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Teacher: Rosa Barzola

Student: Genesis Rubi Cerna Zapata

Course: Advance Reading and Writing 1 (ARW1)

Schedule: 5:45 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.


Vocabulary log: Select 10 words from each unit and look for advanced-level sentences. Include
the meaning, category word, and an example (advanced-level sentence)


● Assimilate: To become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to make someone

or something become part of a group, country, society, etc.
Category word: Verb

Example: The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more
countries quickly.

● Savant: A person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who is
less able in other ways.
Category word: Noun
Example: Savant syndrome is not a medical diagnosis, but rather a reference to
specific characteristics that are observed across all types of autism and intellectual

● Transform: To completely change the appearance or character of something or

someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved.
Category word: Verb
Example: The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.

● Predictable: Something that is predictable happens in a way or at a time that you

know about before it happens.
Category word: Adjective
Example: He asked whether this was predictable from previous performances.
● Expertise: A high level of knowledge or skill.
Category word: Noun
Example: We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of
● Benefit: A helpful or good effect, or something intended to help.
Category word: Noun
Example: He's had the benefit of expensive education and yet he continues to work
as a waiter.
● Emerging: Starting to exist.
Category word: Adjective
Example: Western governments should be giving more aid to the emerging
democracies of the Third World.
● Anxious: worried and nervous
Category word: Adjective
Example: My mother always gets a bit anxious if we don't arrive when we say we
● Compensate: To pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost
or damaged or for some problem.
Category word: Verb
Example: Will Jacob be able to compensate for hurting his teenager’s feelings by
purchasing her an expensive pair of sneakers?

● Disabled: Not having one or more of the physical or mental abilities that most people
Category word: Adjective
Example: A medical examination may also be used to determine whether an Insured
claiming disability is disabled.


● Confused: Unable to think clearly or to understand something.

Category word: Adjective
Example: Grandpa gets pretty confused sometimes, and doesn't even know what
day it is.

● Disability: An illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the
things that other people do.
Category word: Noun
Example: She is deaf but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what
she wants to do.

● Give up: To stop trying to guess.

Category word: phrasal verb
Example: We hadn't heard from him for so long, we'd given him up for dead.

● Expectation: The feeling that good things are going to happen in the future.
Category word: Noun
Example: All Europe awaited with eager expectation the results of so great an

● Laborious: Needing a lot of time and effort.

Category word: Adjective
Example: He was a man of great learning and eccentricity, and devoted his long life
to laborious study.

● Free: Not limited or controlled

Category word: Adjective
Example: The agreement gives companies free access to the markets of member
● Paradise: A place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you
would like it to be.
Category word: Noun
Example: The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own

● Pride: A feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people
connected with you have done or got something good.

Category word: Noun
Example: She felt a great sense of pride as she watched him accept the award.


● Revolutionize: To completely change something so that it is much better.

Category word: Verb
Example: This discovery has revolutionized our understanding of how the human
brain works.

● Advocate: To publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing

Category word: Noun
Example: I have been a passionate advocate of unpaid work, community
punishment, community service over the years.

● Potential: Possible when the necessary conditions exist.

Category word: Adjective
Example: Several potential buyers have expressed interest in the company.

● Impact: The force or action of one object hitting another.

Category word: Noun
Example: The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.

● Skeptical: Doubting that something is true or useful.

Category word: Adjective
Example: I've always been skeptical about alternative therapies.

● Reliable: Someone or something reliable can be trusted or believed because he,

she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect.
Category word: Adjective
Example: The salesman at the hardware store recommended these fixtures as being
the most reliable.

● Consult: To get information or advice from a person, book, etc. with special
knowledge on a particular subject.
Category word: Verb
Example: Would the employer be obliged to consult the employee representatives
before reducing pay?

● Environment: The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants
Category word: Noun
Example: Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on
the environment.

● Aspect: One part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.

Category word: Noun

Example: Individuals and businesses appear woefully uninformed about this aspect
of the information age.

● Interpret: To decide what the intended meaning of something is.

Category word: Verb
Example: It's difficult to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were

Writing & Corrections: Rewrite the incorrect sentences from your writings and worksheets
correctly, essays, rough drafts.


