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ARTICLES 1106-1126 the units were indicated on the sales invoice dated

November 5, 1990. The sales were in fact consummated on

ART. 1106: 2 KINDS OF PRESCRIPTION/DISTINCTION various dates between March 5, 1990 and August 29, 1990,
BETWEEN PRESCRIPTION AND LACHES as proved by several delivery receipts.
The Court therefore can resolve whether Phil-Air's action to
PANGASINAN VS. ALMAZORA enforce the contract was timely filed even in the apparent
absence of a formal or notarized deed of sale. More
All the elements of laches were present. First, Aurora and significantly, Rolando Abadilla, Jr., admitted under oath that
her family entrusted to Conrado the owner’s duplicate of the the sale was in writing. Phil-Air filed the complaint with the
certificate of title of the subject property in 1945. In their RTC on April 1, 1998. The time elapsed from August 4, 1989
complaint, Caltex-Philippines even admitted that Conrado’s (the date of the price quotation, which is the earliest possible
family had been staying in the subject property since 1912. reckoning point), is eight years and eight months, well within
Second, it took five decades, from 1945 to 1996, before the ten-year prescriptive period. There was simply no delay
Aurora decided to enforce their right thereon. Third, (second element of laches) where Phil-Air can be said to
Conrado’s heirs who lived all their lives in the disputed have negligently slept on its rights. Furthermore, there is no
property apparently were not aware that Aurora would one basis for laches as the facts of the present case do not give
day come out and claim ownership thereon. Fourth, there rise to an inequitable situation that calls for the application of
was no question that Conrado’s heirs would be prejudiced in equity and the principle of laches.
the event that the suit would be allowed to prosper.
Distinction between laches and prescription
Granting, for the sake of argument, that the present case The question of laches is addressed to the sound discretion
was not barred by laches and had not prescribed, it must still of the court. The court resolves whether the claimant
fail on its merits. The basis of the action for damages of asserted its claim within a reasonable time and whether its
Aurora would be the fraud, bad faith and misrepresentation failure to do so warrants the presumption that it either has
allegedly committed by Conrado in transferring the title of the abandoned it or declined to assert it. The court determines
subject property to his name. However, they drastically failed the claimant's intent to assert its claim based on its past
to prove the fact of fraud with clear and convincing evidence. actions or lack of action. After all, what is invoked in
instances where a party raises laches as a defense is the
What is laches? equity jurisdiction of the court. Laches is a recourse in equity
Laches is defined as the failure or neglect for an and is applied only in the absence, never in contravention, of
unreasonable and unexplained length of time to do that statutory law. Thus, laches cannot abate a collection suit
which, by exercising due diligence, could or should have filed within the prescriptive period mandated by the Civil
been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to assert a Code.
right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that
the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or On the other hand, if the law gives the period within which to
declined to assert it. enforce a claim or file an action in court, the court confirms
whether the claim is asserted or the action is filed in court
Rationale behind the principle of laches within the prescriptive period. The court determines the
The principle of laches is a creation of equity which, as such, claimant's intent to assert its claim by simply measuring the
is applied not really to penalize neglect or sleeping upon time elapsed from the proper reckoning point (e.g., the date
one's right, but rather to avoid recognizing a right when to do of the written contract) to the filing of the action or assertion
so would result in a clearly inequitable situation. The time- of the claim.
honored rule anchored on public policy is that relief will be
denied to a litigant whose claim or demand has become In sum, where the law provides the period within which to
"stale," or who has acquiesced for an unreasonable length of assert a claim or file an action in court, the assertion of the
time, or who has not been vigilant or who has slept on his claim or the filing of the action in court at any time within the
rights either by negligence, folly or inattention. In other prescriptive period is generally deemed reasonable, and
words, public policy requires, for peace of society, the thus, does not call for the application of laches. As we held in
discouragement of claims grown stale for non-assertion; thus one case, unless reasons of inequitable proportions are
laches is an impediment to the assertion or enforcement of a adduced, any imputed delay within the prescriptive period is
