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Name of the Game: The Bean Game Early Stage 1

The aim of the game is to familiarise students with their loco motor and non loco motor skills. The teacher will show the pictures of the different beans
and instruct the students to do certain actions when the name of a bean is called. The corresponding actions are as follows: Butter Bean = Sway in
place, Runner Bean = Run in circle, Chick peas ʹ do a chicken dance and Broad bean = make a big stride across the room.

Why is this game important for this stage?

ð cersonal Identity ʹ Students at this stage must be able to realise their abilities to follow instructions. The game will help students to practice
their listening skills and incorporate what they have learned through their actions.
ð chysical development ʹ Students must be aware of their external body parts and the things these parts can do. The game will enable students
to do some exercises using parts of their body thus increasing their awareness of different body parts and its abilities.
ð ÿalues ʹ Students are able to accept their capabilities which are unique to them by having different ways of doing the movements.

The c cE skills involved in this game are as follows: ã 



The ã  outcome is to expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways while the indicator is to play simple response games. The
communicating outcome and indicator is shown in the game when students listen attentively to the instructions so as to move accordingly and in
response to a certain bean name.

outcome is to relate well to others in work and play situations while the indicator is to observe classroom and playground rules. The
relevance of this skill͛s outcome and indicator is shown when students must abide by the rules (the instructions) for the common benefit.

outcome is to demonstrate a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experience
while the indicator is as follows: walks, runs, slides at different tempos/speed. This can be shown when students are able to respond to stimuli
(teacher͛s commands) to play the game.
Equipment and Teaching cues
cictures of the different bean types

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Name of the Game: Everyone can dance dance Early Stage 1

Students will form a circle. Teacher will start with stretching. ave students stretch up high, looking and focusing upwards and have them produce a
finger pattern to represent raindrops starting from the head then slowly down to their toes. The teacher will play a music with different beats and
students will move accordingly depending on how fast or slow the beat is. If the music doesnt have a beat, students have to do their own movement
like walking, running, hoping or skipping.
Why is this game important for this stage?
ð chysical development ʹ At this stage student must be aware of certain body parts and be able to explore movements at different levels as well
as isolate parts of the body in movement exercise. The game will help students be aware of their body parts and movements by responding to
the music (stimulus) given by the teacher.
ð Cognitive development ʹ At this stage student must be able to identify similarities and differences in appearance, abilities and experiences.
The game will encourage development of this area by letting the students have similar movements aswell as allowing them to explore different
ð Non locomor and locomotor skills ʹ Through movements and to a specified rhythm students are able to demonstrate and master their
locomotor and non locomotor skills.
The c cE skills involved are:    


The   outcome is to demonstrate a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory movement experience
while the indicators are as follows: stretches and curls the body at levels (high and low )and walks, runs, slides at different tempos/speed. The game
helps the students to achieve the outcome and the indicator for this skill by doing a bit of stretching as an introduction and by moving their bodies in
respond to the stimulus given (fast / slow tempo or no music).

The   outcome is to relate well to others in work and play situations while the indicator observes classroom and playground rules. The
outcome and indicator for this skill is show in the game by informing the studentsabout the rules of the game.

The ã  outcome is to expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways while the indicators are being able to respond to simple
instructions and rules as well asto play simple response game. The outcome and indicators for this skill is hown when students adhere to the rules
mentioned and responded to what the game entails them to do.
Equipment and Teaching cues
Cd player
Music containing different tempos or beats

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Name of the Game: Ball Switch Stage 1


The students will be given a picture of an animal each and walks around the room when music is being played. The teacher will call out switch and the
students will exchange the picture with someone else͛s. When the music stops the students must go to the corner with the matching animal picture
and make a sound or action that corresponds to that animal. The animal picture and the corresponding sounds are as follows: Tiger = Roaring, Cat =
Meow, Monkey = scratching action and cig = sleep.
Why is this game important for this stage?
ð chysical developmentʹ Students at this stage must develop awareness in using their senses. This may be accomplished when students observe
others whilst doing the activity, do the activity by themselves and listen to the teacher͛s instructions.
ð Cognitive evelopment ʹ Students must be able to discriminate. The game will help students achieve the later͛s outcome by discriminating
against the difference of each pictures and the sound or action that corresponds to it.
ð Emotional evelopment ʹ Students must be aware of similarities and differences in terms of others͛ abilities (e.g. When imitating a tiger͛s roar,
other students may roar louder than the others).
The c cE Skills involved are: ã 


ã  outcome is to communicate appropriately in a variety of ways while the Communicating indicator is being able to express
themselves through movements.Through this game the students are able to communicate and express themselves with the use of their voice and
movements in making the switch, going to the designated places that corresponds to their cards and making a sound or action of a certain animal.

The   outcome is to demonstrate maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations while
thet indicator is repeating movements to form a sequence. This can be achieved while playing the game because the students are asked to imitate an
animal sound or action thus enabling them to repeat a movement to form a sequence.

