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How to find the clothing style that you will feel comfortable and confident in while

wearing it.

Slide 1: Growing up, I would say that fashion has always been a part of my life because ever
since I could remember, my mom and my aunts (who love fashion) would always dress me up
and buy me clothes. And this has shaped the way I view clothing today.

Slide 2: So throughout my life, I was really interested in clothing and I too wanted to find my own
style, so I did some research and found tips that worked for me and I wanted to share it with you
guys to help you find the clothing style that you will feel comfortable and confident in while
wearing it.

Slide 3-4: It’s a two-step process and the first step is research. Researching is a crucial part of
this process because it will help you know what you want and what you’re looking for. This will
make the next step easier and not have you wasting money on a bunch of clothing, later to find
out that you don’t like what you bought and never wear it again. I’m totally not guilty for this. So
the first thing you should do is to:

Slide 5: Look at your own closet and pull out the pieces of clothing you really like and that you
wear often (And do some closet cleaning while you’re at it cuz I know you need to). From there,
look at all the clothes and figure out what they have in common.

Slide 6: Next, look at social media for inspiration. I recommend using pinterest and making a
vision board to organize everything or use Instagram and look at outfit posts that you really like,
then save the posts. And have fun with this process.

Slide 7: One thing that helped me was that I looked at different aesthetics. Some aesthetics are
dark academia, vintage, grunge, streetwear, pastel, minimalist, etc. Looking at these can help
you find the colour palette that you like and vibe you want to give.
Slide 8: Now we’re at the fun part. The second step is to experiment. This is where you take into
account all the research you’ve gathered and find those clothing pieces you want in your closet.

Slide 9: The first thing is to try out just a few clothing pieces at first. Don’t just buy a bunch of
clothing right away. This process takes time and you want to just gradually build your desired

Slide 10: Now, don’t be afraid to play with accessories. It can really change up your look and
make you appear more put together because you added those small details to your outfit.

Slide 11: Another thing that I liked to do was to borrow- well more like steal- clothes from my
family members. So if your parent or sibling has a clothing piece that you like, try wearing it and
see if you like that style or not (and ask permission first). Also, if they’re willing to share, it saves
you lots of money.

Slide 12: thrift shopping is a great alternative when shopping for nice, affordable clothes.
Sometimes you can find really good pieces there for a cheaper price.

Slide 13: One more tip is to learn how to properly layer clothing. There are many videos online
on how to do this, but If you know how to properly layer your clothing, you can make multiple fits
with the same clothing pieces.

Slide 14: Have fun with experimenting honestly. You don’t need to just stick with one style, you
can try out multiple styles and see which one you like most, or even combine some styles and
make it your own.
Slide 15: Lastly, the most important aspect of looking great in your new style is confidence.
Confidence is key. You need to be comfortable in what you’re wearing in order to be confident.
Also literally don’t care about what others think.

Slide 16: I’ll be honest with you guys, as I grew up and my body started changing, I felt really
insecure about myself and would push away the idea of wearing a dress or skirt whenever my
mom would ask me to wear it and that just really diminished my confidence.

Slide 17: It wasn’t until high school that I started to really think more about how I dress. And
when I began dressing better, people started noticing and complimented me on it which
encouraged me to continue.

Slide 18: Wearing nicer clothing became some sort of armor for me and I started to feel more
confident in myself. And because of that, I gradually stopped caring about what others think
about me because I liked what I wore.

Slide 19: After going through that, I’ve realized how much society sucks because we tend to
judge people by their appearance. But we really shouldn’t care about what others think because
at the end of the day, clothing is a way of self expression.

Slide 20: Overall, this whole process of finding your personal clothing style takes time and I'm
still searching for mine. Just remember the two step process and that confidence is key. I hope
you can use one of these tips to help you get closer to finding your personal clothing style.
Thank you for listening!

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