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Fatima Grace P.


PA 214 Case Study no. 3

Recruiting a New Production Manager

Javier’s Enterprises manufactures a variety of food products. Analisa

Rafol had been the production manager for the past two years after being
promoted to the position. Unfortunately, she is failing in her job. She has been
with the company since it started 18 years ago and because of her
exceptional performance record, she had been promoted many times.

Javier’s Enterprises started as a family business and has followed a policy

of promotion from within to motivate employees and give them new
opportunities to learn and grow. The company is continuing to expand into
foreign markets and it is essential that the production department adopts the
latest technology and production processes.

Top management is convinced that the job demands someone who has
been educated in manufacturing technology and who has at least two years of

They are divided, however, on how to handle this problem.

One executive thinks the job should be given to one of the production
supervisors who is bright and capable and could probably acquire the
knowledge and skills needed to be a good production manager and still
preserve the company’s tradition of promoting from within.

Another executive thinks the company should advertise the job to solicit a
large number of applicants with excellent qualifications.

Answer the following questions:

1. How valuable is the tradition of promotion from within and how disruptive
will it be to deviate from the tradition? What are the advantages and risk of
promoting from within in this situation?

Promotion is a motivation or inspiration as an employee for them to exert from

their work they will became motivated and will became driven it will be a fuel
for them to keep going and to work harder. It is part of the tradition when
especially when you came from the lower position of course it’s their dream to
be promoted someday. It is extremely valuable for a company to have a
practice of promoting personnel from within since it can be a win-win situation
in which the company not only saves time and money, but also strengthens
the entire management team. Employers benefit as they already know an
employee's strengths and shortcomings, advancement chances motivate
employees to perform at their best, and the promoted person already knows
how the organization runs and understands the company's culture. However,
deviating from the said tradition may have negative consequences, such as
the likelihood of developing jealously among other employees when
promoted, bewilderment, and inability to cope with changes in the workplace.
There are pros and cons when it comes in promoting you are risking the
future of your company so it will be very vital for them so you need to observe
them very well for you to make sure that they have the qualities and skills if
they really need to be promoted they should not only based on the years of
the employee but the skills, experience because they risking the future of their

2. As head of HR, how are you going to handle the problem of the incumbent
production manager, Analisa Rafol, considering she rose from the ranks
because of exceptional performance record?

If I were the company's HR manager, I would speak with top management

and suggest that they assess Analisa's significant contributions to the
company, given that she has been with the company for 18 years and has
been promoted numerous times due to her remarkable performance record.
Although she had exceptional records for the past 18 years she is failing her
new job that’s why they should reconsider her promotion. It's wise to think
about those things carefully because they're quite important. Furthermore,
assigning someone with more promise to replace Rafol would be a better
choice. It is not always their past track record but also her current record
because its different from her position last time she may excel from that field
but she is currently failing her new assignment so considering others is not a
bad idea.

3. If the company decides to recruit from outside, what are the best external
recruiting sources for finding a new production manager?

As a member of the management team, the organization must find the best
qualified candidate with extensive experience in production management. I
recommend using the Private Employment Agencies technique, which can be
a great source of suitable applicants, as well as the head-hunters strategy,
which focuses on discovering high-level management and professional talent
for organizations by raiding or seducing individuals away from other
companies. Having a new fresh face in a company is a good thing because
they always offer something new in the table they are giving new vibe in the
workplace and for sure they need something new for that job because the
past manager didn’t work so they need something different from the outside
and finding the best production manager they should look for the skills that
they need and sometimes other companies are also looking so it will be a
competition in finding new production manager.

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