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Hypothyroidism Diet

“Be Slim, Fit, and Happy Simply By

Maintaining a Healthy Thyroid!”
The Hypothyroidism Diet That
Will Boost Your Thyroid!

Dear friend,

Do you know that your wellness is very much dependent

on the health of your thyroid?

The sad truth is that while there are almost 20 million

Americans with a thyroid disorder, only a few are
actually aware of the importance of a healthy thyroid.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are so many
cases of undiagnosed thyroid disease. Moreover, the
symptoms of an unhealthy thyroid are very much similar
to the symptoms of other diseases.

So how are you going to know if you have a thyroid

disorder, or hypothyroidism? Well, since the health of
your thyroid is responsible for the growth and
development of almost every cell and organ you have in
your body, the symptoms of an unhealthy thyroid will
pretty much be evident in your entire well being.

 An underactive thyroid leads to continuous weight

gain despite being on a strict diet.
 Hyperthyroidism will also make your immune system
weak, making you vulnerable to colds and other
common illnesses.
 A disorder in your thyroid will cause your skin to
look dull and dry; your hair dry; and your nails
 A thyroid disorder can slow down your metabolism,
so you will notice that you easily get exhausted
from completing even the simplest of tasks.
 Inadequate thyroid hormones also affect your mental
alertness and mood, thus making you easily
irritated and depressed.

Considering how much a healthy thyroid can influence

your health as well as the way you live your life,
there is no doubt that you must make sure your thyroid
is healthy and functioning properly.

But, before I tell you how you can make sure that your
thyroid is healthy enough to keep your body up and
running, let me tell you exactly what role your thyroid
gland plays in your body and health.

How Important Is Your Thyroid?

Your thyroid gland is located at the front part of your
throat. It produces hormones and protein for muscle
growth, through which your body grows and your organs
develop. In addition, the hormones that your thyroid
produces directly affects your body weight as thyroid
hormones control your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

The amount of iodine in your bloodstream is what

determines the amount of hormones produced by your
thyroid gland. These hormones then make it easy for
your organs and body cells to convert calories and
oxygen into energy.

What is more amazing about your thyroid gland is the

way it balances the hormones in your body. Once there
is excessive hormone production, your brain will signal
your thyroid gland to reduce the amount of thyroid
hormones that it releases.

In short, it is imperative that your thyroid gland

produce adequate amounts of hormones in order to
maintain and enhance the performance of your body cells
and organs. If your thyroid fails to secrete the
adequate amount of thyroid hormone, you will start to
see symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as:

 More weight gain than loss

 Extreme mood swings
 Feeling down and helpless
 Poor intellectual function
 Inability to concentrate
 Decreased sex drive

So now that you have realized how important it is for

you to maintain a healthy thyroid, your next question
is probably how you are going to achieve it.

How Can You Avoid

Just like the way you would treat your other organs in
trouble, you need to make sure that your thyroid gets
high levels of nutrients. With this in mind, you
probably think that what you need is to have a proper
hypothyroidism diet. But aside from having the right
diet for hypothyroidism, there are some things that you
can do to battle hypothyroidism.

One type of natural thyroid treatment is exercise. At

least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day,
particularly yoga, is a good way of treating
hypothyroidism. Doing poses like downward dog will
greatly improve the blood flow to your neck and the
area of your thyroid gland.

As stress is a likely cause of hypothyroidism, try

finding ways to relax, such as meditation and deep
breathing. This will certainly help your thyroid. It is
also important that you get enough sunlight. Sufficient
amounts of vitamin D will greatly boost your immune
system and calcium metabolism.

There are several ways that you can receive natural

thyroid treatment, but you must agree with me that
nothing can beat the power of eating the right foods
and having the proper nourishment to prevent any kind
of organ disorder such as hypothyroidism. So now let me
tell you what kind of hypothyroidism diet you should
What Is A Hypothyroidism Diet?
If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, then you
should be eating plenty of natural foods.

Your hypothyroidism diet should also include some

multivitamins. You should also make sure that you avoid
fatty meats.

It is always our impression that vegetables are highly

nutritious and really good for the health. However, for
people with hypothyroidism, vegetables like
cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli may not do much good
if too many are eaten.

The same is true for seafood, like fish and some sea
vegetables. These are normally part of a nutritious
diet, but because they usually contain high levels of
iodine, this makes them unsuitable for hypothyroidism

Although it is easy to realize that you need a proper

diet for hypothyroidism, it can be quite a challenge to
determine the right sort of diet for your

However, don’t worry about the ins and outs, as I have

found a way to make things simpler for you. What you
need right now is a guide for the hypothyroidism diet.

The Best Choice for You

I am offering you the simplest way to follow a balanced
and well-proportioned diet, which you need to win your
battle against hypothyroidism.

This is an all-in-one comprehensive manual on how to

keep your thyroid healthy. It will let you know all the
Dos and DON’Ts in terms of your eating habits for the
purpose of maintaining healthy levels of thyroid
hormone in your body.

