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Abdul Qadir Gilani

ʿAbdul Qādir Gīlānī, (Persian: ‫عبدالقادر گیالنی‬‎, Arabic: ‫عبدالقادر الجيالني‬‎) known by admirers as
Muḥyī l-Dīn Abū Muḥammad b. Abū Sāliḥ ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Gīlānī al-Ḥasanī wa'l-Ḥusaynī, was
a Hanbali Sunni Muslim preacher, ascet ic, myst ic, jurist , and t heologian, known for being t he
eponymous founder of t he Qadiriyya t ariqa (Sufi order) of Sufism.[10]
Abdul Qadir Gilani

Title Shaykh al-Islam

Ghawth ul Adham
Sultan ul-Auliya


Born March 23, 1078 CE

(1 Ramadan, 470 AH)

Gilan, Seljuk Sultanate

Died February 21, 1166 CE

(11 Rabi' al-T hani, 561 AH)

(aged 87)
Baghdad, Abbasid Caliphate

Resting place Baghdad, Iraq

Religion Islam

Children Abdul Razzaq Gilani

Era Islamic Golden Age

(Later Abbasid Era)

Region Baghdad

Denomination Sunni

Jurisprudence Hanbali[1][2]

Creed Athari

Main interest(s) Fiqh, Sufism

Tariqa Qadiriyya (founder)

Muslim leader

Influenced by
Abu Saeed Mubarak Makhzoomi

Abdul Razzaq Gilani, Abdullah Awn, Mu'in al-Din Chishti,[3] Shihab al-Din 'Umar al-Suhrawardi,[3]
Sayyid Mir Jan,[4] Al-Nawawi,[5][6] Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi,[3] Madar Ahmed Shirwac,[7] Uways al-Barawi,
Abadir Umar ar-Rida, Al-Zaylaʽi[8][9]

He was born on 1 Ramadan 470 AH (March 23, 1078) in t he t own of Na'if in Gilan, Iran, and died on
Monday, February 21, 1166 (11 Rabi' al-Thani 561 AH), in Baghdad.[11][nb 1][12] He was a Persian
Hanbali Sunni jurist and Sufi based in Baghdad.[11][1][2] The Qadiriyya t ariqa is named aft er him.[13]


The honorific Muhiyudin denot es his st at us wit h many Sufis as a "reviver of religion".[14] Gilani
(Arabic al-Jilani) refers t o his place of birt h, Gilan.[15][16] However, Gilani also carried t he epit het
Baghdadi, referring t o his residence and burial in Baghdad.[17][18][19]

Family background

Gilani's fat her, Abu Saleh Moosah, was from a Sayyid lineage, t racing his descent from Hasan ibn
Ali, a grandson of t he Islamic prophet Muhammad.[20][21][10] Abu Saleh was respect ed as a saint
by t he people of his day, and was known as Jungi Dost (meaning "gian-lover" in louri), which was
originally his fat her's sobriquet .[10][22][23][24] Gilani's mot her, Ummul Khair Fat ima, was also a Sayyid,
having been a descendant of Muhammad al-Jawad, himself descended from Husayn ibn Ali, t he
younger brot her of Hasan.[25]


Gilani spent his early life in Gilan, t he province of his birt h. In 1095, at t he age of eight een, he
went t o Baghdad. There, he pursued t he st udy of Hanbali law under Abu Saeed Mubarak
Makhzoomi and ibn Aqil.[26][27] He st udied Hadit h wit h Abu Muhammad Ja'far al-Sarraj.[27] His Sufi
spirit ual inst ruct or was Abu'l-Khair Hammad ibn Muslim al-Dabbas.[28] (A det ailed descript ion of
his various t eachers and subject s are included below). Aft er complet ing his educat ion, Gilani left
Baghdad. He spent t went y-five years wandering in t he desert s of Iraq.[29]

