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Name: Date:

Lab. Section: Schedule:

Activity 4
Meristic Characteristics of Fish

At the end of the activity, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different meristic characteristics of fish
2. Understand and know use of meristic characteristics on fish

Fish samples
Dissecting kit
Dissecting pad
Sketch pad/Camera

1. Place the fish sample in a flat surface or dissecting pad
2. Count the different meristic characters present in the fish samples
Measurement Type Number
First dorsal fin – spine 10
Second dorsal fin – spines 0
Second dorsal fin – rays 11
Anal fin – spines 3
Anal fin – rays 9
Tail fin – rays 22
Pectoral fin – spines 0
Pectoral fin – rays 14
Pelvic fin – spines 1
Pelvic fin – rays 7
Lateral line scales 60
Gill rakers - upper Limb 7
Gill rakers - lower Limb 16
1. Differentiate meristic and morphometric characteristics in fish.

A meristic is a countable trait, such as number of gill rakers or number of dorsal fin spines.
Morphometrics examines the size and shape using a measurable trait, such as standard length or
wet weight, which can be gauged as a length, mass, angle or ratio of other measurements.

2. What is/are the importance of measuring the meristic characters in fish?

Meristic traits and morphometrics are often used to classify taxa, sometimes down to the species
level or sub-species level. In dichotomous keys, these counts and measurements can help identify
a particular species of fish.

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