Faunillo - Essay On Social Institutions

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Name: John Andrie Faunillo Date: 12/01/21

Strand/Section: STEM 12-G

Lesson 3-A: Social and Political Institutions

Individual task

1. In no less than 5 sentences each, explain clearly how the following institutions contribute to
social order.
A. Family
Since this social Institution is composed of a group of individuals that are related to one
another by blood ties, marriage, or adoption which form an economic and socializing unit. Since
this so-called “Unit” is related to one another then this institution really contributes by making
individuals in a society feel that they have their own tribes. Family especially in this day and age
in my opinion is still considered a tribe because the individuals that are in this are the ones that
you spend time the most, these are the individuals that will give you the feeling of importance in
which every member of society is craving for. Family is also the foundation of an individual’s
values that will later turn into a tool when they are ready to go out to the society and do their
jobs as a member of it and it is not just values that a new member of this institution gets in the
family, it is also the education that the elders of the family have gathered and will pass on to the
other members of the family as well.

B. Educational Institutions
Education really has made a lot of contribution in social order since it provides the members
of the community the production and communication of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
understandings of phenomena in both natural and social world, it makes the members of the
community value judgements on the different kinds of phenomena. In hunter-gatherer societies
back then used education through the elders in where the elders pass on their knowledge on
the young ones in the society and in my opinion I see no difference in some ways in education in
this generation because parents still pass on some of their knowledge on their child in which the
child itself will also turn into a parent and pass it into his or her offspring as well, this can also be
seen in schools, where a teacher teaches his or her learning to the students in which the
students will use them as they go through life and pass them on as well and when I understood
this, education contributed a lot in the social order and one of them is making the next
generation of our species into a much more advanced generation than before an that is done by
what I’ve mentioned previously by passing on knowledge from one to another and by adding
more knowledge to make an idea much better than before. It also helps the members of
societies to become a much productive member in society and it prepares them to become a
responsible individual that a society needs.
C. Religion

Since the Religious Institution is set of beliefs adhered to by the members of the community.
This kind of institution is illustrated by its ritualistic practices and many symbolic practices that are
meant to inspire the members of the community that are involved in this institution, it gives the
members the overall sense of community and identity. Some members in the community of the
institution itself practice some sort of “Animism” which is the belief in supernatural entities
incorporated into various inanimate objects and natural phenomena like what I have mentioned
previously about symbolic practices. Religion itself has made a lot of contributions to social order such
as making the members of the community believe in a God that is good and merciful which makes the
members of the community be hopeful in whatever challenges they face in their life and in some cases
in religion, some have various kinds of traditions like praying a number of times a day or read a number
of pages a day and this kind of tradition gives people an identity just like what I have mentioned earlier
from the video that I have just watched entitled “What are social Institutions?” and this identity is
crucial in a persons life because without an identity a person is as dead as a corpse. Since there are
many kinds of religion in this world, then there are also many kinds of ideas and activities which can
sometimes lead to conflict in a member of this institution like for example a catholic that is eating pork
in a celebration in front of a Muslim, this conflict can really have a great impact on how people
communicate with each other, and this does not just apply in Christianity and Islam but in other religions
as well. Religion overall gives the members of the community a chance to socialize with one another and
it gives hope to people.

2. Contradistinguish the Liberalist or free-market economy and the Socialist or the economy
proposed by Karl Marx in terms of the following:
A. Basic Assumptions
B. Answers to the 3 basic questions, with specific examples

Socialist Economy

The socialist economic and political system includes shared ownership of the means of
production, which is sometimes known as communal or collective ownership. Machines, tools,
and factories that make commodities for human consumption. This form of output is
represented by consumption. The state, in a properly socialist society, oversees the economy.
All legal production and distribution decisions are made by the government, and citizens rely on
the government for everything from food to healthcare. The government sets the output and
pricing levels for numerous goods and services. According to socialists, shared resource
ownership and central planning result in a more equitable distribution of commodities and
services, as well as a more equitable society. Production for use rather than profit, an equitable
distribution of wealth and material resources among all people, no more competitive market
buying and selling, and free access to products and services are all socialist goals.
3 Basic Questions

• What should be produced?

In a socialist economy, the government is the one who makes all of the
economic choices.
• How much do these items cost?
The government is the one who sets the prices for the goods on the
• How do you make it?
For reasons such as stakeholder safety, the government is once again
the one who decides how a product should be created.


A. Education sometimes is free but after graduating the graduate must work for the
B. Some of the people’s salary is controlled by the government and in some cases, it isn’t
sufficient for the individual
C. There are only several products in a country because the government is the one who
controls the production.

Free-Market Economy

Free-Market economies are full of private companies in which the government is not involved,
or the government is only involved by a little percent. It is controlled by private owners. Ownership of
land or other resources in the socialist economy is owned by the government while in the free-market
economy it is the individual itself or the private firms who own such resources. The size and shape of the
country are determined by political and legal standards. The size of a country's free-market economy
can range from massive to non-existent. The characteristics of free markets are the individuals' fates are
determined by ad hoc, decentralized systems, and financial choices. One of the basic reasons for a free-
market economy is that it gives businesses a real incentive to deliver goods and services that consumers
want. That is, businesses that successfully respond to customer needs are rewarded with increased
earnings. Because the means of production are in private hands, those who hold them not only amass a
disproportionate amount of riches, but they also have the capacity to repress the rights of those who
work for them.
3 Basic Questions

• What should be produced?

With little government involvement, it will be up to private sector
enterprises and customers to choose and purchase products.
• How much do these items cost?
Prices for products and services are established freely by the forces of
supply and demand in an idealized free-market economy, and they are
permitted to achieve their point of equilibrium without government

• How do you make it?

The producers or private business sectors are the ones that decides
what to produce and how a product should be produced in a market economy.


A. Consumers can access to several amounts of products if they can afford to buy them.
B. An Individual is free to start a business and exchange their labor and collect wages.
C. You can file for a patent for your product so that your competitions cannot copy what you
created, or they can pay if you if they want to copy what you created.
D. People are free to invest their money on a certain company or a product in exchange for a
percentage of that company or a small profit from a product.
E. You can use other people’s money to gain an asset which is also known as applying for a
loan in the bank and paying a certain amount of interest monthly.

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