Healthy Diet: A Step Toward A Sustainable Diet by Reducing Water Footprint

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Research Article

Received: 4 July 2018 Revised: 28 December 2018 Accepted article published: 13 January 2019 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 12 March 2019

( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.9591

Healthy diet: a step toward a sustainable diet

by reducing water footprint
Seyyed Reza Sobhani,a Arezoo Rezazadeh,b Nasrin Omidvarb
and Hassan Eini-Zinabb*

BACKGROUND: This paper aims to assess different scenarios that reduce water use by following healthy diet recommendations.
In this study, a food frequency questionnaire was used to assess the usual food intake of a sample of 723 individuals, aged
20–64 years, from Urmia, Iran. In order to calculate water use for production of food items, the water footprint method was
applied. A linear programming technique was used to find a healthy diet with low blue water footprint in three scenarios.

RESULTS: The biggest decline in water use compared with real intake (57%) was found in scenario 1, where the model-generated
consider energy intake equal to usual energy intake. In scenario 2, in which the proportion of each food group was allowed to be
in accordance with the Iranian food pyramid, the reduction in water use was less than for scenario 1 (47%). In scenario 3, where
the Recommended Dietary Allowance values were also added to the set of model restrictions, the water usage was 51% of the
real diet.

CONCLUSION: A healthy diet with greater proportion of energy from fruit and dairy instead of a diet with high proportion
of energy from ‘meat–fish–poultry–eggs’ and ‘bread–cereal–rice–pasta’ can supply all Recommended Dietary Allowances
while reducing water use.
© 2019 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: sustainable diet; water shortage; linear programming; Urmia; Iran

INTRODUCTION Iran is experiencing a rapid nutrition transition alongside other

Water shortage is one of the most important crises facing human- social transitions, including changes in fertility, mortality, and
ity in the 21st century, as it affects general welfare, public health, urbanization. Whereas about 28% of households in Iran suffer from
and ecosystems.1 Two-thirds of the global population (4 billion) mild food insecurity, another one-third consumes more food than
live under conditions in which they face severe water scarcity at needed.11,12 On the other hand, Iran is located in an area that suf-
least 1 month of a year.2 Water shortage results from increasing fers from a shortage of water resources. The average rainfall in
world population, economic growth, improving living standards, the country (228 mm year−1 ) is less than a third of the world aver-
age (990 mm year−1 ).13 According to the survey of climatic drought
changing consumption patterns, expansion of irrigated agricul-
trend in Iran, except the northern and northeastern areas around
ture, and unsustainable decisions to supply the increasing water
the Caspian Sea, the severity of drought has increased during the
last 30 years.14,15 The declining rainfall and water resources are best
During the last few decades, an unprecedented increase in food
seen by a huge decline in water level at Urmia Lake, the second
production has been achieved. The increasing food production
largest saline lake in the world. Building dams and diverting water
comes with high environmental costs as well. Rapid soil depletion,
resources for human and agricultural use, alongside overuse of
high water consumption, and changes in climate conditions are a
surface water resources, seem to be the main contributors to this
few instances of the environmental costs.7,8 Previous studies show
changes in people’s diet can lead to reduction in water usage
and other environmental effects.9 The concept of a sustainable
diet is advocated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of
∗ Correspondence to: H Eini-Zinab, Department of Community Nutrition,
the United Nations to reduce the environmental costs of human
diets. It provides environmental-friendly food recommendations National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutri-
tion Sciences & Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
to consumers and policy makers alike.10 According to the Food Sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations definition,
‘sustainable diets are those diets with low environmental impacts a Student Research Committee, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology,
which contribute to food and nutrition security and to the healthy Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
life for present and future generations’.10 The sustainable diet b Department of Community Nutrition, National Nutrition and Food Technology
approach could be used for dietary recommendations with less Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences & Food Technology, Shahid

water-intensive food items as well. Beheshti University of Medical, Tehran, Iran

J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775 © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry SR Sobhani et al.

