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Tugas individu


Luh Ayu Yuliani



A. 1.What do the duties of managers include ?

 The company's job is to ensure the company's goals and ensure that the
business operates efficiently

2. what does planning involve ?

 Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how

these goals can best be achieved

3. why is planning the first management function ?

 Because others depend on it,but even when managers turn to planning other
managerial functions it continues when goals and alternatives are futher
evaluated and revised

4. what do managers do in the organizing phase ?

 That will be made and is responsible and related responsibility

5. can staffing be considered as part of the organizing function ? “why or why not ?

 Yes,because it can adjust the resources to be exact.arranging for everything to

work planned previously.there are many people in one
company.everyone is different.almost everything.his expertise is different.the
science is different.the motivation is different .his behavior is different.almost
everything is different.
While they must work together.while they have to realize the desires of the
company together for that we need staff in the organizing function.

6. “why is ongoing communication necessary for effective direction ?

 Because one of the goals of the manager is to revise whether the planning is
going well in the future or not

7.what do managers evaluate in the controlling function ? “ why is evaluation essential

at this phase of a project”
 That is ,the principle of ongoing discussions with the organization is important
at this stage of the project because arrangements must be made in accordance
with the organizational structure and subordinates are to carry out the plan.

8. “what types of problems could a manager discover in performing the controlling

function ?

 The type of problem of formal truth monitoring

Formal truth monitoring is supervision of everything based on avaible
evidence.formal proof.administrative issues it does not matter that it is not
The point is this.for example :a company buys a vehicle what turns out that the
vehicle is not needed.or the benefits are few does not have a significant impact on
company operations.
Formal truth monitoring : checking the evidence of the vehicle procurement
:auction process,direct appointment or other means.also check the letters
:stnk,bpkb.also the purchase note the tax.and all related to the purchase of the
If everything is complete there is no cheating.or harmful thing supervision :success.
9.which skills do managers need to.perform effectively?”why is each important?

 Communication skills now,understanding how to communicate well is

one of the manager’s skills that is very important .why because it will largely
determine the trust of your team members or other employees so that you can
support them all.
Good communication skills can also increase the sense of togetherness between
managers and work team.with words that are peruasive ,polite,and friendly will
certainly increase mutual resoect with everyone involved.

10. “give example of the qualities of an effective manager.”classify these as either

Interpersonal,organization,or technical skills.

 Nouns
1.secretary :sekretari
2.employee: pegawai
3.director : directur
 Verbs
1.decide :memutuskan
2.command : memerintah : mencari
 Adjectives
1.responsible :tanggung jawab
2.honest ;jujur
3.clear : tegas

Clearly :dengan jelas

Tidily :dengan rapi
Honestly : sejujurnya

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