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Ken Reifsnider

35.1 DEFINITIONS AND ISSUES simple, and are illustrated in Fig. 35.1.
Damage tolerance is the remaining strength
Durability and damage tolerance are critical
after some period of service, and durability, in
to the design of composite structures.
general, has to do with how long the compo-
Damage tolerance is the approach often
nent will last, i.e. with the life of the structure.
required for the certification of safety-rated
In this context, durability is often discussed in
structures such as aircraft components; dura-
terms of the resistance or susceptibility to
bility has been identified as one of the most
damage initiation. Both concepts imply that
important technical drivers for the design of
the subject component is being exposed to
major composite structures such as the High
applied conditions such as mechanical loading
Speed Civil Transport. Recent reports from
and environments such as temperature and
the National Materials Advisory Board and a
chemical agents over long periods of time that
great volume of other literature focus on
are typical of the projected service life of the
Of course, there are many nuances in the
There are several technical concepts that
definitions of durability and damage toler-
form a foundation for our discussion of these
ance. However, the basic concepts are quite
closely related topics. The first of these is the

Damage Tolerance (Remaining strength)


stress level

Life Locus
Durability (Life) 4

Time / Cycles

Handbook of Composites. Edited by S.T.Peters. Published Fig. 35.1 Basic definitions of ’durability’ and ‘dam-
in 1998 by Chapman & Hall,London. ISBN 0 412 54.020 7 age tolerance’.
Definitions and issues 795

question of the relationship of material ’how strong is this composite structure’, even
strength to structural strength. In general, the if the array of material strengths are known
strength of (fiber reinforced) composite mate- (shown in Fig. 35.2). Hence, there is a need to
rials is represented by an array of values that develop understandings and representations
reflect the anisotropic nature of the materials of the critical damage and failure modes that
(Fig. 35.2). For planar materials, at least the control the performance of engineering com-
tensile strength and compressive strength in ponents. This technology is currently
the fiber direction and transverse to the fibers incomplete, but discussions of those topics
and the in-plane shear strength are required will follow.
for a complete answer to the question of ’how A second fundamental concept is
strong is this material’. However, as an array, microstructural architecture. As shown in Fig.
those values do not directly show ’how strong 35.3(a), many fibrous composite components
is a composite structure’. Several possible are made in layered or laminated form, with the
answers to that question are typically given. fibers in different layers having different direc-
One may use a ’failure criterion’ that compares tions; in some cases the plies are made from
all of the point stress components with all of different materials to form a ’hybrid’ compos-
the material strength components (such as the ite. In addition, the fibers may not be straight,
Tsai-Hill or Tsai-Wu riter ria)^ in some collec- but may be woven, braided, or arranged in
tive form based on concepts such as critical mats of various types (Fig. 35.3(b),(c)). These
energy, critical shear resistance, etc. The salient details have a major influence on the durability
point to be made is that the complexity of and damage tolerance of the materials. In fact,
(inhomogeneous) composite materials and most composite material systems are ‘designed’
their array of anisotropic material strengths to be ’fiber dominated’, to take advantage of
give rise to the development of a correspond- light, strong and stiff (but brittle) fiber materials
ing array of damage and failure modes in that are available. Typically, the fibers, their
these materials that must be understood and geometry and their arrangement are important
correctly modeled to answer the question of parts of the question.

Five in-plane strength values for fiberous composites:

Tension and compression

Tension and compression
strength in the fiber
strength in the direction
transverse to the fibers
Xt or X,
Yt orY,

in-plane shear strength


f 1 Strength tensor:
Composite *
Fig. 35.2 Schematic illustration of ’principal strength’ directions in a unidirectional continuous fiber com-
posite laminate.
796 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

Fig. 35.3 Typical engineering composite reinforcement types: (a) fibrous, unidirectional pile; (b) fibrous
woven; (c) fibrous, braided.

