A. Identify These Expressions Below and Match With Its Function in The Box!

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Identify these expressions below and match with its

function in the box!
1. How smart you are!
2. I think Indonesia is a beautiful country!
3. Will you come to my house tonight?
4. May I have your apple?
5. Can I help you?
6. I disagree with you!
7. Congratulations! You won the singing contest!
8. Can you help me?
9. I agree with you!
10. Okay! I will come to your birthday party. See you!

a. Asking for thing g. Offering for a help

b. Giving for opinion h. Asking for opinion

c. Offering for a thing i. Asking for a help

d. Inviting someone j. Accepting invitation

e. Compliment k. Congratulating

f. Agreement l. Disagreement

B. Complete the dialogue with the suitable one!

11. Seno  : …………….
Rena  : Yes, sure. I can help you. What should I do?

12. Bian  : May I borrow your handphone?

Lia     : ……….. I’m still using it.

13. Nisa  : ……………..! you are the first winner in scrabble competition!
Leon  : Thanks Nisa.

14. Jerry : Will you accompany me to go to bookstore?

Nana : …………….. I will accompany my mother to see the doctor. May be next time!

15. Viona: ……. …….

Sinta : I think our class is dirty today. So we must clean it together.
C.Answer the questions below with the correct answer

16. What does it means?

17. What kind of the text above?

“To all students, please bring some cleaning tools tomorrow morning because we are
going to clean our school together. Cleaning tools needed are brooms, dusters, some
newspapers to clean the window pane, mops and buckets. We are going to start at
seven and finish at twenty to eight. After that, you should be ready for the first period
of the lessons. Thank you for your attention!”
18. What kind of text is it?

19. “..because we are going to clean our school together.” What is the opposite of
the underlined word?

20. How many kinds of tools should be brought by the students?

21. How long they clean their school?

22. For whom the announcement is intended?

23. Who is the speaker of the announcement above?

Viana’s 7th birthday!
It’s Party Time!

17th October 2015
09.45 a.m – 11. 45 a.m

Balong Kuring Pringsewu, Lampung

RSVP : Leona 0987654321


Female : Brown

Male : Cream
24. Whose party is it?

25. Is the party to celebrate the 7th birthday?

26. What kind of the text above?

27. How long the party will be held?


Dear Andika,

Remember, we’d had an appointment to go bookstore after school. I’ll be waiting for
you at bus stop near my house. I hope we will be there by using your car. See you!

28. Where will they go?

29. Who is the sender of the text above?

30. What kind of the text above?

Kunci Jawaban :

1. e. Compliment
2. b. Giving opinion
3. d. Inviting someone
4. a. Asking for a thing
5. g. Offering for a help
6. l. Disagreement
7. k. Congratulating
8. i. Asking for a help
9. f. Agreement
10. j. Accepting invitation
11. Can you help me? / Could you help me? / Will you help?
12. I’m sorry/ no you may not
13. Congratulations!
14. I’m sorry I can’t./ I’m sorry, I think I can’t
15. What do you think about our/this class?
16. Don’t throw the rubbish!
17. Notice
18. Announcement
19. Dirty
20. Five, they are brooms, dusters, some newspapers, mops and buckets.
21. Forty minutes
22. All students
23. Teacher
24. Viana
25. Yes, it is.
26. Invitation card
27. Two hours
28. Bookstore
29. Lisa
30. Short message

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