon the 16th day of January, were
by his father Eutychius, in the order born into the better life—
and under the personal teaching of At Rome, upon the Salarian “lay,
St Benedict.1 In a short while he the holy martyr Pope Marcellus [1.],
made such progress in the life of grace who for his confession of the Catholic
that he became a wonder to his faith was first cudgelled by order of
master, who often held him up to the tyrant Maxentius and then sent
his other disciples as a pattern of to take care of the beasts which were
regular observance and all virtues. fed at the public cost, in the which
While he was yet very young, Pope service he died, clad in sack-cloth,
St Gregory telleth a wonderful in [in the year 309-310.]
stance of his obedience. Placid the At Morocco, in Africa, [in the year
1 This custom of offering little children was permitted by St Benedict, but is now forbidden.
St Maurus was dedimted at twelve years of age, in the year 522.

1220,] the holy martyrs Berard [de SECOND NOCTURN.

Carbis], Peter, ACCursius, Adjutus, and
Otho, of the Order of Friars Minors. Fourth Lesson.
At Arles, [in the year 429,] the holy THIS Marcellus was a Roman, and
Confessor Honoratus, Bishop of that held the supreme Pontificate
see, whose life was rendered famous from [the year of our Lord 304,1 in]
by his teaching and miracles. the reign of Constantius and Galerius,
At Moerzo,theholy Confessor Titian, till [310, in] that of Maxentius. It
Bishop of that see. was through his persuasion that the
At Al-Arish, in Egypt, holy Melas, Roman lady Lucina left the whole of
Bishop of that see, [in the fifth cen her property to the Church of God.
tury,] who was exiled under the Em As the believers increased, he insti
peror Valens and suffered other hard tuted new titles in the City, which he
ships for the Catholic faith’s sake, but divided after the manner of dioceses
at length fell asleep in peace. for their convenience, and for the
At Fondi, in Campania, [in the baptism and penance of heathens con
sixth century,] the holy Abbat Honora verted to Christianity, and for the
tus, [who was set over the monastery burial of the martyrs. These proceed
of Fondi ;] of whom mention is made ings excited the wrath of Maxentius,
by blessed Pope Gregory. who threatened Marcellus with the
In the monastery of Perouse, the heaviest punishment, unless he would
holy Confessor Fursey, [Abbat of lay down the Popedom and sacrifice
Lagny, in the year 650.] to idols.
At Rome, holy Priscilla, who gave
up herself and all that she had to the Fifth Lesson.
service of the martyrs. HE servant of God treated with
At Second Vespers the first verse of contempt the mad cries of this
the Hymn is altered. man, who accordingly took him and
sent him to a menagerie, to take care
Commemoration of the following, of the beasts which were fed at the
from the Common Ofice, with Prayer public cost. Marcellus remained at
from Lauds. this place for nine months, which he
spent in continual fasting and prayer,
JANUARY 16. and, as he could not visit the parishes
in person, he wrote letters to them.
5t martellus, 1501:: an}: Some clerks rescued him, and the
blessed Lucina hospitably received him
into her house, in which he dedicated a
Semi-double. Church, which is now called St Marcel
lus’. Here the Christians met to pray,
Allfrom the Common Ofiice for One
and the blessed Marcellus himself
filartyr, except what is otherwise given
Sixth Lesson.
THESE proceedings came to the
knowledge of Maxentius, who
Lessons from Scrifiture according to thereupon had the wild beasts brought
the Season. from the menagerie and located in the
1 Alban Butler says rather 308, as Marcellus did not actually enter into occupation.

church, where Marcellus was made to In the Thebaid, [in the year 356,]
feed them. The noisomeness of the the holy Abbat Anthony, father of
place and the filthiness of his occupa many monks, very illustrious for his
tion broke down a constitution already life and miracles. Holy Athanasius
enfeebled by many ailments, and he hath chronicled his acts in a famous
fell asleep in the Lord. The blessed book. His sacred body was found by
Lucina buried his body in the cemetery the revelation of God in the time of
of Priscilla, on the Salarian Way, on the Emperor Justinian and brought to
the 16th of January. He sat on the Alexandria, where it is buried in the
throne of Peter for five years, one Church of St John the Baptist.
month, and twenty-five days. He At Langres, the holy triplets Speu
wrote an epistle to the Bishops of the sippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus,
Patriarchate of Antioch on the primacy who were crowned with martyrdom in
of the Roman Church, wherein he the time of the Emperor Marcus Aurel
proveth the right of the same Church ius, along with their grandmother
to be called the head of all the Leonilla.
Churches. In this letter he likewise At Rome is commemorated the find
saith that no Council can be lawfully ing of the bodies of the holy mar
gathered together except by the tyrs Diodorus the Priest, Marian the
authority of the Roman Pontifl'. He Deacon, and their Companions, who
ordained at Rome in the month of were keeping the feasts of the mar
December twenty-five Priests, two tyrs in the Catacombs in the time of
Deacons, and twenty-one Bishops holy Pope Stephen, [in the year 257,]
for divers Sees. when the persecutors closed up the
entrance of the Catacomb and buried it
THIRD NOCTURN. up, so that they also died as martyrs.
Lessons from Matth. xvi. 24, with On the same day were also born
the Homily of St Gregory, (7). 494.) into the better life—
At Bourges, [in the year 644,] holy
Eighth Responsory. Sulpicius, Bishop of that see, sur
named the Pious, whose life and
O Lord, Thou hast prevented him, precious death are rendered famous
&c., (p. 490.) by glorious miracles.
In the monastery of St Andrew at
Prayer throughout the Ofiee. Rome, [in the sixth century,] the
0 LORD, we pray Thee, mercifully blessed monks Anthony, Merulus,
give ear unto the prayers of and John, of whom writeth' holy Pope
Thy people who rejoice at the memory Gregory.
of the victory through suffering of Thy
Vespers of the following.
blessed Martyr and Bishop Marcellus,
and for his sake succour us. Through
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who JANUARY 17.
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, St Qntbong, ghhat.
world without end. Amen.
A llfrom the Common Ofiiee for Ab
Upon the 17th day of January, were bats, (p. 54 5,) exeept what is otherwise
born into the better life given here.

Prayer throughout the Oflice. O ance, and continual study of the Holy
Lord, we beseech Thee, that the Scriptures. He had such a loathing
prayers, &c. of the company and conversation of
heretics and schismatics, especially
At First Vespers a Commemoration Arians, that he used to say that a
is made of St [Marcel/us, with Prayer faithful Christian ought as far as pos
as above. sible never to come near any such.
MATTINS. He took the sleep which was needful
for the body lying on the ground.
FIRST NOCTURN. Such was his devotion to fasting, that
he took nothing with his bread but
Lessons from Scripture according to salt, and drank only water; he never
the Season. ate or drank before sunset; he often
abstained from food altogether for two
SECOND NOCTURN. days at a time; and very often passed
whole nights in prayer. Being so
Fourth Lesson. valiant a soldier of God, Anthony was
attacked by the devil with divers
ANTHONY was an Egyptian, the
temptations, but he overcame them
child of noble and Christian pa
all by prayer and fasting. Neverthe
rents, whom he lost while yet very
less, these frequent triumphs over
young. On one occasion he entered
Satan did not lull Anthony into
a Church, and heard these words of
security, for he was well aware of the
the Gospel, (Matth. xix. 21,) “ If thou
numberless arts of assault possessed
wilt be perfect, g0 and sell that thou
by the evil one.
hast, and give to the poor.” He took
these words as if they were addressed
to himself personally, for this was the Sixth Lesson.
obedience which he thought every HEN he betook himself into the
word of the Lord Christ should meet vast deserts of Africa that lie
with. He therefore sold his whole near Egypt. Day by day he advanced
possessions, and gave the price to on the path to perfection. Day by
the poor. Being thus delivered from day the attacks of the fiends became
worldly entanglements, he set himself more violent, but day by day his
to lead on earth the life of an angel. strength grew greater to strive against
Finding himself, as it were, about to them. At length he came to mock at
enter the field of battle against Satan, the powerlessness of the devils, against
he thought it wisest to add to the whom he stirred up his disciples to
shield of faith, which he already pos fight, teaching them with what arms
sessed, all the rest of the armour of to combat. “Believe me, my breth
God, wherefore he observed all those ren,” he used to say, “ Satan is afraid
who were eminent for any grace, and of good men’s watchings, and prayers,
strove to copy them. and fasts, and voluntary poverty, and
mercifulness, and lowliness, but above
Fzfth Lesson. all, of their warm love for Christ our
Lord, the mere sign of Whose most
H E was excelled by none in watch holy Cross is enough to undo him and
fulness and self-restraint. He put him to flight.” He became such
surpassed all in long-suffering, meek an object of dread to the devils, that
ness, tenderness, lowliness, persever many persons throughout Egypt who

were tormented by them, were deliv Goths, and while still in exile gave
ered by calling on his name: more up his soul to God.
over the fame of his holiness was so There also, [in the year 593,] the
spread abroad, that Constantine the holy hermit [of Tourance,] Leobard,
Great and his sons wrote to him to who was a bright light of self-denial
commend themselves to his prayers. and lowliness.
In the hundred and fifth year of his In Brittany, holy Deicola, Abbat
age, and the fulness of his reputation [of Lure,] [in the year 625,] a disciple
for piety and miracles, having roused of blessed Columbanus.
up great numbers to follow his example, At Como, [in the year 581,] the
he gathered his monks around him, holy virgin Liberata.
and when he had exhorted them to
strive after Christian perfection, he Vespers of the following.
passed to heaven on the 17th day of
January, [in the year of our Lord
THIRD NOCTURN. St iBztzr’s $22 at IKumz.
Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with the Greater Double.
Homily qfSt Gregory, (p. 538.)
All from the Common Ofice for a
Bishop and Confesror, (p. 51 5,) except
M ARTYROLOGY. what is otherwise given here.
On the morrow we keep the Feast
of the See of the holy Apostle Peter FIRST VES PERS.
wherein he first sat at Rome.
Upon the same 18th day ofJanuary, Hymn. 1
were born into the better life— ETER, whatever thou shalt bind on
At Rome, the holy Virgin and martyr earth,
Prisca, who after suffering many tor The same is bound above the starry sky;
ments was crowned with martyrdom What here thy delegated power doth loose,
Is loosed in heaven's supremest court on
under the Emperor Claudius.
In Pontus, the holy soldiers Moseus
To Judgment shalt thou come when the
and Ammonius, who were first con world's end is nigh.
demned to penal servitude in the mines
and then burnt, [under the Emperor Praise to the Father through all ages be!
Decius] The same to Thee, O Co-eternal Son!
Likewise in Pontus, [probably in And Holy Ghost, One Glorious Trinity !
the year 196,] the holy martyr Athe To Whom all majesty and might belong:
So sing we now, and such be our eternal
nogenes the Old, called the Theo
song. Amen.
logian, who, when he was about to
suffer martyrdom by fire, joyfully sang Verse. Thou art Peter. )
an hymn, which also he left unto his Answer. And upon this rock I will
disciples in writing. build My Church.
At Tours, in Gaul, [in the year
498,] holy Volusian, Bishop of that A ntihhon at the Song of the Blesred
see, who was taken prisoner by the Virgin. Thou art the shepherd of the
1 Part of the medizeval hymn Felix per omner, &c., much altered ; author unknown : transla
tion by the Rev. E. Caswall.

sheep, and the Prince of the Apostles, foreknowledge of God the Father, unto
and unto thee are given the keys of the sanctification of the Spirit, unto
the kingdom of heaven. obedience, and sprinkling of the Blood
ofJESUS Christ: Grace unto you, and
Prayer and Commemoration of St
peace, be multiplied. Blessed be God
Paulfrom Lauds; then a Commemora
and the Father of our Lord JESUS
tion of St Anthony, and lastly of St
Christ, Which, according to His abun
Prisca, Virgin and Martyr, from the
dant mercy, hath begotten us again
Common Ofiicefor Virgins and Martyrs,
unto a lively hope by the Resurrection
with the following.
of JESUS Christ from the dead, to an
inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled,
Prayer. and that fadeth not away, reserved in
heaven for you, who are kept by the
GRANT, we beseech Thee, O Al~
power of God through faith unto sal
mighty God, unto all Thy ser
vation ready to be revealed in the last
vants who do here keep the birthday
of Thy blessed Virgin and Martyr
Prisca, and do year by year rejoice at First Resionsory.
her solemn commemoration, that they
may have grace to follow after the Simon Peter, before I called thee
pattern of her great faith. Through out of the ship, I knew thee, and
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who appointed thee for a captain over My
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the people. And I have given unto thee
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
world without end. Amen. Verse. Whatsoever thou shalt bind
on earth, shall be bound in heaven;
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on
earth, shall be loosed in heaven.
Invitatory. Thou art the Shepherd Answer. And I have given unto thee
of the sheep, and the Prince of the the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
Apostles: * and unto thee hath God
given the keys of the kingdom of Second Lesson.
WHEREIN ye greatly rejoice,
IIymn from First Vesners. though now for a season, if
need be, ye are in heaviness, through
FIRST NOCTURN. manifold temptations; that the trial
of your faith, being much more pre
First Lesson. cious than gold (which is tried with
Here beginneth the First Epistle of fire,) may be found unto praise, and
the 1 Blessed Apostle Peter (i. 1.) glory, and honour at the appearing of
JESUS Christ: Whom, having not
PETER, an Apostle ofJESUS Christ, seen, ye love; in Whom, though now
to the strangers scattered through ye see Him not, yet ye believe; and
out Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, believing, rejoice, with joy unspeakable
and Bithynia, elect, according to the and full of glory; receiving the end
1 Abp. Kenrick says: “The period when this letter was written cannot be fixed with cer
tainty. Hug assigns it to the eleventh year of Nero." (If so, three years before the martyrdom
of the Apostle.) " The common opinion is that it was written from Rome, which is understood
to have been designated by the name of Babylon (v. 13) as in the Apocalypse; but the critic
just mentioned . . . . supposes that it was written from Babylon in Asia."

of your faith, even the salvation of Answer. And I will give unto thee
your souls. the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

Second Responsory. SECOND NOCTURN.

1Simon Peter, if thou lovest Me, Fourtlz Lesson.

feed My sheep. Lord, Thou knowest
that I love Thee: I will lay down my
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
of Pope St Leo [the Great.] (First
life for Thy sake.
Sermon on tile Haly Apostle: Peter
Verse. 2 If I should die with Thee,
and Paul, before the middle.)
I will not deny Thee.
Answer. I will lay down my life WHEN the twelve holy Apostles
for Thy sake. had received from the Holy
Ghost the power to speak all languages,
Tlzz'rd Lesson. they divided the whole world into
districts, which they severally allotted
OF which salvation, the Prophets to themselves as fields for their Gospel
have inquired and searched labours. Then was Peter, the Prince
diligently, who prophesied of the of the Apostles, sent to the capital
grace that should come unto you, city of the Roman Empire, that he
searching what or what time the might cause the light to shine thence
Spirit of Christ Which was in them throughout the whole body of the
did signify, when It testified before civilized nations. At that time what
hand the sufferings of Christ, and the nation was there that had no rep
glory that should follow. Unto whom resentative in Rome? When Rome
it was revealed that, not unto them had learnt, what people that did not
selves, but unto you, they did minister learn too? ~
the things which are now reported
unto you by them that have preached
Fourth Responsory.
the Gospel unto you, with the Holy
Ghost sent down from heaven, on Thou art the Shepherd of the sheep,
\Vhom the angels desire to look. and the Prince of the Apostles, and
unto thee hath God given all the
kingdoms of the world. Therefore
TIzz'rd Respansory.
unto thee hath He given the keys of
Thou art Peter, and upon this rock the kingdom of heaven.
I will build My Church, and the gates Verse. Whatsoever thou shalt bind
of hell shall not prevail against it. on earth shall be bound in heaven;
And I will give unto thee the keys of and whatsoever thou shalt loose on
the kingdom of heaven. earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Verse. Whatsoever thou shalt bind Answer. Therefore unto thee hath
on earth, shall be bound in heaven; He given the keys of the kingdom
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on of heaven.
earth, shall be loosed in heaven. F{ft/2 Lesson.
Answer. And I will give unto thee
the keys of the kingdom of heaven. N Rome were the dreams of an un
Verre. Glory be to the Father, and believing philosophy to be de
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. stroyed, in Rome were the empty
1 John xxi. 16; xiii. 37. 2 Mark xiv. 31.

utterances of earthly wisdom to be Sixth Responsory.

confuted, in Rome was idolatry to be
.overcome, in Rome profanity to be Peter, lovest thou Me ? Lord, Thou
put down, even in Rome, where the knowest that I love Thee. Feed My
activity of superstition had gathered sheep.
together from the whole earth every Verse. Simon, son of Jonas, lovest
error which it could find. 0 most thou Me more than these? Lord,
blessed Apostle Peter! this was the Thou knowest that I love Thee.
city to which thou didst not shrink to Answer. Feed My sheep.
-come. The Apostle Paul, thy com Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
rade in glory, was yet occupied in to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
founding the Churches, and thou didst Answer. Feed My sheep.
enter alone into that forest of wild
beasts roaring furiously; thou didst THIRD NOCTURN.
commit thyself to that stormy ocean,
more boldly than when thou walkest Seventh Lesson.
upon the waters to come to JESUS. The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Matthew (xvi.
Fifth Responsory. 13.)

1 Peter, I have prayed for thee, T that time : JESUS came into the
that thy faith fail not; and when coasts of Czesarea Philippi, and
thou art converted, strengthen thy He asked His disciples, saying : Who
brethren. do men say that I, the Son of Man,
Verse. Flesh and blood hath not am P And so on.
revealed it unto thee, but My Father
Homily by St Hilary, Bishop [of
Which is in heaven.
Poitiers.] (Commentary on Matthew
Answer. And when thou art con
verted, strengthen thy brethren.
The Lord asketh His disciples who
Sixth Lesson. men say that He is, and He addeth,
“ He, the Son of Man.” Let us ever
THOU hadst already taught them remember to hold fast this truth of
of the circumcision who were our profession, namely, that the Son
converted; thou hadst founded the of God is the Son of Man also.
Church of Antioch, the first that bore Were He one and not the other, then
the noble name of Christian; thou were He no Saviour for us. The
hadst published the law of the Gospel Lord then, having heard the various
throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappa opinions of men, asketh, “But Who
docia, Asia, and Bithynia; and thou say ye that I am? And Simon Peter
didst not fear for the hardness of answered and said: Thou art the
thy work, nor turn back because of Christ, the Son of the living God.”
thine old age, but didst boldly set Peter had weighed the questions.
up the trophy of the cross of Christ The Lord had asked, “Who do men
upon those Roman walls, where the say that I, the Son of Man, am?”
Providence of God had appointed the That He was Son of Man was suffi
throne of thine honour, and the ciently evident to all who looked upon
glorious scene of thy passion. His Body. But when He spake of
1 Luke xxii. 32.

His whole Self, and asked, “Who do recognised the Eternal Son of God;
ye say that I am?” He showed that who was the first thought worthy to
the mind had something to grasp be acknowledge the Divinity of Christ.
yond That Which was seen, for Son (Here, if necessary, the Lesson is
of Man He was manifestly. What divided.) God bless thee, 0 Peter,
judgment did He wish them to give? thou who by uttering for the first time
I think it was not that which He had the title of Divine honour, didst lay
owned concerning Himself. That the goodly foundation of the Church 1
something more, which He wished God bless thee, thou worthy rock
them to own, was a hidden thing, whereon she is built, for ever trium
whereunto the faith of them that be phant over the infernal powers, the
lieved in Him was to reach. gates of hell, and the bands of death !
God bless thee, happy door-keeper of
heaven, to whose keeping are given
Seventh Responsory. the keys of the everlasting mansions,
JESUS asked His disciples, saying: whose sentences on earth are already
Who do men say that I, the Son of confirmed in heaven—so that what
Man, am ? Peter answered, and said : soever thou shalt bind on earth shall
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the be bound in heaven, and whatsoever
living God. And I say unto thee, thou shalt loose on earth shall be
that thou art Peter, and upon this loosed in heaven.
rock I will build My Church.
Verse. Blessed art thou, Simon Eighth Responsory.
Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not
The Lord hath chosen thee for a
revealed it unto thee, but My Father
priest unto Himself, to offer up unto
Which is in heaven.
Him the sacrifice of praise.
Answer. And I say unto thee, that
Verse. 1 Offer unto God thanks
thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
giving, and pay thy vows unto the
will build My Church.
Most High.
Sometimes, as, for instance, where Answer. The sacrifice of praise.
this or St Prisca is the Patronal Feast, Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
a Ninth Lesson of this Homily is re to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
quired, and in that case the Lesson Answer. The sacrifice of praise.
which follows is divided into two, at
the place marked. Ninth Lesson.
For St Prisca, Virgin and Martyr.
. Eighth Lesson.
RISCA was a noble Roman
ETER’S confession was followed maiden, who at thirteen years
by a proper reward for having of age was accused of Christianity
seen the Son of God in the Son of before the Emperor Claudius. By
Man. Blessed is this holy Apostle, his command she was taken to the
in whose praise it is said that he saw temple of Apollo to sacrifice there,
with more than human eyes That and when she refused, was buffeted
Which was unseen, who gazed upon and sent to prison. She was taken
Flesh and Blood, and by the secret out from thence again, but as she
revelation of the Heavenly Father still held steadfastly to the faith, they
1 Ps. xlix. 14.

flogged her, poured boiling tallow Prayer throughout the Ofice.

upon her, and sent her back a second
time. She was at last thrown to a O GOD, Who hast given unto Thy
lion in the amphitheatre, but it quietly Blessed Apostle Peter the keys
lay down at her feet. She was starved of the kingdom of heaven, and the
for three days in a slaves’ prison house, power to bind and to loose, loose us,
and then tortured upon the rack. we beseech Thee, at his mighty in
Pieces of flesh were next torn from tercession, from all the bands of our
her body with iron hooks, and she sins. Who livest and reignest with
was thrown on a burning pile. She God the Father, in the unity of the
marvellously still remained alive, and Holy Ghost, one God, world without
was accordingly beheaded outside the end. Amen.
city. Thus she added the crown of Then the following Commemoration
martyrdom to the palm of virginity. of St Paul.
The Christians buried her body at the
tenth milestone on the road from Rome Antiphon. O Holy Apostle Paul,
to Ostia on the eighteenth of January.1 Preacher of the truth, and Teacher of
the Gentiles, pray for us to God Who
hath chosen thee.
Verse. 0 Holy Apostle Paul, thou
thfjzmn.2 art a chosen vessel unto God.
Answer. To preach the Gospel
ETER, blest Shepherd! hearken to our
cry, throughout the whole world.
And with a word unloose our guilty
chain ; Prayer.
Thou! who hast power to ope the gates on
high 0 GOD, Who, through the preach
To men below, and power to shut them ing of the Blessed Apostle Paul,
fast again. hast caused the light of the Gospel to
shine throughout the world, grant, we
Praise, blessing, majesty, through endless
beseech Thee, that we, who do keep
Be to the Trinity immortal given; his memorial, may continually be
Who in pure Unity profoundly sways holpen by his intercession with Thee.
Eternally alike all things in earth and
heaven. Amen. Then a Commemoration is made of
St Prisca. (Prayer from Vespers.)
Verse. 3Let them exalt Him in
the congregation of the people. MARTYROLOGY.
Answer. And praise Him in the
assembly of the elders. Upon the 19th day of January, were
born into the better life—
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias. At Worcester, in England, [in the
Thus saith the Lord unto Simon year 1095,] the holy Confessor Wol
Peter: Whatsoever thou shalt bind stan, Bishop of that see, famous for his
on earth, shall be bound in heaven; worthy and wondrous works, whose
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on name was enrolled among those of
earth shall be loosed in heaven. the saints by Innocent III.
1 About A.D. 275.
2 A part, much altered, of the hymn Aurea Lute, composed probably near the end of the
fifth century by Elpis, first wife of the learned Bcethius, minister of Theodoric; translation by
the Rev. E. Caswall. ’ Ps. cvi. 32.
VOL. I. Z 2

At Rome, [in the year 270,] upon SECOND VESPERS.

the Cornelian Way, the holy martyrs
Maris, and Martha, his wife, and their Hymn from First Vespers.
sons Audifax and Abachum. These Verse. The Lord hath chosen thee
were noble Persians, who came to Rome for a Priest unto Himself.
for prayer’s sake in the time of the Answer. To offer up unto Him
Emperor Claudius. They were cud the sacrifice of praise.
gelled, racked, burnt, torn with iron A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
hooks, and had their hands cut off. Virgin. Being made the Chief Bishop,
At length Martha was drowned and &c., (p. 526.)
the others beheaded, and their bodies
cast into the fire. Prayer and Commemoration of St
At Smyrna, in the time of the Paul as before; then of the following,
Emperors Marcus Antoninus and Prayer from his Ofliee ,- then of St
Lucius Aurelius, the blessed martyr Maris and his Companions, Martyrs.
Germanicus; he was a very beautiful A ntz‘phon and Verse and Answer
youth, but by the power of God’s grace from the First Vesyoers of the Common
he laid aside all the weakness of bodily Ofliee for Many Martyrs, (p. 498.)
fear, and of his own accord provoked
the beast by which he had been
condemned by the judge to be killed;
and so being ground through its teeth, GRACIOUSLY hear, 0 Lord, the
and so dying for the Lord Jesus prayers of Thy people who draw
Christ, he earned to be made one near unto Thee under the protection
body with Him who is Himself the of Thy blessed Saints, granting us in
very Bread which came down from this world Thy peace, and in that
heaven. which is to come life everlasting.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Paul, Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
Gerontius, Januarius, Saturninus, Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Successus, Julius, Catus, Pia, and Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
Germana, [and others to the number one God, world without end. Amen.
in all of 600.]
At Spoleto, in the time of the
Emperor Antonine, the holy martyr
Pontian. Fabian, the judge, caused
him to be first most grievously beaten $t Mulstan, Bishop [uf Wan
with rods and then to walk barefoot warm] Confessur.
upon live coals ; by these he was un
hurt, and was therefore racked, Douhle.
lacerated with iron hooks, and cast All from the Common Ojiee for a
into prison, where he was comforted Bishop and Confessor, (p. 51 5,) except
by a visitation of angels. Lastly he the following.
was thrown to the lions, had molten
lead poured over him, and was then
Prayer throughout. (Taken from the
Salisbury .Mz'ssal.)
At Lodi, [about the year 413,] the
holy Confessor Bassian, Bishop of that POUR into our hearts, 0 Lord, the
see, who fought manfully along with Spirit of Thy love, that we, be
holy Ambrose against the heretics. ing holpen by the prayers of Thy
blessed Confessor and Bishop Wolstan, to dark, confirming the children who
may worthily taste Thy sweetness in were brought to him from all quarters,
everlasting blessedness. Through to the number of two or three thousand
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who at a time. The gentleness and the
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the tender love of souls which he displayed
unity of the Same Holy Ghost, one in hearing confessions were so great,
God, world without end. Amen. that penitents flowed to him from well
nigh all England, and converted
sinners under his warnings brought
forth fruits meet for repentance.
Sixth Lesson.
Lessons from Serioture according to
the Season. IS watchfulness for the salvation
of others did not cause him
to neglect his own. He said Mass
often, was constant in prayer, never
Fourth Lesson. (From the Life hy ate meat, and served God in abundant
l/Villiam of Illa/meshury. Anglia almsgiving to the poor. The lowlier
Sacra, ii. 241.) he was regarding himself, the more
did others speak of him, and not only
THIS Wolstan gained a great fame
Englishmen and Normans, but foreign
for holiness while he was a
Kings and Princes also, commended
priest. He afterwards became a monk
themselves to his prayers. He died
at Worcester, and in a short while
very old, in the year of our Lord
was set to govern that Church. As
1095, and is buried in his own Church
regarded earthly learning he was al
at \Vorcester.
most entirely uneducated, and gave
himself up wholly t0 ghostly lore. As
an English speaker he was deemed THIRD NOCTURN.
very eloquent, and it is a remarkable Lesson from Matth. xxiv. 42, with
proof of this, that, by constant preach the Homily of St b’ilary, (p. 527.)
ing, he brought the citizens of Bristol The last is omitted or read with the
to their right minds, after both the Eighth, to make room for that of SS.
Royal and the Papal authority had Maris, free.
failed to make them give up their in
At Lands, Commemoration of the
famous slave-trade. Holy Martyrs.
Vespers are of SS. Fahian and Se
Fifth Lesson. bastian, from the Chapter, inelusit/e,
with a Commemoration of St Wolstan.
AS a Bishop, he was unwearied in
doing the work of the Good
Shepherd. He made constant‘visita 1Vint/z Lesson.
tions throughout his Diocese, held ( For St .Maris, and his Companions,
Ordinations, consecrated Churches, Martyrs.)
rebuked sinners, and both by word
and ensample, stirred up the souls MARIS was a Persian of high
committed to his charge to yearn after rank, who came to Rome in
life eternal. It often was so that he the reign of the Emperor Claudius,
remained without food from sunrise with his wife Martha, who was equally

noble, and their two sons Audifax and holy martyr Sebastian, commander of
Abachum, to pray at the graves of the the first cohort under the Emperor
Martyrs. Here they comforted the Diocletian. Being convicted of Christ
Christians who were in prison, and ianity, he was tied up in the midst of
whom they relieved by their ministra a field and shot at by the soldiers, but
tions and alms, and buried the bodies in the end he was beaten to death
of the Saints. For these acts they with cudgels.
were all arrested, but no threats or At Nice, in Bithynia, [in the fourth
terrors could move them to sacrifice century,] the holy martyr Neophitus,
to idols. They were accordingly who in the fifteenth year of his age
mangled with clubs, and drawn with was flogged, cast into a furnace, and
ropes, after which they were burnt by thrown to wild beasts, and for as
applying plates of red-hot metal to much as he remained unhurt and
their bodies, and their flesh partly constantly professed the faith of
torn off with metal hooks. Lastly Christ, he was at length beheaded.
their hands were all cut off, and they At Caesena, [in the tenth century,]
were fastened together by the neck, holy Maurus, Bishop of that see,
in which state they were driven famous for graces and miracles.
through the city to the thirteenth In Palestine, [in the year 473,] holy
mile-stone on the Cornelian Way, a Euthymius, [surnamed the Great,]
place now called Santa Ninfa, where Abbat [near Jerusalem,] who flour
they were to die. Martha addressed ished in the Church in the time of
a moving exhortation to her husband the Emperor Marcian, filled with zeal
and sons to hold out bravely to the for catholic discipline, and marked by
last, for the love of JESUS Christ; the power of working miracles.
and was then herself drowned. The
other three martyrs were next be Vespers are the First of the follow
headed in the same sand-pit. Their ing from the Chapter inclusive.
bodies were thrown into a fire. The
lady Felicity of Rome collected the
half-burnt remains, and caused them
to be buried at her own farm.l
$£. jfahian 31111 Sebastian,
Prayer throughout the Ofiiee as at flanges.
At Loads a Commemoration is made
of St [llaris and his Companions. All from the Common Ofiiee for
Prayer as before. Many Mzrtyrs, exeefit what is other
wise given here.
Prayer throughout.
Upon the 20th day of January, were
born into the better life— ERCIFULLY consider our weak
At Rome, the holy Pope Fabian, ness, 0 Almighty God, and
who suffered in the time of the Em whereas by the burden of our sins we
peror Decius, and was buried in the are sore let and hindered, grant that
cemetery of Callistus. we may be relieved by the prayers
There also, at the Catacombs, the of Thy blessed and glorious Martyrs
1 A.D. 270.

Fabian and Sebastian. Through our of the Emperor Diocletian, both on

Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who account of his noble birth and his
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the personal bravery, and was by him
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, appointed captain of the first company
world without end. Amen. of the Pratorian Guards. He was in
secret a Christian, and often supported
First Vespers, as regards SS. Fabian
the others both by good ofiices and
and Sebastian, oegin will: the Chapter.
money. When some showed signs of
A Col/unemoralz'on is made of St yielding under persecution, he so suc
Wolstan. Prayerfrom his Ofice.
cessfully exhorted them, that, for
JESUS Christ’s sake, many offered
MATTINS. themselves to the tormentors. Among
these were the brothers Mark and
Marcellian who were imprisoned at
The Lessons are taken from Srrzlo Rome in the house of Nicostratus.
ture according to the Season. The wife of Nicostratus himself, named
Zoe', had lost her voice, but it was
SECOND NOCTURN. restored to her at the prayer of
Sebastian. These facts becoming
Fourl/l Losson. known to Diocletian, he sent for
ABIAN was a Roman, and sat as
Sebastian, and after violently rebuking
him, used every means to turn him
Pope from [the year of our Lord
from his faith in Christ. But as
236, in] the reign of the Emperor
neither promises nor threats availed,
Maximin till [250, in] that of Decius.
he ordered him to be tied to a post
He appointed a Deacon to each of
the seven districts of Rome to look
and shot to death with arrows.
after the poor. He likewise appointed
the same number of Subdeacons to Sz'xt/z Lesson.
collect the acts of the Martyrs from
the records kept by the seven district EBASTIAN was treated accord
notaries. It was by him that it was ingly, and left for dead, but in
ordained that every Maundy Thursday the night the holy widow Irene sent
the old Chrism should be burnt and for the body in order to bury it, and
new consecrated. He was crowned then found that he was still alive, and
with martyrdom upon the 20th of nursed him in her own house. As
January, in the persecution of Decius, soon as his health was restored, he
and buried in the cemetery of St went out to meet Diocletian, and
Kallistus on the Appian Way, having boldly rebuked him for his wicked
sat in the throne of Peter fifteen years ness. The Emperor was first thunder
and four days. He held five Advent struck at the sight of a man whom he
ordinations, in which he ordained believed to have been some time dead,
twenty-two Priests, seven Deacons, but afterwards, frenzied with rage at
and eleven Bishops for divers Sees. the reproaches of Sebastian, ordered
him to be beaten to death with rods,
Fzft/z Lesson. under which torment the martyr yielded
his blessed soul to God, [upon the
HE father of Sebastian was of 20th day of January, in the year of
Narbonne, and his mother a our Lord 288.] His body was thrown
Milanese. He was a great favourite into a sewer, but he appeared in sleep

to Lucina, and made known to her Holy Augustin preached to the people
where it was, and where he would upon their feast-day.
have it buried. She accordingly found At Troyes, [in Champagne,] the holy
it and laid it in those Catacombs, martyr Patroclus, who gained the
over which a famous Church hath crown of martyrdom under the Em
since been built, called St Sebastian’s peror Aurelian.
without-the~Walls. In the Monastery of Eu, in Gaul,
the holy hermit Meinard, who was
murdered by thieves, [in the year 861.
Founder of Notre Dame des Ermites.]
Lessons from Luke vi. I7, with the At Pavia, the holy Confessor Epi
Homily of St Ambrose, (p. 51 I.) phanius, Bishop of that see.
Second Vespers are of the following,
M ARTYROLOGY. from the Chapter z'nelusz‘Z/e.

Upon the 2 rst day of January, were

born into the better life— JANUARY 21.
At Rome, under Symphronius, Pre
fect of the city, the holy Virgin and 5t @31125,
martyr Agnes. She was cast into the Htrgin an]: Martyr.
fire, but the fire died out at her prayer,
and then she was smitten with the Double.
sword, [in the year 304.] Blessed
All from the Ofice for one Virgin
Jerome writeth concerning her. The
and Martyr, (p. 567,) exeept what is
life of Agnes hath been praised in the
otherwise given here.
writings and in the tongues of all
nations, and most chiefly in the
churches. She overcame not only the FIRST VESPERS.

tyrant but also the weakness of her Should these Vespers be of St Agnes
own age, and hallowed by martyrdom from the beginning, the A ntzlohons are
the title of virgin. lahen from Lauds, and the Psalms are
At Athens, [in the second century,] those of Sunday Vespers, except the
the holy Bishop Publius, who ruled last, whieh is Psalm cxvi., “ O praise
illustriously over the Church of Athens the LORD, all ye nations, &c.,” (p.
in succession to holy Denis the Areo 186.)
pagite ; he was famous for graces and Chapter and Prayer from Lauds.
eminent for teaching, and was glori
ously crowned with the martyrdom of Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Christ. Virgin. The blessed Agnes stood in
At Tan-agona, in Spain, the holy the midst of the fire, and stretched
martyrs Fructuosus, Bishop of that forth her hands, and prayed, saying:
see, and the Deacons Augurius and 0 Father! Who Alone art Almighty!
Eulogius. In [the year 259, in] the Who Alone art to be adored! \Vho
time of the Emperor Gallienus, they Alone art to be worshipped! \Vho
were first imprisoned and then cast Alone art to be feared! I thank
into the fire, and when their bonds Thee because that through Thy Holy
had been burnt they stretched forth Son Thou hast delivered me from the
their hands in the form of a cross, and threatenings of the godless tyrant,
so in prayer finished their martyrdom. and hast made me to walk with clean

feet over the filthy slough of fleshly Second Responsory.

sin: and now, behold, I come unto
Thee, unto Thee \Vhorn I have My right hand and my neck hath
loved, Whom I have sought, Whom He clasped with precious stones, and
I have ever desired. put pearls beyond price in mine ears,
and hath crowned me with the bright
A Commemoration is made of blossoms of the eternal spring-time.
SS. Fabian and Sebastian, Mar/yrs. Verse. He hath sealed me in my
Prayer from their Ofiite. forehead, that I may let in no other
lover but Him.
Answer. And hath crowned me
with the bright blossoms of the eter
FIRST NOCTURN. nal spring-time.

First Antiphon. ' I will none of

Tln'rd Responsory.
thee, prey of death, for I am pre
vented by another Lover. Christ is my Lover, and I am en
tering with Him into the marriage
Ps. i. Blessed is the man, &c.,
chamber. His Mother is a Virgin,
(11 4-) and His Father knoweth not a
Seeond Antzlo/zon. My right hand woman. The instruments of His
and my neck hath He clasped with music sound sweetly together in
precious stones, and put pearls be my ears. If I love Him I shall
yond price in mine ears. be chaste, if I touch Him I shall
be clean, if I embrace Him I shall
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, &c., be a virgin indeed.
(fi- 4-) Verse. He hath espoused me
Third Anlio/zon. He hath sealed with a betrothal ring, and adorned
me in my forehead that I may let in me with a necklace of great price.
no other lover but Him. Answer. If I love Him I shall
be chaste, if I touch Him I shall be
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in clean, ifI embrace Him I shall be
creased, &c., (p. 5.) a virgin indeed.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Lessons from Ecclus. Ii. 11 (fl and to the Son, and t0 the Holy
575') Ghost.
First Responsory. Answer. Ifl love Him, I shall
be chaste, if I touch Him I shall be
Let us keep with joy and gladness clean, if I embrace Him I shall be
the feast of this most saintly maiden, a virgin indeed.
let us call to mind the holy passion
of the blessed Agnes: in her thir
teenth year she conquered, losing SECOND NOCTURN.
death and finding life, because she
First Antio/zon. The Lord hath
loved the Only Giver of Life. clothed me with a vesture of wrought
Verse. Reckoned but a child in gold, and adorned me with a necklace
this world, she understood more than
of great price.
the ancients.
Answer. Because she loved the Ps. iv. \Vhen I called, &c., (p.
Only Giver of Life. 206.)

Second Antzlfihon. I have sucked Fourth Responsory.

honey and milk out of His Mouth,
and His Blood is red on my cheeks. 1 The LORD hath clothed me with
the garments of salvation, and hath
Ps. v. Give ear to my words, 0 covered me with the robe of joyful
LORD, &c., (p. 88.) ness, and hath set on my head a
crown as the crown of a bride.
Third Antzfihon. I keep my troth Verse. He hath put pearls be
to Him alone, and commit me alto yond price in mine ears, and hath
gether to Him. crowned me with the bright blossoms
of the eternal spring-time.
Ps. viii. O LORD, our Ruler, &c., Answer. And hath set on my
(fi- 7~) head a crown as the crown of a
Fourth Lesson.
Fifth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Book
of St Ambrose, Bishop [of Milan,] WE learn by tradition that this
on Virgins. (Bk. i. Chap. 2.) holy martyr testified in the
thirteenth year of her age. We will
THIS is a Virgin’s birthday; let us pass by the foul cruelty which did
then follow the example of her not spare her tender years, to con
chastity. It is a Martyr’s birthday; template the great power of her
let us then offer sacrifices. It is the faith, whereby she overcame the
birthday of the holy Agnes ; let men weakness of childhood, and wit
then be filled with wonder, little ones nessed a good confession. Her
with hope, married women with awe, little body was hardly big enough
and the unmarried with emulation. to give play to the instruments of
But how shall I set forth the glory their cruelty, but if they could scarce
of her whose very name is an utter sheathe their swords in her slight
ance of praise? It seemeth to me frame, they found in her that which
that this being, holy beyond her laughed the power of the sword to
years, and strong beyond human scorn. She had no fear when she
nature, received the name of Agnes, found herself grasped by the bloody
not as an earthly designation, but as hands of the executioners. She was
a revelation from God of what she unmoved when they dragged her
was to be. For this name Agnes with clanging chains. Hardly en
is from the Greek, and being inter tered on life, she stood fully pre
preted, signifieth Pure. So that this pared to die. She quailed not
saintly maiden is known by the very when the weapons of the angry
title of Chastity: and when I have soldiery were pointed at her breast.
added thereto the word Martyr, I If they forced her against her will
have said enough. She needeth not to approach the altars 0f devils, she
the praise which we could utter, but could stretch forth her hands to
do not. None is more praiseworthy Christ amid the very flames which
than she for whose praise all mouths consumed the idolatrous offerings,
are fitted. As many as name her, and mark on the heathen shrine
so many praise her, by the noble the victorious Cross of the Lord.
title of martyr. She was ready to submit her neck

1 Isa. lxi. IO.

and hands to the iron shackles, but admiration of eyes from which I
they were too big to clasp her slen would turn away.” She stood,
der limbs. Behold a strange mar prayed, and then bent her neck
tyr! She is not grown of stature for the stroke. Now mightest thou
to fight the battle, but she is ripe have seen the murderer trembling
for the triumph; too weak to run as though he himself were the
in the race, and yet clearly entitled criminal, the executioner-’5 hand
to the prize; unable from her age shake, and the faces of them that
to be aught but a learner, she is stood by turn white at the sight of
found a teacher. her position, and all the while her
self remain without fear. This one
F{fl/z Responsory. victim brought God a double offer
ing, that of her purity, and that of
I have sucked honey and milk out her faith. She preserved virginity
of His Mouth, and His Blood is red and achieved martyrdom.
on my cheeks.
Verse. He hath shown me count Sixt/z Responsory.
less treasure, and hath sworn to en
dow me therewith. His Body and mine are already
Answer. And His Blood is red on joined together, and His Blood is
my cheeks. red on my cheeks. His Mother is
a virgin, and His Father knoweth
Sixt/z Lesson. not a woman.
Verse. I am wedded to the Lord
HE went to the place of execu of Angels, at Whose beauty the sun
tion a virgin, with more willing and the moon do wonder.
and joyful footsteps than she would Answer. His Mother is a virgin,
have gone with to the nuptial cham and His Father knoweth not a woman.
ber as a bride. The spectators were Verse. Glory be to the Father,
all in tears, and she alone did not and to the Son, and to the Holy
weep. They beheld her with won Ghost.
der, laying down that life of which Answer. His Mother is a virgin,
she had hardly begun to taste the and His Father knoweth not a woman.
sweets, as freely as though she had
drained it to the dregs and was
weary of its burden. All men were
amazed when they saw her whose First Antzln/zon. I keep my troth
years had not made her her own to Him Alone, at Whose beauty the
mistress, arise as a witness for the sun and the moon do wonder.
Deity. Consider how many threats
her murderer used to excite her Ps. xiv. LORD, who shall abide,
fears, how many arguments to shake &c., (p. 10.)
her resolution, how many promises Second Antzf/zon. Christ hath
to bribe her to accept his offers of crowned me with the bright and
marriage. But she answered him: priceless blossoms of the eternal
“It is an insult to Him Whom I spring-time.
have wedded to expect me to comply.
Ps. xliv. My heart is overflowing,
He That first chose me, His will I
be. Headsman, why waitest thou? &c., (p. 96.)
Perish the body which draweth the Tlzird Antz'p/zon. I am wedded to

the Lord of Angels, at Whose beauty walk with clean feet through the filthy
the sun and the moon do wonder. haunts of devils.
Ps. xlv. God is our refuge, &c., T/ze Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
(15- 97-) God, &c.,” is said.
Lemon: from Matth. xxv. I, with
llze Homily of Pope St Gregory (15. LAUDS.
57 l,) and file following Responsorz'es.
First Antiphon. Agnes entered *
the place of shame, and found the
Sweat/z Responsory. Angel of the Lord ready.
I am wedded to the Lord of Angels, Second Antzjfilzon. For I have with
at Whose beauty the sun and the moon me * an Angel of the Lord to keep my
do wonder. I keep my troth to Him body.
alone, and commit me altogether to Tlzz'rd Anti/Mon. My Lord JESUS
Him. Christ hath espoused me with His
Verse. .My right hand and my neck ring, * and hath set on my head a.
hath He clasped with precious stones, crown as the crown of a bride.
and put pearls beyond price in mine Fourth Anni/ton. I bless Thee, 0
ears. Father of my Lord JESUS Christ, be
Answer. I keep my troth to Him cause through Thy Son the fire is
alone, and commit me altogether to quenched around me.
Him. Fz'flll Anni/um. Rejoice with me *
and make merry, because I also have
E[lg/1111 Resfionsary. received a throne in light among all
0 Thou “7110 Alone art Almighty!
Who Alone art to be adored! Who
Chapter. (Ecclus. li. I.)
Alone art to be worshipped! Who
Alone art to be feared ! I bless Thee, I WILL thank Thee, O Lord and
because that through Thine Only-be King, and praise Thee, O God
gotten Son Thou hast delivered me my Saviour. I will give praise unto
from the threatenings of wicked men, Thy Name, for Thou hast been my
and hast made me to walk with clean Helper and Defender, and hast pre
feet through the filthy haunts of devils. served my body from destruction.
Verse. My lips praise Thee, my
heart and all that is within me do A nlzlzfi/wn 11/ Me Song 13/ Zae/mrias.
long after Thee. Behold, now I see that which I have
Answer. Because that through desired ; now I possess that for which
Thine Only-begotten Son Thou hast I have hoped: now am I united in
delivered me from the threatenings of heaven to Him \Nhom I loved with
wicked men, and hast made me to my whole heart upon earth.
walk with clean feet through the filthy
haunts of devils. Prayer Illraug/mut.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. ALMIGHTY and everlasting
Answer. Because that through God, \Vho hast chosen the weak
Thine Only-begotten Son Thou hast things of the world to confound the
delivered me from the threatenings of things which are mighty, mercifully
wicked men, and hast made me to grant unto us that we who keep the

solemn feast of Thy blessed Virgin and At Embrun, in Gaul, the holy
Martyr Agnes, may feel the power of martyrs Vincent, Orontius, and Victor,
her intercession with Thee. Through who were crowned with martyrdom in
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who the persecution under the Emperor
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Diocletian.
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, At Novara, the holy Confessor
world without end. Amen. Gaudentius, Bishop of that see, [in
the fifth century.]
PRIME. At Sora, [in the year 1031,] the
holy Abbat Dominic, famous for
Antz'p/zon. Agnes entered, * &c., miracles.
(First Antiphon at Lauds.)
Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. Ii. 8.)
MY soul shall praise the Lord, even
Upon the 22nd day of January, were
unto death, for Thou, O Lord
born into the better life— our God, deliverest such as wait for
At Valentia, in Spain, the holy
Thee, and savest them out of trouble.
Levite and martyr Vincent. Under
the wicked President Dacian he suf
fered imprisonment, starvation, rack TERCE.

ing, twisting of his limbs, red-hot A ntétkon. For I have, &c., (52mm!
plates, and bed of red-hot iron, and A ntzlzfi/zon at Lauds.)
other kinds of torments, and passed Chapter ax at Lauds.
away to heaven to receive there a
martyr’s reward, [in the year 304.]
The glorious triumph of his passion
hath been set forth by Prudentius in Antiphon. My Lord JESUS Christ,
noble poetry, and the blessed Augustine &c., (T/zz'rd Anni/Ion at Lauds.)
and the holy Pope Leo have praised
him in the highest language.
Chapler. (Ecclus. Ii. 3.)
In Persia,1 the holy monk Anastasius,
who, after enduring many torments of THOU hast delivered rne according
imprisonment, stripes, and bonds at to the multitude of the mercies
Czesarea, in Palestine, suffered much of Thy Name from them that roared
again under Chosroes, King of the against me, and that were ready to
Persians, and was at length beheaded, devour me, out of the hands of such
when he had sent before him seventy as sought after my life, and from the
companions who suffered martyrdom gates of trouble that were open all
by drowning, [in the year 628.] around me.
His head and his venerable image2 NONE.
were afterwards brought to Rome, and
the acts of the Second Council of Nice Antiphon. Rejoice with me, * &c.,
bear witness that at the sight of them (Fzft/z A ntz'p/um at Lauds.)
devils fly and diseases are healed. Chapler as at tile and of Prime.
1 The Martyrology saith at Rome, at the Aqua Salvia—that is, at the monastery called after
him and St Vincent,—but it is clear from the statement of the Lessons that he suffered among
his own countrymen, and that the word natalis, or birthday, is therefore here only to be under
stood in the sense of holiday keeping, and the translator has thought it better to preserve it in
its usual meaning by giving the name of the place of death.
'1 An icon, or painting


Antiohons and Chapterfrom Lauds. FIRST NOCTURN.

Psalms as on Sundays, except the
last, which is Psalm cxlvii., “ Praise Lessons from Serzlbture aeeording to
the LORD, 0 Jerusalem, &c.,” (p. 203.) the Season.

A ntiohon at the Song of the Blessed SECOND NOCTURN.

Virgin. The blessed Agnes st00d
in the midst of the fire, and stretched Fourth Lesson.
forth her hands unto the Lord, and INCENT was born at Huesca in
prayed, saying: 0 Thou Who Alone Granada in Spain. He was
art Almighty! Who Alone art to be early turned to study, and learned
adored! Who Alone art to be wor sacred letters from Valerius, Bishop
shipped ! Who Alone art to be feared! of Saragossa. He was accustomed to
I bless Thee, and glorify Thy Name deliver discourses for this Prelate, who,
for ever and ever! owing to an impediment in his speech,
A Commemoration is made of the was not able to preach himself. This
following, by the Antiphon, Verse and coming to the ears of Dacian, Prefect
Answer from the First Vespers of the of the province under Diocletian and
Common Ofiee for Many hiartyrs, Maximian, he caused Vincent to be
and the following arrested at Saragossa, and brought
before him at Valencia in bonds.
The saint was scourged, and after
Prayer. wards tormented on the rack, in
presence of numerous spectators, but
ET Thy merciful ears, O Lord, be
open unto our prayers, and neither torture, threats, nor fair words
whereas we do feel ourselves burdened could bend his resolution. He was
by the guilt of our sins, do Thou then laid on a grating over hot coals,
graciously relieve us at the petition of his flesh mangled with iron hooks,
and white-hot plates of metal applied
Thy blessed Martyrs, Vincent and
Anastasius. Through our Lord JESUS to the wounds. The still breathing
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and remains were taken back to a prison,
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the and laid on broken potsherds, that
Holy Ghost, one God, world without the agony of his naked body might
end. Amen. prevent his sleeping from exhaustion.

Fzfth Lesson.
AS he lay in his dark cell, a glorious
iii]: holy filartgrs Uincmt light suddenly filled the prison,
to the astonishment of all who saw it.
anti Quastasius. The gaoler informed Dacian, who
Semi-double. caused the martyr to be brought out
and cared for in a soft bed, hoping
All from the Common Ofliee for that though he had failed to move
Many [liar/yrs, (p. 498,) exit-pt what him by cruelty, he might seduce him
is otherwise given here. by pretended kindness.1 But the
1 In the following sentence there are in the original three puns upon the name of the Saint
which is derived from the verb vineo, I ronquer;) viz., invictus, vicit, victor.
indomitable soul of Vincent, armed MARTYROLOGY.
with faith and hope in Christ JESUS,
On the morrow we keep the feast
remained unconquered even to the
of the Espousal of the Blessed Virgin
end, and triumphing over the fire,
Mary to holy Joseph.
the steel, and the cruelty of the tor
The holy Confessor Raymond of
mentors, passed away to receive the
Pefiafuerte, of the Order of Friars
victorious crown of martyrdom in
Preachers, famous for his holiness and
heaven, on the 22nd day of January,
teaching, of whom mention has been
[in the year of our Lord 304.] His
made upon the 7th day of this present
body was thrown out unburied. A
month of January.
raven perched upon it and kept OH
Upon the same 23rd day of January,
with his beak, claws, and wings both
were born into the better life—
the other birds and a wolf, which came
At Rome, the holy Virgin and
to prey on it. Dacian then had it
martyr Emerentiana, who while as yet
thrown into the sea, but by the will
she was making her ready to be
of God it was washed up again, and
baptized, was stoned to death by the
the Christians took and buried it.
Gentiles while she was praying at the
grave of her holy foster-sister Agnes.
Sixth Lesson.
At Philippi, in Macedonia, holy
NASTASIUS was a Persian monk Parmenas, one of the first seven
who made a pilgrimage to the Deacons. He yielded himself wholly
Holy Places at Jerusalem in the reign to the grace of God, discharged in
of the Emperor Heraclius, during the fulness of faith the ofi‘ice of
which journey he endured bonds and preaching which had been laid upon
stripes on account of his confession of him by the brethren, and obtained
Christ at [Banias, then called] Caesarea, the glory of martyrdom under the
in Palestine. Soon after his return, Emperor Trajan.
he was arrested by the Persians for At Caesarea, in Morocco, of the
the same cause, and, after enduring holy martyrs Severian and Aquila,
divers torments, he and seventy other his wife, who were burnt.
Christians were beheaded by order At Antinoe, in Egypt, [in the fourth
of King Chosroes. [He testified upon century,] the holy martyr Aselas, who
the 22nd day of January in the year after suffering divers torments was
of our Lord 628.] His reliques were cast into the Nile, and rendered up
first carried to Jerusalem, to the his precious soul to God.
monastery in which he had made his At Ancyra, in Galatia, [in the fourth
monastic profession, and afterwards century,] holy Clement, Bishop of that
to Rome, where they were laid in the see, who had often been put to the
monastery of Saints Vincent and torture, but at length achieved martyr
Anastasius. dom in the persecution under the
Emperor Diocletian.
There likewise, [in the fourth cen
tury,] upon the same day, and under
Lessons from Luke xxi. 9, “When the President Lucius, the holy martyr
ye shall hear of wars, &c.,” with the Agathangelus.
Homily of St Gregory upon the same, At Alexandria, [in the year 619,]
(a 505-) holy John, surnamed the Almoner,
Pope of that city, very famous for
Prayer throughout the day as at the
Commemoration the evening before. his pity toward the poor.

At Toledo, holy Ildefonsus, Arch Answer. And ruler of all his

bishop of that city, who on account substance.
of the singular purity of his life, and
Let us pray.
the defence of the virginity of the
Mother of God against the heretics Prayer.
who impugned it which he took up,
was first gifted by the same most Help us, we beseech Thee O Lord,
Blessed Virgin with a chasuble of the for the sake of the Husband of Thy
purest white, and afterwards called most holy Mother, that what we
away to heaven, famous for holiness, cannot for ourselves obtain, Thou
[in the year 669.] mayest grant us at his petition: Who
In the province of Valeria, [in the livest and reignest with God the
sixth century,] the holy monk Mar Father, in the unity of the Holy
tyrius, of whom the blessed Pope Ghost, one God, world without end.
Gregory maketh mention. Amen.

Vespers of the following. Then are made Commemorations of

[the Second Vespers of] 55. Vincent
and A nastasz'us, Prayerfrom the even
JANUARY 23. ingr of fan. 2t, and of [the First
Vespers of] St Emerentiana, all from
fispuusal of the 36125521: Hit: the Common Oflee for a Virgin and
gin wary tn fit 305ml]. Martyr, (p. 567.)
Prayer, “ Lord, we pray Thee, &c.,”
Greater Douole.
(11 574-)
I'Vhate‘z/er is not speeially given here At Comfiline the lost verse of the
is taken from the Common Ofiee for Hymn is altered in honour of the In
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, (p. 552.) mrnation.


Antiphons, Verse and Answer, and [nw'tatory. Let us keep the Bridal
Prayer from Lauds. Feast of the Virgin Mary. * Let us
worship Christ, her Son, and her Lord
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed and ours.
Virgin. Let us tell again of the right
worthy espousal of the glorious Virgin FIRST NOCTURN.
Mary, who gained the honour of
Motherhood without losing the guile First Lesson.
lessness ofa Maid.
Here beginneth the Song of Songs,
The following Commemoration of (i. I.)
St joseph, where permitted, is made,
before any other. [ HE Bride] Let him kiss me with
kisses of his mouth—for better
Antiphon. Joseph, being raised than wine are thine embraces, redolent
from sleep, did as the Angel of the of the best perfumes! Thy name is
Lord had bidden him, and took unto as ointment poured forth, therefore do
him his wife. the virgins love thee. Draw me I \\'e
Verse. He made him lord of his will run after thee on the scent of
house. thy perfume. The king hath brought

me into his chambers. We will be Seeond Responsory.

glad and rejoice in thee. We will
think of thine embraces more than of Let us keep right heartily the Bridal
wine. The upright love thee. I am Feast of the Most Blessed Virgin
black, but comely, 0 ye daughters of Mary, that she may pray for us to our
Jerusalem,—as the tents of Kedar, as Lord JESUS Christ.
the curtains of Solomon. Verse. Let us keep with right
hearty rejoicing the betrothal of the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
First Responsory. Answer. That she may pray for
us to our Lord JESUS Christ.
This day was the Blessed Virgin
Mary betrothed of the lineage of David.
The same is she through whom the T/1ird Lesson.
salvation of the world hath been mani
fested before the eyes of all believers. N ECKLACES of gold will we make
This is she whose glorious life hath for thee, with inlaid work of
given light to the world. silver.
Verse. Let us keep with rejoicing [T/ze Bride] While the king sat
the Bridal-Feast of the Blessed Virgin on his couch, my spikenard sent forth
Mary. the smell thereof. A bundle of myrrh
Answer. The same is she through is my well-beloved unto me. He shall
whom the salvation of the world hath lie betwixt my breasts. My beloved
been manifested before the eyes of all is unto me as a bunch of cypress in
believers. This is she whose glorious the vineyards of Engaddi.
life hath given light to the world. [Tlze Bridegroom] Behold, thou
art fair, my love, behold, thou art
fair; thou hast doves’ eyes.
Second Lesson. [The Bride] Behold, thou art fair,
[ THE Bride] Look not upon me my beloved, yea, comely.
because I am black, because the [Bot/2.] Our bed is of flowers, the
sun hath tanned me. My mother’s beams of our house are of cedar, our
children were angry with me; they rafters of cypress.
made me the keeper of the vineyards ;
mine own vineyard have I not kept. Tlzird Responsory.
Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth,
where thou feedest thy flock, where Let us tell again of the right worthy
thou layest thee down at noon, lest espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I begin to turn aside after the flocks The same is she whose lowliness the
of thy companions. Lord regarded, she who by the
[Tlze Bridegroom.] If thou know message of an Angel conceived the
not, 0 thou fairest among women, go Saviour of the world.
thy way forth by the footsteps of the Verse. Let us keep right earnestly
flock, and feed thy kids beside the the Bridal-Feast of the most Blessed
shepherd’s tents. I have compared Virgin Mary.
thee, O my love, to my horses in Answer. The same is she whose
Pharaoh’s chariot. Thy cheeks are lowliness the Lord regarded, she who
comely like a dove’s, thy neck like by the message of an Angel conceived
strings of jewels.1 the Saviour of the world.
1 Or “Thy cheeks are comely with strings, or plaits, and thy neck with rows of jewels."

Verse. Glory be to the Father, and tablish the reign of peace; and that
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. He Who was about to prevail against
Answer. The same is she whose the envier, should first give us the
lowliness the Lord regarded, she who sorely-needed example of His Own
by the message of an Angel conceived lowliness and meekness; that so, by
the Saviour of the world. the marvellous disposition of His wis
dom He might appear at once gentle
to His own, and awful to His foe.
Fourth Lesson.
Fifth Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Let us keep with rejoicing the
of St Bernard, Abbat [of Clairvaux.]
Bridal-Feast of the Blessed Mary, that
(2nd on Luke i. 26.)
she may pray for us to our Lord JESUS
HE secret course of the counsel of Christ.
God was for awhile to be hidden Verse. With all our heart and with
from the prince of this world. Not all our soul let us sing praise to Christ
that God had any need to fear hin on this the solemn Feast-day of Mary
drance from him, if He had chosen to the mighty Mother of God.
work openly, but because He Who Answer. That she may pray for
doth all things wisely as well as us to our Lord JESUS Christ.
mightily, is wont to observe in all His
works certain meetnesses both of things
Sixth Lesson.
and of times: and so in this, the
glorious work of our redemption, He FOR what would it have profited for
was pleased to show His wisdom as God to crush the devil, if we
well as His power. were to remain proud ? For this end
therefore did it behove that Mary
Fourth Responsory. should be espoused to Joseph, namely,
that the holy thing might be kept from
This day was betrothed the glorious the dogs, that an husband might attest
Virgin Mary, a child of the seed of her maidenhood, that the modesty of
Abraham, a daughter of the tribe of the virgin might be spared, and her
Judah, a Princess of the lineage of good fame saved. Than this, what
David. This is she whose famous life Could be wiser, what more worthy of
still sheddeth lustre upon all the God’s counsels? By this device the
Churches. heavenly secret was at the same time
Verse. This day was the Blessed provided with its witness and pro
Virgin Mary betrothed of the lineage tected from its foeman ; and the good
of David. name of the Maiden Mother preserved.
Answer. This is she whose famous
life still sheddeth lustre upon all the
Sixth Responsory.
Thy betrothal, 0 Virgin Mother of
Fzfth Lesson.
God, was a message of joy to the
IT was meet therefore, that He Who whole world, for out of thee rose the
was about to cast down the Sun of righteousness, even Christ our
troubler, should sweetly order all God, Who hath taken away the curse
things in heaven and in earth, to es and brought a blessing, confounded
death, and given unto us everlasting Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
life. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Verse. Blessed art thou among Answer. Even Christ our God.
women, and blessed is the Fruit of
thy womb. Commemoration of St foseph.
Answer. For out of thee rose the Antiphon. Jesus Himself began to
Sun of righteousness, even Christ our be about thirty years of age, being
God. (as was supposed) the son of Joseph.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Verse. The mouth of the virtuous
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. speaketh wisdom.
Answer. Who hath taken away Answer. And his tongue talketh
the curse and brought a blessing, judgment.
confounded death, and given unto us
everlasting life. Prayer as at First Vespers, then of
St Emerentiana. All from the Com
mon Ofice.

Lessons the same as on Christmas lVinth Lesson.

Eve, (p. 267.) The Third is read
as one with the Second, to leave room For St Emerentiana.
for the Ninth Lesson, which is of St
MERENTIANA was a Roman
maiden, and the foster-sister of
the blessed Agnes. While she was
Seventh Responsory. still a Catechumen she was inspired
by her faith and love to rebuke the
All generations shall call me blessed, fury of the idol-worshippers against
for the Lord That is Mighty hath done the Christians, whereupon a mob
to me great things, and holy is His assembled, and stoned her so severely
name. that she was only able to drag herself
Verse. And His mercy is on them to the grave of holy Agnes, where,
that fear Him from generation to while she prayed, she gave up her
generation. soul to God, being baptized, not in
Answer. For the Lord That is water, but in her own blood, so freely
Mighty hath done to me great things, shed for Christ.
and holy is His name.
Eighth Responsory.
First Antiphon. This day was be
O holy Virgin Mary, happy indeed trothed the glorious Virgin Mary, *
art thou, and right worthy of all praise, a child of the seed of Abraham, a
for out of thee rose the Sun of righte daughter of the tribe of Judah, a
ousness, even Christ our God. Princess of the lineage of David.
Verse. Pray for the people, plead Second Antiphon. This day is the
for the clergy, make intercession for Bridal-Feast of the holy Virgin Mary,
all women vowed to God. May all * whose famous life still sheddeth
that keep thine holy Bridal-Feast feel lustre upon all the Churches.
the might of thine assistance. Third Antiphon. Mary was a
Answer. For out of thee rose the maiden of illustrious birth, * the
Sun of righteousness. daughter of a Kingly race. We

earnestly intreat her to help our minds thirty years of age, being, (as was
and souls by her prayers. supposed,) the son of Joseph.
Fourth Antiphon. With all our Verse. The mouth of the righteous
heart and with all our soul let us sing speaketh wisdom.
praise to Christ * on this the solemn Answer. And his tongue talketh
Feast-day of Mary, the mighty Mother judgment.
of God.
Fifth Antiohon. Let us keep with Prayer.
rejoicing the Bridal - Feast of the Let us pray.
Blessed Virgin Mary, * that she may
pray for us to our Lord JESUS Christ. H ELP us, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
Verse. This day is the Bridal-Feast for the sake of the Husband of
of the holy Virgin Mary. Thy most Holy Mother, that what we
Answer. Whose famous life still cannot for ourselves obtain, Thou may
sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. est grant us at his petition ; Who livest
and reignest with God the Father, in
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
Let us this day keep solemnly the world without end. Amen.
Bridal-Feast of Mary, Mother but still
Maiden, her Bridal, a step toward the The Antiphons at Prime, Terce,
loftiness of her throne. Alleluia. Sext, and None, are the First, Second,
Third, and Fifth from Lauds respec
Prayer throughout the Ofiiee.
The last verses of all the Hymns
GRANT unto us Thy servants, we are altered in honour of the [near
beseech Thee, O Lord, the gift nation.
of Thy heavenly grace, unto whom Verse at Prime. “Thou that wast
Thou didst give the first sight of a born of the Virgin Mary.”
Saviour as the offspring of a Blessed
Virgin, and grant that this Feast,
which they keep in honour of the same
Virgin, may avail them unto the in Upon the 24th day of January, were
crease of peace. Through our Lord born into the better life—
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth Holy Timothy, the disciple of the
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity blessed Apostle Paul, by whom he
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world was ordained Bishop of Ephesus.
without end. Amen. After many contendings for Christ,
because he rebuked them that were
[f fiermitted, Commemoration of St offering sacrifice to Diana, they stoned
joseph, from his Ojiee, as given below. him, and a short while thereafter he
Then of St Emerentiana, Virgin and fell asleep in the Lord, [in the year
Martyr, from the Common Ojiee (p.
573) At Antioch, [in the year 250,] holy
Babilas, Patriarch of that city. After
Commemoration of St joseph. he had oftentimes glorified God by
the sufferings and torments which he
Antiphon at the Song of Zaeharias. bore, and in the persecution under
1 JESUS Himself began to be about the Emperor Decius, he ended his
1 Luke iii. 23.
glorious life in iron fetters, which he Answer. And his righteousness
commanded should be buried with him. endureth for ever.
It is recorded also that there suffered
with him three children—Urban, Prili Prayer as at First Vespers; then of
dian, and Epolonius—whom he had St Timothy from the Common Oflice,
instructed in the faith of Christ. (p. 482,) with the Prayer, “ Mercifully
At Nee-Caesarea, the holy martyrs consider, &c.,” (p. 491.)
Mardonius, Musonius, Eugenius, and
Where permitted, Commemoration
Metellus, these all were burnt and
of St joseph, from his Ofice, (p. 710.)
their ashes thrown into the river.
Then of [the First Vespers of] St
At Foligno, holy Felician, who was
ordained by Pope Victor Bishop of
that city, and after many labours was At Compline the last Verse of the
crowned with martyrdom in extreme f/ymn is altered in honour of the
old age, in the persecution under the Incarnation.
Emperor Decius.
Likewise the holy martyrs Thyrsus,
[third century,] and Projectus, [Bishop JANUARY 24.
of Clermont, in the year 674.]
At Bologna, [in the third century,] $t @Iimutbg, iBisiJup [of
holy Zama, the first Bishop of that QBplJzsusJ Martyr.
city, who was ordained by the holy
Roman Pontifl' Denis, and there won Double.
derfully spread the Christian faith.
Likewise [in the sixth century,] the
blessed Abbat Suran, who flourished A I!from the Common Oflice for One
in holiness in the time of the Lom Martyr, (p. 482,) except what is other
bards. wise given here.
SECOND VESPERS. Prayer throughout the Ofiice, “ Mer
All as the First, except thefollowing. cifully consider our weakness, &c.,”
(a 491-)
A ntzlohon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. Thy betrothal, 0 Virgin
Mother of God, was a message of joy 'FIRST NOCTURN.
to the whole world, for out of thee rose
the Sun of righteousness, even Christ Lessons from Scrzlhture according to
our God, Who hath taken away the the Season.
curse and brought a blessing, con
founded death, and given unto us SECOND NOCTURN.
everlasting life.
Fourth Lesson.

Commemoration of St josefih. TIMOTHY was a native of Lystra

in Lycaonia, born of a Gentile
Antiphon. Behold a faithful and father and a Jewish mother. He em
wise servant, whom his Lord hath made braced the Christian religion when the
ruler over his household. Apostle Paul came into those parts.
Verse. Glory and riches shall be The holy Apostle was so struck with
in his house. the fame of Timothy’s sanctity, that

he chose him to be the companion of and at other places, and was first
his journeys, and caused him to be scourged and rent with thongs, and
circumcised, in order to remove a then stoned to death under the judge
stumbling-block from the way of those Licinius.
Jews who felt drawn to Christianity. At Antioch, the holy martyrs
When they came together to Ephesus, Juventinus and Maximus, who were
the Apostle consecrated him Bishop crowned with martyrdom under the
of that Church. Emperor Julian the Apostate, and on
whose feast-day holy John Chrysostom
preached unto the people.
Fi/lh Lesson. At Auvergne, [in the year 674,] the
TWO of the Apostle Paul’s Epistles holy martyrs Projectus, Bishop of that
are addressed to this Saint, of see, and Marinus the man of God,
which one was written from Laodicea, who sufi'ered under the chief men of
and the other from Rome. These that city.
sacred writings so stirred him up to Likewise the holy martyrs Donatus,
the zealous discharge of his duties as Sabinus, and Agapis.
a spiritual shepherd, that he strove At Tomis, in Scythia, holy Bretan
to prevent the people of Ephesus from nion, Bishop [of that see], who flour
sacrificing to Artemis on her feast ished in the Church in wonderful holi
day, knowing that sacrifice is due to ness and zeal for the Catholic faith
God alone. The heathens thereupon under the Arian Emperor Valens,
stoned him till he was well-nigh dead, whom he withstood stoutly.
and although he was rescued by the At Arras, in Gaul, holy Poppo,
Christians, and carried to a mountain Abbat [of Stavelotz,] famous for
near the city, he then fell asleep in miracles, [in the year [048; also his
the Lord, on the 24th day of January. mother, blessed Adelviva.]

Vespers of the following.

Sixth Lesson.

The illustrious day, &c., (p. 486.) JANUARY 2 5.

Qttmtmsiun of 5t iBauI tbt
Lessons from Luke xiv. 26, with the
Homily of St Gregory (,1). 489.) Greater Double.

All from the Common Ofice for

Apostles, (p. 462,) except what is
On the morrow we commemorate otherwise given here.
the conversion of the holy Apostle
Paul, which took place in the second FIRST VESPERS.
year after our Lord’s ascension.
Upon the same 25th day ofJanuary, Antiphons, Chapter, Verse and An
were born into the better life— swer, and Prayerfrom Loads.
At Damascus, holy Ananias, who Psalms as on Sunday, era)! the last,
baptized the aforesaid apostle. I-Ie which is Psalm cxvi., “O praise the
preached the Gospel at Damascus LORD, all ye nations, &c.,” (p. i86.)

Hymn.1 is Christ, and to die is gain : God for

bid that I should glory, save in the
EAD us, great teacher Paul, in wisdom’s
cross of our Lord JESUS Christ.
And lift our hearts with thine to Heaven's
high throne ; First Lesson.
Till Faith beholds the clear meridian blaze,
And, sun~like, in the soul reigns Charity The Lesson is taken from the Acts of
alone. the Apostles (ix. 1.)
Praise, blessing, majesty, through endless SAUL, yet breathing out threaten
days, ings and slaughter against the
Be to the Trinity Eternal given;
disciples of the Lord, went unto the
Who in Pure Unity profoundly sways
Eternally all things alike in earth and
high priest, and desired of him letters
heaven. Amen. to Damascus to the synagogues ; that,
if he found any of this way, whether
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed they were men or women, he might
Virgin. Ananias, go thy way, and bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
seek Saul: for, behold, he prayeth: And as he journeyed, he came near
for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, Damascus, and suddenly there shined
to bear My name before the Gentiles, round about him a light from heaven.
and kings, and the children of Israel. And he fell to the earth, and heard
a voice saying unto him: Saul, Saul,
A Commemoration is made of St
why persecutest thou Me? And he
Peter, which is taken from Lauds.
said: Who art Thou, Lord? And
Then a Commemoration of St Timo
the Lord said: I am JESUS, Whom
thou persecutest; it is hard for thee
MATTINS. to kick against the pricks.
In-z/itatory. For the conversion of
the Teacher of the Gentiles, * let us First Responsory.
praise our God.
He That wrought effectually in
Hymn. “Lead us, &c.,” as at Peter to the Apostleship, the Same
First Vespers. was mighty in me toward the Gentiles,
and they perceived the grace that
FIRST NOCTURN. was given unto me of the Lord Christ.
Verse. 5 The grace of God which
First Antiphon. 2 He That wrought was bestowed upon me was not in
efl'ectually in Peter to the Apostleship, vain, but His grace abideth ever in
the Same was mighty in me toward me.
the Gentiles, and they perceived the Answer. And they perceived the
grace that was given unto me of the grace that was given unto me of the
Lord Christ. Lord Christ.
Second Antiphon. 3 I know Whom
I have believed, and am persuaded Second Lesson.
that He is able to keep that which I
have committed unto Him against AND he trembling and astonished,
that day, as a righteous Judge. said : Lord, what wilt Thou have
ThirdAntijfihon. 4To me to live me to do? And the Lord said unto
1 Another portion of the hymn A urea lure, largely altered. 2 Gal. ii. a, 9.
3 2 Tim. i. 12; iv. 8. 4 Phil. l. 21 ; Gal. vi. I4. 5 1 Cor. xv. ro.

him: Arise, and go into the city, and Gentiles, and kings, and the children
it shall there be told thee what thou of Israel. For I will show him how
must do. And the men whichjourneyed great things he must suffer for My
with him stood speechless, hearing a name’s sake.
voice but seeing no man. And Saul
arose from the earth, and when his Third Resyfionsory.
eyes were opened, he saw nothing.
But they led him by the hand and 2There is laid up for me a crown
brought him into Damascus. And he of righteousness, which the Lord, the
was there three days without sight, righteous Judge, shall give me at that
and neither did eat nor drink. day.
Verse. I know Whom I have be
lieved,'and am persuaded that He is
Second Responsory. able to keep that which I have com
1 I have fought a good fight, I have mitted unto Him against that day.
finished my course, I have kept the Answer. Which the Lord, the
faith; henceforth there is laid up for righteous Judge, shall give me at
me a crown of righteousness. that day.
Verse. Iknow Whom I have be Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
lieved, and am persuaded that He is to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
able to keep that which I have com Answer. Which the Lord, the
mitted unto Him against that day. righteous Judge, shall give me at
Answer. Henceforth there is laid that day.
up for me a crown of righteousness.

Third Lesson. First Antiohon. O Holy Apostle

Paul, thou art a chosen vessel unto
ND there was a certain disciple
God, to preach the Gospel throughout
at Damascus, named Ananias;
the whole world.
and to him said the Lord in a vision :
Seeond Antiphon. Paul is made
Ananias. And he said: Behold, I am
one of the chiefest among the Saints,
here, Lord. And the Lord said unto
and a chosen vessel; verily he is
him: Arise, and go into the street
worthy to be glorified, for he was
which is called Straight, and inquire
made worthy to sit upon one of the
in the house of Judas for one called
twelve thrones.
Saul, of Tarsus; for, behold, he
Third Antiphon. I have fought a
prayeth ; and hath seen a man named
good fight, I have finished my course,
Ananias coming in, and putting his
hand on him, that he might receive I have kept the faith.
his sight. Then Ananias answered:
Lord, I have heard by many of this Fourth Lesson.
man, how much evil he hath done to The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Thy saints at Jerusalem : and here he
of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo.]
hath authority from the chief priests
(24th on the Saints, :79.)
to bind all that call on Thy name.
But the Lord said unto him: Go thy ‘ME have this day heard read out
way, for he is a chosen vessel unto of the Acts of the Apostles how
Me, to bear My name before the that the Apostle Paul, from being a
1 2 Tim. iv. 7. 8; i. 12. 9 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8; i. la.

persecutor of the Christians, was may read, “ In the beginning he shall

changed into a preacher of Christ. devour the prey, and at the end he
Christ laid low the persecutor, that He shall divide the spoil.” First, then,
might raise him up a teacher of His in the beginning, he devoured the
Church. He smote and healed him, prey. So it is written that he received
slew him and made him alive again. letters from the chief priests and went
For the Lord Christ is that Lamb forth, that wheresoever he should find
That was Himself slain by the wolves, any Christians, he might bring them
and That now turneth the wolves into bound unto the priests, that they
lambs. Now was fulfilled in Paul might be punished.
that which was clearly spoken in pro
phecy by the Patriarch Jacob, when Fifth Responsory.
he blessed his children, laying hands
indeed on them which then were, but 1 By the grace of God I am what I
looking forward to the things which am. And His grace which was be
were yet for to come. Paul beareth stowed upon me was not in vain, but
witness of himself that he was of the abideth ever in me.
tribe of Benjamin, (Rom. xi. I,) and Verse. He That wrought effectually
when Jacob blessed his sons, and came in Peter to the Apostleship, the Same
to bless Benjamin, he said: “Ben was mighty in me toward the Gentiles.
jamin shall ravin as a wolf." (Gen. Answer. And His grace which was
xlix. 27.) bestowed upon me was not in vain,
but abideth ever in me.

Fourth Responsory. Sixth Lesson.

O Holy Apostle Paul, thou art a H E went breathing out threatenings
chosen vessel unto God, to preach the and slaughter, yea, truly, de
Gospel throughout the whole world; vouring the prey. When also they
through whom all nations have known stoned Stephen, the first Martyr that
the grace of God. laid down his life for Christ’s name’s
Verse. Pray for us to God Who sake, Saul was consenting unto his
hath chosen thee. death, and, as though it contented
Answer. Through whom all nations him not to stone him, he kept the
have known the grace of God. clothes of all them that did it, urging
them on more than if he had joined
Fifth Lesson. them. So in the morning he devoured
the prey. How in the evening did he
HAT then? Is Benjamin a wolf divide the spoil? Struck down by the
that shall ravin for ever? God voice of Christ from heaven, ravining
forbid. “In the morning he shall no more, he falleth upon his face, cast
devour the prey, and at night he shall down to be raised up, smitten to be
divide the spoil.” This is exactly healed.
what was fulfilled in the Ap05tle Paul.
Sixth Responsory.
If it please you, we will now consider
how in the morning he devoured the 2 Saul, who also is called Paul, was
prey, and at night divided the spoil. made a great preacher; and being of
Here morning and evening are put God increased the more in strength he
for the beginning and the end. So we confounded the Jews.
1 I Cor. xv. 10; Gal. ii. 8. 2 Acts ix. 22, 20.

Verse. Proving that This is very Ezlghth Responsory.

Christ, the Son of God.
2In Damascus the governor under
Answer. And being of God in
Aretas the king was desirous to appre
creased the more in strength he con
hend me, and by the brethren in a
founded the Jews.
basket was I let down by the wall, and
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
so escaped I his hands, in the name of
to the Son, and t0 the Holy Ghost.
the Lord.
Answer. And being of God in
Verse. The God and Father of our
creased the more in strength he con
Lord JESUS Christ knoweth that I lie
founded the Jews.
Answer. And by, the brethren in a
THIRD NOCTURN. basket was I let down by the wall.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
First Antiphon. Saul, who also is to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
called Paul, was made a great preacher; Answer. And so escaped I his
and being of God increased the more hands, in the name of the Lord.
in strength he confounded the Jews.
Second Antiphon. 1 Lest I should LAUDS.
be exalted above measure through the
greatness of the revelations, there was First Antiphon. 3I have planted,
given to me a thorn in the flesh, the * Apollos watered, but God gave the
messenger of Satan, to buffet me: for increase. Alleluia.
this thing I besought the Lord thrice, After Septuagesima omit Alleluia.
that it might depart from me; and the
Second Antifihon. 4 Most gladly
Lord said unto me: Paul, My grace
therefore will I rather glory * in my
is sufficient for thee.
infirmities, that the power of Christ
Third Antiphon. There is laid up
for me a crown of righteousness, which
may rest upon me.
Third Antiphon. The grace of God
the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall
which was bestowed upon me was not
give me at that day.
in vain, * but His grace abideth ever
Lessons from Matth. xix. 27, with in me.
the Homily of the Venerable Bede (p. Fourth Antithon. In Damascus the
governor under Aretas the king was
4 7 8- >
desirous to apprehend me; by the
Seventh Responsory. brethren in a basket was I let down
by the wall, and so escaped I his
O Holy Apostle Paul, Preacher of hands, in the name of the Lord.
the truth, and teacher of the Gentiles, Fifth Antiphon. 5Thrice was I
pray for us to God, Who hath chosen beaten with rods, * once was I stoned,
thee, that we may be made worthy of thrice I sufi'ered shipwreck, for Christ’s
the grace of God. name’s sake.
Verse. 0 Holy Apostle Paul, thou
art a chosen vessel unto God, and a
Chapter. (Acts ix. 1.)
Preacher of the truth.
Answer. Pray for us to God Who SAUL, yet breathing out threaten
hath chosen thee, that we may be ings and slaughter against the
made worthy of the grace of God. disciples of the Lord, went unto the
1 2 Cor. xii. 7-9. ; 2 (3);; 3:5, 331 31 3 I Cor. iii. 6.
4 2 Cor. xii. 9. a . . . .
high priest, and desired of him letters we beseech Thee, at his mighty in
to Damascus, to the synagogues, that, tercession, from all the bands of our
if he found any of this way, whether sins. Who liveth and reigneth with
they were men or women, he might God the Father, in the unity of the
bring them bound unto Jerusalem. Holy Ghost, one God, world without
end. Amen.
Verse. 0 Holy Apostle Paul, thou
art a chosen vessel unto God. PRIME.
Answer. To preach the Gospel Antiphon. I have planted, &c.,
throughout the whole world. (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
Thus saith the Lord: Ye, which have MARTYROLOGY.
followed Me, shall sit upon twelve Upon the 26th day of January, were
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of born into the better life—
Israel. At Smyrna, holy Polycarp, a dis
ciple of the blessed Apostle John, and
Prayer throughout the Ofiee. by him ordained Bishop of that city,
O GOD, Who, through the teaching having the charge of all Asia. In the
ofthe Blessed Apostle Paul, hast reign of Mark Antony, and Lucius
caused the light of the Gospel to shine Aurelius Commodus, as the Pro-consul
throughout the world, grant, we be was sitting in the amphitheatre all the
seech Thee, that we, having his people cried out against Polycarp, and
wonderful conversion (as on this day) to please them he was cast into the
in remembrance, may show forth our fire, but forasmuch as it burned
thankfulness unto Thee for the same, him not he was pierced with the
by following the holy example which sword, and so received the crown
he hath set. Through our Lord JESUS of martyrdom, [in the year 166.]
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and With him there suffered also twelve
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of others that were come from Phila
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with delphia unto the city aforesaid.
out end. Amen. At Hippo, in Africa, the holy
martyrs Theogenes, Bishop of that
Then the following Commemoration city, and thirty-six others, who in the
of St Peter. persecution under the Emperor
Antiphon. Thou art the Shepherd Valerian reckoned cheaply death here
of the sheep, and the Prince of the in time, and received the crown of
Apostles, and unto thee hath God life eternal, [about the year 260.]
given the keys of the kingdom of At Bethlehem of Judah, the holy
heaven. widow Paula, mother of Eustochium,
Verse. Thou art Peter. the virgin of Christ. She was of a
Answer. And upon this rock I very noble senatorial family, that gave
will build My Church. up the world and distributed all her
goods to feed the poor and betook
herself to the manger of the Lord,
and thence passed away into the
0 GOD, Who hast given unto Thy kingdom of heaven endowed with
Blessed Apostle Peter the keys many graces and crowned with a long
of the kingdom of heaven, and the martyrdom, [in the year 404.] Jerome
power to bind and to loose, loose us, hath written of her life, full of graces.
VOL. I. 2 A

In the country of Paris, [in the Prayer and Commemoration of St

year 685,] holy Bathildes, Queen [of Peter from Lauds.
France,] illustrious for her holiness Then a Commemoration of the fol
and the glory of her miracles. lowing. Antz'phon, Verse and Answer
from the First Vespers of the Common
Chapter at the end. (Acts ix. 22.) Oflice for One Martyr, (p. 482,) and
the Prayer, “0 God, Who year by
UT Saul increased the more in year, &c.,” (p. 491.)
strength, and confounded the
Jews which dwelt at Damascus, prov
ing that this is very Christ.
$t fiolgcarp, iBizljup [of
$mgma,] martyr.
Antzlohon. Most gladly therefore, Double.
&c., (Second Antiphon at Laua'r.)
Allfrom the Common Oflice for One
Chapterfrom Lauds. Martyr, (p. 482,) except the following.
Prayer throughout the Oflice, “O
SEXT. God, Who year by year, &c.,” (p. 49t.)

Antiphon. The grace of God, &c., MATTINS.

(Third Antiphon at Lauds.)

