High Iron Concentration and PH Change Detected Using Statistics and Geostatistics in Crystalline Basement Equatorial Region

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High iron concentration and pH change

detected using statistics and geostatistics in

crystalline basement equatorial region

B. G. Nshagali, P. Njandjock
Nouck, J. L. Meli’i, Z. Arétouyap &
E. Manguelle-Dicoum

Environmental Earth Sciences

ISSN 1866-6280

Environ Earth Sci

DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3893-2

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Environ Earth Sci
DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3893-2


High iron concentration and pH change detected using statistics

and geostatistics in crystalline basement equatorial region
B. G. Nshagali • P. Njandjock Nouck •
J. L. Meli’i • Z. Arétouyap • E. Manguelle-Dicoum

Received: 3 July 2014 / Accepted: 15 November 2014

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract To mitigate the disasters caused by the con- Introduction

sumption of poor quality of water, the World Health
Organization (WHO) has established standards for testing Water is an essential biological constituent. It is both,
the quality of drinking water that must be met. The purpose involved in several essential physiological processes and a
of this study is to verify the relevance of these tests in vital nutrient. Globally, there is an increasing sensitisation
crystalline basement aquifers in equatorial areas. The glo- about the fact that it will become one of the most important
bal analysis of water quality was conducted by comparing natural resources in the future (Abdul et al. 2010).
the measured concentration of iron, calcium, pH change Groundwater may be more used and preferred due to the
and other major ions in the 70 water samples which were vulnerability of on-surface water to cultural activities and
collected at different sites in the Centre Cameroun area natural contamination. The degradation of water quality
with the WHO standards. The water quality index was may lead to the breakdown of an entire social stratum
estimated in the entire area using the block ordinary kriging (UNWATER, UNEP, FAOWATER 2010). In most cases,
technique. The results show a high concentration of iron, a water diseases’ epidemics are caused by poor water quality.
very high or very low pH, and high temperature values at Population from everywhere should be informed regularly
certain sites, exceeding sometimes the standard values. on the quality of water they drink. For example, a simple
Finally, this study shows that the control of groundwater change in the water coloration can cause panic within a
quality following WHO standards must always be population that is not informed on the composition of the
conducted. water it drinks. In developing countries like Cameroon,
people often gather to dig wells and water is consumed
Keywords Water quality  Geostatistic  Iron without any prior control (Global Water Partnership Cen-
concentration  Lékié  Cameroon tral Africa report 2011). To reduce water diseases, the
World Health Organization (WHO) has defined standards
for drinking water (WHO 2004). These standards require to
permanently set and monitor the water quality in a given
region (Chabra 2008; Chandra et al. 2010; Srivastava and
Ramanathan 2008). Thus, quality parameters have thresh-
old values above which water is assumed contaminated and
present health hazards (Islam et al. 2003; Cobbina et al.
B. G. Nshagali  P. Njandjock Nouck (&) 
2010; Fulazzaky et al. 2010). Therefore, the knowledge of
J. L. Meli’i  Z. Arétouyap  E. Manguelle-Dicoum
Laboratory of Geophysics, University of Yaounde 1, various standards and indicators of groundwater quality
Yaoundé, Cameroon and drinkability becomes useful for the sensitisation of
e-mail: pnnouck@yahoo.com officials about the relevance of the water quality control so
as to limit the spread of those diseases. Although nowadays
B. G. Nshagali  E. Manguelle-Dicoum
Department of Geology, Université Officielle de Bukavu, for a more efficient study, water, air and soil should be
Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo jointly analysed using new technologies such as

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Environ Earth Sci

environmental flow diagram (EFD) (Valipour et al. 2012, aquifers is modest. Nevertheless, one can notice the
2013), in this study, the water quality analysis based on advantage of providing a geographically well-distributed
some physico-chemical parameters of samples from dis- water resource (since the rain is distributed throughout the
tricts of the Centre Region in Cameroon through geosta- year) and less dependent on surface water: favourable
tistical and statistical methods and using the water quality drilling sites are likely to be found at the scale of each
index as qualification parameter is developed. village (Pagna 2006). The relatively thin alterites layer
usually abounds with a non-productive unconfined aquifer
and fluctuates with seasons.
Study area

