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Special Article: December 1999: 368-372

Twentieth Century Nutrition

Public Health Nutrition and Food Safety, 1900-1999

Editorial Note: Whatever your preference for terms such as to prevent goiter. The 1921-1929 Maternal and Infancy
“public nutrition, ” “internationalnutrition, ” or “public health Act enabled state health departments to employ nutri-
nutrition, ” there can be consensus that this century has wit- tionists and, during the 1930s, the federal government
nessed monumental achievements in public health through ap-
developed food relief and food commodity distribution
plication of advancing nutrition science. The enclosed selection
from a recent catalogue of these accomplishments, collected by programs, including school feeding and nutrition educa-
federal agencies, will be a useful citation of achievements and tion programs and national food consumption surveys.
challenges as the year 2000 approaches. At Nutrition Reviews, Pellagra is a good example of the translation of scien-
we intend to elaborate on many of these milestones in the coming tific understanding to public health action to prevent nu-
year as we havefor thepast half-century. Thispublication origi- trition deficiency.Pellagra, a classic dietary deficiency dis-
nally appeared in a slightly dzyerent form in the Morbidity and ease caused by insufficient niacin, was noted in the south-
Mortaliry WeeklyReport, October I S , 1999;48(40):905-13.
ern United States after the Civil War. Then considered
infectious, it was known as the disease of the four Ds:
Nutrition in Public Health
diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death. The first out-
At the start of the century nutrition sciences were in their break was reported in 1907.In 1909,greater than 1000cases
infancy. Unknown was the concept that minerals and vita- were estimated to have occurred based on reports from 13
mins were necessary to prevent diseases caused by di- states. One year later, approximately3000 cases were sus-
etary deficiencies.Recurring nutrition deficiency diseases, pected nationwide based on estimates from 30 states and
including rickets, scurvy, beri-beri, and pellagra were the District of Columbia. By the end of 1911, pellagra had
thought to be infectious diseases. By 1900, biochemists been reported in all but nine states, and prevalence esti-
and physiologists had identified protein, fat, and carbo- mates had increased nearly n i n e f ~ l dDuring
.~ 1906-1940,
hydrates as the basic nutrients in food. By 1916 , new data approximately 3 million cases and approximately 100,000
led to the discovery that food contained vitamins, and the deaths were attributed to ~ e l l a g r aFrom
. ~ 1914 until his
lack of “vital amines” could cause disease. These scien- death in 1929,Joseph Goldberger,a Public Health Service
tific discoveries and the resulting public health policies, physician, conducted groundbreaking studies that dem-
such as food fortification programs, led to substantial re- onstrated that pellagra was not infectious but was associ-
ductions in nutrition deficiency diseases during the first ated with poverty and poor diet. Despite compelling evi-
half of the century. The focus of nutrition programs shifted dence, his hypothesis remained controversial and uncon-
in the second half of the century from disease prevention firmed until 1937. The near elimination ofpellagra by the
to control of chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular end of the 1940s(Figure 1) has been attributed to improved
disease and obesity. diet and health associated with economic recovery during
The discovery of essential nutrients and their roles in the 1940s and to the enrichment of flour with niacin. To-
disease prevention was instrumental in almost eliminating day, most physicians in the United States have never seen
nutrition deficiency diseases such as goiter, rickets, and pellagra although outbreaks continue to occur, particu-
pellagra in the United States. During 1922-1 927, with the larly among refugees and during emergencies in develop-
implementation of a statewide prevention program, the ing c o ~ n tr ie s. ~
goiter rate in Michigan fell from 38.6% to 9.0%.’ In 1921, The growth of publicly funded nutrition programs
rickets was considered the most common nutrition dis- was accelerated during the early 1940sbecause of reports
ease of children, affecting approximately 75% of infants in that 25% of draftees demonstrated evidence of past or
New York City? In the 1940s,the fortificationof milk with present malnutrition; a frequent cause of rejection from
vitamin D was a critical step in rickets control. military service was tooth decay or loss. In 1941, Presi-
Because of food restrictions and shortages during dent Franklin D. Roosevelt convened the National Nutri-
the First World War, scientific discoveriesin nutrition were tion Conference for Defense, which led to the first recom-
quickly translated into public health policy. For example, mended dietary allowances of nutrients and resulted in
in 1917, the United States Department of Agriculture issuance of War Order Number One, a program to enrich
(USDA) issued the first dietary recommendations based wheat flour with vitamins and iron. In 1998, the most re-
on five food groups and in 1924, iodine was added to salt cent food fortification program was initiated; folic acid, a