Chapter. (Acts ix. 8.) Lessons from Scripture according to

ND Saul arose from the earth, the Season.
and, when his eyes were opened,
he saw nothing. But they led him SECOND NOCTURN.
by the hand, and brought him into Fourth Lesson.
Damascus. And he was there three
days without sight, and neither did eat The Lesson is taken from the Book on
nor drink. Ecclesiastical Writers, composed by
St Jerome, Priest [at Bethlehem.]
POLYCARP was a disciple of the
Antiphon. Thrice was I beaten, Apostle John, and was conse
&c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lauds.) crated by him Bishop of Smyrna. He
was reckoned the chief of all the
Chapter or at the end of Prime.
Christians of Asia, because he had
been taught by several of the Apostles,
SECOND VESPERS. and other persons who had seen the
A ntiohons and Chapter from Lauds. Lord. During the reign of the
Hymn, Verse and A newerfrom Fz'rxt Emperor Antoninus Pius, and while
Anicetus presided over the Church of
Rome, Polycarp came thither to dis
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed cuss some questions regarding the
Virgin. O Holy Apostle Paul, time for observing Easter. He found
Preacher of the truth, and Teacher some heretics at Rome, who had been
of the Gentiles, pray for us to God, led astray by the doctrine of Marcion
Who hath chosen thee. and Valentine, and brought back many

of them to the faith. One day At Sora, the holy martyr Julian.
Marcion met him by accident, and He was arrested in the persecution
said to him: Do you recognise me? under the Emperor Antonine, and
whereto he replied: I recognise the while he was being tortured, the
devil’s eldest son. Some time after, temple of the idols fell down, where
in the reign of Mark Antonine and upon he was beheaded, and so received
Lucius Aurelius Commodus, during the the crown of martyrdom.
fourth persecution since Nero, when In Africa, [in the third century,]
the Pro-consul was ruling in Smyrna, the holy martyr Avitus.
the whole population being assembled Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs
in the theatre, clamoured against Poly Datius, Reater, and their companions,
carp, and to please them he was who suffered in the persecution under
burnt. He wrote an extremely useful the Vandals.
Epistle to the Philippians, which is Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs
publicly read in the Churches of Asia Dativus, Julian, Vincent, and twenty
even to this day. seven others.
At Rome, [in the year 671,] holy
Fifth and Sixth Lessons from the
Pope Vitalian.
Exposition of Ps. cxviii. by St Am
At Mans, [in the year 117,] holy
brose, (1). 49 3,) the Fifth Lesson being
Julian, the first Bishop of that city,
the First, (“Princes have persecuted
whom holy Peter sent thither to
me, &c.,”) and the Sixth the Second
preach the Gospel.
and Third read as one, (“They fight
At the monastery of La Val-Benois,
against him, &c.,” and “Think then
the holy Maurus, Abbat of Val
how the martyr, &c.,”) or else the
Second only.
At Brescia, [in the year 1540,] the
holy Virgin Angela Merici, Foundress
of the Society of Nuns of St Ursula,
Lessonsfrom Matth. x. 26, with the whose first duty is to lead young
Homily of St lii'lary, (p. 495.) maidens into the paths of the Lord.
We keep her festival upon the last
MARTYROLOGY. day of May, in accordance with an
ordinance of Pius VII.
On the morrow we keep the feast of
holy John, Patriarch of Constantinople, Vespers of the following, from the
[in the years 398-407,] surnamed Chapter inclusive.
Chrysostom—that is to say, golden
mouth—on account of the golden
stream of his eloquence, whose word
and example much profited the Church,
but after many toils he ended his
St Sluhn trbrgsustum, ilBatrh
life in exile. Mention is made of him arch of [(tliunstanttnuplej
upon the 14th day of September, but @unfessnr, anti llBuctnr at
the 27th of January is the day where
on his sacred body was brought to the Qthurdj.
Constantinople under the Emperor
Theodosius the younger, whence it was
afterward brought to Rome, and Allfrom the Common Ofiice for one
lyeth buried in the Basilica of the Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) except
Prince of the Apostles. what is otherwise given here.

FIRST VESPERS. of our Lord 386,] and after the death

of Nectarius, was forced by the
The first verse of the ltymn is Emperor Arcadius to accept, though
altered. sorely against his own will, the Arch
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed bishopric of Constantinople. Having
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher, received the burden of a shepherd’s
&c., (p. 515.) ofi‘ice, [upon the 26th day of February,]
in the year 398, he set himself
zealously to do his duty, struggling
Prayer throughout the Ofliee. against the degradation of public
morality and the loose lives of the
ERCIFUL Lord, we beseech Thee
nobility, and thereby drew upon him
continually to increase by Thy
self the ill-will of many enemies, es
heavenly grace, Thy holy Church,
pecially the Empress Eudoxia, whom
which Thou hast vouchsafed to en
he had rebuked on account of the
lighten by the glorious labours and
money of the widow Callitropa, and
teaching of Thy blessed Confessor
the land of another widow.
and Bishop John Chrysostom.
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Fifth Lesson.
Thee, in the unity of the Holy
Ghost, one God, world without end. SOME Bishops being assembled in
Amen. a Council at Chalcedon, [in 403,]
which Council the Saint held to be
A Commemoration is made of St neither lawful, nor public, although he
Polycarp. Prayer as in his Ofice. was commanded to go there, he re
fused. Whereupon Eudoxia, striving
earnestly against him, caused him to
be sent into exile. Soon after, how
The first verse of the hymn is altered. ever, the people of the city rose, and
demanded his recall, and he was then
brought back again amid great public
rejoicings. Nevertheless he ceased
Lessons from Senloture according to not to war against vice, and absolutely
the Season. forbade the celebration of public games
round the silver statue of Eudoxia in
the square outside the Church of the
SECOND NOCTURN. Eternal Wisdom. Upon this, a party
of Bishops, who were enemies to him,
Fourth Lesson.
banded together, and obtained that he
OHN of Antioch, who, on account should be banished again, which was
of the golden stream of his elo done accordingly, [on the 20th day of
quence, is called by the Greeks Chry June, 404,]amid the lamentations of
sostomos, or, “the golden-mouthed,” widows and the poor, who felt as if
was a lawyer and man of the world of they were being deprived of a common
much eminence, before he turned his father. During this exile, it almost
great intellect and wonderful industry passeth belief how much Chrysostom
to the study of things sacred. He suffered, and how many souls he
took orders, and was ordained a priest turned to the faith which is in Christ
of the Church of Antioch, [in the year Jesus.
Sixth Lesson. Eig/zt/z Responsory.
Tthistime a Council was assembled In the midst of the congregation,
at Rome, wherein Chrysostom’s 8w, (e- 539-)
restoration to his See was decreed by
Pope Innocent I., but meanwhile, he
was suffering great hardships and
cruelties on his journey at the hands At Rome, the second Feast of holy
of the soldiers who had him in charge. Agnes.
As he passed through Armenia he Upon the same 28th day of Jan
prayed in the Church of the holy uary, were born into the better life—
martyr Basiliscus, and the same night At Rome likewise, the holy martyr
that blessed conqueror appeared to Flavian, who suffered in the persecu
him in a vision and said: “Brother tion under the Emperor Diocletian.
John, to-morrow thou shalt be with At Apollonia, the holy martyrs
me.” On the next day, therefore, he Thyrsus, Leucius, Callinicus. In the
received the Sacrament of the time of the Emperor Decius they
Eucharist, and, arming himself with were tortured in divers ways. Where
the sign of the cross, resigned his after, Thyrsus and Callinicus were
soul to God, it being the 14th of beheaded, and a voice from heaven
September, [in the year of salvation, called away Leucius, and he gave up
407.] As soon as he was dead a the ghost, [in the year 250.]
furious hailstorm took place at Con In the Thebai'd, the holy martyrs
stantinople, and after four days the Leonides and his companions, who
Empress died. The Emperor Theo secured the palm of martyrdom in the
dosius, the son of Arcadius, brought time of the Emperor Diocletian.
the body of John Chrysostom to At Alexandria, a multitude of holy
Constantinople with great state, and martyrs, who upon this day were
numerously attended, and on the 27th gathered together in a church at
of January, [438,] laid it with magni Communion, when they were massacred
ficent honours in the grave, beside in divers ways by the followers of the
which he prayed for the forgiveness of Arian Duke Syrianus, [in the year
his own father and mother. The holy 376-]
body was afterwards taken to Rome, Likewise at Alexandria, the holy
and is now buried in the Vatican Confessor Cyril, Pope of that city; a
Basilica. The number, devoutness, most eminent champion of the Catholic
and brilliance of St John Chrysostom’s faith, and illustrious for his teaching
sermons and other writings, his acute and holiness, who fell asleep in peace,
ness in exposition, and the close apt [in the year 444.] Whose feast we
ness of his explanations of Holy Scrip keep upon the 9th day of February.
ture, have been and are the object of At Zaragoza, [in the year 315,] holy
universal wonder and admiration, and Valerius, Bishop of that city.
often seem not unworthy to have been At Cuenca, in Spain, holy Julian,
dictated to him by the Apostle Paul, Bishop of that city, who gave the
for whom he entertained a wonderful goods of his Church to the poor, and
devotion. sought his food by working with his
own hands after the manner of the
Apostles, and fell asleep in peace,
Lessons from Matth. v. I 3, will! the famous for miracles, [in the year I207.]
Homily ofStjo/zn Clvysoslom, (p. 55 I.) In the monastery of Rheims, [in

the year 545,] the holy Priest John, JANUARY 28.

a man of God.
Note. When on account of the early
In Palestine, [in the sixth century,] incidence of Easter, Septuagesima Sun
the holy Hermit James, who having
day falls on the Second Sunday after
fallen away hid himself for a long
Epiphany, january 28 is set apart for
time in a sepulchre to do penance,
the Feast of the Most Holy Name of
and passed away hence to be ever
jesus, which else is kept on the Second
with the Lord, famous for miracles.
Sunday after Epiphany. In this case
the Ofiice of the Most Holy Name is
SECOND VESPERS. precisely the same as that given at
'the Second Sunday after Epiphany, (p.
Thefirst verse ofthe Hymn is altered. 204,) omitting only “Alleluia,” wher
ever it occurs, the Commemoration of
A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed the Octave of Epiphany at First
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher, Vespers, and of the Sunday at both
&c., (p. 542.) Vespers and Lauds. With these e1
ceptions, First Vespers of the trans
A Commemoration is made of the
ferred Feast will be as on the Satur
following, viz. : St Raymond of Pena
day evening preceding the Second
5 31,) and
the Common
his own
Sunday after Epiphany. The Ninth
Lesson will he that of St Agnes-’s
Then the following Commemoration Second Feast which is commemorated
of St Agnes. at Lauds only. The Short Respon
sories at Terce, Sext, and None will
Antiohon. Christ hath hallowed he as follows .'
His Bride and Witness unto Him
self, standing at her right hand in AT TERCE.
the shape of a Lamb1 whiter than
snow. Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Verse. In thy comeliness and thy Answer. Blessed be the name of
beauty. the LORD.
Answer. Go forward, fare prosper Verse. From henceforth, now, and
ously, and reign. for ever.
Answer. The name of the LORD.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Prayer. and to the Son, and to the Holy
0 GOD, Who year by year dost Answer. Blessed be the name of
gladden Thy people by the the LORD.
solemn feast of Thy blessed Virgin Verse. Give unto the LORD glory
and Martyr Agnes, grant unto us, we and honour.
beseech Thee, not only devoutly to ob Answer. Give unto the LORD the
serve the same, but also to follow after glory due unto His Name.
the pattern of her godly conversation.
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, Give unto the LORD glory and
one God, world without end. Amen. honour.
I Probably some play on the Latin word " Agnus."

Answer. Give unto the LORD glory Prayer throughout the Oflice.
and honour.
Verse. Give unto the LORD the GOD, Who didst choose the
glory due unto His Name. blessed Raymond to be an
Answer. Glory and honour. eminent minister of the Sacrament of
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Penance, and in a wonderful manner
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. didst make him to pass over the
Answer. Give unto the LORD glory waves of the sea, grant unto us, at
and honour. his petition, the grace to bring forth
Verse. 0 magnify the LORD with fruits worthy of repentance, and in
me. the end to attain unto the harbour of
Answer. And let us exalt His eternal salvation. Through our Lord
Name together. JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
without end. Amen.
O magnify the LORD with me.
Answer. 0 magnify the LORD with
Verse. And let us exalt His Name Lessons from Scripture according to
together. the Season.
Answer. With me.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. 0 magnify the LORD with Fourth Lesson.
Verse. Our help is in the Name of THE blessed Raymond was born at
the LORD. Barcelona, [in the year of our
Answer. Who made heaven and Lord 1175,] and was of the noble
earth. family of the De Pefiafuerte. He was
early instructed in the Christian re
At Second Vespers of the Holy ligion, and even while he was still
Name there will he Commemorations of a little child, he showed such ex
St Francis de Sales, and of St Ray cellence of mind and body, as filled
mond. his friends with strong hopes of his
future greatness. As a young man he
taught letters in his native place. He
The Feast of St Raymond of Pena afterwards went to Bologna, where he
fuerte—now ousted from his original applied himself to works of godliness,
day, 2 3rdjanuary—is,for convenience, and to the study of the Ecclesiastical
printed here. and Civil Law. He took the degree
of Doctor, and lectured with great
applause upon the Canon Law. He
.St Bagmunh of iBeiiafuzrte, attained so much celebrity that
Qtunfessur. Berengar, Bishop of Barcelona, on
his way from Rome to his own See,
turned aside to visit the Saint at
All from the Common Oflz'ce for a Bologna, and at length persuaded him
Confessor, (p. 855,) except what is after many entreaties to return with
otherwise given here. him to Spain. He was appointed to

a Canonry and the Archdeaconry in clothed St Peter Nolasco in the

the Church of Barcelona, in which habit, and constituted him the first
offices he set both clergy and people Master General of the Order.
a brilliant example of uprightness,
modesty, learning, and meekness, and
Sixth Lesson.
more especially strove, as far as in
him lay, to increase the honour and HE was summoned to Rome by
reverence paid to the Virgin Mother Gregory IX., [in the year i230,]
of God, whom he venerated with an and appointed by him his Chaplain,
affection singularly devoted. Penitentiary, and Confessor, and by
his orders collected into one volume
Fifth Lesson. of the Decretals the ordinances of the
Roman Pontiffs, which up to that
WHEN he was about forty-five time were only to be found scattered
years of age he solemnly pro among the records of divers Councils
fessed in the Order of Friars Preachers, and Churches. He firmly refused the
and strove, as a new recruit, to per Archbishopric of Tarascon, which was
fect himself in all the duties of his offered him by the Pope himself, and,
calling, particularly in charity to the having been chosen Master General
poor, and above all to those unhappy of the whole order of Friars Preachers,
Christians who were slaves to the he discharged the duties of that office
unbelievers. He was the Confessor in holiness for two years, and then
of St Peter Nolasco and of James 1., resigned it. It was by his advice
King of Aragon, and by his advice that James, King of Aragon, es
St Peter Nolasco gave up his whole tablished the Office of the Holy ln
worldly possessions to ransom as quisition in his dominions. He was
many as possible of the wretched distinguished by many miracles, of
captives. At this moment the most which the chief which is narrated of
blessed Virgin appeared simultane him is that on one occasion being in
ously to St Raymond, St Peter the island of Majorca and wishing to
Nolasco, and King James, and re go to Barcelona, be spread his cloak
vealed to them the pleasure of her upon the sea, and passed over the
Only-begotten Son and herself, that waters on it, accomplishing the whole
they should establish in her honour distance of sixty leagues in six hours,
an order of Religious persons whose and finally entering his convent through
work should be the redemption of the closed doors.1 He attained the
Christian slaves from bondage among age of nearly an hundred years, and
unbelievers. The three took counsel fell asleep in the Lord [on the
together, and then founded the Order 6th day of January,] in the year of
of the Blessed Mary of Ransom, for salvation 1275. His name was en
the Redemption of Captives. The rolled by Clement VIII. among those
blessed Raymond himself composed of the Saints.
a most appropriate code of rules for
the new institution, for which he after
some years obtained the express sanc
tion of Pope Gregory IX., and him Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with the
self [on the 10th day of August, in Homily of St Gregory, (p. 5 38.) The
the year 1223,] with his own hands Ninth Lesson (“ And ye yourselves,
I See Alban Butler. Jan. 23.

&c.”) is either omitted or read as one Sales, Bishop of Geneva, [in the year
with the Ezlghth in order to leave room 162 2,] of whom mention is made upon
for the 28th day of December.
I Ninth Lesson. (For St Agnes.) Upon the same 29th day of January,
were born into the better life—
At Rome, upon the Nomentan Way,
ONE night when the parents of the
the holy soldiers Papias and Maurus,
blessed Agnes were watching at
martyrs in the time of the Emperor
her grave, she appeared to them in
Diocletian, [fourth century.] At their
company with a band of virgins, and first confession of Christ, Laodicius,
said to them: Father and Mother,
the Prefect of the city, ordered their
weep not for me as though I were
mouths to be bruised with stones and
dead; for now these virgins and I
committed them to prison ; where they
live together in Him Whose love was
were afterwards cudgelled and then
my whole life upon earth. Some
lashed to death with scourges loaded
years afterwards, Constance, the
with lead.
daughter of the Emperor Constantine,
At Perugia, the holy martyrs Con
being sick of an incurable ulcer, be
stantius, Bishop of that see, and his
took herself to the said grave, although
companions, who were crowned [about
she was not yet a Christian, and as
the year 178] for defending the faith
she lay by it and slept, she seemed
in the persecution under the Emperor
to hear the voice of Agnes, saying to
Marcus Aurelius.
her: Constance, be of good courage:
believe in JESUS Christ the Son of At Edessa, in Syria, the holy martyrs
God, and He will make thee whole. Sarbelius and his sister, Barbea, who
The Princess, being healed, was bap were baptized by blessed Barsimoeus,
tized, along with many others of the Bishop of that city; and were crowned
Emperor’s family and household, and with martyrdom under the President
afterwards built over the grave of Lysias, in the persecution under the
the blessed Agnes a Church named Emperor Trajan, [in the second
in her honour. century.]
In the country of Trois, the holy
At Lauds is made a Commemoration martyr Sabinian, who was beheaded
of St Agnes. for Christ’s faith’s sake, [in the
year 275,] by order of the Emperor
Antiohon. Behold, now I see that
which I have desired; now I possess
At Milan, the holy Priest Aquilinus,
that for which I have hoped ; now am I
who was crowned with martyrdom,
united in Heaven to Him Whom I loved
[in the eighth century,] by being run
with my whole heart upon earth.
through the neck with a. sword by the
Verse. Grace is poured into thy
Answer. Therefore God hath At Treves, holy Valerius, Bishop of
that see, [in the first century,] a dis
blessed thee for ever.
ciple of the holy Apostle Peter.
Prayer as at First Vespers. At Bourges, holy Sulpicius Severus,
[in the year 59],] Bishop of that
MARTYROLOGY. see, famous for his graces and
On the morrow we keep the feast
of the holy Confessor Francis de Vespers of the following.
VOL. I. 2 A 2


Fourth Lesson.
St jframis In Sales, ifiishnp
[of Gaming] Qttmfzssur, 8111! RANCIS was born of godly and
noble parents, in the town of
Watts: at the @burtl]. Sales, from which his family take
their name of “de Sales,” [upon the
2rst day of August, in the year of
All from the Common Ofiee for a our Lord 1567.] In his childish years
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) exeept his staid and godly demeanour gave
what is otherwise given here. promise of his future sanctity. He
received a liberal education as he
grew up, and afterwards studied Philo
FIRST VESPERS. sophy and Theology at Paris. In
The first verse of the Hymn is order to the complete furnishing of
his mind, he took the degree of
Doctor of Laws, both Civil and Ecclesi
A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed astical, at Padua, with much dis
Virgin. 0 right excellent, &c., (p. tinction. He had already bound him
5 l 5-) self with a vow of perpetual virginity
at Paris, and he renewed the same in
the Holy House of Loreto. From
Prayer throughout the Oflice. this path of virtue, neither the tempta
tions of the devil nor the allurements
O GOD, Who didst will that Thy
of the world ever induced him to
Blessed Confessor and Bishop
Francis should become all things to
all men, mercifully grant unto us, Fifth Lesson.
that we being filled with the sweetness
of Thy heavenly love, may so take E refused to be made Counsellor
to ourselves his admonitions and be of the Parliament of Chambery,
succoured by his prayers, that in the for which his family had obtained for
end we may with him attain unto him patents from the Duke of Savoy,
Thine everlasting joy. Through our and determined to become a clergy
Lord JESUS Christ, Thy Son, Who man. He was appointed to the
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Provostship of the Church of Geneva,
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, and, being shortly afterwards ordained
world without end. Amen. Priest, discharged so admirably the
duties of his position, that he was sent
A Commemoration is made of St by Granier, his Bishop, to preach the
Raymond. word of God in Chablais, and other
places in the outskirts of the diocese,
Prayerfrom his Ofice. where the inhabitants had embraced
the heresy of Calvin. He joyfully
The first verse of the [{ymn is undertook this mission, in which he
altered. suffered much, being often hunted by
the Protestants to murder him, and
assailed by many calumnies and plots.
Lessons from StrzQbture according to Amid all these dangers and struggles
the Season. his constancy remained invincible, and
under the blessing and care of God he ,gation of Sacred Rites, declared him
is said to have recalled seventy-two a Doctor of the Universal Church.
thousand of these heretics to the
Faith of Christ’s Universal Church,
among whom were many distinguished
by rank and learning. Lessons from Matth. v. I 3, with the
Homily of St Hilary (p. 550.)
Sixth Lesson.
Eighth Responsory.
AFTER the death of Bishop Granier,
who had procured his appoint In the midst of the congregation,
ment as Coadjutor, he was conse &c., (p. 523.)
crated Bishop, [upon the 3rd day of
December, 1602.] In that office he MARTYROLOGY.
was truly a burning and a shining
light, showing all around a bright On the morrow we keep the feast
example of godliness, zeal for the of the holy virgin and Martyr Martina,
discipline of the Church, ardent love [third century,] of whom mention is
of peace, tenderness t0 the poor, and, made upon the Ist day of January.
indeed, of all graces. For the greater Upon the same 30th day ofJanuary,
ornament of God’s worship he estab were born into a better life—
lished a new Order of Nuns, which is At Antioch, the blessed martyr
named from the Visitation of the Hippolytus, [third century.] He was
Blessed Virgin. These nuns follow a Priest who had been led astray
the Rule of St Austin, but Francis into the Novatian schism, but by the
added thereto several additional con operation of the grace of Christ had
stitutions distinguished by wisdom, corrected himself, and had returned
prudence, and tenderness. He en into the unity of the Church, for which
lightened the Church by writings full and within which he afterwards
of heavenly teaching, and pointing out achieved a noble martyrdom. When
a safe and simple road to Christian he was asked by his people which
perfection. In the 55th year of his were the true Body, he denied the
age, while on his way from France doctrine of Novatus, and declared
to Annecy, after saying mass at Lyons that the faith which men ought to
on the Feast of St John the Evangelist, keep is the faith which the See of
he was seized with fatal illness, and Peter keepeth, and so offered his
on the next day passed from earth neck to the executioner.
to heaven, in the year of our Lord In Africa, the holy martyrs Felician,
1622. His body was carried to Philappian, and 124 others.
Annecy and honourably buried in the At Edessa, in Syria, the holy
Church of the nuns of the Visitation, martyr Barsimceus, Bishop of that
where it soon began to be distin city, who converted many Gentiles to
guished for miracles. The truth of the faith, and sent them before him
these having been proved, the Supreme to the crown, but himself followed
Pontitf, Alexander VII., enrolled his them with the palm of martyrdom
name among those of the Saints, and under the Emperor Trajan, [second
appointed for his Feast-day the 29th century.]
of January. And the Supreme Pontifi', Likewise, at Edessa, holy Barsen,
Pius IX., on the advice of the Congre— Bishop of that See, who was famous

for the grace of healing, but who on JANUARY 30.

account of his Catholic belief was
banished to the uttermost parts of St martina, Hirgtn &I’III
that country by the Arian Emperor flartgr.
Valens, and there finished his earthly
life, [in the year 379.] Semi-double.
Likewise the blessed Alexander. A llfrom the Common Ofiiee for one
He was arrested in the persecution Virgin and Martyr, (p. 567,) except
under the Emperor Decius, and died what is otherwise given here. Prayer
under the torture, [in the year 251,] throughout the Ofioe, “O God, Who
venerable for his grey hairs and amidst the wondrous, &c.”
illustrious for his repeated confession.
At Jerusalem, holy Matthias, Note. Should this Feast be ob
Patriarch of that place, [in the second served as a Double, or otherwise have
century,] of whom are narrated won First Vespers, the Hymn at that Ser
drous acts of faith. He suffered much vite is composed of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
for Christ’s sake under the Emperor and 7th verses of the [{ymn hereafter
Hadrian, but at length fell asleep in given jbr Mattins, and in this ease
peace. the Iivmn at Mattins begins at the
At Rome, holy Pope Felix [IV., 4th verse, (the 7th being used at both
Pope in 526, died in 530,] who lab Vespers and Mattins.)
oured much for the Catholic faith.
At Pavia, the holy Confessor MATTINS.
Armentarius, Bishop of that See, [in
the year 730.]
In the monastery of Maubeuge, in 1.
Hainault, in the time of King Hear thou with joy, 0 Rome, Martina's
Dagobert, the holy Virgin Aldegundis, name,
[about the year 689.] Her praises celebrate with glad accord ;
At Milan, holy Savina, a devout Martina, high in merit, virgin blest,
And martyr of the Lord.
woman, who fell asleep in the Lord,
[in the year 311,] while she was pray 2.

ing at the graves of the holy martyrs Beauty and youth. the joys of happy home,
Nabor and Felix. Ancestral palaces, and noble birth;
At Viterbo, the holy Virgin Hyacinth All these were hers, all these for Jssu's sake
She counted nothing worth.
de' Mariscotti, [in the year 1640,] a
nun of the Third Order of St Francis, 3.
eminent for penitence and for love. Her wealth she shared among the poor of
Whose name Pope Pius VII. enrolled Christ,
with those of the saints. Content with seeking better wealth above:
Herself she gave to her immortal King,
At Seeond Vespers; Antiphon, “ 0 Too happy in His love.
right excellent, &c.” ; a Commemora
tion is made of the following, from
The agonising books, the rending scourge,
the Common Ofiiee for one Virgin and Shook not the dauntless spirit in her breast;
Martyr, (p. 567.) Prayer, “ O God, With torments rack'd, Angels her fainting
Who amidst the wondrous, &c.,” (p. flesh
Recruit with heavenly feast.
1 Translation by the late Rev. E. Caswall. (Died while the above was in proof, Jan. 2,
1878. R. 1. P.)
5. of God they would not touch her, and
In vain they cast her to the ravening she was then thrown upon a burning
beasts; pile, but still remained alive.
Calm at her feet the lion crouches down:
Till smitten by the sword at length she goes
To her immortal crown. Fifth Lesson.

6. OME of her tormentors were so

moved by the spectacle, that
Now with the Saints Martina reigns in
they repented, and, by the grace of
And, where Idolatry sate throned of yore, God confessing the faith of Christ,
From her victorious altar praise and prayer through which she remained constant,
With odorous incense soar. were themselves tortured and behead
ed. Martina herself lay praying, with
7. a brightness on her face, while a
Expel false worldly joys; and fill us, Lord, matter like milk oozed from her body
With thine enlightening beam divine; along with the blood, emitting a soft,
Who with Thy suffering martyrs present art, sweet smell. She was as it were
The Godhead, One and Trine. Amen. unconscious of an earthquake and
most violent thunderstorm which arose
FIRST NOCTURN. and was raging, and while the light
ning struck temples, and melted statues,
Lessons from Senloture aeeording to
she seemed in spirit rather to be
the Season.
seated above on a queenly throne,
praising God in heaven among the
Fourth Lesson. Sz'xth Lesson.
ARTINA was a maiden of a THE judge being infuriated at what
most illustrious Roman family, had taken place, and chiefly at
daughter of a Consul. She lost her her unbending firmness, ordered the
parents while still very young, and, head of the martyr to be cut off. At
being inflamed with Christian zeal, the moment this was done, a peal
she distributed her wealth, whereof which shook the city was heard, like
she had abundance, with great pro a voice calling her home, and so great
fusion among the poor. Under the was the consternation, that it was
Emperor Alexander, she was com made the means of conversion to
manded to sacrifice to the imaginary many idolaters. The holy body of
gods, and refused with much boldness Martina wherein she had suffered in
to commit this great wickedness. the Pontificate of Urban I. was dis
Upon this she was again and again covered in the time of Urban VIII.,1
scourged, and mangled with iron in the very old Church called after
prongs and hooks, and pieces of her, situated at the foot of the Cap
broken pottery. Her limbs were cut itoline Hill, near the Mamertine
off piece by piece with sharp swords, Prison, along with the bodies of the
and boiling tallow poured upon the holy martyrs Concordius, Epiphanius,
living trunk. Lastly she was sent to and others. The Church was then
be eaten publicly by the wild beasts altered and restored and handsomely
in the amphitheatre, but by the will decorated, and then the body was
1 Both the hymns in this Office are by him.

replaced in it, amid public rejoic Christ, and were beheaded, [in the
ings, with a solemn ceremony and fourth century.]
procession. - At Alexandria, the holy martyr
Metranus. In the time of the Em
THIRD NOCTURN. peror Decius he refused to utter un
lawful words at the command of the
Lessons from Matth. xxv. 1, with Pagans. Wherefore they bruised his
the Homily of Pope St Gregory, (p. whole body with cudgels, pierced his
571-) face and eyes with sharp reeds, and
LAUDS. continued to torture him while they
cast him out of the city, where they
blymn. stoned him to death, [in the year
PLEAD, maiden, for thy native land, 249d
Plead for thy Mother Church of Rome, There, likewise, the holy martyrs
Plead for each Christian State that shields Saturninus, Thyrsus, and Victor.
The brightness of the Christian home. In the same city, the holy martyrs
Tharsicius, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and their
From them let warfare roll to where
Justice and vengeance have a work— Companions.
Let war, with all its horrors rife, At Cyzicus, on the Hellespont, the
Crush the foul empire of the Turk. holy martyr Triphenes, who overcame
divers torments, and then gained the
Their fellow-Christians to set free palm of martyrdom by being killed by
Let all men Christian draw the sword—
a bull.
However divers, one in this,
The love of Christ, their common Lord. At Modena, holy Geminian, [after
the year 390,] Bishop of that see,
Rome calls upon thee that the prayers, famous for miracles.
Not rising from one shore alone, In the province of Milan, in the
May from thine odour-phial float time of the Emperor Theodosius,
Toward the Everlasting Throne.
[fifth century,] the holy Confessor
Borne on the eternal breeze of praise Julius the Priest.
That from the Blessed myriads swells At Rome, [in the year 410,] the
To Him Who, circled by the Saints, holy widow Marcella, whose excel
In holiness unuttered dwells. Amen. lences have been written by blessed
Prayer throughout the day. 0 God,
At Rome, likewise, the blessed
Who amidst the wondrous, &c., (p.
widow Louisa Albertoni, [in the year
573-) 1530,] of the 3rd Order of St Francis,
MARTYROLOGY. illustrious for her graces.
Upon the same day is commemor
On the morrow we keep the feast
ated the translation of the holy Evan
of the holy Confessor Peter Nolasco,
gelist Mark, when [in the year 831]
founder of the Order of Blessed Mary
his sacred body was taken from
of Ransom, for the redemption of cap
Alexandria, in Egypt, already occu
tives, who fell asleep in the Lord upon
pied by the Mohammedans, and
Christmas Eve.
brought to Venice, where it is honour.
Upon the same 3lst day of January,
ably buried in the great cathedral
were born into a better life—
church consecrated in his name.
At Rome, upon the way to Porto,
the holy martyrs Cyrus and John, who Vespers are of the following from
suffered many torments for confessing the Chapter inclusive.

JANUARY 31. 1189,] and is chiefly distinguished for

his great love toward his neighbour.
St 152m Nolasco, Glionfessur. It was considered a foreshadowing of
Double. this virtue, that when he was a little
child in his cradle, a swarm of bees
All from the Common Ofice for a settled on his right hand, and began
Conflssor not a Bishop, (1). 531,) except to make an honey-comb there. He
what is otherwise given here. lost his parents while still young, and
in consequence of his horror of the
FIRST VESPERS. Albigensian heresy, with which France
Prayer throughout the Ofice. was then plagued, he sold his property
there and emigrated to Spain. Here
O GOD, Who hast commended Thy he first discharged a vow which he
love toward us, in that while we had made at the sanctuary of the
were yet sinners, Thou didst die for Blessed Virgin of Monserrat, and
us, that Thou mightest redeem us afterwards went to Barcelona. Here
from the hand of the enemy; and he was so affected by the miserable
Who didst raise up Thy holy servant state of the Christians who were in
Peter (in imitation of that Thy so slavery to the Moors, that he expended
great love for their souls) to redeem his whole fortune in ransoming as
the bodies also of Thy servants from many of them as possible, and used
the hand of the enemies of Thy Cross, to say that he wished he could be
and to that end, didst choose him for sold himself to ransom more, or could
a mean whereby Thou hast given unto himself change places with them.
Thy Church a new family of sons;
mercifully grant unto us, at his peti
tion, that we may be delivered from Fifth Lesson.
the bondage of our sins, and may
IT came to pass that God showed
one day together with him rejoice in
how agreeable to Him was the
perfect liberty in our very Fatherland,
charitable zeal of Peter. One night
which is in heaven: Who livest and
when he was praying, and his mind
reignest with God the Father, in the
was much exercised on the means
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
of succouring the enslaved Christians,
world without end. Amen.
the Blessed Virgin appeared to him
A Commemoration is made of St in a vision, and gave him to under
Martina. Prayer as in her Oflice. stand that it would be most pleasing
to her Son and herself, if he would
MATTINS. found in her honour an order of re
ligious men, whose chief duty it should
FIRST NOCTURN. be to effect the redemption of Christ
Lessons from Scrioture according to ian bondsmen out of the hand of the
the Season. unbelievers. In conformity to this
revelation, which had likewise on the
SECOND NOCTURN. same night been made to St Ray
mond de Pegnafort and King James
Fourth Lesson.
I. of Aragon, he founded the Re
ETER Nolasco was born of noble ligious Order of the Blessed Mary
parents at Recaudun near Car of Ransom, for the redemption of
cassonne in France [about the year captives. The members of this order

add a fourth vow to the three essen MARTYROLOGY.

tial ones of Poverty, Chastity, and
Upon the 1st day of February,
Obedience, namely, that they will were born into the better life—
be ready if need be to remain as
The holy martyr Ignatius, who
hostages in the hand of the unbe ruled the church of Antioch as the
lievers for the liberation of others. third Bishop of that See in succes
sion to the blessed Apostle Peter.
Sixth Lesson. In the persecution under the Em
peror Trajan he was condemned to
FTER he took the vow of vir be killed by wild beasts, and was
ginity he remained with his sent to Rome in chains by command
purity quite unsullied all his life, of the emperor. There, in the pres
and was at the same time a bright ence of the Senate, he was first put
pattern of long-suffering, lowliness, to most grievous torments and then
temperance, and other virtues. God thrown to lions, the which throttled
was pleased to adorn him with the him with their teeth, and so he was
gift of Prophecy, whereby he fore made Christ’s offering, [in the year
told things to come. Among others, 107.]
he prophesied to King James that At Smyrna, the holy martyr Pion
he would take the city of Valencia ius. He was a Priest who had writ
from the Moors, which he after ten much controversial matter on
wards did. He was refreshed by behalf of the Christian faith. After
frequent apparitions of his Guardian suffering a foul imprisonment, dur
Angel and of the Virgin Mother of ing the which he strengthened many
God. He had lived to a great age, brethren by his exhortations to the
when being quite worn out, and fall enduring of martyrdom, he was put
ing into a grievous sickness, he per to many tortures and nailed upon a
ceived that his end was at hand. pyre, where he obtained a blessed
He then received the holy Sacra end by being burnt for Christ’s
ments, and, gathering his brethren sake. And with him suffered fifteen
around him, exhorted them for the others, [in the year 251.]
last time to show pity to slaves. At Ravenna, holy Severus, [in the
After this he began to repeat with year 389,] Bishop of that city, to
great emotion the cx. Psalm, “I will the which place he was chosen, on
praise Thee, O LORD, with my whole account of his extraordinary merits,
heart,” and when he had uttered the through a miraculous sign in the
words “He sent redemption unto form of a dove.
His people,” he resigned his soul At Tron, in Gaul, [in the fifth cen
to God. This happened at mid tury,] holy Paul, Bishop of that see,
night between the 23rd and 24th whose life shone with grace, and the
of December, 1256. Alexander VII. preciousness of whose death is attested
ordered that his feast should be by miracles.
celebrated on the 31st of January. Upon the same day, holy Ephrem,
Deacon of the church of Edessa, who
after much work for the faith of
Christ fell asleep in the Lord, emi
Lessons from Luke xii. 32, with nent for holiness and teaching, in
the Homily of the Venerable Bede, the time of the Emperor Valens,
(fi- 544-) [in the year 378.]
In Ireland, [in the year 523,] the SECOND NOCTURN.
holy Virgin Brigid. At the moment
that she bowed down her head to re Fourth Lesson.
ceive the hallowed veil, she chanced The Lesson is taken from the Book
to touch the wooden steps of the on Ecclesiastical Writers, com
altar with her hand, and in witness posed by St Jerome, Priest [at
to her virginity the dry wood at Bethlehem]
once became green.
At Florence, in Tuscany, the blessed IGNATIUS was the third Bishop
Virgin Veridiana, recluse, of the Order of Antioch after the Apostle
of Vallombrosa, [Castel Florentin, Peter. When Trajan stirred up his
1242.] persecution, he was condemned to
be devoured by wild beasts, and
Second Vespers are of the following, sent to Rome in chains. When
from the Chapter, inclusive. Prayer, on his journey thither he arrived
“ Mercifully consider our weakness,” at Smyrna, where Polycarp, the
&c., (p. 491.) A Commemoration is disciple of John, was Bishop, he
made of the preceding. wrote an Epistle to the Ephesians,
another to the Magnesians, a third
to the Trallians, and a fourth to
the Romans: and after leaving
FEAST DAYS IN FEBRUARY. Smyrna, he addressed a further
Upon the first day not occupied by Epistle to the Philadelphians, and
an Ofiice of Nine Lessons, is said the another to the Smyrnians, along
Ojice q“ the Dead. with a private Epistle to Polycarp,
to whose care be commended the
Church of Antioch. In this last
he quoteth a passage regarding the
.St llgnattus, Bishop [of $11 Person of Christ from the Gospel,
which I have recently translated.
tiudJ,] fiadgr.
Douhle. Fzfth Lesson.

Allfrom the Common Oflice for one IT is fitting that, as we have

Martyr, (p. 482,) except what is other made mention of a man of
wise given here. so much importance, we should
also note briefly the Epistle which
Prayer throughout the Ofiice, “ Mer he addressed to the Romans. “I
cifully consider our weakness,” &c., am on my way,” saith he, “from
(e. 491-) Syria to Rome, and am already
First Vespers as regards St [gna fighting with beasts on sea and on
tius hegin with the Chapter. A land all the way. I may say I
Commemoration is made of the pre am chained day and night to ten
ceding Prayer from his Ofiice. leopards, for indeed the soldiers,
who have charge of me, are no
MATTINS. better. The more courteous I am
to them, the worse they use me.
But still their wickedness is good
Lessons from Scrioture according schooling for me, though I know
to the Season. that my mere sufferings cannot in

themselves gain me justification. I wheat fall into the ground and die,
earnestly wish for the beasts which it abideth alone. And so on.
are to devour me; at any rate, I
pray they may put me out of pain Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
quickly, and fly on me willingly, that Hippo.] (Tract 51 on john.)
I be not like some other Martyrs,
whose bodies the animals have refused The Lord JESUS was Himself a
to touch. If I find that they will not corn of wheat that was to die and
come on, I will run at them as quick bring forth much fruit; to die by
as I can, to make them devour me. the unbelief of the Jews, and to
Let me be, my little children: I bring forth much fruit in the faith
know what is good for me.” of the Gentiles. He, exhorting men
to follow His steps, saith: “He
Sixth Lesson. that loveth his life shall lose it.”
Now, these words may be under
“I FEEL now that I am begin stood in two ways. First: “he
ning to be Christ’s disciple; that loveth his life shall lose it,”
I desire none of those things which that is, “If thou love life, thou wilt
are seen, if so be I may find Christ lose it; if thou wilt live for ever
JESUS. I care not that there come in Christ, refuse not to die for
upon me fire, or cross, or wild Christ.” Or secondly: “he that
beasts, or breaking of my bones, loveth his life shall lose it; love
or sundering of my members, or not then that which thou shalt lose;
destruction of my whole body, yea, love not this present life, so that
or all the torments of the devil, thou be thereby in jeopardy of losing
if only so be I may win Christ.” life eternal.”
When he was brought condemned
to the theatre, and heard the roar
ing of the beasts which were to Ezghth Lesson
devour him, he felt so strong an
eagerness to suffer, that he cried HAT this second interpretation
out: “I am Christ’s wheat, and so is the meaning of the Gospel,
let the beasts’ teeth be my mill, appeareth most probably from the
that I may be ground, and be words which follow: “And he that
found to make good bread.” He hateth his life in this world, shall
suffered in the eleventh year of keep it unto life eternal.” From
Trajan. What was left of his which we may suppose the sense
body lieth at Antioch, in the grave of the first words to be: “He that
yard outside the gate which leadeth loveth his life in this world shall
toward Daphne. lose it unto life eternal.” This is
a great and marvellous saying, show
ing how a man may so love life
as to lose life, and so hate life as
Se'z/enth Lesson. to keep life. If thou love it too
well, then dost thou hate it: if thou
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
hate it with an holy hatred, then
Gospel according to John (xii. 24.)
dost thou love it. Blessed are they
T that time: Jesus said unto that, lest they should so love it
His disciples: Amen, Amen, as to lose it, so hate it as to
I say unto you, Except a corn of keep it.
Ninth Lesson. My Father, inherit the kingdom which
BEWARE lest thou take these words is prepared for you from the founda
tion of the world,” whereupon he be
—“He that hateth his life in
this world shall keep it unto life lieved, and was baptized, and was
eternal "—as some do, for an approval afterwards put to death confessing the
of suicide. Some evil and perverse Lord.
men, bloody and guilty murderers of Likewise at Rome, the holy martyrs
themselves, do indeed throw them Fortunatus, Felician, Firmus, and
selves into the fire, drown themselves Candidus.
in water, and cast themselves down At Czesarea, in Palestine, [in the
precipices, and so perish. This is first century,] the holy centurion Cor
not the teaching of Christ, Who, when nelius, who was baptized by the holy
the devil would have Him cast Him Apostle St Peter, and by him also
self down from an high place, an raised to be Bishop in that city.
swered: “ Get thee behind Me, Satan. At Orleans, holy Flosculus, [about
It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the the year 500], Bishop of that see.
Lord thy God.” (Matth. iv. 5-7.) At Canterbury, in England, holy
Who also said to Peter, signifying by Laurence, [in the year 619,] Arch
what death he should glorify God: bishop of that see, which he governed
“ When thou wast young thou girdedst in succession to holy Augustin, and
thyself and walkedst whither thou converted king Ethelbert himself to
wouldest ; but when thou shalt be old, the faith. We keep his feast upon the
another shall gird thee, and carry morrow after.
thee whither thou wouldest not.” (John At Prato, in Tuscany, the holy
xxi. 18.) From which it is evident Florentine Virgin Katherine di Ricci,
that he that would follow Christ’s foot of the Order of Friars Preachers,
steps, must be slain, not by himself, eminent for the abundance of her
but by another. gifts from heaven, whose name the
Supreme Pontiff Bendict XIV. enrolled
Prayer throughout the day as at among those of holy virgins.
First Vespers. Vespers of the following.


The morrow is the feast of the Puri

fication of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Qtanhlemas Bag.
which by the Greeks is called the
Hypapante—that is, the Presentation iBurificatiun of the 36125521!
of the Lord. Ftrgin fiery.
Upon the same 2nd day of February,
Double of the Second Class.
were born into the better life—
At Rome, upon the Salarian Way, Note. Should the 2nd February be
[in the fourth century,] the holy martyr a privileged Sunday, the Ofliee jbr
Apronian. He was a notary, who, Candlemas Day is transferred to the
while he was a Gentile, was leading Monday, any other Feast of less or
the holy Licinius out of prison to eoual ran/e being transferred. Should
present him before the Prefect Laodi there be a double of the First Class on
cius, when he heard a voice from the Monday, the Candlemas Ofliee is
heaven saying, “Come, ye blessed of transferred on.

All from the Common Ofiice for thou shalt set apart unto the LORD
Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, (p. 5 52,) all that openeth the matrix, and every
except what is otherwise given here. firstling that cometh of a beast which
thou hast; the males shall be the
LORD’s. The firstling of an ass thou
shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou
Antiphons from the Lands of New wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt
Year’s Day, (,0. 315.) break his neck. And all the first
Chapter and Prayer from Lauds. born of man among thy children shalt
thou redeem.
Verse. It was revealed unto Simeon
by the Holy Ghost.
Answer. That he should not see First Responsory.
death before he had seen the Lord’s Make ready thy chamber, 0 Zion,
Christ. to receive Christ thy King, even that
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed Child Whom a Virgin bore, and re
Virgin. The old man held his Lord mained a Virgin as before: the fruit
in his arms in the form of a little of her womb and the God of her
child, but the Child was the old man’s souL
King: even that Child whom a virgin Verse. Simeon took the Child up
bore, and remained a virgin as before: in his arms, and blessed God.
the fruit of her womb, and the God of Answer. Even that Child Whom
her soul. a Virgin bore, and remained a Virgin
as before: the fruit of her womb and
A Commemoration is made of the the God of her soul.
MATTINS. Second Lesson.

Invitatory. Behold, the Lord the The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Ruler cometh unto His holy temple : * Leviticus (xii. I.)
Rejoice and be glad, O Zion! go forth THE LORD spake unto Moses, say
to meet thy God! ing: Speak unto the children of
Israel, saying: If a woman hath con‘
FIRST NOCTURN. ceived seed and borne a man child,
then she shall be unclean seven days,
First Lesson. according to the days of the separation
The Lesson is taken from the Book of for her infirmity shall she be unclean.
Exodus (xiii. I.) - And the eighth day shall the child
be circumcised: and she shall then
HE LORD spake unto Moses, say continue in the blood of her purifying
ing, Sanctify unto Me all the three and thirty days. She shall
first-born ; whatsoever openeth the touch no hallowed thing, nor come
womb among the children of Israel, into the Sanctuary, until the days of
both of man and of beast: it is Mine. her purifying be fulfilled. But if she
And Moses said unto the people: (I I) bear a maid child, then she shall be
It shall be when the LORD shall bring unclean two weeks, as in her separa
thee into the land of the Chanaanites, tion, and she shall continue in the
as He sware unto thee and to thy blood of her purifying three score and
fathers and shall give it thee, that six days.

Second Responsory. Answer. As it is written in the law

of the Lord.
When the days of Mary’s purification Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
according to the law of Moses were to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
accomplished, they brought JESUS to Answer. As it is written in the
Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord ; law of the Lord.
as it is written in the law of the Lord:
Every male that openeth the womb
shall be called holy unto the Lord.
Verse. They offered for Him unto Fourth Lesson.
the Lord a pair of turtle-doves or two
young pigeons. The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Answer. As it is written in the law of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo]
of the Lord: Every male that openeth (13th on the Season.)
the womb shall be called holy unto
F old time it was written: “And
the Lord.
of Zion shall it not be said:
Third Lesson. This and that man was born in her,
and the Highest Himself shall establish
AND when the days of her purifica her?” Blessed be the omnipotence
tion are fulfilled, for a son or of Him That was born ! Blessed the
for a daughter, she shall bring a lamb glory of Him That came from heaven
of the first year for a bumt-ofi'ering, to earth! While yet He was borne
and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove in His Mother’s womb, He was saluted
for a sin-ofi'ering, unto the door of the by John the Baptist; He was
tabernacle of the testimony, unto the presented in the temple, and re
priest, who shall ofi'er it before the cognised by that famous, antient, and
LORD, and make an atonement for glorious worthy, the old man Simeon.
her, and she shall be cleansed from the As soon as he knew Him he wor
issue of her blood. This is the law shipped Him, and said: “Lord, now
for her that hath borne a male or a lettest Thou Thy servant depart in
female. And if her hand find it not, peace—for mine eyes have seen Thy
or she be not able to bring a lamb, Salvation.”
she shall take two turtles, or two
young pigeons, the one for the burnt
Fourth Responsory.
ofi'ering, and the other for a sin-ofi‘er
ing; and the priest shall make an Simeon was just and devout, wait
atonement for her, and she shall be ing for the redemption of Israel; and
clean. the Holy Ghost was upon him.
Verse. It was revealed unto him
Third Responsory.
by the Holy Ghost, that he should not
They offered for Him unto the Lord see death, before he had seen the
a pair of turtle-doves, or two young Lord’s Christ.
pigeons; as it is written in the law of Answer. And the Holy Ghost was
the Lord. upon him.
Verse. And when the days of
Fifth Lesson.
Mary’s purification according to the
law of Moses were accomplished, they HE lingered in the world to see
brought Him to Jerusalem, to present the birth of Him Who made
Him to the Lord. the world. The old man knew the

Child, and in that Child became a Creator of flesh and spirit would come
child himself, for in the love where in the flesh: the unborn John, yet in
with he regarded the Father of all, the womb, hath saluted the unborn
he felt his own years to be but as Saviour yet in the womb. The old
of yesterday. The old man Simeon man Simeon hath seen God a little
bore the new-born Christ, and all the Child.
while, Christ was the old man’s Lord. Sixth Responsory.
It had been told him by the Lord
that he should not taste of death be When His parents brought the
fore he had seen the birth of the Child JESUS into the temple, to do
Lord’s Christ. Now Christ is born, for Him after the custom of the law,
and all the old man’s wishes on earth Simeon took Him up in his arms,
are fulfilled. He That came to a and blessed God, and said: Lord,
decrepit world came to an old man. now lettest Thou Thy servant depart
in peace.
Fifth Responsory. Verse. Simeon took up the Child
in his arms, and cried out, and said :
It was revealed unto Simeon by the Answer. Lord, now lettest Thou
Holy Ghost that he should not see Thy servant depart in peace.
death before he had seen the Lord’s Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Christ; and he blessed God, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
said: Lord, now lettest Thou Thy Answer. Lord, now lettest Thou
servant depart in peace, for mine eyes Thy servant depart in peace.
have seen Thy salvation.
Verse. When His parents brought
in the Child JESUS, to do for Him
after the custom of the law: then Seventh Lesson.
took he Him up in his arms.
Answer. And blessed God, and The Lesson is taken from the Holy Gos
said: Lord, now lettest Thou Thy pel according to Luke (ii. 22.)
servant depart in peace, for mine eyes
T that time: When the days of
have seen Thy salvation.
Mary’s purification, according to
the law of Moses, were accomplished,
Sixth Lesson. they brought JESUS to Jerusalem, to
HE wished not to remain long in present Him to the Lord, as it is
the world, but he longed to written in the law of the Lord. And
see Christ in the world, singing with so on.
the Prophet, and saying: “Shew us
Homily on this passage by St Am
Thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us brose, Bishop [of Milan.] (Bk. 2,
Thy salvation.” (Ps. lxxxiv. 8.) And
Comm. on Lake ii.)
now at last, that ye may know that
the cause of his joy was that this “And, behold, there was a man in
prayer was granted, he saith : “ Now Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon,
lettest Thou Thy servant depart in and the same man was just and
peace, for mine eyes have seen Thy devout, waiting for the consolation of
salvation.” The Prophets have sung Israel.” The birth of the Lord is
that the Maker of heaven and earth attested not only by Angels and
would converse on earth with men: Prophets, and shepherds, but also by
an angel hath declared that the elders and just men. Every age, and
both sexes, as well as the miracles into the world, she fell down and
of the events themselves, are here to worshipped Him.
strengthen our faith. A virgin con Verse. Simeon took the Child up
ceiveth, a barren woman beareth, a in his arms, and gave thanks, and
dumb man speaketh, Elizabeth pro blessed the Lord.
phesieth, the wise man worshippeth, Answer. Even that Child Whom a
the unborn child leapeth, the widow virgin bore, and remained a virgin as
praiseth, and the just man waiteth. before; and when that virgin had
brought Him into the world, she fell
Seventh Responsory. down and worshipped Him.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Simeon took JESUS up in his arms, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
and cried out, and said: Verily Thou Answer. Even that Child Whom a
art a light to lighten the Gentiles, and virgin bore, and remained a virgin as
the Glory of Thy people Israel. before; and when that virgin had
Verse. When His parents brought brought Him into the world, she fell
in the Child JESUS, then took he Him down and worshipped Him.
up in his arms, and blessed God, and
said :
Ninth Lesson.
Answer. Verily Thou art a light
to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory HOSOEVER will be dissolved
of Thy people Israel. and be with Christ, let him
come into the Temple, let him come
Eighth Lesson. to Jerusalem, let him wait for the
Lord’s Christ, let him take hold on
WELL is he called just, who looked the Word of God, let him embrace
not for favour for himself, but it with good works, as it were with
for consolation for his people. He arms of faith: and then let him depart
desired to be set free from the bond in peace, for he shall not see death,
age of this frail body, but he waited who hath seen life. Behold how
to see the Promised One—for he knew the Lord’s Birth doth overflow with
that blessed are the eyes that see abounding grace for all, and prophecy
Him. “Then took he Him up in is not denied to the just, but to the
his arms, and blessed God, and said: unbelieving. Behold, Simeon prophesi
Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant eth that the Lord Jesus Christ is
depart in peace, according to Thy come for the fall and rising again of
word.” Behold a just man, confined many: yea, He shall separate the just
in the weary prison of the body, de from the unjust by their deserts, and
siring to be dissolved and to begin according as our work shall be, so
to be with Christ. For to be dissolved shall the true and righteous Judge
and to be with Christ is much better. command us to be punished or
(Phil. i. 23.) rewarded.

Eighth Responsory. The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O

God, &c.," is said.
The old man bore the Child, but
the Child was the old man’s King; LAUDS.
even that Child Whom a virgin bore,
and remained a virgin as before; and First Antiphon. Simeon was just *
when that virgin had brought Him and devout, waiting for the consol

ation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost In the Short Responsory, “ Thou
was upon him. That wast born of the Virgin Mary.”
Second Antiphon. It was revealed
unto Simeon * by the Holy Ghost that
he should not see death before he had
seen the Lord. On the morrow we keep in_England
Third Antiohon. Simeon took * the feastof the holy Confessor Laurence,
the Child up in his arms, and gave Archbishop of Canterbury, who
thanks, and blessed the Lord. governed that church in succession
Fourth Antiphon. A light to lighten to holy Augustin, and who converted
the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy King Ethelbert himself to the faith,
people Israel. of whom mention is made as upon this
Fifth Antiphon. They offered for day.
Him * unto the Lord, a pair of turtle Upon the same 3rd day of February,
doves, or two young pigeons. were born into the better life——
At Sebaste, in Armenia, the holy
Chapter. (Mal. iii. 1.) martyr Blase, [about the year 316,]
Bishop of that city, and the worker
BEHOLD, I send My Angel, and of many miracles. Under the
he shall prepare the way before President Agricolaus he was long
Me. And the LORD, Whom ye seek, flogged, then hung to a beam, where
shall suddenly come to His holy his flesh was rent with iron combs,
temple, even the Angel of the Cove then he suffered a foul imprisonment,
nant Whom ye delight in. after which he was cast into the lake,
A ntzfihon at the Song of Zacharias. and, forasmuch as he came out thence
When His parents brought in the unhurt, he was beheaded, by order of
Child JESUS, then took Simeon Him the same judge, along with two lads.
up in his arms, and blessed God, and Before him seven women, who were
said: Now lettest Thou Thy servant collecting the drops of his blood as
depart in peace. they fell during the torture, were ar
rested for being Christians, and after
Prayer throughout the Ofice. being grievously tormented were put
to the sword.
ALMIGHTY and everliving God, InAfrica, the holy Deacon Celerinus,
we humbly beseech Thy Majesty, who was kept nineteen days in prison,
that as Thy Only-begotten Son was and was a glorious confessor of Christ
this day presented in the temple in under the lash, and in iron chains and
substance of our flesh, so we may be other sufferings, and while he over
presented unto Thee with pure and came the adversary of his contending
clean hearts. Through the same our by his invincible firmness, he led the
Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, \Vho way for victories for others, [in the
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the year 280.]
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Likewise the holy martyrs Lauren
world without end. Amen. tinus, [these martyrs mentioned by
Cyprian, Letter 34,] and Ignatius, his
father’s and mother’s brothers, and
Celerina his grandmother, who had
Antifhon. Simeon was just, * &c., before him been crowned with martyr
(First Antiphon at Lauds.) dom, to the glorious praises of all whom
there remaineth to witness an epistle SECOND VESPERS.
of blessed Cyprian.
Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs A ntiphons from Lauds.
Felix, Symphronius, Hippolytus, and All the rest as at First Vespers, ex
their Companions, [in the year 270.] cept the
In the town of Gap, [in the second
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
century,] the holy Bishops Tigides and
Virgin. This day did the Blessed
Virgin Mary present the Child JESUS
At Lyons, [about the year 486,] in the temple; and Simeon, filled
holy Lupicinus and Felix, Bishops of
with the Holy Ghost, took Him up
that see.
in his arms, and blessed God for
On the same day, [in the year 865,]
holy Anschar, Bishop of Bremen, who
brought the Swedes and the Danes to A Commemoration is made of the
believe in Christ. following from the Common Ofice for
a Bishop and Confessor, ([5. 51 5,) with
Chapter at the end. (Mal. iii. 4.) the Prayer, “ Hear, O Lord, &c.,” (p.
524 ;) then of St Blase, from the
THEN shall the ofl'ering of Judah Common Ofice of One Martyr, (p. 594,)
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto with the Prayer, “0 God, Who year
the LORD, as in the days of old, and by year, &c.,” (p. 491.)
as in former years, saith the Lord

A ntiphon. It was revealed, &c., St itaurmtz, archbishop of

(Second A ntiphon at Lauds.)
Qrauttrhurg, Qtunftssur.
Chapterfrom Lauds.
SI-IXT. All from the Common Oflice for One
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) except
Antiphon. Simeon took, * &c., what is otherwise given here. Prayer
(Third A ntiohon at Lauds.)
throughout, “ Hear, O Lord, we be
seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
Chapter. (Mal. iii. 2.)
BEHOLD, He shall come, saith the FIRST NOCTURN.
LORD of hosts: but who shall
be able to abide the day of His Lesson from Scribture according to
coming? and who shall stand to see the Season.
Him? For He is like the fiery blast
of a furnace, and like fuller’s soap. SECOND NOCTURN.

Fourth Lesson.

Antiphon. They offered for Him, * THIS Laurence was a Roman, and
a disciple of St Gregory the
&c., (Fifth Antzlohon at Lauds.)
Great, by whom he was sent into
Chapter as at the end of Prime. England, along with blessed Augustin,

to preach the Gospel. Along with fulness as a shepherd to the nations

Augustin he gave himself to prayer of the old inhabitants of Britain
and preaching, and by the holiness and of the Scots who dwelt in Ire
of his life and manner, and by his land, to bring them to the due and
miracles, he converted to Christ King canonical observance of the feast of
Ethelbert and a great part of his Easter, and to conformity of life and
people. After Augustin was made manners with the church rules in all
Archbishop of Canterbury he sent other matters.
Laurence to Rome to give blessed
Gregory news as to the state of the
Sixth Lesson.
new-born Church of England, and to
obtain fresh supplies from him. He AFTER the death of holy king
returned in a short space, bringing Ethelbert, his son and successor,
with him the answers of the Supreme Eadbald, not only refused to embrace
Pontiff to the questions of Blessed the Christian faith, but also contracted
Augustin, holy vessels, books, vest an incestuous marriage with his own
ments, relics of the holy Apostles stepmother, and many thence took
and martyrs, and divers fellow-workers occasion either to renounce the
and ministers of the Word, among faith which they had already re
whom the first and chief were those ceived or to become unstable therein.
men of eminent holiness, Mellitus, Laurence took council with his fellow~
Justus, Paulinus, and Rufinian, of bishops and thought to abandon Eng
whom Mellitus was afterwards made land, but the blessed Prince of the
first Bishop of London, Justus of Apostles appeared to him in a dream
Rochester, Paulinus of York, and and corrected him; and he so took
Rufinian Abbot of the Monastery of to heart his words and stripes that he
the holy Apostles Peter and Paul out not only remained at his own church,
side the walls of Canterbury. but also brought the king to the faith,
and to a life meet for the faith. From
that time forward Laurence enjoyed
Fifth Lesson.
great peace, and after he had
HEN the blessed Augustine ministered to the church of Canter
found himself drawing nigh to bury for about fifteen years, he entered
the kingdom of Heaven he ordained the kingdom of heaven in the year
Laurence as his successor, lest upon 619, upon the 2nd day of Febmary,
his death the church in her tender upon the which day mention is made
state should suffer if she were left of him in the Roman Martyrology.
without the care of a shepherd. As He was buried beside his predecessor,
soon as Laurence entered upon the in the porch of the church of the
Archbishoprick he made it his care Monastery of the holy Apostles Peter
to strengthen with all his power the and Paul, and Mellitus succeeded to
foundations of the church which he him.
saw so nobly laid, and by frequent ex THIRD NOCTURN.
hortation and constant ensample of
godly labour to carry on the structure Lessons from Matth. xxiv. 42, with
to the height behoven. He bore not the Homily of St Hilary, (p. 527.)"
the care only of the new church which The last lesson is read along with
had been formed out of the English, the Eighth in order to make room
but was heedful to extend his watch for the

[Vinth Lesson. (For St Blase.) At Rome, the holy martyr Eutych

ius, who gained an illustrious martyr
THIS Blase was chosen Bishop of dom and is buried in the cemetery
the city of Sebaste in Armenia, of Callistus. Holy Pope Damasus
in which place he enjoyed a great re adorned his grave with some verses.
putation for virtue. When Diocletian At Fossambrono, the holy martyrs
began to make the Christians the ob Aquilinus, Geminus, Gelasius, Magnus,
jects of his insatiable cruelty, the
and Donatus.
Saint hid himself in a cave on Mount At Thmuis, in Egypt, [about the
Argzzus, where he lay till he was year 308,] the blessed martyr Philaeas,
found by some of the soldiers of Bishop of that city, and Philoromus,
Agricolaus the President, who were Tribune of the troops, who in the
out hunting. He was brought before persecution under the Emperor
the President, who commanded him Diocletian could not be persuaded by
to be thrown into irons. While he their kinsfolk and friends to have pity
was in prison, Blase healed many of on themselves, but stretched forth
the sick, who were brought to him their necks and won palm branches of
on account of his reputation of saint victory from the Lord’s hand; and a
liness, and among others a boy who countless multitude of the faithful of
had been despaired of by the the same city, following after the en
physicians, and who was at the point sample of their shepherd, were like
of death, from a thorn which had be wise crowned with martyrdom.
come fixed in his throat. Blase ap On the same day, [in the year 888,]
peared twice before the President, but holy Rembert, Bishop of Bremen.
neither cajolements nor threats could At Troyes, the holy Confessor Aven
induce him to sacrifice to the gods. tinus, [about the year 538.]
He was first beaten with rods, and At Pelusium, in Egypt, the holy
afterwards put on the rack, where his monk Isidore, [monk in desert of
flesh was mangled with iron combs. Lychnos, about the year 449,] eminent
At last his head was cut ofl", whereby for his merits and teaching.
he finished a noble testimony to the On the same day, the holy Con
faith which is in Christ our Lord. fessor Gilbert, [in the year 1190,]
He bore witness on the 3rd day of founder of the Order of Sempringham,
February, [in the year of salvation whose feast we keep upon the 11th
316.] day of this present month of Feb
At Lauri; a Commemoration is made ruary.
In the town of Amatrice, in the
of St Blase from the Common Oflite,
diocese of Reate, [in the year 1612,]
(p. 490,) with the Prayer, “ O God,
the holy Confessor Joseph of Leon
Who year by year, &c.,” (p. 491.)
issa, of the Order of Friars Minors
Capuchins, who suffered much from
MARTYROLOGY. the Mohammedans for his preaching
of the faith, and was famous for his
On the morrow we keep the feast
apostolic labours and his miracles;
of the holy Confessor Andrew Corsini,
whose name the Supreme Pontifl'
[from 1360 to 1373,] Bishop of Fiesole,
Benedict XIV. enrolled among those
of whom mention is made upon the
of the holy confessors.
6th day of January.
Upon the same 4th day of February, Vesperr are of the following, from
were born into the better life— the Chapter inclusive.

FEBRUARY 4. day nor the Feast has proper Lessons

from Scripture.
St @nhrztn Cursini, lfiisbup
[of insole] (tliunfzssur. SECOND NOCTURN.

Double. Fourth Lesson.

Allfrom the Common Ofiice fizr one HIS Andrew was born at Flor
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 51 5,) except ence, of the noble family of
what is otherwise given here. Corsini, [upon the 30th day of No
vember, in the year 1302.] His
FIRST VESPERS. birth was a special answer to prayer,
and his parents vowed him to the
Prayer throughout. Blessed Virgin.1 God fore-showed
even before his birth what he was
GOD, Who dost continually
to be. While his mother was great
raise up in Thy Church new
with child she dreamt that she
ensamples of godly living, grant
brought forth a wolf, which ran to
unto Thy people so to follow in
the Carmelite Church and was
the steps of Thy blessed Bishop changed into a lamb as soon as
and Confessor Andrew, that at the
it reached the porch. The lad was
last they may together with him
brought up in godliness and leam
attain unto Thine eternal reward.
ing becoming his rank, but turned
Through our Lord JESUS Christ
to bad courses; wherefore his mother
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
often rebuked him. Nevertheless,
with thee, in the unity of the Holy
when he knew how his parents had
Ghost, one God, world without end.
vowed him to the Maiden Mother
of God, the love of God touched
First Vespers as regards St An his heart, and the vision of his
drew begin with the Chapter. A mother moving him, he betook him
Commemoration is made of St Law self to the Institute of the Game
rence from the Common Ofiice, (p. lites. In that place the devil ex
526), with the Prayer, “Hear, O ercised him with many and divers
Lord, &c.” If it be Lent a Com temptations, but could not break
memoration must be made of the him off from his determination to
Week-day, which rule is to be profess as a friar. He was soon
invariably observed throughout that after sent to Paris, where he finished
Season. his studies at the University, and
took his degree; after which he
returned to his own country, and
FIRST NOCTURN. was set over the houses of his
order in Tuscany.
Lessons from Scripture according
to the Season. If it be in Lent, Fi/th Lesson.
then they are from the Common
Ofiz'ce, (“This is a true saying, &c.,” THE Bishop of Fiesole being
p. 516,) which rule is to be invari dead, the Church in that place
ably observed when neither the Week chose Andrew Corsini for his suc
1 Perhaps to wear white for his first seven years, in honour of her purity. Such is not an
uncommon vow in some Catholic countries.
cessor. He held himself altogether ence in the Church of his Order,
unworthy of that office, and for a and is looked on with great rever
long time lay hidden and unknown, ence by the citizens, to whom, even
till he was betrayed by the voice in these days, he hath more than
of a child marvellously speaking, once shown himself a protector.
and found outside the city. Then,
lest he should seem to resist the THIRD NOCTURN.
Will of God, he took the Bishoprick,
[in the year 1360.] Being dignified Lessons from Matth. xxv. 14, “A
with this office, he set himself to a man travelling, &c.,” with the Homily
more perfect exercise of the.virtue ofSt Gregory, (p. 522.)
of lowliness, whereof he was already
If it is in Lent the Ninth Lesson
a diligent practiser. He was emi
(“And so he that had received five
nent in watchfulness over the flock
talents, &c.,”) is either omitted or read
committed to his charge, joining
as one with the Eighth, and the 1Vinth
thereto great tenderness and liber
Lesson is of the Gospel of the Week
ality towards the poor. He con
day, 'with the Commentary upon the
tinued instant in prayer and watch
same, being either the first of the three
ing. Thus was he so adorned with
these and many other virtues, and
Lessons of the Weekday, or the whole
three read as one. This rule is inva
even with the gift of prophecy, that
riably to be observed when the Week
the fame of his holy life was in the
day has a proper Gosfiel.
mouths of all. men.
Prayer throughout the day as at
First Vespers, and at Lauds a Com
Sixth Lesson. memoration is made of the Week-day if
it be in Lent, whieh rule is invariably
URBAN V., moved by the fame to be observed.
of his godly conversation, sent
him as his Legate to quiet disturb MARTYROLOGY.
ances at Bologna. He endured
much in the discharge of this duty, Upon the 5th day of February, were
calming with great wisdom the born into the better life—
angry passions of the citizens, who At Catania, in Sicily, [in the year
had broken out into civil war, and 251,] the holy Virgin and martyr
when peace was restored, he re Agatha. In the time of the Emperor
turned home. Shortly after, he re Decius, under the Judge Quinctian, she
ceived from the Blessed Virgin a endured bufi'eting and imprisonment,
warning of his approaching death, racking and torments. Her breasts
and being worn out with his un were cut oh, and she was rolled upon
ceasing toil, and the rigour of his potsherds and coals, and at last died
voluntary mortifications, he passed in prison, in prayer to God.
to the kingdom of heaven, [upon In Pontus, are commemorated very
the 6th day of January,] in the many holy martyrs in the persecution
year of our Lord 1373, and the under the Emperor Maximian, [fourth
7lst of his own age. His name century] Some had molten lead
became illustrious for many and poured upon them, some were tor
great miracles, and Urban VIII. tured by having sharp reeds thrust
enrolled him in the number of the under their nails, and were tormented
Saints. His body resteth at Flor with many most grievous sufferings,

which were renewed again and again, hut they should he all of St Agatha
and so by their illustrious passion (as jbr int-tame, in her own Church,)
earned palms and crowns from the the Antiohons are taken from Lands,
Lord. and the Psalms are as on Sundayr,
At Alexandria, the holy martyr except the last, which is Ps. cxvi., “O
Isidore, who in the persecution under praise the LORD, &c.,” (p. 186.)
the Emperor Decius was beheaded by
Numerian, chief of the army, for
Chapter and Prayer from Lauds.
Christ’s faith’s sake.
In the empire of Japan, [in the year Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
1597,] twenty-six holy martyrs, [some Virgin. The blessed Agatha stood in
Franciscans, some their pupils, and the midst of the prison, and stretched
three Jesuits—killed at Naugazaki,] forth her hands, and prayed unto the
who were crucified, and then died Lord, saying: 0 Lord JESUS Christ,
gloriously, transfixed with spears, while my Good Master, I thank Thee be
they were praising God and proclaim cause Thou hast made me to over
ing His Gospel, whose names were en come the cruelty of the executioners:
rolled among those of the saints by and now, 0 Lord, may it please Thee
the supreme Pontiff Pius IX. that I should happily attain unto Thy
At Vienne, [in Dauphiny,] the glory, which fadeth not away.
blessed Confessor Avitus, [in the year
52 5,] Bishop of that see, by whose faith, A Commemoration is made of St
labour, and wonderful teaching Gaul Andrew Corsini. Prayer as at his
was shielded against the Arian heresy. First Vespers.
At Brixen, holy Genuinus, [or In
genuinus, in the year 640,] Bishop [of MATTINS.
Siben, in the Tyrol,] and Albinus, [in
the year 1015,] Bishop [of Brixen,] Psalm: as in the Common Ofliee for
whose lives were rendered glorious by one Martyr (p. 482.)
Vespers are from the Chapter (in
clusive) of the following. First Antiphon. I am well hem,
and of a respectable family, as all my
relations testify.
FEBRUARY 5. Seeond Antiohon. The best of my
birth is, that l was born the slave of
5t ggatba, Uirgiu anti Christ.
Third Afllifl/wfl. I look like a
martyr. slave, because I am one—the slave of
Douhle. Christ.
All from the Common Oflice fora
Virgin and Martyr, (p. 567,) except Lessonsfrom Ecclus. Ii. 1, (p. 575.)
what is otherwise given here.
First Responsory.
While the blessed Agatha was being
grievously tortured in the breasts, she
These Vespers are of St Andrew said to the judge: Thou foul, cruel,
Corsini, up to the Chapter exclusive, and bloody tyrant, art thou not
ashamed to do this to me, having fire to me, Angels will bring me a
thyself sucked at a mother’s breast? saving dew from heaven.
Verse. 1 have breasts within, Third Antiohon. Agatha went to
which have been the Lord’s from my prison with great joy and exultation,
childhood, and them thou canst not like a guest to a banquet, and recom
mangle. mended her struggle to the Lord in
Answer. Thou foul, cruel, and prayer.
bloody tyrant, art thou not ashamed
to do this to me, having thyself sucked Fourth Lesson.
at a mother’s breast? THE Maiden Agatha was a Sicilian
of noble birth. The citizens of
Second Responsory. Palermo and Catania dispute as to
which city had the honour of being
Agatha went to prison with great her birthplace. It was at Catania
joy and exultation, like a guest to a that, during the persecution under the
banquet, and recommended herstruggle Emperor Decius, she won the crown
to the Lord in prayer. of a glorious martyrdom. She was
Verse. She, the daughter of a most equally celebrated for her beauty and
noble race, rejoiced when a vile person her chastity, and Quintianus, Praetor
haled her to prison. of Sicily, conceived a passion for her.
Answer. She went like a guest He tried every sort of device to over
to a banquet, and recommended her come her modesty, and when he found
struggle to the Lord in prayer. it impossible to make her consent to
his wishes, be caused her to be ar
Third Responsory. rested on a charge of Christian super
stition, and handed over to awoman
Who art thou, who comest to heal
named Aphrodisia to be corrupted.
my wounds? I am an Apostle of
The company, however, of this woman
Christ: have no fear of me, my
had no effect in shaking her con
daughter: He hath sent me to thee
stancy in the Christian worship, nor
Whom thy soul and thy pure heart
her settled determination to preserve
her purity. Aphrodisia therefore re
Verse. For I am His Apostle, and
ported to Quintianus that she was
I bid thee know that thou art healed
only throwing away her pains on
in the Name of Him.
Agatha. He ordered her to be
Answer. Whom thy soul and thy
brought before him. “Thou,” said
pure heart love.
he, “art the daughter of a noble
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
family—dost thou feel no shame in
and to the Son, and to the Holy
living the degraded and slavish life
of a Christian?” Agatha answered
Answer. Whom thy soul and thy
him, “The lowliness and bondage of
pure heart love.
a Christian are far nobler than the
estate and pride of a king.”

First Antifihon. The holy Agatha Fourth Responsory.

said: Dost thou promise me beasts?
When they hear Christ’s name they But by the Lord’s help I will con
grow tame. tinue to acknowledge Him Who hath
Second Antiohon. If thou put the saved me, and strengthened me.

Verse. I thank Thee, O my Lord Sixth Lesson.

JESUS Christ, because Thou hast sent
AT that time the whole city was
Thine Apostle unto me to heal my
shaken with a great earth
quake, and two of the Praetor’s
Answer. And strengthened me.
dearest friends, Silvinus and Fal
conius, were killed by falling
Fifth Lesson. walls. The townspeople were in
an uproar, and Quintianus, in fear
THEN the Prmtor, being incensed of a riot, ordered Agatha, who was
against her, gave her the alter half dead, to be carried back to
native of either sacrificing to the gods, prison quietly. Then she made
or being submitted to the torture; the following prayer: “0 Lord,
and as she remained firm in the faith, Who hast been my Keeper from
she was buffeted and sent back to my childhood, Who hast taken
prison. The next day she was brought from me all love for this present
forth, and, because her resolution was world, Who hast strengthened me
still unshaken, she was stretched 0n so that I am more than conqueror
the rack and tortured with pieces of over the cruelty of the executioners,
white-hot metal. Then her breasts receive my spirit,” and with these
were cut off. When Agatha received words she passed to heaven. She
this injury she cried out to Quintianus, finished her testimony on the 5th
“Cruel tyrant, art thou not ashamed day of February, [in the year of
to do this to me, having thyself sucked our Lord 251.] Her body was
at a mother’s breast?” She was re buried by the Christians.
manded again to prison and put in
irons. That night an old man, who
called himself an Apostle of Christ, Sz'xth Resfionsory.
came to her, and healed her wounds. O Lord, Thou hast seen and
The following day she was brought known how I have fought, and
for the last time before the Praetor. how I have run in the race; but,
Her constancy was unmoved, and she because I would not obey the
was rolled on sharp potsherds and magistrates, they ordered me to be
live embers. tortured in the breasts.
Verse. Because of truth, and
Fzfth Responsory meekness, and righteousness,
Answer. They ordered me to be
He hath cured me Who hath sent tortured in the breasts.
His Apostle Peter to the prison to Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
strengthen me, after I was ordered to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
to be put on the rack. Because Answer. They ordered me to be
of my chastity, help me, O Lord tortured in the breasts.
my God, for they are torturing my
Verse. He hath vouchsafed to heal
me of all my wounds, and to put new First Antiphon. Unless thou
paps on my breasts. make the executioners to handle my
Answer. Because of my chastity, body vigorously, my soul will not be
help me, O Lord my God, for they able to enter into the Lord’s para
are torturing my breasts. dise with the palm of martyrdom.
Second Antithon. O Lord, Thou and to the Son, and to the Holy
hast seen how I have fought, and Ghost.
how I have run in the race; but, Answer. By Whose Word alone
because I would not obey the all things are made.
magistrates, they ordered me to be
tortured in the breasts.
Third Antiphon. Because of my
chastity they ordered me to be First Antiphon. Who art thou*
stretched upon the rack: help me, who comest to heal my wounds?
O Lord my God, for they are tor I am an Apostle of Christ: have
turing my breasts. no fear of me, my daughter.
Ps. xv. Preserve me, O Lord, &c., Second Antiphon. I have used
no earthly medicine * for my body,
(p. 12.)
but I have for a Master Christ
Lessons from Matth. xix. 3, with JESUS, by Whose Word alone all
the Homily of St john Chrysostom, things were made.
(15- 577-) Third Antiphon. O my Lord
JESUS Christ, I thank Thee, * be
Seventh Responsory. cause Thou hast been mindful of
me, and hast sent unto me Thine
When the blessed Agatha came Apostle, to heal my wounds.
into the prison, she stretched forth Fourth Antithon. I bless Thee,
her hands to God, and said: O O Father of my Lord JESUS Christ,
Lord, Who hast made me to over because by Thine Apostle Thou hast
come the cruelty of the execu put new paps on my breasts.
tioners, may it please Thee that I Fifth Antiphon. Upon Him \Vho
should attain unto Thy mercy. hath vouchsafed * to heal me of all
Verse. 0 Lord, Who hast made my wounds, and to put new paps
me, Who hast taken from me all on my breasts, upon Him will I call,
love for this present world, and Who even upon the Living God.
hast saved my body from pollution,
Answer. May it please Thee Chapter (Ecclus. 1i. 1) flom the
that I should attain unto Thy Common Ojice for an Holy Woman,
mercy. Martyr but not Virgin, (p. 585.)

Eighth Responsory. A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias.

The heathen multitude made haste,
I have used no earthly medicine and came to the grave of the virgin,
for my body, but I have for a and took therefrom her veil wherewith
Master, Christ JESUS, by \Vhose to stem the fire ;1 that the Lord might
Word alone all things are made. show Himself to be a Deliverer from
Verse. He hath vouchsafed to heal the burning, for the sake of Agatha,
me of all my wounds, and to put new His blessed Martyr.
paps on my breasts, and upon Him
will I call, even upon the Living God. Prayer. 0 God, Who amidst the
Answer. By Whose Word alone wondrous, &c., (p. 573.)
all things are made. At Prime, Terce, Sext, and None,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, the Antiphons are taken from Lands;
1 Viz., an eruption of Mount Etna. The same veil is still carried up the mountain on similar
occasions for the same purpose.
VOL. I. 213

viz., at Prime the first, at Terce the At Bologna, [in the year 1 I 59,] holy
second, at Sext the third, and at None Guarinus, Cardinal Bishop of Pales
the fifth. The rest is from the Com trina, eminent for the holiness of his
mon Ofiice for an Holy Woman, Mar life.
tyr but not Virgin, (p. 580,) and SECOND VESPERS.
the Prayer at Terce, Sext, and None
is—“O God, Who midst wondrous, Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer
&c.,” as at Lauds. from Lauds.
Psalms as on Sundays, except the
last, which is Ps. cxlvii., “Praise the
MARTYROLOGY. LORD, 0 Jerusalem, &c.,” (p. 203.)
On the morrow we keep the feast From the Chapter, the Ofice is of
of the holy Confessor Titus, Arch St Titus, Bishop and Confessor. All
bishop of Gortyna, in Crete, of whom from the Common, (p. 515.) The
mention is made upon the 4th day first verse of the flymn is altered.
of January. Prayer, “0 God, Who didst glorify,
Upon the same 6th day of Febru &c.,” as below.
ary, were born into the better life— A Commemoration is made of St
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the Agatha. Antiphon, “The blessed
holy Virgin and martyr Dorothy, Agatha stood in the midst, &c.,”
who under Sapricius, President of (p. 746.) Then of the holy Virgin
that province, was first racked, then Martyr Dorothy. Antiphon, Verse
long scourged with palm-branches, and Answer from the Common Ofiice,
and at length put to death, [in the (p. 567,) and Prayer, “0 Lord, we
year 304.] At the sight of her pray Thee, &c.,” (p. 574.)
sufferings a certain student, named
Theophilus, was converted to Christ,
and forthwith grievously racked, and
at length beheaded.
On the same day the holy martyrs
St @Litus, gftljfiiflljflp [of QEor
Saturninus, Theophilus, and Revocata. tgna in Grate] Qtuufessor.
At Emessa, in Phoenicia, the holy
Bishop Silvan, who, when he had Double.
been forty years in rule over that All from the Common Oflice for a
church, was cast to wild beasts Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex
along with two others, under the cept the following.
Emperor Maximian, and, torn to
pieces, received the palm of martyr Prayer throughout the Oflice.
dom, [in the year 312.]
At [Clermont,] Auvergne, in Gaul, O GOD, Who didst glorify Thy
the holy martyr Antholian, [about the blessed Confessor and Bishop
year 26 5.] Titus with the graces of an Apostle,
On the same day, [in the year 540,] grant unto us for his sake and at
holy Bishop Vedastus, and [in the year his prayers, that we may so live
684,] holy Bishop Amandus, the first of soberly, righteously, and godly in
whom ruled over the Church of Arras, this present world, that hereafter we
the second the Church of Maestricht, may worthily attain unto the Father
whose lives and deaths were rendered land which is in heaven. Through
glorious by divers miracles. our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son,

Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, Fifth Lesson.

in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
God, world without end. Amen. IT was this affection of Paul toward
Titus, which had induced him to
send him to Corinth upon a Mission
MATTINS. which mainly concerned the collec
The first verse of the Hymn is tion of alms from the charity of the
altered. faithful for the relief of the poor
Hebrew Saints at Jerusalem. This
FIRST NOCTURN. mission Titus discharged with such
wisdom and gentleness, that he not
Lessons from Scripture according only strengthened the Corinthians in
to the Seasons, or, in Lent, from the the faith, but also stirred up in them
Common Ofice. an earnest desire, a mourning, a fer
vent mind toward Paul, their earliest
SECOND NOCTURN. teacher. (vii. 7.) Many were the
other journeys by land and sea
Fourth Lesson. which Titus undertook in order to
sow the seed of God’s word among
THE Apostle Paul had no sooner
men of divers nations, tongues, and
by his preaching gathered the
countries. Filled with bold loyalty
Cretans to the Sacraments and doc to the banner of the Cross, he went
trines of the Christian Faith, than
with Paul to the island of Crete.
he made Titus their Bishop. It is
Of the Church of Crete the Apostle
agreed that the holiness of Titus
himself made him the first Bishop;
shone with so bright a light before
and we may not doubt that, as such,
the infant Church, that he earned
he was what his Teacher bade him
fellowship with the disciples of the be, “in all things showing himself a
Teacher of the Gentiles. Being
pattern of good works, in doctrine,
taken to share in the work of in uncorruptness, in gravity.” (Tit.
preaching, he so endeared himself
ii. 7.)
to Paul by his faithfulness and zeal
in declaring the Gospel, that the Sfirth Lesson.
Apostle saith: “When I came to
Troas to preach Christ’s Gospel, LIKE a candle, he gave forth the
and a door was opened unto me light of faith in the midst of
of the Lord, I had no rest in my men sitting in the darkness of idolatry
spirit, because I found not Titus and falsehood, as in the shadow of
my brother: but taking my leave death. He is said to have sweated
of them, I went from thence into mightily to unfurl the banner of the
Macedonia.” (2 Cor. ii. 12, 13.) Cross among the Dalmatians. He
And again he saith: “\Vhen we was full of days and good works,
were come into Macedonia, our when, upon a 4th of January, in the
flesh had no rest, but we were 94th year of his age, he died one of
troubled on every side; without those deaths which are precious in the
were fightings, within were fears. sight of the Lord. He was buried in
Nevertheless, God, that comforteth the Church of which the Apostle had
those that are cast down, comforted made him the minister. His praises
us by the coming of Titus.” (vii. have been mostly written by St John
5, 6-) Chrysostom and St Jerome. The 4th

of January is the day upon which his tion is made upon the 19th day of
name is read in the Roman Martyrol June.
ogy, but Pope Pius IX. assigned for Upon the same 7th day of Febru
his Festival, to be kept with an Office ary, were born into the better life—
and Mass by the clergy secular and In London, [in the fourth century,]
regular throughout the Catholic world, the blessed Augulus, Bishop of that
the first free day afterwards. city, who ended his life by martyr
dom, and so secured the everlasting
In Phrygia, the holy martyr Adau
Lessons from Luke x. I, with the cus. He was an Italian of noble
Homily ofSt Gregory, (p. 481.) The birth, and had been honoured by the
last part is omitted, or read as one emperors with dignities of almost
with the Eighth, to make room in Lent every rank, and was still quaestor
for the Homily of the week-day, and when he gained the crown of mar
out of Lent. tyrdom in defence of the faith, [in the
year 304, at Andandros, a town of
Ninth Lesson. (For St Dorothy.) Phrygia.]
Likewise many other holy martyrs,
THE maiden Dorothy, of Caesarea citizens of the same city, [including
in Cappadocia, was betrayed t0 the Prefect of the Treasury, the Mili
Apricius the President by her two tary Prefect, and the Senate,] who
sisters, Chrysta and Callista, who had followed with Adaucus. They were
denied the faith, in the hope that he all Christians and remained stead
would induce her to do likewise. She fast in the confession of the faith,
was arrested, but it came not to pass and the Emperor Galerius Maximian
as they hoped. On the contrary, she caused them all to be burned with
brought them back to the Christian fire.
worship, and they received martyr At Heraclea, the holy martyr Theo
dom. She was long tormented upon dore. He was a trainer of the
the rack, and scourged with palm soldiery, and in the reign of the
branches, and in the end was be Emperor Licinius was beheaded after
headed, receiving the double palm of suffering many torments, and so
virginity and martyrdom. passed away a conqueror to heaven,
At Laud: a Commemoration is [in the year 319.]
made of St Dorothy. All from the In Egypt, holy Moses, the ven
Common. Prayer, “0 Lord, we pray erable Bishop of [the Saracens in
Thee, &c.,” (p. 574.) Arabia.] He first lived as a hermit
in the desert, but afterwards was
made Bishop at the desire of Mauvia,
Queen of the Saracens, converted
On the morrow we keep the feast many of that fierce people to the faith,
of the holy Abbat Romuald, [buried and at length fell asleep in peace,
at Fabriano in Piceno, in the year glorious for worthy works.
1027,] father of the monks of the At Lucca, in Tuscany, [in the year
Camaldolese Institute, of whom men 722,] holy Richard, Prince of the

1 The subject is obscure, and Alban Butler inclines to think that he was one of the victims of
the Diocletian persecution; if so, he was a Roman or Romano-British bishop, and it is to be
remarked that in the text London is called by its Roman name of Augusta.
West Saxons in England, and father visions in which the blessed servant
of holy Winibald, Willibald, and of God Apollinaris foretold to him
Walburg. that he should become a monk him
At Bologna, [in the year 430,] the self. He accordingly did so; and
holy widow Juliana. soon afterwards betook himself to one
Marinus, whose holy life and strict
Vespers are of the following, from
discipline were then much noised
the Chapter inclusive.
about in all the coasts of the Vene
tians, that he might by his teaching
and guidance attain towards the hard
and lofty point of perfection.
St finmualh, Qhhat.
Fifth Lesson.
THE more he was assailed by the
All from the Common Ofice jbr a wiles of Satan and the unkind
Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 5 31,) ex ness of men, the more did he exercise
cept what is otherwise given here. himself in lowliness, with continual
fasting and prayer, and rejoice in
FIRST VESPERS. thinking of heavenly things, with
abundance of tears. And all the
Prayer. 0 Lord, we beseech Thee, while he bore so bright a face as
&c. (fi- 545-) gladdened all who looked on him.
A Commemoration is made of St He was held in great honour by
Titus. Prayer as in his Ofiice. princes and kings, and his counsel
moved many to leave the blandish
M ATTINS. ments of the world and withdraw to
the desert. He had such a burning
FIRST NOCTURN. desire to obtain the crown of martyr
dom that he set out for Pannonia on
Lessons from Scripture according to
purpose to seek it, but, falling into
the Season. If it be in Lent they are
sickness whenever he went forward
from the Common Oflice, viz. Ecclus.
though growing strong again whenever
xxxi. 8, “Blessed is the man, &c.,”
he drew back, he behoved to return
and the two which follow, (p. 542.)


