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Original article  317

Screening intelligence of primary school children using

Draw‑a‑Person test
Ali M. El‑Shafiea, Dalia M. ElLahonya, Mohamed A. Samira, Khaled M. Biramb

Paediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine,

Menoufia University, Menoufia, bPaediatric
The aim of this study was to screen intelligence among primary school children using
Department, El‑Amreya General Hospital,
Alexandria, Egypt Draw‑a‑Person test (DAP) in Alexandria, Egypt.
Correspondence to Khaled M. Biram, MBBCH,
DAP test was created by Dr. Florence Goodenough in 1926. It measures multiple developmental
Pediatric Department, El‑Amreya General
Hospital, 23 Ali Heba Street, Sidi Bishr, streams of progress like learning, cognitive, visual, and motor by having the child to draw any
Alexandria, Egypt person, with scoring based according to the presence and quality of features. By comparing
Tel: +20 100 318 8432; the raw score to the typical rates of drawing, the child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) is obtained.
Postal code 21611 Patients and methods
This study was carried out on 1000 apparently healthy primary school children aged from 6 to
Received 19 August 2017 12 years in Alexandria, Egypt. Students were subjected to medical evaluation. Parents were
Accepted 29 November 2017 given a personal/family data questionnaire by the students to assess their socioeconomic
Menoufia Medical Journal 2019, 32:317–322 standard (SES), which also contained a part for the student’s medical history to exclude any
serious medical problems or chronic diseases that might affect test score. School achievement
data were obtained from student’s school file. Thereafter, the students performed the test.
The study showed that the number of children with gifted intelligence was 24 (2.4%), with
superior intelligence was 85 (8.5%), with average intelligence was 816 (81.6%), with borderline
intellectual function was 41 (4.1%), and lastly, with mild and moderate mental retardation was
34 (3.4%). Positive correlations were found between IQ and SESs, school achievement, and
residence. No correlation was found between IQ and sex.
The DAP test provides pediatricians with an easy and low‑cost developmental screening
device, alerting them to the possibility of developmental disorders.

achievement, cognition, intellectual disability, intelligence tests, pediatricians

Menoufia Med J 32:317–322

© 2019 Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University

the Goodenough‑Harris test, it has guidelines for

assessing children from age 6 to 17 years. Harris assumes
Draw‑a‑Person test  (DAP) is a projective test that
that changes in the child’s drawings of a man or a woman
allows an examinee to respond to questions through
represent the development of cognitive complexity or
drawings. Projective tests can be applied in various
intellectual maturity expressed by increasingly complex
settings such as schools, corporations, and private
representations of the human figure. He regards the
practices to assess many psychological aspects including child’s concept of a human figure as an index or sample
personality, family background, intelligence, physical of their concept generally. As Cox [3] in a comprehensive
and emotional abuse, and depression. [1]. review notes that in Western cultures ‘children progress
from a period of scribbling to the production of tadpole
Dr.  Goodenough first became interested in figure
forms, and then to conventional forms, at first composed
drawing when she wanted to find a way to supplement the
of segmented body parts, and then later of more
Stanford–Binet intelligence test with a nonverbal measure.
contoured and integrated sections’.
The test was developed to assess the maturity in young
people. Dr. Goodenough concluded that the amount of The aim of our study is to screen intelligence among
detail involved in a child’s drawing could be used as an primary school children using DAP test in Alexandria,
effective tool. This led to the development of the first Egypt.
official assessment using figure drawing, which was the
DAP test. Over the years, the test has been revised many
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms
times with added measures for assessing intelligence [2]. of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
Harris later revised the test, with features including non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new
drawings of a woman and of themselves. Now considered creations are licensed under the identical terms.

