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Week 5: Toolbox

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+T (Cmd+T or Ctrl+T) — Insert Table

Shift+Space (Shift+Space) — Select table row

Ctrl+Space (Ctrl+Space) — Select table column

Ctrl+A (Cmd+A) — Select table

Ctrl+. — Move between the corners of a table

Excel Terminology

Named Ranges and Tables

Named Ranges and Tables have some overlap in functionality and use, but there
are some key differences.

Named Ranges Tables

Automatically extend to include rows
Do not automatically extend at the edges of their range
Behaves like an absolute reference when used in a
Structured References behave like a
formula — when you copy the formula to another
when used in a formula — when you
column the reference to the Named Range will remain
to another column the Structured Ref
the same
Do not have formatting tools Can be easily formatted
Named Ranges do not know about other Named Provide a range of sorting and filtering
Ranges — they do not work together with the Table as a whole unit
Ninja Tip of the Week

You can easily move columns and rows around in tables:

To move a column in a table you must first select the column that you desire to
move then navigate the mouse icon to either the right/left edge depending on
which direction you want to move the column in, move the mouse icon it till this
icon appears:

Click and drag the column to the position you want it in, watch the vertical bar that
appears to drag it to the edge of the column you desire to move to. You can move
a row using a similar process.

Week 4: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl+D -- Duplicate a chart

F4 -- Cycle between relative and absolute references

When you are writing a formula, if you have a cell reference selected, such as D4,
if you press F4 once you will get the absolute reference $D$4, press it again to get
D$4 (row absolute, column relative), again to get $D4 (column absolute, row
relative), and once more will get you back to the relative reference D4.

Ctrl+Shift+> -- Increase the font size of a chart element

This only works on Windows. On Mac you should use the font size tools in the
Home tab of the ribbon:

Excel Terminology


The function signatures for the 2 functions are:

COUNTIF(range, criteria)

COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…)

If you only have 1 criteria that you want to count, these functions are identical.
However, you can also use COUNTIFS when you have multiple criteria. Other
functions that follow this pattern are SUMIF/SUMIFS and
AVERAGEIF/AVERAGEIFS. We recommend that you always use the -IFS
versions of these functions.

Criteria Range
This is the range of data that includes the subset which is of interest. For example,
the Account Manager range when Connor Betts is the subset of interest.
Relative and Absolute Cell References
A relative cell reference looks like D4. This consists of the column letter(s) and row
number(s). If you copy this cell reference one column to the right it will change to
E4. The column letter will increase by 1. Similarly, if you copy it one row down it will
change to D5. The row number will increase by 1. This is very useful as you can
write 1 formula and copy it across or down and have the formula change as you
copy it.

But what happens if you do not want the cell reference to change when you copy
the formula? You can change the cell reference to an absolute cell reference by
putting dollar signs ($) in front of the column letter and row number. So we could
change D4 to $D$4. Now when you copy the formula the cell reference will not

You can also have mixed cell references, where either the column or row is
“locked” and the other is relative. If you copy $D4 one column to the right it will not
change, but if you copy it one row down it will change to $D5. Similarly, D$4 will not
change when copied down rows but will when copied across columns.

Types of Trendlines
When you add a trendline to a chart it will default to a Linear trendline. However,
there are other options:
Exponential fits a lot of curved lines. It is ideal when data values rise or fall at
constantly increasing rates:

Linear is good for a straight line graph, this shows a constant rate of change:
A Logarithmic trendline is useful when the rate of change in the data increases or
decreases quickly and then levels out:

Polynomial is good for data that fluctuates, a single peak like this would be an
order 2, two peaks would be an order 3, you can go up to order 6.
Power trendlines are good for datasets that compare measurements that increase
at a specific rate:

And a moving average is good for evening out fluctuations in the data:
The Elements of a Chart
When you want to drag a chart around a worksheet you might find that you
accidentally drag one of the elements within the chart instead. To drag a chart you
should put your mouse in the Chart Area. But where is this? The Chart Area is the
part of the chart that is not covered by any other elements. If you hover over the
chart a tooltip will appear showing you which element you are hovering over.