Fourth Lesson. GOD worked miracles by him both

during his life and after his
THE holy Abbat Romuald was the death, and likewise gave him the
son of one Sergius, of a noble gift of prophecy. Like the Patriarch
family of Ravenna. While he was Jacob, he saw a ladder reaching from
still very young, he went to a neigh earth to heaven, and men in white
bouring monastery at Classis to do garments ascending and descending
penance. While he was there he upon it, in whom he marvellously
heard a discourse by a monk, which knew were represented the monks of
stirred him up strongly to aim at the Camaldolese Institute, of which he
godliness of living; and he had after was the founder. At the age of 120
wards in the Church by night two years, of which he had spent 100 in

serving God in great hardness, he At Constantinople, the martyr monks

passed into His Presence, in the year 0f the monastery of Dim, who were
of Salvation 1027. Five years after slain in defence of the Catholic faith,
his death his body was found in [in the year 485,] for that they brought
corrupt, and laid in a magnificent the letter of holy Pope Felix against
grave in the Church of his order at the [Patriarch] Acacius.
Fabriano. In Persia are commemorated those
holy martyrs who were put to death
THIRD NOCTURN. in divers ways, [in the sixth century,]
for the Christian faith’s sake, under
Lessons from Matth. xix. 27, with Cabades, King of Persia.
the Homily of the Ven. Bede, (p. 546.) At Pavia, holy Juventius, Bishop of
Prayer throughout the day as at that see, who laboured earnestly in
First Vespers. the Gospel, [in the second century.]
The Second Vespers are of the fol At Milan, [in the year 620,] the
lowing, from the Chapter inclusive. holy Confessor Honoratus, Bishop of
that see.
MARTYROLOGY. At Verdun, in Gaul, [in the year
649,] holy Paul, Bishop of that see,
On the morrow we keep the feast
famous for the glory of his miracles.
of the holy Confessor John de la
At Muret, in the country of Limoges,
Mata, founder of the Order of the
Most Holy Trinity for the Redemp [in the year 1124,] the holy Abbat
Stephen, founder of the Order of
tion of Captives, of whom mention
Grandmont, famous for his graces
is made upon the 17th day of De
cember, upon the which day he fell and miracles.
asleep in the Lord, [in the year In the monastery of Vallombrosa,
1213.] [in the year 1089,] blessed Peter,
Upon the same 8th day of Febru Cardinal-Bishop of Albano, of the
congregation of Vallombrosa, of the
ary, were born into the better life—
The holy Confessor Jerome Miani, Order of St Benedict. He was sur
founder of the Congregation of Som named the Fireproof because he
ascha, whose name was enrolled passed unhurt through fire.
among those of the saints by Clement
XIII., and whose feast we keep upon
the 20th day of July. FEBRUARY 8.
At Rome, the holy martyrs Paul,
Lucius, and Cyriacus. St 30bn"he la mam, (Eon:
In the Lesser Armenia, the holy fessnr.
martyrs Denis, lEmilian, and Se
bastian. Double.
At Alexandria, under the Emperor
Decius, the holy martyr Cointhe. All from the Common Oflice for a
The heathen took her and led her Confessor not a Bishop, (,0. 531,) ex
before the idols to make her worship cept what is otherwise given here.
them, and when she would not, they
tied her feet with chains and dragged FIRST VESPERS.
her through the streets of the city
until she was mangled to death, [in These Vesfiers are of St Romuala',
the year 249.] up to the Chapter, exclusive.
Prayer throughout the Ofiice. at Paris, and be a bright example
of wisdom and manners to the
O GOD, Who by a sign from heaven
students who resorted thither. He
didst choose Thy holy servant
offered up the Holy Sacrifice to God
John to be the founder of the Order
for the first time in the private Chapel
of the Most Holy Trinity for the
of the Bishop, and in the presence of
Ransom of Prisoners held in the
that Prelate and divers other persons.
power of the Saracens, mercifully
In the midst of the ceremony, a vision
grant unto us for his sake that we
from God appeared to John. There
may be delivered by Thine Almighty
appeared to him an angel, clad in
power from all bonds and chains of
raiment white and glistering; having
sin whether in our bodies or in our
sewn on his breast a cross of red and
souls. Through our Lord JESUS
blue. His arms were crossed before
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
him, and his hands were upon the
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
heads of two slaves, one a Christian
the Holy Ghost, One God, world
and the other a Moor. And im
without end. Amen.
mediately the man of God was in
A Commemoration is made of St the spirit, and knew that he was
Romuald. Prayer as at his First called to the work of ransoming
Vespers. bondsmen from the power of the

FIRST NOCTURN. Fifth Lesson.

Lessons from Scrioture according to THAT he might set himself with

the Season. 1n Lent, the same as due forethought to the carrying
yesterday. out of his work, he withdrew into a
certain desert, and there, by the will
of God, he found Felix de Valois, who
had already spent many years in that
Fourth Lesson. place. With him he joined company,
and they passed three years together
OHN de la Mata, the founder of in continual prayer, meditation, and
the Order of the Most Holy all spiritual exercises. It came to
Trinity for the Ransom of Prisoners, pass, one day, when they were sitting
was born at Faucon, in Provence, on the bank of a spring, that there
[upon Midsummer’s Day, in the year came to them a stag having between
1169,] and was the child of parents his horns a cross of red and blue.
equally distinguished for their rank Felix cried out in wonder at that sight,
and their godly life. He went for and John then told him of the vision
his education first to Aix and then that had appeared to him when he
to Paris. At the University of Paris, was saying his first Mass. Thence
where he went through the course of forth they gave themselves with re
Divinity and took the degree of doubled fervour to prayer, and, being
Doctor, he became eminent for learn three times warned in sleep, they
ing and virtue. For this reason the _ determined to go to Rome, and pray
Bishop of Paris ordained him Priest, the Pope to institute an Order for
an honour from which his lowliness the ransom of prisoners. They arrived
caused him to shrink, in the hope at the time of the election of Innocent
that he should induce him to remain III., who received them courteously,

and entertained in his mind their pilgrimage, his burning love for God
petition. While he was in considera and for his neighbour suffered no
tion, he went to the Lateran Cathedral, diminution. He called together his
on the second Feast of St Agnes, and brethren, and earnestly exhorted them
there, while Mass was being solemnly to go on with that work of ransom
sung, at the moment of the elevation which had been pointed out to them
of the Sacred Host, there appeared from heaven, and then fell asleep in
to him an angel, clad in raiment the Lord, on the 2 1st day of December,
white and glistering, having sewn on 1213. His body was buried with
his breast a cross of red and blue, due honour in the Church of St
and making as though he would free Thomas de Formis.
prisoners. Thereupon the Pope
founded the Order, commanding that THIRD NOCTURN.
it should be called the Order of the
Most Holy Trinity for the Ransom Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with the
of prisoners, and that they who pro Homily ofSt Gregory, (1). 5 38.)
fessed in it should be clad in white
raiment, having sewn on their breasts MARTY ROLOGY.
a cross of red and blue. On the morrow we keep the feast
of the holy Confessor Cyril, Pope of
Sixth Lesson. Alexandria, a most eminent champion
of the Catholic faith, and illustrious
THE Order being thus established, for his teaching and holiness, of whom
the holy Founders returned into mention is made upon the 28th day
France, and built their first Convent of January, on the which day he fell
at Cerfroid, in the diocese of Meaux. asleep in peace.
Felix remained in charge of this house, Upon the same 9th day of February,
and John went back to Rome with were born into the better life—
several companions. To them In At Alexandria, [in the year 249,]
nocent gave the house, Church, and the holy Virgin Apollonia. The per
hospital of St Thomas de Formis on secutors under the Emperor Decius
the Coelian Mount, with great endow first beat out all her teeth, then they
ments and property. Moreover he built and kindled a funeral fire and
gave them a letter of introduction to threatened to burn her alive upon it
Miramolin, King of Morocco, and they unless she would join them in uttering
began with bright hopes the work of sinful words. She thought a little
ransoming prisoners. John next be while within herself, and then the
took himself to Spain, great part of fire of the Holy Ghost flaming up
which was then in the hands of the within her she tore herself suddenly
Saracens, and stirred up the hearts of out of the hands of those wicked men
the kings, princes, and all the faithful and leapt of her own accord into the
to have pity on slaves and the poor. fire which they had made ready, so
He built Convents, founded Hospitals, that the very actors in this cruelty
and ransomed many bondsmen, to the were awestruck to find a woman more
great gain of souls. At last he re ready to die than were they to kill
turned to Rome, still busied in good her.
works, but wom out by unceasing toil, At Rome, the holymartyrs Alexander,
and weakened by sickness. As he and thirty-eight others who were
drew near the end of his earthly crowned at the same time.
At Solis, in Cyprus, the holy protection. Through the same our
martyrs Ammonius and Alexander. Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
At Antioch, [in the year 260,] the liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
holy martyr N icephorus, who received unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
his crown by being beheaded, under world without end. Amen.
the Emperor Valerian.
In Africa, in the castle of Lémélé, First Vespers as regards St Cyril
the holy Deacons Primus and Dona begin with the Chapter. Antzfihon at
tus, who suffered martyrdom in de Song of the Blessed Virgin, “ 0 right
fending the altar in the church against excellent, &c.” A Commemoration is
the Donatists, [sixth century.] made of St john de la Mata, Prayer
In the monastery of Fontanelle, from his Ofiioe, then in Lent of the
holy Ausbert, Bishop of Rouen, [in Week-day; and lastly of the holy
the year 695.] I Virgin and martyr Apollonia. From
At Canosa, in Apulia, the holy the Common Oflioe for a Virgin and
Confessor Sabinus, Bishop of that see, Martyr, (p. 567,) and the Prayer, “ O
[in the year 566.] God, Who amidst the wondrous, &c.,”
(a 573-)
Vespers of the following from the
Chapter inclusive. FIRST NOCTURN.

At Vespers a Commemoration is Lessons from Scripture, aooording

made of the following: Antzlthon, to the Season. In Lent from Ecclus.
Verse and Answer, from the Common xxxix., 547.)
Ofite for a Virgin and Martyr, and
Prayer, “0 God, Who amidst the SECOND NOCTURN.
wondrous, &c.,” (p. 573.)
Fourth Lesson.

FEBRUARY 9. THE praises of Cyril of Alexandria

have been celebrated not only
St Qtgril, 190p: of glzxanhrta, by one writer or another, but have
even been registered in the acts of
Confessor ant Ewan: of the (Ecumenical Councils of Ephesus
the Qtburd), and Chalcedon. He was born of dis
tinguished parents, and was the
nephew of Theophilus, Pope of
All from the Common Ofiiee fora Alexandria. While he was still young
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex he displayed marks of his excellent
eept the following. understanding. After giving a deep
study to letters and science he betook
Prayer throughout. himself to John, Bishop of Jerusalem,
to be perfected in the Christian faith.
0 GOD, Who didst make Thy After his return to Alexandria, and
blessed Confessor and Bishop the death of Theophilus, he was raised
Cyril to be an unconquered teacher to that see. In this office he kept
that the most blessed Virgin Mary is ever before his eyes the type of the
Mother of God, grant unto us that Shepherd of souls as it had been laid
through his prayers we who believe down by the Apostle; and by ever
her to be Mother of God in very deed adhering thereto deservedly earned
may find safety under her motherly the glory of an holy Bishop.
VOL. I. 2 B 2

Fifth Lesson. At length he died a holy death,. in

the year of salvation 444 and.of his
EAL for the salvation of souls was own papacy the 32nd. After vast
kindled in him, and be under work for the Church of God, and
took all cares to keep in the faith and leaving behind him divers writings
in soundness of life the flock unto him directed either against heathens and
committed, and to preserve them from heretics or to the exposition of the
the poisonous pastures of infidelity and holy Scriptures and of Catholic
heresy ; hence, in accordance with the doctrine, the Supreme Pontiff Leo
laws, be caused the followers of XIII. extended to the Universal
Novatus to be expelled from the city, Church the Office and Mass of this
and those Jews to be punished who most eminent champion of .the
had been induced by rage to plan a Catholic faith, and light of the
massacre of the Christians. His Eastern Church. '
eminent care for the preservation of
the Catholic faith pure and undefiled
shone forth especially in his controversy THIRD NOCTURN.

against Nestorius, Patriarch of Con Lesson from Matth. v. I 3, with the

stantinople, who asserted that JESUS Homily of St Austin, (p. 549.) The
Christ had been born of the Virgin last Lesson is omitted to make room
Mary as man only and not as God, in Lent for the Homily of the Week
and that the Godhead had been be day, or out of Lent fbr the
stowed upon Him because of His
merits. Cyril first attempted to con
vert Nestorius, but when he found tVinth Lesson. - (For St Apol
this hopeless he denounced him to lonia, &é.)
the Supreme Pontiff the holy Celes APOLLONIA was an aged virgin
tine. of Alexandria, who, [in the year
Sixth Lesson. 4 of salvation 249,] in the reign of the
Emperor Decius, was brought before
AS delegate of Pope Celestine, the'idols to worship them, ‘but refused,
Cyril presided at the Council declaring that Christ JESUS is True
of Ephesus where the Nestorian heresy God, and that to Him worship is due.
was condemned; Nestorius deprived The cruel executioners beat and pulled
of his see; and the Catholic doctrine out all her teeth, and threatened to
as to the unity of Person in Christ and burn her alive if she would not deny
the divine Motherhood of the glorious Christ. To whom she answered, that
Virgin Mary was laid down amid the for Christ JESUS’ sake she was ready
rejoicings of all the people, who to die. Being taken to the place of
escorted the bishops to their lodgings execution she stood for a few moments
with a torch-light procession. For as if in doubt, and then, the fire of
this reason Nestorius and his followers the Holy Ghost burning up in her
made Cyril the object of slanders, heart, she broke from those that held
insults, and persecutions which he her, and leapt of her own accord into
bore with profound patience, having the flames.l Her body was quickly
all his care for-the purity of the faith, consumed, and her soul departed pure
and taking no heed to what the to obtain the eternal crown of martyr
heretics might say or try against him. dom.
1 On this see Alban Butler, Feb. 9.
At Lauds in Lent a Commemor (FEBRUARY 19,0 I ‘; 1 _ j
ation is made of the Week-day; then $t &chulastica, Edginfil' }
in any case qf St Apollonia, from
the Common Ofiee, with the Prayer, Dohble. i i' "
“0 God, Who amidst the wondrous,
&c-J’ (t- 57s) All from the Colhmon Ofiieei for
Virgins, (p. 567,) except what is other
wise git/en here.
Upon the 10th day of February
were born into the better life— Prayer throughout the Ofiee.
At Monte Cassino, [in the year
543,] the holy Virgin Scholastica, O GOD, Who, to show the way of
sister of the holy Abbat Benedict, the undefiled, wast pleased that
who saw her soul leave her body the soul of Thy blessed Virgin
and soar heavenward in a bodily Scholastica should fly to heaven in a
shape, like a dove. bodily shape, like a dove, mercifully
At Rome, the holy martyrs Zoticus, grant unto us Thy servants, for her
Irenaeus, Hyacinth, and Amantius, [all sake, and at her petition, worthily to
in the year 304.] attain unto Thine everlasting joy.
At Rome- likewise, [under Decius,] Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
upon the Lavican Way, ten holy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
martyrs, all soldiers. Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
Also at Rome, [in the year 304,] one God, world without end. Amen.
upon the Appian Way, the holy
1n a Cor/ytzerlzordtz'on is made
Virgin and martyr Soteres, who, as
of the Week-day. -
holy Ambrose writeth, was born of a
noble family, but for Christ’s sake
despised the consular and prefectural
dignities of her race. When she was FIRST NOCTURN.
commanded to ofl'er sacrifice and
would not, she was long and heavily Lessons from Strzpture, 'aeeordirgg to
buffeted, and when she had over the 'Season. In Lent'frohl I Cor. vii.
come other punishments also, she 25, (p. 568.) - '
was,smit_ten with the sword and so
departed joyfully hence, to be ever SECOND NOCTURN.
with Christ the Bridegroom.
Fourth Lesson.
In Campania, the holy Confessor
Silvan, Bishop of [Terracine, in'the The Lesson is taken from the Second
fourth or fifth century.] Book of the Dialogues of Pope St
At Mala-Vallis, in the country of ‘ Gregory [the Great] (Ch. 33.)
Sienna, [in the year 1157,] the holy
hermit William. THE worshipful Scholastica, the
At Rouen, [in the year 704,] the sister of our Father Benedict,
holy Virgin Austre-berta, famous for was hallowed unto the Lord Almighty
miracles. from a child. Her custom was to
come to see her brother once every
Veyers are of the following from year. And when she came, the man
vthe Chapter inclusive. of God went down unto her, not far
1 Died circa A.D. 543.

from the gate, but, as it were, within that he could not return to his monas
the borders of his monastery. And tery, because of the lightnings, and
there was a day when she came, as thunderings, and the great rain, he
her custom was, and her worshipful was sorrowful and grieved, saying:
brother went down to her, and his “Almighty God forgive thee, my
disciples with him. Then they passed sister; what is this that thou hast
the whole day together, praising God, done?” She answered him: “Be
and speaking one to the other of spi hold, I besought thee, and thou
ritual things. And when the night wouldest not hear; I besought my
came, they brake bread together. God, and He hath heard me; if,
And while they were yet at table, and therefore, thou wilt, go forth, leave
conversed together on spiritual things, me alone, and go thy way to thy
the hour was late. Then the holy monastery.” But he could not, and
woman his sister besought him, say so he tarried in the same place, not
ing: “Leave me not, I pray thee, willingly, but of necessity. And so
this night, but let us speak even until it came to pass that they slept not
morning of the gladness of the eternal all that night, but fed one another
life.” He answered her: “What is with discourse on spiritual things.
it that thou sayest, my sister? I can
by no means remain out of my cell.” Sixth Lesson.
Now the firmament was so clear that
there were no clouds in the sky. Then AND when the morning was come,
the holy nun, when she had heard the worshipful woman arose, and
the words of her brother, that he went unto her own cell, and the man
would not abide with her, clasped of God went back to his monastery.
her hands on the table, and laid her And, behold, after three days he was
face on her hands, and besought the sitting in his cell, and he lifted up his
Lord Almighty. And it came to eyes to heaven, and saw the soul of his
pass that when she lifted up her head sister, delivered from the body, fly to
from the table, there were great heaven in a bodily shape like a dove.
thunderings and lightnings, and a Wherefore he rejoiced because of the
flood of rain, insomuch that neither glory that was revealed in her, and
the worshipful Benedict nor the breth gave thanks to Almighty God in
ren that were with him could move as hymns and praises, and made known
much as a foot over the threshold of to the brethren that she was dead.
the place where they sat. He commanded them also to go and
take up her body, and bring it to his
monastery, and lay it in the grave
Fifth Lesson. which he had made ready for himself.
Whereby it came to pass that they
NOW when the holy woman laid twain who had ever been of one
her head in her hands upon the mind in the Lord, even in death were
table, she wept bitterly, and as she not divided.
wept, the clearness of the sky was
turned to a tempest. As she prayed, THIRD NOCTURN.
immediately the flood followed. And
the time was so, that she lifted up her Lessons from Matth. xxv. 1, with
head when it thundered, and when the Homily of St Gregory, (p. 571.)
she had lifted up her head, the rain In Lent the last is omitted to leave
came. When the man of God saw room for the Homily of the H’eek-a'ay,

of which also a Commemoration is At Capua, [in the year 450,] holy

made at Lauds. Castrensis, Bishop of that see.
At the village of Landon, [in the
MARTY ROLOGY. year 507,] holy Severinus, Abbot of
the monastery of St Maurice, at
On the morrow we keep the feast
whose prayers the servant of God,
of the holy Confessor Gilbert, founder
King Clovis, was healed of a long
of the Order of Sempringham, of
whom mention hath been made upon
In Egypt, [about the middle of the
the 4th day of this present month
fourth century,] the holy monk Jonah,
of February.
renowned for his graces.
Upon the same 11th day of Febru
ary, were born into the better life—— At Second Vesy‘lers a Commemora
In Africa, [in the year 304,] the tion is made of the following from
holy martyrs the Priest Saturninus, the Common Oflice, (p. 5 31,) with
Dativus, Felix, Ampelius, and their the Prayer, “ O Lord, mercifully hear,
Companions, who were taken by the &c.,” (p. 540.) Then in Lent of the
soldiers in the persecution under the Week-day.
Emperor Diocletian when they came
together in one, as the use is, to
hold the Lord’s Supper, and suffered FEBRUARY 1 1.
under the proconsul Anolinus.
In Numidia are commemorated St Gilbert, Qtunfzssur.
many holy martyrs who were ar
rested, [in the year 303 or 304,]
in the persecution aforesaid, and for All from the Common Ofice jbr
as much as they would not obey a Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 531,)
the edict of the Emperor to give except the following. Prayer through
up the Scriptures of God, they were out, “0 Lord, mercifully hear, &c.,”
put to grievous torments and slain. (a 540-)
At Adrianople, the holy martyrs
Lucius, Bishop [of Adrianople,] and
his Companions. He suffered much
from the Arians under the Emperor Lessons from Scripture according to
Constantius, and finished his testi the Season. 1n Lent from Ecclus.
mony in chains, [in the year 348.] xxxi. 8, (p. 542.)
The others were some of the nobler
of the citizens who were condemned
to death by Count Philagrius be
cause they refused to receive the Fourth Lesson.
Arians who had been then con
demned in the Council of Sardica. ILBERT was born of a noble
At Lyons, [in the year 608,] the family at Sempringham, in
holy martyr Desiderius, Bishop of Lincolnshire. In his youth he gave
Vienne, [in Gaul.] himself to the study of letters, but
At Ravenna, [about the year 170,] afterwards entirely to works of god
the holy Confessor Calocerus, Bishop liness, especially under a chaste dis
of that see. cipline, and with great fruit, to the
At Milan, [in the year 449,] the teaching of little boys and girls in
holy Lazarus, Bishop of that see. the faith and in the fear and love

of God. His father was patron of of Henry II., when this holy man
the parishes of Sempringham and was accused of sending subsidies to
Terington, and in the exercise of holy Thomas of Canterbury while the
that right presented him to them. said Thomas was in exile. The
By the efficacy. Of his words and judges were willing to let him and
the power of his example, be So his go free if only they would-de
stirred up his parishioners to 'seek clare: themselves not guilty, but the
after Christian perfection, thatmany man of God was willing to suffer
of them lived :in. the 'world the lives rather, than describe as a crime a
of monks, and their'careful exercise thing which he had indeed not done,
of all virtues. made it. everywhere but which to his thinking would have
manifest to whose flock they be been rather a duty and a good work;
longed. After'l he was ordained but God softened the mind of the
priest by Alexander, Bishop of Lin king, and Gilbert was delivered.
coln, the light of Gilbert’s holiness
shed its rays wider and wider. He Sz'xt/z Lesson.
shrank from riches and honours, re
fused the Archdeaconry of the Church HE practised great self-control and
of Lincoln, and was fain to be a door hardness of living. He never
keeper in the house of his Lord. ate meat unless he were seriously
ill, and in Lent he abstained from
Fiftlz Lesson. fish also. He always wore haircloth.
He never slept in a bed. He gave
MONG other works of charity, a great part of the night to prayer,
that which most chiefly oc and to meditation upon things of
cupied him was to separate virgins God. He never willingly either
from the world and to consecrate heard or said anything which did
them to the love of God, especially not tend to procure glory for God
if they were poor and in danger; and salvation for souls. He was an
for these he built a dwelling hard hundred years of age when he was
by the church of Sempringham, and recalled fromiexile to our father
thus laid the first foundations of land, which is in heaven, upon the
his order. Many persons of both 3rd day of .February’, in the year of
sexes afterwards came to 'him, and salvation 1190. At that time the
under the approbation of blessed order which he_had instituted counted
Eugene Ill. and of other Supreme seven hundred monks, and fifteen
Pontiffs he spread his order mar hundred sacred 'virgins in the dif‘
vellously, and built monasteries ferent monasteries. Gilbert worked
throughout all England. To the many wonders, both in his life and
men he gave the rule of St Austin, after his death, upon the due proof of
and to the women that of St Bene which the Supreme Pontifi' Innocent
dict, with the addition of some con III. solemnly enrolled his name among
stitutions to meet their special voca those of the saints in the year I202.
tion. The man of God endured many
calumnies and persecutions, partly Lesson from Luke xii. 32, wit/t tile
from his own, and partly from out Homily of the Venerable Bede, (p.
siders; but God gave him the vic 544.) In Lent t/ze [Vintll Lesson is
tory, and he conquered everywhere read with the Eight]: to make room
and always. His whole order was for tile Homily of tile Week-day, which
in the greatest jeopardy in the reign is also commemorated at Lauds.
“ MARTYROLOGY. Prayer throughout.
On the morrow we keep in England 0 GOD, by the gift of whose grace
the feast of the holy Confessor Bene the blessed Abbat Benedict, in
dict Biscop, founder and Abbat of the order that he might be perfect, left all
monastery of Jarrow-upon-Tyne, of things. Grant unto all them which
whom mention hath been made upon enter upon the path of Gospel perfec
the 12th day of January. tion that they may neither look behind
Upon the same 12th day of Feb them nor stand still by the way, but
ruary, were born into the better life— may run on unto Thee without
At Barcelona, in Spain, the holy stumbling, and from Thee receive life
Virgin Eulalia, who received a glorious eternal. Through our Lord JESUS
crown in the time of the Emperor Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
Diocletian. She sufi'ered racking, reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
tearing with hooks, and scorching the Holy Ghost, one God, world with~
with fire, and was finally crucified, out end. Amen.
[in the year 304.]
In Africa, the holy soldier and mar At First Vespers a Commemoration
tyr Damian. is made of the preceding.
At Carthage, the holy martyrs All from the Common Ofiiee, (p.
Modestus and Julian. 542,) with the Prayer, “ O Lord,
At Benevento, the holy martyr mercifully hear, &c.,” (p. 540,) and
Modestus the Levite. in Lent of the Week-day.
At Alexandria, the holy children
Modestus and Ammonius. FIRST NOCTURN.
At Constantinople, [in the year
381,] holy Meletius, Patriarch of Lessons from Sm'fiture according to
Antioch, who passed away to be the Season. In Lent from Wisdom
ever with the Lord, when he was in iv- 7, (e- 532-)
exile, which he oftentimes suffered
for the Catholic faith’s sake. Holy SECOND NOCTURN.
John Chrysostom and Gregory of
Nyssa have greatly praised him. Fourth Lesson.
At Constantinople, [in the year
895,] in the time of the Emperor HE surname of this Benedict was
Leo VL, holy Anthony, Bishop [of Biscop; he was of noble birth,
Constantinople] and was a servant of Osway, King of
At Verona, the holy Confessor Gau the Northumbrians. When he was
dentiusj Bishop of that see. about twenty-five years of age he went
to Rome, and visited the shrines of
Vespers of the following. the blessed Apostles. After his return
home he ceased not to preach, as well
FEBRUARY 1 2. as to love and to honour the models
of the ecclesiastical life. He returned
it 23mm iBiscup, Qhhat. again to Rome in the time of holy
Pope Vitelian, and after some months
left it again and went to the island of
All from the Common Ofiee fir a Lerius. There he received the tonsure
Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 5 31,) ex and took the monastic vows, but after
up! the following. two years the love of the prince of the

Apostles drew him again to visit the the monks were fain to have Benedict
city which is hallowed by his grave. for Abbat. Not long afterwards he
At that time the Roman Pontiff had lost his health, and sufi‘ered for three
chosen holy Theodore to be sent as years. During this time he oftentimes
Archbishop to rule the Church of impressed upon the brethren who came
Canterbury, and knowing Benedict to to see him the necessity of keeping
be wise, hard working, and devout, he the rule which he had laid down. He
ordained him and sent him with him. commanded that the excellent and
abundant library which he had brought
Fifth Lesson. from Rome as a needful equipment
for his church should be carefully kept
WHEN they came to Canterbury together and not permitted through
Theodore ascended the archi carelessness to be either damaged
episcopal throne, and Benedict received or scattered. But what he repeated
the government of the monastery of St most often to the monks was that
Peter. After a while Hadrian was in electing an Abbat they should
made Abbat, and in two years Bene look less to birth than to soundness
dict undertook another journey to of life and teaching. He fell asleep
Rome, and brought back books of in the Lord upon the 12th day of
theology which he had either bought January in the year of Christ 690,
or received as gifts. On his return and the 16th since the foundation
home he betook himself to Egfrid, of his monastery. He was buried
King of the N orthumbrians, who made in the church of the blessed Apostle
him an ample gift of ground at Wear Peter, that as he had loved him in
mouth, and desired him there to build life so he might not be parted from
a monastery. After founding this his altar in death. Benedict is men
monastery, Benedict obtained masons tioned in the Roman Martyrology
from Gaul to build him a stone church, upon the 12th day of January, being
and glass-workers such as had been that of his death.
until then unknown in England to
glaze the windows. Some things
which he could not obtain in Gaul THIRD NOCTURN.
he again went to Rome and brought
Lessons from the Common of Abbots,
back with him. Pope Agatho com
(p. 545,) with the Homily of St
manded John, precentor of the Church
jerome on Matt. xix. 27, (p. 471.) In
of St Peter, to go with him in order
Lent the last is omitted or read along
to teach singing after the Roman
with the Eighth to leave room for
manner. Benedict carried with him
the Homily of the Week-day, which
countless gifts with which he had been
is also commemorated at Lauds.
enriched, a great number of books and
images and relics of the Saints.
Sixth Lesson.
On the morrow we keep the feast of
ON his return home Benedict, by the Seven holy Founders of the Order
another benefaction of the same of Servants of the Blessed Virgin
King Egfrid, founded another monas Mary, who after great hardship of life,
tery at Jarrow-upon-Tyne. This famous for works and wonders, died
monastery was placed under the in a death precious in the sight of the
vocation of the holy Apostle Paul, and Lord, upon Monte Senario, in Tus
cany. The same spirit of brotherhood stated by blessed Pope Gregory, was
had made them one in life, the vener .visible.
ation of the people had not divided At Prati, in Tuscany, Catharine de
them in death, and Leo XIII. enrolled Ricci, 3 Virgin of Florence, of the
their names together among those of Order of Preachers, illustrious in the
the Saints. number of her heavenly gifts, whom
Upon the same 13th day of Feb Pope Benedict XIV. added to the
ruary, were born into the better roll of Holy Virgins. She died full
life— of graces and merit on the 2nd of
At Antioch, the holy prophet Ag February, but her Feast is celebrated
abus, [first century,] of whom blessed to-day.
Luke writeth in the Acts of the
Vespers of the following, from the
At Ravenna, the holy women the Chapter inclusive.
Virgin Fusca, and Maura1 her foster
mother, who after suffering many FEBRUARY 1 3.
things under the President Quinctian,
by order of the Emperor Decius,
were run through with the sword,
Ell]: $211211 {July Jfuunhzrs of
and so finished their testimony, [third the imbue (Ether.
At Melitina, in Armenia, the holy
martyr Polyeuctus, who suffered many All from the Common Ofice of a
things in the persecution under the Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 531,)
Emperor Decius, and received the except the following.
crown of martyrdom, [in the year
259-] Prayer throughout.
At Lyons, the holy martyr Julian.
At Todi, [under Diocletian,] the LORD Jesus CHRIST, Who, that
holy martyr Benignus. Thou mightest recall to mind the
At Rome, [in the year 731,] the woes of Thy most holy Mother, didst
holy P0pe Gregory II.; who sharply through the Seven blessed Fathers
withstood the ungodliness of the make Thy Church herself the mother
Emperor Leo the Isaurian, and who of a new household of her servants,
sent holy Boniface into Germany to Grant unto us in mercy that we may
preach the Gospel there. so share their tears as to share their
At Angers, holy Lucinius, Bishop blessedness also. Who livest and
of that city, a man of reverend reignest with God the Father, in the
holiness. unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
At Lyons, [about the year 512,] world without end. Amen.
the holy Confessor Stephen, Bishop of
that see. FIRST VESPERS.
At Riete, [sixth century,] the holy
Abbat Stephen, a man of wonderful These, as regards the 527/871
patience, at whose passing away the Founders, begin with the Chapter
presence of the holy angels, as is (1 Peter iv. 1 3), “ Dearly beloved

1 These two names, which might be translated mulatta and negress, are so very singular
as to inspire the conjecture that they are not proper names but descriptive epithets of two
sufferers whose names have been lost.

brethren, rejoice, inasmuch _ as you of the Lord for ever, because thott
are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; hast not spared thy life.
that, when His glory shall be revealed,
Commemoration of. the preceding,
ye may be glad also with exceeding
from the Common, Prayer :from his
sow - . Ofiiee, and in Lent of the week-day.
WHEN war was~ raging, and the town MATTINS.
' _Was red with blood of brother bands,
Our Virgin Mother bowed her down Hymn.2
With bounteous hands. THE Fathers lived a life in shade,
Yet seemed to Peter's vision seven
Seven faithful sons she bid to share White glistening lilies, for the Maid,
Her dolours, all the shame and loss, The Queen of Heaven.
Which Jesus suffered and she bare
Beneath His Cross. Through city street, o'er hills and plains,
Upbome by Love Divine, they trod,
Soon as their Lady called, as nought To fix in men the Mother’s pains,
They deemed their palaces and wealth, The swords of God.
The mountains, desert places, sought
Far off, by stealth. This was the power in which they spoke
Till each wild passion owned their sway:
For others’ sins the scourge they plied They cheered the sad, from sinners broke
As they the way of penance trod, Their chains away.
By prayers and tears they turned aside
The-wrath of God. Till at the last the Virgin Queen
Led them to mansions in the sky,
Token of love the Mother‘s hand Mansions where garlands aye 'are‘green,
Gave to her sons their garb of woe, And never die. ‘
Sanctioned the pious work they planned
May they hear cries of all who pray,
With wondrous show.
And see how hard our earthly strife;
The vine to spread their honours wide Aiding us onward to the day
Her shoots in winter greenly flung; When all is life.
"See, those are Mary's servants," cried Now to the Father thanks and praise;
The'int'ant tongue. To Thee; 0 Son, the same we send;
To Thee, Great Spirit, through all days,
Now to the Father thanks and praise; World without end. Amen.
To Thee. 0 Son, the same we send;
To Thee, 0 Spirit, through all days,
World without end. Amen. FIRST NOCTURN.

Verse. These were merciful men Lessons from Seripture according to

whose righteousness hath not been the Season. 1n Lent from Ecclus.
forgotten. xliv. 1, (p. 529.)
Answer. Their seed and their glory
shall not be blotted out. SECOND NOCTURN.

Fourth Lesson.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. 0 Virgin Mary, thy praise IN the thirteenth century, when the
shall not depart from the mouths of more cultured parts of Italy were
men which shall remember the power rent by the dread dissension of the
1 Translation by Mr C. Kegan Paul, extracted from the Hymnal of the Servite Church in
1 Translation kindly made by Mr C. Kegan Paul.

Emperor Frederick the Second and to the solitude of Monte Senario, and
by bloody civil wars, the mercy of there began a kind of heavenly life.
God set forth divers men eminent for They lived in caves and upon herbs
holiness, and among others raised and water only, while they wore out
up seven nobles of Florence, who their bodies with watching and other
were bound one to another in,charity hardships, while they contemplated
and gave an illustrious example of unweariedly the sufferings of Christ
brotherly love. Their names were and the woes of His most' sorrowful
Bonfiglio Monaldi, Bonajuncta Manetti, Mother. One Good Friday, when
Manetto Antalli, Amadeo de’ Amidei, their thoughts were fixed thereon more
Uguccio de’ Uguccioni, Sosteneo de’ than ever, the Blessed Virgin appeared
Sostenei, and Alexis de’ Falconieri. to them twice, and showed them her
Upon the holiday of the Assumption garments of mourning as those wherein
of the Virgin into heaven in the year they should clothe themselves. She
1233 they were praying in the oratory bade them know that she would take
of a guild called the Guild of Praise, it right well that they should raise up
when the same Mother of God ap in the Church a new order to recall
peared to each one of them, and the memory of the sorrows which she
bade them embrace a life of greater bore beneath the Cross of the Lord.
holiness and perfection. These seven Holy Peter, the illustrious martyr of
men discussed the matter with the the Order of Friars Preachers, learnt
Bishop of Florence, and then, con this not only from his familiar converse
sidering neither the nobility of their with these holy men, but also from a
birth nor their wealth, and clad in special vision of the Mother of God,
haircloth under vile and worn-out and it was on his incitement that they
garments, withdrew into a little house founded the regular Order called that
in the country upon the 8th day of of the Servites, or servants of the
September, that they might begin blessed Virgin, the which Order was
their holier life upon the same day afterward approved by the Supreme
whereon the Mother of God herself Pontifi Innocent IV. These holy
had by her birth begun her life of men, when they had gathered to
holiness upon earth. themselves some companions, began
to go through the cities and towns
of Italy, and especially of Tuscany,
F17th Lesson.
everywhere preaching Christ crucified,
GOD showed by a miracle how stilling contests among the citizens,
acceptable in His sight should and calling back almost countless
be their manner of life, for a short backsliders into the path of grace.
while after, when these seven men Neither did they make Italy only the
were begging alms from door to door field of their Gospel labours, but
through the city of Florence, it came also France, Germany, and Poland.
to pass that some children, among They passed away to be ever with
whom was holy Philip Benizi, who the Lord when they had spread far
had then scarcely entered the fifth and wide a sweet savour of Christ,
month of his age, called them blessed and were famous also for the glory
Mary’s servants, by the which name of signs and wonders. As one love
they were called ever after. To avoid of brotherhood and of the monastic
meeting people, and in the desire to life had joined them together upon
be alone, they all withdrew together earth, so one grave held their dead

bodies, and one honour was paid And Thou, 0 Trinity Divine!
them by the people. For this reason Confirm us in Thy Holy Grace!
That as we may our hearts incline
the Supreme Pontifi's Clement XI.
To walk in these thy servants' ways. Amen.
and Benedict XIII. confirmed the
honour which had for centuries been Verse. May their memory be
paid to them individually, and Leo blessed.
XIII., after proof of their miracles Answer. And let their bones
which had been wrought by God on flourish again out of their place.
the common invocation of these
saints, after their veneration had A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
been sanctioned in the jubilee year Behold how good and how pleasant
of his priesthood, decreed to them it is for brethren to dwell together
the honours paid to Saints, and in unity.
ordered that their memory should MARTYROLOGY.
every year be kept throughout the
Upon the 14th day of February,
universal Church with an office and
were born into the better life—
At Rome, upon the Flaminian Way,
THIRD NOCTURN. the blessed martyr Valentine, a Priest,
who after much healing and teaching
Lessons from Matth. xix. 27, with was cudgelled and beheaded under
the Homily of St jerome, (p. 471.) In Claudius Caesar, [in the year 268.]
Lent the last is omitted to make room Likewise at Rome, the holy martyrs
for the Homily of the Week-day. Vitalis, Felicula, and Zeno.
Lauds, Chapter from First Vespers. At Teramo, [in Umbria, in the year
273,] the holy martyr Valentine,
Bishop of that see. He was heavily
flogged and committed to jail, but as
BY Mary's inspiration led, he would not yield he was thrown out
A sevenfold offspring comes to light; of the prison in the silence of mid
At Mary's call away they sped night and beheaded by command of
To Mount Senario's rugged height. Placidus, Prefect of the city.
There likewise, [in the year 273,]
What fruits of grace the earth shall bear the holy martyrs Proculus, Ephebus,
When they have sown their seed divine!
and Apollonius, who were watching
Christ's vine shall bud with clusters rare,
Empurpled with the ruddy wine. by the body of holy Valentine when
they were apprehended by order of
A holy death to heaven speeds Leontius, the consular, and slain with
The souls with virtue‘s glory crowned; the sword.
When Mary for her servants pleads, At Alexandria, the holy martyrs
Heaven's blessed portals they have found. Bassus, Anthony, and Protolicus, who
were drowned in the sea.
0 happy souls who now obtain Likewise at Alexandria, the Priest
The Kingdom, and the sceptre bear, Cyrion, Bassian the Reader, Agatho
Look down on us who still remain
the Exorcist, and Moses, who were
Where Satan spreads his subtle snare.
all burnt with fire and passed away
to heaven.
Therefore on bended knee we pray,
For sake of Mary's bitter grief;
Also likewise at Alexandria, the
Chase darkness from our mind away, holy martyrs Denis and Ammonius,
And give our troubled hearts relief. who were beheaded.
At Ravenna, the holy Confessor Valentine may be delivered by his
Eleuchadius, Bishop of that see. prayers from all the ills that hang over
In Bithynia, [in the year 470,] the us. Through our Lord JESUS Christ
holy Abbat Auxentius. Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
At Sorrento, the holy Abbat with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
Antonino. He was in the monastery Ghost, one God, world without end.
of Monte Cassino when it was des Amen.
troyed by the Lombards, and he went MATTINS.
thence to a solitude hard by the city
of Sorrento, and there [in the year The First and Second Lessons are
830,] fell asleep in the Lord, famed from Scripture according to the Sea
for holiness. His body is daily re son, the Third being omitted, or read
markable for many miracles, most as one with the Second. The Third
chiefly in the delivery of them that Lesson is from the Sermons of St
are vexed by evil spirits. Austin, “The illustrious day, &c.,”
(p. 486.)
Chapter at Terce, as at First
Veyers. Second Vespers the same as
the First, except the Upon the 15th day of February,
were born into the better life—
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
At Brescia, the holy martyrs
Virgin, Ecclus. xlvi. 15. Their name Faustinus and Jovita, who under the
endureth for ever, enduring unto their
Emperor Hadrian, after many glorious
sons, the glory of holy men.
contendings for Christ’s faith, received
In Lent a Commemoration is made by martyrdom a crown of victory,
of the Week-day, then in any case a [about the year 122.]
Commemoration is made of the follow At Rome, the holy martyr Crato,
ing from the Common Oflice, (p. 482,) [the Orator,] who was baptized by
with the Prayer from his Ofiice. blessed Valentine, Bishop [of Terni,
in Umbria,] along with his wife and
his whole house; and no long while
after, he and they together attained
unto martyrdom, [in the year 273.]
St Ualenttnz, iBrizst ant: At Terni, [in the year 270,] the
wattgr. holy Virgin and martyr Agapis.
Also the holy martyrs Saturninus,
Simple. Castulus, Magnus, and Lucius.
In Lent this Ofice is not observed, At Vaison, in Gaul, holy Quinidius,
but a Commemoration only is made of Bishop of that see, whose death, [in
Vespers and Lauds without the last the year 578,] how precious it was in
Lesson at Mattins. the sight of the Lord miracles do
A ll from the Common Oficefor Sim oftentimes witness.
ple Feasts of One Martyr, (p. 496), At Capua, [in the year 695,] the
except the following. holy Confessor Decorosus, Bishop of
that city.
In the province of Valeria, [in the
Prayer throughout.
sixth century,] the holy Priest Severus,
GRANT, we beseech Thee, 0 Al of whom blessed Gregory writeth that
mighty God, that we who keep by his tears he recalled a dead man
the birthday of Thy blessed Martyr to life.
' At Antioch, the holy Deacon Joseph. tormented with fire. Being both 'still
In Auvergne, [in the sixth century,] alive, they were brought to Milan,
the holy Virgin Georgia. without their chains having ever been
taken off. At Milan they were tor
tured again with every invention of
FEBRUARY 1 5. cruelty that could be devised. Never
theless the great power of their faith
El): inolg Martyrs, ifaustinus made them more than conquerors,
anti Zluhita. shining even as gold tried in the
furnace. From Milan they were
Simple. brought to Rome, where they were
confirmed by Pope Evaristus, and
1n Lent this ‘Ofiice is not observed,
where they were put to the torture
but a Commemoration only is made at
again with extreme barbarity. They
Vespers and Lauds without the last
were afterwards shown in public at
Lesson at Mattins.
Naples, where the tormentors dis
All from the Common Ofiice for
played their skill in divers ways upon
Simple Feasts of Many Martyrs, (p.
them. Here they were thrown chained
513,) except what is otherwise given
into the sea, but the angels delivered
them. Their stations of suffering, by
Prayer throughout the Ofiice. O
their God-like patience, and the won
God, Who year by year, &c., (p.
derful Power displayed in them, had
503-) .4 . now turned many souls ’to JESUS. In
' MATTINS. the end they were carried back to
The First and Second Lessons are Brescia, and, when Hadrian took the
from Scripture according to the Sea empire, they were ‘put to death by the
son, the Third being omitted, or read axe at that place.1 ‘ The crown of mar
as one with the Second. tyrdom which they won is glorious. ‘ \

Second Re¢onsory. MARTYROLOGY.

Theirs is a brotherhood indeed, &c., Upon the 16th day of February,

(p. 506.) . were born into the better life—
Third Lesson. Blessed Onesimus, of whom the
holy Apostle Paul writeth unto
FAUSTINUS and Jovita were bro Philemon; and whom also he or
thers, born of a noble family at dained Bishop of Ephesus after holy
Brescia. While Trajan’s persecution Timothy, and committed unto him
was raging, they were taken about the preaching of the word. In the
in chains from one city of Italy to end he was brought to Rome in
another, and exhibited in torture in chains, and there stoned to death for
_each. This cruelty utterly failed to Christ’s faith’s sake. His body was
‘silence their confession of Christ, first buried there, but was thence
Whom they preached by their suffer taken to the place where he had been
ings in every place where they were ordained bishop.
shown. They were afterwards kept On the same day is commemorated
for a long time at Brescia, where they at Camae in Campania the translation
'were exhibited with wild beasts, and of the holy Virgin and martyr Juliana.
1 About A.D. rzr.

At Nicomedia-under the Emperor FEBRUARY 16. H .

ZMaximian, she was cruelly beaten by
her own father Africanus, then put MARTYROLOGY.
to divers torments by the Prefect
Upon the 17th day of February,
Evilasius, whom she refused to marry,
were born into the better life—
and afterwards cast into prison, where
At Rome, the holy martyr Faustinus,
she fought visibly with the devil: she
and forty-four others, who followed
overcame fire and boiling water, and
him to his crown.
at length finished her martyrdom by
In Persia, [in the year 251,] holy
being beheaded, [in the year 299.]
Polychronius, Bishop of Babylon, who
On the same day, were also born in the persecution of Decius had his
into the better life— mouth broken with stones, and then
In Egypt, the holy martyr Julian, with his hands stretched out and his
and five thousand others, [in the year eyes lifted up to heaven, gave up the
309'] ghost.
At Caesarea, in Palestine, the holy At Concordia, [in the year 303,]
Egyptian martyrs Elijah, Jeremiah, the holy martyrs Donatus, Secun
Isaiah, Samuel, and Daniel. They dianus, and Romulus, together with
went of their own accord to Cilicia eighty-six others, who were partakers
to minister to the Confessors who had in their crown.
been condemned to penal servitude At Caesarea, in Palestine, [in the
in the mines; when they were return year 309,] holy Theodulus the Elder,
ing thence, they were apprehended, of the household of the President
and most cruelly tortured by the Pre Firmilian. He was stirred up by
sident Firmilian under the Emperor the example of the martyrs stead
Galerius Maximian, and in the end fastly to confess Christ, and being
were beheaded, [in the year 309.] himself crucified gained by a noble
After whom holy Porphyry, the victory the palm of martyrdom.
servant of the martyr Pamphilus, and There also the holy martyr Julian
holy Seleucus the Cappadocian, who the Cappadocian. l-le kissed the
had oftentimes contended and always bodies of the slaughtered martyrs,
been conquerors, were put to the and was therefore accused of Christ
torture again, and [in the year 309] ianity, brought before the President,
received their crowns—Porphyry by and burnt on a slow fire.
fire, and Seleucus by the sword. In the country of Tervan, holy
At Arezzo, in Tuscany, [in the year Silvin, Bishop of Toulouse.
1276,] the blessed Pope Gregory X. ; In Ireland, [in the middle of the
he was va man of Piacenza, and was sixth century,] the holy Priest and
raised to the Supreme Pontificate Confessor Fintan, [of the race of
from the arch-deaconry [of Liége.] whom was Brigid; he was Abba't
He held the Second Council of Lyons, of CIuain-ed-nech in Leinster, and
received the Greeks into the unity of was called chief head of the monks
the faith, healed the dissensions of of Ireland.]
Christendom, set forward the recovery At Florence, [at the end of the
of the Holy Land, and governed the thirteenth century,] the blessed Con
Church in holiness. fessor Alexis de’ Falconieri, one of
At Brescia, [in the year 350,] the the seven founders of the Order of
‘holy Confessor “Faustinus, Bishop of Servants of the blessed Virgin Mary.
that see. . He died a blessed death in the hum

dred and tenth year of his life, At Toledo, [in the year 631,] the
strengthened by the presence of holy Confessor Helladius, Bishop of
Christ Jesus and of the angels. that see.

Upon the 18th day of February, $t fitment, 366130;] [of
were born into the better life— Serusalemj martyr.
At Jerusalem, the blessed martyr
Simeon, Bishop of that holy city Simple.
[from the year 46 to the year 107.] '
In Lent this Ofice is not observed,
This is he of whom it is recorded
but a Commemoration only is made a!
that he was the son of Cleophas
Vespers and Lauds without the last
and the kinsman of the Saviour accord
Lesson at Mattins.
ing to the flesh. He was ordained
All from the Common Ofice fin
Bishop of Jerusalem next after James,
Simple Feasts of a Bishop and Martyr,
the brother of the Lord. In the per
(p. 496,) exeept what is otherwise
secution under Trajan he was put to
given here.
many torments and suffered martyr
dom, and the judge and all men Prayer throughout. Mercifully con
marvelled to see with how great sider our weakness, &c., (p. 491.)
boldness and firmness he endured
the grievous torment of the cross at
his great age, for he was an hundred
and twenty years old. The First and Second Lessons are
At Ostia, the holy brethren Maxi from Scripture according to the Sea
mus and Claudius, and Praeperdigna, son, the Third being omitted, or read
the wife of Claudius, and their two as one with the Second.
sons, Alexander and Cutias, all mar
tyrs, [in the year 295.] They were
Third Lesson.
a very noble race, and by command
of the Emperor Diocletian they were IMEON, the son of Cleophas,
arrested and sent into exile, then they (Matth. xiii. 55,) was [chosen]
were consumed with fire, and so offered the second Bishop of Jerusalem, [in
a sacrifice of sweet savour unto God the year 62,] being the first after
himself. Their relics were cast into the James. Under the Emperor Trajan
river, but the Christians sought for them he was accused before the Pro-Consul
and buried them hard by the city. Atticus, as being both a Christian,
In Africa, the holy martyrs Lucius, and a relation of Christ, this being
Sylvan, Rutulus, Classicus, Secun the time when all were arrested that
dinus, Fructulus, and Maximus. were of the lineage of David. He
At Constantinople, [in the year 449,] underwent with great sufl'ering the
holy Flavian, Bishop of that see, who, same things that were inflicted on our
because he defended the Catholic faith Saviour, and all men marvelled to
at Ephesus, was assailed by the fol see with how great boldness and firm~
lowers of the wicked Dioscorus with ness he endured the grievous torment
cufis and kicks, and sent into exile, of the cross, at his great age, for he
where he died after three days. was an hundred and twenty years old.l
l n.0, 107 or 1:6.
MARTYROLOGY. them, they were savagely tortured
anew with fire and iron and put to
Upon the 19th day of February, death. This glorious multitude were
were born into the better life— cheered on to victory by the Bishops
At Rome, [in the year 296,] the Tyrannio, Silvan, Peleus, and Nilus,
holy martyr Gavin, a Priest who was and the Priest Zenobius, who by a
the brother of the blessed Pope Caius, happy contention, along with them,
and who was long kept in prison and gained the same palm of martyrdom
chains by the Emperor Diocletian, together with them.
and gained the gladness of heaven On the same 20th day of February,
through a death precious in the sight were also born into the better life—
of the Lord. In the island of Cyprus, the holy
In Africa, the holy martyrs Publius, martyrs Pothamius and Nemesius.
Julian, Marcellus, and others. At Constantinople, [in the year
In Palestine are commemorated the 490,] the holy martyr Eleutherius,
holy monks and other martyrs who [eighth] Patriarch of that city. [He
[about the year 508] were cruelly had replaced Acacius, who favoured
slain for Christ’s faith’s sake by the the Eutychians.]
Saracens under Al Mundar, their In Persia, [in the year 342,] holy
general. Sadoth, [Arch]bishop [of Seleucia and
At Jerusalem, [in the year 304,] Ctesephon, in Persia, successor to St
holy Zambdas, [counted thirty-ninth] Simeon,] and an hundred and twenty
Bishop of that holy city. eight others who refused to worship
At Soli, [in Cyprus, in the year the sun, under Sapor, King of the
102,] holy Auxibius, Bishop [of that Persians, and by cruel deaths gained
see.] - glorious crowns.
At Beneventum, [in the year 682,] At Catania, in Sicily, [in the eighth
holy Barbatus, Bishop of that see, century,] holy Leo, Bishop of that see,
famous for his holiness, who brought who shone with graces and miracles.
the Lombards and their leader to On the same day, [in the year 738,]
Christ. holy Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans,
At Milan, [about the year 700,] who shone with more miracles the
the holy Confessor Mansuetus, Bishop more he was belied by his enemies.
of that see. At Tournay, in Gaul, [in the year
531,] the holy Confessor Eleutherius,
FEBRUARY 19. Bishop of that see.


Upon the 20th day of February are MARTYROLOGY.
commemorated the blessed martyrs
of Tyre, in Phoenicia, whose number Upon the zlst day of February,
is known only to God. They were were born into the better life——
slain by Veturius, military instructor In Sicily, under the Emperor Dio
under the Emperor Diocletian, with cletian, [fourth century,] seventy-nine
a great number and variety of holy martyrs, who through divers
torments. They were first lacerated torments won the crown of their
with stripes, then given to divers confession.
kinds of beasts ; but as these, through At Adrumetum, [Susa ?] in Africa,
the power of God, would not hurt [in fourth century,] the holy martyrs

Verulus, Secundinus, Syricius, Felix, At Vienne, holy Paschasius, Bishop

Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, and of that see, very famous for his
sixteen others, who were crowned learning and the holiness of his
with martyrdom for their confession life.
of the Catholic faith in the persecution At Cortona, in Tuscany, [in the
under the Vandals. year 1297,] holy Margaret, of the third
At Bethgan, [about 452,] the holy order of St Francis, whose body hath
martyr Severian, Bishop of that see. marvellously remained incorrupt for
At Damascus, [in the year 743,] more than four hundred years, breath
holy Peter Mavimeno. Some Arabs ing a sweet savour, and famous for
came to see him while he was ill, many miracles, and is there deeply
and to them he said, “Whoever does honoured.
not embrace the Catholic Christian
religion will be damned, as your false Vespers are of the following.
prophet Mohammed is,” whereupon
they killed him.
At Ravenna, [in the year 556,] the FEBRUARY 2 2.
holy Confessor Maximian.
At Metz, [about the year 500,] holy $t water’s $22 at Qntiuth.
Felix, Bishop of that see.
At Brescia, [in the seventh century,] Greater Douhle.
holy Paterius, [twenty-third] Bishop of
that see. All the same as on the Feast of St
Peter’s Chair at Rome, (15. 688,) except
what is otherwise given here.
On the morrow we keep the feast MATTINS.
of the See of the holy Apostle Peter,
wherein he first sat at Antioch. In SECOND NOCTURN.
the which city the disciples were first
called Christians. Fourth Lesson.
At Hierapolis, in Phrygia, holy The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Papias, Bishop of that city, who was of St Austin, Bishop [of Hippo.]
the heater of the holy elder John, and (15th on the Saints.)
the companion of Polycarp.
At Salamis, in Cyprus, holy Aristion, HE solemn Feast of to-day re
who, as the said Papias doth testify, ceived from our forefathers the
was one of the seventy-two disciples name of 'that of St Peter’s Chair at
of Christ. Antioch, because there is a tradition
In Arabia are commemorated many that it was on this day that Peter,
holy martyrs who were cruelly slain first of the Apostles, was enthroned
under the Emperor Galerius Max in a Bishop’s Chair. Rightly, there
imian. fore, do the Churches observe the first
At Alexandria, holy Abilius, Pope day of that Chair, the right to which
of that see, who was the second who the Apostle received for the salvation
held it after the blessed Evangelist of the Churches from the Lord of the
Mark, and administered his office Churches Himself, with the words:
with an eminent manifestation of “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock
grace. I will build My Church.”

_ _~__.__ \Ifi
Fifth Lesson. do men say that I, the Son of Man,
am ? And so on.
T was the Lord Himself Who called
Peter the foundation of the Homily by Pope St Leo [the Great.]
Church, and therefore it is right that (3rd on the Anniversary of his own
the Church should reverence this election.)
foundation whereon her mighty struct
ure riseth. Justly is it written in the The Lord asked His disciples Who
Psalm which we have just heard: men'said that He was, and their
“Let them exalt him in the congre answers were human as long as they
gation of the people, and praise him were the answers of human reason,
in the assembly of the elders.” unilluminated by Divine light. At
Blessed be God, Who hath command last, when the glimmerings of earthly
ed that the Blessed Apostle Peter conjecture were spoken, he whose
should be exalted in the congrega Apostleship is the first in dignity, was
tion! Worthy to be honoured by the the first to confess his Lord. “And
Church is that foundation from which Simon Peter answered and said: Thou
her goodly towers rise, pointing to art the Christ, the Son of the living
heaven I God. And JESUS answered and said
Sixth Lesson. unto him: Blessed art thou, Simon
Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not
IN the honour which is this day paid revealed it unto thee, but My Father
to the inauguration of the first Which is in heaven.” That is to
Bishop’s throne, an honour is paid say, “ For this cause art thou blessed,
to the office of all Bishops. The because My Father Himself hath
Churches testify one to another, that, taught thee; the opinions of men
the greater the Church’s dignity, the have not beguiled thee, the voices of
greater the reverence due to her angels have not taught thee, not flesh
priests. While I confess how rightly and blood, but He, Whose Only
godly custom hath exalted this Feast begotten Son I am, hath revealed Me
in the estimation of all the Churches,
unto thee.”
the more do I wonder at the growth
of that unhealthy error which at this
dayv causeth some unbelievers to lay Eighth Lesson.
food and wine upon the graves of the HUS saith the Lord unto Simon
dead,1 as if souls once rid of the body Peter: “And I say also unto
had any longer any need of bodily thee, That thou art Peter.” That is
refreshment. to say, “Even as My Father hath
revealed unto thee concerning Me that
THIRD NOCTURN. I am God, even so now will I also
Seventh Lesson. reveal unto thee that thou art Peter;
I am the sure Rock of defence, the
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Corner Stone, Who make both one,
Gospel according to Matthew (xvi.
(Eph. ii. 20, 15,) I am the Found
13-) ation, beside Which other can no man
AT that time: JESUS came into the lay, (1 Cor. iii. 11,) and thou also
coasts of Caesarea Philippi, and art a rock, in My Strength made hard,
He asked His disciples, saying: Who and those things whereof I by right
1 Perhaps alluding to some practice, in celebration of festivals, which had grown out of the
agapa: or love-feasts, and had become an abuse.
s Q»
v gram. 7 ’7 777


am Lord, into thy hand do I give passed from him to all. To Peter
them, that thou mayst bear rule over alone were the keys given, and Peter
them, for Me, and with Me.” “And is set as the pattern for all them
upon this rock I will build My that bear rule in the Church to follow.
Church, and the gates of hell shall There remaineth therefore the right
not prevail against it.” “Upon this of Peter, wheresoever his judgment
strength of thine, whereof I am the decreeth justice. Neither is there
Strength, I will build My eternal anything too hard, or too lax, where
temple, and upon the truth of thy there is nothing bound and nothing
confession of Me I will make to rise loosed, save when Peter bindeth or
that My glorious Church whose spires looseth.
shall pierce to heaven.”
In Lent a Commemoration of the
Week-day is made at First Vespers.
Ninth Lesson.
Note. 0' this Feast fall on a Satur
day hefore Lent, or he transferred to a
Monday, and it he not Leap Year, then A Commemoration is made of the
the Ninth Lesson will be the Homily following. A ntiphon, “ 0 right excel~
fir St Matthias’ Eve, of which a lent Teacher, &c.,” (p. 515,) Verse,
Commemoration will also he made at “The Lord loved him, &c.,” and
Lauds, after that of St Paul. [f Answer, (p. 515,) and the following
moreover this Feast fall in Lent, then Prayer.
the Ninth Lesson will he the Homily
of the Week-day, of which also a Com GRANT unto us, we beseech Thee,
memoration will he made at Lands. O Almighty God, so to profit
1n Lent no notice of St Matthias’ Eve by the teaching and example of Thy
is taken in the Ofiice. blessed Confessor and Bishop Peter,
that like him we may lightly esteem
AGAINST this confession the gates the things which are seen and tem~
of hell shall never prevail,
poral, and finally attain unto those
neither shall the bands of death take good things which are unseen aric
hold upon it. Thus saith He That is
eternal. Through our Lord JESU‘
faithful and true. And as this con
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth an
fession hath power to lift up to heaven reigneth with Thee, in the unity 1]
them that make it, so is it able to the Holy Ghost, one God, world wit
thrust down to hell them that gainsay out end. Amen.
it. Wherefore it is said unto the most
blessed Peter: “And I will give unto
thee the keys of the kingdom of MARTYROLOGY .
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt
bind on earth, shall be bound in The morrow is the eve of the
heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt Apostle Matthias. l
loose on earth, shall be loosed in But in Leap year the above Wt
heaven.” This power passed indeed must be omitted.
to the other Apostles also; this the Upon the 23rd day of Febrr
Lord’s will had effect in them; but were born into the better life—
it is not in vain that it is written At Faenza, the holy Peter Dar
that that was given to one which [988-1072,] Cardinal Bishop of t
famous for his teaching and 'holi FEBRUARY 23.
ness, whom Pope Leo XII. declared
to be a Doctor of the Universal $t 192m lBamian, [Qtarhiual]
At Sirmium, [in the year 307,] the Bishop [uf @stiaj Qtnnfessor
blessed martyr Sirenus; a monk who &IID Easter at the QItJurdJ.
was apprehended by order of the
Emperor Maximian, and when he con Double.
fessed himself to be a Christian was All from the Common Oflice for a
beheaded. Bishop and Confessor, (p. 51 5,) except
There likewise, seventy-two holy what is otherwise given here.
martyrs, who finished the combat of In Lent a Commemoration of the
martyrdom in that city, and received Week-day is made at First Vesfiers.
kingdoms which fade not away, eternal
in the heavens.
At Rome, [in the fourth century,] MATTIN S.
the holy Priest Polycarp, who, along
with the blessed Sebastian, brought FIRST NOCTURN.
many to believe in Christ, and by his
exhortations led them to the glory of Lessons from Scripture according to
martyrdom. the Season. 1n Lent from 1 Tim. iii.
In the city of Astorga, [in the year 1, (19.5163,
252,] the holy Virgin Martha, mar
tyred under the Emperor Decius and
the Proconsul Paternus.
At Constantinople, [about the year Fourth Lesson.
860,] the holy monk Lazarus. Be
cause he painted holy images, the THE holy Doctor Peter Damian
Emperor Theophilus, the Iconoclast, was born of respectable parents
put him to grievous tortures, and at Ravenna, [about the year of our
burnt his hands with a white-hot iron ; Lord 988.] While he was still a
but he was healed by the power of suckling, his mother, overcome with
God, restored the painting upon the the care of many children, cast him
holy images that had been defaced, out to perish, but one of the women
and at length fell asleep in peace. servants saved him when he was nigh
At Brescia, [about 652,] holy Felix, to death, and fed him until natural
Bishop of that see. affection appeared again in his mother,
At Seville, in Spain, [in the year to whom she then gave him back.
485,] the holy Confessor Florence. After the death of both his parents he
At Todi, [in 324,] the holy Virgin lived with a brother who treated him
Romana, who was baptized by holy like the lowest slave, and in whose
Pope Sylvester, led a heavenly life in house he underwent a hard bondage.
dens and caves of the earth, and shone Even while he was in this condition
with the glory of miracles. he gave a wonderful proof of his faith
In England, [in the seventh cen toward God, and his dutiful love
tury,] the holy Virgin Milburga, daugh toward his father. It chanced that
ter of the king of the Mercians, [sister one day he found a considerable sum
of St Mildred, and Abbess ofWenlock, of money, but instead of using it to
Shropshire] relieve his own poverty, he gave it

all to a priest to offer God’s sacrifice tages; and made the community so
for the forgiveness of his father’s sins. to flourish under his saintly direction,
He had happily another brother called that he is esteemed the second Father
Damian, the same from whom he and chief ornament of that Order.
seemeth afterwards to have taken his This healthful care of Peter was made
surname. By him he was afl'ection a blessing to convents of other Rules
ately adopted, and put in the way of than his own, to houses of Canons,
being educated. He made such pro and to the people. He was many
gress in learning as astonished his ways profitable to the diocese of
teachers, and when he had won an Urbino. He sat with Theuzo the
eminent name in letters, he began to Bishop of that See to judge of a
teach on his own accord with general most weighty matter, and led him by
applause. Meanwhile, lest his body his counsel and assistance rightly to
should get the better of his mind, he administer his Bishoprick. He was
constantly wore a hair-shirt under his foremost in contemplation of the
softer clothes, and exercised himself in things of God, in severity toward his
fasting, watching, and prayer. In the own body, and in other things where
spring-time of his age he was griev by to set a bright example of godli
ously tormented by the stings of the ness. In consideration of these things
flesh; and sometimes, when the re the Supreme Pontiff Stephen IX.,
bellions of lust seemed about to get [in the year 1057,] created him, in
the mastery over him at night, he spite of his own unwillingness and
threw himself into a freezing stream objections, a Cardinal of the Holy
to check them. After this he would Roman Church, and appointed him
go about visiting consecrated places, Bishop of Ostia. This dignity Peter
and repeat the whole book of Psalms. bore with the highest reputation for
He was most careful in relieving the piety, and adorned with works meet
poor, on whom he would wait with for a Bishop.
his own hands.
Sixth Lesson.
Fifth Lesson.
T the most anxious times he
DESIRING to attain to perfection greatly sustained the Church of
of life he betook himself to the Rome and the Supreme Pontiffs by
convent of Font-Avellano, in the dio his teaching, by missions which he
cese of Gubbio, in Umbria, a house discharged, and by divers other
founded by the blessed Ludolph, the labours which he undertook on their
disciple of St Romuald, for the monks behalf. He strove manfully even
of the Holy Cross. He dwelt there unto death against the heresies of the
not long before he was sent by his Nicola'itans and the Simoniacs, by
Abbat, first to the Abbey of Pomposia, putting down which evils he reconciled
and, secondly, to that of St Vincent the Church of Milan to that of Rome.
at Pietra Pertusa, both which brother He was one of the stoutest opponents
hoods he greatly profited by his godly of the false Popes Benedict and
exhortations, discreet rules, and grave Cadalous. He deterred Henry IV.,
manners. After his return home, and King of Germany, from his wicked
the death of his Superior, he was scheme for putting away his wife.
chosen to rule the brethren of Avellano. He recalled the people of Ravenna to
Here he founded divers new hermi their bounden duty to the Bishop of
Rome, and restored them to the THIRD NOCTURN.
communion of the Church. He re
formed the Canons of Velletri, and Lessons from Matth. v. 13, with the
brought them to lead more godly lives. Homily of St Austin, (p. 549.)
There were hardly any Cathedral
Churches, especially in the province Eighth Responsory.
of Urbino, of which he did not deserve
well. In Gubbio, of which he had at In the midst, &c., (p. 539.)
one time the management, he abolished [fit be neither Lent nor Leap Year
many things unseemly. He brought the Ninth Lesson will he the Homily
about improvements in many and for St Matthias’ Eve. Then the
divers places, as if each were his Third Lesson of the Homily on Matth.
special charge. [In 1062] he gave v. 13 is omitted, or read as one with
up his dignities of Cardinal and the Seeond, and the First Lesson only
Bishop, but he allowed his love toward of the Homily of the Eve is read, or
his neighbours to know no diminution. else the three as one. In Lent no
He was particularly zealous in spread notice is taken of St Matthias’ Eve,
ing abroad four devout practices: Ist,_ and the Ninth Lesson is the Homily
To fast every Friday in honour of for the Week-day, either the first part
the Holy Cross of JESUS Christ; 2nd, or all three in one, and the Com
To recite the Hours of the Blessed memoration of the Week-day is made
Mother of God, called also her Little at Lauds.
Ofiice; 3rd, To sanctify Saturday in Prayer thoughout the day as at the
her honour; and 4th, and especially, Commemoration the preeeding evening.
to scourge oneself in punishment for
sin committed. At length he de In Leap Year St Matthias’ Eye is
parted to be with Christ, at Faenza, kept on February 24.
on his way back from his mission to In Lent it is omitted.
Ravenna, on the 22nd of February, All from the Common Ofiice for
[in the year 1072,] at the height of Apostles’ Ez/es, (p. 461.)
his reputation for holiness, learning, In Leap Year the following,r is the
miracles, and good works. His body
is buried in the house of the Cister MARTYROLOGY.
cians at Faenza, where the people
resort often to his grave with great The morrow is the eve of the holy
reverence. The citizens of Faenza. Apostle Matthias.
to whom he hath been found good at Upon the same 24th day of Feb
need even to this day, have chosen ruary, were born into the better life
him for their Patron in the presence many holy martyrs and confessors and
of God. The supreme Pontifi' Leo holy virgins.
XII., finding that an Office and Mass But the following is the ordinary
in memory of him, as a Confessor Martyrology which is read in Leap
and Bishop, was in use in some Year upon St Matthias’ Eve.
dioceses, and in the Camaldolese
Order, by advice of the Sacred Con
gregation of Rites, added the title of
Doctor, and extended the use of the Upon the 24th (or 25th) day of Feb-2
said Office and Mass to the whole ruary, were born into the better life—
Church. In Judea, the holy Apostle Matthias,

who was chosen by the Apostles right grant, we beseech Thee, that Thy
after the Ascension of the Lord to Church, being upholden by his prayers,
take the place of the traitor Judas, may ever feel about her the arms1
and who suffered martyrdom for of Thy most mighty protection.
preaching the Gospel. Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
At Rome, the holy martyr Primitiva. Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, [in the Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
year 304,] the holy martyr Sergius, one God, world without end. Amen.
whose acts are held most famous.
In Lent a Commemoration is made
In Africa, [in the year 259,] the
of the Week-day.
holy martyrs Montanus, Lucius, Julian,
Victoricus, Flavian, and their Com If this be the evening of February
panions, who were disciples of holy 23rd, then a Commemoration is made
Cyprian, and finished their testimony of St Peter Damian. Antiphon, “ 0
under the Emperor Valerian. right excellent Teacher, &c.," (p. 51 5.)
At Rouen, [in the year 588,] the holy Verse, “The Lord guided, &c.,” and
martyr Pretextatus, Bishop of that see. Answer, (p. 524,) and the Prayer of
At Triere, [about the year 499,] the St Peter Damian as throughout the
holy Confessor Modestus, Bishop of day.
that see. MATTINS.
In England, [in the year 616,] holy
Ethelbert, King of Kent, whom holy FIRST NOCTURN.
Augustin, first Archbishop of Canter First Lesson.
bury, converted to the faith of Christ,
and whose feast we keep upon the The Lesson is taken from the Acts of
26th (27th) day of this present month the Apostles (i. 15.)
of February.
IN those days Peter stood up in the
At Jerusalem is commemorated the
midst of the brethren, and said:
first finding, [in the fourth century,]
(the number of the men together was
of the Head of the Lord’s forerunner.
about an hundred and twenty) Men
and brethren, this Scripture must
FEBRUARY 24, OR IN LEAP YEAR needs be fulfilled, which the Holy
FEB. 25. Ghost by the mouth of David spake
before concerning Judas, which was
St mattliias, gpustlz. guide to them that took JESUS: for
he was numbered with us, and had
Double of the Second Class. obtained part of this ministry. Now
Allfrom the Common Ofiice for the this man purchased a field with the
Feasts of Apostles, (p. 462,) except reward of iniquity; wherein also he
what is otherwise given here. hanged himself, and bursting asunder
in the midst, all his bowels gushed
Second Lesson.
Prayer throughout.
ND it was known unto all the
0 GOD, Who didst choose Thy dwellers at Jerusalem, insomuch
blessed servant Matthias to be as that field is called in their proper
of the number of the twelve Apostles, tongue “ Haceldama,” that is to say,
I Literally, “about her the bowels of Thy mercy.“

“The field of blood.” For it is In Egypt, [in the third century,]

written in the book of Psalms: “ Let under the Emperor Numerian, the
his habitation be desolate, and let no holy martyrs Victorinus, Victor, Ni
man dwell therein, and his Bishoprick cephorus, Claudian, Dioscorus, Sera
let another take.” (cviii. 8.) Where pion, and Papias. Victorinus and
fore, of these men which have com Victor steadfastly bore grievous tor
panied with us all the time that the tures on account of their confession
Lord JESUS went in and out among us, of the faith, and were beheaded.
beginning from the baptism of John, Nicephorus was laid upon a hot
unto that same day that He was taken iron bed, and when he had over
up from us, must one be ordained to come the fire was cut joint from
be a witness with us of His resurrec joint. Claudian and Dioscorus were
tion. burnt. Serapion and Papias were
Third Lesson. slain with the sword.
In Africa, the holy martyrs D0
AND they appointed two, Joseph natus, Justus, Herenas, and their
called Barsabas, which was sur Companions.
named the Just, and Matthias. And At Rome, [in the year 492,] the
they prayed, and said: Thou, Lord, holy Pope Felix III., who was the
Which knowest the hearts of all men, great-grandfather of holy Gregory
show whether of these two Thou hast the Great, who saith of him that
chosen, that he may take part of this he appeared unto his holy niece
ministry and Apostleship, from which Tharsilla, and called her unto the
Judas by transgression fell, that he kingdom of heaven.
might go to his own place. And they At Constantinople, [in the year
gave forth their lots, and the lot fell 806,] holy Tharasius, Patriarch of
upon Matthias, and he was numbered that see, famous for his learning
with the eleven Apostles. and godliness. There remaineth an
epistle addressed unto him by Pope
SECOND NOCTURN. Adrian I. in defence of holy images.
At Nazianzum, [in 369,] holy Cres
Lessons from St Austin’s Exposition arius, brother of blessed Gregory the
of Psalm lxxxvi. (p. 477.) Theologian, whom the said Gregory
doth testify that he saw among the
THIRD NOCTURN. multitude of the blessed.
Lessons from Matth. xi. 25, with
the Homily ofSt Austin, (p. 545.) In
FEBRUARY 25 (26).
Lent the Third Lesson of St Austin’s
Homily is omitted or read as one with MARTYROLOGY.
the Second, and the Ninth Lesson is
the Homily on the Gospel for the On the morrow we keep in Eng
Week-day. land the feast of holy Ethelbert,
King of Kent, whom holy Augustin,
1n Lent a Commemoration is made
first Archbishop of Canterbury, con
of the IVeeh-day at Lauds. verted to the faith of Christ, and
of whom mention hath been made
MARTYROLOGY. upon the 24th (25th) day of this
Upon the 25th (26th) day of Feb present month of February.
ruary, were born into the better life-— ‘Upon the same 26th (27th) day
VOL. 1. 2 C

of February, were born into the the holy Confessor Andrew, Bishop
better life- of that city, [who succeeded St
At Perga, in Pamphylia, [in the Zenobius.]
year 2 51,] blessed Nestor, Bishop In the country of Arctoi, [Vitre,
[of Magydensis.] During the perse in Champaign, in the sixth century,]
cution under Decius he was instant the holy Confessor Victor, [Victor
in prayer by day and by night of Plancy, Priest and Hermit,] whose
that Christ’s flock might be kept praises have been written by holy
safe. When he was arrested he Bernard.
confessed the name of the Lord
Vespers of the following.
with wonderful freedom and readi
ness. By command of the President
Pollio he was most cruelly racked, FEBRUARY 26 (27).
and as he steadfastly declared that
he would alway cleave unto Christ, St Ql’itljelhzrt, ilting of item,
he was at last crucified, and from
the cross passed to heaven a (Eunfzssur.
conqueror. Double.
At Perga likewise, [in 251,] the
holy martyrs Papias, Diodorus, All from the Common Ofiice for
Conon, and Claudian, who suffered a Conflssor not a Bishop, (p. 531,)
before holy Nestor. except the following.
Also the holy martyrs Fortunatus
Felix, and twenty-seven others. Prayer throughout.
At Alexandria, [in the year 326,] GOD, Who hast crowned the
the glorious Elder, holy Alexander, blessed King Ethelbert, Thy
Pope of that see, wherein he suc~ Confessor, with a crown of eternal
ceeded blessed Peter. He it was glory, cause us, we beseech Thee,
who cast his priest Arius out of the so to honour him upon earth that
church when he became perverted we may reign with him in heaven.
with wicked heresy, and reprobate
from the truth of God, and he was At First Vespers in Lent a Com
afterward one of the three hundred memoration is made of the Week-day.
and eighteen fathers who condemned
him in the Council of Nice. FIRST NOCTURN.
At Bologna, [in the fourth cen
tury,] the holy Bishop [of that see,] Lessons from Scripture according
Faustinian, who by the preaching of to the Season. 1n Lent from Ecclus.,
the word of God strengthened and (e- 542-)
increased that Church when it had
been troubled in the persecution SECOND NOCTURN.
under the Emperor Diocletian. Fourth Lesson.
At Gaza, in Palestine, [in the year
420,] holy Porphyry, Bishop of that ETHELBERT, King of Kent, was
see, who in the time of the Emperor the most powerful of the princes
Arcadius cast down the idol Mama in England, and exercised a suzerainty
and its temple, and after many suf over them as far north as the Hum
ferings fell asleep in the Lord. ber. He was born a heathen, but
At Florence, [in the fifth century,] took to wife that most earnest Christ
ian, Bertha, daughter of the King of Sixth Lesson.
the Franks. By her example and
the example of the holy Lindhard, AT length the holy King, after
who was her chaplain, the King and gloriously holding an earthly
many of his chief men were brought kingdom for fifty-six years, and after
to admire the Christian life. When, having held the faith for twenty-one
therefore, there came Augustine with years, passed to the everlasting joys of
his companions sent by holy Gregory, a heavenly kingdom in the year of our
and Ethelbert had heard the teach Lord 616, upon the 24th day of the
ing and had seen the miracles of the month of February, upon the which
servants of God, he believed and re day mention is made of him in the
ceived the sacrament of the faith. Roman tnartyrology. He was buried
After him many began to come to in the porch of St Martin, within
gether every day to hear the word the Church of the blessed Apostles
of God, to give up their pagan rites, Peter and Paul, where also had been ’
and to join in faith the holy Church buried the Queen Bertha.
of Christ. Their belief and conver
sion caused the King much joy, THIRD NOCTURN.
nevertheless he would not force any
to make themselves Christians, but Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with the
only embraced with a warmer love Homily of St Gregory, (p. 538.) In
them that believed as being co-heirs Lent the last is read along with the
with himself of the kingdom of Eighth in order to leave room for the
heaven. Homily of the Week-day, of which a
CommeI/zoration is also made at Lands.
Fifth Lesson.
BORN again in baptism, Ethelbert, MARTYROLOGY.
as a new man, gave himself
wholly to the spreading of the faith Upon the 27th (28th) day of Feb
in his own dominion, and among ruary, were born into the better life—
the princes who were subject unto At Rome, the holy martyrs Alex
him, but above all to make the ander, Abundius, Antigonus, and
kingdom of Christ come in all its Fortunatus.
fulness in his own soul. During the At Alexandria, [in the year 250,]
twenty years which he lived as a the holy martyr Julian. He was so
Christian he never wavered in that crippled by the gout that he could
holy design. He passed most wise neither walk nor stand, and was
laws for the good of his people; carried before the judge in a chair
he set up churches, and at the ex by two servants. Of these two ser
hortation of holy Gregory he pulled vants one denied the faith; the other,
down the temples of the idols ; among whose name was Eunus, persisted in
others he founded the metropolitical confessing Christ along with Julian.
Church of the Saviour at Canterbury, They were both placed upon camels
the monastery of SS. Peter and Paul and led about the whole city, lashed,
hard by the city, the cathedral Church and at length publicly burnt upon a
of St Paul in London, and the cathe pyre.
dral Church of St Andrew at Rochester, There also the holy soldier Besas.
upon all which with a bounty truly royal He rebuked some who were jeering
he bestowed lands and possessions. at the martyrs aforenamed, for which

cause he was accused before the monks. [Founder of monasteries in

judge, and as he stood firm in the Switzerland]
faith he was beheaded. At Pavia is commemorated the
At Seville, in Spain, [in the year translation of the body of holy Aug
596,] holy Leander, Bishop of that ustine, Bishop of Hippo, which was
city, by whose preaching and labours, brought [in the year 722] from the
assisted by Reccared, King of the island of Sardinia by the care of
Visigoths, that nation were converted Luitprand, King of the Lombards.
from the Arian misbelief to the
Catholic faith. FEBRUARY 28 (29).
At Constantinople, [in 750,] the
holy Confessors Basil and Procopius, MARTYROLOGY.
who in the time of the Emperor Leo On the morrow we keep the feast
the Isaurian, contended valiantly for of the holy Confessor David, Arch
the honouring of holy images. bishop of Caerleon upon Usk.l
At Lyons,' [about the year 660,] Upon the same ist day of March,
holy Baldomer, [locksmith and sub were also born into the better life—
deacon,] the man of God whose At Rome, two hundred and sixty
grave is famous on account of the holy martyrs whom for Christ’s name’s
miracles which are oftentimes wrought sake the Emperor Claudius first con
there. demned to dig sand outside the
FEBRUARY 27 (28). Salarian Gate, and then to be shot
to death with arrows in the amphi
' On the 28th (29th) day of Feb Likewise the holy martyrs Leo,
ruary, were born into the better life— Donatus, Abundantius, Nicephorus,
At Romq the holy martyrs Mac and nine others.
arius,. Rufinus, Justus, and ‘The At Marseilles, [in the year 290,] the
ophilus. holy martyrs Hermes and Hadrian.
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs At Heliopolis, [in 114,] the holy
Caerealis, Pupulus, Caius, and Ser martyr Eudocia [of Samaria, now
apion. Balbek in Turkey-in-Asia,] during the
Likewise at Alexandria are com persecution under the Emperor Trajan.
memorated the holy Priests, Deacons, She was baptized by Theodotus, Bishop
and many others who cheerfully met of [Heliopolis,] and, armed for the
death in ministering to the sick in battle, the President Vincentius
the great plague which devastated that ordered her to be smitten with the
city, [in the third century,] in the time sword, and thus she received the
Of the Emperor Valerian, and whom crown of martyrdom.
the godly reverence of the faithful hath Upon the same day, the holy
been used to honour as martyrs. martyr Antonina. During the per
In the Jura mountains, toward Lyons, secution under the Emperor Dio
[in 460,] the holy Abbat [of Condat,] cletian she laughed at the gods of
Romanus, who was the first to live the Gentiles, for the which cause
there as a hermit, and becoming she was diversly tortured, shut up
famous for many graces and miracles, in a barrel, and drowned in the
became also the father of many marsh at the city of Cea.
1 This is a purely local addition. The name of St David does not occur in the Roman
Martyrology, nor in that of any religious order with which the writer is acquainted.