right which has become, under the circumstances, not delay in law that would bar relief.
inequitable or unfair to permit.
Kinds of Prescription in the Civil Code ALREADY OBTAINED
There are two kinds of prescription provided in the Civil
Code. One is acquisitive, that is, the acquisition of a right by CALTEX-PHILIPPINES VS. AGUIRRE, ET. AL
the lapse of time as expounded in paragraph 1, Article
1106. Acquisitive prescription is also known as adverse Caltex-Philippines cannot be permitted to assert their right to
possession and usucapcion. The other kind is extinctive waive the defense of prescription when they had foregone
prescription whereby rights and actions are lost by the the same through their own omission. There is no dispute
lapse of time as defined in paragraph 2, Article 1106 and that the Aguirre's cause of action against Caltex-Philippines
Article 1139. 36 Another name for extinctive prescription is has prescribed under the Civil Code. In fact, the same is
litigation of action. evident on the complaint itself. Aguirre brought their claim
before a Philippine court only on March 6, 2001, more than
PHIL-AIR CONDITIONING CENTER VS. RCJ LINES 13 years after the collision occurred. Article 1139 of the
Civil Code states that actions prescribe by the mere lapse of
Both parties admit the existence and validity of the contract time fixed by law. Accordingly, the RTC of Catbalogan
of sale. They recognize that the price quotation dated August cannot be faulted for the motu proprio dismissal of the
4, 1989, contained the terms and conditions of the sale complaint filed before it. It is settled that prescription may be
contract. They also agree that the price and description of considered by the courts motu proprio if the facts supporting
the ground are apparent from the pleadings or the evidence
on record. Canlas’ evidence shows that she complied with the notice
requirements and she was able to substantiate the
The RTC of Manila denied the Aguirre's motion for allegations in her application. She acquired the property by
intervention on the ground of the finality of the order of the inheritance from Honorio and Gregorio S. Apran and she and
RTC of Catbalogan, there being no appeal or any other legal her predecessors-in-interest have been in its continuous
remedy perfected in due time by either Caltex-Philippines or possession since 1900. The testimonies of the applicant and
Aguirre. Since the dismissal of the complaint was already her witnesses proved that the applicant through her
final and executory, the RTC of Manila can no longer predecessors-in-interest have been in open, continuous,
entertain a similar action from the same parties. The bone of exclusive and notorious possession of an alienable and
contention is not regarding the Caltex-Philippines' execution disposable parcel of land of the public domain under a bona
of waivers of the defense of prescription, but the effect of fide claim of ownership for more than 30 years.
finality of an order or judgment on both parties. Furthermore,
Caltex-Philippines, as a mere voyage charterer, were
exonerated from third party liability in the M/V Doña Paz
collision. Should this Court allow the reinstatement of the The applicant has sufficient title proper for registration, and
complaint against Caltex-Philippines, let the trial proceedings we render judgment confirming it. There were sufficient
take its course, and decide the same on the merits in favor of pieces of evidence to show that Canlas and her
Aguirre, then it would have led to the promulgation of predecessors in-interest exercised specific acts of ownership
conflicting decisions. such as: farming activities; allowing the excavation of land
for “pulang lupa” to make clay pots; paying realty taxes;
Legal remedies available to Caltex-Philippines declaring the property for tax purposes; employing a
Caltex-Philippines should have exhausted the other available caretaker; causing corrections in entries in public documents
legal remedies under the law after the [RTC of Catbalogan] with regard to the land; and demanding unlawful occupants
denied their motion for reconsideration. Under Section 9, to vacate the premises.
Rule 37 of the [Rules of Court], the remedy against an order
denying a motion for reconsideration is not to appeal the said Section 14 of Presidential Decree No. 1529 or the
order of denial but to appeal from the judgment or final order Property Registration Decree governs the applications for
of the court. Moreover, the Caltex-Philippines could have registration of title to land:
availed of an action for annulment of judgment for the very
purpose of having the final and executory judgment be set (1) Those who by themselves or through their predecessors-
aside so that there will be a renewal of litigation. An action in-interest have been in open, continuous, exclusive and
for annulment of judgment is grounded only on two notorious possession and occupation of alienable and
justifications: (1) extrinsic fraud; and (2) lack of jurisdiction or disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide
denial of due process. claim of ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier.

