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The equation of the straight line can also be obtained in a situation where a give line cuts the x∧ y
axes as shown in the figure below.

In the figure above, the line AB cuts the x and

y axes at the points A and B with PQ being perpendicular to the x-axis. Since the triangle
BOAand PQA are similar triangles. It follows, therefore, that
= let OA=a ,OB=b with a point P ( x , y ) on the line AB.
= {From the above figure,QA=OA−OQ }
a−x y x y
⇒ = ⇒ 1− =
a b a b
Is the required equation of the line which cuts the intercept a∧b on the x-axes and y- axes
Example 9.23
Find the equation of the line whose intercepts are 5and 6 on the x- and y- axes respectively.
From the equation,
Plug the values of a∧b above into the equation:
x y
+ =1
a b
The required equation becomes
x y
+ =1
5 6
Example 9.24
Given the equation of a line 2 y−3 x−6=0, find:
(a) The intercepts on both axes;
(b) The gradient (slope) of the line.
(a) Given that
2 y−3 x−6=0
2 y−3 x=−6 which implies
2y 3x y x
+ =1 ∴ + =1
6 6 3 −2
Hence, the intercepts on x−¿ y−axesare (−2,0)∧(0,3) respectively.
The general linear equation is written in the form
ax +by +c=0
with this equation, we can find the gradient (slope) as well as the intercept on the y-axis.
Example 9.25
from a point
Given the equation3 x+ 2 y =5, we rewrite in the form y=mx+c
2 y −3 x 5
⇒ = +
2 2 2
−3 5
y= x+
2 2
3 5
Hence, the gradient (slope) ¿− and the y−intercept = .
2 2
Here we want to consider the distance (length) from a point P(x , y ) to the line whose equation is
ax +by +c=0.
Suppose the given line AB has the equation
xcosθ+ ysinθ= p … … … …(1)
Draw PQ perpendicular to AB.
Draw PD through P parallel to AB.
Draw a perpendicular from the origin to cut AB and PD at C and D respectively.
If ¿ COB=θ ,OC =c ,OD=q , then equation of PD will be
xcosθ+ ysinθ=q
Since P( x 1 , y 1 ) lies on this line we have
x 1 cosθ + y 1 sinθ=q … … … …(2)
From the above figure,
¿ q− p
¿ x 1 cosθ + y 1 sinθ− p … … … ¿ ( 2 )

Thus, the length of the perpendicular from the point ( x 1 , y 1 ) on the line:
xcosθ+ ysinθ is x 1 cosθ + y 1 sinθ− p .

The general equation of the straight line, ax +b y +c =0 can be rewritten by dividing through by
√ a2 +b 2 to obtain
a b c
2 2
x+ 2 2
y+ =0
√a +b √a +b √ a +b2

Comparing this with the form x 1 cosθ + y 1 sinθ− p=0 , we have,

a b c
cosθ= 2 2
, s inθ 2 2
,− p=
√ a +b √ a +b √ a +b 2

Hence, the length of the perpendicular from ( x 1 , y 1 ) on the line ax +by +c=0 is

a x1 +b y 1 +c
√ a2 +b 2
Example 9.26
Given that a point (-2,5) to the line 2 y−3 x−6=0, find the length of the perpendicular.

The formula of the length of the perpendicular from the point P( x , y ) to the line ax +by +c=0 is

a x1 +b y 1 +c
√ a2 +b 2
From the equation: a=−3 , b=2, c=−6, x 1=−2∧ y 1=5.

Putting the above data into the above formula, we have

(−3 ) × (−2 ) +2 ×5+ (−6 ) 6+ 10−6

2 2
√ ( −3 ) + ( 2 ) √ 9+4
10 √13 10 √ 13
⇒= × =
√13 √13 13

We wish to consider the equation of a perpendicular bisector.

From the figure above, let K1 and K2 be the lines that bisect the angles formed by L1 and L2. If P(x , y ) is
a point on K1 so that its distance from L1 and L2 are a 1 and a 2 respectively. Then, since K1 bisects an angle
formed by L1 and L2 then we must have that, a 1=a2

Thus, the perpendicular distances from P to L1 and L2 are equal;

a1 x 1 +b 1 y 1 +c 1 a2 x 1 +b 2 y 1 +c 2
2 2 And 2 2
√a 1 +b 1 √a 2 +b 2

Must be equal in magnitude.

