Child Rights: History, Facts & How To Protect Them: What Is The UN Convention On The Rights of The Child?

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Child Rights: History, Facts & How To

Protect Them
“Around the world, child rights are a topic of concern in every country. Every child, regardless
of age, race, gender, wealth, or birthplace, deserves not just to live, but to thrive. Yet millions of
children’s basic rights are denied and their childhoods are stolen from them by abuse,
exploitation, or slavery.

Many violations children face are a consequence of exploitative practices and education gaps in
both developed and developing communities. But poverty, exploitation, and violence are not
inevitable. With enlightened support from governments, civil society, and religious groups,
vulnerable children can flourish and reach their highest potential.”

What is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a comprehensive, internationally binding

agreement on the rights of children, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly
in 1989. It is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history.

It sets out the rights that must be realized for every child – the rights to survival, development,
protection, and participation. It offers a vision of the child as an individual and as a member of a
family and community, with rights and responsibilities appropriate to his or her age and stage of

The Philippines as a State Party to the Convention has the obligation and accountability to
undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the realization of
children’s rights and that children have access to services, protection from all forms of abuse and
violence, opportunities for personal development to reach their fullest potential.

Since the Philippines’ adoption in July 1990, there is much to be celebrated.  Recently, the UN
Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner published the Philippine Compliance Report on
UN CRC (combined 5th and 6th periodic reports);
In spite the overall gains and continuing efforts of the Philippine Government, Filipino children
and their family still face challenges which compromise their human rights and benefits of

The denial of child rights

In the Philippines thousands of children are robbed of their childhood and suffer lifelong
developmental challenges as a result of violence.

According to the Philippine National Baseline Study on Violence against Children, 80% of
Filipino children had experienced some form of violence in their lifetime, whether in the home,
school, workplace, community or during dating.

 1 out of 5 children suffer from sexual abuse at home, in school and in the community.
 2 out of 5 children experience bullying from peers.
 3 out of 5 children go through some form of psychological abuse.
 4 out 5 children grow up seeing some form of physical violence at home.
 5 out of 10 children are victims of cyber violence.
 6 out 10 children are physically and psychologically abused.
 7 out of 10 children don’t have access to local protection services in their community.[1]

Child rights around the world

 218 million children are forced into child labour
 200 million children globally are subjected to violence
 1 in 3 women in the developing world marry before reaching the age of 18
 250 million children live in conflict-affected areas

What are Child Rights?

Child rights are human rights that also recognize the special needs for care and protection of
minors —  children and young people under the age of 18. All children have these rights,
regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender or cultural background. No child should be treated
unfairly on any basis.

All adults should do what is best for the children. When adults make decisions, they should think
about how their decisions will affect children. The government has a responsibility to make sure
rights are protected.

The four general principles UNCRC:
1. Non- Discrimination – that all the rights guaranteed by the Convention must be available to all children without
discrimination of any kind;
2. Best Interest of the Child – that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all actions concerning
3. Life, Survival and Development – that every child has the right to life, survival and development;
4. Respect for Children’s Views – that the child’s views must be considered and taken into account in all matters affecting
him or her

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 1 – A child means every human being below the age of eighteen.

Article 2 – State parties must ensure all rights apply to children regardless of their age race,
religion, gender, wealth or birthplace.

Article 3 – All signatories of the convention must work towards actions in the best interests of
the child.

Article 4 – Governments must make these rights available to all children.

Article 5 – Governments and parents must ensure children are equipped with the knowledge to
understand their rights.

Article 6 – All children have the right to a life of fullness.

Article 7 – Governments should respect a child’s right to a name and nationality.

Article 8 – Governments must respect a child’s right to their own identity.

Article 9 – Children should not be removed from their parents unless for their own good.

Article 10 – Families living in different countries should be able to move between them so
families can keep in contact or get back together as a family.

Article 11 – Governments must take all measures to combat the illegal removal of children from
their country.

Article 12 – Children have the right to their opinion and can say what they think should happen.
Article 13 – Children have the right to freedom of expression and can seek, receive and impart
information and ideas of all kinds.

Article 14 – Governments should respect the right of children to have freedom of thought,
conscience and religion.

Article 15 – Children have the right to freedom of association.

Article 16 – Children have the right to their privacy.

Article 17 – Governments should ensure children have access to information and material from a
diversity of national and international sources, especially those aimed at the promotion of his or
her social, spiritual and moral well-being and health.

Article 18 – Parents have a responsibility for bringing up their child and should always consider
what is best.

Article 19 – Governments should ensure children are protected from violence and neglect.

Article 20 – Children who cannot be cared for by their own parents should be looked after by
people who respect their religion, culture and language.

Article 21 – When a child is adopted, their best interests should be the utmost priority.

Article 22 – Children who enter a country as refugees should have the same rights as children
born in that country.

Article 23 – Children with any kind of disability must have special care and support.

Article 24 – Children have the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health.
Governments should work towards the development of healthcare and diminish disease and child

Article 25 – Children have the right to have their situation reviewed by their local authorities

Article 26 – Governments should provide the right resources for children if they need to benefit
from social security.
Article 27 – All children have the right to a quality standard of living that meets their mental and
physical standards and should be helped if they can’t reach this themselves.

Article 28 – All children have the right to an education.

Article 29 – Education should help the development of a child’s personality, talents and physical
abilities so they can reach their full potential.

Article 30 – Children have the right to practice their own religion or language.

Article 31 – All children have the right to rest and leisure, and to engage in play and recreational
activities. They can participate fully in cultural life and the arts.

Article 32 – Governments must protect children from economic exploitation or performing work
that can interfere with their education or could be harmful to their development.