1110-2098 © 2019 Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University DOI: 10.4103/mmj.mmj_580_17

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318  Menoufia Medical Journal, Volume 32 | Number 1 | January-March 2019

Gross details
Patients and method Head present, legs present, arms present, trunk present,
After approval of the Local Institutional Ethical length of trunk greater than breadth, and shoulders
Committee of educational affairs of Alexandria and are indicated  (abrupt broadening of the trunk below
obtaining written consents from all student’s parents the neck).
to participate in our study, the study was carried out on
1000 apparently healthy primary school children aged
from 6 to 12  years from July 2015 to October 2016. Attachments
This study involved a mixture of both rural and urban Both arms and legs attached to the trunk, arms and
cultures. legs attached to the trunk at the correct points, neck
present, and outline of neck, continuous with that of
Parents were given a questionnaire by the students head, trunk, or both.
inquiring about their telephone number, full name,
date of birth, and any serious medical problems
in the past, and it also included degree of parents’ Head details
education, occupation of husband, family size, and Eyes present (one or two), nose present, mouth present,
monthly family income to assess socioeconomic nose and mouth in two dimensions, two lips shown, nostril
standard (SES). shown, hair shown, and hair on more than circumference
of head and nontransparent – better than scribble.
All study children were subjected to medical evaluation
to exclude any chronic clinical problems.
School achievement was obtained by the marks of the Clothing presents (any clear representation of clothing),
previous year using subject’s school records. Marks two articles of clothing nontransparent  (e.g.,  hat
of the children from junior one class were obtained and trousers), the entire drawing free from
from the midterm, and then school  achievement  was transparencies  –  sleeves and trousers must be shown,
classified according the most common grading scale: four articles of clothing definitely indicated such as
grade A (90–100, excellent), B (80–89, above average), hat, shoes, coat, shirt, necktie, belt and trousers, and
C  (70–79, average), D  (60–69, usually the minimum lastly costume complete with incongruities such as
passing grade), and F (0–59). business suit and soldier’s costume, and hat, sleeves,
trousers, and shoes must be shown.
DAP test was  performed  with test instructions, and
test setting included a child seated comfortably at
Hand details
an individual table with enough space to draw freely.
Fingers present  (any indication), correct number of
Before asking the student to complete the DAP test,
fingers shown, fingers in two dimensions  –  length
we  provided  the following: full understanding of the
greater than breadth, the angle subtended not greater
instructions to the children involved in study, sufficient
than 180 degrees, opposition of thumb clearly defined,
lighting, avoidance of distractions and noises, and
and hand shown distinct from fingers and arm.
materials such as a pencil with soft lead and a sheet of
paper placed on the table.
Administrator requested the children to DAP with Arm joint shown  –  elbow, shoulder, or both, and leg
no time limit and did not make any comment on the joint shown – knee, hip, or both
drawing or ask the child to correct any details, as this is
not an art lesson but an attempt to ascertain the child’s
concept of the human figure. Proportions
Head not more than half or less than one‑tenth of
Children who refused to draw were encouraged, and trunk, arms equal to trunk, but not reaching knee, legs
if they did not respond, they were given another time not less than trunk not more than twice trunk size, feet
for testing. in two dimensions – not more than one‑third or less
than one‑tenth of leg, and both arms and legs in two
After children had completed the test, drawings were dimensions.
rated according to the DAP scoring system to be
converted to intelligence quotient  (IQ) by modified
Harris scoring guide [4]. Motor coordination
Lines firm without marked tendency to cross, gap, or
The following features were evaluated in the DAP test: overlap; all lines firm with correct joining, outline of
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Draw‑a‑Person test El‑Shafie et al.  319

head without obvious irregularities. Develop beyond Post‑hoc test: it is a test used after one‑way
the first crude circle, conscious control apparent, ANOVA (F test) or Kruskal–Wallis test to show any
trunk outline. Score same as 3, arms and legs without significant difference between the individual groups.
irregularities. Two dimensions and no tendency
to narrow at the point of junction with trunk, and P  value is considered significant if P is less than or
features symmetrical (more likely to credit in profile equal to 0.05.

Fine head details Results

Ears present  (two in full face, one in profile). Ears A total of 1000  patients were involved: 423  (42.3%)
present in correct position and proportion. Eye females and 577  (57.7%) males. The age range of
details – brow or lashes and pupil shown; proportion: the patients was 6–12  years, with the mean age of
length greater than width; eye detail  –  glance  –  only 8.17 ± 1.6 years. A total of 256 (25.6%) of them were rural
plus in profile; and chin and forehead shown. residents and 744 (74.4%) were urban residents. Children
were classified into low SES children 327  (32.7%),
average SES 418 (41.8%), and children with high SES
Projection of chin shown in profile, and heel clearly 255 (25.5%). As regarding school achievement, children
shown. Body profile  –  head, trunk, and feet without were divided into four groups: grades A, B, C, or D,
error, and the figure shown in true profile without error accounting for 187 (18.7%), 378 (37.8%), 263 (26.3%),
or transparency. and 172 (17.2%), respectively (Table 1).