A third technical issue has to do with the 0 Remaining strength and life models are
degradation of intrinsic strength and stiffness. developed and predictions are made for
For metals, the material stiffness and strength each independent failure mode (such as
are generally constant during the life of the fiber failure in tension or micro-buckling in
engineering component. This may not be true compression, etc.).
for composites. Stiffness changes of the order 0 Mechanics representations of the state of
of 10-20% may be caused by micro-cracking, stress and state of material are constructed
for example. Since many structures are stiff- on the basis of a 'representative volume' of
ness designs, this mode of degradation must the material that is typical of the distributed
be considered. In addition, the intrinsic mate- damage state that controls the remaining
rial strengths (indicated in Fig. 35.2) may also stiffness and strength of the composite. A
be degraded, especially by such things as typical representative volume of material is
physical or chemical aging. This behavior a controlling ply in a laminate, but may be a
must also be part of the supporting predictive micro-buckling ligament, a small group of
technology developed for these materials. fibers, etc.
Nondestructive methods of tracking such 0 Various methods are used to characterize
degradation are under development, but this and monitor the rate of strength degrada-
remains as a challenge currently. tion in composites. A typical parameter
Methodologies for the assessment and pre- which is useful for that purpose is stiffness
diction of durability and damage tolerance of change; however, that parameter is not
composite materials typically involve the fol- appropriate in some cases.
lowing features: 0 Micromechanics (mechanics analysis at the
Damage modes and failure modes 797

fiber/matrix level of representation) is made. Composites consist of mechanical 'mix-

increasingly used for remaining-strength tures' of distinct phases (such as fibers or
modeling, for the calculation of stiffness particles) in a matrix material. The geometry
change (which leads to internal stress redis- and arrangement of the reinforcement phase
tribution), and for the estimation of is carefully chosen to achieve the desired com-
remaining strength for a given failure posite properties. As a result, such material
mode. systems are always inhomogeneous, often
Statistical considerations are essential for anisotropic, and often brittle. These three
the correct representation of the long-term basic characteristics control the nature of
behavior of composites. Composites typi- damage development and failure in compos-
cally fail because of the statistical ite materials.
accumulation of defects, which eventually The most salient single feature of damage in
interact to create a critical condition. This is composites is the process of damage accumula-
in contrast to self-similar single crack prop- tion. Damage development usually involves
agation that is the typical mechanism of many damage modes which create a widely
failure for common metals. distributed damage state, and failure is usually
Time-dependent behavior such as vis- the result of a statistical accumulation of dam-
coelastic creep, creep rupture (driven by age (rather than the statistical occurrence of
such things as internal stress redistribution damage). As discussed below, these multiple
or oxidation), and aging are typically damage accumulations on failure modes are
important in the consideration of the long- often closely related to the manner in which
term durability and damage tolerance of the composite is made, especially to the basic
polymer composites, particularly for com- nature of the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of
ponents that serve at elevated temperatures. the material. This damage development
process ultimately controls durability and
This chapter will discuss the range of physical
damage tolerance, so we will discuss some typ-
and engineering details that define and control
ical major features of that phenomenon.
this subject. Of course, a complete discussion
The most pervasive damage mode in com-
would fill several volumes, so the reader
posite materials is microcracking, most often
should regard this discussion as only a start-
in the matrix material. Figure 35.4 shows two
ing point for further study.
embodiments of this mode. Figure 35.4(a)
shows an X-ray radiograph of a cross-ply lam-
inate with cracks in both ply types, and Fig.
35.4(b) shows matrix cracking parallel to the
fibers in the off-axis plies of a laminate, as seen
The failure of 'typical' (homogeneous from a tracing of those cracks as they appear
isotropic) engineering materials is a familiar on the edge of this [0,45,45,90Is laminate. A
topic. The subjects of ductile rupture and brit- typical scenario for the development of such
tle fracture are widely discussed and taught in cracks is the formation of matrix cracks as a
undergraduate and graduate courses. function of increasing applied load or increas-
However, composite materials generally do ing cycles of loading. These cracks typically
not behave in a manner easily described by extend through the thickness of a ply and gen-
either plasticity (or yield) theory or by self- erally extend quickly in the fiber direction if
similar crack growth concepts. the local stress is uniform.
The reason for this different behavior is the Several other important features of matrix
fundamental difference in the micro-structure cracking are suggested by Fig. 35.4. As shown
of composite materials, i.e. in the way they are by Fig. 35.5, matrix crack formation releases
798 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

"'r! 'r!-.e-


.I: I


Fig. 35.5 Change in slope of the elastic stress-strain

curve induced by microcracking.