At Werdt, [in the year 713,] holy Bishop David may help us, and that
Swibert, Bishop of that city, [Apostle while we keep his solemn Feast, we
of the Frisians,] who in the time of may follow the example of his stead
Pope Sergius preached the gospel to fastness in defending the Catholic
‘the Frieslanders, Hollanders, and Faith. Through our Lord- JESUS
other peoples of Lower Germany. Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
At Angers, [in the year 550,] the reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
holy Confessor Albinus, Bishop of that the Holy Ghost, one God, world with
see, a man of eminent graces and out end. Amen.
At Mans, [in the year 687,] the In Lent, at First Vespers a Commem
holy Siviard, Abbat [of Saint Calais] oration is made of the Week-day.
At Perugia is commemorated the
translation [in the year 547] of the MATTINS.
holy martyr Herculanus, Bishop of
that see, of whom mention is made
upon the 7th day of November. He Lessons from Stribture according to
was beheaded by order of Totila, King the Season. In Lent from I Tim. iii.
of the Goths, and it is written by holy ‘1, (p. 516.)
Pope Gregory that, forty days after
his head was cut off, head and body SECOND NOCTURN.
were found united again, as though
the iron had never touched him. Fourth Lesson. (From vhis Life by
Giraldus Cambrensis. Anglia Sa
Vespers of the fbllowing, with in era, ii. 628.) ~
Lent a Commemoration of the Week
day. ~ THIS David was born of a Princely
, race in Cardiganshire. After
becoming a Priest he was moved by
FEAST-DAYS IN MARCH. the desire of a more perfect life to
betake himself to Paulinus, the disciple
' On the day next before Lent on which 'of St' Germain, who dWelt in the Isle
Nine Lessons are not read, is said the of Wight. Under this master he
Ofiite of the Dead. made great progress, and began, at
his exhortation, to preach to the
_ IVIARCH 'I. people of the neighbourhood. In pro
gress of time he founded many monas
St: Bahia. wcbhisljnp [uf teries, wherein his disciples, in quiet
QIZazrIzunJ @unfzssur. ' retreat from men, passed their days
in working with their hands, reading,
Double. praying, and succouring the poor.
All from the Common Ofiiee for a
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,)exoefit Fifth Lesson.
the following.
HE revival in Britain of the Pela
gian heresy brought it about
Prayer throughout. that a Council was got together in
RANT, we beseech Thee, 0 Al Cardiganshire, wherein David, for his
'mighty‘ God, that the fatherly zealous contending for‘ the Catholic
prayers of Thy blessed Confessor and Faith, was unanimously chosen Arch

bishop of Wales, in the place of holy number martyred and buried there
Dyfrug, who had resigned. The new under Maximian Hercules]
Archbishop called together a second At Rome, upon the Latin Way,
Council, in which all the decrees of [about the year 258,] under the Em
the first were confirmed. From these perors Valerian and Gallienus, the
decrees, approved by the authority holy martyrs Jovinus and Basileus.
of the Pope, all the Churches of Likewise at Rome, under the Em
Wales received their usage and peror Alexander and the Prefect Ul
rule. pian, many holy martyrs, who were
Sixth Lesson. long tortured, and at length put to
IN those days the Church of God At Porto, the holy martyrs Paul,
flourished exceedingly. Monas Heraclius, Secundilla, and Januaria.
teries were set up in many places, At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the
and great multitudes of the faithful, holy martyrs Lucius the Bishop,
of divers orders, were brought unto Absolom, Lorgius.
Christ, and unto all of them David In Campania are commemorated
was as a mirror and an ensample. eighty holy martyrs, who would not
Not by word alone but by his life eat meat sacrificed unto idols, nor
also, he shone as a light to others; adore a she-goat’s head, and there
a great preacher, but a greater prac fore, [about the year 629,] were
tiser. In an old age, and full of cruelly slain by the Lombards.
good works, he resigned his soul to At Rome, [about the year 483,] the
God, upon a ISt day of March, about holy Confessor Pope Simplicius.
the year of salvation 544.
Vegfiers are of the following, from
the Chapter inclusive.

Lessons from Matth. xxv. 14, with

the Homily of St Gregory, (,0. 522.) MARCH 2.
In Lent the last Lesson is read
along with the Eighth to make room St (lllljali,1 Bishop [at flirt]:
for Homily of the Week-day, of which
a Commemoration is also made at
firm] Qtunfzssur.
Lauds. Double.
All from the Common Ofiiee fizr a
Upon the 2nd day of March, were Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) except
born into the better life— the following.
In England, [about the year 672,]
holy Chad, Bishop of the Mercians Prayer throughout. (Taken fiom the
and of Lindisfarne, whose eminent Salisbury Missal.)
graces are recorded by Bede. [His
body was buried at Lichfield, first in ALMIGHTY and everlasting
the Church of Our Lady, second in God, Who dost this day gladden
the Church of St Peter, and thirdly us by the Feast of Thy blessed Con
in the Cathedral dedicated to Our fessor and Bishop Chad, we humbly
Lady and St Chad. The town was beseech Thy mercy that we may be
named Lichfield on account of the holpen toward life eternal by his
1 Chad, or Cead, Saxon form of Gaelic Cad, or Cedd.
fatherly prayers whom we do solemnly rightly consecrated. To whom he
honour. Through our Lord JESUS answered: “If thou knowest that I
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and have not rightly been made a Bishop,
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of I willingly lay down mine office;
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with neither did I ever deem myself fit to
out end. Amen.’ hold it, but when I was commanded,
First Vespers as regards St Chad I took it, for obedience’ sake.” Theo
begin with the Chapter. dore marvelled at his lowliness, and
A Commemoration is made of St made him Bishop of the Mercians
Dar/id. Prayer from his Ofiiee, then and of Lindisfame, in the which office
in Lent of the Week-day. ' he strove to do his duty in great per
fection of life, after the ensample of
the old Fathers.

Sixth Lesson.
Lessons from Scripture according to
HEN the hour of his death
the Season. 1n Lent, 1 Tim. iii. 1,
drew near, he exhorted the
(p. 51 6.) brethren who stood by to keep love
and peace with each other and with
all the faithful, and never to relax from
Fourth Lesson. (From the Venerable the strict observance of the monastic
Bede, iii. 23, 28; ix. 2, 3.) life. His sickness increasing, he made
him ready to depart, by receiving the
CHAD was Abbat of the monastery
Body and Blood of the Lord, and on
called Lestingay, [in the Wolds
the seventh day his soul was set free
of Yorkshire.] He was a man holy
from the toilsome prison of the body,
and lowly, well read in the Scriptures,
and went away to be in gladness for
and a diligent practiser of that which
ever. He died at his own See of
he learnt therefrom. Wherefore Wini,
Lichfield, upon the 2nd day of March,
Bishop of the West Saxons, at the
in the year 672.
desire of King Oswin, ordained him
Bishop of York. Being so conse
crated, he set himself to look to the THIRD NOCTURN.
orthodoxy and clean living of the
Lessons from Matth. xxiv. 42, with
clergy, to seek after lowliness, self
the Homily of St Ifi'lary, (p. 527.)
control, and learning, and to make a
In Lent, the last Lesson is read
visitation of the towns, country, cot
along with the Eighth to make room
tages, hamlets, and castles, to preach
fitr Homily of the Week-day, of whieh
the Gospel therein, going always not
a Commemoration is also made at
on horseback, but on foot, after the
fashion of the Apostles.
Fifth Lesson.
On the morrow we keep the feast
THEODORE, Archbishop of Can of the holy Confessor iElred, Abbat
terbury, took Bishop Chad to of Rievaux, of the Cistercian1 Order,
task, as though he had not been famous for his knowledge of sacred
1 The name of St [Elred does not occur in the Roman Martyroiogy, and the above is accord
ingly taken from the Martyrology of the Cistercians.

letters, uprightness of life, self-content, after her death was famous for mir
wondrous long-suffering, spirit of pro acles, [in the year 1040.]
phecy, heavenly conversation, and
At Second Vesjers a Commemora
great miracles, who departed this life
tion of the jbllowing, Prayer from
upon the 12th day of January.
his Ofiice, and in Lent of the l/Vech
Upon the same 3rd day of March,
day. '
were born into the better life—
At Cmsarea, in Palestine, in the MARCH 3.
persecution under the Emperor Val
erian, the holy martyrs Marinus the 5t Qrlreh, ghhat.‘
soldier and Asterius the senator.
Marinus was accused by his com
rades of being a Christian, and when All from the Common Oflice, (15.
asked by the judge so declared with 531,) except the following.
a loud voice, and was beheaded.
Asterius took off his own garment, Prayer throughout.
wrapt in it the headless body of the
martyr, and took it upon his own 0 ALMIGHTY and everlasting
shoulder, and for so doing himself God, Who as Thou never
received the honour of martyrdom. ceasest to chasten the children of
In Spain, the holy martyrs Hemi Thy Church, so also dost never
terius, [or Madir,] and Chelidonius. cease to help them, grant unto Thy
They were stationed as soldiers in faithful people, at the prayers of
camp at Leon in Galicia, when the blessed Abbat lElred, whom Thou
storm of persecution broke. On ac didst give unto them to be a
count of their confession of the minister in the things of eternal
Name of Christ they were taken to Salvation, that through Thy mercy
Calaxorra, where they were put to they should receive not only the
divers torments and crowned with knowledge of the right which they
martyrdom. [Their bodies rest in ought to do, but also the power to do
the Cathedral of Calahorra, of which it. Through our Lord JESUS Christ
they are the patrons] Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
Upon the same day the holy with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
martyrs Felix, Luciolus, Fortunatus, Ghost, one God, world without end.
Marcia, and their Companions. Amen.
Likewise the holy soldiers Cleonicus, FIRST NOCTURN.
Eutropius, and Basiliscus, who won a
happy triumph upon the cross under Lessons from Scripture according
the President Asclepiades, in the per to the Season. 1n Lent from \Visd.
secution under the Emperor Maximian. iv- 7:
At Brescia, [in the year 526,] the
holy Confessor Titian, Bishop of that SECOND NOCTURN.
Fourth Lesson.
At Bamberg, holy Cunegunda,
Empress of the Romans, bride of LRED was born of the noblest
the Emperor Henry the First, with blood of England and Scot
whose consent she remained always land. From his earliest years he
a Virgin. She fell asleep in peace, gave bright promise of his future
richly adorned with good works, and holiness. While he lay in the cradle
his face was seen surrounded with Sz'xth Lesson.
rays of light, and when he was a
little child he knew things at a dis HE trained up at his monastery
tance. He was trained up at the one hundred and forty monks
court of David 1., King of Scots, and five hundred brethren. To them
along with the son of that king, he was accustomed to say, My child
and was a great favourite of the ren, speak what ye will as long as
king himself. As his godliness and there come not out of your mouth any
wisdom grew with his years he de base word, any evil against a brother,
termined to bid farewell to the world. or any blasphemy against God. He
Before he received the Cistercian worked many miracles during his life.
habit in the monastery of Reivaux, He was ill for ten years before his
in the archdiocese of York, he in death, and bore great suffering with
stantaneously extinguished by a mir wonderful patience. From his excess
acle a fire which had got enkindled ive leanness. his bones were hardly
in that house. As master of the covered with skin, but he set at naught
novices he kept within the cloister, the advice of the physicians and cared
by another miracle, a clerk who had for no health except that of his soul.
become shaken in his vocation. He foretold the day of his own death,
in the year of salvation I 166, and of
his own life the fifty-seventh. He was
Fzfth Lesson. famous for miracles, and his name was
enrolled among those of the Saints.
E was made Abbat first of Re
vesby, and afterwards of Rei
vaux, and showed himself a perfect THIRD NOCTURN.

example in that office. He gave Lesson from the Common of Ahhats,

himself up wholly to the contem with the Homily of St jerome on
plation of heavenly things, and to Matth. xix. 27, (15. 471.) In Lent
sacred reading, over which he often the last is read as one with the
times wept. No branch of know Eighth to leave room for the Homz‘ty
ledge escaped him, and in every form of the l/Veek-day, of which also a
of writing he closely resembled Ber Commemoration is made at Lauds.
nard, that teacher of honeyed-tongue.
How he, like Bernard, received the MARTYROLOGY.
anointing of the Holy Ghost as a
teacher from heaven is attested by Upon the 4th day of March, were
his published works. He refused born into the better life—
dignities in the Church—including At Wilna, in Lithuania, the blessed
a bishoprick which was offered to Casimir, [Duke of Lithuania,] son of
him by David, King of Scots—in Casimir 111., King of Poland, whose
order that he might be the more name the Roman Pontiff, Leo X.,
free to give himself up to contempla numbered with those of the Saints,
tion and preaching. He strove man [in the year 1458-83.]
fully on behalf of the true Pope, At Rome, upon the Appian Way,
Alexander 111., against the Anti-Pope the holy martyr Pope Lucius. He was
and the pretended Council of Pavia. first banished in the persecution under
With insults he bore most patiently, the Emperor Valerian, but was after
and nothing lay closer to his heart wards permitted by the will of God to
than to foster peace among all men. return to his church, and after toiling
VOL. I. 2 C 2

much against the Novatians, finished grant that Thy people, being holpen
his testimony by being beheaded. He by his intercession, may ever despise
is highly praised by holy Cyprian. earthly things, and breathe after those
Likewise at Rome, upon the Appian that are heavenly. Through our Lord
Way, nine hundred holy martyrs, [led JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
by Aristion and Licinius, both Bis and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
hops,] who are laid in the cemetery of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
called that of St Cecilia. without end. Amen.
Upon the same day, the holy
First Vespers as regards St Casimir
martyr Caius, [an officer of the Im begin with the Chapter.
perial Palace,] who was drowned in
A Commemoration is made of St
the sea, and twenty-seven others.
Elred. Prayer from his Ofliee.
At Nicomedia, the holy martyr
In Lent a Commemoration is made
Hadrian, and twenty-three others,
of the Week-day.
who, under the Emperor Diocletian,
Then of St Lueius, Pope and Mar
all had their legs broken, and were
tyr.1 Allfrom the Common Ofice for
so left to die. The principal feast in
one Martyr, (p. 482.) Prayer, “0
memory of Hadrian is kept upon the
God, Who year by year, &c.,” (p.
8th day of September, when his body
was brought to Rome.
Likewise the holy .martyrs Arch MATTINS.
elaus, Cyril, and Photius.
In the Crimea, the holy Bishops
Basil, Eugenius, Agathodormus, El Lessons from Scripture according to
pidius, Aetherius, Capito, Ephrem, the Season. In Lent from Wisd. iv. 7
Nestor, and Arcadius. and v. 1, (p. 532.)
Vemers areof the following, from
the Chapter, inclusive.
Fourth Lesson.
HIS Casimir was the son of Cas
St @astmir, 6016255012. imir 111., King of Poland, by
Elizabeth of Austria, his wife, [and
Semi-double. was born upon the 5th day of October,
in the year 1458.] From his child
All from the Common Oflite fira
hood he was taught by the best
Confessor not a Bishop, (1;. 531,) ex
masters, and was trained in all godli
cept what is otherwise given here.
ness and good learning. While he
was still a. boy he wore rough hair
Prayer throughout. cloth, and chastened himself with
0 GOD, in the strength of Whose much fasting. He forsook the soft
' grace Thine holy servant Cas ness of his princely bed, and lay
imir did Thee leal and brave service upon the hard ground, and on stormy
amidst the softness of kings’ palaces nights he would go out secretly and
and the temptations of the world, prostrate himself before the doors of
1 The Martyrology says that “at Rome, on the Appian Way, was born into the higher
life, the holy Martyr Pope Lucius. He was first banished in the persecution under Valerian,
but was afterwards permitted by the will of God to return to his Churchl and, after toil
ing much against the Novatians, finished his testimony by being beheaded. He is highly
praised by St Cyprian." Succeeded Cornelius ALI). 252. Testified next year.
the churches, crying to God for mercy. in the air, and gave them the signal
He was unwearied in contemplating victory which they won. On the
the Passion of Christ, and when he assurance of these things, Leo X. was
was present at Mass, so profound was moved to add his name to those of the
his recollection, that he seemed to be Saints.
altogether beside himself. THIRD NOCTURN.

Fifth Lesson. Lessons from Luke xii. 35, with the

Homily of St Gregory, (p. 538.) In
HE made the propagation of the Lent the Ninth Lesson is the Homily
Catholic faith one of the chief on the Gospel for the Week-day, in
works of his life, and strove hard which case the Third Lesson on Luke
against the schism in Ruthenia. He xii. 35 is omitted or read as one with
persuaded his father to forbid by law the Second, and the three Lessons for
that the schismatics should build any the Week-day read as one, or else the
new churches, or repair the existing first only.
ones when they fell into decay. So~
great was his liberality and tenderness
toward the needy and the afilicted, A Commemoration is made of St
that he came to be called the father Lucius. All from the Common Ofice
and guardian of the poor. From his for one Martyr, (p. 482.) Prayer, “ O
infancy he never soiled his purity, God, Who year by year, &c.,” (p. 491.)
and in his last illness, when his phy [n Lent a Commemoration of the
sicians advised him to seek for relief Week-day is made before that of St
from his grievous sufferings by the Lucius.
sacrifice of his chastity, he cheerfully Prayer throughout the day as at First
determined rather to die. Vespers.
Sixth Lesson.
Upon the 5th day of March, were
BEING made perfect in a short born into the better life-—
space, and full of piety and At Antioch, [about the year 320,]
good works, he foretold the clay of the holy martyr Phocas. For the
his own death, and, gathering round Redeemer’s name’s sake he gained
him a choir of priests and monks, he the victory over many an assault of
rendered his soul into the hands of the old serpent, and that victory is
God Whom they were praising, [upon still held forth before the people,
the 4th day of March, in the year with this miracle, that if any be
of our Lord 1482, and] the 25th of ‘ bitten of a serpent and touch in faith
his own age. His body was carried the door of this martyr’s church, he is
to Wilna, where many miracles are forthwith healed of the poison.
reputed to have been wrought around At Cmsarea, in Palestine, [in the
it. At his grave a dead girl is said year 308,] the holy martyr Hadrian,
to have received her life again, blind who was crowned by command of the
men their sight, cripples the power of President Firmilian, in the persecution
walking, and many sick folk health. under the Emperor Diocletian. He
Moreover, on an occasion when the was first thrown to a lion, but after
Lithuanians in scanty numbers were ward slain with the sword.
exposed to the shock of a powerful On the same day, the holy martyr
enemy, they believed that he appeared Eusebius, and nine others.

At Caesarea, in Palestine, [in the his knees and gave up his soul in
year 200,] holy Theophilus, Bishop of prayer to God.
that see, who was a great light for Likewise, forty-two holy martyrs,
wisdom and good living in the time of who were apprehended in Amorium
the Emperor Severus. and brought to Syria, where they
Likewise in Palestine, on the bank passed through a noble conflict and
of the Jordan, [in the year 475,] the triumphantly grasped the palm of
holy hermit Gerasimus, who flourished martyrdom, [in the year 845.]
in the time of the Emperor Zeno. At Bologna, holy Basil, Bishop of
At Naples, [in the year 1734,] holy that city, who was ordained by holy
John Joseph of the Cross, barefooted Pope Sylvester, and both by his word
Friar Minor, first Provincial of the and example governed in holiness the
Italian followers of holy Peter of church committed unto his care, [fourth
Alcantara. He strove to tread in century.]
the footsteps of holy Francis of Assisi At Barcelona, in Spain, [in the year
and Peter of Alcantara, was a bright 1 137,] blessed Oligarius, who was first
ornament of the Seraphic Order, and Canon and afterward Bishop of Barce
was numbered among the saints by lona, and Archbishop of Taragona.
Pope Gregory XVI. At Ghent, in Flanders, the holy
Virgin Coletta, [in the year 1447,]
At Second Vespers in Lent a Com
who first professed in the Third Order
memoration is made of the Week-day.
of Friars Minors, and then being
filled with the Holy Ghost, set up
many monasteries of sisters of the
MARTYROLOGY. Second Order under the primitive dis
cipline. She was ennobled by the
Upon the 6th day of March, were
grace of God, and famous for countless
born into the better life— '
miracles, and the Supreme Pontiff
At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs
Pius VII. enrolled her name among
Victor and Victorinus, who were im
prisoned for three years, and many those of the saints.
ways tormented, along with Claudian
and Bassa his wife, and being still MARCH 6.
recommitted to prison, died therein,
[third century.]
At Tortona, the holy martyr Marcian, Upon the 7th day of March, were
Bishop of that see, who was crowned born into the better life—
under the Emperor Trajan, being slain In the monastery of Fossa Nuova,
for Christ’s greater glory. ' near Terracina, the holy Confessor
At Constantinople, holy Evagrius, Thomas of Aquino, [in the year
who was elected Patriarch of that 1274,] of the Order of Friars
see by the Catholics in the time of Preachers, Doctor of the Church, il
the Emperor Valens, but was sent lustrious for the nobility of his birth,
by the Emperor into exile, and there the holiness of his life, and the depth
passed away to be ever with the Lord. of his knowledge of theology. Leo
In Cyprus, the holy martyr Conon, XIII. declared him the patron in
who under the Emperor Decius had heaven of all Catholic schools.
nails driven through his feet, and was At Tuburbe, in Morocco, under the
then made to run in front of a chariot, Emperor Severus, the holy martyrs
under the which torment he fell upon Perpetua and Felicitas. Felicitas
was with child, and therefore was Prayer throughout.
respited, in accordance with the law,
0 GOD, Who dost enlighten Thy
until after she was delivered. Holy
Church by the wonderful learn
Augustine saith that when she was in
ing of Thy blessed Confessor Thomas,
travail she had sorrow, but when she
and quickenest her through his godly
was set before the wild beasts she re
labours, grant unto Thy people, we
joiced. There suffered along with them
humbly beseech Thee, ever to appre
Revocatus, Saturninus, and Secundol
hend by their understanding what he
us, of whom the last died in prison,
teacheth, and in their life faithfully to
but the others were all killed by beasts.
practise the same. Through our
At Caesarea, in Palestine, the holy
Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
martyr Eubulus. He was a Com
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
panion of holy Hadrian, and two
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
days after him was mangled by the
world without end. Amen.
lions and then despatched with the
sword, being the last of all those who In Lent a Commemoration is made
received the crown of martyrdom in of the Week-day.
that city, [in the year 308.] Then of the Martyrs Perpetua and
At Nicomedia, holy Theophilus, tc‘elieitas,1 which is done whether it he
Bishop of that see, who for his hon Lent or not.
ouring of holy images was sent into Antiphon. For their’s is the king
exile and there died, [in the year 845.] dam of heaven, who loved not their
At Pelusium, in Egypt, holy Paul, life in this world, and have attained
Bishop of that see, who likewise died unto the reward of the kingdom, and
in exile for the same cause. have washed their robes in the Blood
At Brescia, [in the year 445,] the of the Lamb.
holy Confessor Gaudiosus, Bishop of Verse. Thou hast crowned them
that see. with glory and honour, O Lord.
In the Thebaid, [in the fourth Answer. And madest them to have
century,] holy Paul, surnamed the dominion over the works of Thy hands.
MARCH 7. Prayer.

$t @Lbumas nf gquinu, (Cum GRANT unto us, we beseech Thee,

O Lord our God, that we may
fessur &IIU llBuctur of the ever call to mind, with all worship
QlZiJurrI]. and thanksgiving, the victory of Thy
Double. holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas,
and although we know that our mind
All from the Common Ofiee for a cannot comprehend Thee \Vho art
Confessor not a Bishop, (p. 53 1,) exeept this day their exceeding great reward,
what is otherwise given here. give us always the grace humbly to
worship Thee. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
Antithon at the Song of the Blessed and reigneth with Thee in the unity
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher, of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
&c., (p. 531.) without end. Amen.
1 These two holy women, along with three men named Revocatus, Saturninus, and Se
cundolus, sufi'e'red in the amphitheatre at Carthage, with circumstances of great cruelty, in
A.D. 203. See the article of Alban Butler, which is very interesting.

MATTINS. t0 the castle to beseech him to give up

his purpose of leaving the world, but
he so worked on them by his godly
Lessons from Ecclus. xxxix. I, (p. exhortations, that both of them ever
547-) after set no value on earthly things,
and busied themselves rather with
Fourth Lesson.
Fifth Lesson.
THAT splendid adornment of the
Christian world and light of the BEING let down from a window,
Church, blessed Thomas ofAquino, was Thomas escaped out of the castle
the son of Landulph, Earl of Aquino, of Monte San Giovanni, and returned
and Theodora of Naples, his wife, being to Naples. Thence he went first to
nobly descended on both sides. [He Rome, and then to Paris, in company
was born in the year of salvation of Brother John the German, then
1226,] and even as an infant gave Master-General of the Friars Preachers.
token of the love which he afterwards At Paris he studied Philosophy and
bore to the Mother of God. He Theology under Albert the Great
found a little bit of paper upon which Doctor. At the age of twenty-five
was written the Angelic Salutation, years he took the degree of Master,
and held it firm in his hand in spite and gave public disquisitions on the
of the efforts of his wet-nurse; his Philosophers and Theologians with
mother took it away by force, but he great distinction. He never set him
cried and stretched out for it, and when self to read or write till he had first
she gave it back to him, he swallowed prayed, and when he was about to
it. When he was only four years take in hand a hard passage of the
old, he was given into the keeping Holy Scriptures, he fasted also.
of the Benedictine monks of Monte Hence he was wont to say to Brother
Cassino. He was thence sent to Reginald his comrade, that whatever
Naples to study, and there, while he knew, he had learnt, not so much
very young, entered the Order of from his own labour and study, as
Friars Preachers. This displeased from the inspiration of God. At
his mother and brothers, and he left Naples he was once kneeling in very
Naples for Paris. When he was on earnest prayer before an image of
his journey his brothers met him, and Christ Crucified, when he heard a
carried him off by force to the castle voice which said: “Thomas, thou
of Monte San Giovanni, where they hast written well of Me—what reward
imprisoned him in the keep. Here wilt thou that'I give thee?” He
they used every means to break him answered: “Lord,—-Thyself.” He
of his intention, and at last brought studied most carefully the works of the
a woman into his room to try to over Fathers, and there was no kind of
come his purity. The lad drove her author in which he was not well read.
out with a fire-brand. When he was His own writings are so wonderful,
alone he knelt down before the figure both because of their number, their
of the Cross, and there he fell asleep. variety, and the clearness of his ex
As he slept, it seemed to him that planations of hard things, that his rich
angels came and girded his loins : and and pure teaching, marvellously con
from this time he never felt the least sonant with revealed truth, is an admin
sexual inclination. His sisters came able antidote for the errors of all times.
Sixth Lesson. THIRD NOCTURN.

THE Supreme Pontifi' Urban IV. Lessons from Matth. v. 13, with the
sent for him to Rome, and at Homily of St Austin, (p. 549.)
his command he composed the Church Eighth Responsory, “In the midst,
Office for the feast of Corpus Christi. &c.” In Lent the Ninth Lesson is the
The Pope could not persuade him to Homily on the Gospel for the Week-day,
accept any dignity. Pope Clement in which ease the Third Lesson of the
IV. also offered him the Arch Homily on Matth. v. I 3 is omitted, or
bishoprick of Naples, but he refused read as one with the Seeond, and the
it. He did not neglect the preaching First Lesson only of the Week-day is
of the Word of God. Once while he used, or else all three as one.
was giving a course of sermons in At Lauds a Commemoration is made
.the Basilica of St Peter, during the of SS. Per¢etua and Felieitas, the
octave of Easter, a woman who had same as at the last Vespers, before
an issue of blood was healed by touch which, in Lent, is made a Commemora
ing the hem of his garment. He was tion of the Week-day.
sent by blessed Gregory X. to the
Council of Lyons, but fell sick on his
way to the Abbey of Fossa Nuovo,
and there during his illness he made Upon the 8th day of March, were
an exposition of the Song of Songs. born into the better life—
There he died on the 7th day of In England, [in the year 646,] the
March, in the year of salvation 1274, holy Confessor Felix, Bishop of Dun
aged fifty years. He was distinguished wich, who converted the East Angles
for miracles even after his death, and to the faith.
on proof of these Pope John XXII. At Granada, in Spain, [in the year
added his name to those of the Saints_ 1550,] holy John of God, founder of
in the year 1323. His body was the Order of brethren Hospitallers of
.afterwards carried to Toulouse by the Sick. Famous for his pity toward
command of blessed Urban V. He the poor, and for his lowly esteem
has been compared to an angel, both of himself, whom the Supreme Pontifl'
-on account of his innocency and of Leo XIII. declared the patron in
his intellectual power, and has hence heaven of all the sick and those who
been deservedly termed the Angelic nurse them, whose feast we keep upon
Doctor. The use of which title as the I 1th day of this present month of
.applied to him was approved by the March.
authority of holy Pius V. Leo XIII. At Antinoe, in Egypt, the holy
cheerfully agreeing to the prayers and martyrs Philemon and Apolonius the
wishes of nearly all the bishops of Deacon. They were arrested, and
the Catholic world, and in conformity brought before the judge, but as they
with a vote of the Congregation of steadfastly refused to sacrifice to idols
Sacred Rites, by his Apostolic letters their heels were bored through, and
declared and recognised Thomas of they were cruelly dragged about the
Aquino as the patron in heaven of city until at last they were dispatched
all Catholic schools, as an antidote with the sword.
to the plague of so many false systems, There also the holy martyrs the
especially of philosophy, for the in President Arian, [governor of Thebes,]
crease of scientific knowledge, and for Theoticus, and three others whom the
the common good of all mankind. judge caused to be drowned in the sea,
.L 7 '— \Ig,\.1>a~>~_ Y?


but their bodies were brought to the SECOND NOCTURN.

shore by dolphins, [in the year 287.]
At Nicomedia, the holy martyr
Fourth Lesson (From Bede, xi. 1 5.)
Quinctilis, Bishop of that city. ABOUT the year of Christ 631
At Carthage, holy Pontius, Deacon came from Burgundy, where
to blessed Bishop Cyprian, with whom he had been born and ordained, to
he remained in exile even unto the day Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury,
of his death, and hath left unto us an the Bishop Felix, and, when he had
excellent book of his life and passion. shown him all his desire, he com
In his own sufferings he glorified the missioned him to preach to the
Lord always, and hath earned the East Angles. And he was not dis
crown of life, [about the year 262.] appointed of his hope. He de
In Africa likewise, the holy Bishop livered the whole of that land from
Cyril, Rogatus, Felix, another Rogatus, their long-standing sin and sorrow,
Beata, Herenia, Felicitas, Urban, and taught them to believe rightly
Silvan, and Mamillus. and to do rightly, and how to be
At Toledo, in Spain, the blessed happy for ever. He established his
Confessor Julian, Bishop of that see, See in the town of Dunwich, and
[and also native of the same place] there, after ruling his Diocese for
Very famous for his holiness and seventeen years, he brought his life
teaching, [in the year 690.] to a peaceful end.
Vespers of the following from the
Chapter inclusive. Fifth Lesson.

MARCH 8. “ It is idle, &c.,” (p. 519,) to which

may he added, “Whatsoever, there
St Jfzltx, Bishup [of 3151m fore, &c,” (p. 519.)
mm] Confessnr.
Sixth Lesson.
“Whatsoever, therefore, &c.,” or
All from the Common Ofiiee fbr a “It is very meet, &c.,” (p. 520.)
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex
cept the following.
Prayer throughout, “Grant, we be THIRD NOCTURN.
seech Thee, &c.” Lessons from Matth. xxv. 14, with
The Vespers ofMareh 7 are of St the Homily of St Gregory, (1). 522.)
Thomas of Aquino till the Chapter,
exclusive. In Lent the last is read along with
The Chapter and the rest are of the Eighth to make roomfor the Homily
St Felix, with a Commemoration of of the Week-day, of whieh also a Com
St Thomas. (Antiphon, “0 right memoration is made at Lauds.
excellent, &c.”)
And in Lent of the Week-day. MARTYROLOGY.

MATTXNS. Upon the 9th day of March, were

born into the better life—
At Rome, the holy widow Frances,
Lessons from Scripture aeeording to famous for her nobleness of birth, the
the Season. holiness of her life, and the grace of
working miracles, [in the year I440. MARCH 9.
Foundress of the Oblates.]
At Sebaste, in Armenia, the forty St frames of £01m,
holy Cappadocian soldiers. Under
the President Agricolaus, in the time
of the Emperor Licinius, after under Double.
going bonds and a foul imprisonment,
and after their faces had been bruised All from the Common Ofiee for on
with stones, they were stripped naked, Holy Woman who is neither Virgin
and exposed all night upon the sur nor Martyr, (p. 580,) except the fol
face of a frozen pool during the bitter lowing.
est cold of winter, where their bodies Prayer throughout.
perished by the frost, and at length
by the breaking of their legs. The GOD, Who didst give unto
illustrious glory of them all hath been Thy blessed hand-maid Frances
celebrated by holy Basil, and the other many gifts of Thy heavenly grace,
Fathers in their writings, the chief and, among them, to have an angel
among them were named Cyrion and for her familiar friend; mercifully
Candidus. We keep their feast upon grant that we, being continually holpen
the morrow after. through her prayers, may worthily
At Nyssa, holy Gregory, [in the attain unto the fellowship of angels
year 396,] Bishop of that see, brother hereafter. Through our Lord JESUS
of blessed Basil the Great. He is Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
very famous for his life and learn reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
ing; for defending the Catholic faith the Holy Ghost, one God, world
he was driven out of his own city without end. Amen.
by the Arian Emperor Valens. At First Vespers a Commemoration
At Barcelona, in Spain, holy Pa is made of the preceding, (Prayer as at
cian, Bishop of that see, famous not
his First Vespers-Q and it he Lent of
only for his life but also for his the Week-day.
words, who died in a good old age
in the time of the Emperor Theo
In Moravia, [in the ninth century,] FIRST NOCTURN.
the holy Cyril, Bishop [of Moravia,]
and Methodius, Bishop [of Kief,] who Lessons from Scripture according to
brought to believe in Christ many of the Season. If it be Lent, from Prov.
the peoples of those countries and xxxi. 10, (p. 580.)
their kings, [and whose feast we keep
upon the 5th day of July.] SECOND NOCTURN.
At Bologna, [in the year 1463,] the
holy Virgin Katherine, of the Order Fourth Lesson.
of St Clare, famous for the holiness
HE noble Roman matron Frances
of her life, whose body is there rev
[was born in the year 1384,
erenced with great honour.
and] was a pattern of godliness from
Vespers are of St Frances, from the her earliest years. As a child she
Chapter, inclusive, with a Commemo shrank from games, and set no store
ration of St Felix, and in Lent of the by the amusements of the world, but
Week-day. delighted to be continually alone and

engaged in prayer. At the age of graded of women and a vessel of

eleven years she desired to consecrate uncleanness. Her lowly esteem of
her virginity to God, and to enter a herself was shown both by her word
convent, but humbly yielded obedience and example. She passed often
to the wishes of her parents, and was through the city from a vineyard
married to Lawrence de' Pontiani, a in the country carrying a bundle of
young man whose rank was equal to sticks on her head, or driving an ass
his wealth. As a wife she persevered, laden with faggots; she succoured the
as far as she lawfully could, in her needy, for whom she collected large
determination to lead an austere life; aims, and visited the sick in the
she abstained as much as possible hospitals, ministering to them both
from going to shows, feasts, and such food for the body and exhortations
like amusements, dressed plainly in healthful for their souls. She strove
woollen stufi's, and spent in prayer continually to bring her body into
or the service of her neighbour what subjection by watchings, fastings,
ever time she did not occupy with her haircloth, the wearing of an iron
duties as mistress of her husband’s girdle, and the often use of a scourge.
house. She strove earnestly to wean She never ate but once a day, and
the married women of Rome from then only vegetables, and she took no
the vanities of the world and the drink but water. These severities
frivolities of dress. To this end she she however sometimes relaxed, in
founded during her husband’s lifetime obedience to her confessor, on whose
the Sisterhood of the Oblates, under the word and wishes she framed her
rule of the Benedictine congregation customs.
called “of the Mount of Olives."
When it pleased God, [in the year Sixt/z Lesson.
1413,] that her husband should be
SO great was her mental realisation
banished, all her goods taken away,
of the things of God, and chiefly
and her home ruined, she meekly
of the sufferings of the Lord Christ,
bowed down before His holy will,
and so abundant her tears in con
often repeating the words of the
blessed Job: “The LORD gave, and
templating them, that she seemed
sometimes about to sink under her
the LORD hath taken away; blessed
grief. Often when she was engaged
be the name of the LORD." (i. 21.)
in prayer, and principally after she
had received the Most Holy Sacra
Fifi/t Lesson. ment of the Eucharist, her spirit
became altogether lifted up to God,
N her husband’s death she [in and she remained motionless, carried
1437] betook herself immed away by the thought of heavenly
iately to the house of the Oblates, things. The enemy of man assailed
and, with her feet bare and a rope her with divers reproaches and buffet
round her neck, threw herself down ings to break her off her intent, but
on the threshold, entreating the sisters she feared him not, and with the help
with tears to receive her into their of an Angel whom God gave her to
number. When she obtained her be her familiar friend, she won a
wish, although she was the mother noble victory over the tempter. God
of them all, she would be among glorified her with the gifts of healing
them only as one that served, glory and of prophecy, whereby she fore
ing rather to be called the most de told things to come, and saw the
secrets of the hearts of men. More Lucius Verus, as is written by Ap
than once while her thoughts were polinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis, in
busy in God she remained unwet by his book against the heretics called
streams or rain. When there was Cataphrygians.
left only bread enough for three In Persia, forty-two holy martyrs,
sisters, the Lord at her prayers was [about the year 375.]
pleased so to multiply it, that fifteen At Corinth, the holy martyrs Cod
had enough, and the basket was filled ratus, Denis, Cyprian, Anectus, Paul,
again with the fragments. In the and Crescens, who were slain with
month of January also, when the the sword under the President Jason,
sisters were gathering sticks in the in the persecution under the Em
country, and were thirsty, she sat perors Decius and Valerian.
isfied them abundantly with bunches In Africa, the holy martyr Victor,
of fresh grapes from a tree. She on whose feast day holy Augustine
departed to be with the Lord, famous addressed a discourse to the people.
for good works and miracles, in the At Jerusalem, the holy Confessor
fifty-sixth year of her age, [upon the Macarius, Patriarch of that see, at
9th day of March, in the year of our whose exhortation Constantine and
Lord 1440.] The Supreme Pontifi' Helen cleansed the holy places, and
Paul V. caused her to be numbered adorned them with hallowed churches
among the saints. [about the year 334. There is a
letter to him from Constantine pre
served by Socrates]
At Paris, [in the year 580,] holy
Lessons from Matth. xiii. 44, with Drostovaeus, Abbat [of the monastery
the Homily of Pope St Gregory, (p. of St German de Prés,] the disciple
583.) In Lent the Ninth Lesson is of blessed German, Bishop [of Paris]
the Homily on the Gospel for the In the monastery of Bobbio, holy
Week-day, in which case the Third Attala, Abbat [of that monastery,]
Lesson of the Homily on Matth. xii. famous for miracles, [in the year
44 is omitted, or read as one with the 627.]
Second, and the First Lesson only of
the Week-day is read, or else all three At Second Veyers a Commemora
tion is made of the following; Anti
as one.
In Lent a Commemoration of the phon and Verse and Answer from the
Common Ofice for Many Martyrs, (p.
l/Vee/c-day is made at Lauds.
603,) and the following.

On the morrow we keep the feast
of the forty holy martyrs who suffered RANT, we beseech Thee, 0 AI
at Sebaste, in Armenia. mighty God, that we who know
Upon the same 10th day of March, Thy glorious Martyrs to have been in
were born into a better life— their testimony leal and true towards
At Apamea, in Phrygia, the holy Thee, may, now that they are with
martyrs Caius and Alexander, who Thee, feel them to be in their petitions
were crowned with a glorious martyr pitiful towards us.
dom in the persecution under the
Emperors Marcus Antoninus and Then the Week-day is commemorated.

MARCH 1 o. saw a light shining round about them,

and Angels coming down from heaven,
@5132 jl’urtg ZBuIg filartgrs at as the messengers of the King, bearing
Sebastz. nine-and-thirty crowns, and distributing
them to the soldiers. Then he said
Semi-double. within himself: “Are not forty here?
All from the Common Ofiee fizr Where is the crown of the fortieth ? ”
Many Martyrs, ([5. 498,) extejfit the And as he looked he saw one of them
following. whose courage could not bear the cold,
come and leap into a warm bath that
stood by; and the Saints were griev
FIRST NOCTURN. ously afflicted. Nevertheless God
suffered not that their prayer should
Lessons (in Lent) from Rom. viii.
return unto them void; for the
12, (p. 499.) [f out of Lent, aeeord watchman wondered, and called the
ing to the Season. keepers, and stripped himself of his
clothes; and, when with a loud voice
SECOND NOCTURN. he had confessed himself a Christian,
Fourth Lesson. he joined the Martyrs. When the
servants of the President knew that
WHILE Licinius was Emperor and the watchman also was a Christian,
Agricolaus President, [in the they brake the legs of them all with
year of our Lord 320,] forty soldiers staves.
at Sebaste, a city of Armenia, gave
a singular instance of faith in JESUS Sixth Lesson.
Christ, and bravery under suffering.
After being often remanded to an U NDER this torment died they all,
horrid prison-house, bound in fetters, saving Melithon, who was the
and their mouths bruised with stones, youngest. Now, his mother stood by,
they were ordered out in the depth of and when she saw that his legs were
winter, stripped naked, and put upon broken, but that he was yet alive,
a frozen pool, to die of cold during the she cried, and said: “My son, have
night. The prayer of them all was the patience but a little longer. Behold
same : “ O Lord, forty of us have begun how Christ standeth at the door to
to run in the race, grant that all forty help thee.” When she saw the bodies
may receive the crown, let not one be of all the others put upon carts and
wanting at the last. Behold, is it not an taken away to be burned, and that
honourable number in Thy sight, Who her son was left behind, because the
didst bless the fast of forty days, and at multitude wickedly hoped that being
the end Thy Divine Law came forth but a lad, if he lived, he might yet
to the earth ? When also Elias sought be drawn to commit idolatry, the holy
Thee, Thou, O God, didst reveal mother took him on her own shoulders
Thyself unto him when he had fasted and bravely followed behind the carts
for forty days.” Even so was their laden with the bodies of the Martyrs.
petition. In her arms Melithon gave up his
soul to God, and the mother who
Fifth Lesson. loved him so well laid his body with
‘NZHEN the keepers were all asleep her own hands upon the pile, with
and the watchman only was those of the other Martyrs, that, as
awake, he heard them praying and they had all been one in faith and

strength, in death they might not At Antioch, are commemorated

be divided, and might enter heaven many holy martyrs, of whom some
together. After the burning, what were laid upon beds of red-hot iron
remained of them was thrown into a by command of the Emperor Max
running stream, but the ashes were imian, not until they died, but until
all washed together into one place, their flesh was cooked, so as to ensure
and being found and rescued, they their prolonged sufi‘ering; and others
were laid in an honourable sepulchre. were put to other most cruel torments,
before they received the crown of
THIRD NOCTURN. martyrdom.
Likewise the holy martyrs Gorgonius
Lessons from Luke vi. 17, with the and Firmus.
Homily of St Ambrose, (p. 5 1 1.) The At Cordova, the holy Priest Eulog
Ninth Lesson is the Homily on the ius, who deserved a place among the
Gospel for the Week-day, and the martyrs of the said city, in the perse
Third Lesson of the Homily on Luke cution under the Saracens, by striving
vi. 17 is omitted or read as one with by his writings to rival their con
the Second, and the First Lesson only tendings for the faith, [in the year
of the Week-day is read, or else all 859-]
three as one. At Sardis, holy Euthymius, Bishop
Prayer throughout the day as at the of that see, who for his honouring of
Commemoration last evening. holy images was banished by the
At Loads a Commemoration is made Iconoclast Emperor Michael, and mar
of the Week-day. tyred under Theophilus.
At Jerusalem, holy Sophronius,
MARTYROLOGY. Bishop of that see, [about the year
On the morrow we keep the feast 638.]
of the holy Confessor john of God, At Milan, holy Benedict, Bishop of
founder of the Order of Brethren Hos that see, [about the year 725.]
pitallers of the Sick. Famous for his In the neighbourhood of Amiens,
pity toward the poor, and for his the holy Abbat Firmin.
lowly esteem of himnlf, whom the At Carthage, the holy Confessor
Constantine. a
Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII. declared
the Patron in heaven of all the sick At Bauco, the holy Confessor Peter,
eminent for the fame of his miracles.
and those who nurse them, and of
[A Spanish soldier who lived as a
whom mention hath been made upon
the 8th day of this present month of hermit in Italy.]
March. Vespers are of the following from
Upon the same 1 1th day of March, the Chapter inclusive.
were born into the better life—
At Carthage, the holy martyrs
MARCH 1 1.
Heraclius and Zosimus.
At Alexandria, the holy martyrs
Candidus, Piperion, and twenty others. St ZIIJIJII at 951111, Confessor.
At Laodicea, in Syria, in the perse Double.
cution under the Emperor Diocletian,
the holy martyrs Trophimus and All from the Common Ofiee for a
Thalus, who after many cruel torments Conflssor not a Bishop, (p. 5 3 1,) exeept
gained crowns of glory. the following.

Prayer throng/rout. perfect. He gave away all his pro

perty to the poor and prisoners, and
GOD, Who didst so enkindle in became a gazing-stock to all that
Thy servant John the fire of knew him, by the strength of his re
Thy Divine love, that when he walked pentance, and the depth of his self‘
in the midst of earthly fire the flame contempt. On this account he was
thereof had on his body no power, commonly supposed to be mad, and
and Who didst choose him for a mean was once shut up in a lunatic asylum.
whereby Thou hast given unto Thy He was only the more filled with
Church a new family of sons, merci schemes of charity, and collected, by
fully grant unto us, for his sake, that begging, funds sufiicient to build a
the fire of Thy love may burn up in large double Hospital in the town of
us all things that displease Thee, and Granada. Here he founded the new
make us meet for Thy heavenly king Order of Hospital Brethren with
dom. Through our Lord JESUS which he enriched the Church. These
Christ Thy Son, \Vho liveth and Brethren are now spread throughout
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of all parts of the world, and engaged
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with in ministering to the souls and bodies
out end. Amen. of the sick.
Fz'rst Vespers are of St jo/zn.
Fiftlz Lesson.
A Commemoration is made of the
Forty Martyrs. Prayer as in their HE strove to get for the sick poor,
Ofiiee, and then of the Week-day. whom he sometimes brought to
the Hospital on his own shoulders,
whatever was needful for their souls
or bodies. His charity was extended
Lessons from Ecclus. xxxi. 8, (p. to the poor outside of his institution.
542-) and he used to supply food privately
to necessitous widows, and more so
to young women whose virtue was
Fourt/z Lesson.
tempted on account of their poverty.
He was mosttareful in encouraging
OHN of God was born of Catholic the virtue of purity in all whom he
and godly parents in the town knew. On one occasion when there
of Montemor in Portugal, [in the year was a great fire in the hospital at
1495.] The lot to which God had Granada, John bravely entered the
elected him was foreshown at his birth burning house, ran from one part of
by a light shining over the house, it to another, carried out the sick on
and by the ringing of a bell untouched his shoulders, and threw the beds out
by human hands. He fell at one of the windows, and finally, after pass
time into a loose habit of life, but was ing half-an-hour in the midst of the
recalled by the grace of God, and flames, which were now raging with
began to show tokens of true re great violence, by the mercy of God
formation. By hearing the Word of left the ' building uninjured, to the
God, he so felt himself stirred up to great wonder of all the citizens ; there
strive after nobler things, that he con by to teach all them that love God
sidered not that to which he had al that the fire which burnt in his heart
ready attained, and yearned to be gave him strength to risk the fire
perfect, as our Father in heaven is which threatened him from without.

Sixth Lesson. question, tempting Him, saying: Mas

HE was a marked example of every ter, which is the great commandment
kind of austerity, of the most in the Law? And so on.
lowly obedience, of the deepest volun
tary poverty, of the most constant Homily by St John Chrysostom, Pa~
prayer, of ghostly contemplation, and triarch [of Constantinople.] 72nd on
of love towards the blessed Virgin. Matthew.
He was distinguished for the gift of
tears. Being at last seized by deadly When the Pharisees had heard that
sickness, he duly received, with saintly Christ had put the Sadducees to
affection, all the Sacraments of the silence, they gathered themselves to
Church. After all strength seemed to gether for a fresh attack; just when
have left him, he got out of his bed, it behoved them to be quiet, they
put on his own clothes, and knelt willed to contend; and so they put
down before an image of the Lord forward one of themselves, who pro~
Christ hanging on the Cross. Round fessed skill in the law, not wishing
it he threw his arms and pressed it to learn, but to lay a snare. This
against his heart, and in this position, person therefore proposed the ques
as it were in the kiss of the Lord, he tion: “Which is the great command
died, on the 8th day of March 1550. ment in the law?” The first and
After his death his body did not leave great commandment is: “Thou shalt
its grip of the crucifix until it was for love the LORD thy God,” but they
cibly taken away, six hours after. expected that He would make some
During these six hours all the in exception or addition to this in His
habitants of the city came to see it, Own case, since He made Himself
and noticed'a savour of strange sweet God. (John x. 33.) With this ex
ness proceeding from it. His name pectation they asked Him the question:
was illustrious as a worker of miracles But what said Christ? To show that
both before and after his death, and they had adopted this course, because
the Supreme Pontifi' Alexander Vlll. they were loveless, and sick with envy,
added it to those of the Saints, and He answered: “Thou shalt love the
Leo XIII., at the desire of the Bishops Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
of the Catholic world, and in accord with all thy soul, and with all thy
ance with a vote of the Congregation mind. This is the first and great
of Rites, declared him the patron in commandment. And the second is
heaven of all the sick and those who like unto it: Thou shalt love thy
nurse them, wheresoever dwelling, and neighbour as thyself.”
ordered that his name should be
called upon in the Litany for the
Eighth Lesson.
THIRD NOCTURN. HY is this second commandment
like unto the first? Because
Seventh Lesson. the first is the second’s source and
sanction. “ For every one that doeth
The Lesson is taken from the Holy Gos
evil hateth the light, neither cometh
pel according to Matthew (xxii. 35.)
to the light.” (John. iii. 20.) And
T that time: The Pharisees came again: “The fool hath said in his
unto JESUS, and one of them, heart: There is no God "—and there
which was a lawyer, asked Him a followeth: “They are corrupt, and
_v 2! g! m.
. .


become abominable in their works.” In Lent a Commemoration of the

(Ps. xiii. I.) And yet again: “The Week-day is made at Lauds.
love of money is the root of all
evil; which while some coveted after, MARTYROLOGY.
they have erred from the faith.” (I
Tim. vi. 10.) And yet once more: Upon the 12th day of March, were
“If ye love Me, keep My command born into the better life—
ments.” (John xiv. 15,)—of which At Rome, holy Pope Gregory [I.,]
commandments the head and root is : an eminent Doctor of the Church,
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God; who, on account of his illustrious acts
and thy neighbour as thyself.” and his doings to bring the English
to believe in Christ, is surnamed
the Great, and called the Apostle of
[Vinth Lesson. England, [in the year 604.]
IF, therefore, to love God is to love Likewise at Rome, the holy martyr
our neighbour also, (as it appear Mamilian, [in the year 295.]
eth where it is written: “Simon, son At Nicomedia, the blessed martyr
of Jonas, lovest thou Me? And he Peter. He was a chamberlain to the
said unto Him: Lord, Thou knowest Emperor Diocletian, and because he
all things; Thou knowest that I love bewailed the fearful slaughter of mar
Thee. JESUS saith unto him: Feed tyrs, the Emperor commanded him to
My sheep,” John xxi. I7,)—and if be brought forth, hung up, and lashed
“love is the fulfilling of the law,” for a long time. After which he was
(Rom. Xiii. 10,) justly doth the Lord covered with vinegar and] salt, and at
say that “on these two command length roasted upon a grating upon a
ments hang all the law and the slow fire, and thus is he worthy to be
Prophets.” And even as when, reckoned a true inheritor of Peter’s
before this, (23-32,) being interrog faith, as well as Peter’s name.
ated about the Resurrection, He There likewise the holy martyrs
answered them more than they asked, Egdunus the Priest, and seven others,
so, now, being interrogated concern of whom one was strangled every day
ing the first and great commandment, in order to terrify the others, [about
He answereth them, of His own the year 303.] .
accord, touching that second one also, At Constantinople, holy Theophanes.
which is little lower than the first, He was originally a very rich man,
for “the second is like unto it.” but became a monk. The wicked
Herein He would have them under Emperor Leo, the Armenian, kept him
stand that it was hatred stirred them for two years in prison for honouring
up to question Him. “ For Charity,” holy images, and then banished him
saith the Apostle, “envieth not.” (1 to Samo-Thrace, where he sank'under
Cor. xiii. 4.) his sufferings and gave up the ghost,
[about the year 818.] He is famous
for many miracles.
The [Vinth Lesson is the Homily on
At Capua, the holy Confessor Ber
the Gospel for the Week-day. The
nard, Bishop of Calenum, [in the year
Third Lesson of the Homily on Matth.
I 109.]
xxii. 3 5, i: omitted or read as one with
the Second, and the First Lesson only Vespers of the following.
of the Week-day is read, or else all The Second Vesper: are of the fol
three as one. ' lowing", from the Chapter, inclusive.
MARCH I 2. of Praetor. After his father’s death
he built six monasteries in Sicily,
St @rzgurg [the 6mm] iBnpz and a seventh in honour of St An
of 23mm, (Eunfzssur, Euc drew, in his own house at Rome,
hard by the Church of Saints John
tur of the Qlhurth, antl tap and Paul at the ascent of the hill
ostle of QEngIanh. Scaurus. In this monastery of St
Andrew, he and his masters, Hila
Double of the Second Class. rion and Maximian, professed them
All from the Common Ofiice for a selves monks, and Gregory was
Bishop and Confessor, (p. 515,) ex afterwards Abbat. Later on, he was
cept the fillowing. created a Cardinal Deacon, and sent
to Constantinople as legate from
Pope Pelagius to the Emperor
Tiberius Constantine. Before the
A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed Emperor he so successfully disputed
Virgin. 0 right excellent Teacher, against the Patriarch Eutychius, who
&C-, (fi- 515-) had denied that our bodies shall
verily and indeed rise again, that
Prayer throughout. the Prince threw the book of the
said Patriarch into the fire. Euty
GOD, who hast blessed the
chius himself also soon after fell
soul of Thy servant Gregory
sick, and when he felt death coming
with an everlasting blessing, merci
on him, he took hold of the skin
fully grant that we, who groan under
of his own hand and said in the
the burden of our sins, may by his
hearing of many that stood by: “I
prayers be relieved. Through our
acknowledge that we shall all rise
Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
again in this flesh.”
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in
the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
Fifth Lesson.
God, world without end. Amen.
REGORY returned to Rome,
A Commemoration is made of St
and, Pelagius being dead of a
john of God, with Prayer from his
plague, he was unanimously chosen
Ofiice. Pope. This honour he refused as
MATTINS. long as he could. He disguised
FIRST NOCTURN. himself and took refuge in a cave,
but was betrayed by a fiery pillar.
Lessons from Ecclus. xxxix. 1, as Being discovered and overruled, he
in the Common Ofiice, (p. 547.) was consecrated at the grave of St
Peter, [upon the 3rd day of Septem
SECOND NOCTURN. ber, in the year 590.] He left be
hind him many ensamples 0f doc
Fourth Lesson.
trine and holiness to them that
REGORY the Great was a have followed him in the Popedom.
Roman, the son of Gordian Every day he brought pilgrims to
the Senator, [and was born about his table, and among them he en
the year of our Lord 540.] As a tertained not an Angel only, but
young man he studied philosophy, the very Lord of Angels in the
and afterwards discharged the office guise of a pilgrim. He tenderly

cared for the poor, of whom he pels. He released the Sicilian Bish
kept a list, as well without as ops from visiting Rome every three
within the city. He restored the years, willing them to come instead
Catholic faith in many places where once every five years. He was the
it had been overthrown. He fought author of many books, and Peter
successfully against the Donatists in the Deacon declareth that he often
Africa and the Arians in Spain. saw the Holy Ghost on his head in
He cleansed Alexandria of the Ag the form of a dove when he was
noites. He refused to give the Pall dictating them. It is a marvel how
to Syagrius, Bishop of Autun, un much he spoke, did, wrote, and
less he would expel the Neophyte legislated, suffering all the while
heretics from Gaul. He caused the from a weak and sickly body. He
Goths to abandon the Arian heresy. worked many miracles. At last God
He sent into Britain Augustine and called him away to be blessed for
divers other learned and holy monks, ever in heaven, in the thirteenth
who brought the inhabitants of that year, sixth month, and tenth day of
island to believe in JESUS Christ. his Pontificate, being the 12th day
Hence Gregory is justly called by of March, [in the year of salvation
Bede, the Priest of Jarrow, “the 604.] This day is observed by the
Apostle of England.” He rebuked Greeks, as well as by us, as a festi
the presumption of John, Patriarch val, on account of the eminent wis
of Constantinople, who had taken to dom and holiness of this Pope. His
himself the title of Bishop of the body was buried in the Church of
Universal Church, and he dissuaded St Peter, hard by the Private Chapel.
the Emperor Maurice from forbid
ding soldiers to become monks. THIRD NOCTURN.

Sixth Lesson. Seventh Lesson.

REGORY adorned the Church The Lesson is taken from the Holy Gos
with holy customs and laws. pel according to Matthew (v. 12.)
He called together a Synod in the
Church of St Peter, and therein or T that time: JESUS said unto
dained many things; among others, His disciples: Ye are the salt
the ninefold repetition of the words of the earth. But if the salt have
“Kyrie eleison” in the Mass, the lost his savour, wherewith shall it be
saying of the word “Alleluia” in salted? And so on.
the Church service except between Homily by Pope St Gregory [the
Septuagesima inclusive and Easter Great.] (Horn. 17 on Luke x.)
exclusive, and the addition to the
Canon of the Mass of the words We have to consider that he who
“Do Thou order all our days in is not able by one exhortation to
Thy peace.” He increased the Lit exhort all at once, must strive ac
anies, the number of the Churches cording to his ability to instruct
where is held the observance called each in private and edify each by
a Station, and the length of the personal conversation. We must al
Church Service. He would that ways hold in mind that which was
the four Councils of Nice, Constan said to the holy Apostles, and,
tinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon through the Apostles, to us: “Ye
should be honoured like four Gos are the salt of the earth. If we

are therefore salt, we ought to Eighth Responsory.

season the minds of the faithful.
Ye then that are shepherds, remem In the midst, &c., (p. 539.)
ber that ye feed the flock of God, The Ninth Lesson is the Homily
even that flock of which the Psalmist for the Week-day, either the first
saith to God: “Thy creatures shall part or all three as one.
dwell therein ” (Ps. lxvii. 11.) We At Laud: and Vespers a Com
often see pieces of rock-salt given memoration is made of the Week—
to animals, which they lick, and the (lay.
seasoning of the salt is good for
them. As these pieces of rock-salt MARTYROLOGY.
to cattle, so ought Priests to be to
Upon the 13th day of March, were
their people. A Priest should be
born into the better life
prudent in what he saith, and what
At N icomedia, the holy martyrs
warning he giveth to each; and each
Macedonius, Patricia his wife, and
one when he meeteth his Priest,
Modesta their daughter, [in the year
should draw from him a savour unto
life eternal.
At Nice, the holy martyrs Theusetas
and Horres his son, Theodora, Nym
Eighth Lesson.
phodora, Mark, and Arabia, who were
E are not the salt of the earth, all delivered over to the flames for
if we season not the hearts of Christ’s sake.
them that hear us. He that faileth At Eshman, in Egypt, the holy
not in preaching, imparteth this season martyr Sabinus, who after suffering
ing to his neighbour. And we do not many things, was at length drowned
truly preach to others unless by our own in the Nile, [in the year 287. He is
works and example we show them what said to have been denounced by a
we preach. Dearly beloved brethren, beggar he maintained by 'his alms.]
I think that God is not so much In Persia, the holy Virgin and
wronged by any as He is by Priests, martyr Christina.
whom He hath ordained to keep At Cordova, the holy martyrs
others straight, and then seeth set Roderick the Priest and Salomon, [in
ting an ill example; when we, who the year 857.]
ought to be the enemies of sin, At Constantinople, holy N icephorus,
work sin, seek not the good of Bishop of that see. He was a zealous
souls, take leisure to enjoy our own upholder of the traditions of the
pursuits, seek worldly things, and Fathers, and for the honouring of
set our minds to gain human re holy images constantly withstood the
spect. And, above all, when we Iconoclast Emperor Leo the Armenian,
who, as Prelates, are raised above by whom he was sent into exile, where
the others, and are so far freer to he sufi'ered a lingering martyrdom for
do what we like, prostitute our fourteen years, and then passed away
ministry of blessing, wherewith we to be ever with the Lord, [in the year
are blessed, to compass the ends 828.]
of worldly vanity, abandon God’s At Camerino, the holy Confessor
work, occupy ourselves with earthly Ansovinus, Bishop of that see, [in the
afi'airs, take in sooth an holy place, year 840.]
and then involve ourselves in deeds In the Thebaid, the holy Virgin
and thoughts of the world. Euphrasia, [in the year 412.]


Note. If any of the Feasts which her lowliness and long suffering, [in
follow fall in Holy Week or Easter the year 968.]
Week, they are transferred till after
Low Sunday, with the changes in that MARCH 1 4.
case necessary, if they are capable of
being transferred according to the MARTYROLOGY.
general rubrics; but if not, they are
Upon the I 5th day of March, were
simply commemorated at both Vespers
born into the better life—
and Lauds without having'the lVinth
At Caesarea, in Cappadocia, the holy
Lesson at Mattins.
martyr Longinus, who is said to have
been the soldier who pierced the
MARCH 1 3. Lord’s side with a spear.
Upon the same day, holy Aristo
bulus, the disciple of the Apostles,
Upon the 14th day of March, were who when the work of his preaching
born into the better life—— was done suffered martyrdom.
At Rome, in the Veranian field, the At Thessalonica, holy Matrona.
holy martyr Leo, Bishop. She was a slave, belonging to a cer
Likewise at Rome, forty-seven holy. tain Jewess. She was a Christian
martyrs, who were all baptised by the in secret, and went to the church every
blessed Apostle Peter during the nine, day for private prayer. Her mistress
months during which he and his found this. She afflicted her in many
fellow-Apostle Paul Were imprisoned ways, and at last caused her to be
in the Mamertine prison, and who, cudgelled, until, still confessing Christ,
all for the loyal confession of their she gave up her pure spirit to .God,
faith, were slain by the sword, under [probably about the year 800.]
the Emperor Nero. , On the same day, the holy martyr
In Africa, the holy martyrs Peter Menignus, a fuller, who suffered under
and Aphrodisius, who received their the Emperor Decius.
crown in the persecution under the In Egypt, the holy martyr Nicander,
Vandals. who would make careful search for the
At Haran, in Mesopotamia, the relics of holy martyrs, and earned to
holy martyrs Eutychius the Patrician become a martyr himself under the
and his Companions, who were slain Emperor Diocletian.
by Evelid, King of the Arabs, for con At Cordova, the holy Virgin and
fessingtheir faith, [in the year 741.] martyr Leocritia, [in the year 880.]
In the province of Valeria, two At Rome, holy Pope Zachary, who
holy monks,' whom the Lombards governed the Church of God with all
hung upon a tree, whereon after they watchfulness, and fell asleep in peace,
were dead their very enemies heard famous for good works, [in the year
them singing. In the same persecu 7 52.] .
tion, a Deacon of the church of At Riete, holy Probus, Bishop of
Maruvium, [now called that of that see, at whose death, [in the year
Pescina,] was beheaded for confess~ 570,] the martyrs Juvenal and Eleu
ing the faith. therius were present.
At Halberstadt, in Germany, the At Rome, [in the sixth century,]
blessed Matilda, Queen ofthe Romans, the holy [Benedictine] monk, [at Ter
Mother of the Emperor Otho I., who racina,] Speciosus, whose soul his
fell asleep in peace, illustrious for brother saw being borne heavenward.
(the fannitinnai 92mins.

NOTE. —None ofthese Services are ever binding upon persons bound to recite
the Ofifcc, except that for the Dead on All Souls’ Day, and the Litany (without
the Penitential Psalms) on St Mark’s Day, and the three Rogation Days.l

QED: itittle QBflite of the 331255211 Utrgtn Wary.

This Ofice is added to the Church I. ORDINARY.
Ofice every day, except (1) those on
which Nine Lessons are read, (2) Sat VESPERS.
urdays upon which her Ofiice is said Make haste, &c., as usual, continu
as a Simple; upon all which days ing the same as on a Semi-double Feast
it is omitted from the First Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, till the end of
inclusive. Upon Christmas Eve it is the Hymn.
omittedfrom Mattins inclusive. When
it is said in Choir, Mattins and Lauds Verse. Grace is poured into thy
are said before the Mattins and Lauds lips.
of the Day, and the Vespers before Answer. Therefore God hath
Vespers. Prime is saidjust before the blessed thee for ever.
Martyrology is read. Terce, Sext,
None, and Compline are said after
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
the Terce, Sext, None, and Compline
Virgin. Blessed Mother and in
of the day, respectively. Out of
violate Maiden! * glorious Queen of
Choir it is said whenever the reciter
the world! Plead for us with the
Lord !
If it is said apart from the Church Then .'
Ofiice, the Angelic Salutation is said
inaudibly before each Ofiice, except Kyrie eleison.
Lauds. None of the Antiohons are Answer. Christe eleison.
ever doubled. Kyrie eleison.
The Ofiice varies according as it be Verse. 0 Lord, hear my prayer.
(1) Ordinary, (2) In Advent, (3) Be Answer. And let my cry come unto
tween Christmas and Candlemas. Thee.
1 Nevertheless, in some Churches the custom exists, and in some there are foundations for
saying the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin, or the Office of the Dead every day or on
certain days, irrespective of what the Church Oflice may be, and such has also been the
practice of some Saints.
VOL. I. 2D

Let us pray. COMPLINE.

Grant, we beseech Thee, &c., (as Turn us, &c., as in the Church
in the full Ofiiee, p. 565, with the Ofliee, but the Psalms, (which are said
short ending, Through Christ our without any A ntiphon,) are
Then the following Commemoration Psalm CXXVI I I.
of the Saints.
[Intituled “ A Song of Degrees."]
Antiphon. 0 all ye holy children
MANY a time have they warred
of God, be pleased to pray for our
against me from my youth—
salvation and the salvation of all men.
* may Israel now say :—
Verse. Be glad in the LORD, and Many a time have they warred
rejoice, ye righteous. against me from my youth: * yet
Answer. And shout for joy, all ye they have not prevailed against me.
that are upright in heart. 1 The ploughers ploughed u'pon my
back : * they made long their furrows.
Let 'us pray. The LORD is"righteous, He hath
broken the necks of the wicked. *
BE Thou, O Lord, the Shield of Let them all be confounded and
Thy people, and‘cover with turned back that hate Zion.
Thine everlasting Arm those who Let them be as the grass upon the
trust in the help of Thine‘Apostles house-tops, * which withereth before
Peter and Paul, and the others Thine it is plucked up:
Apostles. Wherewith the mower filleth not his
We pray Thee, O Lord, that all hand, * nor he that bindeth sheaves
Thine holy children may in all places his bosom.
succour us, and that as we call to Neither do they that go by say:
mind their worthy acts, so we may The blessing of the LORD be upon
feel the comfort of their friendship. you! * we bless you in the name of
Grant Thou also peace in our days, the LORD!
and keep Thy Church ever clean
purged of all iniquity.
Psalm CXXIX.
Order Thou also our footsteps, our
deeds, and our wills, and the foot [Intituled “A Song of Degrees." The'
meaning of this title is not certain. The
steps, the deeds, and the wills of all Psalms so called may perhaps, like the
Thy servants, in the straight path “ Graduals" of the Roman Liturgy, be “ step
that leadeth unto salvation in Thee. songs," intended to be sung during proces
sions, Liturgical or of pilgrims]
Reward with eternal life all them
who do us good. OUT of the depths have I cried
And grant eternal rest unto all the unto Thee, O LORD! * Lord,
faithful departed. hear my voice.
Through our Lord JESUS Christ Let Thine ears be attentive * t0 the
Thy Son, 'Who liveth and reigneth voice of my supplication.
with Thee, ‘in the unity of' the Holy If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark in
Ghost, one God, world without'end. iquities, * O LORD, who shall stand?
Amen. But there is forgiveness with Thee :
1 Le. "They furrowed my back with stripes as the ground is furrowed with the
plough. Gesenius.

" because of Thy law, I wait for Thee, Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 24.)
My soul waiteth on His word: * I AM the mother of fair love, and
my soul hopeth in the Lord. fear, and knowledge, and holy
From the morning watch even until hope.
night *' let Israel hope in the LORD: Answer. Thanks be to God.
For with the LORD there is mercy, Verse. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother
* and with Him is plenteous redemp of God.
tion. V Answer. That we may be made
And He shall redeem Israel, * from worthy of the promises of Christ.
all his iniquities. Antiphon. We take refuge under
Glory be to the Father, and to the
Thy protection.
Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, Song of Simeon. Lord, now lettest
and ever shall be, world without end. Thou Thy servant, &c., (p. 209.)
Antiphon. We take refuge under
Psalm CXXX. Thy protection, 0 holy Mother of
[Intituled "A Song of Degrees," to which God! Despise not our supplications
the Hebrew and the Vulgate, but not the in our need, but deliver us alway from
Targum or the LXX., add “of David."]
all dangers, 0 Virgin, glorious and
0RD, mine heart is not haughty, * blessed!
nor mine eyes lofty:
Kyrie eleison.
Neither do 1 exercise myself in
great matters, * or in wonderful
Answer. Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
things that are above me.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
If I have not thought lowly of my
Answer. And let my cry come
self— * (but lifted up my soul)—
unto Thee.
Even as a child that is weaned
from his mother: * so be my soul
rewarded. Let us pray.
Let Israel hope in the LORD, * 0RD, we pray Thee, that the
from henceforth and for ever. glorious intercession of Mary,
blessed, and glorious, and everlast
[{ymn.1 ingly Virgin, may shield us and bring
us on toward eternal life. Through
REMEMBER, 0 Creator Lord,
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
That in the Virgin's sacred womb
Thou wast conceived, and of her flesh liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
Didst our mortality assume. unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end. Amen.
Mother of grace, 0 Mary blest,
To thee, sweet fount of love, we fly;
Shield us through life, and take us hence MATTINS.
To thy dear bosom when we die.
O LORD, open Thou my lips, &c.,
0 JESU, born of Virgin bright, as in the full ()jiee, only with this
Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite, Int/itatory. Hail, Mary, full of
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen. grace. * The Lord is with Thee!
1 Translation by the late Rev. E. Caswall.
T T ‘ ~7 :


Only one Nocturn is said. On breast Him Whom the heavens can
Mondays and Thursdays, it is the not contain.
Firstfrom the full Ofiice; on Tuesdays Verse. Blessed art thou among
and Fridays, the Second; and, on women, and blessed is the fruit of thy
Wednesdays and Saturdays, the Third. womb.
Then: Answer. For thou hast borne in
Verse. Grace is poured into thy thy breast Him Whom the heavens
lips. cannot contain.
Answer. Therefore God hath
blessed thee for ever. Second Blessing.
Our Father, &c. And lead us not With the Lord Who sprang of thee,
into temptation. Maid of maidens, plead for me.
Answer. But deliver us from evil.
Second Lesson.
By the prayers of the Blessed Mary, AND so was I established in Zion,
always a Virgin, and by the prayers and likewise in the Holy City
of all His Saints, and for her sake was I given to rest, and in Jerusalem
and for their sakes, may the Lord was my power. And I took root
lead us unto the kingdom of heaven. among the honourable people, even
Answer. Amen. in the portion of my God, as His own
inheritance, and mine abiding was in
First Blessing. the full assembly of the Saints.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
Bless us, Mary, Maiden mild, upon us.
Bless us, JESUS, Mary’s Child. Answer. Thanks be to God.

First Lesson.
Second Responsory.
The Lesson is taken from the Book
of Ecclesiasticus (xxiv. 11.) Blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Mary,
who hast carried the Lord, the Maker
WITH all these I sought rest, but of the world. Thou hast borne Him
I shall abide in the inheritance Who created thee, and thou abidest a
of the Lord. So the Creator of all virgin for ever.
things gave me a commandment, and Verse. Hail, Mary, full of grace.
said unto me, even He that made me The Lord is with thee.
rested in my tabernacle, and said Answer. Thou hast borne Him
unto me, Let thy dwelling be in Jacob, Who created thee, and thou abidest a
and thine inheritance in Israel, and virgin for ever.
strike thou thy roots amid My chosen
people. Third Blessing.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
upon us. He to Whom His mother prays,
Answer. Thanks be to God. Grant us blessing all our days.

First Responsory. Third Lesson.

0 how holy and how spotless is thy WAS exalted like a cedar in
virginity! I am too dull to praise Lebanon, and as a cypress-tree
thee; for thou hast borne in thy upon Mount Zion. I was exalted like

a palm-tree in Kadesh, and as a rose art thou, 0 daughter of Jerusalem, *

plant in Jericho, as a fair olive-tree in terrible as a fenced camp set in battle
the plains, and grew up as a plane array.
tree beside the water in the broad
ways. I gave a sweet smell like Chapter. (Cant. vi. 8.)
cinnamon and aromatic balm; I
yielded a pleasant odour like the best THE daughters of Zion saw her,
myrrh. and called her blessed; the
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy queens also, and they praised her.
upon us. Ilymn. O glorious Virgin, &c., (p.
Answer. Thanks be to God. 564-)
Verse. Blessed art thou among
Third Responsory. women.
Answer. And blessed is the Fruit
O holy Virgin Mary, happy indeed
of thy womb.
art thou, and right worthy of all
praise, for out of thee rose the Sun of Antibhon at the Song of Zacharias,
righteousness, even Christ our God. except between Christmas and Candle
Verse. Pray for the people, plead mas. O Blessed Mary, * Mother of
for the clergy, make intercession for God, Virgin for ever, temple of the
all women vowed to God. Let all Lord, sanctuary of the Holy Ghost,
that are making this holy memorial thou, without any ensample before
of thee feel the might of thine assist thee, didst make thyself well-pleasing
ance. in the sight of our Lord JESUS Christ
Answer. For out of thee rose the —pray for the people, plead for the
Sun of righteousness, even Christ our clergy, make intercession for all
God. women vowed to God.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Then .
Ghost. Kyrie eleison.
Answer. Even Christ our God. Answer. Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
Answer. And let my cry come
First Antibhon. Mary hath been unto Thee.
taken to heaven ;* the Angels rejoice;
they praise and bless the Lord. Let us pray.
Second Anttlbhon. The Virgin Mary O GOD, Who didst will that Thy
hath been taken into the chamber on Word should, by the' message
high, * where the King of kings sit of an Angel, take flesh in the womb
teth on a throne amid the stars. of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant
Third Antiphon. We run after unto us, we beseech Thee, that all we
thee, on the scent of thy perfumes— who do believe her to be in very deed
* the virgins love thee heartily. the Mother of God, may be holpen by
Fourth Antrlthon. Blessed of the her prayers in Thy sight. Through
Lord art thou, 0 daughter, * for by the same Christ our Lord.
thee we have been given to eat of the
fruit [of the tree] of Life. Then the Commemoration of the
Fifth Antzphon. Fair and comely Saints, as at Vespers.

PRIME. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of

Thy people: * Thou hast covered all
Make haste, &c., as in the Church their sins.1
Ofiiee. Thou hast taken away all Thy
[flow as at Compline. wrath: * Thou hast turned Thyself
from the fierceness of Thine anger.
Antiphon. Mary is taken, &c., Turn us, 0 God of our salvation,
(First Antzphon at Lauds.) * and cause Thine anger towards us
to cease.
Psalm LIII.
Wilt Thou be angry with us for
ever? * wilt Thou draw out Thine
[The superscription of this Psalm, after anger to all generations?
some words which are probably a musical
direction, proceeds “[A Psalm] of David, 0 God, Thou shalt again quicken
when the Ziphim came and said to Saul, Doth us: * and Thy people shall rejoice
not David hide himself with us'!” This was in Thee.
during the same period of his life in the South
in which he composed Ps. lxii. The Ziphim, Show us Thy mercy, O LORD! *
or peasantry of the neighbourhood of Ziph, and grant us Thy salvation.
betrayed him twice to Saul, and both times, I will hear what the LORD God will
especially the first, he was in imminent peril.
I Kings (Sam.) xxiii. 19-29, xxvi.] speak in me: * for He will speak
peace unto His people, '
AVE me, O God, in Thy Name, And to His saints, * and unto them
* and judge me in Thy that are changed in heart.
power. Surely His salvation is nigh them
Hear my prayer, 0 God: * give that fear Him, * that glory may dwell
ear to the words of my mouth. in our land.
For strangers are risen up against Mercy and truth have met together:
me, and oppressors seek after my * righteousness and peace have kissed
soul: * and have not set God before each other.
them.1 Truth hath sprung out of the earth :
Behold God is mine Helper: * and * and righteousness hath looked down
the Lord upholdeth my soul. from heaven.
Reward Thou evil unto mine en Yea, the LORD shall give that which
emies: * and cut them off in Thy is good: * and our land shall yield
truth. her increase.
I will freely sacrifice unto Thee: Righteousness shall go before Him:
* and praise Thy Name, 0 LORD, for * and shall set His footsteps in the
it is good. way.
For Thou hast delivered me out of
all trouble: * and mine eye hath seen Psalm CXVI.
[his desire upon] mine enemies. PRAISE the LORD, all ye'
nations: * praise Him, all ye
Psalm LXXXIV. people.
For His merciful kindness is great
[Intituled “ A Psalm of the sons of Korah,"
with the usual (now uncertain) superscription.] toward us: * and the truth of the
LORD endureth for ever.
ORD, Thou hast been favourable
unto Thy land: * Thou hast [Here the Hebrew appends “Alleluia,”
which the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to
brought back the captivity of Jacob. the next Psalm.]
1 SLH.

After the repetition of the A ntiphon What shall be given unto thee, or
the Ofice proceeds thus . what shall be done unto thee, * thou
false tongue?
Chapter. (Cant. vi. 9.) Sharp arrows of the mighty, * with
hot burning coals.
H0 is she that cometh forth like Woe is me! that my sojourn is
the rising dawn, fair as the long: I dwell with the dwellers of
moon, clear as the sun, terrible as a Kedar.1 * My soul hath long dwelt
fenced camp set in battle array? as an exile .
Answer. Thanks be to God. With them that hate peace. I was
Verse. Holy Virgin, my praise by peaceable: *. when I spoke unto
thee accepted be. them, they fought against me without
Answer. Give me strength against a cause.
thine enemies.
Kyrie eleison. Psalm CXX.
And so on, as at Compline, but with [Also a Song of Degrees.]
the I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the
hills, * from whence cometh mine
GOD, Who wast pleased to help.
choose for Thy dwelling-place Mine help cometh from the LORD,
the maiden palace of Blessed Mary, * Who made heaven and earth.
grant, we beseech Thee, that her pro He will not suffer thy feet to be
tection may shield us, and make us moved: * He That keepeth thee will
glad in her commemoration. Who not slumber.
livest and reignest with God the Behold, He That keepeth Israel
Father, in the unity of the Holy shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Ghost, one God, world without end. The LORD is thy keeper: the
Amen. LORD is thy shade * upon thy
right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by
9 Make haste, &c., as in the Church day, * nor the moon by night.
Ofiice. The LORD shall keep thee from
all evil: * the Lord shall keep thy
Hymn as at Compline.
Antiphon. The Virgin Mary, &c., The LORD shall keep thy coming in
(Second A ntzlbhon at Lauds.) and thy going out, * from this time
forth and for evermore.
Psalm CXIX.
[This is the first of the “Songs of Degrees," Psalm CXXI.
or “ Gradual Psalms." See note to Ps. cxxix.,
p. 91.] [Intituled “ A Song of Degrees, of David."]

IN my distress I cried unto the I WAS glad when they said unto
LORD, * and He heard me. me: * Let us go into the house
Deliver my soul, 0 LORD, from of the LORD.
lying lips, * and from a deceitful Our feet have been wont to stand *
tongue. within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem!
1 Properly “ Black-skin." This was the name of a son of Ishmael, and of an Arabian tribe
sprung from him.

Jerusalem isv builded as a city * S EXT. .

that is compact together:
Make haste, &c., as in the Church
Whither the tribes go up, the tribes
of the LORD, * the testimony of Is Ofiee.
rael, to give thanks unto the name of [{ymn as at Compline.
the LORD.
Antiphon. We run after thee, &c.,
For there are set thrones for judg
(Third A ntzlzfihon at Lands.)
ment, * the thrones for the house of
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : * Psalm CXXI I.
they shall prosper that love thee. [Intituled “ A Song of Degrees."]
Peace be within thy walls, * and
prosperity within thy palaces. UNTO Thee lift I up mine eyes,
For my brethren and companions’ * 0 Thou That dwellest in the
sakes, * I will now say—Peace be heavens!
within thee! Behold, as the eyes of servants *
Because of the house of the look unto the hand of their masters,
LORD our God, * I will seek As the eyes of a maiden unto the
thy good. hand of her mistress: * so our eyes
look unto the LORD our God, until
that He have mercy on us.
Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 15.) Have mercy upon us, 0 LORD, have
AND so I was established in Zion,
mercy upon us: * for we are exceed
and likewise in the holy city ingly filled with contempt.
was I given to rest, and in Jerusalem I theOur soul is exceedingly filled * with
scorning of those that are at ease,
was my power.
Answer. Thanks be to God. and with the contempt of the proud.
Verse. Grace is poured into thy
lips. Psalm CXXI I I.
Answer. Therefore God hath [lntituled “A Song of Degrees," to which
blessed thee for ever. the Hebrew and the Targum add “of David,"
Kyrie eleison. but this ascri tion of authorship does not
occur in the ulgate or the LXX.]
And so on.
F it had not been the LORD Who
Prayer. was on our side—now may Israel
say— * if it had not been the LORD
0 GOD, Who, by the fruitful vir Who was on our side,
ginity of the Blessed Mary, When men rose up against us: *
hast given unto mankind the re then they had swallowed us up quick,
wards of everlasting life; grant, When their wrath was kindled
we beseech Thee, that we may against us: * then the waters had
continually feel the might of her overwhelmed us,
intercession through whom we have The stream had gone over our soul :
worthily received the Author of our * then the overwhelming waters had
life, our Lord JESUS Christ, Thy gone over our soul.
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Blessed be the LORD, * Who hath
Thee, in the unity of the Holy not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Ghost, one God, world without end. of Our soul isof escaped
the snare as a bird * out
the fowlers: v

The snare is. broken, * and we are help of her intercession we may be
escaped. raised up from the bondage of our
Our help is in the name of the sins. Through the Same our Lord
LORD, * Who made heaven and earth. JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
Psalm CXXIV. of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
without end. Amen.
[Intituled " A Song of Degrees."]
HEY that trust in the LORD shall NONE.
be as Mount Zion: * he that
dwelleth in Jerusalem shall never be Make haste, &c., as in the Church
moved. Ofiice.
The mountains are round about [iymn as at Compline.
Jerusalem, * and the LORD is round Antéohon. Fair and comely, &c.,
about His people, from henceforth, (Fifth Antzphon at Lauds.)
and for ever.
For the Lord will not suffer the
rod of the wicked to rest upon the lot Psalm CXXV.
of the righteous: * lest the righteous [Intituled " A Song of Degrees."]
put forth their hands into iniquity. HEN the LORD turned again the
Do good, 0 LORD, to the good, * captivity of Zion, * we were like
and to them that are upright in their them that come again from sickness.
hearts. Then was our mouth filled with
As for such as turn aside unto their laughter, * and our tongue with
crooked ways, the LORD shall lead singing.
them forth with the workers of iniquity: Then said they among the heathen:
* peace be upon lsraél! * The LORD hath done great things
for them. '
Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 16.) The LORD hath done great things
AND I took root among the honour for us: * whereof we are glad.
able people, even in the portion Turn again our captivity, O LORD,
of my God, as His own inheritance, * as the streams in the south.
and mine abiding was in the full They that sow in tears * shall reap
assembly of the Saints. in joy.
Answer. Thanks be to God. They go forth weeping, * sowing
Verse. Blessed art thou among their seed ;
women. They shall doubtless come again
Answer. And blessed is the Fruit with rejoicing, * bringing their sheaves
of thy womb. with them.
Kyrie eleison.
Psalm CXXVI.
And so on as at the other Hours.
[Intituled "A Song of Degrees, of Solo
mon." The LXX. omits the ascriptiou to
Prayer. , Solomon.]
MOST merciful God, grant, we XCEPT the LORD build the
beseech Thee, a succour unto house, * they labour in vain
the frailty of our nature, that as that build it:
we keep ever alive the memory of Except the LORD keep the city, *
the holy Mother of God, so by the the .watchman waketh but in vain.
VOL. 1. ' 2 D 2

It is vain for you to rise up early, * Prayer.

rise up when ye are rested, ye that eat
LORD, we beseech Thee, for
the bread of sorrow:
give the transgressions of Thy
For He giveth His beloved sleep.
servants, and, forasmuch as by our
Lo, children are an heritage of the
own deeds we cannot please Thee,
LORD, * the fruit of the womb is His
may we find safety through the 'prayers
of the Mother of Thy Son and our
As arrows are in the hand of a
Lord. Through the Same our Lord
mighty man, * so are the children of
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
the out-cast.
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
‘Happy is the man that hath his
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
desire satisfied with them: * he shall
without end. Amen.
not be ashamed when he speaketh with
his enemies in the gate.
Psalm CXXVIl. The Ofice is the same as the Ordin
[Intituled " A Song of Degrees."] ary one, except the following.
BLESSED is every one that feareth The Prayer at every Hour is, “O
the LORD, * that walketh in His God, Who didst will, &c.,” (as at
ways. Lands in the Ordinary Ofiice, and save
For thou shalt eat the labour of at Vespers, with the longer ending.)
thine hands: * happy shalt thou be At Vespers the A ntiphons and 61mp
and it shall be well with thee. ter are taken from Lauds.
Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine
* on the sides of thine house: A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Thy children like olive plants * Virgin as at that of Zacharias.
round about thy table. Commemoration of the Saints as at
Behold, that thus shall the man be Lauds.
blessed * that feareth the LORD.
The LORD bless thee out of Zion: A t Compline .
* and mayest thou see the good of
Jerusalem all the days of thy life. Chapter. (Isa. vii. 14.)
Yea, mayest thou see thy children’s BEHOLD, the Virgin shall conceive
children, * and peace upon Israe'l. and bear a Son, and His Name
shall be called Emmanuel. Butter
Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 19.) and honey shall He eat, that He may
know to refuse the evil, and choose
IN the broad ways I gave a sweet
the good.
smell like cinnamon and aromatic
Verse. The Angel of the Lord
balm ; 1 yielded a pleasant odour like
announced unto Mary.
the best myrrh.
Answer. And she conceived of
Answer. Thanks be to God.
the Holy Ghost.
Verse. After thy delivery thou still
remainest a Virgin undefiled. Antiphon at the Song of Simeon as
Answer. Mother of God, pray at that of Zacharias.
for us. At Mattins note the dijerence in the
Kyrie eleison. Third Antiphon on H’ednesdays and
And so on as at the other Hours. Saturdays.