Although all food produced in this area is not consumed locally, to reach the objective goal. To find a healthy diet with low water
a sustainable diet approach can lead to better water resource use for the Urmia population, three scenarios were investigated.
management by increasing the general awareness of the effects of The scenarios and their constraints are presented in Table 1. The
agricultural production. This paper aims to suggest a healthy diet objectives and decision variables for all three scenarios were min-
with low water use for the Urmia population. imizing the blue water use and intake of food items respectively.
Since only one variable can be considered as an objective variable
in LP and blue water is more related to irrigated agriculture, indus-
MATERIAL AND METHODS try, and domestic water, among the three types of water footprint
This study uses secondary data on the usual food intake of a (blue, green, and gray), the blue water footprint was selected as
sample from Urmia, capital city of the West Azerbaijan province the objective variable.29 To consider dietary habits of the popula-
in Iran.4,17,18 The sample size of the project was 723 (427 women tion, in all scenarios the decision variables are constrained to vary
and 296 men), aged 20–64 years. The procedures for sample selec- between first and third quartile cut points of usual food intake.
tion and data collection are presented elsewhere.18 Dietary intake In some cases where the third quartile cut point was less than
data were collected with a semi-quantitative 168-item food fre- a serving size, the latter is used as a maximum. Additional con-
quency questionnaire (FFQ). The validity and reproducibility of this straints for each scenario are set as follows. For scenario 1, the
questionnaire have been reported19,20 and approved for the Ira- model-produced diet should have energy intake equal to that
nian population.21 Additionally, content validity of the FFQ was of the usual intake. In scenario 2, in addition to the energy con-
assessed by five local nutrition experts at the nutrition depart- straint of scenario 1, the decision variables are constrained to fol-
ment of Urmia University of Medical Sciences. Questionnaires with low the advised serving size of food groups by the food dietary
missing information for more than 50% of food items on the FFQ pyramid. The recommended amounts (minimum–maximum) in
and/or those with misreported energy intake, as suggested by the Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for Iran are as follows: cere-
Goldberg et al., were excluded from the study.22 After convert- als, 6–11 servings; vegetables, three–five; fruit, two–four; dairy,
ing the reported frequency of each food item to its daily intake two–three; and meat, beans, and eggs, two–three.30,31 In addition
value, portion sizes of consumed food were converted to grams to the constraints of scenario 2, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for
using household measures.23 Then, an adopted version of Nutri- macronutrients and micronutrients were considered as constraints
tionist IV software for Iranian foods (version 7.0; N-Squared Com- in scenario 3.32–34 Unlike scenarios 1 and 2, the energy intake was
puting, Salem, OR, USA) was used in order to assess the nutrient allowed to follow the DRI in this scenario. Detailed information on
and energy intakes. these additional constraints of the third scenario is listed at Table 2.
In order to calculate water use for production of food items, the ‘Real diet’ refers to the average observed diet in the study
water footprint method was applied. The water footprint is defined population. These three scenarios were compared with ‘real diet’
as ‘the total volume of freshwater that is used to produce the based on the contribution of each food group on total energy
goods and services consumed by an individual or community’24 . for each scenario, macro and micronutrient composition, and the
Footprint data for each food item is usually reported as water amount of blue, green, gray, and total water used.
volume, in cubic meters per ton. The water footprint data were
available for Iran and in some cases for West Azerbaijan.24–26 The
water footprint consists of three components; namely blue, green, RESULTS
and gray. The blue water foot print includes water from surface or Data were analyzed for 695 participants. Twenty-eight individu-
groundwater resources that is used throughout the supply chain als (4·9%) were excluded due to misreporting of energy intake
of a product. The green water footprint refers to use of water from and incomplete FFQ (>50% of items blank). The results are orga-
precipitation in so far as it does not become run-off. The gray nized by model-generated diets of different scenarios and were
water footprint refers to the amount of freshwater that is needed to compared with real intake or Recommended Dietary Allowance
dilute pollutants to meet specific water quality standards.27 In this (RDA). For each real and model-generated diet, first, the contribu-
research, water footprint data were converted to water volume in tion of each food group on total energy is presented (Fig. 1). Then,
cubic meters per gram. The amount of water used for any food item macro and micronutrient composition of each diet is compared
was calculated by multiplying the water footprint by the mean with RDA (Table 2). Finally, the daily average amount of blue, green,
consumption of the sample. For example: gray, and total water used to follow each diet is presented (Table 3)
and compared with real diet water use (Fig. 2).
( ) The average energy intake for the real diet of the sample was
Water used for rice = Water footprint of rice m3 g−1
2920 kcal. The highest proportion of daily calories was supplied
× Average rice consumption (g) by bread, cereal, rice, and pasta (i.e. 39%). The lowest contribution
belongs to ‘fruit’ and ‘vegetables’ groups (i.e. 8% contribution for
The linear programming (LP) technique is used to model the each group). The amounts of all macro and micronutrients and
optimal food pattern while considering the water footprint. MS calorie intake of the real diet were higher than the RDAs. The
Excel (version 2013) Solver add-on (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) amount of water to supply the daily diet for a person was 4.11 m3
was used to incorporate the LP technique. LP for designing sce- in the sample (blue 29%, green 59%, and gray 12%). As mentioned
narios has been described in greater detail elsewhere.28 In the earlier, to optimize the real diet in terms of water use while taking
present study, LP models were utilized to obtain healthy diets with into account the nutritional recommendations, three scenarios
low water use. The main elements of LP models are objective, were generated using LP.
decision variables, and constraints. The objective sets the opti- The LP goal for scenario 1 was to minimize the water use, while
mal goal. Decision variables are those decision variables manip- taking the same amount of daily energy (2920 kcal) and no addi-
ulated in order to reach the objective by considering constraints. tional considerations of nutritional requirements. In this model,

