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Civil procedure Classification of courts in the Philippines

Jurisdiction – authority to hear and determine a A. 1. Courts of General Jurisdiction –competent

case to decide their own jurisdiction and to take
cognizance of all kinds of cases [ex. RTC]
Jurisdiction vs venue 2. Courts of special of limited Jurisdiction –
1. Authority to hear 1. place where the no power to decide their own jurisdiction and
and determine a case is heard or tried can only try cases permitted by statute. [ ex.
case 2. procedural law MTC]
2. substantive law 3. a relation between
3. establishes relation plaintiff and defendant, B. 1. Courts of Original Jurisdiction – under the
between cot and the or petitioner and law, actions or proceedings may originally be
subject matter respondent commenced.
4. may be conferred by 2. Courts of Appellate Jurisdiction – authority
4. fixed by law and the acth or agreement of a court higher in rank to re-examine the final
cannot be conferred by by the agreement of order or judgment of a lower court which tried
the parties the parties the case non elevated for judicial review.

C. 1. Superior Courts – power of review or

Requisites of Jurisdiction
supervision over another and lower court.
1. Jurisdiction over the plaintiff – acquired by the
2. Inferior Courts – in relation to another court,
filing f the complaint, petition or initiatory
are lower in rank and subject to review and
pleading before the court by the plaintiff or
supervision by the latter.
- Conferred by the parties or court
D. 1. Courts of Record – bound to keep a written
2. Jurisdiction over the defendant – it is acquired
record of all trials and proceedings handled by
a. Voluntary or
b. Submission by the defendant or 2. Courts not of Record – not required to keep
c. Coercive process issued by the court a written record or transcript of proceedings.
to him by summons
-conferred by the parties or court E. 1. Consitutional Courts – created by the
3. Jurisdiction over the subject matter – constitution and cannot be legislated out of
conferred by law existence or deprived by the law of jurisdiction.
Jurisdiction to hear and determine the general [ex. SC and Sandiganbayan*] *sandiganbayan is
class of cases to which the proceedings in only a constitutionally mandated court, its creation
was made by a statute
question belong
2. Statutory Courts – created, organized and
4. Jurisdiction over the issue of the case –
with jurisdiction exclusively determined by law.
conferred by the pings, or by the agreement of
the parties, by their implied consent as by
Exclusive Jurisdiction – power to adjudicate a
failure of a party to object to evidence.
case or proceeding to the exclusion of all other
5. Jurisdiction over res – acquired by the actual
restraint or constructive seizure by the court of the courts at that stage.
thing in question.
Concurrent Jurisdiction – power conferred upon
Effect of Lack of Jurisdiction different courts, whether of the same or different
General Rule: where the court has no jurisdiction, ranks, to take cognizance at the same case or
the judgment is void and can be challenged any different judicial territories.
time. It cannot b waived.
-jurisdiction of the court is determined by the Principle of Estoppel to Question
statute in force at the time of the commencement Jurisdiction
of the action and by the allegations made in the An error in jurisdiction over the subject matter is
complaint. determined exclusively by the constitution and the
law, thus can be objected to at any instance. This
Scope of Jurisdiction kind of defense can be invoked even for the first
Territorial jurisdiction imports the power of the time on appeal or after final judgement
court over all persons and property within its
property. EXCEPTION: estoppels by laches
Laches – failure or neglect for an unreasonable Substantive Law – part of the law which creates
and unexplained length of time, by exercising due rights concerning life, liberty, property, or the
diligence could or should have done earlier. powers of instrumentalities for the administration
of public affairs.
Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy; Civpro- jurisdiction
G.R. No. L-21450             April 15, 1968
Facts: Procedural law – adjective law which prescribe
        After one month from the effectivity of the Judiciary Act of 1948, rules and forms of procedure in order that courts
spouses Tijam filed a collection case against spouses Sibonghanoy. The
preliminary attachment filed by the plaintiff was dissolve by a may be able to administer justice.
counterbond posted by the defendants through a surety company. After
being duly served with summons the defendants filed their answer in If the rule takes away a vested right, it is not procedural.
which, after making some admissions and denials of the material
averments of the complaint, they interposed a counterclaim. This If the rule creates a right, it may be classified as a
counterclaim was answered by the plaintiffs. substantive matter. If it operates as a means of
implementing an existing right, then the rule deals
        The Court rendered judgment in favor of the plaintiffs and, after the
same had become final and executory, upon motion of the latter, the
merely with procedure.
Court issued a writ of execution against the defendants. The writ having
been returned unsatisfied, the plaintiffs moved for the issuance of a writ
of execution against the Surety's bond, against which the Surety filed a
written opposition upon two grounds, namely, (1) Failure to prosecute
and (2) Absence of a demand upon the Surety for the payment of the
amount due under the judgment. Upon these grounds the Surety prayed
the Court not only to deny the motion for execution against its counter-
bond but also the following affirmative relief : "to relieve the herein
bonding company of its liability, if any, under the bond in question"
            Whether or not the surety company  can still question the
jurisdiction of the trial court.

        No, though it is clear that the case is outside the jurisdiction of the
of the Regional Trial of Cebu, defendants were estopped from
questioning the court's jurisdiction. The Court explained "a party may be
estopped or barred from raising a question in different ways and for
different reasons. Thus we speak of estoppel in pais, or estoppel by
deed or by record, and of estoppel by laches.

Laches, in a general sense is failure or neglect, for an unreasonable and

unexplained length of time, to do that which, by exercising due diligence,
could or should have been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to
assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption that
the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or declined to
assert it.

The doctrine of laches or of "stale demands" is based upon grounds of

public policy which requires, for the peace of society, the
discouragement of stale claims and, unlike the statute of limitations, is
not a mere question of time but is principally a question of the inequity or
unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be enforced or asserted.

