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MADE EASY 2 0 2 2 WworkbO0K @| Detailed Explanations of a Try Yourself Questions Mechanical Engineering Internal Combustion Engines bs GE] MADE EASY Air Standard Cycle Detalled Explanation 9 of Try Yourself Questions ta Given T, = 1400°C = 1673K T, = 15°C = 288K Q, = 800Ks Q, = ¢,(T,-T,) o,-6, =F 1,005 0,287 = 0.718 kJikgk @ T, = Tt a3 800 = 167 = 558.8K 673 — = 558.8) or process 12, TW" = Tavs" on, Compression ratio, r = Ans. 1 Cycle efficiency, ne Ans. Ps Pa For process 23, MADE ERSY © Copyright MADE EASY Detailed Explanations of Try Yourself Questions: ESE + GATE 2022 3 u A BES (SBE) = 200000 10.178 P, ~ 558.8 “(288 Ps Prax 8 2 = . A * 90462 or m= 90.462 Ans. en Pi v4 2a e at Given: Compression ratio, = jt = 17 Pv" = Const op = ya14 ey or Vp-Vp = ay or vot = or Cutoff ratio, p = 44 (a | Nowe = tpl yeaa Where ris cut-off rato and ris compression ratio +1 J 264-1 17°* | 1.4(2.6 - 1) 1 (32 1 “pF tai) = 0596 or 59.6% 1 e copyright MADE ERSY Testing & Performance of IC Engine @ Detailed Explanation of Try Yourself Questions eed mep = = 5.25 x 105Pa = 5,250 bar Prey actual volume Volumetric efficiency = TS volume ogy, mass of air m, = Pay Y= 09V, m, = 0.05 x09 V, = 0.045 V, een = Pee Where LAN = Swept volume im, XOV = 08 Prep * Ve 0.045 V, x 45x 108 Png = 6.075 bar MADE ERSY © Copyright MADE EASY Pome Compression ratio, Heat added, Heat rejected Specific gas constant for air, Mean effective pressure Compression ratio, Me v, ‘Swept volume For initia air PLY, ‘Swept volume Work done in eyele, Mean effective pressure © Copyright Detailed Explanations of Try Yourself Questions : ESE + GATE 2022 5 100kPa 10 27 + 273= 300K 1800 klkg 700 kJlkg 0.287 kJikg.K ‘Swept volume: V4-Vp V,— Vyl10 = 9/10 Vy RT, 0.287 ki/kaK x 300K 100 kPa 0.861 mi/kg 9Nox V, 9/0 x0.861 0.7749 m¥)kg espe 1500 ~ 700 = 800 kJtkg ——e __ Swept volume 800 Kika 0.7749 m* /kg 1032.99kPa

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