The constraints are those conditions that must be fulfilled in order the share of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, ‘vegetables’, and ‘fruit’ © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775
Step toward a healthy, sustainable diet

Table 1. Objectives, changing variables, and constraints of different scenarios

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Objective Minimum of blue water Minimum of blue water Minimum of blue water
Decision variable Intake of food items Intake of food items Intake of food items
Constraints Minimum level ≥ first quartile of Minimum level ≥ first quartile of Minimum level ≥ first quartile of usual
usual intake usual intake intake
Maximum level ≤ third quartile of Maximum level ≤ third quartile of Maximum level ≤ third quartile of usual
usual intake or weight of one usual intake or weight of one intake or weight of one serving
serving serving
Energy intake = usual energy intake Energy intake = usual energy intake Energy intake = recommended energy
Minimum recommended serving by Minimum recommended serving by food
food pyramid ≤ intake of food pyramid ≤ intake of food
items ≤ maximum recommended items ≤ maximum recommended
serving by food pyramid serving by food pyramid
Nutrient intakes of macronutrients,
micronutrient ≥ RDA; Nutrient intakes of
macronutrients, micronutrient ≤ UL

Note: Since the water footprint for fish is zero, the real consumption was used for all scenarios.
RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance; UL: upper level.

Table 2. Micronutrient, macronutrient, and energy content of real diet and different scenarios