300 400 500 600
b I

Fig. 35.4 Microcracking in the matrix, parallel to

the fibers; a radiograph of a cross-ply laminate with
(a) inter-ply delamination at crack intersections
(arrow) and (b) a tracing of matrix cracks on the
edge of a [0,+45,-45,90] laminate.

stored energy in the cracked ply or material,

01 I I I I
and changes the stiffness of material propor- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I .o
tionately, a matter of concern to engineering NO. OF CYCLES (MILLIONS)
applications, as noted earlier. However, the
density of cracks in the ply of a laminate Fig. 35.6 Data showing identity of the equilibrium
reaches a stable saturation value, as first crack spacing ('characteristic damage state' or CDS)
observed by Reifsnider et a1.5,8,called the char- for quasi-static and cyclic loading of a laminate.
acteristic damage state (or CDS) of the ply.
That CDS is a function only of the properties the local loads if they were not bonded together
of the plies, their thickness, and their stacking in the composite. Hence, stored energy is
sequence. Figure 35.6 shows that the same released if they separate, and that energy drives
CDS is formed by static or cyclic loading. This the separation process. The most common
CDS can be readily predicted since the crack example of this damage mode is the separation
spacing is determined by the rate at which the of the plies of a laminate near a free edge, as
surrounding material can transfer stress back shown in Fig. 35.7. This process has been
into the broken ply. Moreover, the stiffness widely studied and is well described. More will
change caused by this cracking can also be be said of this driving mechanism below.
predicted as well7r9-*l. It should be noted that delamination is usu-
A second important damage mode is delam- ally nucleated by other damage modes (such
ination, as shown in Fig. 35.7. Delamination is as matrix and although it is a
driven by the fact that local regions of the com- common damage mode, it is not usually a fail-
posite would deform differently in response to ure mode, per se. Delamination usually begins
Damage modes and failure modes 799

fW"82tr'tiKT W 7 K " V q T 4 ~ K ~ W m ~ Tcracks in one ply may cause fiber frac-

ture in an adjacent ply due to the local stress
Figure 35.8@) shows a second feature of
importance. When the matrix and fibers have
comparable stiffness and strength, the fibers
may break many times along their length
before the composite fractures. In this situa-
tion, fiber fracture can cause a significant
stiffness loss as well as a strength reductionu.
-7 Another generic damage mode is micro-
buckling, induced by local or global
compressive loads, as shown in Fig. 35.9.
Fig. 35.7 Edge micrograph of delamination (arrow)
showing (a) relationship to matrix cracking; (b) plan
view radiograph of edge delamination in a cross-
ply laminate (shaded regions).

at an edge, such as a cutout, bolt hole, rivet

hole, etc. If it is in a region of nonuniform
stress, it may stop growing when it reaches the
boundary of that region. Even if it grows to
large dimensions, it usually does not cause
significant loss of strength in engineering
sized structures. Still, the loss of integrity can
lead to other damage and failure modes, so it
should be avoided.
A third generic damage mode is fiber frac-
ture. Many composites are 'fiber dominated',
i.e. they depend on the fibers for their stiffness
and strength. Hence, fracture of the fibers is
both an important damage mode and failure
mode. However, fiber fracture is difficult to
detect and has been studied less completely
than many other damage modes. However,
considerable data have been ~ollected'~'~.
Figure 35.8 shows two examples of such data,
driven by two important mechanisms. Figure
35.8(a) shows fibers broken beside one
another, a typical situation. In many compos-
ites, the fibers are coated with a material that
decreases the tendency for the fracture of one
fiber to cause the fracture of neighboring fibers
by forming an 'interphase region' around the
fibers that tends to 'isolate' the fracture
effectslS2O.It is also important to note that the
800 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

There are several aspects of this phenomenon

that are of importance to durability and dam-
age tolerance. For example, the compression
strength (or remaining strength) of the com-
posite may be controlled by the local stress
required to initiate the local instability, in
which case one wants a large diameter, stiff
fibers in a stiff matrix. Or, the strength may be
controlled by local resistance to shear defor-
mation after buckling begins, in which case
one would choose a tough matrix or inter-
phase region between the fibers and the Time
matrix. This is another case in which a damage
mode may or may not be a failure mode, an Fig. 35.10 Schematic of typical creep deformation
at constant load and temperature.
important distinction.