All that herein Caltex-Philippines have to prove was that the (2) Those who have acquired ownership of private lands by
trial court had no jurisdiction; that they were prevented from prescription under the provision of existing laws.
having a trial or presenting their case to the trial court by
some act or conduct of Aguirre; or that they have been (3) Those who have acquired ownership of private lands or
denied due process of law. Seasonably, the Caltex- abandoned river beds by right of accession or accretion
Philippines could have also interposed a petition for certiorari under the existing laws.
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court imputing grave abuse of
discretion on the part of the trial court judge in issuing the (4) Those who have acquired ownership of land in any other
said order of dismissal. manner provided for by law.

ART. 1113: OBJECT OF PRESCRIPTION Where the land is owned in common, all the co-owners shall
file the application jointly.


Distinction between Section 14(1) and Section 14(2) of
All lands of the public domain belong to the State, which is P.D. No. 1529.
the source of any asserted right to any ownership of land. All  Section 14(1) of P.D 1529
lands not appearing to be clearly within private ownership - Registration of title on the basis of possession.
are presumed to belong to the State. Accordingly, public - Registration is extended under the aegis of the
lands not shown to have been reclassified or released as P.D. No. 1529 and the Public Land Act (PLA).
alienable agricultural land, or alienated to a private person by - Section 48(b) of the PLA, as amended by Republic
the State, remain part of the inalienable public domain. The Act No. 1472, the 30-year period is in relation to
burden of proof in overcoming the presumption of State possession without regard to the Civil Code.
ownership of the lands of the public domain is on the person
applying for registration (or claiming ownership), who must  Section 14(2) of P.D 1529
prove that the land subject of the application is alienable or - Entitles the applicant to the registration of his
disposable. To overcome this presumption, incontrovertible property on the basis of prescription.
evidence must be established that the land subject of the - Registration is made available both by P.D. No.
application (or claim) is alienable or disposable. 1529 and the Civil Code.
- The 30-year period involves extraordinary
ART. 1118: POSSESSION IN THE CONCEPT OF AN prescription under the Civil Code, particularly
OWNER Article 1113 in relation to Article 1137.
CANLAS VS. REPUBLIC What constitutes possession
Possession involves committing acts of dominion over a which the alleged prescription is based, must be clear,
parcel of land in such a way that an owner would perform complete and conclusive in order to establish the
over his or her property. Possession is broader than prescription. Abalos failed to present competent evidence to
occupation because it includes constructive possession. prove their alleged good faith in neither possessing the
When, therefore, the law adds the word occupation, it seeks subject lot nor their adverse claim thereon.
to delimit the all encompassing effect of constructive
possession. Taken together with the words open, Abalos’ possession of the lot in question was by mere
continuous, exclusive and notorious, the word occupation tolerance of the heirs of Torio and their predecessors in-
serves to highlight the fact that for an applicant to qualify, his interest. Acts of possessory character executed due to
possession must not be a mere fiction. Actual possession of license or by mere tolerance of the owner are inadequate for
a land consists in the manifestation of acts of dominion over purposes of acquisitive prescription. Possession, to
it of such a nature as a party would naturally exercise over constitute the foundation of a prescriptive right, must be en
his own property. concepto de dueño, or, to use the common law equivalent of
the term, that possession should be adverse, if not, such
possessory acts, no matter how long, do not start the
The fact that a parcel of land is not declared for tax purposes running of the period of prescription.
regularly, or that realty taxes are not paid on a regular basis,
does not automatically contradict the claim of possession. Even if the character of Abalos possession of the subject
Tax declarations serve as additional indicia of ownership. It property had become adverse, as evidenced by their
is not conclusive as to the fact of possession, occupation, or declaration of the same for tax purposes under the names of
ownership. their predecessors-in-interest, their possession still falls short
of the required period of thirty (30) years in cases of
HEIRS OF YAMBAO VS. HEIRS OF HERMOGENES extraordinary acquisitive prescription. Records show that the
earliest Tax Declaration in the name of Abalos was in 1974.
The subject property is co-owned by the parties herein, Reckoned from such date, the thirty-year period was
having inherited the same from Hermogenes. Feliciano's free completed in 2004. However, the heirs of Torio’s complaint
patent application indicated that he merely tacked his was filed in 1996, effectively interrupting Abalos’ possession
possession of the subject property from Hermogenes, his upon service of summons on them. Thus, Abalos’
father, who held the property in peaceful, open, continuous, possession also did not ripen into ownership, because they
and adverse manner in the concept of an owner since 1944. failed to meet the required statutory period of extraordinary
This is an implicit recognition of the fact that Feliciano merely prescription.
co-owns the subject property with the other heirs of
Hermogenes. Indeed, the heirs of Feliciano have not ART. 1122-1124: NATURAL AND CIVIL INTERRUPTION
presented any evidence that would show that Hermogenes
bequeathed the subject property solely to Feliciano. PACHECO VS. CA