Real diet Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 RDA

Energy intake (kcal day−1 ) 2920.17 2920.17 2920.17 2675.24 2675.24

Protein (g day−1 ) 111.30 83.14 75.74 77.82 ≥50.1
Carbohydrate (g day−1 ) 426.12 466.50 399.02 367.84 ≥367.84a
Fat, total (g day−1 ) 93.15 86.65 92.57 83.57 ≤89.17b
Sodium (mg day−1 ) 3704.89 4787.12 3489.98 1500 ≤1500
Vitamin A (RAE) (mg day−1 ) 860.00 133.56 1149.85 782 ≥782
Vitamin C (mg day−1 ) 187.30 44.82 65.91 81.15 ≥81.15
Calcium (mg day−1 ) 1450.84 1009.20 1266.86 1000 ≥1000
Iron (mg day−1 ) 23.97 26.64 18.01 17.84 ≥13.9
Thiamin (mg day−1 ) 2.86 3.13 2.25 1.66 ≥1.14
Riboflavin (mg day−1 ) 2.89 2.03 2.19 2.06 ≥1.18
Niacin (mg day−1 ) 32.45 31.74 21.81 17.23 ≥14.82
Vitamin B6 (mg day−1 ) 2.36 1.54 1.39 1.3 ≥1.3
Folate (total) (mg day−1 ) 701.05 653.53 511.25 400 ≥400
Vitamin B12 (μg day−1 ) 6.59 0.96 1.68 2.4 ≥2.4
Vitamin K (mg day−1 ) 250.37 83.08 97.87 583.42 ≥102.3
Magnesium (mg day−1 ) 476.24 527.03 366.42 452.17 ≥346.9
Zinc (mg day−1 ) 15.58 14.50 11.03 10.62 ≥9.23
Fiber (total) (g day−1 ) 78.74 101.18 70.40 37.02 ≥30.33
Cholesterol (mg day−1 ) 366.42 94.43 135.12 202.56 ≤300
Saturated fat (g day−1 ) 32.51 21.50 26.34 29.72 ≤29.72
a This amount is based on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recommendation of a minimum 55% of total energy
from carbohydrate.
b This amount is based on the FAO recommendation of a maximum 30% of total energy from total fat.
RAE: retinol activity equivalent; RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance.

in supplying daily energy increases by 44%, 58% and 4% respec- sodium, which was higher. The lowest amount of water needed to
tively compared with real diet. On the other hand, the contribution provide the 2920 kcal average daily intake was 1.78 m3 . It shows a
of milk, yoghurt, and cheese, meat, poultry, and fish, and fats, oils, 57% decline in water use compared with real intake (74% in blue,
and sweets decreased by 92%, 31%, and 28% respectively. In terms 56% in green, and 23% in gray waters) (Fig. 3).
of nutritional components, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, The model-generated diet for scenario 2 adds a new constraint
vitamins B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 , B9 , magnesium, zinc, and total fiber were to the earlier model in order to adhere to the food pyramid
higher than the RDA, as in the real diet. Vitamins A, C, K, and B12 guidelines. Compared with the real diet, the share of bread, cereal,
were less than the recommended values and the real diet. Choles- rice, and pasta, meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, and nuts, and

terol and saturated fats were below the upper limit, conversely to fats, oils, and sweets in providing the daily energy of 2920 kcal have

J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775 © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry SR Sobhani et al.

Real Diet First Scenario

Fats, Oils, & Meat, Fats, Oils, &
Sweets Poultry, Fish, Sweets
16% Legumes 11%
Eggs, & Nuts
Poultry, Fish,
Bread, Milk, Yogurt,
Legumes Cereal, Rice, & Cheese Bread,
Eggs, & Nuts
& Pasta 1% Cereal, Rice,
39% Fruit & Pasta
9% 57%
Milk, Yogurt, 8% Vegetable
& Cheese Vegetable 12%
15% 8%

Second Scenario Third Scenario

Fats, Oils, &
Meat, Bread, Fats,
Meat, Cereal, Rice,
Poultry, Fish, Cereal, Oils, &
Poultry, Fish, & Pasta
Legumes Rice, & Sweets
Legumes 25%
Eggs, & Nuts Pasta 17%
11% 28% Eggs, & Nuts Vegetable
Milk, 11% 4%
Yogurt, & Vegetable Milk, Yogurt,
15% Fruit
Cheese & Cheese
20% Fruit 29%

Figure 1. Contribution of different food groups in energy intake for different scenarios. Note 1: In the first scenario, energy intake was equal to that of
usual intake. Note 2: In the second scenario, the constraints included as total energy equal to usual energy intake and the advised serving size of food
groups by Iranian food pyramid. Note 3: In the third scenario, the constraints included as advised serving size of food groups by the Iranian food pyramid
and Dietary Reference Intake for energy, macronutrients, and micronutrients.

