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3 Everyday lives

Aim Pre-activity (5 minutes)

To exchange information about • Quickly review telling the time with the class. Draw a clock on the
daily routines board and write different times. Ask: What time is it? Make sure
students use after, to, a quarter after/to and -thirty correctly.
• Ask individual students about their daily routine, e.g., What time do
Present Simple third person questions you get up? What time do you go to school/work? What time do you
Everyday activities have lunch? What time do you go to bed?
Talking about time

Skills Procedure (30 minutes)

Reading, speaking, and listening • Explain that students are going to read about the everyday lives of
children living in different parts of the world. Pre-teach the following
Lesson link
words: village, sheep, feed, doll, fisherman, news reporter, guard, radio.
Use after Unit 3, SB p. 23
• Divide the class into four groups: A, B, C, and D. Give students in
Materials Group A worksheet A, students in Group B worksheet B, and so on.
One copy of the worksheets cut up for each Give students time to read their text and to check any vocabulary.
group of four students and one copy of • Give each student a copy of the chart. Agree on a pronunciation for
the chart for each student the names in the table. Look at the question prompts with the class
and elicit the complete questions for Aaron. (How old is he? Where
does he come from? Where does he live? What time does he get up? What
time does he start school? Does he have a job? What is his job? Who does
he live with? What does he do in his free time?)
• Ask students to read their text again and write the answers for their
child in the corresponding column of the chart. Students then check
their answers with another student in their group.
• Ask students to form new groups of four with a student from A, B, C,
and D in each group. Students take turns asking each other questions
about the children in the other students’ texts in order to complete
their charts. Tell students that they must give complete sentences in
answer to the questions but that they can write notes in the chart. Go
around the room listening, helping, and correcting as necessary. Make
sure students are using the correct pronoun and the third person s.
• When they have completed their charts, ask students to pass their
texts around their group in a clockwise direction for the other
students to read and check their answers.
• Check the answers with the class.

Extension (15 minutes)

• In pairs, students write a paragraph about the daily routine of
children in their country. Go around the room helping with
vocabulary as necessary.
• Display the paragraphs on the classroom wall. Give students time to
read each other’s work.

16 Unit 3.3 . Everyday lives Teacher’s notes

American Headway 1 Resource Book

Student A

Aaron is nine years old. He lives on a sheep

farm in Australia with his parents and his sister.
He gets up at seven-thirty in the morning and
helps his father feed the animals on the farm.
Aaron doesn’t go to school because the nearest
school is 340 miles from his house. Every morning
at eleven o’clock he talks to his teacher on
a two-way radio and sends his homework by mail.
In his free time, he loves playing with the dogs
or riding his bike around the farm.

Aaron likes living on a farm, but the most difficult

thing for him is that he doesn’t spend time
with friends. He talks to his best friend, Patrick,
on the school radio after his classes. Patrick lives
600 kilometers away from Aaron.

Student B

Mei-hua is seven years old and comes

from China. She lives with her parents and
her brother on a houseboat on the river.
Mei-hua’s father is a fisherman, and he sells
the fish from their houseboat. In the cities
in China, one family has one child, but in
villages, one family can have more children
so the children can help their parents with
their work.

On weekdays Mei-hua gets up at six o’clock.

In the morning, she sells fish from the boat
with her mother and goes to school at ten
o’clock. In her free time she plays games with
children from other boats.

© Oxford University Press Photocopiable Unit 3.3 . Everyday lives 17

American Headway 1 Resource Book

Student C  

Rosita  is eight years old. She lives with

her father, brother, and sister on a farm in a
village in the Andes mountains in Peru. She goes
to school in a town a long way from her home.
Every weekday she gets up at five o’clock in the
morning. At six o’clock, a driver arrives at her
house to take her to school. He comes to Rosita’s
house first and then he picks up fifteen other
children from their houses. The children get to
school at seven-thirty.

She arrives home at four o’clock in the afternoon

and then works for her father on the farm. Her
job is to sit down in a field and guard the sheep
for two hours every day. Rosita doesn’t have
much free time. She is very tired at night, but
she likes playing with her dolls and playing
games with a tennis ball.

Student D  

Tanvir  is thirteen years old and lives in a

three-room house in the city of Tungi in Bangladesh.
He lives there with his parents and three brothers—
Mohammed is nine, Sharif is seven, and Rajiv is four.
In Bangladesh, 60 percent of people do not have
enough money to live. Many children have jobs to
help their families. Tanvir gets up at six-thirty in
the morning and goes to a school near his home. He
arrives at school at a quarter after seven.

Tanvir gets home from school at three o’clock and

then goes to work. He works as a reporter for a TV
news show for children. All of the people who work
for the show are children. Tanvir loves his job and
is very happy that he can help his family with the
money he gets from his job. In his free time Tanvir
likes painting, watching television, and playing
computer games.

18 © Oxford University Press    Photocopiable  Unit 3.3  .  Everyday lives

American Headway 1 Resource Book

Aaron Mei-hua Rosita Tanvir
How old …?

Where … from?

Where … live?

What time … get up?

What time … start school?

Does … job?
What … job?

Who … live with?

What … free time?

Aaron Mei-hua Rosita Tanvir
How old …?

Where … from?

Where … live?

What time … get up?

What time … start school?

Does … job?
What … job?

Who … live with?

What … free time?

© Oxford University Press    Photocopiable  Unit 3.3  .  Everyday lives 19

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