The facts of this case show that from the time the Surety became a
quasi-party, it could have raised the question of the lack of jurisdiction [it
only raised the question of jurisdiction after 15 years] of the Court of
First Instance of Cebu to take cognizance of the present action by
reason of the sum of money involved which, according to the law then in
force, was within the original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior courts. It
failed to do so. Instead, at several stages of the proceedings in the
court a quo as well as in the Court of Appeals, it invoked the jurisdiction
of said courts to obtain affirmative relief and submitted its case for a final
adjudication on the merits. It was only after an adverse decision was
rendered by the Court of Appeals that it finally woke up to raise the
question of jurisdiction. Were we to sanction such conduct on its part,
We would in effect be declaring as useless all the proceedings had in
the present case since it was commenced and compel the judgment
creditors to go up their Calvary once more. The inequity and unfairness
of this is not only patent but revolting."

Moreover, adds the Court, "we frown upon the 'undesirable practice' of a
party submitting his case for decision and then accepting the judgment,
only if favorable, and attacking it for lack of jurisdiction, when adverse," 
MTCs iii. Both
EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL JURISDICTION iv. in offenses involving damage
civil to property through criminal
negligence, Summary
1. Actions involving personal property valued procedure shall govern
at not more than P300,000 or P400,000 in where the fine does not
Metro Manila exceed P10,000
2. Actions demanding sums of money not
exceeding P300,000 or P400,000 in Metro DELEGATED JURISDICTION
Manila including admiralty and maritime Cadastral and land registration cases which does
case not have controversy or opposition and the value
3. Probate proceedings where the gross does not exceed P100,000
value of estate does not exceed P300,000
or P400,000 in Metro Manila SPECIAL JURISDICTION
4. Actions involving title/possession of real In the absence of all RTC judges in the province,
property where the assessed value does the MTC’s have the power to grant:
not exceed P20,000 or P50,000 in Metro 1. Petition for habeas corpus
Manila 2. Application for bail
5. Provisional Remedies in principal actions
within their jurisdiction CONCURRENT JURISDICTION
6. Inclusion and exclusion of voters 1. SC– petition for quo warranto insofar as
barangay officials are concerned.
Criminal 2. RTC – application for protection order.
1. Offenses punishable with imprisonment of
not more than 6 years, regardless of fine
and other imposable accessory penalty
2. Offenses not within the exclusive original
jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan
3. Cases only penalty provided by law is fine
not exceeding P4,000
4. BP 22

Summary Procedure
a. All cases of forcible entry and
unlawful detainer, irrespective of the
amount of damages or unpaid rentals
sought to be recovered. Where the
attorney’s fees are awarded shall not
exceed P20,000
b. All other cases, EXCEPT PROBATE
PROCEEDINGS, where the total
claim by the plaintiff does not exceed
P100,000 or P200,000 in Metro
Manila, EXCLUSIVE of interest and

a. Violation of Traffic laws, rules and
b. Violation of rental law;
c. Violations of municipal or city
d. All other criminal cases where the
penalty prescribed is:
i. Imprisonment not exceeding
6 months, or
ii. Fine not exceeding P1,000,
1. Other cases where the demand or value of
property in controversy exceeds P300,000
or P400,000 in Metro Manila
2. Actions in admiralty and maritime
jurisdiction where demand or claim
exceeds P300,000 or P400,000 in Metro
3. Probate proceedings where the gross
value of estate exceeds P300,000 or
P400,000 in Metro Manila
4. Actions involving title/possession of real
property where assessed value exceeds
P20,000 or P50,000 in Metro Manila
5. Actions not capable of pecuniary
6. Cases not falling within the exclusive
jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or
body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
7. Application for issuance of writ of search
and seizure in civil actions for infringement
of intellectual property
8. Violation of anti-Money Laundering Act.

1. Cases not within the exclusive jurisdiction
of any court, tribunal, or body for offenses
punishable with imprisonment of more
than 6 years irrespective of fine
2. Offenses not falling within the exclusive
jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan
3. Only penalty provided by law is a fine
exceeding P4,000
4. Jurisdiction to impose the maximum and
most serious penalty imposable for an
offense forming part of the complex crime

1. SC –actions affecting ambassadors and
other public minister and consuls
2. SC and CA – petition for habeas corpus
and quo warranto
3. SC, CA and Sandiganbayan – Petition for
writ of Amparo, and Habeas Data
-petition for certiorari, mandamus and
4. MTC’s – application for protection order
5. Insurance Commission – claims not
exceeding P100,000

All cases decided by lower courts in their
respective territorial jurisdiction.
Family Court 1. SC – petition for certiorari, madamus, or
1. Petition for guardianship, custody of 2. SC and RTC – petition for habeas corpus
children, habeas corpus in relation to the and quo warranto
latter; -actions brought to prevent and restrain
2. Petition for adoption of children and the violation of laws concerning monopolies
revocation thereof; and combination in restraint of trade.
3. Complaints for annulment of marriage, 3. SC, RTC and Sandiganbayan – Petition
declaration of nullity of marriage and those for certiorari, madamus or prohibition
relating to marital status and property relating to an act or omission of MTC, or of
relations of husband and wife or those a corporation, board, officer or person
living together under different status and -petition for writ of amparo and habeas
agreements, and petitions for dissolution data
of conjugal partnership of gains;
4. Petition for support and/or APPELLATE JURISDICTION
acknowledgment; 1. Ordinary Appeal
5. Summary judicial proceedings brought a. From RTC – in its exercise of its
under the provisions of Executive Order original jurisdiction
No. 209 (Family Code of the Philippines) -constitutional, tax, jurisdictional
6. Petitions for declaration of status of questions involving questions of
children as abandoned, dependent or fact which should be appealed
neglected children, for the voluntary or first to CA
involuntary commitment of children, and b. From Family Courts
for the suspension, termination, or c. From MTC – land registration and
restoration of parental authority under PD cadastral cases
603, EO 56 1986, and other related laws; 2. Petition for Review
7. Petition for the constitution of the family a. From CSC
home; [no longer needed under Art 152 of FC b. From RTC – cases appealed from
“The family home, constituted jointly by the MTC’s which are not a matter of
husband and the wife, or by an unmarried head right
of a family, is the dwelling house where they c. From quasi-judicial agencies
and their family reside, and the land on which it d. From NCIP
is situated] e. From Ombudsman –
8. Cases of domestic violence against administrative disciplinary cases
women and children, as defined therein, 3. Certiorari – against the NLRC
but which do not constitute criminal 4. Automatic Review – death penalty
prosecution and penalties.