or rheological models that represent the behav-

ior in terms of a change in the stiffness of the
material with time, as a function of tempera-
ture. Quite often, the reinforcing fibers do not
show creep behavior at low temperatures, but
at high temperatures, essentially all con-
stituents may creep. The changes of stiffness
with time can be characterized in the labora-
tory, and must be modeled carefully, based on
those data. In fact, this part of the behavior is
critically important to the correct calculation of
internal stress states, since the creep of the con-
stituents changes the internal stress distribution
greatly in some cases. For example, if the matrix
Fig. 35.9 Localized microbuckling in a polymer creeps more than the reinforcing fibers (a typi-
matrix composite. Printed with permission, I.M. cal situation), that creep 'relaxes' the stress in
Daniel and 0. Ishai, Engineering Mechanics of the matrix, and increases the load carried by the
Composite Materials, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1994. fibers. If we wish to calculate a fiber-controlled
strength, for example, a correct representation
of this behavior must be included in our model.
Another 'damage mode' of considerable impor- Finally, another failure mode is creep-rup-
tance to polymer composites and all composites ture. This is a fairly general terminology used
used at high temperatures is the phenomenon to refer to a variety of physical phenomena
of creep, i.e. time-dependent deformation at that produce time-dependent failure. This can
constant applied stress. Figure 35.10 shows a be due to, say, oxidation of the fibers, or to
typical form of that behavior, with an initial other physical degradation processes which
transient region, a steady state region (in which eventually cause rupture. It is clear that these
most engineeringdesign is done), and a tertiary phenomena must also be modeled correctly if
(usually unstable) region. This phenomenon is we are to discuss durability and damage toler-
usually represented by introducing viscoelastic ance of material systems.
Damage drivers and damage 'resistance' 801

35.3 DAMAGE DRIVERS AND DAMAGE by local discontinuitiesin stress state, typically
'RESISTANCE' caused by neighboring plies or ply groups
(bonded together) that would have very dif-
In the previous section, a number of damage ferent strain states if they were not bonded.
and failure modes that occur in composite Hence, the orientation of the plies in a lami-
materials, and ultimately control durability nate and the stacking sequence of those plies
and damage tolerance, were identified. Many are controlling players in the development of
of these modes are related to the manner in the interlaminar stresses that drive delamina-
which the composites were put together. This tion. This problem has been exhaustively
raises the basic question of 'can one design studied, and methods of reducing interlami-
composite materials to be durable and damage nar stresses have been widely d i s c ~ s s e d ' ~ - ~ ~ ,
tolerant?' Most of the rest of this discussion but because of the inhomogeneous and often
will address this question. anisotropic nature of composites, interlaminar
Some general concepts will be followed by stresses generally cannot be eliminated in lam-
some micro-mechanics methods of quantifymg inated systems, so mechkical methods are
answers. Microcracking is likely to be the most widely used to control that tendency. The most
pervasive damage mode in typical composites, successful of these is weaving, i.e. to use
especially under long-term loading, and most woven fiber architectures to reduce the
especially under cyclic loading. Even though anisotropy of a given ply, and therefore, to
most matrix materials are chosen because they reduce the 'disagreement' between the
offer some level of ductility, in most composite response of any two or more plies. Woven
systems the matrix is highly constrained so materials are now widely used, especially for
that cracks develop due to local constraint, this reason. A second approach is to 'stitch' the
local stress concentrations, and local defects composite in the region of non-uniform stress,
that grow rapidly under what is generally a typically near an edge of the laminate.
'plane strain' condition. Hence, matrix tough- Stitching simply 'clamps' the edge of the mate-
ness, in the general sense, is the key to the rial to prevent it from separating; the internal
reduction of matrix cracking. Increasing the stresses are still present. Stitching has a some-
strain to failure of the matrix material is a pri- what smaller number of proponents, but is a
mary objective, and increasing the plane-strain successful method as well. Finally, three-
fracture toughness of the matrix is a compan- dimensional reinforcement, such as mats or
ion objective. There is a richly developed braids, also serve the purpose of providing
science and technology associated with matrix constraint to the delamination drivers. These
toughening; some starting points are listed in methods are not as widely used at this time,
Wilkinson et al.24and Hedrick et al?5. largely because of the difficulty associated
A second damage mode identified earlier is with manufacturing.
delamination. This problem is a strong combi- A less obvious influence on durability and
nation of structural and material concerns. The damage tolerance is the bonding between the
material concerns are essentially the same as fiber and matrix. The nature of this influence
those discussed for matrix cracking, with one has only come to light in recent years. Some of
important exception. Matrix toughness does the mechanics models needed for this discus-
not translate directly into interlaminar tough- sion will be developed in the next section; only
ness. Hence, resistance to delamination cannot a few general points will be made here. First,
be controlled entirely with material property the properties of composite materials are
increases. The structural part of the problem determined not only by the properties of the
does, however, present opportunities. It was constituents, but they are also greatly influ-
mentioned before that delamination is driven enced by the manner in which the constituents
802 Durability and damage tolerance of fibrous composite systems

