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Name : Devi Kurnia Anggraeni

SNR : 15050040

Major : Language and Art

Study Program : English Education Department


1. Advisory Committee:

Advisor Co-Advisor

Miftahul Jannah, M.Pd. Novita Eka Tristiana, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0225029801 NIDN. 0213118602

2. The Chairman of English Education Study Program

Fitri Wulandari, M.Pd.

NIDN 0225078103


Devi Kurnia Anggraeni

The objective of the research is to know whether Influence of student’s reading by using
read, ask, put strategy toward student’s reading comprehansion on descriptive text. This
research was a quantitative research. The study consisted two classes that are experimental
class and control class. The test realized in reading descriptive text. Population of this
research is at the eight grade of SMP N 3 Sukoharjo. Thehe instrument of research used
reading test in descriptive text. the result t observe = 7,44 and tcritical = 1,99. It means that tobserve >
tcritical.. The hypothesis was accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence
of using read, ask, put (rap) strategy toward student’s reading comprehansion on descriptive

Keywords : reading comprehension , read, ask, put

INTRODUCTION will be seen in a glance, and

that the meaning of individual
A. Background of Study words will be known. Briefly it
English is one of international can be said that "reading" is
languages which plays an "brining meaning to and getting
important role in the world. In meaning from printed or
English language there are four written material", plucking and
skills that are listening, understanding the meaning or
reading, speaking and meaning contained in written
writing.Especially in reading material (Finochiaro and
skils: Reading is one of skill Bonomo in H.G. Tarigan,
which can help students is 2008: 4).
learning process.Reading is a Reading activity is an arrest
process done and used by the and understanding of ideas,
reader to obtain the message. reader activities that
accompanied the outpouring of
which would be conveyed by soul in living the script. The
the author through the media of process of reading began from
words / written language (H.G. the activity of a mechanical
Tarigan, 2008: 3). A process activity of the sense of the eye
that requires the group of for the normal, the tactile for
words which constitute a unity the blind. After the process
takes place, the reason and the and language is an instrument
institutions that work, the to send or exchange
process of understanding and information and to interact with
appreciation. In addition, the others. Through language
reading activities also people can communicate and
emphasize the accuracy and interact in social life.
speed as well as competence There are five aspects of
patterns or language skills, reading which help the students
specificintelligence and broad to comprehend theEnglish text:
life referrals. finding main idea, finding
The statement from the specific information, finding
researcher is based on the inference.
statement of the teacher, the 1. Identifying Main Idea
teacher said that the students Main idea refers to important
not interest in learning process, information that tells more
the lack of vocabulary to about the overall idea of a
increase the students skills of paragraph or section of a text.
learning. The student did not In line with McWhorter (2012 :
confident when read the text, 36) the sentence tells what the
and they not fluently and rest paragraph is about in some
accurately with the meaning of paragraph, the main idea is not
the text. In addition, based on explicitly stated in any one of
the questionnaire the researcher sentence. Instead, it is left to
found that some students have infer, or reason out. In other
limited vocabulary, and in words, the main idea is the
learning process the students most important idea that author
did not bring dictionary to develops throughout the
support the learning process. paragraph.
Based on the research, the 2. IdentifyingSpecific
researcher concluded that Information
students in VII B class and VII According to Hood and
Cat SMP Negeri 3 Sukoharjo Soloman in Dararat (2012:11),
have lack of vocabulary and reading for detail is skill that a
also the method in teaching reader to get all information of
learning. the text thoroughly. Readers
need to be 24 more careful and
Language is a tool of slower assuring that they have
communication. There are correctly understood the
several forms for message. According to Dararat
communication; the forms are (2012:11) in order to find
spoken language and written details that support the main
language. The purpose of idea, the readers should be able
communication is to send a to identify which are more
message from the writer or important that the others.
speaker to the reader or listener Segretto in Dewi (2013:23)
states that supporting details (Tompkins) : prereading,
provide the reader with more reading, responding, exploring
information about the main and applying.
idea or subject of a passage.For RAP was make students help to
example, after reading story read something important
about BawangPutih and information in the text. The
BawangMerah, general aim is to improve students
questions related to specific reading comprehension and to
information can befor make them critical readers.
instances: 1) Where was They can be done by individual
BawangPutih washing some students or in groups. Vester
clothes? 2) How did (2008:1),said that RAP is
BawangMerah and her mother activity which get students to
treated BawangPutih?. interact with texts. Its mean
that RAP strategy has the aims
3. Finding Inference are to improve students reading
comprehension and to make
Mentioned earlier. In addition, them to become critical
Martin (2003:123) states that thinking readers for the more,
pronouns are unique in that RAP are individual and group
they have no inherent meaning; activities that encourage people
they can be understood only in to read, reconstruct meaning,
relation to their referents.In analyze and evaluate the text
general questions related to this with discussion charts, tables,