1. Annulment of judgment of RTC
2. Petition for certiorari, mandamus or
prohibition involving an act or omission of
a quasi-judicial agency.

SC d. From CTA
Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition 3. Petition for Certiorari – against COMELEC
against: and COA
1. CA
3. COA
4. Sandiganbayan
5. CTA en banc
6. Ombudsman in criminal and non-
administrative disciplinary cases

1. CA – petition for certiorari, mandamus or
prohibition against CSC and NLRC
2. CA and RTC – petition for habeas corpus
and quo warranto
-actions brought to prevent and restrain
violation of laws concerning monopolies
and combinations in restraint of trade.
3. CA, RTC and Sandiganbayan – petition
for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition
relating to an act or omission of MTC, or a
corporation, board, officer or person
4. RTC – actions affecting ambassadors and
other public ministers and consuls
5. MTC – petition for quo warranto insofar as
barangay officials are concerned.

1. Ordinary Appeal
a. From CA – all cases involving
offenses for which:
i. Penalty imposed is reclusion
perpetua or life imprisonment, or
ii. Lesser penalty is imposed for
offenses committed on the same
occasion or which arose out of
the sane occurrence that gave
rise to the more severe offense
for which the penalty of death is
2. Petition for Review on Certiorari
a. From CA
b. From Sandiganbayan on pure
questions of law
c. From judgment or final orders of
i. Constitutionality or validity of any
treaty, international or executive
agreement, law, presidential
decree, proclamation, order,
instruction, ordinance or
regulation is in question
ii. Legality of tax, impost,
assessment or toll or any penalty
imposed in relation thereto
iii. Jurisdiction of lower courts is in
iv. Only question of law is involved.
RULE 1 c. value of the demand
vs. CA G.R. No. 75919 May 7, 1987
SECTION 1. Title of the Rules.—These Rules Originally, this was a case of an action for torts and damages and
specificperformance with a prayer for a temporary restraining order. In
shall be known and cited as the Rules of Court. the present case thedamages were not specifically stated in the prayer
but was alleged in the body of thecomplaint which assessed ₱78.75
million as damages suffered by the petitioner. The amountof the docket
SEC. 2. In what courts applicable.—These fee paid was only ₱410.00. With leave of court the petitioner then
rules shall apply in all courts, except as amendedthe complaint with the inclusion of additional co-plaintiffs and
otherwise provided by the Supreme Court. by eliminating any mentionof the amount of damages in the body of the
complaint thereby reducing the amount of damages to ₱10 million pesos
govern the procedure to be observed in BEEN PAID.
actions, civil or criminal, and special HELD:No. The trial court did not acquire jurisdiction over the case by the
payment of only ₱410.00 as docket fee. Neither can the amendment of
proceedings. the complaint thereby
(a) A civil action is one by which a vest jurisdiction upon the Court. The basis of assessment of the docket f
ee should be theamount of damages sought in the original complaint
party sues another for the enforcement and not in the amended complaint. Allcomplaints, petitions, answers and
or protection of a right, or the other similar pleadings should specify the amount of damages being
prayed for not only in the body of the pleading but also in the prayer,
prevention or redress of a wrong. andsaid damages shall be considered in the assessment of the filing
A civil action may either be ordinary or fees in any case. Anypleading that fails to comply with this requirement
special. Both are governed by the rules shall not bib accepted nor admitted, orshall otherwise be expunged from
the record.
for ordinary civil actions, subject to the
specific rules prescribed for a special
SEC. 6. Construction.—These Rules shall be
civil action.
liberally construed in order to promote their
(b) A criminal action is one by which
objective of securing a just, speedy and
the State prosecutes a person for an
inexpensive disposition of every action and
act or omission punishable by law.
(c) A special proceeding is a remedy by
which a party seeks to establish a
status, a right, or a particular fact.
SEC. 4. In what cases not applicable.—These
Rules shall not apply to election cases, land
registration, cadastral, naturalization and
insolvency proceedings, and other cases not
herein provided for, except by analogy or in a
suppletory character and whenever practicable
and convenient.
SEC. 5. Commencement of action.—A civil
action is commenced by the filing of the
original complaint in court. If an additional
defendant is impleaded in a later pleading, the
action is commenced with regard to him on the
date of the filing of such later pleading,
irrespective of whether the motion for its
admission, if necessary, is denied by the court.
The court acquires jurisdiction over any case upon
payment of the prescribed docket fees.
 Complaint should specify the amount of damages
prayed for not only in the body of the complaint but
also in the prayer.
An action may be commenced by filing the
complaint by registered mail. The date of mailing
is considered the date of filing said complaint.
Docket fee may be based on:
a. nature of the action
b. value of the property involved or
RULE 2 -judgment is binding only upon the parties
CAUSE OF ACTION impleaded or their successors in interest.
SECTION 1. Ordinary civil actions, basis of.— 3. Action Quasi in Rem – a proceeding to
Every ordinary civil action must be based on a subject the interest of a named defendant
cause of action. over a particular property to an obligation
or lien burdening it.
SEC. 2. Cause of action, defined.—A cause of
action is the act or omission by which a party
violates a right of another.
1. Transitory Action – venue is dependent
Cause of Action – delict or wrongful act or
upon the residence of the parties
omission committed by the defendant in violation
regardless of where the cause of action
of the primary rights of the plaintiff
2. Local Action – required by the Rules to be
Right of Action – remedial right or right to relief
instituted in a particular place in the
granted by law to a party to institute an action
absence of an agreement to the contrary.
against a person who has committed a delict or
wrong against him. [right to sue]
SEC. 3. One suit for a single cause of action.—
A party may not institute more than one suit
Relief – redress, protection, award, or coercive
for a single cause of action.
measure which the plaintiff prays the court to
render in his favor as a consequence of the delict
SEC. 4. Splitting a single cause of action;
committed by the defendant.
effect of.—If two or more suits are instituted on
the basis of the same cause of action, the filing
Remedy – procedure or type of action which may
of one or a judgment upon the merits in any
be availed of by the plaintiff as the means to
one is available as a ground for the dismissal
obtain the relief desired.
of the others.
PURPOSE: to avoid harassment and vexation to
Subject-Matter – thing, wrongful act, contract or
the defendant and to obviate multiplicity of suits
property which is directly involved in the action,
Splitting a cause of action – is the act of dividing a
concerning which the wrong has been done and
single cause of action, claim or demand into two or
with respect to which the controversy has risen.
more parts, and bringing suit for one of such parts
Classification of Actions
A. As to CAUSE REMEDY: move to dismiss under Rule 16, Section
1. Real Action – brought for the protection of 1 (e) [litis pendentia], or (f) [res judicata]
real rights, land, tenement or RULE 16
hereditaments or one founded on privity MOTION TO DISMISS
SECTION 1. Grounds.—Within the time for but before filing
estate only. the answer to the complaint or pleading asserting a claim, a
2. Personal Action – not founded upon the motion to dismiss may be made on any of the following
privity of real rights or real property (a) That the court has no jurisdiction over the person
3. Mixed Action – brought for the protection of the defending party;
or recovery of real property and also for an (b) That the court has no jurisdiction over the subject
matter of the claim;
award for damages sustained. (c) That venue is improperly laid;
B. As to OBJECT (d) That the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
(e) That there is another action pending between the
1. Action in Rem – not directed only against same parties for the same cause;
particular person but against the thing (f) That the cause of action is barred by a prior
judgment or by the statute of limitations;
itself (g) That the pleading asserting the claim states no
- a proceeding to determine the state or cause of action;
condition of a thing. (h) That the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiff’s