The   outcome is to develop positive relationships with peers and other people while the indicators are displaying cooperation in group
activities and listens and responds to others. Cooperation is shown in this game by having all students switch cards and being able to follow what the
card entitles him/her to do.

Equipment and Teaching cues

Small cut out of animal (tiger, monkey, cat and pig) pictures to be given to the students, Big animal cut outs to be placed in the four corners of the
room and source of music that can be heared throughout the room (e.g. cd with cd player or ipod with ipodplayer).

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Name of the Game: Cats and ogs Stage 1
esignate one or two students to be dogs that chases cats. The cats wears a lace around their neck. On the teacher͛s cue the dogs will chase and tap
the cats. Once a cat has been tapped, he / she will remove the lace around their neck and becomes a dog. As the game progresses the cats will be
outnumbered by the dogs and will keep on chasing the cats until no cats are left, then the children will shout dogs out.
Why is this game important for this stage?
ð chysical development ʹ The students experience changes in developmental ability and must be able to cope with higher range of activity (e.g.
students can run around faster and longer when doing the tag). Thus, by playing this warm up game, the students will be ableto test if they
are able to cope with higher range of activity (e.g. running faster than they used to be).
ð Emotional evelopment ʹ The students must learn personal rights and responsibilities. Learning about personal rights is demostrated when
students tag others or accepting to be tagged. A sense of resposibility is shown by giving up their laces when tagged.
ð Cognitive development ʹ At this stage students are able to experience changes in their abilities in terms of comprehending cause and effect
relationships. In the game, the students learns the cause of being tagged by the dogs and the effect of which to the overall activity. In addition,
the students also will develop their discrimination skills, that is to discriminate dogs from the cats.
The c cE skills involved are: Ô  



The Ô  
 outcome is to recall past experiences in making decisions while the indicators are as follows: credicts consequences of options in
order to make a decision and set simple goals. ecision making is shown when students are deciding where to go so as not to be tagged by the dogs or
where to run to tag a cat whilst simple goal setting is shown when students set their goals which is to tag a cat or to run faster so as not to be tagged
by a dog.

outcome is to develop positive relationships with peers and other people while the indicators are to display cooperation in group
activities (shown when taking turns to be a cat or dog) and observe rules regarding group conduct (shown when students follow the rules pertaining to
being a cat or dog).

The   outcome is to demonstrate maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations while
the indicator is to repeat movements to form a sequence (shown in running).

Equipment and Teaching cues

Will need big round laces that can be worn around their neck and able to take out easily when tagged to become a dog.
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Name of the Game: Mom and ad went to market Stage 2
The student will be divided into two groups, the mom and the dad group. The teacher will also prepare a set of clothing for the dad group (shirt and
tie) and for the mom group (skirt and hat). On the teacher͛s cue a representative of the group will wear the pieces of clothing, go around the cone
(located at the front) and remove the clothing to transfer to another member from the group. The first group that completes the aforementioned
sequence will win.
Why is this game important for this stage?
ð Social evelopment ʹ At this stage student are able to recognise attributes of self and others. Sometimes children only wants to play with
children of the same sex, thus stereotyping members of the opposite sex. The game symbolises that both sexes are capable ofdoing things and
not just ͞boy͟ or ͞girl͟ thing.
ð Emotional evelopment ʹ At this stage students can understand gender images and expectations. This game will give the students a view of
how gender differs from the other which is represented using the mom and dad image (e.g. generally, dad wears clothes designed for boys
while mom wears clothes designed for girls).
ð chysical evelopment - This game will help them become aware of the hereditary factors that shapes their individuality by having a talk after
the game regarding the physical attributes one has inherited from mom or dad.
The c cE skills involved are: ã 




The ã 
outcome is to use variety of ways to communicate with and within the group while the indicator is to report on participation in
games and activities in a large group (shown when all the members of each group participates in the game and have their turn in dressing up as mom
or dad).
The Ô  

is outcome is to make decisions as an individual and as a group member while the indicators are considering individual strengths
and limitations when allocating group roles (shown before the game starts, when students decide amongst themselves on who to go first, second etc. )
and works towards developing realistic goals to support decisions made (shown when the students work together for a common goal ʹ to finish up
The   outcome is to make positive contributions in group activities while the indicators are to help others achieve the set task (shown when
the students help each other in putting on the pieces of clothing) and discusses personal strategies to deal with difficult situation (shown when
students discuss amongst themselves the strategies that they will use).
  outcome is to use a range ofproblem-solving strategies and the indicator is to Identifywhat needs to be done to achieve a goal
(shown when students are given instruction with regards to the goal of the game).

Equipment and Teaching cues

Two coloured cone (one color for the mom group and one color for the dad group), a skirt, hat, shirt and tie.