The coordinates of P( x , y ) must therefore satisfy

a1 x 1 +b 1 y 1 +c 1 a2 x1 +b 2 y 1 +c 2
2 2
=± 2
√a 1 +b 1 √a 2 + b22
Hence, the equations of perpendicular bisectors are:

a1 x 1 +b 1 y 1 +c 1 a2 x1 +b 2 y 1 +c 2

+ b21 2
√a 1 √a 2 + b22
Example 9.27

Find the equation of the bisector of the angle formed between the lines 4 x+3 y −6=0and
5 x+ 12 x +2=0 .

The equations of the bisectors of angle are:

a1 x 1 +b 1 y 1 +c 1 a2 x1 +b 2 y 1 +c 2

+ b21 2
√a 1 √a 2 + b22

From the equation, a 1=4 ,b 1=3 , c 1=−6 ,∧a2=5 , b2 =12, c 2=2.

Putting the values in the above formula, we have,

4 x +3 y−6 5 x+12 y +2
2 2

√ 4 +3 √5 2+122
4 x +3 y−6 5 x+12 y +2

√ 16+9 √ 25+144
4 x +3 y−6 5 x+12 y +2

√25 √ 169
The ± sign means that we will have to consider the positive and the negative sign as well. Look at the
way we shall go about it.

Considering the positive sign, we have

13 ( 4 x +3 y−6 )=5 ( 5 x+12 y +2 )

52 x+39 y +78=25 x +60 y +10
52 x−25 x+39 y−60 y −78−10=0
27 x−27 y −88=0
Similarly, considering the negative sign, we have,

13 ( 4 x +3 y−6 )=−5 ( 5 x+ 12 y +2 )
52 x+39 y +78=−25 x−60 y−10=0
77 x+ 99 y−68=0
We see that the equations are:

27 x−27 y −88=0∧77 x +99 y−68=0


A tangent at any point of the circle is a line that just touches the circle
without cutting through the curve. That is to say, diameter, chords or
a line outside a circle are not tangent since it either cuts a curve or does not
meet the curve in any way as illustrated below.

Given that the tangent to the circle x 2+ y 2=a2 at the point( x 1 , y 1 ), then,

x x 1 + y y 1=a2
This is the equation of the tangent to the circle.

Find the equation of the tangent to the circle x 2+ y 2=10 at the point ( 4 ,−2)


The equation of the tangent to the circle x 2+ y 2=a2 at the point( x 1 , y 1 ) is given as
x x 1 + y y 1=a2

Given that x 1=4 and y 1=−2 , substituting the above values into the equation we have,
4 x−2 y=10 ⇒2 x −2=5 is the required equation.

A normal to a curve at a given point ( x , y ) on a curve is a line

1 1

perpendicular to the tangent to the curve at that point as shown

in the figure below. Tangent

Equation of the Normal to a circle

Given the normal to the circle x 2+ y 2=a2 at the point( x 1 , y 1 ). Then
x 1 y 1− y1 x=10

This is the equation of the normal to the circle.

Find the equation of normal to the circle x 2+ y 2=a2 at the point ( 3 ,−5 ) .
The equation of the normal to the circle x 2+ y 2=a2 at point ( x 1 , y 1 ) is given as x 1 y 1− y1 x=0

Let ( x 1 , y 1 ) =( 3 ,−5 )

3 ( y )−(−5 )( x )=0
⇒ 3 y +5 x=0
3 y +5 x=0is the required equation

Equation of the Normal to the General Equation of a circle given point( x 1 , y 1 ) to the circle
x 2+ y 2+2 gx+ 2 fy+c =0 the equation of the normal to the gengral equation of the circle is given
as y ( x 1+ g )−x ( y 1+ f ) + f x1−g y 1=0
Example 10.11
Find the equation of the normal to the circle x 2+ y 2+3 x−2 y=0 at the point ( 3 , 2 ) .
Comparing x 2+ y 2+3 x−2 y=0 with the general equation of circle.

x 2+ y 2+2 gx+ 2 fy +c =0 We have that

3 −2
2 g=3 ⇒ g= ∧2 f =−2 ⇒ f = =−1 let ( x 1 , y 1) =( 3,2 ) .
2 2

The equation of the normal to the circle is: y ( x 1+ g )−x ( y 1+ f ) + f x1−g y 1=0

( 32 )−x (2−1) +(−1× 3 )−( 32 ×2)=0

⇒ y 3+

2 )
−x (1 ) + (−3 )−3=0

−9 y 9y
−x=3+3− −x=6
2 2
⇒−9 y−2 x=12∨2 x−9 y +12=0
Thus: 2 x−9 y +12=0 is the
required equation of the circle.
Here we want to find the length of the
tangent TP given the circle centre
C (−g ,−f )and the point P ( x 1 , y 1 ) lying
outside the circle as shown in the figure below:

Considering the right angled triangle TCP, and applying Pythagoras theorem:
CP 2=CT 2 +TP2 ⇒TP2=CP 2−CT 2From our knowledge on the distance between two coordinate
points. We know that

CP 2=( x 1 +g )2 + ( y 1 +f )2Again from the figure above.