First Lesson. (Luke i. 26.) and said unto her: The Holy Ghost
shall come upon thee, and the power
THE Angel Gabriel was sent from
of the Highest shall overshadow thee ;
God unto a city of Galilee named
therefore also that Holy Thing Which
Nazareth, to a Virgin espoused to a
shall be born of thee shall be called
man whose name was Joseph, of the
the Son of God. And, behold, thy
house of David, and the Virgin’s name
cousin Elizabeth, she hath also con
was Mary. And the Angel came in
ceived a son in her old age, and this
unto her, and said : Hail, thou that art
is the sixth month with her who was
full of grace: the Lord is with thee:
called barren; for with God nothing
blessed art thou among women.
shall be impossible. And Mary said:
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
Behold the handmaid of the Lord ; be
upon us.
it unto me according to thy word.
Answer. Thanks be to God.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy
upon us.
First Responsory. Answer. Thanks be to God.
The Angel Gabriel was sent, &c.,
(p. 215,) omitting the last Verse and Third Responsory.
Answer. Receive, 0 Virgin Mary, &c., (p.
Second Lesson. 219,) with this addition .
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
AN‘D when she heard it, she was and to the Son, and to the Holy
troubled at his saying, and cast Ghost. 7
in her mind what manner of salutation Answer. And thou shalt be called
this should be. And the Angel said blessed among all women.
unto her: Fear not, Mary; for thou
At Lauds the Antzphons are the
hast found grace with God: behold,
same as on Dec. 18, (p. 669,) with
thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and
the Alleluia at the end of the Second
bring forth a Son, and shalt call His
and Third. These same Antiohons
Name JESUS. He shall be great, and
are likewise used at Vespers, and
shall be called the Son of the Highest ;
the First, Second, Third, and Fifth,
and the Lord God shall give unto Him
at Prime, Terce, Sext, and None,
the throne of His father David; and
He shall reign over the house of Jacob
for ever, and of His kingdom there
Chapter. (Isa. xi. 1.)
shall be no end.
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy HERE shall come forth a rod out
upon us. of the stem of Jesse, and a
Answer. Thanks be to God. Flower shall grow out of his roots.
And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest
Second Responsory. upon Him. ‘
Answer. Thanks be to God.
Hail, Mary, full of grace, &c., (p.
215.) Antzphon at the Song of Zacharias
(used also at those of the Blessed Virgin
Third Lesson.
and of Simeon.) The Holy Ghost
THEN said Mary unto the Angel: shall come upon thee, 0 Mary, * fear
How shall this be, seeing I know not ; thou shalt bear in thy womb the
not a man? And the Angel answered Son of God. Alleluia.

Commemoration of the Saints. Jacob for ever; and of His kingdom

there shall be no end.
Antiohon. Behold, the Lord shall
come, and all His Saints with Him;
and it shall come to pass in that day At None, Chapter from Compline.
that the light shall be great. Alleluia.
Verse. The Angel of the Lord an
Verse. Behold, the Lord shall
nounced unto Mary.
appear upon a white cloud.
Answer. And she conceived of the
Answer. And ten thousand of His
Holy Ghost.
Saints with Him.


PURIFY our minds, 0 Lord, we
beseech Thee, by the grace of The Ofiice is the same as the Ordin
Thy visitation, that when Thy Son ary one, except the following.
our Lord JESUS Christ shall come The Prayer at every Hour is, “ O
with all His Saints with Him, He God, Who by the fruitful virginity,
may find in us a people made ready &c.,” (p. 315,) save at Vespers with
that He may dwell amongst us. Who the longer ending.
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, The A ntijfihons at Vespers and
world without end. Amen. Lauds are as on New Year’s Day (pp.
3 1 5, 3 I 6,) and the First, Second, Third,
At Prime, Chapter from Compline.
and Fifth, are used at Prime, Terce,
At Terce, Chapter from Lauds. Sext, and None, respectively.
At Sext :
Antiphon at the Songs of the Blessed
Chapter. (Luke i. 32.) Virgin and of Simeon. “ Herein is
a great mystery, &c.,” (p. 316.)
THE Lord God shall give unto Him
the throne of His father David; Antiohon at the Song of Zacharias.
and He shall reign over the house of “This day is set forth, &c.,” (p. 31 5.)

fll'be QBfiire for the Beach.

This Ofiice is said upon the first Choir it is said whenever the reciter
day of the Month upon which Nine chooses.
Lessons are not read, and, in Ad VESPERS.
vent, upon the first week-day of
- The Antiphons are doubled three
every Week not so occupied. When
it is said in Choir, Vespers are said Nocturns are to be said in the Dirge.
The Service begins absolutely with
after the Vespers of the day, and the
Dirge after Lauds the next morn the First A ntiphon, as follows.
ing, unless the custom of the par First Antiphon. I will walk before
ticular Church be otherwise. Out of the Lord * in the land of the living.

Psalm CXIV. Sharp arrows of the mighty, * with

The Vulgate and the LXX. prefix “Alleluia."] hot burning coals. '
\Voe is me! that my sojourn is
I AM well pleased, because the
long: I dwell with the dwellers of
LORD hath heard * the voice of
Kedar. * My soul hath long dwelt
my supplication :
as an exile
Because He hath inclined His ear
With them that hate peace. I was
unto me, * therefore will I call upon
peaceable : * when I spoke unto them,
Him all my days.
they fought against me without a cause.
The sorrows of death compassed me:
-* and the straits of hell found me: Third Antiphon. The LORD shall
Sorrow and trouble did I find. * Then keep thee from all evil, * the Lord
called I upon the name of the LORD: shall keep thy soul.
O LORD, deliver my soul. * Gra
cious is the LORD, and righteous : yea, Psalm CXX.
our God is merciful. [Also a Song of Degrees]
The LORD preserveth the simple: *
I was brought low and He helped me. I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the
Return unto thy rest, 0 my soul: hills, * from whence cometh mine
* for the LORD hath dealt bountifully help.
with thee. Mine help cometh from the LORD,
For He hath delivered my soul from * Who made heaven and earth.
death, * mine eyes from tears, and He will not suffer thy feet to be
my feet from falling. moved: * He That keepeth thee
I will walk before the LORD * in will not slumber.
the land of the living. Behold, He That keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.
At the end of this and all the other The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD
Psalms and Canticles throughout the is thy shade * upon thy right hand.
whole Ofiee of the Dead, “ Glory be to The sun shall not smite thee by
the Father, &c.,” is not said, but in day, * nor the moon by night.
stead, The LORD shall keep thee from all
O Lord, grant them eternal rest,
evil: * the Lord shall keep thy soul.
and let the everlasting light shine The LORD shall keep thy coming
upon them ! in and thy going out, * from this
time forth and for evermore.
Second Antiphon. Woe is me! O
Lord, * that my sojourn is long. Fourth Antiphon. If Thou, LORD,
shouldest mark iniquities, * O Lord,
Psalm CXIX. who shall stand!
_ [This is the first of the " Songs of Degrees,"
or “Gradual Psalms." See note to Ps. cxxix., Psalm CXXIX.
p- 91-] [Intituled “A Song of Degrees." The
meaning of this title is not certain. The
IN my distress I cried unto the Psalms so called may perhaps, like the
LORD, * and He heard me. “ Graduals" of the Roman Liturgy, be “ step
Deliver my soul, 0 LORD, from lying songs," intended to be sung during proces
sions, Liturgical or of pilgrims.]
lips, * and from a deceitful tongue.
What shall be given unto thee, or :OUT of the depths have I cried
what shall be done unto thee, * thou unto Thee, O LORD! * Lord,
false tongue ? hear my voice.

Let Thine ears: be attentive * to Though I walk in the midst of

the voice of my supplication. trouble Thou wilt revive me: * Thou
If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark shalt stretch forth Thine hand against
iniquities, * O Lord, who shall stand? the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy
But there is forgiveness withThee: right hand shall save me.
* because of Thy Law, I wait for The LORD will give recompense
Thee, O LORD! on my behalf : * Thy mercy, O LORD,
My soul waiteth on His word: * endureth for ever: forsake not the
my soulhopeth in the Lord. works of Thine own hands.
From the morning watch even until
night * let Israe'l hope in the LORD: After the Fifth Antithon, the Ser
For with the LORD there is mercy. vice proeeeds directly, thus :—
* and with Him is plenteous re Verse. 1I heard a voice from
demption. heaven, saying unto me:
And He shall redeem Israél, * Answer. Blessed are the dead
from all his iniquities. which die in the Lord.
Fifth Antiphon. O Lord, forsake Anthbhon. All that the Father
not * the works of Thine own hands. giveth Me shall come to Me; * and
him that cometh to Me I will in no
Psalm CXXXVII. wise cast out.2

[Intituled “ Of David," to which the LXX. The Song of the Blessed Virgin.
adds " of Haggai and Zechariah," the mean—
ing apparently being that it was his com After the Antiphon, all kneel down,
position, but that they made some special and the Lord’s Prayer is said silently,
regulation as to its use.] except the words “Our Father,” and
I WILL praise Thee, O Lord, with the termination,
my whole heart : * because Thou And lead us not into temptation.
hast heard the words of my mouth. Answer. But deliver us from
Before the Angels will I sing praise evil.
unto Thee. * I will worship toward
Thine holy temple, and praise Thy Then is said, except on the day
Name. of death or burial of the person
For Thy loving-kindness, and for or persons for whom the Ofice is
Thy truth : * for'Thou hast magnified being said,
Thine holy Name above every name.
In whatsoever dayl call upon Thee, Psalm CXLV.
answer me: * Thou wilt strengthen [To this Psalm is prefixed “Alleluia.”
my soul exceedingly. . The Vulgate and the LXX. connect it with
the names of Haggai and Zechariah.]
Let all the kings of the earth praise
Thee, O LORD, * for they have heard PRAISE the LORD, O my soul;
all.the words of Thy mouth. while I live will I praise the
Yea, let them sing of the ways of LORD: * I will sing praises unto my
the LORD: * that great is the glory God while I have being.
of the LORD. . ' Put not your trust in princes, *
For the LORD is high, yet hath in the son of man, in whom is no
He respect unto the lowly: * but the help.
proud He knoweth from afar. His breath goeth forth, and he re
1 Apoc. xiv. r3. ? John vi. 37.

turneth to his earth: * in that very DIFFERENT PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD.
day their thoughts perish.
Happy is he that hath the God I. For all the Faithful Departed.
of Jacob for his help, his hope is GOD, Who in the ranks of the
in the LORD his God: * Who made Apostolic Priesthood hast caused
heaven and earth, the sea, and all some of Thy servants to stand in
that therein is: high places, some as Bishops, and
Who keepeth truth for ever. some as Priests, grant, we beseech
Who executeth judgment for the Thee, that they may be joined unto
oppressed: * Who giveth food to such company in everlasting blessed
the hungry. ness.
The LORD looseth the prisoners: *
the LORD openeth the eyes of the 0 GOD, Who forgivest iniquity,
blind : and wouldest that all men
The LORD raiseth them that are should be saved, we beseech Thee to
bowed down: * the LORD loveth the grant in the tenderness of Thy mercy
righteous 2 that all the members of our congre
The LORD preserveth the strangers ; gation, all our kinsfolk, and all who
He defendeth the fatherless and have done us good, who have departed
widow: * but the way of the wicked from this world, and for whom the
He will turn aside. Blessed Mary and all Thine holy ones
The LORD shall reign for ever! do plead with Thee, may be joined
even thy God, 0 Zion, * unto all unto the company of the same in
generations ! everlasting blessedness.
At the end is said, O Lord, grant
them eternal rest, and let the ever GOD, Who art Thyself at once
lasting light shine upon them! the Maker and the Redeemer of
all Thy faithful ones, grant unto the
Verse. From the gates of the souls of Thy servants and handmaids
grave. remission of all their sins, making of
Answer. Deliver their souls, O our entreaties unto our Great Father
Lord ! a mean whereby they may have that
Verse. May they rest in peace. forgiveness which they have ever
Answer. Amen. hoped for. Who livest and reignest
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. for ever and ever. Amen.
Answer. And let my cry come
unto Thee.
2. 0n the Day of Burial.
Let us pray. LORD, we pray Thee to absolve the
Then follow one or more of the ' soul of Thy servant (or, Thine
Prayers hereafter given, and then . handmaid) N. (here express the name)
who hath died unto the world, that
Verse. O Lord, grant them eternal he (or, she) may live unto Thee.
rest. And whereinsoever while he (or, she)
Answer. And let the everlasting walked among men he (or, she)
light shine upon them. hath transgressed through the weak
Verse. May they rest in peace. ness of the flesh, do Thou in the ex
Answer. Amen. ceeding tenderness of Thy mercy for
Thus absolutely ends the Ofiice. give and put away. Through our

Lord JESUS Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
world without end. Amen.
If the deceased were a Cardinal, his
dignity is expressed in the Prayer,
3. At the Year’s-Mind. thus: “ the high place of a Cardinal
LORD God, Who art the Great Bishop,” or “of a Cardinal Priest.”
Pardoner, grant rest and re
freshment, peace and blessing, light 6. For deceased Parents.
and glory, unto the souls of Thy
GOD, Who hast commanded us
men-servants and Thy maid-servants,
to honour our father and mother,
(or, the soul of Thy servant, or, of
look in the pitifulness of Thy mercy
Thine handmaid,) whose Year’s-Mind
upon the souls of my father and
we are keeping. Through our Lord
mother, (or, the soul of my father, or,
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
the soul of my mother,) and forgive
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
them their trespasses, (or, him his
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
trespasses, or, her her trespasses,)
without end. Amen.
and grant unto me the joy of seeing
them (or, him, or, her,) again in the
4. For a deceased Pope. glorious light of everlasting life.
O GOD, by Whose inscrutable ap Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
pointment Thy servant N. Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
(here express his name) was called to Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
a place in the line of the Chief One God, world without end. Amen.
Bishops; O God, Who didst thereby The above Prayer is altered to suit
lay upon him the duty of being Lieut circumstances, as where several child
enant on earth for Thine Only-be ren join in prayer for a parent, or a
gotten Son; 0 God, grant unto him company of persons for the parents of
now, we beseech Thee, a place all, “our ” and “us,” instead 0 “ my ”
among Thine holy Bishops, who are and “ me.”
entered into everlasting blessedness.
Through the Same our Lord JESUS 7. For deceased Brethren, Comrades,
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and Friends, Kinsfolh, or Benefactors, is
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of said the Prayer, “0 God, Who for
the Holy Ghost, one God, world givest iniquity, &c.," (under 1,) with
without end. Amen. the necessary alterations.

5. For a deceased Priest or Bishop. 8. For a Man.

GOD, Who in the ranks of the LORD, incline Thine ear unto
Apostolic Priesthood hast caused the prayers whereby we humbly
Thy servant 1V. (here express his call upon Thee to show mercy unto
name) to stand before Thee in the the soul of Thy servant N. (here ex
high place of a Bishop (or Priest), press the name) which it hath pleased
grant, we beseech Thee, that he may Thee to call out of this world, that it
be joined unto the company of such may please Thee also to set him in a
in everlasting blessedness. Through place of peace and light, and give
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who him a part with Thy Saints. Through

our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who Psalm V.

liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
[Intituled “A Psalm of David," with a
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, musical (P) superscription.]
world without end. Amen.
GIVE ear unto my words, 0
[f the deceased were a Cardinal LORD, * consider my sup
Deacon, is said “ Thy servant the Car
dinal Deacon 1V.” Hearken unto the voice of my cry,
* my King and my God!
to. For a Woman. For unto Thee will I pray. * O
ORD, we beseech Thee in the LORD, in the morning Thou shalt
tenderness of Thy great mercy, hear my voice:
to have pity upon the soul of Thine In the morning will I stand before
handmaid 1V. (here express her name), Thee and look up. * For Thou art
purge her from all defilements whereby not a God that hath pleasure in
in this dying body she hath been be wickedness :
fouled, and give her inheritance in Neither shall the evil dwell with
everlasting salvation. Through our Thee, * nor the unrighteous stand in
Lord JESUS Christ, Thy Son, Who Thy sight :
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, * Thou shalt destroy all them that
world without end. Amen. speak leasing:
The LORD abhorreth the bloody
and deceitful man. * But as for me,
in the multitude of Thy mercy
When three Nocturns are said I will come into Thine house: * I
the Antiphons throughout the Ofice will worship toward Thine holy temple
are doubled, and the Ofiice commences in Thy fear.
with P5. xciv., and an Int/itatory. Lead me, O LORD, in Thy right
Otherwise it begins with the First eousness, * because of mine enemies ;
Antiphon. If one Nocturn he said, make my way straight before Thy
the First is said on Mondays and face.
Thursdays, the Second on Tuesdays For there is no faithfulness in their
and Fridays, and the Third on Wed mouth: * their inward part is very
nesdays and Saturdays. wickedness.
Their throat is an open sepulchre ;
Invitatory. Unto the [Eternal] they flatter with their tongue. * Judge
King all live.1* 0 come, let us Thou them, 0 God!
worship Him! Let them fall by their own coun
0 Lord, grant them eternal rest, sels; cast them out in the multi
tude of their transgressions, * for
and let the everlasting light shine
they have rebelled against Thee, O
upon them!
And let all those that put their
trust in Thee, rejoice: * let them
First Antiphon. Make my way ever shout for joy, because Thou
straight before Thy face, * O Lord dwellest in them:
my God. Let them also that love Thy Name
1 Luke xx. 38.


be joyful in Thee. * For Thou wilt Psalm VII.

bless the righteous.
[Intituled “An Hymn of David, which he
O LORD, Thou hast compassed sang unto the LORD concerning the words of
us * with Thy favour as with a Cush the Benjamite." This Cush is supposed
shield. to be the same as Shimei, whose cursing of
David is narrated in 2 Kings (Sam.) xvi. 7, 8,
Second A ntz'phon. Return, 0 LORD, or else a nickname for Saul.]
deliver my soul: * O save me for Thy O LORD my God, in Thee do I
mercy’s sake ! take refuge: * save me from
all them that persecute me, and de
Psalm VI. liver me.
[Intituled “A Psalm of David." The title Lest he tear my soul like a lion,
also contains directions, probably musical, * while there is none to deliver, or to
the meaning of which is now uncertain.] save.
LORD, rebuke me not in Thine 0 LORD my God, if I have done
anger: * neither chasten me in this, * if there be iniquity in mine
Thine hot displeasure. hands ; _
Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for If I have requited with evil them
I am weak: * O LORD, heal me, for that requited me [with good], * may
my bones are shaken. I then flee empty before mine
My soul also is sore vexed: * but enemies.
Thou, O LORD, how long? Let the enemy persecute my soul,
Return, 0 LORD, deliver my and take it, yea, let him tread down
soul: * O save me for Thy mercy’s my life upon the earth, * and lay mine
sake. honour in the dust.1
For in death there is no one Arise, O LORD, in Thine anger: *
that remembereth Thee: * and in and lift up Thyself against the borders
the grave who shall give Thee of mine enemies.
thanks? And awake for me, O Lord my
I am weary with my groaning, God, according to the decree that
every night I wash my bed: * I water Thou hast made: * so shall the con
my couch with my tears. gregation of the people compass Thee
Mine eye is grown dim because of about.
grief: * I am waxen old because of For their sakes, therefore, return
all mine enemies. Thou on high: * the LORD judgeth
Depart from me, all ye workers of the peoples.
iniquity: * for the LORD hath heard Judge me, O LORD, according to
the voice of my weeping. my righteousness, * and according to
The LORD hath heard my supplica mine integrity that is in me.
tion: * the LORD hath received my 0 let the wickedness of the wicked
prayer. . come to an end, and establish the just ;
Let all mine enemies be ashamed * God trieth the hearts and reins.
and sore vexed: * let them return Mine help is righteous, coming
and be ashamed suddenly. from the Lord, * Who saveth the
upright in, heart.
Third Antzjohon. Lest he tear my God is a righteous judge, strong
soul like a lion, * while there is none and patient: * is He not provoked
to deliver, or to save. every day? .
1 SLH.

If ye turn not, He will whet His First Responsory.

sword: * He hath bent His bow and
I believe that my Redeemer liv
made it ready.
And hath fitted thereon the instru eth, and that I shall stand up from
the earth at the latter day, and
ments of death, * He hath ordained
His arrows against the persecutors. in my flesh shall I see God my
Behold, he travaileth with iniquity:
* he hath conceived mischief, and Verse. Whom I shall see for my
self, and mine eyes shall behold, and
brought forth falsehood.
He made a pit and digged it: * not another.
Answer. And in my flesh shall I
and is fallen into the ditch which he
see God my Saviour.
His mischief shall return upon his
own head: * and his iniquity shall Second Lesson.2
come down upon his own pate.
I will praise the LORD according MY soul is weary of my life; I will
to His righteousness: * and will sing leave my complaint upon my
praise to the name of the LORD Most self; I will speak in the bitterness of
High. my soul. I will say unto God: Do
not condemn me ; show me wherefore
Verse. From the gates of the grave Thou judgest me thus. Doth it seem
Answer. Deliver their souls, O good unto Thee that Thou shouldest
Lord. maltreat me, that Thou shouldest op
press the work of Thine hands, and
The Lord’s Prayer is then said si
help the counsel of the wicked? Hast
lently, and then is begun immediately
Thou eyes of flesh? or seest Thou as
man seeth? Are Thy days as the
First Lesson.1 days of man? Are Thy years as the
times of men, that Thou inquirest
ORD ! let me alone ; for my days
after mine iniquity, and searchest
are vanity. What is man, that
after my sin? Yet Thou knowest
Thou shouldest magnify him? or that
that I have done no wrong, but
Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon
that there is none that can deliver
him? Thou visitest him very early,
out of Thine hand.
and triest him suddenly. How long
wilt Thou not depart from me, nor let
me alone, till I swallow down my Second Resfionsory.
spittle? I have sinned; what shall I
do unto Thee, 0 Thou Preserver of Thou Who didst call up Lazarus
'men? Why hast Thou set me as a from the grave after that he had
mark against Thee, so that I am a begun to stink l—do Thou, O Lord,
burden to myself? Why dost Thou grant them rest and a place of for
not pardon my transgression, and take giveness.
away mine iniquity? Behold! now Verse. Thou W'ho shalt come to
shall I sleep in the dust, and if Thou judge the quick and dead, and the
world by fire— I
shalt seek me in the morning, I shall
not be. Answer. Do Thou, O Lord,
grant them rest and a place of
The Responsory is begun directly. forgiveness.
1 Job vii. 16. 2 Job. x. r.

Tln'rd Lesa-an. He leadeth me in the paths of

righteousness, * for His Name’s sake.
HINE hands have made me and
Yea, though I walk through the
fashioned me together round
valley of the shadow of death, I will
about; and dost Thou so suddenly
fear no evil: * for Thou art with me:
destroy me? Remember, I beseech
Thy rod and Thy stafl' * they com
Thee, that Thou hast made me as the
fort me.
clay, and that Thou wilt bring me
Thou preparest a table before me,
into the dust again. Hast Thou not
* in the presence of mine enemies:
poured me out as milk, and curdled
Thou anointest mine head with oil :
me like cheese? Thou hast clothed
me with skin and flesh; and hast
* and mine overflowing cup, 0 how
goodly is it! .
fenced me with bones and sinews.
Surely Thy mercy shall follow me
Thou hast granted me life and favour,
and Thy visitation hath preserved my
* all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the
LORD * for ever.
Tlzird Responsory.
Seeomz' A ntzltbon. Lord, remember
Lord, when Thou comest to judge not the sins of my youth, * nor my
the earth, where shall I hide myself transgressions.
from the face of Thy wrath? For I
have sinned greatly in my life. Psalm XXIV.
Verse. I dread my sins, I blush
[Intituled "Of David." This Psalm is
before Thee— A B C Darian.]
I see the Great Tribunal set!
In fear and terror I implore Thee, UNTO Thee, O LORD, do I lift up
Forgive when soul and Judge are my soul: * O my God, I trust in
met! Thee, let me not be ashamed.
Answer. For I have sinned greatly Neither let mine enemies triumph
in my life. over me : * for none that wait on Thee
Verre. O Lord, grant them eternal shall be ashamed:
rest, and let the everlasting light shine Let them be ashamed that trans
upon them. gress * without cause.
Answer. For I have sinned greatly Show me Thy ways, 0 LORD, * and
in my life. teach me Thy paths.
Lead me in Thy truth and teach
me; * for Thou art the God of my
SECOND NOCTURN. salvation: and on Thee do I wait all
First Anny/um. He maketh me to the day.
lie down * in green pastures. Remember, 0 LORD, Thy tender
mercies, * and Thy loving-kindnesses,
which have been ever of old.
Psalm XXII. Remember not the sins of my youth,
[Intituled a “ Psalm of David."] * nor my transgressions :
According to Thy mercy remember
THE LORD is my Shepherd, I shall Thou me, * for Thy goodness’ sake,
not want. * He maketh me to O LORD.
lie down in green pastures: Good and upright is the LORD ;
He leadeth me beside the still * therefore will He teach sinners in
waters. * He restoreth my soul: the way.

The meek will He guide in judg The LORD is the defence of my life :
ment: * the meek will He teach His * of whom shall I be afraid?
way. When the evil-doers come upon me,
All the paths of the LORD are * to eat up my flesh,
mercy and truth, * unto such as keep Mine enemies that trouble me, *
His covenant and His testimonies. they stumble and fall.
For Thy Name’s sake, O LORD, par Though an host should encamp
don mine iniquity; * for it is great. against me, * mine heart shall not
What man is he that feareth the fear.
LORD? * him shall He teach in the Though war should rise against me,
way that He shall choose. * in this will I be confident.
His soul shall dwell at ease: * and One thing have I desired of the
his seed shall inherit the earth. LORD, that will I seek after, * that I
The LORD is a strong rock unto may dwell in the house of the LORD
them that fear Him: * and His cove all the days of my life,
nant shall be made known to them. To behold the beauty of the LORD,
Mine eyes are ever toward the * and to visit His temple.
LORD: * for He shall pluck my feet For He hath hidden me in His
out of the net. pavilion: * in the secret of His taber
Turn Thee unto me, and have nacle hath He hidden me in the day
mercy upon me, * for I am desolate of trouble.
and afi‘licted. He hath set me up upon a rock: *
The troubles of mine heart are en and now hath He lifted up mine head
larged: * 0 bring me out of my above mine enemies.
distresses. I will offer in His tabernacle the
Look upon mine afi‘liction and my sacrifice of joy: * I will sing, yea, I
pain: * and forgive all my sins. will sing praises unto the LORD.
Consider mine enemies, for they are Hear, O LORD, when I cry with
many: * and they hate me with cruel my voice: * have mercy on me and
hatred. answer me.
0 keep my soul, and deliver me: My heart said unto Thee, My face
* let me not be ashamed, for I put my hath sought Thee: * Thy face, LORD,
trust in Thee. will I seek.
The undefiled and the upright cleave Hide not Thy face far from me: *
to me: * for I wait on Thee. turn not away in anger from Thy
Redeem Israel, 0 God, * out of all servant.
his troubles! Be Thou mine Helper, * neither
Third Antiphon. I believe that I leave me, nor forsake me, O God of
shall yet see the goodness of the my salvation.
LORD * in the land of the living. When my father and my mother
forsake me, * then the LORD taketh
Psalm XXVI. me up. '
Teach me Thy way, 0 LORD: *
[Intituled “Of David." The Vulgate and
the LXX. add "before his anointing." See and lead me in a plain path, because
2 Kings (Sam.) ii. 4. Monday, fifth week of mine enemies.
after Pentecost.] Deliver me not over unto the will of
HE LORD is my light and my mine enemies: * for false witnesses
salvation: * whom shall I are risen up against me, and iniquity
fear ? hath belied itself.

I believe that I shall yet see the cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow,
goodness of the LORD * in the land and continueth not. And dost Thou
of the living. think it worthy to open Thine eyes
Wait on the LORD, be of good upon such an one, and to bring him
courage: * and thine heart shall be into judgment with Thee? Who can
strengthened, wait, I say, on the bring a clean thing out of unclean
LORD. seed? Is it not Thou Who alone
I Verse. May the LORD set them art? The days of man are short, the
number of his months is with Thee:
with princes. Thou hast appointed his bounds that
Answer. Even with the princes of he cannot pass. Turn from him for a
His people. little while, that he may rest, till he
shall accomplish, as an hireling, his
Fourth Lesson.1
NSWER Thou me: how many Fifth Resfiomory.
are mine iniquities and sins?
Make me to, know my transgressions Woe is me, O Lord! for I have
and offences. Wherefore hidest Thou sinned greatly in my life. I am
Thy face, and holdest me for Thine smitten: what shall I do? Whither
enemy? Dost Thou show forth Thy shall I flee but unto Thee, O my God P
power against a leaf driven to and fro Have mercy upon me, when Thou
by the wind? And wilt Thou pursue comest at the latter day.
the dry stubble? For Thou writest Verse. My soul is sore vexed, but
bitter things against me, and art fain Thou, O LORD, help me.
to consume me with the iniquities of Answer. Have mercy upon me,
my youth. Thou puttest my feet in when Thou comest at the latter day.
the stocks, and lookest narrowly unto
all my paths, and observest my foot Sixth Lesson.
steps, and as a rotten thing I am to
be consumed, and as a garment that THAT Thou wouldest hide me
is moth-eaten. in the grave, that Thou wouldest
keep me secret, until Thy wrath be
past; that Thou wouldest appoint me
Fourth Responsory.
a set time, and remember me. If a
Remember, 0 God, that my life is man die, shall be live again ? All the
wind. The eye of him that hath seen days wherein I now toil, I am waiting
me shall see me no more. till my change come. Thou shalt call,
Verse. Out of the depths have I and I will answer Thee. Thou wilt
cried unto Thee, O LORD! Lord, stretch forth Thy right hand unto the
hear my voice. work of Thine hands. Thou dost in
Answer. The eye of him that hath deed number my steps, but be Thou
seen me shall see me no more. merciful unto my sins.

Fifth Lesson.2 Sixth Responsory.

AN that is born of a woman is Hold not my sins in remembrance,
of few days and full of trouble. O Lord, when Thou comest to judge
He cometh forth like a flower, and is the world by fire.
1 Job xiii. 22. 2 Job xiv. 1.

Verse. Make my way straight be In the beginning of the book it

fore Thy face, 0 Lord my God. is written of me that I should fulfil
Answer. When Thou comest to Thy ,will: * O , my God, I delight
judge the world by fire. to do it, yea, Thy law is within
Verse. 0 Lord, grant them eternal mine heart.
rest, and let the_everlasting light shine I have preached Thy righteousness
upon them. in the great congregation: * lo, I
Answer. When Thou comest to have not refrained my lips: O LORD,
judge the world by fire. Thou knowest.
I have not hidden Thy righteous
THIRD NOCTURN. ness within my heart: * I have
declared Thy faithfulness and Thy
First Antiphon. Be pleased, O salvation.
LORD, to deliver me: * O LORD, I have not concealed Thy loving
look upon me to help me. kindness, and Thy truth * from the
great congregation.
Psalm XXXIX. Withhold not Thou Thy tender
[Intituled "A Psalm of David ” and with
mercies from me, O LORD: * let Thy
the same (now) uncertain superscription as loving-kindness and Thy truth con
Ps. xii.] tinually preserve me.
I WAITED patiently for the LORD, For countless evils have compassed
* and He inclined unto me, me about: * mine iniquities have
And heard my cry: * He brought taken hold upon me, and I am not
me up also out of an, horrible pit, and able to look up.
out of the miry clay. They are more in number than the
And set my feet upon a rock; * hairs of mine head: * and mine heart
and ordered my goings. faileth me.
And He hath put a new song in Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver
my mouth, * even praise unto our me: * O LORD, look upon me to
God. help me.
Many shall see it, and fear, * and Let them be ashamed and con
shall trust in the LORD. founded together that seek after my
Blessed is that man whose trust soul, * to destroy it.
is the Name of the LORD: * and Let them be driven backward,
who respecteth not pride and lying and put to shame, * that wish me
vanities. evil.
Many, O LORD my God, are Thy Let them quickly bear their shame,
wonderful works which Thou hast * that say unto me: Aha, Aha.
done: * and in Thy thoughts there Let all those that seek Thee rejoice
is none like unto Thee. and be glad in Thee: * and let such
If I would declare and speak of as love Thy salvation say continually:
them, * they are more than can be The LORD be magnified.
numbered. But I am poor and needy: * the
Sacrifice and offering Thou hast not Lord thinketh upon me.
desired; * but mine ears hast Thou ' Thou art my help and my deliverer:
opened. * make no tarrying, O God.
Burnt-offering and sin-ofi'ering hast Second Antiphon. LORD, heal my
Thou not required: * then said I 2 Lo, soul; * for I have sinned against
I come. Thee.

Psalm XL. Blessed be the LORD God of Israel

[Intituled “A Psalm of David," with some from everlasting, and to everlasting. *
other words, of meaning now uncertain, as in Amen, Amen.
some other Psalms-J
Third A ntiphon. My soul thirsteth
LESSED is he that considereth for the living God; * when shall I
the poor and needy: * the LORD come and appear before God?
will deliver him in time of trouble.
The LORD preserve him, and
quicken him, and make him to be Psalm XLI.
blessed upon the earth: * and de [This Psalm has a superscription, the
meaning of which is not now certain, but
liver him not unto the will of his which seems in part to imply that it was a
enemies! didactic poem written to be sung by the choir
The LORD strengthen him upon his of the Korahites, a family of Levites and
singers in the time of David.]
bed of suffering! * Thou hast made
all his bed in his sickness. AS the hart panteth after the water
As for me, I said: LORD, be merci brooks: * so panteth my soul
ful unto me: * heal my soul, for I after Thee, O God!
have sinned against Thee. My soul is athirst for God, for the
Mine enemies speak evil of me: * mighty God, for the living God: *
When shall he die, and his name when shall I come and appear before
perish? God ?
If he came to see me he spake My tears have been my meat day
vanity: * his heart gathereth iniquity and night, * while they daily say unto
to itself. me: Where is thy God?
He went out, * and told it. When I remember these things, I
All they that hate me whispered pour out my soul in me: * for I will
together against me: * against me go unto the place of the wondrous
did they devise mine hurt. Tabernacle, even unto the house of
They plotted together to do me God.
evil: * Now that he lieth, surely he With the voice of joy and praise, *
will rise up no more. the noise of a multitude that keep
Yea, mine own familiar friend in holiday.
whom I trusted, * who did eat of Why art thou cast down, 0 my soul,
my bread, hath lifted up his heel * and Why art thou disquieted in me P
against me.1 Hope thou in God, for I shall yet
But Thou, O LORD, be merciful praise Him, * the Health of my count
unto me, and raise me up: * and I enance and my God.
will requite them. My soul is cast down within me: *
By this I know that Thou delightest therefore will I remember Thee from
in me: * because mine enemy cannot the land of Jordan, and from the
triumph over me. mountains of Hermon,2 from the Little
But as for me, Thou upholdest me, Hill.a
because of mine innocence: * and Deep calleth unto deep, * at the
settest me before Thy face for ever. noise of Thy waterspouts.
1 Quoted by our Lord. John xiii. 18.
2 A chain of mountains in the north—east of Palestine, stretching down on the eastern side of
3 Or rather, the hill Mizar (viz. the Little), proper name of a mountain on the eastern ridge
of Lebanon. May it not be that the Korahites were among the Levitical families which had
cities in the north and north~east districts?

All Thy waves and Thy billows * Seventh Responsory.

are gone over me.
Forasmuch as I sin daily, and re
The LORD hath commanded [the
pent not, the fear of death troubleth
praise of] His loving-kindness in the
me. O God, have mercy upon me,
day-time, * and in the night His song.
and save me, for in hell there is no
Mine shall it be to pray unto the
God of my life. * I will say unto God :
Verse. Save me, O God, by Thy
Thou art my refuge.
Name, and judge me in Thy strength.
Why hast Thou forgotten me? *
Answer. 0 God, have mercy upon
and why go I mourning, while the
me, and save me, for in hell there is
enemy oppresseth me?
no redemption.
While my bones are broken, * they
that trouble me, even mine enemies,
reproach me ; Eighth Lesson.2
While they say daily unto me: MY flesh is consumed, my bone
Where is thy God? * Why art thou cleaveth unto my skin, and
cast down, 0 my soul, and why art there remaineth not round my teeth
thou disquieted within me? save the skin of my lips. Have pity
Hope thou in God, for I shall yet upon me, have pity upon me, at least
praise Him: * the health of my count ye that are my friends, for the hand
enance and my God. of the Lord hath touched me. Why
do ye persecute me as God, and glut
Verse. 0 deliver not unto beasts
yourselves upon my flesh? O that
the souls of them that praise Thee!
my words were now written! 0 that
Answer. And forget not the souls
they were inscribed in a book with an
of Thy poor for ever.
iron pen, or cut in lead, or graven
with a chisel upon the flinty rock!
Sevent/z Lesson.1 For I know that my Redeemer liveth,
and that I shall stand up from the
MY breath will wax feebler, and earth at the latter day, and in my
my days fewer, and there is flesh shall I see God; Whom I shall
nothing before me but the grave. I see for myself, and mine eyes shall be
have not sinned; yet my mind re hold, and not another. This is mine
maineth in aflliction. Deliver me, O hope that is laid up in my bosom.
Lord, and set me beside Thee; and
let any man’s hand fight against me.
Ezlghth Responsory.
My days are past, my purposes are
broken OE, and are but vexation to O Lord, judge me not according to
my spirit. They change the night my works; for I have done nothing
into day, and again, after the darkness that can be counted in respect of
I hope for light. If I wait, the grave Thee. I beseech Thy Majesty there
is mine house; I have made my bed fore, that Thou wouldest blot out my
in the darkness. I have said to cor transgressions, O God.
ruption: Thou art my father—to the Verse. Lord, wash me thoroughly
worm: Thou art my mother, and my from mine iniquity and cleanse me
sister. Where therefore is now my from my sin.
hope? As for my patience, who shall Answer. Blot out my transgres
consider it ? sions, O God.
I Job xvii. 1. 2 Job xix. 20.

[Vinth Lesson.1 [Vinth Responsory when only one

Nocturn hasbeen said.
WHEREF ORE hast Thou brought
me forth out of the womb? O Deliver me from the ways of hell,
that I had perished, and no eye had 0 Lord, Who didst break the gates
seen me! I should have been as of brass in sunder, and didst descend
though I had not been—I should into hell, and give them light, that
have been carried from the womb to they that sat in afi‘liction and dark
the grave. Are not my days few? ness might behold Thee.
Let me alone then, that I. may com Verse. Crying and saying, Thou
fort myself a little in my sorrow, hast come, 0 our Redeemer—
before I go whence I shall not re Answer. That they that sat in
turn, even to the land of darkness affliction and darkness might behold
and the shadow of death, a land of Thee.
cheerlessness and darkness, where the Verse. 0 Lord, grant them eternal
night of death dwelleth, without any rest, and let the everlasting light shine
order, but shapelessness and dreadful upon them!
ness of darkness for ever. Answer. That they that sat in
affliction and darkness might behold
Ninth Responsory when three lVoeturns
have been said. Lauds begin at once with the

Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal First Antiphon. The bones which
death in that awful day when the Thou hast broken * may rejoice.
heavens and the earth shall be
shaken,2 and Thou shalt come to judge Psalm L.
the world by fire. [This Psalm has a musical (?) superscrip
Verse. Quaking and dread take tion, and the title then proceeds, “A Psalm
hold upon me, when I look for the of David, when Nathan the Prophet came
unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.”
coming of the trial and the wrath to The whole history is in 2 Kings (Sam.) xi.
come. xii. (Saturday, 5th week after Pentecost, and
6th Sunday. )]
Answer. When the heavens and
the earth shall be shaken. HAVE mercy upon me, O God, *
Verse. That day is a day of after Thy great mercy :
wrath, of wasteness and desola And according to the multitude of
tion, a great day and exceeding Thy tender mercies * blot out my
bitter.a transgressions.
Answer. When Thou shalt come Wash me thoroughly from mine
to judge the world by fire. iniquity: * and cleanse me. from my
Verse. 0 Lord, grant them eternal sin.
rest, and let the everlasting light For I acknowledge my tran 5
shine upon them! gression: * and my sin is ever
Answer. Deliver me, O Lord, before me. .
from eternal death in that awful Against Thee, Thee only, have I
day, when the heavens and the sinned, and done evil in Thy. sight:
earth shall be shaken, and Thou * that Thou mightest be justified when
shalt come to judge the world Thou speakest, . and be clear .when
by fire. Thou art judged.
1 Job at. 18. 2 Haggai ii. 6. 3 Zeph. i. 15.
For behold, I was shapen in in Second Antiphon. Lord, hear *
iquity: * and in sin did my mother my prayer; unto Thee shall all flesh
conceive me. come.
_ For behold Thou desirest truth: * Psalm LXIV.
the hidden secrets of Thy wisdom
[Intituled “ A Psalm. A Song of David,”
Thou hast made manifest unto me. with a musical (?) superscription. The Vul
Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I ate adds that its use was prescribed by
shall be clean: * wash me, and I feremiah and Ezekiel to the exiles when they
began to return from the Captivity]
shall be whiter than snow.
Make me to hear joy and glad PRAISE becometh Thee, O God,
ness: * that the bones which Thou in Zion : * and unto Thee shall
hast broken may rejoice. the vow be performed in Jerusalem.
Hide Thy face from my sins: * Hear my prayer : * unto Thee shall
and blot out all mine iniquities. all flesh come.
Create in me a clean heart, O Iniquities prevail against us : * but
God : * and renew a right spirit with as for our transgressions, Thou shalt
in me. purge them away.
Cast me not away from Thy pres Blessed is the man whom Thou
ence: * and take not Thine holy Spirit ch005est, and causest to come near
from me. unto Thee: * he shall dwell in Thy
Restore unto me the joy of Thy courts:
salvation: * and uphold me with We shall be satisfied with the good
Thy free spirit. ness of Thine house: * Thy temple
Then will I teach transgressors is holy, terrible in righteousness.
Thy ways: * and sinners shall be Answer us, 0 God of our salvation :
converted unto Thee. * Thou that art the confidence of
Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, all the ends of the earth, and of the
O God, Thou God of my salvation: uttermost parts of the seal
* and my tongue shall sing aloud 1 of Thou that by Thy strength settest
Thy righteousness. fast the mountains, being girded with
O LORD open Thou my lips, * power: * Thou that stirrest up the
and my mouth shall show forth Thy depth of the sea, and the noise of
praise. his waves!
For Thou desirest not sacrifice, The heathen shall be troubled.
else would I give it: * Thou de They that dwell in the uttermost parts
lightest not in burnt-offering. shall be afraid at Thy tokens : * Thou
v The sacrifice of God is a broken makest the outgoings of the morning
spirit: * a broken and a contrite and evening to rejoice.
heart, 0 God, Thou wilt not despise. Thou visitest the earth and waterest
Do good in Thy good pleasure it : * Thou greatly enrichest it:
unto Zion: * to build the walls of The river of God is full of water:
Jerusalem. Thou makest ready their corn, * for
Then shalt Thou be pleased with Thou hast so prepared it.
the sacrifices of righteousness, with Drench her furrows, increase the
burnt-offering and whole burnt-offer fruits thereof: * the springing there
mg: * then shall they offer bullocks of shall rejoice at her showers.
upon Thine altar. Thou crownest the year with Thy
1 So the Hebrew, the LXX., and all the versions, including Doway. but the Latin text has
the curious mistake of exultabit for excitabit.

goodness: * and Thy fields teem destroy it, shall go into the lower parts
with fruitfulness. of the earth: * they shall fall by the
The green places of the wilderness sword, they shall be a portion for foxes.
wax fruitful: * and the little hills are But the King shall rejoice in God:
girded with joy. every one that sweareth by him shall
The pastures are clothed with glory: * for the mouth of them that
flocks; the valleys also overflow with speak lies shall be stopped.
corn: * they shout for joy, yea, they
sing. Psalm LXVI.
Third Antiphon. Thy right hand [Besides a musical superscription, the
* upholdeth me. Hebrew and the Targum give no title, ex~
cept “A Psalm, a Psalm." But the Vulgate
and the LXX. ascribe the authorship to
Psalm LXI I. David]
[Intituled “A Psalm of David, when he GOD be merciful unto us, and bless
was in the wilderness of Judah." This was us: * cause His face to shine
one of the most perilous periods of David's
life, when he was flying from the pursuit of upon us, and be merciful unto us.1
Saul, and hiding in different forests and wilder That Thy way may be known upon
nesses in the south of Palestine. He was earth: * Thy saving health among
betrayed again and again. and had the most
hairbreadth escapes. The history will be all nations.
found in I Kings (Sam.) xxii. and xxiii.] Let the people praise Thee, O God:
O GOD, Thou art my God, * early * let all the people praise Thee.
will I seek Thee: 0 let the nations be glad and sing
My soul thirsteth for Thee, * my for joy: * for Thou judgest the
flesh longeth for Thee, people righteously, and governest the
In a dry and desert land, without nations upon earth.2
water. * So have I appeared before Let the people praise Thee, O God,
Thee in the Sanctuary, to see Thy let all the people praise Thee. * The
power and Thy glory. earth hath yielded her increase ;
Because Thy loving-kindness is Let God, even our own God, bless
better than life, * my lips shall praise us; let God bless us: "‘ and let all
Thee. the ends of the earth fear Him.
Thus will I bless Thee while I live: Fourth Antiphon. From the gates
* and will lift up mine hands in Thy of the grave * deliver my soul, 0
name. Lord.
My soul shall be satisfied as with
marrow and fatness ; * and my mouth THE SONG OF HEZEKIAH, KING or
shall praise Thee with joyful lips.
JUDAH. (Isa. xxxviii. to.)
When I remember Thee upon my
bed, I meditate upon Thee in the [Intituled “ The writing of Hezekiah, King
of Judah, when he had been sick, and was
night watches: * because Thou hast recovered of his sickness." The history will
been mine help: be found in 4 (2) Kings xx. (nth Sunday
And in the shadow of Thy wings after Pentecost.)]
will I rejoice. My soul followeth I SAID, In the midst of my days,
hard after Thee: * Thy right hand * I shall go to the gates of the
upholdeth me. grave:
But those that seek my soul to I looked for the rest of my years. '
l SLH. The repetition of the words “be merciful unto us," is peculiar to the Latin.
' SLH.
I said, I shall not see the LORD my Psalm CXLVIII.
God 1 in the land of the living:
[To this Psalm is prefixed “Alleluia.” The
I shall behold man no more, * with LXX. connects it with the Prophets Haggai
the dwellers in the land of rest. and Zechariah. See Thursday and Friday in
Mine age is departed, and is rolled the fifth week of November.]
up from me, * as a shepherd’s tent: PRAISE ye the LORD from the
My life is cut off as by a weaver: heavens: * praise Him in the
my web was scarce begun when He heights.
cut me 03': * from day even to night Praise ye Him, all His Angels:
wilt Thou make an end of me. * praise ye Him, all His hosts.
I thought I might live till morning: Praise ye Him, sun and moon: *
* as a lion, so doth He break all my praise Him, all ye stars and light.
bones: Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens :
From day even to night wilt Thou * and all the waters that be above
make an end of me. * Like a swal the heavens. Let them praise the
low’s fledgling so did I twitter, 1 did Name of the LORD!
coo as a dove: For He spake, and they were
Mine eyes fail, * with looking up madeZ: * He commanded and they
ward. were created.
O LORD, I am seized, undertake He hath established them for ever
for me. * What shall I say, or what and ever: * He hath made a decree
will He answer me, seeing that He which shall not pass.
Himself hath done it? Praise the LORD from the earth,
I will call to remembrance before * ye dragons, and all deeps :—
Thee all my years * in the bitterness Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy wind,
of my soul. * fulfilling His word :-—
0 Lord, if by these things men Mountains, and all hills, * fruitful
live, and in such things is the life of trees, and all cedars :—
my spirit, so mayest Thou chasten me, Beasts, and all cattle, * creeping
and make me to live. * Behold, things, and flying fowl :—
mine anguish is [turned] into peace : Kings of the earth, and all people ; *
But Thou hast delivered my soul princes, and all judges of the earth :—
from destruction: * Thou hast cast Young men, and maidens, old men,
all my sins behind Thy back. and children : let them praise the
For the grave cannot praise Thee, Name of the LORD_* for His Name
death cannot celebrate Thee: * they alone is exalted!
that go down into the pit cannot hope His glory is above heaven and
for Thy truth. earth. * He also exalteth the horn
The living, the living, he shall of His people,
praise Thee, as I do this day: * the The praise of all His Saints, * even
father to the children shall make of the children of Israel, a people near
known Thy truth. unto Him. .
0 LORD, save me: * and we will
sing our songs all the vdays of our life Psalm CXLIX.
in the house of the LORD. SING unto the LORD a new song:
Fifi/z Antip/wn. Let everything * His praise in the congregation
that hath breath * praise the LORD. of Saints.
1 “ My God " is not in'the Hebrew, but the Divine Name is repeated.
2 Taken from Ps. xxxii. 9.

Let Israel rejoice in Him That After the Fifth Antiphon the ser
made him: * and let the children of vice proceeds directly tlzus .
Zion be joyful in their King. Answer. I heard a voice from
Let them praise His Name in heaven saying unto me:
the dance: * let them sing praises Verse. Blessed are the dead which
unto Him with the timbrel and die in the Lord.
For the LORD taketh pleasure in Antiphon. 1 I am the resurrection
His people: * He also will exalt and the life: * he that believeth in
the meek unto salvation. Me though he were dead, yet shall be
Let the Saints be joyful in glory: live: and whosoever liveth and be
* let them sing aloud upon their lieveth in Me shall never die.
beds: Tbe Song of Zacharias.
Let the high praises of God be in After the repetition of Me A nlz'p/mn,
their mouth; * and a two-edged all kneel down, and the service ends
sword in their hands; as at Vespers, except that, if Ps. cxlv.
To execute vengeance upon the have been said at Vespers, now is said
heathen, * and punishments upon the instead,
Psalm CXXIX.
Tp bind their kings with chains,
* and their nobles with fetters of [Intituled “A Song of Degrees." The
meaning of this title is not certain. The
iron ; Psalms so called may perhaps. like the
To execute upon them the judg “ Graduals " of the Roman Liturgy, be “ step
ment written: * this honour have songs," intended to be sung during proces
sions, Liturgical or of pilgrims.]
all His Saints.
OUT of the depths have I cried
unto Thee, O LORD! * Lord,
Psalm CL.
hear my voice.
RAISE the Lord in His sanctuary! Let Thine ears be attentive " to
* praise Him in the firmament the voice of my supplication.
of His power! If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark in~
Praise Him in His mighty acts! iquities, * O Lord, who shall stand ?
* praise Him according to His ex But there is forgiveness with Thee :
cellent greatness ! * because of Thy law, I wait for
Praise Him with the sound of the Thee, O LORD!
trumpet! * praise Him with the My soul waiteth on His word:
psaltery and harp! * my soul hopeth in the Lord.
Praise Him with the timbrel and From the morning watch even until
dance! * praise Him with stringed night * let Israel hope in the LORD :
instruments and organs! For with the LORD there is mercy,
Praise Him upon the loud cymbals, * and with Him is plenteous re
praise Him upon the high-sounding demption.
cymbals! * Let everything that hath And He shall redeem Israel, * from
breath praise the LORD! all his iniquities.
1 John xi. 25, 26.

@L'be QBrabua! walrus.

The Gradual Psalms are said every Let us pray.
Wednesday in Lent, unless a Feast of
0RD, we beseech Thee to loosen
Nine Lessons is being kept. They are
the souls of Thy men-servants
not said in Holy Week. In Choir
and of Thy maid-servants, even the
they are said hejbre the Mattins of
souls of all Thy faithful children from
the day; out of Choir, whenever
all bonds soever wherewith their trans
gressions have bound them, and grant
No Antiohon is said with these unto them to live and breathe again
Psalms. among all Thy Saints and elect, in
a glorious resurrection. Through
At the end of the first five, the Christ our Lord.
Hymn “ Glory be to the Father, &c.,” Answer. Amen.
is not said.
Then are said the next five, and at
Ps. cxix. In my distress, &c., (p. the end of each the Hymn, “ Glory be
186.) to the Father, &c.”
Ps. cxx. I will lift up mine eyes,
&c., (p. 186.) Ps. cxxiv. They that trust in the
Ps. cxxi. I was glad, &c., (p. LORD, &c., (p. 189.)
188.) Ps. cxxv. When the LORD turned,
Ps. cxxii. Unto Thee lift I up, &c., &c., (p. 190.)
(11- 189-) Ps. cxxvi. Except the LORD build,
Ps. cxxiii. If it had not been the &c., (p. 190.)
LORD, &c., (p. 189.) Ps. cxxvii. Blessed is every one,
&c., (p. 191.)
O Lord, grant them eternal rest, Ps. cxxviii. Many a time, &c., (p.
and let the everlasting light shine upon 191.)
Then all kneel.
Then all knee], and the Lord’s
Kyrie eleison.
Prayer is said inaudibly, except the
Christe eleison.
words “Our Father ” and the ter
Kyrie eleison.
Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer is
And lead us not into temptation. continued inaudihly till the termina
Answer. But deliver us from tion) And lead us not into tempta
evil. tion.
Verse. From the gates of the Answer. But deliver us from
grave. evil.
Answer. Deliver their souls, O Verse. Remember Thy congrega
Lord! tion.
Verse. May they rest in peace. Answer. Which Thou hast pura
Answer. Amen. chased of old.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
A nswer. And let my cry come Answer. And let my cry come
unto Thee. unto Thee.

Let us pray. Then all hneel.

O GOD, Whose property is ever to Kyrie eleison.

have mercy and to forgive, re Christe eleison.
ceive our humble petitions, and grant Kyrie eleison.
that we and all Thy servants who are Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer is
bound by the chain of sin, may, by continued inaudibly till the termina
the tenderness of Thy pity, mercifully tion) And lead us not into tempation.
be absolved. Through Christ our Answer. But deliver us from
Lord. evil.
Answer. Amen. Verse. 0 Thou my God, save Thy
Then are said the next five, and at Answer. That trust in Thee.
the end of each the Hymn, “ Glory be Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD.
to the Father, &c.” Answer. And let my cry come
Ps. cxxix. ‘ Out of the depths, &c., unto Thee.

cxxx. LORD, my heart is not
Let us pray.

haughty, &c., (p. 192.) TRETCH forth, 0 Lord, over all

Ps. cxxxi. LORD, remember David, Thy men-servants and Thy maid
&c-. <11 193-) servants the right arm of Thy help
Ps. cxxxii. Behold, how good, &c., from heaven, that they may seek Thee
with all their heart, and what they
(e 194-) ask worthily may obtain 'efi'ectually.
Ps. cxxxiii. Behold, now, bless ye,
&c., (p. 207.) Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

@532 &chm iBznttenttal itsalms unit the iLttang.

These are said kneeling every Fri Ps. xxxi. Blessed are they, &c.,
day in Lent when the Oflice is of the <11 77-) __
Week-day, except Good Friday, and Ps. xxxvn. O LORD, rebuke me
the Litany alone (without the Seven not, &c., (j). 83.)
Psalms) on St Mark’s Day, April 25 Ps. 1. Have mercy upon me, &c.,
--and on the three Rogation Days. (e 87-) .
In Lent they are said in Choir after Ps. c1. Hear my prayer, &c., (p.
Lands (immediately after V. Bless we 1 59.) . .
the Lord. R. Thanks be to God.) Ps. cxx1x. Out of the depths, &c.,
Out of Choir, when convenient. (p. 192.) _
Ps. cxlii. Hear my prayer, &c.,
Glory be to the Father, &c., is said
after each Psalm.
(e- 153-)
Antiohon. 1 Remember not, Lord,
Antiphon. Remember not.
our offences, nor the offences of our
Ps. vi. O LORD, rebuke me not, forefathers ; neither take Thou venge
&c-s 5') ance of our sins.
1 Tobias iii. 3.

THE LITANY. Holy Vincent,

Kyrie eleison. Holy Fabian and Sebastian,
Christe eleison. Holy John and Paul,
Kyrie eleison. Holy Cosmas and Damian,
O Christ, hear us. Holy Gervase and Protase,
Graciously hear us, 0 Christ. 0 all ye holy Martyrs,
0 God the Father, of Holy Silvester,
heaven, HJave
mercy Holy Gregory,
0 God the Son, Redeemer Holy Ambrose,
of the world, Holy Austin,
0 God the Holy Ghost, Holy Jerome,
0 Holy Trinity, One God, Holy Martin,
Holy Mary, Holy Nicholas,
Holy Mother of God, 0 all ye holy Bishops and
Holy Virgin of virgins, Confessors, for
Holy Michael, 0 all ye holy Teachers,
Holy Gabriel, Holy Anthony,
Holy Raphael, Holy Benedict,
0 all ye holy Angels and Arch Holy Bernard,
angels, Holy Dominick,
0 all ye holy Orders of blessed Holy Francis,
spirits, 0 all ye holy Priests and
Holy John the Baptist, Levites,
Holy Joseph, 0 all ye holy Monks and
0 all ye holy Patriarchs and Hermits,
Prophets, Holy Mary Magdalen,
Holy Peter, Holy Agatha,
Holy Paul, Holy Lucy,
Holy Andrew, for
us. Holy Agnes,
Holy James, Holy Cecily,
Holy John, \I Holy Katharine,
Holy Thomas, Holy Anastasia,
Holy James, 0 all ye holy Virgins and Wi
Holy Philip, dows, l
Holy Bartholomew, 0 all ye holy men and women,
Holy Matthew, children of God,
Holy Simon, Make intercession for us.
Holy Thaddeus, Be merciful,
Holy Matthias, Spare us, 0 Lord.
Holy Barnabas, Be merciful,
Holy Luke, Graciously hear us, 0 Lord.
Holy Mark, From all evil, L0
0 all ye holy Apostles and From all sin,
Evangelists, From Thy wrath,
0 all ye holy Disciples of the From sudden and unprovided
Lord, death,
0 all ye holy Innocents, From the snares of the devil,
Holy Stephen, From the spirit of unclean
Holy Lawrence, ness,
VOL. I. 2 E

From lightning and tempeSt,‘ That Thou wouldest reward \

From the scourge of earth with eternal good all them who
quake, do good to us, hear
From pestilence, famine, and That Thou wouldest deliver our
war, 1 souls, and the souls of our breth
From everlasting death, ren, kinsfolk, and benefactors, ‘
Through the mystery of Thine from eternal damnation,
holy Incarnation, That it may please Thee to
Through Thy coming, Lord
us. give and preserve to our use the
Through Thy Birth, , fruits of the earth,
Through Thy Baptism and That it may please Thee to
holy Fasting, grant eternal rest unto all the
Through Thy Cross and Suffer faithful departed,
ing, That it may please Thee gra
Through' Thy Death and ciously to hear us, /
Burial, .' v . Son of God,
Through Thine holy Rising 0 Lamb of God, That takest away
again, the sins of the world.
Through Thy wonderful As Spare us, O Lord.
cension, r I 0 Lamb of God, That takest away
Through the coming of the the sins of the world,
Holy Ghost, the Comforter, Gracious!) lzear as, O Lord.
In the day ofjudgment, ) 0 Lamb of God, That takest away
We sinners, the sins of the world,
D0 beseee/z T[we to hear in. Have merry upon as.
That Thou wouldest spare us, O Christ, hear us,
That Thou wouldest pardon us, Graeiously lzear us, 0_ Christ.
That it may please Thee to
Kyrie eleison.
bring us unto true repentance,
Christe eleison.
That it may please Thee to rule
Kyrie eleison.
and preserve Thy holy Church,
Our Father, (theLord’s Prayer is mn
That it may please Thee to We éeseee/L
us. tt'nued z'naudz'ély till the termination.)
preserve our Apostolic Lord, and
And lead us not into'temptation.
all orders of the Church in holy
But deliver us from evil.
religion, _ ‘
That it may please Thee to
bring down the enemies of Thy Psalm LXIX.
holy Church,
That it may please Thee to MAKE haste, O God, to .deliver
give peace and true concord unto me: * make haste to help me
all Christian Kings and Princes, O LORD.
give it may
peace andplease
unity Thee to
to ally Let them be ashamed and con
founded, that seek after. my soul.
Christian nations, Let them be turned backward and
That it may please Thee to put to confusion, * that desire my hurt.
strengthen and preserve us'in Let them be turned back with
Thy holy Service, . ~ shame, * that say untome: Aha, aha.
'That Thou wouldest raise up Let all those that seek Thee be joy
our minds to heavenly desires, ful and glad in Thee, * and let _such
as love Thy salvation say continually: Verse. 70 Lord, send them help
_Let the Lord be magnified. > 5 _ from the sanctuary.
But I am poor and needy: * help Answer. And strengthen them out
me, O God. ' ,Of Zion.
Thou art my help and deliverer: * Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord.
O LORD, make no tarrying. Answer. And let my cry come unto
Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c. Let us pray.
Verse. 1 0 Thou, my God, save GOD, Whose property is ever to
Thy servants, ’0 have mercy and to forgive, re
Answer. That trust in Thee. ceive our humble petitions, and grant
Verse. 2 Lord, be Thou unto us a that we and all Thy servants who are
strong tower bound by the chain of sin may, by the
Answer. From the enemy. tenderness of Thy pity, mercifully be
Verse. 8 Let the enemy prevail n0 absolved.
thing against us.
Answer. Nor the son of wicked LORD, we beseech Thee graci
ness afflict us. ously to hear our humble peti
Verse. 4Deal not Thou with us tions, and spare all those who confess
after our sins. their sins unto Thee, granting us in
Answer. Nor reward us according Thy goodness pardon and peace.
to our iniquities.
Verse. Let us pray for our Bishop.
BE graciously pleased, O Lbrd, to
show forth upon us Thine un
(Here the name of the reigning Pope
speakable mercy, ridding us from all
is inserted.) 5 .
sin, and therewithal delivering us from
Answer. 6 The Lord preserve him,
all pains which for the same we ‘do
and quicken him, and make him 'to
be blessed upon the earth, and deliver justly deserve.
him not unto the will of his enemies. GOD, Whom sin doth justly move
Verse. Let us pray for them who to anger, and repentance turn
have done good to us. again mercifully to forgive the same,
Answer. May it please Thee, O look down now graciously upon the
Lord, to reward with eternal life all supplications of Thy people praying
them who do good to us for Thy before Thee, and turn away the
Name’s sake. Amen. scourges of "Thy' wrath, which for our
Verse. Let us pray for the faithful sins we do most rightfully deserve.
Answer. 0 Lord, grant them eter O ALMIGHTY and everlasting
nal rest, and let the everlasting light God, have pity upon Thy servant
shine upon them. . our Bishop N., (here name the Pofie,)
Verse. May they rest in peace. and order his goings according to
Answer. Amen. Thy mercy in the paths of eternal sal
Verse. Let us pray for our absent vation, that by the gift of Thy grace
brethren. he may ever seek such things as
Answer. 0 Thou my God, save please Thee, and with all his strength
Thy servantsthat trust in Thee. fulfil the same.
'1 Ps. lxxxv. 2. i 2 Ps. IX. 4. '4'Ps.
3 Ps. Ixxxviii. 23. 7 P cii. _ r0. '
5 Pontifex. This being the Roman Breviary. - .6 Ps. xi. 3. s. XIX. 3.

O GOD, from Whom all holy desires, 1prayer and work of ours may begin
all good counsels, and all just from Thee, and by Thee‘be duly ended.
works do proceed; give unto Thy
servants that peace which the world O ALMIGHTY and everlasting
cannot give, that both our hearts may . God, Who art Lord both of the
be set to obey Thy commandments, living and of the dead, and hast
and also that by Thee we being de mercy upon all whom Thou fore-know
fended from the fear of our enemies, est shall by faith and work be Thine,
may pass our time in rest and quiet we most humbly beseech on behalf of
ness. all for whom we have a mind to pray,
whether they be yet entangled in the
ORD, burn our reins and our flesh in this present world, or whether
hearts with the fire of Thy Holy they be already rid of the body, and
Spirit, that we may serve Thee with entered into that world which for us
chaste bodies and pure minds. is still .to come, that all. Thy holy
children may pray for them, and that
0 GOD, Who art Thyself at once the pitifulness of Thy mercy may grant
the Maker and the Redeemer unto them the forgiveness of all their
of all Thy faithful ones, grant unto trespasses. Through our Lord JESUS
the souls of Thy servants and hand Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reign
maids remission of all their sins, mak~ eth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
ing of our entreaties unto our Great Ghost, one God, world without end.
Father a mean whereby they may Answer. Amen.
have that forgiveness which they have Verse. May the almighty and mer
ever longed for. ciful Lord graciously hear us.
Answer. Amen.
PREVENT us, 0 Lord, we beseech Verse. And may the souls of the
Thee, in all our doings, with Thy faithful, through the mercy of God,
gracious inspiration, and further us rest in peace.
with Thy continual help, that every .Answer. Amen.

@rare before anti after meat.

Before dinner, he who blesses the Thou openest Thine hand, and fillest
meal says: all things living with plenteousness.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Verse. Bless ye—
Answer. As it was, &c.
A nswer. Bless ye.
Kyrie eleison.
Then he says . Christe eleison.
1 The eyes of all— Kyrie eleison.
Our Father, (inaudibly till the last
And the rest continue . words,)
Wait upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou And lead us not into temptation.
givest them their meat in due season. Answer. But deliver us from evil.
1 Ps. cxliv}15, 16.
Let us pray. Verse. 2He hath dispersed, he
hath given to the poor—
BLESS us, 0 Lord, and these Thy
Answer. I-Iis righteousness en
gifts, which we are about to
dureth for ever.
receive from Thy bounty. Through
Verse. 51 will bless the LORD at
Christ our Lord.
all times—
Answer. Amen. Answer. His praise shall continu
Reader. Sir, be pleased to give the ally be in my mouth. '
blessing. Verse. My soul shall make her
boast in the LORD—
The Blessing. Answer. The humble shall hear
May the King of eternal glory make thereof and be glad. -
Verse. 0 magnify the LORD with
us to be partakers at His table in
heaven. me—
Answer. And let us exalt His
Answer. Amen.
'Name together. '
At the end of dinner, the Reader Verse. 4Blessed be the Name of
(oneludes, saying: the LORD !—
Answer. From this time forth and
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy for evermore !
upon us. May it please Thee, O Lord, to
Answer. Thanks be to God. reward with eternal life all them
Verse. 1 May all Thy works praise who do good to us for Thy Name’s
Thee, O LORD! sake.
, Answer. And let Thy Saints bless Answer. Amen.
Thee! Verse. Bless we the Lord.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Answer. Thanks be to God.
&c. Verse. May the souls of the faith
Answer. As it was, &c. ful, through the mercy of God, rest in
We give Thee thanks, 0 Almighty peace.
God, for all Thy mercies. Who livest Answer. Amen.
and reignest for ever and ever.
Answer. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer is again said,
inaudibly throughout, and then.
Then is said alternately either Ps.
1., “Have mercy upon me, &c.,” (p.
God grant us His peace.
87,) or Ps. cxvi., “ O praise the LORD,
Answer. Amen.
&c.,” (p. 186.) Then:
Verse. Glory be to the Father, &c. At supper the form is the same, er
Answer. As it was, &c. eept the fillowing:
Kyrie eleison. '. Text at the beginning (Ps. xxi.
Christe eleison. 27.)
Kyrie eleison. The poor shall eat— I
, Our Father, (inaudibly till the last
{words,) And be satisfied, and they shall
And lead us not into temptation. , :praise the LORD that seek Him: their
Answer. But deliver us from evil. .heart shall live for ever.
1 Ps. cxliv. IO. 2 Ps. cx'i. 9. _-3 Ps. xxxili._2-4. 4_ Ps. cxii. 2.
8‘46 - lairlrEi Ab'D'ITI'O'NAL SERVICES.‘

Blessing. 1. On Christmas Day to dinner on

fan. '5, and inclusive.
May the King of eternal glory
bring us to sup ‘with Him in 'Text at the beginning (John i. 14.)
eternal life. The Word was made Flesh, Alle
At the end . luia,—
And dwelt among us. Alleluia.
Verse. 1 He hath made a memorial
of His wonderful works. At the end .
Answer. The LORD is gracious Verse. The LORD hath made
and full of compassion: He hath known. Alleluia,—
given meat unto them that fear Answer. His salvation. Alleluia.
Him. Ps. xcvii. O sing unto the LORD,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, &c. 8w, (e 157-)
Answer. As it was, &c.
2 God is blessed in all His gifts, and 2. On the Epiphany and throughout
holy in all His works. the Oeta'z/e.
Answer. Amen. Text at the beginning (Ps. lxxi. 10.)
And Ps. cxvi. is always said. The kings of Tarshish and of the
isles shall bring presents. Alleluia—
on some days the form is speeial, as
The kings of Arabia and Saba shall
follows .
ofi'er gifts. Alleluia.
Note I. These special passages are
At the end .
used both at dinner and supper.
Nate 2. On a Fast-Day, the single Verse. 3All they from Saba shall
meal allowed is supper. come. Alleluia—
Note 3. It is always allowed to Answer. They shall bring gold
substitute Psalm cxvi. for the special and incense. Alleluia.
Psalm appointed, exeept on Maundy Ps. lxxi. Give the King, &c., (p.
Thursday and Good Friday. 126J

iBraners for a Slourmp.

These Prayers are said immediately our home again in peace, and health,
after starting. Ifoneperson say them by and gladness.
himselfi the Singular Number is used. Kyrie eleison.
Antithon. May_ the Lord, the vAl
Christe eleison.
mighty and Merciful, lead us— Kyrie eleison.
Song of Zacharias. Blessed be. the Our Father (inaudibly till the last
Lord, &c., (p. 28.) words) '
Antiphon. May the Lord, the Al And lead us not into temptation.
mighty and Merciful, lead us into the Answer. But deliver us from evil.
way of peace and prosperity, and Verse. 4 0 Thou my God, save
may the angel Raphael be with us Thy servants,
in the way, that we may come to Answer. That trust in Thee.
Ps. ex. 4. ’ICF. Ps. cxliv. r7. -' lsa. lx. 6. ‘ Ps. lxxxv. a.
Verse. 1 O Lord, send us help from now, and, in the end, unto the haven
the sanctuary. of eternal salvation.
Answer. And strengthen us out of
Zion. O GOD, Who didst call Thy ser
Verse. 2 Lord, be Thou unto us a vant Abraham out of Ur of the
strong tower, Chaldees, and didst keep him from
Answer. From the enemy. evil through all the ways of his pil
Verse. 3 Let the enemy prevail no grimage, we beseech Thee, that it
thing against us, may please Thee to keep us Thy
Answer. Nor the son of wicked servants. Be Thou unto us, 0 Lord,
ness afflict us. an help when we go forward, a com
Verse. 4 Blessed be the Lord fort by the way, a shadow from the
daily. heat, a covering from the rain and the
Answer. The God of our salvation cold, a chariot in weariness, a refuge
maketh our way prosperous. in trouble, a staff in slippery paths,
Verse. 5Show us Thy ways, 0 an haven in shipwreck. Do Thou
LORD. lead us, that we may happily come
Answer. And teach us Thy paths. thither where we would be, and there
Verse. 60 that our ways were after come again safe unto our own
directed, home.
Answer. To keep Thy statutes.
RACIOUSLY hear our supplica
Verse. 7 The crooked shall be
tions, 0 Lord, we beseech Thee,
made straight.
and order the goings of Thy servants
Answer. And the rough places
in the safe path that leadeth unto
plain. salvation in Thee, that amidst all the
Verse. 8 God hath given His
manifold changes of this life’s pil
Angels charge over thee.
grimage, Thy shield may never cease
Answer. To keep thee in all thy
from us.
Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 LORD. GRANT, we beseech Thee, 0 Al
Answer. And let my cry come mighty God, that Thy family
unto Thee. may fare onward in the path of sal
vation, and by giving heed to the
Let us pray. preaching of the blessed Fore-runner
John, may safely attain unto Him
GOD, Who madest the children Whom John preached, even our Lord
of Israel to walk with dry feet JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth
through the midst of the sea, and Who and reigneth with Thee, in the unity
didst open unto the three wise men, of the Holy Ghost, one God, world
by the guiding of a star, the way that without end. Amen.
led unto Thee, grant us good speed,
and quietness, that Thine holy Angel Verse. Let us go on in peace.
may be with us, and that we may Answer. In the name of the Lord.
happily come thither whither we would, Amen.
1 Ps. xix. 3. 2 Ps. IX. 4. 3 Ps. lxxxviii. 23. 4 Ps. lxvii. 20.
5 Ps. xxiv. 4. 9 Ps. cxviii. 5. 7 Isa. XI. 4. 8 Ps. xc. 7.

tarmarattun for retummunton.

Antiphon (to be doubled when the I had rather be a menial in the
Ofiee is doubled.) Remember not, house of my God, * than to dwell in
Lord, our offences, * nor the offences the tents of wickedness.
of our forefathers, neither take Thou For God loveth mercy and truth : *
vengeance of our sins. the LORD will give grace and glory.
No good thing will He withhold
Psalm LXXX111. from them that walk uprightly. * O
LORD of hosts, blessed is the man
[Intituled "A Psalm of the sons of Korah."
It has the same superscription as Ps. lxx., that trusteth in Thee!
referring possibly to the vintage. It reads as
if it were a pilgrim-song referring to the going Glory be to the Father, and to the
up of all the males of Israel to jerusalem to Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
observe the Feast of Tabernacles, when har As it was in the beginning, is now,
vest and vintage were over.]
and ever shall be, world without end.
HOW lovely are Thy tabemacles, Amen.
O LORD of Hosts! * my soul
longeth and fainteth for the courts of Psalm LXXXIV.
the LoRD:
Mine heart and my flesh * rejoice [Intituled “A Psalm of the sons of Korah,"
with the usual (now uncertain) superscription.]
for the living God.
Yea, the sparrow hath found an 0RD, Thou hast been favourable
house, * and the dove a nest for her unto Thy land: * Thou hast
self, where she may lay her young, brought back the captivity of jacob.
Even Thine altars, O LORD of hosts, Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of
* my King and my God! Thy people: * Thou hast covered all
Blessed are they that dwell in Thine their sins.1
house, 0 Lord; * they will be ever Thou hast taken away all Thy
praising Thee.1 wrath: * Thou hast turned Thyself
Blessed is the man whose strength from the fierceness of Thine anger.
is from Thee; * who hath settled in Turn us, 0 God of our salvation, *
his heart to go up [to Thy sanctuary,] and cause Thine anger towards us to
through the vale of tears,2 to the place cease.
which he hath appointed. Wilt Thou be angry with us for
He That hath given the Law will ever? * wilt Thou draw out Thine
give His blessing; they shall go from anger to all generations?
strength to strength: * they appear 0 God, Thou shalt again quicken
before the God of gods in Zion. us : * and Thy people shall rejoice in
O LORD God of hosts, hear my Thee.
prayer: * give ear, 0 God of Jacob ! Show us Thy mercy, O Lord! *
Behold, O God, our shield: * and and grant us Thy salvation.
look upon the face of Thine Anointed. I will hear what the LORD God
For a day in Thy courts is better * will speak in me: 4" for He will
than a thousand. speak peace unto His people,
l SLH.
1 Hebrew, “of Baca," probably the proper name of a place, but, literally, “ weeping."
And to His saints, * and unto them O Lord: * and shall glorify Thy
that are changed in heart. name.
Surely His salvation is nigh them For Thou art great and doest won
that fear Him, * that glory may dwell drous things: * Thou art God alone.
in our land. Teach me Thy way, 0 LORD, and
Mercy and truth have met together: I will walk in Thy truth: * let mine
* righteousness and peace have kissed heart be glad, that it may fear Thy
each other. name.
Truth hath sprung out of the earth : I will praise Thee, O Lord my God,
* and righteousness hath looked down with all mine heart, * and I will glorify
from heaven. Thy name for evermore.
Yea, the LORD shall give that which For great is Thy mercy toward me:
is good : * and our land shall yield * and Thou hast delivered my soul
her increase. from the lowest hell.
Righteousness shall go before Him: 0 God, the wicked are risen against
* and shall set His footsteps in the me, and the assemblies of violent men
way. have sought after my soul, * and have
not set Thee before them.
Glory be to the Father, and to the But Thou, O Lord, art a God full
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. of compassion and gracious, * long
As it was in the beginning, is now, suffering, and plenteous in mercy and
and ever shall be, world without end. truth.
Amen. 0 look upon me, and have mercy
Psalm LXXXV. upon me: * give Thy strength unto
Thy servant, and save the son of
[Intituled “ A Prayer of David."] Thine handmaid!
BOW down Thine ear, 0 LORD, Show me a token for good, that
and hear me: * for I am poor they which hate me may see it and be
and needy. ashamed: * because Thou, O LORD,
Preserve my soul, for I am holy: * hast holpen me, and comforted me.
0 Thou my God, save Thy servant Glory be to the Father, and to the
that trusteth in Thee. Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for I As it was in the beginning, is now,
cry unto Thee all the day long a * re and ever shall be,-world without end.
joice the soul of Thy servant, for unto Amen.
Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
For Thou, Lord, art good and ready Psalm CXV.
to forgive, * and plenteous in mercy [In the Hebrew this Psalm is a continuation
to all them that call upon Thee. of the last. The Vulgate and the LXX. pre
fix " Alleluia."]
Give ear, 0 LORD, unto my prayer:
* and attend to the voice of my sup BELIEVED, therefore have I
plication. spoken: * but I was greatly
In the day of my trouble I called afflicted.
upon Thee, * for Thou hast heard me. I said in my haste: * All men are
Among the gods there is none like liars.
unto Thee, O Lord: * neither are there What shall I render unto the LORD
> any works like unto Thy works. * for all His benefits toward me ?
All nations whom Thou hast made I will take the cup of salvation, *
shall come and worship before Thee, and call upon the name of the LORD.
VOL. I. ‘ ' 2 E 2

I will pay my vows unto the LORD Glory be to the Father, and to the
in the presence of all His people. * Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Precious in the sight of the LORD is As it was in the beginning, is now,
the death of His Saints. and ever shall be, world without end.
0 LORD, truly I am Thy servant: Amen.
* I am Thy servant, and the son of
Thine handmaid: Antzlfilmn. Remember not, Lord,
Thou hast loosed my bonds. * I our offences, nor the offences of our
will ofi'er to Thee the sacrifice of forefathers, neither take Thou ven
thanksgiving, and will call upon the geance of our sins.
name of the LORD. Kyrie eleison.
I will pay my vows unto the LORD,
Christe eleison.
in the presence of all His people: * Kyrie eleison.
in the courts of the LORD’S house, in , Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer is
the midst of thee, O jerusalem! [onlinued inaudibly lill l/ze termina
[Here the Hebrew appends "Alleluia," lion.)
which the Vulgate and the LXX. prefix to Verse.
the next Psalm.]
And lead us not into
Glory be to the Father, and to the Answer. But deliver us from evil.
Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Verse. As for me, I said: Lord,
As it was in the beginning, is now, be merciful unto me.
and ever shall be, world without end. Answer. Heal my soul, for I have
Amen. sinned against Thee.
Psalm CXXIX. Verse. Turn again, 0 Lord, for‘ a
[Intituled “A Song of Degrees." The Answer. And be entreated for Thy
meaning of this title is not certain. The
Psalms so called may perhaps, like the servant’s sake.
“ Graduals" of the Roman Liturgy, be “step Verse. 0 Lord, let Thy mercy
songs," intended to be sung during proces
sions, Liturgical or of pilgrims.] lighten upon us.
Answer. As our trust is in Thee.
OUT of the depths have I cried Verse. Let Thy priests be clothed
unto Thee, O LORD! * Lord, with righteousness.
hear my voice. Answer. And let Thy Saints shout
Let Thine ears be attentive * to for joy.
the voice of my supplication. Verse. Lord, cleanse Thou me
If Thou, LORD, shouldest mark in from secret faults.
iquities, * O Lord, who shall stand? Answer. Keep back Thy servant
But there is forgiveness with Thee: also from the sins of others.
* because of Thy law, I wait for Thee, Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord.
0 LORD! Answer. And let my cry come
My soul waiteth on His word: * unto Thee.
my sOul hopeth in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until Let us pray.
night * let Israel hope in the LORD:
For with the LORD there is mercy, OW down Thy Fatherly ears
* and with Him is plenteous redemp unto our supplications, 0 most
tion. merciful God, and enlighten our hearts
And He shall redeem Israel, * from by the grace of Thine Holy Spirit,
all his iniquities. > that we may worthily take part in

Thy service, and may love Thee with Father upon the Altar of the ‘Cross
an everlasting love. as a pure and spotless Victim for us
0 God, unto Whom all hearts lie sinful wretches, Who hast given us
open, all desires known, and from Thy Flesh to eat and Thy Blood to
Whom no secrets are hid, cleanse drink, and hast set this mystery in
the thoughts of our hearts by the the power of the Holy Ghost, saying,
inspiration of Thine Holy Spirit, that “Do this as oft as ye do it, in' re
we may perfectly love Thee, and membrance of Me.” I entreat Thee
worthily magnify Thine Holy Name. by the same Thy Blo‘od""tlie‘ "great
Lord, burn our reins and our hearts price of our salvation, I entreat
with the fire of Thine Holy Spirit, Thee by that wondrous and unspeak
that we may serve Thee with chaste able 1ove wherewith it hath pleased
bodies and pure minds. Thee so to love us unworthy wretches
Lord, we beseech Thee, that the as to wash us from our sins in Thine
Comforter which proceedeth from Own Blood, teach me, Thine un
Thee may enlighten our minds, and worthy servant, whom for no deserts of
lead us into all truth, even as Thy mine, but by the mere goodness of Thy
Son hath promised unto us. mercy, Thou hast been pleased among
Lord, we beseech Thee, that Thine other gifts even to call unto Thine
Holy Spirit may dwell in us in much Altar, teach me, I beseech Thee, by
power, mercifully cleansing our hearts Thine Holy Spirit how to deal with
and shielding us from all things hurt~ this mystery, with the reverence,
ful. honour, earnestness, and fear which
O God, Who didst teach the hearts are behoven and meet. Make me
of Thy faithful people by sending to by Thy grace always to believe,
them the light of Thine Holy Spirit, understand, feel, hold, say, and
grant unto us by the same Spirit to think concerning this mystery that
have a right judgment in all things, which is pleasing unto Thee and ex
and evermore to rejoice in His holy pedient for mine own soul. Let Thy
comfort. good grit enter into' mine heart to
Lord, we beseech Thee to cleanse sound there without noise, and to
our consciences by the power of Thine speak all truth without worK These
holy visitation, that when our Lord things are \Tery deep, and they are
JESUS Christ, Thy Son, cometh, He covered with an holy veil. For Thy
may find in us a dwelling-place made great mercy’s sake, grant that I
ready unto Himself. Who liveth may take part at Mass with a clean
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity heart and a pure mind. Free my
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world heart from unclean, shameful, vain,
without end. Amen. and harmful thoughts. Defend me
withstheokindlr and faitbisl EesPWg'
Prayer.1 .of Thy watch,
imighty blessedthat
Angels and their
the enemiesmof' 5
0 GREAT High Priest and true zall good may be' confounded 'arid'go
,away. By the power 'of ‘thismgreat‘
' Bishop, JESUS Christ, Who
didst offer Thyself up to God the ‘mystery, andby the hand 51???? 9.

