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Variables and Operations

# Simple Operations ----------------- _privateVar = 23.0 # Private

print(3 + 4) Variable or Function [Weakly Private]
print(10 / 5) # Output is float __VeryPrivateVar = 4.3 # Very Private!
print(3.0) # float define Variable
print(3 * 3.0) # float output # Special variables: Magic Methods
print(1 - 1.0) # float output (Like Macro in C/C++)
print(4 ** 2)
__MANS__ = 20.0
print((4 ** 2) ** 3)
print(4 ** 2 ** 3) # Taking the user input -------------
# A = input()
# Other Operations # A is a string
print(13 // 5) # floor division # A1 = input("Enter some value: \n")
print(13 % 5) # remainder
# print(3 * input()) # Short Code Style
# String -----------------------------------
# Type Converting and Casting --------
print("Hello World")
print('Single Quotation')
# Implicit Type Conversion
# Scape character ------------------------ F1 = 12
print('It\'s fun to code \t with \t Python F2 = 12.0
\n') F3 = F1 + F2 # Implicit Type Conversion
print(type(F1), type(F2), type(F3))
# Multi-line Text ------------------------
# Explicit Type Conversion [Casting]
print(""" This is Multiline A1 = 12
Text in Python """) A2 = '45'
""" A3 = 36.7
This can be used as comments!
B1 = float(A1)
B2 = str(12)
# String concatenation
print("Python " + "Language")
B3 = int(A2)
print(3 * 'Python ') B4 = int(A3) # Loss of data [ enforce
# print(5 + '4') # Wrong syntax casting ]
print(5 * '4')
print(B1, B2, B3, B4)
# Variable definition -----------------
A = 3 # -----------------------------------
print(A * 4) # print(int(input())*4)
A12 = 12
A_12 = 13 print("Python " + str(3.0))
_A = 14
# print(int(input("A:")) +
# Naming conventions ------------------ int(input("B:")))
# 1) camelCase
tempRotorInStart = 28.0 # In-place operators -----------------
# 2) PascalCase x = 10
TempRotorInStart = 30.0 x += 4
# 3) snake_case x -= 2
temp_rotor_in_start = 30.0 x /= 3
# 4) Pascal_Snake_Case x %= 3
Temp_Rotor_In_Start = 31.0 print(x)
# 5) CONSTANT_CASE s = "Python"
TEMP_ENV = 25.0 s += " Coding"
# Python naming conventions -----------
# Programming idiom [Coding Style] ---

Python course By: Mansour Torabi

Variables and Operations

# the USUAL way to code in a specific

# In Python:
# Idiomatic Python code: being Pythonic
# - Unpythonic, a more pythonic solution

# (1) Swapping Variables

aa = 3
bb = 5
print(aa, bb)

aa, bb = bb, aa # Pythonic Style

print(aa, bb)

# (2) Line Continuation

BigString = "this is a long string or
statement that " \
" so I should split" \
" it to multiple lines"

# this is a fragile style, one space

after \ break the code

# Pythonic Style
BigString2 = (
"This is "
"good "
"for me"

LongStatement = 2 + 3\
+ 4**4

LongStatement2 = ( # Pythonic Style

2 + 4/5 + 6
- 4 + 4*10
- 5 + 3 % 2 - 4**5

# PEPs: Python Enhancement Proposals -

# PEP 8: Style Guide

# PEP 20: The Zen of Python
# ....

Python course By: Mansour Torabi

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