368 Nutrition Reviews@,Vol. 57, No. 12

1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960
Figure 1. Number of reported pellagra deaths, by sex of decedent and year-United States, 192C1960.

water-soluble vitamin, was added to cereal and grain prod- lar disease.
ucts to prevent neural tube defects. The most urgent challenge to nutrition health during
While the first half of the century was devoted to the 2 1 st century will be obesity. In the United States, with
preventing and controlling nutrition deficiency disease, an abundant, inexpensive food supply and a largely sed-
the focus of the second half has been on preventing entary population, overnutrition has become an impor-
chronic disease with initiation of the Framingham Heart tant contributor to morbidity and mortality in adults. AS
Study in 1949. This landmark study identified the contri- early as 1902, U_SDA’sW.O. Atwater linked dietary intake
bution of diet and sedentary lifestyles to the development to health, noting that “the evils of overeating may not be
of cardiovascular disease, and the effect of elevated se- felt at once, but sooner or later they are sure to appear-
rum cholesterol on the risk for coronary heart disease. perhaps in an excessive amount of fatty tissue, perhaps in
With increased awareness,public health nutrition programs general debility,perhaps in actual disease.”1° In U.S. adults,
sought strategies to improve diets. By the 197Os, food overweight (body mass index [BMI] of greater than or
and nutrition labeling and other consumer information equal to 25 kg/m2)and obesity (BMI greater than or equal
programs stimulated the development of products low in to 30 kg/m2)have increased markedly, especially since the
fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Since then, persons in 1970s.In the third National Health and Nutrition Examina-
the United States significantly decreased their dietary in- tion Survey (NHANES 111,1988-1 994), the crude preva-
takes of total fat fiom approximately 40% of total calorie lence of overweightfor adults age 20 and older was 54.9%.
intake in 1977-1978 to 33%in 1994-1996, approachingthe From 1976-1980(”ES 11)to 198fS1994 ( ” E S W ,
recommended 30%.6Intakes of saturated fat and levels of the prevalence of obesity increased fiom 14.5%to 22.5%.”
serum cholesterol also decreased.’ Prevention efforts, in- Overweight and obesity increase risk for and compli-
cluding changes in diet*and lifestyle and early detection cations of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, coro-
and improved treatment, contributed to impressive de- nary heart disease, osteoarthritis, and other chronic dis-
clines in mortality from heart disease and ~ t r o k e . ~ orders; total costs attributable to obesity are an estimated
Populations with diets rich in fruits and vegetables $100 billion annually.12 Obesity is a growing problem in
have a substantially lower risk for many types of cancer. developing countries where it is associated with substan-
In 199 1, the National Cancer Institute and the Produce for tial morbidity and where malnutrition, particularly defi-
Better Health Foundation launched a program to encour- ciencies of iron, iodine, and vitamin A, affects approxi-
age consumption of at least five servings of fruits and mately 2 billion people. Increasing physical activity in the
vegetables daily. Although public awareness of the “5 A U.S. population is an important step,” but effective pre-
Day” message did increase, only approximately 36% of vention and control of overweight and obesity will re-
persons ages two and older in the United States achieved quire concerted public health action.
the daily goal of five or more servings of h i t s and veg-
etables.EA diet rich in fruits and vegetables that provides Food Safety
vitamins, antioxidants (including carotenoids), other
phytochemicals, and fiber is associated with additional During the early 20th century, contaminated food, milk,
health benefits, including decreased risk for cardiovascu- and water caused many foodborne infections, including