1 In the original this prayer is divided according to the days of the week; as there are
some passages in it which are suitable only for Priests, and which have therefore been here
necessarily omitted, it is not here so divided, but the intention clearly is that it should not
all be used at one time.

holy Angel, take away from me and worthy. O, my God, I entreat Thee
from all Thy servants the hard spirit by this Thine Almighty power to
of pride and vain-glory, envy and grant unto me, a sinner, that I may
blasphemy, fornication and unclean receive this Sacrament with fear and
ness, doubt and suspicion. Con trembling, with purity of heart and
founded be they that assail us,“ and with weeping, with spiritual gladness
may they that would fain destroy and heavenly joy. Let my soul feel
us‘ perish. thfiweetness of Thy blessed pres
0 King of virgins, lover of chastity ence, and that Thine Holy Angels
and purity, by the heavenly dew of keep gaara’raun'a 'mei' '" ‘
Thy blessing quench in my body the Tan; 0 Lord, sinner though I be,
fire of unlawful lusts, that my body am going to draw near unto Thine
and soul may remain pure. Kill in Altar in memory of Thy worshipful
my members all unlawful prickings of passion, to receive there the Sacra
the flesh and uprisings of lust, and ment which Thou hast instituted
grant unto me, along with Thine other in remembrance of Thyself for our
gifts which truly please Thee, true salvation. O God, most high, do
and everlasting chastity according to Thou receive that remembrance on
my state, that I may be able to offer behalf of Thine holy Church, and on
up unto Thee the sacrifice of praise behalf of Thy people Whom Thou
with a pure body and a clean heart. hast bought with Thine own Blood.
0, what searching of heart, what Be pleased, O Lord, to have regard
shedding of tears, what reverence, and unto the sorrows of peoples, the
what awe, what purity of body and straits of nations, the cries of prison
soul are called for by God’s heavenly ers, the woes of orphans, the needs
samce when TILL Flesh is eaten of wanderers, the helplessness of the
intm and Thy-_Blood is‘_drunl_<__in weak, the hopelessness of the sick, the
deed, where the thinmfjhehighgst failure of the old, the hopes of young
are Brought 3076:1511“: things of the men, the desires of young women, the
lowest, and
things of the whé‘iéflié
earth, things of holy
God 'AnigEI-s
to the grief of widows.
are presentfwhere Thou ThysEIfcart For Thou, O Lord, hast mercy
upon all, and hatest nothing that
wondrously and unspeakably set forth, Thou hast made—remember of what
Thygiamnmshe, iaqlfiQQ andjge we are made. Thou art our Father,
Priest. Thou art our God, be not wrathful
—Who can worthily deal with this, exceedingly, neither shut up the multi
unless Thou, O God Almighty, should tude of Thy tender mercies from us.
Thyself make him worthy. Lord, I It is not with any hope in any right
know, I know indeed, and I confess it eousness of our own that we lay our
before Thy Fatherly goodness, that prayers before Thee, but with hope in
on account of my great sins and my the multitude of Thy tender mercies.
countless failings I am not worthy Take away our iniquities from us, and
to draw near to this great mystery, in Thy mercy kindle in us the fire
but I also know, I believe indeed of Thine Holy Spirit, take away the
with all my heart, and I confess with stony heart out of our flesh, and give
my mouth, that Thou Who alone art an heart afresh, an heart to love
able to bring a clean thing out of an Thee, to seek Thee, to rejoice in
unclean, and to make sinners right Thee, to follow Thee, and to enjoy
eous and holy, art able to make me Thee. We beseech Thy mercy, O

Lord, to be pleased to look in favour mystery of Thy Body and Thy Blood,
upon Thy people when they do ser wherein Thy Church is every day
vice unto Thine Holy Name, and in given to eat and to drink, is purified
order that no one may ask in vain, and sanctified, and is made partaker
and no request be refused, do Thou of the one Divine Nature of the Most
Thyself inspire us with such prayers High, give me Thine Own Holy
as it may please Thee to hear and to might, and endue me therewith, that
grant. I may be able to draw near Thine
Holy Lord and Father, we entreat Altar with a good conscience, and
Thee also for the smrits of the faith so this heavenly Sacrament may be
ful departed ', __\1Ilt_9___tll_6m may this salvation and life for me. For Thou
great mystsry of. sQdlincsshehémh hast said with Thine Own Holy and
wholenessLVgladnesskiandurest. O Blessed mouth, “The bread which I
Lord, my God, mayrtheyihavelhis will give is My Flesh for the life of
day a great and full Whofldids'tfc—oie
thmgMB'read, banquet of Thee the world”; “I am the Living Bread,
down friomwheaven, and givest life which came down from heaven”; “If
any man eat of this Bread he shall
unto the world,‘ of ‘Thine'HBIyfl'a'nd
live for ever.” 0 Bread of Sweetness,
Blessed Flesh, the Fle§lTOfTh€é,“the cure my heart’s palate that I may be
Lamb without spot, Who takest away able to taste how sweet Thy love is.
the sins of the world, which Thou Cure it of every disease that I may
didst take from the holy and glorious not feel anything sweet like Thy
womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, sweetness. 0 White Bread, that art
and which was conceived by the Holy able to content every man’s delight
Ghost, and of that river of mercy and to yield every taste; Thou that
which the soldier’s spear drew out of always feedest us and yet never art
Thy Sacred Side, that they may be consumed, let my heart feed on Thee,
thereby strengthened, filled, rested, and let the taste of Thy sweetness fill
and comforted, and may sing unto the innermost depths of my soul.
Thy praise and glory. I beseech The Angels feed on Thee to fulness;
Thy mercy, O Lord, that the fulness let him that is a stranger and pilgrim
of Thy blessing, and the sanctification here feed on Thee to the best of his
of Thy Godhead, may come down little power, that that provision for
upon the bread which is to be offered his journey may strengthen him, and
unto Thee. so he faint not by the way. 0 Thou
Let there also come down thereon Holy Bread, Thou Living Bread, Thou
the invisible and incomprehensible Pure Bread, Who comest down from
Majesty of Thine Holy Spirit, as of Heaven and givest life unto the world,
old time He came down upon the come into my heart and purify me
offerings of the fathers, and let Him from every defilement, whether of
turn our offerings into Thy Flesh flesh or of spirit; enter into my soul,
and Blood, and teach me, un heal me and cleanse me, within and
worthy communicant that I am, to without ; be Thou the constant shield
deal with this great mystery with and safety both of my soul and of my
purity of heart, with earnestness body. Drive all my enemies away
even to tears, with reverence, and from me, let them fade away far
with awe. from the presence of Thy power.
I beseech Thee also, 0 Lord, by So mayest Thou enable me, under
this very mystery itself, this holy Thy protection, both without and

_within, to go straight forward until all in all. For then wilt Thou fill
I come to Thy kingdom, where we me with Thyself, with such :1 won
shall not see Thee any more in drous fulness, that I shall never
mysteries as we see Thee now, but hunger nor thirst again for ever.
face to face, when Thou shalt haVe Who, with the same God the Father
given up the kingdom unto God, and Holy Ghost, livest and reignest
even the Father, and shalt be God for ever and ever. Amen.

@banksgthing after Qtnmmuninu.

Antz'pllon. Let us sing the song of 0 ye light and darkness, bless ye
the three holy children, * the song the Lord: * 0 ye lightnings and
which the three children sang when clouds, bless ye the Lord.
they blessed the Lord in the midst 0 let the earth bless the Lord:
of the burning fiery furnace. * let her praise and exalt Him above
all for ever!
THE SONG OF THE THREE HOLY 0 ye mountains and hills, bless ye
CHILDREN. (Daniel iii. 57.)
the Lord: * 0 all ye green things
upon the earth, bless ye the Lord.
0 ALL ye works of the Lord, bless 0 ye wells, bless ye the Lord: * 0
_ye the Lord: * praise Him, and ye seas and floods, bless ye the Lord.
exalt Him above all for ever. 0 ye whales, and all that move in
0 ye Angels of the Lord, bless ye the waters, bless ye the Lord : * 0 all
the Lord: * 0 ye heavens, bless ye ye fowls of the air, bless ye the Lord.
the Lord. 0 all ye beasts and cattle, bless ye
0 all ye waters that be above the the Lord: * 0 ye children of men,
heavens, bless ye the Lord : * 0 all ye bless ye the Lord.
powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. 0 let Israel bless the Lord: * let
0 ye Sun and Moon, bless ye the him praise and exalt Him above all
Lord: * 0 ye stars of heaven, bless for ever!
ye the Lord. _ 0 ye Priests of the Lord, bless ye
0 ye showers and dew, bless ye the the Lord: * 0 ye servants of the
Lord: * 0 ye winds of God, bless ye Lord, bless ye the Lord.
the Lord. 0 ye spirits and souls of the right
0 ye fire and heat, bless ye the eous, bless ye the Lord: * 0 ye holy
Lord: * 0 ye winter and summer, and humble men of heart, bless ye the
bless ye the Lord. Lord.
0 ye dews and rime, bless ye the 0 Ananias, Azarias, and Misaél,
Lord: * 0 ye frost and cold,_bless ye bless ye the Lord :_ * praise and exalt
the Lord. ‘ Him above all for ever.
0 ye ice and snow, bless ye the 1 Bless we the Father, and the Son,
Lord: * 0 ye nights and days, bless and the Holy Ghost: * let us praise
ye the Lord. and exalt Him above all for ever.
1 This verse is, of course, a later addition; more than two verses are omitted, and the
lasvgiven is one of those. omitted at the beginning. _ -, .
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the our trespasses, as we forgive them that
firmament of heaven: * and to be trespass against us.
praised, and glorified, and exalted Verse. And lead us not into tempt
above all for ever. ation. »
Answer. But deliver us from evil.
Psalm CL. Verse. May all Thy works praise
Thee, O Lord.
RAISE the Lord in His sanctuary! Answer. And let Thy Saints bless
* praise Him in the firmament Thee.
Of His power! Verse. Let the Saints be joyful in
Praise Him in His mighty acts! glory.
* praise Him according to His ex Answer. Let them sing aloud upon
cellent greatness! their beds.
Praise Him with the sound of the Verse. Not unto us, 0 Lord, not
trumpet! * praise Him with the unto us.
psaltery and harp! Answer. But unto Thy Name give
Praise Him with the timbrel and glory.
dance! * praise Him with stringed Verse. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord.
instruments and organs! Answer. And let my cry come
Praise Him upon the loud cymbals, unto Thee.
praise Him upon the high-sounding
cymbals! * Let everything that hath Let us pray.
breath praise the LORD!
Glory be to the Father, and to GOD, Who didst lessen the
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. flames of fire for the three
As it was in the beginning, is now, children, mercifully grant that we
and ever shall be, world without end. Thy children may not be touched
Amen. by any flames of sin.
Grant, 0 Lord, we beseech Thee,
Anlzlt/wn. Let us sing the song of that Thy grace may forward us in all
the three holy children, the song which our actions by Thine inspiration, and
the three children sang when they follow it by Thine help, that this and
blessed the Lord in the midst of the every prayer and work of ours may
burning fiery furnace. begin from Thee, and by Thee be
Kyrie eleison. duly ended.
Christe eleison. Grant, 0 Lord, that we may have
Kyrie eleison. the strength to extinguish the flames
Our Father, (inaudibly) \Vho art in of sin, Thou Who didst grant the
heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy blessed Lawrence to be more than
kingdom come. Thy will be done on conqueror amid his fiery torments.
earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this Through Christ our Lord.
day our daily bread. And forgive us Answer. Amen.

Emotions after Grommunton,


GIVE Thee thanks, 0 holy SWEETEST Lord JESUS Christ,

Lord, Father almighty, eternal pierce, I beseech Thee, the in
God, that Thou hast vouchsafed, most marrow of my soul with the
for no merit of mine own, but tender and life-giving wound of Thy
of the mere condescension of Thy love, with true, and calm, and holy
mercy, to satisfy me a sinner and apostolical charity, so that my whole
Thine unworthy servant with the soul may ever languish and faint for
precious Body and Blood of Thy love of Thee, and for desire of Thee
Son our Lord JESUS Christ. I alone. May it long for Thee and
implore Thee, let not this holy pine for Thee in the courts of Thine
communion be to me an increase house; may it desire to be dissolved
of guilt unto my punishment, but and to be with Thee. Grant that my
an availing plea unto pardon and soul may hunger for Thee, Thou
forgiveness. Let it be to me the Bread of angels, Thou refreshment
armour of faith and the shield of of holy souls, our daily supersubstan
good will. Grant that it may work tial Bread, having all manner of
the extinction of my vices, the sweetness and savour, and all most
rooting out of concupiscence and thrilling delights. May mine heart
lust, and the increase within me ever hunger for Thee and feed on
of charity and patience, of humility Thee, on whom angels long to look;
and obedience. Let it be my strong and may mine inmost soul be filled
defence against the snares of all mine with the sweetness of the taste of
enemies, visible and invisible; the Thee. May it ever thirst for Thee,
stilling and the calm of all mine Thou Well of life, Thou Fountain of
impulses, carnal and spiritual; mine wisdom and knowledge, Thou Source
indissoluble union with Thee the one of everlasting light, Thou torrent of
and true God, and a blessed con pleasures, Thou fatness and abund~
summation at my last end. And I ance of the house of God; may it
beseech Thee that Thou wouldst ever yearn towards Thee, seek Thee,
vouchsafe to bring me, sinner as I find Thee, tend towards Thee, attain
am, to that inefl'able banquet where to Thee, meditate ever on Thee,
Thou, with the Son and the Holy speak of Thee, and work all things
Ghost, art to Thy Saints true and to the praise and glory of Thy Name,
unfailing Light, fulness of content, with humility and discretion, with love
joy for evermore, gladness without and delight, with ready care and glad
alloy, consummate and everlasting afi'ection, with perseverance even unto
bliss. Through the same our Lord the end; and do Thou be alone and
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth evermore mine hope, my whole trust,
and reigneth with Thee, in the my riches, my delight, my gladness
unity of the same Holy Ghost, one and my joy, my rest and my calm
God, world without end. Amen. repose, my peace and my sweet
1 Translation by Rev. T. A. Pope, adopted by Lord Bute in A Farm of Prayers, 1896.

content, my fragrance and my sweet -O loving Pelican! O JESU, Lord!

ness, my food and my refreshment, Unclean I am, but cleanse me in Thy blood ;
Of which a single drop for sinners spilt,
my refuge and mine help, my wisdom,
Is ransom for a world's entire guilt.
my portion, mine own possession and
my treasure, in whom my mind and JESU! Whom for the present veil'd I see,
mine heart are fixed and rooted firmly What I so thirst for, oh, vouchsafe to me:
and immovably for evermore. Amen. That I may see Thy countenance unfolding,
And may be blest Thy glory in beholding.

0 Shepherd of the Faithful, O JESU, gracious

Increase the faith of all who put their faith
O GODHEAD hid, devoutly I adore Thee, in Thee.
Who truly art within the forms before
To Thee my heart I bow with bended knee,
As failing quite in contemplating Thee. A PRAYER TO BE RECITED BEFORE
Sight, touch, and taste in Thee are each
The ear alone most safely is believed: EHOLD, O kind and most sweet
I believe all the Son of God has spoken,
JESUS, I cast myself on my
Than Truth's own word there is no truer
knees in Thy sight, and with the
most fervent desire of my soul, I
God only on the Cross lay hid from view; pray and beseech Thee that Thou
But here lies hid at once the manhood too: wouldst impress upon my heart lively
And I, in both professing my belief, sentiments of faith, hope, and charity,
Make the same prayer as the repentant with true repentance for my sins, and
a firm desire of amendment, while
Thy wounds as Thomas saw, I do not see; with deep affection and grief of soul
Yet Thee confess my Lord and God to be: I ponder within myself and mentally
Make me believe Thee ever more and more; contemplate Thy five most precious
In Thee my hope in Thee my love to store. wounds; having before my eyes that
which David spake in prophecy:
0 Thou Memorial of our Lord’s own dying!
0 Bread that Living art and vivifyingl
“They pierced My hands and My
Make ever Thou my soul on Thee to live; feet; they have numbered all My
Ever a. taste of heavenly sweetness give. bones.”
1 Translation by Rev. Edward Caswall.
Gtbe votive 21mins.
Pope Leo XII]. permits that upon memorated at both Vespers and Lauds,
all days whatsoever upon which the and have its Homily for the Ninth
Psalms of the Week-day are to be said Lesson. Preces are said at Comp/in:
at Mattins, either by reason of the and Prime and the Common Com
Week-day itself or of a Simple Ofice, memorations at Vespers and Lauds,
with certain exceptions, there may be except the Commemoration of that
substituted for the Ofiice of the day which may be the subject of the
one of the following Votive Ofiices. Votive Ofiice. That is to say, the
The excepted days are Ash Wed Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin
nesday, Passion-tide, and the I7th is omitted if the Ofiice be of the
to the 24th of December, both in Immaculate Conception, that of St
clusive. Easter and Whitsun weeks joseph the Ofiice be of him, and
are also excepted, because the Ofiice that of SS. Peter and Paul if the
is already Semi-double, and of the Ofice be of the Apostles.
Octave of the Feast of the preceding In England the use of two of these
Sunday. Oflices —namely, that of the Most Holy
The Ofiice itself is Semi-double, and Sacrament for Thursdays and that of
its relations to the Ofice of a Wee/e the Immaculate Conception for Satur
day, or of a Simple Feast, or a days, is obligatory upon all persons
Semi-double or Double Ofiice 0n the bound to the recitation of the Divine
preceding or succeeding day, are Ofiice, upon all day permitted by the
arranged in the same way as it Pope, except (1) those in Advent and
were a Semzldouble Festival,- thus, a Lent; (2) Eves; (3) Ember Satur
Simple Ofice would be commemorated day; and (4) days to which the Sun
at First Vespers and Lands, and have day Ofiice may be transferred according
the Ninth Lesson, it had a Lesson to the Pie, iv. 5.1 On those days on
or Lessons of its own; and a Greater which the use of the Votive Ofiice is
Week-day would be commemorated at permitted by the Pope, but is not made
Lauds, and the Ninth Lesson would obligatory in England, its use is
be of its Homily, while'in Advent and optional, as is that of the other Votive
Lent the Week-day would be com Ofiices on other days.

1 When these two Votive Offices were introduced by the late Pope Pius IX., and when
they seem to have been made obligatory in England, these days were excepted from the Papal
permission. The edition of the English Ofiices now before the writer (Tournay, 1896) excepts
only Advent and Lent, but the Catholic Directory shows that Eves also are excepted, and
the exceptions would therefore seem to have remained the same as before. Owing to the
multiplication of Festal Offices it is very improbable that the contingencies (3) (4) would
ever OCCU
Laud and honour to the Father;
@flice in honour of fill fiulg Laud and honour to the Son;
gngels, for Munnags. Laud and honour to the Spirit;
Ever Three, and ever One:
Semi-double. Consubstautial, Co-eternal,
While unending ages run. Amen.
All as on Sundays except the fol
At Vespers on Sunday evening is
inserted the firllowing Commemoration. First Antiphon. Great things are
spoken of Michael * the Archangel,
Antiphon. 1Are they not all min who waxed valiant in fight, and won
istering spirits, sent forth to minister the victory.
for them who shall be heirs of salva
Ps. viii. O LORD, our Lord, &c.,
tion. '
Verse. 2Before the Angels will I (fi- 7-)
sing praise unto Thee, O my God. SecondAntiohon. The Angel Gabriel
Answer. I will worship toward spake unto Mary, * and said: Behold
Thine holy Temple, and praise Thy thou shalt conceive in thy womb and
Name. bring forth a Son, and shall call His
Prayer from Loads. Name Jesus.
Ps. x. In the LORD put I my trust,
MATTINS. &c-. (e 9)
Inz/z'tatory. The Lord, He is the Third Antiphon. 4The‘ Angel
King of the Angels. * 0 come, let Raphael said: Bless ye the God of
us worship Him. Heaven, * and confess Him before all
living, for He hath had mercy upon
Hymn.3 you.
THEE, O Christ, the Father's Splendour,
Ps. xiv. LORD, who shall abide,
Life and virtue of the heart, &c., (p. to.)
In the presence of the Angels Verse. 5An Angel stood at the
Sing we now with tuneful art:
Altar of the Temple.
Meetly in alternate chorus
Bearing our responsive part. Answer. Having a golden censer in
his hand.
Thus we praise with veneration
All the armies of the sky: Lessonsfrom Scripture according to
Chiefly him, the warrior Primate the Season.
Of celestial chivalry:
Michael, who in princely virtue First Resyfionsory.
Cast Abaddon from on high.
‘ A multitude: of Angels came with
By whose watchful care, repelling, the Archangel Michael, into whose
King of everlasting grace! wardship God hath permitted the souls
Every ghostly adversary,
of the Saints, that he may lead them
All things evil, all things base;
Grant us of Thine only goodness r \ __ into the garden of gladness.
In Thy paradise a place. Verse. Lord, do Thou send forth

1 Heb. i. 14. 2 Ps. cxxxvii. 2.

3 Hymn by St Rabanus Maurus altered almost beyond recognition ; translated by Dr Neale.
f Tobsxii. 6. . p _ 5 Apoc. vii'i._,3. _ w .

Thine Holy Spirit from heaven, the Tlzz'rd Antiphon. Let us praise the
Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Lord, * Whom the Angels do praise,
Answer. That he may lead them unto Whom Cherubim and Seraphirn
into the garden of gladness. do cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Verse. The smoke of the incense
Second Responsory. ascended up before the Lord.
Answer. Out of the Angel’s hand.
Then the Angel of the Lord
answered and said: O Lord of Hosts,
Fourth Lesson.
how long wilt Thou not have mercy
on Jerusalem, and on the cities of The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
Iuda, against which Thou hast had of Pope St Gregory the Great.
indignation— (34111 on tile Goyels.)
Verse. These three score and ten
years ? IN CE we have run over and inter
Answer. How long wilt Thou not preted the names of the different
have mercy on Jerusalem, and on the Orders of Angels, it remaineth that
cities of Juda, against which Thou we should shortly take up the indica
hast had indignation? tion of their different offices. The
term Power_is‘gi_ven to “thosevspzirv'iff's‘
through whom most often signs and
Tln'rd Responsory.
wonders are worked. The term
1 When ye see the Gentiles, be not Might is applied to those spirits
afraid of them, but in your hearts unto whose order more might hath
worship and fear the Lord; for His been granted than unto the others, so
Angel is with you. that it is to their jurisdiction that the
Verse. An Angel stood at the Altar powers of the enemy are brought into
of the Temple, having a golden censer subjection, and by their might that
in his hand. ' they are so chained up that they can
Answer. For His Angel is with not tempt men’s hearts so much as
you. they fain would.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Fourth Responsory.
Answer. For His Angel is with
you. 3 All the Angels stood round about
the Throne, and about the Elders, and
SECOND NOCTURN. the four living creatures, and fell be
First Antzlnlzon. The smoke of the fore the Throne on their faces and
incense ascended up * before the Lord, worshipped God.
out of the Angel’s hand. Verse. 4Worship the Lord, all ye
His Angels!
Ps. xviii. The heavens declare, &c., Anmer. And fell before the Throne
(fi- 17-) on their faces and worshipped God.
SeeondAntzp/lon. 2 The Angel of the
Lord * encampeth round about them Fifi/z Lesson.
that fear Him, and delivereth them.
“THE Principalities are so called
Ps. xxiii. The earth is the LORD’S, because they are appointed as
&c., (p. 46.) princes over the other good Angels,
l Cf. Baruch, vi. 3-6. 2 Ps. xxxiii. 8. 3 Apoc. vii. n. 4 Ps. xcvi. 7.

command their troops whenever there ness to their Maker, burn with a love
is anything to be done, and direct beyond all compare. Their name
them how to perform their ministry signifieth burners or kindlers. Their
for God. The Dominions bear this fire is their love, and the more pene
name because they are highly exalted, trating is their view of the glory of the
even above the power of the princi Divine Being so much more intense
palities. To be a prince is to be is their love thereof wherewith they
exalted among equals, but to dominate glow.
is to rule over subjects as a Lord. Sixth Responsory.
The Thrones are those hosts over
whom the Almighty God presideth to Before the Angels will I sing praise
exercisejudgment, whence the Psalmist unto Thee, and will worship before
saith, (ix. 5,) “Thou satest on the Thine holy Temple, and will praise
throne judging right.” Thy Name, 0 Lord.
Verse. For Thy loving-kindness,
and for Thy truth; for Thou hast
Fif!!! Responsary.
glorified Thine holy Name in us.
1 An Angel stood at the Altar of the Answer. And I will praise Thy
Temple, having a golden censer in his Name, 0 Lord.
hand; and there was given unto him Verse. Glory be to the Father,
much incense, and the smoke of the and to the Son, and to the Holy
incense ascended up before the Lord, Ghost.
out of the angel’s hand. Answer. And I will praise Thy
Verse. Before the Angels will I sing Name, 0 Lord.
praise unto Thee ; I will worship
toward Thine holy Temple, and praise THIRD NOCTURN.
Thy Name, 0 Lord.
Answer. And the smoke of the in First AntzZt/wn. 8The Lord sent.
cense ascended up before the Lord, His Angel, * which cut on" all the
out of the Angel’s hand. mighty men of valour, and the leaders
and captains in the camp of the King
of Assyria.
Six!!! Lesson.
Ps. xcv. O sing unto the LORD,
THE Cherubim are said to repre &c., (p. 148.)
sent the fulness of knowledge,
and it is for this reason that these Second Anni/ton. Worship the
sublime hosts are so called, because Lord, * all ye His Angels! Zion
the nearer they gaze upon the glory of heard, and was glad.
God so much the more perfect is the
Ps. xcvi. The LORD reigneth, &c.,
knowledge with which they are filled. 2
The word Seraphim is the title
(11 149-)
given to those hosts of holy spirits, Third Antzlfilzon. Bless the Lord,
who, on account of their peculiar near * all ye His Angels, that excel in
1 Cf. Apoc. viii. 3, 4.
5 St Gregory seems to have accepted the opinion that Chrwb is a variant of spelling for
Qrwb, and therefore means one who draws near. The derivation of the word is now considered
very uncertain, but the traditional belief certainly is that the Cherubim are the representatives
of contemplation, of knowledge as distinguished from love,—that is, of the intellectual as
opposed to the emotional, or the understanding as opposed to the heart, represented by the
Seraphim, whose name is undeniably derived from saraph, to burn.
' 2 Par. Cbron. xxxii. 2r.

._.,..‘a A.‘

strength, that do His commandments, Seventh Responsory.

to hearken unto the voice of His word.
The Angel of the Lord came down,
Ps. cii. Bless the LORD, &c., into the furnace, together with Azariah
(p. 160.) _ and his fellows, and smote the flame
of the fire out of the furnace, so that
Verse. Before the Angels will I
the fire touched them not at all,
sing praise unto Thee,‘ O my God.
neither hurt them. ’
Answer. I will worship toward
Verse. Blessed be their God, Who
Thine holy Temple, and- praise Thy
sent His Angel and delivered His
servants that trusted in Him.
Seventh Lesson. Answer. 50 that the fire touched
them not at all, neither hurt them.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to John (i. 47.)
Ezlghth Lesson.
AT that time : JESUS saw Nathanael
coming to Him, and saith of HEN they ascend upward to
him: Behold an Israelite indeed, in gaze they search into that
whom is no guile. And so on. truth wherewith they are sated by
longing, and by satiety are made to
Homily by St Bernard, Abbat [of
long the more; when they descend
Clairvaux.] (11th on Ps. xc.)
downward they work mercy upon us
- What are the goings of the holy by keeping us in all our ways. For
Angels? Surely those goings whereof “are they not all ministering spirits
the Only-Begotten Son hath told us sent forth to minister for them who
when He saith: “Hereafter ye shall shall be heirs of salvation?” (Heb.
see heaven open, and the Angels of i. 14.) Surely they are not our lords
God ascending and descending upon but our ministers, and herein they are
the Son of Man.” Their goings, even as the Son of Man, who came
therefore, are by way of ascent and not to be ministered unto but to
descent: they ascend for their own minister, (Matth. xx. 28,) and Who
sakes, and they descend, or to speak was among His disciples as he that
more truly, they condescend for our serveth. (Luke xxii. 27.) The fruit
sakes. Thus do these blessed spirits of the goings of the holy Angels is“,
ascend upward by gazing upon God, as toucheth themselves, their own
and they descend downward bywpity blessedness and the conforming obedi
for theEfthatmthEy'hiayikéep“thee in
ence inspired by their love; but as
aii"‘ii;9“wsy§1 "U'I‘hey ascend upward
toucheth us, we receive through them
to 'thé'i'i'sion of HiWrey'descend the keeping of all our ways under the
ddfififiia at“ the (intimation [of His care of God’s grace, for He hath given
wiIIE'TdrT‘iI-Ie'hath‘ given His Angels _His Angels charge over thee, to keep
charge over thee,when
thy ways’rzi'but to keep
they thee in all
so descend
thee in all thy‘needs.

downward they do not thereby lose Eighth Responsory.

the beatific vision of His glory, for
we know that in heaven the Angels 1 Lord, Thou didst send Thine
do always behold the face of the Angel in the time of Hezekiah, King
Father. (Matth. xviii. IO.) of Juda, and didst slay in the host
1 2Mac . xv. 22-24.

of Sennacherib an hundred fourscore For when the heart is unburdened and

and five thousand; wherefore now light, it is easier for it to rise to seek
also, 0 Lord of heaven, send Thy and love the truth.
good Angel before us, for a fear and
dread of the might of Thine arm. The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
Verse. That those be stricken with God," is stud.
terror that come with blasphemy
against Thine holy people.
Answer. \Vherefore now also, 0 Firs! Antzlohon. 0 ye Angels of
Lord of heaven, send Thy good Angel the Lord, * bless ye the Lord alway.
before us, for a fear and dread of the Seoond Anhlfihon. God hath given
might of Thine arm. His Angels charge over thee, * to keep
Verse. Glory be to the Father, thee in all thy ways.
and to the Son, and to the Holy Third Antzlohon. In heaven their
Ghost. Angels do alway behold the face of
Answer. Wherefore now also, 0 My Father * which is in heaven.
Lord of heaven, send Thy good Angel Fourth Antiphon. Praise ye God
before us for a fear and dread of the * all His Angels,—praise ye Him all
might of Thine arm. His hosts !
Fifth Antiohon. 0 ye Angels and
If the Nz'nlh Lesson is no! of the Archangels, * 0 ye Thrones and
Homily of a Week-day or [hat of Dominions, 0 ye Principalities and
a Simple, it is as follows. Powers, 0 ye Mighty Ones of
heaven, praise ye the Lord from
IN the meantime God hath given the heavens!
His Angels charge over thee,
not to take thee out of thy ways, but
to keep thee in thy ways, and so by Chapler. (Exod. xxiii. 20.)
their ways to make thy ways His BEHOLD I send Mine Angel before
ways; for, if thou wouldst know how, thee, to keep thee in the way,
He would have thee also descend and and to bring thee into the place which
condescend, thine own needs com I have prepared. Beware of him,
pelling and admonishing thee to that and obey his voice.
which the Angel doth from the purer
motive of love, to condescend by show
ing pity toward thy neighbour, and Hymn. 1
again to ascend along with the Angels
CHRIST ! of the holy Angels light and
by lifting up thy desires and striving gladness.
with all thine heart’s longing after Maker and Saviour of the human race,
the supreme and eternal truth. Thus 0 may we reach the world unknown to sad
are we exhorted to lift up hearts and _ ness,
hands together; thus do we hear it The blessed mansions where they see Thy
said every day, “ Lift up your hearts ” ; Face !
thus are we rebuked for our slothful
Angel of peace, may Michael to our dwelling
ness ; and thus is it said unto us: “ 0 Down from high Heaven in mighty calm
ye sons of men, how long will ye be ness come,
dull of heart? why will ye love vanity Breathing serenest peace, wild war dispelling
and seek after leasing ? ” (Ps. iv. 3.) With all her sorrows to the infernal gloom.
1 Translation by the Rev. W. J. Copeland.

Angel of might, may Gabriel swift descend PRIME.

Far from our gates our ancient foes repel, Antiphon. 0 ye Angels of the
And his own triumphs o’er the world defend Lord, &c., (First A ntiphon at Lauds.)
In temples dear to Heaven return and Chapter at the end. (Apoc. xii. 7.)
THERE was a great war in heaven,
Angel of health, may Raphael lighten o'er us, Michael and his angels fought
To every sick-bed speed his healing flight, against the dragon, and the dragon
In times of doubt direct the way before us, fought and his angels: and prevailed
' And through life's mazes guide our steps
not; neither was their place found
any more in heaven.
The Virgin, harbinger of peace supemal,
Mother of Light, with all the Angelic train, TERCE.
Heaven’s glittering host, court of the King
Antiphon. God hath given, &c.,
(Second A ntiphon at Lauds.)
All Saints be with us, till that bliss we gain.
Chapter from Lauds.
Be this by Thy thrice holy Godhead granted,
Father, and Son, and Spirit ever blest ;
Short Responsory.
Whose glory by the Angel host is chanted,
Whose Name by all the universe confest. An Angel stood at the Altar of the
Amen. Temple.
Answer. An Angel stood at the
Verse. Before the Angels will I Altar of the Temple.
sing praise unto Thee, O my God. Verse. Having a golden censer in
Answer. I will worship toward his hand.
Thine holy Temple, and praise Thy Answer. At the Altar of the Temple.
Name. Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
1 The Angel that talked with me came Answer. An Angel stood at the
again, and waked me as a man that Altar of the Temple.
is wakened out of his sleep. Verse. And the smoke of the in
cense ascended up before the Lord—
Answer. Out of the Angel’s hand.
Prayer throughout.
GOD, Who hast ordained and SEXT.
constituted the services of Antiphon. In heaven, &c., (Third
angels and men in a wonderful order, Antiphon at Lauds.)
mercifully grant that as Thine holy
angels alway do Thee service in
Chapter. (Apoc. v. 11.)
heaven, so, by Thine appointment,
they may suffer and defend us on I HEARD the voice of many Angels
earth. Through our Lord JESUS round about the throne, and the
Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and living creatures, and the elders; and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity the number of them was thousands of
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world thousands, saying with a loud voice:
without end. Amen. Salvation unto our God.
1 Zac. iv. 1.

Short Responsory. A ntzjohon at the Song of the Blessed

Virgin. Holy Angels who stand ever
The smoke of the incense ascended
before God in heaven, shield us in
up before the Lord.
the battle, that we perish not in the
Answer. The smoke of the incense
awful judgment.
ascended up before the Lord.
Verse. Out of the Angel’s hand.
Answer. Before the Lord.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Office in fitment of all
and to the Son, and to the Holy the finlg Qpustlts, fur
Answer. The smoke of the incense
ascended up before the Lord. Semi-double.
Verse. Before the angels will I
sing praise unto Thee, O my God. The Ojiee is the Common Ofiee for
Answer. I will worship toward Apostles, (p. 462).
Thine holy Temple, and praise Thy The Common Commemoration of
Name. SS. Peter and Paul is omitted.
Prayer throughout.
Antiphon. 0 ye angels and arch
angels, &c. (Fifth Antiphon at GOD, Who didst will that Thy
Lands.) blessed Apostles should be the
means whereby Thou hast brought us
Chafiter as at the end of Prime.
to know Thy Name, grant unto us
the grace to celebrate unto our profit
Short Responsory. their everlasting glory. Through our
Before the angels will I sing praise Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
_unto Thee, O my God. liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
Answer. Before the angels will I unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
sing praise unto Thee, O my God. world without end. Amen.
Verse. I will worship toward Thine The Lessons of the First Nocturn are
'holy Temple, and praise Thy Name. from Scripture according to the Season,
Answer. 0 my God. hut 1f the day have no Senloture
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Lessons, then they are from I Cor. iv.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. 1, as in the Common Ofiiee, (p. 466.)
Answer. Before the angels will I
sing praise unto Thee, O my God.
Verse. Worship God. SECOND NOCTURN.
Answer. All ye his angels. Fourth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
of St Austin, Bishop [of Hipp0.]
Antiphons, Chapter, Verse and An (43rd on the Saints.)
swer, and Prayerfrom Lauds.
THEY are the light of the world,
Psalms of Sunday, except the last, because they were the means
which is Ps. cxxxvii., I will praise whereby the Lord was first pleased
Thee, &c., (p. 197.) to give unto this world the light of
Hymn from Mattins. faith and true knowledge, and to

deliver the nations and peoples from ‘ Sixt/z Lesson.

the darkness of ignorance and sin.
They are the salt of the earth, for THEY therefore are our princes,
they were the means whereby they princes made most perfect in
that dwell upon the earth have love for God, and filled with love for
tasted the savour of life eternal, their neighbour. Whence they were
that they might be preserved from able to overcome the onset of the
the looseness of the flesh and the world and to conquer that bloody age,
corruption .of sin and weakness. because they loved nothing~in any
They are they of whom John saith thing except the will of God. Even~
in his revelation (xxi. I4, 19) that so, brethren, let us love to do the will
the wall of the heavenly city had of God in all things, to love our
twelve foundations, garnished with Maker in Himself, and the things
all manner of precious stones, and which He has made for their 'Maker’s
in them the names of the twelve sake, and so shall our love be well
Apostles of the 'Lamb, for their ordered. “ For God is love " (I John
preaching was the mean. whereby iv. 8,) and he that loveth with this
God was pleased to lay the found love loveth God; and if we thus love,
ations of the Church, whence also God Himself loveth us, and the Holy
Paul saith (Eph. ii. 19): “Ye are Apostles that are to judge us love us,
no more strangers and foreigners, and pray for us, that at Christ’s gen?
but fellow-citizens with the Saints, eral judgment we may be crowned
and of the household of God, and along with them for ever.
are built upon the foundation of
the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS THIRD NOCTURN.
Christ Himself being the chief ' Seventh Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Gospel according to Matth. (xix.
Fg'ftlz Lesson. 27.)
DEARLY beloved brethren, when T that time: Peter said unto
we call these things to mind, JESUS: Behold, we have for
let us strive to put in practice what saken all and followed Thee; what
these great leaders have taught and shall we have, therefore? And so on.
commanded us. Let us learn by
Homily by St Hilary, Bishop [of
their example to esteem lightly the
Poitiers.] (Comment. on Matt/z. xx.)
riches of the world, to love not the
pleasures of this life, to desire the It is written that Peter answered
kingdom of heaven, to put Christ and said unto the Lord, “Behold,
before all things, and to obey His we have forsaken all and followed
commandments in all things, to love Thee; what shall we have, there
the poverty of things present, to fore? and JESUS said unto them:
pile up riches by-grace, to choose Amen, I,say unto y0u, that ye
the treasure of wisdom, to seek which have followed Me, in' the
the gladness of the spirit, to envy regeneration when the Son of Man
no man, but to love all men, shall sit in the throne of His glory,
even our friends in God, and our ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones
enemies for God, for this only is judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
love in truth. - And everyone that hath forsaken

houses, or brethren, or sisters, or save by faith, to regenerate by

father, or mother, or wife, or child water, to conquer by the cross, to
ren, or land for My Name’s sake, make children of adoption by the
shall receive an hundredfold, and Gospel, to quicken the dead by resur
shall inherit everlasting life ; but many rection? When the Apostles heard
that are first shall be last, and the these things they believed them forth
last shall be first.” There are many with, and they profess that they
reasons which forbid us to place upon have left all things, and this their
these words of the Gospel a literal obedience the Lord doth forthwith
interpretation. reward, while He solveth all the difl‘i
culty of the question above by say
Eighth Lesson. ing, “Ye which have followed Me,
in the regeneration when the Son
WE are admonished by the intro of Man shall sit in the throne of
duction of some things which, His glory, ye also shall sit upon
according to human sense, are self twelve thrones, judging the twelve
contradictory, to seek for an heavenly tribes of Israel." This is that re
sense. The Apostles say that they generation which the Apostles have
have forsaken all things, and yet that, obtained, which the law could not
so far from forsaking Christ, they give, and which, by seating them
have actually followed Him. Christ upon twelve thrones to judge the
had said (i. iv.): “It is easier for a twelve tribes of Israel, has made
camel to go through the eye of a them sharers in the glory of the
needle than for a rich man to enter twelve patriarchs.
into the kingdom of God,” and “When
His disciples heard it they were ex
ceedingly amazed, saying, Who then mm: in fitment of St Sluszpb,
can be saved?” \Vhy should they Spouse of the 361255211 Fir:
be exceedingly amazed ? saying, “ Who
then can be saved,” seeing that they gin wary, anti iBatruu of
themselves had forsaken all things; the QEatlJuItc Qthurdj.
and what they had done, others could
do. It is written also, “But JESUS Semi-double.
beheld them, and said unto them:
With men this is impossible, but with All from the Common Ofice for a
God all things are possible.” How Feast of a Confessor not a Bishop,
can it be said that with men this is except the following.
impossible, when it was the very
thing which the Apostles themselves - FIRST VESPERS.
boasted of having done, and which Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer
the Lord Himself acknowledged that from Lauds.
they had done?
Ninth Lesson. JOSEPH! to thee by hosts on high
And choirs of Christians, laud be
LL this discourse is to be in paid !—
terpreted spiritually. What is Saintly of life,—by purest tie
more possible with God than to Joined unto her, the gloriOus Maid.
' 1 Hymn of the sixteenth century; translation by the Rev. Dr Littledale.

When thou didst doubt thy wife’s repute, came with haste, 1* and found Mary
And mark her great with Sacred Load.
and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a
The angel taught thee that her Fruit
Came from the Holy Ghost of God. manger.
Tlzira' Antip/zon. Behold, the Angel
To clasp the Son, thy Lord, was thine,— of the Lord appeared to Joseph ‘* in
To‘ share His flight to Egypt’s shore,-- , a dream, saying: Arise, and take the
With tearsI to seek in Salem’s. Shrine ' ‘ young Child and His Mother, and flee
Him lost,—with joy, to find once more. into Egypt. ' -
Verse. 3 I will give praise unto Thy
Death brings to other saints their rest; Name— .
Through toil they win the victor's place :— Answer. For Thou hast been mine
Thou happier, like the angels blest,
Helper and Defender.
Alive, hast seen God Face to face.
T118. Lesson: aretaken from Smit
Spare us, 0 Trinity Most High! the day
ture ateording
[lot/e none
to the
then the
Grant that, with Joseph, we may gain
Thy starry realm. and ceaselessly
There raise to Thee our thankful strain. lowing are read.
First Lesson.
Verse. 1 He-made him lord of His
house. The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Answer. And ruler of all His Genesis (xxxix. I.)
Antip/zon at the Song of tire Blessed SO Joseph was brought down to
Virgin. 2 When as Mary, the Mother Egypt, and Potiphar, an officer
of JESUS, was espoused to Joseph, of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an
before they came together, she was Egyptian, bought him of the hands of
found with child of the Holy Ghost. the Ishmaelites, which had brought
him down thither. And the LORD
The Common Commemoration of St was with him, and he was a pros
fosep/z is omitted. perous man; and he was in the house
of his master; and [his master] knew
MATTINS. well that the LORD was with him,
and made all that he did to prosper
Inm‘tatory. In worshipful remem in his hand. And Joseph found
brance of our blessed Defender Joseph, grace in his master’s sight, and he
* let us praise our God. served him; and he made him
overseer over his house, and all that
ffymn as at First Vespers. he had he put into his hand. And
the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s
FIRST NOCTURN. house for Joseph’s sake, and made
all his substance to increase, in
First Antiplzon. Joseph went up the house, and in the field, [and
from Galilee, * out of the city of he left all that he had in Joseph’s
Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city hand,] and“ he knew not aught he
of David, which is called Bethlehem, had, 'save the bread which he did
to be enrolled with Mary. ' eat. And Joseph' was a goodly per~
Second Antzp/zon. The shepherds --spn,_ and well-favoured.
1 Ps. civ. 21. 2 Matth.;i, 18. 3 Ecclus. If. r. 2.

First Responsory. Second Responso’y.

1 The people cried to Pharaoh 2 for 4 God hath made me as a father to
bread: and he answered them: Go Pharaoh, and lord of all his house.
unto Joseph. He hath made me great, to save much
Verse. 3 The saving of our lives is people alive.
in thy hand; only let us find grace Verse. 5 Come unto me, and I will
in thy sight, and we will gladly be give you all the good of the land of
Pharaoh’s servants. Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the
Answer. And he answered them: land.
Go unto Joseph. Answer. He hath made me great,
to save much people alive.
Seeond Lesson. (xli. 37.)
Tlu'rd Lesson.
THE thing was good in the eyes
of Pharaoh, and in the eyes ND Pharaoh said moreover unto
of all his servants, and he said Joseph: I am Pharaoh: with
unto them: Can we find such an out thee shall no man lift up his hand
one as this is, a man in whom the or foot in all the land of Egypt. And
Spirit of God is? Unto Joseph he changed his name, and called him
therefore he said: Forasmuch as in the Egyptian tongue, “Saviour-of
God hath showed thee all this the-world.” 6And he gave him to
which thou hast spoken, how shall wife Asenath daughter of Potiphar,
I find any man more discreet and Priest of Heliopolis. 50 Joseph went
wise than thou art? Thou shalt be out into the land of Egypt, (he was
over my house, and according to thirty years old when he stood before
thy word shall all my people be King Pharaoh) and went throughout
ruled: only in the throne will I all the land of Egypt. And the plen
be greater than thou. And Pharaoh teousness of the seven years came to
said moreover unto Joseph: See, pass, and the corn was gathered by
I have set thee over all the land handfuls, and laid up in the granaries
of Egypt. And he took off his ring of Egypt. The fruit of the field which
from his hand, and put it upon his was round about every city was laid
hand; and arrayed him in a vesture up in the same. And so plentiful
of fine linen, and put a gold chain was the wheat that it was like unto
about his neck, and he made him the sand of the sea, and exceeded all
to ride in the second chariot which reckoning.
he had, and an herald cried out
that all men should bow the knee
Tlzz'rd Responsory.
before him, and should know that
he had been made ruler over all 7Now shall I die happy, since I
the land of Egypt. have seen thy face, and do leave thee

1 Gen. xli. 55.

2 Rex, “the king," according to Gesenius, a simple translation of the Egyptian word; but
the translator has thought it best to give the foreign word, as it stands in the Hebrew and m
the Vulgate.
3 Gen. xlvii. 25. 4 Gen. xlv. 8; l. 20 5 Gen. xlv. 18.
6 Tsaphnath Phanéach. LXX. Psonthomphanéch. Egyptian scholars interpret it as above,
recognising in it a corruption of the Egyptian P-sot-m-ph-enech, but the Jews had an inter
pretation of their own from the Hebrew form—i.e., “ Revealer-of-a-secret" (so Gesenius).
7 Cf. Gen. xlvi. 3o; xlviii. 1!.
8'70 THEI.VO'I‘IVE."OFFICES;~ ~I . 1i.

behind me.- I-am not disappointed of of excellency; or rather because, as

seeing thee. The Lord hath showed another Evangelist hath it, he was
me also thy seed. not simply a man, but was rightly
Verse. 1 He That hath fed me called her husband, “as he wasneces
from my youth up, bless the lads, and sarily supposed so to be. He was
let my name be named on them. thus‘called her husband because he
Answer. The Lord hath- showed must needs have been so supposed to
me also thy seed. ' be, as also he was deemed meet not
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and in deed to be, but to be'called, the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. father of the Saviour, since he was
Answer. The Lord hath showed supposed so to be, as saith this same
me also thy seed. - '" -- - ' Evangelist: “And JESUS Himself be
gan aboutihirty years of age,
being (as was supposed) the son of
Joseph.” ‘
First Antiphon. Joseph arose, and
took the young Child and His Mother Fourth Responsory.
by night, and departed into "EgyPt;
8Thou hast given me the shield of
and' was there until the death of
Thy salvation, and Thy right hand
hath holden me; up. My buckler,
Second Antibhon. When Herod
and the horn of my salvation, and
Was dead, an Angel of the Lord
my refuge. . . .
appeared in a 'dream to 'Joseph in
Egypt, saying: Arise, and take the
Verse. 41 am thy shield and thy
exceeding great reward.
young Child and His Mother, and
Answer; My buckler, and the
go into the land of Israel: for they
horn of my salvation, and my re
are dead which sought the young
Child’s life. - fuge.
Third Antiphon. Joseph took the Fifth Lesson.
young Child and His Mother, and
came into“ the land of Israel. WE cannot doubt but that a good
Verse. 2 Look down from heaven, . and faithful man was Joseph,
and behold, and visit this 'vine— unto whom was espoused the Mother
Answer. And protectjthat [Thy of the Saviour.' He was a faithful
right hand hath planted] ‘ and .wise servant whom the Lord
set up for the comfort of His own
Mother, the fosterage of His own
Fourth Lesson. flesh, and then a faithful helper
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons Whom His own great counsel formed
of St Bernard, Abbat [of Clairvaux.] upon earth. In addition thereto it
(2nd upon Luke i. 26.) is said that he was of the house of
David. He was indeed of the house
MARY was espoused to Joseph, or, of David. This man Joseph was
as it would be better to express indeed of kingly race, noble by birth,
it in the very words of the Evangelist, but nobler in heart, he was indeed
to a man whose name was Joseph. a son of David, and no unworthy
He calleth him a man not because 'descendant of David his father.
he was a husband, but by a title was indeed a son of David, not in
. .

i'Gen. xlviii. 15, 16. 9 Ps. lxxix..15, 16. 3 Ps. xvii. 36, 3. ‘ Gen. xv. I.

the flesh only, but by loyalty and her was fulfilled that which the Lord
holiness and earnestness. One of had sworn in truth unto David, (Ps.
'whom the Lord might have given cxxxi. [1,) saying, “0f the fruit of
testimony, and said, “I have found thy body will I set upon My throne,”
David the son of Jesse a man after while Joseph stood by the conscious
mine own heart, which shall fulfil all witness of the fulfilment of the
My will” (Acts xiii. 22.) A man promise.
who could say, like David, “The
hidden secrets of Thy wisdom Thou Szlxtlz ‘Responsory.
hast made manifest unto me” (Ps.
l. 7.) A man who wasmade “a 5Though an host should encamp
minister according to the dispensa against me, my heart shall not fear.
tion of God . . . to fulfil the word Though war should rise against me,
of God, even the mystery which hath in this will I be confident.
been hid for ages and for genera Verse. 6My praise shall be con
tions, but now is made manifest to tinually of Thee, .for Thou art my
His saints ” (Col. i. 26.) strong refuge.
Answer. Though war should rise
against me, .in this will I be con
F{ft/z Responsory. fidenL
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
1He shall set his children under
and to the Son, and to the Holy
her2 shelter, and shall lodge under
her branches: by her shall he be
Answer. ThOugh war should rise
covered from heat, and in her glory
against me, in this will I be con
shall he dwell.
Verse. 8Trust in Him,‘ ye con
gregation of the people, pour out THIRD NOCTURN.
your heart before Him.
Answer. And in her glory shall First Antiphon. When Joseph
he dwell. heard that Archelaus did reign in
Judea in the room of his father Herod,
Sixl/z Lesson. he was afraid to go thitherfi
Seeond Antiphon. Joseph being
UNTO Joseph it was given not warned of God in a dream turned
' only to see and to hear that aside into the parts of Galilee, and
which many prophets and kings had he came and dwelt in a city called
desired to see and had not seen, Nazareth, 'that it might be fulfilled
and to hear and had not heard, (Luke which was spoken by the prophets:
x. 24,) but even to carry this, to lead He shall be called a Nazarene.
it, to embrace it, to kiss it, to feed it, Tlu'rd Antiphon. The Father and
and to keep it. We must, however, Mother of JESUS marvelled at those
believe that Mary as well as Joseph things which were spoken of Him,
was of the house and lineage of and Simeon blessed them.
David, since if she had not so been Verse. 71 called upon the Lord,
she would not have been espoused to the Father of my Lord—
one who was so. Both, therefore, Answer. _That He would not leave
were of the house of David, but in me in the days of my trouble.
1 Ecclus. xiv. 26, 27. 2 l.e., Wisdom's. 3 Ps. lxi. 9. ‘ 1.e., in God—see context.
5 Ps. xxvi. 3. ‘1 Ps. lxx. 6, 7. .1? ,Eeclus. Ii. 14.

Seventh - Lesson. Seventh Responsory,.

The Lesson is taken from the Holy 1Joseph, thou son of David, fear
Gospel according to Luke (iii. 21.) not to take unto thee Mary thy wife ;
AT that time: When all the people for That Which is conceived in her
were baptized, it came to pass, is of the Holy Ghost: and she shall
that JESUS also being baptized and bring forth a Son; and thou shalt
praying, the heaven was opened. call His Name JESUS.
And so on. Verse. For He shall save His
people from their sins.
Homily by St Augustine, Bishop Answer. And thou shalt call His
[of Hippo.] (Against Faustus, xxiii. Name JESUS.
7, 8.)
From heaven, over the Jordan, Ezlghth Lesson.
“The Holy Ghost descended in a
bodily shape like a clove upon Him, AD it been useless for us to be
and a voice came from heaven which lieve this, the aforenamed
said, Thou art My beloved Son, in Apostle would not have been so
Thee I am well pleased.” Thus also careful to remind Timothy to (2 Tim.
upon the high mountain, “Behold a ii. 8) “remember that JESUS Christ
bright cloud overshadowed Him, and of the seed of David was raised from
behold a voice out of the cloud which the dead according to my gospel.”
said, This is My beloved Son, in The question now ariseth before the
whom I am well pleased; hear ye reader of the Holy Gospel, where-_
Him” (Matth. xvii. 5.) And He fore since he doth us to wit that
over Whom these voices sounded Christ was born of the Virgin without
from heaven was the Son of God any coition with Joseph, this Christ
before ever they were uttered, for is, nevertheless, called the Son of
He was He “Who albeit in the David, although the pedigree for
womb of the Virgin He took upon David given by the Evangelist
Him the form of a servant, and Matthew is not that of Mary but
was made in the likeness of men,” that of Joseph. The first reason is
was the same “Who, being in the that in order of sex the husband is
form of God, thought it not robbery named before the wife, and that he
to be equal with God” (Phil. ii. 7, 6.) is not the less called husband because
Whence also the same Apostle Paul he knew her not, since this same
saith plainly in another place, (Gal. Matthew when he saith (i. 20) that
iv. 4, 5,) that, “When the fulness That Which was conceived in her was
of the time was come, God sent forth of the Holy Ghost, expressly giveth
His Son. made of a woman, made to Joseph (19) the title of “her
under the law, to redeem them that husband."
were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons.” He Eighth Responsory.
is the Son of God who is the
Lord of David, as touching His 2Arise, and take the young Child,
Godhead, and is yet as touching and His Mother, and flee into Egypt ;
His flesh the Son of David begotten and be thou there until I bring thee
of David’s seed. word.
1 Matth. i. so, an 3 Matth. ii. 13, r 5.

Verse. That it might be fulfilled city of Nazareth, unto Judea, unto

which was spoken of the Lord by the city of David, which is called
the Prophets, saying: Out of Egypt Bethlehem.
have I called my Son. Fourth Antzlohon. 4 And they came
Answer. And be thou there until with haste, * and found Mary and
I bring thee word. Joseph, and the Babe lying in a
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and manger.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Fifth Antithon. 5And JESUS Him
Answer. And be thou there until self began to be about thirty years of
I bring thee word. age, being (as was supposed) the Son
of Joseph.
Ninth Lesson.
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 26.)
HIS one and the same Matthew
therefore saith that Joseph was THE blessings of thy father have
the husband of Mary, that the Mother been strengthened by the bless
of Christ was a virgin, that Christ ings of his progenitors, until the
was of the seed of David, and that Desire of the everlasting hills come;
Joseph was in the pedigree of Christ let them be on the head of Joseph,
from David. The only conclusion is and on the crown of him that was a
that Mary herself was of the lineage Nazarite6 from his brethren.
of David, and that she was called
the wife of Joseph in order of enum Hymn.7
eration of sex, and on account of
CV of the Saints! who didst uphold
their union of soul, and that Joseph
Our life‘s sure Hope, the world‘s one
is included in the pedigree as her hus Stay,—
band, lest it might otherwise seem as Joseph ! as now thy praise is told,
if he were parted from a wife to whom Hearken to us in love to-day.
he was bound by oneness of heart.
The great Creator made it thine
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O To be the spouse of purest Maid,
God, &c.,” is said. And father of the Word Divine
ln name—salvation's work to aid.

LAU DS. Thou seest with joy in manger lie

The Saviour sung by seers of yore,
First Antzphon. 1 And Jacob begat And Him, the Son of God Most High,
Joseph, * the husband of Mary, of In lowliness thou didst adore.
whom was born JESUS, Who is called
Christ. The King of kings, the Lord of all,
Second Antiohon. 2The Angel The God Whom heaven in awe attends,
Gabriel * was sent from God, unto Whose nod makes trembling demons fall,
a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To thee in meek submission bends.
to a Virgin espoused to a man whose
To God Most High, the Three in One,
name was Joseph. Be praise, Who gave such grace to thee,
Third Antiohon. 3 And Joseph also He make us win what thou hast won,
went up * from Galilee, out of the The joys of life eternally. Amen.

1 Matth. i. 16. 9 Luke i. 26, 27. 3 Luke ii. 4. 4 Luke ii. 16. 5 Luke iii. 23.
6 "Separate," i.e. as sold away from them. Perhaps allusion is also made to the previous
1 Hymn of the sixteenth century or later; translation by the Rev. Dr Littledale.
VOL. I. 2F

Verse. 1Thou hast given me the Verse. And ruler of all His sub
shield of Thy salvation. stance.
Answer. And Thy right hand hath Answer. Lord of His house.
holden me up. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Antzjohon at the Song of Zacharias. and' to the Son, and to the Holy
2Joseph, thou son of David, fear not Ghost.
to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for Answer. He made him lord of
That Which is conceived in her is of His house.
the Holy Ghost. Verse. I will give praise unto Thy
Prayer throughout the Ofiee. Answer. For Thou hast been mine
Helper and Defender.
O GOD, Who in Thine unspeak
able foreknowledge didst choose
Thy blessed servant Joseph to be the SEXT.

husband of Thine Own most holy Antiphon. And Joseph also, &c.,
Mother; mercifully grant that now (Third A ntiphon at Lauds.)
that he is in heaven with Thee, we
who on earth do reverence him for
Chapter. (Gen. xlix. 25.)
our defender, may worthily be holpen
by the succour of his prayers to THE God of thy father shall
Thee on our behalf; Who livest and help thee, and the Almighty
reignest with God the Father, in shall bless thee with blessings of
the unity of the Holy Ghost, ‘one heaven above.
God, world without end. Amen.
The Common Commemoration of St Short Responsory.
joseph is omitted.
I will give praise unto Thy Name.
Answer. I will give praise unto
Thy Name.
Antiphon. And Jacob, &c., (First Verse. For thou hast been mine
Antiphon at Lauds.) Helper and Defender.
Answer. Praise unto Thy Name.
Chapter at the end. (Gen. xlix. 22.) Verse. Glory be to the Father,
OSEPH is a fruitful bough, a and to the Son, and to the Holy
fruitful bough and comely to look Ghost.
upon, whose branches run over the Answer. I will give praise unto
wall. Thy Name.
TERCE. Verse. The righteous shall grow as
the lily.
Antiphon. The Angel Gabriel, &c., Answer. Yea, he shall flourish for
(Second Antinhon at Lauds.) ever in the presence of the Lord.
Chapter from Lauds.
Short Responsory.
Antiphon. And JESUS Himself,
He made him lord of His house.
&c., (Fifth Antiphon at Lauds.)
Answer. He Amade him lord of
His house. Chapter as at the end of Prime.
1 Ps. xvii. 36. 3 Matth. i. 20.

Short Responsory. after the order of Melchisedec, hath

ofi'ered bread and wine.
The righteous shall grow as the
SeeondAntinhon. He hath made
His wonderful works to be re
Answer. The righteous shall grow
membered; * the LORD is [gracious
as the lily.
and] full of compassion. He hath
Verse. Yea, he shall flourish for
given meat unto them that fear Him.
ever in the presence of the Lord.
Third Antzphon. I will take the
Answer. As the lily.
cup of salvation, * and offer the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
sacrifice of thanksgiving.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. The righteous shall grow Ps. cxv. I believed, therefore have
as the lily. I spoken, &c., (fi. 185.)
Verse. 1Planted in the house of
Fourth Antiphon. Let the child
the Loan. ren of the Church be like olive-plants
Answer. In the courts of the house * round about the table of the Lord.
of our God.
Ps. cxxvii. Blessed is every one,
SECOND VESPERS. &c., (p. 191.)

All as at First Vespers, exeept the Fifth Antzlzfihon. The Lord, That
following : maketh peace in the borders of the
Church, * filleth her with the finest
Verse. 2I sat under His shadow in of the wheat.
Whom I delighted.
Answer. And His fruit was sweet Ps. cxlvii. Praise the LORD, 0
to my taste. Jerusalem, &c., (p. 203.)

Antiphon at the Song qf the Blessed

Virgin. 85%, why hast Thou thus
dealt with us? Behold, Thy father OF the glorious Body telling,
and I have sought Thee sorrowing. O my tongue, Its mystery sing;
And the Blood, all price excelling,
Which for this world's ransoming
In a noble womb once dwelling
@fi’tcz in 3901mm of the {Host He shed forth, the Gentiles' King.
finlg 5atrammt at the gltar,
Given for us, for us descending
for @bursliags. Of a Virgin to proceed,
Man with man in converse blending
Semi-double. Scattered He the Gospel seed:
Till His sojourn drew to ending
All as on Sundays except the fol
Which He closed in wondrous deed.
FIRST VESPERS. At the Last Great Supper seated,
Circled by His brethren’s hand,
Chapter and Prayerfrom Lauds. All the Law required, completed,
In the Feast its statutes planned,
First Antzphon. 4 Christ the Lord, To the twelve Himself He meted
being made an High Priest for ever * For their Food, with His own Hand.
1 Ps. xci. 14. 2 Cant. ii. 3. 9 Luke ii. 48. 4 Heb. vi. :0; Gen. xiv. 18.
5 Hymn by St Thomas Aquinas; translation by the late Dr Neale, (two words altered,
“noble” for “generous,” as a translation of “generosi” in the rst, and “for” for “in”
in the. 4th.)

Word made Flesh, by word He maketh Hymn.3

Very bread His Flesh to be;
Man for wine Christ's Blood partaketh; LET old things pass away;
And if senses fail to see, Let all be fresh and bright;
Faith alone the true heart waketh And welcome we with hearts renewed
To behold the Mystery. This Feast of new delight.

Therefore, we, before It bending, Upon this hallowed eve,

This great Sacrament adore: Christ with His brethren ate,
Types and shadows have their ending Obedient to the olden Law,
In the new rite evermore: The Pasch before Him set.
Faith, our outward sense amending,
Maketh good defects before. Which done,—I-Iimself entire,
The True Incarnate God,
Honour, laud, and praise addressing Alike on each, alike on all,
To the Father and the Son, His sacred Hands bestowed.
Might ascribe we, virtue, blessing,
And eternal benison: He gave His Flesh; He gave
Holy Ghost, from Both progressing, His Precious Blood; and said:
Equal land to Thee be done. Amen. " Receive and drink ye all of This
For your salvation shed."
Verse. 1 Thou didst send them
from heaven— Thus did the Lord appoint
Answer. Bread able 'to content This Sacrifice sublime,
every man’s delight. And made His Priests the ministers
Antzlohon at the Song of the Blessed Through all the bounds of time.
Virgin. 2 O Lord, how kindly is Thy
Farewell to types! henceforth
Spirit! * even Thine, Whose sus We feed on Angels' Food;
tenance declared Thy sweetness unto The slave—O, wonder l—eats the Flesh
Thy children when Thou didst send Of his Incarnate God!
them from heaven bread tempering
itself to every man’s liking, 0 Thou, 0 Blessed Three in One!
Who hast filled the hungry with good Visit our hearts, we pray,
things, and the rich, that are proud And lead us on through Thine own paths
To Thy eternal day. Amen.
in the imagination of their hearts,
Thou hast sent empty away.
At Compline and every other Ofiice
the last verse of the Hymn is altered First Antiohon. The Lord brought
in honour of the Incarnation, except forth His fruit in the season of His
ing only the three Hymns proper to death, * even that fruit whereof if
the Feast. any man eat, he shall live for ever.4
Ps. i. Blessed is the man, &c.,
Invitatory. 0 come, and let us
Second Antiphon. His faithful ones
worship Christ,
which are increased by the fruit of
Of all the nations Lord, *
His corn and His wine * do lay them
\Nho doth, to them that feed on
down in peace and sleep in Christ.
The Bread of Life afford. Ps. iv. When I called, &c., (p. 206.)
1 Wisd. xvi. 20. 2 Wisd. xii. 1; xvi. 21.
a Hymn by St Thomas Aquinas ; translation by the Rev. E. Caswall. ‘ John vi. 51.
Third Antiohon. 1 Us, being many, Seeond Lesson.
hath the Lord made one body, * for
we are all partakers of that one cup, OR I have received of the Lord
that which also I delivered unto
which is not the communion of the
you, That the Lord JESUS, the same
blood of bulls, but of God Himself.
night in which He was betrayed, took
Ps. xv. Preserve me, O Lord, &c., bread; and, when He had given
(p. 12.) thanks, He brake it, and said: Take,
eat: This is My Body, Which shall
Verse. 2 He gave them of the bread
be given for you; this do in remem
of heaven—
brance of Me. After the same
Answer. Man did eat Angels’
manner also He took the cup, when
He had supped, saying: This Cup
The Lessons are taken from Strip is the New Testament in My Blood.
ture according to the Season, but when This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in
there are none such the following are remembrance of Me. For as often as
used. ye eat this Bread, and drink this Cup,
First Lesson. ye do show the Lord’s death till He
The Lesson is taken from the First Second Responsory.
Epistle of the Blessed Apostle Paul
to the Corinthians (xi. 20.) 5Ye shall eat flesh, and shall be
filled with bread. * This is the bread
HEN ye come together, there which the LORD hath given you to
fore, into one place, this is not eat.
to eat the Lord’s Supper. For every Verse. 6 Moses gave you not that
one taketh before his own supper to Bread from heaven, but My Father
eat, and one is hungry, and another giveth you the true Bread from
is drunken. What! have ye not heaven.
houses to eat and to drink in? Answer. This is the bread which
or despise ye the Church of God, the LORD hath given you to eat.
and shame them that have not?
What shall I say to you? Do I
Third Lesson.
praise you? In this I praise you
not. HEREFORE, whosoever shall
First Responsory. eat this Bread, or drink the
Cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be
3 The whole assembly of the child guilty of the Body and Blood of the
ren of Israel shall kill the lamb Lord. But let a man examine him
toward the evening of the Passover. self, and so let him eat of that
And they shall eat the flesh, and un Bread, and drink of that Cup. For
leavened bread. he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,
Verse. 4 Even Christ our Passover eateth and drinketh damnation to
is sacrificed for us; therefore let us himself, not discerning the Lord’s
keep the feast with the unleavened Body. For this cause many are weak
bread of sincerity and truth. and sickly among you, and many
Answer. And they shall eat the sleep. For if we would judge our
flesh, and unleavened bread. selves, we should not be judged. But
1 I Cor. x. :7; Heb. ix. 13, 14. 2 Ps. lxxvii. 24, 25. 3 Exod. xii. 6, 8.
‘ 1 Cor. v. 7, 8. 5 Exod. xvi. 12, :5. 6 John vi. 32.

when we are judged, we are chastened Fourth Lesson.

of the Lord, that we should not be
(In December.)
condemned with the world.
The Lesson is taken from the Ser
Third Responsory. mons of the Blessed Patriarch of
1Elijah looked, and, behold, there Jerusalem, Cyril.4 (Catechetical
was a cake baken on the coals at his Lectures, 4.) ‘
head, and he arose, and did eat and THE teaching of the blessed Paul
drink; and went in the strength of seemeth of itself enough in
that meat [forty days and forty nights] struction for you concerning those
unto the mount of God. Divine Mysteries, whereof, if ye be
Verse. 2If any man eat of this made worthy, ye become therein, so
Bread, he shall live for ever. to speak, of one Body and of one
Answer. And went in the strength Blood with Christ. Paul saith that
of that meat [forty days and forty our Lord JESUS Christ, “the same
nights] unto the mount of God. night in which He was betrayed, took
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and bread; and, when He had given
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. thanks, He brake it, and gave it unto
Answer. And went in the strength His disciples, saying: Take, eat;
of that meat [forty days and forty this is My Body. . . . After the same
nights] unto the mount of God. manner also He took the cup,” and
gave thanks, “and said: ”-Take this
SECOND NOCTURN. and drink it; this is My Blood.
Fz'rst Antiphon. The Lord re Since therefore it is He Who hath
member our offering, * and accept definitely stated and said, touching
our burnt-sacrifice. that Bread: “This is My Body”—
who will dare any longer to doubt
Ps. xix. The LORD hear thee, &c.,
that It is so? And since it is He
(p. 18.) again that hath absolutely affirmed
Second Antzlohon. The Lord pre and said, touching that cup: “This
pareth His Table before us * in the is My Blood ”—who is he that will
presence of our enemies. doubt any longer, or say that It is
Ps. xxii. The LORD is my Shep not His Blood.
herd, &c., (p. 47.)
Third Antiphon. Let them that (In january and February.)
keep holiday around the table of the The Lesson is taken from the Ser
Lord * make the voice of joy and mons of St John Chrysostom,
praise to be heard [in the house of [Patriarch of Constantinople] (6 1 st
God] Homily to the people of Antioch.)
Ps. xli. As the hart panteth, &c., DEARLY beloved brethren, it be
(e 95-) hoveth us to learn the miracle
Verse. 8He fed them with the of the Mysteries—what the Gift is,
finest of the wheat and why It was given, and what is
Answer. And with honey out of the use thereof. “We, being many,
the Rock did He satisfy them. are one body," saith [the Apostle
1 3"(r) Kings xix. 6, 8. 9 John vi. 5!. 3 Ps. lxxx. r7.
4 Elected A.D. 350. Suffered much persecution from the Arians, and died March l8, 386.
Paul, (I Cor. x. 17,) and again]— in outward signs which our bodies
“We are members of His Body, of may perceive. l-Qwwmany there
His Flesh, and of His Bones.” (Eph. be which comely
gen-His say: I presence,
would that
HisI Face,
v. 30.) Only the initiated1 will now
understand what I say. That this His garments,
hold,mthou dosteven
see His shoes! Him,
and'touch Be
union may take place, not by love
only, but verily and indeed, we ought yea,__t_l_iougdos_t feed upon Him. And
to mingle our own with His Flesh. wouldest thou behold His raiment?
And this is done by eating that Food Lg, He hath given unto thee not only
Which He hath given unto us, being to behold it, but to feed upon it, and
fain to manifest that exceeding great handle it, and take it into thyself.
love which He beareth to us-ward.
To this end He hath mingled Him Fourth Responsory.
self with us, and infused His Body
into our bodies, that we may be one 2 As they were eating, JESUS took
together, like as the limbs of a man bread, and blest it, and brake it, and
and his head are all of one body. gave it to the disciples, and said:
Such union do they long for that Take, eat; this is My Body.
love much. Verse. 3 The men of my tabernacle
said: O that we had of his flesh!
we cannot be satisfied.
(In March.)
Answer. Take, eat; this is My
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons Body.
of St John Chrysostom, [Patriarch F171]! Lesson.
of Constantinople] (6oth Homily
to the people of A ntioeh.) (In December.)

HE Word saith: “This is My

[The fourth Catechetical Lecture of
the Blessed Cyril—continued]
Body.” This we confess, and
believe, and, with spiritual eyes, do AT the beginning of His ministry,
see. Christ hath not left unto us at Cana in Galilee, the Lord
Himself in such form as that we can turned water into wine, a thing which
see, hear, touch, smell, or taste Him ; hath some qualities in common with
and yet hath He left Himself unto blood; and shall we deem Him less
us in things which we can see, hear, worthy that we should believe Him,
touch, smell, and taste, and which all when He turneth wine into Blood?
men may understand. Thus also is When He was hidden to that marriage
it in baptism; by mean of water, wherein twain were made one flesh,
which men perceive outwardly, is He did the beginning of His miracles
given unto them a gift which they to the amazement of all men; and
can grasp only inwardly, that is, a shall we less surely hold that He hath
new birth. If we had no bodies, given us His Body and Blood to be
then would these things be given us our meat and drink, or take them
without any outward and visible signs, with weaker faith that they are in
but since we are here made up of deed His Body and His Blood?
souls and bodies, there are. given unto Under the appearance of bread He
our souls gifts which they can grasp, giveth unto us His Body, and, under
1 l.e., the baptized, the Church's doctrine on the Eucharist being concealed from the
’ Matth. xxvi. 26. 3 Job xxxi. 3r.

the appearance of wine, His Blood: fiery, all hot, all roused. To the
and when thou shalt come to receive, Jews it was commanded touching
it is on the Body and Blood of Christ the Paschal lamb, (Exod. xii. 11):
that thou wilt feed, being made a “And thus shall ye eat it; with
partaker of His Body and of His your loins girded, your shoes on
Blood. Thus indeed it is that we your feet, and your staff in your
become Christ-bearers,1 namely, by hand; and ye shall eat it in haste;
carrying about Christ in our bodies, it is the LORD’S Passover.” But
when we receive His Body and Blood thou needest to be more watchful
into our own frames. Thus, as the than they. They were just about
blessed Peter hath it, we are “par to travel from Egypt to Palestine,
takers of the Divine nature.” (2 Pet. and therefore they bore the guise of
i. 4.) travellers; but the journey that lieth
before thee is from earth to heaven.
(In january and February.) And therefore it behoveth thee in
all things to be on thy guard, for
[The 6Ist Homily of St John Chrys the punishment of him that eateth or
ostom—eontinuezti] drinketh unworthily is no light one.
HEN we come back from that (I Cor. xi. 27.) Bethink thee how
Table we ought to be like so thou art indignant against him which
many lions‘bre‘athing fire, dreadful to betrayed, and them that crucified
the devil. Our thoughts ought to be the Lord; and look to it well that
'coneentrarefi'on our Great Head and thou also be not “Guilty of the
the love which He showeth us. Many Body and Blood of the Lord.” As
fathers and mothers there are who for them, they slew His Most Holy
give their children to others to n_urse, Body; but thou, after all that He
but I, saith the Lord to His cl'iildfen, ‘ hath done for thee, dost thrust Him
I am nptmso2 but ~lwfeed yOLwLth‘ into thy polluted soul. For His
Mi".6 famwthat
you, 9 “21.25.11,, angler.
ye all shouldMrseliw
be sons J
love, it was not enough to be made
Man, to be buffeted, and to be
of noble blood now, and giving you i crucified; He hath also mingled
a noble hope of that which ye shall Himself with us, by making us His hereafter. I was content to be- . Body, and that not by faith only,
1come your B_rqther,l forflyour s_a_kes but verily and indeed.
ave taken unto Me Flesh and Blood, i
nd that Flesh and Blood wherein I '3
F{ft/z Responsorjl.
m become your Brother, the SaLne ‘
ive I in turn unto ou. 2 JESUS took the cup, after supper,
saying: This cup is the New Testa
(In March.) ment in My Blood. This do in re
membrance of Me.
[The 60th Homily of St John Chrys Verse. My soul hath them astill
in remembrance, and is humbled
0 this table of the Lord let none in me.
dare to draw near with squeam Answer. This do in remembrance
ishness or carelessness. Let all be of Me.
1 Christiferi. 2 Luke xxii. 20, 19.
3 Viz., the affliction and the misery, the wormwood and the gall. See context in
Lam. iii. 20.

Sixth Lesson. counted worthy, and let that remem

brance still the unruly motion. As
(In December.)
often as we take that Body, as often
[The fourth Catechetical Lecture, by as we taste that Blood, let us think
the Blessed Cyril—continued. how that we feed on Him \Vho is
HRIST once said, in conversing sitting on high, adored of Angels, at
with the Jews: “Except ye the right hand of the Eternal Power.
eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and Ah me, how many a way is open to
drink His Blood, ye have no life in us whereby we may be saved! He
you.” (John vi. 53.) But they took hath made us His—He hath given
not spiritually that which He said, His Body to us—and we still are not
and “from that time many of His turned away from evil.
disciples went back, and walked no
more with Him.” (66.) They thought (In March.)
that He had hidden them to eat flesh.
The Old Testament also had Shew [The 60th Homily of St John Chrys
bread, but this Old Testament bread ostom—continued. ]
was now to have an end. The bread CAN anything be purer than that
of the New Testament is “the Bread man ought to be, who eateth of
Which cometh down from heaven ” this great Sacrifice? Can sun-beam
(50), the cup of the New Testament, be clearer than that hand ought to
the Cup of Salvation, that Bread and be which breaketh this Flesh P—that
that Cup Which hallow both souls mouth, which is filled with that
and bodies. \Vherefore I will have spiritual fire P—that tongue, which is
theeto understand that the Bread reddened by that Blood, awful ex
and Wine whereunto thou art to come, ceedingly? That whereon the Angels
aEMnot mere common bread or mere quail to look, neither dare to gaze
common wine; for they are the Body steadfastly upon It, because of the
and the Blood of Christ. Even if thy blinding glory that shineth therefrom,
senses do indeed deny this fact, yet upon This we feed, with This we be
let faith make thee right sure of it. come one, and are made one body of
Judge not the Thing by the taste Christ, and one flesh. “Who can
thereof, but let faith assure thee be utter the'mighty acts of the LORD?
yond all doubt thou art partaking of who can show forth all His praise P”
the Body and Blood of Christ. (Ps. cv. 2.) Where is the shepherd
which feedeth his flock with his own
(In january and February.) blood? Nay, why should I, say,
[The 6lst Homily of St John Chrys shepherd? Many mothers there be,
ostom—continued. ] who, after all the pains of travail, give
their own little ones to strangers to
IET us then, dearly beloved breth nurse. But so would not He, but feed
ren, take good heed to our eth us with His Own Blood, and maketh
selves, as unto the holders of so great us to grow up in His Own substance.
mercies, and when any foul word
springeth to our lips, or we feel anger
Sixth Responsory.
taking possession of us, or the sting
of any other sinful passion, let us 1I am that Bread of life. Your
call to mind of What we have been fathers did eat manna in the wilder
! John vi. 48-51.
VOL. I. 2F2

ness, and are dead. This is the T that time: JESUS said unto the
Bread Which cometh down from multitudes of the Jews: My
heaven, that a man may eat thereof, Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood
and not die. is drink indeed. And so on.
Verse. I am the living Bread
Homily by St Cyril, Pope [of Alex
Which came down from heaven; if
any man eat of this Bread, he shall andria.] (Book iv. on john, ch. 17.)
live for ever. “He that eateth My Flesh and
Answer. This is the Bread Which drinketh My Blood,” saith the Lord,
cometh down from heaven, that a “dwelleth in Me, and I in him.” If
man may eat thereof, and not die. a man take two pieces of wax and
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and melt them, and pour the one into the
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. other, they necessarily mingle; so
Answer. This is the Bread Which also, he that receiveth the Body and
cometh down from heaven, that a Blood of the Lord doth become so
man may eat thereof, and not die. joined with the Lord that he is to
be found in Christ and Christ in him.
THIRD NOCTURN. Another comparison thou wilt find in
First Antz'p/zon. I will go unto the Matthew. The Lord there saith:
Altar of God; * I will feed on Christ, “ The kingdom of heaven is like unto
leaven which a woman took, and hid
Which is the Renewer of my youth.
in three measures of meal, [till the
Ps. xlii. Judge me, O God, &c., whole was leavened,]” (xiii. 33,) be
(fi- 105-) cause, as Paul saith, “a little leaven
Second Antzlohon. The Lord hath leaveneth the whole lump.” (Gal. v.
fed us * with the finest of the wheat, 9.) So also doth a little of this
and with honey out of the Rock 1 hath Blessing draw the whole man unto
He satisfied us. Itself, and fill him with Its grace:
and thus doth Christ dwell in us, and
Ps. lxxx. Sing aloud unto God, &c.,
we in Christ.
(p. 140.)
Third A nlzlohon. It is at Thine
(In january and February.)
Altar, O Lord, * that we do feed on
Christ, for Whom our heart and our The Lesson is taken from the Holy
flesh crieth out. Gospel according to John (vi. 56.)
Ps. lxxxiii. How lovely are Thy AT that time: JESUS said unto the
tabernacles, &c., (p. 142.) multitudes of the Jews: My
Verse. 2Thou bringest forth food Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood
out of the earth! is drink indeed. And so on.
Answer. And wine that maketh Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
glad the heart of man. Hippo.] (I7th Trad on john.)

Seventh Lesson. We have heard from the Gospel

the words of the Lord which follow
(In Deeemher.) [those that formed the subject of
The Lesson is taken from the Holy my] earlier discourse. To your ears
Gospel according to John (vi. 56.) and understandings we owe a dis
l xCor.x.4. ~ 1 Ps. ciii. 14, 15.

course on these also, and to-day it Seventh Responsory.

becometh very well, for it is upon
that Body of the Lord, Which He 1He that eateth My Flesh and
professeth Himself that He “will give drinketh
and I in My
i ' dwelleth in Me,
for the life of the world,” “that a
Verse. 2What nation is there so
man may eat thereof and not die.”
great, who hath gods so nigh unto
He hath made manifest how He
giveth, and What is His Gift, where them, as the LORD our God is to us?
He saith: “He that eateth My Flesh Answer. Dwelleth in Me, and I in
and drinketh My Blood, dwelleth in him.
Me and I in him." The sign to Ez'ghlh Lesson.
show whether a man hath or hath (In Deeemher.)
not eaten that Flesh and drunk that
Blood, is whether or not he dwelleth [The Homily on John, by St Cyril—
in Christ and Christ in him, whether continued]
or not he is a guest of Christ and AS for ourselves, if we would win
Christ of his, whether or not he so ieever astmg; 1 we woul t at
cleaveth unto Christ, that Christ be the Giver of immortalit should (Hell
not parted from him. in us, let us run freely to receive
this Blessing,
the devil and let_
succeed notus in'klayih_g_a
beware that
(In March.) stumbling-block in our way, in the
The Lesson is taken from the Holy shape of a mistaken reverence. Thou
Gospel according to John (vi. 56.) rightly sayest, and we know weIIThow
that it is written: “Whosoever shall
T that time: JESUS said unto the eat this Bread and drink this Cup of
multitudes of the Jews: My the Lord unworthily . . . eateth and
Flesh is meat indeed, and My Blood drinketh damnation to himself.” (I
is drink indeed. And so on. Cor. xi. 27, 29.) I therefore examine
myself and find myself unworthy.
Homily by St Austin, Bishop [of
Hippo] (27th Trust on john.) And I ask thee, who citest these
words to me, who shall ever be found
I have said, my brethren, that what worthy? When wilt thou be such an
the Lord hath set before us, in eating one as may be worthy to be offered
of His Flesh and drinking of His to Christ? If by sin thou art un
Blood, is that we should dwell in worthy, and thou ceasest not to sin,
Him, and He in us. We dwell in (for, as the Psalmist hath it,—~“Who
Him when we are His members, can understand his errors P”—Ps. xviii.
and He dwelleth in us when we are I 3,) then shalt thou for ever lack this
His temple. But the bond whereby means of life and sanctification.
we are made His members is one
ness; and what is the cause of one (In januarj/ and February.)
ness but love? And love of God,
[The 17th Tract on John, by St
whence is it? Ask the Apostle.
“The love of God,” saith he, “is
shed abroad in our hearts by the THIS hath He taught, and warned
Holy Ghost, Which is given unto us, by words of deep meaning,
us.” (Rom. v. 5.) to be in His Body as members whose

1 John vi. 57. 2 Deut. iv. 7.


Head is He, eating His Flesh, and Verse. 2With the bread of life
cleaving alway to His Oneness. and understanding hath the Lord
“ Many of His disciples when they fed him.
had heard this . . . went back, and Answer. So he that eateth Me,
walked no more with Him "—for even he shall live by Me.
they understood not by “Flesh” any Verse. Glory be to the Father,
flesh other than such as they them and to the Son, and to the Holy
selves were made of. The Apostle Ghost.
saith, (and very true it is): “To be Answer. So he that eateth Me,
carnally minded is death.” (Rom. even he shall live by Me.
viii. 6.) The Lord giveth us His
Flesh to eat, and to understand it Ninth Lesson.
carnally is death. Where He saith:
“Whoso eateth My Flesh . . . hath (In December.)
eternal life”—we must not under [The Homily on John, by St Cyril—
stand this His Flesh carnally, as did —eontinued. ]
they of whom it is written: “Many
of His disciples ”——(not His enemies) HEREFORE, I counsel thee to
—“ when they heard this, said: This betake thee to godly thoughts,
is an hard saying—who can hear it ? ” and to live carefully and holily, and so
to receive that Blessmg—a Blessing
WhlCh believe _me, doth banish,__not
(In .Mareh.)
deat on y, but all diseases likewise.
Th e 27t h T ract on o h n, by S t For when Christ dwelleth in us,_He
Austin—continued] stilleth the (law of death in our
members_,_\_v_llich__w_arr_eiagainst the
50 “it is the spirit that quicken
law of our
ivetli mind, (Rom.__vii_._23,)
sir—ehgjth'uto He
__go_dliness, _He
eth.” It is the spirit that maketh
lively the limbs, nor is the quicken
turneth to calm the turbule t sur -
ing power of the spirit shed through
in of our mind, He cureth th_em
any limbs but such as remain in
which are sick, He raiseth up them
union with the body whose the spirit
which are fafien, and, like the Gggd
is. The spirit that thou hast in thee,
Shepherd, Which giveth His li_f_c_for
0 man, and whereby thou art a man,
the sheep, He prevaileth that the
doth that spirit shed life through
any limb cut off from thy flesh? By
SFCBP P65511112“! " "
“spirit,” I mean soul. The soul
quickeneth no limb but such as re (In january and February.)
main attached to the body. Cut [The 17th Tract on John, by St
one off, and the soul quickeneth it Austin—continued]
no more, for it is separate from the
oneness of thy body. IF His disciples took His words
for an hard saying, how did His
enemies take them? And, neverthe
Ezlghth Responsory.
less, thus it behoved to speak them
1As the living Father hath sent if all men were not to understand
Me, and I live by the Father, so he them. A Divine mystery ought to
that eateth Me, even he shall live make us thoughtful, not to repel us;
by Me. and yet, when the Lord JESUS Christ
1 John vi. 58. ’ Ecclus. xv. 3.

spoke thus in mystery, many of His LAU DS.

disciples went back and walked no
First Aeltzlthon. 1Wisdom hath
more with Him. They believed not
builded her house, * she hath mingled
that He was speaking of some great
her wine, she hath also furnished her
thing, and darkly announcing in these
words a bounty. They understood
Seeond Antiphon. 2Thou feddest
but as they pleased, even after the Thine Own people * with Angels’
manner of men, that JESUS was able,
food, and didst send them bread from
or that JESUS meant, to give that
Flesh wherewith the \Vord is clothed
Third Antzlzfihon. Out of Christ
on, as it were, in slices, to them that
His bread shall be fat, * and He
believe on Him. And they said:
shall yield royal dainties.3
“This is an hard saying—who can
Fourth Antiphon. 4The Priests
hear it?”
shall be holy; * for the offerings [of
the LORD] made by fire, and the
(In Mare/1.) bread of their God, they do offer,
[therefore they shall be holy.]
[The 27th Tract on John, by St
Austin—continued. ] Fifth Antiphon. 5T0 him that
overcometh will I give of the hidden
THESE things I say, that we may manna, * and will give him a new name.
love oneness and dread division.
In sooth, there is nothing which a Chapter. (I Cor. xi. 23.)
Christian ought so much to dread, as
RETHREN, I have received of
to be cut 06" from the Body of Christ.
the Lord that which also I
If he be cut off from the Body of
delivered unto you, that the Lord
Christ, he is no longer a member of
JESUS, the same night in which He
Christ, and the Spirit of Christ no
was betrayed, took bread, and, when
longer quickeneth him. “Now, if
He had given thanks, He brake it,
any man,” saith the Apostle, “have
and said: Take, eat; this is My
not the Spirit of Christ, he is none
Body, Which shall be given for you:
of His.” (Rom. viii. 9.)
this do in remembrance of Me.
“It is the Spirit that quickeneth;
the flesh profiteth nothing: the words
that I speak unto you, they are spirit [{ynm. 6
and they are life.” THE Word of God proceeding forth,
“Spirit and life "—what meaneth Yet leaving not the Father's side,
this? It is to be taken spiritually. And going to His work on earth,
Had reached at length life's eventide.
Hast thou taken it spiritually? Then
the words the Lord spake, unto thee By a disciple to be given
they are spirit and they are life. To rivals for His Blood athirst;
Hast thou taken it carnally? Then Himself, the Very Bread of heaven,
the words of the Lord are still indeed He gave to His disciples first.
spirit and life—but not for thee. He gave Himself in either kind;
His Precious Flesh; His Precious Blood;
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O Of flesh and blood is man combined,
God, &c.,” is said. And He of man would be the Food.
1 Prov. ix. I, 2. ‘1 Wisd. xvi. 330.
3 Adapted from Jacob's blessing on Asher. Gen. xlix. 20. 4 Lev. xxi. 6. 5 A P 0c. ii. 17.
6 Hymn by St Thomas Aquinas ; translation extracted from the “ Hymnal Noted."