pleading has been paid, waived, abandoned, or
-jurisdiction over the person of the defendant otherwise extinguished;
is NOT REQUIRED (i) That the claim on which the action is founded is
unenforceable under the provisions of the statute of
2. Action in Personam – directed against the frauds; and
particular person on the basis of their (j) That a condition precedent for filing the claim has
not been complied with.
personal liability to establish a claim
against them.
In contract to be performed periodically as by
installments, each failure to pay an installment
constitutes a cause of action and can be the subject of a This section presupposes that the different cause
separate suit as the installments falls due, or it can be of action which are joined accrue in favor of the
included in the pending suit by Supplemental pleading. same plaintiff/s and against the same defendant/s
However, if at the time of the bringing of suit, several and that no misjoinder of parties is involved.
installments are already sue, all must be included as
integrating a single cause of action.
SEC. 6. Misjoinder of causes of action.—
Non-payment of a mortgage loan cannot be split into Misjoinder of causes of action is not a ground
two action, but an action for collection of a mortgage for dismissal of an action. A misjoined cause
loan does not bar another for rescission of the mortgage of action may, on motion of a party or on the
if the rescission is based on the non-compliance by the initiative of the court, be severed and
mortgagor. proceeded with separately.
In case of misjoinder of causes of action. The
SEC. 5. Joinder of causes of action.—A party cause of action erroneously joined need only be
may in one pleading assert, in the alternative separated and dismissed, without affecting the
or otherwise, as many causes of action as he action with regard to the other cause or causes of
may have against an opposing party, subject action.
to the following conditions: RULE 3 SEC. 11. Misjoinder and non-joinder
(a) The party joining the causes of action of parties.—Neither misjoinder nor non-joinder
of parties is ground for dismissal of an action.
shall comply with the rules on joinder of Parties may be dropped or added by order of
parties; the court on motion of any party or on its own
(b) The joinder shall not include special initiative at any stage of the action and on such
civil actions or actions governed by terms as are just. Any claim against a
misjoined party may be severed and
special rules; proceeded with separately.
(c) Where the causes of action are Rule 3
between the same parties but pertain to PARTIES TO CIVIL ACTIONS
different venues or jurisdictions, the SECTION 1. Who may be parties; plaintiff and
joinder may be allowed in the Regional defendant.—Only natural or juridical persons,
Trial Court provided one of the causes of or entities authorized by law may be parties in
action falls within the jurisdiction of said a civil action. The term “plaintiff” may refer to
court and the venue lies therein; and the claiming party, the counter-claimant, the
(d) Where the claims in all the causes of cross-claimant, or the third (fourth etc.)—party
action are principally for recovery of money, plaintiff. The term “defendant” may refer to the
the aggregate amount claimed shall be the original defending party, the defendant in a
test of jurisdiction. counterclaim, the cross-defendant, or the third
(fourth, etc.)—party defendant.
Par. (a) – requires the joinder of causes of action Art. 44. The following are juridical persons:
shall comply with the rule on joinder of parties. In (1) The State and its political subdivisions;
relation to Sec 6 of Rule 3, it is necessary that the (2) Other corporations, institutions and entities
for public interest or purpose, created by law;
right of relief from said causes of action should their personality begins as soon as they have
arise out of the same transaction or series of been constituted according to law;
transaction, and a question of law and fact (3) Corporations, partnerships and
common to all plaintiffs or defendant may arise in associations for private interest or purpose to
which the law grants a juridical personality,
the action. separate and distinct from that of each
shareholder, partner or member.
Par. (b) – only causes of action in ordinary civil If the party is not a registered juridical person:
actions may be joined, because they are subject to RULE 3 SEC. 15. Entity without juridical
the same rules and to avoid confusion in the personality as defendant.—When two or more
persons not organized as an entity with
conduct of the proceedings as well as in the juridical personality enter into a transaction,
determination of the presence of the requisite they may be sued under the name by which
elements of each particular cause of action. they are generally or commonly known.
In the answer of such defendant the names
and addresses of the persons composing said
Pars. (c) and (d) – determine which court will have entity must all be revealed.
jurisdiction over the action wherein several causes
of action have been joined. RULE 36 SEC. 6. Judgment against entity
without juridical personality.—When judgment
is rendered against two or more persons sued
as an entity without juridical personality, the
judgment shall set out their individual or proper A duly recognized labor union, can file a representative
names, if known. suit in their behalf.
A corporation cannot file an action to recover property
SEC. 2. Parties in interest.—A real party in belonging to its stockholders as it has no interest
interest is the party who stands to be benefited therein.
or injured by the judgment in the suit, or the
party entitled to the avails of the suit. Unless SEC. 4. Spouses as parties.—Husband and
otherwise authorized by law or these Rules, wife shall sue or be sued jointly, except as
every action must be prosecuted or defended provided by law.
in the name of the real party in interest.
If the suit is not brought in the name of or against SEC. 5. Minor or incompetent persons.—A
the real party in interest, a motion to dismiss may minor or a person alleged to be incompetent,
be filed on the ground that the complaint states no may sue or be sued, with the assistance of his
cause of action under Rule 16 sec 1 (g) father, mother, guardian, or if he has none, a
guardian ad litem.
SEC. 3. Representatives as parties. —Where
the action is allowed to be prosecuted or SEC. 6. Permissive joinder of parties.—All
defended by a representative or someone persons in whom or against whom any right to
acting in a fiduciary capacity, the beneficiary relief in respect to or arising out of the same
shall be included in the title of the case and transaction or series of transactions is alleged
shall be deemed to be the real party in interest. to exist, whether jointly, severally, or in the
A representative may be a trustee of an alternative, may except as otherwise provided
express trust, a guardian, an executor or in these Rules, join as plaintiffs or be joined as
administrator, or a party authorized by law or defendants in one complaint, where any
these Rules. An agent acting in his own name question of law or fact common to all such
and for the benefit of an undisclosed principal plaintiffs or to all such defendants may arise in
may sue or be sued without joining the the action; but the court may make such
principal except when the contract involves orders as may be just to prevent any plaintiff
things belonging to the principal. or defendant from being embarrassed or put to
Art. 487. Any one of the co-owners may bring an expense in connection with any proceedings in
action in ejectment. which he may have no interest.
This section enunciates the rule on permissive joinder of
Art. 1311. Contracts take effect only between the
parties, their assigns and heirs, except in case parties, they either joined in one single complaint or may
where the rights and obligations arising from the themselves maintain or be sued in separate suits. It is
contract are not transmissible by their nature, or also applicable in counterclaims.
by stipulation or by provision of law. The heir is not
liable beyond the value of the property he received REQUISITES of Permissive joinder:
from the decedent. a. The right to relief arises out of the same
If a contract should contain some stipulation in
transaction or series of transactions;
favor of a third person, he may demand its
fulfillment provided he communicated his b. There is a question of law or fact common to all
acceptance to the obligor before its revocation. A plaintiffs or defendants; and
mere incidental benefit or interest of a person is c. Such joinder is not otherwise proscribed by the
not sufficient. The contracting parties must have provisions of the Rules on jurisdiction and
clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon a venue.
third person.

