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Energy Medicine : the

science of acupuncture,
Traditional Chinese
Medicine, and other
healing methods
Jill Blakeway
Scribe Publications
What is energy healing? And why does it work? For thousands of
years, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine have used the
body’s own energy ? which they call ‘qi’ ? to promote healing.
Here, one of the world’s most sought-after acupuncturists sets out to
understand the science behind this ancient practice. Blakeway takes
the reader on a journey from the Stanford and Princeton professors
researching the physics of energy medicine, to a Qi Gong master
from China who manifests healing herbs directly from her palm; and
from the Harvard team studying the placebo effect, to a group of
sceptical scientists who use hands-on healing to cure mammary
cancer in mice. She also tells the story of how she discovered
energy medicine and overcame her initial disbelief to become one of
its leading practitioners. From hard science to the spiritual and back
again, Energy Medicine is a quest to find out why these alternative
methods of healing are proving successful for thousands worldwide.

Scribe Publications

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