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Basketball is a team sports composed of two teams that is known

worldwide. It is an enjoyable sports that suits to all ages wherein the

objectives of the game is to score points by shooting the ball through the
hoop. To improve the skills in basketball there are related exercises that are
needed to practice everyday. These exercises have many benefits in our
health and can result for better outcome sooner.

Based from the video from what I had watch ,in doing these exercises,
we can do it in our home and we should start it by doing warm up exercise.
Warm up exercise is important in doing physical activities, it allows us to
eases the stress on our the joints and tendons, which could potentially
prevent our injury. After doing warm up exercise , we can proceed to the
exercises related to basketball. There are 6 exercises that are important to
perform, each exercises need perform in 30 seconds.

Doing these exercises will improve our strength, coodination and

muscular endurance which is a essential in basic skills in basketball. Also it
will develop our physical and emotional state by improving our body
composition and building our self- confidence.

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