Article 33 – Governments must take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and
educational measures to protect children from the illicit use of drugs and prevent use of children
in trafficking substances.

Article 34 – Governments must protect children from sexual abuse.

Article 35 – Governments must protect children from being abducted, sold or trafficked at all

Article 36 – Children must be protected from all forms of activities that can harm their

Article 37 – Children who break the law should not be treated cruelly and not imprisoned with
adults. They should also be able to contact their families.

Article 38 – Governments should not allow any child under the age of sixteen to join the army.

Article 39 – Governments should take all appropriate measures to promote physical and
psychological recovery and social reintegration of children exposed to neglect, exploitation or

Article 40 – Children accused of breaking the law should receive legal help.
Article 41 – If the laws of a country protect a child better than the articles of the convention, then
the laws should be followed.

Article 42 – The government should make the convention known to parents and children.

Article 43-54 – These articles contain methods for institutions, organisations and individuals to
ensure children get their rights.

Who is Responsible?

Children’s rights laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child have to be provided by
adults or the state.

Governments have the main responsibility to make sure the rights of children are protected and
provided for. All citizens have responsibilities to respect the rights of

children as well. It also identifies parents as the primary caregiver of the child while
governments are charged with assisting families in fulfilling their role.

However, the Convention also refers to the responsibilities of children, in particular, to respect

the rights of others, especially their parents (Article 29).

World Vision and Child Rights

As a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization, World Vision affirms that Girls
and boys are people created in God’s image; therefore they are individuals of worth and dignity.
World Vision upholds the rights of children regardless of their religion, race, ethnicity, or
gender. We believe that God’s plan is for all children to experience fullness of life.

Enjoy good health | Be educated for life

Be cared for, protected and participating | Experience the love of God and


What can I do to protect children worldwide?

 Pray for vulnerable children. Pray that boys’ and girls’ rights will be protected.
 Make a one-time donation to our child protection fund. You can help prevent abuse and restore children’s physical and
emotional health.
 Sponsor a child today. By investing in a child’s life, you’ll provide the protection and resources they need become a
healthy, productive adult.

Celebrating National Children’s

Month: The 12 Rights of a Child
November marks the start of National Children’s Month, as declared by the Council of
Welfare for Children (CWC). This month-long event aims to promote and spread awareness
on the rights of children here in the Philippines, considering the political and social climate
they live in.

The Philippines still has a long way to go when it comes to ensuring adequate healthcare,
quality education, and a bright future for Filipino children. In UNICEF’s Situational Analysis
of Children in the Philippines, data show that 31.4% of children were living below the
poverty line in 2015. A more recent study in 2017 showed that for every 1,000 babies born,
28 die before they turn five years old.

The figures may look bleak, but the fight is not yet over. The key to giving Filipino children
the best possible start in life is to educate oneself about their rights, as declared under
Presidential Decree No. 603 or the Child and Youth Welfare Code.

In light of the National Children’s Month, below are the 12 rights of the child—and what
adults can do to uphold them.

The 12 Rights of Filipino Children

1. Every child has the right to be born well.

It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure they can provide a safe environment for
their unborn child. This includes proper medical attention and care from conception, birth,
and throughout childhood years in a newborn services unit or pediatric center.

2. Every child has the right to a wholesome family life.

The child’s first learning environment and teachers are their home and family. They are
entitled to be a part of a loving family that will instill ethical values and morals in them.

3. Every child has the right to be raised well and become contributing members of
By raising them in a safe and loving environment, parents and guardians can shape the
personalities of their young to be useful and contributing members of their respective
communities when they grow older.

4. Every child has the right to basic needs.

The four basic needs of people outlined in the law are as follows: a balanced diet, adequate
clothing, sufficient shelter, and proper healthcare. This also includes any other requirements
to lead a healthy and active life.

5. Every child has the right to access what they need to have a good life.
This right goes beyond the basic needs and focuses more on the atmosphere of the place
they will be raised in. A child’s needs must always be attended to so they feel the support of
people around them, which in turn will build and strengthen their character in adulthood.

6. Every child has the right to education.

In an ideal world, every child should have the means to go to a classroom and have access
to books and learning materials that can enrich their intelligence and skills.

7. Every child has the right to play and enjoy their youth.
Children have the right to engage in wholesome recreational activities whenever they wish
and not be exploited for events that are deemed only for adults to do, i.e., intensive manual

8. Every child has the right to be protected from danger.

This includes all hazards that could affect their physical, mental, and emotional states, such
as removing them from dangerous living situations, preventing them from getting into
accidents, or protecting them from the abuse of adults, to name a few.

9. Every child has the right to live in a productive environment.

Children should be surrounded by safe communities that inspire them to give back when
they are older. This means staying away from bad influences and situations that can cause
harm to their health.

10. Every child has the right to be cared for in the absence of their parent or
If the parent or guardian fails to fulfill their role, the State shall assume custody and care for
the child, providing them with their fundamental needs for growth and development.

11. Every child has the right to good governance.

Children also have a right to be born under the presence of good governance that can
inspire them to become a helpful and active citizen. This doesn’t necessarily mean they
have to get involved with politics but rather have an interest in being involved in political
discussions for the betterment of their country.

12. Every child has the right to freedom and peace.

Last but not the least, every child is entitled to do whatever they want in their lives, so long
as it contributes to the peace and betterment of the communities they are a part of.

Protect Children’s Rights Every Day

Parents, guardians, and all adults should be vigilant in protecting and advocating for the
rights of children. While this National Children’s Month is a gentle reminder for everyone to
ensure that they are creating a better world for young Filipinos to live in the future, the battle
must not stop at the end of November.

Let’s continue to be great examples to kids and be conscious of our actions in making the
Philippines a safe environment for them to take care of and pass on to future generations!

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