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Table tennis is a sport that is similar to the principle of lawn tennis played
using a lightweight hollow ball and paddles on a flat table divided into two equal
courts by a net. There are skills here also in this sport needed to improve using
different drills such as the footwork drill. Before doing drills, we should perform
warm up first. Warm up exercise is important in doing physical activities. It allows
us to eases the stress on our the joints and tendons, which could potentially
prevent our injury. After doing warm up exercise , we can proceed to the
footwork drills in table tennis. Having a proper footwork in table tennis is really
needed of every player because it helps the player to execute better movements
and accurate shots to beat the opponent. Doing these drills is a good practice to
every player, it can help them position themselves during any game to have a
good control to keep up with the pace and speed of your opponent. Also it
enables the player to return offensive and aggressive shots will depend
largely on how the player good in doing the footwork.

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