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Student Name___H. Ellie Smith_________________________________ Date 11.20.


Department of Occupational and

Recreational Therapies


Assessment Competency Exam

Not Observed or Adequate High Level of

Competency Components Skill Performed Skill Skill N/A
Ineffectively Demonstrated Demonstrated
1. Preparation X
2. **Arrives at appointment on time
3. **Prepares Interview materials in advance X
4. **Establishes appropriate interview environment X
Interview Administration: X
5. **Introduces self to client, which includes acknowledging
client’s name, introducing self, and stating purpose of the
interview in clear understandable language
6. **Establishes rapport with client X
7. Explores and discusses client’s priorities and concerns X
regarding the reason for a referral to occupational
8. Performance demonstrates preparation and familiarity X
with the interview format
9. **Performs Interview in correct format and covers all X
parts of interview adequately
10. Demonstrates the ability to paraphrase and reflect X
client’s content and feelings
11. Asks additional open and/ or clarifying questions when X
client gives short or vague responses
(note: I didn’t think X
the actor strayed off
12. Is able to refocus client back to interviewing topic in a
topic; Ellie kept
respectful manner
13. Utilizes understandable language; Explains jargon as X
14. Avoids giving advice & uses silence appropriately X
15. Demonstrates appropriate body language - which X
includes appropriate eye contact, personal space, facial
expression, gestures, postural orientation, speaking
volume and modulation
16. Demonstrates appropriate interest and energy level in X
response client’s behavior
17. Acknowledges changes in client’s affect, mood, and X
body language
18. Effectively responds to client’s affect, mood, and body X
19. **Briefly summarizes client’s responses at the end of the X
20. Gives client final opportunity to ask questions X
21. Informs client what the next steps of the intervention X
process can or will be
22. Ends interview on a positive note and provides a sense X
of closure
23. **Coordinates test materials effectively during interview
24. **Uses allotted time effectively X
Student Name___H. Ellie Smith_________________________________ Date 11.20.20

Scoring: 50/50
25. **Scores recorded correctly in form and accurately
reflects results of the interview.

Overall rating of Student’s Assessment Competency Level Skills do not meet Skills meet Skills exceed
(Circle One) competency competency competency
requirements requirements requirements

To pass this competency exam, a student must competently perform 8 of the 10 (shaded/**) interview skills described above

Grading: 46/50 is earned if all skill items are marked “adequate skill demonstrated”. Two points will be added for each “high level of skill”
marked. However, the maximum number of points that can be earned for this component of the OSCE is 50/50. Two points will subtracted for
each skill item marked “Not observed/Performed ineffectively”.


Nicely done, Ellie! You did a nice job of maintaining eye contact. Even though you were taking notes, it always felt like you were
directly talking with the client. I also thought you did an excellent job with reflecting and asking clarifying questions. Felt very

Activity of Concern Importance Performance Satisfaction

Using fork to stab food 10 2 3

Eating without being messy 10 4 2
Friendship building skills – would like to play
10 6 4
with the other kids in the neighborhood
Pushing herself in her wheelchair when in the
10 2 2
Dressing 7 2 2


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