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Slide 1:

Ok, so today for my ignite I am going to talk about public speaking. By public speaking, I mean
sharing/presenting in front of a class or in front of people. I’m my next slides I’m gonna talk
about my experience and some things I’ve tried to get better.
Before I start How many people enjoy presenting? Ok well to be honest I really do not like
presenting at all! I would rather talk to each and every person in this room, like a one on one
conversation rather than go up to the front of the room and talk!
Slide3: Judgment
Before presenting I always have that fear about people judging me if I mess up or if I get my line
wrong then they might laugh, no matter how much I try to tell myself that it’s just a presentation
and that people will forget my presentation in a day or two. But no matter how hard I try it
always gets me.
My reason behind that is that During my years in school, I was never really a public speaker or
a presenter. Whenever I had to talk in front of a class I would normally try my best to avoid that
situation and try to get away from it. Like if I had to bring something from my home and talk
about it, I would just say I forgot it or I left it at home. I would just try my best to avoid it or extend
it to a point where the teacher would forget… unfortunately it won’t work this time.
Slide 6:
Some other things that I do to reduce stress are that I would try to go in between 1st and 6th so
I won’t have to wait until the end and scare myself to death while others are presenting. The
other thing I would do is just take deep breaths in and out and try to focus on getting it over with.
Slide 7:
The other thing I do while presenting is that I would look at people with who I feel comfortable.
By that I mean if I were to present in front of a class or in front of some people then I would look
at the people who am I comfortable with like my friends or the people who I know will support
Slide 8:
Imagine the room is empty. So now let’s say you don’t even want to make eye contact at all,
then you can look at the ball behind you or look to the sides of the room or even look at a plant
or a book or even look at the guy who’s picking their nose as h
Slide 9:
Look confident.
Let’s say you are nervous and you really don’t want to go up there but you’re going anyways.
Try to look confident, by that I mean raise your shoulders and lift your back up and just pretend
that you are not scared at all and are ready to go for it, if you do that eventually while doing your
presentation you’ll actually feel confident
Slide 10:
Stop comparing.
The more you compare yourself to others, the more your gonna think that your presentation is
going to be bad compared to your peers. I’ll tell you what, in grade 10 in my social class my
partner and I had to do some research about any genocides that had happened. My partner was
completely chill and relaxed by I wasn’t. I just kept thinking that our slide show is gonna be
terrible and that the entire class is gonna laugh at me and every time someone else had
presented I always used to think that ours is gonna be wearing than theirs. But one day my
partner told me just chill and don’t compare ours to theirs, and so when I tried that I was still
nervous but I wasn’t as nervous as I was before!
Slide 11:
Go with the flow
By going with the flow I mean if you mess up on one thing while sharing, you shouldn’t focus on
just that, you should say to yourself “no biggie it’s just one problem, everything’s gonna be fine”,
because during your presentation the more you think about the mistake you make the more
your gonna lose track
Slide 12
Let’s say if you messed up and you feel super awkward and there’s no other way you can
improve, the last thing you can do is smile! You see if you smile your peers won’t be harsh on
you and they will be receptive to what you have said!
Slide 13
So now enough with the tips that I have shared, now for my next slides, I’m gonna talk about
why presenting is actually good and also what some things you can learn about yourself or can
use in the future!
Slide 14
Presenting in front of people is actually good! Cause if u think about it like yeah presenting
sucks but you learn some things, like what you can improve on and what you can change up to
make it better next time! Like during the interviews we did in this class. The peers who were
interviewing me gave me some tips on what I could improve on and those really came in handy!
Slide 15
Another thing that can also come in handy is when you did and waiting and watching others go.
By that I mean when you have done your part and you just sitting, you can also remember or
write some things that other people did that you really liked and could also add onto your next
future presentation if you get one!
There’s also a chance that while sharing your ideas or while presenting you might think that
you're actually bad and have no confidence but it might be the complete opposite! You might
realize that you are a good talker!
Facing your fear. Let’s say that you are scared of going up there and after you complete
presenting you would be able to cross out presenting in front of a class out of your fear list!
That’s when you would take the first step of taking over your fear! Kinda like how I was afraid of
jumping off the diving board, but I jumped off a couple of times and after that, I got used to it and
I wasn’t scared anymore!
Another thing you might learn about yourself is that you might think that it might be easy but
when you are done, you might think over to yourself and realize that it was harder than you
thought, like how I had done so some work for my other class but I kept telling myself that oh it’s
gonna be easy and I’ll get it done later it’s only gonna take me 20 min, but when I started it
actually took me like an hour and a half to finish.
Slide 19:
Getting out of your comfort zone
By that I mean if you like me and do not like presenting then you not really gonna get out of your
comfort zone and learn some things like you could learn that you are good at adapting or
making things on the stop, which can really come in handy if your mess up on a presentation
Slide 20:
The pleasure
After presenting when you get the pleasure of finishing off your final slide and the excitement
you get when you finish and when you can’t wait to go to your seat and just relax. Just for that
moment, it’s all worth it!

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