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Overview: You will submit a project preview in which you will apply a sociological theory for your final

project. My chosen issue is - Awareness of the use of prisons as mental health institutions.

Your project preview is the early first draft, so to speak, of your final project after you have assembled
the foundational pieces and evidence.

In this milestone, you will pull all pieces together and apply sociological theory to your issue. Your
project Preview should include:

 Introduction which will include aligning the focus of the paper with the ultimate goal of advocacy
group, a description of evidence that will be used,

introduction to the theory that will be applied, and a clear statement of the advocacy group’s position.

 Analysis which will articulate the advocacy group’s position with detail, evaluate present stereotypes
and describe social change around this topic

with media examples, provide both historical and modern interpretations with evidence from academic
sources, and use a sociological theory

appropriately to support the overall analysis.

Specifically, the following Critical Elements must be addressed:

1. Introduction: In this section you will introduce your audience to the crime and violence issue you have
chosen. My chosen issues is Awareness of the use of prisons as mental health institutions. You will
develop a statement that establishes your position on your chosen issue. Be sure to employ appropriate
ethical considerations and best practices when communicating your


A. Provide a brief overview of your chosen issue regarding crime and violence. Explain the impact of the
issue related to social roles within social


B. Based on your chosen issue, discuss the focus of this position paper in terms of how it aligns with the
ultimate goal of the social advocacy group.

In other words, what are you trying to accomplish by exploring this crime and violence issue?

C. Briefly discuss the evidence that you will use in the analysis of the issue.

D. Briefly introduce the theory that you will use in the analysis of the issue.

E. Develop a statement that communicates your social advocacy group’s position on the issue.

2. Analysis: Now that you have identified a crime and violence issue, analyze evidence and apply
sociological theory to communicate and support your
position. Be sure to employ appropriate ethical considerations and best practices when constructing
your analysis.

A. Articulate, in detail, your social advocacy group’s position regarding the issue. Your description should
be written in a way that leads into your

evidence and theory application.

B. Evaluate prevalent stereotypes regarding the issue. Be sure to address the validity, effects, and
persistence of these stereotypes. (Use examples

from news articles, popular media, or personal experience.)

C. Describe recent social change regarding the issue and support your response with examples. (Also,
use examples from the media and personal


D. Analyze historical interpretations of the issue within relevant social structures (i.e., social institutions
and culture) and support your analysis with

evidence. In other words, where did the stereotypes originate in relation to society at the time? (Use
scholarly sources as evidence.)

E. Analyze modern interpretations of the issue within relevant social structures (i.e.,social institutions
and culture) and support your analysis with

evidence. How has this issue changed in society and where do we stand today? (Use scholarly sources as
evidence here as well).

F. Apply appropriate sociological theory to historical and modern interpretations of the issue to support
your overall analysis (Use scholarly sources

or relevant course material needed to support).

Your paper must be submitted as a three page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, and in
12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins. . References that must be considered are news
articles, academic papers, popular media, or personal experiences.

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