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Chu Duy

Business Support
CCI France VietNam
21 November, 2021
Hà Nội, Vietnam

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am interested in pursuing an internship at CCI France Vietnam to challenge my

passion as well as my ability in assessing the Vietnamese market. As a graduate
student of BUV and UTS Insearch, I am on my way to finding a job that will ensure
that I can help me gain industry experience and skills before opening one on my own.
private enterprise. Through the introduction of BUV, I was honoured to know CCIFV
and feel that I am suitable for the position that the company is applying for.

I would like to take advantage of my knowledge and experience to be able to

accurately assess the Vietnamese market. Currently, I am interested in researching the
sourcing of the Vietnamese market as well as the European market. Besides, tracking
customer needs and market trends is becoming my top priority in this field. that’s why
your company’s internship position stands out to me. I previously worked as a CRM
(Customer Relationship Management) analysis at New Motion Labs in London, UK.
Through this internship I have gained valuable skills and experience which can help
me to practice in your company’s internship position in the future. in fact, CCIFV
really attracted me in terms of understanding the supply market of Vietnamese

Finally, my years studying at BUV and UTS Insearch have taught me the importance
of understanding the Vietnamese market and social trends. It also helped me develop
team collaboration, verbal communication and project leadership skills, especially the
ability to do SWOT analysis. I believe I will make a great addition to your team. This
internship will help me develop my real-world experience in the business industry and
help me further develop and refine my application design skills. Do not hesitate to
contact me through the phone number and email attached above.

Thank the employer for taking the time to review this offer.
Chu Duy

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