Some common chart elements are the Chart Area:

Plot Area:
Chart Title:

These elements might not appear in the same place as on this chart. You can
move these elements around manually or use the Quick Layout tool.

Changing the Scale of a Chart

In the Advanced Charting video, we show how you can change the Axis Bounds of
a chart. This has the effect of changing the scale of the chart. You can use this to
emphasize a particular feature of the chart or it can mislead the reader into thinking
that an effect is more important or dramatic than it actually is. There is no firm rule
about this. You should be very careful when presenting any data that you are
representing the data faithfully and not just telling the story that you or your
audience wants to hear.

Ninja Tip of the Week

Comparison Operators
The criteria in these functions can use different comparisons. The simplest is equal
to. You use this when you want to find an exact match between the values in the
criteria range and a given value. For example, =COUNTIFS(Account_Manager,
"Connor Betts") or =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, 50).

Equal to is the comparison operator that Excel will use if you do not specify
something else. You can explicitly use the equal to operator by using, for example,
"=50", but you generally do not need to. Notice that you need to use quotation
marks when you specify the comparison operator.

The comparison operators for numbers are:

Equal to (=) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, 50) or =COUNTIFS(Order_Qua

Not equal to (<>) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, "<>50")
Greater than (>) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, ">50")
Greater than or equal to (>=) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, ">=50")
Less than (<) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, "<50")
Less than or equal to (<=) =COUNTIFS(Order_Quantity, "<=50")
You can use these comparison operators with dates as well. You should specify
the date in your local format, for example =COUNTIFS(Order_Date,"<2015-01-

These operators also work when you are comparing text. Equal to and not equal to
work the way that you would expect. The greater than and less than operators
work by comparing the words letter-by-letter. So "a"<"b" and "apple"<"apricot".
Note that these are case-insensitive: =COUNTIFS(Product_Container, "Small
Box") and =COUNTIFS(Product_Container, "small box") do the same thing.

When comparing text there are 2 other operators that you can use: ? and *. These
are called wildcards and can take the place of a single letter (?) or many letters (*).
So S?ng will match Sang, Sing, Song and Sung (as well as nonsense words like
Sqng) but it will not match Sting. The asterisk (*) will match any number of letters.
So we could use =COUNTIFS(Product_Container, "Small *") and that will count
Small Box and Small Pack.

Using a cell reference in the title of a chart

Just like a regular cell, chart titles can contain fixed values or you can use a
formula. However, you can only use very simple formulas that refer to another cell.
If you want to use a more complicated formula, you should create that formula in a
cell and then reference that cell from the chart title.

Click on the chart title. It is important that the title is only selected, not in edit mode
Notice that the chart title has a solid border around it. If you click inside it to start
editing, the border changes to a dashed line

You can press Escape to get out of edit mode.

So we have the title selected. Now, how do we start all formulas? With an '=', so
type that, then click on a cell and press Enter to point the chart title to that cell. If
you are using the workbook for the Advanced Charting video, use A37 (Orders by
Year and State) as the cell that contains the title.

On the Mac you will need to select the title, click in the Formula Bar, type '=', then
click on the target cell. This also works on Windows, but you have the option not to
click on the Formula Bar.


Week 3: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Enter -- Finish Editing and stay in the cell.

When you are typing in a cell, if you press Enter you will move to the next cell
down or Tab to move to the next cell to the right. To finish editing but stay in the
same cell you can use Ctrl+Enter instead.

F3 -- Paste Name
When you are writing a formula, if you cannot remember the Named Range that
you are trying to use, the Paste Name dialog can help by displaying a list of all the
names defined in the workbook.

Ctrl+F3 -- Name Manager (Windows only)

You can use the Name Manager to create, modify and delete Named Ranges.

Cmd+fn+F3 -- Define Name (Mac only):

The shortcut key is Mac-specific but the Define Name tool is available in both
Windows and Mac. It allows you to create new Named Ranges.

Ctrl+Shift+F3. Mac: Cmd+Shift+fn+F3 -- Create Names from Selection

If you want to create several named ranges at once you can use the Create Names
from Selection tool. First, select the range, including headers, then activate the
tool. You can choose where the names come from, usually the Top row or Left
column, but you can also use the Bottom row or Right column.