School of law

Al-Jilani belonged t o t he Shafi'i and Hanbali schools of law.[30] He placed Shafi'i jurisprudence
(fiqh) on an equal foot ing wit h t he Hanbali school (madhhab), and used t o give fat wa according t o
bot h of t hem simult aneously.[31] This is why al-Nawawi praised him in his book ent it led Bustan al-
'Arifin (Garden of t he Spirit ual Mast ers), saying: "We have never known anyone more dignified t han
Baghdad's Sheikh Muhyi al-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be pleased wit h him, t he Sheikh of
Shafi'is and Hanbalis in Baghdad".[6][5][32]

Qadiriyya tariqa (Sufi order) of Sufism

He est ablished Qadiriyya t ariqa order, wit h it s many offshoot s, is widespread, various part s of t he
world, and can also be found in Unit ed Kingdom, Africa, Turkey, Indonesia, Afghanist an, India,
Bangladesh, Pakist an, t he Balkans, Russia, Palest ine, China,[33] and East and West Africa.[34]

The Qadiriyya flourished, surviving t he Mongolian conquest of Baghdad in 1258, and remained an
influent ial Sunni inst it ut ion. Aft er t he fall of t he Abbasid Caliphat e, t he legend of Gilani was
furt her spread by a t ext ent it led The Joy of the Secrets in Abdul-Qadir's Mysterious Deeds (Bahjat
al-asrar fi ba'd manaqib 'Abd al-Qadir) at t ribut ed t o Nur al-Din 'Ali al-Shat t anufi, who depict ed
Gilani as t he ult imat e channel of divine grace [35] and helped t he Qadiri order t o spread far beyond
t he region of Baghdad.[35]

By t he end of t he fift eent h cent ury, t he Qadiriyya had dist inct branches and had spread t o
Morocco, Spain, Turkey, India, Et hiopia, Somalia, and present -day Mali.[35] Est ablished Sufi sheikhs
oft en adopt ed t he Qadiriyya t radit ion wit hout abandoning leadership of t heir local communit ies.
During t he Safavid dynast y's rule of Baghdad from 1508 t o 1534, t he sheikh of t he Qadiriyya was
appoint ed chief Sufi of Baghdad and t he surrounding lands. Short ly aft er t he Ot t oman Empire
conquered Baghdad in 1534, Suleiman t he Magnificent commissioned a dome t o be built on t he
mausoleum of Abdul-Qadir Gilani, est ablishing t he Qadiriyya as his main allies in Iraq.

Later life
In 1127, Gilani ret urned t o Baghdad and began t o preach t o t he public.[36] He joined t he t eaching
st aff of t he school belonging t o his own t eacher, al-Mazkhzoomi, and was popular wit h st udent s.
In t he morning he t aught hadit h and t afsir, and in t he aft ernoon he held discourse on t he science
of t he heart and t he virt ues of t he Quran. He was said t o have been a convincing preacher and
convert ed numerous Jews and Christ ians. He was able t o reconcile t he myst ical nat ure of Sufism
wit h t he sober demands of Islamic Law.[36]

Death and burial

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani Mosque in Baghdad 1925

Gilani died on 21 February 1166 (11 Rabi' al-Thani 561 AH) at t he age of 87.[12] His body was
ent ombed in a shrine wit hin his madrasa in Babul-Sheikh, Rusafa on t he east bank of t he Tigris in
Baghdad, Iraq.[37][38][39]

During t he reign of t he Safavid Shah Ismail I, Gilani's shrine was dest royed.[40] However, in 1535,
t he Ot t oman Sult an Suleiman t he Magnificent had a dome built over t he shrine, which st ill
exist s.[41]

Birthday and death anniversary celebration

1 Ramadan is celebrat ed as Gilani's birt hday while his deat h anniversary is on 11 Rabi' al-Thani,
alt hough some scholars[42] give 29 Sha'ban and 17 Rabi' al-Thani as his birt h and deat h days. In
t he Indian subcont inent , his ‘urs, or deat h anniversary, is called Giyarwee Shareef, or Honoured
Tomb of Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Baghdad, Iraq.