In Birth, man's Fellow-man was He; Chapter at the end. (I Cor. xi. 27.)
His Meat, while sitting at the Board;
He died, his Ransomer to be; HOSOEVER shall eat this
He reigns, to be his Great Reward. Bread, or drink this Cup of
the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty
0 Saving Victim, slain to bless! of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Who openest heaven’s bright gates to all
The attacks of many a foe oppress;
Give strength in strife, and help in fall. TERCE.

To God, the Three in One, ascend Antiphon. Thou feddest, &c.

All thanks and praise for evermore; (Seeond Antiphon at Lauds.)
He grant the life that shall not end,
Upon the heavenly country’s shore. Chapter from Lauds.

Short Responsory.
Verse. He maketh peace in thy He gave them of the bread of I
Answer. And filleth thee with heaven—
the finest of the wheat. Answer. He gave them of the
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. bread of heaven.—
11 am the living Bread Which came Verse. Man did eat Angels’ bread.
down from heaven: * if any man eat Answer. The bread of heaven.
of this Bread he shall live for ever. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Prayer throughout the Ofiiee. Answer. He gave them of the
O GOD, Who under a wonderful bread of heaven.
Sacrament hast left unto us Verse. He fed them with the finest
whereby to show forth thy Suffering of the wheat.
Death, grant unto us, we beseech Answer. And with honey out of
Thee, so reverently to handle the the rock did He satisfy them.
Sacred Mysteries of Thy Body and
Thy Blood that we may alway feel SEXT.
within ourselves the fruit of Thy
Redeeming Work. Who livest and Antiphon. Out of Christ, &c.
reignest with God the Father, in the (Third Antiphon at Lauds.)
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end. Amen. Chapter. (I Cor. xi. 26.)

FOR as often as ye eat this Bread,
and drink this Cup, ye do show
Antiohon. Wisdom, &c. ( First the Lord’s death till He come.
Antiphon at Lauds.)
The Psalms are as on Feast Days. Short Responsory.
In the Short Responsory, instead of He fed them with the finest of the
“ Thou That sittest, &c.,” is said, wheat.
Verse. Thou That wast born of Answer. He fed them with the
the Virgin Mary. finest of the wheat.
1 John vi. 5:.

Verse. And with honey out of the death till He come,1 do get grace
rock did He satisfy them. abundantly to our souls, and do take
Answer. The finest of the wheat. pledge of the glory which shall here
Verse. Glory be to the Father, after be revealed in us.2
and to the Son, and t0 the Holy
Answer. He fed them with the Office in 3901mm: of the
finest of the wheat. iBassiun of nut ZLurb Jesus
Verse. Thou bringest forth food
out of the earth. (Ehrist, fur Jfrihags.
Answer. And wine that maketh
glad the heart of man.
All as on Sundays, except the
NONE. following.
Antiphon. To him that over FIRST VESPERS.
cometh, &c. (Fifth Antiohon at
First Antiohon. I will take the
cup of salvation, * and call upon the
Chapter as at the end of Prime. Name of the LORD.
Ps. cxv. I believed, &c., (p. 185.)
Short Responsory.
Second Antiphon. With them that
Thou bringest forth food out of the hate peace * l was peaceable. When
earth. I spoke unto them they fought against
Answer. Thou bringest forth food me without a cause.
out of the earth.
Verse. And wine that maketh glad Ps. cxix. In my distress, &c.,
the heart of man. (p. 186.)
Answer. Out of the earth. Third Antiphon. O LORD, pre
Verse. Glory be to the Father, serve me * from the evil man.
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. Ps. cxxxix. Deliver me, &c., (p.
Answer. Thou bringest forth food 198.)
out of the earth. Fourth Antiphon. Keep me from
Verse. He maketh peace in thy the snare * which they have laid for
borders. me, and the gins of the workers of
Answer. And filleth thee with the iniquity.
finest of the wheat.
Ps. cxl. LORD, I cry unto Thee,
&c., (p. 199.)
Fifth Antiphon. I looked * on my
All as the First, except the fol
right hand and beheld, but there was
no man that would know me.
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed Ps. cxli. I cried unto the LORD,
Virgin. Holy exceedingly is the
&c., (p. 200.)
Supper of the Lord, * wherein we
do feed on Christ, do show His Chapter from Lands.
1 I Cor. xi. 26. 2 Rom. viii. I8.

[SQ/11m.1 Ah me! His Soul is tied;

Yet still for my great needs
BLOOD is the price of heaven; He bleeds when He is dead;
All sin that price exceeds; He bleeds,
0 come to be forgiven, My Saviour bleeds!
He bleeds, Bleeds !
My Saviour bleeds!
Bleedsl ' His Blood is flowing still;
My thirsty soul It feeds;
Under the olive boughs, He lets me drink my fill;
Falling like ruby beads, He bleeds,
The Blood drops from His Brows,
My Saviour bleeds!
He bleeds, Bleeds!
My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds ! 0 sweet! 0 precious Blood!
What love, what love it breeds!
While the fierce scourges fall,
Ransom, Reward, and Food,
The Precious Blood still pleads;
He bleeds,
In front of Pilate's hall My Saviour bleeds!
He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds !
Verse. 2 He was oFfered up because
Beneath the thorny crown He willed it.
The crimson fountain speeds; Amwer._ And with His stripes we
See how it trickles down,
are healed.
He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds!
Antiphon at the Song of tile Blesred
Bleeds !
Virgin. 3 0 all ye that pass by !
Bearing the fatal wood behold, and see if there be any sorrow
His hand of Saints He leads, like unto my sorrow.
Marking the way with Blood,
He bleeds, Prayer as at Lauds.
My Saviour bleeds!
Bleeds! At Compline l/ze last verse qf the
On Calvary His shame Hymn i: said t/zus:
With Blood still intercedes;
Lord JESU, slain for us, to Thee
His open Wounds proclaim
Eternal praise be given,
He bleeds,
With Father, Spirit, One and Three,
My Saviour bleeds!
Here as it is in heaven.

He hangs upon the tree,

Hangs there for my misdeeds;
He sheds His Blood for me;
Invitatory. Christ our King Who
He bleeds,
My Saviour bleeds!
was crucified, * Him—O come !_let
Bleeds! us worship.
1 The two beautiful and popular Hymns by the late Dr Faber which are here inserted
at Vespers and Mattins are not translations of the Hymns xllwrente: oculi and Aspire
infamz', but, whether the ideas were suggested by the Latin or whether it be an accidental
coincidence, they agree with the sense of the Latin so closely, that they might fairly be
called Paraphrases or imitations, and this consideration induces the Translator to insert
them. Absolute translations have been executed by the late Rev. E. Caswall and the
Rev. Dr Wallace. Se: Appendix.
2 Isa. liii. 7, 5. 3 Lam. i. 12.

h'ymn.l take counsel together against the

O COME and mourn with me awhile! LORD and against His Anointed.
See, Mary calls us to her side;
Ps. ii. Why do the heathen, &c.,
0 come, and let us mourn with her;
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! (fi- 4-)
Have we no tears to shed for Him, Second Antiphon. They be in
While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? creased * that trouble me ; many are
Ah! look how patiently He hangs; they that rise up' against me.
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
Ps. iii. LORD, how are they in
How fast His Hands, His Feet are nailed; creased, &c., (p. 5.)
His blessed Tongue with thirst is tied;
His failing Eyes are dim with Blood; Third Antifihon. They part * my
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! garments among them; and cast lots
His Mother cannot reach His Face;
upon my vesture.
She stands in helplessness beside;
Ps. xxi. My God, my God, &c.,
Her heart is martyred with her Son’s;
Jesus, our Love, is crucified! (e. 48-)
Seven times He spoke, seven words of love,
Verse. He was offered up because
And all three hours His silence cried He willed it.
For mercy on the souls of men: Answer. And with His stripes we
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! are healed.

Death came, and JESUS meekly bowed; The Lessons are taken from Scrip
His failing Eyes He strove to guide ture according to the Season; but if
With mindful love to Mary’s face; there should be none such, the following
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
are used.
0 break, 0 break, hard heart of mine!
Thy weak self-love and guilty pride First Lesson.
His Pilate and His Judas were;
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Come, take thy stand beneath the Cross, Romans (v. 8.)
And let the Blood from out that Side
Fall gently on thee, drop by drop: OD commendeth His love toward
JESUS, our Love, is crucified! us, in that, while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us. Much
A broken heart. a fount of tears, more then, being now justified by His
Ask, and it will not be denied;
Blood, we shall be saved from wrath
A broken heart love’s cradle is;
JESUS, our Love, is crucified!
through Him. For if, when we were
enemies, we were reconciled to God
0 love of GOD! 0 sin of man! by the death of His Son, much more,
In this dread act your strength is tried; being reconciled, shall we be saved
And victory remains with love; by His life. And not only so, but
For He, our Love, is crucified!
we also joy in God through our Lord
JESUS Christ, by Whom we have now
received the atonement. (17.) For
First Antiohon. The kings of the if by one man’s ofi'ence, death reigned
earth set themselves, * and the rulers by one, much more they which receive
1 By Dr Faber as before : two verses are omitted.

abundance of grace, and bounty, and Answer. And thou didst betray
righteousness, shall reign in life Me unto the chief Priests, and lead
through JESUS Christ. Me unto the judgment-hall of Pilate.

First Responsory. Third Lesson. (vi.)

1I had planted thee a noble vine, HAT shall we say then? Shall
saith the Lord, and thou hast brought we continue in sin, that grace
forth unto Me grapes exceeding bitter, may abound? God forbid ; how shall
for thou hast made ready a Cross for we, that are dead to sin, live any
thy Saviour. longer therein? Know ye not that
Verse. 2 0 My people, what have so many of us as were baptized into
I done unto thee? and wherein have JESUS Christ were baptized into His
I wearied thee? Testify against Me. death? For we are buried with Him
Answer. For thou hast made by baptism into death, that, like as
ready a Cross for thy Saviour. Christ was raised up from the dead
by the glory of the Father, even so
Second Lesson. we also may walk in newness of life.
For if we have been planted together
THEREFORE, as by the offence in the likeness of His death, we shall
of one judgment came upon all be also in the likeness of His resur
men to condemnation, even so, by rection; knowing this, that our old
the righteousness of One, [the gift] man is crucified with Him, that the
came upon all men unto justification body of sin might be destroyed, that
of life. For as by one man’s dis henceforth we should not serve sin.
obedience many were made sinners, For he that is dead is freed from sin.
so by the obedience of One shall Now, if we be dead with Christ,
many be made righteous. Then, the we believe that we shall also live
law entered that the offence might with Him.
abound; but where sin abounded
grace did much more abound, that, Third Responsorjl.
as sin hath reigned unto death even
so might grace reign, through righte I scourged Egypt in her first-born
ousness, unto eternal life, by JESUS for thy sake, and thou when thou
Christ our Lord. hadst scourged Me, didst deliver Me
[to be crucified,] Me Who as a lamb
Second Responsory. before his shearer was dumb, and
opened not My Mouth.a
I brought thee forth out of Egypt; Verse. 0 My people, what have
behind thee I caused Pharaoh to I done unto thee? and wherein have
drown in the Red Sea, and before I wearied thee? Testify against
thee I went in the pillar of the cloud. Me.
And thou didst betray Me unto the Answer. And thou, when thou
chief Priests, and lead Me unto the hadst scourged Me, didst deliver Me
judgment-hall of Pilate. [to be crucified]. Me Who as a
Verse. 0 My people, what have lamb before his shearer was dumb,
I done unto thee? and wherein have and opened not My mouth.
I wearied thee. Testify against Me. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
! Cf. Jer. ii. 2:. 2 Micah vi. 3. 3 Isa. liii. 7.

and to the Son, and to the Holy it, a model of love. His patience was
Ghost. . singular. The ploughers ploughed
Answer. Me Who as a lamb upon His back; they made long their
before his shearer was dumb, and furrows. (Ps. cxxviii. 3.) He was
opened not My Mouth. stretched upon the Cross in such
wise that one might have told all
SECOND NOCTURN. His Bones. (Ps. xxi. 18.) That
tower of strength which keepeth
First Antiphon. Mine enemies * Israel was broken through upon every
speak evil of me: \Vhen shall he die, side, for they pierced His Hands and
and his name perish? His Feet. He was brought as a
sheep to the slaughter. But as a
Ps. xl. Blessed is he that con
lamb before his shearers is dumb, so
sidereth, &c., (p. 94.)
He opened not His mouth. (Is. liii.
Second Antiphon. Strangers are 7.) He uttered no murmur a ainst
risen up * against me, and oppressors the F at F er, _\_v_ho___ad
F sent Hmh
seek after my soul. against mankind for whom He was
paying what He had never taken, nor
Ps. liii. Save me, O God, by Thy its" against .7 His own<>p.l.e “112
Name, &c., (p. 36.) were repayingrI-limuso much evil for_
Third Antzjohon. Mine enemies so muchggod.
tread me down * all the day long ; all
their thoughts are against me for Fourlh Responsory.
l smote the kings of Canaan for
Ps. lv. Be merciful unto me, &c., thy sake, and gave thee a kingly
(p. I 10.) sceptre, and thou didst put on My
Head a crown of thorns, and smite
Verse. 1 God spared not His Own Me upon the Head with a reed.
Son. Verse. 0 M eo le what haveI
Answer. But delivered Him up done unto thee and wherein have I
for us all. wearied thee? Testify against Me.
Answer. And thou didst ut on
Fourth Lesson. My Head a crown of thorns, and
The Lesson is taken from the Ser smite Me upon the Head with a reed.
mons of St Bernard, Abbat [of
Clairvaux.] (For Wednesday in Fifth Lesson.
Holy Week, on the Passion of the
Lord.) ND if thou wilt look well how
He did it, thou wilt see how
RETHREN, it is well to contem that He is not only meek but even
plate these things, in especial lowly of heart. “In His humiliation
in the Passion of the Lord, namely, His judgment was taken away.”
what He did? how He did it? and (Acts viii. 33.) And He answgrednever
why He did it? In what He did we a__W..°rd..$.Q._all_the blasphemiss and w
see a model of patience, in the way all the falsewitness that was brought
in which He did it, a model of low against Him. “He hath no form
liness, and in the reason why He did nor comeliness, and when we shall
1 Rom. viii. 3a.

see Him there is no beauty that we all measure, and rising above all
should desire Him. He is despised things. “Greater love,” saith He,
and rejected of men; a man of (John xv. 13,) “hath no man than
sorrows and acquainted with grief; this, that a man lay down his life for
and He hid as it were His face from his friends.” But Thou Thyself, O
us ; He was despised and we esteemed Lord, Thou Thyself hadst greater
Him not. Surely He hath borne our love than this, for Thou didst lay
griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet down Thy life for Thine enemies.
we did esteem Him stricken, smitten When we were enemies we were re
of God, and afi‘licted.” (Isa. liii. 3, 4.) conciled by Thy death to the Father
O the depth and the height, 0 the and to Thee. (Rom. v. 10.) What
lowliness and the loftiness, desgised other love then hath there ever been
and rejected of men, but the glory or can there ever be to be likened
gifr‘Angelsbtrhan Him there is none unto this love? “Scarcely for a
loftier and none lowlier. He was righteous man will one die.” But
smeared with spitting, sodden with Thou didst suffer the just for the un
reproaches, condemned to a death just. Thou didst die for our sins.
of shame, numbered with the trans 0 Thou Who didst come to justify
ressors. And hath this very lowli sinners freely to make slaves into
ness carried to such imEastiEdea brethren, bondsmen into co-heirs, and
beyondiall mea_s_i_1£e_,_npnmeritrin_it_s§lf? exiles into kings.
As His pafi_e-nce was singular so was
His lowliness wonderful. There is Sixth Responsory.
nothing like either of them.
I lifted thee up with a strong hand,
and thou didst lift Me up upon the
Fifth Responsory. gibbet of the Cross, and thereon I
stretched forth My hands unto an
I led thee through the wilderness
unbelieving and gainsaying people.1
for forty years, and gave thee manna
Verse. 0 My people, what have I
to eat, and thou didst bufi'et Me and
done unto thee? and wherein have I
scourge Me.
wearied thee? Testify against Me.
Verse. 0 My people, what have I
Answer. And thou didst lift Me
done unto thee? and wherein have I
up upon the gibbet of the Cross, and
wearied thee ? Testify against Me.
thereon I stretched forth My hands
Answer. And thou didst buffet
unto an unbelieving and gainsaying
Me and scourge Me.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Sixth Lesson. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
UT what He did, and how He Answer. And thereon I stretched
did it, are alike gloriously set forth My hands unto an unbelieving
forth by the reason why He did it, and gainsaying people.
namely, His love. God for His great
love wherewith He loved us (Eph.
ii. 4) spared not His Own Son First Antiphon. As for the sons
(Rom. viii. 32.) Neither did the Son of men, * their teeth are spears and
spare Himself, great indeed was that arrows, and their tongue a sharp
love, passing all comprehension and sword.
I Rom. x. or.

Ps. lvi. Be merciful unto me, &c., should be refreshing and pleasant
(p. no.) they brought Him one which was
harmful and bitter, and so turned into
Second Antiphon. They bend their
wickedness what was a seeming act
bow, * even bitter words, that they
of kindness; to give to Him that
may shoot in secret at the perfect.
asked of them was a seeming act of
Ps. lxiii. Hear my voice, 0 God, kindness, but the Scriptures cannot
&c., (p. 114.) lie wherein (Ps. lxviii. 22) Christ is
made to say, “They gave me also
Third Antiphon. I am as a man gall for my meat, and in my thirst
that hath no strength, * lying nerve they gave me vinegar to drink.”
less among the dead.
Ps. lxxxvii. O LORD God of my Seventh Responsory.
salvation, &c., (p. 145.)
I gave thee to drink out of the
Verse. He became obedient unto rock the waters of salvation, and thou
death. didst give Me gall and vinegar to
Answer. Even the death of the drink.
Cross. Verse. 0 My people, what have
Se'z'enth Lesson. I done unto thee? and wherein have
I wearied thee? Testify against Me.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy Answer. And thou didst give Me
Gospel according to John (xix. 28.) gall and vinegar to drink.
AT that time: JESUS, knowing that
all things were now accom Eighth Lesson (xxxvi.)
plished, that the Scripture might be
“WHEN JESUS therefore had re
fulfilled, saith: I thirst. And so on.
ceived the vinegar, He said:
Homily by St Cyril, Pope of Alex It is finished. And He bowed His
andria. (Bk. xii. Comment. on john.) Head and gave up the ghost.”
The brutality of the Jews had “It is finished.” Jewish outrage
already outraged Christ to the full; against God was finished; the power
cruelty had nothing left to desire; to inflict torture was finished. What
and now at the last moment the Most had the Jews left unattempted, or
Holy Flesh of Christ suflereth a pain cruelty left undone? Did any pain
springing naturally from Itself. That or insult remain uninflicted? “Rightly
Flesh, fevered by many and divers did He say: “It is finished.” But
tortures, felt thirst. Great pain hath
the property of producing strong
as welLsssfl't—sjéiiii'ékgéé‘siifis
He was come to be the Lord of the

thirst, since by some natural law hour was now calling Him to go and
which I cannot explain, it drieth up preach {The imprisoned”
thfie'ther'ivOrld.w'l-Ie spirits’i‘n
accepted eve—h
as by heat the liquids of the body and
as it were setteth on fire the inward (1252?; for 01;? sakes and bore in His
parts. As therefore Christ had willed Own Flesh that suffering common to
to undergo other sufferings, so was He all our nature, albeit that as God
pleased to undergo this. He asked He is naturally life in Himself, in
therefore to drink, but they were so order that He might plunder hell,
utterly destitute of humanity that in and being become as the Scripture
stead of giving Him a drink which (I Cor. xv. 20) hath it (Apoc. i. 5),

“The first fruits 'of them that slept, LAUDS.

and the first begotten of the dead,”
First Antiphon. 1All the day
might gift our nature with return to
long have I been plagued, * and
chastened every morning.
Eighth Reyonsory. Second Antiohon. 2I gat me to
the mountain of myrrh, * and to the
I opened the Red Sea before thee,
hill of frankincense; I was brought
and thou didst open with a spear the as a lamb to the slaughter, and I
Side of thy Saviour, ‘Who redeemed
was dumb, and opened not my
the world by His Blood.
Verse. 0 My people! what have I
Third Antibhon. 3They pierced
done unto thee? and wherein have I
my hands and my feet; * they have
wearied thee? Testify against Me.
told all my bones.
Answer. And thou didst open
Fourth Antiphon. 4I looked for
with a spear the Side of thy Saviour,
comforters and I found none; * they
Who redeemed the World by His
gave me also gall for meat, and in
my thirst they gave me vinegar to
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Fifth Antibhon. When JESUS had
Answer. Who redeemed the world
received the vinegar, * He said: It is
by His Blood.
finished—and He bowed His Head,
and gave up the ghost.
Ninth Lesson.
“ E bowed His Head.” When Chapter. (Phil. ii. 5.)
the strength of the body is
gone and the soul which keepeth the RETHREN, let this mind be in
body together is also gone, the heads you, which was also in Christ
of the dying fall, and it is to describe JESUS, Who, being in the form of
this that the Evangelist useth these God, thought it not robbery to be
words; so also the words gave up equal with God; but emptied Him
the ghost are an expression which self, and took upon Him the form
we often use of them that depart and of a servant, and was found in the
die; nevertheless to me it seemeth likeness of men. He humbled Him
that the Evangelist useth these words self and became obedient unto death,
He gave up the ghost in something even the death of the Cross.
more than their ordinary sense of
mere death, because the Lord gave Hymn. 5 ..
up His soul into the Hands of God
the Father with a commendation, 'ERWHELMED in depth of woe,
saying, “Father, into Thine hands I Upon the tree of scorn
Hangs the Redeemer of mankind
commend my Spirit,” the which is
With racking anguish torn.
the foundation and spring of our
main hope. See how the nails those Hands
And Feet so tender rend;
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O See down His Face, and Neck, and Breast
God, &c.,” is said. His Sacred Blood descend!
1 Ps. lxxii. 14. 1 Cant. iv. 6; Isa. liii. 7. 3 Ps. xxi. r7, :8. 4 Ps. lxviii. ar, 22,
5 Another hymn from the Proprium of the arch-diocese of Freiburg; translation by the late
Rev; E. Caswall. '
Hark! with what awful cry the example of His Patience and also
His Spirit takes Its flight. be made partakers of His resurrec
That cry, it pierced His Mother's heart tion. Through our Lord JESUS Christ,
And whelmed her soul in night.
Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth
Earth hears, and to its base with Thee, in the unity of the Holy
Rocks wildly to and fro; Ghost, one God, world without end.
Tombs burst; seas, rivers, mountains Amen.
The vail is rent in two.

The sun withdraws his light;

Antiphon. All the day long, &c.,
The midday heavens grow pale; (First Antibhon at Lauds.)
The moon, the stars, the universe Psalms as on Feast-Days.
Their Maker's death bewail.
The last verse of the Hymn is said
Shall man alone be mute? thus .
Come, youth and hoary hairs,
Come, rich and poor, come, all mankind, Lord Jesus, slain for us, to Thee,
And bathe those Feet in tears. Eternal praise be given,
With Father, Spirit, One and Three,
Come, fall before His Cross, Here as it is in heaven.
Who shed for us His Blood!
Who died, the Victim of pure love, So also at Terce, Serf, and None.
To make us sons of God.

JESU, all praise to Thee,

Chapter at the end. (Isa. liii. 8.)
Our joy and endless rest: \RIHO shall declare His genera
Be Thou our Guide while pilgrims here,
tion? For He was cut off out
Our Crown amid the blest. Amen.
of the land of the living: for the
Verse. He was wounded for our transgression of my people did, I
transgressions. smite Him.
Answer. He was bruised for our Instead of Verse, “Thou that sit
iniquities. test, &c.,” is said:
Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. Verse. Thou That wast pleased to
But when they came to JESUS, and suffer for us.
saw that He was dead already, they
brake not His Legs, but one of the TERCE.
soldiers with a spear pierced His
Antiphon. I gat me, &c., (Second
Side, and forthwith came thereout
A ntiphon at Lauds.)
Blood and Water.
Chapter from Lauds.
Prayer throughout the Ofice.
Short Responsory.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God,
Who didst send our Saviour to He was ofl'ered up because He
take upon Him our flesh, and to en willed it.
dure the Cross, that all mankind Answer. He was offered up be
should follow the example of His cause He willed it.
great humility, mercifully grant that Verse. And with His stripes we
we who worship in memory of His are healed. '
Suflerings, may,worthily_ both follow , Answer. Because He willed it.

Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. He was offered up be Answer. He became obedient unto
cause He willed it. death.
Verse. God spared not His Own Verse. He was wounded for our
Son. transgressions.
Answer. But delivered Him up Answer. He was bruised for our
for us all. iniquities.
Antiphon. They pierced, &c.,
(Third Antiphon at Lands.) All as the First, exeept the jbllow
Chapter. (Zech. xiii. 6.) Verse. He was wounded for our
HAT are these wounds in thine transgressions.
hands P Then he shall answer : Answer. He was bruised for our
Those with which I was wounded in iniquities.
the house of my friends. Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Virgin. 1 Joseph took down the Body
Short Responsory. of JESUS, and wrapt It in linen, and
God spared not His Own Son. laid It in a sepulchre that was hewn
Answer. God spared not His Own in stone. In that day there was a.
Son. great mourning, and the women sitting
Verse. But delivered Him up for over against the sepulchre, mourned,
us all. as one mourneth for the death of the
Answer. His Own Son. firstborn.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. God spared not His Own @ffitz in lhunuur at the lime
Son. matulate Qtumeptiun 0f the
Verse. He became obedient unto
$125521: Hirgin wary, for
Answer. Even the death of the Saturhags.
NONE. Semi-double.
Antzlnhon. When JESUS, &c., (Fifth All from the Common Ofiee for
A ntiphon at Lands.) Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, (p. 5 5 2,)
except the following.
Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Short Responsory.
Antiphons, Chapter, Verse and An
He became obedient unto death.
swer, and Prayer from Lands.
Answer. He became obedient unto
death. A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Verse. Even the death of the Virgin. All generations shall call me
Cross. blessed, * for He That is mighty hath
Answer. Unto death. done to me great things.
1 Cf. Luke xxiii. 53; Matth. xxvii. 6o; Zech. xii. 10, n.
COMPLINE. Verse. 2 It is Almighty God That
girdeth me with strength.
The last verse of the Hymn is altered
Answer. And maketh my way
in honour of the Incarnation.

MATTINS. Lessons from Scrzloture according to

the Season; but there are none such,
Invitatory. Let us tell of the stain the following are read.
less Conception of the Virgin Mary:
* let us worship Christ, her Son, and
First Lesson.
her Lord and ours.
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
Illylnn.1 Genesis (iii. I.)
BLEST Guardian of all virgin souls! THE serpent was more subtle than
Portal of bliss to man forgiven! any beast of the field which the
Pure Mother of Almighty God! LORD God had made. And he said
Thou hope of earth, and joy of Heaven! unto the woman, Why hath God said,
Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
Fair Lily, found among the thorns!
Most beauteous Dove with wings of gold! garden? And the woman said unto
Rod from whose tender root upsprang the serpent, We may eat of the fruit
That healing Flower long since foretold! of the trees of the garden ; but of the
fruit of the tree which is in the midst
Thou Tower, against the dragon proof! of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall
Thou Star, to storm-toss'd voyagers dear!
not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it,
Our course lies o’er a treacherous deep;
Thine be the light by which we steer.
lest ye die. And the serpent said unto
the woman: Ye shall not surely die.
Scatter the mists that round us hang, For God doth know that in the day
Keep far the fatal shoals away; ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
And while through darkling waves we be opened: and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.
Open a path to life and day.

0 JESU, born of Virgin bright! First Responsory.

Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite, 3 By one man sin entered into the
And Holy Ghost eternally. Amen. world, in whom all have sinned. Fear
not, Mary, for thou hast found grace
Verse. 4The Lord hath delivered
First Antiphon. O Lord, how ex thy soul from death, yea, the Lord
cellent is Thy Name * in all the was thy stay.
earth, Who hast made Thee a worthy Answer. Fear not, Mary, for thou
tabernacle in the Virgin Mary. hast found grace with God.
Second Antz'phon. The Lord hath
set * His tabernacle in the sun. Second Lesson.
Third A ntz'phon. Even in her Con
ception * did Mary receive a blessing AND the woman saw that the tree
from the Lord, and mercy from the was good for food, and that it
God of her salvation. was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree
1 Translation by the Rev. E. Caswall. 2 Ps. xvii. 33. I
3 Rom. v. 12; Luke i. 30. 4 Cf. Ps. lv. :3; xvii. 21.

to be desired: and she took of the will put enmity between thee and the
fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave woman, and between thy seed and her
also unto her husband with her, and seed: she shall bruise thy head, and
he did eat. And the eyes of them thou shalt bruise her heel.
both were opened; and they knew
that they were naked, and they sewed Third Responsory.
fig-leaves together and made them
selves aprons. And they heard the 3 My beloved is white like snow in
voice of the LORD God walking in Lebanon, her lips drop as the honey
the garden in the cool of the day; comb. Honey and milk are under
and Adam and his wife hid themselves her tongue.
from the presence of the LORD God, Verse. Come from Lebanon, My
amidst the trees of the garden. Spouse, thou shalt be crowned with
a crown of grace.
Seeand Responsory. Answer. Honey and milk are
under her tongue.
1Come unto me, all ye that be Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
desirous of me, and I will declare to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
what God hath done for my soul. Answer. Honey and milk are
Verse. 2 As the Lord liveth, by me under her tongue.
He hath fulfilled His mercy.
Answer. And I will declare what SECOND NOCTURN.
God hath done for my soul.
First Antzlfihon. Grace is poured
Thz'ra’ Lesson. into her Conception, * and she is
fairer than the daughters of men.
ND the LORD God called unto Seeana’ A ntz'phon. God hath holpen
Adam, and said unto him: her right early, * the Most High hath
Where art thou? And he said: I hallowed His tabernacle.
heard Thy voice in the garden: and Third Antiphon. Glorious things
I was afraid, because I was naked, are spoken of thee, 0 City of God;
and I hid myself. And He said: * the Lord hath laid thy foundation
Who told thee that thou wast naked? in the holy mountains.
Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof
I commanded thee that thou shouldest Verse. *1 By this I know that Thou
not eat? And Adam said: The favourest me.
woman whom Thou gavest me to Answer. Because mine enemy can
be with me, she gave me of the tree, not triumph over me.
and I did eat. And the LORD God
said unto the woman : Wherefore hast Fourth Lesson.
thou done this? And she said: The
The Lesson is taken from the Dog
serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
matic Bull of Pope Pius IX.
And the LORD God said unto the
serpent: Because thou hast done this, GOD is unspeakable. His ways
thou art cursed above all cattle, and are mercy and truth; His Will
above every beast of the field; upon is Almighty Power; and His Wisdom
thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt reacheth mightily from one end to
thou eat all the days of thy life: I another, and sweetly ordereth all
1 Ecclus. xxiv. 26; Ps. lxv. 16. 2 Judith xiii. 18.
9 Cant..v. IO; iv. :1, 8. 4 Ps. XI. 12.

things. (Wisd. viii. 1.) He from most fitting, that this most worship
all eternity foresaw the sorrowful ful Mother should be made bright
fall of man by the transgression of with the brightness of uncontamin
Adam, and, in His mysterious pur ated holiness, and should conquer
pose, He decreed, before the worlds the old serpent by escaping alto
were, that the Word should be made gether the stain of original sin, for
flesh, to the end that man, who had she was that Mother to whom the
been seduced by the fraud of the Eternal Father was willing to give
devil, might not perish, but that as the Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Only
in the first Adam all die, in Christ begotten Son of His love, to be her
all might be made alive. (1 Cor. Son also.
xv. 22.) And to this end, the Eternal
Creator from the beginning, and be Fifth Responsory.
fore all ages, chose and ordained a
woman to be the Mother of His Only 2 No defiled thing can fall into her ;
begotten Son, of whom He should she is the brightness of the everlast
take flesh and be born, in the blessed ing light, and the unspotted mirror of
fulness of time. (Gal. iv. 4.) And the power of God.
this woman He loved with so great a Verse. For she is more beautiful
love that He allowed His \Vill to be than the sun, and being compared
freely wrought in her. (I Thess. iv. 3.) with the light, she is found before it.
Answer. She is the brightness of
the everlasting light, and the unspotted
Four/h Responsorj'.
mirror of the power of God.
1I came out of the mouth of the
Most High, the first-begotten before Sixth Lesson.
every creature. l made the unfading
light to arise in the heavens. When HE Catholic Church, which,
there were no depths l was conceived. through the perpetual teaching
Verse. For the Lord hath created of the Holy Ghost, is the pillar and
me in righteousness, and hath held ground of the truth, (I Tim. iii. 15,)
mine hand, and bath kept me. hath always held the original inno
Answer. \Vhen there were no cence of this most exalted Virgin to
depths l was conceived. be bound up with her wonderful holi
ness, and her mighty dignity of
Mother of God. This doctrine she
Fifth Lesson.
hath felt herself to hold by the gift
WHEREFORE, He bestowed upon of God, and as part of that faith once
her, out of the treasure of the delivered from heaven unto the Saints,
Divinity, such a wealth of gifts of (Jude 3,) and as time hath gone on,
grace as He hath bestowed upon she hath continually explained, put
none of the Angels and none of forth, and upheld it. This belief is
the Saints. He made her always found strong in the earliest times,
free from any the slightest pollution and rooted as it were in the hearts
of sin, so fair and so upright that of Christ’s faithful people ; by the care
no other of His works are like to and study of holy Bishops it hath
her, and only Himself can we under been taught in all parts of the Catholic
stand to excel her. Verily, this was world ; and the Church herselfpointed
1 I.e., Wisdom. Ecclus. xxiv. 5, 6; Prov. viii. 24. 2 Wisd. vii. 25, 26, 29.

to it when she allowed the Conception Second A ntzlohon. Rejoice ye all in

of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be held the LORD: * and give thanks at the
as a feast, for exciting the piety and remembrance of His holiness.
devotion of her children. In the case Third Antiphon. The LORD hath
of the Saints the Church celebrateth made known His salvation: * the
only the day of their being made per glory of His Mother hath He openly
fect at death, [but of her Divine Lord, showed in the sight of the heathen.
of His Blessed Mother, and of St John
Verse. 31 will extol Thee, O Lord,
the Baptist she venerated the birth
for Thou hast lifted me up.
also, as of those sanctified in the
Answer. And hast not made my
womb.] When [therefore] she [goeth
foes to rejoice over me.
further and] maketh the case of the
Blessed Virgin an exception to all
others besides that of Christ, keeping Seventh Lesson.
holiday in honour of her conception The Lesson is taken from the Holy
[as well as of her birth,] it is manifest Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
that she regardeth that Conception
as altogether singular, wonderful, and T that time: The Angel Gabriel
different to all other conceptions, ex was sent from God, unto a
cept only Christ’s, namely, as holy. city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to
a Virgin espoused to a man whose
name was Joseph, of the house of
Sixth Resoonsory.
David, and the Virgin’s name was
1There appeared a great wonder Mary. And so on.
in heaven: a Woman clothed with Homily by St Sophronius, Patriarch
the sun, and the moon under her [of Jerusalem.]4 (On the Annuncia
feet, and upon her head a crown of
twelve stars.
Verse. 2The Lord hath clothed her When this blessed Angel was sent
with the garments of salvation, and to the most pure virgin what did he
hath covered her with the robe of say? In what words did he break
the vhappy news of Redemption?
righteousness, yea, as a bride He
hath adorned her with jewels. “Hail, thou that art full of grace,
Answer. And upon her head a the Lord is with thee.” z‘[Now this
crown of twelve stars. word “Hail” is in the original
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and “Chairé,” which being interpreted
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. signifieth “ Rejoice."] The messenger
Answer. And upon her head a of joy in his first word biddeth her
crown of twelve stars. rejoice. He knew well that his
message was a message of good
tidings of great joy to men, (Luke
ii. 10,) yea, to all creatures,—-a
First Antiphon. Holiness and message of healing to all sicknesses.
beauty are in her Conception: ‘ de He knew well that his message was
clare her glory among all people. a message of God’s light to a dark
1 Apoc. xii. I. 2 Cf. lsa. lxi. 10. 3 Ps. xxix. a.
4 An eminent opponent of the Monothelite heretics. Elected to the Patriarchal throne,
A.D. 634. Died March :1, 639 or 644.
b The above sentence is inserted to give meaning to the rest of the Homily, “hICh
was written in Greek.

world. He knew well that it pro Rejoice, 0 Lady, full of the joy of
claimed the end of error. He knew salvation! Rejoice, O thou that
well that it blunted the sting of death. bringest a joy that passeth not away!
He knew well that it broke the power Rejoice, O mysterious treasury dis
of corruption. He knew well that it pensing unspeakable joy! Rejoice,
brought victory over hell. He knew 0 most blessed fountain overflowing
well that it told of salvation to all with unfailing joy! Rejoice, 0 store
the fallen children of Adam, groaning house of God, filled with the ever
under that yoke of malediction which lasting joy of eternity! Rejoice, 0
fell on them when they were thrust fair tree, bearing fruit of life-giving
out of Eden, and banished from that joy! Rejoice, O Maiden Mother of
happy home. Therefore, when he God! Rejoice, O thou that after
began to speak, he spoke in tones of child-birth remainest a virgin! Re
rejoicing, and opened his message joice, O wonder, who, after all won
with sounds of gladness. Therefore ders, art still the most wonderful!
made he the name of joy to herald
the tidings of good, which were to be Ezlg/ztlz Remonsory.
for a joy unto all people, whosoever
should believe. My soul doth magnify the Lord;
for He That is mighty hath done to
Set/ent/z Responsory. me great things, and holy is His
1A garden enclosed is my sister, Verse. For, behold, from hence
my spouse, a garden enclosed, a foun forth all generations shall call me
tain sealed. 0 Mary, thy perfumes blessed.
are a garden of delights. Answer. For He That is mighty
Verse. Open to me, my sister, my hath done to me great things, and
love, my dove, my undefiled. holy is His name.
Answer. 0 Mary, thy perfumes Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
are a garden of delights. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. For He That is mighty
El'g/lt/l Lesson. hath done to me great things, and
holy is His name.
AND, of a truth, it was fitting that
God’s proclamation ofjoy should
Ninth Lesson.
open with the accents of gladness.
And this is the reason why the WHO shall worthily set forth thy
angel nameth joy first, because he glory? Who shall make bold
knew the coming fruits of his mess to say what thou art? Who will
age, and that his converse with hold himself able to tell of all thy
the Virgin was to bring joy to the splendour? Thou art the exalta
whole world. Can we find any joy tion of humanity; thou art made
or any brightness like the joy and much higher than the Angels; thy
the brightness of that salutation ad brightness hath thrown the bright
dressed to the Blessed Mother of ness of the Archangels into shadow;
gladness? Rejoice, 0 mother of joy thou lookest down upon the lofty
more than heavenly! Rejoice, O thou seats of the Thrones; thou makest
that nourishest joy in the highest! the height of the Lordships to seem
1 Cant. iv. :2, v. 2.

low ; thy rank taketh precedence before Verse. Maiden Mother of God,
the rank of the Principalities; com thy stainless conception——
pared with thee the Powers are weak Answer. Was a message of joy to
ness ; thou art a Mighty one mightier the whole world.
than all the Mighty ; thine earthly eyes
see further than the contemplation of Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
the Cherubim can reach; the Sera The Lord God said unto the serpent :
phim have six wings, but thy flight I will put enmity between thee and
is nobler than their’s; in a word, thou the woman, * and between thy seed
hast far excelled every other work of and her seed; she shall bruise thy
God; thou wast far purer than any head.
other creature; and thou hast con Prayer.
ceived the Creator of all creatures,
GOD, Who didst cause that a.
carried Him in thy womb, and
virgin should be conceived with
brought Him forth; thou hast been
out sin, to the end that she might
chosen, out of all that He has made,
be made a meet dwelling-place for
' to be His mother.
Thy dear Son ; O God, Who through
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O the precious death of the Same Thy
God, &c.,” is said. Son foreseen by Thee, didst keep her
clean from all stain, hear us, we
LAUDS. beseech Thee, and grant that by her
prayers, we also who are presently
First Antiphon. 1 Thou art all fair,
defiled, may finally be made pure,
0 Mary, * there is no spot of original and so with her attain unto Thee.
sin in thee. Through the Same our Lord JESUS
Second A ntzjohon. 2 Thy raiment *
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and
is white as snow, and thy countenance reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
as the sun. the Holy Ghost, one God, world
Third Antz‘phon. 3Thou art the
without end. Amen.
exaltation of Jerusalem, * thou art
the great glory of Israel, thou art
the great rejoicing of our nation.
Fourth Antz'phon. a 0 Virgin Mary,
Antz'phon. Thou art all fair, &c.,
* blessed art thou of the Most High (First A ntzlohon at Lauds.)
God, above all the women upon the
earth. In the Short Responsory, instead of
Fiflh Antifihon. 4Draw us, * “Thou That art to come into the
Maiden undefiled, we will run after world,” is said:
thee in the odour of thy perfumes. Verse. Thou That wast born of
the Virgin Mary.
Chapler. (Prov. viii. 22.)
Chapter at the end. (Apoc. xii. I.)
THE Lord possessed me in the
beginning of His ways, before THERE appeared a great wonder
His works of old. I was ordained in heaven: a Woman clothed
from everlasting, from the beginning, with the sun, and the moon under
or ever the earth was. When there her feet, and upon her head a crown
were no depths I was conceived. of twelve stars.
1 Cf. Cant. iv. 7. 2 Cf. Matth. xvii. 2. 3 Judith xv. 10; xiii. :3. 4 Cf. Cant. i. 3, 4.

TERCE. Verse. Glory be to the Father,

and to the Son, and to the Holy
Antzjohon. Thy raiment, &c., Ghost.
(Second Antzlohon at Lauds.) Answer. By this I know that
Chapterfrom Lauds. Thou favourest me.
Verse. I will extol Thee, O Lord,
Short Responsory. for Thou hast lifted me up.
Answer. And hast not made my
It is Almighty God That girdeth foes to rejoice over me.
me with strength.
Answer. It is Almighty God That NONE.
girdeth me with strength.
Verse. And maketh my way Antiphon. Draw us, &c., (Fifth
perfect. Antiphon at Lauds.)
Answer. That girdeth me with Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Short Responsory.
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Ghost. I will extol Thee, O Lord, for
Answer. It is Almighty God That Thou hast lifted, me up.
girdeth me with strength. Answer. I will extol Thee, O
Verse. By this I know that Thou Lord, for Thou hast lifted me up.
favourest me. Verse. And hast not made my foes
Answer. Because mine enemy to rejoice over me.
shall not triumph over me. Answer. Thou hast lifted me up.
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
SEXT. and to the Son, and to the Holy
Antiphon. Thou art the exaltation Answer. I will extol Thee, O
of Jerusalem, &c., (Third Antinhon at Lord, for Thou hast lifted me up.
Lauds.) Verse. Maiden Mother of God,
thy stainless conception
Chapter. (Ezek. xliv. 2.) Answer. Was a message of joy
to the whole world.
THIS gate shall be shut, it shall
not be opened, and no man
shall enter in by it; because the Lord, SECOND VESPERS.

the God of Israel, hath entered in by All as the First, except the fol
it, therefore it shall be shut for the lowing.
Prince ; the Prince, He shall sit in it.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Short Responsory. Virgin. O holy Mary, be thou an
help to the helpless, a strength to the
By this I know that Thou favourest fearful, a comfort to the sorrowful;
me. pray for the people, plead for the
Answer. By this I know that clergy, make intercession for all
Thou favourest me. women vowed to God; may all that
Verse. Because mine enemy shall keep the memory of thine holy and
not triumph over me. stainless conception, feel the might
Answer. Thou favourest me. _ of thine assistance.
(henna! flpptntn'r.
NOTE—The Ofiices contained in this Appendix are said in certain dioceses only;
full directions are given in the diocesan Ordo Recitandifor the year.


In the Diocese of Plymouth, fire. Fourth Lesson.

Gil): iBIzsseh ([Cuthbert flame, UTHBERT Maine was born

near Barnstaple in Devonshire.
wartgr. In his youth he was brought up
outside the Church, and became a
heretical minister. After he had
All from the Common Ofice for passed several years at St John’s
Feasts of One Martyr, (p. 482,) except College at Oxford, some friends—who
the following. had before left Oxford in order to
avoid heresy, and among whom was
Prayer throughout. the Blessed Edmund Campion, that
0 GOD, Who didst choose Thy afterward was a martyr—persuaded
blessed servant Cuthbert to be him to yield himself to the Catholic
the first among all the students of Church and to pass over to the
our seminaries to run the path of seminary at Doway. There he de
suffering for the saving of souls, voted himself to the study of theology,
mercifully grant unto us that we and took the degree of Bachelor; he
may be so enkindled with love of was ordained Priest, and in the year
souls even as he was, that like him I 576 he was sent into England along
we may be ready to lay down our with the Blessed John Payne, who
lives for others. Through our Lord also was afterward a martyr, by
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth William Allen, of illustrious memory,
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity the President of the College. Each
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world of them prepared himself for the
without end. Amen. establishing of souls by the health
giving exercises of holy Ignatius.
At First Vespers Commemoration
of St Saturninus.
Fzflh Lesson.
MATTINS. E went into Cornwall to see to
the salvation of souls left among
the heretics, and took up his abode
Lessons from Scrioture according to in the house of a most godly Catholic,
the Season. named Francis Tregian, whose steward
VOL. I. 2G

he was supposed by outsiders to be. on the second night his cell became
But he had only worked for one year filled with light, so that the prisoners
when he fell into the hands of the who were near it marvelled. He was
heretics. The sheriff came with a drawn on an hurdle to the place of
body of armed men to the house of execution; when he arrived at the
Master Tregian and broke into it. gallows he knelt down and prayed
Blessed Cuthbert was then in the for the help of God, and thereafter
garden, whence he could easily have went up the ladder, and when the
escaped, but he came in and himself noose was round his neck was fain
opened to the sheriff the door of his to speak to the people, but the justices
chamber. The sherifi' and his com hindered him. While he was com
pany seized him and opened the breast mending his spirit into the hands of
of his clothes, where they found hung the Lord after the example of the
round his neck a waxen image of the Saviour, he was turned off the ladder,
Lamb of God; this they seized and and when he had hung a little while
called him a traitor and a rebel. He the rope was cut, his inner parts were
was brought to Launceston, where taken out, and he was quartered.
he was confined in a dark and foul Thus did he give up his soul to the
prison, where he was not only most Chief Shepherd, being the first martyr
cruelly loaded with fetters, but even among the Papal students. Gregory
chained to his bed, and where no the XIlIth first permitted the same
one was allowed to come near him, honours to be paid to him as are given
But when the adversary offered him to martyrs, and Leo XIII. confirmed
his choice, either to swear that the the same.
Queen was the head of the English
Church, or to undergo execution at THIRD NOCTURN .
the hands of the common hangman,
he kissed the Holy Bible and said Seventh Lesson.
that the Queen never had been, was
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
not, and never would be the head of
the English Church.
Gospel according to Matthew (x.
T that time: JESUS said unto
Sixth Lesson.
His disciples: Think not that
FTER about three months Cuth I am come to send peace on earth:
bert was convicted by a jury I came not to send peace, but a
and condemned to death, ostensibly sword. And so on.
for having in his possession a Papal
Homily by St Hilary, Bishop [of
Bull, blessed beads, and waxen figures
of the Lamb of God, but in reality
because he was a Catholic priest. He [“For I am come to set a man at
remained in prison until the arrival variance against his father.”] What
of the royal warrant for his execution. variance is this? Among the fore
Three days before his death a servant most commandments of the law we
warned him to make ready for the read, “Honour thy father and thy
end. He thanked him heartily for mother,” (Ex. xx. 12); and the Lord
his information, and thenceforth gave Himself also saith, “Peace I leave
himself up wholly to the consideration with you, My peace I give unto you,”
of things heavenly. After midnight (John xiv. 27); but here it is said,
“I came not to send peace, but a (Gal. v. 24,) and he is unworthy of
sword. For 1 am come to set a Christ who taketh not up his Cross
man at variance against his father, whereon to suffer with Him, to die
and the daughter against her mother, with Him, to be buried with Him,
and the daughter-in-law against her and to rise again with Him, and so
mother-in-law. And a man’s foes followeth after the Lord, in the
shall be they of his own house mystery of the faith to live in new
hold.” Therefore henceforth public ness of spirit.
authority will be set before the
failure of natural duty,—every DECEMBER I .
where hatred, everywhere war,—
and the sword of the Lord cutting 71H]: 161255211 @Enmuntl (Sane
fiercely between the father and the
son, between the mother and the pion, am! the iBrttsts, his
daughter. @Lumpaninns, wartgrs at
Ezlgh1h Lesson. the Society of 325115.
SWORD is the sharpest of all Douhle.
weapons, it is the symbol of the All from the Common Oflice for
power of law, of the sternness of Many Martyrs, (p. 498), except the
judgment, and of the punishment following.
of evil-doers. In the prophets the
preaching of the new gospel is often Prayer throughout.
times likened unto the sword. We
0 LORD JESUS Christ, Who hast
remember that the Word of God is
honoured Thy blessed servants
the sword of the Spirit, (Eph. vi. 17,)
Edmund, and Thy Priests, his Com
and this sword is sent upon earth,
panions, with a likeness to Thine own
that is to say, the preaching of the
sufferings by betrayal and a death of
Word of God entereth into the hearts
shame, grant unto us for their sakes,
of men. And there is sore variance
and at their prayers, the grace stead
in one house, and a man’s foes are
fastly to bear Thy Cross, and to attain
they of his own household, for through
unto a crown of everlasting glory. Who
the Word of God he will rejoice in
livest and reignestwith God the Father,
newness of spirit to remain separate
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
from others both within and without,
God, world without end. Amen.
both in soul and in body.
Ninth Lesson.
Lessons from Scripture according to
HE proceedeth then in the same the Season.
course of commandments and
of understanding; for after that He SECOND NOCTURN.
had taught that all the things which
Fourth Lesson.
are dearest in this world must be
left, He said, moreover, “And he EDMUND Campion was born in
that taketh not his cross, and followeth London, studied arts at the
after Me, is not worthy of Me,” for University of Oxford, and afterwards
“they that are Christ’s have crucified divinity at the English College at
the flesh with the affections and lusts,” Doway, and lastly joined the Society

of Jesus at Rome. He was sent back While they lay together concealed in
to his native country by command of the hiding-hole of the house at Lyford,v
the Supreme Pontiff Gregory XIII., before they were revealed by the
along with Robert Persons, of the traitor, they confessed to one another,
same Society, and there, by the ex and each laid upon the other the same
ample of his life, the power of his penance, that is to say, to call thrice.
teaching, and ,the skill of his acts, upon St John the Baptist, and to
turned all men’s minds on him: those repeat thrice the words of the Lord,
of the Catholics, that they might hear Thy will be_done. During their
him and preserve him, and those of journey, the blessed William Filby,
his enemies, that they might destroy who had come to see them, was united
him. He fought the Catholic fight to them at Henley for chains and
not by his voice only, but by his death. To make a mark of them,
writings also; and while his famous their feet were fastened together under
pamphlet, entitled. Ten Reasons, was their horses’ bellies, and their hands
being printed at Stonor, he preached tied behind their backs. Upon Ed
the Word of God in the country round mund’s head was fastened a placard
about. After he had laboured for one as upon the head of a traitor, the
year in the Lord’s vineyard in England, which insult he bore patiently, after
he was taken, along with the blessed the example of the Lord. Thus were
Thomas Ford and many others, in the they brought, amidst the insults of the
house of a Catholic named Edward! people, to the Tower of London, where
Yates, at Lyford, in the present they were most grievously entreated.
diocese of Portsmouth; they having
all been betrayed by a most wicked
wretch who had that day been present Sixth Lesson.
when the blesSed Edmund said Mass INTO the same prison there were
and preached. On his way to Lon cast also other priests, so that
don he passed a night at Abingdon, after they had passed some months
the birthplace of Holy Edmund Rich, under punishment, while they were
once Archbishop of Canterbury, and interrogated concerning the authority
many came from the University of of the Roman Pontifl', the places where
Oxford, not many miles distant, and they had said Mass, and the persons
treated him with great reverence, all whom they had reconciled to the
chained and guarded as he was. Church, the blessed martyrs were
placed at the bar to the number of
Fzfth Lesson. ten, and were unjustly condemned to
death for treason, ostensibly for hav
( HOMAS .Ford was a native of ing conspired against the Queen, but
Devonshire, and the companion in reality because they were Catholic
of the blessed Edmund Campion, both priests. These ten were all con~
at the University of Oxford and at demned to death together in the
the English college. at Doway. He month of November 1581, but they
had finished more than five years’ did not all suffer together. Edmund
ministry, with no small profit to souls Campion and two of his companions
in England, during the very height of received the crown of a glorious death
'the persecution, when he was arrested upon vthe Ist day of December, and
at Lyford, along with the same Thomas Ford and two others upon
blassed father, and taken to London. the 28th day of the month of May

following, and the remaining four upon FIRST VESPERS.

the 30th day of the same month.
Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer
They were drawn to the place of
from Lauds. '
execution upon an hurdle, and after
they had hung for a little while, the H'ynm. Hail, thou Star of Ocean,
rope was cut, and they were cast down (fi- 553-)
in full life and feeling upon the ground, Verse. This is the house of God
where their hearts and other inner
stoutly builded.
parts were torn out, and their heads Answer. Well founded upon a sure
and limbs cut off, to be afterwards
set up above the gates of the city.
Nor was even this all, since they were A ntzlfilzon at tlze Song of tlze Blessed
wronged even in their fame by the Virgin. 1The Most High hath hal
false accusation of treason, whereas lowed His tabernacle; for this is the
these most innocent martyrs had done house of God, whereon His Name
nothing but refused to deny their faith shall be called, whereof it is written:
in the Vicar of Christ upon earth. My Name shall be there, saith the
Gregory XIII. first sanctioned the Lord.
honours paid to them, and Leo XIII. A Commemoration is made in“ tile
hath confirmed the same. Week-day and of St Melolziades, (p.
643,) out not of the Immaculate Con
Lessons from Luke xxi. 9, with the At Compline the last verse of the
Homily of St Gregory, (p. 505.) [{ymn is altered in lzonour of tire


1n the Diotese of Liver¢ool. In'z/itatory. The Saviour of the

world was conceived by the Holy
£t fitthulas of Myra, Ghost in the house of the Virgin. * 0
(See p. 627.) come let us worship Him.

Double oft/1e First Class with an Hymn. Blessed City, Heavenly

Oetave. Salem, (p. 588.)

The Lessons of the First Nocturn

are takenfronz Timothy iii. 1, &c., (p.
516.) First Antiphon. Thou hast set
Thy glory above the heavens.2
DECEMBER I 0. Second Antipbon. In the sun hath
He set His tabernacle, and He Him
@ranslattun of the holy self is as a bridegroom coming out of
390115: of iLmtu. his chamber.a
Tlzird Antiphon. Who shall ascend
Greater Douole.
into the hill of the Lord? or who shall
Tlze Psalms are as upon Feasts of stand in His holy place? He that
the Blessed Virgin Mary. hath clean hands and a pure heart.4
1 Ps. xlv. 5 ;‘]er. vii. to; 3 Kings viii. 29, &c. 2 Ps. viii. 2. ‘
3 Cf. Ps. xviii. 5. ‘ xxiij. 3, ,4. - '
“w:=n " ' I“ 'i l “ca.


Verse. 1 This is none other but the smoke, perfumed with myrrh and
house of God, and this is the gate of frankincense ? 3
heaven. Answer. And about her it was as
Answer. And it shall be called the the flower of roses in the spring of the
court of the Lord. year, and lilies of the valleys.

First Lesson. Second Lesson.

The Lesson is taken from the 3rd WHEN Thy people Israel shall
Book of Kings (viii. 22.) flee before their enemies be
ND Solomon stood before the altar cause they have sinned against Thee,
of the Lord, in the presence of and shall repent and confess Thy
all the congregation of Israel, and Name, and come and pray and make
spread forth his hand towards heaven, supplication unto Thee in this house ;
and he said: But will God indeed then hear Thou in heaven, and forgive
dwell on the earth? for if the heaven the sin of Thy people Israel, and
and heaven of heavens cannot con bring them again unto the land which
tain Thee, how much less this house Thou gavest unto their fathers. If
that I have builded! Yet have Thou heaven be shut up, and there be no
respect unto the prayer of Thy serv rain because they have sinned against
ant, and to his supplication, O Lord Thee, if they pray in this place, and
my God! Hearken unto the cry and repent and confess Thy Name, and
t0 the prayer which Thy servant pray turn from their sins because of their
eth before Thee today, that Thine afliiction; then hear Thou in heaven,
eyes may be open toward this house and forgive the sins of Thy servants,
night and day, even toward the house and of Thy people Israel, and teach
of which Thou hast said, My Name them the good way wherein they
shall be there; that Thou mayest should walk, and give rain upon Thy
hearken unto the prayer which Thy land which Thou hast given to Thy
servant maketh unto Thee in this people for an inheritance.
place; that Thou mayest hearken to
the supplication of Thy servant and of Second Responsory.
Thy peeple Israel whensoever they
shall pray in this place. Then hear Who is this that cometh up like the
Thou in heaven Thy dwelling-place, rising dawn, fair as the moon, clear
and when Thou hearest, forgive. as the sun, terrible as a fenced camp
set in battle array?
Verse. All beautiful and lovely art
First Responsory.
thou, 0 daughter of Sion, fair as the
I saw her when, fair like a dove, moon, clear as the sun.
she winged her flight above the rivers Answer. Terrible as a fenced camp
of waters. The priceless savour of set in battle array.
her perfumes hung heavy in her gar
ments. And about her it was as Third Lesson.
the flower of roses in the spring of
the year, and lilies of the valleys.2 IF a man shall know the plague of
Verse. Who is this that cometh his own heart, and shall spread
out of the wilderness like a pillar of forth his hands in this house, then
1 Gen. xxviii. 17 and cf. 19. 2 Ecclus. l. 8. 3 Cam. iii. 6.
hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling blessed thee for ever: yea, for ever
place, and forgive, and do, and give and ever.
to every man according to his ways, Second Antzlohon. The Most High
as Thou seest his heart, (for Thou, hath hallowed His tabernacle.
even Thou only, knowest the hearts Third Antzlnhon. That man was
of all the children of men,) that they born in her, and the Highest Himself
may fear Thee all the days that they hath established her.
live in the land which Thou gavest
Verse. Lord, I have loved the
unto our fathers. Moreover, concern
beauty of Thine house.
ing a stranger that is of Thy people
Answer. And the place where
Israel, but cometh out of a far country
Thine honour dwelleth.1
for Thy Name’s sake, (for they shall
hear everywhere of Thy great Name,
and of Thy strong hand, and of Thy Fourth Lesson.
stretched-out arm,) when he therefore The Lesson is taken from the Ser
shall come and shall pray in this mons of St Bernard, Abbat [of
place, hear Thou in heaven the place Clairvaux.] (Sermons on divers
of Thy dwelling, and do according to subjects, lii.)
all for the which the stranger calleth
to Thee, that all people of the earth HEN That Wisdom which was of
may learn to fear Thy Name as do God, and which was God, came
Thy people Israel, and that they unto us from the bosom of the Father,
may know that this house is called He builded Himself an house, even
by Thy Name. His mother the Virgin Mary, and
therein He hewed out seven pillars?
Third Responsory.
And what is signified by His hewing
out in her seven pillars, but that He
Who is this that cometh up like the made her ready to be by faith and
sun, this comely as Jerusalem ? The works a meet dwelling-place for Him
daughters of Sion saw her, and called self? Of the component elements of
her blessed ; the queens also, and they the number seven, the number three
praised her. relateth to faith, because it is the
Verse. And about her it was as the number of the Holy Trinity, and the
flower of roses in the spring of the number four to good works, because
year, and lilies of the valleys. it is the number of the cardinal vir
Answer. The daughters of Sion tues. In the blessed Mary, God the
saw her, and called her blessed; the Son alone was present by the taking
queens also, and they praised her. of manhood unto God, but that the
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Holy Trinity was present in her, was
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. present, I say, by His Majesty, is
Answer. The daughters of Sion attested by the messenger from heaven,
saw her, and called her blessed; the who, when he revealed the hidden
queens also, and they praised her. mystery unto her, said: “Hail, thou
that art full of grace, the Lord is with
thee”; and anon, “The Holy Ghost
shall come upon thee, and the power
First Antiphon. Grace is poured of the Highest shall overshadow thee.”
into thy lips, therefore God hath Behold, here thou hast the Lord, thou
1 Ps. xxv. 8. 2 Cf. Prov. ix. x.
7 V ,


hast the power of the Highest, thou her further to wit of the mysteries
hast the Holy Ghost. Thou hast God from heaven, she diligently asked of
the Father, God the Son, and God him how she should conceive and
the Holy Ghost. bring forth, seeing that she knew not
a man ; and herein she was undoubt
edly prudent.
Fourth Reijonsary.
How dreadful is this place ! Surely
Fz'flk Responsory.
this is none other but the house of
God, and this is the gate of heaven. The Lord’s house is established in
Verse. This is the house of God the top of the mountains, and exalted
stoutly builded, well founded upon a above the hills; and all nations shall
sure rock. flow unto it, and shall say: Glory be
Answer. Surely this is none other to Thee, O Lord.
but the house of God, and this is the Verse. They shall doubtless come
gate of heaven. again with rejoicing, bringing their
sheaves with them.
Fzfllr Lesson. Answer. And all nations shall flow
unto it, and shall say: Glory be to
T is right, then, to see whether she Thee, O Lord.
possessed also the four cardinal
virtues as the four remaining pillars. Sz'xt/z Lesson.
Let us then first see whether she
possessed fortitude; but how could OF justice she gave an eminent
this virtue be lacking to one who cast proof when she confessed her
away the pomps of the world, and self to be the handmaid of the Lord.
despised the pleasures of the flesh And what the confession of the just
with the resolution to live in virginity is, is attested by him who said,
for God alone? Unless I am widely “Surely the righteous shall give
mistaken, this virgin was the woman thanks unto Thy Name ” (Ps. cxxxix.
of whom Solomon said (Prov. xxxi. 14.) The blessed Virgin Mary then
Io) : Who can find a virtuous woman? showed fortitude in her intention, tem
for her price is far above the rarest perance in her silence, prudence in
merchandise. That she was temper her questioning, and justice in her
ate and just is clearer than light from confession. These, then, were the
the communing of the angel with her, four pillars of works which, when
and her answers unto him, for when added to the three pillars of faith
the angel so reverently saluted her, whereof we have spoken, formed the
saying, “Hail, thou that art full of seven pillars which the heavenly
grace, the Lord is with thee,” she was Wisdom hewed out in her when He
not lifted up like one who should be builded her as His house, even that
blessed for so singular a privilege of heavenly wisdom which so filled her
grace, but was silent and cast in her mind, that from the fullness of her
mind what manner of salutation this mind her body became fruitful. (Thus
should be; and in this was she not far St Bernard.) 1 The very home of
temperate ? And when the angel gave the Virgin, hallowed by the mysteries
_ 1 Nalalis_damur,- but this must be understood of a place of family residence, since a plenary
indulgence is granted to the Church of St Anne at Jerusalem, on the special ground that it
stands on the site of the house of Joachim, where the blessed Virgin was conceived and born.

of God, was carried by the ministry of Lord a new song, for the Lord hath
angels, in the time of holy Celestine done marvellous things. Alleluia.
V., out of the dominions of the un
believers, first into Dalmatia, and Verse. Holiness becometh Thine
then into the country of Loreto, in house.
the province of Picenum; and that it Answer. For ever, 0 Lord.
is the very same house wherein the
Word was made Flesh and dwelt Seventh Lesson.
among us, is attested, not only by
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
Papal documents, and by the famous
veneration of the whole world, but
Gospel according to Luke (i. 26.)
also by an unceasing number of won T that time: The Angel Gabriel
drous works of power, and by the was sent from God unto a city
grant of gifts from heaven. By these of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin
things Innocent XII. was moved in espoused to a man whose name was
order to stir up the memory of the Joseph, of the house of David; and
faithful to a more fervent honouring the virgin’s name was Mary. And
of the most loving of mothers, to so on.
command that the translation of her
holy house, held by an annual festival Homily by St Bernard, Abbat [of
throughout all the province of Picen Clairvaux.] (1st on Lake i. 26.)
um, should be kept with a special
Who is this virgin, so worshipful
Mass and office.
as to be saluted by an angel, and so
lowly as to be espoused to a car
Sixth Responsory. penter? Lovely is this mingling of
virginity and lowliness, neither doth
Mine house shall be called the that so little please God, wherein the
house of prayer, saith the Lord. lowliness exalteth the virginity, and
Therein he that asketh receiveth, he the virginity adorneth the lowliness.
that seeketh findeth, and to him that But of what worship is she worthy,
knocketh it shall be opened. whose lowliness is ennobled by mother
Verse. Ask and ye shall receive, hood, and whose motherhood halloweth
seek and ye shall find. her virginity ? Dost thou hear that she
Answer. And to him that knocketh is a virgin? dost thou hear that she is
it shall be opened. lowly? Virginity is praiseworthy, but
Verse. Glory be to the Father, lowliness is more needful. Virginity
and to the Son, and to the Holy is advised, lowliness is commanded.
Answer. And to him that knocketh
Seventh Responsory.
it shall be opened.
Grace is poured into thy lips, there
fore God hath blessed thee for ever.
Verse. Thy garments smell of
First Antiphon. Bring sacrifices myrrh, and aloes, and cassia out
and come into His courts; 0 worship of the ivory palaces, whereby kings’
the Lord in His holy temple. daughters among thine honourable
Second Antiphon. All the people women have made thee glad.
saw His glory. _Answer. Therefore GOd hath
Third Antiphon. O sing unto the blessed thee for ever.
VOL. I. 2G2

Eighth Lesson. (2nd on the same.) thee.” Whither came he in unto

her? I conjecture that he came into
“THE Angel Gabriel was sent
the sanctuary of her modest bed
from God . . . to a virgin ”
chamber, where perchance she, when
—a virgin in body, a virgin in mind,
she had shut her door, was praying
a virgin in profession, a virgin such
to her Father Who is in secret.
as she of whom the Apostle saith
(Matth. vi. 6.) It is the use of
(I Cor. vii. 34) that she “careth for
angels to stand beside them that
the things of the Lord, that she may
pray, and to delight in them whom
be holy both in body and in spirit.”
they see lifting up pure hands in
A virgin not found newly nor per
prayer: they rejoice to ofi'er up unto
chance, but chosen from everlasting,
God for a sweet savour the burnt
foreknown by the Most High, and
ofiering of holy earnestness, and how
made ready for Himself, guarded by
well-pleasing in the sight of the Most
angels, prefigured by patriarchs,-fore
High were the prayers of Mary is
told by prophets, or to say it in short,
shown by the action of the Angel who
she whom God Himself would seem
came in unto her and so reverently
to have foretold (Gen. iii. 15) when
saluted her.
He said unto the serpent, “I will
put enmity between thee and the LAUDS.
woman ”; and if thou yet doubtest
whether He spake of Mary, hearken B'rstAntzp/zon. Holiness becometh
to what followeth, “She shall bruise Thine house, 0 Lord, for ever.
thy head.” For whom was this vic Second Antzphon. Thine house
tory reserved but for Mary?> shall be called the house of prayer;
therein he that asketh receiveth, and
he that seeketh findeth, and to him
Eighth Responsory. that knocketh it shall be opened.
0 Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Third Antiphon. Because of the
blessed art thou that didst believe house of the Lord our God I will
the Lord, for there hath been a per seek Thy good.
formance of those things which were Fourth Antzlzihon. O Lord God,
told thee from the Lord. Behold Thou hast lifted up my dwelling from
thou art exalted over choirs of angels, the earth.1
plead for us with the Lord our God. Fifth Antigfihon. I will glorify the
Verse. Hail, Mary, full of grace, house of my glory, and I will make
the Lord is with thee. _the place of my feet glorious.‘~’
Answer. Plead for us with the
Lord our God. Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 1 I.)
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. IN all these I sought rest, and I
Answer. Plead for us with the will abide in the inheritance of
Lord our God. the Lord. 50 the Creator of all things
gave me a commandment, and said,
(and He that made me rested in my
Ninth Lesson. (3rd on the same.)
tabernacle), [and He said, Dwell thou
“AND the Angel came in unto in Jacob, and inherit in Israél, and
her, and said: Hail, thou that strike thy roots amid my chosen
art full of grace, the Lord is with people]
1 Ecclus. Ii. 13. 3 15. 1x. 13.
Hymn. Christ is made the sure TERCE.
foundation, &c., (p. 594.)
Antzlzbhon. Thine house shall be
Verse. We will go into His called the house of prayer, &c., (Second
tabernacle. A ntiphon at Lauds.)
Answer. \Ve will worship in His
Chafiter from Lauds.
A ntzlzfihon at the Song of Zacharias. Short Responsory.
1 Behold the tabernacle of God is with
men, and He will dwell with them, This is the house of God and the
and they shall be His people; and gate of heaven.
God Himself shall be with them, and Answer. This is the house of
be their God. God and the gate of heaven.
Verse. And it shall be called the
Prayer. court'of the Lord.
Answer. And the gate of heaven.
0 GOD, Who in Thy mercy didst
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
hallow the house of the Blessed
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Virgin Mary by the incarnation of Thy
W'ord, and hast wondrously given unto
Answer. This is the house of
the same a resting-place in the midst
God and the gate of heaven.
of Thy Church, grant us the grace to
Verse. Lord, I have loved the
be cut off from the tents of wicked
beauty of Thine house.
ness, and made worthy to dwell in
Answer. And the place where
Thine holy house. Through the same
Thine honour dwelleth.
our Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, \Vho
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, SEXT.
world without end. Amen. Antiphon. Because of the house
Commemorations are made of the of the Lord, &c., (Third Antiphon at
Week-day and of St Melchiades, but Lauds.)
not of the Immaculate Conception, be
cause this Ofiice is rec/zoned as being Chapter. (Ecclus. xxiv. 15.)
of the Blessed Virgin. AND so was I established in Sion,
and likewise in the holy city
PRIME. - was I given to rest; and in jerusalem
was my power, and I took root among
Antiohon. Holiness becometh Thine
the honourable people, even in the
house, &c., (First Antzlohon at Lands.)
portion of my God as His own in
In the Short Responsory. Thou heritance; and mine abiding was in
that wast born of the Virgin Mary. the full assembly of the saints.

Chapter at the end. (Ecclus. xxiv. 19.) Short Responsory.

IN the broad ways I gave a sweet Lord, I have loved the beauty of
smell like cinnamon and aromatic Thine house.
balm ; I yielded a pleasant odour like Answer. Lord, I have loved the
the best myrrh. beauty of Thine house.
1 Apoc. xxi. 3.

Verse. And the place where Thine surely this is none other but the
honour dwelleth. house of God, and this is the gate
Answer. The beauty of Thine of heaven.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Commemorations are made of St
and to the Son, and to the Holy Damasus and of the Week-day, but not
Ghost. of the Immaeulate Conception.
Answer. Lord, I have loved the
beauty of Thine house.
Verse. Holiness becometh Thine
house, 0 Lord. In the Dioeese of Liverpool.
Answer. For ever.
Octave of fit Qtichot’as of Qllgra.
All from the Common Ofiice, with
Antiphon. I will glorify the house, Lessons of the First Nocturn from
&c., (Fifth A ntzjohon at Lauds.) Scripture atcording to the Season.
Chapter as at end of Prime.

Short Responsory. .Sunhag within the stamina

Holiness becometh Thine house, 0 of the Epiphany.
Answer. Holiness becometh Thine
house, 0 Lord.
@Lhz ginning of the Qrhilh
Verse. For ever. Elzsus in the Elizmplz.
Answer. Thine house, 0 Lord.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, Greater Double.
and to the Son, and to the Holy All as on Sundays except the fbl
Ghost. lowing.
Answer. Holiness becometh Thine
house, 0 Lord.
Verse. This is none other than Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer
the house of God and the gate of from Lands.
Answer. And it shall be called the Last Psalm, cxvi., “O praise the
court of the Lord. Lord, &c.,” (p. 186.)


As the First, except the following. O JESUS, Teacher of all hearts,
Thou fillest all with sweetest light
Verse. This is the Lord’s house Who truly seek Thee, and who thenv
stoutly builded. Find Thee with gladness and delight.
Answer. Well founded upon a
sure rock. Bethink Thee of that joy supreme,
Which to Thy Virgin Mother's heart,
Antzphon at the Song of the Blessed And to the heart of her dear Spouse,
Virgin. How dreadful is this place: Thou didst so lovingly impart.
1 Translation by Archbishop Bagshawe, (Breviary Hymns, No. 54.)

No tongue of ours can ever tell, and grant that they may both perceive
Our minds to know are all too weak, and know what things they ought to
What grief doth pierce their loving hearts,
do, and also may have grace and
The while their only Son they seek.
power faithfully to fulfil the same.
0 Son, by Thy dear parents lost,
How dost Thou make their joys abound, Then is made a Commemoration
When, sitting in the Temple, Thou of the Epiphany. The Antzjnhon is
Art with the Doctors teaching found. that proper to that particular day
If, to us wanderers on earth,
within the Octave.
Error hath cauSed calamity,
Make us to seek Thee as we ought, MATTINS.
And to rejoice in finding Thee.
Inw'tatory. The Child JESUS sat
Who art revealed to anxious ones,
in the temple in the midst of the
0 Jesus, glory be to Thee,
\Vith Father and with Holy Ghost,
doctors. * 0 come let us worship
Ever throughout Eternity. Amen. Him.

The Hymns at all the Hours end Hymn as at Vespers.

in this manner.
Verse. 1 Behold I have given Him FIRST NOCTURN.

for a witness to the peoples. First Antiphon. O God, Thou

Answer. A leader and commander hast set Thy glory above the heavens,
to the nations. Who out of the mouth of Thy Son
A ntzphon at the Song of the Blessed hast ordained praise.
Virgin. The Child JESUS tarried
Psalm viii. “O Lord our Ruler,
behind in Jerusalem, and His parents
&c.,” (p. 7.) ,
knew not of it, supposing Him to
have been in the company, and they Second Antiphon. The words of
sought Him among their kinsfolk and the Lord are righteous altogether,
acquaintance. sweeter also than honey, and the
Commemoration of the Sunday. honeycomb.
Antizbhon. Son, why hast Thou Psalm xviii. “The heavens de
thus dealt with us? Thy father and clare, &c.,” (p. 17.)
I have sought Thee sorrowing. How
is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye not Third A ntifihon. 2 Grace is poured
that I must be about My Father’s into the lips of the Child JESUS, there
fore all they that heard Him were
astonished and wondered at the
Verse. The Kings of Tarshish and gracious words which proceeded out
of the isles shall bring presents. of His mouth.
Answer. The Kings of Arabia and
Saba shall ofi'er gifts. Psalm xxiii. “The earth is the
Lord’s, &c., (p. 46.)
Prayer. Verse. Behold I have given Him
LORD, we beseech Thee, merci for a witness to the people.
fully to receive the prayers of Answer. A leader and a com
Thy people which call upon Thee: mander to the nations.
1 Is. lv. 4. ‘3 A compound of P5. xliv. 3, Luke ii. 47, and iv. 22.

Fz'rst Lesson. observe the feast of weeks of the

first-fruits of wheat harvest, and the
The Lesson is taken from the book of
feast when the time of year cometh
Exodus (xxiii. 14.) round for the in-gathering of all things.
THE Lord spake unto Moses, say Thrice in the year shall all your men
ing: Three times shall ye keep children appear before the Lord A1
a Feast unto Me in the year. Thou mighty, the God of Israel.
shalt keep the feast of unleavened
bread. Thou shalt eat unleavened Seeond Responsory.
bread seven days, as I commanded
thee, in the time appointed of the The Child JESUS tarried behind in
month of the green ears,1 when thou Jerusalem, and His parents knew not
camest out from Egypt: thou shalt of it, but they, supposing Him to have
not appear before me empty. And the been in the company, went a day’s
feast of harvest, the first-fruits of journey; and they sought Him among
thy labours whatsoever thou hast their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
sown in the field. And the feast of the
Verse. I will rise now, and go
outgoing of the year, when thou hast
about the city; in the streets and in
gathered in all thy fruits out of the
the broad ways I will seek Him
field. Three times in the year all
whom my soul loveth.
thy males shall appear before the Lord
Answer. And they sought Him
Thy God.
among their kinsfolk and acquaint
Fz'rst Responsory.
Tlzird Lesson.
JESUS' parents went every year at
the Feast of the Passover, to fulfil The Lesson is taken from the Book of
the commandment which the Lord Deuteronomy (xvi. 16.)
had commanded in the law of Moses.
AT the same time the Lord spake
Verse. 2 Three times in the year unto Moses [saying]: Three
all thy males shall appear before the times in a year shall all thy males
Lord Thy God, in the place which He appear before the Lord thy God in
shall choose. the place which He shall choose: In
Answer. To fulfil the command the feast of unleavened bread, in
ment which the Lord had commanded the feast of weeks, and in the feast
in the law of Moses. of tabernacles. They shall not ap
pear before the Lord empty; but
Second Lesson. (xxxiv. 18.) every man shall give as he is able
according to the blessing of the Lord
HE feast of unleavened bread his God which He hath given him.
shalt thou keep. Seven days
thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I Tlzz'rd Responsory.
commanded thee, in the time of the
month of green ears, for in the And when JESUS’ parents found
month of the spring-time thou camest Him not, they returned back again to
out from Egypt, (22,) and thou shalt Jerusalem seeking Him.
1 Novorum, a translation of the Hebrew Abib, the name given to the month, because the
corn is just formed in the ear.
1 Dent. xvi. 16. a Cant. iii. 2.

Verse. 1 \Vhither is my beloved her to the heart. Scarcely did she

gone, that we may seek Him with give sleep to her eyes or rest unto her
thee? feet until she found Him in the temple
Answer. They turned back to at Jerusalem, sitting in the midst of
Jerusalem seeking Him. the doctors. When she saw His
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and gracious countenance, she rejoiced
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. with great joy and gladness unspeak
Answer. Seeking Him. able, and albeit she spake little, as
becometh a virgin, yet did she utter
SECOND NOCTURN. modestly a word of great prudence
and of great wisdom, saying: “Son,
Firs! Anlz‘p/ron. They saw, and so why hast Thou thus dealt with us.”
they marvelled at the understanding Then doth she set forth the bitter
and answers of the Child JESUS. ness of the great trouble that had
Ps. xlvii. Great is the LORD, &c., been in her heart, and the carefulness
(11 98-) of that wise search which they had
made, when she saith further: “Be
Second Antip/mn. The God of hold Thy father and I have sought
gods, even the LORD, hath spoken, Thee sorrowing.” Herein doth the
and all they that heard Him were
Blessed Virgin, albeit most wise, claim
astonished at His answers. to have given a thought to the Heart
Ps. xlix. The God of gods, &c., of God Himself, speech to His mouth,
(p. 100.) and action to His Body. In her first
words we note the sweetness of her
Third Antffifion. Blessed for ever
kindly address to Him, where she
be the Name of the LORD unto whom
calleth Him Son. Right was it that
God His Father hath given judgment
the good Son JESUS should be gently
and righteousness.
addressed. For even as every good
Ps. lxxi. Give the king, &c., (p. Son is the joy and gladness of his
126.) mother, so was JESUS the joy and
Verse. And all they that heard gladness of His virgin mother.
Him were astonished.
Answer. At His understanding and Fourth Responsory.
answers. After three days JESUS’ parents
found Him in the temple sitting in
Fourllz Lesson.
the midst of the doctors.
The Lesson is taken from the Ser Verse. 2I found Him whom my
mons of St “ Buona-ventura,” [Car soul loveth; I held Him and would
dinal] Bishop [of Albano.] (First not let Him go.
on the Sunday wit/tin t/ze Octave Answer. In the temple sitting in
qf l/ze Epiphany.) the midst of the doctors.
WHAT is greatly loved is not lost
without great grief; when Fzfl/z Lesson.
therefore the Blessed Virgin lost the “THY father and I have sought
bodily presence of that tenderly loved Thee sorrowing.” Here do
and only Son, whom she loved above we note the bitterness of the deep
all things, a manifold grief struck trouble that had been at her heart.
I Cant. vi. r. 9 Cant. iii. 4.
7 > 7


Surely, O Glorious Virgin, I marvel the Child JESUS was with Joseph
not that thine heart was troubled, along with the men, and Joseph
that thou didst feel bitterness and thought that He was with Mary
grief. I should indeed have mar along with the women. For this
velled if thou hadst not sorrowed custom had been introduced for re
when thou hadst lost the bodily pres spectability’s sake, and for a safe
ence of that, thy well-beloved Son, guard of chastity. Hence it is mani
that presence which filled thy soul fest that she was not to blame for
with so many comforts. Her Son was losing Him from carelessness, but
to the Glorious Virgin in this world she was very careful and diligent in
the cause of many sorrows, many seeking Him from the uprightness of
trials, and many afflictions. We may her conscience, from the broadness of
now say that her sorrow was three her love, and from the surety of her
fold. She sorrowed first for the loss confidence.
of the presence of her Son. She
suffered again when she beheld the Sixth Responsory.
sufferings of the Lord. She suffered All they that heard Him were
once more in sharing His grief over astonished at His understanding and
the blindness of the Jews. answers, and when they saw Him
they were amazed.
Fz'fllz Responsory. Verse. 2The voice of the Lord is
They found JESUS in the midst of powerful; the voice of the Lord is
the doctors, both hearing them, and full of majesty.
asking them questions. Answer. And when they saw Him
Verse. 1 When the ear heard him, they were amazed.
then it blest him; and when the eye Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
saw him, it gave witness to him. to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. Both hearing them, and Answer. And when they saw Him
asking them questions. they were amazed.

Sz'xt/z Lesson. THIRD NOCTURN.

THY father and I have sought First Antiphon. When the doctors
Thee. Thus doth she set forth in the Temple heard the wisdom that
the carefulness of her wise search, came forth out of the mouth of JESUS
for although the Blessed Virgin had they were confounded ; they knew not,
not lost Him through carelessness, neither did they understand, and they
she was careful in seeking Him. walked on in darkness.
According to the commentators it Ps. lxxxi. God standeth, &c., (p.
was the custom of the Jews in pro 141.)
cessions, and upon journeys, when
they went up to the Temple, and Second Antiphon. The Lord hath
while they were there, that men and made known His salvation; His
women should be separated; children righteousness hath He openly shown
were not subject to this rule, but in the sight of the heathen, by means
sometimes went with their fathers of His Son.
and sometimes with their mothers. Ps. xcvii. O sing unto the LORD,
Hence the mother Mary thought that 816-, (fi- 1 57-)
1 Job xxix. 11. 9 Ps. xxviii. 4.