Ctrl+Shift+Arrows -- Select to the edges of the data

To easily select large data ranges you can use Ctrl+Shift and the arrow key in the
direction you want to select. Continue to hold down Ctrl+Shift and use another
arrow to select in another direction.


Named Ranges

Named Ranges are a way to give a memorable name to a single cell or range of
cells. You can then use this Named Range in formulas where it functions like an
absolute cell reference. It can also make your formulas more readable because the
name has more meaning than a cell reference. For example, =N4*Pension_Rate is
more meaningful than =N4*$P$2.

Ninja Tip of the Week

Excel Terminology

3-D Reference

The references we have used before can be thought of as 2-D references because
they have 2 dimensions (2 important things to specify to identify a cell): columns
(letters) and rows (numbers). They might refer to a single cell (A3), a range in the
same row or column (A3:D3, B2:B5), or span multiple rows and columns (A3:D6).
These cells must all be on the same Worksheet.

If you expand these references to include multiple Worksheets, you get a 3-D
reference (an extra dimension to specify to identify a cell). Again, these can refer to
a single cell on multiple Worksheets (Sean:Carlos!C8), or a range of cells on
multiple Worksheets (Sean:Carlos!C8:E13).


In this topic, structure refers to the way the data is arranged in the workbook (this
means the number of rows and columns into which the data is entered and also the
order of the rows and columns that the data appears in).


This is your entire Excel file. It contains 1 or more Worksheets.


Often just called a Sheet, this is where your data and charts live in Excel. You must
have at least 1 Worksheet in your Workbook and the upper limit is only limited by
the resources on your computer.

Ninja Tip of the Week

If you have many Worksheets in your Workbook, it can be difficult to move

between them to find the one you are looking for. You can use the Activate dialog
to move directly to a sheet. Right-click on the arrows next to the Worksheet tabs:
You will see the Activate dialog:

You can select the Worksheet to move to and click OK. In this Workbook there are
only 4 Worksheets, so it does not save much time, but it would be very useful if you
had many Worksheets.
Week 6: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft

Office Support pages

F11 (F11*) -- Insert new Chart sheet from selection.

* To use the Function keys in Excel on a Mac you will need to use the fn key in
addition to the function key.

If you don't want to press the fn key each time, you can change your Apple system

1. On the Apple menu, press System Preferences.

2. Select Keyboard.
3. On the Keyboard tab, select the check box for Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as
standard function keys.
This will now mean you need to use the fn key in addition to the Function key of
choiceto perform the special operations (change volume for instance)

Some function keys may be set to Operating System tasks. F11 may show your
desktop rather than creating a chart. If you wish to modify this behavior you can do
change this from the Apple System Preferences:

1. On the Apple menu, press System Preferences.

2. Select Keyboard.
3. On the Shortcuts tab, select mission control
4. Uncheck Show Desktop
You may find other Function keys are set to certain Operating System behaviors
also. You can change the key associated with the behavior, or disable it. Please
exercise caution when modifying the key to perform a behavior as this will override
other expected behavior performed by the key.

Excel Terminology

Chart Area
The chart area refers to the entire chart; typical elements are the data series, axes,
titles and legends.

Chart Sheet

A chart sheet is a worksheet that only contains one chart. If you want to move your
chart to a chart sheet, you need to use the Move Chart tool on the
CHARTS/DESIGN tab. When charts appear on worksheets along with other
information, they are embedded.

Data Label

Extra information associated with a data point. Often used to show the actual value
of a data point, e.g. the height of a bar or percentage of a pie slice. Data labels are
not always displayed on the chart.

Data Points

Values from cells on worksheets, displayed as bars, lines, columns, pie slices or
other shapes on a chart.

Data Series

A collection of related values plotted on a chart.

Embedded Chart

The chart is embedded as an object on the worksheet, alongside the data it is

generated from. The chart can be printed as part of that sheet or as a separate
item. Best used when the data needs to be shown in the context of the worksheet


Lines across the plot area, allowing the eye to travel more easily back to the values
on the axes.