type of reading can befor diagrams etc. RAP help the
examples: 1) The word “she”in students to identifying main
line 5refers to...2) what was idea in the every paragraph
word “her”position?. Making recall information, develop
Inference In relation tomake their own thinking, built their
inferences, Kathleen (2011:31) confidence in giving their
states that an inference is an responses and improve in their
educational guess or prediction learning.
about something unknown Based on the background of the
based on available facts and problem above. The researcher
information. It is the logical want to conducted a research
connection that the reader draw entailed “the influence of using
between his observes or read, ask, put (RAP) strategy
unknown and what he does not toward the student’s reading
know. comprehension in descriptive
Starting from the very text’’.
beginning of the study, the
researcher tried to attract the
studentsattention to the B. RESEARCH METHOD
importance of the following 5 The research design of this
Stages to the Reading Process research is experimental design
a real experimental method is 1. Independent Variable
to investigate possible causal, The independent variable in
causal relationships with a this research is using RAP
design where there is actually a strategy (X)
treatment group and a control 2. Dependent Variable
group and to compare the The dependent variable in
results of the treatment with this research is student’s
strict control. The internal and reading comprehension of
external validity is intact. descriptive text.
according to Sumadi Solar C. FINDING AND
Brata (1990: 32-36) aims to DISCUSSION
investigate possible causal After had conducted the
relationships with designs treatment the researcher did the
where there are actually post test. Those, the data were
treatment groups and control obtained by comparing the
groups and compare treatment result score in pre – test and
outcomes with controls not post – test. In this part, the
subject to treatment conditions. researcher analyzed the result
It was designed to The of pre – test and post – test in
influence in Reading experimental class and control
comprehension Using read, class. The researcher also
ask, put (RAP), and the analyzed the increase of
subjects were seventh grade students’ writing skill after the
students at SMP N3 Sukoharjo treatment.
Pringsewu Lampung. 1. Result of pre-test
In every design of the research The researcher used pre – test
has steps to applied the in the first meeting to find out
research itself, it same with this of students’ reading skill in
research. In this research there descriptive text. The pre test
searcher adopted the steps will was administered on april,9th
conduct by Prof. Dr. Sugiyono 2019. The test have 25
(2010) which consist of two questions that tested in pre test.
steps; Only Control design and The mean of pre test in
Pretest Group Design. There experimental is 53,83. The
are independent variable (X) mean of pre test in control class
and dependent variable (Y). is 43,71. We can see the score
independent variable is a factor of students reading tested in the
which is manipulated by the pre test in experimental class
researcher to determine the and control class in appendix.
relationship between the 2. Result of post – test
phenomena observe. While The post-test administered on
dependent variable is a factor April 24,2019 the questions of
which is observe and measure post-test was exactly the
to determine the effect of different of pre-test we can see
independent variable. the score of post test in
experimental class in appendix. 1,88. From the calculating of
The mean of post-test in Homogeinity test above, it can be
experimental class is 68,5. The seen that f-observed < f-critical.
mean of post test in control So, Hois rejected and Ha is
class is 50,71. From the post- accepted. It means that the
test of two classes, the mean of variances of the data from both of
post-test of experimental higher classes are homogeneous.
then control class. 6. Result of Hypothesis
3. The Increasing of Students’ The result based of pretest in
Reading Skill in Descriptive experimental class and control
Text class that t-observed in
From the data of both experimental class is 7,44 . the
experimental and control class, critical for 28 subjects, calculated
it can be seen that there was by using formula db = Nx +=Ny – 2
significant difference of = 50 must exceed the table which
students reading ability of is 1.99 . based on the data, it can
descriptive text between the be conclude that there is an
influence of a using Process read,
class that was taught using
ask, put toward students’ reading
read, ask, put. It can be seen
comprehension of descriptive text
from the total score of pre –
at eighth grade of SMP N 3
test and post – test in
Sukoharjo in academic year of
experimental class and control
class. In experimental class, the
total score that students
D. Conclusion
achieved is 1292 until 1644.
After conducting the treatment
The result of pre – test and post
and analyzing the data, the
– test in control class was not
researcher can conclude that
as much as in experimental
there wes a significant
class. In control class, the total
influence of using read , ask,
score that students achieved
paraphrase (RAP) toward
was 1224 until 1420. The mean
reading skill of descriptive
was from 43,71until 50,71.
text. This strategy has positive
4. Result of Normality
effect toward students reading
The researcher used Chi-Square
skill. From the result of
formula to find out whether the
experimental class, it can be
data have normal distribution or
seen that the result of
not. The result from the
calculating in experimental class
experimental class is higher
and control class were normally than control class. It means that
distributed. using read, ask, paraphrase in
5. Result of Homogenity teaching reading skill of
The result of Experimental descriptive text has positive
class, f-observe = 1,13 and f- effect to the students’ Reading
critical 1,85. In control Class, f- skill.
observe =1,02 and f-critical =
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