The area chosen for study is encompassed within 3°–4° Methodology

northing and 11°–12° easting, for an area of 2,989 km2 in
Central Africa (Fig. 1). It is well watered with four seasons Sampling
irregularly distributed between two rain and two dry sea-
sons. It is located at the equatorial forest and savannah This study examined 70 drilling samples that were col-
boundary. Aquifers of this area are in bedrock composed of lected in the Lékié division and organized into four blocks.
crystalline rocks from igneous (granites) and metamorphic These are Evodoula, Saa, Obala and Monatele. The number
rocks (gneiss, mica, etc.) (Fig. 2). Hydrologically, these of samples was chosen according to the number of villages
hard rocks with a relatively homogeneous mechanical in each block.
behaviour are mainly characterized by the permeable
cracks and fractures. The Aquifers located in this zone can Geostatistics
be considered as ‘‘discontinuous’’ because of the large
variability in their hydrodynamic properties. According to Geostatistics can be defined as the set of techniques or tools
their relatively low permeability, the productivity of these used to estimate or predict the grade of a space or time

Fig. 1 Location map of the study area

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Fig. 2 Geological map of the study area

distributed variable. It is used to analyse data samples, analysis of WQI calculated from the physico-chemical
develop variogram models and produce kriged maps (Nij- parameters.
meijer et al. 2001; Meli’i et al. 2013; Njandjock Nouck Simply, the semi-variogram is given by Eq. (1).
et al. 2013). Ordinary kriging (best linear unbiased esti- 1
mator), because of its zero mean square error, is exten- cðhÞ ¼ E½zðxÞ  zðx þ hÞ2 ð1Þ
sively used in geostatistics for optimal estimation of
variables in geology, hydrology, environmental sciences For discrete variables, this function can be expressed by
and other areas where a spatial interpolation of data is Eq. (2).
needed. Kriging has two main tasks: to quantify the
1 X
spatial structure of the data and estimate the data points cðhÞ ¼ ½zðxi Þ  zðxi þ hÞ2 ð2Þ
where the measurement was not made. To predict an 2NðhÞ i¼1
unknown value at a given point, kriging uses the most
where z (xi) is the value of the variable Z in point xi, and
suitable variogram model, a good spatial configuration of
N(h) the number of pairs of points separated by distance h.
data, and the measured values around the point to estimate
The experimental variogram obtained is adjusted to a
(Sarangi et al. 2005). The technological advances and the
theoretical model. Kriging thus makes it possible to esti-
several available geostatistical software have made popular
mate the value of a parameter in Eq. (3)
the use of kriging in the spatial analysis of environmental
data. Many kriging types have also been developed: simple X
z ðx0 Þ ¼ ki zðxi Þ ð3Þ
kriging, ordinary kriging, block kriging, co-kriging and
disjunctive kriging. This study uses the block kriging, since
the data were processed by zone and for each block, the where z* (x0) is the estimated value at x0, z (xi) the one
ordinary kriging was used for the interpolation and spatial measured at xi and ki the weight value.

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The quality assessment of pH was calculated based on
the formula (7):
For each parameter, different variogram models were tes-  
ted. The cross-validation criteria enabled us to select the Vactual Videal
QpH ¼ 100 ð7Þ
model with the least root mean squared (RMS) interpola- Vstandard  Videal
tion error (Njandjock Nouck et al. 2013). V ideal is the ideal pH value considered equal to 7.0,
V standard is the parameter value of water quality
Water quality index (WQI) obtained from standards recommended by WHO. This
equation ensures that Qi is equal to zero when a pollutant
The different parameters analysed are not easily under- is completely absent in the water sample and Qi is equal
stood by the population and policy makers although they to 100 when the value of this parameter is equal to its fair
have a strong impact on the water resources management. value eligible. Furthermore, when the value of Qi is
Hence the need to express the water quality in a simple and greater than 100, water is considered to be poor in terms
easy understandable format for non-water specialists has of quality.
been highlighted. The WQI is a dimension-less number Then, the overall WQI was calculated using the method
which combines several water quality parameters into a proposed by Ott (1978) based on the weighting and scoring
single number standardizing the subjective values. This different physico-chemical parameters (8):
water quality index provides a unique number (a grade) X
that expresses the overall water quality at a given point WQI ¼ qi wi ð8Þ
depending on several parameters of the water quality. The n¼1