The legend is displayed in a location outside of the grid framed by the axis. A key
that appears in a small box beside your chart, showing which colours and symbols
represent each data series.

Plot Area

The part of the chart bound by the vertical and horizontal axes and their opposing

X & Y Axes
The X axis lies along the bottom of the chart and is usually used for categories.
The Y axis goes up one side and is used for data series values. The axes are
reversed on bar charts.

Ninja Tip of the Week

Don't underestimate the right-click

Right-clicking on a chart in Excel allows you to alter pretty much any part and
aspect of a chart. The right-click gives you quick and convenient access to most
options for a productive and efficient workflow.

Transposing columns into rows (and vice versa)

Every now and then you create a nice set of data only to realise that you would
have preferred that the data that is currently in columns to appear in rows (or the
other way around). Excel provides a little-known feature that allows you to do
change your rows and columns by transposing them.

Sometimes you’ll be working with data formatted in columns and you really need it
to be in rows (or the other way around). Simply copy the row or column you’d like
to transpose, right click on the destination cell and select Paste Special. A
checkbox on the bottom of the resulting popup window is labeled Transpose.
Check the box and click OK. Excel will do the rest.

Week 5: Keyboard Shortcuts, Terminology, and Ninja

Week 5: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts

CTRL + P | CMD + P: Open Print dialogue

CTRL + X | CMD + X: Cut selection

CTRL + C | CMD + C: Copy selection

CTRL + V | CMD + V: Paste data (from previous cut/copy action)

CTRL + F2: Open Print Preview window

Selecting cells with your keyboard and mouse:

The SHIFT key: When you use the SHIFT key in conjunction with your mouse to
select cells, you can select whole ranges. Single click on your first cell, press down
Shift - hold it down, then single-click the last cell of your selection. All cells between
your first and last cell will be selected.

The CTRL key: When you hold the CTRL key and click cells/columns/rows with
your mouse you can select multiple items that are non-contiguous. Non-contiguous
means the items are not directly next to each other.

Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft

Office Support pages

Excel Terminology

Print titles

You can find this tool on the PAGE LAYOUT tab. In the dialogue box that opens
you can configure a number of settings. In these two edit boxes you can set which
rows/columns to repeat at the left and top of every printed page. In this sense,
printing titles works a bit like Freeze Panes - except that Freeze Panes has no
bearing on the printed page.
Print area

The Print area of a spreadsheet is set up in the Print Titles dialogue box (see Print
Titles). This is a great tool to use when you are working with large sets of data and
you are intending to print only one particular section of it.

Page break

Page breaks in Excel divide a worksheet into separate pages for printing. There
are two types of page breaks: automatic (dotted blue line) and manual breaks
(solid line). Automatic page breaks will adjust to other page layout settings such as
orientation, margins, and scale. Access the Page Break tool via the PAGE
LAYOUT tab. The page break view is accessible through the VIEW tab or the
Status bar.

Ninja Tip of the Week

Font size vs Zoom slider

It can be tempting to enlarge a sheet's font so you can see things better on the
screen. The problem is though that the font size is relative to a printed page and
something that looked great on the screen, is oversized once we print. Remember
to use the zoom slider in the Status Bar to enlarge data on the screen instead.

Week 4: Keyboard Shortcuts, Terminology, and Ninja

Week 4: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft

Office Support pages

CTRL + 0 (CMD + 0) -- Hide the column containing the selected cell.

CTRL + 9 (CMD + 9) -- Hide the row containing the selected cell.

CTRL + SHIFT + 0 (CMD + SHIFT + 0) -- Unhide the column containing the

selected cell. (Select cells surrounding hidden column) In some versions of
Windows, this shortcut is assigned to a Windows feature. If you have difficulty
getting this keyboard shortcut to work you should follow the instructions in this
article to disable the shortcut for that feature.

CTRL + SHIFT + 9 (CMD + SHIFT + 9) -- Unhide the row containing the selected
cell. (Select cells surrounding hidden row)

CTRL + SHIFT + L (CMD + SHIFT + F) -- Add or remove a filter

Excel Terminology

Applying a filter to a column (or columns) quickly displays only those rows that
contain the information you are looking for. There are three different ways to
access the filter tool: the right-click context menu, the Home tab, or the Data tab.
The filter tool allows you to control the data that is displayed on your screen. Any
data contained in rows that don't meet the selected criteria will remain hidden as
long as the filter is applied. Once the filter is cleared, the data display will return
back to normal.