Third Antzfihon. The Lord reign Behold Thy father and I have sought
eth in the midst of His Temple. Let Thee sorrowing.
the people praise His great and terrible Verse. 10 my Son, the Light of
Name, for it is holy. our eyes, the Comfort of our life.
Answer. Behold Thy father and I
Ps. xcviii. The LORD reigneth,
have sought Thee sorrowing.
&c., (p. 158.)
Verse. JESUS increased in wisdom Ezghth Lesson.
and stature.
“ OW is it that ye sought Me?”
Answer. And in favour with God
Christ hath two Generations ;
and man.
one from His Father, another from
Seventh Lesson. His mother. That from His Father
is His Eternal Generation as God
The Lesson is taken from the Holy and Son; that from His mother is
Gospel according to Luke (ii. 42.) that whereby He came to work for
WHEN JESUS was twelve years us and minister to us. Those acts,
old they went up to Jerusalem, therefore, of His, which are above
after the custom of the Feast, and nature, beyond His age, and difi'erent
when they had fulfilled the days, as to His custom, proceedeth not from
they returned, the Child JESUS tarried the strength of His Manhood, but
behind in Jerusalem. And so on. from the power of His Godhead. On
another occasion His mother moveth
Homily by St Ambrose, Bishop [of Him to work a miracle; here He
Milan.] (Bk. ii. on Luke ii.) answereth her, because she treateth
We read that when He was twelve that which was of the Godhead, as
years old the Lord began to dispute. though it had been of the Manhood.
The number of His years was the
same as the number of the Apostles Eighth Resfionsory.
whom He afterwards sent forth to JESUS said unto His parents : How
preach the Faith. He Who, as is it that ye sought Me? Wist ye
touching His Manhood, was filled not that I must be about My Father’s
with wisdom and grace from God, business ?
was not careless of the parents of Verse. 2 Serve the Lord in truth, and
the same Manhood, and, after three seek to do that which pleaseth Him.
days, was pleased to be found in the Answer. Wist ye not that I must
Temple: thereby foreshadowing that, be about My Father’s business ?
after the three days of His victorious Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
Passion, He That had been reckoned to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
with the dead, would present Himself, Answer. Wist ye not that I must
living, to our faith, in His heavenly be about My Father’s business?
Kingship and Divine Majesty.
Ninth Lesson.3
Seventh Responsory.
N this occasion it is said that
His mother said unto JESUS, Son, He was twelve years old, but
why hast Thou thus dealt with us? on the other He had already disciples.
1 Tobit x. 4. ’ Tobit xiv. IO.
3 Observe that the Ninth Lesson is not of the Sunday but of the Feast, because the Gospel
of the Feast and of the Sunday are the same.

His mother had seen His wonders on Afymn.2

the earlier occasion, and had learnt ESUS, of wisdom the rich Fount,
from her Son to call on the mightier By which Thou guidest hearts aright,
nature for a work of power.1 “And And dost the proud disciple judge.
He came to Nazareth, and was sub And teachest with celestial light.
ject unto them.” No wonder that
We sing a hymn of praise. that Thou,
the great Teacher should practise. Coming Thy Father’s work to do,
And shall we marvel how He Who Midst Doctors sittest as a Child,
was subject to His mother, was about Yet teachest in the Temple too.
His Father’s business? His sub
O admirable kind of school!
jection to His mother proceeded, not
While JESUS doth the Doctors teach,
from weakness, but from dutiful Hearing and humbly questioning,
aflection. They wonder at His prudent speech.
The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O 0 Master, mercifully grant,
God, &c.,” is said. That no weak man to teach may dare,
Unless from Heaven Thou dost first
LAUDS. With wondrous light his heart prepare.

First Antiphon. JESUS’ parents Then doth all error flee away,
went to Jerusalem every year at the Then shall the Spouse, with footsteps sure,
Feast of the Passover. And all her servants, follow Thee,
Along the royal road secure.
Second Antzlohon. And as they
,returned, the Child JESUS tarried be Then, from the true believers’ land,
hind in Jerusalem; and His parents All treacherous teachers shall they drive,
knew not of it. And, on the true and only Faith,
Third Antiphon. And when they In health our souls shall live and thrive.
found not JESUS, they returned back Who art revealed to anxious ones,
again to Jerusalem, seeking Him. 0 JESUS, glory be to Thee,
And after three days they found With Father and with Holy Ghost,
Him in the Temple, sitting in the Ever throughout Eternity. Amen.
midst of the doctors, both hearing
Verse. 3 Ye children of Zion rejoice
them, and asking them questions.
in the Lord your God.
Fourth Antiphon. And His mother
Answer. For He hath given you a
saith unto Him, Son, why hast Thou
teacher of righteousness.
thus dealt with us ? Behold Thy father
and I have sought Thee sorrowing. A ntz'phon at the Song of Zacharias.
Fifth Antiphon. And JESUS went Son, why hast Thou thus' dealt with
down with them, and came to Nazareth, us? Thy father and I have sought
and was subject unto them. Thee sorrowing. How is it that ye
sought Me? Wist ye not that I must
Chapter. (Is. lv. 1.) be about My Father’s business?
HO, every one that thirsteth, come
Prayer throughout the Ofiice.
ye to the waters, and he that
hath no money, make haste, buy and O GOD, Who wast pleased that
eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk the lowly childhood of Thy
without money, and without purse. Son should be glorified by wisdom
1 Translated directly from the works of the Saint. In the Breviary the passage has got
corrupted, even to the substitution of a negative for an afl‘irmative (“ne" for “ut.")
9 Translation by Archbishop Bagshawe, (Breviary Hymns, No. 55.) ’ Joel ii. 23.

from heaven, grant unto us to be so among the elders, and I will be

filled with the spirit of wisdom that found sharp in judgement, and won
we may walk before Thee in lowliness derful in the presence of the mighty.
unfeigned. Through the Same our
Lord JESUS Christ, Thy Son, \Vho TERCE.
liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Chapter as at Lauds.
world without end. Amen.
Short Responsory.
The following Commemoration is
made of the Sunday. Verse. Behold I have given Him
Antiphon. The Child JESUS tarried
for a witness to the peoples. Alleluia,
behind in Jerusalem, and His parents
Answer. Behold I have given Him
knew not of it, supposing Him to
for a witness to the peoples. Alleluia,
have been in the company, and they
sought Him among their kinsfolk and
Verse. A leader and a commander
to the nations.
Verse. Worship God. Alleluia.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Answer. All ye His Angels. Alle
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Prayer as at First Vespers, then of Ghost.
the Octave of the Epiphany. Answer. Behold I have given Him
for a witness to the peoples. Alleluia,
Antiphon. This day is the Church
joined unto the Heavenly Bridegroom, Alleluia.
Verse. All they that heard Him
since Christ hath washed away her
sins in Jordan; the wise men hasten were astonished. Alleluia.
with gifts to the marriage supper of Answer. At His understanding
the King; and they that sit at meat and answers. Alleluia.
together make merry with water
turned into wine. Alleluia. SEXT.
Verse. All they from Saba shall Antzlohon. And when they found
come. Alleluia. not JESUS, &c., (Third Antiphon at
Answer. They shall bring gold Lauds.)
and incense. Alleluia. '
Chapter. (Acts iii. 22.)
MOSES truly said unto the fathers:
Antiphon. JESUS’ parents, &c., A Prophet shall the Lord your
(First Antiphon at Lauds.) God raise up unto you of your breth
ren, like unto me ; Him shall ye hear
In the Short Responsory is said,
in all things, whatsoever He shall say
Verse. Thou That wast found in unto you.
the Temple.
Short Responsory.
Chapter at the end. (Wisd. viii. 10.)
Verse. All they that heard Him
OR Wisdom’s sake I shall have were astonished. Alleluia, Alleluia.
glory before the multitude, Answer. All they that heard Him
though I am young, and honour were astonished. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Verse. At His understanding and Antiphon. This day we keep as

answers. holiday in honour of Three Won
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. ders. This day a star led the three
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and wise men to the manger; this day at
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. the marriage, water was made wine;
Answer. All they that heard him this day was Christ, for our salvation,
were astonished. Alleluia, Alleluia. pleased to be baptised of John in
Verse. Jesus increased in wisdom Jordan. Alleluia.
and stature. Alleluia, Alleluia. Verse. All they from Saba shall
Answer. And in favour with God come. Alleluia.
and man. Alleluia. Answer. They shall bring gold
and incense. Alleluia.

Antiphon. And Jesus went down @Iijirh £unhag after the

with them, See. (5th Antiphon at
Lands.) Epiphany.
Chapter as at the end of Prime. 1113112 SHuIg ihumz. 325115,
Short Responsory. Wary, anti 31152111].
Verse. Jesus increased in wisdom Greater Double.
and stature. Alleluia, Alleluia.
Answer. Jesus increased in wis
dom and stature. Alleluia, Alleluia. Psalms as in the Feasts of the
Verse. And in favour with God Blessed Virgin.
and man.
Answer. Alleluia, Alleluia. First Antiphon. And Jacob1 begat
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. was born JESUS, Who is called the
Answer. Jesus increased in wis Christ.
dom and stature. Alleluia, Alleluia. Second Antiphon. The Angel2 of
Verse. Ye children of Zion rejoice the Lord appeared to Joseph in sleep,
in the Lord your God. Alleluia. saying, Joseph, thou son of David,
Answer. For he hath given you a fear not to take unto thee Mary thy
teacher of righteousness. Alleluia. wife, for That Which is conceived in
her is of the Holy Ghost. .
Third Antiohon. And the shep
4 herds came with haste; and they
All as the First, except the found Mary, and Joseph, and the
following . Babe lying in a manger.3
Fourth Antiphon. When the wise
A ntz'phon at the Song of the Blessed
men were come into the house, they
Virgin. The Child JESUS increased
found the young Child, with Mary
in wisdom and stature before God
His mother.4
and man.
Fifth Antifihon. His father and
A Commemoration of the Sunday is mother marvelled at those things which
made; then of the Octave. were spoken of Him.5
1 Matth. i. 16. 7 Matth. i. 20. 3 Luke ii. 16. 4 Matth. i. n. 5 Luke ii. 33.

Chapter. (Luke ii. 51.) Prayer.

AND JESUS went down with Mary 0 LORD JESUS Christ, Who, when
and Joseph, and came to Naz Thou wast subject to Mary and
areth, and was subject unto them. to Joseph, didst sanctify the life of
home with virtues which cannot be
uttered, grant that we, by the assist
ance of both, may be instructed by
O HIGHEST Hope of mortals, the example of this Holy Home, and
Blest Light of saints above, admitted to a share in its everlasting
0 JESUS, on Whose boyhood blessedness. Who livest and reignest
Home smiled with kindly love;
with God the Father, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one God, world with
0 thou whose bosom nursed Him,
0 Mary, highly graced,
out end. Amen.
Whose breast gave milk to JESUS, A Commemoration is made of the
Whose arms thy God embraced; Sunday.

And thou of all men chosen Antiphon. God hath holpen His
To guard the Virgin’s fame, servant Israel, as He spake unto
To whom God's Son refused not Abraham, and to his seed, to exalt
A father's gracious name; them of low degree for ever and ever.

Born for the nation's healing,

Verse. Let the evening prayer
Of Jesse's lineage high, ascend unto Thee, O Lord.
Behold the suppliants kneeling, Answer. And let there descend
O hear the sinner's cry. upon us Thy mercy.

The sun, returned to evening, Prayer.

Dusks all the twilight air;
\Ve, lingering here before you, ALMIGHTY and everlasting
Pour out our heartfelt prayer. God, mercifully look upon our
infirmities, and in all our dangers and
Your home was as a garden, necessities stretch forth the right hand
Made glad with fairest flowers; of Thy Majesty, to help and defend us.
May life thus blossom sweetly Through our Lord JESUS Christ Thy
In every home of ours.
Son, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
JESUS, to Thee be glory,
one God, world without end. Amen.
The Maiden-Mother's Son,
With Father and with Spirit, At Compline and other Hours, at
While endless ages run. the end of the Hymn, is said:
Verse. The Word was made Flesh. JESUS, to Thee be glory,
Alleluia. The Maiden-Mother’s Son, &c.
Answer. And dwelt among us.
Inw'tatory. Christ the Son of God,
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
obedient to Mary and Joseph, * 0
Virgin. Blessed are they that dwell
come, let us worship.
in Thine house, 0 Lord; they shall
be ever praising Thee.1 Ps. xciv., (p. 2.)
1 Ps. lxxxiii. 5.

Hymn. JEsus, Mary, Joseph, help us,

Ye who bore our toilsome days;
BRIGHTLY gleam the sacred temples, Ye who bore with pain and hardship,
Where a thousand torches shine, Hear the wretchedness that prays;
Garlanded about the altars, Aid us whom our need drives forward,
Lo! the fairest blossoms twine. Struggling on by thorny ways;
Smoking censers send their perfume
To the throne of Love Divine. Take from us the pride of living,
If the light of fortune shine,
Teach us in whatever chances
Shall we praise the Sole-Begotten’s
Not to vaunt and not repine.
Royal ancestry with song?
While we beg for your protection,
Shall we tell His glory, chanting
Look on us with eyes benign.
All the honoured names that throng
David's line, and their achievements
Thine be glory, thine be power,
All the storied ages long?
JESUS, while the ages run,
Thou Whose life is our instruction,
Rather let us now be mindful Till the tasks of earth are done,
Of the lowly village cot, Reigning with the Sovran Father,
Of the Galilean hillside And the Spirit, Three in One.
Where He chose the poor man’s lot.
Rather let our hymns remember
How He lived, by men forgot.
First Antiphon. When His parents
Home, from Nile’s far distant margin, brought in the Child JESUS, then
Lo! He travels, angel-led, Simeon took Him up in his arms, and
Hastening, a little pilgrim, blessed God.1
Many pains gone o’er His Head, Second Antiphon. When they had
And delivered out of danger,
performed all things according to the
Shares His foster-father’s bread.
law of the Lord, they returned into
Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.2
Joseph trains Him, Joseph teaches Third Antzphon. And the Child
All his lore of humble skill;
grew, and waxed strong [in spirit,]
JESUS grows from boy to manhood——
Hidden years, secluded, still— filled with wisdom: and the grace
Helping Joseph in his labour, of God was upon Him.8
Prenticed by His eager will.
Verse. Though He was rich, yet
for our sakes He became poor.
“ Let the sweat of toil bedew Me,"
Answer. That we through His
Thus He saith, "against the day
When a sweat of blood shall trickle, poverty might become rich.4
Dyeing earth with ruddy spray:
Thus for humankind’s transgressions First Lesson.
Fullest penalty to pay."
The Lesson is taken from the Epistle
Near her gracious Boy the Mother of the Blessed Apostle Paul to the
Sits and looks with loving eye'I Colossians (iii. 12-16.)
Sits the wife beside her husband,
Glad to know that he is nighI PUT on, therefore, as the elect of
Happy if she may console them God, holy and beloved, bowels
As the hours of work go by. of mercy, kindness, humbleness, meek
1 Luke ii. 27, 28. 2 Luke ii. 39.
3 Luke ii. 40. 4 2 Cor. viii. 9.

ness, long-suffering: forbearing one Third Lesson.5

another, and forgiving one another,
ERVANTS, obey in all things
if any man have a quarrel against
your masters according to the
any; even as the Lord hath forgiven
flesh, not with eye-service, as men
you, so also do ye. And above all
pleasers, but in singleness of heart,
these things put on charity, which is
fearing God. Whatsoever ye do, do
the bond of perfectness; and let the
it heartily, as to the Lord, and not
peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
unto men, knowing that of the Lord
to the which also ye are called in one
ye shall receive the reward of the
body; and be ye thankful. Let the
inheritance. Serve the Lord Christ.
word of Christ dwell in you richly, in
For he that doeth wrong shall re
all wisdom, teaching and admonishing
ceive for the wrong which he hath
one another in psalms, and hymns,
done: and there is no respect of
and spiritual songs, singing with grace
persons with God. (iv. 1.) Masters,
in your hearts to the Lord. give unto your servants that which
is just and equal, knowing that ye
First Responsory. also have a Master in heaven. Con
Afterwards did He show Himself tinue in prayer, and watch in the same
upon earth and conversed with men.1 with thanksgiving.
Verse. He hath found out all the
way of knowledge, and hath given it Third Responsory.
unto Jacob His servant.2
In all things it behoved Him to be
Answer. And conversed with men. made like unto His brethren, that He
might be merciful!1
Second Lesson. '
Verse. Though He was the Son
WHATSOEVER ye do in word of God, yet learned He obedience by
or deed, do all in the Name the things which He suffered.7
of the Lord JESUS Christ, giving Answer. That He might be
thanks to God and the Father by merciful.
Him. Wives submit yourselves unto Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
your own husbands, as it is fit in to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, Answer. That He might be
and be not bitter against them. merciful.
Children, obey your parents in all
things: for this is well pleasing unto SECOND NOCTURN.
the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your First ‘Antiphon. When Joseph
children to anger, lest they be dis arose, he took the young Child and
couraged. His mother by night, and departed
into Egypt.8
Second Responsory.
Second Anlifihon. The Angel of
Blessed are they that dwell in Thine the Lord appeared to Joseph in
house, 0 Lord.4 Egypt, in a dream, saying, Arise,
Verse. They will be ever praising and take the young Child and His
Thee. mother, and go into the land of
Answer. In Thine house, 0 Lord. Israel.9
1 Baruch iii. 38. 9 Baruch iii. 37. 3 Col. iii. 17-21.
4 Ps. lxxxiii. 5. 5 Col. iii. 22-25; iv. 1, 2. ° Heb. ii. 17.
7 Heb. v. 8. 5 Matth. ii. 14. 9 Matth. ii. 20.

TIzz'rd Antz'plzon. And he came thou be, and it shall be well with
and dwelt at Nazareth: that it might thee.
be fulfilled which was spoken by Answer. The Lord thinketh upon
the prophets, He shall be called a me.
Nazarene.1 Fg'fz‘lz Lesson.
Verse. The Lord will teach us AS a man, therefore, He learned
His ways. obedience by the things which
Answer. And we will walk in He suffered, that He might be made
His paths.2 perfect in the flesh; and that by
bequeathing to us His obedience, He
Fourth Lesson. might become the Author of eternal
salvation to us, to whom the first
Sermon by St Ambrose, Bishop [of
Adam by the legacy of his dis
Milan.] (An Exposition of Psalms
obedience had before been the source
xxxvi. and xli.)
of death. His subjection is a lesson
BE ye subject unto the Lord and in human virtue, not a diminution
entreat Him. Christ, by doing of the Divine power. For will those
the will of the Father, fulfilled the who declare that the Son is less than
law; and therefore He is the fulfil the Father, and unequal to Him
ment of the law, and the fulness of because He is subject to Him as
mercy. For, seeing that He loved God, declare also that He is less
the Father, He gave all His affection than His mother, because He was
to the fulfilling of His will. And subject to His mother? For we
then He was subject to His parents read of joseph and Mary: And He
Joseph and Mary on account of His was subject to them. The truth is
duty to them, not of His necessity. that such dutifulness5 brings no loss
Therefore He took upon Him to to any one of us, but rather gain ; for
suffer along with us. For, in that through it the Lord JESUS has poured
He made all things subject unto faith and grace into us all, that He
Him, He did that which belonged may make us also, in the spirit of
unto Himself; but, in that He was faith, subject to God the Father.
subject, He did that which belongeth
unto us. The soul, He saith, is Fz'fllz Rerpomory.
subject, not the divinity; the soul 6The foxes have holes, and the
is subject, not the power of God. birds of the air have nests; but the
In His soul, therefore, He was Son of Man hath not where to lay
obedient, in His soul lowly; these His head.
things, then, He took upon Him, Verse. 1 am poor, and in toil
not to the laying aside of His power, from my youth up.7
but to teach us His doctrine. Answer. But the Son of Man
hath not where to lay His head.
Fourth Rerfionsory.
Sixth Lesson. (Ps. lxv.)
But I am poor and needy. The
Lord thinketh upon me.3 ASTLY, if we consider the matter,
Verse. 4For thou shalt eat of the humility had been lost in the
labour of thine hands. Happy shalt Garden of Eden, and therefore came
l Matth. ii. 23. 2 Isa. ii. 3. 3 Ps. xxxix. 18. ‘ Ps. cxxvii. 2.
ll Pitta: 6 Matth. viii. 20. 7 Ps. lxxxvii. 16.

from heaven. In the Garden of Eden Verse. 61 am poor, and in toil

arose disobedience. Obedience came from my youth up.
down on that account with the Saviour. Answer. And when I was lifted
The flesh was pulled up so that the up, then was I brought down and
subjection of meekness could not be troubled.
found on earth. The Lord JESUS
came and first emptied Himself, Seventh Lesson.
though He thought it not robbery
to be equal with God, and taking The Lesson is taken from the Holy
upon Himself the form of a servant, Gospel according to Luke (ii. 42,
was found in the likeness of a 43-)
man, and humbled Himself, becom
AND when JESUS was twelve years
ing obedient unto death. Let Him,
old, they went up to Jerusalem
therefore, say: I am a youth and
after the custom of the feast. And
despised; because Christ as a poor
when the had fulfilled the days,
man and despised redeemed the
as they returned, the Child JESUS
world; because Christ by His humil
tarried behind in Jerusalem; and
ity overthrew the devil.
His parents knew not of it. And
so on.
Sixth Resfiansory.
Homily by St Bernard, Abbat [of
1Who, being in the form of God, Clairvaux.] (From the 1st Homily
emptied Himself, and took the form on the words, “The Angel was
of a servant. sent.”)
Verse. 2 He humbled Himself,
and became obedient even unto And He was subject to them.
death. Who was subject? and to whom?
Answer. And took the form of a God to men ; God, I repeat, to Whom
servant. the angels are subject, Whom princi
Verse. Glory be to the Father, palities and powers obey, was subject
and to the Son, and to the Holy to Mary; and not only to Mary, but
Ghost. to Joseph also for Mary’s sake.
Answer. And took the form of a Marvel, therefore, both at God and
servant. man, and choose that which gives
greater wonder, whether it be the
THIRD NOCTURN. most loving condescension of the
Son, or the exceeding great dignity
First Antiohon. 8The parents of of His parents. Both amaze us,
JESUS went up every year to Jeru both are marvellous. That God
salem t0 the feast of the Passover. should obey man is lowliness without
Second Antzlohon. 4As they re~ parallel, that man should rule over
turned, the Child JESUS tarried be God, an elevation beyond comparison.
hind at Jerusalem; and His parents In praise of virgins it is sung of them
knew not of it. alone, that they follow the Lamb
Third AntzQo/zon. 5 And when they whithersoever He goeth. Of what
found not JESUS, they returned into praise do you judge that man worthy
Jerusalem, seeking Him. who goeth before Him?
1 Phil. ii. 6, 7. 2 Phil. ii. 8. ’ Luke ii. 4!.
4 Luke ii. 43. 5 Luke ii. 45. 6 Ps. lxxxviii. 16.

Seventh Responsory. Answer. 50 by the obedience of

one shall many he made righteous.
1Verily Thou art a King that Verse. Glory be to the Father,
hidest Thyself, O God of Israel, the
and to the Son, and to the Holy
Verse. Thou teachest man know Answer. So by the obedience of
ledge. one shall many be made righteous.
Answer. God of Israel, the
Saviour. If the Feast oe transferred, the
Benedietion. following is read:
God’s most mighty strength alway Ninth Lesson.
Be His people’s staff and stay.
IF thou canst not enter upon the
Answer. Amen. lofty path of virginity, at least
follow God by the most safe road of
E{gilt/z Lesson. humility. If any turn aside from this
straight way, though they be virgins,
LEARN, 0 man, to obey; learn, 0
they do not follow the Lamb, if the
earth, to be subject; learn, 0
truth be told, whithersoever He goeth.
dust, to submit. The Evangelist,
The humble man, though stained with
speaking of thy Creator, says: “And
sin, followeth the Lamb; the virgin,
He was subject to them.” Doubtless to
though proud, followeth; but neither
Mary and joseph. Shame on you, the
followeth whithersoever He goeth.
proud ashes! God abaseth Himself,
The former cannot attain to the purity
and dost thou exalt thyself? God sub
of the Lamb, for He is without spot ;
jects Himself to men, and dost thou,
the latter deigns not to descend to
eager to lord it over men, set thyself
His meekness, Who was dumb, not
over thy Creator P For as often soever
before the shearer, but before the
as I desire pre-eminency over men, so
murderer. Yet the sinner who fol
often do I strive to excel God. For
loweth in humility hath chosen a more
of Him it was said: And He was
saving way than the proud man who
subject to them. If thou disdainest,
followeth in virginity, for the humble
0 man, to follow the example of man,
man maketh satisfaction, and is
at least thou canst follow thy Creator
cleansed of his impurity, but the
without dishonour. If thou canst not,
proud man’s chastity is stained by
perchance, follow Him whithersoever
his pride.
He goeth, deign at least to follow
Him in that to which He hath lowered Tlze bfymn, “We praise Thee, &c.,”
Himself for the sake of thee. (p. 21,) is said.

Eiglztlz Responsory. LAUDS.

As by one man’s disobedience First A ntz'plzon. 3 After three days

many were made sinners, so by the they found JESUS in the temple, sit
obedience of one shall many be made ting in the midst of the doctors,
righteous.2 both hearing them and asking them
Verse. He came to Nazareth, and questions.
was subject unto them. Second A ntiplzon. 4And the mother
1 Isa. xlv. :5; rex instead of deus. 5 Rom. v. 19.
3 Luke ii. 46. ‘ Luke ii. 48.
of JESUS said unto Him, Son, why So may we fare; may love unite
hast Thou thus dealt with us? Be Our hearts in one throughout the years,
hold, Thy father and I have sought To soothe our homes with calm delight,
And mingle sweetness in life's tears.
Thee sorrowing.
Third Antiohon. 1JESUS went JESUS, for ever unto Thee,
down with them, and came to Nazar The Maiden-Mother’s loving Son,
eth, and was subject unto them. With Father and with Spirit, be
Fourth Antz'phon. ‘~’ And JESUS in All glory while the ages run.
creased in wisdom and age, and in
favour with God and man. Verse. 41 will cause all thy child
Fifth Antzlohon. 3And they said, ren to be taught of the Lord.
\Vhence hath this Man this wisdom, Answer. And great shall be the
and these mighty works? Is not this peace of thy children.
the carpenter’s Son P
A ntiohon at the Song of Zacharias.
Chapter. (Luke ii. 51.) Let the example of Thine house
hold shine upon us, 0 Lord, and
AND JESUS came down with Mary do Thou guide our feet into the
and Joseph, and came to Naz way of peace.
areth, and was subject unto them.
Prayer as at First Vespers.
A Commemoration is made of the
0 HAPPY guest of alien race, Sunday.
0 Nazareth's august abode,
The infant Church's dwelling-place Amp/w”. When JESUS was come
Before she sought the world’s highroad. down from the mountain, behold, there
The sun, who with his golden light came a leper, and worshipped Him,
Travels the lands that lie below, saying, Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou
Has never seen a fairer sight, canst make me clean. And JESUS
Nor holier home has earth to show. put forth His hand, and touched him,
saying: I will; be thou clean.
Hither the angels oft resort
To honour virtue's sacred fane, Verse. The Lord reigneth. He is
Glad nuncios of the heavenly court,
Again returning and again.
clothed with majesty.
Answer. The Lord is clothed with
With what glad hand and eager heart strength, and hath girded Himself
The Child performs the father's will; with power.
How blithely Mary plays her part,
A mother’s duty to fulfil. Prayer as at First Vespers.

Joseph is there with love no less

To halve the burdens of his wife, PRIME.
And grace that gives all holiness,
1n the Short Responsory, instead of
With thousand links binds life to life.
the Verse, “Thou That sittest, &c.,”
Like streams that join, their love outflows is said .
To gulf itself in JEsus' sea,
And JESUS on the twain bestows Verse. Thou That wast born of
The guerdon of their charity. the Virgin Mary.
1 Luke ii. 51. 2 Luke ii. 52.
3 Matth. viii. 54, 55. ‘ Isa. liv. 12, I3.

Chapter. Chapter. (Philip. ii. 7.)
AND JESUS went down with Mary HE emptied Himself, and took the
and Joseph, and came to Naz form of a servant, and was
areth, and was subject unto them. made in the likeness of man, and
found in fashion of a man.
Short Responsory.
For our sakes He became poor, Short Resfionsory.
though He was rich.
Answer. For our sakes He became I am poor, and in toil from my
poor, though He was rich. youth up.
Verse. That through His poverty Answer. I am poor, and in toil
we might become rich. from my youth up.
Answer. Though He was rich. Verse. And when I was lifted up,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and there was I brought down and
t0 the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. troubled.
Answer. For our sakes He became Answer. From my youth up.
poor, though He was rich. Verse. Glory be to the Father,
Verse. 1The Lord will teach us and to the Son, and to the Holy
His ways. Ghost.
Answer. And we will walk in His Answer. I am poor, and in toil
paths. > from my youth up.
SEXT. Verse. I will cause all thy children
to be taught of the Lord.
Chapter. (Romans v. 19.)
Answer. And great shall be the
AS by one man’s disobedience peace of thy children.
many were made sinners, so by
the obedience of one shall many be
made righteous.
A ntiphon as at Lauds.
Short Responsory. Psalms as at Feasts of the Blessed
The Lord will teach us His ways. Virgin.
Answer. The Lord will teach us Chapter and Hymn as at First
His ways. Vespers.
Verse. And we will walk in His Verse and Answer as at Lauds.
Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Answer. His ways.
Virgin. But Mary kept all those
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
sayings in her heart.
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
Answer. The Lord will teach us Then is made a Commemoration of
His ways. the Sunday.
Verse. I am poor and in toil from
my youth up. Antzfhon at the Song of the Blessed
Answer. And when I was lifted Virgin. Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou
up, then was I brought down and canst make me clean. And JESUS'
troubled. said, I will; be thou clean.
1 Isa. ii. 3.

Verse. 1 Let my prayer, 0 Lord, be Translation by the Rev. E. Caswall

set forth of the hymn Aspire, inform", &c.,
Answer. As incense before Thee. (Hymns and Poems, p. 36):—
Prayer as be'fiare.
EE! where in shame the God of glory
firing after fierageaima fitmbag. All bathed in His own Blood:
See! how the nails pierce with a thousand
Ofliee in i’l/emory of tlze Suflerz'ngs of pangs
our Lord jESUS C/zrz'sl. Those Hands so good.
(See ante pp. 442 and 888, foot Th' All Holy, as a minister of ill,
notes.) Betwixt two thieves they place;
Oh, deed unjust! yet such the cruel will
Translation by the Rev. E. Caswall Of Israel's race.
of the hymn Ma'rentes oeulz', &c.,
(Hymns and Poems, p. 35):— Pale grows His Face, and fixed His languid
Eye ;
OVV let us sit and weep, His wearied Head He bends;
And fill our hearts with woe; And rich in merits, forth with one loud cry
Pondering the shame, and torments deep, His Spirit sends.
\Nhich God from wicked men did undergo.
Oh heart more hard than iron! not (0
See! how the multitude, weep
With swords and staves, draw nigh; At this; thy sin it was
See! how they smite with buffets rude That wrought His death; of all these tor
That Head divine of awful majesty: ments deep
Thou art the cause.
How, bound with cruel cord,
Christ to the scourge is given; Praise, honour, glory be through endless
And ruflians lift their hands, unaw'd time
Against the King of kings and Lord of To th' everlasting God;
Heaven. Who washed away our deadly sins of crime
Hear it! ye people, hear! In His own Blood.
Our good and gracious God,
Silent beneath the lash severe,
Stands with His sacred Shoulders drench’d
in Blood.
1113112 fitmentyivix 390111 {Ham
0 scene for tears! but now
The sinful race contrive tyrs $11110 sufferer: in
A torment new; deep in His Brow, Blapan.
With all their force the jagged thorns they
drive. Double.

Then roughly dragged to death, All from tlze Common Oflice for
Christ on the Cross is slain; Many Marlyrs, (p. 498,) except {be
And, as He dies, with parting Breath, following.
Into His Father’s Hands gives back His
Soul again. Prayer throughout.
To Him who so much bore,
To gain for sinners grace,
0 LORD JESUS Christ, \Vho didst
Be praise and glory evermore dedicate the first-fruits of the
From the whole universal race. faith among the people of Japan in
1 Ps. cxl. 2.

the blood of Thine holy martyrs Peter times threatened to invade the Philip
Baptist, Paul, and their companions, pine Islands, and His Most Catholic
so that they were conformed to Thy Majesty the King of Spain deemed
likeness through the death of the well to send some religious men of
cross, grant that we, who this day his own nation into Japan to treat of
keep their festival, may be stirred up peace with Taicosama on his royal
by their ensample. Who livest and behalf. For this purpose he made
reignest with God the Father, in the choice of the Friar Peter Baptist, a
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, Priest of the Barefooted Order of
world without end. Amen. Friars Minor of St Francis of the
Stricter Observance, and a man emi
First Vespers are of St john de la nent for his holiness and teaching,
Mata till the Chapter exclusive, then and with him he sent some com
of the Martyrs, with Commemorations, panions of the same Order. These
first of the Second Vespers of St john men were authorised by the Apostolic
de la Mata, and then of St Apollonia. See to spread the Catholic faith in
A ntiphon, Verse and A nswerfrom the the Indies and in China, and they
Common Ofiice for a Virgin and Mar undertook their mission from the King
tyr, and Prayer, “0 God, Who amidst of Spain with the intention of making
the wondrous, &c.,” (p. 573.) it an occasion to preach the Gospel
among those people. They came to
MATTINS. Japan, and when they had happily
performed the mission wherewith they
FIRST NOCTURN. were charged, they called other com
panions to their aid, and set them
Lessons from Scripture according to selves to work for the increase of
the Season. 1n Lent from Rom. viii., religion.
(t- 499-)
Fifth Lesson.
FOR three years they toiled by
Fourth Lesson. preaching, fasting, watching,
and praying. They founded many
THE empire of Japan, on the east Christian hospitals, convents, and
ernmost side of Asia, had lain churches in divers places. They re
for long in darkness and in the lieved the sufl'erings of the poor and
shadow of death, when upon it the sick with wondrous love, confirmed
light of Catholic truth shone in the many of the faithful in the path of
sixteenth century of man’s redemp salvation, and led countless numbers
tion. Holy Francis Xavier, the great to the faith. These things stirred up
apostle of the Indies, there preached the priests of the false gods, and they
Christ crucified, and founded so betook themselves to the Emperor,
illustrious a church that the times and persuaded him that the safety of
of the first Apostles seemed there his empire demanded that he should
again to have appeared upon earth. expel from its coasts the Christian
Neither did this same church lack religion, which was springing up on
martyrs to dedicate in their blood all sides. The Emperor was stricken
the first-fruits of its faith. Towards with this groundless fear, and forth
the close of the aforesaid century, with commanded the Friars to be
Taicosama, Emperor of Japan, several .arrested, and sentenced them to the

cross. Besides Peter Baptist and his claim the faith of Christ, and like the
five companions, there were arrested chiefest of them was Paul Miki, who
Paul Miki and two other Japanese from the glorious pulpit of the cross
members‘ of the Society of Jesus, and preached the Christian religion to
fifteen Japanese members of the Third the multitude that stood around, and
Order of St Francis, of whom some openly bade himself rejoice that he
ministered in catechising and others was dying upon the cross even as the
in holy ofl‘ices. To whom were added Lord Christ died at the same age as
two more that ministered to them in he. At last two lances were thrust
their chains, so that there were through the body of each of them
twenty-six in all. from beneath the ribs 0n the one side
to the shoulder upon the other side,
and thus they gave up their triumph
Sixth Lesson. ant spirits to heaven. It pleased
AFTER long suffering, the extreme God to glorify the victory of his
point of the left ears of these champions by signs and wonders, and
brave soldiers of Christ was cut ofl' when these had been duly proved, the
in a public square at Meaco. After Congregation of Sacred Rites decreed
this they were carried in carts with that it might at any time proceed
their hands tied behind their backs, with their canonisation. Meanwhile
first through the streets of that capital the Supreme Pontiff Urban VIII., on
city, and then through those of other receiving this decree, gave leave to
cities, in order that their shame might say and celebrate every year an oflice
be spread abroad as widely as possible and mass of these martyrs as among
to the terror of others. They were the blessed. At length the Provid
thus borne at mid-winter over some ence of God brought it to pass that
six hundred miles, with a crier going the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX. carried
before them, and bearing the sentence out the matter, and upon the holy
of their condemnation to the cross day of Pentecost, in the year 1862,
for having preached the law of Christ when he was surrounded by a great
which the Emperor had forbidden. and illustrious mass of Cardinals and
It is meet to be recorded that during Bishops, who had come together from
their journey the parents of the young all parts of the Catholic world to
Japanese Anthony, one of the mem protect the rights of the Church and
bers of the Third Order, met him and of the Apostolic See, he enrolled the
strove by tenderness and tears to get names of these martyrs among those
him to break his truth with Christ. of the Saints.
Them he constantly withstood, and
declared that he despised all earthly THIRD NOCTURN.
and transitory things, and would
cleave only to Christ, Who had pro Lessons from Luke vi. I7, with the
mised him things heavenly and eter homily of St A mhrose, (p. 5! I.) The
nal, and he gave to them his garment last is omitted to make room for the
wherewith he was clothed. At length Ninth Lesson, which is that for St
they came to Nangasaki, where crosses Apollonia, (p. 758.) She is also
had been made ready at a hill as commemorated at Lands.
though upon another Calvary. To Vespers are of St Scholastica from
these they were fastened and then the Chapter inclusive, but with a
lifted up. They ceased not to pro Commemoration of the Holy Martyrs.

FEBRUARY 1' 3. was sprung of the royal stock of the

Picts in North Britain. While he
£t ikmtigzm, iBislJnp [of was still a lad, he was given over to
the monastery of Culross, under the
QEIasgutnJ @uufzssur. teaching of the holy Bishop and
Abbat Serf, and made wondrous
Douhle. headway in the study not only of
All from the Common Qfiire for a letters, but also of the things of
Bishop and Confessor, (15. 51 5,) except God and the science of the saints.2
Hence he withdrew into a solitary
the following.
place at Glasgow in Scotland,3
where he led an hard life in con
Prayer throughout. stant prayer, and meditation upon
the things' of heaven, until the
0 GOD, Who didst use Thy
faithful of those parts, moved by
blessed Confessor and Bishop
the fame of his holiness, duly chose
Kentigern as a mean whereby to
him for their bishop.
make the light of the true faith
to shine before barbarous nations,
grant, we beseech Thee, that we Fifth Lesson.
by faithfully following that which HEN he had been raised to the
he preached and taught may in dignity of shepherd, he forth
the end obtain unto that light of with shed around the bright rays of
eternal glory where he now liveth. apostolic grace, like a candle set
upon a candlestick. By his words
MATTINS. and his example he so shaped
the flock committed unto him that
FIRST NOCTURN. many of them were so kindled
with the love of Jesus Christ as
Lessons from Ecclus. xliv. I, (p. to keep nothing of their own, but
529-) to serve God with one heart and
SECOND NOCTURN. one mind like the first disciples of
the Apostles. Kentigern himself re
Fourth Lesson. laxed nothing of his first way of life.
It was his use every day, besides
ENTIGERN, whom the Scots other works of godliness and penance,
on account of the innocency to repeat the whole psalter ; and
of his life and the sweetness of every year, after the example of
his ways called Munghum,1 which Christ, he passed in the desert
is being interpreted dearly beloved, the whole time of the fast of
1 It is difficult to guess who can have compiled these Lessons. The quaint word
Munghum is evidently meant to represent Mynghu, popularly corrupted into Mungo, and
which signifies “my dear" : the ngh being the e of the Welsh cu undergoing the nasal mutation
after my, in modern Welsh 11y. He was not a Pict, but a. Briton.
2 The boat containing Kentigern and his mother was washed ashore at Culross very soon
after his birth. The Serf in question was not an Abbat, and it is very improbable that he
was a Bishop. The monastery was not founded for hundreds of years afterwards.
3 It is difficult to understand what is meant by the solitary place, since he seems to have
been attracted to Glasgow by the fact that there was there already a burying-ground which
had been consecrated by Ninian. The word Scotland at that time would have meant Ireland,
and it was not until a good many centuries later that it would have been held to include
forty days, cut off altogether from THIRD NOCTURN.
the conversation of men.
Sewn/h Lesson.
Sixth Lesson.
The Lesson is taken from the Holy
GOD confirmed his preaching with Gospel according to Matthew (xxv.
many and great miracles, and 14.)
thus this holy bishop, mighty in word
and in work, preserved his flock un T that time: JESUS spake unto
hurt from the Pelagian heresy which His disciples this parable: A
crept all round about. And in his man, travelling into a far country,
vast diocese, wherethrough he trav called his own servants, and de
elled many times on foot, he almost livered unto them his goods. And
abolished the worship of false gods, so on.
and brought a countless multitude of Homily by St Jerome, Priest [at
heathen into the Church of Christ.1 Bethlehem.] (81‘. iv. on Matth.
With this, nevertheless, he was not xxv.)
content, but sent meet churchmen to
preach the gospel in the northern By this man travelling into a
parts of Scotland, in the Orkneys, in far country and first calling his
Norway, and in Iceland. He lacked servants and delivering unto them
not the merit of suffering hardship for his goods, we can hardly doubt but
Christ’s sake. He was driven into that Christ is signified, who, after
exile by a wicked tyrant, and betook that He was risen again from the
himself to Wales, where he dwelt for dead, ascended hence in triumph
a while with holy Bishop David, and to the Father ; but before doing
then founded at the confluence of the so, called together His Apostles,
Elwy and the Clwyd a famous monas and committed to them the preach
tery, where he trained up holy Asaph ing of the Gospel, more to one
as his disciple. There was a story and less to another, not arbitrarily,
that once upon a time, when holy but to every man “according to his
Colum, the Abbat of Iona, saw Kent several ability,” even as saith the
igern, he said unto his monk, I see a Apostle (I Cor. iii. 2) : “I had fed you
pillar of fire coming down upon this with milk and not with meat; for
holy bishop like a golden crown, and hitherto ye were not able to bear it,
the light of the glory of heaven shin neither yet now are ye able.” And
ing upon him. He went to our hence we find that at the end he
fatherland, which is in heaven, full of that had received five talents, and
days and beloved of God and men, at had therewith gained five talents
the beginning of the seventh century. more; and he that had received two
His body was buried in the Cathedral talents, and had gained two other
church of Glasgow, where it was held talents beside them, each received the
in great honour until the times same reward, because consideration
when the fury of the Calvinistic was had not to the amount of their
heresy exterminated Catholic belief gain, but to the amount of their
from Scotland? earnest effort.
1 This last sentence would appear to be an effort of pure imagination.
'-' No one would conclude from the above that the body of Kentigern remains absolutely
undisturbed in Glasgow Cathedral to the present day, which is the case. The last amazing
statement needs no remark.
VOL. I. 2H


Eighth Lesson. hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither

hath it entered into the heart of man
BY the five talents, the two talents,
[the things which God hath prepared
and the one talent, we may
for them that love Him]” (I Cor.
understand the different graces which
ii. 9.) For what more can be given
are given to each: or, by the five
unto the faithful servant than to be
talents, we may understand the five
with his Lord, and to behold his
senses in full; by the two, under
Lord’s joy?
standing and work; and by the one,
the gift of reason whereby men are In Lent the Ninth Lesson is of the
separated from beasts. “Then he Homily. In this case also a Com
that had received the five talents went memoration is made of the Week-Day
and traded with the same, and made at Lauds, and at Second Vespers, _
them other five talents.” By the use and in any case at Vespers is made
of his bodily senses he obtained a a Commemoration of St Valentine.
knowledge of heavenly things, by
argument from creation he recog
nised the existence of a Creator, by
bodily things he rose to the apprecia
tion of things which are not bodily, filihe iBIzsszh @thumas 191mm
by things seen to things unseen, trzz arm his (Eumpaniuns,
by things fleeting to things eternal.
“And likewise be that had re
ceived two, he also gained other Greater Douhle.
two.” That which he had been
taught in the law he made double All from the Common Ofiice fiJr
through the Gospel, and understood Many Martyrs, (p. 498,) except the
that that intelligence and that work following.
which have to deal with this present
life are but shadows beforehand Prayer throughout.
leading toward that blessed life 0 God, Who year by year, &c., (p.
which is to come. 508.)
At First Vespers a Commemoration
Ninth Lesson.
is made in Lent of the Week-Day, and
THE time is very long between in any case of St Valentine.
the Ascension of our Saviour
and His coming again, but if the FIRST NOCTURN.
Apostles will be called upon to give
an account of their stewardship, and Lessons from Romans viii. 12, (p,
will rise again with the fear of the 499-)
judge before Him, what are we be SECOND NOCTURN.
hoven to do? And be it remarked
Fourth Lesson.
that whatsoever we have now, howso
ever great, and however much it may THOMAS Plumtree was a Priest
seem to us, is nevertheless little and honourable for his life and
scanty in comparison with those things teaching, who, during the short
which are to come. “Enter thou, restoration of the Catholic religion
saith He, into the joy of Thy Lord,” in the city of Durham, often publicly
and receive those things which “Eye offered up the holy Sacrifice of the
Mass and preached to the people. his soul, and said with a loud and
When he was arrested by the Queen’s gladsome voice, “We Praise Thee, O
ofl‘icers he steadfastly refused to con God, we acknowledge Thee to be the
form himself to the rites of the Lord.” He was taken to execution
heretics, and as a warning to others along with the blessed W'illiam Lacy,
he was hanged at Durham, and so cheerfully mounted the ladder, and
gained the crown of a glorious mar gave up his blessed spirit with his
tyrdom upon the 4th day of February eyes raised heavenwards.
in the year 1570. Twelve years later
there sufi'ered in London for the same Sixth Lesson.
Catholic faith, Luke Kirby, who is
said to have been born within the ICHARD Thirkill was born at
Bishopric of Durham, and have been Coniscliffe, in the county of
ordained Priest at the English College Durham, and was already of ripe
at Doway. After he was in the cart years when he was ordained Priest
about to be hanged he was offered at Rheims. From often thinking how
his life if he would renounce the extraordinary a gift it was, that he
Roman Pontiff and acknowledge the should offer up unto God every day
Queen to be the head of the English for his own salvation, and for the
Church. Certainly, said he, I will salvation of all the people, the
not deny the authority of the Pope Precious Blood of Christ, he early
in order to save my life, for I conceived the desire to offer his own
should surely thereby gain the loss blood for Christ in return. After four
of my soul. The cart therefore years he was arrested at York, and
was taken away from under him, with great boldness he professed him
and he resigned his holy soul into self to be a Priest, and while he lay
the hands of his Creator upon the in prison he laboured to prepare for
30th day of May. a godly death his fellow-prisoners who
were under capital sentence for their
crimes, and to exhort the Catholics
Fifth Lesson. to steadfastness. When he himself
received the sentence of death he
UPON the 22nd day of August, in
knelt down and cried out with great
the same year, there suffered
joy, “This is the day which the
at York, Richard Kirkman. When
Lord hath made, let us rejoice and
he was asked by the judge if he had
be glad in it.” He sufi'ered upon the
ever said Mass in England, he an
29th day of May in the year 1583.
swered that he had done so in
Pope Leo XIII. approved that the
Northumberland, when sentence of
honours due to the blessed should
death was pronounced upon him for
be paid to these illustrious martyrs.
being a Priest from the Seminary of
Rheims and for having induced sub
jects of the Queen to embrace the THIRD NOCTURN.
Catholic religion. This lowly servant
Lessons from Luke xxi. 9, with the
of Christ deemed himself unworthy
Homily of St Gregory, (p. 505.)
of so lofty a call, and prayed the
judge to reconsider the matter, since In Lent the Ninth Lesson is omitted,
such a death was worthy of an holy or read as one with the Eighth, and
martyr. Then he could no longer the Ninth Lesson is the Homily of the
restrain the outbursts of the joy of Week-Day.

At Lauds a Commemoration is To Thy poor servants gracious be,

made in Lent of the Week-Day, and And make their troubles Thy concern,
And those, whom sin has exiles made,
in any ease of St Valentine; and at
To their true country make return.
Second Vespers in Lent of the Week
Day, and in any ease of SS. Faustinus
JESUS, to Thee be glory given,
andfor/ital. Whom erst the Virgin Mother bore,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
Through endless ages evermore. Amen.
Verse. Joseph arose and took the
@5132 JIIigbt of @ur iLnrh Elesus young Child” and His mother by
Qthrist intu Egypt. night.
Answer. And departed into Egypt.
Greater Douhle.
A ntiphon at the Song of the Blessed
All as on Sundays, exeept the Virgin. Behold the Angel of the
following. Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream,
Psalms are the same as in the Ofiee saying, Arise, and take the young
of the Blessed Virgin. The last verse Child and His mother, and flee into
of the hiymns at all the little hours is Egypt, and be thou there until I bring
altered in honour of the Incarnation, thee word: for Herod will seek the
and the same alteration is made at the young Child to destroy Him.
Short Responsory at Prime as in her
Int/itatory. The Lord our Saviour
Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer
JESUS Christ fled into Egypt. * 0
from Lauds.
come let us worship Him.
Hymn. 1 )Yymn as at First Vespers.
HE mighty King of glory dread,
Promised from Abraham's line to spring,
The kings bear witness now has come; FIRST NOCTURN.
That He is born, they tell the king.
First Antiphon. joseph took the
The tyrant dooms the Child to death, young Child and His mother by
Tossed in his soul by passion’s waves; night, and departed into Egypt.
But, warned by Heaven, from the sword Second Antiphon. And was there
Her Child the Virgin Mother saves. until the death of Herod; [that it
might be fulfilled which was spoken
To distant lands in Egypt's realms of the Lord by the Prophet, saying,
She bears away her Child in haste,
Out of Egypt have I called My
Nor does she rest until she sees
Her Infant Son in safety placed.
Third Antithon. The Lord was
Ah Mother! bravest of the brave, with joseph in Egypt.
Wounded at heart by love most pure,
Lightly all troubles thou dost bear, Verse. 2 Out of Egypt,
And flight's discomforts dost endure. A ns'wer. Have I called My Son.
1 Translation by Archbishop Bagshawe, (Breviary Hymns, No. 50.)
2 Exodus xxxix. 2.
Firsl Lesson. be moved at his presence, and the
heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst
The Lesson is taken from the Book of
of it, and I W!" set the Egyptians
the Prophet Hosea (xi. 1.)
against the Egyptians, and they shall
AS the morning passeth away, so fight every one against his brother,
hath the King of Israel passed and every one against his neighbour,
away. For Israel was a child, and I city against city, kingdom against
loved him, and called my son out of kingdom, and the spirit of Egypt shall
Egypt. As they called them, so they fail in the midst thereof, and I will
went from them ; they sacrificed unto destroy the council thereof, and they
Baalim, and burned incense unto shall seek to the idols, and to the
graven images; and I was as a foster charmers, and to them that have
father unto Ephraim, I carried them familiar spirits, and to the wizards,
in my arms, and they knew not that I and Egypt will I give over into the
healed them. I will draw them with hand of cruel lords, and the fierce
cords of Adam, with bands of love, king shall rule over them, saith the
and I will be unto them as one that Lord God of Hosts.
taketh off the yoke on their jaws ; and
I turned aside unto him that he might Second Responsory.
eat. He shall not return unto the
land of Egypt, and the Assyrian shall Christ our King cometh,l and John
be his king, because they refused to hath testified of Him, that He is the
return. The sword hath begun on Lamb that shall come.
his cities, and shall consume his Verse. 2 The kings shall shut their
chosen ones, and devour the heads mouths at him, all nations shall serve
thereof, and my people shall linger him.
until I return, and the yoke shall be Answer. And John hath testified
laid upon them together, and shall of Him, that He is the Lamb that
not be lifted. shall come. .

First Responsory. (Gen. xlvi. 3, 4.) Third Lesson. (Isaiah xix. 19.)
Thus saith the Lord : Go down into IN that day there shall be an Altar
Egypt; I will go down thither with to the Lord in the midst of the
thee, and I will also bring thee up land of Egypt, and a pillar at the
again. border thereof, to the Lord for a sign,
Verse. Joseph arose and took the and for a witness unto the Lord of
young Child and His mother by night. Hosts in the land of Egypt. For
Answer. And I will also bring they shall cry unto the Lord because
thee up again. of the oppressor, and He shall send
them a Saviour, and a Great One,
Second Lesson. and He shall deliver them. And the
Lord shall be known to Egypt, and
The Lesson is taken from the Book the Egyptians shall know the Lord in
of the Prophet (Isaiah xix. I.) that day, and they shall do sacrifice
BEHOLD the Lord shall ride upon and oblation ; and they shall vow vows
a swift cloud and shall come into unto the Lord and perform them. And
Egypt; and the idols of Egypt shall the Lord shall smite Egypt; He shall

1 John i. 29. 1 Is. Ill. 5.


smite and heal it, and they shall Fourth Lesson.

return even to the Lord, and He
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons
shall be entreated of them, and shall
of St John Chrysostom, Arch
heal them. In that day there shall
bishop [of Constantinople] (Eighth
be an highway out of Egypt to
on illatthew.)
Assyria. And the Assyrians shall
come into Egypt, and the Egyptians HEREFORE was the young
into Assyria, and the Egyptians Child sent into Egypt. The
shall serve Assyria. In that day Evangelist giveth the first reason:
shall Israel be the third with the “ That it might be fulfilled which was
Egyptians, and with the Assyrians, spoken of the Lord by the Prophet,
even a blessing in the midst of saying: Out of Egypt have I called
the land, whom the Lord of Hosts My Son.” But it was also so done in
hath blest, saying, Blessed be Egypt, order to proclaim to the whole world
My people. a message of good hope. The two
places wherein glowed the fire of
wickedness, more than in all the
Thira’ Responsory.
rest of the world, were Babylon and
1 Behold, I come from the south, Egypt, and the Lord from His
even I the Lord your God to visit you very birth declareth that He will
in peace. heal these two countries and bring
Verse. 2 I will have respect unto them to better things. And so
you, and make you fruitful, you shall showeth that there is no part of
be multiplied and I will establish My the world that may not look to
covenant with you. Him for good. From the one He
Answer. To visit you in peace. bringeth wise men to worship Him,
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and to the other He Himself goeth
and to the Son, and to the Holy with His mother. From the wise
Ghost. men we learn well to give ourselves
Answer. To visit you in peace. also to study, and from His flight
into Egypt we learn that trials and
dangers are to be looked for from
the very beginning,—they befell Him
First Antithon. Herod when He even from His birth. No sooner was
saw that He was mocked by the wise He born than the tyrant broke forth
men was very wroth. in fury, whence came flight and
Second Antzlohon. Herod sent forth exile, and the harmless mother was
and slew all the children that were fain to betake herself to the land
in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts of heathens.
Third Antiphon. From two years Fourth Responsory.
old and under, many children did
Herod slay for the Lord’s sake. Weep not, 0 Egypt, for thy King
cometh unto thee, and the depths
Verse. In Rama was there a voice shall be moved at His presence, to
heard. set free His people out of the hand
Answer. Lamentation and great of the mighty.
mourning. Verse. Behold the Lord of Hosts,
1 Cf. Hab. iii. 3. 5 Lev. xxvi. 9.

even thy God, cometh with great Verse. They shall cry unto the
power. Lord from the face of the oppressor,
Answer. To set free His people and He will send unto them a Saviour.
out of the hand of the mighty. Answer. And the Egyptians shall
know the Lord in that day.
Fifth Lesson.
Sixth Lesson.
FROM this example thou mayest
learn to bear cheerfully the con BY this is the Virgin herself set
stant trials which are one of the main forth in no little glory and
things which befall spiritual-minded honour, for she could thus obtain
men. Bethink thee that trials befell what was held as a glory by all her
not the mother of the Child only, people. They thought it a great
but the wise men also. They were thing and a proud thing that they
fain to depart into their own country had returned out of Egypt, whereat
another way. She who had never the Prophet doth point when he saith :
left her home was constrained to Did I not bring strangers out of
undertake a long and toilsome journey Cappadocia and Assyrians out of a
on account of her wondrous Child, pit? and thus is manifested the glory
and His mystic birth. Consider of the Virgin. Moreover, when the
another marvel. ln Palestine plots people and the Patriarch went down
are made against Him, but in Egypt into Egypt and came up again, their
He is welcomed and held in safety action was a type of His return, for
from those plots. Types and figures they went down thither to escape from
were set forth not only in the sons the death which was threatening them
of the Patriarch, but also in the Lord through famine, and He went to escape
Himself. Those things which He the death which threatened Him from
did foreshadowed many things which plots. They went and were delivered
were afterward to come, as was the from the famine. He went that
case also in regard to the ass and He might sanctify all that land by
her colt. The Angel which appeared His presence. I would have thee
spake not unto Mary, but unto Joseph, bethink Thyself, how amid things
and what said he ? “ Arise and take lowly are manifested the things which
the young Child and His mother "— pertain unto God. When the Angel
he said not “Thy wife,” but His said, “Flee into Egypt,” he said not
mother, the birth having taken place. that he would be with them either in
The trouble of Joseph was removed their going down or in their coming
and his faith satisfied, and the Angel up, giving them to wit that He Who
speaketh unto him not of his son, or of was with them, albeit a young Child,
his wife, but of the young Child and of was that Great One at whose appear
His mother, bidding him flee with them ing all things should be changed.
into Egypt, and he saith moreover why
they should flee, “ For Herod will seek Sixth Responsory.
the young Child to destroy Him.”
Hail Mary, how holy and how spot
less is thy virginity. I am too dull
Fifth Responsory. to praise theel for thou hast borne
The Lord shall be known to Egypt, into Egypt upon thy breast Him
and the Egyptians shall know the Whom the heavens cannot contain.
Lord in that day. Verse. Blessed art thou among

women, and blessed is the fruit of thy with His mother and flee into Egypt.”
womb. Virginity offereth no obstacle to His
Answer. For thou hast borne into birth, reason resisteth Him not, nature
Egypt upon thy breast Him Whom gainsayeth Him not. What might
the heavens cannot contain. then, what power, what danger should
Verse. Glory be to the Father, prevail to make Him flee? “Take
and to the Son, and to the Holy the young Child and His mother and
Ghost. flee into Egypt.” It had been more
Answer. For thou hast borne into reverent if he had said, “Go into
Egypt Him Whom the heavens cannot Egypt,” so that it might have been a
contain. journey and not a flight. An act of
free-will and not of compulsion ; an act
THIRD NOCTURN. of wisdom and not of fear; an act at
least of man if not of God ; but now is
First Antzlohon. But when Herod
there a command to flee—a command
was dead, behold an angel of the
from heaven, a command brought by
Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph
an Angel, so that it were as if heaven
in Egypt.
and not earth had been the first to fear.
Second Antizfihon. Arise, and take
the young Child and His mother,
and go into the land of Israel. Seventh Responsory.
Third Antiohon. They are dead
The Virgin Mother that knew not
which sought the young Child’s life.
a man, bore but travailed not, from
Verse. Joseph arose and took the the fountain of her breast the Virgin
young Child and His mother. fed the Saviour blest, when He the
Answer. And came into the land Eternal King of Angels was driven
of Israel. into exile.
Verse. Soon riseth in that modest
Seventh Lesson. shrine the temple of the Lord divine ;
The Lesson is taken from the Holy the stainless and unwedded one
Gospel according to Matthew (ii. within her womb conceived the Son.
13-) Answer. From the fountain of her
breast the Virgin fed the Saviour
T that time: The Angel of the blest, when He the Eternal King of
Lord appeareth to Joseph in a Angels was driven into exile.
dream, saying: Arise, and take the
young Child and His mother, and flee
Eighth Lesson.
into Egypt, and be thou there until I
bring thee word. And so on. “TAKE the young Child and His
mother and flee into Egypt.”
Homily by St Peter Chrysologus,
Archbishop [of Ravenna.] (On the
Flee into Egypt, flee from thine own
home to the land of strangers, flee
Flight of Christ into Egypt.)
from the holy places into the midst of
What is this day read hath moved the wicked, flee from thy temple
our hearts, made our bowels to unto the shrines of devils, flee from
tremble, and confounded our hearing. the fatherland of the Saints into the
Behold the Angel of the Lord ap country of idols. Judea is not wide
peareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, enough, the Lord of the world is
“Arise and take the young Child straightened for room, the Holy of

Holies will not contain the Lord of to save from death Him Who had
the temple, neither can He find a made the world. He had come to
place amid the multitude of his die, and why then should He have
priests, nor a refuge among all the fled from death? If Christ had
kinsfolk of Mary and of Joseph, but allowed Himself to be slain as a
profane Egypt must be called in to little child, He would have slain the
afford God a hiding-place. Thus doth whole scheme of our salvation. Christ
necessity press, and the Virgin may had come to instruct by His teaching,
not consider her modesty, the mother and to strengthen by His example ; to
her toil, the woman her shyness, do Himself those things which He
Joseph his fears; they must not con commanded to be done, and to prove
sider the weariness of the long journey to the eyes the possibility of things
and the break-up of their home. which to the hearing seemed impos
sible. He had come to make it
known to man that He was God, and
Eighth Responsory.
to leave man in ignorance no longer;
1 And now what hast thou to do in and all these things would have been
the way of Egypt? Turn again, 0 lost to us had Christ not fled while
Virgin of Israel, turn again unto thine yet He was in swaddling bands.
own cities.
Verse. How long wilt thou go The Hymn, “We praise Thee, O
about sorrowing? God,” is said.
Answer. Turn again, 0 Virgin of
Israel, turn again, unto thine own LAUDS.
First A ntiphon. Behold the Angel
Verse. Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy
of the Lord * appeareth to Joseph in
a dream.
Second Aflll-phOH. Arise, and take
Answer. Turn again, 0 Virgin of
Israel, turn again unto thine own the young Child * and His mother,
and flee into Egypt.
Third Antiphon. Be thou there
In Lent the following Ninth Lesson * until I bring thee word.
is either omitted or read as one with Fourth Antzlnhon. For Herod will
the Eighth, in order to leave room for seek the young Child * to destroy
the Homily of the Week-day. Him.
Fifth Antiphon. Joseph arose and
took the young Child and His mother
1Vinth Lesson.
by night and departed into Egypt.
RETHREN, the flight of Christ
was not the effect of fear; it Chapter. (Is. xix. I.)
was a mystery; it was a declara
tion of the freedom of the Creator, BEHOLD the Lord shall ride upon
not a confession that He was in a swift cloud, and shall come
danger. It was not the act of into Egypt; and the idols of Egypt
His weakness as man, but of His shall be moved at His presence, and
power as God. He fled in order the heart of Egypt shall melt in the
to save the life of the world, not midst of it.
1 Jet. ii. 18; xxxi. 21, 22.

hiymn.1 meet to be called home from this our

exile unto our very fatherland which
TO the true Thunderer’s Only Son,
Escaping from the treacherous sword, is in heaven. Through the same our
Leaving the worship of thy gods, Lord JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who
Haste, Egypt, safety to afford. liveth and reigneth with Thee, in
the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
Him Herod’s cruelty compels,
God, world without end. Amen.
An exile from His home to go,
But the hard flight of Christ avails
To us the Heavenward way to show. PRIME.

0 sweetest Virgin Mother, who Antiphon. Behold the Angel of the

Didst through a thousand risks defend Lord, &c., (First Antiphon at Lauds.)
Thy sweet Son JESUS, and didst reach
Successfully thy journey’s end, In the Short Responsory.
Undo the bonds which Satan’s wiles Thus Thou that wast born of the
Have woven round us, that we may, Virgin Mary.
Ever thro' rough ways and thro' plain
Our Leader follow and obey. Chapter at the end. (Is. xvi. 3.)
Jesus, to Thee be glory given, AKE counsel, bethink thee of
Whom erst the Virgin Mother bore, judgment; make thy shadow as
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
the night in the midst of the noon
For endless ages evermore. Amen.
day; hide the outcasts, bewray not
Verse. Cry out and shout, 0 him that wandereth. Let mine out
Egypt. ‘ casts dwell with thee; be thou a
Answer. 2For great IS the Holy covert to them from the face of the
One of Israel in the midst of them. spoiler.
Antiphon at the Song iy‘ Zacharias.
When Herod was- dead, behold an Antiphon. Arise, and take the
Angel of the Lord appeareth in a young Child, &c., (Second Antiphon
dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying: at Lauds.)
Arise, and take the young Child and Chapter from Lauds.
His mother, and go into the land of
Israel ; for they are dead which sought Short Responsory.
the young Child’s life.
Verse. The Lord is as a bride
Prayer throughout.
Answer. The Lord is as a bride
GOD, the Protector of all them groom.
which trust in Thee, Who by a Verse. Coming out of his chamber.
flight into Egypt wast pleased to de Answer. As a bridegroom.
liver from the sword of Herod Thine Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
only-begotten Son our Redeemer, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
grant unto us Thy servants at the Answer. The Lord is as a bride
prayers of the most blessed Mary groom.
always a Virgin, and yet mother of Verse. The Lord shall come forth
the same Thy Son, that we may be out of His holy place.
delivered from all dangers whether of Answer. He shall come to save
mind or of body, and may be made His people.
1 Translation by Archbishop Bagshawe, (Breviary Hymns, No. 5!.) 2 Cf. Is. xii. 6.

Antzlohon. Be thou there, &c., All as at First Vespers except the

(Third Antiphon at Lauds.) Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
Chapter. (Ezek. xxx. 13.)
WHEN Joseph heard that Arche
HUS saith the Lord God: I will laus did reign in Judea in the
destroy the images, and I will room of his father Herod, he was
cause the idols to cease out of afraid to go thither, and being warned
Memphis; and there shall be no in a dream, he turned aside into the
more a prince of the land of Egypt, parts of Galilee; and he came and
and I will put a fear in the land of dwelt in a city which is called Naz
Egypt areth, that it might be fulfilled which
Short Responsory. was spoken by the prophet: He shall
be called a Nazarene.
Verse. The Lord shall come forth
out of His holy place. A Commemoration is made of St
Answer. The Lord shall come
forth out of His holy place. FEBRUARY 27.
Verse. He shall come to save His
people. St Margaret of QIurtuna,
Answer. Out of His holy place.
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. Semi-double.
Answer. The Lord shall come
All from the Common Ofiice for
forth out of His holy place.
Holy Women not Virgins, (p. 580,)
Verse. All the ends of the earth
except the following.
have seen
Answer. The salvation of our In the Second Vespers of St Ethel
God. hert a Commemoration is made of St
Margaret. Prayer from Lauds.

Antzlohon. Joseph arose, &c., (Fifth MATTINS.

Antiphon at Lands.)
Chapter as at the end of Prime.
Lessons from Scripture according to
Short Responsory.
the Season. (In Lent from Proverbs
xxxi. 10, p. 580.)
All the ends of the earth have seen.
Answer. All the ends of the earth SECOND NOCTURN.
have seen
Fourth Lesson.
Verse. The salvation of our God.
Answer. The ends of the earth THIS Margaret who, from the
have seen. place where she fell asleep, is
Verse. Glory be to the Father, and called Margaret of Cortona, was born
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. at Alviano, in Tuscany. In her
Answer. All the ends of the earth younger years she was led astray by
have seen. the pleasures of the world, and led
Verse. The Lord was made flesh. a vain and wanton life at Monte
Answer. And dwelt among us. Pulciano, till she was led by a dog

to discover the body of her paramour ment. It was only through the per
who had been foully murdered and suasion of her Confessor that she was
buried in a hole under a pile of wood. prevented from marring the comeliness
Thenceforth the hand of the Lord was of her face which had once been the
upon her, and being touched with source of unclean love, and she took
great sorrow for her sins she went it to heart that the long hardships
out and wept bitterly. She returned which she inflicted upon her flesh
to Alviano, put off her hair, and left left her bodily beauty unchanged.
her head untired, clad herself in a By these and other great works of
grey garment, and bade farewell to repentance she purged away the stain
her own misguided ways and to the of her guilt, and so conquered herself
enticements of the world. She lay as to keep all her senses untouched
upon the ground in the churches with by the allurements of the world.
an halter round her neck, and begged Thus was she made worthy often
the pardon of all whom she had times to have converse with the Lord.
beforetime shocked by her life. Soon Sometimes all her senses left her, and
after this she went to Cortona, where while she appeared as though she were
she sought in sackcloth and ashes to actually dead, she realised her bum
please the majesty of God Whom she ing prayer to be with Christ and with
had offended. After a trial of three the Virgin, the Mother of Sorrows.
years she obtained from the Friars It came to pass that many resorted
Minor, who were the directors of her to her, even from distant places, as to
spiritual life, an habit of the Third a teacher of perfection, and she by
Order of St Francis. Henceforth she that heavenly light which shone in
was oftentimes in an abundance of her saw the secrets of hearts and
tears, and such groanings from the the consciences of men, and perceived
depths of her soul that for a long with woe and tears the sins of those
time she did not speak. She made who were offending God even in far
her bed upon the bare ground and off places. From the intensity of her
used a stock or stone for her pillow; love for God and for her neighbour
thus she was accustomed to pass she was of great profit to souls. She
nights without sleep thinking of the obtained health for the sick who
things of heaven. She never again betook themselves to her, and de
felt any evil desire, and a good spirit liverance for those that were pos
strengthened her weak flesh for toil. sessed by evil spirits. Touched by
a mother’s grief she raised her dead
son to life; by her constant prayers
Fifth Lesson. she averted the threatening tempests
THIS valiant woman, when the of war; and by works of far-stretching
devil assailed her by crafty and mercy she earned well both of the
dangerous advances, once and again living and of the dead.
unmasked the enemy through his own
words and remained unconquered. In
Sixth Lesson.
order to escape the temptation to vain
glory wherewith the evil spirit assailed WHILE she was busied with so
her, she continued to assure herself many holy works she laid
of her past life with a loud voice in aside none of the hardness wherewith
the streets and broad ways, and to she treated her body, neither did she
declare herself worthy of any punish sufi'er herself to relax her gaze upon
things heavenly. In both kinds of Rome to grant many indulgences for
life she was so wonderful that she the increase of her honour, and Pope
seemed to be at once both a Mary Benedict XIII. held a solemn religious
and a Martha. At length she be ceremony of her canonisation upon the
sought the Lord for herself that He feast of Pentecost, being the 16th
would be pleased to call her home day of May in the year 1728.
out of this vale of tears into our
Fatherland above which is in heaven, THIRD NOCTURN.
and her prayer was heard, and it
was revealed to her on what day and Lessons from Matth. xiii. 44, with
at what hour she should fall asleep. the Homily ey' St Gregory, (fi. 583.)
She was then full of good works and
labours and heavenly gifts. Her LAUDS.
bodily strength began to give way;
A ntiphon at the Song of Zacharias.
for seventeen days she took no food,
When God gave repentance to the
and strengthened herself only by talk
Magdalene of the Seraphic Order, she
ing with God. Then she duly re
recovered herself out of the snare of
ceived the holy sacraments of the
the devil,1 and her sins which were
church, and with gladsome face and
many were forgiven, for she loved
eyes lifted up to heaven she happily
passed away hence to be forever with
the Bridegroom upon the 22nd day SECOND VESPERS.
of February in the year of man’s Antiphon at the Song of the Blessed
salvation 1297, of her own age the Virgin. 8My beloved is mine and I
50th, and of her conversion the am his. I have found Him Whom
23rd. Her body remaineth until my soul loveth, I held Him and would
this day lifelike, incorrupt, uninjured, not let Him go.
and diffusing sweet savour. It is
preserved in deep reverence in the In the Dioceses of Newport and
church of the Friars Minor which is Mene'via, St Dar/id, [March 1, and in
called after her name. She hath the Dioeese of Birmingham, St Chad,
constantly flourished by miracles Alareh 2, are Doubles of the First
which have moved the Bishop of Class with Octal/es.
l 2 Tim. ii. 25, 26. ‘1 Luke vii. 47. 3 Cant. ii. 16; iii. 4.

flDfl't'tts peculiar to jrelann.

The Translator did not live to revise his translation of the following Offices.
It differs
in some places from the fuller Irish Supplement which is now in use; but in the
circumstances it has seemed advisable to insert it as its Author left it, altering only
the rubrics indicating the rite of the Oflice, where the rite has been changed, and
making one or perhaps two other adjustments.

NOVEMBER 27. went into France to move men’s

hearts with the love of Christ, and
s: Jfarrzll,‘ ifiishup [uf Sal? stood high in the esteem of King
Pepin. But God would have him
hurgj QIunfzssur. to be as a candle set on a candlestick,
Double. that all men might see his light; and
Pope Stephen the Second named him
All from the Common Ofiice, (p. to the Bishoprick of Salzburg. In
51 5,) except the following. this Office he set before his flock
Prayer throughout the Oflice, “ Grant, so bright an ensample of wisdom
we beseech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.) and pastoral care, that all whom he
ruled looked upon him as the best
of fathers.

Lessons from Scripture according to Fifth Lesson.

the Season.
AT a great expense he built the
cathedral of Salzburg from the
foundations, and brought thither, with
(From the Proper Ofices of the exempt great honour and edification 0f the
Church and Diocese of Passau.) people, the reliques of holy Rupert, the
Fourth Lesson.
first of his predecessors. Concerning
the building of this church, we find a
ARRELL was born in Ireland of miracle mentioned, namely, that the
a noble race, and from a little money for the payment of those who
child, his good dispositions were the were employed was placed in an open
wonder of all who knew him. He vessel for each man to help himself,
seemed to care for nothing but to but that none of them was ever able
study the Divine Scriptures, and to to take out of it more than was the
do works of love and worship. He just due of his labour.
1 Latinised, Vergilius.


Sixth Lesson. JANUARY 8.

AT length Farrell was worn out
with unceasing toil and old
£t glhtrt, Bishop [in {Hun
age, and having ruled the Church sm,]' Qtnnfessur.
committed to his care, with great
praise of godliness and great profit Double of the First Class with an
to souls, and sent into Carinthia Octave in the Diocese of Cashel.
that Bishop Modestus, so eminent Prayer throughout, “ Grant, we be
for holiness, he entered into the seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
heavenly mansions, during the reign
of the Emperor Karl the Great. Lessons of the Third Noeturn, (p.
His body is kept honourably in the 522.)
Church of Salzburg.
fit liter,2 Hirgin.
Lessonsfrom Matth. xxv. 14, with
the Homily of St Gregory, (p. 52:. Double.
All from the Common, (p. 567,) ex
cept the following.

5t filannan, iiisljup [of IKiI= Prayer throughout the Ofiiee.

Ialut,] Qtunftzsur.‘ O GOD, Who didst adorn Thy

blessed handmaiden Ita with
Greater Double. countless gifts; grant unto us at her
prayers, we beseech Thee, the grace
Prayer throughout, “ Grant, we be
to copy in our lives and actions the
seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
ensample of her whom we love and
Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p. honour. Through our Lord JESUS
522.) Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, one God, world
without end. Amen.
St fluntbin, iBislJup [of
Hymn at both Vespers, and at
limerick] Qtonfzssur. Mattins.
Double of the First Class in the Diocese SING we the Island of Saints, and God’s
of Limerick. blessed and Royal handmaiden,
Ita, a child of our Kings, and a joy and an
Prayer throughout, “ Grant, we be help unto Ireland,
seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.) She who when first her lips were open, in
accents of wisdom
Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p. Spake, and filled with awe her glad and
522.) wondering elders;
1 Son of King Theodorick, and scholar of St Molua; consecrated at Rome, by Pope
John IV., in the year 639.
‘1 Called “ the Brigid of Munster."

Who, when she lay in sleep, was seen with Fifth Lesson.
flames to be girded,—
Sight of terror and dread, till, lo, Christ's HILE she was yet a little maid,
angel descending she earnestly besought her
Spake. and the wonder revealed, how the
father that he would allow her to
saintly maiden was glowing,
Not with the fires of earth, but with bright
hallow to Christ herself, and all that
ness of heavenly glory, she had. However, her father had
Like to the bush that burnt and was not already promised her in marriage to
consumed upon Horeb. a noble stripling, and declared that
Choir unto choir throughout all the faithful he was nowise able to grant her
Churches of Ireland, that which she asked. lta never
Rank unto rank white-robed, respond, with theless, without any hesitation, and
ascriptions of glory,— filled with the spirit of prophecy,
Praise unto Him That begat, and to Him
the Only-begotten,
foretold to them that stood by that
Praise unto Him That proceeds, and hallows things would shortly turn out other
the Saints of His people. Amen. wise. “Let my father have time,”
said she; “he forbiddeth me now
to be hallowed to God, but here
after he will pray me to do this
FIRST NOCTURN. very thing, and my Lord JESUS
Christ will command him, and he
Lessons from Serzlfiture aooording to will allow me to go whithersoever
the Season. I will, that I may serve God.” And
so it came to pass, a while after,
SECOND NOCTURN. that it was at the persuasion of her
father that this blessed virgin re
Fourth Lesson. ceived the hallowed veil of virginity
IN the sixth age of the Church from the churchmen.
there flourished in the province
of Munster in Ireland the holy Sixth Lesson.
Virgin lta, so illustrious for the
spirit of prophecy, and for famous ONCE upon a time the holy lta,
miracles. She was born of a taught by a messenger from
kingly race, in the country of the heaven, left the land of her fathers,
Deasy—a region which is now and went to the country of the Hy
included in the County of Water Conaill, and there built a monastery,
ford. Her glorious works at once at the foot of mount Luachra. The
intensified and emphasised the fame of this monastery passed through
lustre which she derived from her the whole island, and drew thither
birth. From the very waters of countless virgins, who sought for
Baptism, she seemed to be filled graces like Ita’s, and, with her,
with the grace of the Holy Ghost, hallowed themselves to Christ. Many
and all men marvelled to behold Bishops and Ab'bats asked advice of
such love of God, such guilelessness holy Ita, and among them were
of life, such lowliness as that which numbered St Fachnan, St Brandan,
she bore with her everywhere, and St Colman, St Mochaemoc, and St
such great wonders as those which Laserian. At length the blessed
seemed every day to be wrought at Virgin sank from weakness, and when
her prayers. she had given her blessing to the
whole sept of the Hy-Conaill, and business, and so left his monastery,
been strengthened with the Holy and the care of souls to his brother
Sacraments, she happily passed away Fullan, and the priests Gobban and
hence to be for ever with the Lord, Dicull, and made arrangements for
upon the 15th day of January, in the finishing his life as a hermit.
year of salvation 570.
Fifth Lesson.
E had another brother called
Lessons from Matth. xxv. I, with Ultan, who, after a long trial
the Homily of St Gregory, (p. in a monastery, had gone to live as
57l~) a hermit; to him went Fursey, and
dwelt with him a whole year. When
he saw the country troubled by an
JANUARY 16. invasion of Gentiles, he took ship for
Gaul, and there being honourably
St jurszg, Qhhat. welcomed by Hlodvius, King of the
Franks, and the noble Ercunvald, he
built a monastery at Lagny-sur-Marne.
All from the Common Ofiioe, (p. Not long after he fell ill, and died.
53l,) except the following.
Sixth Lesson.
Prayer throughout, “ O Lord, we
beseech Thee, &c.,” (p. 545.) ERCUNVALD took his body, and
kept it in the porch of the
FIRST NOCTURN. church, which he was building in his
own town of Peronne, until such time
Lessons from Seripture aeoording to as the said church should be dedi
the Season. cated. When this ceremony took
place at the end of twenty-seven days,
SECOND NOCTURN. and the body was carried in from the
porch to be buried near the altar,
Fourth Lesson. it was found to be quite perfect.
The Lesson is taken from the Sermons Again at the end of four years, a
little chapel having been built east
of the Venerable Bede, Priest, [at
Jarrow.] (English Church Hist., ward of the altar, for its more honour
able reception, it was found, on its
iii. [9.)
translation thither, to be still without
FURSEY had preached the word any mark of corruption; and it is
of God for many years in Ire well known that in that place God
land,1 but not being able any longer hath often been pleased to cause him
to endure the riots of the mobs, who to work wonders.
broke in upon him, he came into the
land of the English, where also he
preached the word of God, and built
a monastery. After these things he Lessons from Matth. xix. 27, with
was fain to withdraw himself from all the Homily of St jerome, (p. 471.)
1 Scotia is the word used here and in several other places, to indicate Ireland, as the original
home of the Scotch race.
VOL. I. 2 I

JANUARY 3 r . and she was the mother in Christ of

many holy maidens. While she was
St 32min, (lamina) Bishop [of yet a little child, her father saw men
clad in white raiment pouring holy
sions,] arm (tlinnfzissur.1 oil upon her head, which thing was
Greater Douhle. a foreshadowing of the godliness and
holiness of the virgin. As soon as
Prayer throughout, “Grant, we be
she had attained to the first years
seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
of girlhood, she chose Christ her
Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p. Saviour for her Bridegroom, and
522.) clung to Him with so profound a
passion of her heart, that she gave
away to the poor whatsoever she
had. The matchless loveliness of
fit ifirigth, (Bribe) Hirgin. her body brought about her a host
ifiatrumss uf filrelantl. of suitors, and lest they should
prevail with her to break the in
Douhle of the Second Class.
tention of virginity, by which she
A ll from the Common Ofiee for Vir had given herself over to God, she
gins, (p. 567,) exoept the following. prayed God to make her unsightly.
She was soon heard. One eye
Prayer throughout the Ofiee. swelled, and her whole face became
so changed, that she was allowed
O GOD, Who year by year dost
cause us to rejoice as upon this to send back the messenger of the
suitors, and by a solemn vow to
day, in the feast of Thy blessed hand
maiden Brigid, mercifully grant us keep her virginity for Christ.
help for her sake, the bright ensample
of whose chastity doth still shed its Fifth Lesson.
light upon us. Through our Lord
JESUS Christ Thy Son, Who liveth SHE took with her three maidens,
and reigneth with Thee, in the unity and went to Bishop Mahew, the
of the Holy Ghost, one God, world disciple of St Patrick. When he
without end. Amen. beheld a pillar of fire over her
head, he clad her in a white tunic
MATTINS. and a white mantle, read the sacred
prayers, and admitted her to that
FIRST NOCTURN. canonical profession which blessed
Lessons from I Cor. vii. 25, as in Patrick had brought into Ireland.
the Common. At the moment that she bowed
down her head to receive the
SECOND NOCTURN. hallowed veil, she chanced to touch
the wooden step of the altar with
Fourth Lesson. her hand, and the dry wood at once
THE holy virgin Brigid was born became green, and her eye was
of noble and Christian parents healed, and her face became lovely
in the province of Leinster in Ireland, as beforetime. After her example,
1 Born at East Breffny, in the year 558; sojourned for some time in Wales; died, 628.
Edan, Aedén, or 'Aidan, is the diminutive of Aodh, or Aedlz (translated Hew or Hugh.)
Modoc is Aodh With the possessive prefix, mo, my, and the diminutive suffix of endearment.
so great a multitude of maidens em THIRD NOCTURN.
braced the regular life, that in a little
while all Ireland was filled with houses Lessons from Matth. xxv. I, will: the
of nuns, whereof the chief was that Homily of St Gregory, (p. 571.)
one in which Brigid herself ruled,
and from which the others hung, as
from their head. FEBRUARY 6.

.St wzl, ifiisbnp [uf Qrhaghj

Sz'xllz Lesson.
anti Qtunfzssor.‘
THE holiness of this virgin is wit
nessed by the miracles which Greater Double.
she openly wrought, not only during Prayer throughoul, “Grant, we be
her life, but also after her course in seech Thee, &c.," (p. 524.)
this world was ended. Very often
did she cleanse lepers, and obtain Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p.
health by her prayers for them that 522.)
were sick of divers diseases. She
opened the eyes of one that was born FEBRUARY 1 7.
blind. A certain shameless woman
had an unlawful child, whereof she $t jintan, Qhhatf
protested that Bishop Broonus was
the father, but Brigid made the sign Double.
of the cross upon the mouth of the
new-born child, which forthwith told All from the Common Ofiiee, (p.
the name of its real father, and so 531.)
delivered the Bishop from that false Prayer throng/low, “O Lord, we
accusation. She had the spirit of beseech Thee,” (p. 545.)
prophecy, and foretold many things
which were yet to come, as though
they were present before her. She
was bound in a holy friendship to Lessons from Scripture according to
St Patrick the Apostle of the Irish. Me Season, or in Lent from Ecclus.
She foretold when he would pass out xxxi. 8, (fi. 542.)
of this life, and where would be the
place of his sepulchre. She was there
when he passed away, and gave the
linen which she had made ready be Lessons from St Gregory on job, (p.
forehand to swathe his body withal. 543-)
At last she gave up her beautiful soul THIRD NOCTURN.
to her bridegroom Christ, and was
laid in the same grave with blessed Lessonsfrom Matth. xix. 27, will: the
Patrick. Homily of Stjerome, (p. 47 I.)
1 Said to have been a nephew of St Patrick, being the son of his sister Darerca; placed in
his see by St Patrick, by whom it had been founded ; died in the year 488. _ _
‘1 Abbat of Cluain-Ednech, in the diocese of Lethglean, in Lemster, in the srxth cen
tury. (Alban Butler.) " He is of the race of Eochaidh Finnfuathairt, of whom was Brigid.
He is described as
Fintan the generous, chief head of the monks of Ireland. and re
Sembling St Benedict in his manners and life.” Bp. Forbes’ Kalendars of the Seollis/l Sa ints,
P- 349

MARCH 5. throughout, “Grant, we beseech Thee,

. . . &c.,”)—un1ess twp! out of Lent, in
$t (Emran: (19mm) astgbup which case the Lessons of the First
[gf QBgggrg’] (Egflfgggfltf Noetum are from Scripture aeeoret't'rn,r
to the Season.
Greater Double.
Prayer throughout, “ Grant, we be~
seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.) MARCH 13.
Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p.
522.) . $t £man, Bishop [of 5mm
MARCH 8. ing lislanhj Qtnnftssot.’
£1: Qtatalh, Bishop [uf ~ Double.
marmtut] (Eunfzssorf Prayer throughout, “ Grant, we be
Doubla seech Thee, &c.,” (p. 524.)
All from the Common Ofiee, (fl. Lessons of the Third Nocturn, (p.
515,) just as it stands—(Prayer 522.)
l Called the first-born of the Saints of Ireland; said to have been born in Ossory about
the year 352; receiving some imperfect knowledge of Christianity, he went to Rome. and, on
his way back, joined company with St Patrick, who was then starting (A.D. 4oz); founded the
See of Ossory at Saigir; he withdrew to Cornwall, and there died at the place called from
him St Piran's.
‘-’ A learned Irish monk, for some time regent of the school of Lismore; made a pilgrimage
to Jerusalem, and afterwards settled at Tarento, where he was elected Bishop towards the end
of the seventh century. (Alban Butler.)
3 Born about the year 448, of kingly race; travelled a good deal, visiting Rome, Tours,
and Menevia (St David's); founded several monasteries in Ireland, and died at Kileochaille.
Along with St Ita he is the Patron Saint of the Hy-Conaill. By some he is identified with
St Mashenoc, and with the Scotch St Kessog.






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