NAME: Cerna Zapata Génesis Rubí

Brainstorm a list of geniuses, past or present, that you know about. The person can be from
any period and culture. Write as many examples as possible:

★ Hipatia ★ Avicenna

★ Albert Einstein ★ Jodie Foster
★ Johann Wolfgang Goethe ★ Marilyn Mach vos Savant
★ Nikola Tesla ★ Bobby Fischer
★ Steve Jobs ★ Thomas Alva Edison
★ Miguel Angel ★ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
★ Stephen Hawking ★ Pablo Ruiz Picasso
★ Sharon Stone ★ John Stuart Mill
★ Geena Davis ★ Simone de Beauvoir
★ Quentin Tarantino ★ Bill Gates
★ Marie Curie


Research Daniel Tammet to find information about his life and achievements. Why
this person is considered a genius and how this person achieved expertise. Make
sure the notes are in your own words and not copied word-to-word.

● Daniel Tammet it’s considered a genius because he can effortlessly "see" the results of
complex math operations, for example, he can distinguish with the naked eye if a number
is prime or composite.

● Daniel Tammet speaks 11 languages, including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish,
Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh, etc.

● He is a genius because he can learn new languages in a very short time. For example, he
was challenged to learn Icelandic in a week for a documentary for Channel Five, and
seven days later, he appeared on Icelandic television speaking fluently in that language.

● Tammet has a record for memorizing and reciting pi with 22,514 digits in just over five

● Tammet is a genius because he read more than twelve thousand books that he could
remember in their entirety thanks to his photographic memory.
● It’s considered a genius because, in Tammet's mind, each number has a unique shape,
color, texture, and emotion.


Write your topic sentence and controlling ideal

Controlling Idea: Tammet, who is a person to have a syndrome

 Daniel Tammet who lives with an extraordinary abilities and disabilities.


Write sentences that you’re going to include in your paragraph using the
vocabulary and grammar in unit 1.

 Daniel Tammet is a writer, savant, poet, teacher, computer scientist.

 He might learn a new language in less than 2 weeks with ease as he speaks more than 7
 Tammet has to follow a daily routine, Tammet’s daily routine could be predictable but
although he has tried to be more flexible, he always ends up anxious. He should try to do
new things little by little so that he feels more flexible.
 His disability did not impede achieving great goals, he achieved the European record for
remembering pi.
 He has trouble making eye contact and he can’t have interaction with anyone outside his
family due to being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.
 Daniel Tammet may not need to analyze complex problems for a long time since he can
multiply 377 x 795 in his head.
 Daniel Tammet has read many books, he might read more than 30 books approximately.


Use an organizer to plan your paragraph.


Write a summary paragraph about Daniel Tammet. Make sure you have a clear
topic sentence and content that supports it. The topic sentence should
introduce Daniel Tammet and a controlling idea. Be sure to use grammar and
vocabulary from the unit.

Daniel Tammet is considered an amazing savant with an extraordinary mental ability

to solve complicated mathematical problems and remembering things but he also
has some disabilities. Tammet was 3 years old when he suffered an epileptic attack
when he was playing in his home and it might be the cause of his savant abilities.
However, since his attack, he was obsessed with counting and he has been able to
see numbers as shapes, colors, and textures, which made Tammet expertise with it.
In addition, he can learn a new language in less than 2 weeks and it must be a
Guinness record. Tammet knows how to talk in 7 languages, he may not need to
analyze complex problems for a long time since he can multiply 377 x 795 in his
head in a few seconds. Daniel Tammet managed to remember and recite pi in 5
hours in front of the adjudicator and for this reason, he achieved the European
record, something that was a great achievement of his life. On the other hand, he
also has disabilities. Tammet is disabled to do many simple things, for example, due
to his syndrome, he can not drive a car because he could crash it with another car,
he can not have interaction with anyone outside his family. Besides, Tammet has
never been able to work 9 to 5 because he has to follow a daily routine. Although he
has tried to be more flexible, he always ends up anxious and it makes Tammet a shy
guy in front of the general public. However, his condition was not an impediment to
achieving great goals in his life. 


Daniel Tammet who lives with an extraordinary abilities and disabilities, it’s
considered an amazing savant as he has the capacity to solve complicated
mathematical problems and remembering things. Tammet was 3 years old when he
suffered an epileptic attack while he was playing in his home and it might be the
cause of his savant abilities. However, since his attack, he was obsessed with
counting and he has been able to see numbers as shapes, colors, and textures,
which made Tammet expertise with it. In addition, he can learn a new language in
less than 2 weeks. That fact should be recognized as a Guinness record.
Moreover, Tammet knows how to talk in 7 languages. He may not need to analyze
complex problems for a long time since he can multiply 377 x 795 in his head in a
few seconds. Daniel Tammet managed to remember and recite pi in 5 hours in front
of the adjudicator and for this reason, he achieved the European record that was a
great achievement of his life. On the other hand, he also has disabilities. Tammet is
disabled to do many simple things, for example, due to his syndrome, he can not
drive a car because he could crash it with another car, he can not have interaction
with anyone outside his family. Besides, Tammet has never been able to work 9 to 5
because he has to follow a daily routine. Although he has tried to be more flexible,

he always ends up anxious and it makes Tammet a shy guy in front of the general
public. However, his condition did not impede to achieve great goals in his life.