objective of this index is to transform the complex data of where qi is the quality of the ith parameter, wi is the unit
the water quality into easy understandable and usable weight of the ith parameter, and n the number of the
information. The WQI computes a single value from parameter considered.
complex scientific information of various variables. Sev- The expression of WQI used in this study is given in
eral authors have worked on these concepts and examples Eq. (9) proposed by Amadi et al. (2012) and Table 1 shows
are presented with case scenarios (Dinius 1987; Dee et al. the parameterization.
1973; Ott 1978; Abdul et al. 2010; Amadi et al. 2012; P
qi wi
Anthony et al. 2013). WQI ¼ P ð9Þ
Calculation of the water quality index (WQI) Results

The calculation of the WQI follows steps below: The different concentrations of the physico-chemical
Firstly, the weight (Wi) unit of the different parameters parameters analysed, the water quality index and their
is inversely proportional to the recommended standard statistical analysis are shown in the Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
(VStandard) for the corresponding parameter. Wi values are and Fig. 3. The results show that parameters such as the
calculated from formula (4) given by iron, the temperature and pH in certain localities, present
K very large values compared with the standards.
Wi ¼ ð4Þ As shown in Table 7a, b, c and d, high iron concentra-
tions and high temperature were detected on some
where K is the constant of proportionality, V Standard is localities
the value in the acceptable standard of quality of drinking In Fig. 3a–d, localities which have large discrepancies
water prescribed by WHO. The proportionality constant K between the measured iron concentration and the limit
can be determined from Eq. (5): value are represented. Figure 3e, f presents zones where
1 temperature is very high than the limit value proposed by
K ¼ Pn ð5Þ the WHO standards.
i¼1 Vi
Vi = maximum permissible limits
In the second step, evaluation of quality (Qi) is calcu- Table 1 The scale of WQI according to Ambiga and Anna (2013)
slightly modified in crystalline bedrock area (Bharti and Katyal 2011)
lated with formula (6):
  WQI value range 0–50 51–75 76–100 [100
Qi ¼ 100 ð6Þ Water quality Excellent Good Moderate Poor

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Table 2 Analysed parameters Pump Ca2? Mg2? Fe2? Mn2? Cl- SO42- T pH EC WQI
in the Evodoula area and their stations (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (°C) (ls/c)
EV2A 2.57 15.65 3 0.2 4 – 27 6 189 90.74
EV6C 2.7 11.35 3.5 0.08 6 5 25 6.1 123 90.90
EV7A 2.57 19.95 3 0.15 3 6 27.1 6.1 190 86.18
EV7B 1.29 7.83 0.37 0.33 5 9 28 5.9 94 40.3
EV9C 2.57 11.35 1.5 0.17 3 – 25 6.1 120 51.69
EV10 2.57 7.05 1.25 – 2 6 26.9 5.9 101 29.55
EV11 3.86 14.88 2.2 0.2 2 – 26.3 6.3 153 72.005
EV12 3.86 19.18 – 0.12 6 8 26.9 6.3 157 11.91
EV15 9 28.98 2.6 0.33 5.3 7 25.9 6.5 305 94.30
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1400 100

Table 3 Analysed parameters Pump Ca2? Mg2? Fe2? Mn2? Cl- SO4- T pH EC WQI
in the Sa’a area and their WQI station (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (°C) (ls/c)