Kitab Sirr al-Asrar wa Mazhar al-Anwar[44] (The Book of t he Secret of Secret s and t he
Manifest at ion of Light )

Futuh al ghaib (Secret s of t he unseen)

Ghunyat t ut t alibeen (Treasure for seekers) ‫غنیہ الطالیبین‬

Al-Fuyudat al-Rabbaniya (Emanat ions of Lordly Grace)[45]

Fift een Let t ers: Khamsat a 'Ashara Makt uban[46]

Kibriyat e Ahmar[47]

A Concise Descript ion of Jannah & Jahannam[48]

The Sublime Revelat ion (al-Fat ḥ Ar-rabbānī)[49]

See also


Moinuddin Chisht i


Sayings of Shaikh Abd al-Qadir al-Jīlānī Malfūzāt , Holland, Muht ar (t ranslat or). S. Abdul Majeed
& Co, Kuala Lumpur (1994) ISBN 1-882216-03-2.
Fifteen letters, khamsata ashara maktūban / Shaikh Abd Al-Qādir Al-Jīlānī. Translat ed from
Persian t o Arabic by Alī usāmu ́D -Dīn Al-Mut t aqī. Translat ed from Arabic int o English by Muht ar

Kamsata ašara maktūban. First edit ion. ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn, ʿAlī B., ʿAbd al-Malik al- Mut t aqī al-Hindī
(about 1480–1567) and Muht ar Holland (1935–). Al-Baz publicat ions, Hollywood, Florida. (1997)
ISBN 1-882216-16-4.

Jalā Al-Khawātir: a collection of forty-five discourses of Shaikh Abd Al-Qādir Al-Jīlānī, the
removal of cares. Chapt er 23, pg 308. Jalā al-Khawāt ir, Holland, Muht ar (1935–) (t ranslat or). Al-
Baz publicat ions, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (1997) ISBN 1-882216-13-X.

The sultan of the saints: mystical life and teachings of Shaikh Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani /
Muhammad Riaz Qadiri Qadiri, Muhammad Riyaz. Gujranwala, Abbasi publicat ions. (2000)
ISBN 969-8510-16-8.

The sublime revelation: al-Fath ar-Rabbānī, a collection of sixty-two discourses / Abd al-Qādir al-
Jīlānī, Second edit ion. al-Rabbānī, al-Fat h. Al-Baz publicat ions, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (1998).
ISBN 1-882216-02-4.

Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din, (Sufficient provision for seekers of the path of truth and
religion), Parts one and two in Arabic. Al-Qadir, Abd, Al-Gaylani. Dar Al-Hurya, Baghdad, Iraq,

Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din, (Sufficient provision for seekers of the path of truth and
religion.) in Arabic. Int roduced by Al-Kilani, Majid Irsan. Dar Al-Khair, Damascus, Bairut , (2005).

Encyclopædia Iranica, Bibliot heca Persica PresS, ISBN 1-56859-050-4.

Geography of t he Baz Ahhab second reading in t he biography of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, and
t he birt hplace of his birt h according t o t he met hodology of scient ific research (MA in Islamic
Hist ory from Baghdad Universit y in 2001) of Iraqi researcher Jamal al-Din Faleh Kilani, review
and submission of t he hist orian Emad Abdulsalam Rauf،Publishe Dar Baz Publishing, Unit ed
St at es of America, 2016, t ranslat ed by Sayed Wahid Al-Qadri Aref.


1. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (https://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/693) at the Encyclopædia


1. John Renard, The A to Z of Sufism. p 142. ISBN 081086343X

2. Juan Eduardo Campo, Encyclopedia of Islam, p. 288. ISBN 1438126964

3. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (20 January 2019). Jamal al-Din Faleh al-Kilani (ed.). "Futuh al-Ghayb
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4. Tazkare Khanwade Hazrat Ishaan, by Muhammad Yasin Qaswari, by Kooperatis Lahorin, Edare Talimat
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5. "How the Mashaayikh Praise Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani" (https://web.archive.org/web/2020102000480

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8. Reese, Scott S. (2001). "The Best of Guides: Sufi Poetry and Alternate Discourses of Reform in Early
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9. Majmu al-Fatawa, Volume 10, Page 455

10. Abdul Qadir Gilani (http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/abd-al-qader-jilani) at Encyclopædia Iranica

11. W. Braune, Abd al-Kadir al-Djilani, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. I, ed. H.A.R Gibb, J.H.Kramers, E.
Levi-Provencal, J. Schacht, (Brill, 1986), 69;"authorities are unanimous in stating that he was a Persian
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12. The works of Shaykh Umar Eli of Somalia of al-Tariqat al-Qadiriyyah.

13. "Sufism, Sufis, and Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths" (http://islam.uga.edu/sufismorders.html) .
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15. Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics: volume 1. (A – Art). Part 1. (A – Algonquins) pg 10. Hastings,
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16. The Sufi orders in Islam, 2nd edition, pg 32. Triingham, J. Spencer and Voll, John O. Oxford University
Press US, (1998), "The Hanafi Qadirriya is also included since 'Abd al-Qadir, of Persian origin was
contemporary of the other two."

17. Devotional Islam and politics in British India: Ahmad Riza Khan Barelwi and his movement, 1870–1920,
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19. Indo-iranica pg 7. The Iran Society, Calcutta, India. (1985).

20. Historical and political who's who of Afghanistan. p 177. Adamec, Ludwig W. (1975)

21. Qādrī, Muḥammad Riyāz̤ (2000-01-01). The Sultan of the Saints: Mystical Life and Teaching of Shaikh
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22. "Sulook organisation website" (https://web.archive.org/web/20110728070800/http://sulook.org/jsp/bio

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24. Encyclopaedia of Sufism, volume 1, Kahn, Masood Ali and Ram, S.

25. Qādrī (2000, p. 21)

26. Campo, Juan Eduardo (2009-01-01). Encyclopedia of Islam (https://books.google.com/books?id=OZby

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28. Malise Ruthven, Islam in the World, p 243. ISBN 0195305035

29. Esposito J. L. The Oxford dictionary of Islam. p160. ISBN 0199757267

30. "The Tariqa of Shaikh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani" (http://www.iqra.dreamhosters.com/articles/Jilani/jilani3.ht

ml) . Iqra Islamic Publications.

31. Vidyajyoti Institute of Religious Studies (1989). Islam in India, Volume 4 (https://books.google.com/boo
ks?id=OUQwAAAAYAAJ) . Vikas Publishing House. p. 219.

32. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (20 January 2019). Jamal al-Din Faleh al-Kilani (ed.). "Futuh al-Ghayb
("Revelations of the Unseen")" (https://books.google.com/books?id=sVqEDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA8) .
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33. Gladney, Dru. "Muslim Tombs and Ethnic Folklore: Charters for Hui Identity" (http://www2.hawaii.edu/~d
ru/articles/tombs.pdf) Journal of Asian Studies, August 1987, Vol. 46 (3): 495–532; pp. 48–49 in the
PDF file.

34. Abun-Nasr, Jamil M. "The Special Sufi Paths (Tariqas)". Muslim Communities of Grace: The Sufi
Brotherhoods in Islamic Religious Life. New York: Columbia UP, 2007. 86–96.

35. Tarin

36. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (https://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/693) at the Encyclopædia


37. Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din (Sufficient provision for seekers of the path of truth and
religion), parts one and two in Arabic, Al-Qadir, Abd and Al-Gilani. Dar Al-Hurya, Baghdad, Iraq, (1988).

38. Al-Ghunya li-talibi tariq al-haqq wa al-din (Sufficient provision for seekers of the path of truth and
religion) with introduction by Al-Kilani, Majid Irsan. Al-Kilani, Majid, al-Tariqat, 'Ursan, and al-Qadiriyah,

39. "The Qadirya Mausoleum" (http://islamictourism.com/PDFs/Issue%2017/English/66-74%20al%20jilan

y.pdf) (PDF).