The Sorting tool helps you to arrange your data in a specific order. There are three
different ways to access the sorting tool: the right-click context menu, the Home
tab, or the Data tab. The sorting tool is quite powerful and allows you to sort by
multiple levels, match case and sort from left to right as well as from top to bottom.
When you want to sort your data, simply click anywhere in your data set and then
open up Sorting.

Conditional Formatting

At its most basic, Conditional Formatting allows you to automatically apply

formatting whenever certain criteria are met. Access the tool in the Styles group on
the Home tab once you have selected the data you want to format conditionally.
There are a number of options available:
Conditional formatting is a great tool with lots of versatile use cases. The formatting
updates dynamically based on new values entered which make it super-useful.

Ninja Tip of the Week

Conditional Formatting vs. Filtering

They both let you show data based on specific criteria or conditions. Why would
you choose one over the other?

Filtering will only show data that matches the criteria. You can provide multiple
filters, but only data that matches all conditions will be visible.

Conditional formatting will show data that fits any of the conditions chosen. It also
provides more visual and graphical elements.

Keyboard Shortcuts:
Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft
Office Support pages

CTRL + SHIFT + & (CMD + OPTION + 0) -- Add a border around the outside of
selected cells

CTRL + B (CMD + B) -- Change selection to Bold Text

CTRL+Arrow keys (CMD+Arrow keys) -- Go to first/last cell in a row, column.

CTRL+Home (CMD+Home) -- Select the first non-blank cell.

CTRL + End (CMD+End) -- Go to the last non-blank cell.

Ninja Tips for the Week:

Format Painter

You can double-click on the Format Painter and it will remain active as long as you
need it. When you are done, simply press Escape. This is very cool - switch over to
Excel and try it out now!

Widening Columns

So, you have been entering data into your spreadsheet but all of sudden you notice
that one entry has turned into this: #####. Don't panic, your data is still there - Excel
is just giving you a nudge to let you know that your column is not wide enough to
display all of the data. There are three easy ways of widening your column. Option
1: Double click on the black line between your column and the next. Your column
will automatically widen to display your number. Option 2: Hover your mouse
cursor over the little black line between your column and the next, then drag it to
the desired width. Option 3: right-click on the column and select 'Column Width'
from the context menu, then enter a width of your choosing.
g. RANDBETWEEN(B4,B17). In some countries the comma is used as the decimal
separator in numbers, so it cannot be used as the argument separator as well. In
these countries a semicolon is used instead, so your function will look like
RANDBETWEEN(B4;B17). Do not be alarmed — this is one of the many regional
differences in Excel.

Week 2: Keyboard Shortcuts, Terminology, and Ninja

Week 2: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft

Office Support pages

CTRL + Z — Undo previous action

F4 (fn + F4 / CMD + T) — Cycle through all 4 types of cell references. (Absolute,
Mixed x2, Relative)

CTRL + ~ (CTRL + `) — Show formulas in the worksheet

SHIFT + F3 (CTRL + A) — Open Formula Builder/ Function Wizard

CTRL + PgUp (CMD + PgUp) — Go to the previous sheet.

CTRL + PgDn (CMD + PgDn) — Go to the next sheet.

Excel Terminology


A formula is entered into a cell to perform a calculation. A formula always starts

with an equal sign (=) and once committed (press Enter), the result is displayed in
that cell. At its most basic, formulas can be simple mathematical calculations with
values much like you would type into a calculator. An example of a formula would
be: =A1+B1 which would take whatever value was entered into cell A1 and add it to
the value that was typed into B1. After typing the formula and pressing the Enter
key, the resulting value will be displayed in the cell in which you entered the


A function is what we referred to in the videos a 'mini-program' that you can use to
make more complex calculations. Functions are used inside formulas and
therefore, you need to start with an equal sign (=). Formulas operate with cell
references and are very powerful. One commonly used function is SUM, which will
add up the values in a defined range. The function: =SUM(A1:A12) will sum up all
values contained in cells A1through to A12 and return the result once you commit
the function by pressing the ENTER key.