SA01 6.43 30.53 1.9 – 39.1 – 26.1 6.6 360 46.25

SA04 9 33.28 1.9 0.08 43.01 16 28.2 6.6 391 54.43
SA05 1.29 7.83 – 0.03 7.82 6.5 27.9 5.5 101 2.03
SA06 2.57 15.65 0.15 – 27.37 5 25.8 6.1 195 3.37
SA06 6.43 21.93 0.45 0.03 35.19 3 25.6 6.1 230 13.37
SA08 6.43 26.2 – 0.08 39.1 7.2 26.9 6 301 7.54
SA09 10.28 49.71 0.35 0.33 89.92 137 27.4 7 894 41.92
SA14 7.71 34.06 – – 43 2 27.7 6.7 427 1.42
SA15 10.28 32.51 0.6 0.27 50.82 16 28.1 6.6 451 41.50
SA16 1.29 12.13 – 0.05 15.64 3 26.2 6 126 4.47
SA17 3.86 19.18 – – 31.28 3 26.3 6.6 225 0.85
SA20 3.86 19.18 0.5 – 27.37 2 25.2 6.3 211 11.96
SA23 9 33.28 0.55 – 54.73 2 28.4 7.1 406 15.50
SA24 7.71 29.76 1.3 – 46.92 2 26.9 6.7 382 32.30
SA51 15.42 42.31 1.3 0.5 58.64 4 25 6.6 433 79.50
SA53 5.14 18.4 – 0.14 17.37 1 25.8 6.2 203 13.36
SA54 3.8 23.48 0.9 0.33 39.1 14 27 6.7 306 54.29
SA55 3.86 14.88 – – 23.46 1 26.9 6.2 180 0.24
SA58 12.85 48.16 1.7 0.36 54.73 4 – – – 57.04
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1,400 100

For the spatial representation of WQI, several variogram Table 8 which presents the simulation and the comparison
models were used. The root mean squared error (RMSE) of the experimental variogram with different analytical
enabled to choose the best model corresponding to the models.
measured data. This RMSE is given by formula (10): Figure 4 was obtained from Eqs. 1–3, 9–10 and
1X n  2 Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This picture presents WQI maps
RMSE ¼ cith  ciex ð10Þ obtained by kriging for Evodoula, Sa’a, Obala and Mona-
n i¼1
télé areas.
where cith is the theoretical value and ciex is the measured The maps on Fig. 4 show some localities where water
value. This equation was used to establish the data set of has moderate quality. The water of these areas should be

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Table 4 Analysed parameters Pump Ca2? Mg2? Fe2? Mn2? Cl- SO4- T pH EC WQI
in the Monatélé area and their station (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/ (mg/L) (°C) (ls/
WQI L) cm)

MO1 2.57 11.35 0.3 0.02 15.64 10 26.2 5.9 183 8.56
MO2 2.57 15.65 3.3 0.08 11.73 14 24.8 5.8 262 85.523
MO3 9 24.68 2.9 0.17 46.92 9 25.9 6.4 415 85.99
MO4 5.14 18.4 2.5 0.16 27.37 10 26.8 6.5 308 75.86
MO5 5.14 35.6 2.1 0.3 46.92 13 26.5 372 79.82
MO6 3.86 14.88 – 0.12 19.55 11 28 6.1 230 57.62
MO7 1.29 7.89 – 0.05 15.64 10.5 28.8 5.8 169 11.81
MO8 5.14 14.1 0.2 0.08 23.46 10 26.2 5.9 173 4.74
MO9 5.14 27 – 0.12 35.19 9 25.3 6.4 269 11.94
MO10 3.86 14.88 0.1 0.04 23.46 2 25.2 6.1 186 11.72
MO11 1.29 7.83 0.16 – 11.73 2 27.1 5.6 107 5.85
MO12 14.14 64.59 0.82 0.36 89.92 13 26.5 6.9 609 2.98
MO13 2.57 11..35 0.35 – 11.73 5 27.5 5.7 130 55.58
MO14 1.29 3.53 0.17 0.05 7.82 7 27.1 5.4 78 7.81
MO15 9 41 1.2 0.36 58.64 – 27.9 6.5 419 7.62
MO16 32.13 101 1.2 0.85 58.64 26 28.4 7.1 1332 64.21
MO17 6.43 21.93 2 0.53 27.37 19 25.4 6.1 317 98.21
MO18 7.71 29.76 – 0.12 43.01 2 25.4 6.5 314 11.93
MO19 2.57 15.65 – 0.14 23.46 9 26 6 173 13.03
MO20 1.29 12.13 3.5 0.08 15.64 13 27 6 156 91.22
MO21 9 37.58 1.1 0.33 62.55 8 26.5 6.7 388 58.98
MO22 5.14 18.4 3.5 0.08 27.37 2.85 26.2 6.1 236 91.22
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1,400 100