In this hypothyroidism diet guide, you will discover

many natural thyroid treatments. It will present you
with all the natural foods that you can include in your
diet in order to keep your thyroid functioning

The Hypothyroidism Diet guide promises not only to give

you an idea about what you should and should not be
eating to make sure your thyroid is healthy, but it
will also enrich your life with these benefits:

 You will have a broader knowledge on the importance

of the thyroid in your body, which means that you
will be aware of how your thyroid gland works, and
what symptoms you should expect if you have
 You will learn that there are chemicals present in
the products we frequently use that can be harmful
to your thyroid.
 You will get to know all the natural supplements
that can strengthen your thyroid. This manual will
also teach you how you can take full advantage of
these health supplements.
 Sub-clinical hypothyroidism is the condition of
having a thyroid disorder with no apparent
symptoms. Through this hypothyroidism guide, you
will be able to learn how to distinguish the sub-
clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism, which can play
a major role in your effort to prevent the disorder
from affecting the deeper roots in your body.
 Some of the foods that we normally think are very
nutritious may actually be harmful for you as they
contain high levels of iodine. But with this guide,
you will know which iodine-rich foods you need to

As I have explained above, your thyroid plays a very

important role in making sure that your body cells and
organs, including your heart and brain, are in their
best shape. This is perhaps the simplest reason why you
should have a proper hypothyroid diet.
Following is a list of sea vegetables that are most commonly used for human

 Wakame is a sea vegetable that requires soaking and is a great addition to your soup.
 Arame does not require cooking, but does need to be soaked for about 15 minutes
before you eat it. It is a good addition to a garden fresh salad.
 Dulse can be purchased in the form of flakes which are easy to add to your daily salad
or your salad dressing. They add a salty flavor and are especially liked by children.
 Hijiki is referred as the "beauty vegetable" by the Japanese and is the vegetable that is
given credit for the lustrous, long hair and beautiful skin of the Japanese women. Once
soaked, hijiki makes a nice accompaniment to vegetable dishes and goes well with fish.
 Kombu is a great addition to any soup. It will add a nice salty flavor and softens as it
 Kelp is typically sold in the form of kombu.
 Irish Moss can be used as a thickening agent for any liquid. Simply heat it in the liquid
and allow to cool.
 Nori is another convenient sea vegetable because it can be purchased as flat sheets
and used like a tortilla.
 Agar Agar is amazing when used as a thickening agent for puddings or gelatins. A very
healthy addition to any dish that needs to be thickened

Thyroid Diet Eating Plan and Tips

A thyroid diet entails eating good sources of lean protein, such as fish, white meat
poultry, legumes, egg whites, and lean cuts of beef. An adequate intake of protein will
also prevent the hair loss that often accompanies an under active thyroid condition.

Eat 6 small meals each day instead of three heavy meals. Control your portion sizes. A
good way to do this is to use a smaller plate during meals. A smaller plate means
smaller portions. A glass of water before meals will lead you to eat smaller amounts of
food because you will feel full.

Include carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for
the body. Carbohydrates come from the plant-based foods and are part a balanced diet.

Drink lots of water. It is recommended that you drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a
day. This helps to keep you hydrated, and aids in flushing impurities from your system.

Diet for Hypothyroidism:

There is no one diet that is right for everyone. As a matter of fact, doctors recommend
avoiding the foods that could have a negative impact on your hormone medications.

Foods to avoid:

 Foods high in salt, such a potato chips, and processed food such as canned
soups. Homemade soups are better for you.
 Iron and calcium supplements and vitamins high in iron. Iron can cause
constipation and cause stools to be black and tar-like.

 Ulcer medications, antacids, and some cholesterol-lowering drugs may also

inhibit the absorption of synthetic hormones.

 You can lower your cholesterol by adding more fiber to your diet. Cholesterol is
excreted in the feces. Therefore, regular daily bowel movements help to
decrease blood cholesterol levels.

 If you are taking any dietary supplements that your doctor has not prescribed,
your thyroid medication comes first, preferably in the morning. I do not think it is
wise to hold off taking your prescribed thyroid medication in order to ingest
dietary supplements, as was suggested in some places I checked. Take your
thyroid meds on an empty stomach in the morning, or as your doctor prescribes.
In addition to this, make it your business to take them at the same time
everyday. This is your health we are talking about here.

 If it is antacids you are taking, why not avoid the foods that cause an increase in
stomach acid production in the first place, such as foods that are spicy or fried?
Wait until later in the day to take anything that may interact with your thyroid
medications, and make sure your doctor knows you are taking other
nonprescribed meds.

 Instead of the latest fad diet, look for foods that are high in fiber. Your doctor is
the best source to help you plan a diet that has the right amount of proteins,
fats, and minerals to compensate for your underactive thyroid.
Most importantly, eat in moderation. This piece of advice can work for anyone
whether you have a functioning thyroid gland or not. Eating a healthy diet,
getting adequate exercise, watching your salt intake to prevent water retention,
and taking your medications as prescribed are some of the best things you can
do for your body and for your health.

 Thyroid recipes: While researching for this lesson, I ran into myriads of different
diets, recipes, and books. To be honest with you, just eat a healthy diet of fresh
fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and cereals, lean meats, fish, some
seafoods, and poultry. If you have an allergy to certain foods, for heaven's sake
don't eat them! If certain foods inhibit absorption of your medications, eat these
foods 6 hours after taking your meds or don't eat them at all. Remember, your
meds come FIRST, not hours after taking some dietary supplement or another
just to keep them from interacting with thyroid medications.

 Just be sensible about what you put into your body. Your health depends on it.

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