Formula Bar

The formula bar is located underneath the ribbon. The first edit line shows cell
reference of the currently active cell - this is called the Name Box. The second edit
line provides space to enter cell content and a helper tool to enter formulas:
Once you enter an equal sign into the active cell, frequently used functions appear
in the Name Box on the left - a drop-down menu offers more options.


Values are numeric data that is entered into a cell. When text is entered into a cell
without being assigned a number format, we refer to them as labels. When data is
formatted as a value type, it can be referred to in formulas and functions and used
in calculations.


A range refers to two or more cells. When these cells are together, we call this an
adjacent range. Consider this example:

This adjacent range covers all the cells from A1 through to C2 - or in Excel syntax
this is written as A1:C2. The colon (:) basically stands for 'through to'. Whenever
we want to define a range of cells that are not all in one place, we talk about non-
adjacent ranges:

This range includes cells A1:A2 and C1:C2. In Excel syntax this is written as

Reference, relative

A relative cell reference is one that changes relative to the direction in which it is
copied. Consider this example:
A2 and B2 are relative cell references. When we copy the formula in C2
downwards into C3 and C4 with the fill handle, then Excel will assume that you
want to conduct the same calculation in rows 3 and 4 as you did in row 2. In other
words, Excel will perform the calculation A3*B3 in C3 and A4*B4 in C4. Excel
effectively updates the row number in each of the cell references for every row that
you copy your formula downwards.

Reference, absolute

Or, as we like to fondly call it, the dollar thingy. A cell reference is absolute when it
does not change whenever it is copied. To make a cell reference absolute, you
must include a $ before each element of the cell reference: $A$1. This can be a bit
cumbersome. The keyboard shortcut to turn a cell reference into an absolute cell
reference is to press F4.

Ninja Tip for the Week

Order of basic mathematical operations

Calculations in Excel follow the general mathematical rules for calculations, in

other words, Multiplication (*) and Division (/) come before Addition (+) and
Subtraction (-). So, when you are using these arithmetic operators in your
calculations, you need to keep these general rules in mind.

Example: =3+4*5

Excel reads the formula from left to right, so one might assume that it adds 3 and 4
together before it multiplies the result by 5. However, as multiplication takes
precedence over addition, Excel will calculate 3 plus the result of 4 multiplied by 5.
If you wanted Excel to choose the first path, you need to 'tell' this to Excel with the
help of parentheses. The formula should look like this: =(3+4)*5
Week 1: Keyboard Shortcuts, Terminology, and Ninja
Week 1: Toolbox
Keyboard Shortcuts

If a shortcut requires pressing two or more keys at the same time, keys are
separated by a + sign. An exhaustive list of shortcuts is available on the Microsoft
Office Support pages. Below are a small number of shortcuts that we have
selected to improve your speed and efficiency. The list is by no means exhaustive.
If different, Mac shortcuts are listed in second position. For a list of Mac specific
keyboard shortcuts see the Microsoft Office ( for Mac) Support page.


Possibly some of the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts ever are CTRL+Z
and CTRL+Y | CMD+Z or CMD+Y. Z stands for undo and Y for redo. Both operate
on multiple levels, meaning that you can go back in time a long way. As always
there are of course exceptions to the rule and some actions cannot be undone. In
some of these cases, Excel will give you a warning (e.g., deleting a worksheet that
has content in it, cannot be undone and Excel will warn you about this) and then
there are other events that you cannot undo and no warning message is displayed
(e.g. using the 'Move Chart' tool - more on this in Week 6).

CTRL-Y will redo your most recent action which comes in really handy if/when you
want to apply a certain step more than once.