Underline or highlight the grammar and vocabulary from the unit. Do not
quote, or copy but paraphrase. Rewrite the topic sentence and concluding
sentence, as well.


Write the final draft of your paragraph. Carefully edit it for grammatical and mechanical errors,
such as spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Make sure you use the grammar and
vocabulary from the unit. Use the checklist to write your final draft. Submit your paragraph to
your teacher.


Does the paragraph fully describe why the person is considered a

genius and how he or she achieved expertise?

Is there a topic sentence with a controlling idea that introduces the


Is the paragraph free of sentence fragments?

Did you use modals and semi-modals correctly?

Have you used the vocabulary from the unit?

Daniel Tammet who lives with an extraordinary abilities and disabilities, it’s
considered an amazing savant as he has the capacity to solve complicated
mathematical problems and remembering things. Tammet was 3 years old when he
suffered an epileptic attack while he was playing in his home and it might be the
cause of his savant abilities. However, since his attack, he was obsessed with
counting and he has been able to see numbers as shapes, colors, and textures,
which made Tammet expertise with it. In addition, he can learn a new language in
less than 2 weeks. That fact should be recognized as a Guinness record.
Moreover, Tammet knows how to talk in 7 languages. He may not need to analyze
complex problems for a long time since he can multiply 377 x 795 in his head in a
few seconds. Daniel Tammet managed to remember and recite pi in 5 hours in front
of the adjudicator and for this reason, he achieved the European record that was a
great achievement of his life. On the other hand, he also has disabilities. Tammet is
disabled to do many simple things, for example, due to his syndrome, he can not
drive a car because he could crash it with another car, he can not have interaction
with anyone outside his family. Besides, Tammet has never been able to work 9 to 5
because he has to follow a daily routine. Although he has tried to be more flexible,
he always ends up anxious and it makes Tammet a shy guy in front of the general
public. However, his condition did not impede to achieve great goals in his life.


NAME: Génesis Rubí Cerna Zapata


Complete the first column of the chart with information on page 49. In the
second column, write three or more obstacles that you or someone you know
has faced.


● The McCourts wanted a better life, so
they returned to Ireland, however, ● She had to go to study in another
their life was still very hard. Three country.
children died. The family was still ● She doesn’t have enough money.
very poor and very hungry. ● A man got her pregnant and left her.
● Frank didn’t go to high school.
● Frank’s father abandoned the family.
● Runyan was diagnosed with
Stargardt’s Disease.
● Schoolwork was too laborious for


Write your topic + controlling idea = Topic sentence

Even though my mom, Liria, faced many economic problems in her life, she overcame
them and became a good nurse and an extraordinary woman.


Write sentences using the vocabulary and grammar in unit 2. Remember that
they should be the sentences that you will include in your paragraph.
● She did not live in poverty or misery but she had many economic problems
● My grandmother and my mom had to work even all day to survive.
● Getting a better life was all my grandmother could yearn for, so she persuaded my
grandfather to move to Lima.
● Thinking about the new baby, she was scared because she hadn’t finished her

● She returned to Peru in the 90s and started a new life as a nurse.


Creating an outline before writing will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier.

1. My mom's obstacles and how she overcame them.
II. Ideas for supporting the topic sentence (4 – 5 ideas)
2. The terrorists killed her dad.

3. She had to travel to Spain.

4. She suffered from bullying.

5. She returned to Peru in the 90s and started a new life as a nurse

6. Her family did not have much money.

III. Concluding sentences: Restatement of the topic sentence/summary of the

paragraph / Possible solution.

7. In short, my mother Liria is someone who has earned everyone's respect for her
achievements and all the obstacles she faced.


Now write the first draft of your biographical paragraph. Make sure you have a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. Be sure to use grammar and vocabulary from
the unit.