Art. 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the Series of transactions – means separate dealings
principal has no right of action against the persons with the parties but all of which dealings are
with whom the agent has contracted; neither have directly connected with the same type of subject-
such persons against the principal. matter of the suit.
In such case the agent is the one directly bound in
favor of the person with whom he has contracted, SEC. 7. Compulsory joinder of indispensable
as if the transaction were his own, except when parties.—Parties in interest without whom no
the contract involves things belonging to the final determination can be had of an action
principal. shall be joined either s plaintiffs or defendants.
The provisions of this article shall be understood
to be without prejudice to the actions between the SEC. 8. Necessary party.—A necessary party is
principal and agent.
one who is not indispensable but who ought to
be joined as a party if complete relief is to be
accorded as to those already parties, or for a
complete determination or settlement of the defects become apparent. Objection to misjoinder
claim subject of the action. cannot be raised for the first time on appeal.
Necessary parties – those whose presence is
ecessary to adjudicate the whole controversy but Although both misjoinder of parties and causes of action
whose interest are so far separable that a final are not grounds for dismissal, they stand on different
premises as there can be misjoinder of parties even if
decree can be made in their absence without there is only one cause of action common to them.
affecting them.
SEC. 12. Class suit.—When the subject matter
Indispensable parties – those with such an interest of the controversy is one of the common or
in the controversy that a final decree would general interest to many persons so numerous
necessarily affect their rights, so that the court that it is impracticable to join all as parties, a
cannot proceed without their presence. number of them which the court finds to be
SEC. 9. Non-joinder of necessary parties to be sufficiently numerous and representative as to
pleaded.—Whenever in any pleading in which a fully protect the interests of all concerned may
claim is asserted a necessary party is not sue or defend for the benefit of all. Any party in
joined, the pleader shall set forth his name, if interest shall have the right to intervene to
known, and shall state why he is omitted. protect his individual interest.
Should the court find the reason for the REQUISITES:
omission unmeritorious, it may order the 1. The subject matter of the controversy is one of
common or general interest to many persons;
inclusion of the omitted necessary party if 2. The parties affected are so numerous that it is
jurisdiction over his person may be obtained. impracticable to bring them all before the court;
The failure to comply with the order for his and
inclusion, without justifiable cause, shall be 3. The parties bringing the class suit are
deemed a waiver of the claim against such sufficiently numerous or representative of the
party. class and can fully protect the interests of all
The non-inclusion of a necessary party does concerned.
not prevent the court from proceeding in the
action, and the judgment rendered therein *The complaint must specially state that the same is
being brought in behalf of others with whom parties
shall be without prejudice to the rights of such share a common interest. If there is conflict of interest
necessary party. between those sought to be represented and those who
The need for impleading all necessary parties in order files the action, the class suit will not prosper.
that the claims involved in the action may be completely
determined therein and thereby avoid multiplicity of *A class suit cannot be compromised or dismissed
suits. The non-inclusion of the necessary party may be without the approval of the court.
excused only on meritotious grounds, absent which the
court shall order him to be impleaded if jurisdiction over *This section also regulates defend in a class suit.
his person can be obtained.
The plaintiff shall be ordered to file an amended Whether the suit is or not a class suit depends upon the
complaint impleading the necessary party therein as a attending facts, and the complaint or other pleading
co-defendant initiating the class action should allege the existence of
SEC. 10. Unwilling co-plaintiff.— If the consent a subject-matter of common interest, as well as the
of any party who should be joined as plaintiff existence of a class and the number of persons in the
can not be obtained, he may be made a alleged class.
defendant and the reason therefor shall be
stated in the complaint. SEC. 13. Alternative defendants.—Where the
SEC. 11. Misjoinder and non-joinder of parties. plaintiff is uncertain against who of several
—Neither misjoinder nor non-joinder of parties persons he is entitled to relief, he may join any
is ground for dismissal of an action. Parties or all of them as defendants in the alternative,
may be dropped or added by order of the court although a right to relief against one may be
on motion of any party or on its own initiative inconsistent with a right of relief against the
at any stage of the action and on such terms other.
as are just. Any claim against a misjoined party
may be severed and proceeded with SEC. 14. Unknown identity or name of
separately. defendant.—Whenever the identity or name of
Objects to defect in the parties impleaded should be a defendant is unknown, he may be sued as
made at the earliest opportunity, the moment such the unknown owner, heir, devisee, or by such
other designation as the case may require; the deceased. The court charges in procuring
when his identity or true name is discovered, such appointment, if defrayed by the opposing
the pleading must be amended accordingly. party, may be recovered as costs.
See Sec 1 RULE 11
SEC. 15. Entity without juridical personality as Whether an action survives or not depends on the
defendant.—When two or more persons not nature of the action and the damage sued for.
organized as an entity with juridical personality
enter into a transaction, they may be sued Cause of action which survive – the wrong complained
under the name by which they are generally or of affects primarily and principally property and property
commonly known. rights, injuries to the person being merely incidental
In the answer of such defendant the names
Cause of action which do not survive – the injury
and addresses of the persons composing said complained of is to the person the property or property
entity must all be revealed. rights affected being incidental.
RULE 14 SEC 8. Service upon entity without juridical
personality.— When persons associated in an entity
without juridical personality are sued under the name by These provisions apply where the claim
which they are generally or commonly known, service may
be effected upon all the defendants by serving upon any survives and regardless of whether:
one of them, or upon the person in charge of the office or 1. either the plaintiff or the defendant dies
place of business maintained in such name. But such 2. the case is in trial or appellate courts.
service shall not bind individually any person whose
connection with the entity has, upon due notice, been
severed before the action was brought. Order of substitution shall be served upon the parties
substituted in the action, otherwise the court does not
RULE 36 SEC. 6. Judgment against entity without juridical
personality.—When judgment is rendered against two or
acquire jurisdiction over the substitute party. No
more persons sued as an entity without juridical summons are required to be served on the substitute
personality, the judgment shall set out their individual or defendants.
proper names, if known.
Proceedings conducted by the trial court without order
SEC. 16. Death of party; duty of counsel.— of substitution are NULL and VOID.
Whenever a party to a pending action dies, and
the claim is not thereby extinguished, it shall Order of substitution first before order to amend the
be the duty of his counsel to inform the court complaint, otherwise it shall be VOID.
within thirty (30) days after such death of the
Actions that survive against the decedent’s
fact thereof, and to give the name and address
representatives are:
of his legal representative or representatives.
1. actions to recover real and personal property
Failure of counsel to comply with this duty against the estate;
shall be a ground for disciplinary action. 2. actions to enforce liens thereon;
3. actions tor recover for an injury to person or
The heirs of the deceased may be allowed to property by reason of tort or delict committed
be substituted for the deceased, without by the deceased.
requiring the appointment of an executor or
administrator and the court may appoint a
guardian ad litem for the minor heirs.