New File/ New Workbook

To create a new workbook or new file, you do not need to go into any menu's. You
can simply press: CTRL+N | CMD+N

Open file / Open Workbook

To open the dialogue box and select an existing file (workbook) you can use the
shortcut: CTRL+O | CMD+O

Close file / Close Workbook

To close your current Workbook, you can click on the 'x' located at the top right
(Windows) or top left (Mac), But as shortcut keys are sometimes quicker, you can
press: CTRL+W | CMD+W
Save file / Save Workbook

Saving your work regularly should become second nature. This shortcut will help. If
you haven't saved your file beforehand, Excel will ask you to assign a name and
storage location to your file. If you have, this shortcut will quickly save your file.

Select all

The select all shortcut actually behaves differently based on context. If you are in
an empty cell and select all, you will select the entire worksheet. If the active cell
contains data that is part of a group (cells containing contiguous data) select all will
just select the group of cells instead. You can press it again to select the entire
worksheet. The shortcut for select all is: CTRL+A | CMD+A)

Enter a new line of Text

Sometimes when entering data into a cell, you may want to go to a new line below
your current one, within the same cell. Rather than let Excel choose when this
happens you can use this key press combination to force this behaviour. When
editing a cell, press: ALT + Enter

Moving around the worksheet

You can use the arrow keys to move a single cell in any direction. Page Up and
Page Down will move one "page" (the number of rows shown on the screen) up or
down. CTRL+arrow keys will move to the next blank cell in that direction. If you
have a large dataset with no gaps this will move to the edges of the dataset.
CTRL+Home takes you to the first cell that contains data in the top-left corner of
the sheet. CTRL+End goes to the last cell in the bottom-right. On certain
keyboards without a Home key, you might need to use CTRL+Fn+Home to use this

Using the keyboard can make your work faster and smoother.


Windows Shortcuts: Microsoft Office Support pages | Mac Shortcuts: Microsoft

Office Support pages


Active Cell

The cell in the spreadsheet that is currently selected. It looks like this:

A cell is at the intersection between a row and a column. A cell is referenced by the
column letter and row number. The example below show cell B3:

Fill handle

The fill handle is the small black square on the bottom right-hand corner of the
active cell.

You can display or hide the fill handle by:

1. Click File > Options. In Excel 2007 only: Click the Microsoft Office Button,
and then click Excel Options.
2. In the Advanced category, under Editing options, select or clear the Enable
fill handle and cell drag-and-drop check box.
For more information, go to


The ribbon is the main menu bar at the top of the Excel screen. The ribbon is
several tabs. The HOME tab has some of the most frequently used tools. You can
collapse the ribbon to allow more space for the spreadsheet in the main window by
double-clicking on any of the tab labels (single-click for Mac users). When you
repeat the action, the ribbon will re-appear. Once your ribbon is hidden, you can
bring it back temporarily with a single-click, use the tools you needed, and then
make it disappear again with another single-click on the tab or anywhere in the


The rows are counted in numbers. There are 1,048,576 rows in an Excel
spreadsheet. You can read more about the specifications and limits of Excel

The columns are listed in letters. There are 16,384 columns in an Excel
spreadsheet. You can read more about the specifications and limits of Excel

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar sits above the ribbon (can also be customized to sit
below the ribbon). Tools from any of the ribbon tabs can be added for quick access
without switching between tabs.

Status bar

The Status Bar is below the spreadsheet. It contains several useful areas. The
Zoom tool, access to three different view options as well as, by default, several
calculation results which display dynamically whenever data is selected in the


The term workbook refers to the entire Excel file. The file name of each workbook
is at the top of the file window.


A workbook can contain several worksheets. You can add worksheets at the
bottom left by clicking on the plus sign next to the last worksheet tab. Right-click on
the worksheet tab and you can rename the worksheet and execute a range of
other commands.
Ninja Tips for the Week:

Take charge of those endless rows and columns

One of the amazing features of Excel is the sheer endless number of rows and
columns. However, sometimes they add to the confusion more than they help. You
can actually hide the ones you don't need. Open one of this week's workbooks and
try this out step-by-step. Here is how

 Select the first column you don't need to see and then press the keyboard
shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+right arrow (for Mac use Command+Shift+right arrow).
Right-click anywhere in this new selection and select Hide.
 Select the first row you don't need to see and then press the keyboard
shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+down arrow (for Mac use Command+Shift+down
arrow). Right-click anywhere in this new selection and select Hide

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