For example, if a boy is aged eight years, and his raw The study revealed some points regarding IQ as follows:
drawing score was 40, then the IQ was 112 by data in
First, the number of children with gifted intelligence
reference table.
was 24  (2.4%), superior intelligence was 85  (8.5%),
Then, the student’s IQ was classified according to those having average intelligence was 816  (81.6%),
Sattler. The Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale fourth borderline intellectual function group was 41  (4.1%),
edition is as follow: very gifted, 145–160; gifted, and lastly, 34 (3.4%) children had mild and moderate
130–144; superior intelligence, 120–129; high average mental retardation (Table 2).
intelligence, 110–119; average intelligence, 90–109;
low average, 80–89; borderline impaired, 70–79; Second, strong positive correlation was found between
mildly impaired, 55–69; and moderately impaired, SES and IQ levels; those with higher SES have higher
40–54. IQ scores  (111.25) in comparison with those with
average (104.18) and low SES (92.67) (Table 3).
In our study, we further classified the obtained IQ
Table 1 Distribution of the studied children regarding their
scores into five classes: gifted group included very
gifted and gifted scores, 130–160; superior intelligence, Characteristics n=1000
120–129; average included high and flow average, Age (years)
80–119; borderline impaired, 70–79; and mild and Mean±SD 8.17±1.6
moderate impaired, 40–69; the results were statistically Range 6‑12
analyzed by SPSS, version  20  (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Sex [n (%)]
Illinois, USA). Female 423 (42.3)
Male 577 (57.7)
Two types of statistics were done: descriptive was done Residence [n (%)]
using percentage  (%), mean, and SD, and analytical Rural 256 (25.6)
Urban 744 (74.4)
one using Student’s t‑test, which is a single test used
SES [n (%)]
to collectively indicate the presence of any significant
Low 327 (32.7)
difference between two groups for a normally Average 418 (41.8)
distributed quantitative variable. High 255 (25.5)
School achievement [n (%)]
One‑way analysis of variance  (ANOVA)  (F test): A 187 (18.7)
ANOVA is a single test used to collectively indicate B 378 (37.8)
the presence of any significant difference between C 263 (26.3)
several groups for a normally distributed quantitative D 172 (17.2)
variable. SES, socioeconomic standard.
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320  Menoufia Medical Journal, Volume 32 | Number 1 | January-March 2019

Third, children living in urban areas had higher IQ the assessment of neural and psychological functions
levels  (104.32) compared with those living in rural in children and adolescents [5].
areas (97.52) (Table 3).
Many studies have been conducted all over the
The fourth finding was the positive correlation between world to find the effect of many risk factors on child
IQ levels and school achievement; children with high cognition. The education, occupation, and income
school achievement  (grade  A) achieved the highest of parents  –  indices of the family’s SES  –  have been
DAP test score (112.16) and IQ level among the whole found to moderate the heritability of their children
studied sample, and vice versa (Table 3). intelligence, as stated by Turkheimer et al. [6].

