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Peer Review Guide

remain respectful of each other’s work and engage invitational rhetoric with one another

(submit the worksheet about YOUR essay)

Author: Jade Hammock

Peer Reviewer: Tatiyana Rudolph

Assignment:Rhetorical Discourse Analysis

Title: Take A Knee

Author notes: I would like for my peer reviewer to look at how my essay is structured and how
well it is written. Did I hit all the points that I needed to hit and did I do it correctly?

(List elements of your essay that you would like your peer-reviewer to pay particular
attention to.)

General Grammar Check List

Peer Review Guide

● Word choice
- The word choice in this essay was very well done and prompted me to be in even more
agreement with her than I already am.
● Sentence structure
- I think that the sentence structure in this essay is wonderful and makes the most logical
● Punctuation
- Punctuation is pristine.
● Typos

- I didn’t find any typos.


● Flow of sentences
- The flow of the sentences in this essay is very nice and it makes the main idea come
across easily.
● Transitions between paragraphs
- The transitions between paragraphs tied in ideas very well and connected them with the
● Overall organization of work
- The organization of this essay flows very well and lends itself very well to the main idea
of the essay and doesn't stray away from it.
● MLA Format

- Perfectly done (besides those citations that I know will be filled in)

Grammar Notes:

- I think that in general, Jade’s grammar is very good. This essay reflects that and it is very
easy to read and understand.

Peer Review Guide

● Does the work meet the prompt of the assignment? If so, how? If not, why?

- The rhetor hit all the points in the prompt and gave her social media resources to back
herself up.

● What is the work’s topic? Does the rhetor make this clear? How? If not, why? Offer


- This work’s topic is on the movement started by Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the

national anthem at an NFL game. The rhetor makes this very clear by stating it in the first


● What is the work’s exigence? Does the rhetor make this clear? If so, how? If not,

why? Offer suggestions.

- The exigence of this essay to is to communicate to the audience the impact that the

movement and its community has.

Peer Review Guide

● What evidence could the author include to add more nuance to their arguments?

What are some of the ways they can expand on interesting points or add more

elements to their discussion?

- I think that more conversation could be included to show the power of the discourse



● Does the work follow its own logic? If so, how? If not, why? Offer suggestions.

- The work does follow its own logic. This is because she created an opposing argument

and can back them both up.

● Does the work achieve what it sets out to do? (Is it successful?) If so, how? If not,

why? Offer suggestions.

Peer Review Guide

- The work achieves what it is meant to. This is because she shows how the movements

was impactful and what the discourse community did for it.

● Are there any constraints? How can they be addressed?

- I didn't really notice any constraints. This is a very strong piece of writing. Maybe Jade

could have written even more because I was so engaged.

● Does the author recognize any counter arguments? If so, how do they address them?

If not, how can they be addressed?

- A counter argument was acknowledged in this essay basically saying that Kaepernick

was disrespectful to the flag and that he was wrong to put his career on the line for the

beliefs he has.

Peer Review Guide

● Does the rhetor deliver their argument persuasively? If so, how? If not, why? Offer


- The rhetor delivers very well and caters very well to the audience that agrees with her

point of view. Jade included some infuriated points about racial injustice in America like

Kaepernick losing his job from taking a knee and the killing of Trayvon Martin.

● What rhetorical moves does the rhetor employ? Are they effective? If so, how? If

not, why? Offer suggestions.

- A rhetorical move that Jade used is the call out. She calls out American society and

government for treating Black people unjustly and killing us off.

● Where could rhetorical moves be applied? Offer suggestions.

- Moves could be applied in each paragraph to create more background for the audience to

understand the extent to which black people have been abused.

Peer Review Guide

● Is the work enjoyable to engage with? Why? Offer suggestions.

- This work is enjoyable because I am able to see others' point of view of the movement

and I agree with it. I wanted to hear a little more about the opposing side’s point of view.


● Does the thesis state an arguable position toward the topic? If so, how? If not, why?

Offer suggestions.

- The thesis is arguable toward this topic. This is because not everyone can agree that what

Kaepernick did was the right thing to do.

● Does the thesis identify specific elements that influence their argument? If so, how?

If not, why? Offer suggestions.

- I think that the injustice of black people and the way that Kaepernick was shunned

by half of America and the NFL.

Peer Review Guide

● Does the thesis outline what will be discussed in the essay? If so, how? If not, why?

Offer suggestions.

- I think that the thesis does outline the rest of the essay because it supports how

what Kaepernick did was necessary and how the discourse community supported


● Is the language of the thesis clear and concise? If so, how? If not, why? Offer


- The language in the thesis is clear and concise, I think that the conversations of the

discourse community of the movement and its impact could be added.

Peer Review Guide

Peer-Reviewer Notes:

I think that your essay was very well written and organized. I think that the prompt could

have been more closely followed.

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