Test Mai CL 4

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I . Complete the sentences with these words: heʼs, his, sheʼs, her, youʼre, your
1.) Whatʼs .................name?
My nameʼs Mary.
2.) Whatʼs Emilyʼs motherʼs name?
I donʼt know but ..............fatherʼs name is Tom.
3.) Whereʼs Emily now?
.................at school.
4.) Whereʼs .............. father?
My father? .............. at home.
But thatʼs ............... car over there.
Yes, ............ right. It is.
5.) ........................ a very clever boy. He knows so many things!

II. Choose the correct word in each sentence:

I havenʼt / hasnʼt got a bike.
Have / has you got a dictionary?
We hasnʼt / havenʼt got any brothers.
He havenʼt / hasnʼt got a cat.
Her brother has / have got dark hair.
Who is / has got Tomʼs book?
Have / Has they got a big car?

III. Write sentences using the prompts and the correct form of the verb like
e.g. you/ chocolate (?) Dou you like chocolate?
She/ London (x) She doesnʼt like London.
your friends / sandwiches (?)
I / cold tea (x)
she / her Music teacher (x)
Emily / ice cream (?)
they / hamburgers (x)
he / travelling / very much (x)

IV. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the present continuous: eat, not |rain,
shine, play
▪ What .......... you .......................... ?
A cheese sandwich.
▪ The weather is lovely now. It .................................... . The sun .................................. .
▪ Tom and Julia are in the garden now. They ......................................... football.

V. Choose the correct answer!

▪ Lisa ........................ the bus to work every morning.
A take B is taking C takes
▪ How many languages ..................................... ?
A are you speaking B you speak C do you speak
▪ Goodbye! ............................... home now.
A we go B we is going C we are going
Betty ......................... ...... ....... early on Sundays.
A donʼt get up B isnʼt getting up C doesnʼt get up

VI. Use the past tense of the verb to be!

Her teacher............................ ill last week.
The weather .................... fine last week.
My parents ......................... at work yesterday. They .................................. at home.
My family and I ....................... in England last summer. We ....................... in France.

VII. What is missing?

............................. , February, ......................, ..........................,
May, .................., ........................ , August, ............................. .

VIII. Write 3 lines about your favourite season and your favourite free time activities!

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