MTV Strategy Mini Lesson

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Mariah Gorham Date: 9/7/21

Grade Level: Content Area:

Title: Headlines

Lesson Idea/Topic and Rational/Relevance: I am going to teach the “Headlines” strategy from
What are you going to teach and why is this Making Thinking Visible. Everyone in this classroom has
lesson important to these students? What engaged in learning a strategy from this textbook. I will
has already happened in this classroom be modeling the strategy for them before allowing
surrounding the subject you will be them to try the strategy out on their own as students.
teaching? What do students already know?
Why are you going to teach this topic now
(how does it fit in the curricular sequence)?
What teaching methods/strategy will you
be use and why?

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: ---

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

 Students will understand the purpose of the headlines strategy

 Students will understand how to implement the headlines strategy in their own classrooms

Inquiry Questions:

 How can students synthesize new information in an engaging way?

 How can teachers gain an understanding of how much information their students have

Evidence Outcomes:

I can: use the headlines strategy to synthesize new information about caring.

This means: I can create a news headline in order to pick out the main ideas from a video on caring.

List of Assessments: (Note whether the assessment is formative or summative and which LT each
assessment meets)

 The class will create a list of headlines together

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson
Headlines on caring
Approx. Time and Materials 10 Minutes
 Computer
 Projector
 Paper
 Powerpoint
Anticipatory Set
I will ask students who has seen a headline before? I will then ask for a class response of
what the headline told them. I am going to explain that headlines help us to understand
the main idea of the news story.
Procedures Input and modeling: I am going to explain the headlines strategy to students
 Headlines is a strategy that allows students to synthesize new information
 First, students must have new information to work with: this might be a unit on
descriptive imagery
 At the end of a lesson or unit, ask students to think about what they’ve learned
and come up with some main ideas
 Then, ask students to create their own headline to describe the main idea of
what they’ve learned
 It’s less important that this headline is catchy, more important that it describes
their learning
 THIS step is important, have them share the headline with a partner and explain
their thinking behind it
 Do a class share out of headlines and create an ongoing list of their thinking!
Whole-class practice:
 Watch this video as a class
 Write a headline for our own new understanding of this topic
 Share with a partner
 Do a quick class share out
Closure I am going to ask students a couple of questions about the activity

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

 How might you utilize this in your own content area?

 What was hard or challenging about engagint in this strategy?
Assessment Reflection: (data analysis)
How will you know if students met the learning
targets? Write a description of what you were
looking for in each assessment.

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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify
your level of achievement)

2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again?

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

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