Water needed for one person per day (m3)

Table 3. The amount of water needed for one person per day in 4.50
different scenarios 4.00
Water use (m3 ) 3.00
Water footprint Real diet Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Green 2.42 1.07 1.26 1.40 1.00
Blue 1.18 0.31 0.48 0.41 0.50
Gray 0.51 0.39 0.44 0.29 0.00
Real Diet First Scenario Second Scenario Third scenario
Total water 4.11 1.78 2.17 2.10
Green Blue Gray

Figure 2. The amount of water needed for one person in 1 day in different
decreased by 28%, 21%, and 0.1% respectively in this scenario. scenarios.
Furthermore, the contribution of ‘vegetable’ (86%), ‘fruit’ (21%),
and milk, yogurt, and cheese (40%) have increased in providing into account the food pyramid guidelines, the amount of water
the daily energy. The amount of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins increases compared with scenario 1, where the model was not
A, B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 , B9 , calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and total fiber restricted by these references.
were higher than the RDA suggestions, whereas vitamins K, C, Finally, to account for nutritional recommendations, a new set
and B12 were less than the recommended values. Cholesterol and of restrictions was added to the model in scenario 3; namely,
saturated fats were below the upper limit, unlike total fat and RDA. In this scenario, the share of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta,
sodium, which were higher. The total volume of water needed meat, poultry, fish, legumes eggs, and nuts, and ‘vegetable’ in
to supply one person for a day in this scenario was 2.17 m3 , providing average daily energy has decreased by 37%, 28% and
which shows a decline of about 47% from the real intake (59% in 45% respectively compared with the real diet. Despite the decline

blue, 48% in green, and 14% in gray water) (Fig. 3). As one takes in the meat, fish, poultry, legumes and eggs group, the share of © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775
Step toward a healthy, sustainable diet