The court shall forthwith order said legal

representative or representatives to appear
and be substituted within a period of thirty (30)
days from notice.

If no legal representative is named by the

counsel for the deceased party or if the one so
named shall fail to appear within the specified
period, the court may order the opposing
party, within a specified time, to procure the
appointment of an executor or administrator
for the estate of the deceased and the latter
shall immediately appear for and on behalf of
SEC. 17. Death or separation of a party who is prosecuting claims against the estate of a
a public officer.—When a public officer is a deceased person.
party in an action in his official capacity and The action shall allowed to continue until entry of final
during its pendency dies, resigns, or other judgment, hence it will be necessary to have a legal
wise ceases to hold office, the action may be representative appear and be substituted for the
continued and maintained by or against his deceased defendant. Provisions of Sec 17 shall also
apply since the same governs regardless of which of the
successor if, within thirty (30) days after the parties to the action dies or whether the case is in the
successor takes office or such time as may be trial or appellate court.
granted by the court, it is satisfactorily shown
to the court by any party that there is a Such entry of final judgment may take place in the RTC
substantial need for continuing or maintaining or an appellate court. The money claim shall be filed in
it and that the successor adopts or continues the probate court.
or threatens to adopt or continue the action of
his predecessor. Before a substitution is made, SEC. 21. Indigent party.—A party may be
the party or officer to be affected, unless authorized to litigate his action, claim or
expressly assenting thereto, shall be given defense as an indigent if the court, upon an ex
reasonable notice of the application therefor parte application and hearing, is satisfied that
and accorded an opportunity to be heard. the party is one who has no money or property
The “officer of the Philippines” does not include a judge sufficient and available for food, shelter and
who is sued in connection with the exercise of his basic necessities for himself and his family.
judicial functions. Such authority shall include an exemption
from payment of docket and other lawful fees,
The challenged action of a public officer need not and of transcripts of stenographic notes which
necessarily involve a constitutional issue
the court may order to be furnished him. The
SEC. 18. Incompetency or incapacity.—If a amount of the docket and other lawful fees
party becomes incompetent or incapacitated, which the indigent was exempted from paying
the court, upon motion with notice, may allow shall be a lien on any judgment rendered in the
the action to be continued by or against the case favorable to the indigent, unless the court
incompetent or incapacitated person assisted otherwise provides.
by his legal guardian or guardian ad litem. Any adverse party may contest the grant of
The action shall continue to be prosecuted by or against such authority at any time before judgment is
him personally and not through his representatives, in rendered by the trial court. If the court should
line with the amendments in Sec 3 and 5 of this RULE. determine after hearing that the party declared
SEC. 19. Transfer of interest.—In case of any as an indigent is in fact a person with sufficient
transfer of interest, the action may be income or property, the proper docket and
continued by or against the original party, other lawful fees shall be assessed and
unless the court upon motion directs the collected by the clerk of court. If the payment
person to whom the interest is transferred to is not made within the time fixed by the court,
be substituted in the action or joined with the execution shall issue or the payment thereof,
original party. without prejudice to such other sanctions as
It does not provide that the substitution of parties the court may impose.
contemplated therein is mandatory, it being permissible
to continue the action by or against the original party in SEC. 22. Notice to the Solicitor General.—In
case of transfer of interest while the action is pending any action involving the validity of any treaty,
[pendent lite] law, ordinance, executive order, presidential
SEC. 20. Action on contractual money claims. decree, rules or regulations, the court, in its
—When the action is for recovery of money discretion, may require the appearance of the
arising from contract, express or implied, and Solicitor General who may be heard in person
the defendant dies before entry of final or through a representative duly designated by
judgment in the court in which the action was him.
pending at the time of such death, it shall not
be dismissed but shall instead be allowed to
continue until entry of final judgment. A
favorable judgment obtained by the plaintiff
therein shall be enforced in the manner
especially provided in these Rules for
residence of the person is his personal, actual, or
physical habitation or his actual residence or place of
abode whether permanent or temporary as long as he
resides with continuity and consistency therein