CT =radius ( r ) ⇒ CT 2=r 2=g 2+ f 2−c ∴TP 2=( x 1+ g )2+ ( y 1+ f )2 −( g2 + f 2−c )

Expanding the above, we have.

TP2=( x 1 + g ) ( x 1+ g ) ( y 1+ f ) ( y 1 + f )−( g 2+ f 2−c ) =x 21+ x 1 g+ x1 g+ g2 + y 21 + y 1 f + y 1 f + f 2−g2−f 2 +c=x 21 +2 x 1 g+ g 2+ y

This is the required length of tangent
Example 10.12
Find the length of the tangent drawn to the circle x 2+ y 2+3 x +7 y +5=0 at the point (−2,3) .

Here, ( x 1 , y 1 ) =(−2,3 ) .2 g=3 , 2 f =7∧c=5.

So the length of the tangent to the circle is given by

TP= √ x 21 + y 21+ 2 g x 1+ 2 f y1 + c

¿ √−22+ 32 +3 (−2 )+ 7 ( 3 ) +5

¿ √ 4 +9−6+21+5= √33
Parametric equations are the equations that give off every
point on the circle in terms of a parameter,θ .

We wish to consider a circle with centre C (a , b) and

radius r. let P(x , y ) be any point as shown below:

From the above figure, on the horizontal component, QC=rcosθ. Similarly, on the vertical component,
PQ=rsinθ so, the point P on the circle with coordinates ( x , y ) is given by the two equations
x=a+ rco sθ y=b+rsinθ
These are the required parametric equations.
Example 10.13
Given a circle with centre (3,-2) and radius 4, state the parametric equations.
The parametric equations state that:
x=a+ rcosθ y=b+ rsinθ recall that from the centre of the circle c.
c−a=0⇒ c=a∧c +b=0 ⇒c=−b So the question given, a=−3∧b=2 putting the above into the
parametric equations, give us x=−3+ 4 cosθ , y=2+4 sinθ which are the required equations.

Example 10.14
Given the parametric equations x +6=7 cosθ , y−5=7 sinθ , state the centre and radius of the circle.

For x +6=7 cosθ , we write as x=−6+7 cosθ∧for y −5=7 sinθ , we write , y =5+7 sinθ compare
equation 1 and 2 above with the parametric equation, that is, x=a+ rcosθ , y =b+rsinθ

Then, you will clearly see that,a=−6∧b=5while the radius is 7 and the centre is (−6,5)

1. In each case below find the equation of the circle, with
Centre Radius

a. (-1, 2) 3
b. (-2, 3) 4
c. (4,-3) 6
d. 0 3
e. ( 32 , 32 ) 1
2. State the radius of the following circles.
( a ) x 2+ y 2=169 ( b ) 4 x 2 +4 y 2=36 ( c ) 2 ax 2 +2 ay 2=8 a ( d ) 3 x 2 +3 y 2=a 2
3. Find the centre and radius of the following:
3 x 2+3 y 2−24 x+12 y=−11 ( b ) x 2 + y 2−4 x +7 y=8 ( c ) 2 x 2 +2 y 2−8 x−12 y+18=0 ( d ) x2 + y 2=2−x−4 y
4. Find the equation of the circle with centre (1, 2) which passes through the points (3, 4).
5. Find the equation of the circle with centre (-3, -4) which passes through the points (-2,-1).
6. The ends of a diameter of a circle have coordinates (6, 2) and (-3, -3), find the equation of the
7. Given the parametric equation x−9=3 cosθ and y +14=3 sinθ , state the center and radius of the
8. Given a circle with centre (−5,3) and radius 8, state the parametric equations.
9. Find the equation of tangent to the circle 2 x2 +2 y 2=30 at point (−3,6 ) .
10. Find the equation of the tangent to the circle 4 x2 + 4 y 2−12 x+16 y + 8=0 at the point (2 ,−3)

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