Even though my mom, Liria, faced many economic problems in her life, she overcame
them and became a good nurse and an extraordinary woman. When my mom was young,
she lived in a town called Rioja. She did not live in poverty or misery but she had many
economic problems because she is part of a seven-member family and my grandmother

and my mom had to work even all day to survive. A part of her house was almost
completely dilapidated and there were days when my mom faced difficult situations.
Getting a better life was all my grandmother could yearn for, so she persuaded my
grandfather to move to Lima. My mom suffered bullying in her school because her
classmates made my mom feel ashamed about her past but after all of that, she got a
strong temper and she learned to defend herself. At the age of 21, my mom got
pregnant, so she had to leave the university and unfortunately, the man abandoned her.
That was the darkest moment of her life. Thinking about the new baby, she was scared
because she hadn’t finished her studies. My mom Liria didn’t have enough money to pay
for all the things the newborn needed. The times of terrorism arrived in the 80s and
terrorists have just killed her dad. At that moment, my mom wanted to give up. Taking
care of her newborn baby, my mom started her studies again and she got a scholarship
to study in Spain but she did not want to leave her baby. Luckily, my grandmother
decided to raise the kid for her because that opportunity was one in a million. She
returned to Peru in the 90s and started a new life as a nurse, my mom met her perfect
man who is now my dad and both started a beautiful family. In short, my mother Liria is
someone who has gained everyone's respect for her achievements and all the obstacles
she faced. This is why my mom is an amazing human and nurse despite all the obstacles
in her life.


Write the final draft of your paragraph. Carefully edit it for grammatical and
mechanical errors, such as spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Make sure you
use the grammar and vocabulary from the unit. Use the checklist to write your final
draft. Submit your paragraph to your teacher.


Does the paragraph fully describe who was faced with challenges and
overcame them?

Is there a topic sentence stating the obstacle that the person


Do all the supporting sentences relate directly to the topic sentence?

Is there a concluding sentence that restates the main idea of the

paragraph, offers an opinion, or suggests a solution?

Did you use gerunds and infinitives correctly?

Have you used the vocabulary from the unit?

Even though my mom, Liria, faced many economic problems in her life, she overcame
them and became a good nurse and an extraordinary woman. When my mom was young,
she lived in a town called Rioja. She did not live in poverty or misery but she had many
economic problems because she is part of a seven-member family and my grandmother
and my mom had to work even all day to survive. A part of her house was almost
completely dilapidated and there were days when my mom faced difficult situations.
Getting a better life was all my grandmother could yearn for, so she persuaded my
grandfather to move to Lima. My mom suffered bullying in her school because her
classmates made my mom feel ashamed about her past but after all of that, she got a
strong temper and she learned to defend herself. At the age of 21, my mom got
pregnant, so she had to leave the university and unfortunately, the man abandoned her.
That was the darkest moment of her life. Thinking about the new baby, she was scared
because she hadn’t finished her studies. My mom Liria didn’t have enough money to pay
for all the things the newborn needed. The times of terrorism arrived in the 80s and
terrorists have just killed her dad. At that moment, my mom wanted to give up. Taking
care of her newborn baby, my mom started her studies again and she got a scholarship
to study in Spain but she did not want to leave her baby. Luckily, my grandmother
decided to raise the kid for her because that opportunity was one in a million. She
returned to Peru in the 90s and started a new life as a nurse, my mom met her perfect
man who is now my dad and both started a beautiful family. In short, my mother Liria is
someone who has gained everyone's respect for her achievements and all the obstacles
she faced. This is why my mom is an amazing human and nurse despite all the obstacles
in her life.


NAME: Genesis Rubi Cerna Zapata


Write the first draft of your opinion essay on making medical decisions based on
genetic testing. Be sure to use grammar and vocabulary from the unit.
• Write a 380-word opinion essay (380-500 words approx.)
• Include four paragraphs: an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs,
and one concluding paragraph.
• Include a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.
• Use (3) past conditionals. Highlight them.
• Include 5 vocabulary words from the Unit. Use bold letters
The writing is evaluated as a process, not a final product. Make sure you work on it
daily as the instructor requests.


Complete the treemap with the ideas you discussed with your partner.


Write your thesis statement

The envionment In some cases, it

We can
can influence may not provide
discover if
the risk of useful
we are at risk
for certain
genetic disease. information or it
may be false
disease and
negatives and
follow a
people can
From my point of view, I agree that this type of method has gained a great impact in
modern medicine since it was a way to revolutionized modern medicine.


Write sentences using the vocabulary and grammar in unit 3. Remember that these
are sentences that you will include in your essay.

 I agree that this type of method has gained a great impact in modern medicine
 It was a way to revolutionize modern medicine.
 If doctors had not taken this method as a viable option, many people would
not have been aware of their condition or illness.
 If science had discovered this method before, many lives would have been
 If you had not had a genetic test, you would not have been able to know if you
were a potential patient for this disease.
 People can consult their doctors about the risk factors that this method has.


Creating an outline before writing will make organizing your thoughts a lot easier.
Remember that your opinion essay is on making medical decisions based on
genetic testing.