40. A.A. Duri, Baghdad, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. I, 903.

41. W. Braune, Abd al-Kadir al-Djilani, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. I, 70.

42. Shammsuddin, Khawaja (2017-10-22). Baran-e-Rahmat – The Rain of Mercy Part 2 (https://books.goog
le.com/books?id=BnQCDgAAQBAJ&q=baran+e+rahmat+book) . p. 156. ISBN 978-1-326-75227-9.

43. "Ghousia" (http://www.ghousia.net/GIYARWEE%20SHAREEF.php) .

44. "Sirr-ul-Asrar" (http://www.nafseislam.com/en/Literature/Arabic/Books/SirrulAsrar/SirrulAsrar.htm) .

www.nafseislam.com. Retrieved 2016-08-04.

45. "Al-Fuyudat al-Rabbaniyya" (http://www.al-baz.com/shaikhabdalqadir/Books_and_Text_of_Wisdom/Al-F

uyudat_al-Rabbaniyya/al-fuyudat_al-rabbaniyya.htm) . www.al-baz.com. Retrieved 2021-05-05.

46. Al-Jilani, 'Abd Al-Qadir (2019-05-27). Fifteen Letters: Khamsata 'Ashara Maktuban (https://books.googl
e.com/books?id=QdexAQAACAAJ&q=Abdul+qadir+jilani+books) . Islamic Book Trust. ISBN 978-967-

47. "Marfat Library" (http://www.marfat.com/BookDetailPage.aspx?bookId=e0f65833-96e2-4b11-9c24-793

971443707) . www.marfat.com. Retrieved 2021-05-05.

48. A concise description of Jannah & Jahannam, the garden of paradise and the fire of hell : excerpted
from 'Sufficient provision for seekers of the Path of Truth (Al-Ghunya li-Tālibi al-Ḥaqq) (http://worldcat.o
rg/oclc/1158643778) . Ta-Ha. 2010. ISBN 978-1-84200-120-2. OCLC 1158643778 (https://www.world
cat.org/oclc/1158643778) . |first= missing |last= (help)
49. al-Jīlānī, ʻAbd al-Qādir (1998). The Sublime Revelation (al-Fatḥ Ar-rabbānī): A Collection of Sixty-two
Discourses (https://books.google.com/books?id=clKPAAAAMAAJ) . Al-Baz Publishing, Incorporated.
ISBN 978-1-882216-02-4.

External links

Wikiquot e has quot at ions relat ed t o: Abdul Qadeer Gilani

lisanarabs.‫( جغرافية الباز األشهب – قراءة ثانية في سيرة الشيخ عبد القادر الكيالني – جمال الدين الكيالني‬ht t p
s://archive.org/det ails/lisanarabs_ kilany11) GOGHRAFI ALBAZ ALASHB, at archive.org.

Revelat ions of t he Unseen (ht t ps://archive.org/det ails/QadirRevelat ionsUnseen) Translat ion

of Fut uh al-Ghaib, at archive.org.

Sufficient Provision For Seekers Of The Pat h Of Trut h (ht t ps://archive.org/det ails/QADIRJILA
NIAlGhunyaLiTalibiTariqAlHaqqSufficient ProvisionForSeekersOfThePat hOfTrut h) Translat ion
of part s of Al-Ghunya Li Talibi Tariq Al-Haqq, at archive.org.

Openings from t he Lord (ht t ps://archive.org/det ails/AlFat hAlRabbaniexcerpt sByQadirAlJilani)

Translat ion of excerpt s from Al-Fat h Al-Rabbani, at archive.org.

Ut t erances (ht t ps://archive.org/det ails/Malfuzat ut t erancesByQadirAlJilani) Translat ion of

Malfuzat , at archive.org.

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