Where the subject matter of the action involves various

parcels of land situated in different provinces, the venue
is determined by the singularity or plurality of the
transactions involving said parcels of land.
Where a parcel of land is the object of one and the
same transaction, the venue was in the RTC of any of
the provinces where the land is situated.
If the parcels of land are subject of separate and distinct
transactions, there is no common venue and separate
actions should be laid in the RTC of the province where
each parcel of land is situated.

Venue in ejectment cases may be changed by

agreement of the parties, but it must be in writing before
the filing of the action.

SEC. 3. Venue of actions against nonresidents.

—If any of the defendants does not reside and
is not found in the Philippines, and the action
affects the personal status of the plaintiff, or
any property of said defendant located in the
Philippines, the action may be commenced and
tried in the court of the place where the
plaintiff resides, or where the property or any
portion thereof is situated or found.
Principal defendants – non resident but in the
Rule 4 Philippines – venue where the defendant may be found.
VENUE OF ACTIONS Plaintiff is non-resident of the Philippines, venue is the
SECTION 1. Venue of real actions.—Actions place where the defendant resides, or in real action
where the real property or part thereof is situated.
affecting title to or possession of real property, Defendant is non-resident and not found in the
or interest therein, shall be commenced and Philippines, civil action are proper only when the action
tried in the proper court which has jurisdiction affects the personal status of the plaintiff or property of
over the area wherein the real property the defendant.
involved, or a portion thereof, is situated. Where there is more than one defendant or plaintiff –
Forcible entry and detainer actions shall be residences of the principal parties should be the basis
commenced and tried in the municipal trial for determining the proper venue.
court of the municipality or city wherein the
real property involved, or a portion thereof, is EXCEPTION: civil actions for damages for LIBEL,
whether a criminal action has been filed or not. Venue
situated. shall apply to both resident and nonresidents assuming
SEC. 2. Venue of personal actions.—All other that jurisdiction over the latter has been acquired.
actions may be commenced and tried where SEC. 4. When Rule not applicable.—This Rule
the plaintiff or any of the principal plaintiffs shall not apply—
resides, or where the defendant or any of the (a) In those cases where a specific rule or law
principal defendants resides, or in the case of provides otherwise; or
a non-resident defendant where he may be (b) Where the parties have validly agreed in
found, at the election of the plaintiff. writing before the filing of the action on the
Venue for real action – place where the real property is
exclusive venue thereof.
To be binding, the parties must have agreed on the
Venue for personal action – residence of the parties with
exclusive nature of the venue of any prospective action
special provisions for nonresident defendants. The
between them, it must re restrictive and not permissive.
residence referred to is the place where the party
actually resides at the time the action is instituted. The
It is fundamental in the law governing venue of actions
that the place is fixed to attain the greatest convenience
possible to the litigants by taking into consideration the
maximum accessibility to them to the courts of justice.

Venue in personal actions is fixed for the convenience

of the plaintiff and his witnesses and to promote the
ends of justice.

The court may declare agreements on venue as

contrary to public policy if such stipulation denies a party
a fair opportunity to file suit in the place designated by
the Rules. The court shall take into consideration the
economic conditions of the parties, the practical need to
avoid numerous suits filed against the defendant in
various parts of the country and the peculiar
circumstances of the case.

In actions involving domestic corporations, for purposes

of venue, what is controlling is the location of its
principal place of business stated in the articles of
incorporation, not the branch office or place of business

A third party complain yields to the jurisdiction and

venue of the main action even said third party complaint
is based on a separate agreement which specifies a
different venue for suits arising from said agreement.

