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Climate Change: The

Facts 2017 : The Facts

Jennifer Marohasy
Connor Court Publishing
Pty Ltd
Climate Change: The Facts 2017 contains 22 essays by
internationally-renowned experts and commentators, including Dr
Bjorn Lomborg, Dr Matt Ridley, Professor Peter Ridd, Dr Willie
Soon, Dr Ian Plimer, Dr Roy Spencer, and literary giant Clive
James. The volume is edited by Dr Jennifer Marohasy, Senior
Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs. Fourteen of the contributors
currently hold or have held positions at a university or a scientific
research organisation.

Dr Jennifer Marohasy said, "Climate Change: The Facts 2017

presents the case for climate change policies to be based on
scientific evidence and it reveals how many of the potential policy
responses to climate change are often wildly disproportionate
compared to their potential cost."

"However, our understanding of how the climate operates is

incomplete and it is critically important to challenge the view that
the planet is facing a global warming catastrophe."

"Climate Change: The Facts 2017 addresses a range of issues

including the science of climate change, the homogenisation and
manipulation of temperature data, the economic and social impact of
climate change policy proposals, and the way climate change is
presented by the media and portrayed in popular culture," said Dr

Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd

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