monitored, as they present parameters above the WHO Iron and manganese (Fe2? and Mn2?)
Manganese and iron are both metals naturally occurring in
rock and groundwater. It is therefore understandable that
Discussion their higher or smaller rate will depend on the site envi-
ronment. According to the Agency of Health and Social
Temperature (T) Services Chaudière-Appalaches in Canada, the presence of
such metals in drinking water can modify the taste, odour
The temperature of water is an important environmental and colour of water. The problems associated to the man-
factor because it governs nearly all physical, chemical and ganese and iron rates exceeding the standards are primarily
biological reactions of the organism. We noticed that in the esthetical and taste. In the current study, the iron rate
study area, the temperature exceeds WHO standards exceeds by far the WHO standards at almost all sites
(Fig. 3e, f), from one station to the other and from a district (Fig. 3b). The iron concentration varies between 0.15 and
to another. According to the data of Table 5, the peak value 3.5 mg/l (Tables 2, 3, 4, 5). These results reveal that the
is 29.6 °C with a difference of 5 °C between the standard concentration of iron differs greatly from standard values
values suggesting that water quality is poor in terms of recommended by WHO. However, the low concentrations
temperature. The WQI parameter is equal to 89.38 con- observed look like those already reported by Abdul et al.
firming that water quality is qualified as moderate. The (2010), Haroon et al. (2013) and Agency of Health and
temperature distribution for all stations varies considerably. Social Services Chaudière-Appalaches in Canada (2011) in
The high temperature in some localities may be associated Canada and around the city of Bagdad in Iraq. They induce
with the nature of the bedrock and/or the activity of frac- the WQI values between 0.24 and 5.86 synonymous of a
tures through which it passes. This high temperature could good water quality whilst the high iron concentration
affect the taste and the odour of water (State Water Quality 3.5 mg/l induces a WQI ranging from 94.30 and 96.90
Control Board, California 1963). making this water rather mediocre. As the origins are much

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Table 5 Analysed parameters in the Obala area and their WQI

Pump station Ca2? Mg2? Fe2? Mn2? Cl- SO42- T pH EC WQI
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (°C) (ls/cm)

OB01 5.14 27 1.5 0.12 43.01 4 25.1 6.8 367 48.28

OB02 9 37.58 2.3 0.12 46.92 5 25.5 6.7 364 67.34
OB03 6.43 21.93 0.95 0.5 35.19 1 25.6 6.3 240 70.65
OB04 6.43 30.53 1.8 0.12 43 2 25.4 6.9 369 55.72
OB05 7.71 29.76 1.2 0.08 43.01 2 25.7 6.9 306 37.62
OB06 3.86 19.18 1.7 0.14 35.19 7 25.7 6.7 272 54.92
OB07 2.57 15.65 0.7 0.17 23.46 1 25.7 6.3 181 33.12
OB08 2.57 7.05 0.3 0.05 11.73 2 25.4 5.9 95 11.25
OB09 3.86 19.18 2.3 0.3 31.28 4 24.1 6.3 230 83.423
OB10 3.86 14.88 3.5 – 27.37 5 26.4 6.2 197 83.80
OB11 7.71 29.76 2.2 – 46.92 2 25.8 6.6 349 53.34
OB12 6.43 26.23 1.8 0.27 43.01 3 24.2 6.4 256 68.82
OB13 2.57 11.35 1.3 0.27 15.64 3 26.1 5.7 100 56.00
OB14 7.7 29.76 – 0.14 43.01 5 25.3 6.5 328 13.82
OB15 1.29 46.53 – – 50.82 3 26 9.3 340 5.86
OB17 2.57 11 3.5 0.14 19.55 7 26.8 6 156 96.90
OB18 7.71 25.46 0.5 0.47 46.92 2 24.1 6.8 356 57.56
OB19 2.57 15.65 3.5 0.05 23.46 8 29.6 6.2 234 89.38
OB20 5.14 27 3.05 0.2 27.37 6 25.6 6.4 252 92.36
OB21 10.28 41.11 0.55 0.12 58.64 4 25.5 7.2 503 26.44
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1,400 100