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Name of the Game: Body Sytems Game Stage 2
The teacher will divide the board into two, each with 6 columns(I have chosen 6 Body Systems which are easy to remember). A picture of certain body
part will be placed on the floor .The students will be divided into two groups. At the teacher͛s cue each member will hop towards the front (using a
sack) to grab a picture that corresponds to a certain body system and place it on the proper column. The group with the most number of body parts at
the proper column wins.

Why is this game important for this stage?

ð chysical evelopment ʹ The student at this stage are able to understand the different body systems and associate it with certain body parts.
This game will help them to become more aware of which part belongs to a certain system.
ð Emotional evelopment ʹ At this stage students are able to recognise the unique characteristics they have. This game will help them have a
positive outlook of their unique abilities by having contribution on the group͛s objective.
ð Cognitive development ʹ The students are able to us their thinking abilities by revisiting past memories or lecture regarding body systems.
The c cE skills involved are: Communicating, ecision Making, Interacting and Moving

The ã  outcome is to use a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups and the indicator for this outcome is to make
complaint, state a problem or disagree in acceptable ways (shown after the game, while the teacher is checking if the pictures are at the proper
column the teacher may ask the students why a picture is at a certain column).

The Ô  
 outcome is to make decisions as an individual and as a group member and the indicator is clarifying reasons to reach a particular
decision (shown when students discuss amongst themselves as to what picture to put up next or can guide their team member whilst putting the
picture on a column).

outcome is to make positive contributions in group activities while the indicator is to help others achieve set tasks (shown when each
member of the team is given a turn to contribute on their team͛s score).

The Moving indicator is to display a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations and the
indicator is to perform bunny hops (shown when students are asked to use a sack and hop their way into the front).
Equipment and Teaching cues
Sack, cictures of body parts that corresponds to certain body system
Reffer to Appendix A

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Name of the Game: knocked up Stage 3

There will be two gropus, team A is to knock the cones down and team B is to set the cones back up again. The two teams have 30 seconds to do their
job. The group that has more numbers of cones down or up wins.Each team must ensure that while doing their designated task noone should
physically touch or hurt others. If the later happens the other team will receive a free time of 5 seconds to accomplish their task.
Why is this game important for this stage?
ð Emotional development ʹ At this stage students are able experience that the community or friends are factors that may influence their self
esteem and behaviour. This game enables the student to communicate with their team members (as to which cones are to put up or down)
thus broadening their sense of belongingness and contribution to the team͛s goal. This action will lead into higher self esteem.
ð chysical evelopment ʹ As the body undergoes a lot of changes at this stage, students must be aware of appropriate and innappropriate
touch. The game will help with this awareness by having the ͞no touching others rule͟ which will result in free time by the other group.
ð Social evelopment ʹ This game will help students in their social development through communicating with peers and group members their
strategies on how to accomplish the task (e.g. having actions or cues like waving or having designated area to watch out for).

The c cE skills involved are: ã 



The ã  outcome is to communicate confidently in variety of situation and the indicator is able to present an opinion with confidence(e.g.
its up to the group members of each group to communicate amongst themselves as to how effectively they will perform the task).

The Ô  

outcome is to make informed decisions and accept responsibility for consequences while the indicator for this skill is to accept
responsibility for their decisions and predicts consequences of their choices (shown when students decide on wether to knock the cone or put it back
up. e / she is taking responsibility for the action done by ensuring they do what they are meant to do and not the other way around).

The   outcome is acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations. The indicator for this skill
(interacting) is to demonstrate actions that support the rights and feelings of others (shown when students practice fair play while playing the game).
Equipment and Teaching cues

20 Large cones

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Name of the Game: Fruit Market Stage 3

The teacher will divide the students into 4 groups. Each group will be given a food name (Apple, Orange, Gummy bears, Chocolate) and will havea
designated corner for each fruit.When the teacher call out two fruit names the students who belong to that groups will exchange places. oops will be
placed at the corner of the rooms for students to hop into when called. When the teacher calls out ͞market market͟, the students will have a choice as
to where they want to go.

Why is this game important for this stage?

ð chysical development - At this stage children must be aware of the effects of nutrion to their body. This game will help in their awareness by
having a short discussion after the game as to how these foods (Apple, Orange,Gummy Bears and Chocolate) affects their nutrition.
ð Emotional evelopment ʹ At this stage students must be aware of methods they need to cope up with change. This game will help them
realise that change can be a good or bad thing depending on the choices that we make.
ð Cognitive evelopment ʹ This game willl enable the students to discriminate good or bad choices in terms of what they eat.

The c cE skills involved are: ecision Making and Moving

The Ô  

outcome is to make informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences and the indicator is tofind and analyse
information upon which to make an informed decision (shown when the teacher calls out market, market the students are given a choice on which
food group to go).

The   outcome is to refine and apply movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations and the indicator is to transfer sequence of
locomotor and nonlocomotor movements from the floor to simple apparatus (bench, hoops). The later can be displayed when students hops inside
the hoops located in the four corners of the wall.
Equipment and Teaching cues
oops that can be placed in the corners of the room.

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