Nutrition Reviews”, Vol. 57, No. 12 369

typhoid fever, tuberculosis, botulism, and scarlet fever. In
1906, Upton Sinclair described in his novel The Jungle the
unwholesome working environment in the Chicago
meatpacking industry and the unsanitary conditions un-
der which food was produced. Public awareness dramati-
cally increased and led to the passage of the Pure Food
and Drug Act.I4 Once the sources and characteristics of
foodborne diseases were identified-long before vaccines
or antibiotics-they could be controlled by handwashing,
sanitation, refrigeration, pasteurization, and pesticide ap- 1920 1930 1940 1950 1980
Figure 2. Incidence per 100,000 population oftyphoid fever, by
Healthier animal care, feeding, and processing also yea-United States, 192&1960.
improved food supply safety. In 1900, the incidence of
typhoid fever was approximately 100 per 100,000people;
by 1920, it had decreased to 33.8, and by 1950,to 1.7 (Fig- labeled products. During the 1950s and 1960s, pesticide
ure 2). During the 194Os, studies of autopsied muscle regulation evolved to establish maximum allowable resif
samples showed that 16% of persons in the United States due levels of pesticides on foods and to deny registra-
had trichinellosis; 3 0 0 4 0 0 cases were diagnosed every tions for unsafe or ineffective products. During the 197Os,
year, and 10-20 deaths occurred.I5Since then, the rate of acting under these strengthened laws, the newly formed
infection has declined markedly; from 1991 through 1996, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removed DDT
three deaths and an average of 38 cases per yet' were and several other highly persistent pesticides from the
reported.I6 marketplace. In 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act set
Perishable foods contain nutrients that pathogenic a stricter safety standard and required the review of older
microorganisms require to reproduce. Bacteria such as allowable residue levels to determine whether they were
Salmonella sp., Clostridium sp., and Staphylococcus sp. safe. In 1999, federal and state laws required that pesti-
can multiply quickly to sufficient numbers to cause ill- cides meet specific safety standards; the EPA reviews and
ness. Prompt refrigeration slows bacterial growth and registers each product before it can be used and sets lev-
keeps food fresh and edible. els and restrictions on each product intended for food or
At the turn of the 20th century, consumers kept food feed crops.
fresh by placing it on a block of ice or, in cold weather, Newly recognized foodborne pathogens emerged in
burying it in the yard or storing it on a windowsill outside. the United States since the late 1970s; contributing fac-
During the 1920s,refrigerators with freezer compartments tors include changes in agricultural practices and food
became available for household use. Another process that processing operations and the globalization of the food
reduced the incidence of disease was invented by Louis supply (Table 1). Seemingly healthy food animals can be
Pasteur: pasteurization. Although the process was applied reservoirs of human pathogens. During the 1980s, for ex-
first in wine preservation, when milk producers adopted ample, an epidemic of egg-associated Salmonella sero-
the process, pasteurization eliminated a substantial vec- type Enteritidis infection spread to an estimated 45% of
tor of foodborne disease. In 1924, the Public Health Ser- the nation's egg-laying flocks, which resulted in a large
vice created a document to assist Alabama in developing increase in egg-associated foodborne illness within the
a statewide milk sanitation program. This document United state^.'^.^^ Escherichia coli 0 157:H7, which can
evolved into the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, a cause severe infections and death in humans, produces
voluntary agreement that established uniform sanitation no signs of illness in its nonhuman hosts.21In 1993, a
standards for the interstate shipment of Grade A milk and severe outbreak of E. coli 0157:H7 infections attributed
now serves as the basis of milk safety laws in the 50 states to consumption of undercooked ground beepZresulted in
and Puerto R i ~ 0 . l ~ 50 1 cases of illness, 151 hospitalizations,and three deaths,
Along with improved crop varieties, insecticides and and led to a restructuring of the meat inspection process.
herbicides have increased crop yields, decreased food The most common foodborne infectious agent may be the
costs, and enhanced the appearance of food. Without calicivirus (a Norwalk-like virus), which can pass fiom the
proper controls, however, the residues of some pesticides unwashed hands of an infected foodhandler to the meal
that remain on foods can create potential health risks.'* of a consumer. Animal husbandry and meat production
Before 1910, no legislation existed to ensure the safety of improvements that contributed to reducing pathogens in
food and feed crops that were sprayed and dusted with the food supply include pathogen eradication campaigns,
pesticides. In 1910, the first pesticide legislation was de- the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
signed to protect consumers from impure or improperly programs,Z3better animal feeding regulation^,^^ the use of