Table 6 Water quality index (WQI) calculated for each area

Evodoula Sa’a Obala Monatélé
Pump station WQI WQI Station Station WQI STATION WQI

EVO2 90.74 46.25 SA01 OB01 48.28 MO1 8.56

EVO6 90.9 54.43 SA04 OB02 67.34 MO2 85.523
EVO7 86.18 2.03 SA05 OB03 70.65 MO3 85.99
EVO8 40.3 3.37 SA06 OB04 55.72 MO4 75.86
EVO9 51.69 13.37 SA06 OB05 37.62 MO5 79.82
EV10 29.55 7.54 SA08 OB06 54.92 MO6 57.62
EV11 72.005 41.92 SA09 OB07 33.12 MO7 11.81
EV10 11.91 1.42 SA14 OB08 11.25 MO8 4.74
EV15 94.3 41.5 SA15 OB09 83.423 MO9 11.94
– – 4.47 SA16 OB10 83.8 MO10 11.72
– – 0.85 SA17 OB11 53.34 MO11 5.85
– – 11.96 SA20 OB12 68.82 MO12 2.98
– – 15.5 SA23 OB13 56 MO13 55.58
– – 32.3 SA24 OB14 13.82 MO14 7.81
– – 79.5 SA51 OB15 5.86 MO15 7.62
– – 13.36 SA53 OB17 96.9 MO16 64.21
– – 54.29 SA54 OB18 57.56 MO17 98.21
– – 0.24 SA55 OB19 89.38 MO18 11.93
– – 57.04 SA58 OB20 92.36 MO19 13.03
– – – – OB21 26.44 MO20 91.22
– – – – – – MO21 58.98
– – – – – – MO22 91.22

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Table 7 Statistical analysis of iron, pH, temperature and WQI

Ca2? Mg2? Fe2? Mn2? Cl- SO42- T pH EC WQI
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (°C) (ls/c)

a: Monatelé area
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1400 100
Min value 1.29 3.53 0.1 0.02 7.82 2 24.8 5.4 78 2.98
Max value 32.13 101 3.5 0.85 89.92 26 28.8 7.1 1332 98.21
STDEVPA 6.49 21.40 1.22 0.19 20.60 5.62 1,052 0.42 254.30 35.52
Mean 6.19 24.96 1.49 0.202 31.98 9.77 26.57 6.18 310.27 42.83
b: Evodoula area
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1400 100
Min value 1.29 7.05 0.37 0.08 2 5 25 5.9 94 11.91
Max value 9 28.98 3.5 0.33 6 9 28 6.5 305 94.30
STDEVPA 2.09 6.49 0.99 0.09 1.52 1.34 0.95 0.19 61.12 28.89
Mean 3.44 15.14 2.18 0.20 4.03 6.83 26.46 6.13 159.11 63.07
c: Sa’a area
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1.400 100
Min value 1.29 7.83 0.15 0.03 7.82 1 25 5.5 101 0.24
Max value 15.42 49.71 1.9 0.5 89.92 137 28.4 7.1 894 79.48
STDEVPA 3.82 11.72 0.62 0.16 18.67 31.40 1,055 0.39 180.29 24.47
Mean 6.69 26.97 0.97 0.2 39.18 12.70 26.74 6.42 323.44 25.33
d: Obala area
PLV 100 150 1 0.5 250 500 20–24 6.5–8.5 1,400 100
Min value 1.29 7.05 0.3 0.05 11.73 1 24.1 5.7 95 5.86
Max value 10.28 46.53 3.5 0.5 58.64 8 29.6 9.3 503 96.90
STDEVPA 2.50 10.09 1.02 0.12 12.44 2.01 1.12 0.71 98.78 26.67
Mean 5.27 24.32 1.81 0.191 35.775 3.8 25.68 6.605 274.75 55.33
PLV permissible limit value