80 Our finding is in accordance with Vanham’s35 study that ana-

70 lyzes the water footprint of different diets, which concluded that,
although the vegetarian diet has the lowest water footprint, a
healthy diet also leads to reduction of water consumption. It
should be noted that in this study a theoretical approach is used
40 to compare diets. A similar study in the USA finds that shifting
30 from the current US diet to a diet with recommended caloric intake
without changes in the share of food groups reduces blue water
footprint by around 9%, while shifting to US Department of Agri-
culture recommended food patterns has the reverse effect.36 Van-
0 ham et al.9 concluded that a healthy European diet conforming to a
Green Blue Gray Total Water
regional recommendations diet compared with a usual diet could
First Scenario Second Scenario Third scenario save 3–30% in total water used for food production in Europe.
Jalava et al.37 reported a 13% decrease in total water consumption
Figure 3. Percentage reduction in water use by the three scenarios com-
pared with real diet. for Europe, by compliance with dietary recommendations.
The decline in water consumption in the recommended diet of
this study is mainly due to a decrease in the share of animal prod-
legumes increased by 14%. Likewise, the contributions of fats, ucts, as presented in the Appendix, which shows the contribution
oils, and sweets (8%), ‘fruit’ (68%), and milk, yogurt, and cheese
of food groups to the blue water footprint. Typically, meat-based
(99%) in total energy have increased. This increase was only due
diets have a larger water footprint than vegetarian diets do. The
to the decline in total calorie intake of this scenario, and there
water footprint per calorie or per protein of frequently used ani-
was no increase in the amount of these food groups. The amount
mal products like beef, milk, egg, and chicken is larger than crop
of water to supply a diet that takes into account RDA nutritional
products like starchy roots and pulses. The global average water
recommendations and food pyramid guidelines was 2.1 m3 . This
footprints per ton of some crops and animal foods are as follows:
volume is 49% less than the amount of water needed to supply
sugar crops, ∼200 m3 ton−1 ; vegetables, ∼300 m3 ton−1 ; pulses,
the existing diet (66% in blue, 42% in green, and 43% in gray water)
∼4000 m3 ton−1 ; nuts, ∼9000 m3 ton−1 ; milk, ∼1000 m3 ton−1 ; egg,
(Fig. 3). In this scenario, sodium, vitamins A, C, B6 , B9 , and B12 were
∼3300 m3 ton−1 ; and beef, ∼15 400 m3 ton−1 .27 A high proportion
exactly at the recommended level values, which means that are the
of the water footprint for animal products is due to their consump-
most difficult RDA to fulfill for a minimum blue water footprint.
tion of feed, which accounts for 98% of the total water footprint.27
In the agricultural sector in the world, 29% of the total water foot-
DISCUSSION print is related to the production of animal products; one-third
of the global water footprint of animal production is related to
This paper utilizes food intake data from a representative sample
beef cattle.25,27 Replacing all meat by an equivalent amount of
of Urmia city in the West Azerbaijan province of Iran. After ana-
crop products such as pulses and nuts will result in a 30% reduc-
lyzing the nutritional components and water use of real intake
tion of the food-related water footprint of the average American
data, three different scenarios were studied to get an optimum
level of water use, in accordance with a sustainable diet approach. citizen.27 In the present study, despite the decline in the proportion
The biggest decline in water use was observed in scenario 1 where of energy from the meat, fish, poultry, legumes, and eggs group
the model-generated diet did not consider the nutritional recom- of the recommended diet, the share of legumes in total energy
mendations and food guidelines. Compared with the real diet, increased. Limiting animal product consumption is frequently sug-
the amount of vitamins A, C, K, and B12 were decreased in this sce- gested as one of the solutions to alleviate water scarcity. Another
nario. In scenario 2, where the proportion of each food group is study suggests a 50% reduction in animal product content of the
allowed to be in accordance with the food pyramid, reduction in American diet reduces total water use by 37%. This study also sug-
water use was less than in scenario 1. Considering food pyramid gests a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet leads to a 52% reduction in water
guidelines alone did not ensure RDA for all mineral and vitamins. use.38 Omitting all animal products except fish in the Jalava et al.
In scenario 3, where RDA values were also added to the set of study led to a 35% reduction of the water footprint.37 Although
model restrictions, the water usage is more than half of the real dairy products have a higher water footprint compared with veg-
diet. As this scenario takes into account more nutritional recom- etables and fruit, their contribution increased in this study’s recom-
mendations, it was considered to be closer to the sustainable diet mended healthy and sustainable diet. Dairy products are rich in a
framework. In this scenario, the share of dairy and fruit in total large variety of essential nutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, and
energy increases, compared with the real diet of the sample, but easily digestible proteins with balanced amino acid profiles that
the share of other food groups declines. An increase in the share are important to support overall body function.39 The proportional
of dairy and fruit was only due to the decline in total calorie intake consumption of vegetables, despite their low water footprint, did
of this scenario, and there was no increase in the amount of these not increase in this study. The declining contribution of vegetables
food groups. A healthy diet with greater proportion of energy from in total energy was mainly due to the upper limit constraint on
fruits, and lower ratio from bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and sub- serving sizes and that the consumption of vegetables in the real
stitution of meats with beans can supply all recommended dietary diet was above this limit.
allowances while reducing water use. Sodium, vitamins A, C, B6 , All in all, diet change is an important component of a sustainable
B9 , and B12 were the most problematic nutrients to obtain in a future.40 The findings of our study show changing some food
healthy diet at minimum water footprint. Therefore, the fulfillment consumption habits (e.g. less meat and increase in fruits and
of these nutrients strongly influences the food content in the opti- dairy products) can help towards a more sustainable diet that is

mized diet. healthier and with a lower water use.

J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775 © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry SR Sobhani et al.

This study has some limitations. First, using FFQ in dietary assess- 17 Rezazadeh A, Omidvar N, Eini-Zinab H, Ghazi-Tabatabaie M,
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J Sci Food Agric 2019; 99: 3769–3775 © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry

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