Thesis statement: From Innovative and effective. Those are two of the words
my point of view, I agree that come to mind when someone ask for my opinion
that this type of method on making medical decisions based on genetic
has gained a great impact testing.
in modern medicine since
it was a way to
revolutionized modern


topic sentence: First, if support/ evidence:
we talk about the benefits
 Genetic testing gives people a new
of this method, genetic
opportunity to know if they could have any
tests help people to disease.
identify the disease and  Doctors will be able to choose a more
the condition in which it is

found. appropriate way to treat or prevent the
disease people present.
topic sentence: Another
positive side of this
support/ evidence:
method is that it has
 Genetic testing is a good method to practice
different types of genetic with children because parents can prevent
tests suitable for each many medical problems.
case.  People with Alzheimer may be able to know if
their family members could heredity this

Restate the thesis: In conclusion, genetic testing has so many benefits for people
who want to predict any medical problem.

Final thoughts/wrap up: Remember, the best option to make decisions

about our health or disease prevention is to consult a doctor.


Write the first draft of your opinion essay on making medical decisions based on genetic
testing. Use the information from the Prepare to write activity and your essay organizer to plan
your essay. Make sure you have four paragraphs: an introductory paragraph, two body
paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. Be sure to use grammar and vocabulary from the

Genetic testing is now the new magic wand to predict future diseases. Innovative and
effective. Those are two of the words that come to mind when someone asks for my opinion
on making medical decisions based on genetic testing. From my point of view, I agree that
this type of method has gained a great impact in modern medicine since it was a way to
revolutionized modern medicine.

First, if we talk about the benefits of this method, genetic tests help people to identify the
disease and the condition in which it is found. With this, doctors will be able to choose a
more appropriate way to treat or prevent the disease of people present. If doctors had not
taken this method as a viable option, many people would not have been aware of their
condition or illness. This method is innovative and can save many lives around the world.
Genetic testing gives people a new opportunity to know if they could have any disease and
how to prevent it. If science had discovered this method before, many lives would have
been saved.

Another positive side of this method is that it has different types of genetic tests suitable for
each case. For example, people with Alzheimer's, with genetic tests, may be able to know if
their family members could heredity this disease. If you had not had a genetic test, you
would not have been able to know if you were a potential patient for this disease. With
this method people may be able to prevent or treat the disease you present. Besides, genetic
testing is a good method to practice with children because parents can prevent many medical

In conclusion, genetic testing has so many benefits for people who want to predict any
medical problem. I believe that this is a good option for doctors and for us when making
decisions. People can consult their doctors about the risk factors that this method has, they
can know what to expect and how to act appropriately at the time of treatment. Genetic tests
are of great help to physicians and allow them to do more effective and improved work.

Homework: Homework, research, free-writing, etc.

 Page 16;17 and 18 from Unit 1

 Page 43; 49; 50; 51 and 72 from Unit 2

 Page 77; 78 and 79 from Unit 3

Reflection papers: For every unit, write a 100-word paragraph reflecting on your learning
process. Each paragraph has a topic sentence and controlling ideas, and a concluding
sentence. Remember what you learned, what you liked, some suggestions you have, etc.

● In this Unit, I learned how to write a summary paragraph. I always thought I
will never use it but since I started to study this course, I learned that it’s really
important because writing correctly in English can open many doors. Besides,
I learned how to paraphrase a text with new words that I didn’t know existed.
Also, we read a lecture called “10,000 Hours to Master” by Harvey Mackay
and now I know more about the abilities and disabilities of certain savants like
Daniel Tammet. To conclude, this unit expanded my vocabulary and it helps
me a lot because it shows me that I didn’t know how to write a really good
essay and now I’m practicing to be better in writing.


● In Unit 2, I learned to make a good biographical paragraph about people who

overcome obstacles and I also learn about gerunds and infinitives. The
readings in this unit were inspiring about the lives of Frank and Marla who
overcame obstacles despite their disabilities. Besides, the vocabulary and the
grammar was easy for me because it was something that I learned at the
Intermediate level. In short, this unit opened my mind to a lot of ideas that I
can include in a biographical paragraph.


● In Unit 3, I learned how to make a formal essay. It was something I have

never seen or done in my life and the first time, it was difficult for me. Also, I
expanded my vocabulary log with more words, for example, I’ve learned
words like skeptical or consensus. About the grammar, I’ve already studied
that grammar at the intermediate level but now I managed to use it correctly in
an essay. In general, although the structure of the essay was somewhat
difficult for me to learn, I will do my best not to have difficulties in the following


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