interact. This critical interaction is, of course, strain to failure by as much as a factor of
controlled by the bonding between the con- In general, although design rules are
stituents, between the fibers and matrix in our not yet fixed, design of the interphase region is
case. Typically, this bonding is ‘controlled’ by a new and important opportunity for the
a fiber coating or ’sizing’. However, it is now enhancement of the durability and damage
known that such things as notched fatigue tolerance of composite system^^^^*.
behavior can be improved by as much as two The final subject in this section is ’failure
orders of magnitude by carefully ’designed’ criteria’; which are used to describe remaining
’interphase’ regions between the fibers and the strength. In general, failure criteria are chosen
matrixz6.There are at least two basic concepts on the basis of the known failure mode. If fiber
operating in these effects. First, if one can fracture controls strength, then a suitable crite-
toughen the composite by toughening the rion may be just the stress in the fiber direction
interphase between the fibers and matrix, the divided by the strength in that direction. If
composite is likely to be more durable, as dis- matrix behavior is controlling, a shear stress or
cussed above. Second, the interphase region combined stress criterion may be appropriate.
can greatly influence the local stress state, and Figure 35.12 shows a comparison between
reduce the driving force for fiber-matrix strength ‘envelopes’predicted by two popular
debonding. An illustration of that is shown in criteria. It is important to note that the inputs
Fig. 35.11. If one considers the strength of a to the failure function will, in general, change
composite under loads applied perpendicular as a function of time and loading history. The
to the fiber direction, then it is clear that the general form of any failure criterion will usu-
fiber causes a local stress concentration,in pro- ally be some function of the ratios of stress in
portion to the difference between its principal material directions to strength in
properties and those of the matrix. However, if those directions, as mentioned earlier. Under
a coating around the fiber is introduced, this long-term conditions which induce damage,
local concentration can be greatly reduced. In the local stress changes as damage causes
fact, for a ’rigid’ fiber, compared to the matrix, redistribution, and the principal values of
it is not surprising that a compliant coating on material strength change, due to such things
the fiber will increase the transverse composite as constituent degradation or micro-damage.
strength by as much as a factor of two, and the Hence, to calculate damage tolerance by using

Interphase region

I -
Maximum stress -
Stress (ksi)

0 90
Angle of Loading (deg)
Fig. 35.12 Allowable uniaxial loading as a function
Fig. 35.11 Schematic diagram of the geometry of of angle of loading relative to the fiber direction in
the interphase region in a fibrous composite, sub- a unidirectional lamina, estimated from a maxi-
iected to loading.
” transverse to the fibers. mum stress and a popular effective stress criterion.
Composite micro-strengthand remaining strength models 803