370 Nutrition Reviews", Vol. 57, No. 12

Table 1. Newly RecognizedPathogens Identified As tigations, the public health system can rapidly identifir
Predominantly Foodborne and control outbreaks. The Food and Drug Administra-
Campylobacter coli tion, CDC, USDA, other federal agencies, and private or-
Campylobacterjejuni ganizations are enhancing food safety by collaborating in
Campylobacterfetus ssp. fetus education, training, research, technology, and transfer of
Cvptosporidium parvum
Cyclospora cayetanensis information and by considering food safety as a whole-
Escherichia coli 0 157:H7 and related E. coli (e.g., from farm to table.
Listeria monocytogenes Demographicsand Public Health Nutrition
Norwalk-like viruses
Nitschia pungens (cause of amnesic shellfish poisoning) As the U.S. population ages, attention to both nutrition
Salmonella serotype Enteritidis and food safety will become increasingly important. Chal-
Salmonella serotype TyphimuriumDT 104
Vibrio cholerae Non-01 lenges will include maintaining and improving nutrition
Vibrio vulnificus status, because nutrient needs change with aging, and
Vibrio parahaemolyticus assuring food quality and safety, which is important to an
Yersinia enterocolitica older, more vulnerable population. Continuing challenges
for public health action include reducing iron deficiency,
uncontaminated water in food p r o c e s ~ i n gmore
, ~ ~ effec- especially in infants, young children, and women of child-
tive food preservatives,26improved antimicrobial prod- bearing age; improving initiation and duration of
ucts for sanitizing food processing equipment and facili- breastfeeding; improving folate status for women of child-
ties, and adequate surveillanceof foodhandling and prepa- bearing age; and applying emerging knowledge about
ration methods.27HACCP programs also are mandatory nutrition on dietary patterns and behavior that promote
for the seafood industry.28 health and reduce risk for chronic disease. Behavioral re-
Improved surveillance, applied research, and outbreak search indicates that successful nutrition promotion ac-
investigations elucidated the mechanisms of contamina- tivities focus on specific behaviors, have a strong con-
tion that are leading to new control measures for foodborne sumer orientatian, segment and target consumers, use
pathogens. In meat-processing the incidence of multiple reinforcing channels, and continually refine the
Salmonella and Campylobacter infections has decreased. messages.34These techniques form a paradigm to achieve
In 1998, however, apparently unrelated cases of Listeria public health goals and to communicate and motivate con-
infections were linked when an epidemiologic investiga- sumers to change their behavior.
tion indicated that isolates from all cases shared the same
genetic DNA fingerprint; approximately 100 cases and 22 Reported by: Environmental Protection Agency; United
deaths were traced to eating hot dogs and deli meats pro- States Department ofAgriculture; Center for Food Safety
duced in a single manufacturingplant?O In 1998,a multistate and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration;
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372 Nutrition Reviews", Vol. 57, No. 12

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