The fifth point is there was no significant difference in Because there are many risk factors that contribute
IQ levels between males and females (Table 3). to cognitive achievement, examining these factors
in a cumulative risk model is valuable because the
cumulative risk may be more influential than any
specific risk factor alone in predicting negative child
Discussion development outcomes [7].
The assessment of intelligence has a long controversial
history. However in recent years, one area that has Cox and Howarth [8] reported significant differences
received more intense focus on the study of it has been in drawing by normal children and by children with
developmental delays lagging 4  years behind the
Table 2 Distribution of the studied children regarding normal.
intelligence quotient level
This study, regarding IQ results, revealed some findings.
IQ level
Mean±SD 99.73±15.47
First, from Table  2, the mean IQ  (99.73  ±  15.47) is
Range 57‑142
considered higher than IQ measured by many previous
Classification [n (%)]
Very gifted and gifted (130‑160) 24 (2.4)
studies that performed to assess international IQ in
Superior intelligence (120‑129) 85 (8.5) many countries worldwide. For example, according
Average intelligence (80‑119) 816 (81.6) to one study (Flynn effect in Turkey), the population
Borderline intellectual function (70‑79) 41 (4.1) was estimated to have a mean IQ of 87.41 points by
Mild and moderate mental retardation (40‑69) 34 (3.4) DAP test in turkey in 1977 and a mean IQ of 90.93
IQ, intelligence quotient. points [9]. Moreover, in another study (the DAP test
for Ghana), the estimated mean IQ was 88 (male) and
Table 3 Distribution of sex, residence, socioeconomic 84 (female) by DAP test in Ghana [10].
standard and school achievement regarding intelligence
quotient level (n=1000)
The second point from Table  3 was no significant
IQ level Test of P Post‑hoc test
(mean±SD) significance
difference in IQ levels between male and female. This
Sex is similar to a study conducted by Flynn et al. [11], who
Female 99.99±16.56 t=0.48 0.627 ‑ found that male and female obtained roughly equal IQ
Male 99.57±14.53 scores on Raven’s progressive matrices after reviewing
Residence recent standardization samples in five modernized
Rural 97.52±17.80 t=2.09 <0.02* ‑ nations.
Urban 104.32±14.75
SES On the contrary, Lynn [12] stated that although it
Low1 92.67±15.74 F=96.58 <0.001* 1 vs. 2, 1 vs.
is correct that there is no sex difference in average
3, 2 vs. 3
Average2 104.18±14.26
intelligence between the ages of 5 and 15 years, from
High3 111.25±10.78 <0.001* the age of 16 years, males begin to have greater average
School intelligence than females.
D1 83.64±21.23 F=109.79 <0.001* 1 vs. 2, 1 vs. This disagrees with a 2004 meta‑analysis by Irwing
3, 1 vs. 4, et  al. [13] who found that the mean IQ of male
2 vs. 3, 2 vs.
4, 3 vs. 4 exceeded that of females by up to five points on the
C2 90.53±9.15 Raven’s progressive matrices test.
B3 105±12.29
A4 112.16±11.40 The third finding  (Table  3) states that children
IQ, intelligence quotient; SES, socioeconomic standard. who lived in an urban area had higher IQ levels in
*Significant. comparison with those lived in rural areas, which
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Draw‑a‑Person test El‑Shafie et al.  321

may indicate strong positive correlation between had the highest DAP test scores and IQ levels among
residency and cognitive functions. This supports the the whole studied sample, and vice versa.
study conducted by Emmett, which showed that the
rural school children obtained lower scores than urban Our study came in line with a study in UK schools was
children, and that the spread in intelligence among to relate scores on statewide standardized achievement
them was also smaller [14]. tests to measures of cognitive skills in a large and
representative sample of students in a city that includes
Tabriz et  al. [15] found that  the  children’s IQ , as traditional district, exam, and charter public schools.
determined by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for They found substantial positive correlations between
children, administered as part of the study, was cognitive skills and achievement test scores, especially
positively related to living in metropolitan and urban in math. These correlations are consistent with
areas and the level of the children’s fathers’ education. prior studies relating working memory to academic
performance (grades) in UK schools [22].
On the contrary, Naomi et al. [16] in a study ‘Stability
and Change in Children’s Intelligence Quotient According to Laidra et al. [23], students ’achievement
Scores’ found that IQ was lower among urban relies most strongly on their cognitive abilities through
children than those of rural residence. Further research all grade levels.
directed to investigate the relation between children
IQ and residence may be helpful in recognizing the
residence‑related causes that may affect IQ levels,
such as quality of education, nutritional status, genetic Conclusion
admixture, and pollution. From the results of the study, IQ levels obtained
by DAP test were positively correlated with SESs,
The fourth finding from Table  3 also shows that a residences, and school achievement. No correlation
strong positive correlation was found between SESs was found between IQ levels and sex.
and IQ levels; those children living in high SES have
higher DAP test scores and IQ levels in comparison
with those with average and low SES. Financial support and sponsorship
This finding agrees with Fernald et  al.  [17], who
found a positive correlation between SESs and IQ
Conflicts of interest
levels; children who live in high SES have a higher
There are no conflicts of interest.
IQ. Children from disadvantaged family backgrounds
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