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Good day everyone, especially for those who gonna watch this video.

By the way I
am Carla Jean M. Bacalla from BEED – 3 1ST Schedule. So the topic that we are
going to discuss today is all about the Pros and Cons of
Collaborative Learning
First, what is Collaborative Learning?
Collaborative learning (also known as co-learning) is an
approach to education that embraces working in groups to create
knowledge. Learning occurs through collaboration and teamwork. So it
means it’s not only for a 1 students to work on it, but in a more than
one or more, its either in a small groups or in a larger groups. Like
students that are Working Together to achieve common goals.

Now let’s have a short discussion about the Pros and Cons
of collaborative learning, in other words the strengths and weaknesses of
co-learning or collaborative learning.
For the Strengths (Pros) of co-learning, first is to

 Enhance communication skills: that Students need to

communicate, negotiate and debate in order to come to shared
agreement on issues. These skills are very important for
workforce readiness.

 Builds cross-cultural awareness: Students work with students

from other cultures and backgrounds. They can observe how
students from other cultures learn and gather important insights
from unfamiliar perspectives.

 Learning from Peers: When students collaborate, they learn

from one another. A student will hear another student’s
perspective that may broaden their own horizons. It will also
sharpen their own understanding. Students can also provide
checks and balances on each other’s work, allowing for instant
peer feedback.

And for the Weaknesses (Cons), first is

 Introverts Struggle: Introverted students often prefer to pause,
carefully reflect and internally process information. These
students may struggle in a social situation where they have to
speak up and be vulnerable.
 Group Work Skills Training Required: Students cannot simply
be thrown into groups and expected to work well together.
Teachers need to teach positive interdependence, how to deal
with people with different learning styles, and how to be inclusive
of all voices.
 Assessment Inequities: Assessment is always difficult with
group work. Some students may believe others have been lazy
or undeserving of the group’s high grade, while at other times
students feel that others in the group are bringing their grades

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