more natural, one would be tempted to relate these high measures of some parameters. The great pH values provide
values to the surface rock quality which contains ferric large values of WQI which returns a moderate water
elements. The concentrations of manganese are on the quality. Compared to other analysed parameters in this
whole alighting from the WHO standards, although one can study, the causes influencing the large pH values should be
notice a few localities where they exceed this standard sought.
(Table 5). This concentration varies between 0.02 and
0.86 mg/l (Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5). The localities where the
manganese concentration is high have moderate water Calcium and magnesium (Ca2? and Mg2?)
quality according to the WQI.
Calcium is the fifth most abundant naturally occurring
pH element and magnesium, the eighth one. They are the most
abundant elements in the natural surface and groundwater
Hydrogen potential (or pH) measures the chemical activity and exist mainly as bicarbonate (Sarath et al. 2012). The
of hydrogen ions (H?) in solution. The pH is expressed on calcium concentration is varying from 1.2 to 32.13 mg/l
a logarithmic dimensionless scale from 0 to 14. A ‘‘neu- (Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5) and that of magnesium varies
tral’’ water has a pH of 7. A pH below 7 indicates that the between 7.05 and 101 mg/l (Table 7c). These results show
water is acid, whilst pH above this value indicates that it is that the concentration of calcium and magnesium is below
basic water (or alkaline). In this study, the pH varies the WHO standards, although the relative WQI values are
between 5.5 and 9.3, for a variation of WQI from 0.24 to sometimes large and suggest that the water quality is
96.9. In some localities (Table 5) the low pH induces low moderated. This could be understood as the WQI is a
values of WQI, which would be influenced by the missing function of all measured parameters in a sample.

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Environ Earth Sci

a b

c d

e f g

Fig. 3 Graphs a, b, c, and d represent the concentration of iron certain localities and graph g indicates some areas where the pH
compared to the limit concentration in some localities, graphs e and exceeds the limit value proposed by WHO
f represent the temperature compared to the limit temperature in

Chloride (Cl-) Sulphate (SO42-)

The concentration of chloride ranges from 2 (Tables 2, 3, Sulphates are present naturally in various minerals. In
4, 5) to 89.92 mg/l (Table 5) whilst WQI values vary groundwater, most sulphates are coming from dissolution
between 0.24 and 96.90. Globally, stations that have low of minerals such as gypsum and anhydrite. The sulphate is
concentration of chloride are ranked amongst those that associated with the aesthetic objective; with a high con-
have WQI classifying water as good. However, values centration it can alter the taste, smell and colour of water
exceeding 50 mg/l refer generally to a moderate water (Sarath et al. 2012). Although sulphate poses no health risk
quality (Table 7c, d). In terms of water quality, this glob- at concentrations normally present in water, its presence in
alization will make sense if all measured parameters are groundwater can be synonymous with poor quality and
taken into account individually, because we noticed in may indicate the existence of other problems that have
some localities, certain parameters such as iron, pH and adverse health effects. In the study area concentration of
temperature (Fig. 3a–g), exceeding the standard values sulphate varies between 1 and 137 mg/l (Tables 2, 3, 4, 5).
even if water is good in terms of WQI. We can note that these values are below the WHO

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Table 8 Adapted variogram models and their characteristics

Parameter Zone Models Nugget effecte Slope Ambit/scope RMSE

Variogram of WQI Evodoula Gaussian 300 1,400 45 0.63

Monatéle Gaussian 100 2,800 65 5.18
Obala Exponential 500 1,300 100 6.07
Sa’a Gaussian 500 1,400 140 0.48

Fig. 4 Kriged maps showing the spatial distribution of the water quality index

standards. In terms of sulphate, all sampling localities study area, groundwater has moderate quality according to the
should have good water quality, but in terms of WQI, there analysed physico-chemical parameters and the WQI calcu-
are some localities which have moderate water quality lated. However, some stations should be monitored; espe-
(Tables 2, 3, 4, 5). cially those with high iron concentrations, high temperature
and those with a higher or lower pH, which could provide poor
water quality when considering each parameter indepen-
Conclusion dently. From this study, it is always important to investigate
quality of drinking water even in developing countries. The
This study was carried to investigate the water quality in methods used have shown their efficiency and can be used to
Central Africa, using the water quality index (WQI) parameter characterize the quality of groundwater in similar regions and
and the block ordinary kriging interpolation. In the overall may be associated with new technologies.

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