The Supreme Court has the power to order a change of

venue or place of trial in civil or criminal cases or other
judicial proceedings to avoid miscarriage of justice.
Rule 5 SECTION 1. Pleadings defined.—Pleadings are
UNIFORM PROCEDURE IN TRIAL COURTS the written statements of the respective claims
SECTION 1. Uniform procedure.—The and defenses of the parties submitted to the
procedure in the Municipal Trial Courts shall court for appropriate judgment.
be the same as in the Regional Trial Courts,
SEC. 2. Pleadings allowed.—The claims of a
except (a) where a particular provision
party are asserted in a complaint,
expressly or impliedly applied only to either of
counterclaim, cross-claim, third (fourth, etc.)—
said courts, or (b) in civil cases governed by
party complaint, or complaint-in-intervention.
the Rule on Summary procedure.
The defenses of a party are alleged in the
SEC. 2. Meaning of terms.—The term answer to the pleading asserting a claim
―Municipal Trial Courts‖ as used in these against him.
Rules shall include Metropolitan Trial Courts, An answer may be responded to by a reply.
In a broad sense, the term pleadings includes all papers
Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Trial files, excluding evidentiary matters, from the complaint
Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. down to the judgment. Documents attached to the
pleadings and made part of the pleadings.
Rules on Summary Procedure SEC. 3. Complaint.—The complaint is the
CIVIL cases: pleading alleging the plaintiff’s cause or
Pleadings: complaint, compulsory counterclaims and causes of action. The names and residences of
cross claims
VERIFICATION in all pleadings are REQUIRED
the plaintiff and defendant must be stated in
the complaint.
The jurisdiction of the court and the nature of the action
are determined by the averments in the complaint. The
prayer for relief is not controlling on the court and is
merely advisory as to the nature of the action.
SEC. 4. Answer.—An answer is a pleading in
which a defending party sets fourth his
RULE 11 SECTION 1. Answer to the complaint.—The
defendant shall file his answer to the complaint within
fifteen (15) days after service of summons, unless a
different period is fixed by the court.

RULE 11 SEC. 2. Answer of a defendant foreign private

juridical entity.—Where the
defendant is a foreign private juridical entity and service of
summons is made on the government official designated by
law to receive the same, the answer shall be filed within
thirty (30) days after receipt of summons by such entity.

RULE 14 SEC. 15. Extraterritorial service.—When the

defendant does not reside and is not found in the
Philippines, and the action affects the personal status of
the plaintiff or relates to, or the subject of which is, property
within the Philippines, in which the defendant has or claims
a lien or interest, actual or contingent; or in which the relief
demanded consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the
defendant from any interest therein, or the property of the
defendant has been attached within the Philippines, service
may, by leave of court, be effected out of the Philippines by
personal service as under section 6; or by publication in a
newspaper of general circulation in such places and for
such time as the court may order, in which case a copy of
the summons and order of the court shall be sent by
registered mail to the last known address of the defendant,
or in any other manner the court may deem sufficient. Any
order granting such leave shall specify a reasonable time,
which shall not be less than sixty (60) days after notice,
within which the defendant must answer.

SEC. 5. Defenses.—Defenses may either be

negative or affirmative.
(a) A negative defense is the specific denial
Rule 6 of the material fact or facts alleged in the
KINDS OF PLEADINGS pleading of the claimant essential to his
cause or causes of action.
(b) An affirmative defense is an allegation A cross-claim may also be filed against an
of a new matter which, while hypothetically original cross-claimant. (n)
admitting the material allegations in the SEC. 10. Reply.—A reply is a pleading, the
pleading of the claimant would office or function of which is to deny, or allege
nevertheless prevent or bar recovery by facts in denial or avoidance of new matters
him. The affirmative defenses include alleged by way of defense in the answer and
fraud, statute of limitations, release thereby join or make issue as to such new
payment, illegality, statute of frauds, matters. If a party does not file such reply, all
estoppel, former recovery, discharge in the new matters alleged in the answer are
bankruptcy, and any other matter by way of deemed controverted.
confession and avoidance. If the plaintiff whishes to interpose any claims
General denial will be deemed an admission of the arising out of the new matters so alleged such
averments in the complaint. claims shall be set forth in an amended or
supplemental complaint. (11)
The affirmative defenses listed in sec 5 (b) is not SEC. 11. Third, (fourth, etc.)—party complaint.
exclusive. Res judicata, ultra vires acts of a corporation,
or lack of authority of a person assuming to act for the
—A third (fourth, etc.)—party complaint is a
corporation, laches and unconstitutionality are claim that a defending party may, with leave of
affirmative defenses which should be specifically court, file against a person not a party to the
pleaded. action, called the third (fourth, etc.)—party
defendant, for contribution, indemnity,
If no motion to dismiss had been filed, any grounds subrogation or any other relief, in respect of
therefor may be raised as affirmative defenses in the his opponent’s claim. (12a)
answer. SEC. 12. Bringing new parties.—When the
SEC. 6. Counterclaim.—A counterclaim is any presence of parties other than those to
claim which a defending party may have the original action is required for the granting
against an opposing party. of complete relief in the determination of a
SEC. 7. Compulsory counterclaim.—A counterclaim or cross-claim, the court shall
compulsory counterclaim is one which, being order them to be brought in as defendants, if
cognizable by the regular courts of justice, jurisdiction over them can be obtained. (14)
arises out of or is connected with the SEC. 13. Answer to third (fourth, etc.)—party
transaction or occurrence constituting the complaint.—A third (fourth, etc.)—party
subject matter of the opposing party’s claim defendant may allege in his answer his
and does not require for its adjudication the defenses, counterclaims or cross-claims,
presence of third parties of whom the court including such defenses that the third (fourth,
cannot acquire jurisdiction. Such a etc.)—party plaintiff may have against the
counterclaim must be within the jurisdiction of original plaintiff’s claim. In proper cases, he
the court both as to the amount and the nature may also assert a counterclaim against the
thereof, except that in an original action before original plaintiff in respect of the latter’s claim
the Regional Trial Court, the counterclaim may against the third-party plaintiff.
be considered compulsory regardless of the

SEC. 8. Cross-claim.—A cross-claim is any

claim by one party against a co-party arising
out of the transaction or occurrence that is the
subject matter either of the original action or of
a counterclaim therein. Such cross-claim may
include a claim that the party against whom it
is asserted is or may be liable to the cross-
claimant for all or part of a claim asserted in
the action against the cross-claimant. (7)
SEC. 9. Counterclaims and counter-cross-
claims.—A counterclaim may be asserted
against an original counter-claimant.

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