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Name : Agatha Megawati Pramudya Putri_210426369

Tri Ayuni_210426359

Class: N

“The Influence Of Foreign Language On Nationalism”

In the era of globalization, such as at present the influence of foreign languages,

especially English as a global language, is difficult to avoid. This hegemony appears
everywhere and almost touches all aspects of the use of Indonesian. The use of foreign
languages (English) is increasingly symptomatic. However, this symptom does not have
to be allowed because it damages the growth and development of the Indonesian
language. After all, in this topic, there are several reasons.

First, the Indonesian language must still exist and become a tool of national pride
and must remain sovereign in its own country. For this reason, the positive attitude of
Indonesian people must be encouraged to remain loyal to their national language. The
attitude of nationalism does not need to be depleted due to globalization.

Second, Internationalization in the era of globalization in the Indonesian context

does not have to be interpreted as an English Indonesian, but aimed at efforts to match,
interpret, and absorb. This study used the descriptive qualitative method.

And Finally, Indonesia proved that it is impossible for the Indonesian people to
demand the purity of the Indonesian language and to keep themselves from being
influenced by foreign languages. In a study at the University of Eleven March,
Therefore, the Indonesian people must be able to distinguish between positive and
negative influences on the development of the Indonesian language. This positive
attitude can instill confidence among the public that Indonesian is no different from
other foreign languages. Each language has advantages and disadvantages. With the
positive attitude given by this public, it will certainly help the Indonesian people in
maintaining the Indonesian language, so that the Indonesian language itself can
withstand negative foreign influences.

But with the development of the foreign language, the Indonesian people can
follow the international development smoothly and be able to compete with other
countries. The Indonesian language is gradually displaced by the foreign language. In
the era of digital we are required to master technology there is a great deal of English, of
course if we learn a foreign language we can be fluent in computers, laptops, and
cellphones in everyday life. If we cannot sort out the influence of a foreign language,
Indonesian will gradually fade and influence the culture.

It could be concluded that in the era of globalization, the influence of foreign

languages could damage Indonesian growth and development especially. It would be
better if we asa young generation and indonesians kept on upholding the unity of
Indonesian language. Though it is with the development of our day, we must never
forget the love of the motherland and of Indonesia.

1. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
A. Thesis Statement

Answer: “In the era of globalization, such as at present the influence of foreign
languages, especially English as a global language, is difficult to avoid. This hegemony
appears everywhere and almost touches all aspects of the use of Indonesian. The use of
foreign languages (English) is increasingly symptomatic. However, this symptom does
not have to be allowed because it damages the growth and development of the
Indonesian language.”

2. Body
A. First Reason (Paragraph 2)

Topic Sentance: “First Reason, Indonesian language must still exist and
become a tool of national pride and must remain sovereign in its own country. For this
reason, the positive attitude of Indonesian people must be encouraged to remain loyal
to their national language. The attitude of nationalism does not need to be depleted
due to globalization.”

Support Sentance:

1. Must Still Exist

2. Tool Of National Pride
3. Remain loyal to their national language

B. Second Reason (Paragraph 3)

Topic Sentance: “Second Reason, Internationalization in the era of globalization

in the Indonesian context does not have to be interpreted as an English Indonesian, but
aimed at efforts to match, interpret and absorb. This study used descriptive qualitative
Supporting Sentance:

1. English does not have to be interpreted as an English Indonesian.

2. Effort to match
3. The effort to interpret and absorb

C. Third Reason (Paragraph 4)

Topic Sentance: “And Third reason, Indonesia proved that it is impossible for the
Indonesian people to demand the purity of the Indonesian language and to keep
themselves from being influenced by foreign languages. This positive attitude can instill
confidence among the public that Indonesian is no different from other foreign
languages. Each language has advantages and disadvantages. With the positive attitude
given by this public, it will certainly help the Indonesian people in maintaining the
Indonesian language, so that the Indonesian language itself can withstand negative
foreign influences”

Supporting Sentance:

1. Be able to distinguish between positive and negative influences

2. Instill confidence.
3. The positive attitude

D. Counterargument (Paragraph 5)

1. Counterargument #1 :

But with the development of the foreign language, the Indonesian people can follow the
international development smoothly and be able to compete with other countries.

Refutation (attack) :

The Indonesian language is gradually displaced by the foreign language.

2. Counterargument #2 :
In the era of digital we are required to master technology there is a great deal of
English, of course if we learn a foreign language we can be fluent in computers, laptops,
and cellphones in everyday life.

Refutation (attack) :

If we cannot sort out the influence of a foreign language, Indonesian will gradually fade
and influence the culture.

3. Conclusion (Paragraph 6)

A. Restated Thesis :

It could be concluded that in the era of globalization, the influence of foreign

languages could damage Indonesian growth and development especially.

B. Opinion/Suggestion/Prediction :

It would be better if we asa young generation and indonesians kept on upholding the
unity of Indonesian language. Though it is with the development of our day, we must
never forget the love of the motherland and of Indonesia.

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