The issuance of the certificate of title would constitute an ISSUE: Whether Rafael Pacheco acquired the property by
open and clear repudiation of any trust. In such a case, an acquisitive prescription.
action to demand partition among co-owners prescribes in
10 years, the point of reference being the date of the RULING: Yes. It was clearly established that Rafael
issuance of certificate of title over the property. But this rule Pacheco started occupying the same since 1939 and that his
applies only when the plaintiff is not in possession of the possession was public, open, peaceful, continuous,
property, since if a person claiming to be the owner thereof is uninterrupted, adverse and in the concept of owner until and
in actual possession of the property, the right to demand even beyond 1949. After ten years of such possession,
partition does not prescribe. acquisitive prescriptive title was vested in Rafael Pacheco,
pursuant to Article 1134 of the Civil Code. Consequently,
Although the subject property was registered solely in when he mortgaged the land to the PNB, he did so not as a
Feliciano's name, they are co-owners of the property and as mere possessor but as an owner by virtue of prescription
such is entitled to the conveyance of their shares. On the under Article 1134 of the Civil code. Article 1121 could no
premise that they are co-owners, they can validly seek the longer apply to him because the ten-year prescriptive period
partition of the property in co-ownership and the conveyance had already been completed at the time.
to them of their respective shares. Moreover, when Feliciano
registered the subject property in his name, to the exclusion It follows that when Rafael Pacheco sold the land to Ciriaco
of the other heirs of Hermogenes, an implied trust was Pacheco, the latter acquired the rights of the former as
created by force of law and he was considered a trustee of owner of the property, and not as a mere possessor thereof,
the undivided shares of the other heirs of Hermogenes in the and so did Estrella Razo-Rey and Benvenuto Abitria who
property. As trustees, the heirs of Feliciano cannot be derived their title from Ciriaco Pacheco. Thus, the judgment
permitted to repudiate the trust by relying on the registration. sale in favor of Hernandez did not and could not cover the
lands claimed by Pacheco as these lots no longer belonged
ART. 1119: POSSESSION BY MERE TOLERANCE to the judgment debtor when they were levied upon and sold.
That sale covered only the lands still under the ownership of
ABALOS VS. HEIRS OF TORIO the judgment debtor and did not affect the ownership of the
property titled in the name of Pacheco.
Jaime Abalos and the Spouses Felix and Consuelo Salazar
have not inherited the disputed land because the same was HEIRS OF SPOUSES TANYAG VS. GABRIEL
shown to have already been validly sold to Marcos Torio,
who, thereupon, assigned the same to his son Vicente (heirs Civil interruption takes place with the service of judicial
of Torio). A valid sale was amply established and the said summons to the possessor and not by filing of a mere Notice
validity subsists because the deed evidencing the same was of Adverse Claim. From 1969 until the filing of this complaint
duly notarized. The evidence relative to the possession upon by the heirs of spouses Tanyag in March 2000, the latter
have been in continuous, public and adverse possession of
the subject land for 31 years. Having possessed the property
for the period and in the character required by law as
sufficient for extraordinary acquisitive prescription, the heirs
of spouses tanyag have indeed acquired ownership over the
subject property. Such right cannot be defeated by Gabriel’s
acts of declaring again the property for tax purposes in 1979
and obtaining a Torrens certificate of title in their name in

We uphold the heirs of spouses Tanyag’s right as owner only

with respect to Lot consisting of 686 square meters. They
failed to substantiate their claim over Lot 2 by virtue of a
deed of sale from the original declared owner, Agueda
Dinguinbayan. They failed to identify Lot 2 by providing
evidence of the metes and bounds thereof, so that the same
may be compared with the technical description contained in
OCT No. 1035, which would have shown whether Lot 2
consisting of 147 square meters was erroneously included in
Gabriel’s title.



Section 47 of PD No. 152 Registered land not subject to

No title to registered land in derogation of the title of the
registered owner shall be acquired by prescription or
adverse possession.

In addition to the imprescriptibility, the person who holds a

Torrens Title over a land is also entitled to the possession
thereof. The right to possess and occupy the land is an
attribute and a logical consequence of ownership. Corollary
to this rule is the right of the holder of the Torrens Title to
eject any person illegally occupying their property.

Even if it be supposed that the holders of the Torrens Title

were aware of the other persons' occupation of the property,
regardless of the length of that possession, the lawful
owners have a right to demand the return of their property at
any time as long as the possession was unauthorized or
merely tolerated, if at all.

Furthermore, even if the defendant attacks the Torrens Title

because of a purported sale or transfer of the property, we
still rule in favor of the holder of the Torrens Title if the
defendant cannot adduce, in addition to the deed of sale, a
duly registered certificate of title proving the alleged transfer
or sale.


None of them could rightfully own Lot No. 557. Lausa’s

cancelled deed of assignment and tax declarations cannot
establish their ownership over Lot No. 557; especially since
the operation of pertinent laws prevented the possibility of
acquisitive prescription. The Quilaton’s TCT No. 571, on the
other hand, had several discrepancies indicating that it was a

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