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Traditional Western

Herbal Medicine : As
Above So Below
Elisabeth Brooke
Aeon Books
Responding to the recent revival of interest in herbal medicine,
Elisabeth Brooke explores the origins and history of the practice of
herbalism and discusses its use in a modern context. This new book
will be perfect for anyone interested in the use of herbal medicine,
in particular those who have read Brooke's best-selling earlier works
including Herbal Therapy for Women

The thesis of this book is the interconnectedness of all nature,

human and plant kingdoms, and the underlying connection of a first
principle which unites everything and from which and to which
everything returns. We shall go on to discuss the four elements and
humours and how the planets weave these differing energies
through the vegetable and animal kingdoms which show us how
Spirit is expressed in the plant, in the person and in the dis-ease. --
from the author

Aeon Books

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