Interpretation Worksheet Sample

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Baptist Bible College Asia (BBCA) - Guiguinto

Hermeneutics & Inductive Bible Study for General Epistles

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us
throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us
run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the
cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Interpretative Questions:
• Who are these such a great cloud of witnesses?
• Why we need to throw the sins that hinder us and run the race with
• Why we need to fix our eye on Jesus the perfecter of our faith?

Finding Answers:

Content and Context:

• These such a great cloud of witnesses are given in chapter 11 with their
testimonies given. Like Abraham as he obeyed the Lord to go the place, he
will be given without raising any question. He followed and it was credit to
him as righteousness.
• We need to throw the sins that hinder us because we have already an
example that we can follow these are the people who run the race with
perseverance and resulted with their testimonies in chapter 11.
• We need to fix our eyes on Jesus because he is the best example amongst
all the testimonies given in chapter 11. He is the author and perfecter of
our faith.

Compare, Consult and Confirm:

• According to NIV Application Commentary, the reference to the “great

cloud of witnesses” is based on the exhortation given from the example in
chapter 11. So by the content of the passage, it is affirmed that it is
referring to the heroes of faith in chapter 11 of the Book of Hebrews.
Baptist Bible College Asia (BBCA) - Guiguinto
Hermeneutics & Inductive Bible Study for General Epistles

• According to Bible Knowledge Commentary, we need to set aside whatever

struggles that we can encounter. We just need to focus to the author and
perfecter of our faith which is Christ Jesus.

• NIV Application Commentary speaks of an important word as it is use also

as “author” (other translation use “perfecter”). It has a in-depth definition
that communicates as supreme or on-top of all. He initiates to us the faith
that we need in this life that is why the example in the Book of Hebrews
focus on Jesus Christ.

Integration and Summary:

• What were the reader’s need?

The reader’s need is to look on the author and perfecter of our faith as it is
modeled by the people in chapter 11.

• What was the author’s message to meet this need?

The author gives an example to which the readers will follow as a model of
faith which Jesus Christ the perfecter of faith.

• What was the author’s main idea in this passage?

The encourage the listener to focus on the author and perfecter of faith so
that they can leave the sins that hinders them to grow in faith in Christ.

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