failure functions (or criteria) to calculate utility of such models. The example is a recent
remaining strength, one must be careful to use model of tensile strength. (Figure 35.13). The
the correct local stress state and material state
stress in the broken fibers builds back up to the
in those expressions, especially when degra- undisturbed level by shear transfer from the
dation has changed those states from their surrounding matrix, composite, and inter-
initial values. phase region. That rate of buildup is directly
proportional to the stress concentration in the
next nearest fibers; if the buildup occurs over a
short distance (a short 'ineffective length), the
stress concentration in the neighboring fibers
The importance of material principal strengths is great, and they tend to break causing very
was noted, and the importance of composite brittle composite behavior. However, if the
microstructure in the determination of those buildup occurs over a large distance (i.e. if the
strengths has been emphasized. The proper- material around the fiber is very compliant or
ties, geometry, arrangement, and bonding of breaks easily ), the strength of each fiber is lost
the constituents determine the resulting val- completely when the first local fiber break
ues of composite principal strengths. So, if occurs. A model has been developed that
those factors are understood, strong, durable, describes the physics and mechanics of this
damage tolerant composites can be designed. behavior, which estimates the fiber strength as:
That understanding is currently incomplete, 2z0L l / m + l 2 l / m + l m + 1
but some models are available. Such models
are very valuable since they can tell us the
4= ...'-+1(7r) ( K T ) m +2
preferable way to make composite materials, (1 + m)l/"
in contrast to how they can be made (the job of (C," + q m - 1 + ... + ly" (35.1)
the materials science community).
In this limited space, one example will suf- where a, is the Weibull characteristic strength
fice to demonstrate the general nature and of the fibers, z, is the shear stress between the

4 zt: Normal stress In:
broken fiber

: P nelghboring


t . I
Average global values
away from fiber fracture

Fig. 35.13 Schematic diagram of the local stress distribution around broken fibers in a unidirectional
804 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

fibers and the matrix (usually taken as the continuous fiber reinforced composites is
interphase strength), m is the Weibull shape outlined. A great many details will have to be
parameter for the fiber strength distribution, omitted due to space limitations; the inter-
and Cnis the local stress concentration when n ested reader can find them in other
fibers are broken together in a local region. publication^"^^.
Hence, the tensile strength in the fiber direc- A start is to identdy a well-defined failure
tion can be estimated on the basis of the mode, as defined earlier. Since damage is dis-
properties of the constituents and the inter- tributed, this damage mode will be 'typical' of
phase region between the fibers and the any 'representative volume' of material; a
matrix. If any of those constituent characteris- mechanics boundary value problem on such a
tics change, the model can show how the representative volume (RV), as suggested in
strength of the composite changes, i.e. the Fig. 35.14 can be 'set'. This RV may be discon-
model can be used to calculate the damage tol- tinuous; i.e. it may have cracks, delamination,
erance of the composite if the failure mode is debonds, etc. But some part of it will remain
controlled by fiber strength in tension. intact until fracture of the composite, and this
Comparable models can be constructed for part of the RV that defines the fracture event is
compression failure, and for other failure a 'critical element'. Therefore the objective is
mode^^*^^. the calculation of the state of stress and state of
material in the 'critical element.' One can write
all failure functions, Fa, in that critical element,
and claim that when these failure functions
(for each distinct failure mode) predict failure,
As indicated earlier, damage tolerance is the composite will fail.
defined by remaining strength, and durabil- Invoking kinetic theory we can derive an
ity is usually discussed in terms of life. In this equation that relates changes in stress state and
final section, one approach to the estimation material state with time and loading history to
of the durability and damage tolerance of remaining strength, i.e. allow the incorporation

failure modes

Fig. 35.14 Diagram illustrating how experimental observation of failure modes define the representative
volume (used to set the boundary value problem) and the critical elements in which all continuum states
are defined.
Estimation of remaining strength and life 805

of the explicit time, cycles, and environmental sile fiber failure, and it is assumed that some
dependence that leads to phenomenological fatigue behavior of unidirectional material
behavior such as creep, creep rupture, fatigue, under uniaxial stress in the fiber direction has
and aging into the calculation of remaining been measured, a 1-D SN relationship can be
strength. From thermodynamic principles, the derived, of the form:

F, = 1 - lyl(l
following expression can be derived:
- Fa),( n d( $)
N)1-1 (35.2)
= A + B (log N)p (35.3)

where, for our example, A = 1, B = -0.1, Su =

100 ksi (the initial ultimate strength), p = 1,and
where Sa is the applied stress amplitude. Equation
(35.3) provides an input, N, into (35.2) since
in the critical element, F, is the normalized
remaining strength, n is cycles, and N is the
life of the critical element under the current
state of stress and state of material. The
methodology of this calculation is shown in
Fig. 35.15. Remaining composite strength, F , where u,, is now the current local ply stress in
is calculated directly; life is calculated by the the fiber direction, and X , is the current local
coincidence of Fa and Fr. Numerous compar- principal material strength in tension, given
isons of such calculations with experimental by eqn (35.1). Substituting eqn (35.4) in
data have been made over the last 10 years or eqn (35.2) and assuming that no other
so, and there are a few examples at the end of phenomena are present (and using j = 1.2, a
this chapter. The immediate purposes are known typical value), the curve (a) in Fig.
served by using eqn(35.2) to examine the 35.16 results. Now, suppose the ply is the
effects of some hypothetical change in mater- critical element in a multiaxial laminate
ial state and stress state on remaining strength having off-axis plies that crack and 'dump'
(damage tolerance). If the failure mode is ten- stress into the critical element as a function of

State of State of I I
life N, N2

Subcritical Critical reipresentative volume

Fig. 35.15 Schematic flow diagram of the manner in which the MRLife simulation scheme calculates
remaining strength and life.
806 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

Remaining I

Cycles Cycles

Fig. 35.16 Calculated remaining strength predic- Fig. 35.18 Assumed degradation of fiber strength
tions for (a)0" lamina degradation alone; (b) added for the sample laminate.
effect of matrix cracking; (c) added effect of fiber
degradation ( oxidation).

cycles, according to the rate shown in Fig. Fig. 35.18. Then the strength model, eqn (35.1),
35.17 (from cracking rates that must be correctly integrates that micro-change into the
measured or estimated). With this internal global calculation, and eqn (35.2) shows the
stress redistribution, only, added to eqn (35.2), damage tolerance to be curve (c) in Fig. 35.16
the damage tolerance changes to curve (b) in for that situation. Hence this 'micro-kinetic'
Fig. 35.16. Of course, if creep occurs in the approach has the capability to estimate
matrix (perhaps because of increased durability and damage tolerance for very
temperature), in which case the local fiber complex situations involving combinations of
stress will increase again as a function of many time and cycle dependent phenomena
cycles to change the form shown in Fig. 35.17. in composite systems, using a mechanistic
Finally, suppose creep rupture is occurring, approach.
driven, for example, by oxidation of the fibers An example follows. Using the methods
that is reducing the diameter of the fibers, D, described above, the rate of matrix cracking
in eqn (35.1), in the manner shown in and the unidirectional SN curve of a carbon
fiber reinforced PEEK matrix composite were
determined, and used to estimate the remain-
ing strength and life of several different
laminates made from that material. Figure
Fiber- Stress increase due
35.19 shows an example of the predicted and
Direction observed life for several load levels of a quasi-
Stress isotropic laminate made from such material

40 ' 1

5x10 9.999~10
and Fig. 35.20 shows comparisons of the pre-
dicted and observed remaining strength of
such laminates for two load levels and cycles
of load application. It can be seen that this
approach can produce quite useable results.
Many such predictions have been compared
Fig. 35.17 Assumed increase in stress in the 0" ply using the MRLife performance simulation
due to matrix cracking. code based on this
Estimation of remaining strength and life 807

AS-4lPEE K (APC-2)
Quasi-Isotropic Notched Fatigue (R=-1)

I 1 I
3 4 5 6 7
Log N (Cycles)
Simonds B Stinchcomb MRLife
(1 989) Prediction

Fig. 35.19 Predicted (line) and observed life for a quasi-isotropicAS-4/PEEK notched coupon under fully
reversed loading.

Residual Strength at 0.70 Suit Residual Strength at 0.90 SI,,

11.05 1.05

1.00 1.w
r r
5 5
3 0.95 3 0.05

0.w ......................................................


z z
0.85 ..................................................... 0.85 ......................................................

0.80 0.80
2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0
Cycles Cycles
M E h Expepnt Mfih Expepml

Fig. 35.20 Predicted (lines) and observed residual strength of AS-4/PEEK specimens subjected to under
fully reversed cyclic loading.
808 Durability and damage tolerance offibrous composite systems

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