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REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON, KULTURA AT ISPORTS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS: UL Complex, Meralco Avenue Pasig, Metro Manila July 17, 1998 DECS ORDER No. 64, s, 1998 REVISED REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF SUMMER CLASSES IN BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS To: Regional Directors Schools Superintendents Private Secondary School Principals 1. To ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the policy relative to ‘operation of stummer classes in both public and private secondary schools, guidelines are hereby revised. 2. The revised guidelines contained in the inclosure shall be implemented starting the summer term 1998-1999. 3. Gross violation of regulatious and conditions mentioned in the revised guidelines shall be sufficient cause for cancellation of permit to operate and for denial of future. requests to operate summer classes. All rules and regulations inconsistent with this Order are hereby amended and/or rescinded. 4. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed. ANDREW GONZ ater Asc Secretary Incl.: As stated Reference: DECS Order: No. 12, 8. 1998 Allotment: 1—(D.0. 50-97) ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CLASSES: Course of Study, SECONDARY POLICY "Quality Education Towards Philippines 2000" SUMMER CLAS! REVISED REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF (S1N BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS The a Hion (o operate sumer chases: should be submited (© the regional office ‘Wet not tater than the first week of Match proceeding iprowal af the appheation by the Boytonal Director shall he raseat ow the Lesait ef tke evatnation oF the merits of the application by the division alfices comeeaned, The appheation mn triplicate ehall unclude the followin, a nugjor snbjcet, subject to be taught, umber of y fet may be assigned to teach the snbject an the sumer session whieh fo-ehe fas not kmeht for at least three GY requtar sehoot 1b. ‘Teutative list of subjects (9 be offeted which is based on the report of failmes submitted by the Principal to the division office ©. Schedule of classes and authorized student's fees nto hold summer classes shall be isened only {or the form applied for subject to the regulations preseribed here, ‘Summer classes in schools may be offered to the following students only bs who back one (5) faberatary sl fo araduate in Ma ‘cl or fwo (2) non taboriory Ty reegutar students: who Hack the on Taboratory subjects ta be ela icin one (1) tsboraiory subjects or two (2) lied as regular students in any euriculom your ifthe secondary conse dari the suceseeline school your aller the simmer form Mo stdont nay earsy more than one(}) Taborutory subject or two (2) non-laboratory anbjocts caving the summer lasses The sammner session « svohnent a hall consist oF not fess than 26 days excluding holidays: and + nt includ evte exciton cy The wmber of hous to be completed for a tiboratory subject or two (2) amit credit eubject is 266.6 or 7 hours and 24 mimites daily, while that for a non-laboratory beet te EVE Chours ov $ hour stud 1? womates lathe 0 Schedule of chasis shonkd have ai interval of no wore than 5 mimes: between peviods Cassi shall be scheduled sis (6) days st week, Monday through Satin day No student shall be erven erodit tor tuyvhor work Hf he/she Hae duce (3) hays nsved classes for more plyig to the reanlar school year W846 accommodations. Hxces ilies, alison, Faculty. promotion a repents sill apply cncept is provided fntem 7 above te the stunner che avofled tu, summer shail be submited miccrtied Hot Hal Reports on final ratings obtained by al siden fo the ropional offige thhoweh the division office yy thoy thes baat day af eles is ane hereby delegated fo moniter and evaluate stint onitorinte sand syporsision should be prepared by the division {pott on evaluation shall be subinitled ty the Regional Directors not The Division cred wan (15) wonkinos days ator He hast day of chr ses:

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